I like this because in that context i could see myself feeling exactly like this lol. If i managed to survive the apocalypse for 2 years, and it was as brutal as project zomboid's world is, one day i would constantly think about how far ive come, sure eating a can of beans isnt much, but beinf able to eat a can of beans inside an impenetrable fort in this godforsaken nightmare is such a huge accomplishment
@@soupmaestro The game use to play this song randomly, and with a hefty amount of luck, it was when there was absolutely nothing happening in game and you were simply eating food.
Sorry to be the 🤓 guy but only one guy made the soundtrack and the developers usually only work in the code part of the game. For the sound design you have composers and for the artstyle you have artists.
Me and my friends held up in a three story office space after our old base was overran. There were so many, so we held the staircase with all we had. Axes slashed, shotguns sent heaps sprawling, but they just kept coming. One of us panicked after getting swarmed, and they threw a Molotov. The building caught fire, and we were forced to run upstairs. Now we were stuck on the roof fighting burning zombies. We eventually leaped off, barely alive. Holy shit. This game man.
Bruh my best moment was when me and my friend saw a group of 4 people and had to shoot our way out before bursting into a house, tripping the alarm, running, then watching as the subsequent horde literally ate the last 3 people that survived. My friend died from blood loss because he got shot about 3 times but he said that it was freaking badass moment right there.
Youre everywhere, bro. You watch content in common with me, like PZ, Unturned, hell, deducting by your name you also arent a native english speaker. Tf?
POV:You're ridiculous tired, parched, very hungry, extremely panicked, injured, very exhausted, overheated, drenched and there's like 50 zeds chasing you but the cop zombie you killed had a js2000, beta blockers and his cruiser had 3 boxes of shotgun ammo in his glove box
@@NickoItzanimator at exhausted and ridiculously tired, the end happens as soon as you get in that car and can’t sprint away from the zombies that crowd the door
This is how it works, you don't know when you're going to die, it could be within the next few seconds, within a few hours or within the next few years
...My last character got a laceration because I got greedy. I was already stocked up on food but I just HAD to look into that store. And of course, I couldn't believe my luck when my character got sicker... and sicker... So I decided to go out my way, I get into my car, loaded up with gasoline, bottles, rags, a pistol, a few mags... That was it.
I’m now imagining a band of hillbillies stood on the front porch of a 50’s Texan-style house while another group of hillbillies do some very intense gardening
The one song in the whole game that gives you a glimps of hope, that you MIGHT survive.. But that Hope, that survival. You will have to fight for it tooth and Nail.
I got all of this amazing gear with 1 of my friends He walked over to 2 zombies Then it was 3 I suggested we run in-case there is more zombies Friend dosent listen, walks over to zombies and starts slashing I join in, I dont want him to die THE ENTIRE FUCKING CITY OF ZOMBIES JUST APPEARS BEHIND THE 3 Friend gets scratched and I run so far I hit the coast I get eaten by zombies and die Friend dies after
God, ever since the first time i got ambushed by horde just because i wanted to fight few zombies i learned to retreat whenever there's more than 2. Sure it might be over reacting but after the shit you have to go through in this game, you can only learn one thing: better safe than sorry
When you go to sleep in a bed your first night only to awaken to windows breaking and the entire downstairs flooded with the undead and you're armed with a plastic spoon.
I got scratched 3 times, one on my upper right arm, one on my groin, one on my upper left leg. I was still trying to survive after such wounds and still clinging to life but things changed after i got bit on my lower left leg and on my neck. I realized i was going to become one of those things. I had a double barrel with 24 shells in my backpack and this song came on. I loaded them up and fired a round in to the sky to get attention towards myself, thinking i might help someone far away by taking the freaks near me. I wasnt going to go down so easily after all. I finished all my rounds, splattering every shot at their faces. After i ran out of bullets i pulled out my hand axe from my belt and ran in to the crowd swinging mindleslly and got faced with the faith of death. At least i died with dignity.
So i was doing a hardcore playthrough where every zombie speed is "random". Got probably the worst spawn in West Point Right after, i was inside the spawn house which was surely empty because F me I wandered to the rich houses and started scavenging garages with caution and i found a hammer Just when i picked it up i heared a window smash My heart rate spiked so fast as soon as i saw 6 sprinter zombies crawling through and this song kicked in i jogged through a thicket to avoid falling and sprinted through the street to my spawn house where i locked my self and escaped through the back window to loose them That was one of the biggest emotional rollercoasters i have had in this game If you feel like it's too easy on "Real Zombies" you should definetly try sprinters
I set them as that and also make it to where they can open doors. It's a fucking nightmare but it gives keys a purpose. I like to make them Nocturnal too, so many times i've been in the middle of a city as the evening falls it's a genuinely threatening experience. You internalize minimizing your sound and visual profile. One zombie can easily lead to 5 killing you in a room you couldn't lock fast enough. I've also started placing furniture in front of every door before I sleep, the trusty nightstand hasn't failed me yet. Sleeping in a room downtown in a chair praying the night is easy and the next day treats you well can't be replicated. Random speeds, opens doors, normal senses except for highest sound, nocturnal, weaker zombies and higher populations makes the zombies a threat you have to assess every second or you're toast within the matter of that second.
