While they are currently suffering through economic troubles these projects are going to transform their future if completed. This will increase employment and lower food costs. The future generations will be thankful for this.
It is not sorry. They cannot prétend to connect with old Egypt. Their civilisation is 1400 years old maximum. And not the best version the territory has known. The previous wisdom gas been burnt. It would not be populated with 100 millions habitants if it was not. .
I'm living in Egypt and we're constantly surprised in a nice way when we go for a drive or travel with new roads, bridges, highways and agricultural lands... it's like "when did they build this" and it's like a small city coming up? Immense improvements in the last 8 years.
This video is geat! What it doesn't say is that Egypt is making huge sacrifices to achieve those pharaonic projects including borrowing money from the IMF which resulted in depreciating its currency and skyrocketing inflation. Hope things are gonna get better for this country. Love from Algeria
Love the ambition! Egypt is not short of solar energy. It can produce sufficient water from sea water & solar power. Everything else can then follow to take advantage of its location of the Suez Canal. As long as it stays neutral from superpower contests, it will be a very import centre of economic activity.
Agree with most but the last couple of lines though. That’s the problem. The west doesn’t want a multipolar world with countries being neutral. It has a if you’re not with us then you’re against us attitude. Egypt just wants to deal with everyone.
Egypt's greatest challenge is world order, it does not lack ambition or means to achieve it, we have been doing this for 7000 years now, think of Egypt as Arabs rise up followed by Arab unity, now u get the idea lol,
RO Desalination is still too expensive for agriculture. Much more than this project per cubic meters. Can only do desal with excess electricity capacity that would be lost anyway, or for drinking water they can charge more money for. The most ambitious project in egypt rn is regreening the sinai. Dutch company signed contract to change the wind and make it rain.. we need to slow down on spending.
@@komolkovathana8568 Certainly demographic pressures the number of Egypt's population increases annually by an average of 2.5 million people, and this constitutes a great burden on the Egyptian economy especially since the poorest classes are the most fertile
Extraordinary job TEAM Egypt! So so sooooooooooooo PROUD of You! It's not about war its about progress, advancement and making sure there is food to sustain a nation. Self sustenance, solar ect!
@@xpengfangirl7942 This video of the Toshka harvest four months ago, the area may have doubled now and is ready to plant wheat in the new season. What is currently happening in Toshka and the new delta, and land reclamation in Sinai, Minya, Assiut, and others th-cam.com/video/cP2YKEUAW6k/w-d-xo.html
@@xpengfangirl7942 The New Delta project three months ago, and by the end of the year, the reclaimed and arable land will exceed one million acres, and it is one-eighth of the area of the old land or the black land on the banks of the Nile in Egypt th-cam.com/video/fQT6aYDUPXM/w-d-xo.html
Egypt is moving very fast to get more bright future, I could see that they create giant projects in 7 years more than what they did in the last 50 years, i wish a wonderful future and luck to all Egyptian
What kind of projects are you talking about??, building bridges and left his people starving behind. Can you tell me about education in Egypt that grown fast??,. There is no education, Egypt is about to declare its bankruptcy soon, no health care, no economy and most of factories shut down, show me data and numbers and don't just uttering nonsense u Lunatic dummies.
It's unuseful projects anyways because They only serve the ruling and the super rich class not the whole population. But on the contrary the whole population have become poorer due to the unstable economy. They only borrowed money from the IMF to build mostly unuseful stuff
what bright future? bright future of oppression and poverty? bright future of no freedom of speech nor human rights? future of collapsing economy and overly inflated currency? yea bro there is no birgh future for egypt
@@draganstankovic2438 It will have 6 million residents. That's 6 million people off Cairo that has around 12 million. Would def change the whole city into the better
Wahooo! EGYPT is doing wonderful. And Egyptian are very hard workers. I hope EGYPT should try yo help its Neighbour countries and Give them there Good Idea in Agriculture. Keep Up EGYPT. London. 23----08---22.
impossible because the congo flows westward towards the Atlantic meaning the engineering process will be super expensive and super detrimental to the comgo ecosystem
For those that are not in the know 4100 km equates to 2547.622 miles That’s really impressive that’s even further, from where I work at in Johannesburg Michigan to Bakersfield California I am, over the road truck 🚛driver and that is some seriously impressive miles, to make a freshwater canal that long that you can see from space 🪐🛰and literally overlaps multiple states across this country is something truthfully monumental.
Egypt is doing well in agri business and investment . This is great opportunity to my beloved country to start marketing its natural resources unlike Sudan.
Funny how farmers used to living near their soil for thousands of years when they could easily live in the desert and spend hours to go to their soil by camels
There is also the fast electric train which will connect(sixth of October city)in Giza with (abou- sompl)in aswan and (alalmen)in Mediterranean sea with ( ain sokhna) in red sea
The big flashy projects are still set up to disappoint. Irrigation for cotton is such a losing proposition. If the Netherlands can use greenhouses to be the biggest market garden in Europe than there is no reason that Egypt can't make one for Cairo. Egypt can import cotton, it is really unwise to import food that can be grown at the edge of town. Food security and price stability is a huge concern right now and always will be. The price of cotton isn't. Doing so and pairing it with the solar arrays in the Sinai to allow Egypt to export energy not used in the domestic market doesn't need to be huge. It just has to be profitable. However the Egyptian military will make short work of any president that thinks small.
That is. Is the stupidest comment I have ever. Heard. Egypt can import cotton. The cotton. In Egypt is called. The white. Gold. It is like. The oil. In. The gulf countries. And if. Egypt invested. It's. Cotton it will be a wealthy country
I support the green houses. It's hard to grow food in hot dry desert sands, but they do at least have the land for imported compost to get started under white tarps to lessen the sunlight intensity. Hopefully under these tarps they can select fully breed plants that have greater resistance to hot temperatures.
يوصى بزراعة الأرز على القمح والذرة والتمر. تولد حقول الأرز كمية كبيرة من الضباب (بخار الماء) بسبب اختلاف درجات الحرارة بين النهار والليل ، مما يسهل تكوين السحب. سيجعل المطر الصحراء أسهل.
