I put a like on this video simply because it's been a long time since someone could explain that much head spinning science that easily. Thank you for posting this. This kind of content is one of the reasons I love watching TH-cam.
I agree with you. Yet, for a beginner like myself, i would have appreciated a video such showing how Julian did it all... words didn't help me much. Perhaps it is not for beginners. Please Julian, could you do something similar for beginners, please?
Great tip, thanx! But I usually use it to record backup audio from the mixer with an aux cable straight to the h1n. Does this eq apply also to its line signal or only when recording with its built-in microphones? Thanx again! :)
I like your videos Julian. I like them a lot! I don't own a H1n, but I hear it sounds the same as the H1 and that one I own. Thank you for being so sturdy. Cheers!
Super! Ich habe mein Zoom h1n heute bekommen und wollte genau dies tun, eine EQ Korrektur ermitteln. Ich habe leider nicht wirklich die Geräte dafür, deshalb vielen Dank für deine Arbeit!
I bought the Zoom H1n after searching a bit and watching your videos. I appreciate the work you put into it. I dare to ask you to 'show' a bit more, so that images that go with the words... as a beginner, the words don't help me much, like in this video. I got the principle, but not how to do it. I repeat, I'm a beginner and not a sound engineer ... more like an amateur learning from here and there.
Thanks for the feedback! You are right, this video is a little bit more for the advanced user. Check out my instruction video where I explain the H1n in detail: th-cam.com/video/2trnJiUFMcs/w-d-xo.html
Hey, sadly I don't have the means of measuring accurately in the low frequency area. Typically, directional microphones (pressure gradient mics) start to slowly roll off below 100 Hz, that's simply a limitation of this transducer type.
I would be interested to see what the correction for the 7K dip is for both direct and diffuse sounds as well if you get the chance. May be redundant but may be noticeable still?
I just purchased the Zoom H1n and it came with Steinberg WaveLab LE 10 software download. It took almost an hour to install but the program looks quite impressive. Is that same the software you're using on your PC in this demo by any chance? Just curious 🤔
hi, julian. have you tried other portable audio recorder in the same price range like sony ux570 or tascam dr05? i would like to know which one is better. one more question, do you have any sugestion on how to setup zoom h1n for street interview or other noisy area? thanks.
Hey, check out my beginner's guide for the H1n: th-cam.com/video/2trnJiUFMcs/w-d-xo.html There I explain all the settings and tell you what to set them to.
Thanks, Julian. Excellent discussion. I never considered correcting the EQ, but after hearing your two contrasting recordings, I can hear the affect of the correction. Do you feel that the H1n is an adequate replacement for a quality microphone?
Hey, I think the H1n is great for starting out and the mics are very usable but I still think proper external microphones can give you much higher quality audio.
Thank you Julian. This is excellent. I’m now wondering whether you have a Tascam dr05 or even a Zoom H4n to do a similar test. I will be storing this data in my audio editor!!
@@JulianKrause Hey Julian! I have a Zoom H5, too and was wondering, if you have also measured the frequency response of the H5. I tried your correcting EQs from the video, but I'm not sure, whether Zoom actually uses the same mics and mic pre-amps for the H5 - the EQs sound nice for the H5, though. What's your opinion on that? PS: Vielen Dank für deine ganzen tollen Videos! Du machst das wirklich super! :)
How is the frequency response of the line in/out, bypassing the mics? I measured the original H1 and was disappointed that there was a lowered bass response of a dB or 2, if I recall correctly, and this suggests it would not serve as a transparent line level audio signal recorder.
Update: B and H, a large retailer in NYC, had a good price on the H1n so I just bought one. Measuring it using the Line in and out with my MOTU 4 USB interface used as an analyzer (with RMAA, RightMark Audio Analyzer, software) it exhibits the same problem: Despite being sure the Low Cut is disengaged there is a reduced output in the low bass: -1dB at 70Hz, -2dB at 50Hz, -4.5dB at 30Hz.
The package I bought had Kodak card and headphones with the Zoom. The Kodak card needed to be formatted every time the Zoom was switched on, which also wiped all recordings. Not convenient to back up to another drive before switching off. I bought a Scan Disc card which works fine. Apart from that, no problems with the Zoom. If you are prepared to accept that a jewel can be made from plastic, that's the H1n.
