You have to want to be changed and go to God for yourself and ask God to change your heart on this. Don't let no one tell you that God can't deliver you from it or anything. That's the devil that wants you to stay in it.
Seek help and you will get help, acknowledging the sickness with in yourself, it will allow you to do the first step, thats the hardest, but the second is easier and so is every next step, dont listen to folks who want to manipulate you thinking being gay is fine, its not, its a sin afterall, people who are gay tend to be very good people and thats why their get corrupted by the devil, since he targets only good people, dont be foolish, you shall be forgiven by following the right path
The thing that confuses me is I am a good human being, healthy, not any major mental issues, no addictions to drugs or alcohol, treat everyone with kindness and because I am attracted to women that puts me on the same level as murders and cheaters
no it does not. this guy is incorrect. there is nothing in the Bible against it. videos on this channel take a much more accurate look at the bible:
the root of the issue is that NONE of us are “good human beings”… because of Christ there is “good” in the world and we are all capable of doing good things every once in a while, but at the core of our beings BECAUSE of the fall in Genesis 1 where sin entered the world, we are born into a sinful nature, so none of us are “good people” we (including me) are ALL bad inherently. that’s where Jesus comes in. we need a savior because we can’t save ourselves. our weakness is a good thing in the end because it forces us to rely on Him, thus developing a genuine relationship with HIM - the creator of the entire universe and everything in it. our standard is also not Jesus’ standard. you say you’ve never murdered anyone but Jesus says even hating our neighbor we have already committed murder, and i’m guessing you have hated someone. just wanted to answer your question to help you understand better, i hope this helps some 💙💙💙
@@baptistbob1038 Except God never said it's wrong. You're copying the snake, saying that God forbade something he did not. You can justify it all YOU want, doesn't change the fact that all God's commands are satisfied by loving your neighbour. Not love you neighbour and no gay secs. Just love your neighbour.
I've never heard Isaiah 56:5 before. I'm really going to have to remember that verse. I'm a non-practicing homosexual and I'm 22 now, but I remember the thought of being celibate and never being in a relationship in my whole life was a hard thing for me to accept when I was 17 and 18. I wanted to follow the teachings of the Bible because I didn't want to live a life that went against it's teachings, but I sort of felt like I was owed a romantic relationship from God. Coming to choose not to practice my sexuality has taught me that God doesn't really owe us anything since we deserve nothing from him - and he taught me that I can be happy in my life without that kind of relationship. I believe this is part of God's plan so I'll be much better off following him than trying to make myself happy. This was a really uplifting sermon to hear! i'm not the kind of guy who watches of ton of stuff like this in my free time but I'm really glad I watched this and I hope people aren't afraid to listen to it and believe it.
@keychain696 I think it is great how you have been so faithful to God! I don't want to discourage you, but I do want to point out that I think the explanation of Isaiah 56 is not entirely correct. The meaning of Eunuch is someone who has been castrated, especially (in the past) someone employed to guard the women's living areas at an oriental court. In Deuteronomy 23:1 it says that someone who has been castrated cannot enter the assembly of the lord. In Isaiah 56:5 is explained that a foreigner that joined himself to the Lord and holds fast the covenant of the Lord will be accepted by the Lord and will receive a place by His altar (even though they are eunuchs who have been castrated). This is also why in verse 5 is written that they will receive a new name, which is even better than that their name will remain to exist through sons and daughters. So I think this verse has nothing to do with celibacy or men loving other men. - I hope my explanation makes sense, because english is not my first language :). Also I do think that God is cheering you on and that you also will receive a new everlasting name. Because that is the love that God has for everyone and everyone who follows Him. God bless!
Thanks for your ever encouraging words, God has used you greatly in my life I know from many of your messages. I myself was a lesbian and when I got saved it took a little while for the feelings to completely go away but I found when i rebuked those thoughts and gave them to God eventually after many times of obedience in taking my thoughts captive and giving them to God, God delivered me from that lifestyle. I can now look at a woman without lusting after her but instead with purity as fellow a sister in the Lord. Thank the Good Lord for delivering me from that lifestyle :) NOw Im married with several wonderful children thanks to the good Lord.
U make it sound like its a choice and that being gay is a bad thing. I'm a christian and I'm bisexual and asexual.(a bit confusing ik) My feelings havent gone away. And I don't want them to if we are being honest. God is good and I believe he put those feelings in me for a reason. Ive done many sinful things in my life but being bi I dont feel in my heart and with God's guidance is one of them. I don't like when people treat it like its something demonic and sinful. If I even say the word gay at my church they try to convert me and SAVE me. I love God. I love who I am too. And I know he made me who I am for a reason.
@@Ruushii I m not trying to attack u here but u might want to read what the bible says . For being asexual that's fine. Paul himself wishes all people were asexual. The bible does call "unnatural sex acts" I'm not trying to convert u . But it's like he said it's a personal thing.
@@soccerkings4016 You are reading into ancient mouths like Paul's your modern conception of sexuality. There was no awareness that some people were lgbt when Paul wrote, though Bishop Spalding did a great job explaining Paul's thorn in the flesh may have been same-sex attractions. He was still "struggling" with it 30 years after his conversion, per one of his epistles. Ancient people thought homosexual feelings were due to an excess of lust that you just started wanting everything and everyone. We now know that is not true. And Paul had other ideas we don't pay attention to, i.e. long hair on men is "unnatural" and short hair on women is "unnatural." Nobody goes to salons and demands people repent of their hair styles. Demanding people repent of their sexual orientation has never worked, Period. So said the ex-gay ministry leaders who made all those testimonials for 4 decades.
Gossip is really bad and destroys relationships. I just left a work place because of how bad the gossip got and felt that if that person is gossiping about others then they will gossip about me. I to had to look into my own heart and see if I gossiped. Although I’d rarely gossip negatively about someone but I’d gossip about them either positively or in general. My old self esteem teacher would say to people he saw gossiping, “does so and so know that you’re talking about them?” Such a great question.
Thank you for this sermon! May our churches be a place where every same sex attached person can experience the love of God and be washed by His blood!❤
I didn't make the rules... GOD DID !!! I only try to live by GOD'S Word and what The Holy Bible says ! To be a Christian IS NOT EASY !!! To be a Christian takes Very Hard Work and Sacrifice ! Each waking day pressing Forward towards the mark ! It's NOT what we think... It's what the Holy Bible Says !!!
You got that right ! And we must pray for spiritual wisdom and knowledge and not lean on our own understanding or the understanding of others. Many denominations can decieve you. They twist the word of God to fit their lifestyles. This is referred to as the apostate church. The word warns us about the darkness of these false beliefs. Look at the letters written by apostle paul to the churches, this is a good example of apostate beliefs.And those who teach in this apostate way,how they will be harshly judged on judgement day. Lord will give you wisdom and knowledge,but you must ask for it by the power of the Holy Spirit . May the Lord lead your paths and God bless you 🙏🌈🕊️😇❤️ Love above all things!!!
God shows us homophobia is a sin. I didn't make the rules, God did. Being an uneducated homophgobic is not easy is it. Its hard work proving hate is good. Still its not what you think, its what satan wants you to think, and you have! WELL DONE.
Hearing you say "Can someone be same sex attracted and Christian? Yes." threw me for a loop, I've never heard that from either side (from lgbt+ people who don't believe in God and Christians alike). It's not the feeling, but where you choose to direct your thoughts and actions after you have felt it. Thank you for sharing. It usually takes me a lot to cry, but this video had me in tears. Every time my family would try to understand, they would make it seem like I was just being difficult, or like I should just be straight. I didn't feel seen as someone who was struggling, except for by fellow lgbt+ affirming people. Thank you
Hey sis, I hope you're soaring above the struggles now and remember to stay around Godly people to remain in Christ, because they can encourage you and strengthen you while you face this battle. If you don't have any friends like that pray and ask God to send you friends who are able to be your support system. If you want you can reach out to me on Instagram @iamrushealhall
There is a difference between a homosexual attraction and a practicing homosexual . Temptation is not a sin, falling into sin is disobedience. No different for the hetrosexual. We must carry our cross.Anything beyond sex within marriage is immoral by the standards of god . And I must agree with his standards and commandments. And I am ok with that. It's been a tough battle, and over the many years I've learned to give the battle to him. I have found peace and joy in him🙏
@@rickylara9178 Actually I think what u meant to say was There is a difference between having a same sex attraction and acting on it as homosexual is JUST a sexual orientation and not a sex act......but whats more biblical is There is a difference between a homophobia attraction to hate and acting on that hate. As Temptation to hate is not a sin, but falling into sin is disobedience. No different for the racist or sexist person. All bigots must carry their cross and not act on their hate.We need LGBT people to marry, if needs be their own sex as a partner as any sex out of marriage is wrong. Homophobia after all is immoral by the standards of God . And I must agree with his standards and commandments. And I am ok with that.
Nobody is condemning anyone. The question is is homosexuality compatible with Christian faith. “ Showing love” is not just approving whatever people do.
RoadThoughts some people think our refusal to bless what God has called sin is us condemning them. They take it personally. They can’t express their anger to God, so they direct it at us.
I am a Muslim, and you are not even christians. Remember what the old testament tells you? God HATES you. And you ''love'' gays. Who think being gay is okay. You call them christians also. And you tell to their faces that you love them. As a real Muslim: I DO NOT love them. You hit a child, and I love you, ha? You act like a satan, and I love you? Im-im. That's not my denial. That's not my HYPOCRACY. That's not me corrupting the Bible and the Old Testament. We ''help'' who are opressors also. Which means, we FORBID THEM. It doesn't mean we love sinners. That is your FAKE understanding and that is your FAKE religion. If you already had any.
If a straight man cannot abandon the thought of marriage to the woman of his dreams. And live a celibate, separate life, then he has no business judging the gay (non practicing homosexual) christian that is expected to do what he cannot do...
So a pastor won't marry a Christ-focused, devoted same-sex couple, but will marry a man to his third wife without question? Since all sin is on an equal level why is this man allowed to be remarried through a church?
The key to remarriage is the reason . You can't divorce except due to death or adultery. So your right . Anyone remarrying must be divorced based only on those causes otherwise it's adultery
You are correct , however , although not bound to stay , you are still bound not to get remarried until the Nate who left you begins a sexual or marital relationship with another.
"And I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged" (2 Corinthians 12:21)
As a person with same-sex attraction, I was made to feel ugly, unwanted, sick, demonic and a joke to the members of my church. You feel inferior to your fellow members as you don't have the same entitlement to Jesus. To know you can choose holiness in the form of singleness and to know God sees me was so important to me.
@@GO_142 Why not? There are plenty of people who have a long, loving relationship without relying on sex. Many churches in the Western countries will marry them now!
This is by far the best sermon I have heard tackling on LGBTQ issue in Christianity. Praise God for this. Bless you David Marvin, my brother in Christ.
Fellow homosexuals, we are just fine. I left religion in 1980, at 20, and never looked back. Love yourselves, and honor the path you've been chosen for. Within you is your guidance. Meditate in stillness, and your path will be illuminated. To ease your mind, Jesus NEVER mentions anything about homosexuality, never. Nor his brother, James. Nor the disciple whom Jesus loved, John. Nor Simon Peter. Only Paul does, and we are lacking historical context, but I can assure you, we homosexuals are not offensive to what is right. Being YOU, at your essence, is always right. YOU are your path. Rejoice in it! In Jewish Scripture, Sodom is often mistakenly associated with homosexuality, likely because of bigotry by people who are hypocrites. Scripture says in Jeremiah 23.14 that their sins were adultery, deceit, injustice and unrepentance; and in Ezekiel 16.49 that their sins were pride and arrogance, and that they lacked compassion. Homosexuality is never mentioned. As for the laws of Moses, man shall not lie with another man, well, this one is simple. Moses lists many other laws there. Let's see if the hypocrites observe THOSE OTHER laws: It's an abomination to eat shellfish. It's an abomination to cut your hair. It's an abomination to be tattooed. It's an abomination to eat pork. It's an abomination for a husband to have sex with his wife within the seven day period after she menstruates. I could go on, but you get the picture. I would recommend that you not associate with people who discriminate against homosexuals. They are dyed-in-the-wool hypocrites. Love yourselves, and love others. It is this that fulfills the law, not being this or that. Paul is the one who says: The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy. To the pure, all things are pure. And Jesus himself said: It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what proceeds out of his heart that defiles him. Be pure of heart, and be yourself! Love and Light!
Amen! This sermon was a breath of much needed fresh air...... We need to spread love and not hate. We can't win souls to Christ by bieng forceful and hateful! Rather We need to love them to Christ let them see God in us! And experience His Love through us. God loves the sinner but hates the sin.
some history: traditional christian teaching: non-reproductive acts are sinful protestant teaching from 70s: non-reproductive acts are fine, just same-secs desires are sinful and gays must repent from 80s: society changes its mind in response to results of actual research; christians invent "definition of marriage" based on adam and eve to continue discrimination; meanwhile thousands of kids traumatized, lose their faith or take their lives from being told they have to "repent" from their desires from maybe 2000s: can't have kids taking their lives change message to people just need desire to change even if they're don't succeed; meanwhile more and more people start investigating anti-gay theology and start finding it's unbiblical from maybe 2010s: pretty obvious no one can change who they're attracted to; change message again to having to stay single their whole life; churches and denominations split over this issue 2020s: discovered how this theology originated - it was a Bible mistranslation that went viral
@Adam Peltier I totally understand and agree with your point of view. But I speak from the John 3:16 point of view. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. He loved us enough to make a way for us to experience true repentance and have ever lasting life. That was my point. Does God hate sin? Yes! Will He punish sin? Yes! but God is also love and He showed us by giving us the Lord Jesus Christ! And why do we preach Christ and Him crucified? So that all might be saved. How do we do that? Preaching the gospel and by letting others see Christ in us! The Lord Jesus was a good example.
@Adam Peltier and in the context of the sermon rarely will you win a soul to Christ if you are being hateful and ”judgemental”(I use the term lightly) . You push people away.
@Adam Peltier you're quoting POETRY. (Are you a westerner? i find westerners don't understand hyperbole, so they don't understand the Bible properly.) Those songs say that God will reject the unrepentant, not that he doesn't care enough to want them to repent. God loves sinners: "God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" Rom 5.8
@Adam Peltier The psalms are expired by God for sure, but they are poetry written in a particular era for a particular purpose. they most definitely are not a series of absolute statements that you can use like logical propositions to deduce conclusions. rather, they often expressed people's feelings and hopes and fears based on their limited understanding of God. don't forget God's revelation of himself has been gradual. just because people thought life ended permanently at death in david's time doesn't preclude God later revealing that we will rise from death. just because people thought as a result that judgement must be in this life doesn't preclude God later revealing that judgement will happen at the resurrection. it might have seemed appropriate at the time to the psalmists to express righteous indignation at evil in that kind of language, but Jesus gave us a deeper and richer appreciation of who God is, which moves us to "love our enemies", not hate them.
I surrender my sexuality and all the rest of me, and my everything to Jesus. I'm a sinner I've had gay, and hetro sex, and never been married. My flesh is my enemy. I am Gods blood bought possession living in willful sin I can not. I have an extremely higher risk of suicide based on my sexual history alone. I seek only Jesus I have no partner, and I live by myself I don't care how people judge me. I am not of this world this isn't my home, no condemnation from my neighbors can make me doubt my salvation I have a deep knowing relationship with Jesus. I've been born again 35 years way before puberty I got to know Jesus. I weep for the Church though, this issue is the number one weapon Satan is using on us. We can change the way we witness on this issue without changing Gods word, but we don't, and I have hope that we can. So often we tell the Woman at the Well story wrong. We just say go and sin no more. To that I say you first liar. We need to be like the Woman in that story and run telling everyone we're not condemned, telling them to run to the Well Jesus, but we don't we play Jesus instead and say go sin no more. Struggling with same sex attraction we throw that terminology like it's okay..Just think about it that how is saying that okay? There is no struggle in surrender. We are to surrender moment by moment, day by day. I don't talk about my homosexual history at my Church, and my testimony probably could help others like me too, but I'm not comfortable with it. Only God can help me carry my Cross, and yes I still have homo & hetrosexual attraction, and yes depression, and suicidal thoughts come, and I rely on only Jesus to help me. "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he able even to subdue all things unto himself." Philippians 3:20-21. This was a good effort to address this issue I praise the Lord for the message. I pray for the Pastor and the Church on this I feel he cared about speaking on this, but it's impossible to sound loving on something you're preaching if you haven't lived it. For example I've been single all my life I don't ever want to hear a married Pastor preach on singleness, sorry you just have no position to be relateable. I can say yes celibacy is my future I pray for a wife. I have peace where I am my book in heaven is written. God has a plan a purpose for me. I live in flesh, and could very well backslide out of celibacy. I rely on God to heal my backsliding, as promised in Hosea 14:4 Only Jesus for me
I agree with you and I underestand that you can't just change your attraction to something in one night, it's a day by day struggle. Even though I'm not gay, Jesus said to leave everything behind to follow him right? For you it's your homosexuality, for me it's addiction to adult materials, and music/shows of the world. It's a day to day struggle to not give in to my thoughts of "What if you aren't even real God and none of my struggles really matter?". I hope God can enlighten me on the answer to the Chrisrian and Gay problem, for now I'll just try to keep faithful.
@@iishadowii7477 I just trust the Lord with me, all of me. The Cross wasn't just for our sin, Jesus also bore our shame, so he doesn't want us to live in shame either. Yes there's much more I have to trust the Lord with than just my sexuality. I haven't watched porn in over 6 months, but for music shows I don't see how they're in anyway sinful. I get it though some folk are hardcore performance based Christian's. I went to a Iron Maiden concert a few months ago, and it had lots of gospel elements actually, and the drummer is Christian. Outside the event there was a street preacher condemning everyone going in, in my opinion he was the one more sinful. Just last night I went to a worship concert after church For King and Country a gospel group, and the same street preacher was out front condemning everyone going in. Live music isn't sinful, if you don't place it higher than the Lord. We can't serve two masters. We have two enemies Satan attacks us with, the flesh, and the world. There's a lot more worldly attack coming at me from this phone in my hand, than from a live concert. It is written in Jeremiah 31:4 Go forth dance and be merry, to the sound of tamberines. In that regard live concerts are endorsed by God, it is man that condemns.
Before hearing this pastor, please watсh the following video on the link below and then come backup and hear this pastor. You will see how wrong he is in this teaching about homosexuality. You wont regreat it!
Yep, we are all born into sin. Whether liars, fornicators, adulterers, in God’s eye we are/ where so dirty. However, in the same breath all sin should be treated as such and a closer relationship with God should be prioritised to be renewed in Christ.
@@JESUSLOVESYOU219 The wages of sin is death. Not all death is caused by sin and not all sin leads to death. We all die (believers & non-believers) because of Adam.
Hey David! Great message. However, I have an issue with your statement at 6:30 where you say "homosexual attraction is not a sin." I think we need to be careful of saying things like that because if you put other sins towards that test, they will fail. For example, saying something like "pedophilia attraction is not a sin" doesn't make sense and basically says that having those feelings is not sinful even though it clearly is. Or saying something like "murder attraction (or just basically someone's intent/been drawn towards wanting to murder) is not a sin". Also, a heterosexual person can have an attraction to the opposite sex and that would be considered lust which is obviously sinful. So therein lies the issue with saying "homosexual attraction is not a sin." It basically tells those with the attraction that it is ok to have as long as they don't act on it which isn't true. We should be calling people to holiness and repentance for sinful "attractions" rather than complacency. We should be helping them to fight for holiness and to truly see themselves as new creations in Christ who have been washed clean, if they are true children of God. Hope you see where I'm coming from. God bless!
xLifeinmotionx I never said that. The point I was clearly making is that some will hear what he said and assume it to mean that they don’t have to fight against the SIN of homosexuality. That’s my point.
StylinSis3189 you didn’t say it, but it IS relevant to the conversation. The distinction between attraction and lust rests on the difference between temptation and acting on temptation. As for your follow up, if they listed to more than 2 seconds of the message, they should understand. He makes the distinction clear.