West Point is an absolute nightmare because you can spawn in Scenic Grave. A place where there's shit to grab and to do, but there's less zombies. The thing is, actual west point is south-east and the river is really far. So you basically get to spawn without the inherent advantage of Westpoint. But it's actually pretty chill there if the water doesn't go out for a long time.
Lmao me at military base when i got helicopter, alright is time to grab my ammo box'es to fight line is not some hard, but if they all can go under car is be hard
then try sprinters with weak, unfit and very underweight xD (i haven't tried it yet)i,m using these traits with real zombies as i am capable to get rid of them
After having a broken back and defeating that last dead-ahole in Rosewood farmlands with a crowbar. Finally eating that rabbit cabbage roast with pepper and salt while sitting down to regain a bit of stamina.
Continuation “Yeah damn it’s not working so well anymore, turns out shooting 54 zombies with a shotgun just brings in 554 fresh zombies, BUT that’s why I just get more shells right?”
this track was playing when my friend who had the deaf trait starting wailing on the car horn while driving and decided to go back to our safehouse, he had to go when he got back and my one other friend was afk, and when the zombies were closing in fog approached, i ended up fighting a really big horde in the fog, broke an axe and two spiked bats, and broke 4 cars ramming into the zombies
This music was played when my friends and I were defending our house from a HUGE horde of undead. The cartridges were running out, and they kept climbing and climbing, breaking through the fence, crawling under the car, and rushing to the house. Then two of our guys were killed, but they were able to detain the zombies and distract them so that the remaining four broke through to the cars, and crushing the creatures to break through the encirclement ring. John MacLeod, Sergey Road2Hell, we will not forget you. F.
I think i have sort of translated the arabic, i speak arabic as a native tongue just not this dialect (this is classic arabic i believe) 0:29-0:43 (something) of life (i believe the first word was نبع meaning well or place of origin, although im not 100% sure) 0:44- 0:48 what is the price, what is the price, what is the price 0:51-0:55 what is the price o time o time 0:59-1:24 same as 0:29-0:43 1:25-1:38 same as 0:44-0:55 The lyrics repeat from here on out
There's no greater feeling in this game than walking into Maldraugh or Louisville and hearing this as you make your stand trying to wipe out every zombie in the area
@@Deadsphere spelt the town wrong so your point is invalid and rosewood is the most dense town due to its size, and why choose Muldraugh as your examle when westpoint is far more dense. whats even your point if your wrong twice.
i cleared an entire apartment building of zombings to this song and loved how when things calmed down it would start to fade but as more showed up it would intensify continuously~! such a funny tune when sprinters would wander off and start window wiping :P
Это был 10 день выживания. Зомби я встречал не очень часто и маленькими группкам . Я как то забирался в здание рядом с церковью в центре Малдро, когда вдруг сработала сигнализация. Тут же я побежал и скрылся в церкви и сел в углу, в отдельной комнатке, зацепив краем взора небольшой участок улицы в окно. Все, что я видел - это редкие мертвецы, лениво ковыляющие к источнику звука. Один из них начал ломиться, завидев меня, и я тут-же подумал "ну чтож, сколько бы вас не было, добро пожаловать в ад", достал лом, открыл окно и начал убивать. Первого, второго, четвертого, они все лезли и лезли, и тут ото всех сторон начали доноситься стони и стуки, одновременно выламывались десятки окон, начали плясать все двери в помещении. Выломав за секунду дверь сзади, на меня пошло не менее 5 зомби, столько же лезло через оба окна, и тут-же выломалась вторая дверь в комнату, от отчаяния я просто на альте врезался в толпу ходячих, и дважды споткнувшись и полетя кубарем, я кое как избежал укуса и вылетел к церковным скомейками. Окна были вче разбиты и зал наполняли мертвые. Я резко ринулся к дверям церкви и закосплеив Рональдиньо, хоть и опять споткнувшись, я выкатился из церкви. В мою сторону со всех сторон направлялись просто сотни мертвецов, со всех уголков Малдро, но большая часть потока лилась с северо-востока. В этот момент и играл этот трек. Мои руки тряслись, сердце бешено колотилось и я просто побежал. Просто бежал. Не к базе, не в лес, а просто побежал вдоль улиц на восток, минуя огромные орды. По пути мне встречались все новые и новые толпы зомби, а я все бежал, пока не устал и не начал просто идти. Я шел, уставший, обернувшись лишь раз, что-бы увидеть огромные орды, следующие за мной по пятам. На улице становилось темно, а я все шел. Мне на встречу шли мертвецы, которые становились моими преследователями. Они были на каждой улице, на экране помещалось одновременно 3-4 группы, по 7-15 зомби. Все он и увязывались следом. Я вышел из Малдро на северо-восток, оставив орду за полосой леса. Вокруг было абсолютно темно и я остановился на кукурузном поле. Обернувшись, я увидел остатки великой орды в лице 2-х зомби, которых мой напуганный, уставший т сонный персонаж запинывал ногами около часа. Потом я увидел ферму вдалеке и зайдя в нее, я обнаружил