Thanx! I hope it'll aplly to my old Zoom H1. Btw, I've read somewhere that the noise floor jumps drastically when you turn the preamp above 37% (and with noticable ''click'' sound at that spot). Have You noticed something like that? All the best!
Great explanation, Can you please tell me connect to connect ZoomH1n and Boya BY M1 mic to my smart phone so that I can record Audio and Video in together.
Great video. I really like your scientific approach to sounds. I heard that you explained how you measured the frequency response of H1N but it was too short. Could you elaborate on the process please? Or another video?
Sure, first thing I did is I put a measurement microphone with a flat frequency response infront of a speaker. Then I ran a frequency sweep through the speaker and measured the speakers frequency response. I used the free software room eq wizard (REW) for that. Then I did equalize the frequency response of the speaker to be perfectly flat. Now I knew that at the position of the measurement microphone the frequency response is flat. After that I placed the H1n in the exact position where the mesurement mic was placed. I then measured the frequency response with the H1n. Any deviation from a flat response is now due to the H1ns frequency response. I further used a technique called gating. When you gate a measurement you only look at the impulse response for a very short time window. In this small time frame the reflections in my room have not yet had a chance to bounce back into the measured microphone. This eliminates the rooms reflections and makes it possible to get accurate response measurements even if I'm not in an anechoic chamber. I will make a video detailed about this process, but it might take a while. Glad you enjoy my videos!
Hi Julian, you’re one of my go-to sources for random audio information so I’m hoping you might share some knowledge. I would love to understand your method of recording a frequency response - whether it’s a mic, EQ, recorder, etc. - to be able to visualize the spectrum. I’m assuming you use a speaker capable of recreating 20hz - 20khz and play an audio track that covers the full 20-20,000 at a constant rate of change (or play the track directly into an interface or mixer and skip the speaker aspect). What is unclear to me is the details of how you record and review the data - levels, software, etc. I don’t need to do this for my mics and equipment, but it would bring me a lot of happiness to just know that I know the information and potentially have the knowledge to make changes to improve my recordings. Would you consider sharing your secrets or pointing me in a good direction to learn more?
Hi Julian, danke für deine fundierten, informativen Videos - Hut ab dafür! Und weil ich von deiner Expertise überzeugt bin, möchte ich mich mit einer unbeantworteten Frage an dich wenden. Ich möchte für Videos den Sound meines Motorrads während des Fahrens extern onboard aufnehmen. Auf TH-cam habe ich viele Leute gesehen, die das mehr oder weniger erfolgreich mit dem Zoom h1n machen. Es gibt auch einzelne Videos von Leuten, die dasselbe mit dem h2n oder auch mit größeren Rekordern tun. Mir kommt es vor, als sei der Sound durch bspw. das h4n pro klarer, weniger übersteuert und das Mikrofon weniger windanfällig. Aber anhand von TH-cam videos, die eine Komprimierung durchlaufen und an meinen alten Pc Lautsrechern wiedergegeben werden, ist ein Vergleich natürlich schwierig. Meine Frage ist letztendlich: welcher Rekorder ist mit seinen internen Mikros für diese Anwendung (Motorsound on board, Mikrofon windgeschützt eingepackt) geeignet? Das h1n bietet den Vorteil, dass es sehr klein und mobil ist, aber ist es vielleicht zu empfindlich für relativ laute Pegel? Würde ein größerer Rekorder einen erheblichen Mehrwert in der Soundqualität bringen, dann wäre mir es das Extragewicht allerdings absolut wert. Ich hoffe du kannst mir einen Tipp geben. Keep up the good work.
Hey, danke für den netten Kommentar! Ich muss zugeben, ich habe noch keine Motorradgeräusche mit dem H1n aufgenommen. Ich hätte aufgrund des Limiters aber eher zum H1n tendiert, da man so aktiv Übersteuerung vermeiden kann. Das Schwierigste ist es den Recorder windfest einzupacken und trotzdem noch guten Ton aufzunehmen. In der Hinsicht sollten aber H1n und H4n ziemlich gleich sein. Habe schon häufiger gesehen, dass Motorradfahrer den Recorder in den Rucksack gesteckt haben um Windgeräusche zu vermeiden.
