This video is amazing! I've never heard the symbiotic relationship of plant roots, rhizobacteria, and mycorrhizae described so wonderfully. And the video graphics are mind blowing!! Well done PHC!
I don't think it's "amazing","mind blowing", nor "well done"; why don't you speak for yourself and stop praising other stupid people failing humanity, participating in, permitting, and perpetuating CHILD ABUSE ffs!
@@sandgroperwookiee65 No he wasn't and hypocritically speaking you're just as bad or worse even because you can't or won't see his and your mistakes, gross negligence, and criminal beings while we continue to fail ending child abuses, corruption, injustice, and ruining innocent people's lives.
@@geeksouheil I had already explained what child abuse had to do with Gruber's comment in my initial reply comment, so feel free to have another read and grow instead of doing what you're doing.
Beautiful explanation! I have been experiencing this magic in my permaculture yard through trial and error. Everything in this video is what I have discovered that has allowed me to turn a desert backyard into a tropical paradise.
The very title is scientifically incorrect. Soils are LITERALLY not living organisms, they are natural systems like eco systems which contain organic life and minerals.
More and more people need to watch this as we in a time where plummeting soil health Cannot be ignored any further if ignored, it not going to end up good for anybody on this planet. The film is very engaging and I love how the beautiful symbiotic relations present in nature are shown.
Organic, don't panic!!! Did you know any petroleum or rubber or plastic product is ORGANIC? Any molecule with a Carbon atom is organic. Pahleese, slow the truck down and get on board!
Damn. I just got a bit of education. Also, an explanation why my grandfather never used fertilizer or lime but had super healthy plants year after year.
@@slaire7799 WTF? I guess I'm discriminative enough or able enough to make the distinction that you're being insultive, abusive, hypocritical, dictatorial; just like the majority - damaged from so much maltreatment that the majority can't understand the shit done to them and now do to others, INCLUDING innocent and defenceless children. Is there any getting through to you and the majority, or do you just want to play god for the rest of your shit life?
I just randomly clicked on this as i was browsing plant videos. Ive been into bonsai as a hobby for several years. The person who taught me about it always said if you find white fungal threads on the bottom and sides of your root ball when you repot, then you know you have a healthy tree and have been doing your job properly. Now I understand why. Thanks!
Thank you! After watching this I want to spread the good news to everyone I know - This is amazing, truly. We keep telling ourselves such a bad stories about our relationship with the land - these are the stories that are just as true, and never shared. You've given me more purpose to life.
Excellent film with spectacular videos showing growth and interaction with the mycorrhizal fungi. I think though that there is really more to it. Superficial tilling may be needed the first year but never after that. Plants allow soil to be built because they feed the AMF (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi). The AMF produce glomulin which protects the roots and forms aggregates to hold water, nutrients, SOM (soil organic matter) and soil life. The soil food web (Elaine Ingham) is more complicated and even more fascinating as the bacteria and fungi are eaten by the nematodes, who are eaten by protozoa, who are eaten by microarthropods...and on and on. Everybody is eating everybody else and in the process, creating the building blocks brought to the root by the AMF. Biodiversity, soil covered at all times and no-till are the 3 basic principles of regenerative agriculture. Perhaps their were other crops growing near the strawberries, but all the audience could see was monoculture. Loved your video. Virginia Richter, Soil Activist
They FORGOT to tell soimething: the soil become barren because stupid farmers do not BACK organic matter to it! So sand start to dominate...over the humic acids.
Is tilling actually necessary the first year if you build up organic matter on the land intended for use and let it over winter/season? Especially if you do it on already established root systems that have not been disturbed?
A really good explanation to be shared widely... if you don't understand why we have to support regenerative growing methods and change how we grow and what we eat after seeing this, there is no hope. That symbiotic relationship the plants have with the soil biome is as special as our own symbiotic relationship with our gut biome - you can't have one without the other - the plant is completely dependent on it for health and so are we.
