We do not praise false idols, nor do we wrestle against against flesh and blood, but I like your rhetoric... I must review your video on it. In its entirety, to begin to understand in order to stand over eternally. I imagine a single hour of dialog with you would be the most valuable hour of time I have certainly squandered in the past. Thank you for the insight into the devices of the labyrinth we wander.
I think if the truth was told since the beginning of time and there were no secrets or lies we'd all be living in a much more loving world. Learning lies makes us reflect a lie, knowing truth reflects truth 🌹🕊️❤️
That's great in theory but that's not how life works. Everything is a process the whole of life itself. Not everyone is meant to understand the mysteries of life. Manifested existence has a vested interest in keeping people asleep so to speak, in order for procreation of the species. If everyone was to be fully devoted to a spiritual search or an authentic spiritual life of a monk or nun, or a occultist of any form, then there wouldn't be too many babies born, no doctors , no engineers etc. and societies couldn't function nor communities. The search for truth is always going to lead to look for the cause of existence which is transcendent of manifested existence. So the majority of people in the history of world and continuously into the future will remain in blissful ignorance of the bulk of understanding the meaning of life, just as nature intends. The quality of the lives of the masses will ebb and flow in accordance with the natural cycles of the universe/nature/God. Not essential the majority ever know much about the meaning of life. It wouldn't actually help a person to divulge too much truth to them if they don't have the capacity to understand. In fact it could be harmful to them, a sort of unplugging from the matrix that would be a sensory overload for them. Nature is a precise system and people only get what is meant for them in hierarchical natural order. Trying to go against this even with good intentions of spirituality enlightening others will backfire. Nature is bigger than individual ego as the latter is product of the former,not the other way round. Follow the laws of nature,do not play God. A better understanding of this can be found in the chapter 'The cosmic vision' of the Bhavagad Gita.
Everyone thought that the invention of the internet would herald a new age of knowledge and learning yet clearly the ability to share large amounts of information freely has had the opposite effect on the average person. People don't value what they don't have to work to obtain. Knowledge should be freely obtainable but not freely given, and there has always been a path to obtaining esoteric knowledge open to those willing to spend the time and effort travelling it.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Imagery Game on point as always, coulda been a couple hours longer but I’ll take it 😉 Really enjoyed it, excellent work,🙏🏼appreciate You putting this together for us!
Study day and night, and supplicate thy Creator that he would be pleased to grant thee knowledge and understanding ; and that the pure spirits may have communication with, and influence, in thee.
@@rfroid902 listen to the wind. the spirits r writing right now. more practically or less "cringe": be content with learning itself - every new insight is a bigger achievement than any weight u might put on something material. doesnt mean one has to become a poor righteous teacher or cant get materially rich by learning. to keep the balance is what every human has to deal with. TLDR: trial & error. observe urself.
@@PowerPawaa i can understand that. i cannot stand media that lies, especially about CURRENT EVENTS, MATTERS OF THE HEART, THE EARTH(OUR HOME)PROPER not ganda. SHOULD BE A PUNISHABLE OFFENSE. POLICE GIVIN TICKETS FOR PEOPLE PEACEFULLY SLEEPIN IN THEIR OWN VEHICLES RESPECTFULLY, BUT U CAN LIE TO THE WORLD ABOUT....NOTHIN. INTEGRITY HONOR PEOPLE NEED DICTIONARIES, NOT FUCKIN SHAKESPEARE or hidoroxylpolyglisimideaporamydaminhjhdacbk PREservative. Every ingredient is fuckin active if it goes in the body. as far as esoteric or like studies, alchemy, cultures, medicine, etcetera, i try and listen. i keep an open mind considerately. i know i can ALLwayz learn SUMthin(somethick😉). Siriusly tho, i take my studies serious, i care and am amazed of life, of nature, of the sky, RESPECTREFULLY tho. Seek and u shall find translates thru culture and time...especially when u do such with good intent, with integrity, with thanx💀, humboldly. Respect begets respect. When i find a.i. i erase it if i can, i definitely am not an advocate...shit, advocate of anything fake or "artificial." Love art(life)when its arthentic...Tryin to masterPEACE everyday😊🎨🙏 ONLY a.i. i care to see wore #3 and was one the best ever. Fun asf to watch. Shook anybody he wanted and counted buckets🏀....sorry got off track, but my point was, i listen, but with discernment. People like Dr. Sledge on Esoterica, who shows his work, shows proof of knowledge and effort. A true scholar, professional and i dont know if he even went to "school" for such, but i know he has read the books and shows passion for his profession. i think maybe i been spelling crytearia wrong😭....🙄...🤷...maybe i should go eat at a cryfeteria😂
When I became born again, I'm ( a terrible example of) Roman Catholic, so I don't know if we're supposed to expect, but in 2020, it happened. On Christmas it began. An Angel was there. Say what you will, but I know what is happening. Anyhow, when it began, the Angel said to me, " Yes, John Magic is part of this." What can I say, as a child I wondered. Fear of losing it is superstition, but I wouldn't run out and join a coven, either. God is Good. The Kingdom of Heaven is real true actual and factual. Anyone on this page ought to know that. Shalom, I like Him. .
I've seen that word spelled 3 different ways now. It's interesting and amazing that one word that we arn't totally sure of it's pronounciation and maybe even how it's actually spelled has at least 3 spellings. But no matter which spelling, you hear or say the word and what it points to is very clear. It's a curious observation I've had for a long time. Other words that sound the same and have different spellings don't have the same quality of meaning the same thing. Take the word sew. All the variatuons mean different things but they all sound the same. This one word with 3 spellings that are recognized as the same thing is very reflective of the nature of it, paths like roots of the tree of life that are intertwined and can take a life time to understand. It really is a marvous and reflective curiosity isn't it. Just my observation on this lovely afternoon in May.