@@JulianKrause herzlichen Dank für deine Antwort! Wenn alle Rekorder ähnlich vom Wind Problem betroffen sind, würde das ja wiederum für den kompakteren h1n sprechen. Und meinst du in Sachen Tonqualität hätte ein h2n oder h4n pro gegenüber dem h1n einen Vorteil? Das ist meine letzte Frage. :) Liebe Grüße
I would be the guy wanting to "fix" the 7k and 11k+ lol flaaaaaat as in ___ flat. no curves! lmao. but great vid. I wish it could be done on the h1n directly.
Hey, I sadly don't have the equipment to measure this accurately, that's why I don't show frequencies below 200 Hz in the video. I expect the response to start gently rolling off below 100 Hz, that's pretty normal to for these type of mics.
Because of my disabled hands, it looks like the zoom h1 and h1n are my best choices ergonomically. How are the pre amps (ein) when plugging a lav mic into it? Are they the same audio wise and only different feature wise? If so, I'd be fine with the h1.
Hallo Julian, ich habe soeben ein Deity D3 Pro mic bekommen. Leider kann ich die frequency response kurve auf der herstellerseite nicht gut deuten, da sie recht flach ist. Könntest du mir einen Blick drauf werfen und sagen wie du sie im EQ für stimme korrigieren würdest? die vom rode vmp+ übersteigt 0db bei 4000Hz, die des Deity ist immer sehr sehr tief um -25db. Vielen Dank, Valentin
Hey Valentin, eine flacher Frequenzgang ist eine gute Sache, weil dann alle Frequenzen mit der gleichen Intensität vom Mikrofon wahrgenommen werden. Das führt zu einem natürlichen Klang. Genau das versuche ich auch immer mit einem EQ zu erreichen. Das Deity D3 Pro hat laut Hersteller bereits einen ordentlich flachen Frequenzgang und scheint auch ordentlich zu klingen. Ich würde beim Deity D3 Pro daher nicht versuchen noch irgendwas am Frequenzgang zu ändern. Das passt alles soweit! Übrigens nicht wundern, dass die Y-Achse beim Rode anders beschriftet ist als beim Deity. Das sind unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten die Amplitude anzugeben. Macht aber in diesem Fall keinen wirklichen Unterschied. Viel Spaß mit deinem Deity D3 Pro!
@@JulianKrause Danke, den werde ich haben! Morgen wird alles getestet -Rode gegen Deity. Dürfte ich dich noch bitten mir Tipps zu geben, wie du das Rode Videomicro EQ anpassen würdest. Hier der Link zur frequency response: www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=cdn1.rode.com/videomicro_datasheet.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjOgeaZ9KbgAhXPCewKHZi3DrUQFjAAegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw0AYXFAIIpkpVmGmC2kqZkF unter 300hz fällt es ziemlich ab und klingt sehr flach, welche peaks würdest du noch korrigieren? 3.5kHz, 8kHz? Setting vorschläge? Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe
@@theothervalentin Ja genau, bei 3.5k und 8k könnte man die Peaks etwas herunterziehen. Bei 3.5k so -3dB und bei 8k ca. -5dB. Wenn man dem Frequenzgang vertrauen kann, wird das Mikrofon allerdings immer noch recht höhenbetont klingen. Dem kann man dann eigentlich nur noch entgegenwirken, indem man den Bassbereich etwas anhebt. Auch wenn das dann technisch zu einem linearen Frequenzgang führt, muss man beim Anheben von tiefen Frequenzen immer aufpassen. Da Wind beispielsweise sehr starke tieffrequente Signale erzeugen kann, ist es nicht immer schlau die dann noch weiter zu verstärken. Du könntest trotzdem mal einen Filter EQ bei 100 Hz setzten, ein sehr niedriges Q nehmen damit der Filter sehr breit ist und dann so ca. 3dB verstärken.
@@JulianKrause Perfekt danke für die Expertise. Werde mal testen wie weit ich da in typischen interview szenarien gehen kann bzw wie weit bei ambient sounds outdoors. (bei 100Hz) Mit niedrigem Q faktor meinst du 0.3-0.5, oder höher? Der q faktor bestimmt ja die bandbreite des angesprochenen frequenzbereichs wenn ich mich richtig erinnere. Welches Q würdest du bei 3.5k bzw 8k ca setzen?
