To my ears these 3rd Gen Air pods are more comfortable compared to the newer Pro version with the soft gel tips. That said, compared to the 3rd Gen, I notice these do not stay planted in the ear as well. One design issue I think, is you squeeze the stem and click it twice to advance your songs. On 3rd gen you tap the large speaker. The difference is by grabbing the stem each time, you tend to loosen the bud fit in your ear. Not always, but the bud falls out a few times while running. The old tap to change never had that problem for me. I would not have changed that tap function. That said, the newer Pro version sticks in the ear, almost airtight if you want that. I do not like that Airtight fit. So that's why I'd stay with this version as the best trade off of comfort, use, and overall feel.
I just got mine today and I love them, the bass is amazing but not too overwhelming. Definitely a good pair of headphones with awesome sound quality. Good review btw ;)
very good review. You spoke with enthusiasm and kept my interest. You described the headphones really well. It helped me to decide that I should look at some of Sennheiser's other offerings, you saved me time and money. Thank you again
still have to go with the much fun to listen to and wireless. but, the fact that these are half as much and sound absolutely amazing doesn't hurt either
which one would you recommend ? audio technica ath-m40x or sennheiser 4.30G ? this is my first time buying a good pair of headphones and i'm looking for something under 100$, can you recommend anything ?
Yusuf Doğruyol those are two different markets. Audio technica makes studio monitoring headphones with a flat sound and basically no bass. These sennheiser ones are for mobile bass lovers
+Yusuf Doğruyol it depends on if you want something with incredible bass and very portable or if you're wanting more of a studio monitor sound. Personally I would recommend the Sennheisers because they are fun to listen to and are very clear as well.
Gamesky i like bass but i dont want it to be too much, i want to hear other sounds clear as well, and i'm going to travel with it so i'm also looking for something that can fold and has a pouch
Gamesky i already like ath-m40x because it's not that expensive and has exactly what i need. but i was wondering if you can recommend anything better than that (detachable cable and would be nice as well)
I'm having trouble connecting the cable and the headphone😭 i read that you have to plug it in and turn it around until it clicks then plug it in more but when i plug it in first it only supplies audio from the right side then after plugging it in more the right side's audio is gone and i could only hear it from the left side?? Then i try adjusting it in that state then the audio is completely gone... both sides are working fine but i just can't seem to connect both sides. Anyone can help?
Gamesky can tell recently most of your videos and the quality has improved aloooot it's really good and you seem really into your content too which makes the videos much better knowing ur having fun doing it good luck on the future honestly can see your channel grow a lot
Insane bass? I don't think so. They sound very warm but have no thump or punch to the bass. They are neither here nor there. I will rate them at 8th place on a list of top 10 bass-centric headphones. If you really want bass, go with Sony XB950BT or the Skullcandy Crushers/360. Don't waste your money on these. They are still far too balanced to be called bass heavy. Sennheiser has a certain signature to their sound and no company ever sways too much from that. Sennheiser doesn't make crowd-pleasing bass heavy headphones. It's like this: Sennheiser- balance and clarity, not much bass, Bose- Noise cancellation and neutral sound, Sony- loud and bassy with a touch artificial sound, but the most feature rich, V Moda- among the loudest and have serious punch to the bass, but not boomy,
I wear glasses. And I want to know how comfortable are they if I have glasses on. And you said that they are not really over the ears. Does that mean they are not good at blocking sound . Like blocking traffic noise . Compared to skullcandy.?
these honestly do an ok at blocking out noise. these don't have the same noise cancelling technology as the Bose QC35, Sennheiser PXC550 or the Sony WH1000xM2.....but these are not as expensive as those either. I think they will do the trick and drown out enough of your enviroment
Thanks for great video ! I have only one question for you, if you want to answer and have time. How is your experiance with mic - phone calls, is that loud and clarity for both side ? PLEASE help me with this, best regards and thanks a lot 👍🍷🎖
Great review! I am sure you are familiar with Audio Technika M40X, given that they are very similar in price, features, functionality compared to this Sennheiser model. Which one is better in your opinion, which one would you recommend? Thanks
SZ E thanks, the M40X is great and I would say both are two completely different types of headphones. the M40X has better soundstage, better clarity and build quality where the Sennheiser has better bass and to me made music a little more fun to listen to
Nice review but I did a bit of research and find out that many people complain about the sound quality of these headphones having too much mushy bass and lack of clarity and details on the treble. Can you clarify this?
I bought the arctis 3 last week but I feel they lack bass, wich sucks for me since I listen to a lot of rap. Do you recommend this ones? or the wired crushers?
to me these have a better overall sound and the bass is definitely punchy in the Sennheiser. The Crushers are great too but it's more of a simulated bass that you have control over. you would be happy with either but the Sennheiser are only half as much and to me sound better
I’m looking to buy these and use them on my PS4. Will the mic on the in line remote work on a party chat on the PS4? Thank you for the in depth, high quality reviews!
