@@silverwoodmeadows9877 That could work to in truth we create our hell and haven the more u awake the more one realize that he can be in no small part writer of his own story sometime life test us not for our weaknesses but to revel to us our strengths universe will give us everything that we need and than some but first it will make us strong in the end its all neutral we give meaning to our experience
@@silverwoodmeadows9877 not everyone thats been through hell is spiritual, And not everyone thats religious is necessarily afraid of hell.. Just a thought to ponder😉
@@joshuam1376 the way i see it when folks say religion is often means structured belief with clear must do etc also most if not all are just fear based if u don't do this well hell spirituality is often just your spiritual growth in your way and knowing that u can create your hell and haven to be your experience
5. Feeling the Darkness I would sit in my closet with the door closed as a very young kid feeling the darkness. Releasing my energy (sadness/rejection) in the dark and absorbing its energy. I took comfort in it.
I literally did this all the time, too. I’d go in there when I was angry and my mum has even told me that I would talk to someone in there like I was having a real conversation.
When you stare into the darkness... The darkness stares back. It's not evil I am describing its the unknown. Once you touch it. It will touch you back.
lol that's the quote from American horror story asylum and the next season from asylum is coven which is about witches and voodoo and the best season so far
True, that's why i stopped astral traveling and premonition dreams; it's bigger than us, the place that provides the art, and if you get lost in there you may half comeback
@@neidabrazauskaite7373 can you tell me about it? Ever since I was a kid, I have been interested in witches, and how do you tell what we can do? Please reply, thanks :)
@@sadvibezz5560 l suggest you to read basic/foundation of witchcraft book like cunningham's and start practicing a lil bit like doing meditation or how to cast circle. After that you might read more books about herbs, crystals, divination, deities, wicca and bla bla bla.Sorry thats a lot 😂. l think you should start it from the thing you are attracted to most then go for the others. DONT RUSH TOO HARD! 😂 l used to be a baby witch that confused myself with tons of informations before. So good luck, and bless~be~❤️⭐
The energy of the dark and the light are both wonderful. They work together for balance. Learn both your light side and your dark side. Learning is knowing.
Wizardry is a devil inspired gift you were'nt certainly born to be a witch but there are gifts that person's are born with and the thing is to find out whether it is of the creator or of the devil(people)
I believe we are warned off the occult because the powers that be in this incarnation do not want us to realize the truth of our own power as they would rather use our power to keep us under their thumb. An evening rolling fog is my deep inspirational jam. Excellent video, thanks!
I dont believe u ! Witch craft is what u make it. People like u make it sound sneaky evil & dark. ITS NOT! Part 1 wasnt worth watching I wont b watching 2. I will give no energy.
Yeah! Like not all witches follow the devil like if you’ve seen like idk charmed it talks about good witches but besides that you can be a witch who’s good and does good for others or be good and bad like I can be good to you but once you get on my bad side your doomed but that’s doesn’t mean your evil and worship the devil
Because I am a medium and a Sensitive, I have been called a “witch” for years, since my early teens. I finally decided to study the Craft and free myself from the guilt and misogyny of Christianity. Today I am a wild, free, and powerful Crone. I am and always will be a real Witch. Blessed be all seekers!
Joanne Apple the problem is that if you ever go to a church you will feel guilt, but when you put energy into studying the Bible in a safe environment (by yourself, or with an open minded group of people) there simply is no guilt. It’s more like, you being able to reach infinity, and you feeling the universe moving, it’s crazy
I was called witch aliens Queen and snake Master...why? I have yellow green eyes and red hair.and I was different in the others eyes. Today I am called the Red witch but not in a negative way. Real witch craft comes from spirit I think. Dont use it for Bad things! Keep your thoughts pure! Only this will lead to the Light. It isnt something cool to put your Ego high this only leads to the dark. This all is real dangerous! You can put your soul in danger not ascending at all. So think twice if you really want to use these energies because there is too much we dont KNOW really we dont know anything at all all is Dogma! Proof and read learn before you teach wrong! This is a Warning not to play with energies you never can handle with a soul that is not awakened in the full way.
Just so you know not all Christian's are like I am Catholic and I say do what ever makes you happy also how does it feel to be a witch how does it feel to do stuff most people consider taboo I've always have had a facination in witch craft and sorcery but never dabled in it also are you a white witch or a dark witch it doesn't matter to me I'm just curious
darkness is NOT the witchcraft, this is very inacurate statement from the host of this video. magik is universal it is the intent of the individual that can be dark. if darkness is calling you it isnt a rebirth of a new beginning its the coming of evil intention. , dolearn witch craft i mean the real witchcraft but dont confuse yourself with welcoming any darkness because magik isnt about darkness .
Yeah there may be a good reason for that,like protection for the willful blind.on the other the spirit of God and all that goes with it has its very own book for all to see.not hidden,no dangers in knowing the word of God!!!praying for you and wish you well...child of God.
You can't have light without darkness because they both exist together. Just like you can't have up without down. I don't care how far up you go down is right there next to it. The second principle in the Hermetics is the Principle of Correspondence: As above so below, as below so above, As within so without, as without so within. The fourth Principle of Polarity: Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.
Without both Polarities accrpted as being necessary to one another. Balance is unattainable. Without the Balance and the Dance between them the important end result of them, syntisis,cannot manifest. The two states will foever be in ungovernable battle, one seeking to overthrow the other. They unsblr to conceive, should one side 'win" it also ceases to exist...
Dude you just solved Yin&Yang, but so true my mother is phycic and my father is very spiritual and I am wanting to be a witch, my family are a long generation of magic and witches, so yea theres a fact about me.
Might not be my thing (Christian) but I find things like this fascinating. I always love studying mythology from all religions. My favorite studies in school were ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Especially religion wise. I like hearing all point of views and finding common ground as well as deeper meanings behind it all. When I research things, I get lost in it lol. I'm laser focused. I like to challenge myself. I research everything I can, because of mere curiosity. The 'what ifs.' That's just human nature though. Endless questions that remain unanswered. If I don't get enough mental stimulation through experience or conversation, I get bored. That's why even as a kid (as young as four) I always gravitated towards adults, because I got bored talking to people my own age. I had no interest in what they had to say, lol. I've also been more of the quiet type; I like to observe rather than communicate when I'm out and about. To study human interactions, body language, and emotions. I've also been more of a night person. The night always seemed more magical to me than the day. Day time is too bright, noisy, and chaotic. Night is calm and tranquil. Nighttime walks are the best! xD
Theory: the dream world is actually the astral plane and anyone you know in your dream is also thinking about you and you're just telepathically communicating with them. 🤷♀️
I do this all the time! I constantly dream of the living and the dead...i talk to dead friends and relatives just like I talk to a person in waking life
Morgan This is so true. A couple weeks ago, I dreamt of a friend that left the country (to Canada) and we lost touch. In the dream, the environment that surrounded us was completely white. But I saw her, we ran to each other and hugged, I then woke up. A few days later, my mother told me she had a voicemail from said friend! So when I was able to contact her she had sad news. A friend of ours had been battling metastatic breast cancer and is now in hospice with only weeks...if only days. If people would care to pray for Erin, that would be appreciated. Much love to all
No it's not. Prayer is communicating with God. Try it. God doesn't cast spells. He doesn't need to because love and power flow out of Him - it's who He is. "Power belongs to God" Psalm 62:11 - This may be new to you but if you do pray, try asking the Holy Spirit for the gift of praying in tongues. God will give you a language to pray in and He prays through you to fulfill your destiny. Witchcraft is not your destiny, so give it a try! Ask Jesus into your life and ask Him for the gift of praying in tongues. You'll see things happen that no magic can do.
@Lille_M agreed all Jesus god stuff leave it out of other peoples lives that dont want anything to do with it the more you try to force the more resistance you will get
This topic is hard for me. I have been rejecting it for decades for some reason. Maybe I'm scared or not wanting to accept it but it's been calling me since I was very young. I don't want to lose my path. I'm comfortable where I am or so I think I am. I'm unsure of what will happen if I accept it. I was raised Christian but something is calling to me and it seems to get louder as I get older. And I'm not sure what to do.
the real reason you have rejecting it is because of your christian beliefs.....not to be mean but it is because it has been driven into you that this is evil and not to part take of it because the bible says so......you have a sense of longing but do not really want to admit to yourself that the possibility of being a witch........you are a god fearing person and think that if you were a witch that you would be shun by your family friends and church......you might want to look into paganism as long ago this was part of the religious culture in the early 1400s.........
You’ve touched on everything I’ve been feeling for a while. The problem is I don’t know where to begin learning, who do I learn from? Who is legit and who is bs? I find myself not knowing where to begin
@@MissIndicaa_ the best thing to do, is research upon the history of witchcraft. As soon, as you find that, take the next step and start to research what ever you feel is comfy to you. Animals, spells, moon phases (must have) etc. Or do it vise versa!!!
Me too I'm just trying to figure myself out and stop being scared of my own self. So many things that happen that I just don't understand. Pipes bursting, lights going crazy, can't wear watches bc time stops, intuitive empath ect. 😭
Learn about the group of Angels call The Watchers,and how they teach mankind. Look up work on King Solomon. Like his testament,greater,and lesser keys of Solomon. It's a lot of books on the occult you can find on Amazon. It will cost money,and it's a investment. Once you open one door. It will open anymore. That's my advice.
Also another thing I want to add. Is like this guy was saying. Learn Martial Arts. It helps you become one with yourself,and body. It helps you focus. Teaching you learn in martial arts. Can help with everyday life. I'm not a buddhist,but learn some of budda teaching. He was a wise man,and understood more about the world around him then anyone. Even tho he would not agree with the occult,but his way of meditating,and understanding the world around you. Will help you focus,and become one with yourself,and the world around you.
YES, I definitely checked all these marks. Something I’ve noticed is that my awareness and my connection with everything around me becomes enhanced during the twilight or dusk hours. There is definitely something calling me. I feel like I’m being pulled into so many different directions spiritually. Loved this thanks!
Everything is a dangerous prison if you are not aware. We have the word of God made by humans but they still did some mistakes . God is an entity beyond our imaginations, he represents light , he made humans by his image , as above so below , Christ questioning 'don't you know that you are Gods?' All this written in Bible but Christians preach different things . Christianity and every other monotheistic religion are misleading humans and don't guide them as they say ,people like to control everything and put others in prison because they can't escape their. If you believe in a God have trust and searce Him alone ,choose your own path , everyone has a different way
But did you actually get rid of your fear? There is no fear in love. What is love? Laying down your life for your friend. Christians are sinners like the rest, but Christ himself was not. He laid down his life for you. There is no fear with Jesus. With Christianity and Christians? Yes, maybe, because Christians are people and people have fear in their lives and react and hurt others based on that fear. But Jesus - God Himself - does not hurt because He is perfect love. So run to the Being who is love, not to the people themselves, even if they claim to represent Him. Sometimes people do a lousy job at things (including representing) and it's why we all need a savior. The truth is still the truth though - God is love and laid down His life to cover your sins. You get eternal life if you believe in Jesus. Witchcraft is still a sin (1 Samuel 15:23).
I've always been drawn to Sigils, the Zodiac, manifestation and trying to find the cause for repeated political patterns throughout political history, trying to figure out how all of this comes together. My family, although toxic, has never had a problem with the occult. However, I've felt a deep need to explore it on a deeply structural level. The only problem is that I don't know where to start.
Well, I can provide some information to possibly help. Sigils and Runic magic go hand in hand - it is the path or the preferred celtic style of those that are more "drudic" in nature and persona. Manifestation... Manifestation is in all magic and is all magic. It is all part of the same puzzle, just a different piece. There are so many different paths to choose when deciding if trying to manifest is something you want to move forward with - just always remember that whatever you put in, you get back and whatever you put out, gets in. People cannot be taught how to manifest, it's a personal and draining process to achieve (which is why most people don't do it or give up trying, but I can say that it's very real and yes, you can manifest. As for the political topic... That's more of a "unified field theory of consciousness"problem. When the human race as a whole uses this unified field to create chaos, then chaos ensues - if used to create love, it creates love - if used to create fear, it creates fear. Once you're attuned to the right "radio station" (as I like to say) then you can personally break away from the unified field so it doesn't bog you down with sadness, envy, greed and basically all the other things that accidentally manifest adverse reactions or situations for a person. All energy/energies are relatable in some way, shape or form, irregardless of the nature of the energy itself. Hope some of that helped!
