I just came to say i was so hardcore in the arena that the game lied to me about there being a challenge 4 and to just wait until the dude was ready to get rid of how bad ass i was!(But in all seriousness fix your damn game the reward for completing the arena is one of the best guns in the game and i cant get it because this game is so damn bugged)
are you not entertained!!
My name is Skif, owner of a destroyed apartment. I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next!
I just came to say i was so hardcore in the arena that the game lied to me about there being a challenge 4 and to just wait until the dude was ready to get rid of how bad ass i was!(But in all seriousness fix your damn game the reward for completing the arena is one of the best guns in the game and i cant get it because this game is so damn bugged)
That's so killer not getting the shotgun... Its like one of the most insane ones I've got so far.
Change the spoken language to ukrainian. It´s way more immersive that way! BTW you guys are hilarious.