Natural immunity in Italy

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • Clear graphics from Italy, The decline of COVID-19 severity and lethality over two years of pandemic
    20 to 40-fold reductions during the period of dominance of Omicron compared to the initial acute phase.
    Phase 1, Ancestral
    Probability of hospitalization per infection of 5.4%
    Probability of ICU admission of 0.65%
    Probability of death of 2.2%
    Phase 5, Omicron
    Probability of hospitalization, 95.1% reduction in risk
    Probability of ICU admission, 97.3% reduction in risk
    Probability of death, 97.5% reduction in risk
    Using epidemiological and genomic surveillance data
    To estimate the number of daily infections in Italy in the first two years of pandemic.
    Attack rate
    Ascertainment of SARS-CoV-2 infections
    Phase 1 (ancestral)
    Attack rate 2.8%
    Phase 2 (ancestral)
    Less stringent NPIs
    Attack rate 11.4%
    Phase 3 Alpha variant
    Mid -February 2021 to early July 2021
    Alpha infected about 10.1% of the Italian population
    Phase 4, Delta
    Second half of 2021
    Progressive relaxation of NPIs
    Attack rate 17.3%
    Phase 5, Omicron
    End of December 2021
    Attack rate, 51.1% of the Italian population became infected with Omicron
    Evolution of population susceptibility
    Percentage of the population susceptible to SARS-CoV-2
    End of first phase, 97.5%
    February 20, 2022, 13%
    By February 20th, 2022
    a marked proportion of individuals unprotected against SARS-CoV-2 infection can be found among vaccinated subjects,
    due to the waning of vaccine protection
    Evolution of COVID-19 severity and lethality
    Probability of hospitalisation
    Probability of ICU admission
    Probability of death
    Evolution of population susceptibility
    Natural, post infection immunity is now the main factor reducing population sensitivity
    Vaccination protection is seen to be declining
    Omicron natural infection had the largest protective effect
    Repeat exposure to omicron (and sub variants) is likely to have the same effect going forward.
    NPIs will reduce repeat exposures
    NPIs will reduce exposure to other respiratory viruses such as RSV

ความคิดเห็น • 3.4K

  • @millw1
    @millw1 ปีที่แล้ว +1140

    I have to admit, being unvaccinated myself, it's extremely nice to see that all of the oppression here in Canada, and other things we had to suffer, may be worth it after all.
    Thanks again Dr. John

    • @bejoyful
      @bejoyful ปีที่แล้ว +238

      We suffered because of our Government (s) in Canada; they must be held accountable and removed.

    • @klausschwabshubris
      @klausschwabshubris ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Being Part of the control group is satisfying , knowing how bad things are getting for those who believed the propaganda.

    • @outterhouse
      @outterhouse ปีที่แล้ว +182

      @@bejoyful we suffered because a large portion of the population supported the government, either outright or by their silence and compliance.

    • @lightner6924
      @lightner6924 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      @@bejoyful The problem is the people not he government.

    • @klausschwabshubris
      @klausschwabshubris ปีที่แล้ว +34

      @@outterhouse family and friends, lost a few family members and plenty of friends over the last 2 years. Physically lost, as in dirt nap lost.

  • @CrankyBeach
    @CrankyBeach ปีที่แล้ว +1453

    At the time the pandemic started, my only risk factors were age 65 and a little chubby. No heart or lung issues, no asthma, no diabetes, etc. Since the beginning I've been swallowing daily handfuls of every vitamin and supplement that is even rumored to offer immune support. I refused the stab on the grounds that NO ONE could possibly know the long-term effects (unless they had a working TARDIS stashed in their garage). I stayed healthy until July 2021 when I came down with a cold... which also came with a fever and, about 5 days in, included far more weakness and fatigue than I've been accustomed to with colds over my lifetime. Yep, I tested positive. No, it wasn't fun, but it was not by far the sickest I've ever been even with a plain old cold. I fully recovered, with the added benefit that once I regained my appetite I stopped eating everything in sight. I've lost about 40 pounds and now my BMI is in the normal range. I have completely resumed normal life and have not been sick.
    And pretty much everyone I know who did take the jab has had COVID, some of them more than one time. Yet the True Believers continue to insist that I must comply. The only way I will comply is if they knock me unconscious, tie me down, and do their dirty work while I can't fight back.

      @CONEHEADDK ปีที่แล้ว +121

      Spot on. I don't test drugs.

    • @UnChannelDuVulpineX
      @UnChannelDuVulpineX ปีที่แล้ว +28

      The symptoms would have been lesser if you'd done the socially responsible thing and gotten vaccinated.

    • @Telados
      @Telados ปีที่แล้ว +170

      @@UnChannelDuVulpineX Do you get a kick from being evil?

    • @GarlandFarms
      @GarlandFarms ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Eating bivalves and beef/lamb/goat/chicken liver (organic/pastured) would be a step-up from taking synthetic vitamins.

    • @grahamhodge8313
      @grahamhodge8313 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      You would think that someone who had such a close encounter with Covid 19 would have more sense but there is no accounting for stupidity.

  • @ozmid40scouple
    @ozmid40scouple ปีที่แล้ว +89

    Wife and I both 63, neither of us had the "tea", neither of us have had the "lurgy"......lost our jobs, lost family because we didn't partake in an experiment, ostracised from society for over 15 months, couldnt even get a haircut. ALL our friends have had 2, 3, 4 lots of the "tea" and all have had the "lurgy", some twice..... we suffered a lot but VINDICATION for our stance is such a sweet sensation........

    • @magdebates2697
      @magdebates2697 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      you are both heros to me . amazing people .

    • @0809DublinMarcali
      @0809DublinMarcali ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Good for you for holding your stands! We will never get an apology but those who shunned us will one day realize what they’ve done.That itself is the punishment for their incredible ignorance. They’ll just have ti live with it.

    • @gardenjoy5223
      @gardenjoy5223 ปีที่แล้ว

      What vindication? Don't we all know or know about persons like you, not vaccinated, who did get severely ill and many of those died of Covid-19? Yet, we also know from the start, that only 1 in 5 seems to get symptomatic. Which left a 20% chance only, of getting ill in the first place. Yet, too many of those got it badly and too many we lost to the grave. Many others suffering from Long Covid. It could have been YOU, as much as a friend in your age group, that I lost last year. Also not vaccinated. She felt like an elephant was sitting on her chest. Her husband the grieving widower. Plus we know three long Covid patients. One can't taste and is vomiting a lot, the other is exhausted all the time, a third hard way to recovering.

    • @DC-cv9ch
      @DC-cv9ch ปีที่แล้ว +3

      What is so sad is how people even said I the unvaccinated caught it we should not be allowed medical treatment and deserved to die! The world was brainwashed into believing we didn't deserve a hospital bed only those who took the "tea" deserved hospital care. Horrible times. Human beings are capable of very horrible deeds. 😞

    • @joecanti5944
      @joecanti5944 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Well done for staying strong. I got the virus early on and had lab tests showing abundant antibodies for at least 15 months afterwards.. despite that, I was also banned from all social activities, the workplace, public transport, while people on tv suggested we should have our delivery food spat in, be sent to camps, be kept under house arrest, marginalised and denied healthcare etc... The people who pushed the fear are the true threat to society, and now we see them pathetically trying to pretend nothing ever happened.

