@@theevilascotcompany9255 You could say they traveled further in time than would have ever been capable naturally _because of_ the stasis. It's a one-way trip, but it's still time travel.
@@claude_in_Cincinnati So then when I put chicken in my freezer and then thaw it out a year later it's traveled through time? I get what you're saying but I wouldn't call cryo sleep time travel really.
@@GiraffeSweaters If 1) the chicken was alive beforehand, 2) remains alive after the thawing, and 3) does not show signs of aging, then yes, your chicken traveled through time. Don't be a fucking idiot dipshit.
Tasha Yar (Alternate) from Yesterday's Enterprise. She was from the alternate time-line where the Klingon Empire was defeating the Federation in war. She went back in time with the Enterprise-C, got captured by the Romulans, and had a daughter with one of them. All without ever giving away any future knowledge.
I have a headcanon that, if Sela had ever been captured by the UFP, she would have been analyzed and found to be the alternate Tasha, brainwashed to believe she was her own daughter, so that Romulus could get her to yield up info Tasha never would. 'Sela' simply believed that these were stories told to her by a traitorous mother, so she had no qualms about relaying them, which would help account for the times on TNG the Romulans got the better of the UFP.
Berlinghoff Rasmussen! The three Americans from the 20th century in TNG: "The Neutral Zone"! The Voyager's EMH backup from "Living WItness"! The Vaadwaur! The Borg in the Arctic! Not to mention THE ENTIRE DISCOVERY CREW, not just Burnham and Mirror-Phillipe. And Captain Kirk in Generations (even tho he died soon after arriving in the future.
the three Americans, Voyager's EMH backup, and the Vaadwaur don't belong on the list any more than Aerheart and Khan. none of them were actually temporally displaced. the rest are good examples though, I totally forgot about Rasmussen.
Only the Kirk outside the Nexus dies in Generations. According to what Guinan told Picard when he first arrived regarding how the Nexus works, a version of him would still exist in the Nexus.
I can't believe hat no-one has said it yet. But what about everyone's favourite Enterprise Chief Engineer, Scotty? The events of Relics, should be apart of this episode.
Bold of you to say "everyone's favorite." Scotty is great, but in terms of engineers of the Enterprise, I put Geordi above the rest (man *literally rebuilt the D* from scratch!). And even if we're limiting the discussion to exclude the others ("no bloody A, B, C or D") Pelia honestly might have my vote by the time the season is done.
I don't think this counts, nor does Khan or the 37s. Think of a bear going into hibernation. No one says it travelled through time when it wakes up a couple months later. The same applies to Captain Scott, Khan and the 37s. They didn't "jump" through any sort of time displacement, they were merely in some form of hibernation for a very long period of time.
The other nice touch about George and Gracie is that through Spock's mind meld, they had the situation explained to them and they consented. I love how the writers thought of that!
It's my personal headcanon that George & Gracie are responsible for the founding of Starfleet's Cetacean Ops--upon arriving in the Earth oceans of the 2280s, they contacted the extant sapient aquatics (belugas, cuttlefish, even the orcas) and let them know that the land-lubbers were finally ready for "first contact." The first delegation may or may not have included a bottlenose who opened dialog with the message, "Hello, and thanks for all the fish.
@@GSBarlev your pretty close it was the doctor that went with them as well that was behind forming Cetacean Ops and over time the leaps they made in using computing to talk to them allowed them to also talk to Aquatics also including the Xindi ones and formed what we know as Cetacean Ops which was mainly a way to talk to the probe if it was ever spotted again so they could talk to it
I read through a few of the comments, and was surprised to see no one mentioned the man who created warp drive, Zefram Cochrane! He zooms off into space at age 87 to die in space only to be drawn to Gamma Canaris N by the Companion, and was kept there until Kirk and Co. are taken there to meet him and to provide companionship. The episode was "Metamorphosis" in TOS second season.
How could you forget Chief O'Brien? After the episode Visionary, he is a few hours displaced back in time. O'Brien didn't suffer just to be left off the list. Jaysus.
@@jamesoniro6486he's talking about the episode where ds9 gets blown up. Miles is sent 3 hours into the future to learn how it happens, but dies from radiation poisoning of the device. So future miles uses it to go back in time 3 hours, and has been in that timeline ever since. So he is still technically permanently displaced. Also technically from an alternate future.
Did you forget the three people who Data found in a failing cryogenic preservation satellite that Dr. Crusher healed and brought back to life just before the Romulans made their 1st Next Gen appearance in an episode forshaddowing the Borg presence near the Nuetral Zone? A Wealthiy Businessman, a Famous Entertainer and a Homemaker were all permanently displaced in time. I would really have loved a follow up story on Sunny's music career.
I think time travel became a staple in the Original Series because they simply re-used the sets and props on hand from other shows and movies at the studio. It was a really cost-effective way to get the crew out of the Enterprise ship set without blowing the budget re-creating an alien planet. For the same reason, we also saw the enterprise going to planets that re-created the Roman Empire, 1920's Gangsters and Nazi Germany.
I think that was one of Gene Roddenberry's selling points to the studio. He said that they were adopting the idea that it was very likely for alien worlds to be similar to Earth.
Completely missed Tasha Yar from arguably the best episode of TNG. Also, if you're gonna add Khan for being sleepy for so many years... why not add Scotty for doing the same in a transporter buffer?
At the end of Time's Arrow, Data's head is 500 years older than the rest of his body. Then there's that DS9 episode where O'Brien was suffering by jumping a few hours forward in time. At the end, he ended up sending the future him back to fix the problem, leading to that O'Brien being the guy we had for the rest of the series.
Same with Khan. They're relics (sorry Scotty) of those times gone past but were preserved against time, but only traveled through time at the rate of 1 second per second.
I have ANOTHER one for you guys. That revived Emergency Medical Hologram from Voyager who was part of a museum on some world in the future, THEN, he was allowed to take a ship from the Delta Quadrant back to the Alpha Quadrant. The whole thing was going to cause him to be a good 5 or 600 years out of his time once he reached Federation Space. Episode: Living Witness
As several have pointed out, there are other major and minor characters that could have been included. I also would not include Khan, Scotty, Earhart, or the three 20th century people picked up by Enterprise D, as all of these were not displaced but preserved beyond their normal lifespan. However, the biggest omission is James T. Kirk! He was pulled into the Nexus and pops back out with Picard. He dies and thus permanently displaced in time.
I slightly disagree, but only on the matter of definition... they are still displaced, even though they got there the old-fashioned way. If you open your eyes a couple of centuries after you last closed them, you are most certainly displaced... 🙀😹
@@DaellusKnights Agreed! It is a type of displacement, but different from time travel. Personally, I'd love to see two different videos with one for each type. That would be cool to see. And cross dimensional would be great as a third type of displacement. This could beva great series.
@@philiptite6254 I think a good perspective is that the meaningful component is "intention". If you did it on purpose, then you merely took a trip (for either good or ill). If you didn't mean to... well, displaced it is. 😸
Why didn't you guys include the guy who stole a 30th century time ship. Then visited the enterprise d. Where he tried to steal from the enterprise and was caught. The time ship auto pilot then returned to its own time stranding the criminal from the past in the 24th century.