Start with one aspect; Tarot, astrology, numerology, etc. And start learning about it and understand that you will go on to other aspects or topics. My way was astrology, tarot, and am now looking at scrying. Blessings to You!
I must say I have to agree with you. I even tried convincing my oldest sister to become a witch like me but I'm the only one in my family who has been drawn to the metaphysical and esoteric ideas. My family has always shawned me for being extremely different from their restricting beliefs and views. I feel truly honored to have a curiosity for such topics and teachings. I don't believe in the devil and things of that nature like the church wants everyone to believe. I am glad that this mystical teachings exist and I feel blessed to have experiences that were all very profound. I have a respect for witches and like minded individuals. I agree that I would rather be called a witch than a warlock. I feel more connected to the idea of being a witch even though they are same or similar concepts. This is a great video. Thank you for creating this video.
“They dangers of witchcraft” *Me* “So I’m dangerous huh” *threatens to curse everyone* Y’all relax it’s a “threat” I have no gut nor intention to cause innocent people pain plus if soemone did cause me pain I’d just set a little annoying curse Also about the Wiccan rules I’m not Wiccan I’m a Christian who does the practice of witchcraft or a Christian witch I follow no rules when it comes to witchcraft I do whatever I feel like I use all types of Magick and don’t stick to a particular type of Magick nor belief my parents force me to be Christian but I don’t believe in the whole thing I practice whatever Magick I want and I have my own beliefs
Do as you will but no harm comith to anyone but yourself. What thy put out comith back 3 fold mote so it be. Those are the rules of the universe emilia lipska it does good to rember that.
@@linwong1494 still, I think witchcraft should be used for good regardless. Curses are serious and I don't agree with them. But I can understand in some situations. Just don't let the spite or whatever drives you to curse someone take over. Nothing good can happen.
Same, I found my powers out by trying different thing and now I know I have pain healing hands I can heal pain from a bruise, a cut or anything that hurts I can also tell the future and the past by working with spirits
be careful, some people will say that in an attempt to manipulate your craft. be solitary for a few years, and NEVER say you are new to it or know nothing. especially if you are a woman in a conservative area.
omg i want to know if im a witch or how strong i am. like you i want somebody to tell me :,(. and what did u do? how you learned? teach me your ways pls
@@Bunni6006 start googling different things, names of gods and so on. ancient and pagan holidays are a good start there. in each of the wikis sometimes you will see old traditions that are related to the subject. buying a book on the culture you want to learn from is good too. tons of witch books in your library to boot as well!
I've always had an interest in the supernatural paranormal and occult Family said I couldn't learn about the occult or witchcraft I just laughed because I have the internet and the library 😂
I'm into the occult and "the Sith" (if you will) in order to gain control over my life and regulate my constant negative emotions. The thing is, my negative emotions have progressively gotten worse this past three years... some call it shadow work, but I cannot call it anything better than endless, crushing misery. I hate myself, I hate people, I hate any given person I'm talking to, I hate my country, I hate God, I hate the things I like, I even hate feeling good because the fall will undoubtedly be far worse than the constant torment I face on a moment-to-moment basis. Now, I rarely do drugs because I know they aren't good for me, but they are literally the only relief I get from these inner wounds that just keep opening up every time I look within. That being said, you nailed it in this video. Just about everything here is something I resonate with. I'm just sick and fucking tired of my neurodivergence and mental illness, grasping at straws to cure it any way I can, and bitterly envious of mentally and neurologically healthy people.
@@ahdhwjdue8362 Ah, of course! Marbas! I have his sigil on my coffee table. There is also Buer who can help with addictions and healing through changing thoughts over time. Do they get along?
@@Magician12345 you have to look deeper into the quote, "darkness is light turned inside out" its saying that anything can be evil and dark but it depends on how you look at it, and light can be darkness when viewed from another perspective. It all depends on how you look at it... 😉😉😁😁🙃
When I was 18 I had my 1st sleep paralysis, weeks after i started having strange dreams that got even stranger as they started becoming reality. the curiosity has always been there
@Heruka 666 I don’t recall experiencing anything as a child, but perhaps those memories are repressed. For me the sleep paralysis happened after I turned 18. From there the strange feelings and dreams progressed. I can tell you that my upbringing was one that didn’t deny the supernatural, but we weren’t ever to mess with it. I grew up in a small village on a small island in the West Indies. Everyone was technically Christian, but almost everyone believes to some extent that “ghosts” … etc were real. I can remember my grandmother would tell me stories as a child and teenager that I believed were just crazy. She was telling me things like how to stop a skin-walker from returning to their human skin. Or telling me stories with warnings of what not to do or what to do. I must say I didn’t believe her and assumed that this craziness was exclusive to the islanders, but the more I travel the more I hear similar stories. She also told me once that my mother was born with a veil/caul which allowed her to see things that we couldn’t see, of course, my mother never admits to it, but I have to admit its rather strange. I never know who to really tell about any of this as I am in a professional career now and studying psychology. Of course, some people humor me with their personal stories, but I never do say what I personally feel or believe. It's funny how I found this video, the day I saw this video at work I saw a movie popped up called Season of the Witch, then there were 2 other instances where the word Witch appeared to me on that day. Then I ended the evening with seeing this video pop up on my feed. Now is that coincidence or something else. I can go on with many strange personal tales, but i think that is enough for now. Thanks for reading my post.
I've always been fascinated with the occult even as a child. I later studied martial arts, experienced chi energy. Later trained in Reiki and meditation and the occult in general. It is a calling, though not for all.
Although in my culture we wouldn’t label ourselves as witches or anything - it’s normal. To me reiki is no different to riding a bike, it is part of natural life
Moomo Derp because the devil is trying to lure you in. Or destiny and the forces of the universe are trying to show you the correct path for you. Or it's just a random recommendation. Who knows.
I cant wait for your part 2. I've was born in the Catholic religion and have had been fascinated in the book of revelations, angels, demons, miracles, life , death and so on. Ive been studying astrology along with other esoteric and ancient systems of knowledge. I found your channel and found this video is so accurate about finding the occult as my passion. What by chance is you Sun, Moon and Rising? Thank you so much for your video.
It’s funny when I go back and I about my childhood when my father would jokingly call me a “Viking.” I would think nothing of it until later in my middle school years where something told me to do some research on Vikings; and surely enough it started off just as curiosity, and eventually that same curiosity would just kept on growing and growing until it ended up with worshiping the Norse gods.
It started with me looking up Vikings as well. I’m sure it has nothing to do with ancestors, I’m Black, but I was obsessed so I just took it and ran with it. I haven’t looked back since then.
Demetrius Pfeifer I’ve always had a fascination with Greece & Egyptology, now those are the two pantheons I mainly use. This fascination dates back to grade school
When I was 3 or 4 I remember my favorite shows were "I Dream of Jeanie" and "Bewitched". My very religious mother once made a joking remark stating that I would grow up to be a, "Belly dancing Witch." LOL!! Ya know, she eats those words now because she is right!
This is because everyone is practically a "witch" we are all one eternal consciousness and we only need to imagine, feel and believe in something becoming true in order to manifest literally anything.
Hello from Ireland 🇮🇪☘️ I don't know why I'm here. I wanted to hear what the dude had to say for himself. It was in my recommendations. I'm non religious Irish. I'm not sure though Angela. I would be weary of inviting something into your life ya didn't mean to. Especially if you don't understand it all.....
I'm Native and our people were spiritual before being indoctrinated into European culture and religion. Religion means bondage in Greek and I've went back to my roots and I'm so at peace!
I feel like you're going to help out a lot of people, my friend. please continue your work, really looking forward to learning more through your videos.
Mke Flynn Repent of your wicked ways and LIVE. God can, is willing, and is able to covert you. Jesus Christ loves you so much. He wishes for you to repent and come unto him. He wants to save you. You have your freewill of course. Continue in your wicked ways and you will enter into everlasting torment
@@colonellandon8536 nice, but typical. You don't even have a historical Jesus that was the supposed Redeemer, When Christians are over all hypocrites, who wantts to spend an eternity having to put up with the likes of you, I'd rather burn....
I'm a Christian I aways been into the paranormal world and the dark side I will never mess with an Luigi board that can bring out demons. I do love going ghost hunting.
I mean no disrespect but I would have to disagree. There was once a time many hundreds of years ago where I would agree. Witchcraft many hundreds of years ago was considered magic of the under-educated. It was often found in poor areas. While what we now call occultist, was more about studying the grimoire traditions. Many men who are wealthy enough to go to university we're able to study these tomes. They also have more connections to perform their ceremonial rites. Which for a long period Of time had to be performed on Holy Ground of the church, this is very common during The Shakespearean times. However nowadays even people who are not so well-off are practicing witchcraft. Holding the philosophical worldview of animism, and venerating their ancestors and their Mighty dead etc. All the while they're studying the grimoires and reading scholarly texts and articles. With the birth of the internet the occult Isn't So hidden anymore. So there was once a time where there was somewhat of a difference. But not today.
By definition Witchcraft can be called Occult knowledge. I believe the distinction you were looking for has to do with Occult meaning any of the thurmagic or hermetic bramches of the Art, as opposed to most Witchcraft that arises from more pragmanric and folk branches of it..
The "feeling the darkness" aspect does pertain to me!!! I never knew someone else felt it before! I've felt it my whole life, although I wouldn't call it "light or dark." I have befriended it since early childhood and always felt it knew me more than I even knew myself and felt its love around me. I was raised Christian and always thought of this presence as God. The way I knew it wasn't God was because whenever I prayed to God, he never answered and this being was a different vibe. I can't explain it very well.....but when I left the church, I didnt feel like I lost it. I still feel it with me.
Your voice and calm, deliberate articulation along with the background music is hypnotically soothing and makes the information you present feel effortlessly absorbed as if by osmosis. I love it. Also wanted to say I really appreciate this as someone who also grew up in the church. This is only the second video of yours I've seen (the first one being the 9 tips for people starting out with witchcraft) and I can't wait to explore your channel and see what other content you've got.
Number 7 ive been obsessed with lately an feel like no one is on my level to the point i have stopped talking to people cause i feel like no one has a clue about life. I am becoming more of a introvert no one seems to be on my level.
I’ve always been an introvert and disliked by some for that - that’s why I can’t stand religion, way too focused on Group think and superficial extroverted ways (though often I do like socialising with people, but I don’t like that energy)
I feel & have done the exact same thing! Im so happy to know im not going through this process alone 💞😊 I've been hiding away for all my life, always had ppl around me that made me feel even more lonely, so I decided to leave everyone & burn my bridges, not going back to pretending their reality is enough for me, it's not, Im just dying everyday, and the longer I have stayed in that reality, the more I lose touch with myself and become what I swore not to become; a pawn & play by their rules of fear, control & controlled & conformed. As long as we are ourselves, we will attract our own kind. If we pretend to be like them, we attract ppl like them, so keep on being who you are because your vibe attracts your tribe!! 🍀♥😊
Rob Kandell, many may start out on the path of Wicca but find themselves branching out to other paths. If you feel towards the Druid path, you may want to read more (if you haven't already). A really good aurthor who has (sadly) passed into the Summerlands, is Issac Bonewits. Emma Restall Orr is a Driad (Female Druid) Priestess and has a wonderful book called, "Living Druid". You might find that you will decimate many boxes along your journey to your true Self, it's okay, many of us have...it's a good sign that you are in constant eveloution and on the right path! I myself have been on this journey since I was 17 and am now proud of my 49 years on this planet! Bon voyage and may the Gods and Fates always find favor with you.
I now say that" God" gave us everything we need, for everything. No need for pharmaceuticals. I love this video. And i hate small talk. We have A Lot in common.
As I have often told my husband-j "At least I'm a GOOD witch," and "I promise to use my powers only for good." He's become accustomed to the all-too-frequent coincedences in our life, to the point where we'll spontaniously say, together, "There are no coincedents!" There are things in this life that can not be explained by Christianity or science, and some people fear those things for that very reason. Me- no fear (not anymore, anyway)- I want to KNOW!
