# 52-53. Saakkiyar+Tiru Kurippu. Musical Periya Puranam of Kesava Mudaliar

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 9

  • @lakshminarashiman9901
    @lakshminarashiman9901 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    🙏🌹சிவாய நம🙏🙏❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🔱

  • @savithrivenkataraman8121
    @savithrivenkataraman8121 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    as always, a superb audio-visual treat from the 'Divya' Shakti and 'Arunachala' Shakti duo 🙏🙏🙏
    யாவர்க்கு மாம்இறை வற்கொரு பச்சிலை
யாவர்க்கு மாம்பசு வுக்கொரு வாயுறை
யாவர்க்கு மாம்உண்ணும் போதொரு கைப்பிடி
யாவர்க்கு மாம்பிறர்க் கின்னுரை தானே
    --- Thirumūlar Thirumandiram 252
    'easy it is for everyone to offer a green leaf in worship to the Lord, easy it is for everyone to offer a mouthful of fodder to a cow, easy it is for everyone to give a handful of food [to the needy] while eating, easy it is for everyone to speak a kind word to others', says Thirumūlar.
    But for sure, even he would not have envisaged that in the days to come, a Sākkiyar would attain Lord's Feet by throwing stones at Him! 🤔
    what a response this act of Sākkiyar has elicited from sages & poets!
    नतिभिर्नुतिभिस्त्वमीशपूजा-विधिभिर्ध्यानसमाधिभिर्न तुष्टः ।
धनुषा मुसलेन चाश्मभिर्वा वद ते प्रीतिकरं तथा करोमि ॥ (SivanandaLahari 89)
    tell me if I should appease you by a bow or a pestle or stones **and I shall do so to please You, as You do not seem to be satisfied with Namaskar-s, sthothra-s, observance of prescribed rules of pūjā, dhyāna or samādhi
    ** reference to Arjuna(bow), Sakiya Nayanar (stones); reference to being hit by a pestle is supposedly by a woman devotee who was enraged at the Lord...not sure
    நல்லாளை யிடமருவும் தியாகையா உமதிடத்தில் நியாயம் காணோம்
    கல்லாலே எறிந்தோர்க்கும் செருப்படியால் உதைத்தோர்க்கும் கடிந்து போரில்
    வில்லாலே அடித்தோர்க்கும் கொடுத்தீரே அல்லாமல் விழிநீர்சோர
    எல்லாமுன் செயலென்றே இருப்போர்க்கி யாதேனும் ஈகிலீரே --- சொக்கநாதப் புலவர்
    (Oh Lord Thiagaraja! You have embraced a virtuous woman on Your left, [despite that] justice/fairness is not seen in You. You bestowed [grace] to those who pelted stones at You, kicked You with slippers, enraged-hit You with arrows in fight, but have not granted anything to those who carry on with their life accepting with overflowing tears everything as Your will)
    கல்லால் எறிந்தும், கைவில்லால் அடித்தும்
    கனிமதுரச் சொல்லால் துதித்தும்,
    நற் பச்சிலை தூவியும் - தொண்டரினம்
    எல்லாம் பிழைத்தனர் - அன்பற்ற
    நான் இனி ஏது செய்வேன்? --- Thāyumānavar Swami
    (by pelting stones, by hitting with bow on hand, by worshipping with sweet words, by showering tender green leaves Your devotees were saved (liberated) - what shall I, who am bereft of love, do?)
    on a slightly different note...
    வில்லாலடிக்கச் செருப்பாலுதைக்க வெகுண்டொருவன்
    கல்லாலெறியப் பிரம்பாலடிக்க விக்காசினியில்
    அல்லார்பொழிற் தில்லையம்பல வாணற்கோ ரன்னைபிதா
    இல்லாததாழ் வல்லவோ விங்கனே யெளிதானதுவே --- காளமேகப்புலவர்
    வில்லால் அடிக்கச் செருப்பாலுதைக்க வெகுண்டொருவன்
    கல்லால் எறியப் பிரம்பால் அடிக்கக் களிவண்டுகூர்ந்து
    அல்லார் பொழில்தில்லை அம்பலவாணர்க்குஓர் அன்னைபிதா
    இல்லாததால் அல்லவோ, இறைவா கச்சிஏகம்பனே--- திருவேகம்பமாலை - பட்டினத்தார்
    (is it not the reason that, on this earth there is neither a mother or a father for Lord Ambalavāṇan of Thillai, hitting enraged by a bow (by Arjuna), kicking by a slipper (by Kannappar), throwing stones at (by Sakkiyar), caning by a stick (by Arimardhana pandiyan) became easy for execution?)
    கல்லால் ஒருவன் அடிக்க உடல் சிலிர்க்க
    காலில் செருப்பால் ஒரு வேடன் வந்தே உதைக்க
    வில்லால் ஒருவன் அடிக்க - காண்டீபம்
    என்னும் வில்லால் ஒருவன் அடிக்க
    கூசாமல் ஒருவன் கை கோடாலியால் வெட்ட
    கூட்டத்தில் ஒருவன் பித்தா பேயா என திட்ட
    வீசி மதுரை மாறன் பிரம்பால் அடிக்க
    அந்த வேளை யாரை நினைந்தீரோ .... அய்யா .....
    பெற்ற தந்தை தாய் இருந்தால் உலகத்தில் உமக்கிந்த
    தாழ்வெல்லாம் வருமோ அய்யா
    ---- பொன்னையாப்பிள்ளை (song popularised by N.C. Vasanthakokilam)
    at the time when You were hit with a stone by one (Sakkiyar), pushed by a horripilating hunter with slippered legs (Kannappar), pounded with kāṇṭīpam bow (Arjun), struck without any hesitation by axe (supposedly by Parasurama - not sure), yelled at in a crowd as a mad person and a devil (Sundarar), thrashed with a cane by the Pandya king of Madurai (Arimardhanan, in Manickavasagar's lifestory), whom did You think of, Oh my Lord? alas! if You had a mother and father would you have got all these degradation in this world?)

