Did I miss any pokemon? Related: 🔸 10 Weirdest Yokai: th-cam.com/video/1WnyUjuSQPI/w-d-xo.html 🔸 Jiraiya: th-cam.com/video/WW8OKP8aZjc/w-d-xo.html 🔸 Story of Oiwa (Japan's most famous ghost story): th-cam.com/video/esHwqz6n-KI/w-d-xo.html 🔸 Tanuki (Racoon Dogs with huge balls): th-cam.com/video/UvuhpbY88pk/w-d-xo.html 🔸 Kaguya-hime (Tale of the Bamboo Cutter): th-cam.com/video/nbZV2cUcTNY/w-d-xo.html 🔸 Dragon wife: th-cam.com/video/0nwpdIYA214/w-d-xo.html 🔸 Onamazu the Earthshaker: th-cam.com/video/C8eGv9hjJkA/w-d-xo.html Please consider supporting the channel =) 🔸PATREON (blog, art): www.patreon.com/Linfamy 🔸MERCH: teespring.com/stores/linfamy (shirts, stickers, phone cases, and more!) 🔸DONATE: www.paypal.me/Linfamy
They are very polite. They also like sumo so its the easiest way to get them to spill their water. I love that story. It reminded me the first time i went to Korea and felt like a heel, because I didn't know when to bow.
@@dragongaming5779 you mean like Rayquaza? You're forgetting this is a Japanese product. Asian Dragons are more Dragon to most Japanese people than Western Dragons lol.
This biggest inspiration for the Pokemon series was the 1967 TV show Ultraseven. In the show, every time the protagonist was unable to transform into the giant superhero Ultraseven, he would summon his multiple friendly "capsule kaiju" to help him fend off his enemies. Originally, Pokemon was going to be named "capsule monsters", but the name was already been registered by another company, so they chose "pocket monsters" in the end.
8:23 as a half China half Taiwan person I can confirm that “hōō” (鳳凰) is everywhere in our country , like even on doors ,it’s also usually shown with dragons(Chinese dragons) and sometimes it’s shown with fire around it but not always Hope this kinda helped with history xD ;>
I once read a story like that and they mentioned the name FeungHung for the bird.. I used to draw feunghung and dragon together... By the way I'm from Bangladesh🇧🇩
This explains A LOT. It never made sense to me that dragon types weren't what I considered a dragon and why they made so many "house hold object" Pokémon.
@@bificommander7472 People vaguely aware of animism and Japanese folklore: Yeah, that's the point! Pokemon will NEVER ever be realistic, they were NEVER meant to be. They are basically mythological creatures and spirits (even some modern, urban legends) re-contextualized for this day in age and made available to a wider audience. (mainly western cultures)
Dragon's go back a long way saying a particular Dragon pokemon was inspired by a particular Dragon from a particular culture is like saying a character who's an archer was inspired by robin hood there needs to be a clear connection
Idk, the majority of dragon type Pokemon look like dragons to me. No matter the shape or size of the dragon, I've probably heard some folklore about it, either local or from another place in Europe. There are only a few dragon type Pokemon that made me wonder why they are dragons.
Fun fact: the "Koma Inu" otherwise known in English as "Loin Dog" are to guard spirits from entering if they sense bad energy, men are always built on the exterior to protect, the females have their mouths open and warn off spirits who have gotten through the male and have wandered into interior. it's untraditional to have a females mouth closed and or on the exterior, and vice versa.
The story goes that meowth had a crush with another meowth and that female meowth admired humans so meowth learned to walk and learned to talk human language on outside tvs and listening to peaple but when meowth tried to impress the female meowth she just thought he was creepy and weird so she rejected meowth aww poor oh meowth
@@crash3560 James backstory is really interesting too I can’t recall Jessie but I get flashbacks of being bullied out of school for some reason? And some look alike that is engaged to James....god I wonder how james glowlie is..(edit recent series is making a lot of callback to the first series it’s really interesting lore wise and sounds like the next season is going back to kanto so we might see more of their backstory)
Zygarde is probably based on a combination of Norse and Indian serpents. His pairing with Aura Trio suggests a relationship with Jörmungandr, but his design is reminiscent of a multi-headed Nāgarāja. Fun fact: The astrological sign for Scorpio is sometimes depicted as a shrimp in Japanese Buddhist art. It's been proposed that the amikiri yōkai (which Gligar is based off) shares an etymological link with mysid shrimp which are called "ami" in Japanese. So the scorpion and shrimp are related through folklore.
He's based on neither. He's based on Nidhogg who gnaws at Yggdrasil's roots. Yveltal is based on Hresvelger who perches atop Yggdrasil and Xerneas is based on a deer whose name I don't remember who eats the leaves of the tree.
I just stumbled across this and wow; how interesting! Never knew Pokémon would be so closely associated with this branch of mythology. Thanks for the video!!
If you treat it well it will probably become lucky. Tsubakimono are my favorite yokai. There is a tale that says if naughty Yokai want to and shape up they can learn to be enlightened monks. Its so adorable.
Fun fact, Mawile is my favourite pokemon out of any other pokemon including the legendaries, mythicals and ultra beasts. Despite the disturbing backstory I still love them so much. Also the espeon fits into the two tailed cat thing category as it's tail splits at the end.
I think its more of the vibe. That the world is full of amazing creatures good and bad. Japan has such a visual culture that loves to draw. So it was a match made in heaven.
there's a little mistake with arcanine line and entei. they're not koma inu, they're shiisa, because of the lack of horn. the shiisa came from china where two guarded temples and palaces. when the legend came to japan they added the koma inu, looking the same but with a horn on its head. that's why in japanese temples are two statues, one representing the chinese shiisa and other one representing the koma inu. recently with the reveal of hisuian growlithe this is more obvious because they have a horn, while the common growlithe don't. sorry if there's any mistake, english isn't my main lenguage but i needed to write this!
There is an episode in Pokémon: Sun and Moon that talks about the origin of Celesteela (I can't remember exactly what happened, so feel free to correct me): Basically, an elderly couple find a green glow in a bamboo forest. When they approached the glow, it was from a bamboo shoot. They cared for the shoot and it grew, not into a bamboo, but a weird being. The villagers tried to get rid of it, but the elderly couple did not want them to hurt their bamboo shoot. Eventually, the shoot blasted off into the moon. But something happened so it was stuck underground for hundreds of years, until Ash and his friends find it and helped it blast off into the moon after creating a barrier around it to prevent a wildfire
"You know how some people like to sleep surround on all sides...by pillows. You know who you are 😑" Me: [hides all my body pillows] hehehe...yeah..those people...