دول المنبع لديها العشرات من الانهار الداخلية مثلا اثيوبيا يسقط عليها سنويا ترليون متر مكعب من المياة في حين ان حصة مصر من كل النيل 55.5 مليار قدم مكعب فقط لا غير في حين ان احتياجاتنا تصل ل 100 مليار قدم مكعب ويتم تعويض الفارق عن طريق اعادة استخدام الماء عن طريق حفر الاف الكيلومترات من المصارف واعادة خلط مياة المصارف المالحة مع مياة النيل مرة اخري وبعدها يتم اعادة تنقية المياة وهذة هي اعادة الاستخدام للمرة الثالثة مصر حاليا هي الدولة الاعلي في العالم من حيث اعادة استخدام الماء وهو شي مكلف جدا ويكلفنا عشرات المليارات من الدولارات هذا ليس لة علاقة بتحلية مياة البحر ومع ذلك نضطر ان نعوض الفارق باستيراد المحاصيل الشرهة للماء من الخارج وفي اوقات الجفاف قد تصل حصة مصر من مياة النيل الي 10 مليار فقط لا غير وهي مدد تصل لسبع سنوات في حين ان اثيوبيا مثلا وبحسب تقارير دولية تستهلك مواشيها 100 مليار قدم مكعب من المياة سنوية وهوا يعادل ضعف حصة مصر من الماء ولا تستفيد اثيوبيا منها اصلا والفرع الاخر من النيل يوجد فيها خمس بحيرات عملاقة علي سبيل المثال بحيرة فكتوريا تحتوي علي 3 ترليون قدم مكعب من المياة كاحتياطي و هي بحيرة يتشارك فيها معظم دول منابع النيل و تسقط عليهم مئات المليارات الاقدام المكعبة من الماء و حتي دولة مثل جنوب السودان يسقط عليها كميات مياة سنويا كفيلة بزراعة صحاري مصر والسودان كلها وكل عام يغرق عشرات الجنوب سودانيين بسببها ويوجد مشاريع لتخليص جنوب السودان من هذة الامطار وان تصل لنا في مصر لكن دمرها بعض الثوار الجنوب سودانيين في الماضي عندما كان الجنوب سودانيين يبحثون عن الاستقلال و حاليا هم انفسهم يطلبون منا اعادة حفر هذة المسارات بعد ان وصلو للاستقلال وللسلطة في جنوب السودان لكن اثيوبيا الدولة الخبيثة تحاول عرقلة المشاريع و تقول انها ضارة وهذا غير صحيح بالعكس ستحميهم من الغرق في الفيضانات وسبب هذا ان اثيوبيا لا تريد ان تتمكن مصر من ان تعوض النقص في المياة الناتج عن اقامة سد النهضة الاثيوبي بمياة جنوب السودان بالرغم من عدم وجود اي صلة بين فرع اثيوبيا من نهر النيل وفرع جنوب السودان لهذا يتضح لك ان السد سد اثيوبيا هدفة سياسي وهوا محاولة تركيع مصر ليس اكثر والسد في كل الدراسات المتعمقة فاشل من الناحية الاقتصادية لكن اثيوبيا تكرة مصر ليس اكثر
اما عندما ترغب دولة في الاستفادة من مسار نهر النيل تقوم بالتشاور مع مصر اولا هذا معروف بالقوانيين الدولية للانهار عابرة الدول و من ثم توافق مصر علية بشرط ان تحصل مصر علي دراسات جيولوجية و هندسية وغيرها لضمان عدم انهيار السد وبالتالي تحولو الي موجات توسونامي بفعل انهيار باقي السدود علي مجري النهر مثل الدومينو وقد حدث هذا اكثر من مرة مع دول من المنبع بالعكس نحن قمنا ببناء سدود علي نفقتنا الخاصة لصالحهم و نبني حاليا سد كبير في تنزانيا اسمو جوليوس نيريري لكن سد النهضة الاثيوبي لا يوجد لة دراسات امان يعني من الممكن ان ينهار في اي وقت و ال70 مليار المزمع تخزينها في بحيرة السد ستتحول الي توسونامي وستقتل 20 مليون سوداني انظر للسودانيين الان مات منهم 100 شخص بسبب امطار ضعيفة سقطت علي قراهم فما بالك ب 70 مليار قدم مكعب لكن مصر لن تتاثر بانهيار السد لاننا لدينا منخفضات كثيرة نستطيع تصريف المياة فيها وقد قامت مصر بمحاكاة لانهيار السد في كلية الهندسة جامعة القاهرة وكانت هذة هي النتيجة موت 20 مليون سوداني بفعل انهيار السد الاثيوابي وانهيار باقي سدود السودان الكثيرة علي النهر بفعل ضغط المياة المنهمرة من السد الاثيوبي نتيجة انهيارة وايضا السد نفسو فية عيوب هندسية كبيرة وكان من المفترض ان يتم الانتهاء منة في عام 2018 حسب مخطط دولة اثيوبيا لكن بسبب الفشل الهندسي والتخطيطي سينتهي في 2025 علي الاقل و حتي الشركة الايطالية المنفزة للمشروع اقامت سد في اثيوبيا نفسها وانهار في نفس يوم التشغيل و حتي السد المساعد للسد الاثيوبي الذي يتحمل اغلب سعة بحيرة سد النهضة تشقق و ظهرت الشقوق قبل حتي ان تصل الماء الية الشقوق عملاقة لاننا تمكنا من مشاهدتها من الاقمار الصناعية يعني سينهار لا محالة خلاصة الكلام دول منابع النيل يسقط عليها كميات مياة ترليونية تستطيع ان تطعم كل شعوب العالم فهي ليست في حاجة لحصة مصر من مياة النيل وايضا لحسن حظنا ان طبيعة الارض والجيولوجيا تقف معنا حيث يستحيل اقامة سدود عملاقة تمنع الماء عن مصر ستنهار اثيوبيا علي سبيل المثال تقيم سدها علي اكبر فالق ارضي علي الكوكب وهذا الفالق موجود في كل دولة اثيوبيا واي ضغط علي هذا الفالق الناتج عن تخزين كميات كبيرة من الماء تعني انهيار اي سد وحتي باقي الدول المحيطة بها تقع علي نفس الفالق العملاق والتي ليست من دول النيل اساسا اما الفرع الاخر من النيل فيستحيل اقامة سدود عملاقة بسبب طبيعة التربة الطينية لان السدود تحتاج لطبقة صخرية من الاساسات و جبال علي الاجناب ليتمكنو من اقامة سد بينهم ليتمكنو من صد الماء
@@Mmmm-mw4ks stop bullshitting...there is NO international law that says a downstream country that doesn't contribute a drop should monopolize international revers...typical of an Egyptian bigotry specially towards sub-Saharan nation...take it or leave it it is a matter of time before tje tide turns against your greed!!
A combination of shade for the water by utilizing solar panels would be an absolute goldmine. They can absolutely engineer a solar agriculture megaproject to feed and power not only their nation, but others. It all relies on the Nile though, and up stream they are building dams... We see the Yangtze in China at its lowest level ever in 157 years... In the Monsoon season! We need to treasure our water. We take it for granted and now it's starting to leave us. I hope Egypt pull this off. The world needs it, at this stage. It's survival.
With a population growth of 2 million per year I don't see how any of this will solve anything in the long run or the short run. They are adding the equivalent of a huge major city population each year.