Omg I feel this!! Entirely, especially the day to day conversation. When someone agrees with you but your thoughts are just so much more deep. New Sub here!
Now what? Repent. 1 Samuel 15:23 - witchcraft is a sin. Jesus came to give you eternal life, just ask for forgiveness of your sins and for Him to be the Lord of your life. He's Lord anyway, and everyone will see when they die. You want to see and be on the right side - in heaven!
@@eatlikeananimal dude, just stop. Ur going around trying to force your religion onto everyone. If a person wants to practice witchcraft, or the occult, let them. And before you go around saying witchcraft and stuff is evil and sinful, please do your research. And if you dislike witchcraft so much, why are you on these videos? It really doesn’t make any sense.
I grew up in a very religious family. My father is a pastor and my mother is just as devoted. I’ve been interested in witchcraft and Wicca from a very young age and have researched it extensively. My parents don’t approve of my interests but they don’t know that I am an active practitioner of magick. Now that I live on my own I’ve been able to spend more time researching things like this. I personally don’t usually touch “dark” magick but I believe that it has a place. I don’t think it’s evil but it can be a dangerous path if not treaded carefully and with respect. Blessed be, my brothers and sister
I always have such a nostalgic feeling when I watch videos on wicca and witchcraft. I've been studying both for about a year now just trying to learn more, I feel so drawn to start practicing now. I must say I enjoyed this video more than any other one I've watched, informative but not so complex.
Obsessed with this video...the feeling it gives me is insane. I was raised in Christianity and ironically it was a Christian teen novel that brought Wicca to my attention. I remember being so fascinated with the concept of crystal energy and tarot and ritual candles and herbs. But I never pursued it because I was very much brainwashed to live fearfully and to keep myself in line. Once my husband entered my life my world was turned upside down (thank god) and my ideas and beliefs were challenged, despite us both being brought up in Christian homes. In 2015 I had a dream that changed me forever. It was almost like an "activation" or wake up call and from that point on I cant stop researching and have become an intense book worm and recently I have officially felt the call to witchcraft. Its just me and always has been but I am finally in an environment where I can be safe to explore. This video says it all and only confirms my feelings about my truest self. 💙💙💙💙💙💙
I am a dragon mage and I started out practicing the arts then evolved into what I am today. I am proud of my path and try to re-educate those who try to say I sold my soul to the devil. More power to you.
Those are all things i feel and felt, the cool or strange thing about all of this is that i am a straight male and atheists, even though, i have those feelings and great respect and admiration for witchcraft, i do not practice, i do not even know where to start, but it is calling me
This was so satisfying. I use to walk in the winter nights from one side of the city to the next. I too was reared in the church, but have moved on from that way of thinking and yet, I do not judge others for what they believe. I also get irritated of the saying “ love and light” but I am working on releasing this annoyance because everyone is on different frequencies. I started studying Demonolatry, Luciferianism, and Satanism, last year; but I realize, I do not like to be put into a box, I am an eternal InnerG!😆 I am grateful for the occult teachings I have come across and that learning is an eternal endeavor for me because I have learned so much about myself by delving into the sanctity of Darkness, and this is where I find the light of who I truly am! I am both Darkness and Light! Thank you, this was true Soul Food 👌🏾Love ❤️ Sekhmet SapphyreSun❤️😻🙏🏾
I was like you. I grew up in a deeply religious family of Jehovah's witnesses. But where I differed was I would have dreams that would come true and see n hear spirit and was shamed for it as "gifts are of the devil". So it wasnt until my early teens I started searching out answers from the paranormal and the occult but at the same time scared cause of my upbringing until my 20s. Then I started really researching the paranormal, not so much the occult until I hit 40 when so many things clicked all at once and I dove head first into the occult, witchcraft, spirituality and a few others. Now I sit back and think how much further I could be if I would had embraced shit instead of fearing it. Love your videos btw!!! Keep it up!!!
Rayford Presley I hear you. I was one as well. but once you realise spirituality is older than.any established institute or religion. And come to understand and embrace what we we're taught to fear. Then you can walk easily and have a much more broader understanding of life, spirituality and not have the arrogance but compassion towards others. Unfortunately, most religious groups in connection with christianity, not all but most will judge others and paint everyone with the same brush. As you and I well know being witnesses at one point.or another in life , they'll condemn everyone regardless of spiritual background and say oh ! we're the only ones who have the truth ! lol !!!! its funny but even shamans and magicians know Yhvh/ Yahweh/Jehovah. And have a very high respect for the deity behind that name. God is not fixed to any particular religion but is universally understood in different contexts, and cultures. spirituality is a personal journey, not so much that of a group. It helps through, but not necessarily. And relationship with the divine is always one on one through various means. but nice to come across someone of a similar background. cheers !!
@@peterkos1034 Jehovah is a god not a GOD ask him if you know how ." I AM " is the GOD. Sophia is the holy sprit in the bible , she is a goddess , she seems very loving and is easy to talk too . The Bible has been corrupted and can`t be trusted for the truth , Sophia told me their are codes the Bible a lot of them are wrong to , but she said the codes are in the codes , their right but our computers need to be better to find them , that was back in 1986 and computers are getting better all the time , so its only a matter of time before the codes are cracked . Jehovah I found very hard to get a long with he seems to think its alright to tell people lies that are in the bible , I don't and wont he wasn't happy about it , Jehovah wont be going on judgement day , but Sophia will be going , what`s that say . Ask more questions when praying .
Me toooo because 1) cultural appropriation and 2) people make it out to be this airy fairy love and light thing but no. Its not the light its the GOD. It is acknowledging that WE ARE ALL divine and that the god in me sees the god in you. It is about respect: for yourself and others. Stupid cringily-christian westerners with their guilt and sin complexes didn't like the idea of humans also being god so it became "the light in me..." etc.
Repent unto the Lord and turn from your wicked ways and live. Keep in your wicked ways, and you will depart from the living God and enter into everlasting destruction
Marsella D. Fyngold the Bible says “ye are gods” we are the children of the most high God. We inherent Jesus Christ’s inheritance. Repent and turn unto God. Continue in your wicked ways, and you will enter into everlasting destruction
I ALWAYS pick up books about magic when I go to the library. It's like I can't help but keep reading books that contain magic. As for being called by the dark, it is learning to sit down with my darkness has taught me so much and helped me grow a lot. I feel like the very act of accepting the presence of darkness in the universe and as part of ourselves, is a magical thing. It transforms you and how you interact with the world. Love your video!
This video was really cool, and spot on. Had a past life regression, not the first life time I am a witch, i've been a witch for a few lifetimes. Thank you for the video xx
since you've done past life regression and all, is witchcraft really a bad thing? are you really punished for it? just wanna know. ik witchcraft isn't bad but i wanna know the existence of heaven and hell and if witches really go to hell or not
@@jaayghose3817 Think of it this way..... Jesus was killed for performing miracles by the Jews.... point I am trying to make, the world does not like the idea of people having power, ironic thing is we all have the same amount of power, Witch or No witch, "Society" will not accept you if you do conform to their standards. The only backlash I got from my past life was me not accepting who I truly am :-) Karma is real and with power comes responsibility... what you send out, comes back i.e. send out good and good comes back, send out bad, bad will come back, our punishment is designed by our actions and so is our glory...
I’m a grey witch. I’ve never felt comfortable saying ‘Love and Light ‘ or ‘Namaste’. Even ‘Blessed Be’ doesn’t resonate with me. After spells I say So Mote It Be.
coffee4dayz19 K The etymology of the word 'bless' is 'blood'. It is always good to find out the etymology of words. I now no longer say "blessed be your name", but instead I say "loved be your name". Amen = Amun (an ancient Egyptian god). Lord also means something more 'dark' than we are led to believe, but I can't remember what. Languages have been evolved to covertly carry the dark occult. Can you have light without dark? Of course. Light doesn't need dark. It is a lie that it does. It is dark that needs light to create the shadows of darkness. Light can definitely exist without darkness - and day without night as it does in the Arctic for several months a year.
@@angebrowne1730 The Hebrew etymology of "bless" is "ba-ruch ... in relation to God, you’re actually saying “I’m kneeling before You, Lord.” The Hebrew meaning of the common word “bless” or “blessed” when speaking to God is then a constant reminder of humility-both to ourselves and to Him-of where exactly we are positioned when talking to Him." "Amen" is "truth/so let it be". You must be careful what you share so it is truthful and fits the context, and in this case, Hebrew would be a better choice than Egyptian. "Lord" generally refers to Jesus Christ and is not sinister in any usage, although one could infer that secular usage people who were lords/Lords by title were often not nice people. I like that you brought the meaning of words into this discussion.
zuzu's petals If you type into google "etymology of bless", blood (e.g. consecration with) is the first thing that shows. In reading ancient history, it is often mentioned that amen comes from amun. Lord was used long prior to Hebrew, and long long before 'Jesus', 'Yoshua', 'Yashua', 'Yeshua' the essene was teaching people how to raise the chrism to reconnect with Our Good Spirit Father, what type of earth to wet to make a paste to remove cataracts, which nerve pressure points to touch to heal what could be healed that way, that we should share and care, not be cruel, etc. If he were here today, the 'elite' would still have him murdered if he cost them too much profit from pharma. However, I agree that when it comes to etymology it isn't often cut and dry. Languages change, and there aren't always accurate translations between modern languages, far less between the ancient and modern languages. Particularly ancient written languages that lacked vowel signs necessitating an amount of educated guesswork by experienced academics - some of whom spent decades translating from ancient to modern. So the best most of us can do as laypeople is to rely on what they tell us - and they don't all agree. I would hope that when sharing on a public platform a lot of people would realise that at least to an extent, and do a little research of their own as far as they are able. This isn't to argue with you. It is to explain more widely and is written with agape (one of the forty ancient Greek words for different types of love).
I came across this at random and after watching this guy doing the " embrace the darkness within " spiel I have to say as a earth angel, " This guy's thinking is really disturbing and is on his way to being a black magic witch. Every white witch I've ever met says to do the opposite of embracing the darkness but the rule of light is first do no harm. You can see the dark but be not of it!"
We are all in the dark until we find the light. Some are comforted by the darkness while others feel safe in the light. Maybe he hasn't truly choosen his path.
I was meant to see this video. You have explained certain concepts so simply, in a way that I have been unable to. I do not do this often, but I am subscribing to your channel. Thank you!
So true and I just learned I was a Scorpio rising knew I never felt like a cancer. Learning all this life is so much different to me. I have learned so much in these two past months. Life is so deep and everything make sense now.
Virgo sun sign, but always drawn to Scorpio energy. Gave myself a scorpion tattoo as well, then found out I'm Scorpio rising. So yeah, totally get what you mean. The rising sign seems more meaningful.
I appreciate this video, I was always drawn to the dark nature of Magick, it is pleasurable in an energetic way, and feels like home, Astaroth have told me that I shouldn’t be ashamed of who I am.
Darkness has always called to me I would wander at night and feel drawn to dark woods am drawn to the femme fatal and scarlet woman love the dark goddess love lilith I feel best when its overcast and storming and at night I am a witch
"Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.” You're choosing to do these things and you know it's not a good path. Choose life (Dueteronomy 19:30). Ask Jesus into your life and you'll start wanting to be in the light and be around people and be more loving. It's not natural to wander around at night. My cousin worshiped satan and satan took his life in his 20s. Be smarter than that - don't walk around at night.
@@eatlikeananimal i don't want too bow down, too a god that knew the future, and allowed the evil things too happen if it's true, and I don't need a book, too rule over my life, no thanks.
“I don’t know why, but the term ““Witch”” just seems like a really bad ass title for men as well.” Because we are bad asses. All our brothers and sisters of the Craft. Hands down.
Willow Moon Wolf Well that depends on the person who practices. Just like Witches, Warlocks can be the light too. It all depends on the person not the name itself.
Who gets stupidity? "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding.” Job 28:28. Get some smarter friends, dude
That feeling in the darkness is so hard to explain. I wake up at 2:15am every day, I don’t have to be up till 2:50am. But when I sit and drink my coffee in the dark at 2:30 in the morning, every single day, I feel like I’m sitting with family, completely comfortable and at ease, once the sun is up I start stressing.
