Paula’s First ever exhortation about Tithes and Offering Jan.31, 2020

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 18

  • @jamesenslin8461
    @jamesenslin8461 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are not under the Law, but under Grace, unmerited favor to please God through faith and not the Law.Law is what we must do,Grace is what God do for us.

  • @vinch7299
    @vinch7299 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    For me it's still applicable as long as na ma glorify ang name ni Lord sa pag gawa nito at makakatulong sa gawain ng Panginoon. So, why not giving tithes and offering? You will benefit from it. In my own experience, talagang naranasan ko ang kabutihan ng Panginoon. By doing this anyway, we show that we continuously doing good. Something to be grasped❤️❤️❤️

  • @jamesenslin8461
    @jamesenslin8461 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tithing is Law, sowing is Grace, God love cheerful sowers and then He gives more seed to sow.

  • @glenncabico5742
    @glenncabico5742 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Proverbs 3:1-10

  • @anthonyorji536
    @anthonyorji536 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A house wife is supposed to pay tithe not COMPULSORILY through MONEY but through her act(HOLY). Yes, a house wife is not just a woman that is married into the house and stays at home but a woman that is married into the house and does a job seemingly for a woman to do. Now, a woman who works for example in the bank cannot take her money and pay TITHE without her husband's approval and a woman who pays tithe without her husband's approval has done that in the FLESH and not by the SPIRIT(Holiest). Now a woman is tied to the LAW of her husband provided she is married to a man and the man is still ALIVE. But immediately the man dies, she is FREE from the LAW of her husband and she is now tied to the LAW of either God or the devil depending on whether she is holy or not. If she is holy, she is tied to the law of God but if she is unholy, she is tied to the LAW of the devil. Now concerning a woman paying TITHE, it shall be explained in PLAIN LANGUAGE for humanity to LEARN and also know that a being(Holy) is writing through man(writer). Now, a woman that the husband is ALIVE and gives her MONEY and mentions what she is to do with the money, if the woman fails to CARRY out such a TASK(whether holy or not), she has SINNED AGAINST God. This exclude a woman going to buy evil inside the house. Now, a woman whom her husband tells to use money for certain things in the HOUSE and the woman decides to REMOVE one-tenth when her husband has not given her permission to use the money for TITHE, has done that in the FLESH and not in the SPIRIT. But if the man later finds out and decides to FORGIVE her, her SINS will truly be FORGIVEN her. It is a STOLEN MONEY before God and that money can never, never be accepted before the MOST HOLY GOD. It is finished! It is finished!

  • @ardietoradio1843
    @ardietoradio1843 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sister that is not atites in2 corinthians9:7you are always implementing tithe