The majority of Egypt is desert 🐪. So there’s no technology to make desert green. We can’t make that. with water of river. It’s impossible . You need a tropical climate for desert become green
they are trying to evolve this tech because they need it. to irrigate a whole desert by a small river. the problem is that this river is going to be completely blocked by ethiopian dams and israeli/emirati projects in the future with the acceptance of the egyptian gov. also the country is under a dictatorship and resource distribution and project management is solely controlled by a dictator. this means people wont benefit much economically even if the advancement is made because much of the production will be exported outside and the profits go to the dictator to fund additional projects. also most of these projects are done with Loans. and most of these projects are backed up by state media propaganda to only show the upsides. most of these projects are long term and are destined to fail currently due to the poor political management. even though they are presented in a way that makes everything look cool.
Egypt has an abundance of solar power & sea water and access to ocean transportation of materials to turn the desert green. As for location for trade, the Suez Canal is a resource to die for. Egypt has great potential to become a very very important country. Just a matter of time.
Don't they have to be pulling groundwater for this new city? Gaddafi called his desert water THE GREAT RIVER so I suspect there is a strong underground water flow they intend to tap for the new city.
yeah, I kinda see the problem with using nile water. IMO it would be better to instead use a lot of IBTS greenhouses to deslaniate a lot of water and use that for irrigation. The Nile, no matter how large it is, is still limited in how much water can be taken out of it. No such problem with deslanitatio, and IBTS greenhouses can do that cheap.
Soon Egypt will GDP is growing year over year about 6% and businesses are booming I hope it continues as I would love to see Egypr return to its former glory of success. Thanks for watching hope to see you in the next one ;)
How does it work from a long term water sustainability point of view given the drought experienced around the world due to climate change - which will happen more frequently. Would the water treatment plants alone be sufficient?
Could why not put up solar panels over atleast a part of the desertand export electricity generated to neighbouring countries?. Why stop at one Ben ban, why no increase its capacity 10percent annually?
Build a new Las Vegas style district next to the pyramids. build a new modern age Pyramid that towers all three pyramids combined. Let other countries have a bid on some of projects to designate different areas to the different countries. The Americas, Germans, French, Europeans, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and to send in a steady income from them to shape the future of Egypt, as a World Wide Attraction. The new Las Vegas style city having being boasted by the Great pyramids, maybe even man-made ones. Having all of the new sources of revenue to fund areas in computer science, sciences, healthcare and biology, making all these areas potentially very well invested in. It will able to put Egypt on the map, and to bring in the most brilliant and successful people on the planet into making Egypt excell and achieve the greatness of a world super-power.
They could learn from the failing southwestern US. They have Lake Victoria in Africa. It flow north and the delta if full of rich soil, unlike most of Africa. Don't overdo it. To the east of the continental divide in the US is the Mississippi river basin. To the west is snow and it's the source of 85% of water in the southwest. After 35 years of reduced snowfall in Colorado the system is failing. The lakes Powell and Mead will lose hydro-electric power. The lakes won't recover.
Thanks for Egypt 's Vídeo. I wish that all projects is going to Have a Final Day (The end). The Investments when are goods managments they vive good results . One of The Most important Project is The Solar, Eólic (Wind) and Nuclear Power. Walter (agriculture and consumption ) edication and infraestruture are The main projects. Go on Egypt. Salam !
u know how much rain water u need to make all this green grow then regrow so it could stick there,about 6 years of rain whit approximately 7685978.87 liter of water atarctical plate is enough
That is a lot of bare earth with zero mulch. They need to quit burning leaf litter, etc and use it to keep the soil from being bare. Otherwise they are contributing to their own water shortages...
@@ΝίκΠαπ-ψ8η oh, I checked again, enlarging the screen. It was a truck. The creators sped up the film. If anyone can slow down the film, you can see it, but it took loads of time for me to figure it out.
How Egypt plans to green its desert in Becoming the World’s largest produce exporter Egypt has big plans for the next decade. As a country, Egypt aspires to become self-sufficient in natural resources and is also aligning up new cities for better management and easier access for its citizens. In the past, Saudi Arabia has tried to build large circular fields for agriculture, but the plan failed due to a lack of intra-country natural water reservoirs and almost non-existent rainfall. The absence of renewable water sources caused their wheat growth to become net zero in 2008. But how can Egypt execute the same plan differently to become the largest exporter? Well, the key answer to this question is that Egypt boasts the largest river in the world i.e., which is irrigating many fields already. In the past, The Nile Delta used to be the bread producer for almost the whole world, but its production depreciated for reasons both intrinsic and extrinsic. As of today, Egypt is one of the largest importers of strategic crops. Egyptian bill for import amount to almost $15 billion annually. The problem with Egyptian production is that the population is increasing by 2 million people/year and arable land has depleted immensely. Egypt in the past invested in the Toshka project in which a 250km canal was to be built to create new arable land in the skirts of the country. The plan was a massive political and logistical failure and investors pulled out. However recently, the new President of Egypt has ordered the revival of the project. The major task right now is to restore the water levels before continuing the elongation of the 50km long constructed canal and this task is not easy. However, if the project does see completion, the site will grow cotton, dates, wheat, and maize. The total size of this site would be around 6000sqkm. The Toshka project is only a part of Egypt's long-term plans. These plans focus on achieving, Food Security and Habitat provision. These plans are currently under execution nationwide. The Sinai Peninsula is undertaking more than 400 developing projects for $31 billion. Egypt is also involved in creating an inhabitable city for its masses as the population has seen overwhelming growth. New cities mean a lot of new jobs, trade opportunities, industrialization, and commercialization. The country is also building around 100000 new greenhouses for strengthening food security and meeting the food needs of roughly 20 million citizens. This is perhaps the most significant greenhouse project in the middle east. The Crown Jewel of all these projects is the new delta which is situated in the northwest near the Nile delta. The plan is to create a new delta and it would cost around $19 billion which is roughly around 4100sqkm which is about half the size of Cyprus. The project will form new Urban communities and agricultural sites. The location of this project was chosen by keeping in mind its vicinity to seaports, road networks, and industrial areas allowing for swift exports. The Egyptian leader also claimed that treated agricultural wastewater will be used in cultivating the new lands of the project as the government is building two wastewater treatment plants, each with a capacity of 6 million cubic meters/day to secure enough water for the cultivation of the new lands on the northwest coast. Egypt’s agricultural sector contributes to the country’s gross domestic product by 14%, representing 28% of job opportunities and 55% of employment in the countryside. In 2020, Egypt exported 5 million tons of agricultural products, according to the Central Administration for Agricultural Quarantine of the Agriculture Ministry. Egypt is currently gathering massive loans to fund all these projects and all the money that once goes into the army's possession never comes back to the civilians. The army is involved in around 60 percent of all Egyptian economic activities and there are no proper channels for accountability. The number of projects currently in the pipeline should sustainably spur Egyptian economic growth and put the government's resources to efficient use. These projects are accompanied by a set of laws that make it significantly easier for investors to do business and participate in national projects. One of the more important reasons the government has established these megaprojects is not simply to expand foreign investment but also to allow for the creation of living space outside the confines of Greater Cairo, which is becoming increasingly dense. So, guys that is it from our side. Do let us know what you think about Egypt's ultra-ambitious plans.