Growing up I was always more afraid of the dark than anyone I knew. As I got older I took the time to understand the world the way it was and wiping out other peoples perception. Now here I am, paying attention to what it is I'm afraid of and realizing its important to embrace the darkness. Its how we grow and learn. Side note, I am a scorpio and I'm not sure if astrology and the occult go hand in hand.
I've been drawn to witchcraft and just everything beyond since I was child even now iny teen years I find it all so fascinating but I'm personally really scared to dive into it because what if I do something wrong? Anger a spiritual being? And just a lot of other things.
Very wise my friend.stay sweet and trust your highest self. Remember always..you are a very special spiritual being living a temporary human experience...create beautiful meanings in your journey..wonderful monents with friends and family..and give all the love in your heart to others and you will light the world ..and then you have made magic . Sweet journey honey.
Once i was able to light a bulb by just focusing on it strongly i got scared and never tried it again until one night the urge to try it came up and i.tried it again and it worked and i lovee darkness i love twilight i love full moon and always feel an intense urge to go out roaming at night but since i cant i end up researching everything occult could i really be connected somehow??
Actually the term “Witch” meant someone who used magic to harm others. In the 1600s the proper term for one who heals instead of harm is a Village Wise Woman or Cunning man! 🤨💯👁🗝🧩
Angie Gomez That term is also related to Pharmica which is Greek and in translation in ancient texts is used saying “By they’re drug they are deceived” , as well there is a college lecture by the university of Harvard on TH-cam that explains why and how that term is not in use as a positive meaning what’s so ever. I used to think the same thing until I became of “The Knowing”. Sad really.
Yeah because witchcraft is harmful. Don't try to spin it any other way no matter what you call it, "shaman," "wise woman," etc. Witchcraft is sin (1 Samuel 15:23)
@JOHN FAIRCLOTH Actually this “the craft” that you speak of is actually Egyptian/Sumerian & I happen to know the one who CREATED IT! So you can go along in your happy world of “What you think you know” and I’ll be over here bathing in the truth 🥳👌🏼 Ignorance is the real plague here 🤦♀️
This video was really powerful for me. I've recently began my witch journey, and I don't identity with all the points you've made. But looking back now I do realize that witchcraft and magic have always been a huge part of my life, often as a form of escape. Rain, cloudy days, and darkness have also definitely called to me, as they feel more welcoming that bright, sunny days.
I have been on my journey as a Witch for a little over 30yrs now. I still learn things about the Craft on a daily basis. I have no social life with the exception of once a month Pagan "meet up" at any number of local restraints and online chat forums. I am a solitary witch , single , and live alone just me and my "Boogieman"(a very spoiled cat). My fascination with working with energy began from attending very large concerts and feeling the energies raised during a show. That's when I began my studies in Western Mystery Tradition Magicks. Was already a musician(piano , guitar , clarinet and singing). So from there it was only logical to try to contain , focus/charge , release the energies raised during a show. My original Coven used to call me their "Bardic Priest" because of how important music has always been in my life. Still is since now I am a Stagehand at 9 different venues that can pack in depending on where an audience of 3k-19.5k people in attendance. I find the smaller the show the easier it is to contain and control the chaos of a show. Last show I did that at was a legendary place in the annals of both Country & Rock music. I was doing the Stagehand thing there I walked a circle around the entire bldg 5 times to "set up" then as I am building stages , rigging audio , rigging lighting , connecting video , and setting up the Soundboard at each phase of the set up I was visualizing and saying silent prayers/blessings over each piece of equipment I touched that day. Once everything was finished I went outside to smoke a cig and I Circled the bldg another 5 times. Well that night the Air was so charged that even lead singer for The Cult commented about the "crowd" in the audience that night. All the while my wishes and blessings were secretly for a great show , raise a lot of money(the show was a fundraiser) , everyone remain safe and to get out of the bldg before 5am. It worked , not a single injury , over $20k raised in donations , everyone had a blast including the band and I was in my apartment with my cat in my lap by 2am that night. Everything in Magick is a series of baby steps and do them all for each "project" you working on and everything comes together with a success outcome
@@Murdavic You're allowed to have your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. This is what I believe, what kind of practioner would I be if it didn't stick with it.
Brother, I'm sure tou have heard many Neopagans feel that if we're Witches in past life, it calls to us in this one....that the Gods call us back, and always will,..
Everything makes so much sense now !!!! I have always felt different from everybody else. Everything you talked about in the video resonated with me. Thank you so much.
Like you, I was growing up reading bible because my Father always let me read it and I go to church regularly But as I grow up I feel that I’m little different ,I become fascinated with different unknown things . I’m curious about life after death ,soulmates ,tarot ,intuition and many more. I want to practice witchcraft but I don’t have the guts to do that that’s why I repressed the energies I everyday feel . I feel so scared to touch anything or anything to do with witchcraft because once I do that I know I will never stop. I’m very contented now using tarot and intuition and reading energies around me . I also never throw my Christianity and I still believe in God Jesus Christ .
One of my favorite sayings has been Evil might be Dark, but not all Dark things are Evil...
LucianCorrvinous Son of Hekaté Both light and darkness together are halves of the whole. Light will always cast a shadow hence it begets darkness.
I've never heard that saying but i love it, that sounds really beautiful 💖
Just like not all angels are good and not all demons are bad
Love this saying
Me: 50% listening
50% reading comments....
Same here
O.o I'm not the only one that does that?
Same here.
Lol every single time
"Religion - being afraid of hell"
"Spirituality - been through hell"
Religion - running from Hell
Spirituality - facing your hell
@@silverwoodmeadows9877 That could work to in truth we create our hell and haven the more u awake the more one realize that he can be in no small part writer of his own story sometime life test us not for our weaknesses but to revel to us our strengths
universe will give us everything that we need and than some but first it will make us strong in the end its all neutral we give meaning to our experience
@@silverwoodmeadows9877 not everyone thats been through hell is spiritual,
And not everyone thats religious is necessarily afraid of hell..
Just a thought to ponder😉
@@joshuam1376 the way i see it when folks say religion is often means structured belief with clear must do etc also most if not all are just fear based if u don't do this well hell spirituality is often just your spiritual growth in your way and knowing that u can create your hell and haven to be your experience
@@MRVAANY87I find this so true in my life ❤️
5. Feeling the Darkness
I would sit in my closet with the door closed as a very young kid feeling the darkness. Releasing my energy (sadness/rejection) in the dark and absorbing its energy. I took comfort in it.
ॐ sometimes i still do but there is this alley that is very dark and there’s a random bench and I like to sit there at night and just relax.
I literally did this all the time, too. I’d go in there when I was angry and my mum has even told me that I would talk to someone in there like I was having a real conversation.
I do this every weekday.. I meditate in total darkness.. it’s comforting indeed.
I do none of that I just feel it in my self and ya
My family thinks I'm gothic because my room is always dark 😅
When you stare into the darkness... The darkness stares back.
It's not evil I am describing its the unknown. Once you touch it. It will touch you back.
Angela Day this gave me goosebumps
Lord of illustrations.;
"don't touch the darkness!"
They should have listened.
lol that's the quote from American horror story asylum and the next season from asylum is coven which is about witches and voodoo and the best season so far
True, that's why i stopped astral traveling and premonition dreams; it's bigger than us, the place that provides the art, and if you get lost in there you may half comeback
good im not a lone
Long story short literally anyone can be a witch we all have the power in ourselves it's up to us to choose to use that power.
We have to control it and learn what we have, I'm 12 and know mine I can heel pain from a bad cut or a bruise
@@neidabrazauskaite7373 can you tell me about it? Ever since I was a kid, I have been interested in witches, and how do you tell what we can do? Please reply, thanks :)
Yes, everyone can learn but like everything someone may have it more natural than others.
@@sadvibezz5560 l suggest you to read basic/foundation of witchcraft book like cunningham's and start practicing a lil bit like doing meditation or how to cast circle. After that you might read more books about herbs, crystals, divination, deities, wicca and bla bla bla.Sorry thats a lot 😂. l think you should start it from the thing you are attracted to most then go for the others. DONT RUSH TOO HARD! 😂 l used to be a baby witch that confused myself with tons of informations before. So good luck, and bless~be~❤️⭐
Not weird, trees hold wisdom and are extremely powerful.
You should check out the memory of trees,it's a album by Enya.
H nhi jj
Yeah because they have large brains.
U must've just finished watching the Wizard of Oz, lol. Jk love u are rite there are alot of nature spirits..
Druidry. Ever studied that.
The energy of the dark and the light are both wonderful. They work together for balance. Learn both your light side and your dark side. Learning is knowing.
"you might be a witch if you're interested in being a witch" way to be a crowd pleaser
ur a witch if u practice witchcraft, its not something ur born into.
Wizardry is a devil inspired gift you were'nt certainly born to be a witch but there are gifts that person's are born with and the thing is to find out whether it is of the creator or of the devil(people)
@@ricardogetfield9761 your concept of "the devil" has been programmed in you from birth.
Ricardo Getfield you can be born a medium, psychic or an empath but ur a witch if you practice witchcraft
@@ricardogetfield9761 who the hell is talking about wizardry? This is witchcraft. The thing Jacobs wife used to get pregnant in the Bible.
I believe we are warned off the occult because the powers that be in this incarnation do not want us to realize the truth of our own power as they would rather use our power to keep us under their thumb.
An evening rolling fog is my deep inspirational jam.
Excellent video, thanks!
I aswell, blessings upon blessings you and yours
Definitely... they’d rather mindless sheep 🐑 sheeple ... im the daughter of an indigo... is that the meaning in your name ?
Yeah they just want to keep us weak
Indigo Rob sounds like some Nazi shit the powers above have weakened us lets rise and delete those we deem the Shepards of society
Indigo Rob absolutely correct
You don’t have to be so dark & mysterious to be a witch🔮
TheKimba1234 thank you 🙄
I dont believe u ! Witch craft is what u make it. People like u make it sound sneaky evil & dark.
ITS NOT! Part 1 wasnt worth watching I wont b watching 2. I will give no energy.
Yeah! Like not all witches follow the devil like if you’ve seen like idk charmed it talks about good witches but besides that you can be a witch who’s good and does good for others or be good and bad like I can be good to you but once you get on my bad side your doomed but that’s doesn’t mean your evil and worship the devil
There are dark witches and white witches the both exsist are are completely different from each other
Magick, In and of Itself is Neutral, it’s The Intent of the Castor.
“Hello darkness my old friend.”
Hello gorgeous
Because I am a medium and a Sensitive, I have been called a “witch” for years, since my early teens. I finally decided to study the Craft and free myself from the guilt and misogyny of Christianity. Today I am a wild, free, and powerful Crone. I am and always will be a real Witch. Blessed be all seekers!
Joanne Apple the problem is that if you ever go to a church you will feel guilt, but when you put energy into studying the Bible in a safe environment (by yourself, or with an open minded group of people) there simply is no guilt. It’s more like, you being able to reach infinity, and you feeling the universe moving, it’s crazy
I was called witch aliens Queen and snake Master...why? I have yellow green eyes and red hair.and I was different in the others eyes. Today I am called the Red witch but not in a negative way. Real witch craft comes from spirit I think. Dont use it for Bad things! Keep your thoughts pure! Only this will lead to the Light. It isnt something cool to put your Ego high this only leads to the dark. This all is real dangerous! You can put your soul in danger not ascending at all. So think twice if you really want to use these energies because there is too much we dont KNOW really we dont know anything at all all is Dogma! Proof and read learn before you teach wrong! This is a Warning not to play with energies you never can handle with a soul that is not awakened in the full way.
BB 💖
I wish we could talk each other the same thing especially what we've been through
Just so you know not all Christian's are like I am Catholic and I say do what ever makes you happy also how does it feel to be a witch how does it feel to do stuff most people consider taboo I've always have had a facination in witch craft and sorcery but never dabled in it also are you a white witch or a dark witch it doesn't matter to me I'm just curious
I resonate with them all. Embracing my “dark side” has brought me so much peace and power.
Samantha Grisham
Robert Bonds I completely agree.
How did you learn to embrace it and become balanced with it
@@dreamsister6339 right that's what I wanna know too , I'm at that point ??
How did you embrace ! Need some tips
If I get rich and build a Hogwarts will you guys come if I send owls?
