Ronnie's conditioning was a little off. Consistentsy is why dexter is the winningest BB of all time. If your off at all, dexter will beat you. Besides rapey Roden, Dexter is the Mass Monster Slayer.
@@banimyahawadah8062 Yeah, he went beyond the natural and non-natural limits and payed the price, seeing his evolution as a bb in retrospective, so much discipline and effort, really amazing...
It´s almost outrageous IMO that Victor Martínez does not have at least 1 Olympia Title, his physique is superb from every point of view, plus balance and aesthetic.
Dexter looked absolutely phenomenal. He could have easily won this show. Jay wasn’t very impressive. He looked really soft. Ronnie had badly faded. I found Victor Martinez a little too blocky compared to Dexter.
@@liammorgans7329 The 2001/2009 versions of jay were some of the best packages ever brought to the stage in bodybuilding history. Not many people could beat those years. Phil has a chance in 2013, Ronnie obviously won in 2001 but that was a robbery, as much as ronnie overall was the better bodybuilder throughout his career. Yates could have a chance but Jay's strong poses were Dorian's weakest ones and he also is on Dorian's heels when it comes to the side tricep not even talking about Jay's strong poses such as front double, most muscular, ab and thigh and side chest. Anyone from that era down is too small for jay, so in conclusion only Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, and maybe Dorian Yates on a good day, could've beat Jay in his prime.
Lauri Kotivuori- he has a lot of mass I’ll give him that. But to me, his body has a horrible flow, even in his prime from what I’ve seen. His abs are completely asymmetrical, his rib cage posture is very unaesthetic the way it angle back giving him a hunchback in his lat spread pose from the rear, and the bottom ribs jut out at the bottom in front poses. Also his chest is very angled back rather than vertical because of this. Look at dexter as a comparison of what a good rib cage posture should look like imo. It completely changes the appearance of the midsection, back and shoulders. Also jays quads are very defined and feathered with good separation, but they don’t flow well to me. His skeletal posture is off in his whole body and it makes his muscles sit at weird angles that are unaesthetic. That’s my 2 cents anyway. I don’t really like Ronnie’s physique either. It doesn’t surprise me that Ronnie ended up injured as his skeletal posture also seems off to me. Dexter has great posture which probably explains his longevity
Liam Morgans Same here. Yep Jay brought massive size, but was watery as fuck.... His chest was great, and the stomp, but Dexter was effortless, conditioned, and polished. Jay looked like a wardrobe. I'm going to go back and see who won it really in my eyes from the final 10. Jay's win was to please his fanboys
I've never liked Dexter's physique because of his abs and high lats, but holy shit does he look good here. Definitely the best looking physique on that stage there.
Riffat Islam There’s something about his abs, they look like a turtles shell, even when he’s got them flexed and sucked in and he doesn’t have a bubble gut, they look like somebody put something in front of him like they aren’t part of his body.
Dude.... U Are such a breath of fn fresh air that is MUCH Needed now that we are all stuck right now! Thank You as I'm Sure ALOT of us are sick of the other one's 'Whats goin on guys' voice. Fn TY
What are you talking about? All of the guys in the video except maybe Dexter had worse conditioning than the top 4 of basically every Olympia recently. The 2000's were notorious for the judges rating mass over everything else and therefore a lot of the competitors sacrificed conditioning for size and fullness.
I'd love to see an analysis of the 2005 mr olympia. I consider it Ronnie's most underrated olympia physique. Not his best, but compared to 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004, it's pretty amazing
I’m a Jay Culter fan. Met him once and he was a super cool guy. That being said, I never thought his physique looked great onstage. Especially standing next to guys like Dexter and Victor.
Nice video and commentary. Cutler's big edge was in presentation. He was not in perfect condition but he presented what he had very well and out posed Coleman, who was in condition but not at his best.
@@niguel6583 Yes, he looks impressive only standing relax in front pose, because of his super wide shoulders . He had no any particularly good poses, as his specialty (like Ronnie has lat spread or back biceps, most muscular...). Even at 2009. he was just crazy massive and extremely ripped, so effect was mind blowing
DoC Sumann I would argue that his abs and thighs is particularly strong, at least when he’s conditioned. Other than that I agree that he has no pose that he typically dominates in.
I always thought the pulling on the trunks was because their hands would get slippery from the oil and it helped them brace to hit the front lat spread better. It seemed as if they didn't do it every time they hit the pose which is why I thought that, but maybe I just didn't notice. But after I thought about what Tom said it makes perfect sense. It really does make them appear more V shaped and slims up the waist line a bit. So its quite possible that was some type of trick that they were always using. Make a prominent "V" with the trunks and fool the judges eyes to make it appear they are fully V- shaped. Not to mention many judges are also former bodybuilders themselves and they probably already knew the trick so they put a stop to it.
Cool Vid Bro! Enjoyed your Fair judgment (as always) of each physique. I agree, Jay presented a mostly well-rounded physique in order to win (edge-out) the competition. They all lucky AF that The Blade didn't have 10-15lbs more on his physique along with some Calve implants (lol knock on S.R.), because he would have Smoked Em all!
I still think Jay deserved 2006 Olympia in every way. Dexter always had a beautiful physique! Symmetry was spot on. I am very glad Dexter also won the Olympia!
Nice video!The best bicep comparison between Jay and Ronnie is at 1:14... Is true that Ronnie's are amazing but in the other pics the background/light makes Jay's biceps look smaller.
@@beerthug I've seen regular fat dudes walking down the street with huge calves, if they'd get lean their calves would still be massive. Of course having big calves is great but you can't compare them to arms, you can get bigger arms with enough training but calves rarely grow no matter how much you train them.
@@onelesslonelymemer5863 yeah but Dex didn't have the quads of Ramy. Ramy's quads are way too big for his nonexistent calves, not even Yates or Matarazzo level calves would look proportional on his quads.
