If you liked this video, you will LOVE this other one. It is Everything You Need To Know To Swim Better: th-cam.com/video/zAkfpGSC5V8/w-d-xo.htmlsi=zBvzruAN9vxGst8J
The trick with the arms pushing down in order to not sink during the flip turn is just what I needed, and it works, thanks a lot for pointing it, from France
Thank you so much! I just got on to the Mayport swim team at my school, an I was struggling to much with this. It's mainly because I just focus on my breathing an trying to blow out the air through my nose but does no really work correctly, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong but thank you for the great tutorial! I was doing the kick flip wrong this whole time lol. Now when I go to practice tomarrow I hope I can do it correctly after watching this awesome guide. :D
Thanks. I am looking forward to the pool now. Th practice items I got from the video: Right distance from the wall. Turn the palms down and push the hands down. I also noticed that the feet are not parallel and point slightly sideways when you push for the twist.
m7md Totia that is an indication that you are holding your breath and not exhaling the entire time. I also had a hard time with this. Try humming the entire time you are doing the turn. This allows you to “hear” if you hold your breath and will prevent water from going up your nose. Good luck.
Just keep breathing out of your nose. You're scared because you think that water will get into your nose and you will be disoriented. Keep breathing out of your nose and keep your eyes open!
1 00:00:03,460 --> 00:00:10,220 FLIP TURN TUTORIAL 플립턴 교범 2 00:00:17,280 --> 00:00:23,500 If you are learning to swim, doing flip turns correctly is essential for smooth enjoyable laps. 수영을 배워, 부드럽게 즐기면서 몇 바퀴 돌려면, 반드시 플립턴을 정확하게 하여야 합니다. 3 00:00:24,100 --> 00:00:31,840 There are four main things to keep in mind while practicing a turn so that you master it and then not even have to think about it while swimming laps. 연습할 때 염두에 두어야 할 네 가지 주안점이 있습니다. 플립턴을 숙달하고 난 후, 뺑뺑이를 돌 때에는 기억할 필요조차 없어야 합니다. 4 00:00:31,840 --> 00:00:33,100 - Approach the wall. - 벽에 다가가기. 5 00:00:34,320 --> 00:00:38,840 The first and most important thing for doing a flip turn is to know the timing. 플립턴을 하는 데 있어 첫번째로 그리고 가장 중요한 것은 정확한 때를 아는 것입니다. 6 00:00:39,420 --> 00:00:42,440 The distance to start the turn is very different for everyone. 턴을 시작하는 거리는 사람마다 그 차이가 큽니다. 7 00:00:42,440 --> 00:00:45,880 And it also depends on your speed coming into the wall. 또한 벽에 접근하는 속도에 따라 달라지기도 합니다. 8 00:00:46,720 --> 00:00:50,600 Having said that, you should start the turn at arm's length. 그럼에도 불구하고, 처음에는 "팔길이"에서부터 시작하여야 합니다. 9 00:00:50,920 --> 00:00:53,740 To practice that, this is a good drill to do. 연습하기 위해, 이 훈련을 하는 것이 좋습니다. 10 00:00:54,340 --> 00:00:59,860 Do this several times until you get a hold of the distance and you loose the fear of approaching the wall. 거리감을 익히고, 벽에 다가가는 것에 대한 두려움이 사라질 때까지, 이 연습을 수차례 하십시요. 11 00:01:00,740 --> 00:01:05,480 - Bury your head. - 머리를 푹 숙이세요. 12 00:01:05,720 --> 00:01:10,620 Now that you know how to approach the wall, the first movement of the turn is the head. 이제 벽에 접근하는 법을 알고난 후, 턴을 하기 위한 첫 움직임은 머리에서 시작합니다. 13 00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:15,720 You need to bury your head down just in time so that the turn is successful. 턴을 성공적으로 하기 위해서는 정확한 시점에 머리를 푹 숙여야 합니다. 14 00:01:18,280 --> 00:01:21,380 To do this, you need to pay attention to the floor. 그러려면, 수영장 바닥에 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 15 00:01:21,900 --> 00:01:26,460 Make a mental mark of the last place on the floor you see before turning. 