I understand this is late but I would just like to clarify this for some people. Yes, these rabbits are bred for meat. People who live in rural areas often need to breed their own livestock (e.g. Lambs and Cows) to kill and eat or make a profit by selling the meat. There is a lot of debate over killing animals but some people have lived with it throughout their whole life and it’s a part of nature. Meat is a part of our diet, and you have you own opinion whether you want to be vegetarian, vegan or eat meat. The rabbits are on wire cages, and often people think that it will cause the rabbits/bunnies to have blisters and/or sores on their feet. The wire cage is designed to allow the feces and urine to fall through the gaps, preventing the rabbits from sitting in their own waste all day. The main cause for sores on rabbits feet are genetics, the wire may play a part in the injury’s but that is often bad quality wiring. These rabbits have a rock in the cage to allow them to get off of the wire if they wish, but they often ignore it (stated many times by Adventures in spring hollow). Again, we all have our own lifestyles and we must accept that people may live differently to the way you live. We are all in titled to our own opinions but we must respect the ways of life of others. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian or other types of dietary, that’s great! You eat what you want and be proud of it! But please respect that people will still kill, eat and sell the meat of animals if they prefer that lifestyle. Hope this answer some of your questions and quarrels! Have an amazing day/night!
True , what’s so special about rabbits ? Cows are much more intelligent and pigs are even more intelligent than many dogs , still these people have no problem in eating pigs that are such sensitive and intelligent animals , much more than rabbits
Reaction can vary depending on temperament and how your cage is set up. Some people have gotten a colony set up to work for them but usually, they have quite a large space for the rabbits to be in and plenty of shelter for each. Peeble's rabbit Colony is one of the few I've seen who's gotten this to work, his setups a pretty neat one. As for me, I've had both aggressive does and bucks and prefer to be around when they interact so I keep them in separate cages. Plus I haven't quite had the space and materials that he has had to make his set up. What would happen could be a few things, your rabbits may get along, but you may want to watch them because they also could fight. and if you have male and females together likely the male will try to breed, and you may want to be careful about that because a female could have another litter right after birthing the first. And it's possible that the male may attack the litter I had two sets od does that have shared cages together before, When I had my flemish Giants they came in a shared cage and got along well together. but when I bred one and separated her then tried to put them back in the same cage as a later date they fought. I had a pare of New zelands who didn't matter if I put them back together they didn't attack each other, but the bigger of the two would sort of bully the other away from the food and water. It all kind of depends on what you want and how your rabbits react. if they get along great, you may have to cull super aggressive and keep a close eye on whats going on between the rabbits that are in there. Now if your raising them just as a grow out (like a weened from their mother) then you should be okay to keep them together up until 5 months because that's when the males start becoming ready to breed. I made the mistake of keeping them together longer and I came out one day to a castrated buck. So at that point its best to separate males from Females.
I watched this with "mary jane". Super cute video!! I'm gonna subscribe you were so sweet to your bunnies. I have never seen a bunny barn btw b4 this video.
I meant like the whole bunny raising situation not just the barn I was mind blown I never even wondered how bunnies are raised and breed but mary jane made it 10x better for me!:) thanks for the reply commen!!!
OMG your one of those people who actually care. Who actually has a brain! I’m so proud Your an amazing owner. Your so responsible! I bet they love you! I bless this bunny family and you ma’am!
You're very welcome. I hope all of the mommies, daddies, and babies are healthy and doing well. You too! ;0) I'm going to go check out your other videos and get my baby bunny fix! :-D Take care.
What age should I breed my rabbits? My buck is 6 months and my 2 does are 4 months. All of them are pure bred mini Rex rabbits tri colored male, harlequin female, and lilac female.
For Medium-sized breeds such as New Zealand I don't usually breed Females till they are 6 months or older, And Males I wait till 5 months usually. For smaller Rabbits Id probably wait for the Females to be 6 months still. but since I don't usually deal with smaller breeds Id also go and ask someone else who does :)
We thought we had 2 boys but yesterday my bunny started digging in the sand and 8 little baby bunnies came out of the hole. She had recently been sick so we thought that was the reason she was thinner, turned out she gave birth and we didn't know for 2 weeks. They're all healthy and she is an amazing mom. So now I'm educating myself!
Oh dear! I've had something like that happen to me. I had a doe that never seemed willing to breed, or have babies. One day out of the blue I have little bunnies running around my yard. she'd hidden them really well and I didn't know till 3 weeks later. I'm glad they are all healthy! Feel free to ask me any question I'll do my best to get back to you and answer them as best I can.
Adventures in spring hollow Thank you! The father is a bred (a dwarf bunny), and I don't know about the mom but she's a normal sized bunny. Since the father is a dwarf and the mom isn't, I don't know what the average weight for the baby bunnies should be. I live in sweden and not many people care about the bred here. So we're planning to sell them but we don't know what we should price them or price them in the first place. Both parents are healthy and have good personalities. The baby bunnies are also really pretty, 3 are fully gray, 3 look exactly like the mom and are white with black and the other 2 look also like the mom but white and gray. They have tiny ears like the dad. 2 of them are girls the others are boys. Do you think we should ask money for them or just give them away for free when they're old enough?
hum, unfortunately, I wouldn't know the average weight for a cross like that, and with just about any mix breed you'll never know exactly what you get till you got it. A good bet would be a weight between mom and dad at full grown. If the babies are getting a little wrinkly then they aren't getting enough milk, you can feed them with KMR or goats milk but it sounds like your babies are doing alright. Well, Admittedly I'm not very good with pricing things and probably end up shorting myself. But if you wanted to sell them my advice would be looking at the cost for taking care of them just make sure you can at least get back what you put into them. But that's only if you want to sell. Generally here in America (at least in my experience) people sell mix breeds for less since in most cases they aren't as desired as purebreds are. But there are some people who like mutts with unique qualities. I tend to sell my rabbits at 15$ each but that's because the cost of the rabbit food is 12$ a bag. and selling 3 bunnies = feed for the whole herd for about a month. But Your not looking to make a business of this right? so you could probably get away with a small rehoming fee. I don't think its at all a bad idea to at least ask for a little money for the time and effort you put into making sure they are healthy and happy for the next person who wants to add them to their home.