Very nicely explained!! Clear, concise and comprehensive! I seriously hope that people start understanding the intricate natural processes that maintain the balance in our soil. And they stop disturbing that balance by adding harmful chemical fertilizers to it. You have helped explain that beautifully. Thank you so much for this video!💐👏 #SAVE SOIL
20 years after graduating from agricultural school, just understood the role of mycorrhiza, bacteria and fungi in the process of absorbing water and nutrients needed by plants. Tks.
Really, it is saprophytic fungi that are the true soil improvers, they initially break dead matter down into the constituent parts usable by bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi. That said, the whole cycle is dependent upon each contributing part, whether its plant roots, mycorrhizae, actinomycetes, saprophytic fungi or small invertebrates, each plays a part in the natural system.
I am in the process of learning how to do an aquarium ecosystem the correct way for long run. This video helps me with a very good understanding how the dirt soil play a crucial role for supporting the plants in the ecosystem. Turns out, the nature has already work this out perfectly.
I was waiting for him to say add the fungi to the hole you dig before planting. I will hold off from fertilizer after watching. I am in Florida and when I mixed potting soil, manure and peat I got root rot on wet years so I started planting directly in sand and have had my greatest success. But after watching I believe the places I've had former plants do better and I do not dig the roots up after the plant dies I just cut from stem at ground level. I used sunflowers for this. You can tell the difference when digging in other places as the sand is compact and not much organic matter.
That was very interesting, thank you for taking the time to do this. I always wondered why the forest outback was so fertile looking, it's always moist, even though we don't water the area.
I swear... It's as if mankind is fighting nature instead of working with it and learning from it. We'll never be as perfect as Nature, I don't know why we keep trying... We don't deserve to live in this beautiful planet
My cannabis plants are doing fantastic. I now use mycorrhizae and rhizobacteria in combination with air pots. No more nutrient issues or disease, very informative video thank you.
Excellent video, would have loved to see the remainder of the soil food web included and the ability of the bacteria and fungi to produce enzymes that extract nutrients from the sand, silt and clay. But I guess you can only say so much in one video. Loved it.
Please, make a Brazilian Portuguese subtitles for this video! I need to show this to my father, he is a farmer and i want to implant this method in our cane sugar fields. It is the version in Portuguese , there are in many languages , you need to go to the channel of the creator and see if there is in your own language
Thank you for a beautiful video. I will pass it on to people who need to understand the interaction between plants, soil and Mycorrhizae. I learnt yesterday how very important it is to leave a FLAT pit when you plant, in order not to disturb the hang-water capillaries in the soil. The system is there even though we don't see it.
Wow this was amazing, very informative & very well put together, it is one of the best videos on the gardening subject I’ve come across you put all the important jewels of gardening so well into one video beneficial, thank you very much I will be sharing this with everyone I know & will rematch it many times, can’t wait for my kids to grow up to share this with them. I also grow my plants working with the natural system of beneficial bacteria & fungi. 🌹 ❤️ 🌱 ☀️
Uno de los mejores vídeos informativos y informativo qué he visto! Me gustaría saber quiénes son ustedes y colaborar, con está extraordinaria manera de consientizar.
This helps a lot people understand how plants work and now i understand why my grandfather never used fertilizers or pesticides , he also told me tha baking soda is like an organic pesticide
sure plants can thrive without living soil. Ever heard of hydroponics? Planting in rockwool? Those are quite advanced techniques giving nice results but not entirely suitable to any plant (e.g. trees). However any plant we put into soil needs microorganism to fully utilize soil resources. And while synthetic fertilizers are useful to introduce rapidly lacking elements into soil organic fertilizers have to be present as well, even if not exactly as fertilizers per se (like manure) but rich in organic matter (compost, wood chips, grass clippings etc.) Soil is like organism - synthetic fertilizers are like vitamin supplements. You can't really live only on supplements. Soil cannot live only on synthetic fertilizers. We do have bacteria inside us which are helpful, just like soil. If they are not there due to chemotherapy, irradiation or antibiotics we have to repopulate them. Same goes for soil. It's hard to maintain balance as it is delicate thing but it's absolutely stupid to just spam synthetic fertilizers and kill soil life. In a long run all you will get is a degraded soil incapable of producing decent harvest.