턴하기 전에, 바닥에 보이는 마지막 지점에 마음 속으로 표시를 하십시요. 16 00:01:26,920 --> 00:01:34,960 If you are too far or too close, make sure to adjust it until it is just right and then try to always turn at that point. 너무 멀거나 너무 가깝다면, 딱 맞을 때까지 확실하게 조정하십시요. 그러고 난 후 항상 그 지점에서 턴하려고 해보세요. 17 00:01:35,940 --> 00:01:40,360 Now I should say that it is a good idea to breathe before the turn, 이제, 턴하기 전에 숨을 들이쉬는 것이 좋다고 말씀드려야 하겠네요, 18 00:01:40,360 --> 00:01:46,460 in order to float better and to have enough air to blow some of it through your nose when you are face-up. 더 잘 뜨기 위해서, 또 얼굴이 위를 향할 때, 코로 공기를 조금씩 내보낼 수 있을 만큼 공기가 충분해야 합니다. 19 00:01:46,460 --> 00:01:49,180 Otherwise water will enter your nose. 그렇지 않으면 코로 물이 들어오게 됩니다. 20 00:01:50,380 --> 00:01:53,340 Right now, you have a lot of information to process. 이제, 기억하고 처리해야할 정보들이 너무 많군요. 21 00:01:53,840 --> 00:01:57,760 So, make sure to practice these two points before moving on. 그러므로, 다음 단계로 넘어가기 전에 반드시 이 두가지 주안점을 연습하세요. 22 00:01:58,140 --> 00:02:04,360 - Extend your arms. - 팔을 뻗으세요. 23 00:02:05,020 --> 00:02:10,180 Now to actually do the turn, the most important body parts are the arms. 실제로 턴을 할 때, 우리 몸에서 가장 중요한 부분은 팔입니다. 24 00:02:10,620 --> 00:02:14,020 (and also the core. But we will get to that in the next point.) (물론 코어(아랫몸통) 부분도 중요합니다. 다음 부분에서 다룰 것입니다.) 25 00:02:14,840 --> 00:02:17,200 The arms actually play a crucial part. 팔은 실제로 굉장히 중요한 역할을 합니다. 26 00:02:17,200 --> 00:02:22,940 Because they act as a leverage for the rest of the body to turn and to not sink while doing it. 몸의 다른 부분이 돌게 하기 위한 지렛대 역할을 하면서 턴하는 동안 몸이 가라앉지 않게 해줍니다. 27 00:02:23,280 --> 00:02:27,520 So pay attention at how the hands are placed straight back and facing down. 그러므로, 손바닥이 아래를 보게하여, 손은 곧장 뒤로 놓이는 동작을 유심히 살펴보십시요. 28 00:02:27,840 --> 00:02:35,340 You actually need to push water downwards to do the leverage and to stay a few inches under the surface, where you ought to be. 몸뚱아리를 수면 아래 수 인치 깊이에 머무르게 하고, 지렛대 역할을 수행하기 위해서는 손바닥을 이용해서 물을 아래쪽으로 밀어야 합니다. 29 00:02:35,480 --> 00:02:38,480 - Bring hips forward. - 엉덩이를 앞으로 당기세요. 30 00:02:38,540 --> 00:02:41,180 Now that you know the secret arms movement, 팔을 움직이는 비결을 알게 되었으므로, 31 00:02:41,480 --> 00:02:43,820 the other part you might not know is that 이제 알아야 할 다음 부분은 32 00:02:43,820 --> 00:02:49,440 in order to bring your legs on top and around your body, you need to use your core muscles. 다리를 끌어 당겨 돌기 위해서는 코어 근육(아랫몸통을 둘러싼 근육들)을 사용해야 한다는 것입니다. 33 00:02:51,840 --> 00:02:54,380 Engage those muscle right here. 바로 이 순간에 코어 근육을 사용하십시요. 34 00:02:54,780 --> 00:02:58,640 Bend your knees and flex your ankles on dorsiflexion. 무릎을 구부리고, 발목을 발등쪽으로 구부려 괭이처럼 만드세요. 35 00:02:58,640 --> 00:03:01,760 Prepare your feet to touch the wall and push. 발을 이용하여 벽에 닿은 후 벽을 미세요. 36 00:03:03,300 --> 00:03:04,680 Now you are ready! 자 이제 준비가 되셨습니다! 37 00:03:04,680 --> 00:03:06,920 Go and practice what you have learned! 수영장에 들어가 지금 배운 것들을 연습하세요! 38 00:03:08,760 --> 00:03:14,360 If you already dominate the flip turn but you want to get better and faster, subscribe to my channel. 플립턴에 관한 내용을 이미 숙달했지만, 좀 더 나아지고 빨라지고 싶으시다면, 제 채널을 구독해주세요. 39 00:03:14,380 --> 00:03:19,280 Because my next video will be about advanced tips and techniques to do a perfect flip turn. 다음 번 비디오에서는 완벽한 플립턴을 하기 위한 고급 비결과 기법들에 대하여 다루겠습니다. 40 00:03:20,020 --> 00:03:23,980 Also if you haven't checked out my freestyle tutorials, check them out. 또한 제가 만든 자유형 교범 비디오들을 보지 못하셨다면, 확인해보시기 바랍니다. 41 00:03:23,980 --> 00:03:27,820 There are great tips that can help you swim faster and more efficient. 더 빠르게 더 효율적으로 수영하는 데 도움이 될만한 비결들을 찾아보실 수 있습니다. 42 00:03:28,500 --> 00:03:30,980 See you next time! Swim Fast! 다음 시간에 찾아 뵙겠습니다! 빠르게 수영하세요!