That's right! Rasmussen (aka Max Headroom) was originally from the 22nd century (the time of Star Trek Enterprise and Captain Archer.) Too bad a Short Treks about his stealing the time ship was never made!
What about Scotty? They find him in a transporter decades later. Because of this he likely served in the Dominion War or at least was alive and active during the time.
Captain Braxton - Voyager. Spent time trying to stop time anomalies on Voyager. Eventually arrested for causing the anomalies. His arrest made him seek revenge on Janeway/Voyager which led to the anomalies.
@@luphawk He was Arrested for future crimes. Started episode as a captain. Got demoted to ensign (hence the deplacement). Committed the crimes he was arrested for.
You forgot about Dr. Sam Beckett. Who leaped into the body of Jonathan Archer and couldn’t return to his own time until he set things right, that once went wrong.
There are multiple scenes in Enterprise where Sam is seen in a mirror, how come we never see what Captain Archer really looks like? Someone should retrain the continuity specialist.
In an early episode of Enterprise, Archer dropped to the floor in the shower when the gravity plating went offline and then reactivated. Why they didn't have him say "Oh Boy" at that moment I'll never know.
philippa was sent to a time where "the prime and mirror universes were still aligned" she was very explicitly not returned to her era in the mirror universe.
I absolutely LOVE the fact that Captain Bateson had a part in Lower Decks! And I want to see that character return to live action, or more in animation! I think it is awesome that, despite not being his century, he just went right back to work!
You forgot Scotty via a transporter loop stranded on a Dyson sphere and the one, the only James T. Kirk displaced in time while believed dead but subsequently caught in the Nexus until he exited to assist Picard on Veridian III.
Since the crapped the ending up anyway they should have shown captain Archer, "leap" away just as riker and troi turn to walk away and the program ends
There is also Harry Kim. harry Kim from future sees a crashed Voyager in ice and after the investigation ends up sending a message to the past to cause Voyager to avoid the mistake that would otherwise have caused it to crash. (But then since Voyager didn't crash on ice planet, Harry Ki from fiuture would never find it and snever send a message back in time). And I have to wonder about Janeway. Young Janeway gets beakc to earth with kowledge that in the future, she'll steel time travel and go back in time to give young Janeway the tools to fight the Borg and get home. But once home, why would Janeway execute this move many years into the future? It may be written in history that she did, but there is no motivation for her to do that once Voyager has succesfully gotten home. Very few time travel worked, and I find that Velan's history in Babylon 5 is one that worked very logically since Jefrrey Sinclair simply executed what was already written in history and that history already included the story that Velan was a Mimbari not born Mimbari. And the storyline had already included the fact that the war ended suddenly when they discovered Sinclair had DNA that was also present in Mimbari people. So very well setup. (and the 2 trips to Babylon 4 done perfectly).
@11:30 was introducted in ---- -- met with deafening silence; just the title of the episode is announced, skipping the "where/when" and making it harder for not adherent fans to find the episode without additional search steps.
Thank you, Marcus! I'm not caught up on a few ST shows (there are so many now!!), but I feel like this entry explained far more than it spoiled for me. I really appreciate it. S
What I really hate about the Picard Second season is the entire time loop paradox. He stays in the past. Ricardo uses the life form Renee Picard finds to clean the environment and their Mariposas created group is still active into the 25th century. And then you have Wesley and that group watching time and the grand tapestry to keep the threads in place. So I have no idea what the true correct unimpacted by time travel future really is? Since there is an agent trying to manipulate things to get Renee onto the ship to support the Tapestry, I have to suspect without Q's influence this is the future one step removed from true. The True future is with no one interfering she gives into her insecurities, doesn't go, and a that dark future is the one true future. But the agents intefere creating the 1 step removed (and I have to assume at some point Song moves on to project Khan losing interest in his other work without Q's guidance and that life discovery), Q steps in and step 2 she is removed and we are back to the correct, they Picard and friends travel back and make a mess of things and step 3 is created. But the debris from this crossing is Rios is in the past and starts the group, and the girl is recruited by Wesley (as in the 1 step removed she has a normal non eventful life). So really the only reason the future exists is due to interference from Wesley?!?!?! ARRGGHHHHH! And as for Khan ... at his peaked he ruled over 1.25 Billion people. And wow at the peak Xi ruled over China with 1.2 Billion people. Is Xi really Khan just not as buff???
Guinan establishes that the timeline they left Rios is indeed the "primeline." It's a closed-loop / predestination paradox--he was always "meant" to go back in time.
@@GSBarlev To me the primeline would be whatever timeline exists with no time traveling being involved. Now of course with the Q galivanting about twisting things here and there who know how far from untouched the timelines are. But to say it's the prime would imply Wesley and that group knew this was going to happen and Rios was coming back to raise the boy (as that fatherly influence leads the child to the career cleaning up pollution). It even tends to imply they are involved in created some of these close loop paradoxes for some reason. Which once more leads to the question what time line exists without their interference? Anyway I would hate to be the people working in the Star Fleet Time division. Hey we got a report of another time incursion. Oh yeah, what happened this time? Well it seems Picard .. What, Picard, again? Sigh, let me get a shot before the migraine develops. Pfffttttt. Ok go ahead.
@@walterengler5709 So in chaos theory there's this concept of strange attractors. I'll try to keep this nontechnical, but the general idea is that you don't need to be perfectly on a closed loop to keep going around the same path--as long as you stay within the "basin of attraction" any permutations will diminish over time and on the next cycle. In a fully chaotic space you're going to have multiple basins for multiple attractors, and giving the system at hard enough knock at the right point in the cycle is enough to shift the orbit from one attractor to another (or, rarely, push the trajectory into complete and total chaos). Apply this to time travel and the Temporal Cold War. One strange attractors is the utopic Federation of the "primeline." Another is one where the sphere-builders dominate. And another is the one where Earth wipes our or dominates all other sentient species. Plenty of actions cause wobbles in the timeline that don't fundamentally change the outcome. But either through accident (City on the Edge of Forever), manipulation (Q) or calculated intervention (Sphere builders, Sera), the timeline can be knocked onto a new orbit. This isn't a predestination paradox, as subsequent loops *don't require* the intervention (as each attractor is stable), but if a timeline can be knocked out of an attractor, it can also be knocked back in. Anyway, I know that's a lot conceptually. If you're interested, look up some Poincaré maps--they're really helpful for visualizing these abstract concepts.
Scotty & Tasha Yar were worthy of mention far more than guest stars in a single episode or movie that no one really cares about beyond their sole appearance.
If I remember right, there was an episode of Star Trek TOS where Zephram Cochran, the inventor of warp drive, appeared in what would have been the future for him. A female entity had brought him there and he ended up staying with that entity by the end of that episode. He was definitely a different version of the character that we saw in First Contact and Enterprise but I think he still counts as permanently displaced in time.
In the original series episode All Our Yesterdays, Zarabeth (Mariette Hartley) had been sent back in time using the Atavachron as a punishment. Although Kirk, Spock, McCoy also end up going back to two different time periods they manage to return, Zarabeth however was doomed to remain as she had been altered to live in the time she had been sent to and so could never return.