@@Promilus1984 of course i listened about those, but those methods require humans intervention they are not a autosuffiscient system... If you instal those systems and come back years after, sure you wont see lives anymore there. This video show us what happen in nature and how plants thrives by themself, of course humans have found other ways to grow plants... Peace 😄
nice and informative! I was always wondering why there is so much fungus growing around an old plants roots, when I unearth it. the plants are usually fine but I thought that couldn't be good for it. the more you know .)
Excellent film. Today, a new generation of farmers, scientists and entrepreneurs of sustainable development, are shedding light on the connections between soil biodiversity and thriving agricultural systems. We will focus on this great work in trying to explain to farmers and Food Production Units the dimension of Health Soil. All the best! Sotirs Di. Bampagiouris | Local Food Experts sce | Crete
This fungi/ bacteria that helps the roots is better known as mycelia. Mycoreforestation Is Mycelium regenerating, cleaning, etc. Paul Stamets book Mycelium Running is an excellent read on fungi/mycelia saving the planet.
I tried looking up "mycoreforestation" and could not find anything. Edit: Ok I think you mean "Mycoforestry". Seems interesting. I also found Ecoforestry.
Apologies Bob Lee the proper term is mycorestoration. It's an umbrella concept including the selective use of fungi/mycelia for Mycoforestry, Mycofiltration, Mycoremediation, & Mycopesticides. Mycoforestry uses mycelium and mushrooms to enhance forest health, Mycofiltration uses mycelium to catch and reduce silt & upstream contaminants. Mycoremediation neutralizes toxins. Mycopesticides refers to the use of mycelium/fungi to help influence & control pest problems. Again a lot more on this if you lookup Paul Stamets... Or his book Mycelium Running. Hope this clears any confusion.
This is hands down the *best* and the most comprehensive guide to the science and biology of how these symbiotic relationships interact with each other, and how *we* have to do better as a society. Yes humanity has progressed, BUT some of the most simple, natural, organic systems.. we have ignored. Time to stop!
Excellent information, describe the topic wonderfully, cover almost every aspect of soil and plant relations. I will request PHC to dubbed this video in Urdu Language for better understanding of FARMERS who don't understand English in my country, It's my humble request because it is worth seeing. I saw this video many times and every time I enjoyed and refresh the blessing of natures.
Potted plants will benefit just as much from soil amendments. Always replenish nutrients with Organic if your able. This will give our plants the best mineral profiles, tolerance to disease, and a great head start. Something as simple as adding small amounts of sourced shredded leaves/ weeds, or compost is a great to get nutrition to our plants, and it doesn't cost much either. An additional step to increase the trace minerals would be to add a few pinches of sea salt to a gallon of water and to premix potting soils with kelp. This'll make for some really tasty plants and some great tasting food! = ) 🌱🌎
How wonderfull video and simple explain in only 11 min. Now I understand why youtube is nos suggesting it. I am spreading it to my friends. Thanks !, and will be grat if the translator could work.
Very good video, also some recommendations to improve the soil, overgrazing or overcultivation, nutrients run out, then plants can not grow, and after there is no plant would go to desertified soil, to fix desertification you can use natural fertilizer and irrigation to dissolve the accumulated salts, or also so that the nutrients are not finished at the beginning (before desertification) In addition to the fact that natural fertilizer can be used, the plant that is grown can be varied, since when doing monoculture (only growing one type of plant) the same nutrients will always be consumed, not giving time to regenerate, then several plants could be planted (not at the same time) creating a crop circle, that while the nutrients "A" and "B" are spent, planting soybeans, that the nutrients "C" and "D" are regenerating to plant corn (nutrients and plants are not specific cases, but are set for examples and do not fulfill the things said.). CLARIFY: now I used the translator. Edited: If you want to translate it you have to translate it into several parts (I speak Spanish)
This video is amazing! I've never heard the symbiotic relationship of plant roots, rhizobacteria, and mycorrhizae described so wonderfully. And the video graphics are mind blowing!! Well done PHC!