Wow! Well in my opinion not breathing before the flip turn can be beneficial, that way you don't waste time breathing before the turn and you can do the flip turn faster, plus you can see better where you are and get into the wall better. I Love your videos, Thanks!
You are right! I wouldn't give that advice for beginners thought. The next video will be about advanced flip turns! I will not advice them to breathe before the turn ;)
merci j'apprends beaucoup avec vous🙏 j'étais nulle en natation mais maintenant je note une franche amélioration juste 2 mois d'exercice, 2 séances de 90 min cheque remains ...... " I can swim underwater now " :)
Same. On land, I can't roll perfectly too so I guess it's one of the reason. Not to mention, I used to be scared of water. I'm better now but when doing this I think my fear kinda resurfaced thus making my movement full of doubt
Practice your feet landing on the pool wall. The angel is very important. Happened to me many times while I was practicing my flip turns 🤭 hope you have it now
Two questions. Would it not be optimum to help the turning with a quick rotation movement of at least one arm instead of keeping them horizontal and immobile during the turn ? And could we already start to rotate during the flip and push the wall with the legs while already at a slight angle, not just upside--down ? Thanks for your answers.
In addition of my roll ended up in wrong direction, I also get a headache after the roll so it makes me unable to proceed to the next step. I guess blowing bubbles after flipping is the key. But when I have my mask and snorkel on, I have no idea how to do that since I need more air to push the water off my snorkel right? Anyway, thanks fo the guide. I'll be sure to practice it
I not trying to be fussy but I swim six hours a week in a club. I’ve been told that when you are just about to spring off from the wall your legs need to be in a 90 degree angle. This indicates that you were going a bit to close to the wall for your height
this is not that easy but great tutorial. Will you please do tutorial on proper push off at the beginning(when you first get in the pool) without diving into the pool.
Sangita Singh wtf he said that this is a great tutorial, and asked if he could do another topic. he hasnt done anything wrong, so YOU shut up. Also why are you replying to something that's a least a year old?
I swim every week day, and sometimes during the Weekend, Im in my High School's Swimming team so I guess you can see what im saying, we usaly stay in the water for 2-4 hours, if we are not doing freestyle for half the time, its probably us learning something new or just getting lectured.
I swim now in a shallow swimming pool on one side. Some time I get hit in my foot, while making the turn. Please advise. █ What do you think of pushing against the wall higher than in his video? ( While turning. )
A suggestion: Perhaps you can rate the difficulty level of the different techniques and styles. Say beginner, intermediate and advance. I am pretty sure this is for advance swimmers only because doing a perfect flip like that after every round of swimming is NOT easy.
While putting in my laps yesterday, I was thinking that some one should have the camera on their head for a flip turn video. See/find the wall, watch the black line as you go over, see your knees, and push off.... It seems that teaching has changed a bit on the flip turn. It used to be taught to come out of the turn flat on your back, which swimmers still do for back stroke. For sure, with freestyle, you don't want to do a full 180 degree rotation, rather than staying flat on your back, but most elite swimmers seem to come off at a 20 to 30 degree rotation...
What can I do to keep from ending up at the bottom of the pool while doing flip turns? I scraped my finger once, my arm, my back all on the bottom of the pool. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Why do my sinuses fill up every time I try to dolphin kick?For a casual swimmer, I think I have some pretty decent dolphin kicks but since my nose fills up so much I have to come up before and then it messes up my rhythm so I have to start again
Jannelle Marin Tips: Freestyle: Push your arms against the water instead of just moving ur arms around. Breath with one eye above the water. Breaststroke: When using ur arms, keep your hands in front of you and close together, mainly using them to push yourself up to breath. And glide! Just glide. Backstroke: Moves your shoulders as you move your arms. Hips up and don’t bend your knees when kicking. Butterfly: Use your strength to pull yourself out of the water and keep your head facing the bottom of the pool. I hope you become a regular in college. 🙂
Hi. My problem is that when I flip, my head kind of turns to the side, and my body flips at an angle. When doing a proper flip turn, your entire body just flips over in a straight line like: | when i do mine, my body slants like: \ i really feel like its just me turning my head to the side when i tuck my head under, and it seems like no matter how much i practice or consciously think about what im doing, my head will NOT stop. it is almost like a muscle reflex that i have no control over. i practice and practice and practice but i cannot get this to change and its more frustrating than i can put into words.... what do i do?