Jay's back was extremely large but could have been more defined.07 was much more controversial. I think when it's very competitive you have to closely watch the whole competition.
Coleman was a water buffalo this year. Dexter should have won. But Jay won a few poses so I could see how he won since his conditioning was also better.
Naw both those years were trash, Jay beat years was 2001, he was legendary. He keep putting on size and that what ruined him. 2009 was not good it was just better then 2008 by a long shot, he shaved off like 30lbs
Ronnie was truly something else, my eyes go directly to him on every comparison shot, he looks like he would be the final boss that you would have to fight in a video game in order to beat said game. I'm not sure the world will ever see another specimen like the great Ronnie Coleman. And Dexter looked better here than in 2008, what a genetic freak.
Of course it's all a subjective opinion but IMO , Ronnie has one of the best side chests ever, front double ever, rear and back double ever and most muscular ever, he may not have won every pose but the ones he did win......he absolutely dominated...
It's kinda sad to see goats like Ronnie start to slip. Put his 2004 form up there, and he destroys all of them. But here, he's clearly a shadow of what he once was. It's a shame we gotta get old...
I cannot believe that Ronnie did not win here, he maybe didn't deserved all of his titles, but this one surely did. The only year Jay looked really good is 2009
I’ll be perfectly honest I don’t care how huge they are how well developed they are the quality of their muscle of certain aspects like Jay’s feathering or Ronnie’s huge bi’s 🤷♂️ they were absolute blobs or weirdly packed averagely conditioned muscle in 2006. If I’m judging a bodybuilding contest I’d have Dex and Victor ahead of Ronnie and Jay. Do they have the size of the other 2? No but if maybe they were allowed to let their body and aesthetics go to absolute shit maybe they could be as huge 🤷♂️🤷♂️ Ronnie and Jay both look so unappealing here it’s ridiculous
They never meant to look appealing. They weren't at their best here. And there's a very good reason why aesthetics aren't ever judged. And even if Dexter or Victor got as big as Ronnie or Jay they'd never be close to how good Ronnie or Jay were.
Great line-up, this was the first olympia dvd I had, I probably saw this one a few times. Other guys looked good too, Melvin Anthony, DJ, Troy Alves, I remember Tony Freeman looked great, Gunter Schlierkamp looked good, but not as good as 05'. This was also Dennis Wolf his first olympia showing, looked already freaky huge. I would say Jay deserved the win, the size was just too overwhelming, combined with good symmetry and conditioning, Ronnie was going down from this point, the lat asymmetry was getting more obvious, but he was still a true FREAK, the GOAT. Victor, great conditioning, great symmetry and structure, maybe legs could have been a bit bigger, to battle with jay and ron. Dexter just looked picture perfect, what a physique that guy had, he had to give up some mass to jay and ron, but that symmetry, balance and fullness were just out of this world, probably my favorite physique on that day, looked truly phenomenal!
14:30 ronnie’s left quad was always smaller than his right. His vastus lateralis muscle belly was shorter on his left leg even since the 90s, and as he got older it seemed to get worse.
Great videos brother. Can u do a video on how guys look better without oil and tan? Really think about it, they look so much harder and better conditioned without any oil. I’d like to see what people say about this bro. Keep up the great work!!!
It's amazing that as good as Ronnie was, he was a Paul Dillet when it came to hitting 2 poses - FLS and MM. Jesus H, who flexes their traps when hitting a FLS?lol You're only taking away from your lat flare - one cannot fully flex their lats if also flexing their traps in the FLS pose. Imagine how good his FLS would have been had he hit it correctly, as he did in his earlier years? Interesting that Chad or some other close friends never brought this topic up to Ron so he could correct it. Regarding the MM pose - Ron had some of THEE sickest, thickest, striated pecs of all time, yet he appeared to hit it (talking about the old school way of hitting the MM - the crab version) while bending too far forward and not arching his back a bit to keep his chest higher so one could SEE his insane pecs at their best. It's like his shoulders were so much more forward than his pecs when hitting the shot, burying his pecs in the shadows. Ruhl owned the MM, not only because he was so massive, but because the WAY he hit it - he nailed it perfectly. Having said all that, if it weren't for Ron's nerve damage, he woulda took home #9 in '06. His RLS was a mere shell of itself. Jay deserved the win with a slight edge IMO.
Every time Ronnie won, the fanboys yelled "Olympia is won from the back!" Well, here Ronnie has only half a lat and he still gets second? He should have been last. I've never seen a bodybuilder on stage with half his lat missing. If the best back wins the olympia, then the worst back should lose the Olympia. But double standards are always in play.
What you said at the beginning re: camera angles and shots, I’ve been complaining about that for years and I’m sure others have been for decades! The camera directors or editors haven’t a clue about the particulars of poses and what shots are most important to see between specific guys. When we want to see how good someone’s lat spread is, they’ll zoom in on his calf. If we want to see if one’s back double-bi has caught up to someone else’s, they’ll show that USELESS camera angle from the side.
Ronnie Coleman fan here. Jay deserved it through karmic, cosmic circumstances. In 2001 Ronnie robbed him so in 06 Jay took the Sandow when Ronnie was still in reasonably good shape and put up a good performance.
I think partly because the bodybuilders keep moving in it. It's hard to find a moment when a whole callout lineup is actually hitting it simultaneously.
If these versions of Jay and Ronnie we’re competing today they would be torn to shreds by the Internet. So that makes it kinda funny when the older guys say Curry couldn’t make the top 6 in their day.