+raiken ninja this is definitely not typical Sennheiser bass. This is very punchy and has great soundstage for a $99 closed back headphone aimed towards bass. The mids and highs still fit great in the mix as well
Gamesky thats good to hear,sennheiser typically fall flat at reproducing subbass compared to their competitor at beyerdynamics or akg although I like sennheiser warmth more
Gamesky I have a pair of 4.20’s that I wear in bed,so I don’t have to listen to my girlfriend.They work fine.Mine are over the ear sort of,exactly like these.I have a pair of 280’s I use downstairs on my HiFi.I also have a light pair of 100’s I use on my laptop.
no extra power needed? is the sound as good as let say sony mdr-xb950bt? i'm looking for these kind of headphone, this senheiser one looks like a very good buy..but no wireless, hmm
monica geller these are definitely better than the 950bt. alot more life in the sound and plenty of punch. there is a wireless version of these. the Sennheiser 4.40
Bro I am tearing myself apart. I am fucking confused between Sennheiser HD 4.30g and Skullcandy Crusher wireless. I am a basshead and I own a Sony xb 950 ap. I want bass like Sony xb 950 ap ear rattling bass . So which one shall I go for. The main issue is in my locality there is no skullcandy service centre. So please tell me. Someone tell me.
+Jason Abramz it's always nice to have bass headphones whenever I'm in the mood for it. I also have pairs for clarity and some that are better for some genres
Im not sure to getting these. I have the 4.20s and i was disappointed... not enough bass as i espected. Even in the box says "powerful bass boost" I mean there is the the bass..but it can be better. How are these 4.30g comparing to 4.20s?
Hey Gamesky, my question (not related to the video) is if it is worth to spend extra money for the noise cancelling feature. I heard u only can get good noise cancelling headphones if u spend 300 bucks or more, but the sennheider hd 4.50 is coming out this month so i'm quite curious about your opinion on that.
Ah okay. I rather opt for the skullcrusher wireless. Speaking of that. Do u have any problems with gaming the skullcrusher wireless (latency and stuff)? I kind a wonder since most headphones, that is around the same price range as the skullcrusher wireless, support aptx. And the skullcrusher does not. Is also chatting with your friends only possible with your included cable when using the headphone?
if u use this headphones with an iphone, does it function anyway? Only the controls differ from model to model? Does it change something if u use with a pc or a Mac?
i really want this headphones but the thing is only the 4.30i is available in my area and i use a galaxys 8. what functions wont work if i get the "i" version? can anyone answer?
Sennheiser actually has pretty clean, tight and still plentlyfull bass with most of their headphones. Just not too much or bloated bass. The HD800 has not the best and the HD600 could use a tad more, but other than that they are "bassier" than any other high end company that tries to stay reference. HD471i / HD380 are also stronger in the bass department and are better than this in my opinion. But the HD4.3 is pretty good.
Hi, Thanks for the review. I currently own Momentum 2.0 Wired. Needless to say that these (4.30) should be bassy compared to Momentum. But do these (4.30) sound as good as (or better than) Momentum as far as Mids & Highs are concerned? If someone is not a bass head, should he prefer Momentum instead of 4.30 ?
Again great review! I'd be interested in knowing how these compare sound wise to your review of the V-moda Crossfade wireless? Obviously build quality and pricing no contest, so sound quality is most important. I tend to like a warmer sound, not a bass head, but like tight bass. Thanks much.
based off of sound alone I prefer the Sennheisers. They are just more fun to listen to and have so much punch along with great clarity. where I feel like the V-Modas lean closer to a neutral sound compared to the Sennheisers. both are great in their own way
Thanks Big Guy, Thanks for the rapid response! Since I already have the LP2, I'll consider the Sennheisers for the wireless Bluetooth and save a few bucks!😊
TURBO BACON I like the bass in the Sennheisers alot more. the Sony's are way to drowned in bass when you hit the bass boost button and they don't even compare to the Sennheisers when the bass boost button is not on
maybe im too stupid but i cant figure out how to plug the cable into the headphones cause whatever i do i only get sound on one side and never at both at the same time. can anyone help?
@Gamesky hi love the videos ... I am looking to get my first high quality headphones. I listen mostly EDM and K-pop and beautiful vocal sounds.. I would like balance but also want pronounced warm base (Not Base head level) .. My budge it 150usd.. Can you recommenced any for me. Thanks in advance .
I have bought the sennheiser HD 340 and the bass was incredible. However the bass wasn't as much as my beats studio but yet still for the price I have paid I am still happy with my HD 340. I have tested alll different kind of music like reggae hip hop soul soca and sega music the sennheiser HD 340 perform very with very good strong bass. Because I love basses headphones the sennheiser HD 340 had plenty of bass I enjoy. Love the sennheiser HD 340 great performance great bass.
Branislav Obuch the 4.30i is for Apple and the 4.30g is for Android. technically they both work on either device it's just the controls(volume control and track control) that will only work on what device they are designed for.
Hey there,I first want to say that since I've discovered your channel awhile ago, I just love your reviews. I have a few questions about these, that If you could answer, I would appreciate it. As far as the ear cups... I recently have bought the Crusher Wireless, and was unhappy with how the ear cups felt with those. I felt they were simply too small and too shallow. Can you please tell me if these ear cups are any deeper. I have smaller ears, and need to know if my ears are going to press against the insides? I don't necessarily mind if they rub on the sides (as long as they fit in the cavity), just the depth of them. Also, can you tell us if the in-line volume controls work if plugged into a PS4 controller? I would appreciate any feedback on these issues. Thank you, Dave.