Thank you for telling me about Snorunt, I thought it was based on the custom of the elderly wondering into the mountains in the winter to die during winter, I don't know which is more sad/horrifying! Love the channel!
I'm so glad you made a video of this. I've been wanting to search up the yokai Pokémon for years but I'm too lazy so when this popped up in my recommendations this morning I spam clicked that thumbnail so I could start watching it as soon as possible
Yokai are not demons, they are usually just spirts and entities which mostly don't really do harm to man. Only those who are either an Oni, Vengeful Yurei, or an evil Youkai will maliciously harm man.
@@LouisLixes Yokai are meant to serve as representations of negative phenomena. At most, the average Yokai was just a nuisance, so calling them evil is a stretch.
A lot of people basically define Kirin as Asian unicorns. Rapidash even looks like a unicorn. I remember first learning about the Kirin from an episode of mlp.
"Man collection...like stamp collection but more socially acceptable" 🤣💀 They way he casually throws in these comments is just *chef's kiss*. Japanese folklore is so fascinating and the fact that the world of Pokemon is related so closely makes it even cooler.
*WE GONNA RAP SOME YOKAI!* You do the Singing, I'll take care of the hard part, *HERE WE GO!!* Kistune, Raiju, Nekomata, Oni, Kappa, Ippon-Datada, Tengu, Inugami, Komianu, Tsuchinoko, Wani, Nokozuchi, Wanyudo, Basan Inugami, Jurigumo, Onikuma, Kamaitachi, Hanya, Futachi-, Yuki-Onna, Tanuki, Kirin, Kuchisake-Onna, Onamazu, Jinmenju, Rokurokubi, HÕÕ!!
I recently came across your videos, your voice and style of talking was main attraction but it ended up tickling my curiosity bone and now I am really into Japanese culture. Keep it up
I'm really glad you also mentioned some chinese roots! I feel like currently anything cool and remotely asian is given credit to Japan so I'm glad you're doing this!
Update: Good News! apparently the literal god of light is dumb enough to keep using Photon Geyser on a Zoroark disguised as a Mienshao, and one good Black Hole Eclipse sent that sucker to Null Space! The bad news? The fight opened up a bunch of Ultra Wormholes and now there's a Buzzwole bench pressing a fire truck, a Pheromosa that's causing a mass outbreak of Simpititis in the male population, and a Guzzlord is eating our garbage, dumpster and all. *Sigh* Gardevoir PokeSoul, don't fail me now...
I live in the Philippines so everytime Linfamy uploads a video, it's always around 11 PM on a Saturday night. I always look forward to that time. (And I slept, you guys. I seem to average about 4 hours of sleep a night. Went to bed at 6 PM.)
22:09 Interesting fact about the Kirin, they are originally from Chinese Mythology, though in China they are called "Qilin"(pronounced Chee-Lynn), in Japan & Korea they are called "Kirin" or "Girin"(though "Kirin" is the Modern Japanese Term & "Girin" is the Modern Korean term for Giraffe, because ancient explorers from Africa would bring Giraffes to Asian Countries and say that they are Qilin due to certain similarities that are often used to describe Qilin), in Thailand they are called "Gilin", in Vietnam they are called "Ky-Lan"(pronounced Key-Lynn), but despite being referred to as the "Chinese Unicorn", the Kirin(Qilin, etc.) is actually a chimerical hybrid of several different creatures, though for the most part it is pretty much some kind of "Dragon-Deer", mainly due to the Dragon-like Scales & association with Fire, and the Deer-like Body & Antlers, some even say that it is believed to somehow be a relative of the Sika Deer, many people often confuse it for a "Dragon-Horse", but the Chinese already have such a creature known as the "Longma", often described as a Horse with Dragon-like Scales, and breathes Fire, sometimes depicted with Dragon-like Wings, so for future reference: Longma = Dragon-Horse, Qilin/Kirin/etc. = Dragon-Deer, either way, lets all just be Chillin' like Qilin.
Your videos on Japanese history have been a life saver for me. I was able to to quickly grasp large chunks of info in a few days. I needed it for my Japanese history course. Thanks a ton man. Love from India
There are loads of videos about Japan and its folklore for example, and many are full of misinformation and weird pronunciation, but you did pretty well on most of the Yokai. Some had weird translations/pronunciation, but you did better than most. Pretty interesting video anyways. Thanks for the nice information! I always like hearing more about the Pokemon's background. They all have their own unique story and are creative although some ignorant people might claim otherwise... I believe the god who has a fish is Yebisu. I remember he often has a fishing rod, so I believe he also has a fish.
1) Kitsune -fox yokai 2) Raiju -electric 4 legged yokai 3) Maneki-neko -beckoning cat yokai 4) Bakeneko -monster cat yokai 5) Nekomata -cat with 2 tails yokai 6) Koma inu -lion dog yokai 7) Okuri inu -dog/wolf yokai that follows u at night 8) Oni -ogre/demon yokai 9) Japanese dragon 10) Wani -sea dragon yokai 11) Tsuchinoko -short snake like yokai 12) Suzaku -chinese vermillion bird (like a pheasant wrapped in flames) yokai 13) Hōō -sacred chinese bird 14) Tsukumogami -self aware common household objects yokai 15) Chochin-obake -old paper lantern ghost yokai 16) Oiwa -ghost which emerges from a paper lantern yokai 17) Baku -nightmare eater yokai 18) Kappa -pervert amphibian like yokai 19) Akaname -filth licker yokai 20) Kaguya-hime -bamboo stalk moon princess 21) Futakuchi-onna -2 mouth woman yokai 22) Yuki-onna -snow woman yokai 23) Shussebora -snail dragon like yokai from a gigantic snail creature called giant triton 24) Mizuchi -type of japanese dragon yokai from a gigantic snail creature called giant triton 25) Kamaitachi -weasle yokai 26) Tengu -long nosed mountain/forest yokai 27) Kotengu -bird like lesser and smaller tengu yokai 28) Onamazu -great catfish yokai causing earthquakes 29) Jinmenju -human faced tree yokai with fruits and flowers of human faces 30) Nukekubi -disembodied floating woman's head yokai 31) Hitodama -human soul yokai floating about near graveyards and at funeral houses after it dies 32) Gallant jiraiya -frog ninja 33) Sogenbi -monk sogen who becomes a floating head surrounded by flames yokai after he dies because of his crimes 34) Kurage no hinotama -floating jellyfish yokai like a ball of light floating in air 35) Sazae oni -small type of snail called the turban snail as a sexy drowning woman yokai 36) Daruma doll -good luck charm dolls which are made to look like bodhidharma monk popular for finding zen buddhism 37) Tanuki -japanese racoon dog yokai 38) Kodama -yokai as a spirit of the forest or the trees in which the spirit lives in drawn as an orb of light that hangs around trees 39) Amikiri - crustacean looking yokai cutting nets (fishing nets, mosquito nets) 40) Kirin -sacred horse/unicorn like beast 41) Dokyo -chinese bronze mirror 42) Dotaku -chinese bronze bell 43) Shikigami -piece of paper yokai which is imbued with the summoned spirit servant 44) Yuki warashi -snow child yokai 45) Hakutaku -smart white ox yokai 46) Basan -bird that looks like a chicken that breathes fire yokai 47) Nasu baba -spirit of an old woman with purple skin that haunts the area around the famous temple enryaku-ji and warns the temple of disasters 48) Daidarabotchi -a huge yokai that can change landscapes from it's footprints 49) Omukade -super venomous giant centipede yokai that can eat people 50) Mokumokuren -paper door yokai which accumulates holes over time which become eyes on it 51) Inari -God of fertility and agriculture 52) Fujin -God of the wind 53) Raijin -God of thunder and lightening
22:29 Doesn’t this also sound like the deer like forest spirit from princess Mononoke!? 😯 In the movie they emphasized how the creature walks so lightly on grass and how it can walk across water, it’s also so kind to all the other animals in the forest.
