Most important tip I can think of from hundreds of hours - if you're not having fun, take a break. Don't keep going. When you're stressed sometimes even the wins don't feel good.
10/10 tip I started hating this game and stepped back for a few months I just started playing again and am having a blast!! (plus a few of my old favorite weapons are better now!)
Yes! Also, if you had mostly loses and you finally get a win, take a break immediately, even 5 minutes is fine. The mind remembers the beginning and end of most things, but tends to forget the middle. If you stop a session on a win, you'll feel better coming back into the game. This little hack also keeps you from getting frustrated in the long term and you get to feel nice for a little bit. If you feel like you still have a lot of energy or are with your pals and don't want to dip out yet, feel free to disregard and continue having fun! Remember to eat and to stay hydrated. A little hunger or thirst will shut down your brain and you'll suck.
My best tip would be, if you ever have a chance to throw the vault at a cashout from far away, go for it. The announcers will acknowledge your accuracy and confidence.
When you have a red canister & wanna get through a window quickly, you can run just towards the window, drop your canister right before it touches the window, your velocity will carry it forwards which breaks the window, then just pick it back up again. I see lots of people fumbling windows when they have a carriable, sometimes they melee the canister 🤣
I don't dislike light, I dislike the way most lights play. A team playing light is a huge asset. But most lights play in a way that actually inhibits my ability to team play. So here's my tip: Light should not be the first to the obj. Yes you CAN get there first. But when you race your teammates to the obj you are unsupported and they are undermanned. It's pointless. Slow down, arrive with your team, pick a flank or off angle based on their approach, and THEN use your movement tools to get picks.
YES!!! Lights shouldn’t initiating fights (unless it’s poke dmg/misdirection) but they should never start a fight and then proceed to full send. You are almost always going to die
Im fairly new to the game (120 hours) and the majority of the time I’ve been sh1900/sword main (mainly sword). I agree with this, at the start of the match I try to scout out, get a cheeky cash box pull, but most of the time I run back or pick a player off (usually another light) the light kit has nothing to support the team (except sonar and maybe vanishing), so support them by using the movement and abilities to pick off threats (certain lights, a healer, a strong heavy, etc.). This is a team game, not a br. what light is especially good at is BEING SUPPORTED. My teammates will be fighting for a cashbox, I’ll hop in, steal it and run away. playing around the terrain is also important. Edashing while letting off a shot with the sh1900 then hiding behind a wall to reload is a good example. Use the opportunities you have the amount of times I’ve seen a sword player hop in a closed room, kill someone but not be able to recover because they’re in plain sight is embarassing when there’s a door behind them TLDR: help your teammates by being aggressive/scouting, use terrain to your advantage, and stop playing like your the main character
Agree, people don't play light. Cloak & dagger is a 1 shot from behind on all classes. Yet you see some geek phase in and out of it and play like it's CoD. Don't get me started on dash, you can't even get a hit marker on these kids without them L1L1L1. It's like they want the smoke, but the second it comes back, they flee like mice. Grapple superiority since season one. Why people don't want to swing around like spider man is beyond me.
300+ diamond med: NEVER let the heal beam lose its edging streak in a fight. If it gets close to overheating, switch to your gun, fire a few shots and the cooldown should go down significantly. The cool down is far more punishing. PS tap heal, don’t try to heal full targets, it prevents cool down.
Over 200+ hours on light here: a light with cloaking device and a medium with dematerializer can go very far. Have the light with a close range and the medium with mid to far range weapon. Trust me it works.
Destroy turrets easily by melee. It seems to do extra damage, 3 punches to take it out vs a whole F-car mag, and you can walk around it without getting shot. Plus you will still be reloaded which could save you when the guy comes back to avenge their turret. Medium tips: If the enemies don't know you're there, zipline is better. It can get you to the top of nearly everything, including up-down-left-right. If they're going to fire at you, jump pad may be better. You're harder to hit and can choose your direction and your team can jump to different angles, but it won't take you as far. Frag grenade is underrated, you get two, they recharge quick, they hit enemies in cover, and can hit multiple enemies. Healing beam is alright, but shooting the enemies can be better, especially if everyone has full health and the heavy has a mesh or dome shield up taking the bullets. (Also, using the dematerialiser to steal the cashout from way better enemies because they secured the floor but have no way to get to the floor below quick enough is hilarious and fun. I've won a final ranked game with a total team kills of 4 thanks to it and I have the video. I don't think the enemy's keyboard/controller had all their buttons after that match.)
350 hour player here, a LOT of people dont do this but you really should try to bodyblock (cover your teammate with your body while they are going for a steal) if other enemies are approaching because those extra few seconds while you eat the bullets for your teammate may let you get the steal and win you the game
heavy plus light tip. you can use smoke bombs to stop burning goo. this can maintain goo fortresses way more effectively. smoke bomb pairs really well with sledgehammer and throwing knifes because reloading is not included
You’re a god send. I rarely play heavy but just discovered lights counter lights with smoke also. An invis light can easily be seen through smoke. I had no clue heavies can use smoke. That’s big brain bro and i appreciate you
Ex-light main with ~250 hours, diamond 4. Playing light exclusively will get you hard stuck in the upper platinum ranks. Was stuck in plat 1 for almost a week then i switched to healer medium and got into diamond the same day. What i would say to light mains is use your portals to allow your teamates to have the same amount of vertically and speed of movement as you. For example i used to run grapple,xp54,vanish bomb, stun gun, gateway, (Grapple needs a buff), and i would throw portals in front of teamates and grapple to a point above cashouts then place another portal. Its won me so many games. Also make sure to use the portals on the vaults. This seems to be a forgotten strat in ranked and its so useful to get ahead in terms of the tempo of the match. ( if you start cashout extremely early most teams respawning will choose to push the un-inserted cashbox instead of the cashout.) And you can use this trick to heavily manipulate the cashboxes late game when you need to control wheather cashouts should be started or not. What i would say to mediums using healing gun is prioritise your team. This may sound obvious, but especially if you are the only healer, it is your job to heal especially mid fight, even if it means not shooting someone in front of you when teamates are. If you do this then you win either way, as either ur teamate dies, in which case you finish off the ememy and defib, or ur teamate kills the ememy. I only play ranked so in terms of just having fun these tips might not be useful.