This used to happen to me. all you need to do is practice not on the wall but in the middle of the pool so... Push off wall do 3 full strokes and do a phantom turn (A flip turn with HUGE force and not pushing off on anything) after learning to do a turn with HUGE force practice on the wall. But another reason this might be happening you might be too close to the lane Line so practice in the middle of the wall. Last reason is you might be too CLOSE to the wall and you're not trusting to put your legs the right way try to be as far away from the wall as possible but still being able to kick off. this helps you to get great force and maybe will help you trust yourself. I hope this helped
I’ve got the flip turn down, but how do I get back to the freestyle stroke after the flip turn? When do you start turning around so your body faces the bottom of the pool? How fast should this lateral turning be? Should I turn clockwise or counter clockwise? should I do a dolphin kick before starting up the front crawl again? How many dolphin kicks? Should I do the dolphin kick as I’m laterally turning to face down again? or do I turn and then do a dolphin kick and then start up the free stroke? I haven’t found any videos that cover the transition from the completion of the flip turn and back to the free stroke - and every swimmer seems to be doing it completely differently. Some do dolphin kicks and others go directly back into the front crawl. What’s the best way?
I'll try to help this is A LOT of Q's freestyle=front crawl, dolphin kick= butterfly kick, flutter kick=freestlye kick 1. You're supposed to kick off the wall on your back and do dolphin kicks to get your stomach to face the bottom a way my coach helped us is: 2 dolphin kicks on your back 2 dolphin kicks on your side and 2 dolphin kicks on your belly once you're done doing that go straight in to flutter kick and start freestyle. I hope this helped
when i do this, my nose and ears both get so full of water, but its only when i go upside down... am i doing something wrong or do you just get used to it? i am blowing out of my nose during it and earplugs didn't help
Hi, ok I did the flip and pushed against the wall successfully. When I tried another one to push harder against the wall, I ended up crashing my head on the bottom of the pool. I was disoriented for a minute. I don’t understand how that could have happened and where I made an error!
am not able to do a front flip :( i have interschool approaching and my sir said that u can just quickly turn and do it but i want to do this anyone got tips?
I pretty much just chill when I do laps. Does anyone know how to do this with a snorkel? Maybe the same way? Just clear it out after completing the turn?
If you liked this video, you will LOVE this other one. It is Everything You Need To Know To Swim Better: th-cam.com/video/zAkfpGSC5V8/w-d-xo.htmlsi=zBvzruAN9vxGst8J
This video taught me how to do flip turn. The best trainer. very impressive.
Thank you!
The trick with the arms pushing down in order to not sink during the flip turn is just what I needed, and it works, thanks a lot for pointing it, from France
+Jihem01 you are welcome! Merci a toi pour voir les videos!
Thank you so much! I just got on to the Mayport swim team at my school, an I was struggling to much with this. It's mainly because I just focus on my breathing an trying to blow out the air through my nose but does no really work correctly, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong but thank you for the great tutorial! I was doing the kick flip wrong this whole time lol. Now when I go to practice tomarrow I hope I can do it correctly after watching this awesome guide. :D
You're so welcome!
I’m in a comp swim class and I’m determined to master this, thank u!
Thanks. I am looking forward to the pool now. Th practice items I got from the video: Right distance from the wall. Turn the palms down and push the hands down. I also noticed that the feet are not parallel and point slightly sideways when you push for the twist.
best video on this subject. informative, specific, and doable.
this is a better tutorial than most on youtube. cant wait to put this into practice in next swimming session
While i am practicing this , water keeps getting into my nose and that really painful
m7md Totia that is an indication that you are holding your breath and not exhaling the entire time. I also had a hard time with this. Try humming the entire time you are doing the turn. This allows you to “hear” if you hold your breath and will prevent water from going up your nose. Good luck.
@Marie Please elaborate
m7md Totia your leaving your breath then
Sangita Singh Ok
blow air through your nose
Thanks so much- i was never able to do it and after watching this i was able to flip turn first try👌👌👌
This is the best information and video I have seen and I’ve watched many . Thank you 🙏 I now feel confident doing it .😊
soo nice, brief, precise, and and direct to the point, i really liked it, thumbs up to u.
Your videos are very informative and helpful for us, great job keep it up brother. Thanks a lot
Thank you. It seems so simple, yet had alluded me. I can't wait to try out your tips.
best explanation ever ❤️
Thank you!! :)
In order to make the videos more helpful, I would like to get to know you better.
How many times a week do you swim?
1-2 times a week. I'm a very casual swimmer and find your videos so helpful :)
I'm happy to hear that!
Skills NT 3 times!!
5x a week my subscription ends in 2 weeks so I gotta work hard
Twice. Thank you for the videos. They are very helpful.
I think I have a psychological problem when I do the flip turn, I am so scared to turn over in the water. It is so hard for me to overcome
Just keep breathing out of your nose. You're scared because you think that water will get into your nose and you will be disoriented. Keep breathing out of your nose and keep your eyes open!
00:00:03,460 --> 00:00:10,220
플립턴 교범
00:00:17,280 --> 00:00:23,500
If you are learning to swim, doing flip turns correctly is essential for smooth enjoyable laps.
수영을 배워, 부드럽게 즐기면서 몇 바퀴 돌려면, 반드시 플립턴을 정확하게 하여야 합니다.