I don't think it's "amazing","mind blowing", nor "well done"; why don't you speak for yourself and stop praising other stupid people failing humanity, participating in, permitting, and perpetuating CHILD ABUSE ffs!
@@01mustang05 what does child abuse have to do with this ?
@@01mustang05 He was.
Soil vids make you angry,or just a bad day? 😐
@@sandgroperwookiee65 No he wasn't and hypocritically speaking you're just as bad or worse even because you can't or won't see his and your mistakes, gross negligence, and criminal beings while we continue to fail ending child abuses, corruption, injustice, and ruining innocent people's lives.
@@geeksouheil I had already explained what child abuse had to do with Gruber's comment in my initial reply comment, so feel free to have another read and grow instead of doing what you're doing.
A truly valuable lesson. Not of gardening, agriculture or biology. It’s a lesson of life.
Beautiful explanation! I have been experiencing this magic in my permaculture yard through trial and error. Everything in this video is what I have discovered that has allowed me to turn a desert backyard into a tropical paradise.
I'm so glad to hear that 🙂
Same here! This video is basically everything I've learned about permaculture and soil biology in the last three years in one video, hahaha
How best do I do it
@@JakeHawkenshare more tips please
Same with the human body, love, respect and care.
Lesson to teach in schools. Mandatory.
100 fucking percent!!!
They really should be teaching this in schools I've never understood why they don't as gardening is good for the health
The government wants to keep the majority stupid and dependent.
The very title is scientifically incorrect.
Soils are LITERALLY not living organisms, they are natural systems like eco systems which contain organic life and minerals.
@@whatabouttheearth I think it’s just a title. Looks like the point is soil should be treated as a living organism or a delicate food web.
More and more people need to watch this as we in a time where plummeting soil health Cannot be ignored any further if ignored, it not going to end up good for anybody on this planet. The film is very engaging and I love how the beautiful symbiotic relations present in nature are shown.
So absolutely true. This is why we grow organically. Always have, always will.
Organic, don't panic!!! Did you know any petroleum or rubber or plastic product is ORGANIC? Any molecule with a Carbon atom is organic. Pahleese, slow the truck down and get on board!
this was perfectly made so informative! ALL GOVERNMENTS SHOULD SEE THIS!
They are mere puppets of the fertilizer companies
@@sankethgowda5522 Yeah true... We should end corruption
Absolutely incredible video man ... this should be shown to kids in schools, so that everyone can have a better understanding of how life works.
Thank you for this beautiful visual illustration of soil biology and diversity!
Great job 👍
Very clearly and elegantly presented. I know more now. Thank you for taking the time.
Damn. I just got a bit of education. Also, an explanation why my grandfather never used fertilizer or lime but had super healthy plants year after year.
your grandfather sounds like a wise man
@@Frizzneck Na, he's just as stupid as all of us. Proof: Child Abuse still exists. Think about it.
@@01mustang05 what a brain dead comment
@@01mustang05 i saw your other comnents. How FUCKING discriminative can you be?
@@slaire7799 WTF? I guess I'm discriminative enough or able enough to make the distinction that you're being insultive, abusive, hypocritical, dictatorial; just like the majority - damaged from so much maltreatment that the majority can't understand the shit done to them and now do to others, INCLUDING innocent and defenceless children. Is there any getting through to you and the majority, or do you just want to play god for the rest of your shit life?
I just randomly clicked on this as i was browsing plant videos. Ive been into bonsai as a hobby for several years. The person who taught me about it always said if you find white fungal threads on the bottom and sides of your root ball when you repot, then you know you have a healthy tree and have been doing your job properly. Now I understand why. Thanks!