Nero & his crew, Spock prime, and Khan and his crew died. You forgot about * the Tasha Yar character who went back on the Enterprise C. * the 3 Earth people frozen in stasis and later discovered by Data in the episode The Neutral Zone (Claire Raymond (Gracie Harrison), a housewife; Ralph Offenhouse (Peter Mark Richman), a financier; and L. Q. "Sonny" Clemmons (Leon Rippy), a musician); all are from the late 20th century. * James Kirk, who was transported into the Nexus while saving the Enterprise B. He died, too, but he had come back almost a century later to help Picard in the movie ST: Generations. * Scotty saved himself by putting him and a colleague in transporter stasis for about 75 years, and the last we saw of him was flying off in a shuttle from the Enterprise D. * On ST:TOS, two characters (Mr. Atoz and Zarabeth, along with everyone else on the planet but we don't see them) had sent themselves back in time permanently to avoid the planet Sarpeidon's destruction. * On ST:TNG A Matter of Time, the Enterprise encounters Berlinghoff Rasmussen, who says he is a 26th century historian but is really a con man/thief from the 22nd century who had stolen a ship from the future. He is kept in Picard's time to stand trial.
4.7K Thumbs Up + Mine! 👍 You're welcome! Thanks! 😊 Notes: I read some comments first, then I viewed your video. Ahem. Okay, I get it now. It is only about naming ten characters to keep the video short! It isn't a "Top Ten" list! George & Gracie, were displaced as well. The whole crew of the Enterprise got sent backwards in Time by three days and did not repeat what they had already done! They presumably ignored their earlier selves and went into hiding for three days, and probably made a vacation of it. 🤔 Khan's whole crew were displaced then, not just him. The list is longer than ten! 🖖
I think it’s helpful to point out that Nero also lost his wife and family on Romulus. I think he had full faith and hope that Spock would come to his planet’s rescue.
Spock tried but wasn’t successful. When Nero went back in time, Romulus was still in existence. The friends and family he lost probably hadn’t even been born at that point. Rather than seeking revenge and waiting around for Spock, his time would have been better spent by telling the Romulan government who he was and what was going to happen in the future. With a heads up, they could have been prepared. Unless prime time Spock said something after Nero was defeated, history would likely have repeated itself, and Romulus would be destroyed again in the Kelvin future 🤔
Don't know why nero couldn't just take his ship or a klingon bird of prey and play chicken with the sun to go back in time to save romulus. Makes more sense.
@@jamesszalla4274They explain this a bit in a deleted scene that Nero was captured by the Klingons and imprisoned for years on Rura Penthe. Can't remember how he escaped, but it certainly makes sense that any last hold he had on reason would have been severed by that experience. It's also not an either/or, and it's not like the Romulans and the Federation were exactly friendly in the century leading to 2387--most likely when Nero got his ship back he sent a message to Romulus that said, "Yo, your star's gonna go nova on this date. Imma gonna go get rid of the Federation for y'all. Kthxbai!"
As I watched this video, I realized what a great deadpan comedy duo the two temporal investigators from "Trials and Tribbelations" would make. They can show up in any Star Trek. They're time lords! 😉
You forgot zefram Cochrane in a TOS episode episode where Enterprise found him still young on a planet, a alien kept him young because she was in love with and wanted him to stay with her. Then don't forget Scotty who was trapped in a transporter system for 47 years. And Captain Kirk was inside the Nexus band for nearly a century before dying in a fight minutes after getting out.
Neither of them did any time-traveling though, Zephram Cochrane merely continued living in normal time with the Companion (who made and kept him youthful and handsome) until the *Enterprise* discovered him, while Scotty covered those 47 years in normal time passage, although he wasn't aware of it as a transporter buffer pattern.
I feel like you missed a few. Right off the bat i'd remember Scotty from 'Relics', Tasha Yar who went back in time in 'Yesterdays Enterprise' and the people from the 20th century that the Enterprise picked up in 'Neutral Zone'
The crew of the Enterprise D arrested a time traveler who was stealing technology. That guy’s name was Rasmussen. There were also the 3 people from the 20th century that the Ent-D picked up frozen, who were suffering from fatal diseases. If you’re going to include Khan, might as well include them.
You did miss a lot here 1. Tasha Yar 2. Scotty 3. The three in stasis from The Neutral Zone 4. The revived Borg from the Ent episode "Regeneration" That's what I can think of.
My favorite is the next generation s5 e9 "A matter of time" where the stolen time ship is returned with its 26th century origin along with its 20th century thief.
I feel like a great number 1 would have been Matt Frewer as Berlinghoff Rasmussen in "A Matter Of Time". Well, any number really, I just kept waiting for him to appear on the list, along with many others.
That's definitely a good one. My list would have included Data's head, which got blasted off his body in "Time's Arrow" and had to wait 500 years to be reattached.
From my understanding it wasn't a new Bozeman but an upgraded one. Needing more ships during the Dominion War it was decided that a refit would be quicker than building a new one
Dont forget the borg who actually created another timeline besides the kelvin one. In TOS and the 80s movies, there were no touchscreens, cyborgs, or androids, at least not on federation ships. In discovery (before going to the future future, mind you), which is supposed to be around the TOS time and even the reboot star trek movies (2009+) have touchscreens consoles, androids, and cyborgs (that character with white makeup and black lines/angles, and the redhead with shaved side of head with implants). The borg made the federation technology deviate in the alternate timeline after their discovery on Earth in Enterprise series.
I guess you are not counting the alternate time-line Jim Kirk, in Strange New Worlds. He died in the past, and if the time-line is corrected, he never existed. Maybe that means he never exist to begin with and therefore was not stuck out of time.
The crew of the bozeman were displaced in time but technically, the crew of the enterprise d were too, by 17 days. Also, data's head was displaced in time a few centuries following the events of times arrow 1 and 2. Oh and Professor Rasmussen was stranded in the 24th century in TNG A matter of time
What about Scotty, Tasha Yar (the alternative one), those people revived from the dead in a cryonic ship near the end of TNG Season 1, and Data's head (having to come back from a 500-year backward trek thru time the hard way)?
What about the crews? The crew of the Bozeman, of discovery, of neros ship, the botany Bay. What's a ship without their crew? George and Gracie were displaced as well.
I remember a TV show where a guy was wearing a T-shirt that said "Edith Keeler MUST DIE!". One person said I don't get it. The guy wearing the shirt said "If you were a TRUE Star Trek Fan YOU would understand".
Nero always bothered me since he literally was transported back in time. His focus was so narrow that he wanted petty revenge. He clearly had no issue messing with time. He could have told the romulans of then to be prepared for a supernova. Could have upgraded the romulan fleet so much that they would be the dominant power and not the federation. But he focused on the one who didn't save his people in time lol.