Medium main in ranked, if youre going to use aps, place it in front of you and your team, its more effective that way. Also if youre running demat with aps, then demat a wall or ceiling/floor and place the aps inside of it, then close it. The wall will have to be destroyed to reach the aps which can save valuable second in fights.
I have 200 hours, decided to play ranked 2 months ago and hit platinum, a tip for solo queueing: Play Heavy Charge’n’Slam, Lewis, RPG, Barricade, and Dome shield, these all are utilities with many purposes that will net you plenty of team wipes (Charge + RPG for maximum splash damage against those Medium Heal teams who play close to each other) and give you the ability to pretty much do anything you need to (Lewis’s range and versatility), while also allowing for you to support your team (Dome Shield for space to play around + Barricades to provide more angles to peak from, blocking entrances, covering your steals and vertical mobility, amongst other things) Basically your kit is flexible in that half of it you can place your shields and barricades to regen health, steal, or get more angles on the enemies, or place then in aid, and the other half is just pure damage and destruction
@@snowrhino675 I know, I just really only decided to hit plat for the XP ranked skin, nothing more, and solo queue is just too much, especially with a 9 to 5
Heavy main in ranked (though I do play each class in casual) gold 1 400+ hours: Don't charge and slam into a point, especially if its an enclosed room, chances are you are going to charge into hundreds of mines and die, with mesh shield stay to the side of your teammates so you don't block their line of fire and they have cover, and throw dome shield on teammates if they need help. Just give up if your entire team is lights
Light tips: prioritize revives, you’re nothing without a team. If your kill gets taken put your pride aside and focus on objectives. Don’t take dumb fights, just add chaos and break up the enemy for teammates to clean up. Bonus: dash into all jump pads and use vanish bomb on teammates at risk.
I have a fun one! Heavy's goo cannon is not just good for blocking passages and fortifying positions, but it also makes for a great snare if you can land your shots! Pair it with sledge and you can manage to disable your opponent and make a deadly approach. Of course, might want to do so in tighter areas, sledge was not made for fighting in an open area.
Yooo that's me!! If i knew i would make it in i would've listed some relatively unknown things in most maps to go with this advice, elevator shafts are a great place to use the dematerialser as it's small cubby area u can access from any floor of a building that has one, it can be great for slipping out of danger or if a fight is getting out of hand and u need a spot to reassess and regen, also be aware of double layered ceilings best example is the hospitals in seoul and skyway, these ceilings have a small weak layer before u get to the actual floor so if you're demating from below you should destroy this layer before using the demat q coupke bullets should do, as if u don't you'll need to use 2 charges to demat the weak layer and then the actual floor above, hope this made sense lol
As a heavy main I advise you to try the barricade if you don't use it. It took me a while to understand the versatility of it, even after the nerf it is a very good gadget for the heavy. Not only is it an instant shield you can drop around you can also use it to deny entrances and the best of all is to use it as a ladder to make heavy movement even more versatile
As someone who has 75 hours in every class Play With Your Team! Yes even light. As light flank your teammates fights to help out. As medium heal whenever you have downtime. Heavy don't run into every fight head on, you're not invincible.
With the dagger, throw your gateways high above and behind your enemies, when you come through you have time to choose which enemy to kill first and can often just fall directly behind them, starting a backstab before you land
Light Bow main here, granted it is rather new. People can’t hear your shots, so you can miss if they don’t see you. But, once you hit. Pay attention to the enemy. You will start noticing when they are going to keep running or when they are a gonna engage. But you will give your team an advantage if you get a hit in before you leave.
medium main 600+ hrs @ 5:58 i agree when putting jump pad on slopes are faster then regular ziplines. but there is a movement mechanic i came up with (Phantom Bounce) you can basically double bounce with 2 jump pads if done correctly if people run goo. if you don't run goo just easily pick up a goo can an place. I'm only mentioning this cause @Ottr i would like to see your take on the mechanic. an see if its worth doing on situational. I've done it in a couple rank matches just to quickly get around enemies or save a team mate or just reset.
A tip I have as a 300 hour light main without ob, Play light as your first class. The only reason I say this is because it allows for you to learn all the things you need to know. Light is to teach about health management and survivability. Medium is for more team cordinated play, and if you get good with both light and medium, I feel like you can be a really good heavy due to your experience with how other classes play and how you can help your team mates. (I now play a good amount of every class but light will forever be my favorite)
This is a really sick video concept. If you wanna capitalize on some views, I wouldn't mind seeing another one of these a few weeks after the start, and again right towards the end of every season!
100+ hour Light main here. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF OSPUZ. Sonar Grenade is a must-have in your inventory. If you're going to be out and about solo while your team is out there with the cashbox, platform, or coins, be a pal and throw a sonar grenade in their immediate area. It helps them identify which enemies are closer to them and how far they are. Might as well support in your own way rather than not supporting at all. I played mostly Power Shift, but another tip I have for Lights is to actually use the vanish bomb and cloaking simultaneously. Use your cloak and then once the cooldown starts, switch to vanish bomb. It gives enough time for the other invis to load up.
9:40 The problem here is the assumption that their team is seeking out these fights. Odds are another team ambushed them near the vault location while you're already halfway to the bank. I will say I rejoiced whenever I had a light with throwing knives on my team while I was grinding from P1 to D4, though.
Goo grenade is fantastic as a heavy melee. You never throw them on the ground. Always throw them against the wall so the set up a small wall in front or behind you.
When sniping, use dash to move around mid fight, play between bits of cover, and close the gap to bodyshot+melee finish lower hp targets (it does 155 damage) Shot consistency is key, missing is worse than not shooting at all
If the medium and heavy dip, light flanks to clean up. Or if the light can get in some damage (drop gadgets) before dipping/getting slapped then medium and heavy come in for the support 💪
When I play light ( I average like 8 to 13k combat per game ) mediums will tell me before game that they will refuse to revive me no matter what. I killed to enemy teams and helped my solo q teammates with the last squad and died. My teammate forced me to use a token #justiceforlightsthataregoodatthegame
My Tip as an over 80h Slug heavy main is to not enter a close distance fight without shoting the enemy befor the fight. And for Teammates with a heavy spam the danger here or the enemy spotet notification as much as posable so your haevy which turns slower isnt a free kill for lights and mediums as much as without your help.
if you run heavy melee try to use spear as it has more range and faster attack speed than the sledge and it has a crowd control sweep to kill many enemies at once.
