Ranking entries from Serbia in Eurovision

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 26

  • @Empoart
    @Empoart ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Glad to see you back! :) Serbia has sent some of the best Eurovision ballads ever, as well as some more 'quirky' entries that I really like (I have a weak spot for Cipela & Ovo je Balkan). For the short time they've been in the contest (independently that is), they've hardly ever let us down.

    • @EmoBearRights
      @EmoBearRights ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I love that they've sent a variety of stuff - some gorgeous ballads, some quirky stuff, some outright pop songs and a song that will be a meme forever. Not all of it is my bag but it's better that then sending the same old stuff every year - Serbia has a safety net of support as the Queen of the Balkans but it doesn't rest on its laurels.

  • @tigressachinesa1543
    @tigressachinesa1543 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Serbia, a country that is specialist in dramatic balkan ballads and I'm in for it. I love then when they are true with themselves. Again, I love your analysis of this country. I agree a lot with your tier list!

  • @mihailopavlovic693
    @mihailopavlovic693 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Those first three entries are probably some of the most beloved songs here, and with good reason. Not a fan of some of the recent entries but I definitely think the good result from this year can cause more effort to be put into the future ones. Fantastic review as always.

    • @groot1421
      @groot1421  ปีที่แล้ว

      Much appreciated!

  • @deandrake2723
    @deandrake2723 ปีที่แล้ว

    Glad to see you rank Nova Decca as Fantastic.

  • @kaleproject3495
    @kaleproject3495 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Been waiting for this one. Serbia is in a Eurovision tier with only the likes of Bosnia or Albania for me. Bosnia is probably my favourite Eurovision country but I think Serbia might run it really closely. There's a few weaker entries but, overall, Serbia have some of the greatest songs to ever grace the Eurovision stage.
    Three Serbian entries actually have a rare 10/10 rating from me. They are the entries from 2004 (obviously), 2008 and 2019. I would also put 2007 "among the greatest", too. The instrumentals, the songwriting, vocal delivery...if you can appreciate the style of music, they're all almost without flaw. 2008 and 2019 are probably two of my top three Eurovision songs ever. Instrumentally, so perfect. Oh and obviously Lane Moje is Lane Moje. Don't need to give reasons why it should be up there. Molitva is just a slight step down from those three but it's a tiny step. It's still one of the best Eurovision winners.
    I also want to give "fantastic" grades to 2005 (if you include it here), 2011 and 2012. Really sad that Čaroban wasn't for you. It's so unique and retro and fun. Her vocal performance and stage presence are also excellent. I'm a huge fan of it. 2012 is Lane Moje that goes big at the end. Of course, it loses just a bit of the magic when getting there but it's still an incredibly high standard.
    For really great, I have so many...2010 is there for the reasons you mentioned, 2018, both Hurricane songs (2020 and 2021) and 2022. Hurricane brought such a good female group entry, with energy, strong vocals and good choreography. Liked both a lot and actually, I prefer Loco Loco. I do, however, understand that it's not your sort of thing. Obviously, this year's Serbian entry was also great, visually and conceptually, even though I may not enjoy listening to it as a standalone track so much. I wanted to put 2018 higher but I just don't think it builds as much as Serbia's greatest entries. Do love the world-building as you said though...and again, the vocals are just so good.
    2016 is a borderline solid to really great. I think vocally, Sanja's flawless. I like the power and drive in the instrumental but I think it's just missing something. The lyrics are a bit meh I guess and that's part of what holds me back from moving it higher. It's also an overly-dark presentation that fits in with the message but still, not visually appealing.
    2013 and 2017 are both solid/meh-ish entries from Serbia. 2013 was at least trying and there is some fun parts of the melody and some decent vocals...but yeah, not very polished and visually, not good. 2017 wasn't much of an effort but it was nicely-produced and there's pleasant drum and bass going on. Vocally, not so good though.
    The only two really "entries" from Serbia are 2009 and 2015...and in both cases, if they had come from other countries, I'd be less harsh on them but they're such obvious weak links for a country like Serbia. Cipela deserves the "What happened here" category since it follows Lane Moje, the No Name entries, Molitva and Oro chronologically and might be the biggest step-down in terms of consistent Eurovision quality ever in a single entry. 2015 is just awful, shouting, euroclub rubbish...it could be an entry from Malta, San Marino or any country like that but does SUCH a disservice to Serbia. The fact that it beat Danica's masterpiece in the national final that year still irks me.
    Sorry for the lengthy writeup but I kinda love Serbia.
    Top Five:
    1. Jelena Tomašević - Oro (2008)
    2. Nevena Božović - Kruna (2019)
    3. Željko Joksimović - Lane Moje (2004)
    4. Marija Šerifović - Molitva (2007)
    5. Željko Joksimović - Nije Ljubav Stvar (2012)

