Can We Trust the Bible? | David Marvin

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • Has the Bible been changed over time? Is it historically accurate? Are we sure we can trust it? In this message we discuss the validity of The Bible and why it even matters. __
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ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @pinkfuschia8140
    @pinkfuschia8140 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Love this! There are bad translations of the Bible, so you should always test any discrepancies you see. I did this by praying, then calling to mind other scriptures which seemed to contradict something which didn't appear right. God will answer your genuine prayers on these things.
    I woke up from a seriously bad cult with their own translation by asking this and I had to read the Bible in Biblical Greek to see just a few things. I am a linguist and wasn't afraid of researching this language even using their own interlinear to see their own errors.
    Then I was drawn by a TV program to go and research the King James Bible translation work, just because it was mentioned that a translator called John Boyd had deliberately changed a section of the gospel just to make it sound more majestic. It was only a minor thing about the reaction of John the Baptist inside Elizabeth's womb. I went to see the Exhibition of the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible at Cambridge University Library as I got so mad that someone would change even a small part of the Bible. I didn't see exactly what John Boyd did exactly, but I did see a whole lot of other things that were amazing.
    My husband left me because I was so determined to do all this research. Then he came back and dictated to me that he would be driving me there. When there, he cried when we both saw the lengths that William Tyndale went to in the 1500's to aftervarguing with a priest and saying he would ensure that the average boy that drove the plow would understand the words of that book in his own language. Before that, the Catholic church had kept it only in Latin and you and I, who probably couldn't read even in English, would have no clue what it said. Then, when the public demanded to see the original manuscripts in the Biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek, they cheated and back translated from Latin into those languages. This shows us how translation got lost along the way also as they were not able to translate directly into each language of the world.
    William Tyndale took his translation work to Germany to the first ever printing press. God made sure that that printing press was used for His work! This was his New Testament of 1525 and some of the Old Testament, I understand up to Psalms. This was smuggled into England on carts of grain etc and when caught they were burned, but many copies survived.
    When William Tyndale was hunted down by the Catholic Church and King Henry VIII (who was still Catholic), he was executed by strangulation and burning. His last prayer to God was that every person should understand that book in their own language.
    His work was later used in the translation of the King James Bible, although the translators debated on some items and changed them under direction from the then English government. One such word debated was where Tyndale had translated the Greek 'ecclesia' as 'congregation' , they now put it as 'church'. So you will see differences in translation everywhere you see 'church' in the KJV. To me, the ecclesia is any gathering, not just a church, so I prefer Tyndale's version, but that's just personal. My personal view was that 'church' was used as a political tool at the time as we were entering civil war over differences in Christian denominations or 'churches andvthey wanted to promote the idea of one true church being the Church of England.'. But God's word will always prevail. It's perfectly OK to look at variations in translation.
    So hey, Tyndale got his prayer answered as the KJV is the one that got translated and distributed all over the world first, albeit in English since English was the dominant language at that time due to being the world empire of that time.
    Luke 19:40 tells us that God will get his proclamation to us, through people or whatever means and no one will stop Him: "He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.”"

    • @friedricengravy6646
      @friedricengravy6646 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wouldnt u prefer the Geneva Bible which is basically KJ without the monarch’s demands & authority??

    • @pinkfuschia8140
      @pinkfuschia8140 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@friedricengravy6646 Luther's Geneva Bible was apparently produced using the work of Tyndale as both of them were reformers who worked together to get this work done. Luther used Tyndale's work but they then split and went their seperate ways so the Geneva Bible was produced by Luther after Tyndale had completed his work. But the Geneva Bible would be a trustworthy work too.

    • @friedricengravy6646
      @friedricengravy6646 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pinkfuschia8140 I was the one who made the recommendation. Meaning, Im pretty aware of what it is or how it was created. That was my point. U r championing a copy of that version which was then edited & manipulated by a monarchy. U should recommend the Geneva instead.

  • @emiliahartmann3272
    @emiliahartmann3272 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amazing thank you so much!

  • @lillyannavillarreal
    @lillyannavillarreal 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I ❤ the porch

  • @Mkayzeee
    @Mkayzeee 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Where is pastor JP?

