I have to agree with the others. This is one beautiful explanation from a Christian archaeologists to prove the bible is true. She is really a child of God. I sat here and cried at some points because Jesus is so real to me and I love Him so much. Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I'm forwarding it to many friends and family
Glory to God? How can that be when this presentation is based on so much nonsense. Time to add glory to oneself and use the brain that (supposedly) God gave us in seeing through this bs.
@@somethingtojenga there have never been any transitional fossils found. Real science proves the Bible. Every fossil record shows the sudden appearance of fully developed creations.
@@katpoohtooya no, science doesn't have anything to say about the Bible cause it's just a bunch of unfalsafieable B.S. hate to break it to you but magic isn't real.
@@incemomnia Not even close. If you think she has some valid insight into our past, you are suffering from confirmation bias. That means that your mind was already made up on what is true and nothing anyone tells you will change it, even if it's proof you are wrong. Also, you are sure she is right only because she says stuff that agrees with what you already believe. You have zero skepticism about what your bible told you...right?
Ah. Found you. The Darwin apologist who believes in the theory of evolution. Where is your "missing link"? Your fossil record has holes. What species has science provided that proves animals evolve? Not one species in any of the 5 kingdoms is offered as proof that plants or animals evolve over time since the inception of the theory 140 years ago. Could it be you have confirmation bias? Could it be that you have made up your mind, despite 140 years of proof you are wrong? Neither digging for fossils nor 140 years of observation has brought any evidence of a new species due to evolution. How many more years of lack of evidence do you need to disprove the theory of evolution do you need? The Galapagos Islands? That's like pretending you found a new species of dog you never knew existed because a corgi and shitzu never mated before and you discovered a shorgi. Go ahead. Use viruses. Tell us what species of virus corona viruses "evolved" from. It was discovered recently. What species of virus was its predecessor? Or... you can just say Charlie Darwin made a mistake and you believed in his theory based on blind faith.
@YonathanAmaremaarif it doesn't matter. I have a problem with her saying that she is an archaeologist without showing papers when you take your car to an automotive tech do they not have papers or how about a doctor do they not have papers she hasn't once produced any papers and all they try to do is discredited science especially when they can't come up with anything better
@@TheBillypitts I feel you’re being biased, I mean if you agreed with her would you have said this? Her name is also mentioned in the video description, I’m not the smartest but couldn’t you look up things like her credentials, just did a brief search, I see she seems to have a MA from the hebrew university of jerusalem, maybe you can double check but that’s what I’ve found so far lol not all people who study in the same fields are going to agree on everything.
@@benmcfarren6337 II Thessalonians 2:1-4, We DO NOT gather back to Christ until AFTER there is a great falling away first and the Son of Perdition, who is Satan, stands in the Holy Place claiming to be God. Revelation chapter 13, Satan deceives the whole world except for those who have the seal of God in their foreheads.
@williamwei9524 I read Isa1ah 53 for the first time today and wept. Yeshua is exactly who He says He is. I can't believe how much time I have wasted in doubt. God forgive me.
Loved it. Amazing how God gives us small pieces like this to assure us that His Word is real. Can we have more presentations from this lady? I could listen to her for hours and hours. Thank you!
@@kieronbrowne7881 Your worldview prevents you from finding God. She explained it pretty well. Romans ch 1 v 19 is even better.. Because , what is know of God is manifest among them for God has manifest it to them , for from the worlds creation the invisible things of him are perceived , being apprehended by the mind through the things that are made ; Both his Eternal Power & Divine Nature - so as to render them inexcusable .
@@kieronbrowne7881 Romans Ch1 v21 Because knowing God , they glorified him not as God , were unthankful , falling into folly in their thoughts & their hearts were darkened & without understanding , professing themselves to be wise , they became fools . Now put yourself KieronBrowne in the category of " they / them / their " .....and you can recognise why you have not found God .
@@kieronbrowne7881 Read all of Romans chapter 1 , read it 1000 times without your worldview . Read it with honesty . St Paul wrote it just for people like you & me
Former atheist here...i studied evolution, archeology and anthropology in university, I praise God that he showed me the evidence for creation in bible history. I used to think the bible was just a collection of nice stories but was amazed at how much evidence the bible holds about our past.
*FABULOUS PRESENTATION!* I loved every minute of it and cannot wait to share it with my family. The comment section is a bit disheartening to read because of the people who are so blinded by deceit they just cannot see the truth. The mental gymnastics to deny our Creator are astounding and I truly feel terrible for those who do not embrace ALL scripture from beginning to end - Genesis to Revelation - and to think about the labels “old testament” and “new testament” as commercial interruptions. _Every word matters. Every word._
@@April4YHWH it's really disheartening to see how people are deceived buy Young Earth creationism it's also disheartening to see people deceived by a book written by men 3000 years ago and you're not supposed to question or cross-examined them you're supposed to take their word
@@tomsuiteriii9742 aww did your poor snowflake feelings get hurt? It's only an insult if you want it to be one because you have a need to think you are better than others to make yourself feel good. It's adorable
This is a necessary encouragement in a time of my own doubt. I’m so excited to see all this, I wish I saw more of it in museums and other presentations… God has preserved His word for a reason, every single word in the Bible is of use. Every prayer, every chronicle of names and places and dates - all preserved and real to be found in other places.
Amazing, I really enjoyed the knowledge you shared. Your perspectives are right in line with mine. I am not an archeologists or anything even close but have always been fascinated with it. I am a Christian and live my life walking with Christ as best as I can. I have worked with archeologists in Texas helping to recover all we could before the land was flooded where a new lake was being built. I truly loved the work and wished I would have been able to do more work like this.
I can’t wait to see my own daughter doing this work. She is 11 but I can tell this work is her calling. Awesome presentation. God bless you all family. I pray 🙏🏽 you gain much more wisdom and understanding ❤️🔥✌🏽🦬 NY love
Corey East is brilliant and charismatic. She teaches at about a 5th grade level so anyone can understand her when she feeds her audience information through a firehose...which is a rare skill! She's one of those people who got stuck in the blessing machine when God made her. I'll watch/share any video she makes.
This woman is brilliant. The path she has taken in life is inspiring. We need more teachers like her. To be a student of hers would be the best experience. She is living the greatest adventure. Leading a life that is full of meaning. Confirming the greatest stories. Answering the most important questions of all time. Digging up the history that death tried to keep hidden. Bringing discoveries and insights and wisdom to share with people young and old. Striving for truth. Encouraging people of faith to keep the faith. Honoring God in the most wonderful way. What a blessing. What a treasure! May all mankind hear her reasoning, logic and understand.
I was mesmerised and enthralled in this presentation in the clarity of illuminating from the past with emphasis on interpretation to bring authenticity to the decay of truth. I could listen to the critical thinking and experience of this remarkable woman as she explains a stable foundation to the truth of the Bible from her studies and look forward to future talks from her. I was educated and encouraged. God bless you.
An amazing lady, great presentation full of information and knowledge. I'm an ex Muslim for 5 years now I haven't had any religion yet. I was very much interested in christianity then I started to learn about it. This educational presentation video made me believe more and more in the Lord Jesus and the Bible and took my faith into next level. Thank you for your hard work. 👍
Great presentation. Really enjoyed your enthusiasm and accuracy. Seeing archeology line up with what the Bible has proclaimed is awesome. Can’t wait to see more of these
I love this presentation, superb teaching and preaching in one. Im discovering believers dedicated to Creation archeology and paleontology..and Im loving it very much. Thank for loving the Word and for your hard work...continue with this excellence teaching and educating us, and helping us to give a well founded response for our faith.
Have you ever met a real scientist? Most of the ACTUAL scientists in the world are not good at speaking AT ALL. lol Because they don't care about that, they ONLY focus on their field and knowing and retaining as much as they can about it. You're not being exposed to actual state-of-the-art archaeology here, which is a travesty. REAL science avoids a bias, it just has its head in its work and doesn't try to get political one way or the other. There's a small segment of public speakers who try to influence one way or the other, and this TH-cam channel and the founder behind it, are one of those segments. If you want real science, read scientific papers that present data and are cited by lots of other scientists in THEIR papers.