  • @jesuscastell3043
    @jesuscastell3043 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    love you serbiaaaa from spain

  • @rodmorg801
    @rodmorg801 ปีที่แล้ว

    8:50 I believe you mean ambience/atmosphere sir! :)
    I agree with you entirely with this list, 2004's entry is iconic, and 2009's should have and would have qualified in today's world
    I can't wait for your view on Slovenia's entries - personally I think they're the most underrated and overlooked nation in Eurovision

  • @EmoBearRights
    @EmoBearRights ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm really glad to see Ove Je Balkan in the really great category. I think Caliban got a bit underated though but well.....differing taste exists.

    • @kaleproject3495
      @kaleproject3495 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Caroban is one of those rare entries that I think works better in English than in the native language. It's *really* good and could've gotten a much better result.

  • @esc_george
    @esc_george ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Serbia for me is one of the strongest participants in Eurovision. My favourite songs are Lane Moje, Molitva and Nije Liubav Stvar

  • @jere_diekralle7284
    @jere_diekralle7284 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Serbia definetely is a great country in eurovision, they just don´t have this 1 entry that I completely love to infinity
    Fantastic: 2007, 2009 :^), 2010, 2012, 2019, 2022
    Really great: 2004, 2008, 2013, 2016, 2018
    Solid: 2015
    I like it, but...: 2011, 2020
    Not for me: 2017, 2021

  • @vladbadiu
    @vladbadiu ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Based on Grooty's rankings so far, averaged by # of entries:
    1. Italy 3.64
    2. Norway 2.69
    3. Armenia 2.67
    4. Hungary 2.65
    5. Serbia 2.56
    6. Australia 2.50
    7. Denmark 2.46
    8. Romania 2.46
    9. Azerbaijan 2.40
    10. Moldova 2.39
    11. Bosnia Herzegovina 2.32
    12. Russia 2.28
    13. France 2.27
    14. Iceland 2.22
    15. Greece 2.21
    16. Cyprus 2.07
    17. Albania 2.05
    18. Belgium 2.00
    19. Ireland 2.00
    20. Estonia 1.96
    21. Israel 1.96
    22. Finland 1.96
    23. Netherlands 1.96
    24. Portugal 1.85
    25. Bulgaria 1.80
    26. Croatia 1.75
    27. Germany 1.69
    28. North Macedonia 1.68
    29. Latvia 1.65
    30. Czech Republic 1.64
    31. Montenegro 1.62
    32. Georgia 1.60
    33. Lithuania 1.57
    34. Austria 1.54
    35. Belarus 1.53
    36. Poland 1.52
    37. Malta 1.50
    38. San Marino 0.92
    39. Andorra 0.67

  • @EmoBearRights
    @EmoBearRights ปีที่แล้ว

    Did I mention that there's a guy called ESC Victor who is doing his own tier list but also ranking each country's songs from 2000 onwards?

  • @escadri4407
    @escadri4407 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Serbia really is one of my favorite countries.
    When I ranked all countries based on ALL songs, Serbia ranked 4th out of 50. So it’s a high standard. And to be frank, not even their worst song is too bad.
    But let’s start with my favorites.
    2007 is absolutely not bad (who would ever call it bad?) but I prefer 2008 everyday. And, to the disappointment of so many Eurovision-fans, I prefer 2009 even more.
    Like I can never be harsh on a song that incorporates an accordion!
    2010 was fun back then, but I have kinda forgotten it.
    2011 is among my favorites. I just love the 60s-theme and the very hectic chorus. So charming.
    2013 is also a song I really like. I wanted it in the finale, and highly placed. BUT! I understand why it went like it did. It looked awful. They looked like cupcakes which is weird cause it’s an angel/devil-thematic. It was unclear. But musically, I love it.
    2015 is probably the one I enjoy the least. It’s not bad. It’s just… I don’t care. The music is too low key, until the end when a house beat no one asked for enters.
    2016 is another favorite! I love when heavy topics can make their way into Eurovision (even if I of course would prefer that abusive relationships weren’t a thing - but now they are, so I think they should be adressed in ESC). The vocal performance, especially by the back-up singers, are just perfect. And I love her looks.
    2017 is also a bit forgotten. Don’t care. But I prefer it over 2015. Cause I think the verses have something, which unfortunately the chorus kills. It’s not helping that the singer looked so uncomfortable.
    2018 is weird. Cause - much like 2015 - it’s real low key. The song is up-tempo and almost house-y. But it’s still so discrete and quiet. It’s almost relaxing. It’s a real weird listening experience. But I love every part of it.
    2019 is a song that I gotten to like nowadays. I didn’t enjoy it then. I love the music most of all. I love the dynamics throughout. Beautiful. But I hate the random english phrase.
    2020-2021. Nope. Not my thing. But I like them more now, than I did back then. Much like you, I find ”Hasta la vista” to be the superior one. And it’s thanks to the verses.
    2022 is already ICONIC! Holy frick I love this. It’s what Eurovision needs more of. These oddities that raise curiosity but still also perform a real good song! Would be a worthy winner! Probably my serbian favorite!

