Our Evolution classes started with "We think..." and in the same breath they continued with "therefore we know....". I got good marks for answering the taught answers on my tests but my overall grades suffered when I questioned the "we think therefore we know" start to the evolution propaganda. Pointing out all of the carvings, drawings, paintings, and etcetera that shouldn't exist from around the world didn't help me.
I'd like to know some of that evidence for curiositys sake. I am in agreement as a fellow Christian who does not believe in the Bible because it's fun, but because it is True. Therefore the Word of God, therefore Jesus, the Truth. Keep fighting the good fight my brother
@jockyoung4491 - you missed the part where generations of fully grown adults were indoctrinated K - thru - college in this “evidence”. You know what we find? We watch everything considered EXCEPT historical accounts that run against the humanist/evolutionist worldview. The paradigm is hodge-podged together and ductaped to keep the narrative alive that this is all an accident. I watched soft tissue get found in fossils - scientific journals refused to publish it, no matter what replicated results were presented. Only after it was found by too many was it even discussed and it is still not taught in classrooms. We were supposed to see proto-galaxies from James Webb and we see fully formed galaxies with heavy elements. The timeline paradigm is only elongated and not questioned to its core. The hubris and bias of the community that claims “science” as its name is anything but impartial.
So, god ignores or denies those of us who no longer "wholeheartedly seek and love him." That's not what I learned about the christian god back when I was a regular church-goer. But in the comments on many many videos, I have observed that there are almost as many definitions of the god we created as there are believers
I just want to say to whoever might read this that Jesus loves you. Wherever you are in your life, know that God IS there and cares about you specifically. Know that I am praying for you. A note for the Christians: remember what Jesus had to say about the treatment of your enemies? He said to love them. They should be able to tell that we're Christians by our love. God bless!
@@tristantorres7511 But it is a literal pissing contest among YEC's. I was raised as one and the number of times that a "testimony" would change because someone else gave a better testimony is unbelievable. It is the same with "how much god has blessed you." Even as a child it made me uncomfortable.
@@patriciagrenier9082 that’s literally us every day not the goverments because they lie and are not wise, the ten commandments isn’t a law it’s our human nature to act wise and honest.
I was blessed, a few decades ago my church had a Sunday school class for the teens and adults that went "The Lie" by Ken Ham and "The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved". They realized the crisis of the teaching of evolution and knew that this must be addressed. A HUGE thank you to Ken Ham for writing that book by the way!!! Long before that my youth group had gone to see Ken Ham preach at a church in person which was amazing I had acquired one of his cassettes and listened to it over and over. Since then I've dug deeply into books that support biblical creation and views on dinosaurs. I took my family to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum a couple years back.
Science teachers teach science. Evolution is the foundation of, and the core principle of, modern Biology and genetics. It is impossible to simply 'remove' evolution from the field of biology. That would be like removing words from Shakespearean literature or removing integers from mathematics. Evolutionary biology is one of the most important fields of science, as it leads to advancements in agriculture, medicine, and more. Much of modern medicine is based directly upon evolutionary theory. Most religious people around the world, including Christians and scientists who are religious, have no trouble accepting the reality of biological evolution. It's just young Earth creationists who have a problem with it, you know? Scientists conduct science, and science teachers teach science, and evolution is a very important part a biology, so it must be taught.
I wish I had had teachers and leaders who had stood strong in Gods word and taught the truth. Even young children realize how flawed all of this is. Especially a child raised in church,
The biggest/largest theropod to ever exist. The Egyptian Leviathan is none other than Spinosaurus Aegypticus. Use all of Job’s description you’ll see what I mean.
Armored, crocodile like behavior, Long snout, jaws, eyes of the morning, excellent prey on fish Harpoon etc Spends a lot of time in water When he rises up he’s very tall. Scales are his pride (sealed up together, like a row of shields)
@jeanfred9462 yep exactly the Bible mentions these beasts but they died out as God drove Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden the world wants you to believe in these things in another way because they want to deceive you and to believe in evolution which is a lie
@@jeanfred9462 "The Egyptian Levianthan is none other than Spino-" The description nowhere mentions it having a large spinal structure, which would be critical if they were INDEED talking about it.
@SparkyBobcat-el8hf your comment represents one of the reasons a lot of people avoid Christianity. Denominations fighting against other denominations, everybody thinking their interpretation is correct.. that other church over there, well, they're just wrong. One would think that if a perfect God, who wished to deliver a perfect message to Creation, would have done it in a way that everybody could understand. Probably wouldn't also just show up in a relatively small region of the world, talk to some people there, tell them all to spread the message to every human, then leave.
@@Mark-h2s No denomination here but God's original belief. God is perfect & his revelation over thousands of years was done perfectly. Not God's fault that finite , fallible, faulty humans like yourself prefer lies over truth.....
@@acog_quarks8753 nothing comes from non existience, science can proof that.and nothing so precise as the universe, people plants animals, the alignment of the starts the sun the planets can happen out of chance.there u go there must be a creator with a superbrain in designing this God. Ans precisely my God cos he is consistent with his laws he loves us so much he came and lived the perfect sinless life and we can see proof that he actually came. Lived and died and risen. No other religion can boast about that
@@jeffburton1326 How many genders are there? The people touting evolution as fact in our corrupt woke "universities" are the same people telling us there are numerous genders and drag queen visits in elementary schools are good for children. That's the relevance.
Thank you guys for continuing to hammer down on this subject and expose the groundwork of the deceiver. I will always click & give a like when I see these!
How funny, Gen 1:30, "to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air ..." birds are mentioned with a comma after critters of the earth, meaning they are TWO SEPARATE categories, and not that one is the other or came from the other. >>;=)
@betaorionis2164 The Bible describes the firmament like unto molten glass. The earth is set on pillars that it moveth not. You are believing a lie from man that is not ever described in the Bible. The earth is covered in a glass dome protecting it from the waters above the earth. It is a footstool of God. Footstools are not spinning balls.
In 1948, almanacs and navigational guides typically described the celestial sphere-a conceptual model used in astronomy and navigation. The celestial sphere is an imaginary dome or sphere surrounding the Earth onto which celestial objects like stars, planets, and constellations are projected. This model helps explain the apparent positions and movements of celestial objects in the sky. The reference to longitude and latitude points in such almanacs would likely correspond to celestial coordinates used for navigation, such as: Declination (similar to latitude): Measures the angle of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator. Right Ascension (similar to longitude): Measures the angular distance of a celestial object eastward along the celestial equator. This description of the sky as a "solid dome" is metaphorical, not a literal assertion. It simplifies celestial navigation for sailors and astronomers by treating the stars as if they are fixed on an imaginary, immutable dome. This conceptual model dates back to ancient times and was still commonly used in 20th-century almanacs for practical purposes.
@@jimevans1229there's a reason the word dinosaur don't appear on the bible. Bible describe of powerfull animal as Leviathan. The Biblical Leviathan is not just a sea creature, but also a symbol of God's power over chaos and evil. He highlights how great and unreachable God's power is compared to human weakness. The purpose of powerfull animal was just that.
About 5 years ago (or more) I was reading in job and came across the part that talks about the behemoth and knew it was talking about the brontosaurus🦕 and how it's thigh bone was the strength of bronze... well to make a long story short about 3 days later while watching the news I saw that they recovered thy bone that was perfectly preserved of a brontosaurus and instantly I knew what was coming! I knew at that moment this was yet another example of the Lord putting me in the right place at the right time to get this information! Lo and behold here comes the statement on the news that they tested the strength of the thigh bone and it was found to be the exact strength of bronze! Boom! 💥🤯😊 I knew it was coming but it was still satisfying once it landed! I'm sure most Christians have had a similar experience but I can tell you the Lord guided me to this and job is definitely talking about the brontosaurus. And that's even if they try to declassify and then reclassify it again LOL
So I recently turned back Christianity in the early fall of ‘23. I spent almost 17 years trying to make it work by myself. Thankfully I realized that I needed the Lord’s guidance to live my best life. I say all that to say I developed a bit of a skeptical mindset during that 17 year gap. I think this was a tremendous blessing from the Lord because I can put all my previous “teachings” under the microscope so to speak and analyze them. Thanks to you, your team and your videos I’ve been able to see that secular beliefs are always moving the goal posts whereas Biblical teachings constantly get proven. Thank you again for your content and thank you for helping me find my footing in my journey back in religion. I don’t think I would be as resolute in it without y’all.
@@earthisasphere The evidence is all around creations By design pick out one thing just one animal vegetable or Mineral Analyze scientifically to the end of its degree why it exist how it exist (reproduction)and what’s its purpose. There is nothing on this earth that didn’t come from this earth supplying all the needs of man the house you live in. Scripture states a fool says in his heart there is no God
"Dinosaurs aren't mentioned in the Bible" 'Dinosaur' is a term created in the 19th century meaning danger lizard. If you're a true believer, how about this one: how many gorillas are mentioned in the Bible? It doesn't have to be mentioned specifically to have been mentioned at all.