I have rabbits of my own and I breed as well, so I know quite abit. If you do keep two rabbits by each other make sure they aren't opposite sex's as this could one lead to wire breeding, or two the rabbits becomes best friends and completely loose intress ( the vet thought one of my rabbits was gay because I did this once.
Lil’ Pritt Stick I believe an animal can be gay. It's a strange phenomenon since in animals sex is only for reproducing unlike humans but it has happened and in captivity the Human Keepers will introduce a orphaned animal to a same sex animal couple and they will raise it.
That depends, One of the things to think about is what you want it for. If you're looking for a meat rabbit the questions would be. How do you want to house them? and how much meat do you want to harvest from them? Flemish Giants will give you more meat than a New zeland well, but they take longer to mature and grow out. So most people use New Zelands, or Californian whites. If your looking for a fiber rabbit then an Angora would be your best bet, or maybe a Jersey wooly but Jersey wooly's are smaller then Angora's. And different Angora's have different fur types. So what do you want to do with the wool? For a pet, you can go with just about any breed you want, but most people like the smaller breeds, like Holland lops, mini rex, Dutch. There are hundreds of breeds so the first question would be, what do you want the rabbit for?
When A male rabbit successfully breeds they fall over. They have a spasm and roll off the Females back. This usually means he was successful in reaching his intended target.
hollow yes when they fall off it means he finished and planted his seeds. That's how you know he completed his part of the deal. In rabbits it is the sex act that triggers ovulation, rabbits dont really have heat cycles like most other animals, according to the animal scientists.
I have 2 Dutch and bred them babies are now 8 weeks old and ready to sell ☺️ they had 3 babies!! My bucks name is Oreo and my does name is Blast then I named the only female of the litter Treasure Lilly
This only happens when your rabbit is Genetically deficient, you're using the wrong wire or their feet are getting too dirty and not being kept clean. secondly, I have slabs of rock and tile they can rest on if they so chose but they don't seem to care for the slabs much so they chose to ignore them. Wire flooring is used to help keep them and their cage clean so they aren't sitting in poo and urine all day. It falls through where they can't get into it. There are many breeders who use this method, and if applied properly then there are no issues with sore hocks.
Both. I breed by age. so for a New zeland or other breed close to their size - Females, I start breeding around 6 or 7 months and Males I start breeding around 5 or 6 months. If its a larger breed like a Flemish than for Females its 8 to 9 months and males its 7 to 8 months. But some breeders have other methods of determining when a rabbit is ready to breed.
@@kieralambert1579 Why eat anything? You need food to live? And before you say something like 'go to the store and buy your food' Do you know where the food from the store comes from? how its been treated? what its eaten? what kind of medications it been forced to eat? How was it butchred? how was it raised? was it healthy? I can answer all of these questions when I raise my own food. That's why I raise and eat meat rabbits.
1. This is part of animal husbandry and how I get my livestock. 2. their feet can get sore hocks, IF you have the wrong wire and IF they have bad genetics and IF their feet are dirty which is part of the reason they are on wire, also each of my rabbits have a tile or stone slab to sit on.
How long does it take for bucks to get used to new places? I just got a new buck and 2 new does and the buck has no interest in my does at all. He mounted the first time they saw each other then since he has wanted nothing to do with them...what should I be doing? Should I try with both like rotating or just try one for a few days/week/10days? Thanks
hum. How old is he? if he's to young that could be a factor as well as being told old or to fat. Some people will leave a doe and buck together for a few days but I tend to keep them separate and only put them together when I want to breed them. sometimes they'll chase each other around, I haven't really had to much expirance with a buck that's just not interested. I've heard giving them black oil sunflower seeds or Apple cider vinegar in their water can help. Are you taking the buck to the females cage? either take the female to his cage or put them in a neutral space.
I bred my flemish giant (male) and my Newzealnd/flemish giant (female) and it was both of their first times and they were sooo good! My female was so good just sat there. I got 4 fall offs and she should give birth on the 28-30th! Of may so excited!
Possibly. but I find it better to have at least 2 if not 3 fall offs just for good measure. Sometimes after the first fall of the female will Pee which will eject all the sperm. So I'll get a fall off then let them sit apart for a few minutes then try again just incase.
Adventures in spring hollow what u kill them yourself aahhh how who what why when how do u have the heart to that it's sad but I guess that's how u make your living so I'm not going to judge u at all 🙀
Great video! But you must remember that you have to put something soft at the bottom of the cage! Bunny’s paws are super sensitive and can start to hurt if they stand on wire for a long time! Hope this helps! :)
Actually putting anything on the bottom of the cage kinda defeats the purpose of the wire bottom. Rabbit paws have thick fur on the bottom of their feet which helps cushion against the wire, if they don't have this then they most likely have bad genetics. Each of my rabbits dose have a tile or flat rock to sit on if they want. But thank you.
Hey I have a question if oh can answer ASAP that would be awesome! So do you leave the rabbits outside during winter? And if so how do you keep them warm in winter and cool in summer? Thank you so much!
Well back in this set up it was a 20 X 30 hoop house. It worked well for winter keeping them out of the wind and snow, it was still cold enough to freeze water inside but the adults could keep themselves warm so long as they were out of the weather. This set up didn't work great for summer though as there wasn't enough air flow in the hoop house and it trapped the heat inside. During the winter you want to cut the wind off, but during the summer you want plenty of air flow. you could use a mister spread out over the rabbitry area. I used a fan and when it got hot I'd put the mister in front of the fan so it cool the air.
Are the bunnies you bred meat rabbits or pets or just used for breeding? Because if they are meat rabbits wouldn't it be harder to kill them if you had named them?
I breed meat rabbits but when I sell live rabbits people can by them for butchering later, breeding or pets. The rabbits I don't sell I, butcher. It can be hard, and I don't really ever want it to be easy. but I don't name the babies only the breeders.
my rabbit mated with my doe on July 19th of this year and fell off 2 times and she has a nest now and i am just wondering if she is pregnant or no and if she is how come she did not have them yet i am starting to get worried now
if it was only July 19th Then its only been about 20 days. a rabbits gestation period is 28-31 days. so you should be expecting through the 16th - the 19th. Sometimes a doe will make a nest really early.