  • @EmoBearRights
    @EmoBearRights ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ok mine -
    Amongst the Greatest - 2004, 2007, yeah I'm doing it 2022
    Fantastic - 2008, 2012
    Very good - 2009, 2010, 2011, 2018 - it grew in me
    Solid - 2013, 2016
    I like it but...... - 2015 (message great, song meh), 2020 (I guess I like their attitude and want to rate it higher than Loco Loco which I find as annoying as hell).
    Not For Me - 2019 (I find it dull and I guess I prefered other songs that didn't Q), 2021
    Did Serbia sit out 2014 because of the economic crisis asking I guess to try and determine if the three countries that dropped out this year are likely to return.

  • @astrongcc8911
    @astrongcc8911 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Good list overall!
    Being a balkan, I never understood the amount of excitement over balkan ballads in the contest. For me, Lane Moje, Oro and Nije Ljubav Stvar are at most really great entries. The instrumentation is very good and all, but I find them a bit underwhelming and repetitive. Better examples of good balkan ballads imo would be Molitva and Goodbye (strongest balkan ballad for me is the one sung in English, irony).
    I personally would put Beauty Never lies and the Hurricane songs in Really Great tier, the latter being better. Hasta La Vista and Loco Loco are pretty much the opposite musically, meaning Loco Loco gets more musically interesting towards the end and that makes it more excitng and overall better, while Hasta La Vista tries to have a strong hook at the beginning and the rest of it is more repetitive.
    Nova Deca on the other hand, clearly not for me. The instrumentation is too chaotic and incoherent for my liking. Probably the worst song Serbia sent imo.
    Also no secret here but In Corpore Sano is in my all-time top 20 so Among The Greatest it is (sorry not sorry)

    • @EmoBearRights
      @EmoBearRights ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree about Nova Deca or I used to it's grown on me but 19 is very meh and IMO should have been in an NQ and I do not like Hurricane's efforts especially Loco Loco but I get not everything has to be for me.

    • @EmoBearRights
      @EmoBearRights ปีที่แล้ว

      I do really love In Corpore Sano.

  • @LoreenFanGirl
    @LoreenFanGirl หลายเดือนก่อน

    Luke black is my fav

  • @isidorazivkovic7679
    @isidorazivkovic7679 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Among the greatest- Lane Moje, Molitva, Nije moja ljubav stvar and In Corpore Sano. Fantastic- Goodbye (Serbian version ,Iza osmeha' also have a quality like original) and Loco Loco. Really great- Hasta la vista, Kruna and Oro. Solid- Beauty never lies (Serbian version ,Ceo svet je moj' is much better), Čaroban, Cipela (runner up from national finals boy band ,OT band' have a much better song ,Blagoslov za kraj'-Blessing for the end, than Cipela) and Nova deca. Not for me- Ovo je Balkan (very kitschy song) and In too deep (singer of that song is great and i don't understand why she not a sing much stronger and better Serbian version ,Tvoja' on Eurovision). What happened here- Ljubav je svuda (individually, these three ladies have a beautiful voices, but managment force them to sing togehter). Perfomance on national final was much convincing and with better story line and costumes. Your tier list of my country in most cases is great and keep up good work on your channel. 🙂

    • @groot1421
      @groot1421  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you! :)

  • @volim_piletinu
    @volim_piletinu ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Bandido894
    @Bandido894 ปีที่แล้ว

    Too prefer a bit more Lane Moje than Molitva.

  • @EmoBearRights
    @EmoBearRights ปีที่แล้ว

    2017 - the word you're looking for is meh. Yay In Corpore Sano is in Fantastic - I was a bit worried it was going to be ranked low.