Here's some light: Kabbala- Traditional Orthodox Judaic usage and connotation having to do with religious and mystical teachings of the Sacred Jewish books of The Zohar, Pentateuch and Talmud. Quabalah- A connotation that arose from the Graeco-Egyptian streams of the mysteries that dealt exclusively with Theurgy, that is ceremonial magic including astrological magic, inclusion of The Tarot and the invocation or evocation of deities or beings within the chain of worlds on the tree of life within Hermetic orders.. Cabala- Specifically the most recent connotation that was a development of the Quabalistic streams of the western esoteric traditions within Christian Europe. A Latinized or Anglicized derivation of Kabbala and Quabalah that specifically allows for contact with angelic hierarchies. Essentially church approved or Christianized mystical teachings and practices involving mystical contemplation, prayers, ceremonies of liturgy and divination dealing with ((God's)) hierarchies. Think John Dee and Enochian Magic here. I hope this helps on your path of awakening and blessings..
المصدر الحقيقي الاصلي الوحيد هو الشفافية والعفوية والتلقائية وهو غير خالق وحيادي لانه كامل ومكتفي ما تدعو اليه ليس كامل بل محتاج ليخلق لان به نقص يهوه واراخاناته يعني زحل وكواكبه الهة الماتريكس
Praaaaaise!! Praise unto the modern hermeticist. Let this digital song be raised high to the godolouge rhythum that its bandwidth might increase in abundance and spread its radiant wisdoms throughout the proples, minds and holy celestial spaces ever.
Dutch scholar Grotius (1583-1645), however, said that the word Antares signifies a Bat, which, as Vespertilio, Greek tragic poet Sophocles (496?-406 B.C.) perhaps called it 🦇 The Arabians’ Kalb al Akrab, the Scorpion’s Heart, which probably preceded the Kardia Skorpion and Cor Scorpii of Greece and Rome respectively, became, in early English and Continental lists, Kelbalacrab, Calbalacrab ⚕️Kabbalah ⚕️
Before I watched this I memorized what one man I can't recall his name said are the main 8 laws that govern this realm. Mentalism. The law of correspondence cause and effect polarity rhythm vibration gender and love governs all. The love of onesself enough to seek truth to awaken his multi dimensional spirit from the slumber this culture and today's nuance ideologies produce. America produces good worker robot consumers. Thank you for your efforts my friend. We have the momentum we need to wake up the others and fulfill betterment of the human condition by getting back to what we once knew...connection to God via source of life force in nature. It is no measure of sanity to be conformed to an insane society. Many before us have lost the fight, we have to stay focused aware and vigilant in this age of Aquarius this age of awakening. Judging by my thoughts one can access that more are waking daily, and so if my thoughts are any judge of the collective consciousness which I know this to be fact, change is inevitable. The great reset.
@NublifeWZG seems like it, lol. The part about sane in an insane society sounds like what Jiddu said (sick in a sick society). David Foster Wallace was a Caucasian brotha with a poney tail - don't think he was an occultist, though he probably could write a doctoral thesis on occultist practices that would swim circles around most practicing occultists, haha.
While this video is very informative for the neophyte or initiated, unless you actually know how to perform magick, i.e using the 72 names of God or invoking the Archangels of the tree of life, this video doesn’t offer any practical advice for the outsider that wants to know if magick is real. There’s a tradition of gate keeping practical magickal knowledge and I personally struggled for years listening to videos like this and wondering ‘ok so how do I use this?’ I know Im not the only one. For anyone out there that wants to learn, there are a few great starting resources: Modern magick by DMK High Magick by D Echols Kabbalah and the great work of self transformation by L T Christopher
Yeah, the Veil of Isis .. Barrier to entrance exists because it has to. God is pretty good at filtering out the luke warm bullshitters just because it takes as long as it does, but, hence why patience is a virtue, and magical expertise with a lack thereof quickly turns into a metaphysical cold war MAD kind of situation, its the ones that make it to the tops of their respective practices and turn back that are truly dangerous..
Connection,...and DIS-CONNECTION are STILL "PARTS" of the "WHOLE" while ALSO alluding to "SEPARATION" in a "WAY" to presume "INDIVIDUALS"❤😂🎉 Still,......just "PARTS" of a "WHOLE"❤ "Free Will" is an AID in COMPREHENDING "SEPARATION ". "YOU" choose "You" from amongst the NUMBERS of "SOULS" Present❤
Spoiler alert: Essential tools for Ceremonial Magic - the lamp (& oil), the wand, the cup, the sword & the pentacle. Operations are to be performed in a cloud of smoke, blindfolded & bound in {redacted}. Call your operator for more information…
u meant inner self filled with god manisfestation, by taking yours shape from the inside to outside, The Rank Of The G.O.D For Meditate Or Unity Throught The Almighty Spirit, Being One With "Jallalluhu" (Can describe it for me)
Parts are twisted or the key has intentionally removed. Magic will only manifest if the practitioner is of penitent heart and the cause is just. You mentioned the killing of innocence. There is more to this. Revenge is permitted and so if you only see the act of revenge itself it appears that the perpetrator is the innocent. But there is a balance. The heads of nations know this, but they don’t understand the balance. If someone plucks out your hair it’s not OK to pluck out their eye. You are seeing this right now as we speak. If it’s done strategically and by intent to increase hegemony you have to keep in mind the cost for the over reaction must be paid. Is the authority within the aggressive nation wiling to pay the cost, if not how can this cost be deflected and absorbed in a manner it doesn’t threaten the aggressor? This is what’s happened there and there is no one there to absorb this cost and so natural law says they will not be the debtor and it’s time to pay up. This is exactly why the founders created a way to mow their neighbors grass. Because direct action by an entity will means they pay the cost. In the past they would have others perform their profane acts, and later reward that entity to make them whole again. The founders knew all of this and their kids are stupid and disrespectful. Essentially they inherited Daddy’s Rolls Royce and just got drunk on power and smashed it into a tree. Now the anger they have created is deeply embedded and all spectators are sympathetic to the real victim and will help to remove them. They violated natural law, and Daddy is no longer here to bail them out. The worst is they know damn well if Daddy were still alive then he would have told them to not take such aggressive action and how to deflect the penalty. For humanity it’s a blessing the kids don’t get it. It’s the means by which all men will free themselves from the open air prison.