лишь тело суицидника, пустившего себе картечь в голову. У бедняги не было еды, и пустые полки в доме. Он понимал, что с такими запасами он не жилец. Я устроился спать на втором этаже, а выйдя наутро на удицу, я обнаружил, что ферма окружена мелкими группами ходячих. Убив их, я увидел как с разных сторон леса вышло не менее 15 штук, тут-же мертвецов 7 вышло из коровника. Это было похоже на спланированную атаку, хотя и вряд-ли зомби на такое способны. Я убил их всех и расчистил близлежащую местность. Мой старый дом находился на противоположной стороне Малдро, в элитном районе, но я сказал себе, что ближайший месяц туда не вернусь. Через два дня я вышел в город набрать припасов. В бедном трейлерном районе, но осознал, что он заполонен ордами мертвецов. Не подобраться ни к одному дому. Я все-же попытался, но так и не зайдя ни в один, я только спровоцировал опять на себя орду, от которой я просто убежал в лес. Я закончил играть, зайдя в лес, и пока что запускать игру не хочу. Как я устал бегать и прятаться от орд зомби.
playing on a role play multiplayer server and usually my character is a solo long range scout/forager so he'll leave and be gone for days with only a walkie talkie to inform his friends he's still alive (every night between 9 and 10pm) but one time I decided to take someone with him and the house we looted set off an alarm. It pulled tons of zombies out of every surrounding house and quickly turned into us being in the center of a horde all converging on us. This song started playing the second the alarm went off and we were just booking it, not even trying to fight just running and dodging, jumping fences. I just remember yelling "Run!" and then it was just pure adrenaline rush and focus trying to not get grabbed. We lost sight of each other at one point when they failed to jump a tall fence but any pause to try and backtrack to find them would have been death so I kept going and hoped they were ok. I eventually found a house to hide in without being spotted but they ended up in a car with no idea how far apart we were and the horde was still in sight from the windows. Had a brief conversation via walkie that basically amounted to them trying to say goodbye and it was so emotional that I had to leave the house and try to find this car but it got too dark and I ended up camping out the night in a windowless bathroom at a car shop.
as a new player with now 150 hours in game i can say that what scared me more about the undeed is the fact that they do not need to eat, sleep, drink water they do not get bored or tired.... they relentless in their primal objective in which they actually suceed no matter what you do as the tittle says ¨This is how you died¨ but you fight anyways....
Love how the title is an ironic contrast to the actual situation of the game. There is no winning, death is an inevitability. After all, the iconic phrase is "this is how you died" and not "this is how you won"
When you're playing Multiplayer with your friends, and their hideout is getting swarmed by a horde. They're trapped. You have the option to slip away and save yourself, but decide to go back for them.
when my friends get a horde knockin', they call for the one and only One Shot Man. 5 axe skill 10 strength a couple of fire axes a shit ton of soon-to-be-dead zombies.
This used to play constantly before the official update, since build 41 became the current build I haven't heard this theme once along with some others too. And it was one of my favorites.
When a horde came to my house and I fired a shotgun, threw incendiary mixture, walked with a fire ax for 50 zombies, calm music played, but as soon as I started planting potatoes, this music began.
This played when my car broke down and I was trying to start it back up and was forced out, then I ran down the highway with just a crowbar, Thank god for multihit, got my long blunt up high just going down that road
@@s3m1f64 I see what you mean, this games atmosphere is dreary and hopeless with barely any life (cause npcs being reworked) and that would be a great movie setting tbh Not focusing on action and victory but coping with a depressing zombie apocalypse where everyone else has left you
Hmm, see "Maggie" then, I loved this one. It's drama, and PZ game got an easter egg with whit movie: 1-the area, where everything happens, is a Midwest of USA, 2-when the player in Project Zomboid dies, a stat appears on the right side of the screen, necroambulism, and this is the name of the disease from "Maggie" movie. This is a nice drama, also.
Me when I cleared out the secret megabuilding base in raven creek but then accidently suicide by jumping off the top level when I tried to clear the broken glass
This is the last stand music for infected characters, I spent three days preparing the base so my new character can survive the apocalypse, and one would usually expect a final stand to be guns blazing, but not me, I took any melee weapons that isn't valuable enough and fought til exhaustion, I went full medieval and killed as many of them to the point that my own body killed me first before the zombies did! All that toiling and suffering was for the survival of another life, I lured away such a massive horde from Rosewood that town was actually pretty peaceful for a while. This game is so good, especially when you have nothing left to lose, truly the most fun part.