I play Light exclusively on an alt account and Solo Qd to plat 1. I always take tracking dart in my back up loadout for the final round. You can open fights with getting wall hacks on 2 enemies and then clean up the last guy yourself. If theres 2 heavys try and tag both of them, the medium will be close anyway. If theres 2 mediums, tag both of them and isolate the heavy. Its honestly kinda broken in the final.
As a medium main I have a vague tip: always know where you are (I mean when you see you are approached, know where to cut off LOS and escape), you can combine this with taking turns with a teammate healing beam M and when its overheating switch offense/heal between you two. Which leads me to another quick vague tip: balance your damage and support: get aggressive to fasten TTK with your team, know when to ease up and heal your team. Not a tip: I'm paying more and more attention to my teammates hp pool on the left bottom of my screen. When im in a fight, every reload, kill, flee, I get into the habit of checking their hp, sometimes that's 2 times a second 😂. Which illustrates the principle of knowing when to switch from aggro to heal.
the best strategies for to fight against HHM/MMM is play with pace and urgency. Not allowing heavies to get into power positions, or Mediums to fortify a room with mines/turrets. set your team up in positions to get picks/big dmg you can capitalize on. and always try to see them before they see you, which means your positioning and anticipation is everything. Most teams have 1/2 players who are aggressive. Notice who is the aggressor, and take them out first. From there, use your pace and #s to wipe, or rotate.
I'm a D4 dagger main. People in this game don't understand object permanence, a skill babies learn at 4-7 months. What this means is that if you turn a corner to escape, people sometimes just, well, forget about you? Basically that means that you can ambush people a stupid amount of times from the same place and they won't expect you to be there. Also their may be a group of parents trying to start an all babies esports team.
D3 riot shield onetrick with 2 tips here: 1) mines have an activation radius, so you can place them on the sides of a doorway and they willl explode if someone tries to enter. They are also very hard to notice, compared to placing them on the floor. 2) don't play riot shield. It's the worst weapon in the game and not worth it
300+ hour medium (diamond 4) : a light has the highest dps, lowest health, your job is to make them have infinite health. A good light will shred any 1v1 w a pocket. (If they are a beam)
1:00 currently playing a lot in top1000 EU: meta is MHH either double charge or charge + mesh. Used to main heal medium in S1, mesh heavy in early S2 but couldn't keep up with the constant charge n slamming so I went back to medium again
My best tip would be to when you’re Guarding the cash out don’t be right next to it be in the same room but behind cover and make sure to get all the doors
plat 4 soloq that can flex all three but loves light i got a light tip scout ahead when going to a vault then roam your cashout to waste as much time and contest space as much as you humanly can. it can contribute alot to getting it secured
2 days ago, my team faced a 3x med with 3x guardian turrets team. Data reshaper would be awesome to have there. So niche, though, that it does feel insignificant as a gadget.
Medium with at least 500 hrs. The FAMAS is really good. Abuse cover and incorporate movement between shots. Ima say it again, but don’t defib just bcuz you have it. You grab statues from further distances now, so grab your mate and throw em to safety. I can’t say it enough but ALWAYS check to see how many players are up on each team. Zipline, gas grenade, and APS are your best friends! (Dbl heavy meta) makes all of these gadgets super practical.
350+ Hour Medium Main, Tip: If both your teammates are dead and the whole enemy team is unaware of your position, do not push a defib. Instead wait until you can't hear them anymore and then slow reset.
medium main : In comp i run demat and goo grenades that way when i drop the cashout ( two stories if you can ) i seal off most entrances with the goo buying me and my team time to take the cashout and setup edit: last second steals can be made pretty easy too
400 hour D2 Sword Light: This goes for all light builds, if you have a guaranteed qualify in ranked. Light is the best class for messing with teams you don’t want to go through. If orange is doing really well and I don’t want them into the next round, tell your teammates to chill and hide to avoid a wipe, and go mess with them. You can single-handedly third party and ruin their team fights consistently if you know how. As a sword player I usually do this to any flamethrowers. (Do this in a stack for better results, and ONLY if there is NO way you don’t qualify)
As a light main a tip for medium- do not defib lights the especially if you don’t have healing beam they are already one shot characters defib halves their health
I've been in solo q ranked games where its a triple medium comp and still lost and successful games where i played light in lmh setup it will really mean nothing if your two other teammates dont know how to fight and play the objective
D3 400hrs throwing knives, i always get told to kms when loading sadge, if using dash remember that it can be used in other situations than fights, being speedy and being able to get in and out of enemy lines to grab a statue can really help out your team, you can play more passively with a medium to keep your team alive. instead of playing away from your team, play above to get eyes on enemies and decide weather flanking is the option quite often people can get tunnel vision shooting your teammates giving you time to get easy kills. if anyone wants some throwing knives tips (ik i would be better with another weapon they are too damn satisfying) always prefire rmb, if you think or know that someone is around a corner get the rclick ready, it does a huge chunk of damage and can take any class almost down to your health before they even saw you, and really try not to chase fights, the kill is not as important as the wider fight.