The best explanation for the trinity is tamas, rajas and Sattva. Or past, future and Present. Or Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. I don't think it's possible, in this degrading age of Kali, to have a healthy approach towards magic. Even most virtuous persons will be challenged and end up misusing their abilities. That is probably one of the reasons why freemasons and Judaism meet so much opposition today.
If god = Father+Mother+Child => how can the result be called a man? Best case scenario, would be an IT, a neutral aspect of sentience and divinity, encompassing the dualism of the genders and the manifestation of the higher perspective which goes above the dualism. Holy Spirit = Mother Proud and agitated assistant that wants to have everything and the king of himself = Man Mother unites with Male, and gives birth = creation = Clueless radiant naive and pure manifestation of a new living pattern Who was first, chicken or the egg? It was not a Man, probably. This we can understand from the question. The question is about a chicken, because this is the symbol of a modern woman, within the male society. Child factory, sandwich maker, Holy Ghost. Live commodity, maintained in a state of production and providing satisfaction, while being seen as inferior and even without free will. Therefore, at the top, would probably be a woman, the initial creator, birth-giver, along with man, the conduit and manifesting will that proliferates and specializes the creation into further complexity, resulting in child, which is the next...godhead, that will become Father, with the same Mother, but a new child, which this time could be Daughter. This system presents itself repeatedly in all religions, all across the planet. Trinity, sometimes containing a woman, other times some strange ghost, part of a trinity, with a child that can be a son or a daughter. The trinity always has a man, but a woman sometimes. Why is this? Are there parts of humanity that reproduce with ghosts, or between males? No. Well, it's just one of those things to look at and uncover... For me to study undisturbed all the imaginitive christian dogma, that has assigned angel names to spirits of nature, while calling the divine mother a holy ghost, I would need to have clear text, to replace all words of god with Source, Holy Ghost with Divine Mother, and remove all the ego-centric/worshiping parts of the text, where some writer loses itself suddenly in delirious fundamentalist euphoria in flattering the ego of the male god part, which is actually a praising of the self. Christianism and its cohort of cults or divergent branches, should evolve towards Non-dualism (Like Buddhism has done a while ago), so, in order to do that, it should strive itself to understand religion in a manner that is inclusive, universal and non-deterministic, for this to become a symbol of unity, rather than some conquering factor. The planet is foreign, alien and strange to us, we are just being hosted here, as a civilization, until a permanent solution is found. The planet does not belong to anyone, even its creator, as in reality, living beings are free and without master. Their existence, sentience and evolution is ensured, supported and registered/stewarded by evolved beings, with the intention and choice of change always coming from the respective being. This intention can be influenced before being manifested, but is always respected as coming from the being itself. This is a law of nature, of living free will. Best way to call a divine representation of everything that is, and the place where it comes from, together in one word, is Source. So, when using the English language, use Source (Instead of God), and when using Hebrew, Asherah+Yahweh instead of Elohim. Bringing back the female symbol within the tree of life might also revelate some different interpretations of the existing words and their translation, and might also increase the potency of magic, which should work better using the original construct, rather than the...subjective transcript.
@@lunam7249 Yes, but it does not feel right as such. Rather, it makes more sense for sun to be the father, planet the mother, and moon the son/daughter/baby is artificial and connecting the two aspects, allowing humanity to exist physically. This simple logic can be applied as per their volume/density, which naturally, should provide some sort of hierarchy. Humanity should be mostly supported by the baby aspect of the trinity (much like it happens in the Bible, with Jesus), while the archetypal parents which in this case are planetary bodies, simply represent a type of dual forces that make consciousness possible, as existence (sun provides fuel, while planet provides substance). Such consciousness, to take life, it needed the moon (active collaboration of the two primal aspects) to regulate the natural cycles, in a manner that can accommodate life and spiritual evolution. I don't have a real ego, I am in a rather special situation. Thank you for your care.
Is it wrong that I pause in wanting to share this with random people??..it's hard to say this, but ..this knowledge is not for everyone..I think ..but..then again ..those interested, who are searching for this kind of knowledge, then ..Im not sure..on reflection..❤️⚡
Did anyone else here have Jesus Christ come down on cloud from heaven in real time and tell them the entire book of john and say those who killed Him long ago had changed it to lies and now everyone in this last age is praying to a lie and must return to His tree Of Life way of life???? Anyone? Perhaps the video maker here on this channel?? I been searching online for same or simular gift from Creator to humanity since 2008, no one comes fwd, not even famous preachers :( Anyone???
The anient likeness in many stories predating Christ's existance gives clues to where the mythos came from and what it is about. Can you explain why any character in the biblical stories names mean exactly what they did? And the meaning of why certain characters get new names after they have a change in conciousness? Just because you refuse to understand something, doesn't make it useless. It's just useless to those who refuse to understand. Let's look at it this way, the scientist that refuses to learn philosophy has a disadvantage over the scientist that learns both. Why? Because the sceintist that refuses philosophy will use science as the only driving force and will not use it wisely.
I met Masons who talk like this. So why is Judeomasonry so wicked if this art is so noble? When Jews talk about the qabalistic "repairing the face of God" or Tikkun Olam, and then I see their wicked actions in the Holy Land and elsewhere, it casts doubt on all of these teachings. Secrets usually hide degeneracy and vice.
Safriet or Safriots is my last name. In Hebrew means numbers or to count.And true story IAM the Violet Flame no lie Maria is my mother and you can verify if you like and I met Yeshia and Michael I worked with them at a cconstruction site. And he saved me in a Alchemy explosion no lie thank you for your videos.