If she's getting noticeably bigger then likely. You can also try palpating to see if you can feel fertile eggs/young rabbits moving around. but be careful.
you told me that my doe will have her babies on august 16th or 19th and she has not pulled anymore fur out but she has been laying in the nest box and she is bigger but still no babies should i try breeding her again with my one buck or no
I've had does go over their initial due date. Do not re-breed her right now, you don't want to re-breed until your absolutely sure she's not pregnant. Keep a very close eye on her. Does she seem distressed? is she breathing heavy? fast? Or dose she seem calm? Most does will have babies early morning or late at night.
When I was breeding hamsters, I found the females would conceive more often if they had their favorite male in sight, and the male they were breeding with had more incentive to do a better job and he wouldn't be so lazy in his pursuit. So I'd often put the females favorite male, within her view, and the breeding male would get very angry about it and try really hard to get the females attention. I don't know if that works with rabbits.
Eh depends on the rabbit. I had one rabbit who I bred once but got ride of that male and she never would breed for any of my other males and I've heard someone else talk about how their rabbit refused to breed for any of their other males but one. so its possible that they sometimes get a preferred male.
So I have 2 males and I have another rabbit (they said they think it was male) but they have started humping the new rabbit at any chance is this because of dominance or breeding
Well if your not certain you should check the new one to make sure. If it really is a male its probably dominance. If its a female it could be trying to breed.
AngoraHM is correct, you can tell by Palpating. I've had sparing luck with it but I'm also not very skilled in it. take it slow and be very gentle when you go feeling around under her.
Well, I've never really done it myself. I'm sure people have, and it happens with other animals all the time. So my guess would be that if you breed a larger buck to a smaller Doe. she either won't take or she'll have a smaller litter.
My bucks are larger than most of our does, and it doesn’t hurt the doe. They do have smaller litters, and the bucks do sometimes smush the does, in which case we take the doe out, yet it’s perfectly fine if the buck is bigger than the doe.
does the buck always have to fall off because my buck was on my 2 does but never fell off of them but my one doe is getting bigger and she is getting lazy
Its possible I suppose. I've heard that Bucks can get a doe pregnant through a cage wall. How I have no idea. As for your doe, watch for it she starts building a nest, she'll start gathering materials and pulling out fur to line it with, when she starts doing that you might be close to having babies. If she's not then your doe probebly needs to be put on a diet.
i was told that my buck was fixed but my one doe is getting bigger and my 2 doe is starting to get big and moody and both does are eating more and drinking more and they hate it when i need to get there food bowl to feed them and my one doe moves all her bedding around but not making a nest or pulling fur yet and when my buck was on top of both of them i did not see him fall off is he spouse to fall off or not
Yes, he's supposed to fall off. I have personly never had a successful breeding unless the buck fell off. You might have a rare case. Just keep a good eye on your doe's and their behavior. and make sure to seporate you does and your buck.
Adventures in spring hollow I am when I get me a bigger cage that will fit 2 together in it my other 2 does will be in it and buck will be by him self and I will have a spare cage for like when I want to breed
I don't see why not. So long as they arn't trying to tare each other apart, it should be okay. He might be a little over eager but again so long as he's being nice it should be okay. I tend to watch my rabbits just because I have had a mean buck and I have had does that are mean to. Just keep a close eye on them.
Sore hocks can be a problem if your rabbit is genetically deficient, as in they don't have enough fur on their feet or if you're not using the right wire or if their feet are dirty and not being kept clean. Rest assured I did my research on the matter before I got rabbits and I have not had issues with sore hocks but maybe once. Also giving them a resting place off the wire is an option too, which all of my rabbits have but seem to adamantly ignore. All of my rabbits have been on the wire since I've had them, though I hope to transfer them over to tractors now that I have the space for it so they can forage on the ground.
I don't think I've ever had an issues with it. But My rabbits have Apple cider Vinegar in their water which is supposed to help with immune system boost and make their fur/hide more oily and acidic which fleas and ticks don't like very much.
My first tip would be research. lots and lots of research. Books, other breeders, web sites. use several different places. Your always going to be learning something new, keep notes if you have to. And don't be afraid to experiment a bit. something that works for one person might not work for you, so give it a try and if you like it, use it, if you don't try something else. Its perfectly okay to make mistakes, its a learning curve and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't understand what learning really means. Second is figure out what you are raising rabbits for. Be it pets, meat or fur or all three. you'll want to make sure you have some kind of an outlet for the extra rabbits you yourself wont need. Talk to a local zoo, sometimes they will take donations or buy from you to feed their own animals. Third, keep records. There might be a lot you might remember off the time of your head, but its a really good idea to keep your own records. Forth. have fun. its going to be a lot of work at first, and for a good while as you try to figure out exactly how you like things. but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
I name the breeders because I don't intend on butchering them. I don't name the babies unless I intend on keeping them. Plus with names, it makes it easier for other people to know which rabbits I'm referring to.
Actually it only hurts their paws if they have bad genetics or your using the wrong wire. Plus all of my rabbits have a tile or stone slab to sit on. Thank you for your concern.
From what I read they have a spasm and pass out for a split second. Otherwise I'm not entirely sure but it makes it easier to know when they have bred.
For New zelands, and rabbits about their size I wait for the females to be 6 months or older, Males 5 to 6 months. For Rabbits like Flemish Giants, Females have to be 8 months old.
hum I measured them once before, but I don't seem to have the dimensions written down anywhere anymore. I think the cage is roughly 3 feet from side to side and 2 from front to back being roughly 2 feet high. When I built the cages I just counted the rectangles its made of for measurement. I used the 1inch by 1/2 inch for the bottom and then 2 inch by 1 inch for the sides and top.
Frenchfry and Coco came prenamed XD But I have a whole slue of fun names. I was going to do a group of bevrage names but things got in the way so I'll have to do it again with another group of animals.
Depending how how related they are, you could get problems. Like with this litter I got from the two black ones, they all died accept for one. Sometimes you can get deformities, birth defects, weakened immune systems. You want to be careful about breeding closely related animals.