This either plays when you're eating some vegetable soup at 4AM and you saw a single zombie or when you're fighting out of a soon to be encirclement in louisville there is no inbetween.
cool when you have a shotgun with 5 shells left and you've been bitten, but it always plays when im eating a can of beans.
Diarrhea incoming
@@mr.braindead8151 Beat the chipotle: The main theme
thinkin bout them beans
Happened to me while I was farming, watering plants never felt so intense.
@@Reflexion555 lmao best reply
The most intense can of beans that you'll ever eat while chilling in your fort 2 years into the apocalypse.
I like this because in that context i could see myself feeling exactly like this lol. If i managed to survive the apocalypse for 2 years, and it was as brutal as project zomboid's world is, one day i would constantly think about how far ive come, sure eating a can of beans isnt much, but beinf able to eat a can of beans inside an impenetrable fort in this godforsaken nightmare is such a huge accomplishment
i dont get it
@@soupmaestro The game use to play this song randomly, and with a hefty amount of luck, it was when there was absolutely nothing happening in game and you were simply eating food.
@@corporalsilver6981 But now we have dynamic music, so instead you will be eating a can a of beans to some basic calm music.
When you eat uncooked beans and get food poisoning as a result.
Dev 1: How can we make the banjo a legendary instrument?
Sorry to be the 🤓 guy but only one guy made the soundtrack and the developers usually only work in the code part of the game. For the sound design you have composers and for the artstyle you have artists.
@@guavapaste ur a 🤓
@@guavapaste well the devs did add zombies...
@@podcastlegends3671 I mean, it's a zombie game, so it must have zombies.
Misbehave in this cave, from west of loathing… thank me later
Project Zomboid players, please rise for our national anthem.
your comments gave me sacred war vibes
@@calamitist this was wrote year ago so don't worry
a few years late but: o7
OR MAYBE NOT 🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
that aint his cat dawg thats a meme@justhalo997
@@nxmx6ixI'm here!
outta louisville
Me and my friends held up in a three story office space after our old base was overran. There were so many, so we held the staircase with all we had. Axes slashed, shotguns sent heaps sprawling, but they just kept coming. One of us panicked after getting swarmed, and they threw a Molotov. The building caught fire, and we were forced to run upstairs. Now we were stuck on the roof fighting burning zombies. We eventually leaped off, barely alive. Holy shit. This game man.
That's why everyone here loves it.
Build 41 MP is now here aswell!
I thought you were writing a fake story for a minute! This actually fucking happened?! Holy shit.
@@theclockman775 it did, we still talk about it to this day, but we’ve never been able to replicate it. It was pretty cool though
Bruh my best moment was when me and my friend saw a group of 4 people and had to shoot our way out before bursting into a house, tripping the alarm, running, then watching as the subsequent horde literally ate the last 3 people that survived. My friend died from blood loss because he got shot about 3 times but he said that it was freaking badass moment right there.
When you know that either shit is getting real or a zombie just got into your safehouse.
Either way.
Youre everywhere, bro.
You watch content in common with me, like PZ, Unturned, hell, deducting by your name you also arent a native english speaker. Tf?
@@sierra6321 ''There's a doppleganger of everyone, no matter who you are''
POV:You're ridiculous tired, parched, very hungry, extremely panicked, injured, very exhausted, overheated, drenched and there's like 50 zeds chasing you but the cop zombie you killed had a js2000, beta blockers and his cruiser had 3 boxes of shotgun ammo in his glove box
now that's a 50/50 fight :D
I like those odds
ain’t nobody surviving that shit lmaooo
@@Actuallyimkale but you still figth to the end
@@NickoItzanimator at exhausted and ridiculously tired, the end happens as soon as you get in that car and can’t sprint away from the zombies that crowd the door
The music in this game is very immersive I find, the fact it changes depending on your situation, top tier
The game is underrated and so is the soundtrack!
indeed like if you eat some beans the intensity goes up tenfold
You are fucking right
Also, try left 4 dead 2!
@@clownintraining5944 Not even close to this game.
When you're going for your daily scavenging expedition and it turned out to be your last one
Because we got enough food for a decade, but over ate and died
This is how it works, you don't know when you're going to die, it could be within the next few seconds, within a few hours or within the next few years
...My last character got a laceration because I got greedy. I was already stocked up on food but I just HAD to look into that store.
And of course, I couldn't believe my luck when my character got sicker... and sicker...
So I decided to go out my way, I get into my car, loaded up with gasoline, bottles, rags, a pistol, a few mags... That was it.
@@kyucumbear Well what else are you gonna do in Project Zomboid? The stash must GROW!
Yay. You feel your heart in the throat
The funniest thing is this song started to playing when I killed zombie with electro guitar.