Moltres is the Vermillion Bird that makes perfect sense because S.S Ann is at Vermillion City in FRLG and Molters is in One Island where you have to catch it.
Ebisu is the one of the 7 lucky gods who holds a fish. He's depicted as a happy, fat, bearded person who looks like a fisherman mostly carrying a rod in one of his hands and a "tai" in the other. Which he's the god of fishing and commercial exchanges. Ebisu also is admired as the god of businesses.
Oh, that's an interesting video and different from your usual stuff, I liked it :D Edit: Also, I believe you missed Keldeo, which is also a Kirin as far I know.
I played Yo-kai Watch 1, 2, 3, ..., so I see many familiar names here. I even guessed a few of them. Really feel Pokemon has many interesting things. Thanks for this video 😊. A like and a new subscribe for you 👍
Lycanrock is based on werewolves. The name is a reference to lycanthropy, the "medical name" for werewolf sickness. The increasing aggressiveness with night time makes more sense this way too.
Side note: it took me years to figure out that the reason Blaziken is part fighting type was because of rooster fighting, the lucky god that carries a fish is Ebisu
17:45 Is it possible that Lampent may also based on Ao'andon : 青行燈 (Blue Lantern, Blue Lamp) ? Since it has similar blue-ish flame in the lantern and in order to summon the Ao'andon you have to perform a "100 ghost stories ritual" because Ao'andon is feast on human's fear toward ghost stories which also similar to Lampent's human souls absorbing behavior.
While I agree with him about Kitsune refers to foxes in general he left out the fact that there is a specific name that can be used to refer specifically to 9 tailed foxes and that is Kyuubi. Not saying it's the only name for a 9 tailed fox just that it's a name specifically for them since 9 tailed foxes, being the oldest and strongest as he said, are considered special and thus valued more. Doesn't take away from his facts, just an extra little tidbit.
14:49 is hands down my favorite quote to come out of this series. “Hoo boy. This game holds both your hands. And your feet. And just drags you along.” (Dan)
I feel that it's only natural that Pokemon is based on animals from Japanese folklore as Pokemon is originally a Japanese animation but still it's nice to see this video very informative💕
6:57 I expect you did through research but that goes saying nothing is perfect. Gyarados is a dragon but before it was a fish that is magikarp, this two represent the lagend of Koi no Taki Nobori. Which is a carp that success in climbing waterfall and reach dragon gate will turn into a dragon. The legend was something like that.
When you come from touhou and nioh and already knew most of them. Also litwick and its evolutions could be based off of the onibi, floating demon fire, as well since onibi are said to suck out the lifeforce of living beings when they get near them to fuel their flame, just like litwick and evolutions. Yes, I really love japanese mythology, folklore and yokai.
Or kitsune bi. They say in preindustrial times swamps and ponds would get lots of gas. They occur all over the world. Usually they are seen as indifferent to humans if not malicious.
@@elizabethlee2136 I do know of the kitsunebi and in fact there are even more floating fires created by yokai in japanese folklore such as tanukibi, tengubi and so on. While all of these are said to come in a variety of colours, most floating fires are described to be between the red-yellow-green spectrum with the onibi being the most prominent to sport a blue colour and be actually "malicious", while most other flames are like you said indifferent or possibly malicious. The reason for putting quotation marks was because there is even a debate whether these types of floating fires truly are their own "yokai" or if they are even sentient. The onibi is propably the easiest candidate to defend as sentient, while kitsunebi for example could just be called a "creation/byproduct" of an actual yokai. Another possible explanation for these myths about floating fires around the world, like onibi or western will o wisps, could be due to swarms of fireflies and lightbugs back in the day since there just was generally more nature back when those myths were created. I am not trying to discredit or disprove you, but I feel this pokemons main inspiration was actually the onibi, since its characteristics just fits better and generally it's the more well known of the floating fires. All this is due to my own research of course and besides when it comes to any myth or folklore around the world in general you'll find inconsistencies and different versions even two villages or "cities" apart and then there are sects, splinter groups, all divided by date and geographical location and so on and so forth, so in myth there just isn't a definitive answer. Again, just wrote all this just because I thought you might be interested, not to attack you or something.
Very interesting and well-done as usual! One thing - No.85 Kartana looks like more Noshi (熨斗/のし) to me. 熨斗 is a traditional paper decoration to be put on a gift of the happy occasions. (By the way, about the cat one, when I see him, the first thing comes to my mind is Neko ni Koban 猫に小判, a Japanese saying, meaning Pearls for a swine.)
18:30 there is also a legend of a princess learning toad magic, her name is Takiyasha hime ; or waterfall demon princess : I guess Japan likes toads!(?)
Did I miss any pokemon?
🔸 10 Weirdest Yokai: th-cam.com/video/1WnyUjuSQPI/w-d-xo.html
🔸 Jiraiya: th-cam.com/video/WW8OKP8aZjc/w-d-xo.html
🔸 Story of Oiwa (Japan's most famous ghost story): th-cam.com/video/esHwqz6n-KI/w-d-xo.html
🔸 Tanuki (Racoon Dogs with huge balls): th-cam.com/video/UvuhpbY88pk/w-d-xo.html
🔸 Kaguya-hime (Tale of the Bamboo Cutter): th-cam.com/video/nbZV2cUcTNY/w-d-xo.html
🔸 Dragon wife: th-cam.com/video/0nwpdIYA214/w-d-xo.html
🔸 Onamazu the Earthshaker: th-cam.com/video/C8eGv9hjJkA/w-d-xo.html
Please consider supporting the channel =)
🔸PATREON (blog, art): www.patreon.com/Linfamy
🔸MERCH: teespring.com/stores/linfamy (shirts, stickers, phone cases, and more!)