Logan Brewster • _“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”_ Leviticus 18:22 *OLD TESTAMENT* _“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”_ Romans 1:26-27 *NEW TESTAMENT*
Therefore since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God" (2 Corinthians 4:12)
@King yes but not really since firstly God, is God he is different from us, and our role here on earth is to share with love. I think that you can only start to condemn, the person is if you truly know him/her and he/she wants or considers themselves to have a personal relationship with God
The first part of this verse is literally translated as "And with a male you shall not lay lyings of a woman"( With a male,you cant have sex on the bed of a woman" )is what its saying,and that means a woman's bed is not to be adulterated with sperm emissions from another man,since a woman can only have her husband's emissions in her bed. They were strict on sperm defilement back then. This was done secularly and pagan religiously too where the pagan priestess's bed was her witness of two males having the affair ,as one male gave emission offering to her male priest. The 18:21 has a pagan practice mentioned right before verse 22,and this is all about pagan practices related to their religion as well.
Fellow homosexuals, we are just fine. I left religion in 1980, at 20, and never looked back. Love yourselves, and honor the path you've been chosen for. Within you is your guidance. Meditate in stillness, and your path will be illuminated. To ease your mind, Jesus NEVER mentions anything about homosexuality, never. Nor his brother, James. Nor the disciple whom Jesus loved, John. Nor Simon Peter. Only Paul does, and we are lacking historical context, but I can assure you, we homosexuals are not offensive to what is right. Being YOU, at your essence, is always right. YOU are your path. Rejoice in it! In Jewish Scripture, Sodom is often mistakenly associated with homosexuality, likely because of bigotry by people who are hypocrites. Scripture says in Jeremiah 23.14 that their sins were adultery, deceit, injustice and unrepentance; and in Ezekiel 16.49 that their sins were pride and arrogance, and that they lacked compassion. Homosexuality is never mentioned. As for the laws of Moses, man shall not lie with another man, well, this one is simple. Moses lists many other laws there. Let's see if the hypocrites observe THOSE OTHER laws: It's an abomination to eat shellfish. It's an abomination to cut your hair. It's an abomination to be tattooed. It's an abomination to eat pork. It's an abomination for a husband to have sex with his wife within the seven day period after she menstruates. I could go on, but you get the picture. I would recommend that you not associate with people who discriminate against homosexuals. They are dyed-in-the-wool hypocrites. Love yourselves, and love others. It is this that fulfills the law, not being this or that. Paul is the one who says: The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy. To the pure, all things are pure. And Jesus himself said: It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what proceeds out of his heart that defiles him. Be pure of heart, and be yourself! Love and Light!
God supposedly made Eve from Adam's rib. So, Eve is a trans woman. God made a trans woman. So, God is okay with trans people, since God created a trans.
Christ didn't tell the young prince he was going to hell, he just told him what he needed to do. Ande never said "yeah I told this young prince and he ignored, so he is doomed". He just left it up to him.
Yes you can be gay an be a homosexual Yes you be an Adulterer an be Christian Yes you can be a divorced an be Christian Ect ect ect Because we all sinners, there isn't a perfect Christian who not sinned The good thing is you can be forgiven. Even abominations can be forgiven Apart from 1 And we all know what that is.
I rarely comment on things on the internet/you tube but I really enjoyed and appreciated your perspective on this. This has been a lifelong battle in my life since the age of 4 and then molestation kicked in and satan was right there to plant the seeds of this curse...which is what it is and have lived within this lifestyle all of my life and it is a constant battle daily even in dreams where you are completely vunerable. I re committed to Jesus and am fighting daily against thoughts that attack me outta no where. I never really have heard someone so compassionate about this topic within the church family that understands and puts it in a way from Christ's standpoint and the word which is clear and does not change. I have found not fulfillment or peace in this lifestyle and have been alone and unsuccessful in finding a partner because my saviour called me years ago and I kept turning away but he has sustained me because he does have a plan and purpose for me and this is not what he had in mind for my life and eternity. Even though you were firm, you surrounded it with love and acceptance and an understanding that very few heterosexuals have and can relate to. It is the pull of the flesh which is of the enemy and not of the spirit of God. But as you said...he still loves us anyway and hopes we come to repentance. I have watched many of my friends die yet he has kept me....and still has hope and the Holy Spirit whom without him, this urge is sooo strong change would not be possible. Thank you and may God continue to Bless you. You are absolutely right sin is sin period. Too bad the church body doesn't have more people drawing people to Christ not pushing them away.
@Chelsie Ann Perry Hi there that was a total accident and unintentional and I am very sorry. I love Sade and was responding to this idiot that said she was irrelevant. I am not usually making comments period. But she is my favorite artist of all there a WAY for me to undo that? I am kinda new at this and a senior citizen...totally sorry a true accident
This video is false teaching based on mistranslation and bad theology that only hurts people and pushes them away from God. Here is a another view that explains why this guy is wrong:
@Sergei That's right. God's design is explained in Genesis 2. It is not good for the human to be alone. He needs a suitable helper and familial relationship. So anyone whose desires are for companionship, mutual support and intimate relationship, then they are in accordance with God's design. These are very similar to the desires the original commenter mentioned.
@Sergei Yes, that's the idea that was popularized around 30 years ago. There is some truth to it, but it's not the whole story. God did indeed create a man for the woman, as indeed most men will see a woman as a suitable helper. But you need to read the story closely and understand its logic. The man sees the woman, calls here bone of my bone etc, to which the narrator comments, "for this reason they get married". The stated conclusion of the text is to explain why marriage happens. And the reason it says it happens is that the man recognizes the woman as this suitable helper. But the story doesn't cover the situation when a man is unable to find a woman suitable but only another man. In those days, they did not understand secsual orientation, so that is fair enough. But also not that the text includes no command or any indication that it would be wrong for two men or two women to get married. So consider the options. If a man can only find another man suitable, should he 1 stay single? no, God said it's not good; gays still experience the same needs for companionship and intimacy 2 marry a woman? no, the condition for marrying a woman is not met; this has been tried and in practice doesn't usually work 3 marry a man? there's nothing against it, it satisfies the same reasoning in the story, and it has been tried successfully So what option do you think best fits the teaching of the Bible? Plus God can do what he wants, it's not for me and you to dictate. God's creation is rich in variety and diversity. If God wants to create a few male/male couples and a few female/female couples, it's not for you to dictate otherwise.
@Sergei it looks like my reply was sense-oared. basically what's around 30 to 40 years old is the idea that God decreed that a man should only ever marry a woman or else it's some sort of mortal sin. You won't find any statement in the Bible that says a man MUST ONLY marry a woman or that it's a sin for two men/women to get married. I was in synod in my church in the mid 80s when that idea was being brought in. I bet you won't find any published or recorded reference to such an idea in your own church before that time either. Since you agree with me that selibacy is only for a few, then please answer this: What should someone attracted to the same secs do with their lives? It's oppressive to tell them to stay single and violates God's direct word that it's not good. But marrying against their orientation we know from experience is fraught with risk including harm to the innocent partner, not to mention children in broken homes. So what should they do? The doctrine that you describe so eloquently has been the cause of so much harm, it is impossible for following it to obey God's clear and explicit command to love our neighbour. Please also answer me this: Are you infallible? Is the church infallible? Please consider, just consider the possibility that you might be wrong.
@Sergei No, the Bible does not "prohibit" two people having secs. The Old Testament did prohibit unfaithfulness, which is obviously a hurtful and destructive thing to do, as well as certain behaviours that violated social norms at the time (and most still do). The New Testament and our faith now does not work by "prohibiting". It's about "faith working through love", it's avoiding selfish and hurtful behaviour and adopting what is kind and caring. The belief that was developed late last century was that the Bible "defines" marriage, that "God's plan was ONLY for men to marry women". Since before that time, marriage was only man and woman, there was no need to formulate a belief for something that everyone accepted. Once the practice was challenged, the church that wanted to keep the status quo needed to justify it, so it invented a story that "the Bible xxx". But if you read the Bible, it fails to contain any such statement. I'm glad we agree that to seek to follow what the Bible teaches us, but how come we have ended up with different understandings? I see nothing in the Bible against same-secs relationships. There's an explanation of why people get married, an unclear Israelite prohibition now obsolete, a description of pagan revelry, and a word whose meaning is unknown but most likely about secsual abyus. Trouble is, male-bedders was mistranslated as homosecsuals and so the belief that it's wrong moved from cultural norm to Biblical doctrine. We then developed said definition of marriage argument to justify this belief, and that's where people that still think like you are today. But slowly people are recognizing the error and are changing their mind. God's word fails to say anything like "two men or two women shouldn't have secs" or "shouldn't get married" or any explicit statement to that effect. On the contrary, such a belief is hurtful and devastating to people's lives. Even holding such an idea is a sin. We all need to repent from it.
Fascinating! I've been a gay, KJV Christian for 6 years, fighting the good fight and thanking my Lord and Savior daily for my creation. The LORD does not make mistakes and he made me this way, Amen!
@@raphaelralph6521 oooh good question, i mean i talked to a lot of them and maybe a little bit, but the attraction to them was so strong, its really not easy esp a relationship i will be praying for you brother 🙏
The statistics on this video are very much targeted towards deepening the bias about homosexual relationships , statistics were also used to justify racism by labeling black people as violent . Don't use stats to justify homophobia.
The trouble is Gail we don't know what God really says. All we have is other human beings telling us what they think God says, whether through ancient scriptures or the interpretation of them.
@@DIBBY40 God's morals is more comparable to, say, an aliens morals. He isn't human, no, but he still loves us, even if we don't completely understand him, and he knows that, and that's ok in his eyes, the only thing to do is be a good person, worship god, and just try to live our best lives with love, regardless of gender, race, appearance, wealth, and sexual attraction. All are equal in the eyes of god.
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" - Deuteronomy 30:19 We are commanded to choose life above all else. If you are causing someone to live in a way which causes them pain and suffering such that they are driven to suicide that is so very wrong. I wish people would be more compassionate and encourage others to have a connection with God rather than pushing them away.
The question is not weather same sex loving people can be Christain? We already are! Your compassion is honered but none of us seek permission to love God and live out our relationships.
@@JESUSLOVESYOU219 I'd write the same thing. It seems to me that this entire debate is about what the bible says about what God wants (conservatives) verses what a huge group of individuals want (progressives) - which is opposed to what the bible says.
I have been out and gay for 7 years now and god hasnt made me straight. God has done better for me he has made me hole, taken my shame, shown me real love and how to give love. He cast out fear and made me confident. Im gay its a small part of who i am its not all i am. I may marry a women i chose to love. I may have a life partnership with a man im not worried im sure my jellous god will have his way lol. I for one want no sexual experience like paul was calling out as immoral or sin. Great job David Marvin!
So you have a walk with Christ and that is crucial. The greatest sin we can commit is to not believe in that Cross and resurrection. Then To Go to life's court and try to pay your ticket with your own merits, this is the most futile thing one can do. Personally I call upon Christ to pay my bail to forgive my sin, and make me clean for the kingdom, I intend to eternally reside in. And I think that comes with a complete submission of ones self holding back no favorite sin. I'd challenge you to do this Aaron or anyone interested in reading these perspectives, try to make an objective determination of the truth on this matter. What is at stake is of ultimate importance. We know there is a God that this is a theistic universe look up the acronym SURGE. We can most easily believe in the God of the bible the text is the most historically reliable. That being said the question is: does the bible have a consistent judgement on these sexual acts we desire to Express? Make that determination for yourself and if you believe and you earnestly and submissively pray. He will lead you to the truth. I can give you the short answer and my own personal experience and conclusion with this specific subject if anyone is interested.
I'd rather trash the texts and live a normal existence. I can't fathom how people can live by delusion after delusion especially from the ancients. To endorse the doctrine of Sin is to require a belief in Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, or Jesus. So many that are just dead from 1600 years ago towed the same theistic lines and in 2018 theists rest their faith on absence rather than logic.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Expanding Universe, the Radiation Afterglow from the Big Bang Explosion, the Great galaxy seeds in the Radiation Afterglow, and Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. all lead me to Have Faith in a Theistic Universe. It's Empirical and irrefutable, thanks to modern Science. Oh and coincidentally fits perfectly into the genesis account... I learned about this years ago and had to do more digging, ended up a die hard believer, oh geeze. check it out its AMAZING!
@@eddiebrewster6992 Jesus isn't dead. Notice that he rose on the third day. And his resurrection body doesnt die so...Christian rhetoric, sure. Reliable history, also a sure thing. Trust me you need more faith to believe anything else. Do the digging, you will find the truth if you want it. And another thought.. be willing to risk asking God to show you. What's the worst that could happen?
It takes immense courage to even agree to talk about this to 2000 people in present day USA. You spoke the truth with love, in God’s wisdom. Amazing job brother 👏❤️
Before hearing this pastor, please watсh this the link below and then come backup and hear this pastor. You will see how wrong he is in his in this teaching about homosexuality. You wont regreat it!
Why people always assume that being homosexual is a choice or a lifestyle? First, as a gay person I can say that I did not choose my sexual attractions or I did not choose to be gay. it’s just I can’t have relationships/sex with a woman, which most of us can’t explain. If you gonna ask us why we’re gay, we can’t give you some answers because we don’t have it. Second, homosexuality is not an act or a lifestyle. Even you practice it or not, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re not gay. It just means that you’re still in the closet. I know a lot of gay people who are religous and even serve the church. So how come they’re not cured? Maybe for God there’s nothing wrong with them. Only the humans are making everything complicated because they want to be as perfect as Him .
Being same-sex attracted, is something one *is* - not, primarily, something one *does*. I prefer to avoid the word “gay”, because it often implies that one is sexually active. “SSA” is clumsier, but clearer - it does not imply sexual activity. This man is very careful in the distinctions he makes. Well done him :)
Because, it is an agenda that certain groups really push for. Trust me, they have no answers either. If these people would take the time to think about it, they might reach a reasonable conclusion.
If God is almighty then why did he create sin and homosexuality? Why is life like a big test for us humans? Will you pass and go to Heaven or fail and go to Hell? Why is this so?
All the friends I had that are gay and claim to be a Christian ..well they stopped and repented of being gay .and told me that the two can't coincide..hmmmmm ??
in my country statistics are worse for Aborigines: lower education levels, lower health, higher incarceration rates, higher deaths in police custody. So i guess this guy's solution would be to tell them to stop being aboriginal and to become european. another talk i listened to recently claimed that outcomes were significantly higher if families were accepting and affirming of their child's secsuality. so who are you going to believe? it's very easy to misuse statistics. he has not provided any original sources so that we can verify that they are real and interpreted correctly. i've seen other presentations like this one where if you go and look at the original studies, they tell a different story to the spin the speaker puts on them. until he provides his sources and his interpretation is independently verified by a qualified statistician, it would be wise to ignore everything he says based on them.
I am halfway through this message right now and my heart is heavy for any LGBTQIA+ listeners who are hearing this. God loves you and made no mistake in creating you. People who are not in the LGBTQIA+ community feel they have a right to tell you what God wants for your life. I urge you to pray about your sexuality. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Let Him speak to you. I hear this in the Church so many times: “If you have a desire to get married & have a family, God will probably bless you with such.” I believe this also applies if you are LGBTQIA+. Love is sacred. It is no one’s place to stand between two individuals who truly love each other. Love is love. God is love. [1 John 4:16] I know of multiple same-sex, Christian couples who have been blessed by God. He uses love and marriage to bless people in Christ-centered relationships and to bless those who come in contact with the relationship. I have seen same-sex, Christian couples bring forth good fruits [See Matt. 7:17]. Some examples include raising children who need loving parents, and witnessing to others within the LGBTQIA+ community that Jesus loves them. My LGBTQIA+ Christian friends prayed and sought out answers from God about their purpose, God-given differences, and identities. If you are Christian, really look at Jesus’ words. Read the red words in the Bible and the 10 Commandments. [See Matt. 22:37-40]
I worry MORE for any homophobic listeners. God loves you and made no mistake in creating you. People who are in the homophobic community feel they have a right to tell you what God wants for your life.
It is perfectly okay for a gay/lesbian to become a Christian. Once you are a christian, study God's Word and let it renew your mind to see the truth. Meanwhile, understand it is a process and don't allow yourself to feel condemned. You cannot be offended if you don't take offence. God's grace will see you through, but you have to be genuinely seeking the truth for God to help you. When you know the truth and deliberately go against it, you are not positioning yourself to be blessed.
What about kids who have been raised as believers and still turned out gay? They never exchanged anything. Rom 1 is about idolatry. It has nothing to do with gays. Lev 20.13 says that a male taking a woman's role is a taboo. Did you know women were considered inferior to men? That made it unacceptable for a man to take a woman's role? We don't have that taboo anymore. To suggest we follow Lev 20.13 is to call women inferior. Please don't do it.
the speaker means well even though he's misguided. "unfit for doing anything good" is overkill. then again, his teaching has harmed thousands of innocent people, children have lost their lives ... so maybe you're right.
@@believer8662 There are people on all sides of this debate that like to think it's simple, but it's not. It's taken us thousands of years even to begin to understand secsual orientation. Emotions run high on all sides of the debate, clouding everyone's judgement. I say "all" sides because there are several, not just for and against - again, not simple. What is simple, though, is Rom 13.8-10. All God's commands are satisfied by loving your neighbour. The fruit of the Spirit is enough.
@KJV Gen 19 no question attempted gang raip is wrong. Jude 7 Greek says sought "hetero" flesh, cannot mean "males sought males". Rom 1 says "idolatrous Roman males did unseemly things" corroborating other historical data. says nothing against loving relationships. 1 Cor 6/1 Tim 1 refers to male-bedders, a word of unknown meaning, likely referring to abusiv behaviour prevalent at the time including secs with boys. Lev 18/22 unclear, literally "do not lie with male bed wife/woman taboo". if homoxesuality is a sin, would have said "men don't lie with men, women don't lie with women" (cf prohibition on animals) but says neither thus teaching AWAY from what you claim. Rev 21 and many texts refer to secs immorality without specifying what is or isn't immoral, irrelevant unless you first prove same-secs is intrinsically immoral. Gen 2.24 (quoted in Mat 19) says "for this reason" a man marries a woman. A man incapable of meeting the explicitly stated reason with a woman should not marry a woman - in practice such marriages fail. A man meeting the same condition with a man SHOULD marry a man. Again, teaches AWAY from what you claim. 1 Cor 7.2 says that married couples should do it with their partners, not a prostitoot. Applies equally to same-secs couples. All these scriptures agree with the scripture I quoted earlier: All God's commands are satisfied by loving your neighbour. Not "love your neighbour and no gay secs". Just "love your neighbour:.
@@MusicalRaichu It is simple because only what The Creator God says matters. Our fleshly reasoning is irrelevant. “There is a way that SEEMS right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 14:12 (emphasis mine). “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it.” Jeremiah 17:9 God gives us the answer....we must decide if we want our way....or His.
@@believer8662 That's right, that's my very point. That's why God's command to help us obey him is to do good and not harm people. So then why would the original post be amiss?
I agree. Hugs and much love to u. I feel like ppl who r straight see it as those who aren't r drooling over and sleeping with anyone of the same sex. Oh do I wish I could be Christian and straight. Ppl who r straight don't understand it's not that I can't resist sleeping with the same sex, it's I can't get myself to even kiss the opposite sex. I am otherwise happy to have 1 spouse and only be with that one spouse for life. And yeah stats from sweden may say one thing, but me as a sample of 1 was so depressed trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with me.
As a person of same-sex attraction, I want to just encourage you. We aren't called to be straight, we are called to live for Christ. If you believe being straight will fix your problems, maybe it's a lust sin or contentment issue. Pray that God shows you where the problem actually lies so you can fight it with the truth. Praying for you brother! If you ever want to reach out and talk feel free!
True Godly sorrow will lead to repentance in not of your self it is the gift of God. True conviction for sin is needed . Faith trusting In the words of the invisible God. True encounter with the Christ You have to be prepared to hate your life, take up your cross and follow Christ daily. It can be done there has been many former homosexuals who have turned from the life style to Christ . You can do it also by the power God once you surrender you life and will the Christ.