  • @MrHVACguy71
    @MrHVACguy71 ปีที่แล้ว +2167

    My mother always told me " Never take drugs from convicted felons with legal indemnity ."

    • @oldlifter530
      @oldlifter530 ปีที่แล้ว +85

      You should always listen to your mother. Not mine.

    • @franguemes
      @franguemes ปีที่แล้ว +55

      You keep posting the same in every Dr. Campbell’s video?

    • @antoniovillanueva308
      @antoniovillanueva308 ปีที่แล้ว +95

      @@franguemes and you keep reading the posts.

    • @clintonhummel8776
      @clintonhummel8776 ปีที่แล้ว +36

      You’re all three right

    • @donniedarko4497
      @donniedarko4497 ปีที่แล้ว +51

      I see you post this comment often.
      It's is a good one

  • @wendyowen969
    @wendyowen969 ปีที่แล้ว +257

    I finally caught Covid 2 weeks ago, now I feel much better knowing I have natural immunity. I'm 75 and wasn't really sick. Thanks Dr John

    • @kellys7018
      @kellys7018 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Wendy Owen, were you vaccinated? Glad you had a mild case!

    • @vacayooper4728
      @vacayooper4728 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How do you know? PCR test states clearly on the insert it can't diagnose any illness. Look it up.

    • @StevenHaggis
      @StevenHaggis ปีที่แล้ว

      Have you got herpes now?

    • @The_MostHigh
      @The_MostHigh ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Hopefully you did not follow Johns advice at the time and get the vaccination, watch 'died suddenly' on rumble

    • @Costa_Conn
      @Costa_Conn ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@The_MostHigh the vacuum between your ears must be at least 0.001 torr. Probably time to let some fresh air in.

  • @philippphil8894
    @philippphil8894 ปีที่แล้ว +577

    I'm from Germany and i'm a mal nurse...i was infected by the Delta Strain and I was pretty sick for 5 days without any aftermath and then in May 2022 i was "reinfected" by the omicron variant without any symptoms. I noticed the infection because we are tested every day before starting to work and everyone get tested the unvaccinated and the vaccinated. So yeah I think my natural immunity is pretty good and as a young healthy individual I refuse to get vaccinated thanks a lot for your videos.

    • @celiad6012
      @celiad6012 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Weren’t hospital staff in Germany sacked if they refused the jab? Or am I confusing Germany with Austrian where the measures were draconian?

    • @philippphil8894
      @philippphil8894 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      The austrian measurements were stricter and in Germany it depended on your departement of health that was responsable for the elderly homes or hospitals. The law clearly stated to put unvaccinated health personnel out of work but the health departements of various cities didn't fully executed the law on the lower level or they were really slow in the execution of the law by purpose or because they were also overwhelmed by counting the positive PCR Tests I cannot tell. Surely we were all receiving letters to confirm our vaccination status or immunity confirmation or we had to show them a medical reason for not getting vaccinated so I responded that I was infected 2 times and after that my responaible department of health left me alone and i'm happy about that.

    • @celiad6012
      @celiad6012 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @@philippphil8894 I was infected in the first wave in March 2020, so had acquired immunity, but that did not stop constant calls from my GP to come and get the shots..still ongoing! At least the government here in the UK eventually caved in and did not force everyone in the health services to get them, but that was only after many had already complied in order to keep their jobs.

    • @camas9774
      @camas9774 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      @@celiad6012 There was a mandate for healthcare workers (and also a lot of social workers) in effect since the middle of march this year in Germany. But because of staff shortages in a lot of areas the local authorities couldn't really enforce it. But in some areas they did enforce it, I know two persons that lost their jobs because of the mandates. And one person that would have lost their job and than took Novavax to keep it.
      Fortunately the mandate is ending at the end of this year, because our health minister couldn't find enough backing to get it extended.

    • @banzobeans
      @banzobeans ปีที่แล้ว +17

      @@camas9774 ​ another severely psychologically traumatized health minister.
      Painful to see that man in charge of German Health policy.

  • @terrific804
    @terrific804 ปีที่แล้ว +452

    Finally a discussion that includes the fact repeated exposure maintains a high level of natural protection from serious disease.

    • @davidarundel6187
      @davidarundel6187 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      Common cold provided some immunity to the strains of Sars-COVID-19. Still does .🙂

    • @kimdecell5096
      @kimdecell5096 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@davidarundel6187 For over 20 years now. the gov throwing this shit at us.
      Just a different flavor. Natural immunity thank God has a memory.

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Dr.been yt chanel needs to start speakin out now. He has been pushin masks, jabsz from the beginnin & a few months ago said kidz should have the jabsz if they can get them, he is disgustin. Keeps beggin daily on his live streams despite being very wealthy. He has PaulBork of DowChemicals selecting & reading certain datas, so he can continue to rake it in off his live streams even though he is very wealthy. People need to start researchin Been & challengin him

    • @dylanzrim3635
      @dylanzrim3635 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@sammywhite9906 ask him to reveal any conflict of interest whenever he pushes medications.
      TH-cam actually expects its users to disclose any form of endorsement/ad/sponsorship so he should be stating if he has shares in any company he mentions.

    • @spelunkernz6390
      @spelunkernz6390 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      With this particular virus particle, so far, yes it sure seems to be 👍

  • @hernancoronel
    @hernancoronel ปีที่แล้ว +482

    It is amazing (and somewhat sad) to realize that countries that have been the freedom fighters of the world historically like: the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and others are now being held hostage by their own governments and we now have to use data from other countries like Italy. I hope the people of those countries wake up and demand their representatives to fix this situation as quickly as possible. Thank you John for sharing such important information and keep up the great work!

    • @Kit_vr-i8f
      @Kit_vr-i8f ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Just Wait, I’m sure the pissed off people are going to make the governments pay!

    • @soniavos8065
      @soniavos8065 ปีที่แล้ว +43

      In Canada we are fight. Trudeau appeared in court to answer for evoking the emergencies act on his own citizens 🙄
      We willkeep fighting for the freedoms our ancestors fought to have. 💪 🙏 🇨🇦 🍁

    • @fruz1378
      @fruz1378 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      I might shock you, but countries that have colonised and slaughtered hundreds of thousands (or millions ?) abroad (=UK, France, Portugal, etc ...) have not actually been the "freedom fighters of the world historically", quite the opposite even.
      That said, UK had significant high health credentials/standards and yet that is where many shocking problems have happened for sure.

    • @JAG8691
      @JAG8691 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @@fruz1378 Thank you for your Cultural Marxist input.

    • @fruz1378
      @fruz1378 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@JAG8691 Not advocating for colonisation and all the deaths it brought = Marxist ?
      Thank you for showing how narrow-minded one can be

  • @MissCapasso
    @MissCapasso ปีที่แล้ว +398

    Dear doctor, I live in Italy, let me tell you that my colleagues who got the three shots are getting sick in different ways. They have been getting covid since october, one by one, in a heavy way, that is high temperature and heavy cough, the symptoms continuous even after and the generally need 2 weeks to be negative. I have heard by themseves, speaking about low immune response to the virus. They think it is because of the virus itself....the disease, I mean which is too strong. I didn't get any shot. I had some temperature in october, was negative, in 4 days I was fine. That's the story.