Can I ask you, how do you know when something is educational, rather than propaganda, on its face? Shouldn't the educational be of practical use in its particular domain, while propaganda is just something that sounds good and useful in getting someone to believe something? What can you practically do with what she's 'taught' you here?
@@SCHULTZEH 😂😂😂. I luv how she tries to discredit science without using science. 🤣. Then she runs to the byebull which was written by men that we can't cross examine. I think she is full of it like Ken Ham
Do a simple fact check. She is wrong about a lot of things. Archeology doesn't confirm the Bible. In fact, it falsifies much of it...99% of archeologists, or more, will confirm that it falsifies the Bible (or at least the 6,000 year old Earth claim, the Exodus, and archaeological evidence indicates that many Canaanite cities, such as Jericho and Ai, were not destroyed in the manner described in the Bible during the time frame traditionally associated with the conquest.)
Of course you don't because she doesn't lol. We have full Neanderthal skeletons. They are over 35,000 years old. My advice, as a Jew, to you, is to accept Genesis 1 to 11 is pure myth. Chapter 12 picks up Around 2350 but Abraham didn't live he back then. It's what we call.telescoping where events of various dates are combined. Abraham probably lived 1900 BC because we know from climate data there was a major drought but there were many over 3,000 years. There was also many floods cover 6.5 MILLION years that would have been passed down orally. Don't ever fall for anyone telling you the earth is only 5785 years old. Believe me, I have read hundreds of books about on history. This stupid presenter is not even smart. These idiots refuse to debate anyone like me because they would look like fools. She's not a scientist. She's trying to prove a myth by lying to people who never read books or studied science in their lives. I'm telling you the Bible is far from perfect and my belief in G-d has nothing to do with the fact the Bible isn't accurate when it comes to anything before Josiah. Josiah's reforms were violent and he destroyed many things written before and during his life. The story of Abraham is mostly true but Exodus was a much bigger event that took place when civilization was decimated. I am writing a book to explain it. I tell people THE BIBLE ISN'T PERFECT...SO WHAT? But your small minded preachers want indoctrination not faith. Have faith in G-d not ancient men all with an agenda of their own!
I can’t even find words just tears and joy someone so eloquent can articulate this Truth in the unfortunate role we are in right now I know Hod our Father has Blessed your path in so many ways sharing such incredible clear information for those that require to see proof for Faith
Why is the name of this excellent presenter not stated in either the description or video? Quite an irresponsible and inexcusable omission. We need less click-bait titles and due credit given to the presenters.
As a fellow Christian scientist in the human biology areas, I absolutely LOVED this presentation. It never occurred to me that those old skulls were actually just primates, not human, and I don't know why this wasn't obvious before. It makes perfect sense, though! I also didn't much care for the book of Job for those very same reasons she listed, but the more I studied it, the more I realized that it was far more profound than the surface of it seems. It's not only a story of how we should handle suffering in our lives, that's it's okay to get angry with God and question him, but as long as we go back to the understanding that His will is something we may not ever fully understand and we just need to trust him, everything will be okay. Though I feel bad that it seems God used Job to make a point to the rest of humanity in time, it was a necessary point. Job's suffering was a benefit to those of us who came after him, and God didn't leave him in that place of suffering, in the end. Whatever the purpose of our suffering is, it can always be used for the glory of God and the things he wants for us in ours and other peoples' lives around us.
The reason why Job reads differently from the scripture surrounding it is because it's likely the oldest book put to paper in the Bible. The narrative of a tribunal of spirits, including the Satan and the Abrahamic God Yahweh was believed to have originally been constructed using the Cannanite pantheon during the beginning of the Yahwehist schism in the bronze age. See, Cannanites believed in a bunch of different gods that represented different things and places, one of those gods being Yahweh. After the Babylonian exile of the Israelites, they retained the worship of their local God Yahweh, but with exposure to gnostic Zoroastrianism, they downgraded all minor spiritual entities to roles of demons and spirits, but upgraded Yahweh from storm God to creator God in a monotheistic structured belief system with a struggle between cosmic forces of good and evil (mirroring Zoroastrianism) It's likely that the Yahweh in Job is representative of Ahura Mazda, the supreme creator God of wisdom in Zoroastrianism, and the Satan (the accuser) plays the role of Angra Maiynu, the destructive spirit that counters Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism. These roles were dressed with names and archetypes that would have been familiar to those who lived in the Levant during the time with theological influence from Zoroastrianism
Ohh yes I discovered the profundity of scripture.. from stories, to histories, to ever more deeper meaning and connections for increasing understanding, the more that is revealed the more you realise there's even more to find. And that's leaving out gematria, foreshadowing and prophecies. If there was only the Bible there'd always be more to read and learn. Sometimes you can read a chapter through the lens of a lawyer, or adventurer, anthropologist, psychologist, historian, biologist, genealogist, number cruncher, botanist, medic, cultures, physicist, chemist, population, architect, climate etc and each time you'll discover a whole new book inside the same book. God be praised He can reach us all no matter our interests. The Bible is a HF autistic polymath's dream.
What an excellent presentation! It's packed full of information, yet, still accessible to the lay-person, who's NOT a seasoned archaeologist. I desperately wanted to be an archaeologist when I was a kid (Indiana got me, too!). My health problems had other plans for me but, I never lost my fascination for Biblical archaeology, so I LOVE videos like this! There is SO much evidence out there that no one talks about or wants to acknowledge. Let's get it out there! There are people who refuse to entertain the idea that Jesus was real, simply because they've been lied to, and they believe that the Bible is a collection of fairy tales. This is the kind of presentation that might hopefully open a few minds and soften a few hearts towards God. It's sprinkled with just enough humor to keep it engaging, but is very smartly presented. Whatever this lady is getting paid, it's not enough.
I have been thrilled with this adventure and presentation , as my time could be short due to the attacks on Israel and Christianity , England, I believe, now banning praying at home a week ago , being though life on my own and forever tumbling in all accounts I have to get this right as its all I have left .❤
Finding a ring buried somewhere it normally isn’t doesn’t mean much. Could’ve been traded or acquired at another time and traveled through trade, war, etc
Ring is a ring Interest me where was found particularly environment error and possibilities Finding the owner of it I’ll leave that up to you CIS maybe a good place for you to start
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Luke 19:40, "But [Jesus] answered and said to them, 'I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.'” Gr8 presentation! Thank you.
yes it always has. all major civilizations started less than 6000 years ago or so while humans have been supposedly been around for "300,000 years" or longer, thus falling perfectly with the Bible.
In genesis, the spirit of God moved over the face of the water. And called the dry land to appear out of it. Everything had a specific day it was created. But water and earth coming up out of it does not have a specific day one could biblically point to. It seems as if it was already here. Otherwise it would be included in the dates. There’s also gap theory, which believes earth was destroyed once already pre Adam. Probably fall of angels. Very strong arguments. I believe in a young earth, God created all. But there are deep mysteries as to specific details. Gods creation good, but started out void and formless water with land under it. Told man to replenish the earth. As if it’s happening again. Destroying the earth happened at Noah’s flood. Happens by fire at end of age. And I would argue happened pre Adam based on lots of evidence
@@HS-zk5nn the guy wasnt asking you a gotcha question. You could just say yes minor/primitive (whatever that means) were also only 6000 years old. Why jump straight to dodging.
@EisleyNavarro-ki8ue Except it is no way Biblical, as God made everything each after their kinds. Gorilla are gorillas. Chimps are chimps and orangutans are orangutans and always have been. Man has always been man with a set amount of variance within his kind.
@@EisleyNavarro-ki8ue Evolution requires death, so since there was no death before Adam and Eve sinned (God created a perfect world), evolution cannot be the mechanism by which God created the world if you want to be consistent in believing the Bible
I thought she was pretty clear. It depends on your world view. The point is definitely doesn’t prove evolution or billions of years. It could just as easily confirm creation. Creationists aren’t demanding public schools teach their interpretation as fact. The evolutionists do.