    • @savithrivenkataraman8121
      @savithrivenkataraman8121 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      "ThirukuRippu thoṇdar" is a name derived from the distinctive ability that the Nāyanmār had, whereby he could realise the intent/wish/needs of the devotees by himself without being told ("புண்ணிய மெய்த் தொண்டர் திருக்குறிப்பு அறிந்து போற்று நிலைத் திண்மையினால் திருக் குறிப்புத் தொண்டர் எனும் சிறப்பினார்")
      Thirukkural has an entire chapter earmarked for this 'குறிப்பறிதல்' (guess/ know one's intentions). In the very first couplet (701) of this chapter, Valluvar calls the one who understands the thought by just looking at the other's countenance without being specifically told is a gem to this world
      an anecdote mentioned by Sadhu Om Swami in his elaborate commentary on Bhagavan's 'Upadēsa undhiyār' for verse 5, perhaps, is relevant in this context - have given below a translation of the specific portion of the text that has been published in Tamil:-
      What's more, while helping someone, whatever the need of the created situation is, our service should be in accordance with that. While one is in need of something, we should not thrust something else upon that one, as per our wish. Even though the intention was to do good, due to lack of knowledge that pros should not turn out to be cons.
      One incident to illustrate:-
      Once some college students went to a nearby village and started doing welfare activities. It was rainy season. They met an old lady living in a small house roofed with country tiles and asked her, "Granny, do you have any hardships?" The lady replied, "My house is leaking here and there. As it rains heavily, the entire house becomes wet and I suffer without having a place even to sleep."
      Immediately the leader of the students said, "we shall climb up and repair the tiles". Saying so, he climbed up and so did the other students. The tiles heavily soaked in the rain water unable to bear their weight crumbled. Seeing this, the old lady made an uproar and shouted, "oh-oh! enough, enough! You have broken even the unbroken tiles! alas alas! get down! oh, no! My house is gone!" The students climbed down.
      The student leader and a teacher attempted to calm her saying,"Granny, don't worry, for all the broken tiles we shall seek aid from the Government and compensate you.". The old lady stood crying, "Oh, alas! early morning, coming like monkeys you have destroyed my living! What shall I do!".
      It started raining again. As the students did not have a place for shelter, they wrote in their diary "due to rains, social service postponed to the next day" and ran to the village head-man for (witness) signature. After reaching their college, with appropriate signed documentary evidence they petitioned to the taluk (sub-division of a district comprising group of villages) officer for reparing the old lady's house.
      The rainy season ended. After 3 months, calculating the loss of broken tiles, the Govt. sent to the students a crossed cheque for Rs.100/- in favour of the old lady. They took it to the old lady and said, "Granny, see this, Rs.100/-. This is crossed cheque. If you have a bank account, immediately encash it and get your house repaired. College students have done this great help to you. Take this and as proof of having received, affix your thumb impression in our diary."
      "Oh, alas! Is this not cash? Where do I have bank account? alas! To whom shall I go! Where shall I wander taking this! It seems that they would not even let me simply be in my house constrained!", thus wailed the old lady, the target of social service!! This kind of social service will not become a good worship of God.
      ThirukuRippu thoṇdar, says Sekkizhar, by his act of removing the dirt and stains from the adiyār's clothes ("அடியார்தம் தூசுடைய துகள் மாசு கழிப்பார் போல்"), so as to get rid of the big bondage of rebirths, arising due to the three impurities (aṇavam : ego/ individuality, kanmam : actions and consequences; māya : delusion) that gets attached [to the jīvā], was weakening it ("தொல்லை வினை ஆசுடைய மல மூன்றும் அணைய வரும் பெரும் பிறவி மாசு தனை விடக் கழித்து")
      Precisely that's what happened!
      When he saw the shining divine form smeared with white vibuthi and dirty rags like black clouds coming ("திருமேனி வெண்ணீறு திகழ்ந்து ஒளிரும் கோலத்துக் கரு மேகம் என அழுக்குக் கந்தையுடன் எழுந்து அருளி வருமேனி"), he understood His intent ("எய்தும் அவர் குறிப்பு அறிந்தே"),
      folding his hands in worship requested Him to give His clothes for wash ("கை தொழுது கந்தையினைத் தந்து அருளும் கழுவ என")
      and, when he could not return it washed and dried as promised before sunset ("இக்கந்தை தாழாதே ஒலித்துமக்கின்றந்திபடு வதன்முன்னம் தருகின்றேன்"), having resolved 'I shall kill myself dashing my head on the stone meant for scouring the dirty clothes',
      when he started banging his head on the stone, the hands of the Lord bearing the impression of beautiful bangles and red in colour like a flower caught hold of his head ("கந்தை புடைத்திட எற்றும் கல்பாறை மிசைத் தலையைச் சிந்த எடுத்து எற்றுவான் என்று அணைந்து செழும் பாறை மிசைத் தந்தலையைப் புடைத்து எற்ற அப்பாறை தன் மருங்கு வந்து எழுந்து பிடித்தது அணி வளைத் தழும்பர் மலர்ச் செங்கை")
      and the Lord said, 'I have proclaimed to the three worlds your state, you shall henceforth abide eternally without separation with us' ("மூவுலகும் நின் நிலைமை அறிவித்தோம், நீயும் இனி நீடிய நம் மன்னுலகு பிரியாது வைகுவாய்")