So, I'm usually a big fan of the freaks and don't really care that much for aesthetics in open bodybuilding, and I also dislike Dexter's upward-tapering midsection and his bracket-shaped, turtle shell abs, but he has to win this for me. Ronnie is missing his trademark clingfilm conditioning and just looks bloated and asymmetrical, and while Jay is balanced and appears sliced and diced in some areas in some poses, he's just not really complete. He seems soft most places except the abs and quads for some reason. Victor holds up a bit better size-wise and his conditioning is nearly as good as Dex, but he has a few strangely weak poses and his quads are sub-par. Ronnie and Jay might be outsizing him, but apart from that, Dex is balanced from head to toe, has by far the best conditioning, and doesn't have a weak pose. Even his reverse-tapering midsection isn't egregious in this show, and his arm asymmetry isn't super noticeable
Man it’s depressing seeing the looks on Tony Freeman Gunter and Branch in the background..the feeling must be similar to other famous actors watching Tom Hanks Tom Cruise Brad Pitt Al Pacino Robert Deniro etc receiving major awards while they clap from the crowd on tv..still major accomplishment but that admiration for the best must be torture to be so close yet so far away essentially
Dear Tomn8er, excellent video. Much improved presentation. I enjoy your content and your video ideas are very interesting. One side note, is to improve presentation and polish with regards to your script. Good job with this video though.
That's some generic throwaway comment with no actual advice. What would you say was wrong with the script? Anything specific? The lad is churning out easily the highest quality bodybuilding content on TH-cam and here we have some nobody flinging muck from the sidelines. Jog on, mate.
I liked Jay here, seemed to have the best combination of conditioning, size and balance. While he probably never excelled in any catergory he had enough of each one to beat the others who lacked in one or another. I would have given Jay the side relaxed pose personally, Dexters gut is protruding.
I agree. Though if I was the judge... I'd have to give it to Dexter (though his arm asymmetry does annoy me). If people want to come in big, then that would be a very risky game. You'd have to come in mega conditioned, and without a bloated gut. Especially since the likely wide waist isn't going to be helping. Lacking detail and being smooth would be a big no no too. No way would I allow mainly size alone to make up for these things. And I liked Dexter more than Victor.
Today, many people criticize Big Ramy for his back, and they are much better (wider, thicker, with more details) than Jay's ever had. Jay was really impressive (whole package) only 2009.
Tom, there is software call Topaz video AI. Your video editors can run the software through it, with some intelligence and care, and get much higher quality video even from the old videos. Please check it out. I use it all the time for different things. It uses AI software to make the images higher resolution. But you don’t wanna overdo it. I love your videos. The only thing that sometimes bugs me is that I went to those old shows and the guys in the 90s were far more ripped and incredible than the videos ever show. And trying to make comparisons is never accurate. The guys in the 90s destroyed the current folks today. I’m totally with you with the absolute negligence and horrendous videoing that these shows have done over the years. With the exception of just a few. We need to have the people who run these shows get there Flippin act together! Stage lighting is a no brainer! Videography is capturing history so it must be absolute world class. Why they don’t do this boggles the mind! But please check out the software, it takes a little bit of practice to get the best options but you can get videos that are double in quality, at least. And you could even do it yourself.
14:52 Ronnie said in an interview that he knew the results before they were handed out. His girlfriend was a judge and saw he was going to place second.
@@basdemanaz The interview was with Patrick Bet-David. (Valuetainment) but she wasn't a judge, ronnie had a slip of the tongue then correcting himself afterwards saying.. she wasn't a judge, but she was sitting at the judges table and saw the scorecard. She went backstage to tell him just so he could be prepared for the loss!
Every time I watch this Olympia 15 years later..I still cant believe Jay won it. Ronnie was off..some atrophy in his quad and lat..but Jay was off big time too. I feel either Dexter or Victor should of won it. Which also lends itself to Victor also should been the winner the next year in 07. The man was clearly better than Jay here and the next year. and to me even with the slight atrophy in the quad and Lat, Ronnie had so much mass and density along with conditioning that he still looked better than Jay. Its almost like the situation where Dorian beat Shawn Ray in 94 for the sandow while having a torn bicep and his conditioning was not as razor crisped as previous contests. Shawn Ray i that contest had the better overall package. That is one Olympia I feel that Shawn should of won it. Dorian was off, torn bicep and Shawn was razor conditioned with the great combination of size and fullness. So even in this contest..even if Ronnie didnt win it..he still should of placed higher than Jay. But I agree, I would of had it Dexter 1, Victor 2, Ronnie 3 and Jay 4th. This was political as can be. Because Jay was chasing Ronnie for those years..they had to give it to him as the successor...especially knowing it was still the mass era
So in ronnies defense, he’s stated multiple times he was natural in 2006, no steroids. And that he became a vegan shortly after 2005 and started daily yoga.
According to today judges' criteria I would have given the title of Mr. Olympia to Victor Martinez. But back then, because they were judging on the mass and definition, Jay was deserving to win
The reason Jay deserve is pretty simple: the official federation hierarchy standards of judging (unless it was somewhat different at the time) is "among the more symmetrical and proportional, wins the bigger and more conditioned". So, among the top 4 with (theoretically) equivalent symmetry and proportion, Jay is the one that better combine size and conditioning in a balanced physique.
I believe if anyone could have won this show outside of Jay Cutler, then I would have to say Dexter Jackson. Politically, I never thought Ronnie would win, even if he looked great, simply because I never thought the Olympia would allow anyone to ever win more than 8 Olympias...only Haney and Ronnie stands on that mountain top, wit 8. I think that Cutler wasn't at his best but sometimes I feel there's other things that come into play in who wins. Jay has a huge fan base, as well. Mr. O means that you are a face and Ambassador, one who represents a brand..I'm not saying that Dexter is not a great representative but I think, Jay has more of an impact of fan draw...he's more of a household name.
Never liked jays physique, honestly don’t know how he won 4 Olympias, tiny forearms, big waist, high lats, small ish arms, average chest, awful condition from the rear and soft arms most years
Nice Video, but I was quite disappointed how little you talked about Victor. In my opinion he had the best case to win other than Jay. Jay basically beat Ronnie at his own game, coming in big and dwarfing everyone and with Ronnie in decline it worked fairly well, so i don't really see a case for Ronnie winning. But Victor relied more heavily on just a great flow in his physique and very pleasing proportionans, with in this case also better details. So based on that there is a much better case for him to beat Jay than for Ronnie. Also i get that Dexter would go on to become the legend that he ist today and overall a much more acomplished bodybuilder than Victor but in this competiton Victor still seemed miles ahead, at least to me.