Huh. Judy wasn't kidding when she said bunnies were good at multiplying.
Daniel Huffman LOL😹😹😹😹😹
Daniel Huffman lol
Daniel Huffman yea
I understand this is late but I would just like to clarify this for some people. Yes, these rabbits are bred for meat. People who live in rural areas often need to breed their own livestock (e.g. Lambs and Cows) to kill and eat or make a profit by selling the meat. There is a lot of debate over killing animals but some people have lived with it throughout their whole life and it’s a part of nature. Meat is a part of our diet, and you have you own opinion whether you want to be vegetarian, vegan or eat meat.
The rabbits are on wire cages, and often people think that it will cause the rabbits/bunnies to have blisters and/or sores on their feet. The wire cage is designed to allow the feces and urine to fall through the gaps, preventing the rabbits from sitting in their own waste all day. The main cause for sores on rabbits feet are genetics, the wire may play a part in the injury’s but that is often bad quality wiring. These rabbits have a rock in the cage to allow them to get off of the wire if they wish, but they often ignore it (stated many times by Adventures in spring hollow).
Again, we all have our own lifestyles and we must accept that people may live differently to the way you live. We are all in titled to our own opinions but we must respect the ways of life of others. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian or other types of dietary, that’s great! You eat what you want and be proud of it! But please respect that people will still kill, eat and sell the meat of animals if they prefer that lifestyle.
Hope this answer some of your questions and quarrels! Have an amazing day/night!
Bonnie, Lacey & Kaos you put paragraphs of this stuff lol
James Greathouse Haha yeah, I just find it easier to read other then one big clump 😂
And people choose to not read all of this comment. This is so well done smh
The black and white bunny wanted a good seat
Cameron Mcfetridge wow lol
Cameron Mcfetridge 😆😆
Cameron Mcfetridge lol
He sure wanted to see dat seex show xd
Or she
Names for rabbits
1. Coco
2. Snicker
3. Hershey
4. Twix
5. Zipper
6: Kia
7. Fluffy
8. Kiki
9. Forest
10. Mango
11. Peach
12. Blueberry
13. Melon
14. Raspberry
15. Lolli
16: skipper
17. Chubs
18. Rosey or rose
29. Kara
30. Sed
XxCouldedHuskyGMXx my rabbits names are wesley and nestle
XxCouldedHuskyGMXx noice
I like rose the best even thought it’s my name
Lol I bet you were here Nehru by the time you made these names
Hungry* damn auto correct
“While I go get is girlfriend” I laughed so hard I could not breathe and I cried XD
*why am I here*
yeah.. you’re not funny
Bc u clicked this frickin video so… bye
ZuZu TheTrashGod same
ZuZu TheTrashGod IDK
It’s funny how most of the people commenting how it’s terrible to kill the rabbits for food, but they probably eat meat themselves.
I mean I’m just saying to me I don’t see the farkin point in eating rabbits only pig cow chicken and that’s it to me tbh
bruh rabbits dont eat meat smh
We should just eat fish tbh
@@haltdieklappe7972 i agree xD
True , what’s so special about rabbits ? Cows are much more intelligent and pigs are even more intelligent than many dogs , still these people have no problem in eating pigs that are such sensitive and intelligent animals , much more than rabbits
what happens if I raise the rabbits ( both male and female) in one common cage ??
Reaction can vary depending on temperament and how your cage is set up.
Some people have gotten a colony set up to work for them but usually, they have quite a large space for the rabbits to be in and plenty of shelter for each. Peeble's rabbit Colony is one of the few I've seen who's gotten this to work, his setups a pretty neat one.
As for me, I've had both aggressive does and bucks and prefer to be around when they interact so I keep them in separate cages. Plus I haven't quite had the space and materials that he has had to make his set up.
What would happen could be a few things, your rabbits may get along, but you may want to watch them because they also could fight. and if you have male and females together likely the male will try to breed, and you may want to be careful about that because a female could have another litter right after birthing the first. And it's possible that the male may attack the litter
I had two sets od does that have shared cages together before, When I had my flemish Giants they came in a shared cage and got along well together. but when I bred one and separated her then tried to put them back in the same cage as a later date they fought.
I had a pare of New zelands who didn't matter if I put them back together they didn't attack each other, but the bigger of the two would sort of bully the other away from the food and water.
It all kind of depends on what you want and how your rabbits react. if they get along great, you may have to cull super aggressive and keep a close eye on whats going on between the rabbits that are in there.
Now if your raising them just as a grow out (like a weened from their mother) then you should be okay to keep them together up until 5 months because that's when the males start becoming ready to breed. I made the mistake of keeping them together longer and I came out one day to a castrated buck. So at that point its best to separate males from Females.
U get lots of babies
There are two kinds of people
lots a babies
sloppy of babies
I have a bunny named coco
What made you decide on that name? fur color or personality?
Smol but Savage Suga i have a bunny call Jungkook😄.
Adventures in spring hollow her color
Ally Chan sweet
3:02 lol rabbit in the back has pants on lol
3:02 "Pardon me one moment, but I need-OH GOODNESS!"
"Um...we're busy here...",
"I see that...!"
Ok now I'm thinking about getting a new Zealand rabbit
( so adorable)
I'm a new subscriber
I watched this with "mary jane". Super cute video!! I'm gonna subscribe you were so sweet to your bunnies. I have never seen a bunny barn btw b4 this video.
I'm glad that you enjoyed it!
Ya, my bunny barn was a 20 by 30 hoop house, it's not really a barn but that's what we dubbed it for the time being.
I meant like the whole bunny raising situation not just the barn I was mind blown I never even wondered how bunnies are raised and breed but mary jane made it 10x better for me!:) thanks for the reply commen!!!
My neighbor has a bunny farm
She breeds them then kills them
Megan Loves Life are u now that she has the bunnies for meat? Soooo cuteeeee...
LOL the 3 other bunny's in the back they like WHAT DA HHHHHHEEE IM NO DOING THAT
I don’t want to be mean but they can get bumble feet from wire floors
Pickle Dickle it depends on the breed
no such thing as bumble feet in rabbits, your using poultry terms on rabbits. Rabbits it is call sore hocks and NOT ALL rabbit get the condition.