TNG A Matter of Time, Watching Rasmussen start to panic before "his" timeship vanishes stranding him is kinda satisfying. "Oh, Professor...Welcome to the 24th century."😆
always fun to recognize actors across timelines & "universes"! One of my favorites is Babylon5's psychic superweapon "Lyta" being a Bridge officer on the Defiant, always made me chuckle 😆
I Always wondered what happened to the terminally i'll 20th century people the TNG Grew found in the the sleeper ship. Would have Loved to see these Storylines picked Up further.
In the books, the financier Ralph Offenhouse became an ambassador to the Ferengi Alliance, then Federation Secretary of Commerce. Clare Raymond became a temporal displacement counselor with the Department of Temporal Investigations trying to help other temporal displacees. L.Q. "Sonny" Clemonds became a niche musical performer who traveled the galaxy performing old Earth songs.
They forgot Miles O’Brien and Harry Kim. Both “died” and their alternate selves took their places. O’Brien during a thwarted Romulan attack, Kim during a Vidian attack.
Are we not going to mention the Risan Horgan On the table with Amelia Earheart??? Think we wouldn't notice you sneaky trekculture little devils. Love all your videos.
You left out Tasha Yar who joined the Enterprise-C (alternate) in TNG: Yesterdays Enterprise to defend the Klingons against the Romulans and eventually gave birth to a Romulan daughter named Sela.
Wouldn't Kirk (Prime) count? He was presumed dead in 2293 but was actually stuck in the Nexus before being retrieved by Picard in 2371 and dying to stop Soran. Shatner even wrote official Star Trek novels where Kirk was resurrected following the events of Generations.
Wait a minute... that lighter at 4:30 in #7. That's not a Hacksmith Mini-Saber, is it? If it is, that's pretty sweet. Also kind of funny seeing what's essentially a Star Wars prop in a Star Trek show.
11:26 you got this a BIT wrong, the bozeman was trapped in the time loop BEFORE the enterprise exploded, the explosion ruptured the the time loop, but not before the loop began again, BUT, each loop was JUST A LITTLE BIT OFF after that, thus allowing data to do what he did and allowing BOTH ships to exit the loop and freeing captian bateson and both ships.
The episode mentions that the destruction of the Enterprise caused the first iteration of the time loop, so it would not be possible for the Bozeman to be stuck in the loop before it collided with the Enterprise. It also seems unlikely that after 80 years' worth of deja vu, Captain Bateson would still act so surprised and unaware when talking to Picard. The most logical explanation is that the "highly localized distortion of the space-time continuum" was a time rift similar to the one encountered by the Enterprise-C. Once they had accidentally jumped into the future, the Bozeman was unfortunate enough to crash into the Enterprise almost immediately after and trigger the time loop.
Scotty, for the love of... just because he was stuck in a transporter's pattern buffer, doesn't mean he doesn't count. Hence, "Relics".
Technically then Khan, Amelia Earhart and co don't count either, because their lifespan was just extended via cryonics and not time travel.
@@theevilascotcompany9255 You could say they traveled further in time than would have ever been capable naturally _because of_ the stasis. It's a one-way trip, but it's still time travel.
@@claude_in_Cincinnati So then when I put chicken in my freezer and then thaw it out a year later it's traveled through time? I get what you're saying but I wouldn't call cryo sleep time travel really.
@@GiraffeSweatersRip Van Winkle is considered one of the earliest works of science fiction featuring time travel. This is Rip Van Winkle.
@@GiraffeSweaters If
1) the chicken was alive beforehand,
2) remains alive after the thawing, and
3) does not show signs of aging,
then yes, your chicken traveled through time. Don't be a fucking idiot dipshit.
Tasha Yar (Alternate) from Yesterday's Enterprise. She was from the alternate time-line where the Klingon Empire was defeating the Federation in war. She went back in time with the Enterprise-C, got captured by the Romulans, and had a daughter with one of them. All without ever giving away any future knowledge.
I have a headcanon that, if Sela had ever been captured by the UFP, she would have been analyzed and found to be the alternate Tasha, brainwashed to believe she was her own daughter, so that Romulus could get her to yield up info Tasha never would. 'Sela' simply believed that these were stories told to her by a traitorous mother, so she had no qualms about relaying them, which would help account for the times on TNG the Romulans got the better of the UFP.
Didn't she though? Her daughter new about the enterprise and how they had the OG Tasha on their crew up until her death.
I was going to mention the alternate Tasha Yar if you hadn't.
While true, we never saw her on screen during that period and that seemed to have been a criteria for this list even if it wasn't mentioned.
Yeah I expected her to be number one on this list! lol
Berlinghoff Rasmussen! The three Americans from the 20th century in TNG: "The Neutral Zone"! The Voyager's EMH backup from "Living WItness"! The Vaadwaur! The Borg in the Arctic! Not to mention THE ENTIRE DISCOVERY CREW, not just Burnham and Mirror-Phillipe. And Captain Kirk in Generations (even tho he died soon after arriving in the future.
All true! I feel this subject will have a follow-up video... IN THE FUTURE!!! DUH Duh duhhhhhh!
The southerner must have been frozen sometime before July of 1991 because the Braves were still losing.
Rasmussen was the PERFECT KHAN opportunity for a TNG movie. Think about it.
the three Americans, Voyager's EMH backup, and the Vaadwaur don't belong on the list any more than Aerheart and Khan. none of them were actually temporally displaced. the rest are good examples though, I totally forgot about Rasmussen.
Only the Kirk outside the Nexus dies in Generations. According to what Guinan told Picard when he first arrived regarding how the Nexus works, a version of him would still exist in the Nexus.
I can't believe hat no-one has said it yet. But what about everyone's favourite Enterprise Chief Engineer, Scotty? The events of Relics, should be apart of this episode.
Yeah I was about to mentionned that one but you beat me to it!
Tasha Yar too.
Bold of you to say "everyone's favorite." Scotty is great, but in terms of engineers of the Enterprise, I put Geordi above the rest (man *literally rebuilt the D* from scratch!). And even if we're limiting the discussion to exclude the others ("no bloody A, B, C or D") Pelia honestly might have my vote by the time the season is done.
I don't think this counts, nor does Khan or the 37s. Think of a bear going into hibernation. No one says it travelled through time when it wakes up a couple months later. The same applies to Captain Scott, Khan and the 37s. They didn't "jump" through any sort of time displacement, they were merely in some form of hibernation for a very long period of time.
The other nice touch about George and Gracie is that through Spock's mind meld, they had the situation explained to them and they consented. I love how the writers thought of that!
It's my personal headcanon that George & Gracie are responsible for the founding of Starfleet's Cetacean Ops--upon arriving in the Earth oceans of the 2280s, they contacted the extant sapient aquatics (belugas, cuttlefish, even the orcas) and let them know that the land-lubbers were finally ready for "first contact."
The first delegation may or may not have included a bottlenose who opened dialog with the message, "Hello, and thanks for all the fish.
@@GSBarlev HAHAHA! Excellent plug-in.
@@GSBarlevbest comment award to you.