@@theothervalentin Hey, meine EQ Settings wären: 100Hz 0,5Q +3dB; 3500Hz 2Q -3dB; 8000Hz 5Q -5dB. Ich muss auch dazusagen, dass das hier keine richtige Wissenschaft ist. Die Frequenzgänge, die von den Herstellern publiziert werden, sind häufig stark geglättet und man kann da nicht immer alles rauslesen. Besser ist es natürlich den echten Frequenzgang zu messen, aber dann wird das schnell kompliziert. Für den Anfang sollten die genannten Settings ganz ok sein und von dort aus kann man das dann noch weiter anpassen ;) Viel spaß beim Testen, kannst ja mal Bescheid geben ob die EQ Settings was bringen, würde mich interessieren!
Great and very useful video. Until now, to equalize my Zoom H1, I had to use my ears mostly. The only data I could find was this: www.plazakamera.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/ZOOM-H1-dan-APH-1-g.jpg
H1n I bought was not compatable with the Kodak card it was sent to me with as part of a package deal. The card needed to be formatted every time the Zoom was switched on, which also wiped all recordings. Bought a Scan Disc card which works fine. Apart from that no problem with the Zoom. If you are prepared to accept that a jewel can be made from plastic, that's the H1n.
I put a like on this video simply because it's been a long time since someone could explain that much head spinning science that easily.
Thank you for posting this. This kind of content is one of the reasons I love watching TH-cam.
That was incredibly formative thank you! I always felt the H1N mics sounded bright, now I undersstand why
I have recently purchased a Zoom H1n and I find your videos extremely detailed and useful for a novice to audio like me. Thanks a lot for sharing.
Thank you for the EQ parameters, this was very insightful and helpful! The effort is very much appreciated.
Thanks Satan! Wait...
Sounds much much better after your corrections. Thanks very much for the work you put into this.
excellent job! I have 2 h1n's, follow all of your tips, settings, and advice. very happy with the results! keep up the good work! thanks!
Joe Griffith bro can u tell me the best setting of zoomh1n from outside shoot
Well yet again a video with all info and no nonsense
Great job! Keep up with outstanding videos like this one and you'll soon have a lot more subscribers!
Thanks for the nice comment!!!
I agree with you. Yet, for a beginner like myself, i would have appreciated a video such showing how Julian did it all... words didn't help me much. Perhaps it is not for beginners. Please Julian, could you do something similar for beginners, please?
Great tip, thanx!
But I usually use it to record backup audio from the mixer with an aux cable straight to the h1n. Does this eq apply also to its line signal or only when recording with its built-in microphones? Thanx again! :)
Vielen Dank für diese tolle Zusammenfassung und für die Arbeit, die du hier reingesteckt hast. Grosses Kino.
Danke Jürgen, ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
Sound, balanced (EQ'd) advice Julian! Thank you.
I like your videos Julian. I like them a lot! I don't own a H1n, but I hear it sounds the same as the H1 and that one I own. Thank you for being so sturdy. Cheers!
Julian, was sind deinen settings für deine JK Mic-J 044?
Super! Ich habe mein Zoom h1n heute bekommen und wollte genau dies tun, eine EQ Korrektur ermitteln. Ich habe leider nicht wirklich die Geräte dafür, deshalb vielen Dank für deine Arbeit!
This dude's a genius, subbed already.
Thanks for this, I really like my h2n but wasn't pleased with the EQ. Gonna start with your EQ settings for the H1 and try to see if I can improve it.
I bought the Zoom H1n after searching a bit and watching your videos. I appreciate the work you put into it. I dare to ask you to 'show' a bit more, so that images that go with the words... as a beginner, the words don't help me much, like in this video. I got the principle, but not how to do it. I repeat, I'm a beginner and not a sound engineer ... more like an amateur learning from here and there.
Thanks for the feedback! You are right, this video is a little bit more for the advanced user. Check out my instruction video where I explain the H1n in detail: th-cam.com/video/2trnJiUFMcs/w-d-xo.html
You're a treasure, Julian, thanks!