00:00:24,100 --> 00:00:31,840
There are four main things to keep in mind while practicing a turn so that you master it and then not even have to think about it while swimming laps.
연습할 때 염두에 두어야 할 네 가지 주안점이 있습니다. 플립턴을 숙달하고 난 후, 뺑뺑이를 돌 때에는 기억할 필요조차 없어야 합니다.
00:00:31,840 --> 00:00:33,100
- Approach the wall.
- 벽에 다가가기.
00:00:34,320 --> 00:00:38,840
The first and most important thing for doing a flip turn is to know the timing.
플립턴을 하는 데 있어 첫번째로 그리고 가장 중요한 것은 정확한 때를 아는 것입니다.
00:00:39,420 --> 00:00:42,440
The distance to start the turn is very different for everyone.
턴을 시작하는 거리는 사람마다 그 차이가 큽니다.
00:00:42,440 --> 00:00:45,880
And it also depends on your speed coming into the wall.
또한 벽에 접근하는 속도에 따라 달라지기도 합니다.
00:00:46,720 --> 00:00:50,600
Having said that, you should start the turn at arm's length.
그럼에도 불구하고, 처음에는 "팔길이"에서부터 시작하여야 합니다.
00:00:50,920 --> 00:00:53,740
To practice that, this is a good drill to do.
연습하기 위해, 이 훈련을 하는 것이 좋습니다.
00:00:54,340 --> 00:00:59,860
Do this several times until you get a hold of the distance and you loose the fear of approaching the wall.
거리감을 익히고, 벽에 다가가는 것에 대한 두려움이 사라질 때까지, 이 연습을 수차례 하십시요.
00:01:00,740 --> 00:01:05,480
- Bury your head.
- 머리를 푹 숙이세요.
00:01:05,720 --> 00:01:10,620
Now that you know how to approach the wall, the first movement of the turn is the head.
이제 벽에 접근하는 법을 알고난 후, 턴을 하기 위한 첫 움직임은 머리에서 시작합니다.
00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:15,720
You need to bury your head down just in time so that the turn is successful.
턴을 성공적으로 하기 위해서는 정확한 시점에 머리를 푹 숙여야 합니다.
00:01:18,280 --> 00:01:21,380
To do this, you need to pay attention to the floor.
그러려면, 수영장 바닥에 주의를 기울여야 합니다.
00:01:21,900 --> 00:01:26,460
Make a mental mark of the last place on the floor you see before turning.
턴하기 전에, 바닥에 보이는 마지막 지점에 마음 속으로 표시를 하십시요.
00:01:26,920 --> 00:01:34,960
If you are too far or too close, make sure to adjust it until it is just right and then try to always turn at that point.
너무 멀거나 너무 가깝다면, 딱 맞을 때까지 확실하게 조정하십시요. 그러고 난 후 항상 그 지점에서 턴하려고 해보세요.
00:01:35,940 --> 00:01:40,360
Now I should say that it is a good idea to breathe before the turn,
이제, 턴하기 전에 숨을 들이쉬는 것이 좋다고 말씀드려야 하겠네요,
00:01:40,360 --> 00:01:46,460
in order to float better and to have enough air to blow some of it through your nose when you are face-up.
더 잘 뜨기 위해서, 또 얼굴이 위를 향할 때, 코로 공기를 조금씩 내보낼 수 있을 만큼 공기가 충분해야 합니다.
00:01:46,460 --> 00:01:49,180
Otherwise water will enter your nose.
그렇지 않으면 코로 물이 들어오게 됩니다.
00:01:50,380 --> 00:01:53,340
Right now, you have a lot of information to process.
이제, 기억하고 처리해야할 정보들이 너무 많군요.
00:01:53,840 --> 00:01:57,760
So, make sure to practice these two points before moving on.
그러므로, 다음 단계로 넘어가기 전에 반드시 이 두가지 주안점을 연습하세요.
00:01:58,140 --> 00:02:04,360
- Extend your arms.
- 팔을 뻗으세요.
00:02:05,020 --> 00:02:10,180
Now to actually do the turn, the most important body parts are the arms.
실제로 턴을 할 때, 우리 몸에서 가장 중요한 부분은 팔입니다.
00:02:10,620 --> 00:02:14,020
(and also the core. But we will get to that in the next point.)
(물론 코어(아랫몸통) 부분도 중요합니다. 다음 부분에서 다룰 것입니다.)
00:02:14,840 --> 00:02:17,200
The arms actually play a crucial part.
팔은 실제로 굉장히 중요한 역할을 합니다.
00:02:17,200 --> 00:02:22,940
Because they act as a leverage for the rest of the body to turn and to not sink while doing it.
몸의 다른 부분이 돌게 하기 위한 지렛대 역할을 하면서 턴하는 동안 몸이 가라앉지 않게 해줍니다.