Actually there were a project in egypt in the 60s to make more than 2 million acre of desert into farmlands but this project was buried and totally forgotten, its almost impossible right naw in egypt to make a big project like that especially after Ethiopia has built its first big dam and planning to build more dams latter, just another dream project, and dreams are free
Fortunately you’re wrong. Egypt has around 4 million feddans of fertile land. The project in the 60s was completed. With cultivating 3.5 million feddans east of the delta in behera, wadi natun, nubaria. North of Ismailia canal. West of menya. But it took till 2010 to happen. Thing is egypt wants to duplicate that now every 7 years. And it has already cultivated another 2.5 million feddans since 2014. In toshka, sharq el ouaynat, sharq el tafreea, extended east of wadi natroun to dabaa road, extending east of the valley to the golden triangle. Reaching 10 million fedans of cultivated land with 4 fertile and 6 in the desert. Next phase is new delta, connecting cultivation in toshka to sharq el ouaynat. Moving north in the golden triangle to fayium, and extending westward of the Suez Canal.
Turning Sinai into a huge green area by looking at this map will have a huge ecological impact. The desert is an important habitat to many desert animals and desert plants including medicinal ones etc. it is a huge area and most probably it will need large groundwater abstraction which may also impact acquifers.. Deserts are important habitats too and can be used in eco tourism..
Not to be that guy but this can’t be good for the ecosystem getting rid of an entire biodiverse environment like what wildlife will they even have now if it all evolved for the desert
Yes... Egypt must become a green place... Thier deserts 🏜 must be reduced and the land must be made into farmland...afterwards a lot of fruit forests and if possible...fish farms as well...
Egypt deserves to be a great country.. all the best to our Egyptian brothers.. greetings from Kuwait 🇰🇼
Hi.What is the meaning of your surname in your language for it resembles our word Házal.Greetings from 🇭🇺
Much love and respect to our brothers of Kuwait! 🇪🇬 ❤️ 🇰🇼
حبيب قلبي
@@MAKDavid-1a "deer🦌" probably but it's pronounced without an 'H' but with another distinctive sound instead the word is "غزال" or maybe "خزال"
@@nourahmed-sh2ox Deer?Why would someone surname mean Deer where there are no such animals in the region?
Wishing the best of luck to our brothers and sisters in Egypt ...warm greetings from Morocco 🇲🇦
Thanks bro ♥️
Thank you so much
احب المغرب بزاف 😘🥰 🇪🇬 ❤🇲🇦
@@Ashraf-Hrira you're most welcome 🇲🇦❤️ Egypt .
I'm glad for people of Egypt, the cradle of civilizations will become powerful again. May Allah help you❤️🇪🇬🇰🇿
Spacebo :))) from Egypt
While they are currently suffering through economic troubles these projects are going to transform their future if completed. This will increase employment and lower food costs. The future generations will be thankful for this.
As a fellow North African I Hope Egypt can make it happen.
I’m from the uk and I love Egypt. Such an accomplishment! 🇬🇧❤🇪🇬
With good leader you can do it
God bless you Egypt
Long live Egypt! 🇪🇬7000 years of civilization!
It is not sorry. They cannot prétend to connect with old Egypt. Their civilisation is 1400 years old maximum. And not the best version the territory has known. The previous wisdom gas been burnt. It would not be populated with 100 millions habitants if it was not. .
@@belenamarapura7933 Go cry
@@bambus3095 He's right.
@@shitbraker Nah he is just a lonely depressed guy who gets Angry of everything
@@bambus3095He is correct and we all know the truth now😂😂😂.
When building water systems in hot areas, it may be a good idea to shelter the canals from the sun to stop evaporation
Very interesting! Awesome to have you here welcome to the channel, catch you in the next one! :)
Better yet, shelter it with photovoltaic panels!!
In that context, solar panels over them!!!!!.else they be completely underground like Persian Karis system?
Yes in the hottest areas they constructing some of their canals in massive pipes to control the evaporation problem, which is very smart
I'm living in Egypt and we're constantly surprised in a nice way when we go for a drive or travel with new roads, bridges, highways and agricultural lands... it's like "when did they build this" and it's like a small city coming up? Immense improvements in the last 8 years.
@Kev Vkash America doing 👍
Very impressive plans. Fast forward 15 years and Egypt will be totally transformed.
It will be even more of a desert.
I was surprised when I bought a bag of frozen okra at a dollar store and saw "made in Egypt"
🤲🏻 Their efforts are the blessing of the God. Blessed be these people.
bless you , bro
Thanks bro
This video is geat! What it doesn't say is that Egypt is making huge sacrifices to achieve those pharaonic projects including borrowing money from the IMF which resulted in depreciating its currency and skyrocketing inflation. Hope things are gonna get better for this country. Love from Algeria
I trust Egypt will make a way out of it and be very successful soon in the near future
@@theprimest I really hope you're right about that
Love the ambition! Egypt is not short of solar energy. It can produce sufficient water from sea water & solar power. Everything else can then follow to take advantage of its location of the Suez Canal. As long as it stays neutral from superpower contests, it will be a very import centre of economic activity.
Intelligent analysis and interpretation!!!
Agree with most but the last couple of lines though. That’s the problem. The west doesn’t want a multipolar world with countries being neutral. It has a if you’re not with us then you’re against us attitude. Egypt just wants to deal with everyone.
Egypt's greatest challenge is world order, it does not lack ambition or means to achieve it, we have been doing this for 7000 years now, think of Egypt as Arabs rise up followed by Arab unity, now u get the idea lol,
Neutrality part is very well analysed and observed!!!
RO Desalination is still too expensive for agriculture. Much more than this project per cubic meters. Can only do desal with excess electricity capacity that would be lost anyway, or for drinking water they can charge more money for.
The most ambitious project in egypt rn is regreening the sinai. Dutch company signed contract to change the wind and make it rain.. we need to slow down on spending.
Egypt is doing a great job despite the great economic pressure on citizens and the government
I agree Kimed, I agree
Welcome to the channel it's great to have you here, hope to see you in the next one :)
Their priority should be population control. Learn from china. Else all results are diluted?
You mean Population(citizen) pressure of 100 million people of Egyptians.
@@komolkovathana8568 Certainly demographic pressures the number of Egypt's population increases annually by an average of 2.5 million people, and this constitutes a great burden on the Egyptian economy especially since the poorest classes are the most fertile
Any video about Egypt, why do Ethiopians write a hateful comment and feel jealousy, inferiority and hatred for any projects in Egypt?
Lol cuz they’re poor and famine
For the same reason you feel bigotry towards everything Ethiopia !!
Just a small info fix, the new Tushka project already saw it's first harvest earlier this year
please show evidence
@@xpengfangirl7942 th-cam.com/video/Q8BFMMy8-no/w-d-xo.html
Extraordinary job TEAM Egypt! So so sooooooooooooo PROUD of You! It's not about war its about progress, advancement and making sure there is food to sustain a nation. Self sustenance, solar ect!