She restates her thesis at 46:18 Check that slide for how archaeology confirms *the Bible* as historical. She never claimed it confirmed creation except as by proxy of the Bible's reliability as being a historically accurate and preserved collection of documents. AiG's overzealous and unprofessional media team strikes again with inaccurate clickbait.🙄 Seriously, get a new social media supervisor.
@@brianziolkowski2300 Because evolution is science and creation is a religious belief backed only by blogs and TH-cam videos. Those people you call evolutionists are just normal people who don't deny science for religious reasons.
@@brianziolkowski2300 doesn’t prove evolution or billions of years. But uranium-238 does, it has a half-life of 4.5 billion years and decays into lead another very abundant element on Earth.
Great presentation. I was just having a discussion today about carbon dating and couldn't recall exactly what I had read about and thise refreshed my memory.
@@christiansoldier77 well, they certainly didn't live to be multiple hundreds of years old. I'm pretty sure enough remains of humans living around that time period have been discovered for us to know that humans never lived that long.
@@Mark-h2s Adam died when he was 930 years old and the oldest was Metusalem (969 years old) you can read it in Genesis chapter 5. In chapter 6 God decided that people only should be 120 years old and in chapter 11 you’ll see that they died younger and younger 😉
I was so annoyed when she said Lucy cuz I immediately went Australopithecus which is the race of humanoid Lucy was. Who know maybe she will give me brownie points for know that😂 3:49
If AIG and its audience really wish to understand how the scientific method - i.e., observation, hypothesis, prediction, more observation to confirm or deny hypothesis - applies in the study of ancient human life, I highly recommend 'Fat of the land: What ancient bones tell us about the origin of the human diet', a TH-cam video from the ASU Institute on Human Origins. It demonstrates how AIG's insistence that the study of archaeology and paleontology are unsupported by 'observations' misconstrues how the term is used in scientific contexts, where observation simply means collection of data, taking measurements, etc.. We know that electrons exist, yet they've never been 'observed' in the sense that you claim to be necessary. We know dinosaurs existed, without ever having seen one alive. In both cases, our certainty is based on collected data - scientific observations.
Here you are conflating direct observation of physical evidence with speculation about passage of time and occurrence of events. She was very clear on this. You can interact with electrons and you can observe cause and effect in real time. You cannot interact with millions of years or ape to human evolution. No one contests whether dinosaurs existed or not. They contest when they existed. You cannot see "when". The constant barrage of changing dates and timelines over the past several decades is proof positive that what you think you "observe" one day gets thrown out by someone else who thinks they "observe" something else. What you have here is a grand case of equivocation and bate and switch accompanied by failing to identify the core principles that underpin the logic.
@@mmaimmortals Gotta love it when scientifically illiterate creationists with no understanding of how we make inferences from evidence every day whine because science makes inferences from observed evidence.
@@richardgregory3684 The ASU video was by an archaeo-archaeologist studying toolmaking among Australopithecus afarensis in the Awash valley, near Lucy's location. Pretty cool, and she makes a good female role model for STEM.
When people laugh at my religion I serve the jokes right back at them 10x harder. When they're like "oh you believe an invisible man in the sky created you, haha." And I'll respond; "as supposed creating myself out of teenage mutant ninja turtle ooze? Yeah, I'll take the Bible's explanation, thanks anyways!"
I don't run into people making fun of my religion Christianity I've been out in the city for 12 years any local jails 8 1/2 years 7 years in the two different women shelters 10 years in a rehab mental health facility in I have recently been asked to not come back because I offended people with the word of God that was because of my definition of intestinal sex addiction I've been dealing with these alphabet confused people since I lived in the California Bay Area for 3 years when I went I went to Iraq and Afghanistan but I'm assuming you're a mild-mannered looking person I am somewhat muscular physically fit and it keeps people's mouth shut most of the time at least men's so have a blessed night thank you for your comment
What. I'm not saying it's good that someone laughs at you but kids in primary school have better responses to jokes 💀 I think they leave you alone out of pity if anything...
@@truteń2002 That's a lot of words to say "liar." Number #1 it didn't just happen in school. #2 I'm gen-x, bullying for us, was just live-action memeing. Besides, surely you've got better jokes than kids. I'll give you a taste of what they got if you like?
Well, I don’t necessarily think the scripture is quite so clear on the age of the Earth. It’s been determined because of the original Hebrew and the way it was described that there is in fact a pause in time between the “let there be light” moment, and the other 6 days of creation. It’s likely that it was described this way to man as an allegory. Ancient people didn’t know the things we do now. Could you imagine speaking to Abraham and showing him the fossils and the radiocarbon-dating process and asking him to believe it? It would be like magic, and so a “magical” explanation of creation would help people understand the footnotes. InspiringPhilosophy, one of the BEST Christian commentators today has a whole series on Genesis in the original Hebrew, how to interpret and describe what’s being said, and the best way to go about understanding the meaning and symbolism of the garden and the 7 days. The Garden, Adam and Eve and the Fall are all undoubtedly real, but the presence of other humans in the original text isn’t ruled out. For instance the passage you provided about us being created in the image of God, or Imago Dei; the word create isn’t actually in the same context in the Hebrew as it is in the English. What actually is being done is that God formed us at an indeterminate time, and then imbued us with his image and dominion over the Earth. Evolution and the Bible are not mutually exclusive. We don’t need to go these lengths to try and disprove it. Guided evolution and creation over millions of years is perfectly compatible with our understanding of the Bible. God Bless🙏🏻✝️
Read my critics about this video. Your god could bevroren clear with modern communications an updating the bible, without all the big mistakes. Start with Genese 1. Now it was not 6 days but 4-5 biljoen!
The pattern of stone to metal ages is generally correct. Creationists should not be questioning it, except for the dates. Bronze and iron before the Flood will not have anything to do with post-Flood bronze and iron. The metal ages are general terms and do not rule out occasional uses of other metals. The main problem is chronology. Putting Abraham in the Stone Age does not work, nor does putting David in the Iron Age work.
One of the main problems is the extremely short time between the "ages" and how sparse the evidence actually is. Extremely short being relative to secular time scales.
@@VernCrisler "...gradual change in such styles." -- I wouldn't contest this. I'm just pointing out, in keeping with your OP, that 10k years (for example) in secular history may not equate to more than a few decades or a century in the Biblical time line. If that's all it takes to be an "age", okay, I guess.
Noah's flood would be a great example of the Bible being confirmed. However, Noahs flood is geologically and archeologically impossible. 1) The sodium carbonate needed for even a small single layer of limestone requires centuries or more of build up of shelled creatures and coral. When explaining the Grand Canyon, in your model, that isn't possible. In the actual model we know that the southwest U.S. was once a shallow seabed, so the sodium bicarbonate could build up over time. 2) The limestone in the G. C. also requires calm, shallow waters to form, like.... a shallow seabed. Not the most violent storm the earth would have ever seen. The hydraulic sorting claim YEC's like to peddle doesn't work either, because the water is still to deep and to volatile. 3) There are multiple places where layers of salt are separated by layers of rock. Sea's would have to evaporate, have a layer (or layers) of rock form, and then the area would have to become a sea bed again. A flood can't explain this. 4) Unconformities don't have the time needed to happen on a 6,000 year old earth. 5) The following were rulers of their respected kingdoms during the flood timelime Egypt- Pepi, Akkad - Sargon, Elam - Helu, and the Indus Valley Civ had been around for 1,000 years and continued for another 1,000 years 5) fossils and stratification layers of rock match predictions of evolution 6) Sand dunes don't have time to form 7) certain layers of rock would require forest fires to exists underwater 8) the amount of energy released during such an event would destroy the earth, also know as the heat problem 9) the mud problem 10) Ocean basins have less than a km of sedimentary rock on top, while the continental shelves are over 12 km think with sedimentary rock, a flood of that magnitude and length would have eroded away much more of the continental shelves 11) We have studied the growth rate of coral form a very long time now, and it doesn't grow fast enough to match your timeline - forget a flood, 6,000 years isn't even enough time. Look into the Eniwetok atoll if you want more info 12) evaporates and shales take too long to form 13) the change in salinity levels would kill both freshwater and saltwater fish ,and on and on and on
Copying and pasting (over and over and over) nonsense about your imaginary version of physics and history does not make a sound argument. Lime and limestone are not formed in the way you suggest. Even if it were, it would be impossible to demonstrate or confirm. No one lives tens of thousands of years to watch such imaginary processes. Meanwhile if we wish to see lime accumulate very rapidly we can set up and execute many experiments to demonstrate. If you wish to do real science you will need to use short time scales and intelligence. The two characteristics that make creation mutually exclusive to evolution.