00:02:23,280 --> 00:02:27,520
So pay attention at how the hands are placed straight back and facing down.
그러므로, 손바닥이 아래를 보게하여, 손은 곧장 뒤로 놓이는 동작을 유심히 살펴보십시요.
00:02:27,840 --> 00:02:35,340
You actually need to push water downwards to do the leverage and to stay a few inches under the surface, where you ought to be.
몸뚱아리를 수면 아래 수 인치 깊이에 머무르게 하고, 지렛대 역할을 수행하기 위해서는 손바닥을 이용해서 물을 아래쪽으로 밀어야 합니다.
00:02:35,480 --> 00:02:38,480
- Bring hips forward.
- 엉덩이를 앞으로 당기세요.
00:02:38,540 --> 00:02:41,180
Now that you know the secret arms movement,
팔을 움직이는 비결을 알게 되었으므로,
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the other part you might not know is that
이제 알아야 할 다음 부분은
00:02:43,820 --> 00:02:49,440
in order to bring your legs on top and around your body, you need to use your core muscles.
다리를 끌어 당겨 돌기 위해서는 코어 근육(아랫몸통을 둘러싼 근육들)을 사용해야 한다는 것입니다.
00:02:51,840 --> 00:02:54,380
Engage those muscle right here.
바로 이 순간에 코어 근육을 사용하십시요.
00:02:54,780 --> 00:02:58,640
Bend your knees and flex your ankles on dorsiflexion.
무릎을 구부리고, 발목을 발등쪽으로 구부려 괭이처럼 만드세요.
00:02:58,640 --> 00:03:01,760
Prepare your feet to touch the wall and push.
발을 이용하여 벽에 닿은 후 벽을 미세요.
00:03:03,300 --> 00:03:04,680
Now you are ready!
자 이제 준비가 되셨습니다!
00:03:04,680 --> 00:03:06,920
Go and practice what you have learned!
수영장에 들어가 지금 배운 것들을 연습하세요!
00:03:08,760 --> 00:03:14,360
If you already dominate the flip turn but you want to get better and faster, subscribe to my channel.
플립턴에 관한 내용을 이미 숙달했지만, 좀 더 나아지고 빨라지고 싶으시다면, 제 채널을 구독해주세요.
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Because my next video will be about advanced tips and techniques to do a perfect flip turn.
다음 번 비디오에서는 완벽한 플립턴을 하기 위한 고급 비결과 기법들에 대하여 다루겠습니다.
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Also if you haven't checked out my freestyle tutorials, check them out.
또한 제가 만든 자유형 교범 비디오들을 보지 못하셨다면, 확인해보시기 바랍니다.
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There are great tips that can help you swim faster and more efficient.
더 빠르게 더 효율적으로 수영하는 데 도움이 될만한 비결들을 찾아보실 수 있습니다.
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See you next time! Swim Fast!
다음 시간에 찾아 뵙겠습니다! 빠르게 수영하세요!
I had been swimming for over a year, 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Thank you.
Wow! Well in my opinion not breathing before the flip turn can be beneficial, that way you don't waste time breathing before the turn and you can do the flip turn faster, plus you can see better where you are and get into the wall better.
I Love your videos, Thanks!
You are right! I wouldn't give that advice for beginners thought. The next video will be about advanced flip turns! I will not advice them to breathe before the turn ;)
Skills NT i66eusu
Skills NT ul
와우 한국 영상에는 없었던 팔의 중요성 ! 감사해요 ! 늘 팔을 어떻게 돌려 유선형을 유지하는지 궁금했는데 손바닥을 돌려 물을 누르듯이 머리뒤로!!
Thank You Sir. I learnt it after watching your video. Was able to perfect it in 4-5 tries.
Best one I've seen so far
earlier this yearI could barely swim 25. I now swim a mile in open water with a lot of the thanks to you.
merci j'apprends beaucoup avec vous🙏 j'étais nulle en natation mais maintenant je note une franche amélioration juste 2 mois d'exercice, 2 séances de 90 min cheque remains ...... " I can swim underwater now " :)
Thank you so much, it was really helpful, and the video is of high quality ! All the best !
one of the best tutorial i ever find tnx
This is excellent. Thank you.
Thank you this worked👍👍
it is very very helpful and easy to practice! many thanks
Super helpful video!
자주 보면 많이 도움될거 같아요^^♥
I'd like to thank you for the importan details to marked in this lesson. It helped me do it.
Hey guys, Me again. I kinda have a problem with my flip turns. I always end up on a different direction, Sometimes even on a different lane
You are not alone dear. Hope you have made it already
Hahahahaha. That's funny. Happens to me also.
Try to look up, at one place. While you do a flip turn.