@@xpengfangirl7942 This video of the Toshka harvest four months ago, the area may have doubled now and is ready to plant wheat in the new season. What is currently happening in Toshka and the new delta, and land reclamation in Sinai, Minya, Assiut, and others th-cam.com/video/cP2YKEUAW6k/w-d-xo.html
@@xpengfangirl7942 The New Delta project three months ago, and by the end of the year, the reclaimed and arable land will exceed one million acres, and it is one-eighth of the area of the old land or the black land on the banks of the Nile in Egypt th-cam.com/video/fQT6aYDUPXM/w-d-xo.html
Egypt is moving very fast to get more bright future, I could see that they create giant projects in 7 years more than what they did in the last 50 years, i wish a wonderful future and luck to all Egyptian
What kind of projects are you talking about??, building bridges and left his people starving behind. Can you tell me about education in Egypt that grown fast??,. There is no education, Egypt is about to declare its bankruptcy soon, no health care, no economy and most of factories shut down, show me data and numbers and don't just uttering nonsense u Lunatic dummies.
It's unuseful projects anyways because They only serve the ruling and the super rich class not the whole population. But on the contrary the whole population have become poorer due to the unstable economy. They only borrowed money from the IMF to build mostly unuseful stuff
what bright future? bright future of oppression and poverty? bright future of no freedom of speech nor human rights? future of collapsing economy and overly inflated currency? yea bro there is no birgh future for egypt
Giant doesn't necessarily mean good. The new capital is build only to serve the army and top 1% of people who can afford to live there.
@@draganstankovic2438 It will have 6 million residents. That's 6 million people off Cairo that has around 12 million. Would def change the whole city into the better
best wishes to Egypt , the best ever People you can meet with nice smile ,
Wahooo! EGYPT is doing wonderful. And Egyptian are very hard workers. I hope EGYPT should try yo help its Neighbour countries and Give them there Good Idea in Agriculture.
Keep Up EGYPT.
i love how country care about their people and country and not war ,You go Egypt !!
is it ironic ?
@@miroslavbulldosex no it is real
Egypt is doomed
Africa on the rise.i was taught vet medicine by Dr Aziz from Egypt in my country Zambia.He was super.love Egypt
would be perfect! Not only for egypt but for the whole region! I hope they pull it off! Sounds awesome
This is great but it's nothing compared to the dream project of connecting the Congo river to the Nile river. Hope they do that soon 🙏
Awesome to have you here welcome to the channel, catch you in the next one! :)
Thats would be epic! ;)
impossible because the congo flows westward towards the Atlantic meaning the engineering process will be super expensive and super detrimental to the comgo ecosystem
@@eldios831 yes emily that's why they didn't do it yet, but don't u think that they try to find a solution for it?
@@eldios831 and also they’re too poor to do it
Drip irrigation, sprinklers....can boost
agricultural production tremendously
For those that are not in the know 4100 km equates to 2547.622 miles That’s really impressive that’s even further, from where I work at in Johannesburg Michigan to Bakersfield California I am, over the road truck 🚛driver and that is some seriously impressive miles, to make a freshwater canal that long that you can see from space 🪐🛰and literally overlaps multiple states across this country is something truthfully monumental.
wish this project succeed , wishing best to Egypt
I remember such a good memories riding a bike with mates on our way to dumyat from cairo passing a vineyards...
What a splendid video! Love it.. Greetings from Egypt 🇪🇬♥️
This project will fail due to Ethiopian dam project
@@robleyusuf2566 th-cam.com/video/4pRzeTV6IR4/w-d-xo.html
Some people must know this about Egypt and then they will not say nonsense
As an Egyptian I can say that this is "PROPAGANDA"
بالظبط ياعم البلد بتنهار حرفيا و مفيش فلوس و بنشحت انتهينا خلاص و ده يقولك مشروع و مش مشروع
@@rehan3600 BRUHBAGANDA
Egypt is doing well in agri business and investment . This is great opportunity to my beloved country to start marketing its natural resources unlike Sudan.
What does Sudan have to do with anything?
That's Bullying Sudan bud
@@howepellin exactly
Don't talk about Sudan unless you come from there
Always abusive toward Ethiopia and Sudan 🇸🇩, your gov brain washing to dislike Ethiopians 🇪🇹 and Sudan 🇸🇩 is clear by your comments here
Funny how humans have built on top of most fertile lands, then proceed to farm on the arid ones
Funny how farmers used to living near their soil for thousands of years when they could easily live in the desert and spend hours to go to their soil by camels
Amazing video.
There is also the fast electric train which will connect(sixth of October city)in Giza with (abou- sompl)in aswan and (alalmen)in Mediterranean sea with ( ain sokhna) in red sea
The big flashy projects are still set up to disappoint. Irrigation for cotton is such a losing proposition. If the Netherlands can use greenhouses to be the biggest market garden in Europe than there is no reason that Egypt can't make one for Cairo. Egypt can import cotton, it is really unwise to import food that can be grown at the edge of town. Food security and price stability is a huge concern right now and always will be. The price of cotton isn't. Doing so and pairing it with the solar arrays in the Sinai to allow Egypt to export energy not used in the domestic market doesn't need to be huge. It just has to be profitable. However the Egyptian military will make short work of any president that thinks small.
That is. Is the stupidest comment I have ever. Heard. Egypt can import cotton. The cotton. In Egypt is called. The white. Gold. It is like. The oil. In. The gulf countries. And if. Egypt invested. It's. Cotton it will be a wealthy country
I support the green houses. It's hard to grow food in hot dry desert sands, but they do at least have the land for imported compost to get started under white tarps to lessen the sunlight intensity. Hopefully under these tarps they can select fully breed plants that have greater resistance to hot temperatures.
Very interesting, great comment thanks so much for watching catch u in the next one! :)
Great project 👍
Where are they going to get the topsoil/soil how far is the sand bed?
From Ethiopia if they cooperate
@@MsScarygoat Egyptians have their ways
hoax projects
يوصى بزراعة الأرز على القمح والذرة والتمر.
تولد حقول الأرز كمية كبيرة من الضباب (بخار الماء) بسبب اختلاف درجات الحرارة بين النهار والليل ، مما يسهل تكوين السحب.
سيجعل المطر الصحراء أسهل.
What happens when the upstream countries decide to utilize a larger share of the Nile water?