No wonder the book of enoch was banned , way to many annunaki hanging around , that was alot of god names . Interesting that solomon interviewed 72 demons , then you mention 72 gods 🤦🏽♂️ maybe they wasnt that clever as they seemed .
Kaballah is pagan , its the opposite of monothiesm . Shame on ancient jews that should of knew something was off with chanting 10 different gods names . 3 times each of course , things done in 3's garuntees success. ( magic 101) the lightening technique belongs to enlil and i refuse to do it, i hate enlil aka yahweh. Judism is planet worshiping like the other branches 😕 menorah = planet representation and energies they give . A solar system candle holder .
@timshaw1712 not monothiesm. Thier should be no acknowledgment of any other Devine assistance defining the word monothiesm itself . There are hidden pagan symbols hidden inside the diagram of the kaballah. This is pagan as well as the menorah and everything else. I had to prove every religion is false and left no corner unturned for sheep that will argue it .
@timshaw1712 so what ? If someone strict knew people use to be sacrificed under a mistletoe tree would they still get excited for a kiss ? I can rip each abrahamic branch to pieces with thier pagan origin. It's a very big deal for a believer of a holy god . Fools 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 research and stop following without question for generations 😒 i would move on ,I only accept challenges from people that at least studied 500,000 years ago including every civilization, mythology, creation story, and religion on the entire planet , every speck. Then your close to my level. Those gods are the reason elohiem is plural . Those aren't variations of yahweh. Elohiem-plural, yahweh- title/plural. Zues title not one , morning star -title , etc . Every person In a religious belief worships a hidden god/ gods of annunaki dieties. Thier inside the freaking bible ,which are nothing but annunaki stories with a twist. Pagan
@timshaw1712 so what? Pagan roots as in people being sacrificed under a missile toe tree and today you hope for an kiss every Christmas season. I can keep going but it will just get erased . You are not even close to my level and the topic of elhoiem which is plural gods are talked about on TH-cam on plenty of channels . Yahweh is a title , and those names aren't extensions of him their all the different elohiem . Goodday sheep . Catch up to me which is probably impossible since I researched the entire planet's history . I'm done with mysteries of earth and now am on planetary energies, astral projection and frequencies .
@timshaw1712 pagan = not kosher dumb ass. So for a jew that is a big deal being the most militant and disciplined in following laws . The kaballah is pagan for a jew it clashes with no other gods . Ive done my homework and stopped following things based of faith and chosen research and facts instead .
Please like, share, and leave a comment to be a sweet-smelling incense to the algogods.
We do not praise false idols, nor do we wrestle against against flesh and blood, but I like your rhetoric... I must review your video on it. In its entirety, to begin to understand in order to stand over eternally. I imagine a single hour of dialog with you would be the most valuable hour of time I have certainly squandered in the past. Thank you for the insight into the devices of the labyrinth we wander.
@@TheModernHermeticist algo godesses maybe? 😂
I don't offer worship to demigods, but your rhetoric is superb😂👍
Are you esoterica?
@@BasedRoots Nope, we even have videos together.
Thank you for always pulling from the best information then making it accessible!
I think if the truth was told since the beginning of time and there were no secrets or lies we'd all be living in a much more loving world. Learning lies makes us reflect a lie, knowing truth reflects truth 🌹🕊️❤️
Secret keeping is a learned behavior..😢
That's great in theory but that's not how life works. Everything is a process the whole of life itself. Not everyone is meant to understand the mysteries of life. Manifested existence has a vested interest in keeping people asleep so to speak, in order for procreation of the species. If everyone was to be fully devoted to a spiritual search or an authentic spiritual life of a monk or nun, or a occultist of any form, then there wouldn't be too many babies born, no doctors , no engineers etc. and societies couldn't function nor communities.
The search for truth is always going to lead to look for the cause of existence which is transcendent of manifested existence. So the majority of people in the history of world and continuously into the future will remain in blissful ignorance of the bulk of understanding the meaning of life, just as nature intends.
The quality of the lives of the masses will ebb and flow in accordance with the natural cycles of the universe/nature/God. Not essential the majority ever know much about the meaning of life. It wouldn't actually help a person to divulge too much truth to them if they don't have the capacity to understand. In fact it could be harmful to them, a sort of unplugging from the matrix that would be a sensory overload for them.
Nature is a precise system and people only get what is meant for them in hierarchical natural order. Trying to go against this even with good intentions of spirituality enlightening others will backfire. Nature is bigger than individual ego as the latter is product of the former,not the other way round. Follow the laws of nature,do not play God. A better understanding of this can be found in the chapter 'The cosmic vision' of the Bhavagad Gita.
Everyone thought that the invention of the internet would herald a new age of knowledge and learning yet clearly the ability to share large amounts of information freely has had the opposite effect on the average person. People don't value what they don't have to work to obtain. Knowledge should be freely obtainable but not freely given, and there has always been a path to obtaining esoteric knowledge open to those willing to spend the time and effort travelling it.
@@HanzHermannHoppe True and they will use that knowledge to rob you and deceive you.
@@martinhealy2755 amen
I went out and purchased a copy of The Magus because of your wonderful readings! ❤❤
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Imagery Game on point as always, coulda been a couple hours longer but I’ll take it 😉 Really enjoyed it, excellent work,🙏🏼appreciate You putting this together for us!
Study day and night, and supplicate thy Creator that he would be pleased to grant thee knowledge and understanding ; and that the pure spirits may have communication with, and influence, in thee.
True words, but study without practice is worthless... And vice-versa.
Mr. Mandelbrot is right. Test all things and keep whats good.
@@kevindorn2508 its an excerpt of the text
How do I achieve this knowledge? Are you in contact with these spirits?