🔸DONATE: www.paypal.me/Linfamy
Yuki-Ona is Japanese version of white walker
I really should have played a drinking game for every Pokemon yokai you did a video on 🤔.. to bad it's it's 11am...
The Magikarp/Gyarodos evolutionary line is a reference to the tale of the Dragon Gate at the top of a waterfall
@@TreYetto never too early ;)
@@TheKenchanx that's right! :D That's a cool tale but I didn't include it because it's a Chinese tale
Fun Fact: A common way to stop the Kappa is to continually bow until it bows, spilling out all its water
They are very polite. They also like sumo so its the easiest way to get them to spill their water. I love that story. It reminded me the first time i went to Korea and felt like a heel, because I didn't know when to bow.
That's pretty cool 😄
What do you mean by 'spilling out all its water?'
@@Abyss_Trips they have water in the flat hole in their head.
Also magikarp evolving into Gyrados is based on the story of the fish that swam up a waterfall and turned into a dragon.
and it still isn't a dragon
@@thestandthatcaneraseagiven6787 and that Apple is a dragon
More specifically it's the Carp that leaped the Dragon Gate. A Chinese myth
Its Not A Dragon Its A Serpent Dragon Like A Chinese Dragon
@@dragongaming5779 you mean like Rayquaza?
You're forgetting this is a Japanese product. Asian Dragons are more Dragon to most Japanese people than Western Dragons lol.
This biggest inspiration for the Pokemon series was the 1967 TV show Ultraseven. In the show, every time the protagonist was unable to transform into the giant superhero Ultraseven, he would summon his multiple friendly "capsule kaiju" to help him fend off his enemies. Originally, Pokemon was going to be named "capsule monsters", but the name was already been registered by another company, so they chose "pocket monsters" in the end.
...Ben 10?
@@StonedtotheBones13ben 10 was also a show inspired by ultraman
Everybody gangsta until nine tails grows a 10th tail
Naruto in a nutshell
everyone gangsta until nine tailes get's a 11th tail
The nine tail fox has entered the facility
0:13 Vulpix and Ninetales
1:32 Zorua and Zoroark
1:50 Fennekin, Braixen and Delphox
2:17 Pikachu
3:16 Raichu, Pichu, Manetric
3:20 Meowth
4:46 Purrloin, Espurr, and Meowstic (maybe Mew and Mewtwo)
5:15 Growlithe, Arcanine, and Entei
5:29 Lycanroc (midday form, midnight form, and dusk form.)
6:16 Electabuzz
6:43 Grimmsnarl and Glalie
6:54 Rayquaza, Dratini, Dragonair, and Gyarados
7:27 Dunsparce
7:44 Zygarde (50% form)
7:52 Moltres
8:19 Ho-oh
9:28 Voltorb, Banette, Rotom, Honedge, Klefki, Litwick, and Chimecho
9:33 Duskull, Dusclops, and Dusknoir
10:13 Drowzee, Hypno, Munna, and Musharna
11:14 Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, and Golduck
12:33 Lickitung, Lickilicky
13:07 Celesteela
13:40 Malwile
14:02 Froslass
14:44 Sliggoo, and Goodra (Questionable?)
15:19 Sneasel and Weavile
15:54 Shiftry and Nuzleaf
16:34 Whiscash
16:54 Exeggutor
17:25 Misdreavus
17:45 Lampent
18:05 Greninja
18:36 Gastly
18:58 Frillish and Jellicent
19:26 Slowbro and Slowking
20:35 Darumaka and Darmanitan (zen mode)
20:56 Zigzagoon
21:13 Celebi, Phantump and Trevenant
21:47 Gligar and Gliscor
22:08 Ponyta and Rapidash
22:40 Suicune
22:49 Bronzor and Bronzong
23:58 Kartana
24:19 Snorunt
24:53 Absol
25:32 Magmar, Torchic, Combusken, and Blaziken
25:51 Mismagius (only included so you don’t complain in the comments)
26:18 Regi-Jesus...? Regigijas...? Regigigas!
26:46 Giratina and Centiskorch
26:56 Stakataka (speculative)
27:25 Landorus
27:43 Tornadus
27:58 and Thundurus
Thank you 🙏
@@nullvoid7188 E
Damn thats a long comment
8:23 as a half China half Taiwan person I can confirm that “hōō” (鳳凰) is everywhere in our country , like even on doors ,it’s also usually shown with dragons(Chinese dragons) and sometimes it’s shown with fire around it but not always
Hope this kinda helped with history xD ;>
I once read a story like that and they mentioned the name FeungHung for the bird..
I used to draw feunghung and dragon together...
By the way I'm from Bangladesh🇧🇩
@@birdwatchingwithdrrajasaur4410 :0 Cool, noice
Wtf is taiwan
@@Queso_19 where have you lived all these years? 😂
-1000000000000000000000 social point
Espeon is also based on the cat with two tails!
Espeon isn't a cat. It's a fox.
@@blitzwolfmon9790 It's clearly more of a cat than anything. It has the most cat like features out of any of the eeveelutions lmao.
I heard Jibanyan.
sylveon is based on a moon goddess that has slot of ribbons
This explains A LOT.
It never made sense to me that dragon types weren't what I considered a dragon and why they made so many "house hold object" Pokémon.
Western centrism can blind you to other cultures and concepts
"Some of these creatures couldn't exist, right down to the bone.
That one's just a pile of gears and that's a fucking ice cream cone."
People vaguely aware of animism and Japanese folklore: Yeah, that's the point! Pokemon will NEVER ever be realistic, they were NEVER meant to be. They are basically mythological creatures and spirits (even some modern, urban legends) re-contextualized for this day in age and made available to a wider audience. (mainly western cultures)
Dragon's go back a long way saying a particular Dragon pokemon was inspired by a particular Dragon from a particular culture is like saying a character who's an archer was inspired by robin hood there needs to be a clear connection
Idk, the majority of dragon type Pokemon look like dragons to me. No matter the shape or size of the dragon, I've probably heard some folklore about it, either local or from another place in Europe. There are only a few dragon type Pokemon that made me wonder why they are dragons.
Fun fact: the "Koma Inu" otherwise known in English as "Loin Dog" are to guard spirits from entering if they sense bad energy, men are always built on the exterior to protect, the females have their mouths open and warn off spirits who have gotten through the male and have wandered into interior. it's untraditional to have a females mouth closed and or on the exterior, and vice versa.
its the lions in front of temples and stuff
And the origin is the same as sphinx.
