Understanding personal finances and investing will most likely lead to greater financial independence. By being knowledgeable about money and investing, individuals can make informed decisions about how to save, spend, and invest their money. I made over $350k during the covid lock down, it was through a financial advisor.
Yeah, financial advisors could make a lot of difference, particularly in a market such as this. Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Mind if I ask you to recommend how to reach this particular financial advisor you using their service? Seems you've figured it all out unlike the rest of us.
@@Andrew-o9k6h Rebecca Lynne Buie is her name. She is regarded as a genius in her area and works for Empower Financial Services. By looking her up online, you can quickly verify her level of experience. She is well knowledgeable about financial markets.
Rebecca Lynne Buie is her name. She is regarded as a genius in her area and works for Empower Financial Services. By looking her up online, you can quickly verify her level of experience. She is well knowledgeable about financial markets.
So far energy sources have only been added throughout human history. None have been removed. Even wood burning is still used to generate energy in some countries.
What Monish says about coal power shows that he clearly does not understand much about externalities in macro economic systems. He claims that it is "irrational" to phase out coal power because it has served civilisation well in the past and therefore should be expanded. This is a very foolish argument. Coal power is by far the most pollutive power source and just because it served the western world's welfare well 50 years ago when world population was half of today with much lower per capita power consumption, it does not tell us anything about the question how we should satisfy worlds massive energy demand in the future. Scientific facts tell us that an ever increasing coal power genertaion will harm the natural system massively and therefore the economic costs will likely be a multiple of the economic benefits. That is why China and western countries are phasing out coal power gradually. He also seem to have not much knowledge about base load management. Does not even mention natural gas that has 50% lower emissions per kWh than coal, is widely avaialble and can even serve for peak load supply as well, which coal cannot and becomes more and more important in todays energy systems. Please, Monish, you are a great investor but dont talk about things you have never really put effort in to study them. If you would understand a little bit about the science of planetary boundaries you would not come to the conclusions about coal power that you state here because your argument is compeletely irrational, both from a macro economic perspective as well as from a technology perspective. Stay in your circle of competence! That principle should ideally go beyond questions related to stock market investing. Which I consider a rather simple science compared to natural science and engineering.
@@maxx0531 Maybe you should listen to the video first. He explicitly mentions thermal coal, and refers to solar and wind power. Have you actually watched it?
@@philkeh maybe YOU should rewatch the video... 29:07 he acknowledges that coal is a "sunset industry" and that the world is turning away from coal fired power plants. He thinks that coal has a lot of uses outside the power industry, like in the production of cement or in the making of iron and steel, that the market does not appreciate and that it will continue to be a needed resource. What you wrote above mainly concerns thermal coal in which he is not invested. His investments are in companies that produce bituminous and met coal, not thermal.
Understanding personal finances and investing will most likely lead to greater financial independence. By being knowledgeable about money and investing, individuals can make informed decisions about how to save, spend, and invest their money. I made over $350k during the covid lock down, it was through a financial advisor.
Yeah, financial advisors could make a lot of difference, particularly in a market such as this. Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Mind if I ask you to recommend how to reach this particular financial advisor you using their service? Seems you've figured it all out unlike the rest of us.
@@Andrew-o9k6h Rebecca Lynne Buie is her name. She is regarded as a genius in her area and works for Empower Financial Services. By looking her up online, you can quickly verify her level of experience. She is well knowledgeable about financial markets.
Rebecca Lynne Buie is her name. She is regarded as a genius in her area and works for Empower Financial Services. By looking her up online, you can quickly verify her level of experience. She is well knowledgeable about financial markets.
Really good conversation!
Excellent questions covering large grounds. Mohnish as always broad and simple explanations.
This is absolutely fabulous...have to make notes from these !!
It's a TH-cam inverse ratio. The less views, the more valuable. 😅
For real, central tendency is a thing, you won't do well where the crowd are
So far energy sources have only been added throughout human history. None have been removed. Even wood burning is still used to generate energy in some countries.
In the UK Drax are burnind wood pellets in power stations
You guys got to get the sound right
This conversation is worth $1,000,000.
Dang I just traded an option on it for an intrinsic value of 500k. I'm so foolish.
What Monish says about coal power shows that he clearly does not understand much about externalities in macro economic systems. He claims that it is "irrational" to phase out coal power because it has served civilisation well in the past and therefore should be expanded. This is a very foolish argument. Coal power is by far the most pollutive power source and just because it served the western world's welfare well 50 years ago when world population was half of today with much lower per capita power consumption, it does not tell us anything about the question how we should satisfy worlds massive energy demand in the future. Scientific facts tell us that an ever increasing coal power genertaion will harm the natural system massively and therefore the economic costs will likely be a multiple of the economic benefits. That is why China and western countries are phasing out coal power gradually. He also seem to have not much knowledge about base load management. Does not even mention natural gas that has 50% lower emissions per kWh than coal, is widely avaialble and can even serve for peak load supply as well, which coal cannot and becomes more and more important in todays energy systems. Please, Monish, you are a great investor but dont talk about things you have never really put effort in to study them. If you would understand a little bit about the science of planetary boundaries you would not come to the conclusions about coal power that you state here because your argument is compeletely irrational, both from a macro economic perspective as well as from a technology perspective. Stay in your circle of competence! That principle should ideally go beyond questions related to stock market investing. Which I consider a rather simple science compared to natural science and engineering.
Please read on the difference between met coal and thermal coal
@@maxx0531 Maybe you should listen to the video first. He explicitly mentions thermal coal, and refers to solar and wind power. Have you actually watched it?
@@philkeh maybe YOU should rewatch the video... 29:07 he acknowledges that coal is a "sunset industry" and that the world is turning away from coal fired power plants. He thinks that coal has a lot of uses outside the power industry, like in the production of cement or in the making of iron and steel, that the market does not appreciate and that it will continue to be a needed resource. What you wrote above mainly concerns thermal coal in which he is not invested. His investments are in companies that produce bituminous and met coal, not thermal.
China phasing out coal? lol. Aren’t they opening 1 new coal fired power plant every 2 weeks? Only in the West do we spread such nonsense!