@@rfroid902 listen to the wind. the spirits r writing right now. more practically or less "cringe": be content with learning itself - every new insight is a bigger achievement than any weight u might put on something material. doesnt mean one has to become a poor righteous teacher or cant get materially rich by learning. to keep the balance is what every human has to deal with. TLDR: trial & error. observe urself.
Hey Dan! Great to see you again😀
The oft overlooked Cabala book 📖 🌳 with excellent narration 🎙 & the art 🎨 provided throughout the reading is evocative 🎉!
Nice 👍🏻 application of 😋 emoji's! 💯😎
@JDonskii0151 😂👏👍🫵
Thank you, your videos a joy to watch. Great voice with beautiful art.
This is the absolute best channel on the mysteries and occult and esotericism.
Thanks Dan
Y?(not that i disagree, but y?)...if u please?
@@seanjustg5425it’s not one of those AI generated occult channels popping up all the time
@@PowerPawaa i can understand that. i cannot stand media that lies, especially about CURRENT EVENTS, MATTERS OF THE HEART, THE EARTH(OUR HOME)PROPER not ganda. SHOULD BE A PUNISHABLE OFFENSE. POLICE GIVIN TICKETS FOR PEOPLE PEACEFULLY SLEEPIN IN THEIR OWN VEHICLES RESPECTFULLY, BUT U CAN LIE TO THE WORLD ABOUT....NOTHIN. INTEGRITY HONOR PEOPLE NEED DICTIONARIES, NOT FUCKIN SHAKESPEARE or hidoroxylpolyglisimideaporamydaminhjhdacbk PREservative. Every ingredient is fuckin active if it goes in the body. as far as esoteric or like studies, alchemy, cultures, medicine, etcetera, i try and listen. i keep an open mind considerately. i know i can ALLwayz learn SUMthin(somethick😉). Siriusly tho, i take my studies serious, i care and am amazed of life, of nature, of the sky, RESPECTREFULLY tho. Seek and u shall find translates thru culture and time...especially when u do such with good intent, with integrity, with thanx💀, humboldly. Respect begets respect. When i find a.i. i erase it if i can, i definitely am not an advocate...shit, advocate of anything fake or "artificial." Love art(life)when its arthentic...Tryin to masterPEACE everyday😊🎨🙏 ONLY a.i. i care to see wore #3 and was one the best ever. Fun asf to watch. Shook anybody he wanted and counted buckets🏀....sorry got off track, but my point was, i listen, but with discernment. People like Dr. Sledge on Esoterica, who shows his work, shows proof of knowledge and effort. A true scholar, professional and i dont know if he even went to "school" for such, but i know he has read the books and shows passion for his profession. i think maybe i been spelling crytearia wrong😭....🙄...🤷...maybe i should go eat at a cryfeteria😂
@@sumchi3690 amongst others...🙄
Ok! Dan the Man with another awesome podcast!
Glad you enjoyed it Ipsissimus!
Great to see you back! Thanks as always.
This! We were about to send out search parties
@@dansemacabre6515 for a second i was worried I missed commenting on a MH upload
you could call me a dan superstan
Heck yeah!!!!!!!!!! Right on bruhh!!!!!!!!!
#pumped 💯💯💯💯💯💯
It's really good stuff here on this channel, I'm glad I found it. Like a magick greatest hits 🤙
Outstanding read, well done.
Mekubbal: Let’s not divulge the Holy Names to the profane ears
Dan: Let’s put it on the internet 😆
Me with profane ears realizing this is satanic heb black magic😅
@@jasonthomas1688your reaction is specifically and exactly why it’s not for profane ears lol
…now do “the Ceremonial Magic of Voodoo”…
When I became born again, I'm ( a terrible example of) Roman Catholic, so I don't know if we're supposed to expect, but in 2020, it happened. On Christmas it began. An Angel was there. Say what you will, but I know what is happening. Anyhow, when it began, the Angel said to me, " Yes, John Magic is part of this."
What can I say, as a child I wondered. Fear of losing it is superstition, but I wouldn't run out and join a coven, either. God is Good. The Kingdom of Heaven is real true actual and factual. Anyone on this page ought to know that. Shalom, I like Him.
Great Work! Thank You!!!
I've seen that word spelled 3 different ways now.
It's interesting and amazing that one word that we arn't totally sure of it's pronounciation and maybe even how it's actually spelled has at least 3 spellings.
But no matter which spelling, you hear or say the word and what it points to is very clear.
It's a curious observation I've had for a long time.
Other words that sound the same and have different spellings don't have the same quality of meaning the same thing.
Take the word sew. All the variatuons mean different things but they all sound the same. This one word with 3 spellings that are recognized as the same thing is very reflective of the nature of it, paths like roots of the tree of life that are intertwined and can take a life time to understand. It really is a marvous and reflective curiosity isn't it.
Just my observation on this lovely afternoon in May.
Here's some light: Kabbala- Traditional Orthodox Judaic usage and connotation having to do with religious and mystical teachings of the Sacred Jewish books of The Zohar, Pentateuch and Talmud.
Quabalah- A connotation that arose from the Graeco-Egyptian streams of the mysteries that dealt exclusively with Theurgy, that is ceremonial magic including astrological magic, inclusion of The Tarot and the invocation or evocation of deities or beings within the chain of worlds on the tree of life within Hermetic orders..
Cabala- Specifically the most recent connotation that was a development of the Quabalistic streams of the western esoteric traditions within Christian Europe. A Latinized or Anglicized derivation of Kabbala and Quabalah that specifically allows for contact with angelic hierarchies. Essentially church approved or Christianized mystical teachings and practices involving mystical contemplation, prayers, ceremonies of liturgy and divination dealing with ((God's)) hierarchies. Think John Dee and Enochian Magic here.
I hope this helps on your path of awakening and blessings..