Crystallflowers yes
Yup, why not ❤️
I would love to😀😀
Hells yeaaaa
"The darkness is calling you." This resonates so much with me, I supressed this my whole life, but now it´s time to accept it and let them out.
Don't ask the darkness for favors. It'll take u in, but it will leave you worse off. Not all hidden things are dark.
darkness is NOT the witchcraft, this is very inacurate statement from the host of this video. magik is universal it is the intent of the individual that can be dark. if darkness is calling you it isnt a rebirth of a new beginning its the coming of evil intention. , dolearn witch craft i mean the real witchcraft but dont confuse yourself with welcoming any darkness because magik isnt about darkness .
And the Darkness is so beautiful, enlightening, empowering and profound.
This comment section is saltier than the water I throw around my room 😂😂
What does salt water do?? Please let me know.
Shaun May Protection and cleansing
@@fenty2331 thank you
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 THE SHADE!!!
Why do you throw it around your room dude.😂
The word Occult means Hiden science or knowledge.
Yeah there may be a good reason for that,like protection for the willful blind.on the other the spirit of God and all that goes with it has its very own book for all to see.not hidden,no dangers in knowing the word of God!!!praying for you and wish you well...child of God.
Secret knowledge.
@@samjones9127 you are correct.
In Castellano/Castilian "Spanish" and Latin, Oculto means hidden.
Anything done in secret is bad
-The Skulls
@@theultrawarrior7448 Not all of it.
You can't have light without darkness because they both exist together. Just like you can't have up without down. I don't care how far up you go down is right there next to it. The second principle in the Hermetics is the Principle of Correspondence: As above so below, as below so above, As within so without, as without so within. The fourth Principle of Polarity: Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.
Wow I really felt that one thank you
Without both Polarities accrpted as being necessary to one another. Balance is unattainable. Without the Balance and the Dance between them the important end result of them, syntisis,cannot manifest. The two states will foever be in ungovernable battle, one seeking to overthrow the other. They unsblr to conceive, should one side 'win" it also ceases to exist...
Dude you just solved Yin&Yang, but so true my mother is phycic and my father is very spiritual and I am wanting to be a witch, my family are a long generation of magic and witches, so yea theres a fact about me.
Hello gorgeous
Looking for a friend I can talk to for fun
Might not be my thing (Christian) but I find things like this fascinating. I always love studying mythology from all religions. My favorite studies in school were ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Especially religion wise. I like hearing all point of views and finding common ground as well as deeper meanings behind it all. When I research things, I get lost in it lol. I'm laser focused. I like to challenge myself. I research everything I can, because of mere curiosity. The 'what ifs.' That's just human nature though. Endless questions that remain unanswered. If I don't get enough mental stimulation through experience or conversation, I get bored. That's why even as a kid (as young as four) I always gravitated towards adults, because I got bored talking to people my own age. I had no interest in what they had to say, lol. I've also been more of the quiet type; I like to observe rather than communicate when I'm out and about. To study human interactions, body language, and emotions. I've also been more of a night person. The night always seemed more magical to me than the day. Day time is too bright, noisy, and chaotic. Night is calm and tranquil. Nighttime walks are the best! xD
Though I am a Cristopagan, what you've written has resonated so strongly with me, we could have met in a previous incarnation.
Theory: the dream world is actually the astral plane and anyone you know in your dream is also thinking about you and you're just telepathically communicating with them. 🤷♀️
I do this all the time! I constantly dream of the living and the dead...i talk to dead friends and relatives just like I talk to a person in waking life
@@ty2bougie784 hiya!
I'm awesome!!! What's your social media?
This is so true. A couple weeks ago, I dreamt of a friend that left the country (to Canada) and we lost touch. In the dream, the environment that surrounded us was completely white. But I saw her, we ran to each other and hugged, I then woke up. A few days later, my mother told me she had a voicemail from said friend! So when I was able to contact her she had sad news. A friend of ours had been battling metastatic breast cancer and is now in hospice with only weeks...if only days. If people would care to pray for Erin, that would be appreciated. Much love to all
Prayer is just another name for spell casting. Great video
No it's not. Prayer is communicating with God. Try it. God doesn't cast spells. He doesn't need to because love and power flow out of Him - it's who He is. "Power belongs to God" Psalm 62:11 - This may be new to you but if you do pray, try asking the Holy Spirit for the gift of praying in tongues. God will give you a language to pray in and He prays through you to fulfill your destiny. Witchcraft is not your destiny, so give it a try! Ask Jesus into your life and ask Him for the gift of praying in tongues. You'll see things happen that no magic can do.
That's exactly what I have been thinking too. I thought about the process of saying the rosary, it's so much like casting a spell.
Spelling is also spell casting, it’s in the word lol
@Lille_M agreed all Jesus god stuff leave it out of other peoples lives that dont want anything to do with it the more you try to force the more resistance you will get
This topic is hard for me. I have been rejecting it for decades for some reason. Maybe I'm scared or not wanting to accept it but it's been calling me since I was very young. I don't want to lose my path. I'm comfortable where I am or so I think I am. I'm unsure of what will happen if I accept it. I was raised Christian but something is calling to me and it seems to get louder as I get older. And I'm not sure what to do.
You seem to be a bit afraid of it, because youve had Christians in ur life. Me too I'm a bit scared and I don't know why.
Jessa Syn yep! You got it!
There’s no calling. This is just how you’re coping with capitalism.
the real reason you have rejecting it is because of your christian beliefs.....not to be mean but it is because it has been driven into you that this is evil and not to part take of it because the bible says so......you have a sense of longing but do not really want to admit to yourself that the possibility of being a witch........you are a god fearing person and think that if you were a witch that you would be shun by your family friends and church......you might want to look into paganism as long ago this was part of the religious culture in the early 1400s.........
You should go ahead and fulfill your calling, don't hesitate just because of what people have taught you....
You’ve touched on everything I’ve been feeling for a while. The problem is I don’t know where to begin learning, who do I learn from? Who is legit and who is bs? I find myself not knowing where to begin
Same, have you found anything yet?
@@MissIndicaa_ the best thing to do, is research upon the history of witchcraft. As soon, as you find that, take the next step and start to research what ever you feel is comfy to you. Animals, spells, moon phases (must have) etc. Or do it vise versa!!!
Me too I'm just trying to figure myself out and stop being scared of my own self. So many things that happen that I just don't understand. Pipes bursting, lights going crazy, can't wear watches bc time stops, intuitive
empath ect. 😭
Learn about the group of Angels call The Watchers,and how they teach mankind.
Look up work on King Solomon. Like his testament,greater,and lesser keys of Solomon.
It's a lot of books on the occult you can find on Amazon. It will cost money,and it's a investment. Once you open one door. It will open anymore. That's my advice.
Also another thing I want to add. Is like this guy was saying. Learn Martial Arts. It helps you become one with yourself,and body. It helps you focus. Teaching you learn in martial arts. Can help with everyday life.
I'm not a buddhist,but learn some of budda teaching. He was a wise man,and understood more about the world around him then anyone.
Even tho he would not agree with the occult,but his way of meditating,and understanding the world around you. Will help you focus,and become one with yourself,and the world around you.
YES, I definitely checked all these marks. Something I’ve noticed is that my awareness and my connection with everything around me becomes enhanced during the twilight or dusk hours. There is definitely something calling me. I feel like I’m being pulled into so many different directions spiritually.
Loved this thanks!
Demi Lune Omg same
@@stanpersona7741 if it's "demonic" to feel serenity, peace, and power at a sunset/sunrise then f---- it. lol
It took time and leaping over many hurdles of fear and taboo for me to realize that Christianity is a very dangerous prison.
Everything is a dangerous prison if you are not aware. We have the word of God made by humans but they still did some mistakes . God is an entity beyond our imaginations, he represents light , he made humans by his image , as above so below , Christ questioning 'don't you know that you are Gods?' All this written in Bible but Christians preach different things . Christianity and every other monotheistic religion are misleading humans and don't guide them as they say ,people like to control everything and put others in prison because they can't escape their. If you believe in a God have trust and searce Him alone ,choose your own path , everyone has a different way
What's written in the actual religious texts is very different from what most people practice.
@@Αφροδιτη-ψ9ο preach my dude.🙏
But did you actually get rid of your fear? There is no fear in love. What is love? Laying down your life for your friend. Christians are sinners like the rest, but Christ himself was not. He laid down his life for you. There is no fear with Jesus. With Christianity and Christians? Yes, maybe, because Christians are people and people have fear in their lives and react and hurt others based on that fear. But Jesus - God Himself - does not hurt because He is perfect love. So run to the Being who is love, not to the people themselves, even if they claim to represent Him. Sometimes people do a lousy job at things (including representing) and it's why we all need a savior. The truth is still the truth though - God is love and laid down His life to cover your sins. You get eternal life if you believe in Jesus. Witchcraft is still a sin (1 Samuel 15:23).
One that wishes to enslave all Mankiind to "save" us...as if they are able to save what need not be saved, outside thier hypocriticsl Dogma ...
I've always been drawn to Sigils, the Zodiac, manifestation and trying to find the cause for repeated political patterns throughout political history, trying to figure out how all of this comes together. My family, although toxic, has never had a problem with the occult. However, I've felt a deep need to explore it on a deeply structural level. The only problem is that I don't know where to start.
Well, I can provide some information to possibly help. Sigils and Runic magic go hand in hand - it is the path or the preferred celtic style of those that are more "drudic" in nature and persona.
Manifestation... Manifestation is in all magic and is all magic. It is all part of the same puzzle, just a different piece. There are so many different paths to choose when deciding if trying to manifest is something you want to move forward with - just always remember that whatever you put in, you get back and whatever you put out, gets in. People cannot be taught how to manifest, it's a personal and draining process to achieve (which is why most people don't do it or give up trying, but I can say that it's very real and yes, you can manifest.
As for the political topic... That's more of a "unified field theory of consciousness"problem. When the human race as a whole uses this unified field to create chaos, then chaos ensues - if used to create love, it creates love - if used to create fear, it creates fear. Once you're attuned to the right "radio station" (as I like to say) then you can personally break away from the unified field so it doesn't bog you down with sadness, envy, greed and basically all the other things that accidentally manifest adverse reactions or situations for a person.
All energy/energies are relatable in some way, shape or form, irregardless of the nature of the energy itself.
Hope some of that helped!
Start with one aspect; Tarot, astrology, numerology, etc. And start learning about it and understand that you will go on to other aspects or topics.
My way was astrology, tarot, and am now looking at scrying. Blessings to You!
I must say I have to agree with you. I even tried convincing my oldest sister to become a witch like me but I'm the only one in my family who has been drawn to the metaphysical and esoteric ideas. My family has always shawned me for being extremely different from their restricting beliefs and views. I feel truly honored to have a curiosity for such topics and teachings. I don't believe in the devil and things of that nature like the church wants everyone to believe. I am glad that this mystical teachings exist and I feel blessed to have experiences that were all very profound. I have a respect for witches and like minded individuals. I agree that I would rather be called a witch than a warlock. I feel more connected to the idea of being a witch even though they are same or similar concepts. This is a great video. Thank you for creating this video.
“They dangers of witchcraft”
“So I’m dangerous huh”
*threatens to curse everyone*
Y’all relax it’s a “threat” I have no gut nor intention to cause innocent people pain plus if soemone did cause me pain I’d just set a little annoying curse
Also about the Wiccan rules I’m not Wiccan I’m a Christian who does the practice of witchcraft or a Christian witch I follow no rules when it comes to witchcraft I do whatever I feel like I use all types of Magick and don’t stick to a particular type of Magick nor belief my parents force me to be Christian but I don’t believe in the whole thing I practice whatever Magick I want and I have my own beliefs
emilia lipska
I'd say your dangerous to your soul
Do as you will but no harm comith to anyone but yourself.
What thy put out comith back 3 fold mote so it be.
Those are the rules of the universe emilia lipska it does good to rember that.
@@fleetadmiralfireball1770 That's strictly a Wiccan thing though and not necessarily a witchcraft thing. So believe what you will.
@@linwong1494 still, I think witchcraft should be used for good regardless. Curses are serious and I don't agree with them. But I can understand in some situations. Just don't let the spite or whatever drives you to curse someone take over. Nothing good can happen.