Thanks its really helpful.....Please one more video on Zoom H2n
Many thanks for this!
What software are you using to show frequency response?
Will there be another video on H2N?
Many thanks, exactly what I was looking for! I appreciate your comments that are simple but rigourous
You are my favourite german. I love this scientific shit.
Thank you, that means a lot to me!
Loved this explanation..!👍 Really helpful..👍 keep working.
Genius! Talent, skill and effective talk. That's a GREAT tutorial...ehm..sorry... GREAT tech and scientific lesson !
Excellent and useful video! Did you measure low frequency response too? I wonder what is the usable low frequency limit...
Hey, sadly I don't have the means of measuring accurately in the low frequency area. Typically, directional microphones (pressure gradient mics) start to slowly roll off below 100 Hz, that's simply a limitation of this transducer type.
@@JulianKrause thank you for your prompt and honest reply, appreciated.
I would be interested to see what the correction for the 7K dip is for both direct and diffuse sounds as well if you get the chance. May be redundant but may be noticeable still?
Sir can you please do a frequency respond on neuman tlm 127.need your help.thanks
I just purchased the Zoom H1n and it came with Steinberg WaveLab LE 10 software download. It took almost an hour to install but the program looks quite impressive. Is that same the software you're using on your PC in this demo by any chance? Just curious 🤔
Will You do similar measurments for newly released h1essential?
Hi Julian!
Can I ask you which is the best settings for you to use H1n as "boom" microphone, for interviews?
Thank you mate
Great video as usually.
Thank you very much! You make a good cheap audio recorder even better.
hi, julian. have you tried other portable audio recorder in the same price range like sony ux570 or tascam dr05? i would like to know which one is better.
one more question, do you have any sugestion on how to setup zoom h1n for street interview or other noisy area? thanks.
Hi man, Can u please suggest a good Settings for zoom h1n for outdoor, and another settings for indoor use.. im vlogging for youtube
Hey, check out my beginner's guide for the H1n: th-cam.com/video/2trnJiUFMcs/w-d-xo.html
There I explain all the settings and tell you what to set them to.
Excellent information. You just earned a subscriber.
Thanks for this ! Loving my zoom h1n !
Thanks, Julian. Excellent discussion. I never considered correcting the EQ, but after hearing your two contrasting recordings, I can hear the affect of the correction. Do you feel that the H1n is an adequate replacement for a quality microphone?
Hey, I think the H1n is great for starting out and the mics are very usable but I still think proper external microphones can give you much higher quality audio.
Thank you Julian. This is excellent. I’m now wondering whether you have a Tascam dr05 or even a Zoom H4n to do a similar test. I will be storing this data in my audio editor!!
Sorry, I only have a Zoom H5.
@@JulianKrause Hey Julian! I have a Zoom H5, too and was wondering, if you have also measured the frequency response of the H5. I tried your correcting EQs from the video, but I'm not sure, whether Zoom actually uses the same mics and mic pre-amps for the H5 - the EQs sound nice for the H5, though. What's your opinion on that?
PS: Vielen Dank für deine ganzen tollen Videos! Du machst das wirklich super! :)
How is the frequency response of the line in/out, bypassing the mics? I measured the original H1 and was disappointed that there was a lowered bass response of a dB or 2, if I recall correctly, and this suggests it would not serve as a transparent line level audio signal recorder.
Update: B and H, a large retailer in NYC, had a good price on the H1n so I just bought one. Measuring it using the Line in and out with my MOTU 4 USB interface used as an analyzer (with RMAA, RightMark Audio Analyzer, software) it exhibits the same problem: Despite being sure the Low Cut is disengaged there is a reduced output in the low bass: -1dB at 70Hz, -2dB at 50Hz, -4.5dB at 30Hz.
Very informative and to the point video... Good work. Thanks!
Hi, thanks for new details :) if you have time can you please make a video about settings suggestions for ASMR videos? 😊
The package I bought had Kodak card and headphones with the Zoom. The Kodak card needed to be formatted every time the Zoom was switched on, which also wiped all recordings. Not convenient to back up to another drive before switching off. I bought a Scan Disc card which works fine. Apart from that, no problems with the Zoom. If you are prepared to accept that a jewel can be made from plastic, that's the H1n.