Always ask for consent
@@GSBarlev your pretty close it was the doctor that went with them as well that was behind forming Cetacean Ops and over time the leaps they made in using computing to talk to them allowed them to also talk to Aquatics also including the Xindi ones and formed what we know as Cetacean Ops which was mainly a way to talk to the probe if it was ever spotted again so they could talk to it
I read through a few of the comments, and was surprised to see no one mentioned the man who created warp drive, Zefram Cochrane! He zooms off into space at age 87 to die in space only to be drawn to Gamma Canaris N by the Companion, and was kept there until Kirk and Co. are taken there to meet him and to provide companionship. The episode was "Metamorphosis" in TOS second season.
That’s not time displacement. That’s simply having his lifetime unnaturally extended by the Companion.
Warp is time travel.
How could you forget Chief O'Brien? After the episode Visionary, he is a few hours displaced back in time. O'Brien didn't suffer just to be left off the list. Jaysus.
Of course, one of the episodes that proved he is most important person in Starfleet history
He is still basically in his own timeline, its not like he is stuck hundreds or thousands of years from his own time.
He never time traveled or was displaced. it was all in his mind. like Picard in Inner Light.
@@jamesoniro6486he's talking about the episode where ds9 gets blown up. Miles is sent 3 hours into the future to learn how it happens, but dies from radiation poisoning of the device. So future miles uses it to go back in time 3 hours, and has been in that timeline ever since.
So he is still technically permanently displaced. Also technically from an alternate future.
I forgot about that one 👍
Did you forget the three people who Data found in a failing cryogenic preservation satellite that Dr. Crusher healed and brought back to life just before the Romulans made their 1st Next Gen appearance in an episode forshaddowing the Borg presence near the Nuetral Zone? A Wealthiy Businessman, a Famous Entertainer and a Homemaker were all permanently displaced in time. I would really have loved a follow up story on Sunny's music career.
In the TNG novel Debtors Planet, the businessman ended up being the ambassador to the Ferengi!
@@mgraen And later he'd become Federation Secretary of Commerce.
Sonny was still an active musician in 2381 according to a mention in _Lower_ _Decks_ .
I think time travel became a staple in the Original Series because they simply re-used the sets and props on hand from other shows and movies at the studio. It was a really cost-effective way to get the crew out of the Enterprise ship set without blowing the budget re-creating an alien planet. For the same reason, we also saw the enterprise going to planets that re-created the Roman Empire, 1920's Gangsters and Nazi Germany.
I think that was one of Gene Roddenberry's selling points to the studio. He said that they were adopting the idea that it was very likely for alien worlds to be similar to Earth.
Yup. It’s an easy way to save money on the show
gotta love recycling
In "Miri" the city scene on Miri's wrecked world was a trashed "Mayberry" used on "The Andy Griffith Show".
Completely missed Tasha Yar from arguably the best episode of TNG. Also, if you're gonna add Khan for being sleepy for so many years... why not add Scotty for doing the same in a transporter buffer?
Gotta push that new trek propaganda....
Yar is in the intro 🤷♂️
Grow up, child
I'll take that argument...
Best of Both Worlds exists.
@@BuhurtUKyes but she didn't get a "rank" in the rest of the video.
At the end of Time's Arrow, Data's head is 500 years older than the rest of his body. Then there's that DS9 episode where O'Brien was suffering by jumping a few hours forward in time. At the end, he ended up sending the future him back to fix the problem, leading to that O'Brien being the guy we had for the rest of the series.
i can't believe how far I had to scroll to see someone bring up Data's head. Thank you. I was going to bring it up if nobody else did.
I love that this happened to Bender too during Roswell that Ends Well. It felt like a nod to TNG.
Unlike the others, Amelia Earhart didn't travel through time, she just took a really long nap, like Rip Van Winkle or Walt Disney. Or Kahn.
That is still technically travelling through time, just at the same speed as the rest of us...
@@boomod3825 Ha ha. Yes I guess we all are.
I know my naps. Can confirm.
@@frankandstein8618Joanna Newsom put it best: "lashed to the prow / of a ship we can board but not steer."
Same with Khan. They're relics (sorry Scotty) of those times gone past but were preserved against time, but only traveled through time at the rate of 1 second per second.
I have ANOTHER one for you guys. That revived Emergency Medical Hologram from Voyager who was part of a museum on some world in the future, THEN, he was allowed to take a ship from the Delta Quadrant back to the Alpha Quadrant. The whole thing was going to cause him to be a good 5 or 600 years out of his time once he reached Federation Space. Episode: Living Witness
That was a copy of his original programming.
The original Dr. was still on Voyager.
@@briansmith48 ok
@@briansmith48 still an "old mind" that is now in a time it doesnt belong to! ...hence *displaced* in time!
As several have pointed out, there are other major and minor characters that could have been included. I also would not include Khan, Scotty, Earhart, or the three 20th century people picked up by Enterprise D, as all of these were not displaced but preserved beyond their normal lifespan.
However, the biggest omission is James T. Kirk! He was pulled into the Nexus and pops back out with Picard. He dies and thus permanently displaced in time.
I slightly disagree, but only on the matter of definition... they are still displaced, even though they got there the old-fashioned way. If you open your eyes a couple of centuries after you last closed them, you are most certainly displaced... 🙀😹
@@DaellusKnights Agreed! It is a type of displacement, but different from time travel. Personally, I'd love to see two different videos with one for each type. That would be cool to see. And cross dimensional would be great as a third type of displacement. This could beva great series.
@@philiptite6254 I think a good perspective is that the meaningful component is "intention". If you did it on purpose, then you merely took a trip (for either good or ill). If you didn't mean to... well, displaced it is. 😸
Why didn't you guys include the guy who stole a 30th century time ship. Then visited the enterprise d. Where he tried to steal from the enterprise and was caught. The time ship auto pilot then returned to its own time stranding the criminal from the past in the 24th century.
Matt Frewer (Max Headroom)
That's right! Rasmussen (aka Max Headroom) was originally from the 22nd century (the time of Star Trek Enterprise and Captain Archer.) Too bad a Short Treks about his stealing the time ship was never made!
Or him meeting Archer!
Matt Frewer would tell you himself that he never counts... 😂
You forgot Scotty. If Khan’s crew in a sleeper ship counted, certainly Montgomery Scott looped in a pattern buffer for 70 years also counts.
A starfleet captain that knows all about tossed salad and scrambled eggs.
What is a boy to do?
theyre calling again
Except when he’s feeling blue. Then he is a bit of a beast.
Cool reference
I'll BET knows a thing or 2 about tossing the salad! LOL!
What about Scotty? They find him in a transporter decades later. Because of this he likely served in the Dominion War or at least was alive and active during the time.
Captain Braxton - Voyager. Spent time trying to stop time anomalies on Voyager. Eventually arrested for causing the anomalies. His arrest made him seek revenge on Janeway/Voyager which led to the anomalies.
Considering personnel from the Temporal Cold Wars seems like cheating, though.
but he wasn't permanently displaced. in the end, he was arrested by temporal authorities from his own time.
@@luphawk He was Arrested for future crimes. Started episode as a captain. Got demoted to ensign (hence the deplacement). Committed the crimes he was arrested for.
You forgot about Dr. Sam Beckett. Who leaped into the body of Jonathan Archer and couldn’t return to his own time until he set things right, that once went wrong.