  • @monkkeygawd
    @monkkeygawd 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why does one come to the opinion that the Bible, literally understood, is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Usually because one’s "elders and betters," or an impressively large group of ones peers, have this opinion. But this is to go along with the Bandar-log, or monkey tribe, in Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Books , who periodically get together and shout, "We all say so, so it must be true!" Having been a grandfather for a number of years, I am not particularly impressed with patriarchal authority. I am of an age with my own formerly impressive grandfathers (one of whom was a fervent fundamentalist, or literal believer in the Bible) and I realize that my opinions are as fallible as theirs.
    But many people never grow up. They stay all their lives with a passionate need for eternal authority and guidance, pretending not to trust their own judgment. Nevertheless, it is their own judgment, willy-nilly, that there exists some authority greater than their own. The fervent fundamentalist whether Protestant or Catholic, Jew or Moslem is closed to reason and even communication for fear of losing the security of childish dependence. He would suffer extreme emotional heebie jeebies if he didn’t have the feeling that there was some external and infallible guide in which he could trust absolutely and without which his very identity would dissolve.
    This attitude is not faith. It is pure idolatry. The more deceptive idols are not images of wood and stone but are constructed of words and ideas and mental images of God. Faith is an openness and trusting attitude to truth and reality, whatever it may turn out to be. This is a risky and adventurous state of mind. Belief, in the religious sense, is the opposite of faith because it is a fervent wishing or hope, a compulsive clinging to the idea that the universe is arranged and governed in such and such a way. Belief is holding to a rock; faith is learning how to swim and this whole universe swims in boundless space.

    • @friedricengravy6646
      @friedricengravy6646 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, im sorry but faith is not that. Faith is defined as believing even in the absence of proof.
      Once the Bible is translated to a specific language, no translation to understand this script is necessary, its very clear.
      Translation was necessary to move from Hebrew to Greek to English as there r some words that do not have a match from one language to the next. Once the Bible is read, lets say in English, it is not open to interpretation.
      There is no evidence that can prove the Bible to b true or that the witnesses even lived. The Bible is true because the Bible says it is the truth is a circular argument.
      We may agree on this. Yet, I would ask u, why do u believe in God? If religion has it wrong & u feel its immature for each faction to believe their text to b the word of God, what exactly connects u to any of this??
      Im an atheist, so understand, my goal is not to defend religion or the Bible. I just don’t understand ur point. R u speaking for spirituality without organized religion??

    • @monkkeygawd
      @monkkeygawd ปีที่แล้ว

      @friedricengravy6646 no, I'm an Advaita Vedantin philosophically. Familiar?

  • @davidrosales5695
    @davidrosales5695 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m an athiest but really well done video. I believe that religion is good for mental health and providing hope and purpose for life. Like in any atheists agree.

    • @friedricengravy6646
      @friedricengravy6646 ปีที่แล้ว

      I find it to b unhealthy as any crutch is. Drugs, alcohol, reward eating, shopping, etc. When a person cannot live on life’s terms, when they deny reality or avoid inconvenient truths, there r negative direct & indirect consequences.
      Casting spells under the word prayer, hoping to alter an outcome with their mind, this is not healthy. Along with Let Go & Let God, both can provide a person with an excuse to not act. Taking responsibility for our actions is very important when considering a person’s time on Earth & the lessons they may or may not learn from past mistakes. Speaking of time on Earth, acknowledging that we get one life will guide a person into fully appreciating this opportunity. Instead, we hear people say things like ‘This life isn’t important, its what happens eternally that really matters…..’
      I use to think religion & spirituality did more good than harm but now I see that even those who avoid biblical bigotry r at risk of denying science & medicine (as we have recently seen with covid & the vaccine) or who r even vulnerable to political manipulation due to their supernatural beliefs. Basically, once u allow urself to believe things without evidence, u r one step closer to any & all fantastical suggestion.

    • @davidrosales5695
      @davidrosales5695 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@friedricengravy6646 .agreed

  • @friedricengravy6646
    @friedricengravy6646 ปีที่แล้ว

    The historical document argument gets used a lot though it is not very sound. Why is it not very sound? Because Caesar & other accepted historical figures referred to in this argument do not make supernatural claims that r taken literally, period. Even when we consider Caesar declared as a God of the Roman State, no one alive today….not even historians…..actually consider him to b a supernatural deity. So, if someone wants to argue that the human beings written about within the Bible could have lived & walked the Earth just as Caesar did, ok, I can accept that we may have no less historical evidence of this & therefore, these men & women could possibly have lived.
    But…..& its a BIG but lol
    This does not provide any evidence of any supernatural claim. Meaning, no evidence that a God was speaking to anyone or that what was written down was the actual word of God IF any God did exist. Jesus could b a man who walked the Earth but again, this argument (regarding accepted historical figures) does not provide evidence that he was the son of God or could do anything the Bible claims such as healing the sick or giving sight to the blind, etc & certainly not the resurrection. Even in our modern judicial system, a sworn testimony or affidavit is considered hearsay without material evidence to support such witness.