    • @hollyhansen7898
      @hollyhansen7898 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      I have a jabbed friend who got covid tongue where her tongue hurt for days and days and the flawed pcr test (that is only accurate on corpses not alive human beings) she still does not get it that she got covid again despite the flawed shot.

    • @Skousen77
      @Skousen77 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      We can see the same reality and get different conclusions depending of our source of background information.

    • @rebeccaryan5030
      @rebeccaryan5030 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      I have seen the same in my small community. Thoes who had the "vaccine" kept getting ill, lots of times. Thoes who stayed active and ate well only had a mild cold and recovered quickly (if they got ill at all!)

    • @ns2424
      @ns2424 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      While I and my (extended) family, we all got 3 shots, we got infected and experienced very mild symptoms. I myself didn’t even realize I was positive. And yes, I live in Italy.

    • @mariocomeq1961
      @mariocomeq1961 ปีที่แล้ว +38

      In the Co. I worked I noticed the same, all vaccinated, all sick even two times I refused the vaccination (I am not young) thanks to the information I got from videos of Prof. Didier Raoult. and others, that in feb 2020. Inmediately I understood the situationb. I had the chance to watch just how behaved the french and Italian governments with people like Macron/Veràn or Dragui/ Sileri. I everything was clear for me.I saw how TV treated in Italia Dr Mariano Amici, how journalist behaved (Vespa/Merlino & Co) only an idiot could not understand the game.

  • @atrailerinthewoods
    @atrailerinthewoods ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I'm tired of being scared.. I know that words like trauma are overused but honestly I feel traumatized by the gaslighting from the media/government

    • @alicewynne8242
      @alicewynne8242 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That’s the spirit 👍💕

    • @TheGardenAddict
      @TheGardenAddict ปีที่แล้ว +10

      The reason why I stopped watching the news in 2020. Ends up, it is easy to know the important stuff going without subjecting oneself to the sensationalized news coverage.

    • @TeiniMg4iR213FsHS
      @TeiniMg4iR213FsHS ปีที่แล้ว +2

      put your trust is Jesus dear one not man.

    • @montanagal6958
      @montanagal6958 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      coercive persuasion aspect of the campaign

    • @adamadamant5061
      @adamadamant5061 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's the idea.

  • @beckyarellano5339
    @beckyarellano5339 ปีที่แล้ว +266

    I worked in a hospital in Italy during the first months of Covid in the hot zone as well as other hot zone areas around the world and never got Covid. Never got vaccinated, never will and we never took any precautions. My husband is recovery from cancer this year and still not had Covid or will get vaccinated.

    • @angelap32
      @angelap32 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Wowww very impressive that you both didnt get Covid...I hope the best for your husband ❤

    • @HShango
      @HShango ปีที่แล้ว +2

      😶 ok....m

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You're new here today for the first time, what bought you here jus to say that!? So you were tiktok dancin in empty hospitals goin along with the plandemic at the start then!? How comes you still got a job without havin the experimental jabsz? Tell us all what you did, see & all what went on.

    • @schwarzblatt
      @schwarzblatt ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Did you take rapid tests every day or have regular antibody testing? If not, you have no idea if you’ve had a Covid infection or not.

    • @wyattfamily8997
      @wyattfamily8997 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Brave folk, well done to you both, wish your husband all the best, from Australia.

  • @montanagal6958
    @montanagal6958 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    We were told even if we recovered from the disease, still had to get the shots...never before had this been the case. They changed all the rules.

    • @mgtowmonger2729
      @mgtowmonger2729 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There has always been a lot of money to be made peddling death... First from expensive increasingly complex weaponry, then from pharmaceuticals. The top doctors on the planet are peddling death to make a lot of money. Too bad we can't 'cross the income streams' and take out the corrupt doctors with the complex weapon systems that are basically sitting idle all over the planet... Just a thought...

    • @SusanYeske701
      @SusanYeske701 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Just like how they changed the definition of v a c c i n e.

    • @hollyhansen7898
      @hollyhansen7898 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      we need to do some activism to block them from ever trying this again big pharma has 100 shots in the pipeline for us... we are just like cattle to them with no rights so they want to inject us with injections that they have NO LIABILITY IF YOU ARE HARMED....ALL THE BILLS FOR YOUR CARE AND LOSS OF CAREER WILL BE YOURS. VERY CROOKED SYSTEM. ALL RISK FOR US ALL PROFIT FOR THEM.

    • @robertmckinnon6564
      @robertmckinnon6564 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@SusanYeske701 and p a n d e m i c.

    • @PlandemicSeries-com
      @PlandemicSeries-com ปีที่แล้ว

      because "medicine" is a scam... a money making scam at the expense of expandable customers health.

  • @troychenier9877
    @troychenier9877 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    EDUCATION.... The one thing they denied us of is the one thing we needed. Thank you for your persistence.

    • @Costa_Conn
      @Costa_Conn ปีที่แล้ว

      Dear Troy, I strongly recommend you watch TWiV if you really want to be educated. A panel of real experts who discuss the science.

    • @3_m_1_7
      @3_m_1_7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Indeed education is nowhere to be found, so when they step into the water they will surely drown.

    • @energyscholar
      @energyscholar ปีที่แล้ว

      That's how totalitarians operate.

  • @medusa210562
    @medusa210562 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    There is something evil about the theory "WE ALL MUST TAKE THE JAB FOR THE COMMON GOOD" When litteraly everyone under the age of 60 with good level of vitamin d DOES NOT NEED TO TAKE THE RISK.

  • @debrascott6289
    @debrascott6289 ปีที่แล้ว +106

    I got covid end of 2019 - not a sniffle since. I declined all offers of jabs from my surgery including flu jabs. I'm type 2 diabetic.
    Thank you Dr John Campbell for all you do. You are my daily go to in all this madness.

    • @dingdong2103
      @dingdong2103 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I've had covid 2-3 times without V. Also a type 2 diabetic... Were harmless like a flu.

    • @keywee849
      @keywee849 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dingdong2103 injection is the only way to get an animal virus. Covid19 is the Gulf War Synonym, TREASON. You Ding Dong's have no idea what your talking about.

    • @dingdong2103
      @dingdong2103 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@keywee849 You apparently are confused as hell

    • @keywee849
      @keywee849 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dingdong2103 1/2 million Desert Storm troops were Injected with the mRNA US Military's bioweapon, TREASON, so many veterans passed from Covid19, they stopped publishing numbers May, 2020.

    • @register1430
      @register1430 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      NO YOU didn't. They didn't even have confirmation testing then.

  • @williambenner701
    @williambenner701 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    It is good to see the data on this. I have known this from the very beginning that natural immunity is the best protection.