@@victor-hn1bh I respect ur opinion, but I can tell u don't understand ppl who r homosexual at all. Why keep telling us to repent? Why am I repenting when I have never been with the same or opposite sex but am just made by God to be repulsed by the thought of being with the opposite sex? Unless u r a priest or nun who has vowed chastity, u don't understand what it feels like to be alone for life "bc I think god wants me to". And unless u give every straight couple who has had sex before marriage, divorced, don't have children, or other sins according to the bible, the same treatment (being alone forever or forced into an unwanted marriage) as someone same sex attracted, why is the judgement always towards ppl who aren't straight, even if they have 1 monogamous relationship for life? I feel like this impression of my choices r "hate ur life and be depressed as a christian" or "live in a loving relationship that ppl may not approve" is exactly why most ppl who r not straight end up just leaving the church.
I didn't watch it all, but the part I came across was enough to give me a really bad opinion of this sermon. "The homosexual lifestyle is more dangerous than tabagism"? Is that really the argument? "1% of homosexuals die of old age" lmao yes of course this statistic seems quite believable. You are really too kind, so good and generous to care about our way of life, to discourage us from following it because according to your super statistics it would not be good for health, but we will do without your advice and your judgments.
29:27 That's the point! God hates sin, God loves people. I don't agree to those pastors pushing people away because of their sexuality, no, no one can shut the door of the gospel! ❤❤
Wow what an absolute blessing of a message! Super encouraging and exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Lord God for showing me this video. I uplift all those who wrestle internally with this issue and pray that hearts would be soften to the truth of your word 🥰🧡
@@OldDannyboy12 yes it did, but the basis for slavery was also biblical. You can't tell me the bible doesn't say slaves obey your masters. If you wanna take the bible literally, then slavery isn't wrong according to the bible.
@@OldDannyboy12 the church has changed a lot over the years. Divorce is actually an ok thing of for the right reasons. And we also acknowledge that women can be in roles of power. Maybe not in every church, but I bet you women have management positions over men. Kind of doubt the disciples saw that coming.
And out of the church there are people arguing that christ loves gays. So everything with a grain of salt. God knows way more than you or I. And he is the only one who can judge
@@chaseratliff9518 "If you wanna take the bible literally, then slavery isn't wrong according to the bible." Just because the bible records or addresses somethin does not mean God approves of it or that it is His will. For an example see Matthew 19:8.
The description of homosexuality as a lifestyle is a blatent oversimplification of human sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular. Such indoctrination of the collective societal psyche is paramount to the self validating delusion of heterosexuality possessing moral validity. Such indoctrination of the collective societal psyche is paramount to the self validating delusion of heterosexuality possessing moral validity. The reason that we never hear the term " heterosexual lifestyle " is because there is no need to catogorize heterosexuality with such descriptively inherent connotative oversimplification in order to justify contempt and hatred.
For clarity, we are sinners even in thought, but there are different degrees and acting out our desires and thoughts is definitely the marker for sinful living
The Bible does not say being gay is a sin,but it only says fornication(sex without marriage) and adultery and bestiality( human sex with animals) and incest(sex with genetic kin family members) are sexual immorality.That is a scary word,but it defines those sins and not of being gay.All sexual love is made pure by marriage.Apostle paul said this. We should realize that those mistranslated scriptures on so called anti gay scriptures often quoted by many anti gay religious people are mistranslations which have done more damage in turning people away from feeling that God is a loving God.People are turning from christian belief because of the sense that mean types of christians are very judgmental.Its done great disservice to the Gospel being believed with all these homophobic pastors and congregations who sew distrust and think they have a monopoly on Christianity. 2 Kings 23:7 He also tore down the quarters of the male cult prostitutes that were in the house of the LORD, where the women had woven tapestries for Asherah.'(a fertility goddess). That scripture is the basis of Leviticus 18:22 and Lev 20:13 which are mistranslated scriptures which have been caused by homophobic translators who dishonestly made it say two males shall not lay with one another. But the original said in Hebrew that " a male with a male should not lay(have sex) with another literally “on the beds of a woman.” As we see it referred to not having sex on a woman's bed but it did not mean having sex else where.It also did not mean not having sex in the fashion of a woman because that it speaks of a woman who owns a bed.This is backed up by 2 kings 23:7 proving the sex ritual often had two male prostitutes who had sex in a priestess's bed who represented the goddess Asherah.They offered her sperm by some sort of fertility offering by having sex with each other,and maybe sometimes even the priestess.This is what Leviticus 18:22 and Lev 20:13 really speak about and the Hebrews knew what it was talking about. The following scripture is where Apostle Paul found inspiration for the so called anti-gay scripture of Roman 1:26 where he really was talking of married people who abandoned natural law marriage,which is about a marriage with non adultery. Since adultery is against natural Ten commandments law of the heart. here is the back up scripture that defines these people he spoke of in romans 1:26 where Hoseas 4;14 mentions "daughters-in-law when they commit adultery'...... or 'men themselves go off with prostitutes',its about cult religious pagan sex rituals,which were gay too but were adulterous for many married people.: Hosea 4:14 I will not punish your daughters when they prostitute themselves or your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery. For the men themselves go off with prostitutes and offer sacrifices with cult prostitutes. So a people without understanding will come to ruin.'
@@highdefinition8261 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 did not say men who lie with other men in bed. It had Greek words Arsenkoites and Malakos (male prostitutes). The Bible spoke against gay prostitution not homosexuality. Paul also condemned in roman 1 about heterosexual men who abandoned their wives to commit gay adulterous affairs with gay pagan priests,same for the women who had lesbian affairs with the pagan priestesses.
@@highdefinition8261 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10. in original translation says not homosexual acts,but uses the word Arsenkoites and Malakos for homosexual prostitutes. While Leviticus really spoke of two men were not to lay in a WOMAN's bed,because it defiled her bed from another man's sperm,not her husband. While Romans 1 speaks of heterosexual people abandoned natural law of marriage to commit an unnatural act against their personal marriage,which is adultery.
@Baking Artist your missing the point; if you want life and freedom you have to really try and you need to stop scoffing at what the bible says; it shows you are arrogant .....many people are yes, but many suffer and reap what they sow's better to be humble...
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God" (2Corinthians 10:4,5)
If a gay person is a Christian and he/she experiences God in their life, then what is it to anyone else? Since God is going to be the judge; not this preacher, or another human. Can a gay person in a partnership be a Christian? Yes. There clearly already are Christian gay folks; so unless you are going to judge and invalidate their personal relationship with God leave them be.
"Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Master is able to make him stand."
Great sermon. ....the United Church in Canada even has homosexual ministers since a few years back when their leadership deemed it now ok..Preaching the truth always offends someone because humans always try and justify the sins they do and feel the need to convince others they are not in sin. ...thus parades. Keep preaching God's bible as it is written and let the guilt fall where it may.Its God's job to judge, the Holy Spirit's job to convict, and our job to love.
@@pastorbri absolutely we do! God is not and never was anti gay. That was sadly the doing of the church. But it can happily be the undone by the church too. Many churches are starting to wake up from their theological slumber and beginning to ask how these anti gay theological positioms were cemented into church law. And thankfully many churches are coming away feeling less agreeable with the answer the churches have given! Glory to jesus and may we have a revival for him in the community!
That was a pretty good message. I wish sometime a pastor would skip the homosexual focus in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and concentrate on the greedy and idolaters. You would see people squirming in their seats.
"But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral" (1 Corinthians 5:11)
@Кремль if they're doing it for immoral reasons, i agree it's wrong. if they want a consensual, faithful, loving relationship, then it's good and proper. of course since you're a homofobe, you won't see it that way.
Spot on. As the Bible says, "The commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,' and ANY OTHER commandment, are summed up in this sentence, 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself'." If a relationship is loving and not hurting anyone, then it obeys ALL God's commands.
@King James you have it the wrong way around. behaviour that harms goes against God's design and nature. putting God first means obeying him and obeying him means doing good and not hurting people. Elizabeth is right and I even quoted a verse to prove it.
There is nothing “loving” about telling someone that their natural ability to love another person, is morally corrupted. I tried for most of my childhood and adolescence to flee from who I really was. All the while listening to the most vile words and scolds from “people of God”. Meeting my partner saved me from this. And we are fully committed to one another. We are happy and stable and would give our lives for one another. That is my validation. I don’t care about questionable statistics and sweeping assumptions about a community. I’ve met plenty of crooked Christians who would not serve as a fitting example of upright Christ like behaviour. Shall I use them as proof that the Gospel does not change? Leave us alone and stop hiding behind the veneer of “love and concern”.
Love is telling you the truth to save you from damnation. We all have natural abilities to do all kinds of sinful things, doesn't mean it's right. If a man has romantic feelings towards his daughter or son is that acceptable because it's "love"? What is the standard for what kind of romantic love is morally acceptable?
@@AngelaMarieXO My love for my partner (who is a consenting adult as am I) can in no way be compared to child abuse. It’s so very sad that a discussion about same sex relationships has to be lowered to such crass comparisons. It speaks to the shaky ground upon which Christians argue. We do not cheat on one another, we are not depressed, we do not abuse substances, we have no sexually transmitted diseases. None of you can give me any tangible reason why my relationship with my partner, who backs me and supports me and shares the challenges and burdens of life, is wrong except that it upsets a God who was incompetent enough to create us with these desires in the first place. I was a Christian, and I’ve been through the routine of emotional self flagellation and self denial. It nearly drove me to suicide. Self harm was what I was afflicted with until the man I met dragged me out of the gutter and showed me that I didn’t have to be a prisoner of religious induced hysteria and self destructive feelings. I am free of all those things now BECAUSE of my relationship. Christians harmed me with their words and sinister advice when I was a teenager and very vulnerable. Forgive me if I don’t buy any arguments that this is out of “love”. The church shows people like me hatred and contempt (some are more blatant than others in their display of that contempt). Loving the sinner while “hating their sin” might sound clever and get you out of having to admit that you hate us for what we are, but you are fooling no one. You might as well say you love the black person while disliking their dark skin. It’s exactly the same with gay people. I was attracted to other guys from as far back as I can remember (3 or earlier even). I’m 35 now. Trust me, it is not a phase, work of a demon, addiction, lifestyle choice or disease. And my life got massively better when I finally shook the delusion of healing in Christ for something that is an immutable characteristic. Simply put, I ain’t changing even if I wanted to, and I will go up against a wall and be shot before I ever leave the man I love and submit to one interpretation of scriptures which are very much not clear on this or indeed many issues. The Old Testament endorsement of slavery is brushed aside as being of another age and not for today’s dispensation. Arranged marriage, seizing the women of captured tribes and stoning rebellious children are all divine injunctions in the mosaic writings too. Simply put, you have a lot to defend before you can tell me that I am living an immoral life that will send me to hell.
@@stepatton12985 many Christians claim they are loving when they say those hurtful things because they have been led astray. When we have bibles that are mistranslated and theology invented to justify the mistranslation, Christians are often a product of their times just like anyone else. They don't see the contradiction in what they're saying because of their attitude that dogma trumps compassion - and that in spite of many warnings against this attitude spoken by Jesus himself. And even now that we know that this teaching is false, many preachers will fight tooth and claw to preserve it - maybe it will cost them too much to reform. But depending on where you live, you might be able to find a church where they don't believe the kind of harmful lies you hear in this video.
Amen. Well said @stephen. I think love for the queer community has to be demonstrated first of all by listening. Church people don't do enough listening. They assume they understand, they draw nauseating hackneyed parallels between homosexuality and just about any vile thing. Then they cover their poorly formed opinions with the blanket of love and concern. I'm tired.
@@believer8662 The Bible gives plenty of examples of the works of the flesh which we should and must deny. Loving a partner in a one-flesh relationship is NOT one of them. Rather, the Bible unmistakably says that loving your neighbour is enough to obey ALL God's commands. On the contrary, dissension and party spirit are listed as works of the flesh - what do you think homofobia is? When the secular western world changed its mind on the basis of research that showed it's a harmless natural variation and that gays can live normal lives and not be a threat to anyone, the church was faced with a problem. Since the Bible had been mistranslated by then to say that homseoxuals won't inherit the kingdom of God, the church had to find a way to justify its stance which was now understood to be hurtful and discriminatory. So we invented arguments based on Adam and Eve. It boils down to claiming that since God approves of men and women marrying, it means he disapproves of two men/women marrying. I know it's illogical, but there you have the essence it. But read carefully - where does it even hint that two men/women should not get married? The identical reasons for marriage - companionship, mutual support, familial relationship, recognition of someone like you, intimacy - work for two men/women. So you see, the one who has been deceived is you. Doubtless you'll disagree, but at least this comment is here in case anyone comes along and is confused by your "argument".
I‘d love to see him prescribe to heterosexuals forsaking a family, living the rest of your life alone and celibate and see how long that congregation sticks around. People never put themselves in anyone else‘s shoes. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. Matthew 23:4
One of the largest mistakes people will project into the thinking of the church is that the rejection of sin in someone's life = the rejection of that person. Consider a scenario where my brother is a heroin addict. I can love my brother with complete sincerity, but reject the habitual use of heroin because I know that it is both sinful and degrading to his health. Forsaking sin does not equal forsaking the person. During Jesus' earthly ministry, He rejected sin yet ate with the sinners time and time again. Celibacy is not condemnation. Many homosexual progressives such as Matthew Vine will paint celibacy as the most absolute horrific outcome to homosexuality being a sin. That is truthfully just nonsense. Paul teaches in his epistle to the church in Corinth that he wishes more people would stay single so they could serve the kingdom on a greater scale as apposed to serving a family. Singleness and Marriage are beautiful. We should not miss represent what God has established. Especially when it comes to quoting scripture. In Matthew 23:4, Jesus is exposing the Pharisees and warning the people to not follow in their steps. The two main issues He is addressing is their self righteousness and their hypocrisy. It was hypocrisy because they knew scripture forwards and back, would teach it to the people yet would conduct themselves contrary to their teachings. Those actions were self righteous because they conducted themselves for the view of man, not for the glory of God (ie phylacteries and tassels). When Christians address issues of this world, such as homosexuality, we are not doing it for the self-righteousness or to "tie heavy burdens," we are doing it to accurately represent God and to see our brothers and sisters prosper. The Church is not concerned with packing the pews, but healthy spiritual growth. If we are boldly presenting the Word of God with love and compassion yet listeners are offended by the Creator's truth, then their rejection of Jesus Christ is not on us, but themselves. I am grieved to see people rebel against God, but I am not going to spin my wheels if they won't listen. May the Lord continue to reveal truth to you.
@@CadenMcMullen if the church hypothetically announced one sunday that everybody would have to be single and sellibate and that married couples would have to separate permanently, the pews would be empty the next week. Matthew Vines (not Vine) correctly points out that sellibacy is a gift given to a few, and that most do not have it. To impose it on someone is wrong 1 Tim 4.3, 1 Cor 7.9, nullifying the word of God with human traditions and tying a heavy burden without lending a finger to lift it. Healthy spiritual growth involves recognizing when you have been wrong about a pet doctrine that is doing nothing but harm and repenting. Healthy spiritual growth is not discriminating against people who are doing nothing to hurt anyone and incorporating them fully into the life of the church. People are not "offended", they are hurt, they are wounded by their own brothers and sisters in Christ, on the basis of a complete lie. Yes it's a lie. In the past we could have called it a mistake, but since we now know how this belief came into being, know the damage it's done, know how unstable it has been, know that the Bible says nothing of the sort, then it's no longer a mistake, it's a blatant lie.
If you're homosexual, you don't have to forsake your family or live the rest of your life alone. You can still be with people, you can be with your family, you can even have a love interest, of the opposite sex. But, that being said, I'd rather be celibate in this short life, than spend eternity in hell.
@@veganc5028 What decides heaven and hell is being saved by grace through faith (Eph 2.8), not by ascetic practice (1 Tim 4.3). Forcing men only attracted to men to marry women has been tried and failed. Staying single is a poor option (1 Cor 7.9) that goes against God's word (Gen 2.18). The only option left is for such a man to marry a man. The belief that someone will go to hell because of marrying someone they love is nonsense. You won't find it in the Bible, it's a man-made belief.
@Mary Morris no, he is laying burdens exactly like Jesus said. Jesus was referring to those who impose human traditions which nullify the word of God. That is exactly what this speaker is doing, misquoting scripture, misusing statistics, making demands which are impossible to keep and which push people away from the gospel. If you were told you would have to stay single your whole life, give up your marriage if you had one, never experience companionship, support and intimate relationship let alone secsual pleasure, is that something you would seriously "receive joyfully"?
The fact that I am gay was medically proven during electronic shock therapy and 13 years of reparative therapy. I have never been sexually abused nor have I ever abused anyone else. God created me gay and I am proud of that. I was a Baptist Pastor and missionary and told I am not welcome to even attend the church. I am gay and Christian and proud of it. I am not sexually active but married to my accepting wife for 51 years before she passed. I cared for her. But it didn't change a thing. I am now free to form a loving relationship with a man, but its unlikely at my age. I would love to talk to you about the scriptures sometime.
Well that's like someone being a murderer and a christian. You can't mix holiness with unholiness HOWEVER if you're a gay christian expect changes because God can change people. If Jesus came down right now you'd think he'd send you to heaven if you're gay? It says in the bible that God opposes homosexuality.
murder is a choice and an act, being born gay is neither. So if you're a homophobic christian expect changes because God can change bigoted people. If Jesus came down right now you'd think he'd send you to heaven if you're into discrimination and in a homophobic lifestyle choice? It says in the bible that God opposes hate and discrimination. SORRY. Time to repent maybe?
I’m so grateful this was looked into. I’ve talked on us doing our best to fight and turn away from sin. I thank Christ for the fire and grace He has given to our faith even in the time of prejudice. But lately, I had been looking for answers on what to do when your loved one has homosexual attractions and they believe in Jesus and were even spiritual leaders. I thank the Holy Spirit for directing me here and also for making this sermon happen and available!
pastor brian I’m sorry, I don’t think anyone is ‘born gay’ no one is born for sexual immorality. And even if you argue that, while being born again Christ has washed you and cleansed you hence you are no longer a slave to sin. You are no longer a slave to lying, stealing, sexual immorality *of any kind* or any other sin!
@@shaer9750 so even though science, facts, research and Jesus said some are born that way ya don't believe it? If u were born again Christ would wash away ur homophobia. hence you are no longer a slave to sin. You are no longer a slave to lying, stealing, hate or discrimination of any kind or any other sin!
I don't understand why God didn't make me a normal right-handed person. Why was I born left-handed? I never chose it and I don't want it! Why didn't God make everybody right-handed? I have prayed and prayed but I am still a left-handed person.
This is one of the best sermons I’ve watched EVER. It’s so clearly full of love and care and you can tell he took his time constructing this sermon. Thank you so much, I will be watching more.
And what lifestyle is that? Reading my Bible everyday, like y'all? Praying like y'all? Wanting to settle down with just one man for the rest of my life?
"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body" (1 Corinthians 6:18)
It seems like a lot to tell someone that they can never find the satisfaction that they crave through their same-sex attraction. They have to want and have not all their life. But then I remember the face of Christ. I've seen Him. I've been held by Him. For a moment of that, just to gaze into His face... I would give up my whole life. I would surrender everything. It would be an honor to give him something painful. Something I want so desperately. I don't struggle with same-sex attraction but lust is a problem for me. When I remember the face of my Savior - I tell Him,"Lord I'll die alone if it's an act of worship and obedience to you. I'll do anything Lord" He gave his whole life for us so that we can have all of him. This life may (will) be spent fighting our sinful natures so constantly and sometimes in total agony over what we lust for but must deny ourselves for.. but Jesus! He gave His life and one day we will be free to enjoy Him without the pain of surrendered temptation and every 'no' that we said to our poisoned sinful selves will have been wroth the agony.