I was told by a witch that am a strong witch just dont know how to use my powers
Same, I found my powers out by trying different thing and now I know I have pain healing hands I can heal pain from a bruise, a cut or anything that hurts I can also tell the future and the past by working with spirits
@@neidabrazauskaite7373 that's awesome hopeful I can start getting into it
be careful, some people will say that in an attempt to manipulate your craft. be solitary for a few years, and NEVER say you are new to it or know nothing. especially if you are a woman in a conservative area.
omg i want to know if im a witch or how strong i am. like you i want somebody to tell me :,(. and what did u do? how you learned? teach me your ways pls
@@Bunni6006 start googling different things, names of gods and so on. ancient and pagan holidays are a good start there. in each of the wikis sometimes you will see old traditions that are related to the subject. buying a book on the culture you want to learn from is good too. tons of witch books in your library to boot as well!
I've always had an interest in the supernatural paranormal and occult
Family said I couldn't learn about the occult or witchcraft
I just laughed because I have the internet and the library 😂
My grandparents are to dumb to know what my. Stuff is on my altar
@@qoxia same lmao
@@qoxia sameeee
I'm into the occult and "the Sith" (if you will) in order to gain control over my life and regulate my constant negative emotions. The thing is, my negative emotions have progressively gotten worse this past three years... some call it shadow work, but I cannot call it anything better than endless, crushing misery. I hate myself, I hate people, I hate any given person I'm talking to, I hate my country, I hate God, I hate the things I like, I even hate feeling good because the fall will undoubtedly be far worse than the constant torment I face on a moment-to-moment basis. Now, I rarely do drugs because I know they aren't good for me, but they are literally the only relief I get from these inner wounds that just keep opening up every time I look within.
That being said, you nailed it in this video. Just about everything here is something I resonate with. I'm just sick and fucking tired of my neurodivergence and mental illness, grasping at straws to cure it any way I can, and bitterly envious of mentally and neurologically healthy people.
If you're doing shadow work I recommend the Shadownomicon by D.H Throne.
I also recommend working with Marbas this particular demon has a skillset in healing.
@@ahdhwjdue8362 Ah, of course! Marbas! I have his sigil on my coffee table. There is also Buer who can help with addictions and healing through changing thoughts over time. Do they get along?
Forgive yourself and forgive others….
My favorite saying is most definitely, "darkness is light turned inside out".
@leila lalala please it was my pleasure. I dont really understand what being a witch means but I feel things too. Like its drawing me in....
ya but how does that apply to anything?
@@Magician12345 you have to look deeper into the quote, "darkness is light turned inside out" its saying that anything can be evil and dark but it depends on how you look at it, and light can be darkness when viewed from another perspective. It all depends on how you look at it... 😉😉😁😁🙃
Don't fear what hides in the darkness,
Fear what hides in the light.
@@kennylove4461 all these quotes are just so generalized that I can't see how in my day to day life I can remember one and then know what to do next.
When I was 18 I had my 1st sleep paralysis, weeks after i started having strange dreams that got even stranger as they started becoming reality. the curiosity has always been there
@Heruka 666 I don’t recall experiencing anything as a child, but perhaps those memories are repressed. For me the sleep paralysis happened after I turned 18. From there the strange feelings and dreams progressed. I can tell you that my upbringing was one that didn’t deny the supernatural, but we weren’t ever to mess with it. I grew up in a small village on a small island in the West Indies. Everyone was technically Christian, but almost everyone believes to some extent that “ghosts” … etc were real. I can remember my grandmother would tell me stories as a child and teenager that I believed were just crazy. She was telling me things like how to stop a skin-walker from returning to their human skin. Or telling me stories with warnings of what not to do or what to do. I must say I didn’t believe her and assumed that this craziness was exclusive to the islanders, but the more I travel the more I hear similar stories. She also told me once that my mother was born with a veil/caul which allowed her to see things that we couldn’t see, of course, my mother never admits to it, but I have to admit its rather strange. I never know who to really tell about any of this as I am in a professional career now and studying psychology. Of course, some people humor me with their personal stories, but I never do say what I personally feel or believe. It's funny how I found this video, the day I saw this video at work I saw a movie popped up called Season of the Witch, then there were 2 other instances where the word Witch appeared to me on that day. Then I ended the evening with seeing this video pop up on my feed. Now is that coincidence or something else. I can go on with many strange personal tales, but i think that is enough for now. Thanks for reading my post.
In our spiritual journey one must embrace the dark in order to see the light
But not necessarily try black magic
@@tracyhill7960 shut up and study for your dark arts class
@@theunknownshadowish shut up is such a necessary and intelligent response. 28peruvian is right, though
@@tracyhill7960 its called being sarcastic dumb ass.
One must *endure the dark in order to see the light. Embracing it would mean there is no light.
You're blowing my mind. Talking about night, feeling something around you. The philosophy of life. Everything really but that really struck a cord.
I've always been fascinated with the occult even as a child. I later studied martial arts, experienced chi energy. Later trained in Reiki and meditation and the occult in general. It is a calling, though not for all.
It's good
Although in my culture we wouldn’t label ourselves as witches or anything - it’s normal. To me reiki is no different to riding a bike, it is part of natural life
It’s a lyfestyle
Me :Don’t consider myself dark
Also me: sits in the dark. Dressed in black , with black eye shadow with the lights barely on and sounding ominous
NoLongerHuman13 like everyone else
You just described my entire sitting situation lol
🙄 you are just gothic
So you're a goth vampire
dark is not the same as evil
Why was this on my recommended
Moomo Derp because the devil is trying to lure you in. Or destiny and the forces of the universe are trying to show you the correct path for you. Or it's just a random recommendation. Who knows.
@@patsymarts6685 smoke much dope do you?
@Moomo because Wiccans are trying to proselytize people who left the church, or the Google algorithm caught you watching something an INFP liked. 😂
@@patsymarts6685 lady you need a priest!
@@sleekoduck apparently it's against Wicca to proselytize. I just read that in a book.
I cant wait for your part 2. I've was born in the Catholic religion and have had been fascinated in the book of revelations, angels, demons, miracles, life , death and so on. Ive been studying astrology along with other esoteric and ancient systems of knowledge. I found your channel and found this video is so accurate about finding the occult as my passion. What by chance is you Sun, Moon and Rising? Thank you so much for your video.
I get literal chills when I watch videos on witchcraft like this. This is enough for me to believe I’m being called to the Wiccan belief.
You dont have to be Wiccan to be a witch just so you know ;)
Rayford Presley I’m learning lol
Witches and warlocks and mediums and anyone ungodly will have their part in the lake of fire which will burn forever and ever
@@colonellandon8536 not yours to say, by your own dogma...
You had me at "growing up religious to being a full-on occult practicioner " 😂🙌 that's how my journey began as well
Aimee Ting Same here, well I’m just starting. And my parents are preachers. 😩😂
Hello gorgeous
Same here I've only begun my journey in September
It’s funny when I go back and I about my childhood when my father would jokingly call me a “Viking.” I would think nothing of it until later in my middle school years where something told me to do some research on Vikings; and surely enough it started off just as curiosity, and eventually that same curiosity would just kept on growing and growing until it ended up with worshiping the Norse gods.
It started with me looking up Vikings as well. I’m sure it has nothing to do with ancestors, I’m Black, but I was obsessed so I just took it and ran with it. I haven’t looked back since then.
Demetrius Pfeifer I’ve always had a fascination with Greece & Egyptology, now those are the two pantheons I mainly use. This fascination dates back to grade school
When I was 3 or 4 I remember my favorite shows were "I Dream of Jeanie" and "Bewitched". My very religious mother once made a joking remark stating that I would grow up to be a, "Belly dancing Witch." LOL!! Ya know, she eats those words now because she is right!
If you analyze and subsequently backtrack how you've got to that point you can see their is a rational explanation for this. Stop trying to be cool
Slavic Paganism is a big part of my heritage
I love your voice, very relaxing and calming
When you’re watching this to see if you are one
So that you get a letter hopping hogwarts actually exists 👀
Hogwarts is wizardry
Toxic Mind omg to fucking funny
Read another book
or kamer taj
This is because everyone is practically a "witch" we are all one eternal consciousness and we only need to imagine, feel and believe in something becoming true in order to manifest literally anything.
It's a little uncomfortable but I have a fascination with Native American worship and Irish wiccan.
i'm wiccan myself. :) if you're interested in it, you should look into it if you want to!
It's amazing how close to nature the Native American people are even in their religion. 💖
Hello from Ireland 🇮🇪☘️
I don't know why I'm here. I wanted to hear what the dude had to say for himself. It was in my recommendations. I'm non religious Irish.
I'm not sure though Angela. I would be weary of inviting something into your life ya didn't mean to. Especially if you don't understand it all.....
I'm Native and our people were spiritual before being indoctrinated into European culture and religion. Religion means bondage in Greek and I've went back to my roots and I'm so at peace!
@@justlynn3734 just out of interest, how did you end up here 🤷♀️
Great video.
Always loved the darkness and im comfortable being there
I feel like you're going to help out a lot of people, my friend. please continue your work, really looking forward to learning more through your videos.
I am a practicing witch for over 30 years and everything you just explained is why I am who I am,, good show,, I enjoyed it,,
My Brother, you just said a mouthful....
Mke Flynn Repent of your wicked ways and LIVE. God can, is willing, and is able to covert you. Jesus Christ loves you so much. He wishes for you to repent and come unto him. He wants to save you. You have your freewill of course. Continue in your wicked ways and you will enter into everlasting torment
@@colonellandon8536 nice, but typical. You don't even have a historical Jesus that was the supposed Redeemer, When Christians are over all hypocrites, who wantts to spend an eternity having to put up with the likes of you, I'd rather burn....
@@colonellandon8536 please stop with your corrupted false religion. Keep that evil to yourself.
I'm a Christian I aways been into the paranormal world and the dark side I will never mess with an Luigi board that can bring out demons. I do love going ghost hunting.
There’s a difference between occultist and a witch. They’re very separate entities and should not be mistaken to be the same thing.
I mean no disrespect but I would have to disagree. There was once a time many hundreds of years ago where I would agree. Witchcraft many hundreds of years ago was considered magic of the under-educated. It was often found in poor areas. While what we now call occultist, was more about studying the grimoire traditions. Many men who are wealthy enough to go to university we're able to study these tomes. They also have more connections to perform their ceremonial rites. Which for a long period Of time had to be performed on Holy Ground of the church, this is very common during The Shakespearean times. However nowadays even people who are not so well-off are practicing witchcraft. Holding the philosophical worldview of animism, and venerating their ancestors and their Mighty dead etc. All the while they're studying the grimoires and reading scholarly texts and articles. With the birth of the internet the occult Isn't So hidden anymore. So there was once a time where there was somewhat of a difference. But not today.
By definition Witchcraft can be called Occult knowledge. I believe the distinction you were looking for has to do with Occult meaning any of the thurmagic or hermetic bramches of the Art, as opposed to most Witchcraft that arises from more pragmanric and folk branches of it..
Thankkkkkk you.
True.. Very different
@@Cailleach071591 still huge diffrence.
The "feeling the darkness" aspect does pertain to me!!! I never knew someone else felt it before! I've felt it my whole life, although I wouldn't call it "light or dark." I have befriended it since early childhood and always felt it knew me more than I even knew myself and felt its love around me. I was raised Christian and always thought of this presence as God. The way I knew it wasn't God was because whenever I prayed to God, he never answered and this being was a different vibe. I can't explain it very well.....but when I left the church, I didnt feel like I lost it. I still feel it with me.
Your voice and calm, deliberate articulation along with the background music is hypnotically soothing and makes the information you present feel effortlessly absorbed as if by osmosis. I love it.
Also wanted to say I really appreciate this as someone who also grew up in the church.
This is only the second video of yours I've seen (the first one being the 9 tips for people starting out with witchcraft) and I can't wait to explore your channel and see what other content you've got.
Number 7 ive been obsessed with lately an feel like no one is on my level to the point i have stopped talking to people cause i feel like no one has a clue about life. I am becoming more of a introvert no one seems to be on my level.
canis tiger 👋🏼 same girl!