Same. On land, I can't roll perfectly too so I guess it's one of the reason. Not to mention, I used to be scared of water. I'm better now but when doing this I think my fear kinda resurfaced thus making my movement full of doubt
Practice your feet landing on the pool wall. The angel is very important. Happened to me many times while I was practicing my flip turns 🤭 hope you have it now
Thankx.this helped a lot
Two questions. Would it not be optimum to help the turning with a quick rotation movement of at least one arm instead of keeping them horizontal and immobile during the turn ? And could we already start to rotate during the flip and push the wall with the legs while already at a slight angle, not just upside--down ? Thanks for your answers.
i believe that rotating before pushing off slows you down
Thank you! This helped a lot!
شكرا كثيرا على الفديو والطريقة المفيدة في كيفية الدوران تحت الماء
i swim three times a week 30 minutes to 60 minutes .thank you SKILLS N TALLENTS
Must be nice I swim 6 times a week 1:30 to 2 hours
Mr. Shinkowitz weird flex but ok
Excellent explanation! Greetings from México!! 😁
+Jimerules thank you!
This was helpful. .. !
In addition of my roll ended up in wrong direction, I also get a headache after the roll so it makes me unable to proceed to the next step. I guess blowing bubbles after flipping is the key. But when I have my mask and snorkel on, I have no idea how to do that since I need more air to push the water off my snorkel right? Anyway, thanks fo the guide. I'll be sure to practice it
@SkillsNT Hey, how to control the air when flip turn? I always out of air when doing it. It was hard for me to control the breath out through nose.
You're amazing
Good it helps me
I not trying to be fussy but I swim six hours a week in a club. I’ve been told that when you are just about to spring off from the wall your legs need to be in a 90 degree angle. This indicates that you were going a bit to close to the wall for your height
This is helpful! Thanks!
You are welcome! Thanks for watching!
沈天一 Geidy
شكرا لكم على الفديو ويستحق المشاهدة والاستفادة من المعلومات فيه
thank you for the tips!!!!!
this is not that easy but great tutorial. Will you please do tutorial on proper push off at the beginning(when you first get in the pool) without diving into the pool.
+Munzin Chowdhury yeah I'll do that ;)
Munzin Chowdhury you just shut up your mouth he has done very well ok so don't tell anything about him ridiculous person
Sangita Singh wtf he said that this is a great tutorial, and asked if he could do another topic. he hasnt done anything wrong, so YOU shut up. Also why are you replying to something that's a least a year old?
Thanks for breaking this down like this, it's more practice-able!
will start today! (swim 3 times / week)
I swim every week day, and sometimes during the Weekend, Im in my High School's Swimming team so I guess you can see what im saying, we usaly stay in the water for 2-4 hours, if we are not doing freestyle for half the time, its probably us learning something new or just getting lectured.
Thank you
You're welcome!
Very useful video
Thank you so much! Can you please make a butterfly tutorial?
Thank you for watching! I will make that the next stroke tutorial ;)
The butterfly video is up! let me know if you like it :)
I swim now in a shallow swimming pool on one side. Some time I get hit in my foot, while making the turn. Please advise. █ What do you think of pushing against the wall higher than in his video? ( While turning. )
Thanks for the post!
A suggestion: Perhaps you can rate the difficulty level of the different techniques and styles. Say beginner, intermediate and advance. I am pretty sure this is for advance swimmers only because doing a perfect flip like that after every round of swimming is NOT easy.
Thank you.
I just subscribed
What do you use to film under water?
excelente video brot ami si me salio la buelta de campana si lo sabia pero me faltava mas dominar ajaja😂😂
+CaptFranki C.W gracias! Que bueno que te gusto 👍
Again, starts with the timing. I haven’t mastered the actual somersault yet!
While putting in my laps yesterday, I was thinking that some one should have the camera on their head for a flip turn video. See/find the wall, watch the black line as you go over, see your knees, and push off.... It seems that teaching has changed a bit on the flip turn. It used to be taught to come out of the turn flat on your back, which swimmers still do for back stroke. For sure, with freestyle, you don't want to do a full 180 degree rotation, rather than staying flat on your back, but most elite swimmers seem to come off at a 20 to 30 degree rotation...
Good one
When I was a kid, my coach taught me this several times, and I never got to successfully flip once without having the water enter my nose...
Yahshawn Joe Try to exhale when you do a flip turn or hum to prevent water going up your nose.
I sink to the bottom when i blow out the air, any tips for it please
감사 합니다..
Is it a fault to rotate to the side rather than the front?
Very well
I already know how to swim to survive but now I want to actually be good at it
casually obsessed me too!
Hm..i think its way more easier in reality than it seems here..
I have to try soon to see if i was right..hehe
Let us know how it goes!
What can I do to keep from ending up at the bottom of the pool while doing flip turns?
I scraped my finger once, my arm, my back all on the bottom of the pool. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
take a breath to keep air in your lungs and stomach it will help you stay afloat
How to prevent water getting into the nose? Should I blow air out while turning?