Lion Dog,not Loin Dog.
5:04 So that's why when Eevee evolves to Espeon it looks more feline, has a split tail AND gains psychic powers.. wow...
Oooohhhh that makes sense now
I like that I'm being roasted by this guy as I'm learning
Everyone seems to prefer lugia over ho-oh but I actually really like ho-oh more. It just looks so royal and majestic
As a kid i thoight ho-oh was a red chicken
I do prefer ho-oh too. It's my favourite legendary.
@@ShioOtanashi *Excuseme?*
Personally I love both but Probably Lugia more because it's looks a bit like wyverns, I love ho-oh because he looks like phoenix
Shuppet and castform are based on てるてる坊主 teru teru bōzu, small ghost-like paper dolls hung by farmers to ward off rainy days and bring good weather.
@LagiNaLangAko23 A possessed doll that could be a reference to a shikigami or a wara ningyo (a curse doll made of straw)
wait hail yeah boi is based on a yokai
I thought that Mimikyu was one too
Like the thing in fairy tail???
Castforn isn’t a ghost type do,and mimikyu is likely based on that too.
That's why Meowth can talk with humans in the anime :) just realized
That's pretty bad ass come to think about it.
You haven’t heard Meowths story, have you?
The story goes that meowth had a crush with another meowth and that female meowth admired humans so meowth learned to walk and learned to talk human language on outside tvs and listening to peaple but when meowth tried to impress the female meowth she just thought he was creepy and weird so she rejected meowth aww poor oh meowth
@@crash3560 James backstory is really interesting too I can’t recall Jessie but I get flashbacks of being bullied out of school for some reason? And some look alike that is engaged to James....god I wonder how james glowlie is..(edit recent series is making a lot of callback to the first series it’s really interesting lore wise and sounds like the next season is going back to kanto so we might see more of their backstory)
Well, the team rocket meowth is the only pokemon that can talk.
Zygarde is probably based on a combination of Norse and Indian serpents. His pairing with Aura Trio suggests a relationship with Jörmungandr, but his design is reminiscent of a multi-headed Nāgarāja.
Fun fact: The astrological sign for Scorpio is sometimes depicted as a shrimp in Japanese Buddhist art. It's been proposed that the amikiri yōkai (which Gligar is based off) shares an etymological link with mysid shrimp which are called "ami" in Japanese. So the scorpion and shrimp are related through folklore.
He's based on neither. He's based on Nidhogg who gnaws at Yggdrasil's roots. Yveltal is based on Hresvelger who perches atop Yggdrasil and Xerneas is based on a deer whose name I don't remember who eats the leaves of the tree.
Proved that she was a dragon just after giving birth.....”so a normal marriage” 😂😂😂😂
I mean hes not wrong
Im not married but seing my family this comment has a point
That comment almost killed me
boomer humour
I just stumbled across this and wow; how interesting! Never knew Pokémon would be so closely associated with this branch of mythology. Thanks for the video!!
Thanks for watching!
wait, does that mean my pikachu plushy I've had for 27 years will turn into a yokai? XD
If you treat it well it will probably become lucky. Tsubakimono are my favorite yokai. There is a tale that says if naughty Yokai want to and shape up they can learn to be enlightened monks. Its so adorable.
wow, that means you are gonna have a real life pokemon
In a couple hundred years
Only if you pour a lot of your emotions into it!
Hm… should’ve found one more pokemon to make it an even 100 😭
most definitely
I think Raikou qualifies with the Raiju for the 100th
Numbers aside, I most enjoyed the mini stories and scattered throughout the video. :) I cannot look at my Pokedex the same way again. :0
No, 99 is the safe way of to do 百物語, so you did right.
Ahh man, I need to get rid of my husband soon. He is showing signs of being self aware
Dangit that's the third time this month!
Is that a joke, or a sign that you treat your husband as an object
Oh wait, limfamy said that
@Waddup Mayne LMAO
Fun fact,
Mawile is my favourite pokemon out of any other pokemon including the legendaries, mythicals and ultra beasts. Despite the disturbing backstory I still love them so much.
Also the espeon fits into the two tailed cat thing category as it's tail splits at the end.
hey, i rarely meet anyone else who's favorite is also mawile! good taste :-D
No way Mawile is my favorite Pokémon too!
Mawile appreciation.
Freaking awesome. =^^=
Ever since it was first introduced, I always get that pokemon in my game.
Yooo! Mawile's my favorite too! :D
My favorite is and always will be espeon
But i also apreciate mawile a lot it is one of my favorite dark type pokemon ;)
Gaijin goombah i've been expecting you to be here boi.
Goombah approved!
One of the reasons that I love the Pokémon and Yo Kai Watch games is that most of the Pokémon/Yo Kai are based on actual Japanese Yo Kai.
I think its more of the vibe. That the world is full of amazing creatures good and bad. Japan has such a visual culture that loves to draw. So it was a match made in heaven.
there's a little mistake with arcanine line and entei. they're not koma inu, they're shiisa, because of the lack of horn. the shiisa came from china where two guarded temples and palaces. when the legend came to japan they added the koma inu, looking the same but with a horn on its head. that's why in japanese temples are two statues, one representing the chinese shiisa and other one representing the koma inu. recently with the reveal of hisuian growlithe this is more obvious because they have a horn, while the common growlithe don't.
sorry if there's any mistake, english isn't my main lenguage but i needed to write this!
Now I know why chika hated lightning and said “the god of thunder will steal my belly button”
Don't worry the normal monster Riko-Pi will save her!
I’m a Japanese yōkai enthusiast, and I have to commend you on your great pronunciation of the yokais’ names! I enjoyed this video very much 😊
I’m Japanese too
@@スタバ-w6h shouldnt your name have クス at the end?
Starba(スタバ)is an abbreviation for Starbucks(スターバックス)
@@スタバ-w6h I’ve always wanted to learn Japanese Bc my sister lives there
There is an episode in Pokémon: Sun and Moon that talks about the origin of Celesteela (I can't remember exactly what happened, so feel free to correct me):
Basically, an elderly couple find a green glow in a bamboo forest. When they approached the glow, it was from a bamboo shoot. They cared for the shoot and it grew, not into a bamboo, but a weird being. The villagers tried to get rid of it, but the elderly couple did not want them to hurt their bamboo shoot. Eventually, the shoot blasted off into the moon.
But something happened so it was stuck underground for hundreds of years, until Ash and his friends find it and helped it blast off into the moon after creating a barrier around it to prevent a wildfire
"You know how some people like to sleep surround on all sides...by pillows. You know who you are 😑"
Me: [hides all my body pillows] hehehe...yeah..those people...