Kills zombie
Character: *Starts playing music*
Horde around the corner: *Shuffles over*
Some pretty intense, edge-of-the-seat, nail biting, gardening goin’ on rn.
I’m now imagining a band of hillbillies stood on the front porch of a 50’s Texan-style house while another group of hillbillies do some very intense gardening
The zombies been real quiet after this banger dropped
The one song in the whole game that gives you a glimps of hope, that you MIGHT survive.. But that Hope, that survival. You will have to fight for it tooth and Nail.
when you decide to fight a zombie group of 5 but then notice *the entire fucking undead behind them*
I got all of this amazing gear with 1 of my friends
He walked over to 2 zombies
Then it was 3
I suggested we run in-case there is more zombies
Friend dosent listen, walks over to zombies and starts slashing
I join in, I dont want him to die
Friend gets scratched and I run so far I hit the coast
I get eaten by zombies and die
Friend dies after
This is the same guy who lasted 7 days as a Soldier with almost every negative effect (Ex. Tired, Bleeding, Infected, Sweating)
"Ah, five of them is not too bad. *AN ENTIRE FUCKING 50+ HORDE TRICKLES OUT OF THE WOODS*
God, ever since the first time i got ambushed by horde just because i wanted to fight few zombies i learned to retreat whenever there's more than 2. Sure it might be over reacting but after the shit you have to go through in this game, you can only learn one thing: better safe than sorry
@@Lil.Grandpa "And this is the part where we make like King Arthur and RUN AWAY!! RUN AWAYYYY!!!"
When you go to sleep in a bed your first night only to awaken to windows breaking and the entire downstairs flooded with the undead and you're armed with a plastic spoon.
Literally no joke that happened to me but it was only 3 zombies and i had a friend
But still first night so i was panicking
nah, i'd win
This is so beautiful. I love when it starts playing.
me too dude, for fuck sakes man... Project Zomboid deserve ALOT more players.. its sad
Me 2
@@borisbogdanovic4910 Do you still play PZ?
@@cs2dailycaseopenings aahahh yeah why
@nano noway you found this xD
I got scratched 3 times, one on my upper right arm, one on my groin, one on my upper left leg. I was still trying to survive after such wounds and still clinging to life but things changed after i got bit on my lower left leg and on my neck. I realized i was going to become one of those things. I had a double barrel with 24 shells in my backpack and this song came on.
I loaded them up and fired a round in to the sky to get attention towards myself, thinking i might help someone far away by taking the freaks near me. I wasnt going to go down so easily after all. I finished all my rounds, splattering every shot at their faces. After i ran out of bullets i pulled out my hand axe from my belt and ran in to the crowd swinging mindleslly and got faced with the faith of death. At least i died with dignity.
Odin: you’re in boy~
@@Vsevolod2002 Charge towards multiple enemy - check
Died while fighting - check
Holding an axe before last breath - check
*moments before firing*
"Time to ring the dinner bell"
True so far it took only 1 bite to get infected. However, to be turned into zombies can be configured, hours or minutes.
@ilikebacon what? no. the person was saying they KNEW they were going to die so they died with honor.
Absolutely love the singing in this, its a great way to spiral into death in the game as you're usually in deep shit if this music is playing.
Fr my heart begins to beat faster when the Arabic voice begins to be heard
So i was doing a hardcore playthrough where every zombie speed is "random".
Got probably the worst spawn in West Point
Right after, i was inside the spawn house which was surely empty because F me
I wandered to the rich houses and started scavenging garages with caution and i found a hammer
Just when i picked it up i heared a window smash
My heart rate spiked so fast as soon as i saw 6 sprinter zombies crawling through and this song kicked in
i jogged through a thicket to avoid falling and sprinted through the street to my spawn house where i locked my self and escaped through the back window to loose them
That was one of the biggest emotional rollercoasters i have had in this game
If you feel like it's too easy on "Real Zombies" you should definetly try sprinters
I set them as that and also make it to where they can open doors. It's a fucking nightmare but it gives keys a purpose. I like to make them Nocturnal too, so many times i've been in the middle of a city as the evening falls it's a genuinely threatening experience. You internalize minimizing your sound and visual profile. One zombie can easily lead to 5 killing you in a room you couldn't lock fast enough. I've also started placing furniture in front of every door before I sleep, the trusty nightstand hasn't failed me yet. Sleeping in a room downtown in a chair praying the night is easy and the next day treats you well can't be replicated.
Random speeds, opens doors, normal senses except for highest sound, nocturnal, weaker zombies and higher populations makes the zombies a threat you have to assess every second or you're toast within the matter of that second.
@@bloxmineland2 I'd highly suggest you set the day time to 2 hours instead of 1, 1 hour is too short, 3 or more hours is too long
West Point is an absolute nightmare because you can spawn in Scenic Grave. A place where there's shit to grab and to do, but there's less zombies.
The thing is, actual west point is south-east and the river is really far. So you basically get to spawn without the inherent advantage of Westpoint.