    • @TileBitan
      @TileBitan ปีที่แล้ว

      It has always been like that and every doctor will tell you having gone through with a disease is better than being vaccinated for that strain.
      The problem is, contracting the virus is several orders of magnitude more dangerous than getting the vaccine for it. Vaccines have saved billions of lives already, for hundreds of diseases. Im sorry for Campbell but hes just feeding the echo chamber you guys are in. How money changes people

  • @EthanBWeather
    @EthanBWeather ปีที่แล้ว +43

    I remember last year when you said that the Omicron variants would be a good thing for building immunity, and now here we are. Really good to hear!

    • @jujutrini8412
      @jujutrini8412 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@christopherrobinson7541 That makes sense as during omicron phase of the virus all measures to limit population infection ceased.

    • @Anon-xd3cf
      @Anon-xd3cf ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Omicron made Bill Gates very sad...
      In his words, Omicron is doing a better job of vaccinating people than we are.

    • @saltlight5912
      @saltlight5912 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@christopherrobinson7541 what is the incidene ? The replication (R Wert) is important.

  • @alvilar3344
    @alvilar3344 ปีที่แล้ว +174

    Thank you Dr Campbell for your work highly appreciate it!

    • @jlevinsoul
      @jlevinsoul ปีที่แล้ว +2

      he is a liar!

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@jlevinsoul You're new here today so what bought you here puttin such ridiculous comments? Big pharma payin you well are they?😉

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well said I agree

    • @davidchedzoy7587
      @davidchedzoy7587 ปีที่แล้ว

      Big pharma is paying johnny backtrack Campbell!!! A sellout puppet!!!

    • @xxcarlaflatearther
      @xxcarlaflatearther ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sammywhite9906 you despise big pharma (like myself) yet push the germ theory narrative 🤔

  • @danclark1348
    @danclark1348 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Refused all covid vaccines, being a senior, no covid illness. Glad I did.

  • @mommaboombam3764
    @mommaboombam3764 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    More truths will come out. Hang on folks until all is revealed to the world. Stay strong. Thank you Dr for all your work. Bless you.

  • @donp11
    @donp11 ปีที่แล้ว +279

    I was sick in Dec 2019, feb 2020 and march 2022, 50 yrs old. Never got jabbed nor will I and never experienced any issues beyond some "new" cold like symptoms I have never before experienced. Natural immunity for the win. On a side note I have noticed the jabbed have had a way worse time recovering when they get a "cold".

    • @lappo253
      @lappo253 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Apart from dying suddenly

    • @niteal1255
      @niteal1255 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Yes, I personally know 1 who died unvaxed and 13 who were unalived after being vaxed. Not good odds.

    • @nicky_nike
      @nicky_nike ปีที่แล้ว

      That's because the DNA therapy compromises the immune system

    • @GingerPeacenik
      @GingerPeacenik ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Exactly the same here, but just a few years older than you. I got the alpha variant at a holiday party in 2-19, and weeks later gave it to my doctor. When we both recovered, he showed me the fatality rate for those under 50 (my “real age” according to my last checkup) on the CDC website: 0.03%!! I asked why the freak out for a 99.97% survival rate. He had no answer.
      I’ve ignored the hysterical narrative ever since.

    • @brockreynolds870
      @brockreynolds870 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I've had 3 shots, and have not been sick with anything since September 2019. Been really nice .

  • @deadpoolgaming997
    @deadpoolgaming997 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Why is Sweden the most Vaccinated and has had Less Deaths 🤔

  • @retiredgamblers3517
    @retiredgamblers3517 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    69 and 65 and 5 months ago we had a runny nose and a bit achy. I thought maybe we “had it”! We tested positive.
    Vitamins and exercising is our immune boosters! 🎉
    Thank you Dr. John, over 2 years of vitamin D, K and zinc. Continuing our daily vitamin regiment. ❤

  • @johndo8257
    @johndo8257 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I trusted natural immunity 3 years ago instead of an injection. Worked out fine.

  • @jovoorheescollinsmphbsnbch6245
    @jovoorheescollinsmphbsnbch6245 ปีที่แล้ว +110

    My family had alpha in Feb 2020 and delta in Aug 2021.....I think we're good on immunity 👌
    My husband got inoculated, myself and children have not and won't because we have some conditions that cannot tolerate inflammatory provocation (scleroderma, MCAS, epilepsy secondary to PANDAS).... we'll see how we do this "sick season"
    I'm fairly confident we'll be just fine.... it helps that I'm a healthcare professional and know how to use the tools at my disposal to keep us as healthy and sane as possible 🙏💯

    • @puppyupper4565
      @puppyupper4565 ปีที่แล้ว

      You should consider going to a true KETO diet and then a pure carnivore diet. If you go KETO for 6 months you will see a difference, if not big enough try carnivore for 6 months. Search out these diets on TH-cam and you will see people with serious issues being healed. I am glad you did not take the jab

    • @長谷川のり子-t5q
      @長谷川のり子-t5q ปีที่แล้ว +3

      As you got Delta in Aug 2021 then clearly the Alpha in Feb did not impart any immunity to you. So why are you so excited about immunity now?

    • @darksu6947
      @darksu6947 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@長谷川のり子-t5q Because hopes and dreams are all she has, lol.

    • @davidpaz9389
      @davidpaz9389 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Myself, my wife, and my daughter had Delta last August into September. First my daughter, then myself, then my wife. The flu was worse on my daughter than Covid was. The only sympton I had was a fever. My wife had a fever and congestion. Fortunately we all made it no worse for the wear and without ever getting the jabs.

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Whatever did your husband have the experimental jabsz for? Healthcare professional, what specifically are you, a nurse or what? How did you manage to keep your job without havin the experimental jabsz?

  • @musamusashi
    @musamusashi ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Italy had some of the most draconian measures... i am glad that some transparency on this unprecedented social and medical experiment is finally surfacing.

  • @mortonvizner5263
    @mortonvizner5263 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    Much needed insight and reassurance, Dr Campbell. Great as always.

    • @onlyme2262
      @onlyme2262 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope all that respect Dr. Campbell would go to the Dr Susan Oliver utube site and give that nit wit a what for. She runs Dr Campbell into the muck pile. She is a total nitwit.

    • @miles6910
      @miles6910 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      meh. he calls this evidence, but frankly, the paper is 100% assumptions and estimates. it's a statistical model that fits the observed data over the period of the two years they looked at. but my gut says there's plenty of other models that also fit the observed data. it'd be worthwhile to see how the model fits the 9 months of data that has happened since. 28 thousand italians have died during that period of time. no asymptotic decline...

    • @Costa_Conn
      @Costa_Conn ปีที่แล้ว

      You left out the much needed misinformation service he provides.

  • @halitamoldova9439
    @halitamoldova9439 ปีที่แล้ว +105

    Successful people don't become that way overnight.most people see at a glance wealth, a great career, purpose-is the results of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life.

    • @lucyk.humphrey6652
      @lucyk.humphrey6652 ปีที่แล้ว

      You're so correct! save, invest and spend for necessities and a few luxuries relatives to own total assets ratio

    • @ipraywithoutseason
      @ipraywithoutseason ปีที่แล้ว

      The market is volatile at this time, hence i will suggest you get yourself a financial-advisor that can provide you with entry and exit points on the share/ETF you focus on.