Thanx! I hope it'll aplly to my old Zoom H1. Btw, I've read somewhere that the noise floor jumps drastically when you turn the preamp above 37% (and with noticable ''click'' sound at that spot). Have You noticed something like that?
All the best!
awesome. this is a really helpful video, thank you for your generous advice.
Great explanation, Can you please tell me connect to connect ZoomH1n and Boya BY M1 mic to my smart phone so that I can record Audio and Video in together.
Thanks for the video, I ve got a H1n,. Would you tell what settings to use in band room ?
I love it! Have you done this with the included h5 stereo capsule?
I loved your sm57 to sm7b eq curve as well!
Hi. Great video :) Just wondering what gain setting you had on the device during these measurements? Thanks
I think I had it set to level 7.
@@JulianKrause Okay thanks!
Great video. I really like your scientific approach to sounds. I heard that you explained how you measured the frequency response of H1N but it was too short. Could you elaborate on the process please? Or another video?
Sure, first thing I did is I put a measurement microphone with a flat frequency response infront of a speaker. Then I ran a frequency sweep through the speaker and measured the speakers frequency response. I used the free software room eq wizard (REW) for that. Then I did equalize the frequency response of the speaker to be perfectly flat. Now I knew that at the position of the measurement microphone the frequency response is flat. After that I placed the H1n in the exact position where the mesurement mic was placed. I then measured the frequency response with the H1n. Any deviation from a flat response is now due to the H1ns frequency response. I further used a technique called gating. When you gate a measurement you only look at the impulse response for a very short time window. In this small time frame the reflections in my room have not yet had a chance to bounce back into the measured microphone. This eliminates the rooms reflections and makes it possible to get accurate response measurements even if I'm not in an anechoic chamber.
I will make a video detailed about this process, but it might take a while. Glad you enjoy my videos!
@@JulianKrause Thank you for the detailed explanation!
Great and helpful! A scientific approach :)
do you know the bass extension of the H1N? Does the H1N have a high pass filter? if so, what slope and frequency?
Excellent video. Now if you could do the same for the gopro 7, thay would be amazing. Pretty please😁
Hi Julian! Just want to ask... what do you think is the best H1n setting for a Mukbang Video? :)
Thanks for all the effort! God bless you! 🙂🙏
You ar e doing god's work.
Very useful. Thank you.
Hi, can I adjust the response within H1n or I have to adjust it in post? Thanks.
thank you
great work! loved it
Nice job bro!
How do you know you're correcting for the microphone, not for the speaker?
Amazing! Thanks a lot!!
does this only works for h1n mics? I mean if I plug in lav mic frequency response will be from lav mic not from zoom mics?
Great! Thanks
Amazing !
Hi Julian, you’re one of my go-to sources for random audio information so I’m hoping you might share some knowledge. I would love to understand your method of recording a frequency response - whether it’s a mic, EQ, recorder, etc. - to be able to visualize the spectrum. I’m assuming you use a speaker capable of recreating 20hz - 20khz and play an audio track that covers the full 20-20,000 at a constant rate of change (or play the track directly into an interface or mixer and skip the speaker aspect). What is unclear to me is the details of how you record and review the data - levels, software, etc. I don’t need to do this for my mics and equipment, but it would bring me a lot of happiness to just know that I know the information and potentially have the knowledge to make changes to improve my recordings. Would you consider sharing your secrets or pointing me in a good direction to learn more?
Hey, thanks for the nice words. I'm planning to make more videos about my measurement methods in the future. Cheers!
Awesome! Would love to learn more about it. Keep up the great work!
Hi Julian,
danke für deine fundierten, informativen Videos - Hut ab dafür!
Und weil ich von deiner Expertise überzeugt bin, möchte ich mich mit einer unbeantworteten Frage an dich wenden.
Ich möchte für Videos den Sound meines Motorrads während des Fahrens extern onboard aufnehmen. Auf TH-cam habe ich viele Leute gesehen, die das mehr oder weniger erfolgreich mit dem Zoom h1n machen. Es gibt auch einzelne Videos von Leuten, die dasselbe mit dem h2n oder auch mit größeren Rekordern tun.