In my expirance its because of wrong wire, bad genetics or their feet are dirty and aren't cleaned.
Pickle Dickle and can cause infections
Pickle Dickle no they can't I had rabbits and mine were fine if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say nothing at all
This is really educating and they are so cute.
What am I watching? Omg😂😦
Flipping Panda you know exactly what your watching 😂🤫
Flipping Panda ikr
I just saw this like wth
OMG your one of those people who actually care. Who actually has a brain! I’m so proud Your an amazing owner. Your so responsible! I bet they love you! I bless this bunny family and you ma’am!
Thank you! I am so glad to hear that. Bless you!
Yeah until they’re butchered
Kannon Carey You didn’t even spell it right😒 it’s “you’re” so don’t correct people unless you are going to BE CORRECT.
The "bunny family" is gonna be murdered for someone to eat it for dinner.
Hi, I was wondering what breed the black rabbits are. I have one that looks exactly like them.
New Zelands
Love the names you've chosen for your bunnies. :0)
Thank you!
You're very welcome. I hope all of the mommies, daddies, and babies are healthy and doing well. You too! ;0) I'm going to go check out your other videos and get my baby bunny fix! :-D Take care.
Cat Camp You too!
XD nice rabbit names! 😂😂😂
Edit: Ty so much for the likes!!!!
They are fun arn't they?
Yea xD and I also like the video
joe brauneis you will probably get over 60 cause they will keep repopulating
The other rabbits were like wow what are they doing at 2:33 😝 lol
Dorothy & Alicia hahahahahahahha
The black rabbits really look like the mini rex I had so this made my day.
Sophie they look like the mini satin i have
This is such a good video for me because I'm breeding my bunnys
Glad I can be helpful!
What age should I breed my rabbits? My buck is 6 months and my 2 does are 4 months.
All of them are pure bred mini Rex rabbits tri colored male, harlequin female, and lilac female.
For Medium-sized breeds such as New Zealand I don't usually breed Females till they are 6 months or older, And Males I wait till 5 months usually.
For smaller Rabbits Id probably wait for the Females to be 6 months still. but since I don't usually deal with smaller breeds Id also go and ask someone else who does :)
wait, what are you breeding them for?
I breed meat rabbits.
More rabbits🐇🐇🐰🐰
Meat rabbits
Twinkle Bottom DUN DUN DUUUUUN :(
lilyTale Studio yep they gun be ded soon.
We thought we had 2 boys but yesterday my bunny started digging in the sand and 8 little baby bunnies came out of the hole. She had recently been sick so we thought that was the reason she was thinner, turned out she gave birth and we didn't know for 2 weeks. They're all healthy and she is an amazing mom. So now I'm educating myself!
Oh dear! I've had something like that happen to me. I had a doe that never seemed willing to breed, or have babies.
One day out of the blue I have little bunnies running around my yard. she'd hidden them really well and I didn't know till 3 weeks later.
I'm glad they are all healthy! Feel free to ask me any question I'll do my best to get back to you and answer them as best I can.
Adventures in spring hollow
Thank you!
The father is a bred (a dwarf bunny), and I don't know about the mom but she's a normal sized bunny. Since the father is a dwarf and the mom isn't, I don't know what the average weight for the baby bunnies should be.
I live in sweden and not many people care about the bred here. So we're planning to sell them but we don't know what we should price them or price them in the first place. Both parents are healthy and have good personalities. The baby bunnies are also really pretty, 3 are fully gray, 3 look exactly like the mom and are white with black and the other 2 look also like the mom but white and gray. They have tiny ears like the dad. 2 of them are girls the others are boys. Do you think we should ask money for them or just give them away for free when they're old enough?
hum, unfortunately, I wouldn't know the average weight for a cross like that, and with just about any mix breed you'll never know exactly what you get till you got it. A good bet would be a weight between mom and dad at full grown.
If the babies are getting a little wrinkly then they aren't getting enough milk, you can feed them with KMR or goats milk but it sounds like your babies are doing alright.
Well, Admittedly I'm not very good with pricing things and probably end up shorting myself. But if you wanted to sell them my advice would be looking at the cost for taking care of them just make sure you can at least get back what you put into them. But that's only if you want to sell. Generally here in America (at least in my experience) people sell mix breeds for less since in most cases they aren't as desired as purebreds are. But there are some people who like mutts with unique qualities.
I tend to sell my rabbits at 15$ each but that's because the cost of the rabbit food is 12$ a bag. and selling 3 bunnies = feed for the whole herd for about a month.
But Your not looking to make a business of this right? so you could probably get away with a small rehoming fee.
I don't think its at all a bad idea to at least ask for a little money for the time and effort you put into making sure they are healthy and happy for the next person who wants to add them to their home.
The floor looks uncomfortable for the rabbit just a little tip you should fix to make your rabbits happy and healthy.
It's uncomfortable for rabbits with shit genes
LAUGHING so hard lmaoo the way he vibrates😂
I have rabbits of my own and I breed as well, so I know quite abit. If you do keep two rabbits by each other make sure they aren't opposite sex's as this could one lead to wire breeding, or two the rabbits becomes best friends and completely loose intress ( the vet thought one of my rabbits was gay because I did this once.
ZebraWolf 😂😂😂😂😂
Lil’ Pritt Stick I believe an animal can be gay. It's a strange phenomenon since in animals sex is only for reproducing unlike humans but it has happened and in captivity the Human Keepers will introduce a orphaned animal to a same sex animal couple and they will raise it.
Elisabeth Lyonheart wow!
@Stormy U I respectfully disagree with your statement.
its cute on how you named your rabbits, I love it
Thank you! 😊
It’s so funny when the black bunny was going around the other black bunny!
If i should get a rabbit what kind of breed shall it be?
That depends, One of the things to think about is what you want it for.
If you're looking for a meat rabbit the questions would be.
How do you want to house them? and how much meat do you want to harvest from them?
Flemish Giants will give you more meat than a New zeland well, but they take longer to mature and grow out.