There's no way Ronnie was beatable in '06. In my humble opinion, he won his 9th straight Sandow. His strengths were too dominant more than his few weaknesses here.
11:45 i knew you was gonna see it. Jays back had a face easy victory with good lighting. If he would've had a lighter tan he might've won every category except for front bis. Ronnie had perfect boulder
Add Dorian Yates and a few other guys from this era and you have the absolute golden era of bodybuilding... Most of these modern guys aesthetically look horrible, no one is focusing on coming in "carved out and detailed", it's all about getting the "Kuwaiti mass" look 💀
Look at Phil, most "carved out and detailed" bodybuilder of all time and he's dominated this era. He's just so gifted genetically that he can chase mass and fullness at the same time as crazy conditioning. You cannot tell me the guys in this video, besides Dexter, stand up to Phil or bodybuilders from the late 90's in terms of detail and conditioning, because they don't.
i like dexter hes ripped and symetrical
Larva S what do u mean?
His calves are symmetrical, if non-existent.
j rv he means they are not symmetrical
kratos killsyou69er i think overall he had the best look
Larva S- he’s not the most symmetrical in the biceps but jay is worse. I was surprised Tom didn’t mention that
Dex is most pleasing to eyes
Ronnie bicep was out of this world.. Dexter has the total package here..
Total package from the knees up.
I agree. This was his show.
Ronnie's conditioning was a little off. Consistentsy is why dexter is the winningest BB of all time. If your off at all, dexter will beat you. Besides rapey Roden, Dexter is the Mass Monster Slayer.
I love Jay, but it's hard to ignore his lacking arms and Abs.
Ronnie is a beast, that dude really left humanity behind...and Dexter is a freakin vampire XD
David Zambrano nah, Jay was the best at this one though ....
Ronnie left Humanity.Thanks for the Laugh David!😆
@@banimyahawadah8062 Yeah, he went beyond the natural and non-natural limits and payed the price, seeing his evolution as a bb in retrospective, so much discipline and effort, really amazing...
@@b-bopeddie1290 you got to be blind 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@banimyahawadah8062 it's the truth nobody wants to hear the truth 😂😂😂😂
Ronnie suffered a triceps and lat tear that year and all his discal hernia started to have the best of him.
If he would have came less watery he still would have won i think
@Schwanzus Longus
Yes of course like every year but he got beat by Jay in his two strongest pose : the back/lat spread and back/double biceps!
Ятс без бицепса выигрывал, но там другая история. В целом, Ронни мог побить Джея, но судьи оценивают и прогресс, а у ронни был регресс
In today’s judging criteria I think Victor would’ve won. Him or Dex
Quite possibly! Especially considering the name recognition Dex built up over the years. Reputation counts for a lot in the eyes of the judges.
@@Tomn8er If you mention how great Jay's calves are, you gotta mention how non-existent Dexters are.
I would like to think so. However, biceps asymmetry and non-existence calves should also be considered.
@@Tomn8er indeed, unfortunately.
Toney Freeman? :)
It´s almost outrageous IMO that Victor Martínez does not have at least 1 Olympia Title, his physique is superb from every point of view, plus balance and aesthetic.
Dexter looked absolutely phenomenal. He could have easily won this show. Jay wasn’t very impressive. He looked really soft. Ronnie had badly faded. I found Victor Martinez a little too blocky compared to Dexter.
Not easily. He lacked a lot of mass when compared to the biggest juggernauts of the 2000's.
I agree with all of that.
I don’t get what people see in jay tbh. 🤷🏼♂️
@@liammorgans7329 The 2001/2009 versions of jay were some of the best packages ever brought to the stage in bodybuilding history.
Not many people could beat those years. Phil has a chance in 2013, Ronnie obviously won in 2001 but that was a robbery, as much as ronnie overall was the better bodybuilder throughout his career.
Yates could have a chance but Jay's strong poses were Dorian's weakest ones and he also is on Dorian's heels when it comes to the side tricep not even talking about Jay's strong poses such as front double, most muscular, ab and thigh and side chest.
Anyone from that era down is too small for jay, so in conclusion only Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, and maybe Dorian Yates on a good day, could've beat Jay in his prime.
Lauri Kotivuori- he has a lot of mass I’ll give him that.
But to me, his body has a horrible flow, even in his prime from what I’ve seen. His abs are completely asymmetrical, his rib cage posture is very unaesthetic the way it angle back giving him a hunchback in his lat spread pose from the rear, and the bottom ribs jut out at the bottom in front poses. Also his chest is very angled back rather than vertical because of this.
Look at dexter as a comparison of what a good rib cage posture should look like imo. It completely changes the appearance of the midsection, back and shoulders.
Also jays quads are very defined and feathered with good separation, but they don’t flow well to me. His skeletal posture is off in his whole body and it makes his muscles sit at weird angles that are unaesthetic.
That’s my 2 cents anyway. I don’t really like Ronnie’s physique either. It doesn’t surprise me that Ronnie ended up injured as his skeletal posture also seems off to me.
Dexter has great posture which probably explains his longevity
Liam Morgans Same here. Yep Jay brought massive size, but was watery as fuck.... His chest was great, and the stomp, but Dexter was effortless, conditioned, and polished. Jay looked like a wardrobe. I'm going to go back and see who won it really in my eyes from the final 10. Jay's win was to please his fanboys
I've never liked Dexter's physique because of his abs and high lats, but holy shit does he look good here. Definitely the best looking physique on that stage there.
Dexter abs are not good??