دول المنبع لديها العشرات من الانهار الداخلية مثلا اثيوبيا يسقط عليها سنويا ترليون متر مكعب من المياة في حين ان حصة مصر من كل النيل 55.5 مليار قدم مكعب فقط لا غير في حين ان احتياجاتنا تصل ل 100 مليار قدم مكعب ويتم تعويض الفارق عن طريق اعادة استخدام الماء عن طريق حفر الاف الكيلومترات من المصارف واعادة خلط مياة المصارف المالحة مع مياة النيل مرة اخري وبعدها يتم اعادة تنقية المياة وهذة هي اعادة الاستخدام للمرة الثالثة مصر حاليا هي الدولة الاعلي في العالم من حيث اعادة استخدام الماء وهو شي مكلف جدا ويكلفنا عشرات المليارات من الدولارات هذا ليس لة علاقة بتحلية مياة البحر ومع ذلك نضطر ان نعوض الفارق باستيراد المحاصيل الشرهة للماء من الخارج وفي اوقات الجفاف قد تصل حصة مصر من مياة النيل الي 10 مليار فقط لا غير وهي مدد تصل لسبع سنوات في حين ان اثيوبيا مثلا وبحسب تقارير دولية تستهلك مواشيها 100 مليار قدم مكعب من المياة سنوية وهوا يعادل ضعف حصة مصر من الماء ولا تستفيد اثيوبيا منها اصلا والفرع الاخر من النيل يوجد فيها خمس بحيرات عملاقة علي سبيل المثال بحيرة فكتوريا تحتوي علي 3 ترليون قدم مكعب من المياة كاحتياطي و هي بحيرة يتشارك فيها معظم دول منابع النيل و تسقط عليهم مئات المليارات الاقدام المكعبة من الماء و حتي دولة مثل جنوب السودان يسقط عليها كميات مياة سنويا كفيلة بزراعة صحاري مصر والسودان كلها وكل عام يغرق عشرات الجنوب سودانيين بسببها ويوجد مشاريع لتخليص جنوب السودان من هذة الامطار وان تصل لنا في مصر لكن دمرها بعض الثوار الجنوب سودانيين في الماضي عندما كان الجنوب سودانيين يبحثون عن الاستقلال و حاليا هم انفسهم يطلبون منا اعادة حفر هذة المسارات بعد ان وصلو للاستقلال وللسلطة في جنوب السودان لكن اثيوبيا الدولة الخبيثة تحاول عرقلة المشاريع و تقول انها ضارة وهذا غير صحيح بالعكس ستحميهم من الغرق في الفيضانات وسبب هذا ان اثيوبيا لا تريد ان تتمكن مصر من ان تعوض النقص في المياة الناتج عن اقامة سد النهضة الاثيوبي بمياة جنوب السودان بالرغم من عدم وجود اي صلة بين فرع اثيوبيا من نهر النيل وفرع جنوب السودان لهذا يتضح لك ان السد سد اثيوبيا هدفة سياسي وهوا محاولة تركيع مصر ليس اكثر والسد في كل الدراسات المتعمقة فاشل من الناحية الاقتصادية لكن اثيوبيا تكرة مصر ليس اكثر
اما عندما ترغب دولة في الاستفادة من مسار نهر النيل تقوم بالتشاور مع مصر اولا هذا معروف بالقوانيين الدولية للانهار عابرة الدول و من ثم توافق مصر علية بشرط ان تحصل مصر علي دراسات جيولوجية و هندسية وغيرها لضمان عدم انهيار السد وبالتالي تحولو الي موجات توسونامي بفعل انهيار باقي السدود علي مجري النهر مثل الدومينو وقد حدث هذا اكثر من مرة مع دول من المنبع بالعكس نحن قمنا ببناء سدود علي نفقتنا الخاصة لصالحهم و نبني حاليا سد كبير في تنزانيا اسمو جوليوس نيريري لكن سد النهضة الاثيوبي لا يوجد لة دراسات امان يعني من الممكن ان ينهار في اي وقت و ال70 مليار المزمع تخزينها في بحيرة السد ستتحول الي توسونامي وستقتل 20 مليون سوداني انظر للسودانيين الان مات منهم 100 شخص بسبب امطار ضعيفة سقطت علي قراهم فما بالك ب 70 مليار قدم مكعب لكن مصر لن تتاثر بانهيار السد لاننا لدينا منخفضات كثيرة نستطيع تصريف المياة فيها وقد قامت مصر بمحاكاة لانهيار السد في كلية الهندسة جامعة القاهرة وكانت هذة هي النتيجة موت 20 مليون سوداني بفعل انهيار السد الاثيوابي وانهيار باقي سدود السودان الكثيرة علي النهر بفعل ضغط المياة المنهمرة من السد الاثيوبي نتيجة انهيارة وايضا السد نفسو فية عيوب هندسية كبيرة وكان من المفترض ان يتم الانتهاء منة في عام 2018 حسب مخطط دولة اثيوبيا لكن بسبب الفشل الهندسي والتخطيطي سينتهي في 2025 علي الاقل و حتي الشركة الايطالية المنفزة للمشروع اقامت سد في اثيوبيا نفسها وانهار في نفس يوم التشغيل و حتي السد المساعد للسد الاثيوبي الذي يتحمل اغلب سعة بحيرة سد النهضة تشقق و ظهرت الشقوق قبل حتي ان تصل الماء الية الشقوق عملاقة لاننا تمكنا من مشاهدتها من الاقمار الصناعية يعني سينهار لا محالة خلاصة الكلام دول منابع النيل يسقط عليها كميات مياة ترليونية تستطيع ان تطعم كل شعوب العالم فهي ليست في حاجة لحصة مصر من مياة النيل وايضا لحسن حظنا ان طبيعة الارض والجيولوجيا تقف معنا حيث يستحيل اقامة سدود عملاقة تمنع الماء عن مصر ستنهار اثيوبيا علي سبيل المثال تقيم سدها علي اكبر فالق ارضي علي الكوكب وهذا الفالق موجود في كل دولة اثيوبيا واي ضغط علي هذا الفالق الناتج عن تخزين كميات كبيرة من الماء تعني انهيار اي سد وحتي باقي الدول المحيطة بها تقع علي نفس الفالق العملاق والتي ليست من دول النيل اساسا اما الفرع الاخر من النيل فيستحيل اقامة سدود عملاقة بسبب طبيعة التربة الطينية لان السدود تحتاج لطبقة صخرية من الاساسات و جبال علي الاجناب ليتمكنو من اقامة سد بينهم ليتمكنو من صد الماء
@@Mmmm-mw4ks stop bullshitting...there is NO international law that says a downstream country that doesn't contribute a drop should monopolize international revers...typical of an Egyptian bigotry specially towards sub-Saharan nation...take it or leave it it is a matter of time before tje tide turns against your greed!!
@@scene-formusic9091 occupy your @$$
It already happened , this documentary guy doesn’t know nothing about Egypt today !!! He’s from another planet
Well done 👏
Africa is suprising, this country will green itself and be self-sufficient, China and Russia congratulate, Morocco will soon follow, etc.
That if they don’t interfere 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ; we all know that Africa has a lot of potential.
A combination of shade for the water by utilizing solar panels would be an absolute goldmine. They can absolutely engineer a solar agriculture megaproject to feed and power not only their nation, but others.