    • @user-u818
      @user-u818 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm a living testimony of expert Hattie Lillian 💯 she's really a good broker and a mother too with good heart

    • @emmamartinezs5046
      @emmamartinezs5046 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wow, I'm just shocked you mentioned Expert Hattie thought I was the only one trading with her.

    • @olivia1603
      @olivia1603 ปีที่แล้ว

      Been reading through the comments and when you mentioned Expert Hattie Lillian Sloan I know you were right! She has been my Investment manager for a long time and I'm happy with her services.

  • @eileenfb1948
    @eileenfb1948 ปีที่แล้ว +80

    This is all the information we were looking for but our government didn't want us to know. Very good, thank you John.

  • @harrycraviotto2375
    @harrycraviotto2375 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Very nice news, we in the US have been lied to for so long that I really don’t believe a thing they say.
    Great job, tell the truth. You are very creditable.

  • @apet9859
    @apet9859 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Min 11: "hint, hint" 🤣
    Got to love this man. Amazing work dissecting available data as always, thank you Dr John

  • @rayraycthree5784
    @rayraycthree5784 ปีที่แล้ว +189

    Takeaway: If you had Omicron, don't hide from it (masks, distancing, etc) because re-exposure will not make you sick if within your immune period but rather will reinforce your naturally acquired immunity.

    • @gareththomas2091
      @gareththomas2091 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      This was my approach after being infected with Alpha, no mask or any other precautions despite working right through in a high exposure environment. Eventually caught Omicron, mild cold symptoms and negative within four days.

    • @HDvids101
      @HDvids101 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      This is what I say with blank stares back LOL

    • @MrRadiorobot
      @MrRadiorobot ปีที่แล้ว

      @@HDvids101 people have been programmed by so much MSM propaganda, alternative information causes a system crash..that long blank stare you see on their faces..listen carefully you can hear their harddrive errr errr errr......

    • @annieoakley694
      @annieoakley694 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      My husband and I had omicron and one month later my husband got it again but I did not so assuming my immunity is decent. We are not vaccinated.

    • @richarddobson4382
      @richarddobson4382 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      This makes a lot of sense, but never discussed by the authorities or mainstream media.

  • @kp6215
    @kp6215 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    Natural immunity works best thus protect your health only proper natural food without cans, boxes only from the good soil. Children build their immune system by playing outside not in sterile environments.

    • @echoeversky
      @echoeversky ปีที่แล้ว

      And then there's tetanus and polio...

    • @MR..181
      @MR..181 ปีที่แล้ว

      There was one week in pandemic when plastic bags were gone!!!!????

    • @josmith1815
      @josmith1815 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MR..181 what pandemic?

    • @MR..181
      @MR..181 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@josmith1815 the one that was stopped by the vaccine that destroyed your brain cells? Pardon, that was spread by the vaccine and shed..

    • @MarkJones-ji8fd
      @MarkJones-ji8fd ปีที่แล้ว

      @@echoeversky they don't use DDT anymore

  • @gavinfullen4282
    @gavinfullen4282 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Well, my mother always advised me not to be peer pressured into taking experimental drugs....

  • @brendan3117
    @brendan3117 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I went to the Doctor today and they said do u want Pfizer Booster and I said Hell Nah , Give me Novavax , thank god I didn’t get mRNA

  • @anthonymorris1723
    @anthonymorris1723 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Entire world needs to hear all of your reports, explanations and advice. God bless you.

  • @jswets5007
    @jswets5007 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    The use of the term "fatality" instead of mortality speaks volumes. COVID-19 is still present. However, the only people still trying to use it to frighten populations are those who were bent upon that goal from the beginning. Thank you Dr John for your continued evidence based presentation of this and other medical topics.

    • @jswets5007
      @jswets5007 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Concrete Head You chose your name well. But of course you know that already. Cheers mate. Enjoy your day.

    • @jswets5007
      @jswets5007 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Benson Sure. It is a matter of severity in normalized medical terminology. Mortality, or morbidity, are the terms which have been normalized as the method of describing people who have died from unintended or biological failure due to natural causes such health issues and disease. Fatality is a term which has been normalized for describing the result of intentional or nonbiological death causes such as vehicle collisions and war. There is much more to it, volumes in fact. However, at the heart of it; mortality generally means "died naturally" and fatality generally means "killed by something external". Switching the terminology is a good way to evoke a subliminal state of fear in the mind of the reader. It is a simple trick that writers use all the time to play upon the readers own fears. *When used politically it is called doublespeak.*

    • @jswets5007
      @jswets5007 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Benson If you are not sure then I would suggest that you investigate the matter more. It is not inconsequential. However I cannot sway you one way or the other, as it is my statement that you are questioning. I was only stating my opinion and answering your question. Hope it helps and hope you are well.

    • @jswets5007
      @jswets5007 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Benson I am not trying to insult you. Here is the situation. I made a statement. You questioned the statement. I offered an explanation. You questioned my explanation. I concluded that there is nothing that I can say that will convince you, as you obviously do not want to take my word for it. That is fine, you should not simply take anything anyone says without looking into it. However, if you are simply trying to argue with me about my statement, I am not interested. Enjoy your day.

  • @danielacinderella9501
    @danielacinderella9501 ปีที่แล้ว +123

    My brother had covid in Rome twice ; never vaccinated ! Only 2 weeks of Holiday and back to work ! He's a vet and does all vaccines for dogs and really knows to check his levels of antibodies - much higher than his vaccinated friends , because he has natural immunity - also is a blood donner regularly !! 🤗

    • @danielacinderella9501
      @danielacinderella9501 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I myself in the last 30 years of my life , I had all possible respiratory infections , much worse than in the last 2 years ! But I never take any vaccin , any drug except vitamines C and D !! 🤗

    • @danielacinderella9501
      @danielacinderella9501 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      When I was 20yo , I had to undergo nose surgery because I couldn't breath : IT was useless ! Only American doctor Henry Bieler saved my life through his book translated in Romania : I had severe lack of vitamines in my body , because I never ate raw veggies and fruit !

    • @maggie2759
      @maggie2759 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Talking of vaccines for dogs, I never ever vaccinated any of my 9 dogs!!, they all lived well until 15 to 18 years.. all were very healthy animals all their lives!.. all those jabs they put in to dogs are not necessary.. I also have never been jabbed for covid and been very well throughout... natural immunity all the way!!.

    • @janeteddddd
      @janeteddddd ปีที่แล้ว

      @@danielacinderella9501 how do you get your nutrients and vitamins now?. I rarely eat veggies or fruit except banana

    • @marios.2848
      @marios.2848 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@maggie2759 What a bullshit. A dog not vaxed against rabies is a danger to the whole family.

  • @michaeljohn7398
    @michaeljohn7398 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Excellent Discourse on this very Important Subject. Thank you Dr Campbell. A similar study by other countries along the lines of the Italian Model would be most welcome. People who are Immunocompromised will still benefit from observing the Basic Protocols which keep them from illness and death. Top job Dr Campbell. Cheers from Michael. Australia.