450 hours all around player here. I’ll just throw down one for each class. Light: Learn trigger discipline when flanking and take the third party fights whenever possible. If a heavy is shooting at another player then that is the perfect time for you to shoot one or the other. Especially in ranked if you’re the light that’s going face to face with a heavy who isn’t distracted then you will lose 90% of the time. Medium: always play at least one moment gadget and defib. If you don’t have both of those in your list you’re losing out on a lot of outplay potential. Heavy: If you’re running mesh like me then you should always be playing with your team. Your shield is wide for a reason. Also with shield try not to put it up when you’ve already been hit down to low health, instead let the enemy shoot your shield down until either (A)They’re about to run out of ammo or (B) your shield is almost broken. This is so you have a full mag to dump into the enemy and they don’t, giving you advantage in that fight. Overall tip: Do not waste time on random teams away from cash outs unless a wipe on them will secure you the round win in ranked. It is entirely pointless to wipe a team and let the other team(s) have a free, uncontested cash out.
ive been really liking the data reshaper to counter aps turrets,sentry,mines,etc as a healing beam medium main i currently use jump pad, data reshaper and defibrillator
light tip. still carry a stun gun. in spite of the nerf you need something to stop a steal. goo can work too but it isn't as fast as a stun. and please you play light, just take the death if it means you could stop a cash out. don't chicken out
637.2 hours Heavy - 1.) nukes are OP back in the day 2.) charge n slam can be use as defensive strat too 3.) play on high areas with charge n slam 4.) when u have charge n slam, always walk next to a wall so you can escape fast. do not walk in the middle of the road 5.) when you have charge n slam, you can do an S pattern when charging to an opponent, better if you're next to a wall so you can be off their sights 5.) don't be afraid to charge a full team when you have a rocket and charge and slam 6.) your chances of winning against a M healer and 2 H are low, pick them one by one
this goes for all classes: stick to your roles. Medium; stick with your heavy and support them. Heavy; stick with your medium and protect them. Light; be a rat (run around and flank. stay out of sight and get the drop on the enemy)
Console tip from a T500 xbox player season 1 Aim smoothing is absolutely OP in the finals, stop crouch spamming and instead counter strafe in the opposite diection youre aiming in, youll have less recoil and hit way more shots
Best tip I got from this was the medium main asking a light to switch in ranked 😂 So many games i queue up for I get stuck with 2 lights and end up switching to heavy cause i know they wont be anywere near me to help 😅
Put a mine on a cash box before you pick it up. You will be able to kill enemies by throwing it at them (surprise!), or when they kill you and try to grab the box.
Insane aim, gamesense etc, will only make the other classes better. On the current light, the role itself is just a disadvantage for you and your teammates.
@@ciscodk8384 even tho the class isnt the best rn, gateways n stuff can still lead to some great teamplays + if ure a dash player as i am, u can defo be really useful in terms of fast rotations, getting the body of ur teammate in a very awkward spot etc.. the class is weak but can still be useful if used correctly
can u plz make a powershift video u havent made a single one and its the only gamemmode i play rn its really Fun at the highest levels with 5 stacks. I know u can get 10 good players together to scrim with or at least 5 to play online
8:00 does not work its too weak, it may disable a shield but doesnt disable anything else. Also if theres an APS better just quit the game at that point, lights useless
Exactly light isn’t always supposed to be near the team, flank, stealth, evade Easy kills with mp5 and some glitch nades for heavy because most of them use shields anyways. With 3 mediums you definitely want glitch nades and if you have a good team wipe them as fast as possible so they don’t spam defib and healing beam. The problem is most these light players pick swords n shit thinking they good rushing in and wasting lives hence why people hate lights instead of trash players and poor loadout choices.
Medium D1 Healer - Die as the last one when playing HHM. Know when to shoot and when to heal -> dont take every duel even if you are aim god like me, its better to let heavies fight it out and just heal them (when you have the opportunity)
Light tip use c4 and x Vision together the dust form the c4 means you and your x vision are the only thing with los as Long as you wait to detonate the c4 till you are ready to shoot
It’s embarks fault for making light the way it is you literally have to constantly move around cause you get one shot by almost anything you can’t even play on objective you have to just play around it
The game needs more headshot damage. Thats a big balance potential. Rewards better players, makes lights a bit better, heavies a bit easier. Devs stop the copium and add at least 0.25x more headshot dmg.
i think the headshot dmg is pretty good if you can get your whole mag in, can beam full hp heavy (of course only close range) i think they lowered it tho i feel like it was stronger in season 1
Most important tip I can think of from hundreds of hours - if you're not having fun, take a break. Don't keep going. When you're stressed sometimes even the wins don't feel good.
10/10 tip
I started hating this game and stepped back for a few months
I just started playing again and am having a blast!! (plus a few of my old favorite weapons are better now!)
It's a good tip, the only issue was the battlepass, it does not wait
Yes say it louder!
Well said, The Finals burnout is real. Stay hydrated too!
Yes! Also, if you had mostly loses and you finally get a win, take a break immediately, even 5 minutes is fine. The mind remembers the beginning and end of most things, but tends to forget the middle. If you stop a session on a win, you'll feel better coming back into the game. This little hack also keeps you from getting frustrated in the long term and you get to feel nice for a little bit. If you feel like you still have a lot of energy or are with your pals and don't want to dip out yet, feel free to disregard and continue having fun!
Remember to eat and to stay hydrated. A little hunger or thirst will shut down your brain and you'll suck.
My best tip would be, if you ever have a chance to throw the vault at a cashout from far away, go for it. The announcers will acknowledge your accuracy and confidence.
When you have a red canister & wanna get through a window quickly, you can run just towards the window, drop your canister right before it touches the window, your velocity will carry it forwards which breaks the window, then just pick it back up again. I see lots of people fumbling windows when they have a carriable, sometimes they melee the canister 🤣
this works on vents as well, just make sure you going kinda fast, unlike windows it needs some momentum to work.
If you drop it while it's halfway through the window it breaks instantly and it doesn't matter about the momentum
If you drop it too late it Sometimes glitches through the Glass without breaking it 😂
I always melee the canister...
I don't dislike light, I dislike the way most lights play.
A team playing light is a huge asset. But most lights play in a way that actually inhibits my ability to team play.
So here's my tip: Light should not be the first to the obj. Yes you CAN get there first. But when you race your teammates to the obj you are unsupported and they are undermanned. It's pointless.
Slow down, arrive with your team, pick a flank or off angle based on their approach, and THEN use your movement tools to get picks.
YES!!! Lights shouldn’t initiating fights (unless it’s poke dmg/misdirection) but they should never start a fight and then proceed to full send. You are almost always going to die
Agreed. It’s rare that you get a smart light player.