  • @anthonyorji536
    @anthonyorji536 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    As I looked at this New church generation, tears(blood) tickle down my chin(holy). Looking at this New generation preachers, I discovered they are given to knowledge (filthy) and not WISDOM(refined). Looking at the men of God in this new church generation, I discovered they are using knowledge (filthy) to explain my word(holy) rather than wisdom(refined). Yes, a man may want to go for knowledge (excessive) and at the end, he will see himself becoming an ATHEIST. Pastors are not excluded. Are you not supposed to be teaching your sheep(members) to appear before me in holiness (Deuteronomy 22:5, Jeremiah 4:30, 1 Corinthians 11:6) and not argue if tithing is right or not. Now, Mr Preacher I have somewhat against thee. Thou hast used your excessive knowledge (filthy) to CONFUSE humanity although to those my spirit (holy) are in them, they cannot be confused. Now talking about TITHE, it is a great MYSTERY but will be exposed for man to know and learn. A man went to work and came with a thousand naira and the Pastor told him to bring a tenth for his tithing. Looking at the pastor, I discovered he has not paid his own one- tenth. Foolish Pastor! How could you tell your sheep to bring one-tenth when you have not brought yours. Now Pastors are likened to TAX COLLECTOR(A book written by the author - search books by Anthony Ebubechukwu Orji on Amazon)). What is the meaning of that? What is the meaning of that? Yes, tax in a country is used to renovate, repair and provide essential services for the people likewise in my body(churches), these taxes(tithes) are used to RENOVATE the house(churches). Now, a tax-tithe collector (Pastor) was also told to bring his tithe(tax) but he secretly IGNORED seeing he is the one that collects the tithes and no one will know if he pays his or not. Foolish Pastor! Are you aware you are dealing with Spirit of Spirit(God) and not man. Looking at the Pastor, I discovered he has a stain on his pocket(spiritually). Writing the word(pocket-spiritually), a man given to knowledge (filthy) quickly asked if the garment of salvation which a man receives when he gives his life to God do have pockets. Foolish man! Why using your carnal knowledge for things of Spirit. Looking at the Pastor(thief), I discovered he was called a THEIF by God and a ROBBER by the devil. But why? But why? Yes, a man that God has blessed and refuses to bring a tenth unto God and not the Pastor, Bishop, Left and Right Reverend is a THIEF before God and a ROBBER before the devil. Yes, this is what it means. A man was looking for work and God in his infinite MERCY sent his angels (GOOD and MERCY) and immediately the man got the work. Now that man will be too foolish not to bring a tenth before God at the end of the month. What should the money be used for? Yes, as a tax in a country is used for essential services(road repairs, other important facilities etc), so is the tithe(tax) used by the worker(Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Evangelist) to do the work of God. What kind of work? Yes, a church that was build 15years ago needs to be repainted. A church that does not have instruments need complete sets of musical instruments, a church that was using wooden chairs before needs a modern plastic chairs, a church that does not have sound systems, need a modern and workable one. Ones in a year, churches need to do HARVEST, which is one of the reason of tithing. Sunday shlchool manuals which the members are using need to be published using that tithe, Christian magazine(Evangelism) also need to be produced for man(sinners) to read and get CONVERTED so that their will be MEAT(CONVERTS) in the store house(church and paradise ). Now, a church that pay their tithe and the PASTOR(THIEF) still put burden on them to CONTRIBUTE (evil of evil) in one way or the other inside my body(churches) is a very, very big thief. Burden(contribution) should not be placed on the members to CONTRIBUTE (evil of evil) inside the church. The tithe gotten from the members should be used for that purpose. Yes, a MAN(Apostle, Bishop, Pope, Right Reverend, Left Reverend, Church members , Deacon, Deaconness, Choir Master, ect that does not pay his TITHE is a REBEL to God and to man. Why? Why? Yes, God is Spirit and those that will worship him MUST worship him in spirit and in truth. How can a man eat all and expect the devil to SPARE him. Infact the devil will MAJESTICALLY walk up to God and seek PERMISSION ( most atimes it is granted) to CHASTISE such a man. Now talking about a man that God called to open JUST A SINGLE MINISTRY and due to greed, he decides to go into BUSINESS by opening churches here and there on earth. This is the wisdom for them:
    Church 1: gets her tithe and send a tenth of the total tithe to the head quarters. Now the head quarter will collect all these tithes from all her branches. It is called TITHE of TITHE. What the head quarter does with the tithe is this, if there is any of it's branches that are having very, very few members, it means that what they will accumulate will be less and hence they need to do HARVEST and as such the head quarters will send either a tenth to that church or a part for them to do HARVEST. Now if a man(Angel, Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Deacon, Pope etc) stands on the pulpit and tell HUMANITY not to pay TITHE, such a man(Bishop, Teacher, Apostle, Evangelist, Right and Left Reverend etc) SHOULD BE ACCURSED BY THE BRETHREN. IT IS FINISHED! IT IS FINISHED!
    Books by the writer is available on Amazon, create space, kindle direct publishing, ( Search - books by Anthony Orji)

  • @mikerobertson4041
    @mikerobertson4041 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    First, what is a child doing before this congregation? Is there no adult to instruct them in the Word?! This 'church' has BIG problems!