This is the best visualization I have seen so far. Hats off to the creators!!!!
Thank you! After watching this I want to spread the good news to everyone I know - This is amazing, truly. We keep telling ourselves such a bad stories about our relationship with the land - these are the stories that are just as true, and never shared. You've given me more purpose to life.
This is the most exciting film on soil that I have ever seen. So amazing!
Excellent film with spectacular videos showing growth and interaction with the mycorrhizal fungi. I think though that there is really more to it. Superficial tilling may be needed the first year but never after that. Plants allow soil to be built because they feed the AMF (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi). The AMF produce glomulin which protects the roots and forms aggregates to hold water, nutrients, SOM (soil organic matter) and soil life. The soil food web (Elaine Ingham) is more complicated and even more fascinating as the bacteria and fungi are eaten by the nematodes, who are eaten by protozoa, who are eaten by microarthropods...and on and on. Everybody is eating everybody else and in the process, creating the building blocks brought to the root by the AMF. Biodiversity, soil covered at all times and no-till are the 3 basic principles of regenerative agriculture. Perhaps their were other crops growing near the strawberries, but all the audience could see was monoculture. Loved your video.
Virginia Richter, Soil Activist
They FORGOT to tell soimething: the soil become barren because stupid farmers do not BACK organic matter to it! So sand start to dominate...over the humic acids.
@Virginia, thank you for that please. Any more literature you can point us to on the topic would be most welcome.
Would you kindly give us more literature about that please?
What is soil food web?
Is tilling actually necessary the first year if you build up organic matter on the land intended for use and let it over winter/season? Especially if you do it on already established root systems that have not been disturbed?
Every human needs to be taught this simple truth. This is too important to not just be common knowledge.
A really good explanation to be shared widely... if you don't understand why we have to support regenerative growing methods and change how we grow and what we eat after seeing this, there is no hope. That symbiotic relationship the plants have with the soil biome is as special as our own symbiotic relationship with our gut biome - you can't have one without the other - the plant is completely dependent on it for health and so are we.
This is a huge contribute to make the world a better place. Thank you!
Very nicely explained!! Clear, concise and comprehensive! I seriously hope that people start understanding the intricate natural processes that maintain the balance in our soil. And they stop disturbing that balance by adding harmful chemical fertilizers to it. You have helped explain that beautifully. Thank you so much for this video!💐👏
I made many advisories on this topic but very few people interested in this.
Wonderful film! Very informative. I loved the visuals of the bacteria and fungi. I now better understand this relationship. Thank you for sharing
Excellent programme. But it must reach to all corners of the world. Thank you very much for your valuable information
20 years after graduating from agricultural school, just understood the role of mycorrhiza, bacteria and fungi in the process of absorbing water and nutrients needed by plants. Tks.
They never taught you this at school you're saying?
We need more education this subject. Everybody should watch this documentary.
Really, it is saprophytic fungi that are the true soil improvers, they initially break dead matter down into the constituent parts usable by bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi. That said, the whole cycle is dependent upon each contributing part, whether its plant roots, mycorrhizae, actinomycetes, saprophytic fungi or small invertebrates, each plays a part in the natural system.
Never understood the relationship between plants and microorganisms to this depth. Thank you very much
Thanks for the upload, great video for beginners to live organic gardening very informative and well produced! 🌱🌿🌲☘🌴
I am in the process of learning how to do an aquarium ecosystem the correct way for long run. This video helps me with a very good understanding how the dirt soil play a crucial role for supporting the plants in the ecosystem. Turns out, the nature has already work this out perfectly.
This deserve millions of views
As a researcher I could not ask more .. beautifully shown
I was waiting for him to say add the fungi to the hole you dig before planting. I will hold off from fertilizer after watching. I am in Florida and when I mixed potting soil, manure and peat I got root rot on wet years so I started planting directly in sand and have had my greatest success. But after watching I believe the places I've had former plants do better and I do not dig the roots up after the plant dies I just cut from stem at ground level. I used sunflowers for this. You can tell the difference when digging in other places as the sand is compact and not much organic matter.