Given how bad the Enterprise finale was, Dr. Beckett is no doubt still trapped
There are multiple scenes in Enterprise where Sam is seen in a mirror, how come we never see what Captain Archer really looks like? Someone should retrain the continuity specialist.
In an early episode of Enterprise, Archer dropped to the floor in the shower when the gravity plating went offline and then reactivated. Why they didn't have him say "Oh Boy" at that moment I'll never know.
He had to Quantum Leap to the 21st Century to save his ancestors in New Orleans.
go ahead! jump into the project accelerator and disappear! You'll just come crawling back like last time.
Philippa Georgiou wasn't permanently displaced in time, she was returned to her own time just in a different universe, also what about Tasha Yar?
Tasha Yar got done dirty again.
Philippa has been sent "somewhere in time, where she will be safe" it has not been said where in time she is.
philippa was sent to a time where "the prime and mirror universes were still aligned" she was very explicitly not returned to her era in the mirror universe.
@@richardchristie3203 No joke, Yar gets done dirty be everyone, not just the damn ST writers room.
And Harry Kim.
I absolutely LOVE the fact that Captain Bateson had a part in Lower Decks! And I want to see that character return to live action, or more in animation! I think it is awesome that, despite not being his century, he just went right back to work!
You forgot Scotty via a transporter loop stranded on a Dyson sphere and the one, the only James T. Kirk displaced in time while believed dead but subsequently caught in the Nexus until he exited to assist Picard on Veridian III.
Welcome back Marcus!!! Meant to comment on your last video, but it’s great to have you w/us again!!
You forgot Montgomery Scott, who got trapped in a pattern buffer. Last seen, he was still puttering about in the Next Generation timeline
8:08 I would love to see Gillian Taylor return in an episode of Lower Decks as an elderly scientist who is still researching whales.
Highly doubt she's still alive by then. I think the only reason McCoy was still around at 147 in TNG was pure stubbornness to spite Spock.
Montgomery Scott locked in a transporter diagnostic loop found himself in a warp shuttle after helping to rescue the Enterprise D.
Thomas Riker? Scotty? Just a couple of honourable mentions.
Tom was not displaced, but a duplicate living out a separate life fromm Will Riker. No time travel involved.
You forgot the Bozeman needing to make a course correction in Generations after the destruction of the Amargosa star.
The Captain making a pit stop at Cheers!
I hear that Captain Morgan Bateson later started offering helpful advice to other people misplaced in time via a radio call in show.
Missed opportunity to show Captain Archer when the line "set right what once went wrong" was said.
Since the crapped the ending up anyway they should have shown captain Archer, "leap" away just as riker and troi turn to walk away and the program ends
You forgot Admiral Janeway in Voyager's final!
There is also Harry Kim. harry Kim from future sees a crashed Voyager in ice and after the investigation ends up sending a message to the past to cause Voyager to avoid the mistake that would otherwise have caused it to crash. (But then since Voyager didn't crash on ice planet, Harry Ki from fiuture would never find it and snever send a message back in time).
And I have to wonder about Janeway. Young Janeway gets beakc to earth with kowledge that in the future, she'll steel time travel and go back in time to give young Janeway the tools to fight the Borg and get home. But once home, why would Janeway execute this move many years into the future? It may be written in history that she did, but there is no motivation for her to do that once Voyager has succesfully gotten home.
Very few time travel worked, and I find that Velan's history in Babylon 5 is one that worked very logically since Jefrrey Sinclair simply executed what was already written in history and that history already included the story that Velan was a Mimbari not born Mimbari. And the storyline had already included the fact that the war ended suddenly when they discovered Sinclair had DNA that was also present in Mimbari people. So very well setup. (and the 2 trips to Babylon 4 done perfectly).
@11:30 was introducted in ---- -- met with deafening silence; just the title of the episode is announced, skipping the "where/when" and making it harder for not adherent fans to find the episode without additional search steps.
Thank you, Marcus! I'm not caught up on a few ST shows (there are so many now!!), but I feel like this entry explained far more than it spoiled for me. I really appreciate it. S
Can't believe you didn't mention Tasha Yar (STNG: Yesterday's Enterprise) or Berlinghoff Rasmussen (STNG: A Matter of Time).
Marcus I am so glad you've come back/started providing commentary again. I love your voice and delivery.
What I really hate about the Picard Second season is the entire time loop paradox. He stays in the past. Ricardo uses the life form Renee Picard finds to clean the environment and their Mariposas created group is still active into the 25th century. And then you have Wesley and that group watching time and the grand tapestry to keep the threads in place. So I have no idea what the true correct unimpacted by time travel future really is? Since there is an agent trying to manipulate things to get Renee onto the ship to support the Tapestry, I have to suspect without Q's influence this is the future one step removed from true. The True future is with no one interfering she gives into her insecurities, doesn't go, and a that dark future is the one true future. But the agents intefere creating the 1 step removed (and I have to assume at some point Song moves on to project Khan losing interest in his other work without Q's guidance and that life discovery), Q steps in and step 2 she is removed and we are back to the correct, they Picard and friends travel back and make a mess of things and step 3 is created. But the debris from this crossing is Rios is in the past and starts the group, and the girl is recruited by Wesley (as in the 1 step removed she has a normal non eventful life). So really the only reason the future exists is due to interference from Wesley?!?!?! ARRGGHHHHH!
And as for Khan ... at his peaked he ruled over 1.25 Billion people. And wow at the peak Xi ruled over China with 1.2 Billion people. Is Xi really Khan just not as buff???
The Travelers may be guardian of the Tapestry, but they still have to get their hands dirty to guard it.
Guinan establishes that the timeline they left Rios is indeed the "primeline." It's a closed-loop / predestination paradox--he was always "meant" to go back in time.
@@GSBarlev To me the primeline would be whatever timeline exists with no time traveling being involved. Now of course with the Q galivanting about twisting things here and there who know how far from untouched the timelines are. But to say it's the prime would imply Wesley and that group knew this was going to happen and Rios was coming back to raise the boy (as that fatherly influence leads the child to the career cleaning up pollution). It even tends to imply they are involved in created some of these close loop paradoxes for some reason. Which once more leads to the question what time line exists without their interference?
Anyway I would hate to be the people working in the Star Fleet Time division. Hey we got a report of another time incursion. Oh yeah, what happened this time? Well it seems Picard .. What, Picard, again? Sigh, let me get a shot before the migraine develops. Pfffttttt. Ok go ahead.
@@walterengler5709 So in chaos theory there's this concept of strange attractors. I'll try to keep this nontechnical, but the general idea is that you don't need to be perfectly on a closed loop to keep going around the same path--as long as you stay within the "basin of attraction" any permutations will diminish over time and on the next cycle.
In a fully chaotic space you're going to have multiple basins for multiple attractors, and giving the system at hard enough knock at the right point in the cycle is enough to shift the orbit from one attractor to another (or, rarely, push the trajectory into complete and total chaos).
Apply this to time travel and the Temporal Cold War. One strange attractors is the utopic Federation of the "primeline." Another is one where the sphere-builders dominate. And another is the one where Earth wipes our or dominates all other sentient species.