  • @Omnipresence101
    @Omnipresence101 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    We are blessed here for doctors, nurses, and medical researchers like yourself that through all your skills and insights many are finding relief being restored and renewed to health.

    • @Kyambaddeed
      @Kyambaddeed ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How are you doing

  • @thecorbern4446
    @thecorbern4446 ปีที่แล้ว +152

    I would like to see data from countries who allowed alternative treatments for COVID such as IVM and compare the death rates especially before vaxes. I’m still angry that US doctors and nurses had to follow the script and could not prescribe outside of that script even when requested by the patient.

    • @WeighedWilson
      @WeighedWilson ปีที่แล้ว +10

      They sure covered their butts instead of "do no harm"

    • @fredp2172
      @fredp2172 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jennifermarlow. numerous studies have came out showing ivermectin doesn't work at all at least not by itself but you people are so deluded at this point you can't accept that.

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Dr.been yt chanel needs to start speakin out now. He has been pushin masks, jabsz from the beginnin & a few months ago said kidz should have the jabsz if they can get them, he is disgustin. Keeps beggin daily on his live streams despite being very wealthy. He has PaulBork of DowChemicals selecting & reading certain datas, so he can continue to rake it in off his live streams even though he is very wealthy. People need to start researchin Been & challengin him

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@jennifermarlow. Hcq was given, used, from the start in india.

    • @valeriehorton7044
      @valeriehorton7044 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree

  • @stephenmcphee8131
    @stephenmcphee8131 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I haven't watched one of your videos in a while, but just wanted to drop in and say THANK YOU for helping literally millions of people to keep their sanity, especially around the omicron craziness (which was only a year ago!).

  • @westfield90
    @westfield90 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    I currently have it. Had body chills, mild fever, slight nausea, congestion and body aches. Tested positive. But once the fever broke in 2 hours the only thing that remained was a runny nose. By day 3 it all seems over. I fasted 24 hours and took lots of vitamin D3 with K2 and not sure if that helped but something seems to have made it very mild.

    • @debbiechristiansen7130
      @debbiechristiansen7130 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      If you look up Dr. Eric Berg on TH-cam fasting helps your body immensely. In simplified terms it’s like uncluttering so your body can focus in on taking care of the junk. 👍

    • @lightninggornall
      @lightninggornall ปีที่แล้ว +1

      testing positive doesn't mean anything when the tests are fraudalent

    • @dingdong2103
      @dingdong2103 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Me and my son were sick for 3 weeks on the original strain of covid. Then the following 2 times were shorter and easier. Third time when a family member got covid I didn't catch it anymore.

    • @midazolamdeathcount3009
      @midazolamdeathcount3009 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @PaulH-hl5hw
      @PaulH-hl5hw ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You have CONvid
      NoT "covid"

  • @helendimarino1626
    @helendimarino1626 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Thank you for all you do!

  • @harisdiz.5817
    @harisdiz.5817 ปีที่แล้ว +287

    Hi John. Could you do a video on the rate of sterility and still births during this period? I'm sure people haven't seen the figures as of late.

    • @jamesharcup1909
      @jamesharcup1909 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      Yes dr john , if you could do a vid on sterility and abnormal births/miscarriages, i think alot of people would like to know this info

    • @jlevinsoul
      @jlevinsoul ปีที่แล้ว +1

      so dumb

    • @denisepappas4644
      @denisepappas4644 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Yes. Brisbane fertility specialist Dr Luke McLindon has come out with some interesting data.

    • @chibbledorf
      @chibbledorf ปีที่แล้ว +31

      The drop in birth rates is horrific, Australia's has fallen off a cliff.

    • @TheKatoreilly
      @TheKatoreilly ปีที่แล้ว +26

      I personally knew 5 women who lost babies during this time.

  • @aliceh9186
    @aliceh9186 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Dr.John, I love your delivery,as usual. In particular,"And if this is true in Italy...etc." Had me giggling. Cheers

    • @franguemes
      @franguemes ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Well the CDC and Fauci had me giggling when they said it was true that vaccines prevented you from getting infected..

  • @stanweaver6116
    @stanweaver6116 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Thank you John for sticking with it for so long, I appreciate you. Hopefully part of the legacy of this mess is a serious attitude adjustment for our institutions and a very serious attitude adjustment for the most pernicious and dangerous parts of them.

    • @hollyhansen7898
      @hollyhansen7898 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      and after the attitude adjustment HUGE PROSECUTION FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

  • @MrAstec40
    @MrAstec40 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I was a 60 yr. old male with a slightly higher BMI and what Doctors call "exercise-induced asthma" and caught covid at my job while wearing a mask in May 2020, approx. 6 other co-workers caught Covid at the same time, and one man that was my age didn't make it. I was feverish for three days and had a headache for 5 days. I took over-the-counter flu medication to lessen my symptoms. That following summer I was exposed to others that were Covid positive (but didn't know it yet) in close proximity (traveling in the same vehicle) for an hour or more, this happened three times and I had NO symptoms following these occurrences. Yet, my employer via strong persistence from our government (USA) & Dr. Fauci insisted that ALL employees get Vaccinated. I'm confident that my natural immunity protected me from recurrences of Covid that summer and I forged a vaccine card in order to keep my job. In 2021 I had plans of traveling a bit and decided to get the "old-school" vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson because without a vax card some areas of the country would deny you travel. In case some of you are wondering what I mean by "old school" vax, this is when it is developed by utilizing dead or weakened pathogen to create the vaccination (like all of the vaccinations were made that we got in our youth) as the other Covid vax's used mRNA technology to create & didn't want to be a guinea pig for our government. I know this is the technology that is used to create standard flu shots, but these have been tried & true. The Covid vax's were NOT.

  • @fabioa.565
    @fabioa.565 ปีที่แล้ว +69

    I live in the north of Italy. I'm not vaccinated and neither my parents (82 years old with multiple pathologies). We got three weeks ago a covid flu. The sintoms were, Fever, cough, articolar pain, nausea, tiredness and sorethroat, but all the sintoms are gone away in almost two weeks. As all the doctors say here, fortunately It seems that the viral infection affects now just the throat and it no longer extends to the bronchus/lungs so the infection seem less severe but easily transmissible (I got the infection by vaccinated relatives at a funeral)

    • @tinamina2634
      @tinamina2634 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Glad you are all ok. How bad was the sore throat? I had a cold recently that was extremely bad, worst sore throat I’ve had, it only slightly went down to the chest and lung. Also had fever. But I tested negative for covid. Did you all test positive ?

    • @mariocomeq1961
      @mariocomeq1961 ปีที่แล้ว

      Suggest to listen an interview to Prof. Luiggi Cavanna (Piacenza) March 30.2020. He said I treat my patients very good, petients with cancer who got Covid, with great succes. The next day the SMS said that is not good. That help me to open my eyes, From the beggining I understood somethig was wrong in the the story. Before Prof. Cavanna I had the chance to listen Prof. Didier Raoutl, who used the same pill. This pill was even suggested by Donald, I we know what happende with him

    • @fabioa.565
      @fabioa.565 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@tinamina2634 Hello, I hope you're doing well, In my case the sore throat was not very bad. The cough was bad. I tested positive to the covid two times in two weeks. My parents and I got the covid and the same sintoms because I got infected at a funeral and so I infected my parents at home.