Excellent video. I am a Natural Farmer and you really backed my opinion on chemical fertilizers!
Thanks for the wonderful video a must watch video for everyone . Thank you once again and please make more videos
Very short, concise and informative video that every human being should watch and learn.
That was very interesting, thank you for taking the time to do this. I always wondered why the forest outback was so fertile looking, it's always moist, even though we don't water the area.
Thank you Jonathan!
Explained in the best possible way. ❤
I swear... It's as if mankind is fighting nature instead of working with it and learning from it. We'll never be as perfect as Nature, I don't know why we keep trying... We don't deserve to live in this beautiful planet
It's all about capitalism, bleed everything for the most return with little thought about the future of others besides oneself.
We're doing both! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
It's up to us
Do something positive then. Don’t just lament to the internet.
My cannabis plants are doing fantastic. I now use mycorrhizae and rhizobacteria in combination with air pots. No more nutrient issues or disease, very informative video thank you.
Excellent video, would have loved to see the remainder of the soil food web included and the ability of the bacteria and fungi to produce enzymes that extract nutrients from the sand, silt and clay. But I guess you can only say so much in one video. Loved it.
Well done! Awesome illustration! I show this video to all my clients for better understanding. Education never stops! Keep it up guys!!
Thanks a lot!!
Document on soil The Living Skin of Planet Earth - GEODERMA
Loose sequel document Let soil live
New sub here ..Incredible video thanks for taking the time to make and share it !
This has to be one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. Very very interesting and enlightening. You guys did great
Thank you very much!
Please, make a Brazilian Portuguese subtitles for this video! I need to show this to my father, he is a farmer and i want to implant this method in our cane sugar fields.
i would like to see that with subtitles too, so that i can show my grandma so that she can use some of it.
Asks for sharing video for translations and do that. It is the version in Portuguese , there are in many languages , you need to go to the channel of the creator and see if there is in your own language
Garibaldi veniva dal Portogallo?
@@leslirodriguezbendezu1497 this is an Italian version
Thank you for a beautiful video. I will pass it on to people who need to understand the interaction between plants, soil and Mycorrhizae. I learnt yesterday how very important it is to leave a FLAT pit when you plant, in order not to disturb the hang-water capillaries in the soil. The system is there even though we don't see it.
Fantastic. You are so right!!
Wow this was amazing, very informative & very well put together, it is one of the best videos on the gardening subject I’ve come across you put all the important jewels of gardening so well into one video beneficial, thank you very much I will be sharing this with everyone I know & will rematch it many times, can’t wait for my kids to grow up to share this with them. I also grow my plants working with the natural system of beneficial bacteria & fungi. 🌹 ❤️ 🌱 ☀️
Thank you so much for this compliment.
This is a great video and explains (not directly) why not tilling the land is better for growing food.
Imagine if you could explain this 200 years ago
We would be on top of the world by now
Indian culture said it!😊
@@vidhipatel5587 why only India, even agricultural practice throughout the world was harmonious with nature 100 yrs back.
not entirely true
Less than a million views in 4 years. That is criminal for such an informative video.
Uno de los mejores vídeos informativos y informativo qué he visto!
Me gustaría saber quiénes son ustedes y colaborar, con está extraordinaria manera de consientizar.
Wow!! Superb!! Thanks for sharing!
This helps a lot people understand how plants work and now i understand why my grandfather never used fertilizers or pesticides , he also told me tha baking soda is like an organic pesticide
Fantastic video. I just love it.Nature is light years advanced than us.let learn from it because we've been left in the dust for far too long.
Beautiful animation, great work!
Fabulous explanation and graphical representation. Thank you! Will be referring folks to this.
This video is so well done. Thank you
Wow amazing. Very educational. Thanks for the video
Thank you for the effort you made
iQ just went up twenty points. Post MORE. MORE plz . Love knowledge presented beautifully.well done.