The Bible is a book to be studied and not just read and put in a drawer . When we do not understand the Bible , we are left to invent theories to disprove biblical truths .
The first sin was not eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was desiring to "be like God". That is, to be equal to God and be able to make decisions of what is good and what is evil for oneself. Sounds like "situational ethics" or self-determination of what is true for oneself. This is the prevailing worldview of today's society.
Okay so let’s say god is real and everything in the Bible happened. Why is it that we can use this “objective morality” to determine that a lot of things that god did and commanded were wrong?
Sunday is day one and Saturday is the sabbath, it's in the words of the days. Let there be light Sunday and on the seventh day he rested sat all day (Sat ur day)
@@trentreynold7958 All gods are nothing more than a figment of somebody else's imagination they have then convinced gullible morons like you they actually are real LOL.
Great lecture. In England where we live there are many old towns with churches 900 to 1000 years old and all the ones I visited have windows or statues of dragons being killed. Like the one near us at Alton Hampshire. The doors are always open and visitors are welcome.
No disrespect to the one who took so much time to edit and share this very interesting and important and informative video. Only one sincere request...can someone PLEASE EDIT the music out of the background or maybe tell me if it is possible for me to turn the music off myself on the vid? Thank You to whiever reads my comment and thank you to whorver shared this awesome video wiyh us on youtube
Amen 🙏🏽 It's very refreshing that I'm beginning to see on my journey, more speaking out on the truths the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me. We are one body in Christ, amen 🙏🏽 One Holy Spirit 💛🛡️⚔️
The problem is that much of the old testament, especially Genesis, was not written down for generations. It was passed down as folk stories, and written by men, not God. We believe God inspired the bible and he did, but imperfect primitive men with limited understanding essentially copied the same creation story circulating around the ancient world. There is room for questioning the old testament. The new testament, however, was written by people actually observing the events. Making it much more if not 100 percent accurate.
I used to be catholic, and a Sunday school teacher told us dinosaurs are a distraction and they were never real. Once I became Christian and learned the biblical truth it all changed. They call birds of prey raptors, that is probably why they think they're birds
When I was in Ornithology class in college, the professor gave two theories on where birds supposedly branched off from reptiles. He then told us the arguments each scientist made for their theory and proof of why the opposing theory was not possible. The logical conclusion would have been that since both scientists had disproved the opposing theory, both theories had to be wrong. The professor's conclusion: We don't know which of these theories is right.
Simple, just use basic taxonomy . And you see that modern Day Birds are in a Group called avialae wich also contains extingt dinosaurs like microraptor, cofuciusornis, anchiornus, .. Conclution:Birds are a sepparate group of dinosaurs. No evolution needed.
An argument that an opposing theory is not possible is not proof. It is just an argument. We don't know which of these theories is right because we don't yet have enough evidence to be sure. But everybody agrees that birds evolved from archosaurs
@mathid__ Actually not...Birds have different hip socket joints, hearts, lungs and hollow bones that dinosaurs do not have. Jack Horner worked as advising paleontologist on five of the Jurassic Park movies...never did he advise that the dinosaurs depicted should have feathers. It is funny that Hollywood now is evolving dinosaurs faster than nature.
@@alantasman8273 yeah no, we have found Air Sacks, Hollow Bones, in dinosaur fossils and Birds do have that hole in their hips, it's just covered by ba thin Flesh like Structure. And we have also found on Velociraptor skeletons (Arms) litle holes that are very simelair to the holes in Bird Arms Where the feathers are supposed to be.
At last a video that expresses mine opinion. All these lies from the world are being used to pull us away from christ. I only trust the word from God! In the name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
@@earthisasphere Actually religion means faith...Evolution requires faith in deep time, faith that species can transform from one kind to another without the process of macro-evolution ever being observed. Evolution also requires faith in a fictional evolution tree despite the fossil record being devoid of transitional fossils. It further requires faith that dinosaur soft tissues now found on six continents must be 65+ million years old despite biochemists and forensic experts saying these soft tissues should not exist. Evolution is a false religion in itself. All false religions are from satan.
@@donnaveebest4222 I presume you meant science. And yes of course evolutionary theory is science. The things that are certainly NOT science are this creationist and young earth nonsense
If we were actually taught the truth about our past I would go back but I only remember the passing of the plate ???? The rest of it was lost on me 🤷🏻♀️ I watch people and feel their energy and church always felt fake to me but Spirit has always been there when I asked him into my heart and it’s not been a easy life but I can honestly say that I always knew he was with me 💖✨
Side note. Genesis 6:4 KJV - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Scripture references mighty men roughly 80 times from Genesis through Revelation. When you consider how epic these stories are in the context of these mighty men being giants it's just mind blowing. Would love to see your video on that one.
This is a fascinating piece of the Bible that is not talked about enough. There are a few people like Graham Hancock and Jimmy Corsetti that touch on it in their archaeology studies, and I believe they have said that people have found remains of giants somewhere but it was a brief mention of it on a podcast.
God doesn't lie and He was there when all things were created. Bwst to trust the eye witness account of rhe beginning of all things. 😊🙏✝️🕊️ God bless AIG
We don't hate you, we just find it annoying that, with more than enough ignorance around already, buffoons like Ken Ham are using money and an Internet presence to spread further disinformation.
@@jacob.tudragensthat's a pretty dishonest strawman. Why can't you use something like.....evidence to back up a claim instead of a deliberately dishonest strawman. In this situation I'm not calling God a liar.....but you....100% just let one fly there.
@Johnny_Eh-theist I wasn't talking to you, Johnny. The only reason 'you people' come to these sites is to try to shake people's faith. Ironically, if you actually listened to the subject, you might learn something!
It was a Catholic priest who came up with the Big Bang Theory. And, can you imagine a better moment than the finger of God stretching out and saying, “Let there be light,” and BOOM! Or should I say bang? There were no earthly “days” in the beginning, only days on God’s terms.
It is like God has recently lifted a veil for people to start seeing this. It's amazing. The bible even talks about how people mentioning how they remember the earth or the contents being divided. Also the dragon and fire breathing isn't that tar fetched. We have electric eels. We have animals that glow.
A curiosity I’ve had about the flood was what about the marine fish and animals of the ocean, as well as the fresh water wildlife. Salt water life couldn’t survive the fresh water, neither could fresh water life survive salt water. Sea turtles and fresh water turtles and other animals that needed the ocean as well as land both to survive. What happened to them?
Another explanation is that, at the time, there was less salt in the water, and the fish hadn't been diversified through natural selection enough that some were better in saltwater whereas others were better in freshwater.
@@jockyoung4491The irony there is crazy. You are commenting on a vid specifically made to explain the Bible from a scientific viewpoint. Did you even watch the video?
Satan's body wasn't a snake nor was it changed "physically". Names have meanings and if you dive deeper into the roots, you will see that what Eve saw was a glowing being, as if hot, molten metal, speaking as an alluring enchanter.
Incorrect. God cursed the snake because he let Satan take control. Genesis 3:14 KJV And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life.
It is difficult to teach students when half the student population comes in having been taught that science is just around to deceive you. That is why science denial is a huge problem.
The state of Texas is about to pass a bill allowing and ensuring that Christian based Biblical critteria and classes will be available at all public schools.
It astonishes me how many people get the number of animals on the ark wrong. There 7 pairs of clean animals. Therefore, there were 14 dogs. 2 each of the unclean.
People also need to study near death experiences.The Near death experiences people died and came back to life later.Their experiences prove that people have souls and there is life that continues on after physical death.The life energy continues on in the spiritual realm.❤️🙏🏻
They prove nothing. Anyone can say whatever they want about a "near death" experience and there is no way to check the validity of any of their claims. It's all on trusting the person to tell the truth. I'll stick with the scientific evidence.
Nothing has ever been proven by that. Nice try. I did, however, die once. Death is black a completely silent. No angels, no light, no anything. Until you have died ... don't spread falsehoods. If you are experiencing anything while you are "dead" then ... you aren't really dead.
That's the thing. It;s near death. Not death. The brain carries on working. These experiences would be consistent, if they were relasted to reality. But they aren't. Lots of people experience nothing. Those that do experience, they experience different things. And those expreinces always tie in with their cultural background. It proce snothing other than oxygen starved brains produce hallucinations.
One thing that the others here haven't mentioned is that studies have shown a marked similarity in the neural chemistry of a brain experiencing an NDE and when it's been given a dose of ketamine. In short, the brain is, as always, experiencing physical phenomena, which can and has been plausibly explained by science.
There are four uses of "day" in the Bible. The first is 24 hours; the six days of creation are six literal days, with alternating light and dark; these and the first Sabbath are the first seven-day week (Gen 1:5,8,13,19,23,31). No other interpretation makes any sense. Another definition is the "day-for-a-year" principle, often used in prophecy, e.g. Daniel 9:24-27 (the 70 weeks are 70 sets of 7 days (actually, years) = 490 years; 457 BC - 33 AD [edit:34 AD; no year zero]). The third is a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8); this is the basis of the six days/millennia we have experienced and the seventh day/millennium coming soon (Rev 20:2-7). The fourth is a specific but unnamed time ("in that day"/"in those days").