It all relies on the Nile though, and up stream they are building dams... We see the Yangtze in China at its lowest level ever in 157 years... In the Monsoon season! We need to treasure our water. We take it for granted and now it's starting to leave us.
I hope Egypt pull this off. The world needs it, at this stage. It's survival.
Awesome projects and awesome work. Long live the Egyptian Nation and long live our beloved leader Al-Sisi.
With a population growth of 2 million per year I don't see how any of this will solve anything in the long run or the short run. They are adding the equivalent of a huge major city population each year.
its all propaganda my friend, massive loans to fund a capital in the desert for the higher echelon who support the regime
sounds great right 👏
The majority of Egypt is desert 🐪. So there’s no technology to make desert green. We can’t make that. with water of river. It’s impossible . You need a tropical climate for desert become green
they are trying to evolve this tech because they need it. to irrigate a whole desert by a small river.
the problem is that this river is going to be completely blocked by ethiopian dams and israeli/emirati projects in the future with the acceptance of the egyptian gov.
also the country is under a dictatorship and resource distribution and project management is solely controlled by a dictator. this means people wont benefit much economically even if the advancement is made because much of the production will be exported outside and the profits go to the dictator to fund additional projects.
also most of these projects are done with Loans. and most of these projects are backed up by state media propaganda to only show the upsides.
most of these projects are long term and are destined to fail currently due to the poor political management. even though they are presented in a way that makes everything look cool.
But the Sahara naturally turns green every like 20k years it's been a long time since I've watched the video
No. Transpiration created artificially will make it green
Egypt has an abundance of solar power & sea water and access to ocean transportation of materials to turn the desert green. As for location for trade, the Suez Canal is a resource to die for. Egypt has great potential to become a very very important country. Just a matter of time.
And do you know what Egypt has to bark like this?
Don't they have to be pulling groundwater for this new city? Gaddafi called his desert water THE GREAT RIVER so I suspect there is a strong underground water flow they intend to tap for the new city.
Need innovative solutions for seawater desalination technology, so that it will be cheaper & scalable to filter seawater.
اللهم اجعل جميع بلاد المسلمين خير وبركه خظراء
بلاد المسلمين ؟ وبقية البلاد لأ؟ وعلى فكرة، مصر فيها ملايين من المسيحيين.
Ini juga penghijauan di gurun egypt utk generasiku,,
Problem with this plan: Ethiopia is building a dam on the Nile which will inevitably cause the river to drop to its lowest levels in recorded history.
yeah, I kinda see the problem with using nile water. IMO it would be better to instead use a lot of IBTS greenhouses to deslaniate a lot of water and use that for irrigation. The Nile, no matter how large it is, is still limited in how much water can be taken out of it. No such problem with deslanitatio, and IBTS greenhouses can do that cheap.
Just a feedback the music is a little loud. Thanks for the video.
Coming from an Egyptian, Egypt does not have that kind of money 😂
Soon Egypt will GDP is growing year over year about 6% and businesses are booming I hope it continues as I would love to see Egypr return to its former glory of success. Thanks for watching hope to see you in the next one ;)
@@theprimest you're welcome!
It's a wow program in egypt
These kind of projects that will make or break the economy
The economy is already broken tho
With this corrupted regime it is almost impossible for any project to succeed
As an American, I have no idea what the temperatures are like.
How does it work from a long term water sustainability point of view given the drought experienced around the world due to climate change - which will happen more frequently. Would the water treatment plants alone be sufficient?
The climate change is making Africa "wet" 😂😂😂😂
Waste water treatment.
Actually Egypt has been getting more water, climate change seems to be making the mena region wetter.
Could why not put up solar panels over atleast a part of the desertand export electricity generated to neighbouring countries?. Why stop at one Ben ban, why no increase its capacity 10percent annually?
They have already built the world’s 4th largest solar panel power plant ,1650 MW, in Benban, near Aswan. You can Google it
@@hamzamale i suggest that these be expanded further, for comercial use, not merely domestic consumption!!!!!
@@hamzamale have they reached 100percent potential?. Whoo are they waiting for to augment and export power internationally?
@@hamzamale why not increase its capacity at the rate if 10 percent annually and export power to Europe and Africa?
Build a new Las Vegas style district next to the pyramids. build a new modern age Pyramid that towers all three pyramids combined. Let other countries have a bid on some of projects to designate different areas to the different countries. The Americas, Germans, French, Europeans, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and to send in a steady income from them to shape the future of Egypt, as a World Wide Attraction. The new Las Vegas style city having being boasted by the Great pyramids, maybe even man-made ones. Having all of the new sources of revenue to fund areas in computer science, sciences, healthcare and biology, making all these areas potentially very well invested in. It will able to put Egypt on the map, and to bring in the most brilliant and successful people on the planet into making Egypt excell and achieve the greatness of a world super-power.
They could learn from the failing southwestern US. They have Lake Victoria in Africa. It flow north and the delta if full of rich soil, unlike most of Africa.
Don't overdo it. To the east of the continental divide in the US is the Mississippi river basin. To the west is snow and it's the source of 85% of water in the southwest.
After 35 years of reduced snowfall in Colorado the system is failing. The lakes Powell and Mead will lose hydro-electric power. The lakes won't recover.
Inilah tujuan selanjutnya angga... Siarkan
Thanks for Egypt 's Vídeo. I wish that all projects is going to Have a Final Day (The end). The Investments when are goods managments they vive good results . One of The Most important Project is The Solar, Eólic (Wind) and Nuclear Power. Walter (agriculture and consumption ) edication and infraestruture are The main projects. Go on Egypt. Salam !
Coreecting word is "Water" Not Walter .I beg Your pardon ! It's necessry plus Green Hidrogênio in The Development Paute for Egypt ! Salam !
Correcting (it's Right !). Above !
u know how much rain water u need to make all this green grow then regrow so it could stick there,about 6 years of rain whit approximately 7685978.87 liter of water atarctical plate is enough
Is this the same Egypt we know in planet earth? You seem to be speaking about another Egypt in another planet
this is Egypt not Masr where we live
@@JabbarTV1 you live in masr?
Nice video 👍
Lmao 🤣 I live in Egypt ....
Fr : ya talking facts
3:45 The man laughts at this project xd
Sharpie is good way to make everything green 😁😁😁
That is a lot of bare earth with zero mulch. They need to quit burning leaf litter, etc and use it to keep the soil from being bare. Otherwise they are contributing to their own water shortages...
I agree that's a great point. Thanks for watching I hope to see you in the next one :)
الحمد لله ❤🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬
Did any of you see something weird flash across the screen at around the 13 second mark?
It was about the 16 second mark...
I didn't. I checked again amd still nothing. What did showed??
@@ΝίκΠαπ-ψ8η oh, I checked again, enlarging the screen. It was a truck. The creators sped up the film. If anyone can slow down the film, you can see it, but it took loads of time for me to figure it out.
Wow wow wooow😁💪😲
prosperity to egyptians
Thank you!