  • @anthonyorji536
    @anthonyorji536 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    As I looked at this generation, I discovered that truly man is very, very much confused about the word (bible-holy). Yes, Government should repair the road, Government should build this, Government should build that! As I looked at a country, I discover they are judiciously paying their TAXES so that the government could repair or rather build one thing or the other. As I looked at a church, I discovered the man of God was busying saying there is no need for tithe. Oh no! Foolish man! Who taught you that? From theological school or from the church you grew up! As I looked at men under the surface of the sun, I discovered they are truly confused about my word(bibel-holy). Looking at a WIDOW, I discovered she has a son and the son is working and anytime the son gives her money, she takes a tenth into my storehouse so that their will be MEAT. Looking at the last word, I discovered all under the surface of the sun will want to interpret it as FOOD(filthy) in my house. Oh no! That is why humanity is truly confused about my word(holy). They use knowledge (filthy) to explain my word(bible) instead of WISDOM(refined). Now look, my word is highly spiritual although wriiten literally for man to understand. Never explained my word using knowledge (filthy) but through wisdom (refined) by the POWER of the HOLY GHOST. I know if I still ask humanity what is the difference between Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit man will truly get it very, very wrong because it is used interchangeable in my word(bible). Now talking about a woman(Widow) whose son gave money and she uses a tenth inorder to tithe in my house. What has she done? What has she done? Yes, she has truly given the devil a BLOW(Obedience) through her act(holy). Yes, her act of paying tithe is a blow to the kingdom of darkness. How? How? Yes, a woman (widow) who brings her tithe into the store house has done something. What is that? What is that? She has renovated the house of God spiritually although the pastor that receives the money MUST put it into use. How? How? As I looked at a church, I discovered it was dilapidated. Coming closer, I discovered the Pastor is a God fearing one and as such he quickly used the money(tithe) given or rather paid into the storehouse to RENOVATE the house of God. Looking at another pastor, I discovered the tithe(tax) brought was not used for the purpose to which it was brought but rather for business. Foolish man! Foolish man! You are using the tithe(tax) brought by the sheep(members) in doing business instead of sowing it into the STORE HOUSE. Looking at him, I discovered his name was IMMEDIATELY erased from my book(Spirit of Spirit) and his name appeared in another book-death(Spirit of Spirit) although my gifts was not removed from him seeing my gifts is without REPENTANCE. Looking at this new church generation, I discovered many shall truly not see me(Christ) because of FALSE DOCTRINE(NOT PAYING TITHE) taught by men of God using knowledge (filthy) to explain my word(bible-holy) instead of wisdom(refined) by the Power of the Holy Ghost. It is finished! It is finished!

  • @worthlessservant1981
    @worthlessservant1981 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Para po sa kaalaman, wala na po ang tithes sa panahong Kristiyano. Tama po ang 2 Corinto 9:7. Alamin pa dito:
    Ang 2 Corinto po ay sulat ni Apostol Pablo sa Iglesia na nasa Corinto. Ang sulat po ni Apostol Pablo ay pawang utos ng Panginoon at ang kausap niya ay mga first century Christians (1 Corinto 14:37). Ayon sa sariling kalooban po, at pwedeng higit pa sa sariling kaya ang koleksyon sa Iglesia (1 Corinto 16:1 at 2 Corinto 8:3). Ang Malakias 3:10 ay utos po sa mga Israelita sa panahon ni Moises. Hindi po tayo Israelita, tayo ay mga Gentil (labas sa lahi ng Israel). Ang aral ni Cristo na po ang susundin ngayon, hindi na ang utos ni Moises (Lucas 16:16 at Hebreo 7:12). Dagdag pa:

    • @derfjaos9077
      @derfjaos9077 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Tithing has it’s principle, so if you Tithe you will reap the benifit of it.Tithing is not for everyone, if you don’t have revelation to Tithe don’t tithe.
      If you are a believer of Christ and a Gentile, by faith we are actually Abraham’s seed and hears according to the promise.
      Galatians 3:29.
      Again Tithing is not for everyone. Try to study the Hebrew meaning of Tithe and you will be surprised the hidden truth.
      God bless everyone!