I guess the fish and other sea life found on Mt everest flew there? Mt. St Helen erupted and in hours did what science says should take thousands of years. We have no idea what a world flood would do because we haven't witnessed such a thing. The fact that every culture has a flood story and in many tell of a noah like man and his children is evidence. The layers of dead mamals and sea life killed so suddenly some found buried with food in their mouth is another proof of a catastrophic event. Obviously your worldview is science, so answer me this. What evolved first the heart, lung, brain, blood? Can't have a heart if you don't have blood to pump. Did every organ evolve at the same exact time? Because it would have to or life is impossible. Also requires both male and female to evolve at the same exact time for man and everything else to live on. Evolution is impossible. Creation is reasonable. Why scientists deny God while they see him in everything they study is confusing to me. The recent imaging of the human sperm shows gearing in the flagellum, a bulk head designed to pierce the egg, bay doors that open when delivering 23 chromosomes into the egg. It's nanotechnology that's similar to that found in the immune system. As a mechanic I know what I'm working on was designed by a mind but it fails in comparison to God's creation. Science can't create a single cell or a single grain of sand from nothing.
@@jimmys6566 AIG is a troll anti-science site. I will post the truth anywhere and everywhere I want on here. Pick any thing I listed and rebut it. You can't.
@@mmaimmortals Humans have studied limestone formation for over 100 years. You have studied it for less than 5 minutes. I suggest you do some more research.
Most evidence for a God is for a God in general not just for the Biblical God only. To decide to believe in Christianity rather than the other religions is a different topic.
What is the other 90 %? There is no testable evidence for most of these "scientific claims" we cannot see Evolution... But scientists have observed and tested and are still testing claims of the Bible and finding them solid. And both evolution and Bible cannot be true at the same time. One is false and the other true. Seriously having faith in evolution is having blind faith
When they say 'animal' they refer to organism in the kingdom animalia, they teach that in high school, she knows that, but conflates the traditional definition of animal. why? Avoidable miscommunication is now assured. Why?
I love the natural confidence and excitement people have when they talk about things they're genuinely passionate about.
Now if only she was educated on it 😅
@@katamas832the Bible predicted you when it said, "hearing what their itching ears want to hear, they will choose to be ignorant" 😜😂😂😂😂
Validation 👍
@@Bigdaddyleroy2big So then is that you, as well? Don't YOU want to hear that you'll live in eternal bliss?
@@somethingtojenga i may want to hear something, but i don't hear truth but believe something different.
I have to agree with the others. This is one beautiful explanation from a Christian archaeologists to prove the bible is true. She is really a child of God. I sat here and cried at some points because Jesus is so real to me and I love Him so much. Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I'm forwarding it to many friends and family
Yes the reality and joy to just begin to comprehend His Love is an eternal journey...!
Just understand Jesus was God in the flesh...!
You can be Christian and also believe in factual signs not just made up apologetics
u might be schizophrenic
@@robisonlangdon8527is that not what evolution is?
The apologetics I mean..
So articulate and fun. Would love to attend one of your seminars. Glory to God.
Drawin evolution contradicts with god creating universe in 7 days
@@water-xo6lp Darwin was brain dead compared to this fine lady.
Glory to God? How can that be when this presentation is based on so much nonsense. Time to add glory to oneself and use the brain that (supposedly) God gave us in seeing through this bs.
@@nicknewham6550 If what you claim is true than prove it !
Brilliant teacher, this 48 minutes flew by. I feel so fortunate to be able to ‘attend’ this class for free!
This girl is an excellent presenter!!!
She doesn't even know that paleontology is an observational science. She is not a good scientist...
@@earthisasphere I'm not sure if you caught the part about her being an ARCHAEOLOGIST. I think I trust her more than a random TH-cam commentator.
@@earthisaspherea quick Google search said it is in fact historical science and not observational
@@earthisasphere It's good that she doesn't know that, because it isn't true.
I Totally agree
She is only bringing forth what they have discovered during there archaeological dig
Not giving a scientific
I would love to hear more from this lady, very good teacher.
Except you're being misled by misrepresentation of the fossil record, but okay
@@somethingtojenga there have never been any transitional fossils found. Real science proves the Bible. Every fossil record shows the sudden appearance of fully developed creations.
@@katpoohtooya no, science doesn't have anything to say about the Bible cause it's just a bunch of unfalsafieable B.S. hate to break it to you but magic isn't real.
@@somethingtojenga 🅱️🅾️🅾️😡HISTORY IS A LIE
@@katpoohtooTransition to what from what? There are millions of fossils.
You are wrong
Really enjoy Corey East’s passion and sense of wonder in this field. What an articulate effective presenter.
Thank you for providing.
Passion does not make what she says true.
@@timhallas4275actually I researched some of this and it's all true
@@timhallas4275luckily history does!
@@incemomnia Not even close. If you think she has some valid insight into our past, you are suffering from confirmation bias. That means that your mind was already made up on what is true and nothing anyone tells you will change it, even if it's proof you are wrong. Also, you are sure she is right only because she says stuff that agrees with what you already believe. You have zero skepticism about what your bible told you...right?
Ah. Found you. The Darwin apologist who believes in the theory of evolution. Where is your "missing link"? Your fossil record has holes. What species has science provided that proves animals evolve? Not one species in any of the 5 kingdoms is offered as proof that plants or animals evolve over time since the inception of the theory 140 years ago.
Could it be you have confirmation bias? Could it be that you have made up your mind, despite 140 years of proof you are wrong? Neither digging for fossils nor 140 years of observation has brought any evidence of a new species due to evolution. How many more years of lack of evidence do you need to disprove the theory of evolution do you need?
The Galapagos Islands? That's like pretending you found a new species of dog you never knew existed because a corgi and shitzu never mated before and you discovered a shorgi.
Go ahead. Use viruses. Tell us what species of virus corona viruses "evolved" from. It was discovered recently. What species of virus was its predecessor?
Or... you can just say Charlie Darwin made a mistake and you believed in his theory based on blind faith.
i literally didnt even see the length of this video until it ended then i was shocked when i did. what a good presenter!!!
@YonathanAmaremaarif it doesn't matter. I have a problem with her saying that she is an archaeologist without showing papers when you take your car to an automotive tech do they not have papers or how about a doctor do they not have papers she hasn't once produced any papers and all they try to do is discredited science especially when they can't come up with anything better
Yeah. The 'in closing' was a shock to me.
@@TheBillypittswhere are your papers? You showed nothing that indicates you are qualified to criticize anything she says.
@@TheBillypitts I feel you’re being biased, I mean if you agreed with her would you have said this? Her name is also mentioned in the video description, I’m not the smartest but couldn’t you look up things like her credentials, just did a brief search, I see she seems to have a MA from the hebrew university of jerusalem, maybe you can double check but that’s what I’ve found so far lol not all people who study in the same fields are going to agree on everything.
@Lele-j4h 😂😂😂. If I had agreed with her , I would be biased as well
In Jesus I trust. Praise and thanks be to the Lord my God and Savior Jesus Christ.
coulds back soon Jesus bride church
Amen 🙏
II Thessalonians 2:1-4, We DO NOT gather back to Christ until AFTER there is a great falling away first and the Son of Perdition, who is Satan, stands in the Holy Place claiming to be God. Revelation chapter 13, Satan deceives the whole world except for those who have the seal of God in their foreheads.