I love this thank you so much! I want to know everything about the Earthly Mother!
we forget in nature nothing grows in straight lines , everything is grown together to help each other to flourish. good reminder this video.
How come 41 persons disliked 😔😳. The origin of all life come from plants... Plants cant thrive without living soil... Lets restore earth soil 🙌
Alexis G I don’t disliked but some concepts that they teach are quite wrong. The main idea of the video is pretty good though
@@luisfelipebonato8129 haha i see... So maybe not giving like nor dislike would be more accurate 😆👌
sure plants can thrive without living soil. Ever heard of hydroponics? Planting in rockwool? Those are quite advanced techniques giving nice results but not entirely suitable to any plant (e.g. trees). However any plant we put into soil needs microorganism to fully utilize soil resources. And while synthetic fertilizers are useful to introduce rapidly lacking elements into soil organic fertilizers have to be present as well, even if not exactly as fertilizers per se (like manure) but rich in organic matter (compost, wood chips, grass clippings etc.)
Soil is like organism - synthetic fertilizers are like vitamin supplements. You can't really live only on supplements. Soil cannot live only on synthetic fertilizers. We do have bacteria inside us which are helpful, just like soil. If they are not there due to chemotherapy, irradiation or antibiotics we have to repopulate them. Same goes for soil. It's hard to maintain balance as it is delicate thing but it's absolutely stupid to just spam synthetic fertilizers and kill soil life. In a long run all you will get is a degraded soil incapable of producing decent harvest.
This video is biased and barely researched. A lot of wrong information or one sided
@@Promilus1984 of course i listened about those, but those methods require humans intervention they are not a autosuffiscient system... If you instal those systems and come back years after, sure you wont see lives anymore there. This video show us what happen in nature and how plants thrives by themself, of course humans have found other ways to grow plants... Peace 😄
Excellent message and information sharing 👍😊
Very interesting video,thank you
what a beautiful explanation. these are the fundamental basic to grow plants.
Great video with excellent information!!
Great!! The same video with dubbing in Hindi language will be helpful for interested Indian farmers.
I hoped for some insight on animal sources of fertilizing soil and making compost
A very good video. Its opened my eyes about the soil not only contain root but have soo many activities that lies within it.
nice and informative! I was always wondering why there is so much fungus growing around an old plants roots, when I unearth it. the plants are usually fine but
I thought that couldn't be good for it.
the more you know .)
Fungus in the Green functions as a brain in an animal.
Glad I found this superb training video.
Well made film, well explained ! ===== Matts'
Excellent film.
Today, a new generation of farmers, scientists and entrepreneurs of sustainable development, are shedding light on the connections between soil biodiversity and thriving agricultural systems.
We will focus on this great work in trying to explain to farmers and Food Production Units the dimension of Health Soil.
All the best!
Sotirs Di. Bampagiouris | Local Food Experts sce | Crete
clear.brilliant. precise
Great video. I shared with daughter and she really like it as well
Excelente explicação, pena que nem todos adotam essa prática orgânica.
What an amazing explanation, I hope more farmers around the world will get to see this
This fungi/ bacteria that helps the roots is better known as mycelia. Mycoreforestation Is Mycelium regenerating, cleaning, etc. Paul Stamets book Mycelium Running is an excellent read on fungi/mycelia saving the planet.
I tried looking up "mycoreforestation" and could not find anything.
Edit: Ok I think you mean "Mycoforestry". Seems interesting. I also found Ecoforestry.
Apologies Bob Lee the proper term is mycorestoration. It's an umbrella concept including the selective use of fungi/mycelia for Mycoforestry, Mycofiltration, Mycoremediation, & Mycopesticides. Mycoforestry uses mycelium and mushrooms to enhance forest health, Mycofiltration uses mycelium to catch and reduce silt & upstream contaminants. Mycoremediation neutralizes toxins. Mycopesticides refers to the use of mycelium/fungi to help influence & control pest problems. Again a lot more on this if you lookup Paul Stamets... Or his book Mycelium Running. Hope this clears any confusion.
