At the start I was thinking he’s using a plug with no shielding on the pins, that’s a bit dangerous, but then I kept watching and realised that was the least of my worries 😂
I am pretty happy with the end result and got to recycle this old plug, but I would not advise anyone to do it. Not unless they really wanted to and knew the potential risks :)
I just checked a US style plug I had handy with one of those two pin IEC (Kettle lead) Xbox mains leads. The amount of adjustment you would have needed to make to the plug pins or the mains lead socket holes would not have been much.
What do you mean it's like the olden days and could get shocked? In the USA that been my only experience getting a mains shock and still catch myself almost getting it plugging stuff in the dark feeling for the outlet getting my finger in between for that second. Even if we had the longer ground to unlock the positive openings I'd probably never get shocked.
Deep State Globalist Games The UK system has had a couple of revisions since then. The power terminals are insulated on their shaft now so there is no exposed metalwork you can touch when it's being inserted. Also there are a few interlocks in the socket to prevent things getting pushed in. It would be pretty hard to zap yourself now.
At the start I was thinking he’s using a plug with no shielding on the pins, that’s a bit dangerous, but then I kept watching and realised that was the least of my worries 😂
I am pretty happy with the end result and got to recycle this old plug, but I would not advise anyone to do it. Not unless they really wanted to and knew the potential risks :)
I can see Clive approving of this design lol
It's as if it was made for it 😂
Does your TV not have a usb port?
The port only powers on when the TV comes on, I don't like waiting for my dongles to boot :)
fair point, re wire the tv hehe
That's the best option!
I just checked a US style plug I had handy with one of those two pin IEC (Kettle lead) Xbox mains leads. The amount of adjustment you would have needed to make to the plug pins or the mains lead socket holes would not have been much.
I know where you are going with this, interesting to try!
If you use a more modern plug, it'll have a British Standards kite mark too
I should that done that as it will make my whole creation kite marked as well :)
backofficeshow Exactly. Nobody could complain about safety, then, could they? It's been approved by the government. Or the Queen. Or something.
I'll make her one as well 😂
The Backoffice by Royal Appointment. That has a ring to it.
I like that 😁
What do you mean it's like the olden days and could get shocked? In the USA that been my only experience getting a mains shock and still catch myself almost getting it plugging stuff in the dark feeling for the outlet getting my finger in between for that second. Even if we had the longer ground to unlock the positive openings I'd probably never get shocked.
Deep State Globalist Games The UK system has had a couple of revisions since then. The power terminals are insulated on their shaft now so there is no exposed metalwork you can touch when it's being inserted. Also there are a few interlocks in the socket to prevent things getting pushed in. It would be pretty hard to zap yourself now.
You could simply buy an USB-Charger with local plug, but no you have to ruin a museum piece to work as an adapter. :P
I think the steam punk solution is best
"unweildy adapters" ? why not just use a standard 3 pin shaver plug adapter?
Too loose and wobbly for my liking. This blade design is a pile of poo. I do like sites like this :)
If your house burns down due to this, your insurance will not pay out.
I trust it 200% over those scary ones that come with the gadgets from Alibaba :)
backofficeshow yeah, I also wouldn't use those, as they aren't BS stamped either and as you say, deadly.
Genius! LOL.
I accept that. Thanks :)
Americana Plug Wrong And Hurtf