    • @tinamina2634
      @tinamina2634 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@fabioa.565 I see. Well again great news that you are all well! Is there any advice you can give people like me who are also unvaccinated and not had covid before? Is there anything you took to help your immunity or treat symptoms ?

    • @fabioa.565
      @fabioa.565 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@tinamina2634 I didn't take anything to improve my immunity system. I notice that many doctors recommend at least to follow a proper diet with vitamin "C" and vitamin "D" (especially for older people constrained at home) to improve the immunity system. My family physician prescribed to me just paracetamol to threat the fever and some products for the cough. Maybe this is the reason it took me two weeks to heal. An unvaccinated friend of mine got the covid-delta variant an year ago, that was more severe than the one we have today and he used some anti-inflammatory products. Now I hear more and more doctor saying that if anti-inflammatories had been used two years ago there probably would have been less deaths

  • @joshmcdonald9508
    @joshmcdonald9508 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    There's a lot of "Immune system deniers" out there who need to take note.

    • @beguileme8201
      @beguileme8201 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      God created our Immune systems for a reason. Let them work.👍

    • @digitally_ascended_conscio6304
      @digitally_ascended_conscio6304 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Lets agressievly call them anti-immuninists or something like that.

    • @tims9434
      @tims9434 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly correct. Just like the seasonal flu, covid can still kill people!

    • @Memphis2010GFC
      @Memphis2010GFC ปีที่แล้ว

      @@beguileme8201 It did not work too well for the 100's millions that died of smallpox!

    • @echoeversky
      @echoeversky ปีที่แล้ว

      Looks over at polio and tetanus... no thanks.

  • @johnbearross
    @johnbearross ปีที่แล้ว +57

    Thank you for your common touch and steady perspective, Doc.
    When Omicron started washing over the US, I told friends and family that it would save us all. Highly infectious, weak as hell, and able to punch through the jab like it wasn't even there, leaving behind natural immunity in its wake for the majority of the population.
    They looked at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears.
    But it worked.

    • @ski6712
      @ski6712 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      that is what i wish most people would realize as even amongst familly there are those saying you can't visit unless your vaccinated............bbbbut i am not sick 😕

    • @testtubeaccident7805
      @testtubeaccident7805 ปีที่แล้ว

      I’m guessing it was the look of some quite normal people who sadly have been completely unaware they’ve been the focus of an intense fear propaganda media campaign

    • @freebird7017
      @freebird7017 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ski6712 There are still people saying that??? Poor things. 🙈 So uninformed and ignorant.

    • @dothemathemathics7537
      @dothemathemathics7537 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ski6712 I I know a lot of people who didn't get the vaccine. Two of them are now dead. I know a lot of people that got the vaccine. None of them are dead. Both my sisters and my wife are nurses. I know for a fact that majority of people dying were uninvaccinated. But by now most I have already got the covid or been vaccinated or both.

  • @tiziacaia9090
    @tiziacaia9090 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    In Italy Nobody knows It. They are still convinced that the miracle potion works much better🃏.

    • @kennethdruhan3563
      @kennethdruhan3563 ปีที่แล้ว

      The miracle potion does work

    • @tiziacaia9090
      @tiziacaia9090 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kennethdruhan3563 of cours it has Always Worked and it's called Placebo.

  • @susiealavi1425
    @susiealavi1425 ปีที่แล้ว +91

    I got a covid infection in 2021 (Jan 1) asymptomatic basically, and havre never gotten even a cold since let alone Covid. I was living in the same home with people with Delta and Omicron as well and never fell ill. I am 64, and really very immune to Covid. I never have had the flu in a decade ( no vaccine) and I haven’t been sick in about 15+ years.

    • @sungear
      @sungear ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Congatulations. It's different for everybody.
      One day i hope they find the markers that explain why some people get sick and some don't.

    • @ski6712
      @ski6712 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      interesting 👍 as i had gotten very sick from influenza B in the outbreak of 1986 being young /athletic and consuming some power full natural remedies after 5 days it was over and so far 36 years later and 112 pandemic shopping trips into covid town😳 i haven't gotten a serious flu /cold or anything far but i use all the precautions i can including dr. Campbell recommendations while around the public.

    • @eileenfb1948
      @eileenfb1948 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sungear One marker for health is our blood sugar/insulin levels. Sugar impedes our natural immunity.

    • @hollyhansen7898
      @hollyhansen7898 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree have not had the flu in 30 years no flu shots the one when I was 30 put me on the couch for 2 days solid, just sleeping only up for occasional water, maybe a little was a strong one but then fine when Monday morning rolled around and I went to work like nothing happened. Just lost a weekend to sleep.

    • @susanharvey2109
      @susanharvey2109 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well done you. A light among dire warnings!

  • @TK-xh1xc
    @TK-xh1xc ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you John for continuing to be our guardian angel through all this.

  • @lawsonrichards2584
    @lawsonrichards2584 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dr John you are BOSS, THANK YOU, total respect

  • @sbx369
    @sbx369 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am Italian and I can say that our mainstream says the contrary.

  • @MJTroop11
    @MJTroop11 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Glad to see Italy is at least willing to look at the actual data for natural immunity.

  • @petramaas8574
    @petramaas8574 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Thank you again for this information. The tendency in some countries to ignore natural immunity and the way it is acquired is very worrisome. Especially when it leads to (more than) silly actions like vaccinating children, in the USA starting at 6 months. Omicron is a blessing.

  • @Xaltov
    @Xaltov ปีที่แล้ว +15

    John you are the best.

  • @100musicplaylists3
    @100musicplaylists3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My wise Nan always used to say that a person who tries to kill you more than seven times is not your real friend or a person you can trust.

  • @mushaukwamuhanga1979
    @mushaukwamuhanga1979 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank you so much Dr Campbell! I got infected with COVID 19 during the Alpha wave in January 2021. I would say it was a mild infection, had pneumonia but did not need oxygen therapy. Was sick for about a week. Got infected again in September this year. Just got body pains on first day and then I was fine with barely any symptoms through out the period that. I was positive. I still choose to remain unvaccinated because I believe that once infected you gain natural immunity. Your videos have armed me with scientific knowledge as well as gain evidence of research that supports my stance. For that am truly grateful for all the time you put into this. Thank you

    • @scottekoontz
      @scottekoontz ปีที่แล้ว

      "Oct 25, 2021 -- People who don’t get vaccinated against COVID-19 should expect to be reinfected with the coronavirus every 16 to 17 months on average, according to a recent study published in The Lancet Microbe."
      Sure, take your chances. We didn't;t eradicate other diseases by pretending vaccine don;t work.

  • @bwigfors
    @bwigfors ปีที่แล้ว +21

    This is encouraging. What now would be good is for us to stop adding pressure on the virus, so that it doesn't back fire

    • @alfs268
      @alfs268 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Too late

    • @MR..181
      @MR..181 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ala the parasites?