@@Eternally-OrientedBeautifully written! Kabbala = Jewish, Qabala = Hermetic, Cabala = Christian
The word and its variants aren't matters of mystery at all 😂
@@Eternally-Orientedthank you
المصدر الحقيقي الاصلي الوحيد هو الشفافية والعفوية والتلقائية وهو غير خالق وحيادي لانه كامل ومكتفي ما تدعو اليه ليس كامل بل محتاج ليخلق لان به نقص يهوه واراخاناته يعني زحل وكواكبه الهة الماتريكس
Keep up the amazing job Dan 👍
Another great presentation. Many thx Dan .
learned a lot Great work👍
Thank you for all you do🙏👍🙏👍
One who wants to know everything find the answers behind this and also explanation on why many of life's mysteries
I'm reading Matthias Castle's version of the Ars Notoria right now. It's an eye opener in the understanding of The Keys of Solomon.
Thank you Mr. Dan. for real
Cheers astrogumbo
Praaaaaise!! Praise unto the modern hermeticist. Let this digital song be raised high to the godolouge rhythum that its bandwidth might increase in abundance and spread its radiant wisdoms throughout the proples, minds and holy celestial spaces ever.
“If thou would be a magician and gain fruit from this art, be secret.”
Huge thanks Dr Attrell for all your valuable work. Very much appreciated.
Thanks Mark!
Law of ONE
All is ONE
We are ONE
Love is the Law
Love under Will
93/93 and Be Well
You should do a video on the Qlippoth
Epic stuff ty! 🙌
Dutch scholar Grotius (1583-1645), however, said that the word Antares signifies a Bat, which, as Vespertilio, Greek tragic poet Sophocles (496?-406 B.C.) perhaps called it 🦇 The Arabians’ Kalb al Akrab, the Scorpion’s Heart, which probably preceded the Kardia Skorpion and Cor Scorpii of Greece and Rome respectively, became, in early English and Continental lists, Kelbalacrab, Calbalacrab ⚕️Kabbalah ⚕️
Where did you get that map of with the ten spheroth in it ?
Before I watched this I memorized what one man I can't recall his name said are the main 8 laws that govern this realm. Mentalism. The law of correspondence cause and effect polarity rhythm vibration gender and love governs all. The love of onesself enough to seek truth to awaken his multi dimensional spirit from the slumber this culture and today's nuance ideologies produce. America produces good worker robot consumers. Thank you for your efforts my friend. We have the momentum we need to wake up the others and fulfill betterment of the human condition by getting back to what we once knew...connection to God via source of life force in nature.
It is no measure of sanity to be conformed to an insane society. Many before us have lost the fight, we have to stay focused aware and vigilant in this age of Aquarius this age of awakening. Judging by my thoughts one can access that more are waking daily, and so if my thoughts are any judge of the collective consciousness which I know this to be fact, change is inevitable. The great reset.
sounds like some David Foster Wallace (lol), but I think that is Jiddu Krishnamurti - yeah??
@QVAZzzz actually some Caucasian brotha with a pony tail lol. Super smart. Ex occultist apparently.
@QVAZzzz mark passio is his name.
@NublifeWZG seems like it, lol. The part about sane in an insane society sounds like what Jiddu said (sick in a sick society). David Foster Wallace was a Caucasian brotha with a poney tail - don't think he was an occultist, though he probably could write a doctoral thesis on occultist practices that would swim circles around most practicing occultists, haha.
Great , thank you !
❤ thank you 🙏
What a marvel
Of a channel. Curses on TH-cam for not ever introducing it. I found you by a comment you made.
You are just too smart, I guess.
Thank you!
While this video is very informative for the neophyte or initiated, unless you actually know how to perform magick, i.e using the 72 names of God or invoking the Archangels of the tree of life, this video doesn’t offer any practical advice for the outsider that wants to know if magick is real. There’s a tradition of gate keeping practical magickal knowledge and I personally struggled for years listening to videos like this and wondering ‘ok so how do I use this?’ I know Im not the only one. For anyone out there that wants to learn, there are a few great starting resources:
Modern magick by DMK
High Magick by D Echols
Kabbalah and the great work of self transformation by L T Christopher
Yeah, the Veil of Isis .. Barrier to entrance exists because it has to. God is pretty good at filtering out the luke warm bullshitters just because it takes as long as it does, but, hence why patience is a virtue, and magical expertise with a lack thereof quickly turns into a metaphysical cold war MAD kind of situation, its the ones that make it to the tops of their respective practices and turn back that are truly dangerous..
So what happens when you get outside the gates of summer in Antarctica???
Who is the fucking high speed that linked this up with Arbatel?
Thank you ❤
Thanx once a'gain' kind sir🙏Seek and ye shall find. 💯. Love yall...Stay unbridled and curious, like a child. if u dare...😁💞
Good stuff
Thank you
It is a bit exclusive.....how it starts... ceremonial magick has more roots...but I love the video!
@17:45 It was said that Osiris was tricked into the coffin by the 70 and 2. 🤔
10:25, how do you spell that..? Zaphkia?
@@TheModernHermeticist Much obliged ^_^
This is so weird I did a reading 2 days ago, and spirit said magus, when the magician card fell out in that reading, more rabbit wholes.
Wabbit hole you mean ?
Connection,...and DIS-CONNECTION are STILL "PARTS" of the "WHOLE"
while ALSO alluding to "SEPARATION" in a "WAY" to presume "INDIVIDUALS"❤😂🎉
Still,......just "PARTS" of a "WHOLE"❤
"YOU" choose "You" from amongst the NUMBERS of "SOULS" Present❤
Bei den Zen Göttern vom Anfang, könnten es auch 10 Augen sein, die den 5 Söhnen oder sonnen gehören;😅 wegen der ewiglichen Personifizierung.
Funny thing….that schematic looks very similar to the pentagon 🤔
This is so amazing.
Which book had the thumbnail for your video?