TrekBuilder thanks for the support and yes, the earcups on these are very deep so you shouldn't have that issue at all. and yes, mine worked when I tested them on the PS4 as well so you're good to go
Ok, great!! thank you for the fast response. Can you tell me if there are any big name retailers who sell these? I'm having a hard time finding them at like a Best Buy or so.
Hello again,So I thought I would comment based off your response above. Just so that you know, I purchased a pair of these because I was hoping that the in-line volume rocker +/- buttons would control my volume while playing on my PS4, and just so you know, these buttons will not function at all. It appears that they are only compatible on a mobile device, not a gaming console. You are solely at the mercy of the PS4 volume control, thought they do get plenty loud, I was hoping to use the volume rocker. I thought you may want to know that incase anyone else asks.
Does this HD 4.30G work on laptop/PC too? Or are they just for phones and tablets....?? Please answer me. I am looking for new headphones for good music listenning, no gaming headphones. Is there any Sennheiser headpgones what are not so expensive, but have alumin and are good for listenning music? I need help! I have searched all over the internet but cant find good headphones! eek!
Erilet Toledo If I were you I'd hold off on getting new headphones for a little bit. Sennheiser just released the wireless version of these and they're 150 (same price as the crushers).
man, excellent reviews on crushers and now these! i am completely sold on crushers, but with these around, i will probably pick these or 4.20 as my wired sets. Any chance you know the difference between these or 4.20s? thanks again!
Moeischamp wide for a closedback, yes. If you play very competitive, youll need less soundstage and more precise imaging, and thats a scenario where you might look elswhere.
+Mr.Magnificent I agree with you where if you do play competitive you need something made specifically for gaming. But if you are just a casual player these are great
Gamesky naaaah, dont say made for gaming, cause that always reminds me of that wannabe professional, overhyped, overpriced gaming headsets :/ Lets just say you we want better imaging, more precise soundstage (however you wanna call it)
I wanna buy a headphones under 200 dollar (wire or wireless) , Which one should I buy Skullcandy Crusher , these or beyerdynamic Custom One Pro Plus ? BTW 200 dollar kind of a big deal for a headphones in Bangladesh :P
In terms of sound, the crusher wireless is better in every aspect compared to the original, and the original was actually above average at 100$, so the crusher wireless will not disappoint, although again the beyerdynamic !!PROBABLY!! sounds better. If I were to guess a scale of 1/10 the crusher wireless without the xtra bass is 7.5/10 and the beyer is 8/10 (compared to 1000$+ headphones). Either one is fine really, and choosing one over the other isn't that big a deal in terms of sound. On to features however, the two couldn't be farther apart. The beyerdynamic while definitely portable, is also made for studio use and as such it's - heavier but not too much, but if your head is sensitive you probably want to consider the weight difference - bulkier, so if you care about appearances, the custom one pro will stand out, although they don't look bad - most likely sturdier than the crushers and have replaceable parts (since they haven't been out that long, crushers have no durability tests, but the parts aside from the wire are not replacable) - wired only, but can use third party wires - bass is less powerful than the crushers Crushers are - somewhat lighter, but that can make all the difference, especially over long sessions - sleeker looking - it could be less durable, but again we have no tests to compare - option to use a wire or wireless. Wireless is definitely more convenient for portable, if you don't mind a possible minor loss of sound quality (no way to test, seeing as I don't own a pair) - INSANE bass .halfway is more powerful than the original crushers, which are already ridiculous The feature set is more important than the sound quality difference between the two.
Hi GameSky. Great review man. You made me to fall in love for this headphones. I must buy it now :D Can you tell me please is there any difference between this and 4.40bt in sound quality? Thank you in advance
i think it is simply by adding bluetooth capabilities. to be honest they sound exactly the same so it's down to a matter of whether you want bluetooth or not
To me the sennheiser HD 430 has plenty of bass that is a great headphone bro. However I haven.t here the skullcandy headphone yet but I will buy it pritty soon. But can tell me if the skullcandy has good bass.
Gamesky I love heavy bass but I sometimes listen to very soft vocals as well. Please recommend me a headphone that has good bass and even good sound quality under $100.(I even use an equaliser and a bass booster)
It’s 2019 Dec 24 and I picked these up at a Burlington coat factory for 39 bucks for my grand daughter and they out perform my Beats studio 3. Real talk.
Isaiah Ramirez i Think the 950... they are way way way more comfortable... but they dont fold like this... the mids and highs are better on the 950... but for the price this are pretty legit.. and between the crushers and the 950 I also choose the 950.. the Crushers tend to lack in highs.. i had them but they are the only competitor of the 950
yeah, I saw that and I want to get my hands on those as well. if they retain the same sound and the fact they are wireless they could easily become my new favorite pair to take on the go
its a deep bass but definitely not insane... its deeper than crusher but not as insane as the crushers this only got to 18 Hz low frequency response thats not even as low as my in ear headphones 10 Hz ... I did not felt bass that much, not to get tickles at all, bass is deep pure and good but not surprising.