So most people use New Zelands, or Californian whites.
If your looking for a fiber rabbit then an Angora would be your best bet, or maybe a Jersey wooly but Jersey wooly's are smaller then Angora's. And different Angora's have different fur types. So what do you want to do with the wool?
For a pet, you can go with just about any breed you want, but most people like the smaller breeds, like Holland lops, mini rex, Dutch.
There are hundreds of breeds so the first question would be, what do you want the rabbit for?
Adventures in spring hollow hmm thank u for that
Yall, go to arba.net and you will find info on each breed (and their breed clubs) and info on care and such also.
Royal- Yellow mini satin or mini rex mini satin have very nice personalities all the ones i have owned
Wht do they sometimes fall over?
When A male rabbit successfully breeds they fall over.
They have a spasm and roll off the Females back. This usually means he was successful in reaching his intended target.
LOLbite1007 :D its most likely that they would do that in breeding it is common but I dont know why.
It mostly happens around 2 to 3 timed during breeding tho.
Adventures in spring hollow meaning he just...had a home run.
hollow yes when they fall off it means he finished and planted his seeds. That's how you know he completed his part of the deal. In rabbits it is the sex act that triggers ovulation, rabbits dont really have heat cycles like most other animals, according to the animal scientists.
I have 2 Dutch and bred them babies are now 8 weeks old and ready to sell ☺️ they had 3 babies!! My bucks name is Oreo and my does name is Blast then I named the only female of the litter Treasure Lilly
What do you do with the babies? I know all the animal shelters are over loaded with rabbits. Are these sold for food?
Yes, I breed meat and feeder rabbits. So I eat some of these.
I had a bunny named tiger bc he looked like one. But sadly he as passed but he watches over me still.
A rabbit that looked like a tiger? that's pretty cool!
I'm sorry for your lose.
A rabbit who watches over you? You do you
I'm planning on breeding my male black Holland lop ear, what females should I look for?
That depends on what you want to breed them for.
Don't use wire floorings please it makes them get sour hocks!
This only happens when your rabbit is Genetically deficient, you're using the wrong wire or their feet are getting too dirty and not being kept clean.
secondly, I have slabs of rock and tile they can rest on if they so chose but they don't seem to care for the slabs much so they chose to ignore them.
Wire flooring is used to help keep them and their cage clean so they aren't sitting in poo and urine all day. It falls through where they can't get into it. There are many breeders who use this method, and if applied properly then there are no issues with sore hocks.
Adventures in spring hollow ok thank you. Do you use your rabbits as meat rabbits?
I do raise them for meat.
Adventures in spring hollow
What do u do with the bunnies that are born??
Eat or sell?
Oh, and How do you know when that are ready to breed?
I breed by age. so for a New zeland or other breed close to their size - Females, I start breeding around 6 or 7 months and Males I start breeding around 5 or 6 months.
If its a larger breed like a Flemish than for Females its 8 to 9 months and males its 7 to 8 months.
But some breeders have other methods of determining when a rabbit is ready to breed.
@@adventuresinspringhollow6377 why eat them?
@@kieralambert1579 Why eat anything?
You need food to live?
And before you say something like 'go to the store and buy your food'
Do you know where the food from the store comes from? how its been treated? what its eaten? what kind of medications it been forced to eat? How was it butchred? how was it raised? was it healthy?
I can answer all of these questions when I raise my own food.
That's why I raise and eat meat rabbits.
Two bunnies in the cage- breed
1. don't force them to breed
2. rabbit's feet hurt when they stand on iron wires
1. This is part of animal husbandry and how I get my livestock.
2. their feet can get sore hocks, IF you have the wrong wire and IF they have bad genetics and IF their feet are dirty which is part of the reason they are on wire, also each of my rabbits have a tile or stone slab to sit on.
I would like to know what breed the bunnies are. They are so cute.
Those were mostly New zelands.
I have a new Zeland Angora mix and she has a really good temperament.
And I have some flemish Giants.
How long does it take for bucks to get used to new places? I just got a new buck and 2 new does and the buck has no interest in my does at all. He mounted the first time they saw each other then since he has wanted nothing to do with them...what should I be doing? Should I try with both like rotating or just try one for a few days/week/10days? Thanks
hum. How old is he? if he's to young that could be a factor as well as being told old or to fat.
Some people will leave a doe and buck together for a few days but I tend to keep them separate and only put them together when I want to breed them. sometimes they'll chase each other around, I haven't really had to much expirance with a buck that's just not interested.
I've heard giving them black oil sunflower seeds or Apple cider vinegar in their water can help.
Are you taking the buck to the females cage? either take the female to his cage or put them in a neutral space.
I bred my flemish giant (male) and my Newzealnd/flemish giant (female) and it was both of their first times and they were sooo good! My female was so good just sat there. I got 4 fall offs and she should give birth on the 28-30th! Of may so excited!
yay! I'm excited for you!
Good luck with those babies.
Is 1 fall off Will produce a Baby.
Possibly. but I find it better to have at least 2 if not 3 fall offs just for good measure.
Sometimes after the first fall of the female will Pee which will eject all the sperm. So I'll get a fall off then let them sit apart for a few minutes then try again just incase.
The brown one is to cute
Hi .pleas haw do we call this race .thank you
I'm not sure that I understand your question?
If your asking about the breed I have new zelands and I had flemish giants. And 1 new zeland angora mix
Is she a butcher and is going to kill the babies or is she going to sell them ??
I sell and Butcher depending on my needs.
Adventures in spring hollow what u kill them yourself aahhh how who what why when how do u have the heart to that it's sad but I guess that's how u make your living so I'm not going to judge u at all 🙀
I'm glad to hear that.
Mia Darcy butcher?? that's so sick ;(
Great video! But you must remember that you have to put something soft at the bottom of the cage! Bunny’s paws are super sensitive and can start to hurt if they stand on wire for a long time! Hope this helps! :)
Actually putting anything on the bottom of the cage kinda defeats the purpose of the wire bottom.
Rabbit paws have thick fur on the bottom of their feet which helps cushion against the wire, if they don't have this then they most likely have bad genetics.