Probably the best and most symmetrical abs out there in mr olympias
I think he prefers that flatboard / vaccum look....similar to jay. Me personally...i love a set of round abs ( not that got thing tho ).
@@riffatislam2003 Symmetrical, but his midsection always just reminds me of a turtle shell, even when it's flat.
@@samb5358 yup 😂😂
Riffat Islam
There’s something about his abs, they look like a turtles shell, even when he’s got them flexed and sucked in and he doesn’t have a bubble gut, they look like somebody put something in front of him like they aren’t part of his body.
Dude.... U Are such a breath of fn fresh air that is MUCH Needed now that we are all stuck right now! Thank You as I'm Sure ALOT of us are sick of the other one's 'Whats goin on guys' voice. Fn TY
This video just made me so part of this lousy no gym quarantine day.
Dexter's happy, he can skip calves....again
Dexter’s overall look was phenomenal. He looks like someone drew him in a superhero comic book.
Did you just say “ronnie’s legs need more separation..??” Watch it again sir
Nasha krke baitha hoga bhai wo
Still can't decide if the lighting was just that much better back in those days or if the conditioning is just sub-par nowadays
Natural Hypertrophy both lel
Here and in 07 the lightning was terrible, no 2 ways about it.
The lightning is extremly bad nowadays.
Post 90s lighting has been horrid.
What are you talking about? All of the guys in the video except maybe Dexter had worse conditioning than the top 4 of basically every Olympia recently. The 2000's were notorious for the judges rating mass over everything else and therefore a lot of the competitors sacrificed conditioning for size and fullness.
I'd love to see an analysis of the 2005 mr olympia. I consider it Ronnie's most underrated olympia physique. Not his best, but compared to 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004, it's pretty amazing
I would like to go back and review all the 2000s Olympias eventually, provided there's enough decent footage and pics
@@Tomn8er you should definitely revisit every 2000s Olimpia show
@@Tomn8er yeah 05 would be a good one
@TheLusianPopa oh i agree. that's why i feel like it's one of the more underrated mr olympia performances of ronnie.
Dexter 6 pack is one of the most impressive in bodybuilding
I’m a Jay Culter fan. Met him once and he was a super cool guy. That being said, I never thought his physique looked great onstage. Especially standing next to guys like Dexter and Victor.
Though you gonna vouch for Jay
You are a
Definitely would not want to have a physique like Cutlers!
Oh please, pay attention to Ronnie's quads... His thighs are twice the size of cuttler...
Say it again Sing
But Jay's calves crush Ronnie's. Legs include calves...people.seem to forget.
@@GTOberfest calves are not that heavily judged in today's bb judging, and Ronnie's sealed the deal with the insane difference in quad size
Buy some glasses. Your vision is blurry.
@@Scott-qx8pc I bought the glasses, lol🤓
...and I still see the same thing, except this time Ronnie's quads look even bigger,😁👍😁👍
Nice video and commentary. Cutler's big edge was in presentation. He was not in perfect condition but he presented what he had very well and out posed Coleman, who was in condition but not at his best.
Poor Victor he always had so much potential I wished to see more of him. I always liked his back shots I feel it flowed nicely
In my eyes, Ronnie wins this.
If size was everything, Ruhl would have beaten Ronnie a while ago
I would've given it to Dexter.
Dexter is a vampire! Yeah genetically so gifted but a vampire to pose on this arena till date! Take a bow man! Respect!
I think you should do 2005 olympia review , I think that's one of his best appearances and hella underrated
I mean i feel like this footage really does jay a disadvantage, the side tricep was missing from the vid, most muscular hes probably got the vic/dex.
Defend Cutler at all costs ! 😂 Jay wasn't even top 5
I never liked Jay's physique. Other than that 2009 showing I never saw what everyone sees in him
I think it’s because he’s very wide and had a ton of mass, and the judging standards were leaning a lot to mass in the 2000s
@@niguel6583 Yes, he looks impressive only standing relax in front pose, because of his super wide shoulders . He had no any particularly good poses, as his specialty (like Ronnie has lat spread or back biceps, most muscular...).
Even at 2009. he was just crazy massive and extremely ripped, so effect was mind blowing
Jay deserved to beat coleman few times he took 2nd to him
DoC Sumann I would argue that his abs and thighs is particularly strong, at least when he’s conditioned. Other than that I agree that he has no pose that he typically dominates in.
Chad Chadiel he’s quite good in the side tricep also
Dude, love your videos and their comments. You deserve more subscribers (like that Nick's strength and power guy). Keep it up!
I always thought the pulling on the trunks was because their hands would get slippery from the oil and it helped them brace to hit the front lat spread better. It seemed as if they didn't do it every time they hit the pose which is why I thought that, but maybe I just didn't notice. But after I thought about what Tom said it makes perfect sense. It really does make them appear more V shaped and slims up the waist line a bit. So its quite possible that was some type of trick that they were always using. Make a prominent "V" with the trunks and fool the judges eyes to make it appear they are fully V- shaped. Not to mention many judges are also former bodybuilders themselves and they probably already knew the trick so they put a stop to it.
Cool Vid Bro! Enjoyed your Fair judgment (as always) of each physique. I agree, Jay presented a mostly well-rounded physique in order to win (edge-out) the competition. They all lucky AF that The Blade didn't have 10-15lbs more on his physique along with some Calve implants (lol knock on S.R.), because he would have Smoked Em all!
I still think Jay deserved 2006 Olympia in every way. Dexter always had a beautiful physique! Symmetry was spot on. I am very glad Dexter also won the Olympia!
How?? ??He was the worst of the 4...
I think Dexter is the GOAT due to his longevity and success, but his calves were terrible and his left arm was 3" smaller than his right
Yes i agree..jay has every reason to win olympia 2006.. well deserve
Nice video man, jay deserved the win here for sure...
Dexter looked insane. He shouldve been the winner. But folks seem to reward size rather than symmetry and proportionality in the open division.