Jules so well said.... so well said. So much truth in those words. Yes, we must walk in the the light of god. May the Lord be your strength Always Jules. 🙏🌈🕊️😇❤️
The debate is whether to follow God's word or not, the scriptures cannot be any clearer. I don't make the rules, no man does. God speaks for himself, here are some verses on this subject for people seeking truth in what God says, not man's opinion (KJV): Genesis 19 Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 1 Kings 14:24 Romans 1:26-28 1 Corinthians 6:9-10,18 1 Timothy 1:8-10 Jude 7
In the end it’s between you and God. There is a large community of people who love, support and are very proud of you. My whole life I condemned myself for liking women. I would cry and ask God why he would make me this way. I want to believe in God. I want to go to heaven. I want to be straight, marry a man, have his kids but I can’t. There is nothing wrong with you, or me. You do not have to be cleansed of your gayness. God’s love is strong and big and great. God doesn’t care about who you love. Live a good life, be kind, show love to others, help when you can. & maybe, this dude is right but then you’ll be in hell with all the other nice people. Have a great day!
Horribly wrong message but good try I guess.. not trying to be insulting or start an argument but Gods word stands strong and is very clear I am praying for you to seek God's face and find him because if you do he will answer. It's up to you wish you the best... Have a great day!
@@paulgoodman9328 What is wrong with you? How is this wrong according to God's word? She has found God, and here you are proclaiming her witness as false. 2 Peter comes to mind.
Can you follow JESUS and be Gay? Can you be born a man and change into a woman or visa versa? SIMPLE ANSWER>>>HELL NO! IT'S JUST an ILLUSION! WHY? FOR IF YOU TRULY LOVED GOD YOU WOULD FOLLOW HIS WORD! 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 Did Jesus Say Anything about Homosexuality? GOD is crystal clear on Homosexuality. Why is there a lack of conviction today? The reason may not be in the pew, but in the pulpit. Much depends on the prayer life of the Pastors, Preachers, and Teachers. The majority of the churches in America are seeking to please the masses rather than convict. Many because of financial giving gain. Judgement is never mentioned; Satan is an illusion, repentance is rarely sought; and sin is often excused because of God's love! Sin is never excused because of God's love! HE loves the sinner but never the sin! We want to build a church rather than break a heart; be politically correct rather than biblically correct; coddle and comfort rather than stir and convict. This leaves people confused and deceived because we teach and live a form of Christianity void of repentance void of truth. Jesus said that since the beginning of creation, God created them male and female in order that they would be joined together and become one flesh. He adds, “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Mark 10:9). Marriage between a man and a woman is God’s plan since creation. No matter how many laws are passed in favor of gay-marriage, it will not change God’s mind. Man often rebels against God; this is nothing new. Leviticus 20:13 states, "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination….” To suggest that this verse is invalid today is to advocate the dangerous practice of redefining or deleting what God has said. Jesus referred to the Old Testament often in regard to moral behavior. To “confront in love” simply comes from a desire to honor God and to truly love and care for others. The ability to relate to people on their level, show genuine concern, and love. But to condone and ignore the sinful lifestyle only makes you less of a CHRISTian and more of a sinner too! God told the man and woman, "Be fruitful and multiply". Something Homosexuals can NOT do together! GOD calls it just what it is, a PERVERTED SINFUL "ABOMINATION" . And for this reason GOD created ADAM and EVE not ADAM and STEVE!
can u be a follower of Jesus and be homophobic? Can u be pro discrimination? SIMPLE ANSWER ....HELL NOOOOOOOO btw Levitical law is dead, so God said, did God lie? God told the man and woman, "Be fruitful and multiply". Something many Heterosexuals can NOT do together! Can we condemn them who can't or choose not to? Assume in ur logic, yes? No wonder homophobia is a pervsersion.
Before hearing this pastor, please watсh the following video on the link below and then come backup and hear this pastor. You will see how wrong he is in this teaching about homosexuality. You wont regreat it!
Leviticus 20?! Since when do YOU follow Leviticus 20?! I'll mourn your children when you stone them to death for disobeying you. If you read Corinthians properly, you would see the words malakoi and arsenokoitai. Do your own research before spewing this bile of devil-filled Hatred.
I get hate online every other day because I am proud of who I am and I refuse to get bashed online. The comment that annoys me the absolute most is "gay is a choice," which it isn't and it isn't going away. I have never experienced physical attraction to a female ever in my life. Why should I feel ashamed of this? It isn't my fault, I didn't choose to be attracted to men, so what is the big deal? Why does it bother people so much that I want to be myself? I can tell you, ignorance. Those who are ignorant believe that the LGBTQ+ community is just a bunch of people trying to stand out, instead of it being a bunch of people fighting for the right to be proud of who they are. Why is it a sin to be born different? Why is it a sin to want to be your authentic self? I thought Christianity was about showing kindness and loving people unconditionally, but instead, Christians use it to hurt people. I am sad I will have to live an eternity with those people. I am not going to make myself suffer by being with a woman to whom I have no attraction too.
@Kosher You are not a Christian if all you got from my message was absolutely nothing. Then to comment with a hateful untrue message to try and upset someone. It will be you that goes to hell.
Telling gays they have to "repent" has led to trauma, sue-side, parents throwing their kids onto the street, people losing their faith, ruined relationships, divided churches. A newspaper article had the following to say: "In the aftermath of the legalising of same-sex marriage in Australia, the Anglican Church has ramped up its discrimination against gay people to new heights. "Perhaps the saddest aspect of the bishops' resolution is that presumably all the bishops agreed to it. I know that at least a third of them - perhaps more - privately think differently. It is time for them to remember that 'the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men [and women] do nothing'." You can agree with the bishops and disagree with the author all you like, but you can't get around the fact that what the church is doing is SEEN as wrong. It's is SPOKEN of as "triumph of evil". It has brought the way of truth into disrepute.
@Кремль I am putting God first. People need to stop idolizing their dogma, ask God for repentance, and follow his word so that they stop deceiving people. In my post, I'm pointing out how the church's teaching on this issue is bringing the Way into disrepute. If the original poster believes that the scripture he quoted is relevant, then the way to fulfil that scripture is to condemn the teaching in this video.
@Кремль I am responding to the issue that popular Christian beliefs (such as what you've just described) are bringing the church into disrepute. I quoted one example of this from a news article. Whether you agree with the bishops or not, the church's stance is harsh, hurtful, harmful, discriminatory and deadly, and brings the church and the Saviour into disrepute in the world. The Bible NOWHERE raises the issue of homoxesuality. It talks about men doing legitimately wrong things with males (men and boys), but never makes a statement about relationships with "the same secs". That category did not even come into existence until around a century ago.
@Кремль So I was commenting on one issue, and you shift the conversation to something else. The original poster quoted a text from the Bible about how false teachers will lead the church into misconduct that will bring us into disrepute. I gave a quote from the news showing how the church's misconduct on this issue has brought it into disrepute. You may agree with the church's misconduct. In which case, you too are bringing the church into disrepute. That's the issue under discussion, which you conveniently ignore. As for homosecsuality, no, the Bible never mentions, it not even once. It mentions a man lying with a male like a woman, but that is a different way of classifying to the modern classification of straight/bi/gay. You need to interpret the Bible in terms of what people knew and thought at the time. Superimposing modern categories on ancient texts will only lead you astray. What happened was that male-bedders in 1 Cor 6.9 was mistranslated as "homoxesuals" by mistake and this influenced us into inventing theology to justify the mistake. This theology has led to the misconduct which brought us into disrepute.
@KJV Your view is interesting. "Very clear", despite being disproven multiple times. I guess you believe in killing your kids for disrespecting you, and no women priests either?
While I can appreciate his attitude (I believe he is truly trying to be caring), I have to say that many of the things he say present only one half of what the Bible says about the issues and/or he is selective in his interpretation. 1) He says Jesus teaches marriage is only for one man and one woman for life.. and uses that as a proof that same sex relationships are wrong. Does he teach that every person who is divorced/remarried is in a state of perpetual sin and therefore cannot be a Christian? By that example, both statements would equally be true. 2) He quotes statistics saying that those in gay relationships are promiscuous, but ignores the statistics that in heterosexual marriages, 60 percent of men and over 45 percent of women will cheat at some point. 3) The verses he quotes in the NT are English translations of Greek... and the words used there are NOT the common Greek word for "homosexual". Rather, they are words that Paul made up. Specifically, he put together the greek words for "man" and bed" to create a compound word (arsenokoitai). If you assume that compound words mean the same as the components, then you have to believe that "butterfly" is when you butter goes through the air or a "chairman" can only be male. It's just not how it works. 4) His interpretation works ONLY if you hold that sexuality is strictly binary (XX or XY). Yet, we know for a fact that there are people who are born with XXX chromosomes or XXY, etc... or born intersex (with both male and female genitalia)... or born with a variety of other . The Gospel applies to ALL humanity. If a particular interpretation of scripture cannot apply to ALL, then that interpretation is wrong... not the Gospel. Here is a link to a great video that gives a solid BIBLICAL response to many of the points presented here:
Thank you. Even as a straight, I would push him to go in depths of characters of the bible and the statistics for proof. He also said that God didn't make gays that way right after saying we were all born and shaped in iniquity and broken...
Here's a forward to a reply I gave on someone's comment. I hope it helps at least one person: One of the largest mistakes people will project into the thinking of the church is that the rejection of sin in someone's life = the rejection of that person. Consider a scenario where my brother is a heroin addict. I can love my brother with complete sincerity, but reject the habitual use of heroin because I know that it is both sinful and degrading to his health. Forsaking sin does not equal forsaking the person. During Jesus' earthly ministry, He rejected sin yet ate with the sinners time and time again. Celibacy is not condemnation. Many homosexual progressives such as Matthew Vine will paint celibacy as the most absolute horrific outcome to homosexuality being a sin. That is truthfully just nonsense. Paul teaches in his epistle to the church in Corinth that he wishes more people would stay single so they could serve the kingdom on a greater scale as apposed to serving a family. Singleness and Marriage are beautiful. We should not miss represent what God has established. Especially when it comes to quoting scripture. In Matthew 23:4, Jesus is exposing the Pharisees and warning the people to not follow in their steps. The two main issues He is addressing is their self righteousness and their hypocrisy. It was hypocrisy because they knew scripture forwards and back, would teach it to the people yet would conduct themselves contrary to their teachings. Those actions were self righteous because they conducted themselves for the view of man, not for the glory of God (ie phylacteries and tassels). When Christians address issues of this world, such as homosexuality, we are not doing it for the self-righteousness or to "tie heavy burdens," we are doing it to accurately represent God and to see our brothers and sisters prosper. The Church is not concerned with packing the pews, but healthy spiritual growth. If we are boldly presenting the Word of God with love and compassion yet listeners are offended by the Creator's truth, then their rejection of Jesus Christ is not on us, but themselves. I am grieved to see people rebel against God, but I am not going to spin my wheels if they won't listen. May the Lord continue to reveal truth to you.
Someone please help me! I just need some advice please because honestly I have no idea what to do and I’m like falling into a whole of depression. My boyfriend broke up with me because his family is very religious and his grandma told him he can’t have god in his life if he is gay. Now he told me we can’t be together because he needs to do what god needs him to do and that is to be single and not be gay to turn his life around. I know we had a connection and he felt something but what do I do to show him that he can be happy. He’s bi and have god in his life? Idk if he’s just scared because of what his family might think but I just feel so lost without him because I’ve never met anyone like him before and I don’t want to lose him but at the same time I don’t wanna force him to do something he’s not ready or comfortable with I just need help please ! Please I don’t need any hate at all I’ve been dealing with this for almost a week now and I thought I was getting over it but I’m not and I don’t know who to reach out to or talk to because this is just something I’ve never dealt with before.
It breaks my heart to hear you say this. Many Christians have gotten it into their heads that because God says it's OK for men and women to be in a relationship, it somehow means that two men or two women shouldn't. I know it makes no sense, it's totally twisted and it has caused not only the trauma you're going through, it's done a whole lot worse. countless people have lost their families, health, sanity, even their lives over what amounts to ideology, mostly invented around 40 years ago. First try to understand that he's a victim of these bad ideas that have been going around. Secondly, maybe contact people like the Reformation Project, Canyonwalker Connections, or Q Fellowship. See if they can help you find someone who can reach out to him and rescue him out of it before it ruins his life.
@Barislav Rest assured, everything I said is in accordance with what the Bible says. Then, to tell someone who's gay that two guys can't have secs is laughable and only serves as proof of how indoctrinated you are. Furthermore, when the ideology presented in this video has resulted this kind of sorrow and heartbreak, is this the right place for such an insensitive outburst from you? The Bible says "weep with those who weep", not rub salt in their wounds, so learn to practise your own religion.
Why don't people ask an actual gay Christian if you can be gay and Christian instead of asking a straight man on what is just one theological view? It's like asking my view of what it's like being a black woman in a black church. Go to the source, the one who knows and lives in the experience.
I think that wouldnt be wise as they will be biased. It's like asking NAMBLA (north american man love boys association) if pedophilia is okay. Obvisouly they're gonna say yes
@@dapperdan1017 Not necessarily. There are gay Christians who believe they need to be celibate because even though they're gay, they still hold that marriage is only between a man and a woman. And aren't you falling in the same trap with asking a straight man who condemns homosexuality about homosexuality? Obviously he's going to say no.
Because the person feeling homosexual desires will 99% of the time be biased in their answer and start creating excuses, loopholes and leeway’s when God’s Word is final. It’s like asking a person who wants to keep fornicating in their heart if they can still keep doing it and be a Christian they’ll probably say “yes,” and create excuses. Those outside of homosexuality (it’s vital to be gentle and compassionate,) most likely will see it in a more clearer vision.
@@JESUSLOVESYOU219 The is the problem, you don't think there's bias with interpreting the Scriptures through a heterosexual lens? More of a case can be made for that than what you're suggesting. Your argument would work if this was based on opinion, but those who believe as I do make their case from Scripture, not opinion. I don't know if you know this, but most theologians/scholars don't see a condemnation of homosexuality outside of an idolatry context with what are called the "Clobber Verses" outside of Evangelical schools. There's a quote from the great F.F. Bruce who said he got emails all the time from theologians in Evangelical/conservative universities who don't see the condemnation of homosexuality from the Bible that they're suppose to see, but never say anything for fear of losing their job, and that actually has happened. Church history proves you wrong, big time, with Christians having a "clearer vision" with those they've persecuted because the group was not like them.
@@F_Cad “you don’t think there’s bias interpreting the scriptures through a heterosexual lense?” No, all there is is it being easy to follow the Word as it says “homosexuality being wrong” obviously because we aren’t attracted to the same sex. This would lead us to see it as it is and not through the lens of somebody who is who’s flesh would likely try to filter the text to make them feel comfortable. It’s not opinion... it’s written in scripture. I don’t know about the theology but honestly as a Christian do you really trust their research as must as you would the Holy Spirit? God stamped His signature in us. If homosexuality was truly ok in His eyes, wouldn’t He have created another male for Adam to choose between male and female? He said humans should go forth and multiply, why can’t two males or two females do this? Everything about our reproductive system says we need the opposite sex to procreate. It must be extremely difficult for people born homosexual but remember we were all born into sin. My sin is not better that anyone else’s and so many people have been filled with the Holy Ghost and literally no longer have those feelings, if it is so natural why do they change? Sin corrupted God’s creation but through Jesus Christ we can be made clean.
An entire of lies from an evil man. Bad Christians can't stand to see anything get better for the down-trodden that Jesus told us to love. They need their hate to feel superior. This man will stand before God for the sin he's spewing here today and everyday. These false "stats" he states are twisted from the world he happily helps to create that hurts his fellow man. This makes him proud of himself. If you are gay or love gay people, please, please don't be deceived by this liar's unsound doctrine. God loves you. May you be blessed. Amen.
Please pray for me, I'm gay af and I know the right thing to do is be a virgin for life as much as I despise that thought. God deliver me from lust
I prayed. You're right, and yes it's hard to avoid lust and sex. God first, he is worth it and nothing is worth going to hell over.
Always good to know it when your not alone
You have to want to be changed and go to God for yourself and ask God to change your heart on this. Don't let no one tell you that God can't deliver you from it or anything. That's the devil that wants you to stay in it.
@@HAcademyhomeschool adding to this it won't be immediate all the time so have patience
Seek help and you will get help, acknowledging the sickness with in yourself, it will allow you to do the first step, thats the hardest, but the second is easier and so is every next step, dont listen to folks who want to manipulate you thinking being gay is fine, its not, its a sin afterall, people who are gay tend to be very good people and thats why their get corrupted by the devil, since he targets only good people, dont be foolish, you shall be forgiven by following the right path
The thing that confuses me is I am a good human being, healthy, not any major mental issues, no addictions to drugs or alcohol, treat everyone with kindness and because I am attracted to women that puts me on the same level as murders and cheaters
no it does not. this guy is incorrect. there is nothing in the Bible against it. videos on this channel take a much more accurate look at the bible:
It’s the devil in your mind. Pray
the root of the issue is that NONE of us are “good human beings”… because of Christ there is “good” in the world and we are all capable of doing good things every once in a while, but at the core of our beings BECAUSE of the fall in Genesis 1 where sin entered the world, we are born into a sinful nature, so none of us are “good people” we (including me) are ALL bad inherently.
that’s where Jesus comes in. we need a savior because we can’t save ourselves. our weakness is a good thing in the end because it forces us to rely on Him, thus developing a genuine relationship with HIM - the creator of the entire universe and everything in it.
our standard is also not Jesus’ standard. you say you’ve never murdered anyone but Jesus says even hating our neighbor we have already committed murder, and i’m guessing you have hated someone.
just wanted to answer your question to help you understand better, i hope this helps some 💙💙💙
It’s wrong because God says it’s wrong. Justify it all you want.
@@baptistbob1038 Except God never said it's wrong. You're copying the snake, saying that God forbade something he did not.
You can justify it all YOU want, doesn't change the fact that all God's commands are satisfied by loving your neighbour. Not love you neighbour and no gay secs. Just love your neighbour.
32:28 the realest thing I ever heard anyone say. As a man in this battle I feel a new comfort and joy in my walk with Christ
"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth" (1Corinthians 13:6)
Facts ❤️❤️💯💯
I've never heard Isaiah 56:5 before. I'm really going to have to remember that verse. I'm a non-practicing homosexual and I'm 22 now, but I remember the thought of being celibate and never being in a relationship in my whole life was a hard thing for me to accept when I was 17 and 18. I wanted to follow the teachings of the Bible because I didn't want to live a life that went against it's teachings, but I sort of felt like I was owed a romantic relationship from God. Coming to choose not to practice my sexuality has taught me that God doesn't really owe us anything since we deserve nothing from him - and he taught me that I can be happy in my life without that kind of relationship. I believe this is part of God's plan so I'll be much better off following him than trying to make myself happy.
This was a really uplifting sermon to hear! i'm not the kind of guy who watches of ton of stuff like this in my free time but I'm really glad I watched this and I hope people aren't afraid to listen to it and believe it.
I have so many questions
@@jalenturner9780 I can answer some questions if you want.
@Keychain696 I feel like my story is super similar to yours, praise the Lord for all he has done brother!
@keychain696 I think it is great how you have been so faithful to God! I don't want to discourage you, but I do want to point out that I think the explanation of Isaiah 56 is not entirely correct. The meaning of Eunuch is someone who has been castrated, especially (in the past) someone employed to guard the women's living areas at an oriental court. In Deuteronomy 23:1 it says that someone who has been castrated cannot enter the assembly of the lord. In Isaiah 56:5 is explained that a foreigner that joined himself to the Lord and holds fast the covenant of the Lord will be accepted by the Lord and will receive a place by His altar (even though they are eunuchs who have been castrated). This is also why in verse 5 is written that they will receive a new name, which is even better than that their name will remain to exist through sons and daughters. So I think this verse has nothing to do with celibacy or men loving other men. - I hope my explanation makes sense, because english is not my first language :). Also I do think that God is cheering you on and that you also will receive a new everlasting name. Because that is the love that God has for everyone and everyone who follows Him. God bless!
Thanks for your ever encouraging words, God has used you greatly in my life I know from many of your messages. I myself was a lesbian and when I got saved it took a little while for the feelings to completely go away but I found when i rebuked those thoughts and gave them to God eventually after many times of obedience in taking my thoughts captive and giving them to God, God delivered me from that lifestyle. I can now look at a woman without lusting after her but instead with purity as fellow a sister in the Lord. Thank the Good Lord for delivering me from that lifestyle :) NOw Im married with several wonderful children thanks to the good Lord.
This is so encouraging. And I know it's TRUE. I can already emphasize with this.