But it's actually pretty chill there if the water doesn't go out for a long time.
Lmao me at military base when i got helicopter, alright is time to grab my ammo box'es to fight line is not some hard, but if they all can go under car is be hard
then try sprinters with weak, unfit and very underweight xD (i haven't tried it yet)i,m using these traits with real zombies as i am capable to get rid of them
After having a broken back and defeating that last dead-ahole in Rosewood farmlands with a crowbar. Finally eating that rabbit cabbage roast with pepper and salt while sitting down to regain a bit of stamina.
First of all you can break your back in this game!? Damn lol 2nd what on earth did you do to break your back???
"This is actually working!!"
"I just need to keep pushing through to see this plan to the end!!"
"Yes!! I'm a freaking genius!!"
gets bit cuz got coky
"This is how you died"
E3 gameplay be like
“Yeah damn it’s not working so well anymore, turns out shooting 54 zombies with a shotgun just brings in 554 fresh zombies, BUT that’s why I just get more shells right?”
When I hear this I just want to immediately press Q and fight everything that fucking comes to me
The distant whirring of helicopter blades is slowly becoming not-so distant.
Fight to survive, live to die.
Build a base to get killed in a bathroom by zombies
@@davecroot9889 funny and sad
This is the way
You've described pretty exactly project zomboid.
I like how the music gets louder in game the more zombies/zeds you see
this track was playing when my friend who had the deaf trait starting wailing on the car horn while driving and decided to go back to our safehouse, he had to go when he got back and my one other friend was afk, and when the zombies were closing in fog approached, i ended up fighting a really big horde in the fog, broke an axe and two spiked bats, and broke 4 cars ramming into the zombies
This music was played when my friends and I were defending our house from a HUGE horde of undead. The cartridges were running out, and they kept climbing and climbing, breaking through the fence, crawling under the car, and rushing to the house. Then two of our guys were killed, but they were able to detain the zombies and distract them so that the remaining four broke through to the cars, and crushing the creatures to break through the encirclement ring. John MacLeod, Sergey Road2Hell, we will not forget you. F.
They should get the Medal of Honor..
I love this one, so energetic and stuff!
I love the guitar and the sitar guitar, we can win this!
here we have a rookie. no we can't.
We who has been bitten 2 times
😭 😭
man thats why i love project zomboid, the soundtracks are encredible end the game is awesome
I think i have sort of translated the arabic, i speak arabic as a native tongue just not this dialect (this is classic arabic i believe)
0:29-0:43 (something) of life (i believe the first word was نبع meaning well or place of origin, although im not 100% sure)
0:44- 0:48 what is the price, what is the price, what is the price
0:51-0:55 what is the price o time o time
0:59-1:24 same as 0:29-0:43
1:25-1:38 same as 0:44-0:55
The lyrics repeat from here on out
When you see 3 zombies
Running zombies
this was the needed context
This played during the last part of the tutorial and I was genuinely immediately hooked
“press q to take the cure”
I didn't know Arabic will sound this good with this game and rock.
This played as I charged out of rosewood on a skateboard with a massive horde following me. I love this game.
The music in this game slaps way harder than it has any reason to
It was composed by Zach Beever, of course it slaps hard
There's no greater feeling in this game than walking into Maldraugh or Louisville and hearing this as you make your stand trying to wipe out every zombie in the area
comparing a lake to the ocean???
@@thepeopleplaygroundfiles3404 I'm talking the two most densely packed areas wiseass.
@@Deadsphere not as dense as you rockhead
@@Deadsphere spelt the town wrong so your point is invalid and rosewood is the most dense town due to its size, and why choose Muldraugh as your examle when westpoint is far more dense. whats even your point if your wrong twice.
@@thepeopleplaygroundfiles3404 my brother in christ
i do not give a shit
The Indie Stone: its just a indie zombie game, dont go crazy with the soundtrack
Zach Beever:
Actually such a cool use of a Banjo, its one of the most country instruments i can think of and yet its being used as a rock instrument!
"Maybe we can win this?" A survivor who got mauled by 300+ zombies a day later.
POV: You're a Kentucky citizen enjoying a nice can of beans on a Thursday evening.