Im fairly new to the game (120 hours) and the majority of the time I’ve been sh1900/sword main (mainly sword). I agree with this, at the start of the match I try to scout out, get a cheeky cash box pull, but most of the time I run back or pick a player off (usually another light)
the light kit has nothing to support the team (except sonar and maybe vanishing), so support them by using the movement and abilities to pick off threats (certain lights, a healer, a strong heavy, etc.). This is a team game, not a br.
what light is especially good at is BEING SUPPORTED. My teammates will be fighting for a cashbox, I’ll hop in, steal it and run away.
playing around the terrain is also important. Edashing while letting off a shot with the sh1900 then hiding behind a wall to reload is a good example. Use the opportunities you have
the amount of times I’ve seen a sword player hop in a closed room, kill someone but not be able to recover because they’re in plain sight is embarassing when there’s a door behind them
TLDR: help your teammates by being aggressive/scouting, use terrain to your advantage, and stop playing like your the main character
as a light main i just go slightly ahead and damage enemies from a distance until my team arrives
Agree, people don't play light.
Cloak & dagger is a 1 shot from behind on all classes. Yet you see some geek phase in and out of it and play like it's CoD.
Don't get me started on dash, you can't even get a hit marker on these kids without them L1L1L1. It's like they want the smoke, but the second it comes back, they flee like mice.
Grapple superiority since season one. Why people don't want to swing around like spider man is beyond me.
300+ diamond med: NEVER let the heal beam lose its edging streak in a fight. If it gets close to overheating, switch to your gun, fire a few shots and the cooldown should go down significantly. The cool down is far more punishing. PS tap heal, don’t try to heal full targets, it prevents cool down.
The heals must keep gooning 😂
mewing healer here o7
Over 200+ hours on light here: a light with cloaking device and a medium with dematerializer can go very far. Have the light with a close range and the medium with mid to far range weapon. Trust me it works.
I like your thinking smart minds think alike
Destroy turrets easily by melee. It seems to do extra damage, 3 punches to take it out vs a whole F-car mag, and you can walk around it without getting shot. Plus you will still be reloaded which could save you when the guy comes back to avenge their turret.
Medium tips:
If the enemies don't know you're there, zipline is better. It can get you to the top of nearly everything, including up-down-left-right. If they're going to fire at you, jump pad may be better. You're harder to hit and can choose your direction and your team can jump to different angles, but it won't take you as far.
Frag grenade is underrated, you get two, they recharge quick, they hit enemies in cover, and can hit multiple enemies.
Healing beam is alright, but shooting the enemies can be better, especially if everyone has full health and the heavy has a mesh or dome shield up taking the bullets.
(Also, using the dematerialiser to steal the cashout from way better enemies because they secured the floor but have no way to get to the floor below quick enough is hilarious and fun. I've won a final ranked game with a total team kills of 4 thanks to it and I have the video. I don't think the enemy's keyboard/controller had all their buttons after that match.)
350 hour player here, a LOT of people dont do this but you really should try to bodyblock (cover your teammate with your body while they are going for a steal) if other enemies are approaching because those extra few seconds while you eat the bullets for your teammate may let you get the steal and win you the game
heavy plus light tip. you can use smoke bombs to stop burning goo. this can maintain goo fortresses way more effectively. smoke bomb pairs really well with sledgehammer and throwing knifes because reloading is not included
You’re a god send. I rarely play heavy but just discovered lights counter lights with smoke also. An invis light can easily be seen through smoke. I had no clue heavies can use smoke. That’s big brain bro and i appreciate you
@@sbg_benzo Sorry, this is for mostly for coordinated parties. the benefits still apply if you use smoke canisters.
Any idea how smoke interacts with flame thrower, if you're in smoke do you take less damage
@@artezac unfortunately no, you take flamethrower damage but I do believe you do not take afterburn damage
You can pick up some of your gadgets to refresh them. Damaged turret? Broken barrier? Poorly set mine? Pick it up and place again...
I know the mines are not that effective but I like the feeling of lights' frustrations when they get eliminated by my mines.
Keep yourself safe
Ex-light main with ~250 hours, diamond 4. Playing light exclusively will get you hard stuck in the upper platinum ranks. Was stuck in plat 1 for almost a week then i switched to healer medium and got into diamond the same day.
What i would say to light mains is use your portals to allow your teamates to have the same amount of vertically and speed of movement as you. For example i used to run grapple,xp54,vanish bomb, stun gun, gateway, (Grapple needs a buff), and i would throw portals in front of teamates and grapple to a point above cashouts then place another portal. Its won me so many games. Also make sure to use the portals on the vaults. This seems to be a forgotten strat in ranked and its so useful to get ahead in terms of the tempo of the match. ( if you start cashout extremely early most teams respawning will choose to push the un-inserted cashbox instead of the cashout.) And you can use this trick to heavily manipulate the cashboxes late game when you need to control wheather cashouts should be started or not.
What i would say to mediums using healing gun is prioritise your team. This may sound obvious, but especially if you are the only healer, it is your job to heal especially mid fight, even if it means not shooting someone in front of you when teamates are. If you do this then you win either way, as either ur teamate dies, in which case you finish off the ememy and defib, or ur teamate kills the ememy.
I only play ranked so in terms of just having fun these tips might not be useful.
Medium main in ranked, if youre going to use aps, place it in front of you and your team, its more effective that way. Also if youre running demat with aps, then demat a wall or ceiling/floor and place the aps inside of it, then close it. The wall will have to be destroyed to reach the aps which can save valuable second in fights.
I have 200 hours, decided to play ranked 2 months ago and hit platinum, a tip for solo queueing: Play Heavy Charge’n’Slam, Lewis, RPG, Barricade, and Dome shield, these all are utilities with many purposes that will net you plenty of team wipes (Charge + RPG for maximum splash damage against those Medium Heal teams who play close to each other) and give you the ability to pretty much do anything you need to (Lewis’s range and versatility), while also allowing for you to support your team (Dome Shield for space to play around + Barricades to provide more angles to peak from, blocking entrances, covering your steals and vertical mobility, amongst other things) Basically your kit is flexible in that half of it you can place your shields and barricades to regen health, steal, or get more angles on the enemies, or place then in aid, and the other half is just pure damage and destruction
Flamethrower also works pretty good on certain maps like Monaco
Swap that Lewis Gun for an M60 and you’ll hit diamond after learning to control the recoil
@@snowrhino675 I know, I just really only decided to hit plat for the XP ranked skin, nothing more, and solo queue is just too much, especially with a 9 to 5
light tip: when you're playing sniper, don't forget to change your position between eliminations and always have vanishing bomb with you
Heavy main in ranked (though I do play each class in casual) gold 1 400+ hours: Don't charge and slam into a point, especially if its an enclosed room, chances are you are going to charge into hundreds of mines and die, with mesh shield stay to the side of your teammates so you don't block their line of fire and they have cover, and throw dome shield on teammates if they need help. Just give up if your entire team is lights
Gold rank at 1400 hours?