@@cobussy I haven´t test 4.40bt but for the 4.30 bass was deep getting nice low notes but nothing special. crusher wireless sound get distorted at hight haptic bass I prefer crhuser wired with almost no distorsión at high levels and kicking hard, non of crushers go as deep as sennhesier 4.30 exept for crusher 360 that has 5Hz of low frequency response. The bass on the sennheiser 4.30 was very normal for bass heavy headphones not even heavy bass for my taste.I forgot to mention that even on crusher wired version with the frequencies that haptic bass hits feels and sound as deep and powerful as a 12" subwofer.
To my ears these 3rd Gen Air pods are more comfortable compared to the newer Pro version with the soft gel tips. That said, compared to the 3rd Gen, I notice these do not stay planted in the ear as well. One design issue I think, is you squeeze the stem and click it twice to advance your songs. On 3rd gen you tap the large speaker. The difference is by grabbing the stem each time, you tend to loosen the bud fit in your ear. Not always, but the bud falls out a few times while running. The old tap to change never had that problem for me. I would not have changed that tap function. That said, the newer Pro version sticks in the ear, almost airtight if you want that. I do not like that Airtight fit. So that's why I'd stay with this version as the best trade off of comfort, use, and overall feel.
I just got mine today and I love them, the bass is amazing but not too overwhelming. Definitely a good pair of headphones with awesome sound quality. Good review btw ;)
Cedric thanks, and believe it or not.....they only get better. mine have opened up alot after continuing to use them
Do they work with a PS4?
@@OfficialGamesky hi bro please help me I'm looking at buying the Sennheiser HD 400S are they good
very good review. You spoke with enthusiasm and kept my interest. You described the headphones really well. It helped me to decide that I should look at some of Sennheiser's other offerings, you saved me time and money. Thank you again
John Jameson thanks so much for that compliment. really glad i could help
you are welcome.
switch one u like the most this or skullcandy wireless
still have to go with the much fun to listen to and wireless. but, the fact that these are half as much and sound absolutely amazing doesn't hurt either
Gamesky wow Iam on the website now they are really nice sir I love your video's a lot
ricky stewart thanks, I appreciate you checking out the videos
Gamesky they not wireless
Thank GOD (ver.2) jajajajajaja
will the mic work on pc? will I need to buy a headphones splitter? will that even work?
depends, if your pc audio jack supports mic and audio you only need that, just plug and done. Otherwise you'll need a splitter for audio and mic.
Honestly this is the best review of headphone
CaptainCrab Gaming thanks so much....these headphones are great too
Gamesky No Bluetooth connectivity?
Mike Cox no, but the 4.40bt model has Bluetooth and I've reviewed those as well
Gamesky Any idea on how much they are priced at? I'm in the market for some great Bluetooth headphones at a good price.
Mike Cox the 4.40 are $150
which one would you recommend ? audio technica ath-m40x or sennheiser 4.30G ? this is my first time buying a good pair of headphones and i'm looking for something under 100$, can you recommend anything ?
Yusuf Doğruyol those are two different markets. Audio technica makes studio monitoring headphones with a flat sound and basically no bass. These sennheiser ones are for mobile bass lovers
Yusuf Doğruyol if you want the best of both worlds, skull candy crushers or Sony xbt950 are both great options
+Yusuf Doğruyol it depends on if you want something with incredible bass and very portable or if you're wanting more of a studio monitor sound. Personally I would recommend the Sennheisers because they are fun to listen to and are very clear as well.
Gamesky i like bass but i dont want it to be too much, i want to hear other sounds clear as well, and i'm going to travel with it so i'm also looking for something that can fold and has a pouch
Gamesky i already like ath-m40x because it's not that expensive and has exactly what i need. but i was wondering if you can recommend anything better than that (detachable cable and would be nice as well)
I'm having trouble connecting the cable and the headphone😭 i read that you have to plug it in and turn it around until it clicks then plug it in more but when i plug it in first it only supplies audio from the right side then after plugging it in more the right side's audio is gone and i could only hear it from the left side?? Then i try adjusting it in that state then the audio is completely gone... both sides are working fine but i just can't seem to connect both sides. Anyone can help?
Where is the test of microphone??
Nice editing honestly improved a lot on your quality
thanks, my goal this year is to focus more on quality
Gamesky can tell recently most of your videos and the quality has improved aloooot it's really good and you seem really into your content too which makes the videos much better knowing ur having fun doing it good luck on the future honestly can see your channel grow a lot
that really does mean allot. it's nice to know people noticing the changes
How does the bass on these compare to the Sony MDR-XB950 N1/B1s? On top of that, do these have more bass than the Sennheiser 4.5BTNC and 4.4BT?
Insane bass? I don't think so. They sound very warm but have no thump or punch to the bass. They are neither here nor there. I will rate them at 8th place on a list of top 10 bass-centric headphones. If you really want bass, go with Sony XB950BT or the Skullcandy Crushers/360. Don't waste your money on these. They are still far too balanced to be called bass heavy. Sennheiser has a certain signature to their sound and no company ever sways too much from that. Sennheiser doesn't make crowd-pleasing bass heavy headphones.
It's like this: Sennheiser- balance and clarity, not much bass, Bose- Noise cancellation and neutral sound, Sony- loud and bassy with a touch artificial sound, but the most feature rich, V Moda- among the loudest and have serious punch to the bass, but not boomy,
Thank you!