I’ve always been an introvert and disliked by some for that - that’s why I can’t stand religion, way too focused on Group think and superficial extroverted ways (though often I do like socialising with people, but I don’t like that energy)
Number 7 numerologically us a seeker number. Seek!
I feel & have done the exact same thing! Im so happy to know im not going through this process alone 💞😊
I've been hiding away for all my life, always had ppl around me that made me feel even more lonely, so I decided to leave everyone & burn my bridges, not going back to pretending their reality is enough for me, it's not, Im just dying everyday, and the longer I have stayed in that reality, the more I lose touch with myself and become what I swore not to become; a pawn & play by their rules of fear, control & controlled & conformed.
As long as we are ourselves, we will attract our own kind. If we pretend to be like them, we attract ppl like them, so keep on being who you are because your vibe attracts your tribe!! 🍀♥😊
Damn witches!! -Dean Winchester
Steven Sweet he is hot lol
I’d love for Sam, Dean and dad to try and come after me. 😂🔮🧙🏻♀️
Found my #SPNFamily!
YES! Thank you for expressing what I never knew I wanted to say. This right here is quality asf. I can't wait to watch part 2
I tried to be a witch, but I ended up a Druid. I still don’t really know what the difference is, but my soul does.
Rob Kandell, many may start out on the path of Wicca but find themselves branching out to other paths. If you feel towards the Druid path, you may want to read more (if you haven't already). A really good aurthor who has (sadly) passed into the Summerlands, is Issac Bonewits. Emma Restall Orr is a Driad (Female Druid) Priestess and has a wonderful book called, "Living Druid". You might find that you will decimate many boxes along your journey to your true Self, it's okay, many of us have...it's a good sign that you are in constant eveloution and on the right path! I myself have been on this journey since I was 17 and am now proud of my 49 years on this planet! Bon voyage and may the Gods and Fates always find favor with you.
I now say that" God" gave us everything we need, for everything. No need for pharmaceuticals. I love this video. And i hate small talk. We have A Lot in common.
Vaccines are definitely needed
@@bridgetbrownvargus lmao
Nothing more powerful than God
@@lwscorpians you're an idiot.
@@childrenofthesun471 Thanks for your response but we will know see who idiot really is in days
As I have often told my husband-j "At least I'm a GOOD witch," and "I promise to use my powers only for good."
He's become accustomed to the all-too-frequent coincedences in our life, to the point where we'll spontaniously say, together, "There are no coincedents!"
There are things in this life that can not be explained by Christianity or science, and some people fear those things for that very reason. Me- no fear (not anymore, anyway)- I want to KNOW!
Omg I feel this!! Entirely, especially the day to day conversation. When someone agrees with you but your thoughts are just so much more deep. New Sub here!
Hello gorgeous, I'm looking for a friend so
I can process this ..
Darkness and light are two sides of the same circle, admittedly I find more comfort and power from the shadows.
Kensai Journeyman me too.
@@samanthagrisham200 blessed be shadow sister!
@@samanthagrisham200 ❤️😉
Just like Atum and Apep, in the middle of Nut
Can you do a "I'm a witch. Now what?" Video. Lol
Now what? Repent. 1 Samuel 15:23 - witchcraft is a sin. Jesus came to give you eternal life, just ask for forgiveness of your sins and for Him to be the Lord of your life. He's Lord anyway, and everyone will see when they die. You want to see and be on the right side - in heaven!
Peace Be Still shut up. practicing clean, white magic isn’t a sin. dark magic is. stop spewing ur christian views on a video you CHOSE to click on
@@xavierramirez1911 thank you
@@eatlikeananimal dude, just stop. Ur going around trying to force your religion onto everyone. If a person wants to practice witchcraft, or the occult, let them. And before you go around saying witchcraft and stuff is evil and sinful, please do your research. And if you dislike witchcraft so much, why are you on these videos? It really doesn’t make any sense.
@@eatlikeananimal God never helped me. He let me suffer
My religion is Norse belief (Asatru). I have lots of gifts that i was borne with. Pagans are spiritual in nature.
Love from Sweden 💙💛
I grew up in a very religious family. My father is a pastor and my mother is just as devoted. I’ve been interested in witchcraft and Wicca from a very young age and have researched it extensively. My parents don’t approve of my interests but they don’t know that I am an active practitioner of magick. Now that I live on my own I’ve been able to spend more time researching things like this. I personally don’t usually touch “dark” magick but I believe that it has a place. I don’t think it’s evil but it can be a dangerous path if not treaded carefully and with respect. Blessed be, my brothers and sister
I always have such a nostalgic feeling when I watch videos on wicca and witchcraft. I've been studying both for about a year now just trying to learn more, I feel so drawn to start practicing now. I must say I enjoyed this video more than any other one I've watched, informative but not so complex.
Obsessed with this video...the feeling it gives me is insane. I was raised in Christianity and ironically it was a Christian teen novel that brought Wicca to my attention. I remember being so fascinated with the concept of crystal energy and tarot and ritual candles and herbs. But I never pursued it because I was very much brainwashed to live fearfully and to keep myself in line. Once my husband entered my life my world was turned upside down (thank god) and my ideas and beliefs were challenged, despite us both being brought up in Christian homes. In 2015 I had a dream that changed me forever. It was almost like an "activation" or wake up call and from that point on I cant stop researching and have become an intense book worm and recently I have officially felt the call to witchcraft. Its just me and always has been but I am finally in an environment where I can be safe to explore. This video says it all and only confirms my feelings about my truest self. 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Me, too!! I feel my body “wake up” and buzz, if you will!!! I’m also a Reiki Master and I’m trying to figure out how to work with BOTH!
I am a dragon mage and I started out practicing the arts then evolved into what I am today. I am proud of my path and try to re-educate those who try to say I sold my soul to the devil.
More power to you.
Those are all things i feel and felt, the cool or strange thing about all of this is that i am a straight male and atheists, even though, i have those feelings and great respect and admiration for witchcraft, i do not practice, i do not even know where to start, but it is calling me
This was so satisfying. I use to walk in the winter nights from one side of the city to the next. I too was reared in the church, but have moved on from that way of thinking and yet, I do not judge others for what they believe. I also get irritated of the saying “ love and light” but I am working on releasing this annoyance because everyone is on different frequencies. I started studying Demonolatry, Luciferianism, and Satanism, last year; but I realize, I do not like to be put into a box, I am an eternal InnerG!😆 I am grateful for the occult teachings I have come across and that learning is an eternal endeavor for me because I have learned so much about myself by delving into the sanctity of Darkness, and this is where I find the light of who I truly am! I am both Darkness and Light! Thank you, this was true Soul Food 👌🏾Love ❤️ Sekhmet SapphyreSun❤️😻🙏🏾
Hello gorgeous, I'm looking for a friend so
I can process this ..
@@adamfelton5042 greetings Adam, I have a channel that talks about that.
@@SEKHMETSHOMEOFALCHEMY cool, ill check it out, I'm a big fan
I was like you. I grew up in a deeply religious family of Jehovah's witnesses. But where I differed was I would have dreams that would come true and see n hear spirit and was shamed for it as "gifts are of the devil". So it wasnt until my early teens I started searching out answers from the paranormal and the occult but at the same time scared cause of my upbringing until my 20s. Then I started really researching the paranormal, not so much the occult until I hit 40 when so many things clicked all at once and I dove head first into the occult, witchcraft, spirituality and a few others. Now I sit back and think how much further I could be if I would had embraced shit instead of fearing it. Love your videos btw!!! Keep it up!!!
Rayford Presley I hear you.
I was one as well.
but once you realise spirituality is older than.any established institute or religion.
And come to understand and embrace what we we're taught to fear.
Then you can walk easily and have a much more broader understanding of life, spirituality and not have the arrogance but compassion towards others.
Unfortunately, most religious groups in connection with christianity, not all but most will judge others and paint everyone with the same brush.
As you and I well know being witnesses at one point.or another in life , they'll condemn everyone regardless of spiritual background and say oh ! we're the only ones who have the truth ! lol !!!!
its funny but even shamans and magicians know Yhvh/ Yahweh/Jehovah.
And have a very high respect for the deity behind that name.
God is not fixed to any particular religion but is universally understood in different contexts, and cultures.
spirituality is a personal journey, not so much that of a group.
It helps through, but not necessarily.
And relationship with the divine is always one on one through various means.
but nice to come across someone of a similar background.
cheers !!
@@peterkos1034 yesssssssssss
@@peterkos1034 Jehovah is a god not a GOD ask him if you know how ." I AM " is the GOD. Sophia is the holy sprit in the bible , she is a goddess , she seems very loving and is easy to talk too . The Bible has been corrupted and can`t be trusted for the truth , Sophia told me their are codes the Bible a lot of them are wrong to , but she said the codes are in the codes , their right but our computers need to be better to find them , that was back in 1986 and computers are getting better all the time , so its only a matter of time before the codes are cracked . Jehovah I found very hard to get a long with he seems to think its alright to tell people lies that are in the bible , I don't and wont he wasn't happy about it , Jehovah wont be going on judgement day , but Sophia will be going , what`s that say . Ask more questions when praying .
Rayford Presley
Same here!!!
"Namaste" has always annoyed me. Im called to the energies. Including plants and stones. I am now casting spells. Thanks for this.
@musical world because most people saying it dont speak the indian language.
Me toooo because 1) cultural appropriation and 2) people make it out to be this airy fairy love and light thing but no. Its not the light its the GOD. It is acknowledging that WE ARE ALL divine and that the god in me sees the god in you. It is about respect: for yourself and others. Stupid cringily-christian westerners with their guilt and sin complexes didn't like the idea of humans also being god so it became "the light in me..." etc.
Repent unto the Lord and turn from your wicked ways and live. Keep in your wicked ways, and you will depart from the living God and enter into everlasting destruction
Marsella D. Fyngold the Bible says “ye are gods” we are the children of the most high God. We inherent Jesus Christ’s inheritance. Repent and turn unto God. Continue in your wicked ways, and you will enter into everlasting destruction
@@colonellandon8536 you like telling people that last part don't you...
I wish he was still making content. I really love these videos :(
Really? I'm just arriving!
I ALWAYS pick up books about magic when I go to the library. It's like I can't help but keep reading books that contain magic. As for being called by the dark, it is learning to sit down with my darkness has taught me so much and helped me grow a lot. I feel like the very act of accepting the presence of darkness in the universe and as part of ourselves, is a magical thing. It transforms you and how you interact with the world. Love your video!
Everything great lies beyond your safe zone and 90% of humanity stays in their safe area.
Fear is the best and worst chain placed upon humanity.
sasha mocni it’s also a very powerful weapon
That’s probably what the serpent said to Eve
@@lisamadison203 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The only thing stronger than fear is Hope,we have this as a weapon against fear.,.Scully.
This video was really cool, and spot on. Had a past life regression, not the first life time I am a witch, i've been a witch for a few lifetimes. Thank you for the video xx
since you've done past life regression and all, is witchcraft really a bad thing? are you really punished for it? just wanna know. ik witchcraft isn't bad but i wanna know the existence of heaven and hell and if witches really go to hell or not
@@jaayghose3817 Think of it this way..... Jesus was killed for performing miracles by the Jews.... point I am trying to make, the world does not like the idea of people having power, ironic thing is we all have the same amount of power, Witch or No witch, "Society" will not accept you if you do conform to their standards. The only backlash I got from my past life was me not accepting who I truly am :-) Karma is real and with power comes responsibility... what you send out, comes back i.e. send out good and good comes back, send out bad, bad will come back, our punishment is designed by our actions and so is our glory...
@@simonmouton6487 wow thank you for the reply! the backlash thing really hit me :)
@@jaayghose3817 Anytime , be safe :-)
Is it weird that I love studying both quantum mechanics and witchcraft? Great video :) I subscribed
I’m a grey witch. I’ve never felt comfortable saying ‘Love and Light ‘ or ‘Namaste’. Even ‘Blessed Be’ doesn’t resonate with me.
After spells I say So Mote It Be.
coffee4dayz19 K The etymology of the word 'bless' is 'blood'. It is always good to find out the etymology of words.
I now no longer say "blessed be your name", but instead I say "loved be your name".
Amen = Amun (an ancient Egyptian god).
Lord also means something more 'dark' than we are led to believe, but I can't remember what.