    • @worthlessservant1981
      @worthlessservant1981 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@derfjaos9077 TIthing is not for everyone kasi para sa mga Israelita lang yun sa panahon ni Moises na binibigay sa mga Levitang saserdote. Dapat inaalam po natin kung sino ang kausap sa Malakias 3:10. Wala na po ang tithes sa panahong Kristiyano. Kunwari believer kayo ni Christ pero halatang di kayo aware sa utos sa bagong tipan or dinededma niyo ang bagong tipan. Ito ang explanation.
      Sa pamamagitan ng Espiritu Santo, nagbigay ang Panginoong Jesucristo ng utos sa mga apostol na kanyang hinirang (Gawa 1:2).
      Gawa 1:2
      “Hanggang sa araw na tanggapin siya sa kaitaasan, pagkatapos na makapagbigay siya ng mga utos sa pamamagitan ng Espiritu Santo, sa mga apostol na kaniyang hinirang;”
      Isa po sa mga apostol ay si Apostol Pablo.
      Ang 2 Corinto po ay sulat ni Apostol Pablo sa Iglesia na nasa Corinto, na kasama sa mga first-century Christians (2 Corinto 1:1). Kaya makikita sa 2 Corinto 9:7 na ayon sa pasiya ng puso ang pagbibigay.
      2 Corinto 1:1
      “Si Pablo, na Apostol ni Cristo Jesus sa pamamagitan ng kalooban ng Dios, at si Timoteo, na ating kapatid sa Iglesia ng Dios na nasa Corinto, kalakip ng lahat ng mga banal na nasa buong Acaya.”
      2 Corinto 9:7
      “Magbigay ang bawa't isa AYON SA IPINASYA NG KANIYANG PUSO: huwag mabigat sa loob, o dahil sa pinipilit: sapagka't iniibig ng Dios ang nagbibigay na masaya.”
      Ang mga sulat po ni Apostol Pablo ay PAWANG UTOS ng Panginoon (1 Corinto 14:37).
      1 Corinto 14:37
      “Kung iniisip ninoman na siya'y propeta, o ayon sa espiritu, ay kilalanin niya ang mga bagay na sa inyo'y isinusulat ko, na PAWANG UTOS ng Panginoon.”
      Ayon sa sariling kalooban po, at pwedeng higit pa sa sariling kaya ang koleksyon sa Iglesia (1 Corinto 16:1 at 2 Corinto 8:3).
      1 Corinto 16:1
      “Ngayon tungkol sa koleksyon sa mga banal, ay gawin din naman ninyong gaya ng iniutos ko sa mga iglesia ng Galacia.”
      2 Corinto 8:3
      “Sapagka't ayon sa kanilang kaya, ay nagpapatotoo ako at higit pa sa kanilang kaya, ay NAGSIABULOY SILA SA SARILING KALOOBAN,”
      Ang Malakias 3:8-11 ay utos po sa mga Israelita sa panahon ni Moises (Malakias 4:4).
      Malakias 4:4
      “Alalahanin ninyo ang KAUTUSAN NI MOISES na aking lingkod na aking iniutos sa kaniya sa Horeb PARA SA BUONG ISRAEL, sa makatuwid baga'y ang mga palatuntunan at mga kahatulan.”
      Hindi po tayo Israelita, tayo ay Pilipino, samakatuwid ay mga Gentil (labas sa lahi ng Israel, Efeso 2:11-12).
      Efeso 2:11
      “Kaya nga alalahanin ninyo, na kayo noong una, mga GENTIL SA LAMAN, tinatawag na Di-pagtutuli niyaong tinatawag na Pagtutuli sa laman, na ginawa ng mga kamay:”
      Efeso 2:12
      “Na kayo nang panahong yaon ay mga hiwalay kay Cristo, na mga DI KABILANG SA BANSA NG ISRAEL, at mga taga ibang lupa tungkol sa mga tipan ng pangako, na walang pagasa at walang Dios sa sanglibutan.”
      At kahit sa Israelita, ang aral ng Panginoong Jesucristo na po ang susundin ngayon, hindi na ang utos ni Moises (Lucas 16:16, Gawa 13:39, Hebreo 7:12, Hebreo 8:7-9, Hebreo 8:13 at Hebreo 10:9).
      Lucas 16:16
      “Ang kautusan at ang mga propeta ay NANATILI HANGGANG KAY JUAN: mula noo'y ang evangelio ng kaharian ng Dios ay ipinangangaral, at ang bawa't tao ay pumapasok doon na nagpipilit.”
      (Ang kautusan ni Moises ang tinutukoy na “kautusan” sa Lucas 16:16)
      Gawa 13:39
      “At sa pamamagitan niya ang bawa't nananampalataya ay inaaring ganap sa lahat ng mga bagay, na sa mga ito'y HINDI KAYO AARING GANAP SA PAMAMAGITAN NG KAUTUSAN NI MOISES.”
      Hebreo 7:12
      “Sapagka't nang palitan ang pagkasaserdote ay KINAILANGANG PALITAN NAMAN ANG KAUTUSAN.”
      (Mula sa pagkasaserdote ni Moises, Aaron, at ng mga Levita sa panahon ng Israel ay napalitan na sa pagkasaserdote ni Cristo. Makikita sa Hebreo 7:26-27,
      “Sapagka't nararapat sa atin ang gayong dakilang saserdoteng banal, walang sala, walang dungis, nahihiwalay sa mga makasalanan, at ginawang lalong mataas pa kay sa mga langit;
      Na hindi nangangailangan araw-araw na maghandog ng hain, na gaya niyaong mga dakilang saserdote una-una'y patungkol sa kaniyang sariling mga kasalanan at saka patungkol sa mga kasalanan ng bayan: sapagka't ito'y ginawa niyang minsan magpakailan man, nang kaniyang ihandog ang kaniyang sarili.”
      Ano ang patunay sa saserdote ang Panginoong Jesus? Sa Hebreo 3:1,
      “Kaya, mga banal na kapatid, mga may bahagi sa pagtawag ng kalangitan, inyong isipin ang Apostol at Dakilang Saserdote na ating kinikilala, si Jesus;” )
      Ito pa ang mga patunay na wala nang bisa ang unang tipan at kautusan ni Moises.
      Hebreo 8:7
      “Sapagka't kung ang unang tipang yaon ay naging walang kakulangan, ay hindi na sana inihanap ng pangangailangan ang ikalawa.
      Hebreo 8:8
      “Sapagka't sa pagkakita ng kakulangan sa kanila, ay sinabi niya, Narito, dumarating ang mga araw, sinasabi ng Panginoon, Na ako'y gagawa ng ISANG BAGONG PAKIKIPAGTIPAN; sa sangbahayan ni Israel at sa sangbahayan ni Juda.”
      Hebreo 8:9
      “HINDI AYON SA TIPANG AKING IPINAKIPAGTIPAN SA KANILANG MGA MAGULANG Nang araw na sila'y aking tangnan sa kamay, upang sila'y ihatid sa labas ng lupain ng Egipto; Sapagka't sila'y hindi nanatili sa aking tipan, At akin silang pinabayaan, sinasabi ng Panginoon.”