Juvenile T rex and nestlings do have fossil remnants of down and feathers around their neck and back area. The enormous crater in the Yucatan is the spot where the asteroid that caused their extinction impacted 65-67 million years ago.
@@joshuadevaughn8613 There is virtually no evidence to support an ancient Jewish man named Jesus outside of the Bible. And we know the bible isn't fact or a primary source. There is ZERO evidence for "Christ" outside the bible. "Most" historians agree Jesus probably existed. His existence is disputed.
At this point, there is no helping answers in gensis. There is no evidence i could give that would convince any of them theres a term for this type of content its called brainrot
Look up: *"Studying the Bible"* - by Dr Steven DiMattei (This particular article from a critical Biblical scholar highlights how the authors of the Hebrew Bible used their *fictional* god as a mouthpiece for their own views and ideologies) *"How do we know that the biblical writers were* ***not*** *writing history?"* -- by Dr Steven DiMattei
@@KrisMaertens you can hear God's words in the Bible. You do know the Bible was written by people, but authored by God. Please accept documented history; declare Jesus as your Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from death and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
@@LM-jz9vh you are aware that the people who crucified Jesus claimed to be "Bible scholars." Scholars are not the final arbiters of truth, God is. Please accept documented history; declare Jesus as your Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from death and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
How big was the ark? That has already been calculated. How many fundamental species of creatures would have needed to fit on the ark to result in the creatures that exist today, including those which have gone extinct since then, and how big would the ark have needed to be to house them? Has that been calculated?
Thank you Brother! Eyes up! Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Colossians 1:14 "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:" Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus' death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection with all your heart for payment of all your sins, past, present and future.
The black backed jackal and side striped jackal are both canines......they cannot interbreed with any other canine. Where do they fit into your dog kind?
@@KrisMaertenssomehow....but he says flat out in this video....only 2 dogs...but these 2 "dogs" are so far split from the canine lineage they can't breed anymore with other genera of the canine family
First they are what they are now after thousands of years of interbreeding, the result of hybridization of the cross-linkage of their DNA led them to be the way they are now but when God created them they were different in many features without being different species. Examples are mules which are the result of interbreeding between horses and donkeys, the result is a breed of mules that cannot breed themselves, yet horses are horses and donkeys are donkeys. Wake up
@KrisMaertens the only magic trick is to say that a creature like you have a prefrontal cortex to think with,😢 that really needs magic to happen😅 to happen
I hate how it's like "either you believe in my interpretation bible, or you're a naturalist". This almost destroyed my faith. The evidence is not supporting a 6000 year old earth, and neither is the bible. Worry about the gospel, not this how old the earth is (by the way, i do take scripture literally).You can believe your stuff, but don't say you have to, to take a literal interpretation of scripture.
@@samuelrodriguez9199 I assume the reason it almost destroyed his faith is because he, unlike creationists like the ones making these videos, he was reasonable enough to follow the evidence, even if it led _away_ from biblical literalism. Making a religious dichotomy over _that,_ and then being so vocally-adamant about it, is a surefire way to drive people away.
@@samuelrodriguez9199 Wrong #1 your false protestant belief in the false man made ( Luther's) false doctrine ( 16th century ) of Sola scriptura ( as well as Sola fide & private interpretation Ect...) WILL NEVER BE TRUE. The Catholic church made Bible itself & Christian history show that " Bible only" is false & unchristian & satanic. The apostles & their followers & their followers did not have or use the bible as their foundation ( catholic church had not made it yet )...they used the Catholic deposit of faith which was given to them by Christ....which included God's FULL WORD which was oral tradition / magisterial from the Catholic church / then scriptural ( 73 scriptures cannonized by the Catholic church in the late 4th century ). So instead of pushing protestantism & it's lies....get a real education in Christianity. Bible only is not true & never will be true.
@@jacob.tudragens So 2 people agreeing with each other makes you think of... what? You agree with Calvin, so should we assume you have the hots for him? Or should we go back to adult conversation and hope you are capable of it?
Creationists don't care about scientific facts because they don't understand science. All they care about is protecting at all costs the Fort Of Ignorance they've built for themselves.
@@donteatthecats0001 Yes, I am well aware. I still like to point it out though in case some curious person who isn't well versed in science wanders in here and thinks this actually holds water.
You clearly don't understand the starting points. None of the sciences you mention destroy the claim. None. You do have geologists, paleontologists, biologists, chemists, and history professors who choose a different starting point and come to different conclusions. Same evidence, different starting points, therefore they reach different conclusions. Biblical worldview starting point is the Bible.
@@sherrieasdon8766 Not to mention to that the Founding Fathers of Modern Science were all Christians who had begun at that starting point and made it the foundation of their scientific inquiry.
FYI, using the collie as an example of having ‘lost’ the gene for short hair is false. Check out ‘Smooth Collies’! The smooth gene is the dominant coat type. (Note, in the US, smooth and rough (long haired) collies are treated as two varieties of one breed. In Europe and Canada, they are considered as two separate breeds.)
At least in the beginning you admit that you are NOT talking about science - only faith. If you start with the premise that anything that conradicts the Bible can't be true, then you are not doing science. In fact, you are not thinking for yourself at all That's your choice, but then don't pretend to speak for science,
He literally proved what he said. I encourage you too dive deeper keep studying. The flood is where fossils come from. They have fossils of animals giving birth, explain how that took millions of years? Science dont add up. But a flood explains it so common sense you wonder why people like yourself fight the truth.
You realize the same is true if you start with the assumption of evolution, right? No one has observed the mechanisms of abiogenesis, which is required for evolution to work, in history. Both approaches rely on an assumption and faith.
@@christiskingfjb There is zero evidence for a global Noah's Flood. There is evidence for lots of *local* flooding and *local* ocean ingresses over the last 500 million years but nothing showing all sediment was deposited in the same year only 4400 years ago.
@@zacharyhagen2307 Abiogenesis is not required for evolution to work. Evolution is a natural process which happens after life is here. How the life got here does not matter to the process.
@@zacharyhagen2307 Wrong on all counts. Abiogenesis is NOT required for evolution to work. Obviously life has to exist, but it doesn't matter how it started. The fact that we have no observed abiogenesis does not prove it impossible. Biological evolution is proven based on evidence, so no it is not an assumption.
Sorry , believe as you wish , but being ignorant doesn't help Christianity, the earth obviously is not only 6,000 years old, there was no global flood , Jonah didn't live in a whale for 3 days. Grow up
@@TomSanders-mi2bg not considering ALL the evidence is the only ignorant choice. There is plenty of scientific evidence to support a young earth and most of the "science" that supports an old earth is faulty or based on supposition.
@@ck8191 There is ZERO evidence to support a young Earth. Believe me, I have seen all the claims and nothing comes close. It is an established scientific fact that the Earth is over 4 billion years old. There is no debate about that among scientists. Whoever tells you otherwise is simply lying
@@John3_16andthensome They don't do any actual research, so it can't be that much. Ken Ham founded it and is still second in command and he employees his family members as well. They made about half a million dollars in salary alone beginning in 2015 and it has only risen from there. Answers in Genesis also does multiple millions of dollars of business with board members other companies each year, so it seems that nepotism is alive and well.
@@flyingtime5501 LOL. Telling lies is not "gods work." They aren't even well constructed lies either. But hey, people like you help make him richer, so he doesn't care if he is lying or not.
@@flyingtime5501 God's work? "Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions'” Luke 12:15 (...so funny, to debunk christians using bible quotes!)
You should fix the genealogy from Arphaxad to Serug to coincide with the Greek Septuigent timeline and add those years. I think it adds about 650, if my memory serves me...
How hard did Darwin have to work to come up with a theory that doesn't make sense? I've seen a lot of your comments, so let me just ask you this: where did all this come from? Let's say that the big bang did happen. Where did that clump of condensed matter come from? I have actually looked into this, and the only possible explanation is that God created it. Until I get a straight answer, I cannot believe the theory of evolution. If you think you know, please contact me and let me know. I will be praying for you.
@@Jack-v7m5t Oh, my. I'll just correct this bit and move on. "Where did that clump of condensed matter come from" - You clearly have not looked into this because it wasn't matter. It was energy. If you are going to lie on the internet, at least try to make it believable.
I find it interesting AIG never mentions the 3.8 billion years of life *before* the dinosaurs. 3.5 billion years of single celled life, the multicelled life of the Ediacaran, the Devonian fishes and early tetrapods, the synapsid apex predators like Dimetrodon. It's like all they know about science they learned from Saturday morning cartoons.