That just served to remind me how good Dexter is
The stomp pose is so incredible, you can't believe this is a real human being.
Nice video!The best bicep comparison between Jay and Ronnie is at 1:14... Is true that Ronnie's are amazing but in the other pics the background/light makes Jay's biceps look smaller.
If Jay had come in with the same hair as 2009, it would be an absolute blow out win.
Keep the upload coming bro we need em lol
jay didnt deserve either 2006 or 2007 win
dex and vic got straight up robbed
Dexter should ask Jay how to do Calves!
@@beerthug mainly genetics bro
@@ericoluizgarcia3365 And? You gonna use the same excuse with your arms and win the Olympia?
2006 maybe but 2007 no baby he deserves it in 2007 he show the world one of best positioning photo in Olympia history.
@@beerthug I've seen regular fat dudes walking down the street with huge calves, if they'd get lean their calves would still be massive.
Of course having big calves is great but you can't compare them to arms, you can get bigger arms with enough training but calves rarely grow no matter how much you train them.
Man I would've loved to see big ramy back in the day next to these guys. Very curious to see how his width would've compared to jays
No thickness
Calves were necessary back then....he wouldnt place well.
@@GTOberfest but Daxter has no calves and he still place well.
@@onelesslonelymemer5863 yeah but Dex didn't have the quads of Ramy. Ramy's quads are way too big for his nonexistent calves, not even Yates or Matarazzo level calves would look proportional on his quads.
Jay's back was extremely large but could have been more defined.07 was much more controversial. I think when it's very competitive you have to closely watch the whole competition.
I learned quite a bit from you narrating comparisons. Jay and Ronnie are bigger than Dexter and Martinez but Martinez to me looks amazing.
Coleman was a water buffalo this year. Dexter should have won. But Jay won a few poses so I could see how he won since his conditioning was also better.
Jay was 273 in '06 and 254 in '09. If he had 06' size with '09 conditioning, would be very hard to beat.
Naw both those years were trash, Jay beat years was 2001, he was legendary. He keep putting on size and that what ruined him. 2009 was not good it was just better then 2008 by a long shot, he shaved off like 30lbs
Ronnie was truly something else, my eyes go directly to him on every comparison shot, he looks like he would be the final boss that you would have to fight in a video game in order to beat said game. I'm not sure the world will ever see another specimen like the great Ronnie Coleman. And Dexter looked better here than in 2008, what a genetic freak.
Of course it's all a subjective opinion but IMO , Ronnie has one of the best side chests ever, front double ever, rear and back double ever and most muscular ever, he may not have won every pose but the ones he did win......he absolutely dominated...
@TheLusianPopa LOL Yes I know that, I was simply stating, to the eye, Ronnie was leaps and bounds above his competitors..
Enjoyed every second
It's kinda sad to see goats like Ronnie start to slip. Put his 2004 form up there, and he destroys all of them. But here, he's clearly a shadow of what he once was. It's a shame we gotta get old...
With new modern judging I have it:
1) Dex
2) victor
3) jay
4) Coleman
I cannot believe that Ronnie did not win here, he maybe didn't deserved all of his titles, but this one surely did. The only year Jay looked really good is 2009
I’ll be perfectly honest I don’t care how huge they are how well developed they are the quality of their muscle of certain aspects like Jay’s feathering or Ronnie’s huge bi’s 🤷♂️ they were absolute blobs or weirdly packed averagely conditioned muscle in 2006. If I’m judging a bodybuilding contest I’d have Dex and Victor ahead of Ronnie and Jay. Do they have the size of the other 2? No but if maybe they were allowed to let their body and aesthetics go to absolute shit maybe they could be as huge 🤷♂️🤷♂️ Ronnie and Jay both look so unappealing here it’s ridiculous
They never meant to look appealing. They weren't at their best here. And there's a very good reason why aesthetics aren't ever judged. And even if Dexter or Victor got as big as Ronnie or Jay they'd never be close to how good Ronnie or Jay were.
Dexter looks like a kid between Ron and Jay,looks from another weight class!
Great line-up, this was the first olympia dvd I had, I probably saw this one a few times. Other guys looked good too, Melvin Anthony, DJ, Troy Alves, I remember Tony Freeman looked great, Gunter Schlierkamp looked good, but not as good as 05'. This was also Dennis Wolf his first olympia showing, looked already freaky huge. I would say Jay deserved the win, the size was just too overwhelming, combined with good symmetry and conditioning, Ronnie was going down from this point, the lat asymmetry was getting more obvious, but he was still a true FREAK, the GOAT. Victor, great conditioning, great symmetry and structure, maybe legs could have been a bit bigger, to battle with jay and ron. Dexter just looked picture perfect, what a physique that guy had, he had to give up some mass to jay and ron, but that symmetry, balance and fullness were just out of this world, probably my favorite physique on that day, looked truly phenomenal!
IIove this historical videos, thank you!
Dexter won, also on Olympia 2007 Wolfov won 🏆
Jay in the night show improved by a lot!!!!!!! he always did that,just like phil heath, they come almost perfect at the finals of every olympia
And that's why hes the champ here.
Jay was last compared to these guys, and in 2007 Victor was robbed... You're giving Jay to much credit..
In 06 he was 1st in 07 Jay should have been 4th
14:30 ronnie’s left quad was always smaller than his right. His vastus lateralis muscle belly was shorter on his left leg even since the 90s, and as he got older it seemed to get worse.
Great videos brother. Can u do a video on how guys look better without oil and tan? Really think about it, they look so much harder and better conditioned without any oil. I’d like to see what people say about this bro. Keep up the great work!!!
They might ordinarily but they'd get washed out on stage under the bright lights
1:58 Ronnie's quads makes others look like they skip leg day!