    • @derfjaos9077
      @derfjaos9077 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@worthlessservant1981 I still follow Tithe, as I’ve said it has a principle, like the law of electricity or gravity - 2 Corinthians does not discuss Tithing it’s giving by the way.
      Tithe was mandated before the Law.
      I’m personally reaping the benefit of Tithing. As I’ve said Tithing is not for everyone.
      If you don’t wanna Tithe it’s ok. Tithing actually mentioned in New Testament see Hebrews 7:8.
      Again, if you don’t have the revelation to Tithe, don’t Tithe.
      Dont mistaken Tithe into Giving it’s utterly different.
      It’s like the 10 commandments it was given in particular to Israelites, but you know what, why is it being thought in all church denominations? Are you implying that the 10 Commandment is not applicable to Gentiles then?

    • @glenncabico5742
      @glenncabico5742 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Proverbs 3:1-10

    • @wuzzupworld4386
      @wuzzupworld4386 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, pero kung iintindhin niyo po mabuti yung message nung bata, she is doing it for the glory of God so whats wrong with that? He is giving for the glory of God and the sake of the church so what's wrong with that? Knowledge puffs up but love builds up kapatid. Better to support an act if its an act of love and giving glory to God than explaining yourself here kht na not needed nman yung knowledge mo for that kasi malinaw nman and inelaborate niya na She is giving as an act for love and thanks for the grace of God.

  • @kuwaitkw9504
    @kuwaitkw9504 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bawal ang ikapu