@donteatthecats0001 the funny thing about people like you is you where so easily influenced by secular nonsense with 0 evidence just theory, meanwhile Jesus Christ is literally the most documented person to ever exist. Every religion recognizes him. Yet you claim its nonsense. Open your heart so you are not so cold. Whats your first name so i can pray for you
The climate along with other changes occurred after the flood. Those changes including climate would account for some kinds of animals struggling to survive and eventually dying out. Man kinds life span was cut down drastically post flood. The fact is this world has been constantly affected because of mans sin and God's response to it.
24:33 which was entirely intentional because MANY more people will see the original article than the retraction, and those like-minded people won’t report on the retraction.
@@earthisasphere But that just makes you a Creation Denier, so you have gained nothing, solved nothing, and answered nothing by being here in the comments section.
@@John3_16andthensome I was raised a YEC, so I know what arguments they make and that none of them actually hold water. I don't completely deny creation, although I find it much more unlikely than scientific explanations. Evolution doesn't rely on abiogenesis. Clearly, however the universe began, evolution is how we reached the diversity of life we see today, and clearly the earth is much, much older than 6,000 years.
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." - Robert Jastrow
I am 58 years old. I was saved by the blood of Jesus Christ when I was 10 years old. I've never believed in dinosaurs. And never will. I couldn't finish watching this video because it sounded like he was going to try to justify belief in dinosaurs using the Bible.
@phloophnunya867 just read Job 40-41. Gives a perfect description of what they call a behemoth. I personally believe God is talking about a fire-breathing dragon. I'm also 58 and was saved at a very young age. I'm not sure what church you follow, but I was raised First Assembly. The only reading of the Bible did was following during church. It wasn't till way later in life that I actually picked up the Bible and start at the beginning. I work on having a personal relationship with God and not follow what a preacher was telling me. I listen to The Holy Spirit. I'm learning more than I ever did in a church setting alone. Pray for discernment and wisdom. I think you will find it helpful. It will open your eyes to what God wants you to see. God bless.
What you 'believe' is irrelevant. You can choose to believe whatever superstitious nonsense you want but that is not going to change scientific fact. You were saved you say, from what? Logic, reason and intellectual honesty?
As soon as anyone begins with more than four digits years a go. I start watching reruns of Gilligan's Island in my head. Just as informative and Marie Ann.👌😁 I like my programming with a tropical air. We war with princes( leaders-gov, media,etc), principalities (govs,. corporations, world banks,.etc) and the prince of the (On) air👹. The medium that ALL communication travels through. (Besides prayer) Study and show yourself approved. (Learn the truth) BE of a decerning mind. (USE your head)
I mentioned this in past posts, but one dragon is the wyvern... a flying dragon that has a tail with a barb on it, and it could sting like a scorpion. Well, makes me curious to which pterosaur species might've inspired the wyvern legend. Even if the tail didn't have a barb (venomous or not), there might've been something on the pterosaur's tail that could've been mistaken for a barb. That might make a fun project for AiG's paleontologists... find out which flying reptile helped inspire the wyvern legend.
Our Evolution classes started with "We think..." and in the same breath they continued with "therefore we know....". I got good marks for answering the taught answers on my tests but my overall grades suffered when I questioned the "we think therefore we know" start to the evolution propaganda. Pointing out all of the carvings, drawings, paintings, and etcetera that shouldn't exist from around the world didn't help me.
Maybe because you suggested that drawings are somehow scientific evidence of .. anything.
I'd like to know some of that evidence for curiositys sake. I am in agreement as a fellow Christian who does not believe in the Bible because it's fun, but because it is True. Therefore the Word of God, therefore Jesus, the Truth.
Keep fighting the good fight my brother
If you are genuinely curious, then why not look at the evidence FOR evolution?
@jockyoung4491 - you missed the part where generations of fully grown adults were indoctrinated K - thru - college in this “evidence”. You know what we find? We watch everything considered EXCEPT historical accounts that run against the humanist/evolutionist worldview. The paradigm is hodge-podged together and ductaped to keep the narrative alive that this is all an accident. I watched soft tissue get found in fossils - scientific journals refused to publish it, no matter what replicated results were presented. Only after it was found by too many was it even discussed and it is still not taught in classrooms. We were supposed to see proto-galaxies from James Webb and we see fully formed galaxies with heavy elements. The timeline paradigm is only elongated and not questioned to its core. The hubris and bias of the community that claims “science” as its name is anything but impartial.
@@sbunnies8204 Genesis isn't a historical account of anything. It's early mythology.
It is God's word vs man's word and God's word is the most reliable.
God bless, AIG 🙏🙏🙏
So Galileo was wrong?
It's evidence vs a 2,000 year old collection of stories written by men.... Evidence is the most reliable.
Amen 🙏
@@globalcoupledances yes
Let God be true and every man a liar.
God knows all those that whole heartedly seek and love him.
@@oliviahodges5161 they are holy and righteous
@@oliviahodges5161 food for thought melchisedec means king of the up right or righteous or just it means king of the elect the 144 000
So, god ignores or denies those of us who no longer "wholeheartedly seek and love him." That's not what I learned about the christian god back when I was a regular church-goer. But in the comments on many many videos, I have observed that there are almost as many definitions of the god we created as there are believers
I just want to say to whoever might read this that Jesus loves you. Wherever you are in your life, know that God IS there and cares about you specifically. Know that I am praying for you.
A note for the Christians: remember what Jesus had to say about the treatment of your enemies? He said to love them. They should be able to tell that we're Christians by our love. God bless!
Nobody asked if “Jesus loves you” like literally keep it to yourself nobody cares and nobody is gonna convert because of what you say😂
@@tristantorres7511 But it is a literal pissing contest among YEC's. I was raised as one and the number of times that a "testimony" would change because someone else gave a better testimony is unbelievable. It is the same with "how much god has blessed you." Even as a child it made me uncomfortable.
@ me too
@@tristantorres7511 that is sad. Not what JESUS asks of us. Be prudent, wise and honest, and obey HIS RULES/COMMANDMENTS.
@@patriciagrenier9082 that’s literally us every day not the goverments because they lie and are not wise, the ten commandments isn’t a law it’s our human nature to act wise and honest.
Science and Bible go hand in hand. I can't understand why anyone who loves science don't love the Word of God.
Investigate zero point energy.
@blackallday Pick it up and read because we were lied to all our lives. Don't be fooled by Satan.
Because satan blinds people…
I agree! I think if anything Science brings me closer to guide the more, I study!
@@oliviahodges5161 Opposite hands maybe. Creation science is an oxymoron.
This makes so much sense. Why did I just put together that Genesis is the beginning and they have words like Genes, Genetics, Geneticist. 🤔
Because they all come from the Greek word for origin?
You are a disgrace to your ancient ancestors
It was kept simple in those early days of unschooled, by simply saying 'dust.'
I’ve never put that together either. Excellent catch‼️👍😊
AMEN!!! Praise our ALL MIGHTY HEAVENLY FATHER, in JESUS' Name!!! Amen🙏🙏🙏 I Love this!!!❤❤❤
I was blessed, a few decades ago my church had a Sunday school class for the teens and adults that went "The Lie" by Ken Ham and "The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved". They realized the crisis of the teaching of evolution and knew that this must be addressed. A HUGE thank you to Ken Ham for writing that book by the way!!!
Long before that my youth group had gone to see Ken Ham preach at a church in person which was amazing I had acquired one of his cassettes and listened to it over and over.
Since then I've dug deeply into books that support biblical creation and views on dinosaurs. I took my family to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum a couple years back.
Science teachers teach science. Evolution is the foundation of, and the core principle of, modern Biology and genetics. It is impossible to simply 'remove' evolution from the field of biology. That would be like removing words from Shakespearean literature or removing integers from mathematics.
Evolutionary biology is one of the most important fields of science, as it leads to advancements in agriculture, medicine, and more.
Much of modern medicine is based directly upon evolutionary theory. Most religious people around the world, including Christians and scientists who are religious, have no trouble accepting the reality of biological evolution. It's just young Earth creationists who have a problem with it, you know?
Scientists conduct science, and science teachers teach science, and evolution is a very important part a biology, so it must be taught.
I wish I had had teachers and leaders who had stood strong in Gods word and taught the truth. Even young children realize how flawed all of this is. Especially a child raised in church,
And here you are 20 years later. A grown man refuting basic science and hating on trans people.
The Bible talks about things like huge beasts called Leviathan
The biggest/largest theropod to ever exist.
The Egyptian Leviathan is none other than Spinosaurus Aegypticus.
Use all of Job’s description you’ll see what I mean.
Armored, crocodile like behavior,
Long snout, jaws, eyes of the morning, excellent prey on fish
Harpoon etc
Spends a lot of time in water
When he rises up he’s very tall.
Scales are his pride (sealed up together, like a row of shields)
@jeanfred9462 yep exactly the Bible mentions these beasts but they died out as God drove Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden the world wants you to believe in these things in another way because they want to deceive you and to believe in evolution which is a lie
Elephant! The largest animal they knew of at the time.