Each of my rabbits dose have a tile or flat rock to sit on if they want.
But thank you.
That Dutch just came right up 😂 that’s what mine does when others breed 😆
Hey I have a question if oh can answer ASAP that would be awesome! So do you leave the rabbits outside during winter? And if so how do you keep them warm in winter and cool in summer? Thank you so much!
Well back in this set up it was a 20 X 30 hoop house. It worked well for winter keeping them out of the wind and snow, it was still cold enough to freeze water inside but the adults could keep themselves warm so long as they were out of the weather.
This set up didn't work great for summer though as there wasn't enough air flow in the hoop house and it trapped the heat inside.
During the winter you want to cut the wind off, but during the summer you want plenty of air flow. you could use a mister spread out over the rabbitry area. I used a fan and when it got hot I'd put the mister in front of the fan so it cool the air.
How do the rabbits know if they are there to mate?
I'm not sure I understand the question.
Are the bunnies you bred meat rabbits or pets or just used for breeding? Because if they are meat rabbits wouldn't it be harder to kill them if you had named them?
I breed meat rabbits but when I sell live rabbits people can by them for butchering later, breeding or pets. The rabbits I don't sell I, butcher.
It can be hard, and I don't really ever want it to be easy. but I don't name the babies only the breeders.
my rabbit mated with my doe on July 19th of this year and fell off 2 times and she has a nest now and i am just wondering if she is pregnant or no and if she is how come she did not have them yet i am starting to get worried now
if it was only July 19th Then its only been about 20 days. a rabbits gestation period is 28-31 days. so you should be expecting through the 16th - the 19th.
Sometimes a doe will make a nest really early.
Adventures in spring hollow so she is going to have babies for sure then since he fell off of her 2 times then
If she's getting noticeably bigger then likely.
You can also try palpating to see if you can feel fertile eggs/young rabbits moving around. but be careful.
she is getting big drinking alot of water and resting a lot and dont want me touching her belly so i will see on the 16th or the 19th
Good luck!
you told me that my doe will have her babies on august 16th or 19th and she has not pulled anymore fur out but she has been laying in the nest box and she is bigger but still no babies should i try breeding her again with my one buck or no
I've had does go over their initial due date.
Do not re-breed her right now, you don't want to re-breed until your absolutely sure she's not pregnant.
Keep a very close eye on her.
Does she seem distressed? is she breathing heavy? fast?
Or dose she seem calm?
Most does will have babies early morning or late at night.
Adventures in spring hollow she was not pergent
It could be a false pregnancy.
Whats her diet? its also posible that your feeding her to much and she's getting fat.
When I was breeding hamsters, I found the females would conceive more often if they had their favorite male in sight, and the male they were breeding with had more incentive to do a better job and he wouldn't be so lazy in his pursuit. So I'd often put the females favorite male, within her view, and the breeding male would get very angry about it and try really hard to get the females attention. I don't know if that works with rabbits.
Eh depends on the rabbit. I had one rabbit who I bred once but got ride of that male and she never would breed for any of my other males and I've heard someone else talk about how their rabbit refused to breed for any of their other males but one. so its possible that they sometimes get a preferred male.
So I have 2 males and I have another rabbit (they said they think it was male) but they have started humping the new rabbit at any chance is this because of dominance or breeding
Well if your not certain you should check the new one to make sure. If it really is a male its probably dominance. If its a female it could be trying to breed.
Ok i know this might be a dumb question but it's my 1st time home steading but to tell for sure she's pregnant can you make her take a pregnancy test
Puppy Panda
No, to tell you have palpate her.
AngoraHM is correct, you can tell by Palpating. I've had sparing luck with it but I'm also not very skilled in it. take it slow and be very gentle when you go feeling around under her.
I have a black rabbit that have a smooth fur like a smooth carpet,
what is the race ?is it rex or new zealand ?The fur is not as long as other rabbit
This is the New Zeland Breed of rabbit. I've not had a Rex yet.
Adventures in spring hollow im talking about my rabbit not the rabbit in the video
Then it sounds like it could be a Rex.
sounds like you have either rex or mini rex (rex run 7-8 pounds, mini rex under 5 lbs) Amir.
Do you make them stay in the cadj
Are they for food, sell, or pets? Or all of the above
Kind of all of the above, but I breed mostly for meat.
@@adventuresinspringhollow6377 thought so, littleraly all of them that I have heard of are named after a food, spice, or drink
@@jellofish1455 Ya. now that you mention is most of them kinda are lol.
Is it ok to breed a smaller doe with a bit of a larger buck ? Or is it dangerous
Well, I've never really done it myself.
I'm sure people have, and it happens with other animals all the time.
So my guess would be that if you breed a larger buck to a smaller Doe. she either won't take or she'll have a smaller litter.
Adventures in spring hollow thank you
No problem.
Good luck!
My bucks are larger than most of our does, and it doesn’t hurt the doe. They do have smaller litters, and the bucks do sometimes smush the does, in which case we take the doe out, yet it’s perfectly fine if the buck is bigger than the doe.
does the buck always have to fall off because my buck was on my 2 does but never fell off of them but my one doe is getting bigger and she is getting lazy
Its possible I suppose. I've heard that Bucks can get a doe pregnant through a cage wall.
How I have no idea.
As for your doe, watch for it she starts building a nest, she'll start gathering materials and pulling out fur to line it with, when she starts doing that you might be close to having babies.
If she's not then your doe probebly needs to be put on a diet.
i was told that my buck was fixed but my one doe is getting bigger and my 2 doe is starting to get big and moody and both does are eating more and drinking more and they hate it when i need to get there food bowl to feed them and my one doe moves all her bedding around but not making a nest or pulling fur yet and when my buck was on top of both of them i did not see him fall off is he spouse to fall off or not
Yes, he's supposed to fall off.
I have personly never had a successful breeding unless the buck fell off.
You might have a rare case. Just keep a good eye on your doe's and their behavior. and make sure to seporate you does and your buck.
Adventures in spring hollow I am when I get me a bigger cage that will fit 2 together in it my other 2 does will be in it and buck will be by him self and I will have a spare cage for like when I want to breed
Alright, sounds like a plan.