😂 it's all good 👍
@@Linfamy I feel personally attacked
So true. I have to only use half of my bed to be covered in pillows
26:19 Ah,yes our favorite holy being R e g i - j e s u s
Thank you for telling me about Snorunt, I thought it was based on the custom of the elderly wondering into the mountains in the winter to die during winter, I don't know which is more sad/horrifying! Love the channel!
I watched until the end and Eevee showed up.
Same here. :D
*Eevee used quick attack for hugs*
Was it effective?
Well, was it??
@@Linfamy Yes it was effective. *cute Eeevee noises*
@LagiNaLangAko23 lol
@Qwerty oh no! Really?
It's a good thing I found this channel, now I can learn about japanese history, beliefs, traditions, and culture, I'm very interested in Japan.
Me too! Yay!
I'm so glad you made a video of this. I've been wanting to search up the yokai Pokémon for years but I'm too lazy so when this popped up in my recommendations this morning I spam clicked that thumbnail so I could start watching it as soon as possible
And people were calling Christians crazy when they said that Pokémon are literally inspired by demons.
I was thinking the same thing my family would tell me that all the time
Not all yokais are bad, there are some who do good things, like the ones in this video.
Yokai are not demons, they are usually just spirts and entities which mostly don't really do harm to man. Only those who are either an Oni, Vengeful Yurei, or an evil Youkai will maliciously harm man.
@@ousamadearudesuwa Just do a simple research and you will see that Youkais are evil per se, there are exceptions but in general they are evil.
Yokai are meant to serve as representations of negative phenomena. At most, the average Yokai was just a nuisance, so calling them evil is a stretch.
The one dislike is people that hate the Pokémon that are base off of these myths
No, it's because he is a passive-aggressive MASK N*A*Z*I*!
20 asses of such origin have done so by the time I watched
my guess is that they got pissed for not having their favorite pokémon mentioned.
@@sunglassshinpan1352 The sad part is, you're probably right.
And people that hate ykw
The depiction of the Hakutaku was mind boggling. What a treasure.
A lot of people basically define Kirin as Asian unicorns. Rapidash even looks like a unicorn. I remember first learning about the Kirin from an episode of mlp.
I personally think Ponyta and Rapidash being kirins is a bit of a stretch
Me cross-comparing with demons from Inuyasha...I’ll never look at Jaken the same way again.
Me too
Who was prototype of Jaken?
@@YuYu-qs8mz hes a kappa (anus ball stealer)
@@raygin6581 thought about kappa but he doesn't look like that.
Well, not only demons. Some mere mortals too.
Interesting vid.
All the yokai info you provide is really helpful for ideas for urban fantasy rpgs.
"Man collection...like stamp collection but more socially acceptable" 🤣💀 They way he casually throws in these comments is just *chef's kiss*. Japanese folklore is so fascinating and the fact that the world of Pokemon is related so closely makes it even cooler.
You do the Singing, I'll take care of the hard part, *HERE WE GO!!*
Kistune, Raiju, Nekomata,
Oni, Kappa, Ippon-Datada,
Tengu, Inugami, Komianu,
Tsuchinoko, Wani, Nokozuchi,
Wanyudo, Basan Inugami,
Jurigumo, Onikuma, Kamaitachi,
Hanya, Futachi-, Yuki-Onna,
Tanuki, Kirin, Kuchisake-Onna,
Onamazu, Jinmenju, Rokurokubi, HÕÕ!!
LOL do this, but in audio form :D
If I only had the audio equipment
I can hear the HÕÕ at the end🤣🤣
Thank you
Gotta learn about them all
Got to learn about them
This was so fun to watch. I barely know any Pokemons beyond gen 4, but this, this was amazing! Thank you!
11:35 "Stories differ on what this ball is..."
Me: -don't say "g-spot" dont say "g-spot" don't say "g-spot"-
I was ...."say g spot say g spot say g spot"
Don’t you mean p-spot?
"with his paw going up n down like come here spend money"
I recently came across your videos, your voice and style of talking was main attraction but it ended up tickling my curiosity bone and now I am really into Japanese culture. Keep it up
Sawk and Throh are based on Oni, specifically the tale of the red and blue oni (I can’t remember the specifics)
i watched until the end and a Mr.mime just came to my bedroom window
Told ya. What did he want?
@@goodtato7609 My mind went from 😲 to 😅 and then 🤫.
I'm really glad you also mentioned some chinese roots! I feel like currently anything cool and remotely asian is given credit to Japan so I'm glad you're doing this!
"If you watch the video all the way to the end, a random Pokemon will visit you."
30 minutes later...
*Ultra Necrozma Appeared!*
Update: Good News! apparently the literal god of light is dumb enough to keep using Photon Geyser on a Zoroark disguised as a Mienshao, and one good Black Hole Eclipse sent that sucker to Null Space!
The bad news? The fight opened up a bunch of Ultra Wormholes and now there's a Buzzwole bench pressing a fire truck, a Pheromosa that's causing a mass outbreak of Simpititis in the male population, and a Guzzlord is eating our garbage, dumpster and all.
Gardevoir PokeSoul, don't fail me now...
@@karenbonds264 where are solgaleo and lunala when you need em?!
Lucky you. Mine was just a Buterfree from behind the window for a second.
@@karenbonds264 whats kartana doing
I live in the Philippines so everytime Linfamy uploads a video, it's always around 11 PM on a Saturday night. I always look forward to that time.
(And I slept, you guys. I seem to average about 4 hours of sleep a night. Went to bed at 6 PM.)
You're the best
Me too
Me too
I love yokai
Even the yokai watch
This explains so much on so many levels 👏 ty for making this.
22:09 Interesting fact about the Kirin, they are originally from Chinese Mythology, though in China they are called "Qilin"(pronounced Chee-Lynn), in Japan & Korea they are called "Kirin" or "Girin"(though "Kirin" is the Modern Japanese Term & "Girin" is the Modern Korean term for Giraffe, because ancient explorers from Africa would bring Giraffes to Asian Countries and say that they are Qilin due to certain similarities that are often used to describe Qilin), in Thailand they are called "Gilin", in Vietnam they are called "Ky-Lan"(pronounced Key-Lynn), but despite being referred to as the "Chinese Unicorn", the Kirin(Qilin, etc.) is actually a chimerical hybrid of several different creatures, though for the most part it is pretty much some kind of "Dragon-Deer", mainly due to the Dragon-like Scales & association with Fire, and the Deer-like Body & Antlers, some even say that it is believed to somehow be a relative of the Sika Deer, many people often confuse it for a "Dragon-Horse", but the Chinese already have such a creature known as the "Longma", often described as a Horse with Dragon-like Scales, and breathes Fire, sometimes depicted with Dragon-like Wings, so for future reference: Longma = Dragon-Horse, Qilin/Kirin/etc. = Dragon-Deer, either way, lets all just be Chillin' like Qilin.