@@jeanfred9462 "The Egyptian Levianthan is none other than Spino-"
The description nowhere mentions it having a large spinal structure, which would be critical if they were INDEED talking about it.
Start with, "In the beginning, God...," not, "Once upon a time, billions of years ago...."
what from "in the beginning" says "6000 years ago"?
"In the beginning, billions of years ago" There! Corrected for you.
@@poliincredible770 okay, 'in the beginning, God'..
Now, scientifically, where can humans go from that starting point?
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
@@justme-b2x the genealogies.
I trust the Bible over mans perspective
The Bible is man's perspective...
Science is not based on man's 'perspective'.
@SparkyBobcat-el8hf your comment represents one of the reasons a lot of people avoid Christianity. Denominations fighting against other denominations, everybody thinking their interpretation is correct.. that other church over there, well, they're just wrong.
One would think that if a perfect God, who wished to deliver a perfect message to Creation, would have done it in a way that everybody could understand. Probably wouldn't also just show up in a relatively small region of the world, talk to some people there, tell them all to spread the message to every human, then leave.
@@Mark-h2s No denomination here but God's original belief.
God is perfect & his revelation over thousands of years was done perfectly.
Not God's fault that finite , fallible, faulty humans like yourself prefer lies over truth.....
@@Mark-h2s So what false man made faith do you follow?
God is real, science explains his creation
@@hdsamte Science is TRYING to explain His creations!
God IS science
We are just discovering HIM and His creation
How does it actually point to a god? And more specifically your god.
@@acog_quarks8753 nothing comes from non existience, science can proof that.and nothing so precise as the universe, people plants animals, the alignment of the starts the sun the planets can happen out of chance.there u go there must be a creator with a superbrain in designing this God.
Ans precisely my God cos he is consistent with his laws he loves us so much he came and lived the perfect sinless life and we can see proof that he actually came. Lived and died and risen. No other religion can boast about that
God is Awesome
Yes. Thor is awesome. Oh, wait a minute ... which of the 30,000+ gods are you referring to?
@@jeffburton1326 Take your kids to a drag show lately?
He really is!❤
@@TearDownThisWall No. Not ever. What's the relevance?
@@jeffburton1326 How many genders are there? The people touting evolution as fact in our corrupt woke "universities" are the same people telling us there are numerous genders and drag queen visits in elementary schools are good for children. That's the relevance.
I told my husband the other day there's no way in this world you can convince me that dinosaurs weren't actually dragons.
@@godisawesomeasalways6004 , The ancients found a dinosaur fossil and the rest was left to the imagination.
The word “dinosaur” wasn’t coined until the 1800’s.
They were all dragons.
@@nancygarrett7972 , Call them whatever you want, but they died out 66 million years ago.
@@davidgardner863nah probably 678 trillion years ago. 67 million is preposterous - asaurus
@@everetthudson4741 , No, 66 million years ago, unless you include birds. They are still here.
Thank the Lord dor this channel. Im glad to have learned about the word connection between dinosaurs and dragons, as well as a dinosaur's definition.
Thank you guys for continuing to hammer down on this subject and expose the groundwork of the deceiver. I will always click & give a like when I see these!
How funny, Gen 1:30, "to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air ..." birds are mentioned with a comma after critters of the earth, meaning they are TWO SEPARATE categories, and not that one is the other or came from the other. >>;=)
Fun fact: pre 1948 almanacs all describe a solid dome above our heads, It even gives you the longitude and latitude where you might crash into it
Isn’t lying a sin? Why do you lie? Besides, it’s a ridiculously easy to debunk lie.
@betaorionis2164 The Bible describes the firmament like unto molten glass. The earth is set on pillars that it moveth not. You are believing a lie from man that is not ever described in the Bible. The earth is covered in a glass dome protecting it from the waters above the earth. It is a footstool of God. Footstools are not spinning balls.
False. Look it up on snopes.
@TheRoadLessChosen Lol! Snopes!
In 1948, almanacs and navigational guides typically described the celestial sphere-a conceptual model used in astronomy and navigation. The celestial sphere is an imaginary dome or sphere surrounding the Earth onto which celestial objects like stars, planets, and constellations are projected. This model helps explain the apparent positions and movements of celestial objects in the sky.
The reference to longitude and latitude points in such almanacs would likely correspond to celestial coordinates used for navigation, such as:
Declination (similar to latitude): Measures the angle of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator.
Right Ascension (similar to longitude): Measures the angular distance of a celestial object eastward along the celestial equator.
This description of the sky as a "solid dome" is metaphorical, not a literal assertion. It simplifies celestial navigation for sailors and astronomers by treating the stars as if they are fixed on an imaginary, immutable dome. This conceptual model dates back to ancient times and was still commonly used in 20th-century almanacs for practical purposes.
03:28 we should never mix God's word with worldly philosophy
Go look up biblical cosmology.
@@jimevans1229there's a reason the word dinosaur don't appear on the bible. Bible describe of powerfull animal as Leviathan. The Biblical Leviathan is not just a sea creature, but also a symbol of God's power over chaos and evil. He highlights how great and unreachable God's power is compared to human weakness. The purpose of powerfull animal was just that.
About 5 years ago (or more) I was reading in job and came across the part that talks about the behemoth and knew it was talking about the brontosaurus🦕 and how it's thigh bone was the strength of bronze... well to make a long story short about 3 days later while watching the news I saw that they recovered thy bone that was perfectly preserved of a brontosaurus and instantly I knew what was coming! I knew at that moment this was yet another example of the Lord putting me in the right place at the right time to get this information! Lo and behold here comes the statement on the news that they tested the strength of the thigh bone and it was found to be the exact strength of bronze! Boom! 💥🤯😊 I knew it was coming but it was still satisfying once it landed! I'm sure most Christians have had a similar experience but I can tell you the Lord guided me to this and job is definitely talking about the brontosaurus. And that's even if they try to declassify and then reclassify it again LOL
Did he add the ice age to that too or that never happened 😂😂😂
That's awesome!!
Does the Bible speak about the ice age?
So I recently turned back Christianity in the early fall of ‘23. I spent almost 17 years trying to make it work by myself. Thankfully I realized that I needed the Lord’s guidance to live my best life. I say all that to say I developed a bit of a skeptical mindset during that 17 year gap. I think this was a tremendous blessing from the Lord because I can put all my previous “teachings” under the microscope so to speak and analyze them. Thanks to you, your team and your videos I’ve been able to see that secular beliefs are always moving the goal posts whereas Biblical teachings constantly get proven. Thank you again for your content and thank you for helping me find my footing in my journey back in religion. I don’t think I would be as resolute in it without y’all.
All things are designed it cannot be anything else. And all things are held together by the word of God for him and buy him
Thank you in advance for the evidence to support your claim.
LOL the watchmaker fallacy, you morons should be too embarrassed to use this anymore but apparently not.
_All things are designed_
So cancer is designed? Wow, your god is either a moron or monster then.
@@earthisasphere The evidence is all around creations By design pick out one thing just one animal vegetable or Mineral Analyze scientifically to the end of its degree why it exist how it exist (reproduction)and what’s its purpose. There is nothing on this earth that didn’t come from this earth supplying all the needs of man the house you live in. Scripture states a fool says in his heart there is no God
But yet here you are.
"Dinosaurs aren't mentioned in the Bible"
'Dinosaur' is a term created in the 19th century meaning danger lizard. If you're a true believer, how about this one: how many gorillas are mentioned in the Bible? It doesn't have to be mentioned specifically to have been mentioned at all.
Dinosaur means terrible lizard
I always loved this presentation.
I laughed when he said birds were reclassified as dinosaurs. Make you think twice about eating at chick fil a. 😆
Finally someone who has some sence. Now we got to get this in the church's, and if possible in schools.
@Niiiquee 👍 thanks for the spell check. Got keep us commenters in check.
@@frosty8244 Yea people that can't spell want this creationist garbage in the classroom.
The Bible is a book to be studied and not just read and put in a drawer . When we do not understand the Bible , we are left to invent theories to disprove biblical truths .
Thank you Bodie!
Loved this! Coming from a confused Christian before. I'm not now. Thank you so much! ❤
If you call yourself a Christian, you are more confused than you can imagine.
The first sin was not eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was desiring to "be like God". That is, to be equal to God and be able to make decisions of what is good and what is evil for oneself. Sounds like "situational ethics" or self-determination of what is true for oneself. This is the prevailing worldview of today's society.
Good point. Taking the fruit was maybe like sealing the deal. Unfortunately, that'll happen again when people take the mark.
None of that happened how perfect is heaven if angels don't want to be there the watcher's I guess they skipped the ice age 😂😂😂😂
You are so right
So no is equal to God? Lol only one almighty master.
Okay so let’s say god is real and everything in the Bible happened. Why is it that we can use this “objective morality” to determine that a lot of things that god did and commanded were wrong?