@williamwei9524 I read Isa1ah 53 for the first time today and wept. Yeshua is exactly who He says He is. I can't believe how much time I have wasted in doubt. God forgive me.
Loved it. Amazing how God gives us small pieces like this to assure us that His Word is real. Can we have more presentations from this lady? I could listen to her for hours and hours. Thank you!
All we need now is the god.
Your worldview prevents you from finding God.
She explained it pretty well.
Romans ch 1 v 19 is even better..
Because , what is know of God is manifest among them for God has manifest it to them , for from the worlds creation the invisible things of him are perceived , being apprehended by the mind through the things that are made ; Both his Eternal Power & Divine Nature - so as to render them inexcusable .
Romans Ch1 v21
Because knowing God , they glorified him not as God , were unthankful , falling into folly in their thoughts & their hearts were darkened & without understanding , professing themselves to be wise , they became fools .
Now put yourself KieronBrowne in the category of " they / them / their " .....and you can recognise why you have not found God .
@@ianworcester4640 no idea what you are rambling on about. When your god shows up give me a shout.
Read all of Romans chapter 1 , read it 1000 times without your worldview .
Read it with honesty .
St Paul wrote it just for people like you & me
Former atheist here...i studied evolution, archeology and anthropology in university, I praise God that he showed me the evidence for creation in bible history. I used to think the bible was just a collection of nice stories but was amazed at how much evidence the bible holds about our past.
*FABULOUS PRESENTATION!* I loved every minute of it and cannot wait to share it with my family. The comment section is a bit disheartening to read because of the people who are so blinded by deceit they just cannot see the truth. The mental gymnastics to deny our Creator are astounding and I truly feel terrible for those who do not embrace ALL scripture from beginning to end - Genesis to Revelation - and to think about the labels “old testament” and “new testament” as commercial interruptions. _Every word matters. Every word._
@@April4YHWH it's really disheartening to see how people are deceived buy Young Earth creationism it's also disheartening to see people deceived by a book written by men 3000 years ago and you're not supposed to question or cross-examined them you're supposed to take their word
Wow, thats amazing content. One of my friend suggested this channel and it just has what I was looking for!
Great work!
This lady is sharp. I love this!
Not that sharp
Sharp as a spoon
@@tomsuiteriii9742 aww did your poor snowflake feelings get hurt? It's only an insult if you want it to be one because you have a need to think you are better than others to make yourself feel good. It's adorable
@@tomsuiteriii9742 oh am sorry do my beliefs not have a right to be said or is it only yours? Your beliefs insult many do they not?
@@tomsuiteriii9742 what ever you need to fulfil that desperate need to feel superior to others.
Corey, you are amazing! We miss you in our classes!!! Take care!❤
This is a necessary encouragement in a time of my own doubt. I’m so excited to see all this, I wish I saw more of it in museums and other presentations… God has preserved His word for a reason, every single word in the Bible is of use. Every prayer, every chronicle of names and places and dates - all preserved and real to be found in other places.
Looking forward to all the things God has in store for us from Cory East.
Amazing, I really enjoyed the knowledge you shared. Your perspectives are right in line with mine. I am not an archeologists or anything even close but have always been fascinated with it. I am a Christian and live my life walking with Christ as best as I can. I have worked with archeologists in Texas helping to recover all we could before the land was flooded where a new lake was being built. I truly loved the work and wished I would have been able to do more work like this.
I can’t wait to see my own daughter doing this work. She is 11 but I can tell this work is her calling. Awesome presentation. God bless you all family. I pray 🙏🏽 you gain much more wisdom and understanding ❤️🔥✌🏽🦬 NY love
Corey East is brilliant and charismatic. She teaches at about a 5th grade level so anyone can understand her when she feeds her audience information through a firehose...which is a rare skill!
She's one of those people who got stuck in the blessing machine when God made her. I'll watch/share any video she makes.
Very well spoken and presented. Thank you
This woman is brilliant. The path she has taken in life is inspiring. We need more teachers like her. To be a student of hers would be the best experience. She is living the greatest adventure. Leading a life that is full of meaning. Confirming the greatest stories. Answering the most important questions of all time. Digging up the history that death tried to keep hidden. Bringing discoveries and insights and wisdom to share with people young and old. Striving for truth. Encouraging people of faith to keep the faith. Honoring God in the most wonderful way. What a blessing. What a treasure! May all mankind hear her reasoning, logic and understand.
No, her ideas are greatly flawed. She’s a terrible archeologist.
@@crosisofborg5524because she’s Christian?
Thank you! Your presentation gave me the responses I have been looking for to objections/questions I have encountered.
I was mesmerised and enthralled in this presentation in the clarity of illuminating from the past with emphasis on interpretation to bring authenticity to the decay of truth. I could listen to the critical thinking and experience of this remarkable woman as she explains a stable foundation to the truth of the Bible from her studies and look forward to future talks from her.
I was educated and encouraged. God bless you.
An amazing lady, great presentation full of information and knowledge. I'm an ex Muslim for 5 years now I haven't had any religion yet. I was very much interested in christianity then I started to learn about it. This educational presentation video made me believe more and more in the Lord Jesus and the Bible and took my faith into next level. Thank you for your hard work. 👍
A great informative presentation by a knowledgeable, articulate young lady, with much enthusiasm about her subject and the Lord.
Shame it's all nonsense.
@@nicknewham6550shame you find it easier to believe we evolved from slime rather than having an intellectual designer.
@@nicknewham6550I know right? Evolution is whack and takes more faith than I can muster to believe. Thank God for…well, God.
Great presentation. Really enjoyed your enthusiasm and accuracy. Seeing archeology line up with what the Bible has proclaimed is awesome. Can’t wait to see more of these
I thought the exact same thing about Job recently sister. God bless you. I'm happy God made you and you're a good example.
I love this presentation, superb teaching and preaching in one. Im discovering believers dedicated to Creation archeology and paleontology..and Im loving it very much. Thank for loving the Word and for your hard work...continue with this excellence teaching and educating us, and helping us to give a well founded response for our faith.
Really well done presentation. I just wanted to say thanks.
I love her love for what she does!
Me too.
Have you ever met a real scientist? Most of the ACTUAL scientists in the world are not good at speaking AT ALL. lol Because they don't care about that, they ONLY focus on their field and knowing and retaining as much as they can about it. You're not being exposed to actual state-of-the-art archaeology here, which is a travesty. REAL science avoids a bias, it just has its head in its work and doesn't try to get political one way or the other. There's a small segment of public speakers who try to influence one way or the other, and this TH-cam channel and the founder behind it, are one of those segments. If you want real science, read scientific papers that present data and are cited by lots of other scientists in THEIR papers.
Great seminar, highly educational. Thank you
Can I ask you, how do you know when something is educational, rather than propaganda, on its face? Shouldn't the educational be of practical use in its particular domain, while propaganda is just something that sounds good and useful in getting someone to believe something? What can you practically do with what she's 'taught' you here?
@@somethingtojengaanything is propaganda to an extent
@@SCHULTZEH 😂😂😂. I luv how she tries to discredit science without using science. 🤣. Then she runs to the byebull which was written by men that we can't cross examine. I think she is full of it like Ken Ham
Amazing presentation! So glad this came across my recommended ❤
This woman is an amazing presenter. I was glued to the screen the whole time, well done 👍🏾
Man, I’ve no idea what to say to this other than, thank you for the lessons, amen, and God bless.
Do a simple fact check. She is wrong about a lot of things. Archeology doesn't confirm the Bible. In fact, it falsifies much of it...99% of archeologists, or more, will confirm that it falsifies the Bible (or at least the 6,000 year old Earth claim, the Exodus, and archaeological evidence indicates that many Canaanite cities, such as Jericho and Ai, were not destroyed in the manner described in the Bible during the time frame traditionally associated with the conquest.)