U make it sound like its a choice and that being gay is a bad thing. I'm a christian and I'm bisexual and asexual.(a bit confusing ik) My feelings havent gone away. And I don't want them to if we are being honest. God is good and I believe he put those feelings in me for a reason. Ive done many sinful things in my life but being bi I dont feel in my heart and with God's guidance is one of them. I don't like when people treat it like its something demonic and sinful. If I even say the word gay at my church they try to convert me and SAVE me. I love God. I love who I am too. And I know he made me who I am for a reason.
@@Ruushii I m not trying to attack u here but u might want to read what the bible says . For being asexual that's fine. Paul himself wishes all people were asexual. The bible does call "unnatural sex acts" I'm not trying to convert u . But it's like he said it's a personal thing.
WOW! SO encouraged by the testimony!!
@@soccerkings4016 You are reading into ancient mouths like Paul's your modern conception of sexuality. There was no awareness that some people were lgbt when Paul wrote, though Bishop Spalding did a great job explaining Paul's thorn in the flesh may have been same-sex attractions. He was still "struggling" with it 30 years after his conversion, per one of his epistles. Ancient people thought homosexual feelings were due to an excess of lust that you just started wanting everything and everyone. We now know that is not true. And Paul had other ideas we don't pay attention to, i.e. long hair on men is "unnatural" and short hair on women is "unnatural." Nobody goes to salons and demands people repent of their hair styles. Demanding people repent of their sexual orientation has never worked, Period. So said the ex-gay ministry leaders who made all those testimonials for 4 decades.
" For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth" (2 Corinthians 13:8)
Celibacy seems to be the main answer that pastors have. I don't want to spend my life alone thanks.
How about leaving this desert bullshit behind for good?
Better to enter into heaven without having immoral marriage than to enter hell with an immoral marriage
@@sudeepjoseph69 Why on earth would Lucifer care about harming people who are gay? He would love us.
@@sethmorgenroth6784 What? Sorry I have no idea what you are talking about. What does Lucifer have anything to do with this
@@sudeepjoseph69 Why would the devil care about an “immoral marriage”? He would love us for who we are.
Gossip is really bad and destroys relationships. I just left a work place because of how bad the gossip got and felt that if that person is gossiping about others then they will gossip about me. I to had to look into my own heart and see if I gossiped. Although I’d rarely gossip negatively about someone but I’d gossip about them either positively or in general. My old self esteem teacher would say to people he saw gossiping, “does so and so know that you’re talking about them?” Such a great question.
Thank you for this sermon!
May our churches be a place where every same sex attached person can experience the love of God and be washed by His blood!❤
You're ignorant.
You come to the church a homosexual but you leave set free from that filth. You do not continue in sin.
I didn't make the rules... GOD DID !!! I only try to live by GOD'S Word and what The Holy Bible says ! To be a Christian IS NOT EASY !!! To be a Christian takes Very Hard Work and Sacrifice ! Each waking day pressing Forward towards the mark ! It's NOT what we think... It's what the Holy Bible Says !!!
and God hates homophobia
You got that right ! And we must pray for spiritual wisdom and knowledge and not lean on our own understanding or the understanding of others. Many denominations can decieve you. They twist the word of God to fit their lifestyles. This is referred to as the apostate church. The word warns us about the darkness of these false beliefs. Look at the letters written by apostle paul to the churches, this is a good example of apostate beliefs.And those who teach in this apostate way,how they will be harshly judged on judgement day. Lord will give you wisdom and knowledge,but you must ask for it by the power of the Holy Spirit . May the Lord lead your paths and God bless you 🙏🌈🕊️😇❤️ Love above all things!!!
God shows us homophobia is a sin. I didn't make the rules, God did. Being an uneducated homophgobic is not easy is it. Its hard work proving hate is good. Still its not what you think, its what satan wants you to think, and you have! WELL DONE.
@@rickylara9178 That's the word.
@@rickylara9178 Exactly. They spread their gospel of hatred which consumes all it touches. Self-serving, denying hatred. 1 John 3:15.
Hearing you say "Can someone be same sex attracted and Christian? Yes." threw me for a loop, I've never heard that from either side (from lgbt+ people who don't believe in God and Christians alike). It's not the feeling, but where you choose to direct your thoughts and actions after you have felt it. Thank you for sharing. It usually takes me a lot to cry, but this video had me in tears. Every time my family would try to understand, they would make it seem like I was just being difficult, or like I should just be straight. I didn't feel seen as someone who was struggling, except for by fellow lgbt+ affirming people. Thank you
Hey sis,
I hope you're soaring above the struggles now and remember to stay around Godly people to remain in Christ, because they can encourage you and strengthen you while you face this battle. If you don't have any friends like that pray and ask God to send you friends who are able to be your support system. If you want you can reach out to me on Instagram @iamrushealhall
being LGBT is not a sin and never was.
@Chelsie Ann Perry maybe God is?
There is a difference between a homosexual attraction and a practicing homosexual . Temptation is not a sin, falling into sin is disobedience. No different for the hetrosexual. We must carry our cross.Anything beyond sex within marriage is immoral by the standards of god . And I must agree with his standards and commandments. And I am ok with that. It's been a tough battle, and over the many years I've learned to give the battle to him. I have found peace and joy in him🙏
@@rickylara9178 Actually I think what u meant to say was There is a difference between having a same sex attraction and acting on it as homosexual is JUST a sexual orientation and not a sex act......but whats more biblical is There is a difference between a homophobia attraction to hate and acting on that hate. As Temptation to hate is not a sin, but falling into sin is disobedience. No different for the racist or sexist person. All bigots must carry their cross and not act on their hate.We need LGBT people to marry, if needs be their own sex as a partner as any sex out of marriage is wrong. Homophobia after all is immoral by the standards of God . And I must agree with his standards and commandments. And I am ok with that.
As a christian we should not condemn anyone but just show love like how christ loves.
However we can't condone it and should be Leary of what we surround ourselves with.
Nobody is condemning anyone. The question is is homosexuality compatible with Christian faith. “ Showing love” is not just approving whatever people do.
@@OldDannyboy12 not condoning and condemning are different
RoadThoughts some people think our refusal to bless what God has called sin is us condemning them. They take it personally. They can’t express their anger to God, so they direct it at us.
I am a Muslim, and you are not even christians. Remember what the old testament tells you? God HATES you. And you ''love'' gays. Who think being gay is okay. You call them christians also. And you tell to their faces that you love them. As a real Muslim: I DO NOT love them. You hit a child, and I love you, ha? You act like a satan, and I love you?
Im-im. That's not my denial. That's not my HYPOCRACY. That's not me corrupting the Bible and the Old Testament. We ''help'' who are opressors also. Which means, we FORBID THEM. It doesn't mean we love sinners. That is your FAKE understanding and that is your FAKE religion.
If you already had any.
If a straight man cannot abandon the thought of marriage to the woman of his dreams. And live a celibate, separate life, then he has no business judging the gay (non practicing homosexual) christian that is expected to do what he cannot do...
So a pastor won't marry a Christ-focused, devoted same-sex couple, but will marry a man to his third wife without question? Since all sin is on an equal level why is this man allowed to be remarried through a church?
The key to remarriage is the reason . You can't divorce except due to death or adultery. So your right . Anyone remarrying must be divorced based only on those causes otherwise it's adultery
There is no such thing as a Christ focused same sex couple. No where in God's word does He condone same sex couples one man one woman period.
You cant be Christ focused and be in same sex couple. You serve ur sin not Christ
@@TayMusicNdProductionwhat abt polygamy
You are correct , however , although not bound to stay , you are still bound not to get remarried until the Nate who left you begins a sexual or marital relationship with another.
The church needs more preachers like this.
Yup also look up Gino Jennings he preaches on topics like this..truth straight from the Bible
The church needs to get sudden wisdom and get ride of these predators m
"And I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged" (2 Corinthians 12:21)
As a person with same-sex attraction, I was made to feel ugly, unwanted, sick, demonic and a joke to the members of my church. You feel inferior to your fellow members as you don't have the same entitlement to Jesus. To know you can choose holiness in the form of singleness and to know God sees me was so important to me.
I struggle with same sex attraction too and it’s very hard at times.
@@GO_142 Why not? There are plenty of people who have a long, loving relationship without relying on sex. Many churches in the Western countries will marry them now!
With the Lord you are never alone🙏
this is why homophobia is a sin
@@mayanezha1269 why struggle with how God made you to be? WHY
You did an amazing job allowing the Holy Spirit to lead through a sensitive topic in our culture. God bless you and keep you!
He did a great job of regurgitating modern justifications for hurting and harming innocent people. It is not of the Spirit.
This is by far the best sermon I have heard tackling on LGBTQ issue in Christianity. Praise God for this. Bless you David Marvin, my brother in Christ.
Fellow homosexuals, we are just fine.
I left religion in 1980, at 20, and never looked back. Love yourselves, and honor the path you've been chosen for.
Within you is your guidance. Meditate in stillness, and your path will be illuminated.
To ease your mind, Jesus NEVER mentions anything about homosexuality, never. Nor his brother, James. Nor the disciple whom Jesus loved, John. Nor Simon Peter. Only Paul does, and we are lacking historical context, but I can assure you, we homosexuals are not offensive to what is right. Being YOU, at your essence, is always right. YOU are your path. Rejoice in it!
In Jewish Scripture, Sodom is often mistakenly associated with homosexuality, likely because of bigotry by people who are hypocrites. Scripture says in Jeremiah 23.14 that their sins were adultery, deceit, injustice and unrepentance; and in Ezekiel 16.49 that their sins were pride and arrogance, and that they lacked compassion. Homosexuality is never mentioned.
As for the laws of Moses, man shall not lie with another man, well, this one is simple. Moses lists many other laws there. Let's see if the hypocrites observe THOSE OTHER laws:
It's an abomination to eat shellfish.
It's an abomination to cut your hair.
It's an abomination to be tattooed.
It's an abomination to eat pork.
It's an abomination for a husband to have sex with his wife within the seven day period after she menstruates.
I could go on, but you get the picture.
I would recommend that you not associate with people who discriminate against homosexuals. They are dyed-in-the-wool hypocrites.
Love yourselves, and love others. It is this that fulfills the law, not being this or that.
Paul is the one who says:
The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy.
To the pure, all things are pure.
And Jesus himself said:
It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what proceeds out of his heart that defiles him.
Be pure of heart, and be yourself!
Love and Light!
Amen! This sermon was a breath of much needed fresh air...... We need to spread love and not hate. We can't win souls to Christ by bieng forceful and hateful! Rather We need to love them to Christ let them see God in us! And experience His Love through us. God loves the sinner but hates the sin.
some history:
traditional christian teaching: non-reproductive acts are sinful
protestant teaching from 70s: non-reproductive acts are fine, just same-secs desires are sinful and gays must repent
from 80s: society changes its mind in response to results of actual research; christians invent "definition of marriage" based on adam and eve to continue discrimination; meanwhile thousands of kids traumatized, lose their faith or take their lives from being told they have to "repent" from their desires
from maybe 2000s: can't have kids taking their lives change message to people just need desire to change even if they're don't succeed; meanwhile more and more people start investigating anti-gay theology and start finding it's unbiblical
from maybe 2010s: pretty obvious no one can change who they're attracted to; change message again to having to stay single their whole life; churches and denominations split over this issue
2020s: discovered how this theology originated - it was a Bible mistranslation that went viral
@Adam Peltier I totally understand and agree with your point of view. But I speak from the John 3:16 point of view. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. He loved us enough to make a way for us to experience true repentance and have ever lasting life. That was my point. Does God hate sin? Yes! Will He punish sin? Yes! but God is also love and He showed us by giving us the Lord Jesus Christ! And why do we preach Christ and Him crucified? So that all might be saved. How do we do that? Preaching the gospel and by letting others see Christ in us! The Lord Jesus was a good example.
@Adam Peltier and in the context of the sermon rarely will you win a soul to Christ if you are being hateful and ”judgemental”(I use the term lightly) . You push people away.
@Adam Peltier you're quoting POETRY. (Are you a westerner? i find westerners don't understand hyperbole, so they don't understand the Bible properly.) Those songs say that God will reject the unrepentant, not that he doesn't care enough to want them to repent.
God loves sinners: "God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" Rom 5.8
@Adam Peltier The psalms are expired by God for sure, but they are poetry written in a particular era for a particular purpose. they most definitely are not a series of absolute statements that you can use like logical propositions to deduce conclusions. rather, they often expressed people's feelings and hopes and fears based on their limited understanding of God.
don't forget God's revelation of himself has been gradual. just because people thought life ended permanently at death in david's time doesn't preclude God later revealing that we will rise from death. just because people thought as a result that judgement must be in this life doesn't preclude God later revealing that judgement will happen at the resurrection.
it might have seemed appropriate at the time to the psalmists to express righteous indignation at evil in that kind of language, but Jesus gave us a deeper and richer appreciation of who God is, which moves us to "love our enemies", not hate them.
I surrender my sexuality and all the rest of me, and my everything to Jesus. I'm a sinner I've had gay, and hetro sex, and never been married. My flesh is my enemy. I am Gods blood bought possession living in willful sin I can not. I have an extremely higher risk of suicide based on my sexual history alone. I seek only Jesus I have no partner, and I live by myself I don't care how people judge me. I am not of this world this isn't my home, no condemnation from my neighbors can make me doubt my salvation I have a deep knowing relationship with Jesus. I've been born again 35 years way before puberty I got to know Jesus.
I weep for the Church though, this issue is the number one weapon Satan is using on us. We can change the way we witness on this issue without changing Gods word, but we don't, and I have hope that we can. So often we tell the Woman at the Well story wrong. We just say go and sin no more. To that I say you first liar. We need to be like the Woman in that story and run telling everyone we're not condemned, telling them to run to the Well Jesus, but we don't we play Jesus instead and say go sin no more. Struggling with same sex attraction we throw that terminology like it's okay..Just think about it that how is saying that okay? There is no struggle in surrender. We are to surrender moment by moment, day by day.
I don't talk about my homosexual history at my Church, and my testimony probably could help others like me too, but I'm not comfortable with it. Only God can help me carry my Cross, and yes I still have homo & hetrosexual attraction, and yes depression, and suicidal thoughts come, and I rely on only Jesus to help me. "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he able even to subdue all things unto himself." Philippians 3:20-21.
This was a good effort to address this issue I praise the Lord for the message. I pray for the Pastor and the Church on this I feel he cared about speaking on this, but it's impossible to sound loving on something you're preaching if you haven't lived it. For example I've been single all my life I don't ever want to hear a married Pastor preach on singleness, sorry you just have no position to be relateable. I can say yes celibacy is my future I pray for a wife. I have peace where I am my book in heaven is written. God has a plan a purpose for me. I live in flesh, and could very well backslide out of celibacy. I rely on God to heal my backsliding, as promised in Hosea 14:4 Only Jesus for me
I agree with you and I underestand that you can't just change your attraction to something in one night, it's a day by day struggle.
Even though I'm not gay, Jesus said to leave everything behind to follow him right? For you it's your homosexuality, for me it's addiction to adult materials, and music/shows of the world. It's a day to day struggle to not give in to my thoughts of "What if you aren't even real God and none of my struggles really matter?".
I hope God can enlighten me on the answer to the Chrisrian and Gay problem, for now I'll just try to keep faithful.
@@iishadowii7477 I just trust the Lord with me, all of me. The Cross wasn't just for our sin, Jesus also bore our shame, so he doesn't want us to live in shame either. Yes there's much more I have to trust the Lord with than just my sexuality. I haven't watched porn in over 6 months, but for music shows I don't see how they're in anyway sinful. I get it though some folk are hardcore performance based Christian's. I went to a Iron Maiden concert a few months ago, and it had lots of gospel elements actually, and the drummer is Christian. Outside the event there was a street preacher condemning everyone going in, in my opinion he was the one more sinful. Just last night I went to a worship concert after church For King and Country a gospel group, and the same street preacher was out front condemning everyone going in. Live music isn't sinful, if you don't place it higher than the Lord. We can't serve two masters. We have two enemies Satan attacks us with, the flesh, and the world. There's a lot more worldly attack coming at me from this phone in my hand, than from a live concert. It is written in Jeremiah 31:4 Go forth dance and be merry, to the sound of tamberines. In that regard live concerts are endorsed by God, it is man that condemns.
Hi Samuel, I'll like to know your testimony if you wouldn't mind.
you can find love still, being gay is not a sin
Before hearing this pastor, please watсh the following video on the link below and then come backup and hear this pastor. You will see how wrong he is in this teaching about homosexuality. You wont regreat it!
He without sin, cast the first stone.
Neal Conner what are you referring to?
homophobics always cast the 1st stone
@Orange Mommie but some desires are from the father - like "it's not good for man to be alone." don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Yep, we are all born into sin. Whether liars, fornicators, adulterers, in God’s eye we are/ where so dirty. However, in the same breath all sin should be treated as such and a closer relationship with God should be prioritised to be renewed in Christ.
@@JESUSLOVESYOU219 The wages of sin is death. Not all death is caused by sin and not all sin leads to death. We all die (believers & non-believers) because of Adam.
Anyone else ever wonder why their cross is so, so, so much heavier than others'?
I love how candid this church is. Prompts to you guys and everything you're doing!!
Hey David! Great message. However, I have an issue with your statement at 6:30 where you say "homosexual attraction is not a sin." I think we need to be careful of saying things like that because if you put other sins towards that test, they will fail. For example, saying something like "pedophilia attraction is not a sin" doesn't make sense and basically says that having those feelings is not sinful even though it clearly is. Or saying something like "murder attraction (or just basically someone's intent/been drawn towards wanting to murder) is not a sin". Also, a heterosexual person can have an attraction to the opposite sex and that would be considered lust which is obviously sinful. So therein lies the issue with saying "homosexual attraction is not a sin." It basically tells those with the attraction that it is ok to have as long as they don't act on it which isn't true. We should be calling people to holiness and repentance for sinful "attractions" rather than complacency. We should be helping them to fight for holiness and to truly see themselves as new creations in Christ who have been washed clean, if they are true children of God. Hope you see where I'm coming from. God bless!
StylinSis3189 the Bible says temptation itself is not a sin.
xLifeinmotionx I never said that. The point I was clearly making is that some will hear what he said and assume it to mean that they don’t have to fight against the SIN of homosexuality. That’s my point.
StylinSis3189 you didn’t say it, but it IS relevant to the conversation. The distinction between attraction and lust rests on the difference between temptation and acting on temptation. As for your follow up, if they listed to more than 2 seconds of the message, they should understand. He makes the distinction clear.
xLifeinmotionx • “The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.”
Proverbs 24:9
Logan Brewster •
_“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”_
Leviticus 18:22 *OLD TESTAMENT*
_“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”_
Romans 1:26-27 *NEW TESTAMENT*
Therefore since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God" (2 Corinthians 4:12)
@ Howard Sumner. Amen
A better question is, can you condemn gays and be a Christian?
@King yes but not really since firstly God, is God he is different from us, and our role here on earth is to share with love. I think that you can only start to condemn, the person is if you truly know him/her and he/she wants or considers themselves to have a personal relationship with God
The first part of this verse is literally translated as "And with a male you shall not lay lyings of a woman"( With a male,you cant have sex on the bed of a woman" )is what its saying,and that means a woman's bed is not to be adulterated with sperm emissions from another man,since a woman can only have her husband's emissions in her bed. They were strict on sperm defilement back then. This was done secularly and pagan religiously too where the pagan priestess's bed was her witness of two males having the affair ,as one male gave emission offering to her male priest. The 18:21 has a pagan practice mentioned right before verse 22,and this is all about pagan practices related to their religion as well.
There's no HATE like Christian "love".
That makes no sense ,
"When man chases after sin we reject God's design." So well said.
and homophobics love to chase their sin the most
@Michael Van Uytven for marriage to be the union of 1 man and 1 woman
Fellow homosexuals, we are just fine.
I left religion in 1980, at 20, and never looked back. Love yourselves, and honor the path you've been chosen for.
Within you is your guidance. Meditate in stillness, and your path will be illuminated.