TheBoilingWater yeah
Yes you blow out of your nose. once you start doing this a lot it will become an instinct.
Why do my sinuses fill up every time I try to dolphin kick?For a casual swimmer, I think I have some pretty decent dolphin kicks but since my nose fills up so much I have to come up before and then it messes up my rhythm so I have to start again
im joining a swim team in college i need to practice hard
Jannelle Marin
Freestyle: Push your arms against the water instead of just moving ur arms around. Breath with one eye above the water.
Breaststroke: When using ur arms, keep your hands in front of you and close together, mainly using them to push yourself up to breath. And glide! Just glide.
Backstroke: Moves your shoulders as you move your arms. Hips up and don’t bend your knees when kicking.
Butterfly: Use your strength to pull yourself out of the water and keep your head facing the bottom of the pool.
I hope you become a regular in college. 🙂
thank's i like so, valeu!
De nada! I like your comments :)
I’m taking in water during the flip. How do I correct?
What video editor do you use?
After effects
Hi. My problem is that when I flip, my head kind of turns to the side, and my body flips at an angle. When doing a proper flip turn, your entire body just flips over in a straight line like: |
when i do mine, my body slants like: \
i really feel like its just me turning my head to the side when i tuck my head under, and it seems like no matter how much i practice or consciously think about what im doing, my head will NOT stop. it is almost like a muscle reflex that i have no control over. i practice and practice and practice but i cannot get this to change and its more frustrating than i can put into words.... what do i do?
Hannah G. Bird it sounds like you are not trusting yourself to do a full summersault. The way I broke that habit was to put my arms out for stability
Hannah G. Bird this is my exact same problem.
Exact same problem my coaches scold me for this
This used to happen to me. all you need to do is practice not on the wall but in the middle of the pool so... Push off wall do 3 full strokes and do a phantom turn (A flip turn with HUGE force and not pushing off on anything) after learning to do a turn with HUGE force practice on the wall.
But another reason this might be happening you might be too close to the lane Line so practice in the middle of the wall.
Last reason is you might be too CLOSE to the wall and you're not trusting to put your legs the right way try to be as far away from the wall as possible but still being able to kick off. this helps you to get great force and maybe will help you trust yourself.
I hope this helped
What was the penalty for
I’ve got the flip turn down, but how do I get back to the freestyle stroke after the flip turn? When do you start turning around so your body faces the bottom of the pool? How fast should this lateral turning be? Should I turn clockwise or counter clockwise? should I do a dolphin kick before starting up the front crawl again? How many dolphin kicks? Should I do the dolphin kick as I’m laterally turning to face down again? or do I turn and then do a dolphin kick and then start up the free stroke? I haven’t found any videos that cover the transition from the completion of the flip turn and back to the free stroke - and every swimmer seems to be doing it completely differently. Some do dolphin kicks and others go directly back into the front crawl. What’s the best way?
I'll try to help this is A LOT of Q's freestyle=front crawl, dolphin kick= butterfly kick, flutter kick=freestlye kick
1. You're supposed to kick off the wall on your back and do dolphin kicks to get your stomach to face the bottom a way my coach helped us is: 2 dolphin kicks on your back 2 dolphin kicks on your side and 2 dolphin kicks on your belly once you're done doing that go straight in to flutter kick and start freestyle. I hope this helped
@@anniehippen5714 thanks! That was a very concise answer
It is the arms L&Gs.... The most important
I bet I will learn
+mona agrawal I bet you will
when i do this, my nose and ears both get so full of water, but its only when i go upside down... am i doing something wrong or do you just get used to it? i am blowing out of my nose during it and earplugs didn't help
thank you for your tutorial, help me do it by yourself
I almost vomit when I look at your camera spin around when you turn haha
Is the part about breathing right before the turn how you really do it? My coaches freak out if I breath after the flags.
Yes try to breath right before the turn and you will be able to take a few stroke without breathing more easily
This video is more for beginners... so they will have you breath before the flip..
I have a meet in a week I have to learn fast!
I've watched your video many times, still i cannot do this, so hard
Hi, ok I did the flip and pushed against the wall successfully. When I tried another one to push harder against the wall, I ended up crashing my head on the bottom of the pool. I was disoriented for a minute. I don’t understand how that could have happened and where I made an error!
I tried to do it , But i couldn't do it alright 😊
Great advice for swimming 👍
Guess the tiler of the pool was drunken or just an amateur 🤔
I get water stuk in my head while doing flips how to avoid it
am not able to do a front flip :( i have interschool approaching and my sir said that u can just quickly turn and do it but i want to do this anyone got tips?
can you tell me how to flip without using my arms to rotate myself?
can not read CC white letters with the white background!
Arms straight when turning!
I pretty much just chill when I do laps. Does anyone know how to do this with a snorkel? Maybe the same way? Just clear it out after completing the turn?
Yes clear it out after the snorkel is above the surface