Tks for having us over. I really appreciate you. Stop beating yourself us so much. We're learning right alone with you. It's GOTTTTA BE HARDER doing a video live or a short. I'd be all over da place. Tks again.
Nice Martin Stove and Range Hamburger Logo number 8. Live just south of the Mason Dixon line. So I have been looking for one for years. I found one but it's a spinner. Just for one a few weeks back and it sits flat. Starting the restoration. Also one of the nicest Wapak's that I've seen! Have a Wapak that has Erie and a Wagner ghost mark. Yes the 2QT sauce pot is BSR and it is the right lid. Yes unmarked Wagner Ware chicken fryer. Sorry I can't help you with the number 7. Not sure of the 9 either and would agree that it's a recast of an early Erie or Wagner. Keep up the great work!
Tks for having us over. I really appreciate you. Stop beating yourself us so much. We're learning right alone with you. It's GOTTTTA BE HARDER doing a video live or a short. I'd be all over da place. Tks again.
Nice Martin Stove and Range Hamburger Logo number 8. Live just south of the Mason Dixon line. So I have been looking for one for years. I found one but it's a spinner. Just for one a few weeks back and it sits flat. Starting the restoration. Also one of the nicest Wapak's that I've seen! Have a Wapak that has Erie and a Wagner ghost mark. Yes the 2QT sauce pot is BSR and it is the right lid. Yes unmarked Wagner Ware chicken fryer. Sorry I can't help you with the number 7. Not sure of the 9 either and would agree that it's a recast of an early Erie or Wagner. Keep up the great work!
Save your Lodge packing paper and use it to store your cast iron if you have to stack it for storage
Agree Honey B. Gre8t idea.
Yes it's a unmarked Favorite piqua