Sunday is day one and Saturday is the sabbath, it's in the words of the days. Let there be light Sunday and on the seventh day he rested sat all day (Sat ur day)
Why would your omnipotent, omnipresent, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-singing and dancing, super being need to take a day off????.
@VisshanVis cause that's what it says in all Bibles on the seventh day he rested so we could worship his greatness
You do know that Saturday is named after the Roman God Saturn, right. LOL
@earthisasphere still apart of God (ALL) mighty who rested on the seventh day
@@trentreynold7958 All gods are nothing more than a figment of somebody else's imagination they have then convinced gullible morons like you they actually are real LOL.
Kent Hovnid teaches a lot about dinosaurs and creation he’s one of the best I’ve heard
Great lecture. In England where we live there are many old towns with churches 900 to 1000 years old and all the ones I visited have windows or statues of dragons being killed. Like the one near us at Alton Hampshire. The doors are always open and visitors are welcome.
The big bang was probably when God said let their be light☺️
Ty AIG!❤😊
Love your channel, AIG. Thank you!
No disrespect to the one who took so much time to edit and share this very interesting and important and informative video. Only one sincere request...can someone PLEASE EDIT the music out of the background or maybe tell me if it is possible for me to turn the music off myself on the vid? Thank You to whiever reads my comment and thank you to whorver shared this awesome video wiyh us on youtube
Amen 🙏🏽 It's very refreshing that I'm beginning to see on my journey, more speaking out on the truths the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me. We are one body in Christ, amen 🙏🏽 One Holy Spirit 💛🛡️⚔️
God is so amazing
Brilliant lecture 👏 👌 👍
The problem is that much of the old testament, especially Genesis, was not written down for generations. It was passed down as folk stories, and written by men, not God. We believe God inspired the bible and he did, but imperfect primitive men with limited understanding essentially copied the same creation story circulating around the ancient world. There is room for questioning the old testament. The new testament, however, was written by people actually observing the events. Making it much more if not 100 percent accurate.
Thanks Bodie
I used to be catholic, and a Sunday school teacher told us dinosaurs are a distraction and they were never real. Once I became Christian and learned the biblical truth it all changed.
They call birds of prey raptors, that is probably why they think they're birds
Great video! Wish I had things like this when I went to Sunday School as a kid!
When I was in Ornithology class in college, the professor gave two theories on where birds supposedly branched off from reptiles. He then told us the arguments each scientist made for their theory and proof of why the opposing theory was not possible. The logical conclusion would have been that since both scientists had disproved the opposing theory, both theories had to be wrong. The professor's conclusion: We don't know which of these theories is right.
Simple, just use basic taxonomy . And you see that modern Day Birds are in a Group called avialae wich also contains extingt dinosaurs like microraptor, cofuciusornis, anchiornus, ..
Conclution:Birds are a sepparate group of dinosaurs. No evolution needed.
An argument that an opposing theory is not possible is not proof. It is just an argument. We don't know which of these theories is right because we don't yet have enough evidence to be sure. But everybody agrees that birds evolved from archosaurs
@@jockyoung4491 and then looking at the skeleton structure we see that Birds are dinosaurs . It's not that complicated
@mathid__ Actually not...Birds have different hip socket joints, hearts, lungs and hollow bones that dinosaurs do not have. Jack Horner worked as advising paleontologist on five of the Jurassic Park movies...never did he advise that the dinosaurs depicted should have feathers. It is funny that Hollywood now is evolving dinosaurs faster than nature.
@@alantasman8273 yeah no, we have found Air Sacks, Hollow Bones, in dinosaur fossils and Birds do have that hole in their hips, it's just covered by ba thin Flesh like Structure.
And we have also found on Velociraptor skeletons (Arms) litle holes that are very simelair to the holes in Bird Arms Where the feathers are supposed to be.
Always a great channel.
Heck ya!
Great for a belly laugh if you find scientific ignorance amusing.
At last a video that expresses mine opinion.
All these lies from the world are being used to pull us away from christ.
I only trust the word from God!
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
Evolution doesn't have anything to do with religion....
@@earthisasphereThat’s right. It’s not Sicence either.
The only proof of Jesus is a book every thing else we can see and touch child birth as a curse get it together buddy
@@earthisasphere Actually religion means faith...Evolution requires faith in deep time, faith that species can transform from one kind to another without the process of macro-evolution ever being observed. Evolution also requires faith in a fictional evolution tree despite the fossil record being devoid of transitional fossils. It further requires faith that dinosaur soft tissues now found on six continents must be 65+ million years old despite biochemists and forensic experts saying these soft tissues should not exist. Evolution is a false religion in itself. All false religions are from satan.
@@donnaveebest4222 I presume you meant science. And yes of course evolutionary theory is science. The things that are certainly NOT science are this creationist and young earth nonsense
If we were actually taught the truth about our past I would go back but I only remember the passing of the plate ???? The rest of it was lost on me 🤷🏻♀️ I watch people and feel their energy and church always felt fake to me but Spirit has always been there when I asked him into my heart and it’s not been a easy life but I can honestly say that I always knew he was with me 💖✨
Side note. Genesis 6:4 KJV - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Scripture references mighty men roughly 80 times from Genesis through Revelation. When you consider how epic these stories are in the context of these mighty men being giants it's just mind blowing.
Would love to see your video on that one.
This is a fascinating piece of the Bible that is not talked about enough. There are a few people like Graham Hancock and Jimmy Corsetti that touch on it in their archaeology studies, and I believe they have said that people have found remains of giants somewhere but it was a brief mention of it on a podcast.
God is Supreme Authority 📖
God doesn't lie and He was there when all things were created. Bwst to trust the eye witness account of rhe beginning of all things. 😊🙏✝️🕊️ God bless AIG
Good video guys. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻. And ignore all the childish mocking comments. No hate to them of course God bless them. Even if they hate us.
No one I know hates you. We hate when creationists deliberately lie about science to push their religious agenda but that is a different thing.
We don't hate you, we just find it annoying that, with more than enough ignorance around already, buffoons like Ken Ham are using money and an Internet presence to spread further disinformation.
You know you're not convincing anyone.
All you are doing is calling God a liar.
@@jacob.tudragensthat's a pretty dishonest strawman. Why can't you use something like.....evidence to back up a claim instead of a deliberately dishonest strawman. In this situation I'm not calling God a liar.....but you....100% just let one fly there.
I wasn't talking to you, Johnny.
The only reason 'you people' come to these sites is to try to shake people's faith.
Ironically, if you actually listened to the subject, you might learn something!
Love this we just had a tiny example of the global flood right here in the U.S. with hurricane Helene WOW!!
Hi,yes here in England an Wales to 'crazy floods. It was storm Bert.
This is a really good teaching
This is not teaching, this is fairy tale brain washing.
Bodie is a rock star!
Bodie is a pseudoscientist religious zealot
Perhaps. All we can say from the available evidence is that he is no scientist.
It was a Catholic priest who came up with the Big Bang Theory. And, can you imagine a better moment than the finger of God stretching out and saying, “Let there be light,” and BOOM! Or should I say bang?
There were no earthly “days” in the beginning, only days on God’s terms.
It is like God has recently lifted a veil for people to start seeing this. It's amazing.
The bible even talks about how people mentioning how they remember the earth or the contents being divided.
Also the dragon and fire breathing isn't that tar fetched. We have electric eels. We have animals that glow.
1. I'M a believer
2. Are strictly herbivores (elephant,hippo,rhino, etc) today mean, that they are not under "the curse"?
A curiosity I’ve had about the flood was what about the marine fish and animals of the ocean, as well as the fresh water wildlife. Salt water life couldn’t survive the fresh water, neither could fresh water life survive salt water. Sea turtles and fresh water turtles and other animals that needed the ocean as well as land both to survive. What happened to them?
It's not supposed to make logical sense. Stories teach ideas, not facts.
AIG has talked about that too. There could have been pockets of fresh water that was separated from the salt water during the Flood.
@@CariPR94 "There could have been"
So if your beliefs are illogical, just make something up to make it fit.
Another explanation is that, at the time, there was less salt in the water, and the fish hadn't been diversified through natural selection enough that some were better in saltwater whereas others were better in freshwater.
@@jockyoung4491The irony there is crazy. You are commenting on a vid specifically made to explain the Bible from a scientific viewpoint. Did you even watch the video?
Satan's body wasn't a snake nor was it changed "physically".
Names have meanings and if you dive deeper into the roots, you will see that what Eve saw was a glowing being, as if hot, molten metal, speaking as an alluring enchanter.
Incorrect. God cursed the snake because he let Satan take control.
Genesis 3:14 KJV
And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life.
@Tinkerbell912 apparently you didn't understand the point about names and titles.
Good luck USA public education
It is difficult to teach students when half the student population comes in having been taught that science is just around to deceive you. That is why science denial is a huge problem.
The state of Texas is about to pass a bill allowing and ensuring that Christian based Biblical critteria and classes will be available at all public schools.