Oh snap, new vid :o
It's amazing that as good as Ronnie was, he was a Paul Dillet when it came to hitting 2 poses - FLS and MM. Jesus H, who flexes their traps when hitting a FLS?lol You're only taking away from your lat flare - one cannot fully flex their lats if also flexing their traps in the FLS pose. Imagine how good his FLS would have been had he hit it correctly, as he did in his earlier years? Interesting that Chad or some other close friends never brought this topic up to Ron so he could correct it.
Regarding the MM pose - Ron had some of THEE sickest, thickest, striated pecs of all time, yet he appeared to hit it (talking about the old school way of hitting the MM - the crab version) while bending too far forward and not arching his back a bit to keep his chest higher so one could SEE his insane pecs at their best. It's like his shoulders were so much more forward than his pecs when hitting the shot, burying his pecs in the shadows. Ruhl owned the MM, not only because he was so massive, but because the WAY he hit it - he nailed it perfectly. Having said all that, if it weren't for Ron's nerve damage, he woulda took home #9 in '06. His RLS was a mere shell of itself. Jay deserved the win with a slight edge IMO.
My favorite body builder Jay Cutler
Dexter at his peak was just so sharp, apart from the somewhat small calves he had no weakpoints.
Biceps way off on dex, calves, turtle shell.
When dexter walked out! Holy shit! He looked like Mr O!
Great video 👏👏👏
Every time Ronnie won, the fanboys yelled "Olympia is won from the back!" Well, here Ronnie has only half a lat and he still gets second? He should have been last. I've never seen a bodybuilder on stage with half his lat missing. If the best back wins the olympia, then the worst back should lose the Olympia. But double standards are always in play.
Nice work bro love from India😘
What you said at the beginning re: camera angles and shots, I’ve been complaining about that for years and I’m sure others have been for decades! The camera directors or editors haven’t a clue about the particulars of poses and what shots are most important to see between specific guys. When we want to see how good someone’s lat spread is, they’ll zoom in on his calf. If we want to see if one’s back double-bi has caught up to someone else’s, they’ll show that USELESS camera angle from the side.
Ronnie Coleman fan here. Jay deserved it through karmic, cosmic circumstances. In 2001 Ronnie robbed him so in 06 Jay took the Sandow when Ronnie was still in reasonably good shape and put up a good performance.
Lee labrada won among giants symmetry and proportion was amazing and he was a posing genius
What’s up with the side tricep pose always being forgotten or people don’t take pictures of bodybuilders hitting it?
I think partly because the bodybuilders keep moving in it. It's hard to find a moment when a whole callout lineup is actually hitting it simultaneously.
Tomn8er it’s always the pose that no one can find a proper picture of. I know for a fact there isn’t many pictures of Flex hitting the pose.
"things could change in light of other evidence" is something everybody should be telling themselves, all the time.
Don’t know what y’all was watching but Ronnie won this Olympia hands down..
Hail King Coleman!! 😎😎.
If these versions of Jay and Ronnie we’re competing today they would be torn to shreds by the Internet. So that makes it kinda funny when the older guys say Curry couldn’t make the top 6 in their day.
So, I'm usually a big fan of the freaks and don't really care that much for aesthetics in open bodybuilding, and I also dislike Dexter's upward-tapering midsection and his bracket-shaped, turtle shell abs, but he has to win this for me.
Ronnie is missing his trademark clingfilm conditioning and just looks bloated and asymmetrical, and while Jay is balanced and appears sliced and diced in some areas in some poses, he's just not really complete. He seems soft most places except the abs and quads for some reason. Victor holds up a bit better size-wise and his conditioning is nearly as good as Dex, but he has a few strangely weak poses and his quads are sub-par.
Ronnie and Jay might be outsizing him, but apart from that, Dex is balanced from head to toe, has by far the best conditioning, and doesn't have a weak pose. Even his reverse-tapering midsection isn't egregious in this show, and his arm asymmetry isn't super noticeable
Man it’s depressing seeing the looks on Tony Freeman Gunter and Branch in the background..the feeling must be similar to other famous actors watching Tom Hanks Tom Cruise Brad Pitt Al Pacino Robert Deniro etc receiving major awards while they clap from the crowd on tv..still major accomplishment but that admiration for the best must be torture to be so close yet so far away essentially
Dear Tomn8er, excellent video. Much improved presentation. I enjoy your content and your video ideas are very interesting. One side note, is to improve presentation and polish with regards to your script. Good job with this video though.
That's some generic throwaway comment with no actual advice. What would you say was wrong with the script? Anything specific? The lad is churning out easily the highest quality bodybuilding content on TH-cam and here we have some nobody flinging muck from the sidelines. Jog on, mate.
Dexter's aesthetics were amazing
Dex physic is just aesthetic and balance.
I liked Jay here, seemed to have the best combination of conditioning, size and balance.
While he probably never excelled in any catergory he had enough of each one to beat the others who lacked in one or another. I would have given Jay the side relaxed pose personally, Dexters gut is protruding.
Agree he had enough here to take it. Colemans pecs were droopy. And his mid section a Mess. And his calves were sub standard. Jay won this.
I would've given it to Ronnie with Dexter 2nd and Jay 3rd..
I agree. Though if I was the judge... I'd have to give it to Dexter (though his arm asymmetry does annoy me). If people want to come in big, then that would be a very risky game. You'd have to come in mega conditioned, and without a bloated gut. Especially since the likely wide waist isn't going to be helping. Lacking detail and being smooth would be a big no no too. No way would I allow mainly size alone to make up for these things.
And I liked Dexter more than Victor.
Today, many people criticize Big Ramy for his back, and they are much better (wider, thicker, with more details) than Jay's ever had.
Jay was really impressive (whole package) only 2009.
Dexter from 2006-2009 could run away with every major comp since Phil and Rhoden dropped out of the running
Tom, there is software call Topaz video AI. Your video editors can run the software through it, with some intelligence and care, and get much higher quality video even from the old videos. Please check it out. I use it all the time for different things. It uses AI software to make the images higher resolution. But you don’t wanna overdo it.