Oh, man! 4:45 I feel cringe whenever I see such displays.
I hope they stop doing that one day!
go touch some grass
is that a war strategy tactic? lol😂
you know when an army does those kind of displays They are not good at wars
@@rooblez9005 they alone defeated: France, UK and Israel at the same time in 1956 war
And they defeated Israel and America in 1973 war
Let's use ecosia 👍🌱🌳
How Egypt plans to green its desert in Becoming the World’s largest produce exporter
Egypt has big plans for the next decade. As a country, Egypt aspires to become self-sufficient in natural resources and is also aligning up new cities for better management and easier access for its citizens.
In the past, Saudi Arabia has tried to build large circular fields for agriculture, but the plan failed due to a lack of intra-country natural water reservoirs and almost non-existent rainfall. The absence of renewable water sources caused their wheat growth to become net zero in 2008. But how can Egypt execute the same plan differently to become the largest exporter? Well, the key answer to this question is that Egypt boasts the largest river in the world i.e., which is irrigating many fields already. In the past, The Nile Delta used to be the bread producer for almost the whole world, but its production depreciated for reasons both intrinsic and extrinsic.
As of today, Egypt is one of the largest importers of strategic crops. Egyptian bill for import amount to almost $15 billion annually. The problem with Egyptian production is that the population is increasing by 2 million people/year and arable land has depleted immensely. Egypt in the past invested in the Toshka project in which a 250km canal was to be built to create new arable land in the skirts of the country. The plan was a massive political and logistical failure and investors pulled out. However recently, the new President of Egypt has ordered the revival of the project. The major task right now is to restore the water levels before continuing the elongation of the 50km long constructed canal and this task is not easy. However, if the project does see completion, the site will grow cotton, dates, wheat, and maize. The total size of this site would be around 6000sqkm. The Toshka project is only a part of Egypt's long-term plans. These plans focus on achieving, Food Security and Habitat provision.
These plans are currently under execution nationwide. The Sinai Peninsula is undertaking more than 400 developing projects for $31 billion.
Egypt is also involved in creating an inhabitable city for its masses as the population has seen overwhelming growth. New cities mean a lot of new jobs, trade opportunities, industrialization, and commercialization. The country is also building around 100000 new greenhouses for strengthening food security and meeting the food needs of roughly 20 million citizens. This is perhaps the most significant greenhouse project in the middle east.
The Crown Jewel of all these projects is the new delta which is situated in the northwest near the Nile delta. The plan is to create a new delta and it would cost around $19 billion which is roughly around 4100sqkm which is about half the size of Cyprus. The project will form new Urban communities and agricultural sites. The location of this project was chosen by keeping in mind its vicinity to seaports, road networks, and industrial areas allowing for swift exports. The Egyptian leader also claimed that treated agricultural wastewater will be used in cultivating the new lands of the project as the government is building two wastewater treatment plants, each with a capacity of 6 million cubic meters/day to secure enough water for the cultivation of the new lands on the northwest coast.
Egypt’s agricultural sector contributes to the country’s gross domestic product by 14%, representing 28% of job opportunities and 55% of employment in the countryside.
In 2020, Egypt exported 5 million tons of agricultural products, according to the Central Administration for Agricultural Quarantine of the Agriculture Ministry.
Egypt is currently gathering massive loans to fund all these projects and all the money that once goes into the army's possession never comes back to the civilians. The army is involved in around 60 percent of all Egyptian economic activities and there are no proper channels for accountability.
The number of projects currently in the pipeline should sustainably spur Egyptian economic growth and put the government's resources to efficient use. These projects are accompanied by a set of laws that make it significantly easier for investors to do business and participate in national projects. One of the more important reasons the government has established these megaprojects is not simply to expand foreign investment but also to allow for the creation of living space outside the confines of Greater Cairo, which is becoming increasingly dense.
So, guys that is it from our side.
Do let us know what you think about Egypt's ultra-ambitious plans.
WOW, made me proud of my country ✌️🌹 God bless you 🤲
_Thanks You!_
The Photoshop is funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
please stop using music in the background
better stabilize or decrease population, 100 million aren't meant to live there.
Egypt is doing a good job
Thank you
Amazing work but the people need to patient
Not enough water...
Are you kidding???
Eucalyptus trees....farms and cattle ranches....good investment for the future...
They should be super careful not to mess with Nile! If the river dies or loses its power, Egypt will be a no man land :)
Actually there were a project in egypt in the 60s to make more than 2 million acre of desert into farmlands but this project was buried and totally forgotten, its almost impossible right naw in egypt to make a big project like that especially after Ethiopia has built its first big dam and planning to build more dams latter, just another dream project, and dreams are free
Fortunately you’re wrong. Egypt has around 4 million feddans of fertile land. The project in the 60s was completed. With cultivating 3.5 million feddans east of the delta in behera, wadi natun, nubaria. North of Ismailia canal. West of menya.
But it took till 2010 to happen. Thing is egypt wants to duplicate that now every 7 years.
And it has already cultivated another 2.5 million feddans since 2014. In toshka, sharq el ouaynat, sharq el tafreea, extended east of wadi natroun to dabaa road, extending east of the valley to the golden triangle.
Reaching 10 million fedans of cultivated land with 4 fertile and 6 in the desert.
Next phase is new delta, connecting cultivation in toshka to sharq el ouaynat. Moving north in the golden triangle to fayium, and extending westward of the Suez Canal.
ETHIOPIAN dam is almost complete 91% next we will stop the flow of the nile completely , then we will redirect all rivers! Stay away from Ethiopia
I'm Egyptian ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Turning Sinai into a huge green area by looking at this map will have a huge ecological impact. The desert is an important habitat to many desert animals and desert plants including medicinal ones etc. it is a huge area and most probably it will need large groundwater abstraction which may also impact acquifers.. Deserts are important habitats too and can be used in eco tourism..
But the forests in america and Europe that they cut down is okay !
@@darvish19 lol did I ever say it is okay? Why are you off topic?
Deserts are useless
@@rooblez9005 lol and based on what you say so? you should study some desert ecology :)
Not to be that guy but this can’t be good for the ecosystem getting rid of an entire biodiverse environment like what wildlife will they even have now if it all evolved for the desert
No I completely understand I wonder what the consequences may be to, thanks so much for watching cheese cheese
@@theprimest all g
Yes... Egypt must become a green place... Thier deserts 🏜 must be reduced and the land must be made into farmland...afterwards a lot of fruit forests and if possible...fish farms as well...
Timur tengah berubah hijau , bangunan pencakar langit dimana mana,tanda: sudah muncul
I wouldnt waste money on polythene tunnel house ,they would be far too hot in the summer months .
How Egypt plans to green its desert in Becoming the World’s largest produce exporter
Looks like a viable projekt. 😅
but the evaporation process should be left 'as is' to rain.
Have a lovely day people.
The next Sri Lanka once the Nile dries up