Yeah sennheiser headphones are about balance..clear sound with sometime a bit bass.
Im getting the Sony mdrxb950b1 because i love bass so
I wear glasses. And I want to know how comfortable are they if I have glasses on. And you said that they are not really over the ears. Does that mean they are not good at blocking sound . Like blocking traffic noise . Compared to skullcandy.?
these honestly do an ok at blocking out noise. these don't have the same noise cancelling technology as the Bose QC35, Sennheiser PXC550 or the Sony WH1000xM2.....but these are not as expensive as those either. I think they will do the trick and drown out enough of your enviroment
thanks for reply :)
Thanks for great video !
I have only one question for you, if you want to answer and have time.
How is your experiance with mic - phone calls, is that loud and clarity for both side ?
PLEASE help me with this, best regards and thanks a lot 👍🍷🎖
I just ordered 4.40 wireless through amazon to use with my Apple products, there was no specifications of I or g, should I be worried?
Alex.T.2015 no, you will be fine
My dad is getting this for my 18th birthday, and I'm so damn excited! Thanks for this great review :D
That’s an awesome gift. Happy birthday
Thank you!
Great review! I am sure you are familiar with Audio Technika M40X, given that they are very similar in price, features, functionality compared to this Sennheiser model. Which one is better in your opinion, which one would you recommend? Thanks
SZ E thanks, the M40X is great and I would say both are two completely different types of headphones. the M40X has better soundstage, better clarity and build quality where the Sennheiser has better bass and to me made music a little more fun to listen to
Nice review but I did a bit of research and find out that many people complain about the sound quality of these headphones having too much mushy bass and lack of clarity and details on the treble. Can you clarify this?
SO i can use the 4.30i in an android phone?
Do you have the answer? I'm also thinking about that
Which is better, HD400S, HD4.30 or Urbanite XL?
I bought the arctis 3 last week but I feel they lack bass, wich sucks for me since I listen to a lot of rap. Do you recommend this ones? or the wired crushers?
to me these have a better overall sound and the bass is definitely punchy in the Sennheiser. The Crushers are great too but it's more of a simulated bass that you have control over. you would be happy with either but the Sennheiser are only half as much and to me sound better
I’m looking to buy these and use them on my PS4. Will the mic on the in line remote work on a party chat on the PS4? Thank you for the in depth, high quality reviews!
have u bought and test them on ps4? I'm considering to pick them for ps4
Turin they work very well with party chat on the ps4
are they any different compared to the bluetooth 4.40 ones? I need to know, because i might get the bluetooth ones if theres a big difference in sound
SAL3M technical datas are same with 4.40. Only difference is the Bluetooth.
too late, i got the skullcandy crushers wireless
does this have typical sennheiser bass,medium quantity,high mid bass quality with low subbass rumble and great soundstage for closed back headphones.
+raiken ninja this is definitely not typical Sennheiser bass. This is very punchy and has great soundstage for a $99 closed back headphone aimed towards bass. The mids and highs still fit great in the mix as well
Gamesky thats good to hear,sennheiser typically fall flat at reproducing subbass compared to their competitor at beyerdynamics or akg although I like sennheiser warmth more
raiken ninja these are honestly not your typical pair of Sennheisers
Great review!
Did you ever figure out the difference between these and the 4.20s? Trying to compare as one is quite a bit cheaper where I am.
+Admartian I believe the 4.20 is a flat on ear headphone and doesn't compare to the bass of the 4.30
Gamesky I have a pair of 4.20’s that I wear in bed,so I don’t have to listen to my girlfriend.They work fine.Mine are over the ear sort of,exactly like these.I have a pair of 280’s I use downstairs on my HiFi.I also have a light pair of 100’s I use on my laptop.
I suppose since the i headphones (for Apple devices) have 3.5 mm jack they can be plugged in Windows PC and still produce sound, right?
Great! Thanks for the quick answer ^_^ btw very very nice video!
yeah but you wouldnt been able to use the controls but everything will be the same i now this because i have this headphones
no extra power needed? is the sound as good as let say sony mdr-xb950bt? i'm looking for these kind of headphone, this senheiser one looks like a very good buy..but no wireless, hmm
monica geller these are definitely better than the 950bt. alot more life in the sound and plenty of punch. there is a wireless version of these. the Sennheiser 4.40
and cheaper as well isn't it? very tempting
I was pleasantly surprised by these Sennheisers so I know having them in wireless makes it even more tempting
You should make a video comparing these and the Skull Candy Crusher wireless.
+TANIMAL13 I've been thinking of doing a video comparing some of the bass heavy headphones out right now
Gamesky Yes! Please do that, I'd love to see that actually.
Bro I am tearing myself apart.
I am fucking confused between Sennheiser HD 4.30g and Skullcandy Crusher wireless. I am a basshead and I own a Sony xb 950 ap. I want bass like Sony xb 950 ap ear rattling bass . So which one shall I go for. The main issue is in my locality there is no skullcandy service centre. So please tell me. Someone tell me.
I just got the crushers. I like them so far
thats the problen how much bass is too much? i use to be a bass person until i tried audio tech 50s. and i love hearing clear audio.