To ease your mind, Jesus NEVER mentions anything about homosexuality, never. Nor his brother, James. Nor the disciple whom Jesus loved, John. Nor Simon Peter. Only Paul does, and we are lacking historical context, but I can assure you, we homosexuals are not offensive to what is right. Being YOU, at your essence, is always right. YOU are your path. Rejoice in it!
In Jewish Scripture, Sodom is often mistakenly associated with homosexuality, likely because of bigotry by people who are hypocrites. Scripture says in Jeremiah 23.14 that their sins were adultery, deceit, injustice and unrepentance; and in Ezekiel 16.49 that their sins were pride and arrogance, and that they lacked compassion. Homosexuality is never mentioned.
As for the laws of Moses, man shall not lie with another man, well, this one is simple. Moses lists many other laws there. Let's see if the hypocrites observe THOSE OTHER laws:
It's an abomination to eat shellfish.
It's an abomination to cut your hair.
It's an abomination to be tattooed.
It's an abomination to eat pork.
It's an abomination for a husband to have sex with his wife within the seven day period after she menstruates.
I could go on, but you get the picture.
I would recommend that you not associate with people who discriminate against homosexuals. They are dyed-in-the-wool hypocrites.
Love yourselves, and love others. It is this that fulfills the law, not being this or that.
Paul is the one who says:
The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy.
To the pure, all things are pure.
And Jesus himself said:
It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what proceeds out of his heart that defiles him.
Be pure of heart, and be yourself!
Love and Light!
God supposedly made Eve from Adam's rib. So, Eve is a trans woman. God made a trans woman. So, God is okay with trans people, since God created a trans.
God will not tolerate our wickedness.
thats homophobics stuffed
but He wouldnt let us remain in that wickedness
He will not, He provided a way out but people shut Him out and expect to enter His house when they die...
@@pastorbriNo, just what the word of God says. Your rainbow is tainted.
@@michelleparsons9881 if u knew Gods word you would know you were wrong.
Christ didn't tell the young prince he was going to hell, he just told him what he needed to do. Ande never said "yeah I told this young prince and he ignored, so he is doomed". He just left it up to him.
23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!”
Yes you can be gay an be a homosexual
Yes you be an Adulterer an be Christian
Yes you can be a divorced an be Christian
Ect ect ect
Because we all sinners, there isn't a perfect Christian who not sinned
The good thing is you can be forgiven. Even abominations can be forgiven
Apart from 1
And we all know what that is.
I rarely comment on things on the internet/you tube but I really enjoyed and appreciated your perspective on this. This has been a lifelong battle in my life since the age of 4 and then molestation kicked in and satan was right there to plant the seeds of this curse...which is what it is and have lived within this lifestyle all of my life and it is a constant battle daily even in dreams where you are completely vunerable. I re committed to Jesus and am fighting daily against thoughts that attack me outta no where. I never really have heard someone so compassionate about this topic within the church family that understands and puts it in a way from Christ's standpoint and the word which is clear and does not change. I have found not fulfillment or peace in this lifestyle and have been alone and unsuccessful in finding a partner because my saviour called me years ago and I kept turning away but he has sustained me because he does have a plan and purpose for me and this is not what he had in mind for my life and eternity. Even though you were firm, you surrounded it with love and acceptance and an understanding that very few heterosexuals have and can relate to. It is the pull of the flesh which is of the enemy and not of the spirit of God. But as you said...he still loves us anyway and hopes we come to repentance. I have watched many of my friends die yet he has kept me....and still has hope and the Holy Spirit whom without him, this urge is sooo strong change would not be possible. Thank you and may God continue to Bless you. You are absolutely right sin is sin period. Too bad the church body doesn't have more people drawing people to Christ not pushing them away.
@Chelsie Ann Perry Hi there that was a total accident and unintentional and I am very sorry. I love Sade and was responding to this idiot that said she was irrelevant. I am not usually making comments period. But she is my favorite artist of all there a WAY for me to undo that? I am kinda new at this and a senior citizen...totally sorry a true accident
I won't worship a god who expects me to carry shame over my desires for love, romance, affection, and relationship.
This video is false teaching based on mistranslation and bad theology that only hurts people and pushes them away from God.
Here is a another view that explains why this guy is wrong:
@Sergei That's right. God's design is explained in Genesis 2. It is not good for the human to be alone. He needs a suitable helper and familial relationship.
So anyone whose desires are for companionship, mutual support and intimate relationship, then they are in accordance with God's design. These are very similar to the desires the original commenter mentioned.
@Sergei Yes, that's the idea that was popularized around 30 years ago. There is some truth to it, but it's not the whole story.
God did indeed create a man for the woman, as indeed most men will see a woman as a suitable helper. But you need to read the story closely and understand its logic. The man sees the woman, calls here bone of my bone etc, to which the narrator comments, "for this reason they get married".
The stated conclusion of the text is to explain why marriage happens. And the reason it says it happens is that the man recognizes the woman as this suitable helper.
But the story doesn't cover the situation when a man is unable to find a woman suitable but only another man. In those days, they did not understand secsual orientation, so that is fair enough. But also not that the text includes no command or any indication that it would be wrong for two men or two women to get married.
So consider the options. If a man can only find another man suitable, should he
1 stay single? no, God said it's not good; gays still experience the same needs for companionship and intimacy
2 marry a woman? no, the condition for marrying a woman is not met; this has been tried and in practice doesn't usually work
3 marry a man? there's nothing against it, it satisfies the same reasoning in the story, and it has been tried successfully
So what option do you think best fits the teaching of the Bible?
Plus God can do what he wants, it's not for me and you to dictate. God's creation is rich in variety and diversity. If God wants to create a few male/male couples and a few female/female couples, it's not for you to dictate otherwise.
@Sergei it looks like my reply was sense-oared. basically what's around 30 to 40 years old is the idea that God decreed that a man should only ever marry a woman or else it's some sort of mortal sin. You won't find any statement in the Bible that says a man MUST ONLY marry a woman or that it's a sin for two men/women to get married. I was in synod in my church in the mid 80s when that idea was being brought in. I bet you won't find any published or recorded reference to such an idea in your own church before that time either.
Since you agree with me that selibacy is only for a few, then please answer this: What should someone attracted to the same secs do with their lives? It's oppressive to tell them to stay single and violates God's direct word that it's not good. But marrying against their orientation we know from experience is fraught with risk including harm to the innocent partner, not to mention children in broken homes. So what should they do?
The doctrine that you describe so eloquently has been the cause of so much harm, it is impossible for following it to obey God's clear and explicit command to love our neighbour.
Please also answer me this: Are you infallible? Is the church infallible? Please consider, just consider the possibility that you might be wrong.
@Sergei No, the Bible does not "prohibit" two people having secs. The Old Testament did prohibit unfaithfulness, which is obviously a hurtful and destructive thing to do, as well as certain behaviours that violated social norms at the time (and most still do). The New Testament and our faith now does not work by "prohibiting". It's about "faith working through love", it's avoiding selfish and hurtful behaviour and adopting what is kind and caring.
The belief that was developed late last century was that the Bible "defines" marriage, that "God's plan was ONLY for men to marry women". Since before that time, marriage was only man and woman, there was no need to formulate a belief for something that everyone accepted. Once the practice was challenged, the church that wanted to keep the status quo needed to justify it, so it invented a story that "the Bible xxx". But if you read the Bible, it fails to contain any such statement.
I'm glad we agree that to seek to follow what the Bible teaches us, but how come we have ended up with different understandings? I see nothing in the Bible against same-secs relationships. There's an explanation of why people get married, an unclear Israelite prohibition now obsolete, a description of pagan revelry, and a word whose meaning is unknown but most likely about secsual abyus.
Trouble is, male-bedders was mistranslated as homosecsuals and so the belief that it's wrong moved from cultural norm to Biblical doctrine. We then developed said definition of marriage argument to justify this belief, and that's where people that still think like you are today.
But slowly people are recognizing the error and are changing their mind. God's word fails to say anything like "two men or two women shouldn't have secs" or "shouldn't get married" or any explicit statement to that effect. On the contrary, such a belief is hurtful and devastating to people's lives. Even holding such an idea is a sin. We all need to repent from it.
Fascinating! I've been a gay, KJV Christian for 6 years, fighting the good fight and thanking my Lord and Savior daily for my creation. The LORD does not make mistakes and he made me this way, Amen!
uh no as an ex homosexual, God loves you but that doesnt mean continue in sin 1 Corinthins 6:9
but God loves you so much he really does
@@sciurbs5787 have you fell in love with someone with the same sex and had long strong relationship before you were able to become a ex homosexual?
@@raphaelralph6521 oooh good question, i mean i talked to a lot of them and maybe a little bit, but the attraction to them was so strong, its really not easy esp a relationship i will be praying for you brother 🙏
But, the bible says that being gay is an abomination to the Lord. How can you be a Christian, but feel no guilt for going against God's word?
This has answered all my questions TYJ
"Evidently, some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ" (Galatians 1:7)
Exactly! Such hatred around these folk, trying to stop people from living.
The statistics on this video are very much targeted towards deepening the bias about homosexual relationships , statistics were also used to justify racism by labeling black people as violent . Don't use stats to justify homophobia.
I alway say what does God say, it doesn't matter what I say!
and homophobia is a sin
Thank you for tackling this issue with such grace and wisdom.
The trouble is Gail we don't know what God really says. All we have is other human beings telling us what they think God says, whether through ancient scriptures or the interpretation of them.
and God would say homophobia is a sin, doesn't matter what you say or think.
@@DIBBY40 God's morals is more comparable to, say, an aliens morals. He isn't human, no, but he still loves us, even if we don't completely understand him, and he knows that, and that's ok in his eyes, the only thing to do is be a good person, worship god, and just try to live our best lives with love, regardless of gender, race, appearance, wealth, and sexual attraction.
All are equal in the eyes of god.
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" - Deuteronomy 30:19
We are commanded to choose life above all else. If you are causing someone to live in a way which causes them pain and suffering such that they are driven to suicide that is so very wrong. I wish people would be more compassionate and encourage others to have a connection with God rather than pushing them away.
Also check the Hebrew, KJV is notoriously mistranslated.
This is what exactly I needed
Easy for you to say when you can still keep your heterosexual attraction and live a socially acceptable life.
The question is not weather same sex loving people can be Christain? We already are! Your compassion is honered but none of us seek permission to love God and live out our relationships.
homophobics eh.....
How do you feel about what God’s Word says?
@@JESUSLOVESYOU219 I'd write the same thing.
It seems to me that this entire debate is about what the bible says about what God wants (conservatives) verses what a huge group of individuals want (progressives) - which is opposed to what the bible says.
I have been out and gay for 7 years now and god hasnt made me straight. God has done better for me he has made me hole, taken my shame, shown me real love and how to give love. He cast out fear and made me confident. Im gay its a small part of who i am its not all i am. I may marry a women i chose to love. I may have a life partnership with a man im not worried im sure my jellous god will have his way lol.
I for one want no sexual experience like paul was calling out as immoral or sin. Great job David Marvin!
@@pinkfuschia8140 Christ is allegedly everyone's husband! Let that sink in for a moment or...two
So you have a walk with Christ and that is crucial. The greatest sin we can commit is to not believe in that Cross and resurrection. Then To Go to life's court and try to pay your ticket with your own merits, this is the most futile thing one can do. Personally I call upon Christ to pay my bail to forgive my sin, and make me clean for the kingdom, I intend to eternally reside in. And I think that comes with a complete submission of ones self holding back no favorite sin. I'd challenge you to do this Aaron or anyone interested in reading these perspectives, try to make an objective determination of the truth on this matter. What is at stake is of ultimate importance. We know there is a God that this is a theistic universe look up the acronym SURGE. We can most easily believe in the God of the bible the text is the most historically reliable. That being said the question is: does the bible have a consistent judgement on these sexual acts we desire to Express? Make that determination for yourself and if you believe and you earnestly and submissively pray. He will lead you to the truth. I can give you the short answer and my own personal experience and conclusion with this specific subject if anyone is interested.
I'd rather trash the texts and live a normal existence. I can't fathom how people can live by delusion after delusion especially from the ancients. To endorse the doctrine of Sin is to require a belief in Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, or Jesus. So many that are just dead from 1600 years ago towed the same theistic lines and in 2018 theists rest their faith on absence rather than logic.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Expanding Universe, the Radiation Afterglow from the Big Bang Explosion, the Great galaxy seeds in the Radiation Afterglow, and Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. all lead me to Have Faith in a Theistic Universe. It's Empirical and irrefutable, thanks to modern Science. Oh and coincidentally fits perfectly into the genesis account... I learned about this years ago and had to do more digging, ended up a die hard believer, oh geeze. check it out its AMAZING!
@@eddiebrewster6992 Jesus isn't dead. Notice that he rose on the third day. And his resurrection body doesnt die so...Christian rhetoric, sure. Reliable history, also a sure thing. Trust me you need more faith to believe anything else. Do the digging, you will find the truth if you want it. And another thought.. be willing to risk asking God to show you. What's the worst that could happen?
It takes immense courage to even agree to talk about this to 2000 people in present day USA. You spoke the truth with love, in God’s wisdom.
Amazing job brother 👏❤️
Before hearing this pastor, please watсh this the link below and then come backup and hear this pastor. You will see how wrong he is in his in this teaching about homosexuality. You wont regreat it!
Why people always assume that being homosexual is a choice or a lifestyle? First, as a gay person I can say that I did not choose my sexual attractions or I did not choose to be gay. it’s just I can’t have relationships/sex with a woman, which most of us can’t explain. If you gonna ask us why we’re gay, we can’t give you some answers because we don’t have it.
Second, homosexuality is not an act or a lifestyle. Even you practice it or not, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re not gay. It just means that you’re still in the closet.
I know a lot of gay people who are religous and even serve the church. So how come they’re not cured? Maybe for God there’s nothing wrong with them. Only the humans are making everything complicated because they want to be as perfect as Him .
Being same-sex attracted, is something one *is* - not, primarily, something one *does*.
I prefer to avoid the word “gay”, because it often implies that one is sexually active. “SSA” is clumsier, but clearer - it does not imply sexual activity.
This man is very careful in the distinctions he makes. Well done him :)
Because, it is an agenda that certain groups really push for. Trust me, they have no answers either. If these people would take the time to think about it, they might reach a reasonable conclusion.
Exactly right. Gay Christians are as good as any.
If God is almighty then why did he create sin and homosexuality? Why is life like a big test for us humans? Will you pass and go to Heaven or fail and go to Hell? Why is this so?
God did not create sin, man did
All the friends I had that are gay and claim to be a Christian ..well they stopped and repented of being gay .and told me that the two can't coincide..hmmmmm ??
Thank you for supplying all the other statistics and data to us as you are shining God's light on this topic
in my country statistics are worse for Aborigines: lower education levels, lower health, higher incarceration rates, higher deaths in police custody. So i guess this guy's solution would be to tell them to stop being aboriginal and to become european.
another talk i listened to recently claimed that outcomes were significantly higher if families were accepting and affirming of their child's secsuality. so who are you going to believe?
it's very easy to misuse statistics. he has not provided any original sources so that we can verify that they are real and interpreted correctly. i've seen other presentations like this one where if you go and look at the original studies, they tell a different story to the spin the speaker puts on them. until he provides his sources and his interpretation is independently verified by a qualified statistician, it would be wise to ignore everything he says based on them.
God hates homophobia
I am halfway through this message right now and my heart is heavy for any LGBTQIA+ listeners who are hearing this. God loves you and made no mistake in creating you. People who are not in the LGBTQIA+ community feel they have a right to tell you what God wants for your life.
I urge you to pray about your sexuality. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Let Him speak to you. I hear this in the Church so many times: “If you have a desire to get married & have a family, God will probably bless you with such.” I believe this also applies if you are LGBTQIA+. Love is sacred. It is no one’s place to stand between two individuals who truly love each other. Love is love. God is love. [1 John 4:16]
I know of multiple same-sex, Christian couples who have been blessed by God. He uses love and marriage to bless people in Christ-centered relationships and to bless those who come in contact with the relationship. I have seen same-sex, Christian couples bring forth good fruits [See Matt. 7:17]. Some examples include raising children who need loving parents, and witnessing to others within the LGBTQIA+ community that Jesus loves them. My LGBTQIA+ Christian friends prayed and sought out answers from God about their purpose, God-given differences, and identities.
If you are Christian, really look at Jesus’ words. Read the red words in the Bible and the 10 Commandments. [See Matt. 22:37-40]
Man the alphabet people just keep addin’ the letters
Bri Inspired Thank you🙂
homophobia is the real sin
I worry MORE for any homophobic listeners. God loves you and made no mistake in creating you. People who are in the homophobic community feel they have a right to tell you what God wants for your life.
It is perfectly okay for a gay/lesbian to become a Christian. Once you are a christian, study God's Word and let it renew your mind to see the truth. Meanwhile, understand it is a process and don't allow yourself to feel condemned. You cannot be offended if you don't take offence. God's grace will see you through, but you have to be genuinely seeking the truth for God to help you. When you know the truth and deliberately go against it, you are not positioning yourself to be blessed.
its more amazing that when a homophobics born again they always change
Stop twisting the word of God to fit your needs.
Amen 🙏 so right
I wish y'all would become true christians...
@@serenityjmartin5720 Ohh I wish you would too. Prayers prayers.
"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie"(Romans 1:25)
"Both of them have done what is detestable" Leviticus 20:13
What about kids who have been raised as believers and still turned out gay? They never exchanged anything. Rom 1 is about idolatry. It has nothing to do with gays.
Lev 20.13 says that a male taking a woman's role is a taboo. Did you know women were considered inferior to men? That made it unacceptable for a man to take a woman's role? We don't have that taboo anymore. To suggest we follow Lev 20.13 is to call women inferior. Please don't do it.
And why do you take Romans from its scriptural setting and use it to discriminate?
"They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good" Titus 1:16
the speaker means well even though he's misguided. "unfit for doing anything good" is overkill.
then again, his teaching has harmed thousands of innocent people, children have lost their lives ... so maybe you're right.
This was a powerful sermon thank you for sharing
Here's a different perspective
I am bisexual. I am a Christian. And, yes, act on my "homosexual attraction"
Then not walking with God. Simple.
@@believer8662 There are people on all sides of this debate that like to think it's simple, but it's not. It's taken us thousands of years even to begin to understand secsual orientation. Emotions run high on all sides of the debate, clouding everyone's judgement. I say "all" sides because there are several, not just for and against - again, not simple.
What is simple, though, is Rom 13.8-10. All God's commands are satisfied by loving your neighbour. The fruit of the Spirit is enough.
@KJV Gen 19 no question attempted gang raip is wrong.
Jude 7 Greek says sought "hetero" flesh, cannot mean "males sought males".
Rom 1 says "idolatrous Roman males did unseemly things" corroborating other historical data. says nothing against loving relationships.
1 Cor 6/1 Tim 1 refers to male-bedders, a word of unknown meaning, likely referring to abusiv behaviour prevalent at the time including secs with boys.
Lev 18/22 unclear, literally "do not lie with male bed wife/woman taboo". if homoxesuality is a sin, would have said "men don't lie with men, women don't lie with women" (cf prohibition on animals) but says neither thus teaching AWAY from what you claim.
Rev 21 and many texts refer to secs immorality without specifying what is or isn't immoral, irrelevant unless you first prove same-secs is intrinsically immoral.
Gen 2.24 (quoted in Mat 19) says "for this reason" a man marries a woman. A man incapable of meeting the explicitly stated reason with a woman should not marry a woman - in practice such marriages fail. A man meeting the same condition with a man SHOULD marry a man. Again, teaches AWAY from what you claim.
1 Cor 7.2 says that married couples should do it with their partners, not a prostitoot. Applies equally to same-secs couples.
All these scriptures agree with the scripture I quoted earlier: All God's commands are satisfied by loving your neighbour. Not "love your neighbour and no gay secs". Just "love your neighbour:.
@@MusicalRaichu It is simple because only what The Creator God says matters.
Our fleshly reasoning is irrelevant. “There is a way that SEEMS right to a man,
but its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 14:12 (emphasis mine). “Trust in the Lord
with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know
it.” Jeremiah 17:9 God gives us the answer....we must decide if we want our
way....or His.