@@TXforLife Would you be mad if it was Islamic based Quran criteria?
I guess you would rather gender classes, kids thinking they are neutral until they choose something.
It astonishes me how many people get the number of animals on the ark wrong. There 7 pairs of clean animals. Therefore, there were 14 dogs. 2 each of the unclean.
Cool thumbnail and very interesting lesson.
People also need to study near death experiences.The Near death experiences people died and came back to life later.Their experiences prove that people have souls and there is life that continues on after physical death.The life energy continues on in the spiritual realm.❤️🙏🏻
They prove nothing. Anyone can say whatever they want about a "near death" experience and there is no way to check the validity of any of their claims. It's all on trusting the person to tell the truth. I'll stick with the scientific evidence.
Nothing has ever been proven by that. Nice try.
I did, however, die once.
Death is black a completely silent. No angels, no light, no anything.
Until you have died ... don't spread falsehoods.
If you are experiencing anything while you are "dead" then ... you aren't really dead.
Isn't it fascinating the tricks an oxygen-staved brain can play on a person?
That's the thing. It;s near death. Not death. The brain carries on working. These experiences would be consistent, if they were relasted to reality. But they aren't. Lots of people experience nothing. Those that do experience, they experience different things. And those expreinces always tie in with their cultural background. It proce snothing other than oxygen starved brains produce hallucinations.
One thing that the others here haven't mentioned is that studies have shown a marked similarity in the neural chemistry of a brain experiencing an NDE and when it's been given a dose of ketamine. In short, the brain is, as always, experiencing physical phenomena, which can and has been plausibly explained by science.
"Go into all the world and preach the creation"
cats aren’t vegetarians. what is this dude on
You can tell you didn’t pay attention
Thank you
Another thought is that God lives outside of time. What is a day to God may be 10,000 or more years to us.
That's right 👍
There are four uses of "day" in the Bible. The first is 24 hours; the six days of creation are six literal days, with alternating light and dark; these and the first Sabbath are the first seven-day week (Gen 1:5,8,13,19,23,31). No other interpretation makes any sense. Another definition is the "day-for-a-year" principle, often used in prophecy, e.g. Daniel 9:24-27 (the 70 weeks are 70 sets of 7 days (actually, years) = 490 years; 457 BC - 33 AD [edit:34 AD; no year zero]). The third is a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8); this is the basis of the six days/millennia we have experienced and the seventh day/millennium coming soon (Rev 20:2-7). The fourth is a specific but unnamed time ("in that day"/"in those days").
Juvenile T rex and nestlings do have fossil remnants of down and feathers around their neck and back area. The enormous crater in the Yucatan is the spot where the asteroid that caused their extinction impacted 65-67 million years ago.
As a Christian, why would I worry about dinosaurs 🦕 😎
You should worry about if the people you follow are telling you the truth...
@@earthisasphereChristian’s don’t follow people. They follow Jesus Christ.
@@joshuadevaughn8613 Who was (maybe, we aren't even sure he existed) a person.
@@earthisasphere Jesus is not a disputed historical figure at all. His divinity is all that is disputed.
@@joshuadevaughn8613 There is virtually no evidence to support an ancient Jewish man named Jesus outside of the Bible. And we know the bible isn't fact or a primary source. There is ZERO evidence for "Christ" outside the bible. "Most" historians agree Jesus probably existed. His existence is disputed.
At this point, there is no helping answers in gensis. There is no evidence i could give that would convince any of them theres a term for this type of content its called brainrot
God's word documents history. Rejecting God's word is history denial.
And rejecting science is truth denial. Why do YEC reject science? And as a result real truth?
Where can I hear gods words? You do know the bible is written by people...?
Look up:
*"Studying the Bible"* - by Dr Steven DiMattei
(This particular article from a critical Biblical scholar highlights how the authors of the Hebrew Bible used their *fictional* god as a mouthpiece for their own views and ideologies)
*"How do we know that the biblical writers were* ***not*** *writing history?"* -- by Dr Steven DiMattei
@@KrisMaertens you can hear God's words in the Bible. You do know the Bible was written by people, but authored by God. Please accept documented history; declare Jesus as your Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from death and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
@@LM-jz9vh you are aware that the people who crucified Jesus claimed to be "Bible scholars." Scholars are not the final arbiters of truth, God is. Please accept documented history; declare Jesus as your Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from death and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
How big was the ark? That has already been calculated.
How many fundamental species of creatures would have needed to fit on the ark to result in the creatures that exist today, including those which have gone extinct since then, and how big would the ark have needed to be to house them? Has that been calculated?
Thank you Brother! Eyes up! Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Colossians 1:14 "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:" Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus' death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection with all your heart for payment of all your sins, past, present and future.
The black backed jackal and side striped jackal are both canines......they cannot interbreed with any other canine. Where do they fit into your dog kind?
I'm sure they have some place for it on that big boat... Or have god do a magic trick...
@@KrisMaertenssomehow....but he says flat out in this video....only 2 dogs...but these 2 "dogs" are so far split from the canine lineage they can't breed anymore with other genera of the canine family
Yes, Calvin claims that all of the species of canids in the world EVOLVED in just 6000 years.
First they are what they are now after thousands of years of interbreeding, the result of hybridization of the cross-linkage of their DNA led them to be the way they are now but when God created them they were different in many features without being different species. Examples are mules which are the result of interbreeding between horses and donkeys, the result is a breed of mules that cannot breed themselves, yet horses are horses and donkeys are donkeys. Wake up
@KrisMaertens the only magic trick is to say that a creature like you have a prefrontal cortex to think with,😢 that really needs magic to happen😅 to happen
I hate how it's like "either you believe in my interpretation bible, or you're a naturalist". This almost destroyed my faith. The evidence is not supporting a 6000 year old earth, and neither is the bible. Worry about the gospel, not this how old the earth is (by the way, i do take scripture literally).You can believe your stuff, but don't say you have to, to take a literal interpretation of scripture.
"almost destroyed my faith"
No it would have helped you to take God's word more seriously and more literally
@@samuelrodriguez9199 I assume the reason it almost destroyed his faith is because he, unlike creationists like the ones making these videos, he was reasonable enough to follow the evidence, even if it led _away_ from biblical literalism. Making a religious dichotomy over _that,_ and then being so vocally-adamant about it, is a surefire way to drive people away.
@@samuelrodriguez9199God's word IS NOT bible only & God's word ( scriptural) IS NOT literal only.
@@SparkyBobcat-el8hf #1 not true and #2 yes, not all literal but mostly literal
@@samuelrodriguez9199 Wrong #1 your false protestant belief in the false man made ( Luther's) false doctrine ( 16th century ) of Sola scriptura ( as well as Sola fide & private interpretation Ect...) WILL NEVER BE TRUE.
The Catholic church made Bible itself & Christian history show that " Bible only" is false & unchristian & satanic.
The apostles & their followers & their followers did not have or use the bible as their foundation ( catholic church had not made it yet )...they used the Catholic deposit of faith which was given to them by Christ....which included God's FULL WORD which was oral tradition / magisterial from the Catholic church / then scriptural ( 73 scriptures cannonized by the Catholic church in the late 4th century ).
So instead of pushing protestantism & it's lies....get a real education in Christianity.
Bible only is not true & never will be true.
If you were looking at the sun through a viewpoint of the Bible you would acknowledge that it's a flat earth with a dome above us
The church isn’t yet ready for this as the indoctrination has closed her mind to this possibility.
😂 please stop!
Please stay blind.
You fulfill prophecies
Thankyou ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!
No that is not the scientific defintion of a dinosaur. Where do you people get this crap?
I've heard the nicest part of being a creationist is you get to make up stuff as you go along. 🙂
You two need a room?
So 2 people agreeing with each other makes you think of... what? You agree with Calvin, so should we assume you have the hots for him? Or should we go back to adult conversation and hope you are capable of it?
T Rex ate watermelons? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Yes, AIG actually claims that T rex was vegetarian "before the Fall". That is how ridiculous thery sometimes get
Too bad geology, paleontology, biology, chemistry, and even history completely destroy this nonsensical claim.
Creationists don't care about scientific facts because they don't understand science. All they care about is protecting at all costs the Fort Of Ignorance they've built for themselves.
@@donteatthecats0001 Yes, I am well aware. I still like to point it out though in case some curious person who isn't well versed in science wanders in here and thinks this actually holds water.
You will stand before our Creator one day.. you might want to open those eyes a little wider before you take your last breath
You clearly don't understand the starting points. None of the sciences you mention destroy the claim. None. You do have geologists, paleontologists, biologists, chemists, and history professors who choose a different starting point and come to different conclusions. Same evidence, different starting points, therefore they reach different conclusions. Biblical worldview starting point is the Bible.
@@sherrieasdon8766 Not to mention to that the Founding Fathers of Modern Science were all Christians who had begun at that starting point and made it the foundation of their scientific inquiry.