Mir kommt es vor, als sei der Sound durch bspw. das h4n pro klarer, weniger übersteuert und das Mikrofon weniger windanfällig. Aber anhand von TH-cam videos, die eine Komprimierung durchlaufen und an meinen alten Pc Lautsrechern wiedergegeben werden, ist ein Vergleich natürlich schwierig.
Meine Frage ist letztendlich: welcher Rekorder ist mit seinen internen Mikros für diese Anwendung (Motorsound on board, Mikrofon windgeschützt eingepackt) geeignet?
Das h1n bietet den Vorteil, dass es sehr klein und mobil ist, aber ist es vielleicht zu empfindlich für relativ laute Pegel?
Würde ein größerer Rekorder einen erheblichen Mehrwert in der Soundqualität bringen, dann wäre mir es das Extragewicht allerdings absolut wert.
Ich hoffe du kannst mir einen Tipp geben.
Keep up the good work.
Hey, danke für den netten Kommentar! Ich muss zugeben, ich habe noch keine Motorradgeräusche mit dem H1n aufgenommen. Ich hätte aufgrund des Limiters aber eher zum H1n tendiert, da man so aktiv Übersteuerung vermeiden kann. Das Schwierigste ist es den Recorder windfest einzupacken und trotzdem noch guten Ton aufzunehmen. In der Hinsicht sollten aber H1n und H4n ziemlich gleich sein. Habe schon häufiger gesehen, dass Motorradfahrer den Recorder in den Rucksack gesteckt haben um Windgeräusche zu vermeiden.
@@JulianKrause herzlichen Dank für deine Antwort!
Wenn alle Rekorder ähnlich vom Wind Problem betroffen sind, würde das ja wiederum für den kompakteren h1n sprechen.
Und meinst du in Sachen Tonqualität hätte ein h2n oder h4n pro gegenüber dem h1n einen Vorteil?
Das ist meine letzte Frage. :)
Liebe Grüße
I would be the guy wanting to "fix" the 7k and 11k+ lol flaaaaaat as in ___ flat. no curves! lmao. but great vid. I wish it could be done on the h1n directly.
thx for the vid, nice tipps 👍🏻 i‘ll try ;) keep on
Can you do it for the Zoom H4N Pro
thank you!
The usb interface not compatible on mac?
any solution using the h1n interface on mac sierra? the menu has pc or ios , mac not supported..only the card reader mode function
Great job man!
This guy 👍
You could be FitnessFAQs brother!
Are you from Germany?
Thanks a lot, broski!
Thanks but what happens in the 50Hz bass region ?
Hey, I sadly don't have the equipment to measure this accurately, that's why I don't show frequencies below 200 Hz in the video. I expect the response to start gently rolling off below 100 Hz, that's pretty normal to for these type of mics.
Because of my disabled hands, it looks like the zoom h1 and h1n are my best choices ergonomically. How are the pre amps (ein) when plugging a lav mic into it? Are they the same audio wise and only different feature wise? If so, I'd be fine with the h1.
Hey, I haven't measured the EIN but I just made a quick test and can assure you that the H1 and the H1n have the exact same noise perfrormance.
Some reviews claim the h1n is quieter... all in the head perhaps.
Do you know the lav mic mc settings
Hey, how do you solve very audible breathing sounds when using the H1n?
Thank you in advance
Hey, I made a video about audio post processing. There I explain how I use a gate to eliminate loud breaths: th-cam.com/video/GVovXsbCjjU/w-d-xo.html
Hallo Julian, ich habe soeben ein Deity D3 Pro mic bekommen. Leider kann ich die frequency response kurve auf der herstellerseite nicht gut deuten, da sie recht flach ist. Könntest du mir einen Blick drauf werfen und sagen wie du sie im EQ für stimme korrigieren würdest? die vom rode vmp+ übersteigt 0db bei 4000Hz, die des Deity ist immer sehr sehr tief um -25db. Vielen Dank, Valentin
Hey Valentin, eine flacher Frequenzgang ist eine gute Sache, weil dann alle Frequenzen mit der gleichen Intensität vom Mikrofon wahrgenommen werden. Das führt zu einem natürlichen Klang. Genau das versuche ich auch immer mit einem EQ zu erreichen. Das Deity D3 Pro hat laut Hersteller bereits einen ordentlich flachen Frequenzgang und scheint auch ordentlich zu klingen. Ich würde beim Deity D3 Pro daher nicht versuchen noch irgendwas am Frequenzgang zu ändern. Das passt alles soweit! Übrigens nicht wundern, dass die Y-Achse beim Rode anders beschriftet ist als beim Deity. Das sind unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten die Amplitude anzugeben. Macht aber in diesem Fall keinen wirklichen Unterschied. Viel Spaß mit deinem Deity D3 Pro!