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
Excellence ❤
300 void laborers for a mere 2 transmutational tokens(TT)...joyous revelation mi lord
Spoiler alert:
Essential tools for Ceremonial Magic - the lamp (& oil), the wand, the cup, the sword & the pentacle. Operations are to be performed in a cloud of smoke, blindfolded & bound in {redacted}. Call your operator for more information…
I guess Dan thinks that those who come here and bother to listen carefully to the message are by doing so qualified to receive the message.
There's one more name that you didn't say..
Hell yeah dude
u meant inner self filled with god manisfestation, by taking yours shape from the inside to outside, The Rank Of The G.O.D For Meditate Or Unity Throught The Almighty Spirit, Being One With "Jallalluhu" (Can describe it for me)
1325 stillwell st lacey WA 7:24 pm 1 24 25
God is love ❤!!!
Always Spreading With XXX Ways
Der eine unbekannte Name von Gott, ist die Abwesenheit des Namens, dachte ich manchmal.
Weird how much Norse pagan faith has the same words and description of gods words and meanings. That’s wild
Parts are twisted or the key has intentionally removed. Magic will only manifest if the practitioner is of penitent heart and the cause is just.
You mentioned the killing of innocence. There is more to this. Revenge is permitted and so if you only see the act of revenge itself it appears that the perpetrator is the innocent. But there is a balance. The heads of nations know this, but they don’t understand the balance.
If someone plucks out your hair it’s not OK to pluck out their eye.
You are seeing this right now as we speak. If it’s done strategically and by intent to increase hegemony you have to keep in mind the cost for the over reaction must be paid. Is the authority within the aggressive nation wiling to pay the cost, if not how can this cost be deflected and absorbed in a manner it doesn’t threaten the aggressor?
This is what’s happened there and there is no one there to absorb this cost and so natural law says they will not be the debtor and it’s time to pay up.
This is exactly why the founders created a way to mow their neighbors grass. Because direct action by an entity will means they pay the cost. In the past they would have others perform their profane acts, and later reward that entity to make them whole again.
The founders knew all of this and their kids are stupid and disrespectful. Essentially they inherited Daddy’s Rolls Royce and just got drunk on power and smashed it into a tree.
Now the anger they have created is deeply embedded and all spectators are sympathetic to the real victim and will help to remove them. They violated natural law, and Daddy is no longer here to bail them out. The worst is they know damn well if Daddy were still alive then he would have told them to not take such aggressive action and how to deflect the penalty.
For humanity it’s a blessing the kids don’t get it. It’s the means by which all men will free themselves from the open air prison.
The cheat code is God
An nothing else
Which one
@TravisDrake-Beo007 the one an Only True God the One in heaven an his on only begotten SON is JESUS CHRIST YESHUA MESHIACCHK PRAISE GOD FOR HIS DAY
God has a name I shall not mutter
I feel I've lost a bit of connection with the spirits but I intend to correct that. I stopped seeking knowledge but my quest is back on.
Be secret..... *Uploads
The best explanation for the trinity is tamas, rajas and Sattva.
Or past, future and Present.
Or Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu.
I don't think it's possible, in this degrading age of Kali, to have a healthy approach towards magic.
Even most virtuous persons will be challenged and end up misusing their abilities.
That is probably one of the reasons why freemasons and Judaism meet so much opposition today.
There is no-thing above All... maybe 'the All'...😢😂😮😅❤🎉
If god = Father+Mother+Child => how can the result be called a man? Best case scenario, would be an IT, a neutral aspect of sentience and divinity, encompassing the dualism of the genders and the manifestation of the higher perspective which goes above the dualism.
Holy Spirit = Mother
Proud and agitated assistant that wants to have everything and the king of himself = Man
Mother unites with Male, and gives birth = creation = Clueless radiant naive and pure manifestation of a new living pattern
Who was first, chicken or the egg? It was not a Man, probably. This we can understand from the question. The question is about a chicken, because this is the symbol of a modern woman, within the male society. Child factory, sandwich maker, Holy Ghost. Live commodity, maintained in a state of production and providing satisfaction, while being seen as inferior and even without free will.
Therefore, at the top, would probably be a woman, the initial creator, birth-giver, along with man, the conduit and manifesting will that proliferates and specializes the creation into further complexity, resulting in child, which is the next...godhead, that will become Father, with the same Mother, but a new child, which this time could be Daughter.
This system presents itself repeatedly in all religions, all across the planet. Trinity, sometimes containing a woman, other times some strange ghost, part of a trinity, with a child that can be a son or a daughter. The trinity always has a man, but a woman sometimes. Why is this? Are there parts of humanity that reproduce with ghosts, or between males? No. Well, it's just one of those things to look at and uncover...
For me to study undisturbed all the imaginitive christian dogma, that has assigned angel names to spirits of nature, while calling the divine mother a holy ghost, I would need to have clear text, to replace all words of god with Source, Holy Ghost with Divine Mother, and remove all the ego-centric/worshiping parts of the text, where some writer loses itself suddenly in delirious fundamentalist euphoria in flattering the ego of the male god part, which is actually a praising of the self.
Christianism and its cohort of cults or divergent branches, should evolve towards Non-dualism (Like Buddhism has done a while ago), so, in order to do that, it should strive itself to understand religion in a manner that is inclusive, universal and non-deterministic, for this to become a symbol of unity, rather than some conquering factor. The planet is foreign, alien and strange to us, we are just being hosted here, as a civilization, until a permanent solution is found. The planet does not belong to anyone, even its creator, as in reality, living beings are free and without master. Their existence, sentience and evolution is ensured, supported and registered/stewarded by evolved beings, with the intention and choice of change always coming from the respective being. This intention can be influenced before being manifested, but is always respected as coming from the being itself. This is a law of nature, of living free will.
Best way to call a divine representation of everything that is, and the place where it comes from, together in one word, is Source.