@@reecep4016 no, gold 1, with 400 hours
@@leopard_hat1879 well done brother keep grinding
Light tips: prioritize revives, you’re nothing without a team.
If your kill gets taken put your pride aside and focus on objectives.
Don’t take dumb fights, just add chaos and break up the enemy for teammates to clean up.
Bonus: dash into all jump pads and use vanish bomb on teammates at risk.
Underrated tips, this is exactly what I do, except using a vanish bomb because i don't have them yet.
Mobility is key, there are plenty flamethrowers out there and the best thing you can do as a medium is help them get closer to the target
I have a fun one! Heavy's goo cannon is not just good for blocking passages and fortifying positions, but it also makes for a great snare if you can land your shots! Pair it with sledge and you can manage to disable your opponent and make a deadly approach. Of course, might want to do so in tighter areas, sledge was not made for fighting in an open area.
Light tip. You can use vanish bomb on allies. I have vanished some sledgehammer heavies and shotgun mediums with high levels of success.
Yooo that's me!! If i knew i would make it in i would've listed some relatively unknown things in most maps to go with this advice, elevator shafts are a great place to use the dematerialser as it's small cubby area u can access from any floor of a building that has one, it can be great for slipping out of danger or if a fight is getting out of hand and u need a spot to reassess and regen, also be aware of double layered ceilings best example is the hospitals in seoul and skyway, these ceilings have a small weak layer before u get to the actual floor so if you're demating from below you should destroy this layer before using the demat q coupke bullets should do, as if u don't you'll need to use 2 charges to demat the weak layer and then the actual floor above, hope this made sense lol
Yea good tip on the double layers sometimes I get stuck on those and it used to drive me nuts
light tip try and play close enough to your team that you can help but far enough that you dont get hit by nades, glitches, rpgs
As a heavy main I advise you to try the barricade if you don't use it. It took me a while to understand the versatility of it, even after the nerf it is a very good gadget for the heavy. Not only is it an instant shield you can drop around you can also use it to deny entrances and the best of all is to use it as a ladder to make heavy movement even more versatile
As someone who has 75 hours in every class Play With Your Team! Yes even light. As light flank your teammates fights to help out. As medium heal whenever you have downtime. Heavy don't run into every fight head on, you're not invincible.
With the dagger, throw your gateways high above and behind your enemies, when you come through you have time to choose which enemy to kill first and can often just fall directly behind them, starting a backstab before you land
Light Bow main here, granted it is rather new.
People can’t hear your shots, so you can miss if they don’t see you. But, once you hit. Pay attention to the enemy. You will start noticing when they are going to keep running or when they are a gonna engage. But you will give your team an advantage if you get a hit in before you leave.
medium main 600+ hrs @ 5:58 i agree when putting jump pad on slopes are faster then regular ziplines. but there is a movement mechanic i came up with (Phantom Bounce) you can basically double bounce with 2 jump pads if done correctly if people run goo. if you don't run goo just easily pick up a goo can an place. I'm only mentioning this cause @Ottr i would like to see your take on the mechanic. an see if its worth doing on situational. I've done it in a couple rank matches just to quickly get around enemies or save a team mate or just reset.
A tip I have as a 300 hour light main without ob, Play light as your first class. The only reason I say this is because it allows for you to learn all the things you need to know. Light is to teach about health management and survivability. Medium is for more team cordinated play, and if you get good with both light and medium, I feel like you can be a really good heavy due to your experience with how other classes play and how you can help your team mates. (I now play a good amount of every class but light will forever be my favorite)
This is a really sick video concept.
If you wanna capitalize on some views, I wouldn't mind seeing another one of these a few weeks after the start, and again right towards the end of every season!
100+ hour Light main here. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF OSPUZ. Sonar Grenade is a must-have in your inventory. If you're going to be out and about solo while your team is out there with the cashbox, platform, or coins, be a pal and throw a sonar grenade in their immediate area. It helps them identify which enemies are closer to them and how far they are. Might as well support in your own way rather than not supporting at all.
I played mostly Power Shift, but another tip I have for Lights is to actually use the vanish bomb and cloaking simultaneously. Use your cloak and then once the cooldown starts, switch to vanish bomb. It gives enough time for the other invis to load up.
9:40 The problem here is the assumption that their team is seeking out these fights. Odds are another team ambushed them near the vault location while you're already halfway to the bank. I will say I rejoiced whenever I had a light with throwing knives on my team while I was grinding from P1 to D4, though.
Before starting the match, watch which classes the other teams play with and adjust your own class to that.
Goo grenade is fantastic as a heavy melee. You never throw them on the ground. Always throw them against the wall so the set up a small wall in front or behind you.
When sniping, use dash to move around mid fight, play between bits of cover, and close the gap to bodyshot+melee finish lower hp targets (it does 155 damage)
Shot consistency is key, missing is worse than not shooting at all
Or just don’t snipe at all bc you’re a detriment to your team & we all hate you
If the medium and heavy dip, light flanks to clean up. Or if the light can get in some damage (drop gadgets) before dipping/getting slapped then medium and heavy come in for the support 💪
General tip: throw and quickly catch red barrels and wait for the second hiss, then throw it at any wall 5-8m away for an impact break
When I play light ( I average like 8 to 13k combat per game ) mediums will tell me before game that they will refuse to revive me no matter what. I killed to enemy teams and helped my solo q teammates with the last squad and died. My teammate forced me to use a token #justiceforlightsthataregoodatthegame
Thanks for this video, lots of tips I didn't know
My Tip as an over 80h Slug heavy main is to not enter a close distance fight without shoting the enemy befor the fight. And for Teammates with a heavy spam the danger here or the enemy spotet notification as much as posable so your haevy which turns slower isnt a free kill for lights and mediums as much as without your help.
if you run heavy melee try to use spear as it has more range and faster attack speed than the sledge and it has a crowd control sweep to kill many enemies at once.