@@believer8662 That's right, that's my very point. That's why God's command to help us obey him is to do good and not harm people. So then why would the original post be amiss?
Living as a gay person who is a Christian and who had tried to be straight, you have no idea brother
I agree. Hugs and much love to u. I feel like ppl who r straight see it as those who aren't r drooling over and sleeping with anyone of the same sex. Oh do I wish I could be Christian and straight. Ppl who r straight don't understand it's not that I can't resist sleeping with the same sex, it's I can't get myself to even kiss the opposite sex. I am otherwise happy to have 1 spouse and only be with that one spouse for life. And yeah stats from sweden may say one thing, but me as a sample of 1 was so depressed trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with me.
As a person of same-sex attraction, I want to just encourage you. We aren't called to be straight, we are called to live for Christ. If you believe being straight will fix your problems, maybe it's a lust sin or contentment issue. Pray that God shows you where the problem actually lies so you can fight it with the truth. Praying for you brother! If you ever want to reach out and talk feel free!
Focus on your Relationship with God. Continue to put Him first and He will give you His desires for your heart (Psalm 37:4)
True Godly sorrow will lead to repentance in not of your self it is the gift of God.
True conviction for sin is needed .
Faith trusting In the words of the invisible God.
True encounter with the Christ
You have to be prepared to hate your life, take up your cross and follow Christ daily.
It can be done there has been many former homosexuals who have turned from the life style to Christ . You can do it also by the power God once you surrender you life and will the Christ.
@@victor-hn1bh I respect ur opinion, but I can tell u don't understand ppl who r homosexual at all. Why keep telling us to repent? Why am I repenting when I have never been with the same or opposite sex but am just made by God to be repulsed by the thought of being with the opposite sex? Unless u r a priest or nun who has vowed chastity, u don't understand what it feels like to be alone for life "bc I think god wants me to". And unless u give every straight couple who has had sex before marriage, divorced, don't have children, or other sins according to the bible, the same treatment (being alone forever or forced into an unwanted marriage) as someone same sex attracted, why is the judgement always towards ppl who aren't straight, even if they have 1 monogamous relationship for life? I feel like this impression of my choices r "hate ur life and be depressed as a christian" or "live in a loving relationship that ppl may not approve" is exactly why most ppl who r not straight end up just leaving the church.
I didn't watch it all, but the part I came across was enough to give me a really bad opinion of this sermon. "The homosexual lifestyle is more dangerous than tabagism"? Is that really the argument? "1% of homosexuals die of old age" lmao yes of course this statistic seems quite believable. You are really too kind, so good and generous to care about our way of life, to discourage us from following it because according to your super statistics it would not be good for health, but we will do without your advice and your judgments.
29:27 That's the point! God hates sin, God loves people. I don't agree to those pastors pushing people away because of their sexuality, no, no one can shut the door of the gospel! ❤❤
Wow what an absolute blessing of a message! Super encouraging and exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Lord God for showing me this video. I uplift all those who wrestle internally with this issue and pray that hearts would be soften to the truth of your word 🥰🧡
The church used to argue for slavery, used to suggest interracial couples were a sin. The church has missed the mark a lot.
Actually the abolitionist movement largely grew out of the church. It’s one of those things people repeat a lot but it’s not true.
@@OldDannyboy12 yes it did, but the basis for slavery was also biblical. You can't tell me the bible doesn't say slaves obey your masters. If you wanna take the bible literally, then slavery isn't wrong according to the bible.
@@OldDannyboy12 the church has changed a lot over the years. Divorce is actually an ok thing of for the right reasons. And we also acknowledge that women can be in roles of power. Maybe not in every church, but I bet you women have management positions over men. Kind of doubt the disciples saw that coming.
And out of the church there are people arguing that christ loves gays. So everything with a grain of salt. God knows way more than you or I. And he is the only one who can judge
@@chaseratliff9518 "If you wanna take the bible literally, then slavery isn't wrong according to the bible." Just because the bible records or addresses somethin does not mean God approves of it or that it is His will. For an example see Matthew 19:8.
The description of homosexuality as a lifestyle is a blatent oversimplification of human sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular. Such indoctrination of the collective societal psyche is paramount to the self validating delusion of heterosexuality possessing moral validity. Such indoctrination of the collective societal psyche is paramount to the self validating delusion of heterosexuality possessing moral validity. The reason that we never hear the term " heterosexual lifestyle " is because there is no need to catogorize heterosexuality with such descriptively inherent connotative oversimplification in order to justify contempt and hatred.
For clarity, we are sinners even in thought, but there are different degrees and acting out our desires and thoughts is definitely the marker for sinful living
Whether someone be Homosexual or heterosexual both are humans so there should be equality
The Bible does not say being gay is a sin,but it only says
fornication(sex without marriage) and adultery and bestiality( human sex
with animals) and incest(sex with genetic kin family members) are
sexual immorality.That is a scary word,but it defines those sins and not
of being gay.All sexual love is made pure by marriage.Apostle paul said
We should realize that those mistranslated scriptures on
so called anti gay scriptures often quoted by many anti gay religious
people are mistranslations which have done more damage in turning people
away from feeling that God is a loving God.People are turning from
christian belief because of the sense that mean types of christians are
very judgmental.Its done great disservice to the Gospel being believed
with all these homophobic pastors and congregations who sew distrust and
think they have a monopoly on Christianity. 2 Kings 23:7
He also
tore down the quarters of the male cult prostitutes that were in the
house of the LORD, where the women had woven tapestries for Asherah.'(a
fertility goddess). That scripture is the basis of Leviticus 18:22 and
Lev 20:13 which are mistranslated scriptures which have been caused by
homophobic translators who dishonestly made it say two males shall not
lay with one another. But the original said in Hebrew that " a male with
a male should not lay(have sex) with another literally “on the beds of a
woman.” As we see it referred to not having sex on a woman's bed but it
did not mean having sex else where.It also did not mean not having sex
in the fashion of a woman because that it speaks of a woman who owns a
bed.This is backed up by 2 kings 23:7 proving the sex ritual often had
two male prostitutes who had sex in a priestess's bed who represented
the goddess Asherah.They offered her sperm by some sort of fertility
offering by having sex with each other,and maybe sometimes even the
priestess.This is what Leviticus 18:22 and Lev 20:13 really speak about
and the Hebrews knew what it was talking about. The following scripture
is where Apostle Paul found inspiration for the so called anti-gay
scripture of Roman 1:26 where he really was talking of married people
who abandoned natural law marriage,which is about a marriage with non
adultery. Since adultery is against natural Ten commandments law of the
heart. here is the back up scripture that defines these people he spoke
of in romans 1:26 where Hoseas 4;14 mentions "daughters-in-law when they
commit adultery'...... or 'men themselves go off with prostitutes',its
about cult religious pagan sex rituals,which were gay too but were
adulterous for many married people.:
Hosea 4:14
I will not punish
your daughters when they prostitute themselves or your daughters-in-law
when they commit adultery. For the men themselves go off with
prostitutes and offer sacrifices with cult prostitutes. So a people
without understanding will come to ruin.'
@@highdefinition8261 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 did not say men who lie with other men in bed. It had Greek words Arsenkoites and Malakos (male prostitutes). The Bible spoke against gay prostitution not homosexuality. Paul also condemned in roman 1 about heterosexual men who abandoned their wives to commit gay adulterous affairs with gay pagan priests,same for the women who had lesbian affairs with the pagan priestesses.
@@highdefinition8261 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10. in original translation says not homosexual acts,but uses the word Arsenkoites and Malakos for homosexual prostitutes. While Leviticus really spoke of two men were not to lay in a WOMAN's bed,because it defiled her bed from another man's sperm,not her husband. While Romans 1 speaks of heterosexual people abandoned natural law of marriage to commit an unnatural act against their personal marriage,which is adultery.
can you please provide links to the statistics you cite in the video?
you still haven't provided anything after so many months. what, are you hiding something?
If you lust in your heart then you have committed adultery... Does that not also apply when it comes to homosexuality
@Baking Artist your missing the point; if you want life and freedom you have to really try and you need to stop scoffing at what the bible says; it shows you are arrogant .....many people are yes, but many suffer and reap what they sow's better to be humble...
yes but its interesting Jesus only mentioned it for heterosexuals as if they were worse for lust issues.
My qstn also
"I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered"(Psalm 89:34)
yet homophobics manage that
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God" (2Corinthians 10:4,5)
If a gay person is a Christian and he/she experiences God in their life, then what is it to anyone else? Since God is going to be the judge; not this preacher, or another human. Can a gay person in a partnership be a Christian? Yes. There clearly already are Christian gay folks; so unless you are going to judge and invalidate their personal relationship with God leave them be.
"Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Master is able to make him stand."
Great sermon. ....the United Church in Canada even has homosexual ministers since a few years back when their leadership deemed it now ok..Preaching the truth always offends someone because humans always try and justify the sins they do and feel the need to convince others they are not in sin. ...thus parades. Keep preaching God's bible as it is written and let the guilt fall where it may.Its God's job to judge, the Holy Spirit's job to convict, and our job to love.
@@pastorbri amen to that
@@tysonvslewis12 we need more LGBT preachers!
@@pastorbri absolutely we do! God is not and never was anti gay. That was sadly the doing of the church. But it can happily be the undone by the church too. Many churches are starting to wake up from their theological slumber and beginning to ask how these anti gay theological positioms were cemented into church law. And thankfully many churches are coming away feeling less agreeable with the answer the churches have given! Glory to jesus and may we have a revival for him in the community!
@@tysonvslewis12 totally agree....but homophobics can't see it.
That was a pretty good message. I wish sometime a pastor would skip the homosexual focus in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and concentrate on the greedy and idolaters. You would see people squirming in their seats.
homosexuals are not even in Pauls origional 1 cor 6;9
Are you referring to the effeminate?
@@glowheat4469 no thats malokos and that means soft, not effeminate.
@@pastorbri so what was in the original writing?
Never mind, I found it. I've mentioned that homosexual was only added maybe in 1947. People don't believe me.
"But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral" (1 Corinthians 5:11)
I'm sure everyone would agree with that. That's why gay people should be faithful to their partners and behave with common decency and mutual respect.
@@MusicalRaichu homophobics don't want love sadly
@Кремль says the one who has no idea what they are saying is ironic.
@Кремль if they're doing it for immoral reasons, i agree it's wrong. if they want a consensual, faithful, loving relationship, then it's good and proper.
of course since you're a homofobe, you won't see it that way.
I think yes. It’s not harming anyone.
Spot on. As the Bible says,
"The commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,' and ANY OTHER commandment, are summed up in this sentence, 'You shall love your neighbour as yourself'."
If a relationship is loving and not hurting anyone, then it obeys ALL God's commands.
@King James you have it the wrong way around. behaviour that harms goes against God's design and nature. putting God first means obeying him and obeying him means doing good and not hurting people.
Elizabeth is right and I even quoted a verse to prove it.
There is nothing “loving” about telling someone that their natural ability to love another person, is morally corrupted.
I tried for most of my childhood and adolescence to flee from who I really was. All the while listening to the most vile words and scolds from “people of God”.
Meeting my partner saved me from this. And we are fully committed to one another. We are happy and stable and would give our lives for one another. That is my validation. I don’t care about questionable statistics and sweeping assumptions about a community.
I’ve met plenty of crooked Christians who would not serve as a fitting example of upright Christ like behaviour. Shall I use them as proof that the Gospel does not change?
Leave us alone and stop hiding behind the veneer of “love and concern”.
Love is telling you the truth to save you from damnation. We all have natural abilities to do all kinds of sinful things, doesn't mean it's right. If a man has romantic feelings towards his daughter or son is that acceptable because it's "love"? What is the standard for what kind of romantic love is morally acceptable?
@@AngelaMarieXO My love for my partner (who is a consenting adult as am I) can in no way be compared to child abuse.
It’s so very sad that a discussion about same sex relationships has to be lowered to such crass comparisons. It speaks to the shaky ground upon which Christians argue.
We do not cheat on one another, we are not depressed, we do not abuse substances, we have no sexually transmitted diseases. None of you can give me any tangible reason why my relationship with my partner, who backs me and supports me and shares the challenges and burdens of life, is wrong except that it upsets a God who was incompetent enough to create us with these desires in the first place.
I was a Christian, and I’ve been through the routine of emotional self flagellation and self denial. It nearly drove me to suicide. Self harm was what I was afflicted with until the man I met dragged me out of the gutter and showed me that I didn’t have to be a prisoner of religious induced hysteria and self destructive feelings.
I am free of all those things now BECAUSE of my relationship. Christians harmed me with their words and sinister advice when I was a teenager and very vulnerable.
Forgive me if I don’t buy any arguments that this is out of “love”.
The church shows people like me hatred and contempt (some are more blatant than others in their display of that contempt).
Loving the sinner while “hating their sin” might sound clever and get you out of having to admit that you hate us for what we are, but you are fooling no one. You might as well say you love the black person while disliking their dark skin.
It’s exactly the same with gay people. I was attracted to other guys from as far back as I can remember (3 or earlier even). I’m 35 now. Trust me, it is not a phase, work of a demon, addiction, lifestyle choice or disease. And my life got massively better when I finally shook the delusion of healing in Christ for something that is an immutable characteristic.
Simply put, I ain’t changing even if I wanted to, and I will go up against a wall and be shot before I ever leave the man I love and submit to one interpretation of scriptures which are very much not clear on this or indeed many issues.
The Old Testament endorsement of slavery is brushed aside as being of another age and not for today’s dispensation. Arranged marriage, seizing the women of captured tribes and stoning rebellious children are all divine injunctions in the mosaic writings too.
Simply put, you have a lot to defend before you can tell me that I am living an immoral life that will send me to hell.
@@stepatton12985 many Christians claim they are loving when they say those hurtful things because they have been led astray. When we have bibles that are mistranslated and theology invented to justify the mistranslation, Christians are often a product of their times just like anyone else. They don't see the contradiction in what they're saying because of their attitude that dogma trumps compassion - and that in spite of many warnings against this attitude spoken by Jesus himself.
And even now that we know that this teaching is false, many preachers will fight tooth and claw to preserve it - maybe it will cost them too much to reform. But depending on where you live, you might be able to find a church where they don't believe the kind of harmful lies you hear in this video.
Amen. Well said @stephen. I think love for the queer community has to be demonstrated first of all by listening. Church people don't do enough listening. They assume they understand, they draw nauseating hackneyed parallels between homosexuality and just about any vile thing. Then they cover their poorly formed opinions with the blanket of love and concern. I'm tired.
@@believer8662 The Bible gives plenty of examples of the works of the flesh which we should and must deny. Loving a partner in a one-flesh relationship is NOT one of them. Rather, the Bible unmistakably says that loving your neighbour is enough to obey ALL God's commands. On the contrary, dissension and party spirit are listed as works of the flesh - what do you think homofobia is?
When the secular western world changed its mind on the basis of research that showed it's a harmless natural variation and that gays can live normal lives and not be a threat to anyone, the church was faced with a problem. Since the Bible had been mistranslated by then to say that homseoxuals won't inherit the kingdom of God, the church had to find a way to justify its stance which was now understood to be hurtful and discriminatory.
So we invented arguments based on Adam and Eve. It boils down to claiming that since God approves of men and women marrying, it means he disapproves of two men/women marrying. I know it's illogical, but there you have the essence it. But read carefully - where does it even hint that two men/women should not get married? The identical reasons for marriage - companionship, mutual support, familial relationship, recognition of someone like you, intimacy - work for two men/women.
So you see, the one who has been deceived is you. Doubtless you'll disagree, but at least this comment is here in case anyone comes along and is confused by your "argument".
We want to see the video you showed that you didn't put on here can you post it please and include then in sermons in the future?
Redefined Freedom they can’t post it because it copyrighted
I‘d love to see him prescribe to heterosexuals forsaking a family, living the rest of your life alone and celibate and see how long that congregation sticks around. People never put themselves in anyone else‘s shoes.
They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. Matthew 23:4
One of the largest mistakes people will project into the thinking of the church is that the rejection of sin in someone's life = the rejection of that person. Consider a scenario where my brother is a heroin addict. I can love my brother with complete sincerity, but reject the habitual use of heroin because I know that it is both sinful and degrading to his health. Forsaking sin does not equal forsaking the person. During Jesus' earthly ministry, He rejected sin yet ate with the sinners time and time again.
Celibacy is not condemnation. Many homosexual progressives such as Matthew Vine will paint celibacy as the most absolute horrific outcome to homosexuality being a sin. That is truthfully just nonsense. Paul teaches in his epistle to the church in Corinth that he wishes more people would stay single so they could serve the kingdom on a greater scale as apposed to serving a family. Singleness and Marriage are beautiful. We should not miss represent what God has established. Especially when it comes to quoting scripture.
In Matthew 23:4, Jesus is exposing the Pharisees and warning the people to not follow in their steps. The two main issues He is addressing is their self righteousness and their hypocrisy. It was hypocrisy because they knew scripture forwards and back, would teach it to the people yet would conduct themselves contrary to their teachings. Those actions were self righteous because they conducted themselves for the view of man, not for the glory of God (ie phylacteries and tassels). When Christians address issues of this world, such as homosexuality, we are not doing it for the self-righteousness or to "tie heavy burdens," we are doing it to accurately represent God and to see our brothers and sisters prosper.
The Church is not concerned with packing the pews, but healthy spiritual growth. If we are boldly presenting the Word of God with love and compassion yet listeners are offended by the Creator's truth, then their rejection of Jesus Christ is not on us, but themselves. I am grieved to see people rebel against God, but I am not going to spin my wheels if they won't listen. May the Lord continue to reveal truth to you.
@@CadenMcMullen if the church hypothetically announced one sunday that everybody would have to be single and sellibate and that married couples would have to separate permanently, the pews would be empty the next week.
Matthew Vines (not Vine) correctly points out that sellibacy is a gift given to a few, and that most do not have it. To impose it on someone is wrong 1 Tim 4.3, 1 Cor 7.9, nullifying the word of God with human traditions and tying a heavy burden without lending a finger to lift it.
Healthy spiritual growth involves recognizing when you have been wrong about a pet doctrine that is doing nothing but harm and repenting. Healthy spiritual growth is not discriminating against people who are doing nothing to hurt anyone and incorporating them fully into the life of the church.
People are not "offended", they are hurt, they are wounded by their own brothers and sisters in Christ, on the basis of a complete lie.
Yes it's a lie. In the past we could have called it a mistake, but since we now know how this belief came into being, know the damage it's done, know how unstable it has been, know that the Bible says nothing of the sort, then it's no longer a mistake, it's a blatant lie.
If you're homosexual, you don't have to forsake your family or live the rest of your life alone. You can still be with people, you can be with your family, you can even have a love interest, of the opposite sex. But, that being said, I'd rather be celibate in this short life, than spend eternity in hell.
@@veganc5028 What decides heaven and hell is being saved by grace through faith (Eph 2.8), not by ascetic practice (1 Tim 4.3).
Forcing men only attracted to men to marry women has been tried and failed. Staying single is a poor option (1 Cor 7.9) that goes against God's word (Gen 2.18). The only option left is for such a man to marry a man.
The belief that someone will go to hell because of marrying someone they love is nonsense. You won't find it in the Bible, it's a man-made belief.
@Mary Morris no, he is laying burdens exactly like Jesus said. Jesus was referring to those who impose human traditions which nullify the word of God.
That is exactly what this speaker is doing, misquoting scripture, misusing statistics, making demands which are impossible to keep and which push people away from the gospel.
If you were told you would have to stay single your whole life, give up your marriage if you had one, never experience companionship, support and intimate relationship let alone secsual pleasure, is that something you would seriously "receive joyfully"?
The fact that I am gay was medically proven during electronic shock therapy and 13 years of reparative therapy. I have never been sexually abused nor have I ever abused anyone else. God created me gay and I am proud of that. I was a Baptist Pastor and missionary and told I am not welcome to even attend the church. I am gay and Christian and proud of it. I am not sexually active but married to my accepting wife for 51 years before she passed. I cared for her. But it didn't change a thing. I am now free to form a loving relationship with a man, but its unlikely at my age. I would love to talk to you about the scriptures sometime.