Of course you don't because she doesn't lol. We have full Neanderthal skeletons. They are over 35,000 years old. My advice, as a Jew, to you, is to accept Genesis 1 to 11 is pure myth. Chapter 12 picks up Around 2350 but Abraham didn't live he back then. It's what we call.telescoping where events of various dates are combined. Abraham probably lived 1900 BC because we know from climate data there was a major drought but there were many over 3,000 years. There was also many floods cover 6.5 MILLION years that would have been passed down orally. Don't ever fall for anyone telling you the earth is only 5785 years old. Believe me, I have read hundreds of books about on history. This stupid presenter is not even smart. These idiots refuse to debate anyone like me because they would look like fools. She's not a scientist. She's trying to prove a myth by lying to people who never read books or studied science in their lives. I'm telling you the Bible is far from perfect and my belief in G-d has nothing to do with the fact the Bible isn't accurate when it comes to anything before Josiah. Josiah's reforms were violent and he destroyed many things written before and during his life. The story of Abraham is mostly true but Exodus was a much bigger event that took place when civilization was decimated. I am writing a book to explain it. I tell people THE BIBLE ISN'T PERFECT...SO WHAT? But your small minded preachers want indoctrination not faith. Have faith in G-d not ancient men all with an agenda of their own!
Fantastic presentation!! clear, logical, and not boring!!!!
But regrettably full of nonsense
@@nicknewham6550 just like you
What an interesting intelligent presentation. Thank you!
i enjoyed watching this very much ! very good ! thank you for it
What a phenomenal speaker. She is exceptional at this! The content, the structure, the engagement with the audience … incredible
I can’t even find words just tears and joy someone so eloquent can articulate this Truth in the unfortunate role we are in right now I know Hod our Father has Blessed your path in so many ways sharing such incredible clear information for those that require to see proof for Faith
This was SOOOO good, I’m in tears 🩷 Praise Jehovah 🩷
You are so great at presenting. Thank you.
So fascinating to see confirmation of scriptures through archaeology.
Except it doesn't.
@@richardgregory3684It actually does
You are phenomenal. You have clarified so many questions I held and asked through so many years. Phenomenal, simply phenomenal ❤
Thanks for your integrity. This is a very good presentation. Accurate, and informative. Thank you, for referring to scriptural fàcts.
She's very good. Need more from her.
Bless the LORD absolutely Amazing Im going to play this video at our Bible Study Lord willing. Thank You so much Gods continued Blessings to You/
This helps all of us who were taught about evolution and natural selection in school to change our mindsets
Evolution and natural selection are valid science
You were taught the facts at school. Good for you, and all of us.
It is takes one to know one..i m so happy...to hear you ...the way you show it perfect👌👌👌
Great presentation. I loved the connection to Daniel 4:37 at the end. It was a great reminder of how we should approach and communicate with others.
Great presentation, thanks!
Outstanding presentation little sister!
God bless you and your work.
Why is the name of this excellent presenter not stated in either the description or video? Quite an irresponsible and inexcusable omission. We need less click-bait titles and due credit given to the presenters.
Corey East 😊
Amazing presentation and presenter! I was fascinated from start to finish.
Please Corey do more.... this is beyond excellent.
I love it’s ❤thanks again 😊Japan
As a fellow Christian scientist in the human biology areas, I absolutely LOVED this presentation. It never occurred to me that those old skulls were actually just primates, not human, and I don't know why this wasn't obvious before. It makes perfect sense, though!
I also didn't much care for the book of Job for those very same reasons she listed, but the more I studied it, the more I realized that it was far more profound than the surface of it seems. It's not only a story of how we should handle suffering in our lives, that's it's okay to get angry with God and question him, but as long as we go back to the understanding that His will is something we may not ever fully understand and we just need to trust him, everything will be okay. Though I feel bad that it seems God used Job to make a point to the rest of humanity in time, it was a necessary point. Job's suffering was a benefit to those of us who came after him, and God didn't leave him in that place of suffering, in the end. Whatever the purpose of our suffering is, it can always be used for the glory of God and the things he wants for us in ours and other peoples' lives around us.
The reason why Job reads differently from the scripture surrounding it is because it's likely the oldest book put to paper in the Bible. The narrative of a tribunal of spirits, including the Satan and the Abrahamic God Yahweh was believed to have originally been constructed using the Cannanite pantheon during the beginning of the Yahwehist schism in the bronze age.
See, Cannanites believed in a bunch of different gods that represented different things and places, one of those gods being Yahweh. After the Babylonian exile of the Israelites, they retained the worship of their local God Yahweh, but with exposure to gnostic Zoroastrianism, they downgraded all minor spiritual entities to roles of demons and spirits, but upgraded Yahweh from storm God to creator God in a monotheistic structured belief system with a struggle between cosmic forces of good and evil (mirroring Zoroastrianism)
It's likely that the Yahweh in Job is representative of Ahura Mazda, the supreme creator God of wisdom in Zoroastrianism, and the Satan (the accuser) plays the role of Angra Maiynu, the destructive spirit that counters Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism. These roles were dressed with names and archetypes that would have been familiar to those who lived in the Levant during the time with theological influence from Zoroastrianism
Ohh yes I discovered the profundity of scripture.. from stories, to histories, to ever more deeper meaning and connections for increasing understanding, the more that is revealed the more you realise there's even more to find. And that's leaving out gematria, foreshadowing and prophecies. If there was only the Bible there'd always be more to read and learn. Sometimes you can read a chapter through the lens of a lawyer, or adventurer, anthropologist, psychologist, historian, biologist, genealogist, number cruncher, botanist, medic, cultures, physicist, chemist, population, architect, climate etc and each time you'll discover a whole new book inside the same book. God be praised He can reach us all no matter our interests.
The Bible is a HF autistic polymath's dream.
@@dianasaur2131 Truth!
I’m so thankful for the book of Job, I deeply relate to it, and I appreciate it for those reasons
Humans are primates.
What an excellent presentation! It's packed full of information, yet, still accessible to the lay-person, who's NOT a seasoned archaeologist. I desperately wanted to be an archaeologist when I was a kid (Indiana got me, too!). My health problems had other plans for me but, I never lost my fascination for Biblical archaeology, so I LOVE videos like this! There is SO much evidence out there that no one talks about or wants to acknowledge. Let's get it out there! There are people who refuse to entertain the idea that Jesus was real, simply because they've been lied to, and they believe that the Bible is a collection of fairy tales. This is the kind of presentation that might hopefully open a few minds and soften a few hearts towards God. It's sprinkled with just enough humor to keep it engaging, but is very smartly presented. Whatever this lady is getting paid, it's not enough.
I have been thrilled with this adventure and presentation , as my time could be short due to the attacks on Israel and Christianity , England, I believe, now banning praying at home a week ago , being though life on my own and forever tumbling in all accounts I have to get this right as its all I have left .❤
England banning praying at home? really? Come on now get real.
Nice video. Loved it.❤️❤️❤️
Excellent communicator.
Agreed, if only she weren’t using her skills to miseducate people.
She is explaining it well and what she says i think is correct
Correct or not, no. She is not. She is going through the motions repeating what she has been taught. Some people are intuitive, others see faces.
@rabidL3M0NS How is she miseducating us?
Amazing speaker, Glory to God.
I'm really understanding bits of archeology that I never knew before. She is a great teacher!
I have seen her presentation at the Ark or Creation Museum. So good!
well elaborated ... cheers ...
Finding a ring buried somewhere it normally isn’t doesn’t mean much. Could’ve been traded or acquired at another time and traveled through trade, war, etc
Ring is a ring
Interest me where was found particularly environment error and possibilities
Finding the owner of it I’ll leave that up to you
CIS maybe a good place for you to start
it would be good if AIG give the reference for the archeological materials being presented
Learnt SO MUCH from this presentation. Fantastic lecturer, she’s amazing! Thank you ❤
Totally brilliant -I’ll be sharing this on fb xthank you
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The bible in praise of the bible. lol
LOL, the bible is a 2000-year-old bronze age book written by humans to control and scam illiterate goat herders.