Good luck!
I have a question it is my first time breeding rabbits my doe is really calm and laid back and my buck is hipper is it still ok to breed those too
I don't see why not. So long as they arn't trying to tare each other apart, it should be okay. He might be a little over eager but again so long as he's being nice it should be okay.
I tend to watch my rabbits just because I have had a mean buck and I have had does that are mean to. Just keep a close eye on them.
Your not supposed to just have metal bars on the ground it makes red bumps on the feet
Lps Studio i agree the red sores are called soar hox and she also shouldnt grab them by the scruff
Sore hocks can be a problem if your rabbit is genetically deficient, as in they don't have enough fur on their feet or if you're not using the right wire or if their feet are dirty and not being kept clean.
Rest assured I did my research on the matter before I got rabbits and I have not had issues with sore hocks but maybe once.
Also giving them a resting place off the wire is an option too, which all of my rabbits have but seem to adamantly ignore.
All of my rabbits have been on the wire since I've had them, though I hope to transfer them over to tractors now that I have the space for it so they can forage on the ground.
I think you have red bumps in your brain😬😂
How do you prevent your rabbit from scabies?
I don't think I've ever had an issues with it.
But My rabbits have Apple cider Vinegar in their water which is supposed to help with immune system boost and make their fur/hide more oily and acidic which fleas and ticks don't like very much.
Adventures in spring hollow thanks for your answer, 😊
No problem :)
Are these meat rabbets, i won't hate im just kinda curious.
Yes, these are meat rabbits.
What does breeding exactly mean? Tryna get some baby bunnys
Yes, breeding means two animals having sex to produce babies.
Want to start rabbit farming, how can you help with tips?
My first tip would be research. lots and lots of research. Books, other breeders, web sites. use several different places. Your always going to be learning something new, keep notes if you have to.
And don't be afraid to experiment a bit. something that works for one person might not work for you, so give it a try and if you like it, use it, if you don't try something else. Its perfectly okay to make mistakes, its a learning curve and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't understand what learning really means.
Second is figure out what you are raising rabbits for. Be it pets, meat or fur or all three. you'll want to make sure you have some kind of an outlet for the extra rabbits you yourself wont need. Talk to a local zoo, sometimes they will take donations or buy from you to feed their own animals.
Third, keep records. There might be a lot you might remember off the time of your head, but its a really good idea to keep your own records.
Forth. have fun. its going to be a lot of work at first, and for a good while as you try to figure out exactly how you like things. but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
I assume these are meat rabbits so why name them? Doesn't it make it harder to kill them? Just wondering.
I name the breeders because I don't intend on butchering them. I don't name the babies unless I intend on keeping them.
Plus with names, it makes it easier for other people to know which rabbits I'm referring to.
Yes, the ones that are named are my main breeders.
Do you keep those rabbits in the mesh cage all the time?
Right now, yes. They do live in the mesh cages all of the time.
That rabbit is cute
Dont use wire cages it damages their paws and makes them sore!!!😡😡😡😢
Actually it only hurts their paws if they have bad genetics or your using the wrong wire.
Plus all of my rabbits have a tile or stone slab to sit on.
Thank you for your concern.
Do you show? I used to breed standard rex
I do not. Though someday I think it would be fun to try.
I bet the dutch rabbit ( the black n' white one. And yes ik my breeds) was like gotta take notes when she gives me a chance to do it!
Fun fact: if a female ferret goes in heat and doesn't mate shell die
My cousins name is Jeremiah,
wives tale, have never seen that happen.
I have been trying to get Flemish giant rabbits 🐇 for pet and is hard to find one
I know i came too late but
How old is the female rabbit
uh, Gosh I don't remembered, She's been gone for a while.
But I do know she was over 6 months.
@@adventuresinspringhollow6377 ty
Why does the make fall back once they have bred
From what I read they have a spasm and pass out for a split second.
Otherwise I'm not entirely sure but it makes it easier to know when they have bred.
Do you have wild rabbits
I don't own any wild rabbits no?
Do you let some bunny’s run out of there cage
I did once in the old house and he vanished and never came back, then once in the new house but the puppies kept chasing him so I had to stop.
That black and white bunny tried to run away that made me laugh
How many bunnies you have ? And do rabbit meat taste good 😐
Right now I have about a baker's dozen (around 13)
Rabbit taste like lean chicken really.
Do you seem you bunnies if so how much are they?
Do I sell them? Yes I do sell them.
I usualy sell my rabbits at 15$ a peice.
I have two males that they want to bread together is that right?
If they are for certain two Males and they are mounting each other its a show of Dominance, not breeding.
What do u do with the babies?
I raise them up to a certain age then I either sell them or eat them.
My rabbit does that to my head while I’m sleeping
Is it the same with any other type of rodent
The breeding? to an extent probably.
I have a puppy named pepper
Hello, today, a hint for a rabbit feed for rabbits came up with fake material.
At what age do you breed them?
For New zelands, and rabbits about their size I wait for the females to be 6 months or older, Males 5 to 6 months.
For Rabbits like Flemish Giants, Females have to be 8 months old.
new sub here. may i please know the size of your cages?
hum I measured them once before, but I don't seem to have the dimensions written down anywhere anymore.
I think the cage is roughly 3 feet from side to side and 2 from front to back being roughly 2 feet high.
When I built the cages I just counted the rectangles its made of for measurement.
I used the 1inch by 1/2 inch for the bottom and then 2 inch by 1 inch for the sides and top.
I love that you named them after beverages and french fries XD
Frenchfry and Coco came prenamed XD
But I have a whole slue of fun names.
I was going to do a group of bevrage names but things got in the way so I'll have to do it again with another group of animals.
why did the bunny start running in circles
He jumped her face lmao
This is good because I want to be a vet when I grow up
Very competitive field! but good luck! :D
is that wired flooring noo thats bad for their feet
Omg I love that the rabbits in the background are just watching them 😂😂😂😂
What happens if they're related?
Depending how how related they are, you could get problems.
Like with this litter I got from the two black ones, they all died accept for one.
Sometimes you can get deformities, birth defects, weakened immune systems.
You want to be careful about breeding closely related animals.