I love your videos. The only thing that sometimes bugs me is that I went to those old shows and the guys in the 90s were far more ripped and incredible than the videos ever show. And trying to make comparisons is never accurate. The guys in the 90s destroyed the current folks today.
I’m totally with you with the absolute negligence and horrendous videoing that these shows have done over the years. With the exception of just a few.
We need to have the people who run these shows get there Flippin act together! Stage lighting is a no brainer!
Videography is capturing history so it must be absolute world class. Why they don’t do this boggles the mind!
But please check out the software, it takes a little bit of practice to get the best options but you can get videos that are double in quality, at least. And you could even do it yourself.
14:52 Ronnie said in an interview that he knew the results before they were handed out. His girlfriend was a judge and saw he was going to place second.
Was Ronnies gf a judge at this mr.O? Sounds controversial
bas blablabla yep. But does it really surprise you? This is the IFBB after all.
@@titoslounge1946 I never knew it so I am kinda shocked by this!
@@basdemanaz The interview was with Patrick Bet-David. (Valuetainment) but she wasn't a judge, ronnie had a slip of the tongue then correcting himself afterwards saying.. she wasn't a judge, but she was sitting at the judges table and saw the scorecard. She went backstage to tell him just so he could be prepared for the loss!
TheBeardedGamer 88 ah i watched the interview and heard her say she was a judge but I never saw him correct himself.
Good video I like your reviews. Do older olympias
Every time I watch this Olympia 15 years later..I still cant believe Jay won it. Ronnie was off..some atrophy in his quad and lat..but Jay was off big time too. I feel either Dexter or Victor should of won it. Which also lends itself to Victor also should been the winner the next year in 07. The man was clearly better than Jay here and the next year. and to me even with the slight atrophy in the quad and Lat, Ronnie had so much mass and density along with conditioning that he still looked better than Jay. Its almost like the situation where Dorian beat Shawn Ray in 94 for the sandow while having a torn bicep and his conditioning was not as razor crisped as previous contests. Shawn Ray i that contest had the better overall package. That is one Olympia I feel that Shawn should of won it. Dorian was off, torn bicep and Shawn was razor conditioned with the great combination of size and fullness. So even in this contest..even if Ronnie didnt win it..he still should of placed higher than Jay. But I agree, I would of had it Dexter 1, Victor 2, Ronnie 3 and Jay 4th. This was political as can be. Because Jay was chasing Ronnie for those years..they had to give it to him as the successor...especially knowing it was still the mass era
So in ronnies defense, he’s stated multiple times he was natural in 2006, no steroids. And that he became a vegan shortly after 2005 and started daily yoga.
I don’t know that, good to hear!
I got some ocean front property in Utah for ya.
I'd love to see 2009 Jay v. 2004 Ronnie
According to today judges' criteria I would have given the title of Mr. Olympia to Victor Martinez. But back then, because they were judging on the mass and definition, Jay was deserving to win
The reason Jay deserve is pretty simple: the official federation hierarchy standards of judging (unless it was somewhat different at the time) is "among the more symmetrical and proportional, wins the bigger and more conditioned".
So, among the top 4 with (theoretically) equivalent symmetry and proportion, Jay is the one that better combine size and conditioning in a balanced physique.
Jay is overrated as hell
I believe if anyone could have won this show outside of Jay Cutler, then I would have to say Dexter Jackson. Politically, I never thought Ronnie would win, even if he looked great, simply because I never thought the Olympia would allow anyone to ever win more than 8 Olympias...only Haney and Ronnie stands on that mountain top, wit 8. I think that Cutler wasn't at his best but sometimes I feel there's other things that come into play in who wins. Jay has a huge fan base, as well. Mr. O means that you are a face and Ambassador, one who represents a brand..I'm not saying that Dexter is not a great representative but I think, Jay has more of an impact of fan draw...he's more of a household name.
I would rank it :
1. Dex
2. Victor
3. Jay
4. Ronnie
Never liked jays physique, honestly don’t know how he won 4 Olympias, tiny forearms, big waist, high lats, small ish arms, average chest, awful condition from the rear and soft arms most years
Nice Video, but I was quite disappointed how little you talked about Victor. In my opinion he had the best case to win other than Jay. Jay basically beat Ronnie at his own game, coming in big and dwarfing everyone and with Ronnie in decline it worked fairly well, so i don't really see a case for Ronnie winning. But Victor relied more heavily on just a great flow in his physique and very pleasing proportionans, with in this case also better details. So based on that there is a much better case for him to beat Jay than for Ronnie. Also i get that Dexter would go on to become the legend that he ist today and overall a much more acomplished bodybuilder than Victor but in this competiton Victor still seemed miles ahead, at least to me.
There's no way Ronnie was beatable in '06. In my humble opinion, he won his 9th straight Sandow. His strengths were too dominant more than his few weaknesses here.
11:45 i knew you was gonna see it. Jays back had a face easy victory with good lighting. If he would've had a lighter tan he might've won every category except for front bis. Ronnie had perfect boulder
Add Dorian Yates and a few other guys from this era and you have the absolute golden era of bodybuilding... Most of these modern guys aesthetically look horrible, no one is focusing on coming in "carved out and detailed", it's all about getting the "Kuwaiti mass" look 💀
Look at Phil, most "carved out and detailed" bodybuilder of all time and he's dominated this era. He's just so gifted genetically that he can chase mass and fullness at the same time as crazy conditioning. You cannot tell me the guys in this video, besides Dexter, stand up to Phil or bodybuilders from the late 90's in terms of detail and conditioning, because they don't.
Its always about the mass..
Dexter looks the best overall!!
Jay doesn’t have a pretty physique here
Ronnie Coleman is beast.. viens on thigh and biceps.. God level❤️❤️❤️👌