Nice, thank you!
@@Linfamy No problem, maybe someday you could make a video about their lore, not just in Japan, but throughout all of Asia.
@ꨓꨕ་ꨚꨝ་ꨆꨈ ꪒꪲꪐꪬ But what does That sound more like in English?
@@skurvay3429 key-lung
@@Linfamy Well I was close, and I did get That name from Wikipedia, so perhaps you should convince them to change That possible mistranslation.
"a random pokemon will visit you"
Sister: *comes into my room*
Never knew that real Pikachu could be this scary 😱😱
Whenever I hear the word "Kaguya-hime", I am tempted to sing "Daddy Daddy Do."
ehe te nandayo!
This was SO good! Thank you!!!
Glad you like!
The video: talking about Pokemon’s backstory/where design came from
Me being another unoriginal person: *JiBaNyAn*
Your videos on Japanese history have been a life saver for me. I was able to to quickly grasp large chunks of info in a few days. I needed it for my Japanese history course. Thanks a ton man. Love from India
Glad you found them helpful!
Heres some other potential ones
Venusaur (Ogama)
Jynx (Yamauba)
Ariados (Tsuchigomo)
Muk (Dorotabo)
Hydreigon (Yamata No Orochi)
Grimmsnarl (Otoroshi)
Noivern (Nobusuma)
Primeape (Nue) Might be a stretch
Scrafty (Imori)
Kingler (Heikegani)
Sawk & Throah (Oni)
Cyndaquill (Kodama Nezumi)
Linoone (Mujina)
Decidueye (Tatarimokke)
I appreciate all the work & research that went into this informative video!!
Thanks for watching =)
So this video is basically an endless reference to your other videos. Shameless! :D
I have 0 shame xD
Fun Fact: Dusknoir is based off of a drinking dancer yokai, which also has a face on its belly, complete with a tongue too.
There are loads of videos about Japan and its folklore for example, and many are full of misinformation and weird pronunciation, but you did pretty well on most of the Yokai. Some had weird translations/pronunciation, but you did better than most. Pretty interesting video anyways. Thanks for the nice information! I always like hearing more about the Pokemon's background. They all have their own unique story and are creative although some ignorant people might claim otherwise...
I believe the god who has a fish is Yebisu. I remember he often has a fishing rod, so I believe he also has a fish.
Nothing makes me smile so much when I hear, "Yo-ohhhhhhhhhh!" *Dahduhdah*
Thank you for all the Hokusai prints in the background!
that's my notification sound
1) Kitsune -fox yokai
2) Raiju -electric 4 legged yokai
3) Maneki-neko -beckoning cat yokai
4) Bakeneko -monster cat yokai
5) Nekomata -cat with 2 tails yokai
6) Koma inu -lion dog yokai
7) Okuri inu -dog/wolf yokai that follows u at night
8) Oni -ogre/demon yokai
9) Japanese dragon
10) Wani -sea dragon yokai
11) Tsuchinoko -short snake like yokai
12) Suzaku -chinese vermillion bird (like a pheasant wrapped in flames) yokai
13) Hōō -sacred chinese bird
14) Tsukumogami -self aware common household objects yokai
15) Chochin-obake -old paper lantern ghost yokai
16) Oiwa -ghost which emerges from a paper lantern yokai
17) Baku -nightmare eater yokai
18) Kappa -pervert amphibian like yokai
19) Akaname -filth licker yokai
20) Kaguya-hime -bamboo stalk moon princess
21) Futakuchi-onna -2 mouth woman yokai
22) Yuki-onna -snow woman yokai
23) Shussebora -snail dragon like yokai from a gigantic snail creature called giant triton
24) Mizuchi -type of japanese dragon yokai from a gigantic snail creature called giant triton
25) Kamaitachi -weasle yokai
26) Tengu -long nosed mountain/forest yokai
27) Kotengu -bird like lesser and smaller tengu yokai
28) Onamazu -great catfish yokai causing earthquakes
29) Jinmenju -human faced tree yokai with fruits and flowers of human faces
30) Nukekubi -disembodied floating woman's head yokai
31) Hitodama -human soul yokai floating about near graveyards and at funeral houses after it dies
32) Gallant jiraiya -frog ninja
33) Sogenbi -monk sogen who becomes a floating head surrounded by flames yokai after he dies because of his crimes
34) Kurage no hinotama -floating jellyfish yokai like a ball of light floating in air
35) Sazae oni -small type of snail called the turban snail as a sexy drowning woman yokai
36) Daruma doll -good luck charm dolls which are made to look like bodhidharma monk popular for finding zen buddhism
37) Tanuki -japanese racoon dog yokai
38) Kodama -yokai as a spirit of the forest or the trees in which the spirit lives in drawn as an orb of light that hangs around trees
39) Amikiri - crustacean looking yokai cutting nets (fishing nets, mosquito nets)
40) Kirin -sacred horse/unicorn like beast
41) Dokyo -chinese bronze mirror
42) Dotaku -chinese bronze bell
43) Shikigami -piece of paper yokai which is imbued with the summoned spirit servant
44) Yuki warashi -snow child yokai
45) Hakutaku -smart white ox yokai
46) Basan -bird that looks like a chicken that breathes fire yokai
47) Nasu baba -spirit of an old woman with purple skin that haunts the area around the famous temple enryaku-ji and warns the temple of disasters
48) Daidarabotchi -a huge yokai that can change landscapes from it's footprints
49) Omukade -super venomous giant centipede yokai that can eat people
50) Mokumokuren -paper door yokai which accumulates holes over time which become eyes on it
51) Inari -God of fertility and agriculture
52) Fujin -God of the wind
53) Raijin -God of thunder and lightening
i'm watching this on my computer and the "who's that pokemon?!" theme played on my phone. that's unsettling
so that's why u always use pokémon reference in some of your videos
lol 😅
22:29 Doesn’t this also sound like the deer like forest spirit from princess Mononoke!? 😯 In the movie they emphasized how the creature walks so lightly on grass and how it can walk across water, it’s also so kind to all the other animals in the forest.
Me:reaches the end of the video*
Random Umbreon: appears*
Me:pets the Umbreon*
Umbreon: appears in front of you*
Me: :)
@@dariusmackaine2669 :D
@@Pranjalplays_ sad does it work
@@rfzussman idk
Moltres is the Vermillion Bird that makes perfect sense because S.S Ann is at Vermillion City in FRLG and Molters is in One Island where you have to catch it.