@GlenHenshall Amen 🙏 God bless you brother
@@IAMhassentyou-w5m scripture was written by men. That is proof that nothing is possible for your god
the ten commandments came directly from God, but you don't believe that either. Your accusation is worthless.
Luke 19:40, "But [Jesus] answered and said to them, 'I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.'”
Gr8 presentation! Thank you.
yes it always has. all major civilizations started less than 6000 years ago or so while humans have been supposedly been around for "300,000 years" or longer, thus falling perfectly with the Bible.
So do you think their are minor civilizations that are more that 6,000 years old?
@@billcook4768 illogical: red herring fallacy
so major civilization are less than 6000
so did major civilizations just popped out of nothing?
In genesis, the spirit of God moved over the face of the water. And called the dry land to appear out of it. Everything had a specific day it was created. But water and earth coming up out of it does not have a specific day one could biblically point to. It seems as if it was already here. Otherwise it would be included in the dates. There’s also gap theory, which believes earth was destroyed once already pre Adam. Probably fall of angels. Very strong arguments. I believe in a young earth, God created all. But there are deep mysteries as to specific details. Gods creation good, but started out void and formless water with land under it. Told man to replenish the earth. As if it’s happening again. Destroying the earth happened at Noah’s flood. Happens by fire at end of age. And I would argue happened pre Adam based on lots of evidence
@@HS-zk5nn the guy wasnt asking you a gotcha question. You could just say yes minor/primitive (whatever that means) were also only 6000 years old. Why jump straight to dodging.
I sat and watched this for 48 mins..great presentation
You held my attention from beginning to end. Keep using your God given talent!
Funny how much we allow delusion & lies to seep in to fact & in some cases even warp or distort the truth to confirm a flawed narrative
Like the concept of men evolving from apes? Yeah, I agree.
I’d like to say that us evolving from apes may be the scientific definition of what God did
@EisleyNavarro-ki8ue Except it is no way Biblical, as God made everything each after their kinds. Gorilla are gorillas. Chimps are chimps and orangutans are orangutans and always have been. Man has always been man with a set amount of variance within his kind.
@@EisleyNavarro-ki8ue Evolution requires death, so since there was no death before Adam and Eve sinned (God created a perfect world), evolution cannot be the mechanism by which God created the world if you want to be consistent in believing the Bible
Where does it confirm creation?
I thought she was pretty clear. It depends on your world view. The point is definitely doesn’t prove evolution or billions of years. It could just as easily confirm creation. Creationists aren’t demanding public schools teach their interpretation as fact. The evolutionists do.
She restates her thesis at 46:18 Check that slide for how archaeology confirms *the Bible* as historical. She never claimed it confirmed creation except as by proxy of the Bible's reliability as being a historically accurate and preserved collection of documents.
AiG's overzealous and unprofessional media team strikes again with inaccurate clickbait.🙄 Seriously, get a new social media supervisor.
@@brianziolkowski2300 Because evolution is science and creation is a religious belief backed only by blogs and TH-cam videos. Those people you call evolutionists are just normal people who don't deny science for religious reasons.
@Censoredbyyourcult Quite the contrary, they deny religion in young earth because of their scientific religious beliefs. Same thing different story
@@brianziolkowski2300 doesn’t prove evolution or billions of years.
But uranium-238 does, it has a half-life of 4.5 billion years and decays into lead another very abundant element on Earth.
Great presentation. I was just having a discussion today about carbon dating and couldn't recall exactly what I had read about and thise refreshed my memory.
Thank you, Corey, for opening more eyes and ears. 🙏 God bless you.
Adam lived during a different climatic period, they lived much longer according to the Bible, than us.
Yeah, but hundreds and hundreds of years longer?
@@Mark-h2sYes , part of the reason is that the earth had much higher barometric pressure which caused people to live longer and grow bigger
@@christiansoldier77 well, they certainly didn't live to be multiple hundreds of years old. I'm pretty sure enough remains of humans living around that time period have been discovered for us to know that humans never lived that long.
@@Mark-h2s Adam died when he was 930 years old and the oldest was Metusalem (969 years old) you can read it in Genesis chapter 5. In chapter 6 God decided that people only should be 120 years old and in chapter 11 you’ll see that they died younger and younger 😉
@@JensenfromDenmark I understand your beliefs 👍
I was so annoyed when she said Lucy cuz I immediately went Australopithecus which is the race of humanoid Lucy was. Who know maybe she will give me brownie points for know that😂 3:49
Thanks Great work keep digging. God bless in Jesus name
Good speakers. Clear and concise. Easy to follow. Enjoyed!
Wow love just basically dumbing it down allows me to understand! Thank you! :)
If AIG and its audience really wish to understand how the scientific method - i.e., observation, hypothesis, prediction, more observation to confirm or deny hypothesis - applies in the study of ancient human life, I highly recommend 'Fat of the land: What ancient bones tell us about the origin of the human diet', a TH-cam video from the ASU Institute on Human Origins. It demonstrates how AIG's insistence that the study of archaeology and paleontology are unsupported by 'observations' misconstrues how the term is used in scientific contexts, where observation simply means collection of data, taking measurements, etc.. We know that electrons exist, yet they've never been 'observed' in the sense that you claim to be necessary. We know dinosaurs existed, without ever having seen one alive. In both cases, our certainty is based on collected data - scientific observations.
_if AIG and its audience really wish to understand how the scientific method_
WHich, of course, they don't.
Here you are conflating direct observation of physical evidence with speculation about passage of time and occurrence of events.
She was very clear on this.
You can interact with electrons and you can observe cause and effect in real time.
You cannot interact with millions of years or ape to human evolution.
No one contests whether dinosaurs existed or not. They contest when they existed. You cannot see "when".
The constant barrage of changing dates and timelines over the past several decades is proof positive that what you think you "observe" one day gets thrown out by someone else who thinks they "observe" something else.
What you have here is a grand case of equivocation and bate and switch accompanied by failing to identify the core principles that underpin the logic.
@@mmaimmortals cannot see when, can measure when. But AiG don't like the measurements.
@@mmaimmortals Gotta love it when scientifically illiterate creationists with no understanding of how we make inferences from evidence every day whine because science makes inferences from observed evidence.
@@richardgregory3684 The ASU video was by an archaeo-archaeologist studying toolmaking among Australopithecus afarensis in the Awash valley, near Lucy's location. Pretty cool, and she makes a good female role model for STEM.
When people laugh at my religion I serve the jokes right back at them 10x harder. When they're like "oh you believe an invisible man in the sky created you, haha." And I'll respond; "as supposed creating myself out of teenage mutant ninja turtle ooze? Yeah, I'll take the Bible's explanation, thanks anyways!"
I don't run into people making fun of my religion Christianity I've been out in the city for 12 years any local jails 8 1/2 years 7 years in the two different women shelters 10 years in a rehab mental health facility in I have recently been asked to not come back because I offended people with the word of God that was because of my definition of intestinal sex addiction I've been dealing with these alphabet confused people since I lived in the California Bay Area for 3 years when I went I went to Iraq and Afghanistan but I'm assuming you're a mild-mannered looking person I am somewhat muscular physically fit and it keeps people's mouth shut most of the time at least men's so have a blessed night thank you for your comment
I'm not saying it's good that someone laughs at you but kids in primary school have better responses to jokes 💀 I think they leave you alone out of pity if anything...
@@truteń2002 That's a lot of words to say "liar." Number #1 it didn't just happen in school. #2 I'm gen-x, bullying for us, was just live-action memeing. Besides, surely you've got better jokes than kids. I'll give you a taste of what they got if you like?
@@liahfox5840 When did I call you a liar -_-
I just said the response you quoted was kinda cringe 😗
That's a lot of words to express "cringe" as well. Are you ai?