Languages have been evolved to covertly carry the dark occult.
Can you have light without dark? Of course. Light doesn't need dark. It is a lie that it does. It is dark that needs light to create the shadows of darkness. Light can definitely exist without darkness - and day without night as it does in the Arctic for several months a year.
xxx files The book "Word Magic" (as in word tricks) by Pao Chang is very good. I think at least some of it is on yt and the web.
@@angebrowne1730 The Hebrew etymology of "bless" is "ba-ruch ... in relation to God, you’re actually saying “I’m kneeling before You, Lord.” The Hebrew meaning of the common word “bless” or “blessed” when speaking to God is then a constant reminder of humility-both to ourselves and to Him-of where exactly we are positioned when talking to Him." "Amen" is "truth/so let it be". You must be careful what you share so it is truthful and fits the context, and in this case, Hebrew would be a better choice than Egyptian. "Lord" generally refers to Jesus Christ and is not sinister in any usage, although one could infer that secular usage people who were lords/Lords by title were often not nice people. I like that you brought the meaning of words into this discussion.
zuzu's petals If you type into google "etymology of bless", blood (e.g. consecration with) is the first thing that shows.
In reading ancient history, it is often mentioned that amen comes from amun.
Lord was used long prior to Hebrew, and long long before 'Jesus', 'Yoshua', 'Yashua', 'Yeshua' the essene was teaching people how to raise the chrism to reconnect with Our Good Spirit Father, what type of earth to wet to make a paste to remove cataracts, which nerve pressure points to touch to heal what could be healed that way, that we should share and care, not be cruel, etc. If he were here today, the 'elite' would still have him murdered if he cost them too much profit from pharma.
However, I agree that when it comes to etymology it isn't often cut and dry. Languages change, and there aren't always accurate translations between modern languages, far less between the ancient and modern languages. Particularly ancient written languages that lacked vowel signs necessitating an amount of educated guesswork by experienced academics - some of whom spent decades translating from ancient to modern. So the best most of us can do as laypeople is to rely on what they tell us - and they don't all agree.
I would hope that when sharing on a public platform a lot of people would realise that at least to an extent, and do a little research of their own as far as they are able.
This isn't to argue with you. It is to explain more widely and is written with agape (one of the forty ancient Greek words for different types of love).
After spells I say "As It Is, As It Was, As It Shall Be."
I came across this at random and after watching this guy doing the " embrace the darkness within " spiel I have to say as a earth angel, " This guy's thinking is really disturbing and is on his way to being a black magic witch. Every white witch I've ever met says to do the opposite of embracing the darkness but the rule of light is first do no harm. You can see the dark but be not of it!"
yes tread lightly
know of it be not of it
We are all in the dark until we find the light. Some are comforted by the darkness while others feel safe in the light. Maybe he hasn't truly choosen his path.
I don’t understand, what is wrong with darkness? As long as it isn’t hurting others or yourself, what is wrong with the dark stuff??
I don't see anything wrong with it. Lear to protect and cleanse before you mess around though.
So no one is gonna talk about how handsome the youtuber is?
He is soooo handsome..pick me, pick me.
I wouldn’t say no 😸
Fine as fuck!
I was meant to see this video. You have explained certain concepts so simply, in a way that I have been unable to. I do not do this often, but I am subscribing to your channel. Thank you!
I’m not afraid of dark things, but I am scared of the dark. Idk why, it spooks me. Especially with mirrors in the dark.
Freemason Vlad well yeah, but it’s not like pitch black darkness or anything, the city lights are never off around here
There’s two, technically three mirrors on the wardrobe beside my bed and I don’t like it
So true and I just learned I was a Scorpio rising knew I never felt like a cancer. Learning all this life is so much different to me. I have learned so much in these two past months. Life is so deep and everything make sense now.
Bebd J im a Scorpio rising too 💜
Wait so your Sun sign is cancer?
Is the rising sign stronger than the sun
Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto 🦂
Virgo sun sign, but always drawn to Scorpio energy. Gave myself a scorpion tattoo as well, then found out I'm Scorpio rising. So yeah, totally get what you mean. The rising sign seems more meaningful.
I appreciate this video, I was always drawn to the dark nature of Magick, it is pleasurable in an energetic way, and feels like home, Astaroth have told me that I shouldn’t be ashamed of who I am.
I already know I'm a witch, just watched it for kicks and giggles.
same LOL
witches are known for being hideous
Darkness has always called to me I would wander at night and feel drawn to dark woods am drawn to the femme fatal and scarlet woman love the dark goddess love lilith I feel best when its overcast and storming and at night I am a witch
"Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
and to depart from evil is understanding.” You're choosing to do these things and you know it's not a good path. Choose life (Dueteronomy 19:30). Ask Jesus into your life and you'll start wanting to be in the light and be around people and be more loving. It's not natural to wander around at night. My cousin worshiped satan and satan took his life in his 20s. Be smarter than that - don't walk around at night.
@@eatlikeananimal i don't want too bow down, too a god that knew the future, and allowed the evil things too happen if it's true, and I don't need a book, too rule over my life, no thanks.
“I don’t know why, but the term ““Witch”” just seems like a really bad ass title for men as well.” Because we are bad asses. All our brothers and sisters of the Craft. Hands down.
I think men are called Warlock instead of Witch, but its ur choice to be called that way.
Fiona The Teleportal Kween I thought so too. But I learned that male witches are just called witches. Warlocks are practitioners of evil.
Willow Moon Wolf Well that depends on the person who practices. Just like Witches, Warlocks can be the light too. It all depends on the person not the name itself.
Fiona The Teleportal Kween That’s True.
Worlock also means traitor....
This. Every single thing you said. Finally... I finally "met" someone else who gets it!
Who gets stupidity? "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understanding.” Job 28:28. Get some smarter friends, dude
Judge not and be ye not judged, my friend.
That feeling in the darkness is so hard to explain. I wake up at 2:15am every day, I don’t have to be up till 2:50am. But when I sit and drink my coffee in the dark at 2:30 in the morning, every single day, I feel like I’m sitting with family, completely comfortable and at ease, once the sun is up I start stressing.
Growing up I was always more afraid of the dark than anyone I knew. As I got older I took the time to understand the world the way it was and wiping out other peoples perception. Now here I am, paying attention to what it is I'm afraid of and realizing its important to embrace the darkness. Its how we grow and learn. Side note, I am a scorpio and I'm not sure if astrology and the occult go hand in hand.
Yes astrology is occultism
I've been drawn to witchcraft and just everything beyond since I was child even now iny teen years I find it all so fascinating but I'm personally really scared to dive into it because what if I do something wrong? Anger a spiritual being? And just a lot of other things.
Very wise my friend.stay sweet and trust your highest self. Remember always..you are a very special spiritual being living a temporary human experience...create beautiful meanings in your journey..wonderful monents with friends and family..and give all the love in your heart to others and you will light the world ..and then you have made magic . Sweet journey honey.
Focus on grounding, protection, and banishings. You’d rarely anger a spiritual being. Just focus on you and research before working with spirits
Same here
Once i was able to light a bulb by just focusing on it strongly i got scared and never tried it again until one night the urge to try it came up and i.tried it again and it worked and i lovee darkness i love twilight i love full moon and always feel an intense urge to go out roaming at night but since i cant i end up researching everything occult could i really be connected somehow??
Actually the term “Witch” meant someone who used magic to harm others. In the 1600s the proper term for one who heals instead of harm is a Village Wise Woman or Cunning man! 🤨💯👁🗝🧩
Angie Gomez That term is also related to Pharmica which is Greek and in translation in ancient texts is used saying “By they’re drug they are deceived” , as well there is a college lecture by the university of Harvard on TH-cam that explains why and how that term is not in use as a positive meaning what’s so ever. I used to think the same thing until I became of “The Knowing”. Sad really.
Yeah because witchcraft is harmful. Don't try to spin it any other way no matter what you call it, "shaman," "wise woman," etc. Witchcraft is sin (1 Samuel 15:23)
Hello gorgeous
@JOHN FAIRCLOTH This is false. We’re you there? They would be what people know today as “DOCTORS”! 🤦♀️ ignorance is a disease
@JOHN FAIRCLOTH Actually this “the craft” that you speak of is actually Egyptian/Sumerian & I happen to know the one who CREATED IT! So you can go along in your happy world of “What you think you know” and I’ll be over here bathing in the truth 🥳👌🏼
Ignorance is the real plague here 🤦♀️
Nice video. Been on the path for many years now. I felt all those reasons (plus more) while growing up. Looking forward to your next video. 😉
Lilith and her bieng cast out I'm fascinated with how the other goddess ND gods are taught to be bad. I feel like this is who I am.
Omg, i'm very interested in her too!!
This video was really powerful for me. I've recently began my witch journey, and I don't identity with all the points you've made.
But looking back now I do realize that witchcraft and magic have always been a huge part of my life, often as a form of escape. Rain, cloudy days, and darkness have also definitely called to me, as they feel more welcoming that bright, sunny days.
I have been on my journey as a Witch for a little over 30yrs now. I still learn things about the Craft on a daily basis. I have no social life with the exception of once a month Pagan "meet up" at any number of local restraints and online chat forums. I am a solitary witch , single , and live alone just me and my "Boogieman"(a very spoiled cat).
My fascination with working with energy began from attending very large concerts and feeling the energies raised during a show. That's when I began my studies in Western Mystery Tradition Magicks. Was already a musician(piano , guitar , clarinet and singing). So from there it was only logical to try to contain , focus/charge , release the energies raised during a show. My original Coven used to call me their "Bardic Priest" because of how important music has always been in my life. Still is since now I am a Stagehand at 9 different venues that can pack in depending on where an audience of 3k-19.5k people in attendance. I find the smaller the show the easier it is to contain and control the chaos of a show.
Last show I did that at was a legendary place in the annals of both Country & Rock music. I was doing the Stagehand thing there
I walked a circle around the entire bldg 5 times to "set up" then as I am building stages , rigging audio , rigging lighting , connecting video , and setting up the Soundboard at each phase of the set up I was visualizing and saying silent prayers/blessings over each piece of equipment I touched that day. Once everything was finished I went outside to smoke a cig and I Circled the bldg another 5 times. Well that night the Air was so charged that even lead singer for The Cult commented about the "crowd" in the audience that night. All the while my wishes and blessings were secretly for a great show , raise a lot of money(the show was a fundraiser) , everyone remain safe and to get out of the bldg before 5am. It worked , not a single injury , over $20k raised in donations , everyone had a blast including the band and I was in my apartment with my cat in my lap by 2am that night.
Everything in Magick is a series of baby steps and do them all for each "project" you working on and everything comes together with a success outcome
Miranda Denton there aint no magic, its the same as thinking about something and relate every unexplained thing to it.
@@Murdavic You're allowed to have your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. This is what I believe, what kind of practioner would I be if it didn't stick with it.
Bruv, I feel like I'm just a goth Christian 😂😂
So am I. A goth Christian
@@empressoflonelinessnightwa936 Nice, it's scarce finding others :/
@@kittylurks Goth Muslim here lol
@@byzmaaref It's nice finding diversity in the goth community 🤗❤
I always feel like I am being watched. I guess that’s not so strange. But what about the foot steps? Outside, in the dark
Brother, I'm sure tou have heard many Neopagans feel that if we're Witches in past life, it calls to us in this one....that the Gods call us back, and always will,..
For me it's always been the call of the dark, the mysterious, the hidden, things unseen.
Everything makes so much sense now !!!! I have always felt different from everybody else. Everything you talked about in the video resonated with me. Thank you so much.
Like you, I was growing up reading bible because my Father always let me read it and I go to church regularly But as I grow up I feel that I’m little different ,I become fascinated with different unknown things . I’m curious about life after death ,soulmates ,tarot ,intuition and many more. I want to practice witchcraft but I don’t have the guts to do that that’s why I repressed the energies I everyday feel . I feel so scared to touch anything or anything to do with witchcraft because once I do that I know I will never stop. I’m very contented now using tarot and intuition and reading energies around me . I also never throw my Christianity and I still believe in God Jesus Christ .
You can always still believe in god and the saints and still be a witch… it’s called folk magick. Folk witches exist.
I just got in to this off and on, what to lean more