Ebisu is the one of the 7 lucky gods who holds a fish.
He's depicted as a happy, fat, bearded person who looks like a fisherman mostly carrying a rod in one of his hands and a "tai" in the other. Which he's the god of fishing and commercial exchanges. Ebisu also is admired as the god of businesses.
Oh, that's an interesting video and different from your usual stuff, I liked it :D
Edit: Also, I believe you missed Keldeo, which is also a Kirin as far I know.
Ah, thanks!
Me and the other Yo-Kai Watch fans rolling up to this:
I'm a yo-kai fan that show slaps so hard
Man I'm glad I found this video it's so accurate
@@dredzel5775 I'm talking about the games
@@shellyvision9693 oh sorry I thought you were talking about the tv show but I also like the game's
I played Yo-kai Watch 1, 2, 3, ..., so I see many familiar names here. I even guessed a few of them. Really feel Pokemon has many interesting things.
Thanks for this video 😊. A like and a new subscribe for you 👍
Lycanrock is based on werewolves. The name is a reference to lycanthropy, the "medical name" for werewolf sickness. The increasing aggressiveness with night time makes more sense this way too.
Ur talking about the Westernized name "Lycanroc".
bro u just lost all ur friends 💀
@@pinoycartalk the Japanese name ルガルガンis based on the French word for werewolf, loup-garou
@@libertyprime1997 i mean are really just letting this channel make shit up? Lmao my friends prefer people who arent full of shit
Side note: it took me years to figure out that the reason Blaziken is part fighting type was because of rooster fighting, the lucky god that carries a fish is Ebisu
17:45 Is it possible that Lampent may also based on Ao'andon : 青行燈 (Blue Lantern, Blue Lamp) ? Since it has similar blue-ish flame in the lantern and in order to summon the Ao'andon you have to perform a "100 ghost stories ritual" because Ao'andon is feast on human's fear toward ghost stories which also similar to Lampent's human souls absorbing behavior.
Yay this is literally my fastest arrival to a video
Me too
Me too
@@Linfamy lol
While I agree with him about Kitsune refers to foxes in general he left out the fact that there is a specific name that can be used to refer specifically to 9 tailed foxes and that is Kyuubi. Not saying it's the only name for a 9 tailed fox just that it's a name specifically for them since 9 tailed foxes, being the oldest and strongest as he said, are considered special and thus valued more.
Doesn't take away from his facts, just an extra little tidbit.
14:49 is hands down my favorite quote to come out of this series. “Hoo boy. This game holds both your hands. And your feet. And just drags you along.” (Dan)
Glad you like 😁❤
THE BEST VIDEO EVER! Pokemon and a history lesson on their origins. To whom ever thumb down this video is a baka😝.
I feel that it's only natural that Pokemon is based on animals from Japanese folklore as Pokemon is originally a Japanese animation but still it's nice to see this video very informative💕
Now; this is an absolutely magnificent & well appraisal list! 👍
I spent way too much time on it 😅
@@Linfamy Its absolutely worth it!
Its both enjoyable and informative as well as entertaining
6:57 I expect you did through research but that goes saying nothing is perfect. Gyarados is a dragon but before it was a fish that is magikarp, this two represent the lagend of Koi no Taki Nobori. Which is a carp that success in climbing waterfall and reach dragon gate will turn into a dragon. The legend was something like that.
Amazing content dude
When you come from touhou and nioh and already knew most of them.
Also litwick and its evolutions could be based off of the onibi, floating demon fire, as well since onibi are said to suck out the lifeforce of living beings when they get near them to fuel their flame, just like litwick and evolutions.
Yes, I really love japanese mythology, folklore and yokai.
Or kitsune bi. They say in preindustrial times swamps and ponds would get lots of gas. They occur all over the world. Usually they are seen as indifferent to humans if not malicious.
@@elizabethlee2136 I do know of the kitsunebi and in fact there are even more floating fires created by yokai in japanese folklore such as tanukibi, tengubi and so on. While all of these are said to come in a variety of colours, most floating fires are described to be between the red-yellow-green spectrum with the onibi being the most prominent to sport a blue colour and be actually "malicious", while most other flames are like you said indifferent or possibly malicious. The reason for putting quotation marks was because there is even a debate whether these types of floating fires truly are their own "yokai" or if they are even sentient. The onibi is propably the easiest candidate to defend as sentient, while kitsunebi for example could just be called a "creation/byproduct" of an actual yokai.
Another possible explanation for these myths about floating fires around the world, like onibi or western will o wisps, could be due to swarms of fireflies and lightbugs back in the day since there just was generally more nature back when those myths were created.
I am not trying to discredit or disprove you, but I feel this pokemons main inspiration was actually the onibi, since its characteristics just fits better and generally it's the more well known of the floating fires.
All this is due to my own research of course and besides when it comes to any myth or folklore around the world in general you'll find inconsistencies and different versions even two villages or "cities" apart and then there are sects, splinter groups, all divided by date and geographical location and so on and so forth, so in myth there just isn't a definitive answer.
Again, just wrote all this just because I thought you might be interested, not to attack you or something.
I came from touhou but all i can guess is just Letty (the Yuki onna one)
Some of these are actually scary 😅 butt eating turtles!? Glad I always chose charmander wouldn't want squirter following me the whole game 😅😅😅😅😅😅
I respect the effort you put in this video :')
This is so accurate I'm glad I found this video plus I'm a pokemon and a yo-kai watch fan and I also love folk lure/urban legends
11:51 is the most powerful picture I’ve ever seen
Very interesting and well-done as usual! One thing - No.85 Kartana looks like more Noshi (熨斗/のし) to me. 熨斗 is a traditional paper decoration to be put on a gift of the happy occasions. (By the way, about the cat one, when I see him, the first thing comes to my mind is Neko ni Koban 猫に小判, a Japanese saying, meaning Pearls for a swine.)
The amount of wit and jokes you manage to make in each video 😂🔥
For once I will thank the TH-cam algorithm. Non stop laughing the whole video!!
Great video, Linfamy. I feel like I learned a lot from this video.
Hearing bake for like 2 minutes made me realize I still haven’t watched bakemonogatagari and others.
I wish I could catch them all
I believe in you
18:30 there is also a legend of a princess learning toad magic, her name is Takiyasha hime ; or waterfall demon princess : I guess Japan likes toads!(?)
You're hands down my second favorite underrated channel
"A cross between a bat and a lobster" IT HAS A SCORPION TAIL YA DONGER, SCORPIONS HAVE PINCERS