Well, I don’t necessarily think the scripture is quite so clear on the age of the Earth. It’s been determined because of the original Hebrew and the way it was described that there is in fact a pause in time between the “let there be light” moment, and the other 6 days of creation. It’s likely that it was described this way to man as an allegory. Ancient people didn’t know the things we do now. Could you imagine speaking to Abraham and showing him the fossils and the radiocarbon-dating process and asking him to believe it? It would be like magic, and so a “magical” explanation of creation would help people understand the footnotes. InspiringPhilosophy, one of the BEST Christian commentators today has a whole series on Genesis in the original Hebrew, how to interpret and describe what’s being said, and the best way to go about understanding the meaning and symbolism of the garden and the 7 days. The Garden, Adam and Eve and the Fall are all undoubtedly real, but the presence of other humans in the original text isn’t ruled out. For instance the passage you provided about us being created in the image of God, or Imago Dei; the word create isn’t actually in the same context in the Hebrew as it is in the English. What actually is being done is that God formed us at an indeterminate time, and then imbued us with his image and dominion over the Earth. Evolution and the Bible are not mutually exclusive. We don’t need to go these lengths to try and disprove it. Guided evolution and creation over millions of years is perfectly compatible with our understanding of the Bible. God Bless🙏🏻✝️
Yet, there is evidence for evolution within a species, but no evidence for evolution between " kingdoms" or "kinds".
But opponents don't believe in the flood at all. They don't take into account any effect.
That Lecture Was Excellent!!!🤓 God bless you always!
This was a great lecture I learned so much. Thank you 😊
Atheists been real quiet since this dropped
Read my critics about this video. Your god could bevroren clear with modern communications an updating the bible, without all the big mistakes. Start with Genese 1. Now it was not 6 days but 4-5 biljoen!
The pattern of stone to metal ages is generally correct. Creationists should not be questioning it, except for the dates. Bronze and iron before the Flood will not have anything to do with post-Flood bronze and iron. The metal ages are general terms and do not rule out occasional uses of other metals. The main problem is chronology. Putting Abraham in the Stone Age does not work, nor does putting David in the Iron Age work.
One of the main problems is the extremely short time between the "ages" and how sparse the evidence actually is.
Extremely short being relative to secular time scales.
@@mmaimmortals Not sure I understand why you mean. The metal ages are keyed to pottery styles and there's usually a gradual change in such styles.
"...gradual change in such styles."
-- I wouldn't contest this.
I'm just pointing out, in keeping with your OP, that 10k years (for example) in secular history may not equate to more than a few decades or a century in the Biblical time line. If that's all it takes to be an "age", okay, I guess.
I just checked and this articulate young lady earned a Master's Degree in archaeology from the highly distinguished Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
So she regurgitate' s there dogma, 😅
So what’s your point?
VERY IMPRESSIVE - not like the OLD - no longer thrustworthy schools ●
@@James-t5eWow your RUDE !
Well done young lady may the Lord continue to bless your family and ministri cheers
Loved watching this video, very informative and very well presented
Noah's flood would be a great example of the Bible being confirmed. However, Noahs flood is geologically and archeologically impossible. 1) The sodium carbonate needed for even a small single layer of limestone requires centuries or more of build up of shelled creatures and coral. When explaining the Grand Canyon, in your model, that isn't possible. In the actual model we know that the southwest U.S. was once a shallow seabed, so the sodium bicarbonate could build up over time. 2) The limestone in the G. C. also requires calm, shallow waters to form, like.... a shallow seabed. Not the most violent storm the earth would have ever seen. The hydraulic sorting claim YEC's like to peddle doesn't work either, because the water is still to deep and to volatile. 3) There are multiple places where layers of salt are separated by layers of rock. Sea's would have to evaporate, have a layer (or layers) of rock form, and then the area would have to become a sea bed again. A flood can't explain this. 4) Unconformities don't have the time needed to happen on a 6,000 year old earth. 5) The following were rulers of their respected kingdoms during the flood timelime Egypt- Pepi, Akkad - Sargon, Elam - Helu, and the Indus Valley Civ had been around for 1,000 years and continued for another 1,000 years 5) fossils and stratification layers of rock match predictions of evolution 6) Sand dunes don't have time to form 7) certain layers of rock would require forest fires to exists underwater 8) the amount of energy released during such an event would destroy the earth, also know as the heat problem 9) the mud problem 10) Ocean basins have less than a km of sedimentary rock on top, while the continental shelves are over 12 km think with sedimentary rock, a flood of that magnitude and length would have eroded away much more of the continental shelves 11) We have studied the growth rate of coral form a very long time now, and it doesn't grow fast enough to match your timeline - forget a flood, 6,000 years isn't even enough time. Look into the Eniwetok atoll if you want more info 12) evaporates and shales take too long to form 13) the change in salinity levels would kill both freshwater and saltwater fish ,and on and on and on
You are a troll. Post one point, one alone, and I'll rebut your nonsense
Copying and pasting (over and over and over) nonsense about your imaginary version of physics and history does not make a sound argument.
Lime and limestone are not formed in the way you suggest. Even if it were, it would be impossible to demonstrate or confirm. No one lives tens of thousands of years to watch such imaginary processes.
Meanwhile if we wish to see lime accumulate very rapidly we can set up and execute many experiments to demonstrate.
If you wish to do real science you will need to use short time scales and intelligence. The two characteristics that make creation mutually exclusive to evolution.
I guess the fish and other sea life found on Mt everest flew there? Mt. St Helen erupted and in hours did what science says should take thousands of years. We have no idea what a world flood would do because we haven't witnessed such a thing. The fact that every culture has a flood story and in many tell of a noah like man and his children is evidence. The layers of dead mamals and sea life killed so suddenly some found buried with food in their mouth is another proof of a catastrophic event. Obviously your worldview is science, so answer me this. What evolved first the heart, lung, brain, blood? Can't have a heart if you don't have blood to pump. Did every organ evolve at the same exact time? Because it would have to or life is impossible. Also requires both male and female to evolve at the same exact time for man and everything else to live on. Evolution is impossible. Creation is reasonable. Why scientists deny God while they see him in everything they study is confusing to me. The recent imaging of the human sperm shows gearing in the flagellum, a bulk head designed to pierce the egg, bay doors that open when delivering 23 chromosomes into the egg. It's nanotechnology that's similar to that found in the immune system. As a mechanic I know what I'm working on was designed by a mind but it fails in comparison to God's creation. Science can't create a single cell or a single grain of sand from nothing.
@@jimmys6566 AIG is a troll anti-science site. I will post the truth anywhere and everywhere I want on here. Pick any thing I listed and rebut it. You can't.
@@mmaimmortals Humans have studied limestone formation for over 100 years. You have studied it for less than 5 minutes. I suggest you do some more research.
These people all do the same thing. Point out things science may concur with their religion and ignore the other 90 percent.
Most evidence for a God is for a God in general not just for the Biblical God only. To decide to believe in Christianity rather than the other religions is a different topic.
Actually that's what atheists do . They ignore evidence of the bible all the time because of their world view
Equally, every time the biblical account is completely confirmed by science, 90% of the scientists ignore and discount it. Bias on both sides.
What is the other 90 %? There is no testable evidence for most of these "scientific claims" we cannot see Evolution... But scientists have observed and tested and are still testing claims of the Bible and finding them solid.
And both evolution and Bible cannot be true at the same time. One is false and the other true. Seriously having faith in evolution is having blind faith
I kinda wish she wouldn’t speak so condescendingly
Especially because she's dead wrong.
@@someguy-g4r Yes indeed :)
When they say 'animal' they refer to organism in the kingdom animalia, they teach that in high school, she knows that, but conflates the traditional definition of animal. why? Avoidable miscommunication is now assured. Why?
Yo! This was great! Captivating and engaging!!
Creation is fact
Creation is observed fact.
@@statutesofthelord What is the evidence for creation? When was it observed? Who observed it?
@@georg7120 Your existence proves creation
No. It's a religious belief that requires the denial of facts.