I put mushrooms in our yard and it is thick and full. It started out that way too. Amazing.
Technically mycelium is the start of all fungal processes, right? It's basically the roots system for all fungi.
Thanks for a wonderful informative video.
Thanks a lot for the compliment Minty!
Thank you so much it was really informative
you are welcome. We do this for our planet.
This is hands down the *best* and the most comprehensive guide to the science and biology of how these symbiotic relationships interact with each other, and how *we* have to do better as a society. Yes humanity has progressed, BUT some of the most simple, natural, organic systems.. we have ignored. Time to stop!
Beautiful and smart :) thank you from Brasil ^.^
appreciate the natural harvest
This is a great video. The graphics are of top quality and the explanations are easy to understand and accurate. Thank you so much.
Wow good made. I wish to add temperatures for soils and ph uptake, and humidity to be added to this film next time :D
Excellent information, describe the topic wonderfully, cover almost every aspect of soil and plant relations. I will request PHC to dubbed this video in Urdu Language for better understanding of FARMERS who don't understand English in my country, It's my humble request because it is worth seeing. I saw this video many times and every time I enjoyed and refresh the blessing of natures.
Exactly what im doing / using . Working with nature .
Yes, me too.. add foliar feeds to the system and it REALLY takes off!
i like your way of using language it communicate really well. thanks
*What about potted plants indoors??*
I think potted plants usually don't require so much minerals to produce fruits/eatable plants, as most of them don't produce those.
Potted plants will benefit just as much from soil amendments.
Always replenish nutrients with Organic if your able. This will give our plants the best mineral profiles, tolerance to disease, and a great head start.
Something as simple as adding small amounts of sourced shredded leaves/ weeds, or compost is a great to get nutrition to our plants, and it doesn't cost much either.
An additional step to increase the trace minerals would be to add a few pinches of sea salt to a gallon of water and to premix potting soils with kelp. This'll make for some really tasty plants and some great tasting food! = ) 🌱🌎
How wonderfull video and simple explain in only 11 min.
Now I understand why youtube is nos suggesting it.
I am spreading it to my friends.
Thanks !, and will be grat if the translator could work.
How can I stimulate the growth of fungi in my garden?
Biocomplete amendments: compost, extracts, and teas. You should be using a microscope to verify what you are using is in fact biocomplete.
Follow Geoff Lawton's channels, he's been regreening the desert easily.
Just by maintaining ground cover by plants or grasses and by maintaining moisture in the soil
Very good video, also some recommendations to improve the soil, overgrazing or overcultivation, nutrients run out, then plants can not grow, and after there is no plant would go to desertified soil, to fix desertification you can use natural fertilizer and irrigation to dissolve the accumulated salts, or also so that the nutrients are not finished at the beginning (before desertification) In addition to the fact that natural fertilizer can be used, the plant that is grown can be varied, since when doing monoculture (only growing one type of plant) the same nutrients will always be consumed, not giving time to regenerate, then several plants could be planted (not at the same time) creating a crop circle, that while the nutrients "A" and "B" are spent, planting soybeans, that the nutrients "C" and "D" are regenerating to plant corn (nutrients and plants are not specific cases, but are set for examples and do not fulfill the things said.).
CLARIFY: now I used the translator.
Edited: If you want to translate it you have to translate it into several parts (I speak Spanish)
Love the video just subbed up👍
amazingly explained, Thank You
Google “earth anemia” and “1936 congressional investigation on farm soil”
Great Video, Organic farming explained with some exceptional Visuals. Keep adding more ...
Amazing... thank you !!!
Thank you for this educative video! Very compact and easy to understand
Yes I agree ! Eat more red meat along with a large variety of processed foods and you will be on the road to great health !
Marami pong salamat PHC!!!
You are most welcome