So, when using the English language, use Source (Instead of God), and when using Hebrew, Asherah+Yahweh instead of Elohim. Bringing back the female symbol within the tree of life might also revelate some different interpretations of the existing words and their translation, and might also increase the potency of magic, which should work better using the original construct, rather than the...subjective transcript.
🌝 = father, 🌙= mother , 🌎 = baby, to increase you magic you must reduce your ego, let divinity flow thru you, instead of you trying to guild it
@@lunam7249 Yes, but it does not feel right as such. Rather, it makes more sense for sun to be the father, planet the mother, and moon the son/daughter/baby is artificial and connecting the two aspects, allowing humanity to exist physically. This simple logic can be applied as per their volume/density, which naturally, should provide some sort of hierarchy.
Humanity should be mostly supported by the baby aspect of the trinity (much like it happens in the Bible, with Jesus), while the archetypal parents which in this case are planetary bodies, simply represent a type of dual forces that make consciousness possible, as existence (sun provides fuel, while planet provides substance). Such consciousness, to take life, it needed the moon (active collaboration of the two primal aspects) to regulate the natural cycles, in a manner that can accommodate life and spiritual evolution.
I don't have a real ego, I am in a rather special situation.
Thank you for your care.
Is it wrong that I pause in wanting to share this with random people??..it's hard to say this, but ..this knowledge is not for everyone..I think ..but..then again ..those interested, who are searching for this kind of knowledge, then ..Im not sure..on reflection..❤️⚡
Did anyone else here have Jesus Christ come down on cloud from heaven in real time and tell them the entire book of john and say those who killed Him long ago had changed it to lies and now everyone in this last age is praying to a lie and must return to His tree Of Life way of life???? Anyone? Perhaps the video maker here on this channel?? I been searching online for same or simular gift from Creator to humanity since 2008, no one comes fwd, not even famous preachers :( Anyone???
No but when I was about 6 I saw a knight riding a white horse on a cloud with an army behind him, in my room. I’m 42 now
The anient likeness in many stories predating Christ's existance gives clues to where the mythos came from and what it is about. Can you explain why any character in the biblical stories names mean exactly what they did? And the meaning of why certain characters get new names after they have a change in conciousness? Just because you refuse to understand something, doesn't make it useless. It's just useless to those who refuse to understand. Let's look at it this way, the scientist that refuses to learn philosophy has a disadvantage over the scientist that learns both. Why? Because the sceintist that refuses philosophy will use science as the only driving force and will not use it wisely.
2:19 They could not forsee social media.😅
I met Masons who talk like this. So why is Judeomasonry so wicked if this art is so noble? When Jews talk about the qabalistic "repairing the face of God" or Tikkun Olam, and then I see their wicked actions in the Holy Land and elsewhere, it casts doubt on all of these teachings. Secrets usually hide degeneracy and vice.
Safriet or Safriots is my last name. In Hebrew means numbers or to count.And true story IAM the Violet Flame no lie Maria is my mother and you can verify if you like and I met Yeshia and Michael I worked with them at a cconstruction site. And he saved me in a Alchemy explosion no lie thank you for your videos.
The septer was in the left not the right.
Abigale Pines
No wonder the book of enoch was banned , way to many annunaki hanging around , that was alot of god names . Interesting that solomon interviewed 72 demons , then you mention 72 gods 🤦🏽♂️ maybe they wasnt that clever as they seemed .
I'm exposing all of it. Phk that. It was a birth right.
That's one way to end up in hell.
Yers do maus
oh, so you're the guilty ones. i was torn between are they ... nah they aren't, oh but they are.
i mean clearly you're not in distress so you've posted this to brag
Feil Circles
Kaballah is pagan , its the opposite of monothiesm . Shame on ancient jews that should of knew something was off with chanting 10 different gods names . 3 times each of course , things done in 3's garuntees success. ( magic 101) the lightening technique belongs to enlil and i refuse to do it, i hate enlil aka yahweh. Judism is planet worshiping like the other branches 😕 menorah = planet representation and energies they give . A solar system candle holder .
@timshaw1712 not monothiesm. Thier should be no acknowledgment of any other Devine assistance defining the word monothiesm itself . There are hidden pagan symbols hidden inside the diagram of the kaballah. This is pagan as well as the menorah and everything else. I had to prove every religion is false and left no corner unturned for sheep that will argue it .
@timshaw1712 so what ? If someone strict knew people use to be sacrificed under a mistletoe tree would they still get excited for a kiss ? I can rip each abrahamic branch to pieces with thier pagan origin. It's a very big deal for a believer of a holy god . Fools 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 research and stop following without question for generations 😒 i would move on ,I only accept challenges from people that at least studied 500,000 years ago including every civilization, mythology, creation story, and religion on the entire planet , every speck. Then your close to my level. Those gods are the reason elohiem is plural . Those aren't variations of yahweh. Elohiem-plural, yahweh- title/plural. Zues title not one , morning star -title , etc . Every person In a religious belief worships a hidden god/ gods of annunaki dieties. Thier inside the freaking bible ,which are nothing but annunaki stories with a twist. Pagan
@timshaw1712 so what? Pagan roots as in people being sacrificed under a missile toe tree and today you hope for an kiss every Christmas season. I can keep going but it will just get erased . You are not even close to my level and the topic of elhoiem which is plural gods are talked about on TH-cam on plenty of channels . Yahweh is a title , and those names aren't extensions of him their all the different elohiem . Goodday sheep . Catch up to me which is probably impossible since I researched the entire planet's history . I'm done with mysteries of earth and now am on planetary energies, astral projection and frequencies .
@timshaw1712 pagan = not kosher dumb ass. So for a jew that is a big deal being the most militant and disciplined in following laws . The kaballah is pagan for a jew it clashes with no other gods . Ive done my homework and stopped following things based of faith and chosen research and facts instead .
@@timshaw1712 pagan = sin