+Jason Abramz it's always nice to have bass headphones whenever I'm in the mood for it. I also have pairs for clarity and some that are better for some genres
I have a question do the crusher wireless have clear sound (with the slider down) or do they sound a bit muddy
+Anthony Martinez they sound clear....I didn't think they were muddy
Gamesky thank you, it's just something that passed my mind
Im not sure to getting these.
I have the 4.20s and i was disappointed... not enough bass as i espected. Even in the box says "powerful bass boost"
I mean there is the the bass..but it can be better. How are these 4.30g comparing to 4.20s?
Hey Gamesky, my question (not related to the video) is if it is worth to spend extra money for the noise cancelling feature. I heard u only can get good noise cancelling headphones if u spend 300 bucks or more, but the sennheider hd 4.50 is coming out this month so i'm quite curious about your opinion on that.
Jun Fei Cheung it's a $50 difference, correct? my 4.30 do a good job on their own so I would say the 4.40 should be fine
Ah okay. I rather opt for the skullcrusher wireless. Speaking of that. Do u have any problems with gaming the skullcrusher wireless (latency and stuff)? I kind a wonder since most headphones, that is around the same price range as the skullcrusher wireless, support aptx. And the skullcrusher does not. Is also chatting with your friends only possible with your included cable when using the headphone?
Are the ear cups small.. I have large Ears and I want to know if these will be uncomfortable?
if u use this headphones with an iphone, does it function anyway? Only the controls differ from model to model? Does it change something if u use with a pc or a Mac?
Filo Bolla you would have to get the "i" model for the controls to work
what about the pc/mac?
these vs sony xb950?
Jeffrey Phamigo sony
these, xb950 has bass bleed all over the place
Jeffrey Phamigo so true, I own some, insane bass
i really want this headphones but the thing is only the 4.30i is available in my area and i use a galaxys 8. what functions wont work if i get the "i" version? can anyone answer?
volume control on the headphones won't work
Sennheiser actually has pretty clean, tight and still plentlyfull bass with most of their headphones. Just not too much or bloated bass. The HD800 has not the best and the HD600 could use a tad more, but other than that they are "bassier" than any other high end company that tries to stay reference. HD471i / HD380 are also stronger in the bass department and are better than this in my opinion. But the HD4.3 is pretty good.
im waiting the bluetooth version if they will release. Already choose crusher wireless. Anybody know how the bass compared to crusher wireless?
+mineinspiron you don't feel the bass as much as you do in the Crusher Wireless but the Sennheiser still has alot of punch to them
Gamesky i watched HD 4.40 and 4.50NC in another review. Have you tried them.
mineinspiron not yet, but i will definitely try to get my hands on them
This VS the SEnnheiser VB headphone ( variable Bass that's grey and blue ) which is better ?
SamLGND haven't tried those yet
This HD4.30 and Urbanite XL. Which one give better sound quality ? thank you
Hi, Thanks for the review. I currently own Momentum 2.0 Wired. Needless to say that these (4.30) should be bassy compared to Momentum. But do these (4.30) sound as good as (or better than) Momentum as far as Mids & Highs are concerned? If someone is not a bass head, should he prefer Momentum instead of 4.30 ?
Sathish Rao if you're not a bass head I wouldn't recommend the 4.30 over the Momentums
Again great review! I'd be interested in knowing how these compare sound wise to your review of the V-moda Crossfade wireless? Obviously build quality and pricing no contest, so sound quality is most important. I tend to like a warmer sound, not a bass head, but like tight bass. Thanks much.
based off of sound alone I prefer the Sennheisers. They are just more fun to listen to and have so much punch along with great clarity. where I feel like the V-Modas lean closer to a neutral sound compared to the Sennheisers. both are great in their own way
Thanks Big Guy,
Thanks for the rapid response! Since I already have the LP2, I'll consider the Sennheisers for the wireless Bluetooth and save a few bucks!😊
No problem, let me know what you think if you get them
Does it have more bass than the Sony XB950BT? I doubt it because the Sony's are more expensive but I'm just asking.
TURBO BACON I like the bass in the Sennheisers alot more. the Sony's are way to drowned in bass when you hit the bass boost button and they don't even compare to the Sennheisers when the bass boost button is not on
maybe im too stupid but i cant figure out how to plug the cable into the headphones cause whatever i do i only get sound on one side and never at both at the same time. can anyone help?
With these it's just a matter of making sure they are pushed in good
are these good for movies. Star wars , Godzilla 2014 for example
+Sherman Harris absolutely perfect for that
are these headphones a great all rounder . I listen to a lot of different genres
pimpblanc they are great for that. I listen to everything as well
Thx bro
No problem
What model I should pick if I want to use it to my computar ?
Hi Gamesky, good morning.
Do you recommend this one for metal music???
Thanks and great review!
Metal Evolve absolutely. these are insane for metal. drums have so much punch and it never drowns out riffs or vocals
Thanks man. Have a nice day
Metal Evolve no problem
great review! does the mic work with the ps4 controller? or you think it is compatible with the v moda boom mic?
How do they compare to the 4.20’s sound wise?
Hey would you reccomend this for a person with a big head?
Is it good for pc
Jaden Aguiar yes, it sounds great on PC
Don't get for PC, get HD280Pro or GSP300 for PC.
@@Outland9000 don't recommend a gaming headset to someone looking for headphones..
