Healing bonus or HP% are basically doing the same thing. You need them to increase the healing amount. If you have enough ER in the substats + have her bis you can definitely switch to more intro-dmg variant and put 4-cost CD on her + one 3-cost Atk%/Spectro dmg for more min-max variant with cd in the substats, apart from ER and HP.
This was really good! Kuro definitely loves their essays ;A;
4 cost healing bonus??? Wht r u cooking? Who tf want more healing from her😩 U want more ER, CD, HP
Healing bonus or HP% are basically doing the same thing. You need them to increase the healing amount. If you have enough ER in the substats + have her bis you can definitely switch to more intro-dmg variant and put 4-cost CD on her + one 3-cost Atk%/Spectro dmg for more min-max variant with cd in the substats, apart from ER and HP.