    • @sjain8111
      @sjain8111 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Perhaps the pestle refers to the story of Moorthiyar of Madurai who used his elbow to grind sandalwood?

    • @savithrivenkataraman8121
      @savithrivenkataraman8121 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ⁠Mūrthy Nayanar used the grinding stone in Madurai temple to grind sandalwood paste for the pooja.
      in this verse, AdiSankara is chiding the Lord for bestowing grace upon those who (seemingly) thrash Him but not upon those who follow the prescribed rules of worship - ĀdiSankara has used bow (धनुषा), pestle (मुसलेन), stone (अश्मभि) - the meaning in the text that i have, refers to the incidents of Lord Siva in disguise being shot at by Arjuna when he goes to procure the celestial weapon from the Lord before the Mahabharatha war and Sakkiyar throwing stones at the idol of Lord Siva in Kanchipuram (but is silent about the incident of Lord being hit by a pestle)
      It's wonderful to hear from you - Thank You 🙏🙏🙏

    • @sjain8111
      @sjain8111 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      thanks for teaching, with so small knowledge better if I do not speak! 🙏

    • @savithrivenkataraman8121
      @savithrivenkataraman8121 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ⁠teaching??? 😱
      I am fully aware that what i am doing here in the comments section (of these Periya Puranam videos that are the result of unflagging dedication of few devoted souls) is only " *exhibitionism of laboriously gathered second hand information* " (i'm paraphrasing Swami Chinmayananda's words)
      or, as Swami Vivekananda would put it... "All my life I am repeating what Jack said and John said, and never say anything myself. What glory is it that you know what John said twenty-five years ago and what Jack said five years ago? Tell me what you have to say"
      inspite of that, i continue belting out my half baked notings - because atleast for those few minutes, when i watch a new video released on a Nayanmār's life story, my monkey mind calms down a bit and recalls few associated anecdotes/ words of our sages that i have read/heard (but never ever imbibed by me 😒)
      as for e.g., after seeing your comment on Murthiyār yesterday, the moments that i spent referring to the text of Sivananda Lahari were well spent for me and so it is i who have to thank you 🙏🙏🙏