That’s because it’s not true
Yepp only way that any of what we are taught and told relies on incomprehensible scope and scale of time and distance.
FYI, using the collie as an example of having ‘lost’ the gene for short hair is false. Check out ‘Smooth Collies’! The smooth gene is the dominant coat type. (Note, in the US, smooth and rough (long haired) collies are treated as two varieties of one breed. In Europe and Canada, they are considered as two separate breeds.)
At least in the beginning you admit that you are NOT talking about science - only faith. If you start with the premise that anything that conradicts the Bible can't be true, then you are not doing science. In fact, you are not thinking for yourself at all That's your choice, but then don't pretend to speak for science,
He literally proved what he said. I encourage you too dive deeper keep studying. The flood is where fossils come from. They have fossils of animals giving birth, explain how that took millions of years? Science dont add up. But a flood explains it so common sense you wonder why people like yourself fight the truth.
You realize the same is true if you start with the assumption of evolution, right? No one has observed the mechanisms of abiogenesis, which is required for evolution to work, in history. Both approaches rely on an assumption and faith.
@@christiskingfjb There is zero evidence for a global Noah's Flood. There is evidence for lots of *local* flooding and *local* ocean ingresses over the last 500 million years but nothing showing all sediment was deposited in the same year only 4400 years ago.
@@zacharyhagen2307 Abiogenesis is not required for evolution to work. Evolution is a natural process which happens after life is here. How the life got here does not matter to the process.
Wrong on all counts. Abiogenesis is NOT required for evolution to work. Obviously life has to exist, but it doesn't matter how it started.
The fact that we have no observed abiogenesis does not prove it impossible.
Biological evolution is proven based on evidence, so no it is not an assumption.
This is great!!!! Lets just all be ignorant!!!!!!!!!
You only get so many chances..
And the earth is not lasting too much longer..
And I say this in love..
Find Jesus
Sorry , believe as you wish , but being ignorant doesn't help Christianity, the earth obviously is not only 6,000 years old, there was no global flood , Jonah didn't live in a whale for 3 days. Grow up
@@TomSanders-mi2bgSMH we shall see who is right in the final days…but it might be too late
@@TomSanders-mi2bg not considering ALL the evidence is the only ignorant choice. There is plenty of scientific evidence to support a young earth and most of the "science" that supports an old earth is faulty or based on supposition.
There is ZERO evidence to support a young Earth. Believe me, I have seen all the claims and nothing comes close. It is an established scientific fact that the Earth is over 4 billion years old. There is no debate about that among scientists. Whoever tells you otherwise is simply lying
AIG did $34 million in revenue in 2018. Those are the most recent numbers I can find. Those of you who like to claim AIG isn't after you $$$... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
How many millions per year do you think it takes them to operate their organization?
@@John3_16andthensome They don't do any actual research, so it can't be that much. Ken Ham founded it and is still second in command and he employees his family members as well. They made about half a million dollars in salary alone beginning in 2015 and it has only risen from there. Answers in Genesis also does multiple millions of dollars of business with board members other companies each year, so it seems that nepotism is alive and well.
And they deserve much more for doing God's work. He does bless obedience! I know that angers you but it is what it is.
@@flyingtime5501 LOL. Telling lies is not "gods work." They aren't even well constructed lies either. But hey, people like you help make him richer, so he doesn't care if he is lying or not.
@@flyingtime5501 God's work? "Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions'” Luke 12:15 (...so funny, to debunk christians using bible quotes!)
Gloria a ti,señor,por todo/ Viva Christo Rey
You should fix the genealogy from Arphaxad to Serug to coincide with the Greek Septuigent timeline and add those years. I think it adds about 650, if my memory serves me...
How hard these people must work to stay this willfully ignorant.
It's a multi-billion dollar industry. With a misson to prevent people from thinking for themselves.
How hard did Darwin have to work to come up with a theory that doesn't make sense? I've seen a lot of your comments, so let me just ask you this: where did all this come from? Let's say that the big bang did happen. Where did that clump of condensed matter come from? I have actually looked into this, and the only possible explanation is that God created it. Until I get a straight answer, I cannot believe the theory of evolution. If you think you know, please contact me and let me know. I will be praying for you.
@@Jack-v7m5t Oh, my. I'll just correct this bit and move on. "Where did that clump of condensed matter come from" - You clearly have not looked into this because it wasn't matter. It was energy. If you are going to lie on the internet, at least try to make it believable.
@@Jack-v7m5t None of that has anything to do with biological evolution.
The exact same thing can be said of you.
I find it interesting AIG never mentions the 3.8 billion years of life *before* the dinosaurs. 3.5 billion years of single celled life, the multicelled life of the Ediacaran, the Devonian fishes and early tetrapods, the synapsid apex predators like Dimetrodon. It's like all they know about science they learned from Saturday morning cartoons.
"3.5 billion years of single celled life"
Clearly you didn't listen to anything being said
That's because there's no evidence of 3.5 billion years of anything.
@@christiskingfjb I listened to it. I just have enough science education and knowledge to know none of the creationist rhetoric is true.
@donteatthecats0001 the funny thing about people like you is you where so easily influenced by secular nonsense with 0 evidence just theory, meanwhile Jesus Christ is literally the most documented person to ever exist. Every religion recognizes him. Yet you claim its nonsense. Open your heart so you are not so cold. Whats your first name so i can pray for you
This video has the record in lies and nonsense per minute...
Its factually accurate, "NUH UHHHHH 😭" isn't a rebuttal.
@noneyabidness9644 nuh uhhhhh...
You spelled "nonsense" wrong.
@@John3_16andthensome thank you,I have edited it... I'm not a native English speaker,and auto correct is of...
So then how did the dinosaurs on the arc all die off instead of flourishing like every other animal on the arc?
The climate along with other changes occurred after the flood. Those changes including climate would account for some kinds of animals struggling to survive and eventually dying out. Man kinds life span was cut down drastically post flood. The fact is this world has been constantly affected because of mans sin and God's response to it.
24:33 which was entirely intentional because MANY more people will see the original article than the retraction, and those like-minded people won’t report on the retraction.
What a ridiculous nonsense.
Then why are you here?😂
@@stephaniebach__12-24 To call out liars and science deniers like you. 😂😂
Exactly, it is important that people know if they are misinformed
But that just makes you a Creation Denier, so you have gained nothing, solved nothing, and answered nothing by being here in the comments section.
@@John3_16andthensome I was raised a YEC, so I know what arguments they make and that none of them actually hold water. I don't completely deny creation, although I find it much more unlikely than scientific explanations. Evolution doesn't rely on abiogenesis. Clearly, however the universe began, evolution is how we reached the diversity of life we see today, and clearly the earth is much, much older than 6,000 years.
that’s interesting, because in chinese we call dinosaurs “scary dragon” (to differentiate from the chinese dragon)
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." - Robert Jastrow
Oh this is gonna be fun
I am 58 years old. I was saved by the blood of Jesus Christ when I was 10 years old.
I've never believed in dinosaurs.
And never will.
I couldn't finish watching this video because it sounded like he was going to try to justify belief in dinosaurs using the Bible.
Do you believe in the ice age 😂😂😂
I don't believe the earth is as old as the world says.
There are a lot of things I don't believe that the world says.
I prefer the truth.
@phloophnunya867 just read Job 40-41. Gives a perfect description of what they call a behemoth. I personally believe God is talking about a fire-breathing dragon.
I'm also 58 and was saved at a very young age. I'm not sure what church you follow, but I was raised First Assembly. The only reading of the Bible did was following during church. It wasn't till way later in life that I actually picked up the Bible and start at the beginning. I work on having a personal relationship with God and not follow what a preacher was telling me. I listen to The Holy Spirit. I'm learning more than I ever did in a church setting alone. Pray for discernment and wisdom. I think you will find it helpful. It will open your eyes to what God wants you to see. God bless.
What you 'believe' is irrelevant. You can choose to believe whatever superstitious nonsense you want but that is not going to change scientific fact. You were saved you say, from what? Logic, reason and intellectual honesty?
How many "boosters" have you had?
As soon as anyone begins with more than four digits years a go.
I start watching reruns of Gilligan's Island in my head. Just as informative and
Marie Ann.👌😁
I like my programming with a tropical air.
We war with princes( leaders-gov, media,etc), principalities (govs,. corporations, world banks,.etc) and the prince of the (On) air👹.
The medium that ALL communication travels through. (Besides prayer)
Study and show yourself approved. (Learn the truth)
BE of a decerning mind.
(USE your head)
I mentioned this in past posts, but one dragon is the wyvern... a flying dragon that has a tail with a barb on it, and it could sting like a scorpion. Well, makes me curious to which pterosaur species might've inspired the wyvern legend. Even if the tail didn't have a barb (venomous or not), there might've been something on the pterosaur's tail that could've been mistaken for a barb. That might make a fun project for AiG's paleontologists... find out which flying reptile helped inspire the wyvern legend.