I play Light exclusively on an alt account and Solo Qd to plat 1. I always take tracking dart in my back up loadout for the final round. You can open fights with getting wall hacks on 2 enemies and then clean up the last guy yourself. If theres 2 heavys try and tag both of them, the medium will be close anyway. If theres 2 mediums, tag both of them and isolate the heavy.
Its honestly kinda broken in the final.
As a medium main I have a vague tip: always know where you are (I mean when you see you are approached, know where to cut off LOS and escape), you can combine this with taking turns with a teammate healing beam M and when its overheating switch offense/heal between you two. Which leads me to another quick vague tip: balance your damage and support: get aggressive to fasten TTK with your team, know when to ease up and heal your team.
Not a tip: I'm paying more and more attention to my teammates hp pool on the left bottom of my screen. When im in a fight, every reload, kill, flee, I get into the habit of checking their hp, sometimes that's 2 times a second 😂. Which illustrates the principle of knowing when to switch from aggro to heal.
the best strategies for to fight against HHM/MMM is play with pace and urgency. Not allowing heavies to get into power positions, or Mediums to fortify a room with mines/turrets. set your team up in positions to get picks/big dmg you can capitalize on. and always try to see them before they see you, which means your positioning and anticipation is everything. Most teams have 1/2 players who are aggressive. Notice who is the aggressor, and take them out first. From there, use your pace and #s to wipe, or rotate.
I'm a D4 dagger main. People in this game don't understand object permanence, a skill babies learn at 4-7 months. What this means is that if you turn a corner to escape, people sometimes just, well, forget about you? Basically that means that you can ambush people a stupid amount of times from the same place and they won't expect you to be there. Also their may be a group of parents trying to start an all babies esports team.
Sword + dash is fast and furious, but cloak and sword allows you to be much more surgical in your attacks.
D3 riot shield onetrick with 2 tips here:
1) mines have an activation radius, so you can place them on the sides of a doorway and they willl explode if someone tries to enter. They are also very hard to notice, compared to placing them on the floor.
2) don't play riot shield. It's the worst weapon in the game and not worth it
300+ hour medium (diamond 4) : a light has the highest dps, lowest health, your job is to make them have infinite health. A good light will shred any 1v1 w a pocket. (If they are a beam)
1:00 currently playing a lot in top1000 EU: meta is MHH either double charge or charge + mesh. Used to main heal medium in S1, mesh heavy in early S2 but couldn't keep up with the constant charge n slamming so I went back to medium again
My best tip would be to when you’re Guarding the cash out don’t be right next to it be in the same room but behind cover and make sure to get all the doors
I always use grenades to support my team and I collect their statues to revive them. I didn’t know they hated me for it...
D2 Light main, around 200 hrs. Only tip u need -> Dont play light atm in ranked. Hopefully we get a buff soon.
plat 4 soloq that can flex all three but loves light i got a light tip scout ahead when going to a vault then roam your cashout to waste as much time and contest space as much as you humanly can. it can contribute alot to getting it secured
2 days ago, my team faced a 3x med with 3x guardian turrets team. Data reshaper would be awesome to have there. So niche, though, that it does feel insignificant as a gadget.
Medium with at least 500 hrs. The FAMAS is really good. Abuse cover and incorporate movement between shots. Ima say it again, but don’t defib just bcuz you have it. You grab statues from further distances now, so grab your mate and throw em to safety. I can’t say it enough but ALWAYS check to see how many players are up on each team. Zipline, gas grenade, and APS are your best friends! (Dbl heavy meta) makes all of these gadgets super practical.
i slept on the data reshaper, but when i found out it removes mines and can remove grenades (if you're good), instantly on my off-med build
350+ Hour Medium Main, Tip: If both your teammates are dead and the whole enemy team is unaware of your position, do not push a defib. Instead wait until you can't hear them anymore and then slow reset.
as a 350hr heavy player use charge, it go zoom
medium main : In comp i run demat and goo grenades that way when i drop the cashout ( two stories if you can ) i seal off most entrances with the goo buying me and my team time to take the cashout and setup
edit: last second steals can be made pretty easy too
400 hour D2 Sword Light: This goes for all light builds, if you have a guaranteed qualify in ranked. Light is the best class for messing with teams you don’t want to go through. If orange is doing really well and I don’t want them into the next round, tell your teammates to chill and hide to avoid a wipe, and go mess with them. You can single-handedly third party and ruin their team fights consistently if you know how. As a sword player I usually do this to any flamethrowers. (Do this in a stack for better results, and ONLY if there is NO way you don’t qualify)
As a light main a tip for medium- do not defib lights the especially if you don’t have healing beam they are already one shot characters defib halves their health
in a pinch, throw a cash box “off the map” for some extra time to secure your position
Use demat to drop a jump pad onto cashout will make it bounce up great for steals or steal denial - 300 hour medium
Bro just play the game💀
I've been in solo q ranked games where its a triple medium comp and still lost and successful games where i played light in lmh setup it will really mean nothing if your two other teammates dont know how to fight and play the objective
D3 400hrs throwing knives, i always get told to kms when loading sadge, if using dash remember that it can be used in other situations than fights, being speedy and being able to get in and out of enemy lines to grab a statue can really help out your team, you can play more passively with a medium to keep your team alive. instead of playing away from your team, play above to get eyes on enemies and decide weather flanking is the option quite often people can get tunnel vision shooting your teammates giving you time to get easy kills. if anyone wants some throwing knives tips (ik i would be better with another weapon they are too damn satisfying) always prefire rmb, if you think or know that someone is around a corner get the rclick ready, it does a huge chunk of damage and can take any class almost down to your health before they even saw you, and really try not to chase fights, the kill is not as important as the wider fight.
also light can fill missing team util like breach charges which are needed more often than you think now that heavys dont carry c4 for nukes
450 hours all around player here. I’ll just throw down one for each class.
Light: Learn trigger discipline when flanking and take the third party fights whenever possible. If a heavy is shooting at another player then that is the perfect time for you to shoot one or the other. Especially in ranked if you’re the light that’s going face to face with a heavy who isn’t distracted then you will lose 90% of the time.
