  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2024
  • Meaning of Soil Organic Matter
    Soil organic matter (SOM) is a complex mixture of organic compounds in various stages of decomposition derived from plant and animal residues, microorganisms, and substances synthesized by soil organisms. It is a crucial component of soil, influencing its physical, chemical, and biological properties.
    Functions of Soil Organic Matter
    Nutrient Supply
    Nutrient Reservoir: SOM acts as a reservoir of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, releasing them slowly as it decomposes.
    Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): SOM contributes to the soil's cation exchange capacity, allowing it to hold and exchange important nutrients.
    Soil Structure and Aggregation
    Soil Aggregates: SOM helps form and stabilize soil aggregates, which improve soil structure.
    Porosity and Aeration: Good soil structure enhances porosity, improving air and water movement through the soil.
    Water Holding Capacity
    Moisture Retention: SOM increases the soil's ability to retain water, which is crucial for plant growth, especially during dry periods.
    Infiltration Rate: Improved soil structure due to SOM enhances water infiltration, reducing runoff and erosion.
    Microbial Activity and Biodiversity
    Microbial Habitat: SOM provides a habitat and food source for a diverse community of soil microorganisms, which are vital for nutrient cycling and decomposition.
    Biological Activity: High levels of SOM support robust biological activity, contributing to soil health and fertility.
    Carbon Sequestration
    Climate Regulation: SOM stores carbon, helping mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
    Pollutant Binding: SOM can bind heavy metals and other pollutants, reducing their bioavailability and toxicity.
    Benefits of Soil Organic Matter
    Enhanced Soil Fertility
    Nutrient Availability: The slow release of nutrients from SOM ensures a steady supply for plants, enhancing soil fertility and productivity.
    Improved Soil Structure
    Erosion Prevention: Stable soil aggregates formed by SOM reduce erosion by water and wind.
    Root Penetration: Improved soil structure facilitates root growth and penetration.
    Better Water Management
    Drought Resistance: Soils with high SOM content have better moisture retention, helping plants survive drought conditions.
    Reduced Irrigation Needs: Increased water holding capacity reduces the need for frequent irrigation.
    Enhanced Microbial Activity
    Nutrient Cycling: Active microbial communities decompose organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the soil.
    Disease Suppression: Healthy microbial activity can suppress soil-borne diseases and pathogens.
    Sustainable Agriculture
    Crop Yields: Higher SOM levels are associated with improved crop yields and quality.
    Soil Health: Maintaining high SOM levels is essential for long-term soil health and sustainable agricultural practices.
    Environmental Protection
    Carbon Storage: By sequestering carbon, SOM helps mitigate climate change.
    Reduced Pollution: SOM can help reduce leaching of fertilizers and pesticides into groundwater and surface waters.
    Economic Benefits
    Reduced Input Costs: Improved soil fertility and structure can reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and irrigation, lowering production costs.
    Increased Profitability: Healthier soils with high SOM can lead to better yields and higher quality produce, increasing farm profitability.

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