Well that's like someone being a murderer and a christian. You can't mix holiness with unholiness HOWEVER if you're a gay christian expect changes because God can change people. If Jesus came down right now you'd think he'd send you to heaven if you're gay? It says in the bible that God opposes homosexuality.
Bogus Bozo i hope you Know that you are saying killing someone and loving someone is the same thing.
That’s dangerous to say. God does not have to change people’s sexualities for them to live holy lives for Him.
murder is a choice and an act, being born gay is neither. So if you're a homophobic christian expect changes because God can change bigoted people. If Jesus came down right now you'd think he'd send you to heaven if you're into discrimination and in a homophobic lifestyle choice? It says in the bible that God opposes hate and discrimination. SORRY. Time to repent maybe?
You really equated loving someone with murder. I encourage you to repent, and follow Jesus.
I’m so grateful this was looked into. I’ve talked on us doing our best to fight and turn away from sin. I thank Christ for the fire and grace He has given to our faith even in the time of prejudice.
But lately, I had been looking for answers on what to do when your loved one has homosexual attractions and they believe in Jesus and were even spiritual leaders.
I thank the Holy Spirit for directing me here and also for making this sermon happen and available!
if someone is born gay we accept them as they are as God does.
pastor brian I’m sorry, I don’t think anyone is ‘born gay’ no one is born for sexual immorality. And even if you argue that, while being born again Christ has washed you and cleansed you hence you are no longer a slave to sin. You are no longer a slave to lying, stealing, sexual immorality *of any kind* or any other sin!
@@shaer9750 so even though science, facts, research and Jesus said some are born that way ya don't believe it? If u were born again Christ would wash away ur homophobia. hence you are no longer a slave to sin. You are no longer a slave to lying, stealing, hate or discrimination of any kind or any other sin!
what to do when your loved one has homosexual attractions and they believe in Jesus .... you acsept them as they are as God has and does.
pastor brian
Yes, and you fight that sin together but do not accept that sin just the way you do not accept killing, stealing, lying, swindling etc.
I don't understand why God didn't make me a normal right-handed person. Why was I born left-handed? I never chose it and I don't want it! Why didn't God make everybody right-handed? I have prayed and prayed but I am still a left-handed person.
Seek Jesus
the sad thing is many religious folk really did think left handedness was a sin
@@wma5440 but homophobia can
@@pastorbri Or a sign that something was wrong with you.
@@warrenpaine and homophobia is not normal.....well spotted.
This is one of the best sermons I’ve watched EVER. It’s so clearly full of love and care and you can tell he took his time constructing this sermon. Thank you so much, I will be watching more.
This has spoken to me in way nothing else on the matter has ever done before. Thank you David.
And what lifestyle is that? Reading my Bible everyday, like y'all? Praying like y'all? Wanting to settle down with just one man for the rest of my life?
"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body" (1 Corinthians 6:18)
Exactly, they can get married first.
It seems like a lot to tell someone that they can never find the satisfaction that they crave through their same-sex attraction. They have to want and have not all their life. But then I remember the face of Christ. I've seen Him. I've been held by Him. For a moment of that, just to gaze into His face... I would give up my whole life. I would surrender everything. It would be an honor to give him something painful. Something I want so desperately. I don't struggle with same-sex attraction but lust is a problem for me. When I remember the face of my Savior - I tell Him,"Lord I'll die alone if it's an act of worship and obedience to you. I'll do anything Lord" He gave his whole life for us so that we can have all of him. This life may (will) be spent fighting our sinful natures so constantly and sometimes in total agony over what we lust for but must deny ourselves for.. but Jesus! He gave His life and one day we will be free to enjoy Him without the pain of surrendered temptation and every 'no' that we said to our poisoned sinful selves will have been wroth the agony.
Jules so well said.... so well said. So much truth in those words. Yes, we must walk in the the light of god. May the Lord be your strength Always Jules. 🙏🌈🕊️😇❤️
Hey I need help. My friend came out to me as Bi and I didn’t know what to say so I didn’t say anything yet. What can I do?
I'll be covering these topics on Same Attraction and Homosexuality and how Christians live with them
The debate is whether to follow God's word or not, the scriptures cannot be any clearer. I don't make the rules, no man does. God speaks for himself, here are some verses on this subject for people seeking truth in what God says, not man's opinion (KJV):
Genesis 19
Leviticus 18:22, 20:13
1 Kings 14:24
Romans 1:26-28
1 Corinthians 6:9-10,18
1 Timothy 1:8-10
Jude 7
What was the video at the end?
In the end it’s between you and God. There is a large community of people who love, support and are very proud of you.
My whole life I condemned myself for liking women. I would cry and ask God why he would make me this way. I want to believe in God. I want to go to heaven. I want to be straight, marry a man, have his kids but I can’t.
There is nothing wrong with you, or me. You do not have to be cleansed of your gayness.
God’s love is strong and big and great. God doesn’t care about who you love.
Live a good life, be kind, show love to others, help when you can. & maybe, this dude is right but then you’ll be in hell with all the other nice people.
Have a great day!
Horribly wrong message but good try I guess.. not trying to be insulting or start an argument but Gods word stands strong and is very clear I am praying for you to seek God's face and find him because if you do he will answer. It's up to you wish you the best...
Have a great day!
@@paulgoodman9328 What is wrong with you? How is this wrong according to God's word? She has found God, and here you are proclaiming her witness as false. 2 Peter comes to mind.
Can you follow JESUS and be Gay?
Can you be born a man and change into a woman or visa versa?
1st Corinthians 6:9-10
Did Jesus Say Anything about Homosexuality?
GOD is crystal clear on Homosexuality.
Why is there a lack of conviction today? The reason may not be in the pew, but in the pulpit. Much depends on the prayer life of the Pastors, Preachers, and Teachers.
The majority of the churches in America are seeking to please the masses rather than convict. Many because of financial giving gain. Judgement is never mentioned; Satan is an illusion, repentance is rarely sought; and sin is often excused because of God's love!
Sin is never excused because of God's love! HE loves the sinner but never the sin!
We want to build a church rather than break a heart; be politically correct rather than biblically correct; coddle and comfort rather than stir and convict. This leaves people confused and deceived because we teach and live a form of Christianity void of repentance void of truth.
Jesus said that since the beginning of creation, God created them male and female in order that they would be joined together and become one flesh. He adds, “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Mark 10:9). Marriage between a man and a woman is God’s plan since creation. No matter how many laws are passed in favor of gay-marriage, it will not change God’s mind. Man often rebels against God; this is nothing new.
Leviticus 20:13 states,
"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination….” To suggest that this verse is invalid today is to advocate the dangerous practice of redefining or deleting what God has said. Jesus referred to the Old Testament often in regard to moral behavior.
To “confront in love” simply comes from a desire to honor God and to truly love and care for others. The ability to relate to people on their level, show genuine concern, and love. But to condone and ignore the sinful lifestyle only makes you less of a CHRISTian and more of a sinner too!
God told the man and woman, "Be fruitful and multiply". Something Homosexuals can NOT do together!
GOD calls it just what it is, a PERVERTED SINFUL "ABOMINATION" .
And for this reason GOD created ADAM and EVE not ADAM and STEVE!
Amen plain and simple we love them therefore we speak the truth not a watered down truth.
can u be a follower of Jesus and be homophobic?
Can u be pro discrimination?
btw Levitical law is dead, so God said, did God lie?
God told the man and woman, "Be fruitful and multiply". Something many Heterosexuals can NOT do together! Can we condemn them who can't or choose not to? Assume in ur logic, yes?
No wonder homophobia is a pervsersion.
Before hearing this pastor, please watсh the following video on the link below and then come backup and hear this pastor. You will see how wrong he is in this teaching about homosexuality. You wont regreat it!
Leviticus 20?! Since when do YOU follow Leviticus 20?! I'll mourn your children when you stone them to death for disobeying you. If you read Corinthians properly, you would see the words malakoi and arsenokoitai. Do your own research before spewing this bile of devil-filled Hatred.
I get hate online every other day because I am proud of who I am and I refuse to get bashed online. The comment that annoys me the absolute most is "gay is a choice," which it isn't and it isn't going away. I have never experienced physical attraction to a female ever in my life. Why should I feel ashamed of this? It isn't my fault, I didn't choose to be attracted to men, so what is the big deal? Why does it bother people so much that I want to be myself? I can tell you, ignorance. Those who are ignorant believe that the LGBTQ+ community is just a bunch of people trying to stand out, instead of it being a bunch of people fighting for the right to be proud of who they are. Why is it a sin to be born different? Why is it a sin to want to be your authentic self? I thought Christianity was about showing kindness and loving people unconditionally, but instead, Christians use it to hurt people. I am sad I will have to live an eternity with those people. I am not going to make myself suffer by being with a woman to whom I have no attraction too.
@Kosher You are not a Christian if all you got from my message was absolutely nothing. Then to comment with a hateful untrue message to try and upset someone. It will be you that goes to hell.
"Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute"(2Peter2:2)
Telling gays they have to "repent" has led to trauma, sue-side, parents throwing their kids onto the street, people losing their faith, ruined relationships, divided churches. A newspaper article had the following to say:
"In the aftermath of the legalising of same-sex marriage in Australia, the Anglican Church has ramped up its discrimination against gay people to new heights.
"Perhaps the saddest aspect of the bishops' resolution is that presumably all the bishops agreed to it. I know that at least a third of them - perhaps more - privately think differently. It is time for them to remember that 'the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men [and women] do nothing'."
You can agree with the bishops and disagree with the author all you like, but you can't get around the fact that what the church is doing is SEEN as wrong. It's is SPOKEN of as "triumph of evil". It has brought the way of truth into disrepute.
@Кремль I am putting God first. People need to stop idolizing their dogma, ask God for repentance, and follow his word so that they stop deceiving people.
In my post, I'm pointing out how the church's teaching on this issue is bringing the Way into disrepute. If the original poster believes that the scripture he quoted is relevant, then the way to fulfil that scripture is to condemn the teaching in this video.
@Кремль I am responding to the issue that popular Christian beliefs (such as what you've just described) are bringing the church into disrepute. I quoted one example of this from a news article. Whether you agree with the bishops or not, the church's stance is harsh, hurtful, harmful, discriminatory and deadly, and brings the church and the Saviour into disrepute in the world.
The Bible NOWHERE raises the issue of homoxesuality. It talks about men doing legitimately wrong things with males (men and boys), but never makes a statement about relationships with "the same secs". That category did not even come into existence until around a century ago.
@Кремль So I was commenting on one issue, and you shift the conversation to something else.
The original poster quoted a text from the Bible about how false teachers will lead the church into misconduct that will bring us into disrepute. I gave a quote from the news showing how the church's misconduct on this issue has brought it into disrepute.
You may agree with the church's misconduct. In which case, you too are bringing the church into disrepute. That's the issue under discussion, which you conveniently ignore.
As for homosecsuality, no, the Bible never mentions, it not even once. It mentions a man lying with a male like a woman, but that is a different way of classifying to the modern classification of straight/bi/gay. You need to interpret the Bible in terms of what people knew and thought at the time. Superimposing modern categories on ancient texts will only lead you astray.
What happened was that male-bedders in 1 Cor 6.9 was mistranslated as "homoxesuals" by mistake and this influenced us into inventing theology to justify the mistake. This theology has led to the misconduct which brought us into disrepute.
@KJV Your view is interesting. "Very clear", despite being disproven multiple times. I guess you believe in killing your kids for disrespecting you, and no women priests either?
While I can appreciate his attitude (I believe he is truly trying to be caring), I have to say that many of the things he say present only one half of what the Bible says about the issues and/or he is selective in his interpretation.
1) He says Jesus teaches marriage is only for one man and one woman for life.. and uses that as a proof that same sex relationships are wrong. Does he teach that every person who is divorced/remarried is in a state of perpetual sin and therefore cannot be a Christian? By that example, both statements would equally be true.
2) He quotes statistics saying that those in gay relationships are promiscuous, but ignores the statistics that in heterosexual marriages, 60 percent of men and over 45 percent of women will cheat at some point.
3) The verses he quotes in the NT are English translations of Greek... and the words used there are NOT the common Greek word for "homosexual". Rather, they are words that Paul made up. Specifically, he put together the greek words for "man" and bed" to create a compound word (arsenokoitai). If you assume that compound words mean the same as the components, then you have to believe that "butterfly" is when you butter goes through the air or a "chairman" can only be male. It's just not how it works.
4) His interpretation works ONLY if you hold that sexuality is strictly binary (XX or XY). Yet, we know for a fact that there are people who are born with XXX chromosomes or XXY, etc... or born intersex (with both male and female genitalia)... or born with a variety of other . The Gospel applies to ALL humanity. If a particular interpretation of scripture cannot apply to ALL, then that interpretation is wrong... not the Gospel.
Here is a link to a great video that gives a solid BIBLICAL response to many of the points presented here:
Thank you. Even as a straight, I would push him to go in depths of characters of the bible and the statistics for proof.
He also said that God didn't make gays that way right after saying we were all born and shaped in iniquity and broken...
Here's a forward to a reply I gave on someone's comment. I hope it helps at least one person:
One of the largest mistakes people will project into the thinking of the church is that the rejection of sin in someone's life = the rejection of that person. Consider a scenario where my brother is a heroin addict. I can love my brother with complete sincerity, but reject the habitual use of heroin because I know that it is both sinful and degrading to his health. Forsaking sin does not equal forsaking the person. During Jesus' earthly ministry, He rejected sin yet ate with the sinners time and time again.
Celibacy is not condemnation. Many homosexual progressives such as Matthew Vine will paint celibacy as the most absolute horrific outcome to homosexuality being a sin. That is truthfully just nonsense. Paul teaches in his epistle to the church in Corinth that he wishes more people would stay single so they could serve the kingdom on a greater scale as apposed to serving a family. Singleness and Marriage are beautiful. We should not miss represent what God has established. Especially when it comes to quoting scripture.
In Matthew 23:4, Jesus is exposing the Pharisees and warning the people to not follow in their steps. The two main issues He is addressing is their self righteousness and their hypocrisy. It was hypocrisy because they knew scripture forwards and back, would teach it to the people yet would conduct themselves contrary to their teachings. Those actions were self righteous because they conducted themselves for the view of man, not for the glory of God (ie phylacteries and tassels). When Christians address issues of this world, such as homosexuality, we are not doing it for the self-righteousness or to "tie heavy burdens," we are doing it to accurately represent God and to see our brothers and sisters prosper.
The Church is not concerned with packing the pews, but healthy spiritual growth. If we are boldly presenting the Word of God with love and compassion yet listeners are offended by the Creator's truth, then their rejection of Jesus Christ is not on us, but themselves. I am grieved to see people rebel against God, but I am not going to spin my wheels if they won't listen. May the Lord continue to reveal truth to you.
heroin is bad for you. is homosexuality bad for you?
Raging Rhino : so right on 🙏🌈🕊️😇❤️
Someone please help me! I just need some advice please because honestly I have no idea what to do and I’m like falling into a whole of depression.
My boyfriend broke up with me because his family is very religious and his grandma told him he can’t have god in his life if he is gay. Now he told me we can’t be together because he needs to do what god needs him to do and that is to be single and not be gay to turn his life around. I know we had a connection and he felt something but what do I do to show him that he can be happy. He’s bi and have god in his life? Idk if he’s just scared because of what his family might think but I just feel so lost without him because I’ve never met anyone like him before and I don’t want to lose him but at the same time I don’t wanna force him to do something he’s not ready or comfortable with I just need help please !
Please I don’t need any hate at all I’ve been dealing with this for almost a week now and I thought I was getting over it but I’m not and I don’t know who to reach out to or talk to because this is just something I’ve never dealt with before.
It breaks my heart to hear you say this. Many Christians have gotten it into their heads that because God says it's OK for men and women to be in a relationship, it somehow means that two men or two women shouldn't.
I know it makes no sense, it's totally twisted and it has caused not only the trauma you're going through, it's done a whole lot worse. countless people have lost their families, health, sanity, even their lives over what amounts to ideology, mostly invented around 40 years ago.
First try to understand that he's a victim of these bad ideas that have been going around. Secondly, maybe contact people like the Reformation Project, Canyonwalker Connections, or Q Fellowship. See if they can help you find someone who can reach out to him and rescue him out of it before it ruins his life.
@Barislav Rest assured, everything I said is in accordance with what the Bible says.
Then, to tell someone who's gay that two guys can't have secs is laughable and only serves as proof of how indoctrinated you are.
Furthermore, when the ideology presented in this video has resulted this kind of sorrow and heartbreak, is this the right place for such an insensitive outburst from you? The Bible says "weep with those who weep", not rub salt in their wounds, so learn to practise your own religion.
Jesus loves you and I believe you should close your eyes and truly ask him to reveal himself to you. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Jesus loves you!
Why don't people ask an actual gay Christian if you can be gay and Christian instead of asking a straight man on what is just one theological view? It's like asking my view of what it's like being a black woman in a black church. Go to the source, the one who knows and lives in the experience.
I think that wouldnt be wise as they will be biased. It's like asking NAMBLA (north american man love boys association) if pedophilia is okay. Obvisouly they're gonna say yes
@@dapperdan1017 Not necessarily. There are gay Christians who believe they need to be celibate because even though they're gay, they still hold that marriage is only between a man and a woman. And aren't you falling in the same trap with asking a straight man who condemns homosexuality about homosexuality? Obviously he's going to say no.
Because the person feeling homosexual desires will 99% of the time be biased in their answer and start creating excuses, loopholes and leeway’s when God’s Word is final. It’s like asking a person who wants to keep fornicating in their heart if they can still keep doing it and be a Christian they’ll probably say “yes,” and create excuses. Those outside of homosexuality (it’s vital to be gentle and compassionate,) most likely will see it in a more clearer vision.
@@JESUSLOVESYOU219 The is the problem, you don't think there's bias with interpreting the Scriptures through a heterosexual lens? More of a case can be made for that than what you're suggesting. Your argument would work if this was based on opinion, but those who believe as I do make their case from Scripture, not opinion. I don't know if you know this, but most theologians/scholars don't see a condemnation of homosexuality outside of an idolatry context with what are called the "Clobber Verses" outside of Evangelical schools. There's a quote from the great F.F. Bruce who said he got emails all the time from theologians in Evangelical/conservative universities who don't see the condemnation of homosexuality from the Bible that they're suppose to see, but never say anything for fear of losing their job, and that actually has happened.
Church history proves you wrong, big time, with Christians having a "clearer vision" with those they've persecuted because the group was not like them.
@@F_Cad “you don’t think there’s bias interpreting the scriptures through a heterosexual lense?” No, all there is is it being easy to follow the Word as it says “homosexuality being wrong” obviously because we aren’t attracted to the same sex. This would lead us to see it as it is and not through the lens of somebody who is who’s flesh would likely try to filter the text to make them feel comfortable. It’s not opinion... it’s written in scripture. I don’t know about the theology but honestly as a Christian do you really trust their research as must as you would the Holy Spirit?
God stamped His signature in us. If homosexuality was truly ok in His eyes, wouldn’t He have created another male for Adam to choose between male and female? He said humans should go forth and multiply, why can’t two males or two females do this? Everything about our reproductive system says we need the opposite sex to procreate. It must be extremely difficult for people born homosexual but remember we were all born into sin. My sin is not better that anyone else’s and so many people have been filled with the Holy Ghost and literally no longer have those feelings, if it is so natural why do they change? Sin corrupted God’s creation but through Jesus Christ we can be made clean.
But if Jesus is the Bridegroom, and us men are the bride… what does that mean?
It’s a symbol it’s not literal… are you serious?
@@baptistbob1038 Jesus gay.
@@WeLoveYeshua6778 Jesus is gay.
@@WeLoveYeshua6778 He's gay.
An entire of lies from an evil man. Bad Christians can't stand to see anything get better for the down-trodden that Jesus told us to love. They need their hate to feel superior. This man will stand before God for the sin he's spewing here today and everyday. These false "stats" he states are twisted from the world he happily helps to create that hurts his fellow man. This makes him proud of himself. If you are gay or love gay people, please, please don't be deceived by this liar's unsound doctrine. God loves you. May you be blessed. Amen.