Medium: always play at least one moment gadget and defib. If you don’t have both of those in your list you’re losing out on a lot of outplay potential.
Heavy: If you’re running mesh like me then you should always be playing with your team. Your shield is wide for a reason. Also with shield try not to put it up when you’ve already been hit down to low health, instead let the enemy shoot your shield down until either (A)They’re about to run out of ammo or (B) your shield is almost broken. This is so you have a full mag to dump into the enemy and they don’t, giving you advantage in that fight.
Overall tip: Do not waste time on random teams away from cash outs unless a wipe on them will secure you the round win in ranked. It is entirely pointless to wipe a team and let the other team(s) have a free, uncontested cash out.
ive been really liking the data reshaper to counter aps turrets,sentry,mines,etc as a healing beam medium main i currently use jump pad, data reshaper and defibrillator
light tip. still carry a stun gun. in spite of the nerf you need something to stop a steal. goo can work too but it isn't as fast as a stun. and please you play light, just take the death if it means you could stop a cash out. don't chicken out
637.2 hours Heavy - 1.) nukes are OP back in the day 2.) charge n slam can be use as defensive strat too 3.) play on high areas with charge n slam 4.) when u have charge n slam, always walk next to a wall so you can escape fast. do not walk in the middle of the road 5.) when you have charge n slam, you can do an S pattern when charging to an opponent, better if you're next to a wall so you can be off their sights 5.) don't be afraid to charge a full team when you have a rocket and charge and slam 6.) your chances of winning against a M healer and 2 H are low, pick them one by one
the aps now has "life" which is consumed by 40% per catched grenade rocket and so on. so cl40 is now viable even vs aps
this goes for all classes: stick to your roles. Medium; stick with your heavy and support them. Heavy; stick with your medium and protect them. Light; be a rat (run around and flank. stay out of sight and get the drop on the enemy)
Console tip from a T500 xbox player season 1
Aim smoothing is absolutely OP in the finals, stop crouch spamming and instead counter strafe in the opposite diection youre aiming in, youll have less recoil and hit way more shots
Best tip I got from this was the medium main asking a light to switch in ranked 😂
So many games i queue up for I get stuck with 2 lights and end up switching to heavy cause i know they wont be anywere near me to help 😅
As a light main with 12 hrs sorry but im gonna put one maybe two zeros behind that playtime
1200h with sword, learn to dash sideways as well and unless you're certain to get MORE than one kill, replenish and flank from another site
Put a mine on a cash box before you pick it up. You will be able to kill enemies by throwing it at them (surprise!), or when they kill you and try to grab the box.
Pro Tip: Don't get bored of the finals and stop playing.
Important tip for medium andh eavy players: if we lose a gunfight its cos our light player is bad (obviously)
as a light main : u can defo be the main character, all u need to have is insane aim, gamesense, movements
Insane aim, gamesense etc, will only make the other classes better. On the current light, the role itself is just a disadvantage for you and your teammates.
Before the LH1 got (or at least seemingly) an damage and recoil nerf i was solo wiping teams
now i struggle to kill 2 lone heavies
@@ciscodk8384 even tho the class isnt the best rn, gateways n stuff can still lead to some great teamplays + if ure a dash player as i am, u can defo be really useful in terms of fast rotations, getting the body of ur teammate in a very awkward spot etc.. the class is weak but can still be useful if used correctly
@@brxmes U tell urself that. But trust me, ur teammates will see it different, and would love u to play anything else.
@@ciscodk8384 idgaf about my teams opinion + im godlike playing light, id stomp u anyday lil bro
Did not expect to see my own tip being placed front and center there. Still, its good stuff
Coming from a light main with 600 hours, don’t play light.
Bro im struggling against dash and sword players ...i blink and im die
Just started playing 2 days ago, ranked 33k in USA so far, will go higher
Just started playing and here's my tip for fellow noobs: your HP regenerates after 7 to 10 seconds if you don't take damage. This blew my mind lmao
Whether ur light med or heavey, stay with the team, play the objective and dont use loadouts ur not good with if ur team isnt already winning
@ottr question: Would you be interested in creating discord for T5,4 ? They added private servers so that is 100% good opportunity
can u plz make a powershift video u havent made a single one and its the only gamemmode i play rn its really
Fun at the highest levels with 5 stacks. I know u can get 10 good players together to scrim with or at least 5 to play online
10/10 video and tips
there is no light class in ba sing sei
8:00 does not work its too weak, it may disable a shield but doesnt disable anything else. Also if theres an APS better just quit the game at that point, lights useless
Exactly light isn’t always supposed to be near the team, flank, stealth, evade
Easy kills with mp5 and some glitch nades for heavy because most of them use shields anyways. With 3 mediums you definitely want glitch nades and if you have a good team wipe them as fast as possible so they don’t spam defib and healing beam.
The problem is most these light players pick swords n shit thinking they good rushing in and wasting lives hence why people hate lights instead of trash players and poor loadout choices.
goo nade is my fave gadget. its so damned versatile.
Medium D1 Healer - Die as the last one when playing HHM. Know when to shoot and when to heal -> dont take every duel even if you are aim god like me, its better to let heavies fight it out and just heal them (when you have the opportunity)
My one tip is every gun is good if you coordinate shots with your teammates so WORK WITH YOUR TEAM plz
Light tip use c4 and x Vision together the dust form the c4 means you and your x vision are the only thing with los as Long as you wait to detonate the c4 till you are ready to shoot
Data reshaper was great for GL until the APS nerf
Light main here: I know for a fact I am the main character
It’s embarks fault for making light the way it is you literally have to constantly move around cause you get one shot by almost anything you can’t even play on objective you have to just play around it
The game needs more headshot damage. Thats a big balance potential. Rewards better players, makes lights a bit better, heavies a bit easier. Devs stop the copium and add at least 0.25x more headshot dmg.
i think the headshot dmg is pretty good if you can get your whole mag in, can beam full hp heavy (of course only close range) i think they lowered it tho i feel like it was stronger in season 1
Sniper light tip: go outside
Hit and run
I'm happy when people accept, no when people would like to have a Light on the Team in Ranked in Season 3. Embark do something!
Light tip
Don’t play light