I got these for some thing over a year now, love them only problem is the cable, would prefer wireless but still good
@Gamesky hi love the videos ... I am looking to get my first high quality headphones. I listen mostly EDM and K-pop and beautiful vocal sounds.. I would like balance but also want pronounced warm base (Not Base head level) ..
My budge it 150usd.. Can you recommenced any for me. Thanks in advance .
I have bought the sennheiser HD 340 and the bass was incredible. However the bass wasn't as much as my beats studio but yet still for the price I have paid I am still happy with my HD 340. I have tested alll different kind of music like reggae hip hop soul soca and sega music the sennheiser HD 340 perform very with very good strong bass. Because I love basses headphones the sennheiser HD 340 had plenty of bass I enjoy. Love the sennheiser HD 340 great performance great bass.
You mean 4.30??
So I bought these for PS4 and do not regret it comfortable lightweight and they make astros sound like garbage
I can't use my mic on my ps4??
Im used to apple earpods,should i buy these for 80€?
help me out guys, I have to choose between these and skullcandy crusher...both in same price.
which one should i?
Sorry I made a mistake you are right it the HD 430 not the HD 3 30.
How are these as compared to Skullcandy crushers???
Version HD 4.30I are designed for a computer or only for ios devices?
Branislav Obuch the 4.30i is for Apple and the 4.30g is for Android. technically they both work on either device it's just the controls(volume control and track control) that will only work on what device they are designed for.
Does not work on your computer?
yes, just not the controls on the headphone cable
Thanks so much :)
Branislav Obuch no problem
Hey there,I first want to say that since I've discovered your channel awhile ago, I just love your reviews. I have a few questions about these, that If you could answer, I would appreciate it. As far as the ear cups... I recently have bought the Crusher Wireless, and was unhappy with how the ear cups felt with those. I felt they were simply too small and too shallow. Can you please tell me if these ear cups are any deeper. I have smaller ears, and need to know if my ears are going to press against the insides? I don't necessarily mind if they rub on the sides (as long as they fit in the cavity), just the depth of them. Also, can you tell us if the in-line volume controls work if plugged into a PS4 controller? I would appreciate any feedback on these issues. Thank you, Dave.
TrekBuilder thanks for the support and yes, the earcups on these are very deep so you shouldn't have that issue at all. and yes, mine worked when I tested them on the PS4 as well so you're good to go
Ok, great!! thank you for the fast response. Can you tell me if there are any big name retailers who sell these? I'm having a hard time finding them at like a Best Buy or so.
Hello again,So I thought I would comment based off your response above. Just so that you know, I purchased a pair of these because I was hoping that the in-line volume rocker +/- buttons would control my volume while playing on my PS4, and just so you know, these buttons will not function at all. It appears that they are only compatible on a mobile device, not a gaming console. You are solely at the mercy of the PS4 volume control, thought they do get plenty loud, I was hoping to use the volume rocker. I thought you may want to know that incase anyone else asks.
TrekBuilder ok thanks. In line controls on regular headphones I have never got to work on the PS4....just gaming headsets with controls
What you think on the mixceder E9?
how does it compare to the crusher wireless? i am really damn curious
Does this HD 4.30G work on laptop/PC too? Or are they just for phones and tablets....?? Please answer me. I am looking for new headphones for good music listenning, no gaming headphones. Is there any Sennheiser headpgones what are not so expensive, but have alumin and are good for listenning music? I need help! I have searched all over the internet but cant find good headphones! eek!
These will definitely do the trick
Your came with an "L" shaped cable but mine came with a straight cable, is that normal?
I have a Windows Phone. Which version do I need?
probably android
Great review and great new channel
+Jose Fernando Gudino thanks so much
honest answer.
should i get these or the crusher wireless?
Erilet Toledo depends....if you prefer wireless go Crushers. if not, these more than hold their own and for only $99
Erilet Toledo If I were you I'd hold off on getting new headphones for a little bit. Sennheiser just released the wireless version of these and they're 150 (same price as the crushers).
Dude in this headphone Mic work together with PC?
This or the skullcandy hesh 3 wireless
man, excellent reviews on crushers and now these! i am completely sold on crushers, but with these around, i will probably pick these or 4.20 as my wired sets. Any chance you know the difference between these or 4.20s? thanks again!
Can anyone tell me which is good sony xb950ap vs sunnheiser 4.3?? Please tell me
Is this better than the hd400s?
how would this be with gaming? like is the soundstage wide enough? thanx
Moeischamp wide for a closedback, yes. If you play very competitive, youll need less soundstage and more precise imaging, and thats a scenario where you might look elswhere.
+Mr.Magnificent I agree with you where if you do play competitive you need something made specifically for gaming. But if you are just a casual player these are great
Gamesky naaaah, dont say made for gaming, cause that always reminds me of that wannabe professional, overhyped, overpriced gaming headsets :/
Lets just say you we want better imaging, more precise soundstage (however you wanna call it)
Nice review! Probably gonna get these
+Timothee_xskt _ definitely worth the money
pls give a link to your pc's wallpaper ! +Gamesky thanks.
it was something I created but here you go!Aqv-t3RvqSLMgu55MXjYtswYgnEYCg
i figured that out. that was really cool
Is SennheiserHD 4.30g a good gaming headset?