@@JulianKrause Danke, den werde ich haben! Morgen wird alles getestet -Rode gegen Deity. Dürfte ich dich noch bitten mir Tipps zu geben, wie du das Rode Videomicro EQ anpassen würdest. Hier der Link zur frequency response: www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=cdn1.rode.com/videomicro_datasheet.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjOgeaZ9KbgAhXPCewKHZi3DrUQFjAAegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw0AYXFAIIpkpVmGmC2kqZkF
unter 300hz fällt es ziemlich ab und klingt sehr flach, welche peaks würdest du noch korrigieren? 3.5kHz, 8kHz? Setting vorschläge? Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe
@@theothervalentin Ja genau, bei 3.5k und 8k könnte man die Peaks etwas herunterziehen. Bei 3.5k so -3dB und bei 8k ca. -5dB. Wenn man dem Frequenzgang vertrauen kann, wird das Mikrofon allerdings immer noch recht höhenbetont klingen. Dem kann man dann eigentlich nur noch entgegenwirken, indem man den Bassbereich etwas anhebt. Auch wenn das dann technisch zu einem linearen Frequenzgang führt, muss man beim Anheben von tiefen Frequenzen immer aufpassen. Da Wind beispielsweise sehr starke tieffrequente Signale erzeugen kann, ist es nicht immer schlau die dann noch weiter zu verstärken. Du könntest trotzdem mal einen Filter EQ bei 100 Hz setzten, ein sehr niedriges Q nehmen damit der Filter sehr breit ist und dann so ca. 3dB verstärken.
@@JulianKrause Perfekt danke für die Expertise. Werde mal testen wie weit ich da in typischen interview szenarien gehen kann bzw wie weit bei ambient sounds outdoors. (bei 100Hz) Mit niedrigem Q faktor meinst du 0.3-0.5, oder höher? Der q faktor bestimmt ja die bandbreite des angesprochenen frequenzbereichs wenn ich mich richtig erinnere. Welches Q würdest du bei 3.5k bzw 8k ca setzen?
@@theothervalentin Hey, meine EQ Settings wären: 100Hz 0,5Q +3dB; 3500Hz 2Q -3dB; 8000Hz 5Q -5dB. Ich muss auch dazusagen, dass das hier keine richtige Wissenschaft ist. Die Frequenzgänge, die von den Herstellern publiziert werden, sind häufig stark geglättet und man kann da nicht immer alles rauslesen. Besser ist es natürlich den echten Frequenzgang zu messen, aber dann wird das schnell kompliziert. Für den Anfang sollten die genannten Settings ganz ok sein und von dort aus kann man das dann noch weiter anpassen ;) Viel spaß beim Testen, kannst ja mal Bescheid geben ob die EQ Settings was bringen, würde mich interessieren!
Hi Could you please make us a tutorial when capturing voice through a Lav mic? And how to apply this profile or steps in Audition?
Interesting idea! I will make a video about it in the future!
Thank you Julian! A lot of us use lav mics for vlogs... 😊
You have been subbed!
Not all cards are compatable with the H1n
Great and very useful video. Until now, to equalize my Zoom H1, I had to use my ears mostly. The only data I could find was this: www.plazakamera.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/ZOOM-H1-dan-APH-1-g.jpg
This response is not too far off from what I measured. It looks a little bit more smoothed but other than that it is pretty close. Thanks for sharing!
Please blink more often.
H1n I bought was not compatable with the Kodak card it was sent to me with as part of a package deal. The card needed to be formatted every time the Zoom was switched on, which also wiped all recordings. Bought a Scan Disc card which works fine. Apart from that no problem with the Zoom. If you are prepared to accept that a jewel can be made from plastic, that's the H1n.