The female voice is from the music created by Zack Beever using EastWest Voices of Passion with a Syria style.
i cleared an entire apartment building of zombings to this song and loved how when things calmed down it would start to fade but as more showed up it would intensify continuously~! such a funny tune when sprinters would wander off and start window wiping :P
"alr this is just a survival game dont go too crazy with the soundtrack"
Zach Beever: hold my beer
The theme of finding a db and a box of shells in a bar while surrounded by zombies
When life is cooking you but all of sudden this shit start hitting🔥
Это был 10 день выживания. Зомби я встречал не очень часто и маленькими группкам . Я как то забирался в здание рядом с церковью в центре Малдро, когда вдруг сработала сигнализация. Тут же я побежал и скрылся в церкви и сел в углу, в отдельной комнатке, зацепив краем взора небольшой участок улицы в окно. Все, что я видел - это редкие мертвецы, лениво ковыляющие к источнику звука. Один из них начал ломиться, завидев меня, и я тут-же подумал "ну чтож, сколько бы вас не было, добро пожаловать в ад", достал лом, открыл окно и начал убивать. Первого, второго, четвертого, они все лезли и лезли, и тут ото всех сторон начали доноситься стони и стуки, одновременно выламывались десятки окон, начали плясать все двери в помещении. Выломав за секунду дверь сзади, на меня пошло не менее 5 зомби, столько же лезло через оба окна, и тут-же выломалась вторая дверь в комнату, от отчаяния я просто на альте врезался в толпу ходячих, и дважды споткнувшись и полетя кубарем, я кое как избежал укуса и вылетел к церковным скомейками. Окна были вче разбиты и зал наполняли мертвые. Я резко ринулся к дверям церкви и закосплеив Рональдиньо, хоть и опять споткнувшись, я выкатился из церкви. В мою сторону со всех сторон направлялись просто сотни мертвецов, со всех уголков Малдро, но большая часть потока лилась с северо-востока. В этот момент и играл этот трек. Мои руки тряслись, сердце бешено колотилось и я просто побежал. Просто бежал. Не к базе, не в лес, а просто побежал вдоль улиц на восток, минуя огромные орды. По пути мне встречались все новые и новые толпы зомби, а я все бежал, пока не устал и не начал просто идти. Я шел, уставший, обернувшись лишь раз, что-бы увидеть огромные орды, следующие за мной по пятам. На улице становилось темно, а я все шел. Мне на встречу шли мертвецы, которые становились моими преследователями. Они были на каждой улице, на экране помещалось одновременно 3-4 группы, по 7-15 зомби. Все он и увязывались следом.
Я вышел из Малдро на северо-восток, оставив орду за полосой леса. Вокруг было абсолютно темно и я остановился на кукурузном поле. Обернувшись, я увидел остатки великой орды в лице 2-х зомби, которых мой напуганный, уставший т сонный персонаж запинывал ногами около часа.
Потом я увидел ферму вдалеке и зайдя в нее, я обнаружил лишь тело суицидника, пустившего себе картечь в голову. У бедняги не было еды, и пустые полки в доме.
Он понимал, что с такими запасами он не жилец.
Я устроился спать на втором этаже, а выйдя наутро на удицу, я обнаружил, что ферма окружена мелкими группами ходячих. Убив их, я увидел как с разных сторон леса вышло не менее 15 штук, тут-же мертвецов 7 вышло из коровника. Это было похоже на спланированную атаку, хотя и вряд-ли зомби на такое способны.
Я убил их всех и расчистил близлежащую местность.
Мой старый дом находился на противоположной стороне Малдро, в элитном районе, но я сказал себе, что ближайший месяц туда не вернусь.
Через два дня я вышел в город набрать припасов. В бедном трейлерном районе, но осознал, что он заполонен ордами мертвецов. Не подобраться ни к одному дому. Я все-же попытался, но так и не зайдя ни в один, я только спровоцировал опять на себя орду, от которой я просто убежал в лес.
Я закончил играть, зайдя в лес, и пока что запускать игру не хочу. Как я устал бегать и прятаться от орд зомби.
Love this song because its literally the only song that doesnt feel like you're going to do. A "maybe we can win this" situation.
Definitely one of the best soundtracks period. Hope the composer got a bonus
Me when i found milk on a fridge
I just love the clarinet in this piece, just perfection 🤌
i wish there was a mod that increased the chance of this playing while fighting zombies to 100%
playing on a role play multiplayer server and usually my character is a solo long range scout/forager so he'll leave and be gone for days with only a walkie talkie to inform his friends he's still alive (every night between 9 and 10pm) but one time I decided to take someone with him and the house we looted set off an alarm. It pulled tons of zombies out of every surrounding house and quickly turned into us being in the center of a horde all converging on us. This song started playing the second the alarm went off and we were just booking it, not even trying to fight just running and dodging, jumping fences. I just remember yelling "Run!" and then it was just pure adrenaline rush and focus trying to not get grabbed. We lost sight of each other at one point when they failed to jump a tall fence but any pause to try and backtrack to find them would have been death so I kept going and hoped they were ok. I eventually found a house to hide in without being spotted but they ended up in a car with no idea how far apart we were and the horde was still in sight from the windows. Had a brief conversation via walkie that basically amounted to them trying to say goodbye and it was so emotional that I had to leave the house and try to find this car but it got too dark and I ended up camping out the night in a windowless bathroom at a car shop.
rest in pieces, random guy in the apocalypse
unknown - 1993
Me trying to rip my socks to bandage my neck with laceration while fighting the whole zombies in West Point with my griddle pan and plunger
as a new player with now 150 hours in game i can say that what scared me more about the undeed is the fact that they do not need to eat, sleep, drink water they do not get bored or tired.... they relentless in their primal objective in which they actually suceed no matter what you do as the tittle says ¨This is how you died¨
but you fight anyways....