Plenty of actions cause wobbles in the timeline that don't fundamentally change the outcome. But either through accident (City on the Edge of Forever), manipulation (Q) or calculated intervention (Sphere builders, Sera), the timeline can be knocked onto a new orbit.
This isn't a predestination paradox, as subsequent loops *don't require* the intervention (as each attractor is stable), but if a timeline can be knocked out of an attractor, it can also be knocked back in.
Anyway, I know that's a lot conceptually. If you're interested, look up some Poincaré maps--they're really helpful for visualizing these abstract concepts.
The fact that a clip of Captain Archer was NOT shown when you said "...put right what once went wrong" is CRIMINAL! 😉
Scotty, Tasha, and if we're counting cryogenically frozen characters, the people picked up in TNG: The Neutral Zone were missing from this list.
Scotty & Tasha Yar were worthy of mention far more than guest stars in a single episode or movie that no one really cares about beyond their sole appearance.
If I remember right, there was an episode of Star Trek TOS where Zephram Cochran, the inventor of warp drive, appeared in what would have been the future for him. A female entity had brought him there and he ended up staying with that entity by the end of that episode. He was definitely a different version of the character that we saw in First Contact and Enterprise but I think he still counts as permanently displaced in time.
In the original series episode All Our Yesterdays, Zarabeth (Mariette Hartley) had been sent back in time using the Atavachron as a punishment. Although Kirk, Spock, McCoy also end up going back to two different time periods they manage to return, Zarabeth however was doomed to remain as she had been altered to live in the time she had been sent to and so could never return.
Nero & his crew, Spock prime, and Khan and his crew died.
You forgot about
* the Tasha Yar character who went back on the Enterprise C.
* the 3 Earth people frozen in stasis and later discovered by Data in the episode The Neutral Zone (Claire Raymond (Gracie Harrison), a housewife; Ralph Offenhouse (Peter Mark Richman), a financier; and L. Q. "Sonny" Clemmons (Leon Rippy), a musician); all are from the late 20th century.
* James Kirk, who was transported into the Nexus while saving the Enterprise B. He died, too, but he had come back almost a century later to help Picard in the movie ST: Generations.
* Scotty saved himself by putting him and a colleague in transporter stasis for about 75 years, and the last we saw of him was flying off in a shuttle from the Enterprise D.
* On ST:TOS, two characters (Mr. Atoz and Zarabeth, along with everyone else on the planet but we don't see them) had sent themselves back in time permanently to avoid the planet Sarpeidon's destruction.
* On ST:TNG A Matter of Time, the Enterprise encounters Berlinghoff Rasmussen, who says he is a 26th century historian but is really a con man/thief from the 22nd century who had stolen a ship from the future. He is kept in Picard's time to stand trial.
I love that Quantum Leap reference at the beginning! ❤
4.7K Thumbs Up + Mine! 👍 You're welcome! Thanks! 😊
Notes: I read some comments first, then I viewed your video. Ahem. Okay, I get it now. It is only about naming ten characters to keep the video short! It isn't a "Top Ten" list! George & Gracie, were displaced as well.
The whole crew of the Enterprise got sent backwards in Time by three days and did not repeat what they had already done! They presumably ignored their earlier selves and went into hiding for three days, and probably made a vacation of it. 🤔
Khan's whole crew were displaced then, not just him.
The list is longer than ten! 🖖
I think it’s helpful to point out that Nero also lost his wife and family on Romulus. I think he had full faith and hope that Spock would come to his planet’s rescue.
Spock tried but wasn’t successful. When Nero went back in time, Romulus was still in existence. The friends and family he lost probably hadn’t even been born at that point. Rather than seeking revenge and waiting around for Spock, his time would have been better spent by telling the Romulan government who he was and what was going to happen in the future. With a heads up, they could have been prepared. Unless prime time Spock said something after Nero was defeated, history would likely have repeated itself, and Romulus would be destroyed again in the Kelvin future 🤔
Don't know why nero couldn't just take his ship or a klingon bird of prey and play chicken with the sun to go back in time to save romulus. Makes more sense.
@@jamesszalla4274They explain this a bit in a deleted scene that Nero was captured by the Klingons and imprisoned for years on Rura Penthe. Can't remember how he escaped, but it certainly makes sense that any last hold he had on reason would have been severed by that experience.
It's also not an either/or, and it's not like the Romulans and the Federation were exactly friendly in the century leading to 2387--most likely when Nero got his ship back he sent a message to Romulus that said, "Yo, your star's gonna go nova on this date. Imma gonna go get rid of the Federation for y'all. Kthxbai!"
@@GSBarlevIt's easy to escape Rura Penthe. Only a magnetic shield prevents beaming. There is no guard tower. No electronic stockade.
The entire DS9 crew in "Children of Time". Odo even got oozy with himself
So glad to have you back, Marcus Bronzy!
"This is Captain Morgan Bateson, I'm listening!"
As I watched this video, I realized what a great deadpan comedy duo the two temporal investigators from "Trials and Tribbelations" would make. They can show up in any Star Trek. They're time lords! 😉
You forgot the character with the best name in Trek, Berlinghoff Rasmussen.
I maintain that he turned to a life of crime due to being bitter about what his parents named him.
11:17 "Spock, who died and got better". 😆
You forgot zefram Cochrane in a TOS episode episode where Enterprise found him still young on a planet, a alien kept him young because she was in love with and wanted him to stay with her. Then don't forget Scotty who was trapped in a transporter system for 47 years. And Captain Kirk was inside the Nexus band for nearly a century before dying in a fight minutes after getting out.
What was really weird is he was younger in TOS than he was in First Contact, I guess the companion didn't want to hang around with an old drunk lol.
Neither of them did any time-traveling though, Zephram Cochrane merely continued living in normal time with the Companion (who made and kept him youthful and handsome) until the *Enterprise* discovered him, while Scotty covered those 47 years in normal time passage, although he wasn't aware of it as a transporter buffer pattern.
Wasn't Data's head left in the past? Then he traveled to the future the old fashioned way?
2:17 looks like Earheart also met the Ninth Doctor. 😉
I feel like you missed a few.
Right off the bat i'd remember Scotty from 'Relics', Tasha Yar who went back in time in 'Yesterdays Enterprise' and the people from the 20th century that the Enterprise picked up in 'Neutral Zone'
How did they miss the cryo frozen humans from S1E26 The Neutral Zone, Tasha Yar from Yesterdays Enterprise, or SCOTTY from Relics???
Great summary!
The crew of the Enterprise D arrested a time traveler who was stealing technology. That guy’s name was Rasmussen. There were also the 3 people from the 20th century that the Ent-D picked up frozen, who were suffering from fatal diseases. If you’re going to include Khan, might as well include them.
Dont Forget,
Kelsey Grammar also was Captain of the Stingray in pre warp timeline.
You did miss a lot here
1. Tasha Yar
2. Scotty
3. The three in stasis from The Neutral Zone
4. The revived Borg from the Ent episode "Regeneration"
That's what I can think of.