I wanna buy a headphones under 200 dollar (wire or wireless) , Which one should I buy Skullcandy Crusher , these or beyerdynamic Custom One Pro Plus ? BTW 200 dollar kind of a big deal for a headphones in Bangladesh :P
In terms of sound, the crusher wireless is better in every aspect compared to the original, and the original was actually above average at 100$, so the crusher wireless will not disappoint, although again the beyerdynamic !!PROBABLY!! sounds better. If I were to guess a scale of 1/10 the crusher wireless without the xtra bass is 7.5/10 and the beyer is 8/10 (compared to 1000$+ headphones). Either one is fine really, and choosing one over the other isn't that big a deal in terms of sound.
On to features however, the two couldn't be farther apart. The beyerdynamic while definitely portable, is also made for studio use and as such it's
- heavier but not too much, but if your head is sensitive you probably want to consider the weight difference
- bulkier, so if you care about appearances, the custom one pro will stand out, although they don't look bad
- most likely sturdier than the crushers and have replaceable parts (since they haven't been out that long, crushers have no durability tests, but the parts aside from the wire are not replacable)
- wired only, but can use third party wires
- bass is less powerful than the crushers
Crushers are
- somewhat lighter, but that can make all the difference, especially over long sessions
- sleeker looking
- it could be less durable, but again we have no tests to compare
- option to use a wire or wireless. Wireless is definitely more convenient for portable, if you don't mind a possible minor loss of sound quality (no way to test, seeing as I don't own a pair)
- INSANE bass .halfway is more powerful than the original crushers, which are already ridiculous
The feature set is more important than the sound quality difference between the two.
Hi GameSky. Great review man.
You made me to fall in love for this headphones. I must buy it now :D
Can you tell me please is there any difference between this and 4.40bt in sound quality?
Thank you in advance
Really enjoyed your review. Thank you. I am thinking of buying these but before I do have a better option if I spend $150?
does it worth the extra 50$ for the 4.40bt based on the sound quality?
+syafiqri alfarizki over the 4.30?
Gamesky yess, over the 4.30, forgot hehe
i think it is simply by adding bluetooth capabilities. to be honest they sound exactly the same so it's down to a matter of whether you want bluetooth or not
Gamesky okay, thanks a lot
which has more bass urbanite or hd 4.30?
i was watching intermittently while working. nice review, but by chance did you ever put these on during the video?
To me the sennheiser HD 430 has plenty of bass that is a great headphone bro. However I haven.t here the skullcandy headphone yet but I will buy it pritty soon. But can tell me if the skullcandy has good bass.
good for gaming?, Wireless,bluetooth?,comfortable?
Spetoy 23 gaming: yes
wireless: no (the 4.40 model is)
comfortable: very
Spetoy 23 no problem
and its work with xbox one?
Gamesky I love heavy bass but I sometimes listen to very soft vocals as well. Please recommend me a headphone that has good bass and even good sound quality under $100.(I even use an equaliser and a bass booster)
so they dont work with pc or windows phones ?
They work with pc‘s
These or the xb650bt's? Plz be honest
Salem these by a long shot.
Whats The Difference between This and 4.30g?
It’s 2019 Dec 24 and I picked these up at a Burlington coat factory for 39 bucks for my grand daughter and they out perform my Beats studio 3. Real talk.
Are they good for pc use ?
What's better? This is or the 950 bts?
Isaiah Ramirez i Think the 950... they are way way way more comfortable... but they dont fold like this... the mids and highs are better on the 950... but for the price this are pretty legit.. and between the crushers and the 950 I also choose the 950.. the Crushers tend to lack in highs.. i had them but they are the only competitor of the 950
based on sound i prefer these. although, I really like the fact that the Sony's are wireless
Gamesky yo do know that at CES 2017 they released the 4.40 and 4.50 which are the same as these but they're both wireless and the 4.50 have anc
yeah, I saw that and I want to get my hands on those as well. if they retain the same sound and the fact they are wireless they could easily become my new favorite pair to take on the go
Gamesky I don't really care about wireless I just want something that sounds god
its a deep bass but definitely not insane... its deeper than crusher but not as insane as the crushers this only got to 18 Hz low frequency response thats not even as low as my in ear headphones 10 Hz ... I did not felt bass that much, not to get tickles at all, bass is deep pure and good but not surprising.
Emthesage EMM is the bass like a rumbling nose or more of a vibration
@@cobussy I haven´t test 4.40bt but for the 4.30 bass was deep getting nice low notes but nothing special. crusher wireless sound get distorted at hight haptic bass I prefer crhuser wired with almost no distorsión at high levels and kicking hard, non of crushers go as deep as sennhesier 4.30 exept for crusher 360 that has 5Hz of low frequency response. The bass on the sennheiser 4.30 was very normal for bass heavy headphones not even heavy bass for my taste.I forgot to mention that even on crusher wired version with the frequencies that haptic bass hits feels and sound as deep and powerful as a 12" subwofer.
Is it compatible with windows?
thanks so much for this! i know a good headphone when i see one! sold me when u said it has insane bass lol! gonna get the white one!!
HD 4.30 or Urbanite XL?
These , crush wired, or NVX?