You know what you need to take when you hear it.
either beta blockers or vitamins
A shotgun with enough shells
Beta blockers, Some food and water and A HUGE HORDE OF DEAD HEADS!
Love how the title is an ironic contrast to the actual situation of the game. There is no winning, death is an inevitability. After all, the iconic phrase is "this is how you died" and not "this is how you won"
Of course, this has to be the most popular soundtrack on this channel... OF COURSE...
Zach Beever is a legend just on basis of this track
Blud think he's the Indomitable Human Spirit
i can listen to this like 10 hours
"There was no hope for survival. This is how you died."
Me when this song starts playing: "Nah, I'd win."
2024 - 1st human gets deer zombie virus
Me and my friends after hearing news
The theme of finding like 5 shotgun ammo boxes while a x100 zombie horde is chasing you
When you're playing Multiplayer with your friends, and their hideout is getting swarmed by a horde. They're trapped.
You have the option to slip away and save yourself, but decide to go back for them.
That's integrity.
did this once. m16 and multiple mags. they praise me to this day
when my friends get a horde knockin', they call for the one and only One Shot Man.
5 axe skill
10 strength
a couple of fire axes
a shit ton of soon-to-be-dead zombies.
Zombies decay but loyalty stays
This used to play constantly before the official update, since build 41 became the current build I haven't heard this theme once along with some others too. And it was one of my favorites.
Really? I hear this all the time
plays when fighting a horde
I shit myself when I hear the first notes of this banger
this music makes me want to survive
game when i am reading a book:
POV: You got the entire map's population on you
когда отбиваешься от орды бегунов но у тебя есть 15 патронов картечи двухстволка и вантуз
Черт это жиза 😂
When Maybe We Can Win This kicks in.
When you find a fireaxe and you've got plenty of energy to swing it
me when i find a saw and a hammer and an axe at the same house
When a horde came to my house and I fired a shotgun, threw incendiary mixture, walked with a fire ax for 50 zombies, calm music played, but as soon as I started planting potatoes, this music began.
This played when my car broke down and I was trying to start it back up and was forced out, then I ran down the highway with just a crowbar, Thank god for multihit, got my long blunt up high just going down that road
This game has a great soundtrack.
When I managed to leave.
the title wraps up this song
Fight or flee... I choice Fig-
*Insert a walking corpse*
i need a movie based on this game.
Then watch any generic zombie movie and you are done
@@mane8246 then it's just some guy shooting a shit ton of zombies with a minigun, and that's not exactly what this game's about
@@s3m1f64 I see what you mean, this games atmosphere is dreary and hopeless with barely any life (cause npcs being reworked) and that would be a great movie setting tbh
Not focusing on action and victory but coping with a depressing zombie apocalypse where everyone else has left you
@@felixc.3444 exactly
Hmm, see "Maggie" then, I loved this one. It's drama, and PZ game got an easter egg with whit movie: 1-the area, where everything happens, is a Midwest of USA, 2-when the player in Project Zomboid dies, a stat appears on the right side of the screen, necroambulism, and this is the name of the disease from "Maggie" movie. This is a nice drama, also.
I want it on spotify
The game when I see 2 zombies from far away:
this is a realy good one its one of my favorites
I always got it when i am back from trip just a seconds before my base and never when i fight
Whenever I’m in a situation where I need to run, I will stay and fight if this song plays. Not the smartest moves but oh well
The song of kiting 20+ zombies.
Edit : with a rolling pin.
This is the song i get when killing zombies only to get to hyped up and miss place a step or forget about exhaustion and get bit
Me when the helicopter event happens while I’m looting so I can’t cower like a noob:
a frying pan, half a bottle of beta blockers, and a dream.
This song always come on when im walking from a train of zombies packing all my mags
You know shits going down when the lady starts singing
you know you're in danger when you hear someone singing in a language you've never heard before
This one is a banger
Me when I cleared out the secret megabuilding base in raven creek but then accidently suicide by jumping off the top level when I tried to clear the broken glass
This is the last stand music for infected characters, I spent three days preparing the base so my new character can survive the apocalypse, and one would usually expect a final stand to be guns blazing, but not me, I took any melee weapons that isn't valuable enough and fought til exhaustion, I went full medieval and killed as many of them to the point that my own body killed me first before the zombies did! All that toiling and suffering was for the survival of another life, I lured away such a massive horde from Rosewood that town was actually pretty peaceful for a while.
This game is so good, especially when you have nothing left to lose, truly the most fun part.
This either plays when you're eating some vegetable soup at 4AM and you saw a single zombie or when you're fighting out of a soon to be encirclement in louisville there is no inbetween.