You totally forgot Commander Data, as his head was a lot older then his body
Love the quantum leap reference
My favorite is the next generation s5 e9 "A matter of time" where the stolen time ship is returned with its 26th century origin along with its 20th century thief.
I think he was a 22nd century thief!
I feel like a great number 1 would have been Matt Frewer as Berlinghoff Rasmussen in "A Matter Of Time". Well, any number really, I just kept waiting for him to appear on the list, along with many others.
That's definitely a good one. My list would have included Data's head, which got blasted off his body in "Time's Arrow" and had to wait 500 years to be reattached.
From my understanding it wasn't a new Bozeman but an upgraded one. Needing more ships during the Dominion War it was decided that a refit would be quicker than building a new one
No Tasha Yar from Yesterdays Enterprise???
How about Berlinghoff Rasmussen (Matt Frewer) from A Matter of Time. Will he ever get back to that place called New Jersey?
Dont forget the borg who actually created another timeline besides the kelvin one.
In TOS and the 80s movies, there were no touchscreens, cyborgs, or androids, at least not on federation ships. In discovery (before going to the future future, mind you), which is supposed to be around the TOS time and even the reboot star trek movies (2009+) have touchscreens consoles, androids, and cyborgs (that character with white makeup and black lines/angles, and the redhead with shaved side of head with implants).
The borg made the federation technology deviate in the alternate timeline after their discovery on Earth in Enterprise series.
Cool list but you think maybe you could have done joint entries for people like Nero and spock?
I guess you are not counting the alternate time-line Jim Kirk, in Strange New Worlds. He died in the past, and if the time-line is corrected, he never existed. Maybe that means he never exist to begin with and therefore was not stuck out of time.
Let us not forget marcus bronzy who got sent foward in time and has now rejoined us
I would have added Voyager's EMH, when his Back Up Module was reactivated in a Kyrian museum after 700 years. The Episode was "Living Witness"
Thanks for this video! I love the "time travel" episodes but what about ST Generations when Picard found Kirk in the nexus?
The crew of the bozeman were displaced in time but technically, the crew of the enterprise d were too, by 17 days. Also, data's head was displaced in time a few centuries following the events of times arrow 1 and 2. Oh and Professor Rasmussen was stranded in the 24th century in TNG A matter of time
Does it count if it's not the whole body? 😂
@@yuki-sakurakawa I don't know. Ask Chief O Brien (DS9 Visionary) Admiral Janeway (VOY Endgame) or Agnes Jurati/Borg Queen (Picard Season 2)
What about Scotty, Tasha Yar (the alternative one), those people revived from the dead in a cryonic ship near the end of TNG Season 1, and Data's head (having to come back from a 500-year backward trek thru time the hard way)?
What about the crews? The crew of the Bozeman, of discovery, of neros ship, the botany Bay. What's a ship without their crew? George and Gracie were displaced as well.
I remember a TV show where a guy was wearing a T-shirt that said "Edith Keeler MUST DIE!". One person said I don't get it. The guy wearing the shirt said "If you were a TRUE Star Trek Fan YOU would understand".
2:32 That's a horga'hn on the table. That's not a trek movie. xD
You missed the people in stasis from TNG:Neutral Zone
Nero always bothered me since he literally was transported back in time. His focus was so narrow that he wanted petty revenge. He clearly had no issue messing with time. He could have told the romulans of then to be prepared for a supernova. Could have upgraded the romulan fleet so much that they would be the dominant power and not the federation. But he focused on the one who didn't save his people in time lol.
TNG A Matter of Time, Watching Rasmussen start to panic before "his" timeship vanishes stranding him is kinda satisfying.
"Oh, Professor...Welcome to the 24th century."😆
Awesome video
always fun to recognize actors across timelines & "universes"!
One of my favorites is Babylon5's psychic superweapon "Lyta" being a Bridge officer on the Defiant, always made me chuckle 😆
Two names
G'Kar, Tomalak
actually the disco crew hat 2 displacements - the jumped 9 months into the future when they returned from mirror universe
What about alternate time line Tasha Yar going back to prime time line in the past on the Enterprise C
Until now, I keep wishing that there's a TV series about Morgan Bateson and the USS Bozeman.
I Always wondered what happened to the terminally i'll 20th century people the TNG Grew found in the the sleeper ship. Would have Loved to see these Storylines picked Up further.
the Rich Financier who paid for the cyro-ship project adapted well to the 24th century and became the Ambassador to the Ferengi.
In the books, the financier Ralph Offenhouse became an ambassador to the Ferengi Alliance, then Federation Secretary of Commerce. Clare Raymond became a temporal displacement counselor with the Department of Temporal Investigations trying to help other temporal displacees. L.Q. "Sonny" Clemonds became a niche musical performer who traveled the galaxy performing old Earth songs.
IIRC the guitar player was mentioned in Picard, news ticker at the bottom of the screen mentioned he was on tour or something.
You missed Kirk because of the Nexus.
They forgot Miles O’Brien and Harry Kim. Both “died” and their alternate selves took their places. O’Brien during a thwarted Romulan attack, Kim during a Vidian attack.
What about Tasha Yar from the "Yesterday's Enterprise" timeline???
Are we not going to mention the Risan Horgan On the table with Amelia Earheart??? Think we wouldn't notice you sneaky trekculture little devils. Love all your videos.
You left out Tasha Yar who joined the Enterprise-C (alternate) in TNG: Yesterdays Enterprise to defend the Klingons against the Romulans and eventually gave birth to a Romulan daughter named Sela.
What about the three people Data saved from the cryogenic ship in the next generation?
It's astounding how so many of the JJ Trek and Abrams Trek stuff sound even stupider when described out loud....
Wouldn't Kirk (Prime) count? He was presumed dead in 2293 but was actually stuck in the Nexus before being retrieved by Picard in 2371 and dying to stop Soran. Shatner even wrote official Star Trek novels where Kirk was resurrected following the events of Generations.
Wait a minute... that lighter at 4:30 in #7. That's not a Hacksmith Mini-Saber, is it? If it is, that's pretty sweet. Also kind of funny seeing what's essentially a Star Wars prop in a Star Trek show.
11:26 you got this a BIT wrong, the bozeman was trapped in the time loop BEFORE the enterprise exploded, the explosion ruptured the the time loop, but not before the loop began again, BUT, each loop was JUST A LITTLE BIT OFF after that, thus allowing data to do what he did and allowing BOTH ships to exit the loop and freeing captian bateson and both ships.
The episode mentions that the destruction of the Enterprise caused the first iteration of the time loop, so it would not be possible for the Bozeman to be stuck in the loop before it collided with the Enterprise. It also seems unlikely that after 80 years' worth of deja vu, Captain Bateson would still act so surprised and unaware when talking to Picard. The most logical explanation is that the "highly localized distortion of the space-time continuum" was a time rift similar to the one encountered by the Enterprise-C. Once they had accidentally jumped into the future, the Bozeman was unfortunate enough to crash into the Enterprise almost immediately after and trigger the time loop.
Amazing video thanks!!
What about Zefran Cochran from Star Trek the original series episode Mebemorphosis