  • @brianvandenbossche8282
    @brianvandenbossche8282 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    Thank you Dr. Campbell. Your honesty is encouraging.

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well said, I agree.

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dr.been yt chanel needs to start speakin out now. He has been pushin masks, jabsz from the beginnin & a few months ago said kidz should have the jabsz if they can get them, he is disgustin. Keeps beggin daily on his live streams despite being very wealthy. He has PaulBork of DowChemicals selecting & reading certain datas, so he can continue to rake it in off his live streams even though he is very wealthy. People need to start researchin Been & challengin him

    • @davidchedzoy7587
      @davidchedzoy7587 ปีที่แล้ว

      He's a sellout Judas goat aka SHILL.. you have been warned

  • @Chase4everChase
    @Chase4everChase ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dr. John, Thank you so very, very much for this very informative update about Italy. I can't help but think like you mentioned if there is a decline in Italy.... Thank you so very much for keeping all of us throughout the world updated and most of all for giving us hope for the future. 🙂🙂🙂 (Chase)

  • @spr5858
    @spr5858 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    When I was a child. I remember my mother and others would have chicken pox parties. So if a child had the illness they would get all the other kids together so that everyone got it. And by doing so got it over with and the kids would then be immune

    • @GingerPeacenik
      @GingerPeacenik ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yep, same here. It was easier to get through as a child than as an adult. Like most viruses, catching it once meant lasting immunity throughout life.

    • @montanagal6958
      @montanagal6958 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      good ol days when catching/recovering from the disease gave immunity

    • @jonaswhale6451
      @jonaswhale6451 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same here !

    • @BillyChapman702
      @BillyChapman702 ปีที่แล้ว

      I never got chickenpox sadly, I was even exposed to it but still nothing 🤣

  • @mehcol
    @mehcol ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You are a gentle soul, Dr John and there are people out to ' get you '

    • @grownupandgardening4216
      @grownupandgardening4216 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      And many people praying for his safety

    • @mehcol
      @mehcol ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@grownupandgardening4216 the hatred for this gentle soul is bewildering

  • @johnwatson6973
    @johnwatson6973 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hi doctor John
    We got covid In January 6. 2022 uk
    No problems no jag s old school steam inhalation
    Now nov 3 got covid again flat out bed wife / myself
    5 days sleep. Constant sleeping both 75 +
    Using steam 3 times a day now fine

  • @CaptainValian
    @CaptainValian ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for this information, Dr. Campbell. The data from Italy and your clear explanation have helped to clarify some questions I had previous to your discussion.

  • @johanselkis6080
    @johanselkis6080 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you so much for all the videos John. I hope you the best winter time.

  • @johnireland1629
    @johnireland1629 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Your constant intelligence is deeply appreciated. Thank you.

    • @Costa_Conn
      @Costa_Conn ปีที่แล้ว

      Ha ha ha. Nice to see a comedian on the channel.

  • @yahkar
    @yahkar ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I remember the Tuskegee Experiment.. way too many similarities for me to get the jab. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @luciusblackwood2640
    @luciusblackwood2640 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I'm confused. You've said on this channel many times that Omicron rips right through natural immunity and vaccines and that you can be reinfected with Omicron in as little as 30 days after a previous infection just like a cold.

  • @qualm43
    @qualm43 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I recently was at a super spreader party. The three of us who didn't catch covid all had covid 9-12 months prior. In fact, everyone who caught covid hadn't had a prior infection. So yes, natural immunity is real.

    • @cellom.9227
      @cellom.9227 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I was also at an event with someone who didn't realize they had Covid. Two of us had previously had Covid, the other 12 had not. All vaccinated, HEPA filter in the room. No one ended up getting it.

  • @BlessedHope77
    @BlessedHope77 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    God Bless Dr are very much appreciated.

  • @judibee28
    @judibee28 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Rate of disease/conditions hospitalisations of those who drank the juice versus those who didn’t, needs to be focused on.
    I still recall those who wanted and believed in the *drink* yelling that those who didn’t drink it should pay their own hospital stays. They seem to be pretty quiet about that now as those who didn’t partake in the experimental drink are low to zero on the scale of hospitalisations.

    • @littleferigno8540
      @littleferigno8540 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      The juice good one. I like to call it the Jim jones juice now. The jjj lol

    • @montanagal6958
      @montanagal6958 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      no myocarditis either

    • @joyceflowershed
      @joyceflowershed ปีที่แล้ว

      Would like to see your facts..

    • @warrenklein7817
      @warrenklein7817 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Depending on how you choose prior years to compare with Australia 🇦🇺 to June has 17% or 40% excess deaths but no one will say whether it is the vaccinated or unvaccinated dying in record numbers. No authority here claims it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated as claimed last year.

    • @midazolamdeathcount3009
      @midazolamdeathcount3009 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @MRCAGR1
    @MRCAGR1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    John you’re missing the point. People can become infected in their upper respiratory tract irrespective of vaccination status as the vaccine is non sterilising (the same is true for all vaccines against URTI (e.g. measles)and GI viruses (e.g. polio).
    Everyone who becomes infected will develop “natural immunity” through IgA antibodies and memory B &T cells in the mucosa. The difference is if the mucosal immune system is unable to stop the spread and the virus gets into the lungs, this is where the vaccine induced immune response will be found, with IgG antibodies being created, within a couple of days, by the memory T &B cells that formed as a response to the vaccine; in the unvaccinated person the IgG antibodies do not start to peak until 7 days post infection.
    This should prevent serious illness, if so then the vaccine has done it’s job. This applies to Measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, polio, diphtheria and tetanus vaccines.
    Measuring antibody levels is meaningless as they drop off naturally a few weeks after either infection or vaccination (some infections are persistent and antibodies remain as in measles)

  • @user77654
    @user77654 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Imagine the gov admitting that V is no longer needed. And how much power they would lose. Imagine in future gov releasing something like this on purpose to gain more control using fear, even if it won't be as lethal.

    • @keywee849
      @keywee849 ปีที่แล้ว

      See John Hopkins SPARS pandemic 2025-2028. This won't end until the EXECUTIONS begin!

  • @omarthearab81
    @omarthearab81 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Amazing work Dr John Campbell

    • @onlyme2262
      @onlyme2262 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope all that respect Dr. Campbell would go to the Dr Susan Oliver utube site and give that nit wit a what for. She runs Dr Campbell into the muck pile. She is a total nitwit.

  • @CoyotePark
    @CoyotePark ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Lets just quote Bill Gates in a speech at the end of last year: "UNFORTUNATELY the Omicron variant turned out to be not as dangerous"

  • @peterli7120
    @peterli7120 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The best part of being a conspiracy theorist, is not having myocarditis...

  • @timhumphtey107
    @timhumphtey107 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "It would of been so much worse if I hadn't of had them 4 jabs"

  • @alexvidakovic
    @alexvidakovic ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yet, people are excessively dying in their homes, some in their sleep.

  • @farmer_donny
    @farmer_donny ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thank you for bringing this preparing to our attention.
    It will be interesting to see if it makes it into print and avoids the big pharma censorship

  • @JamesMoloney-bl8gb
    @JamesMoloney-bl8gb ปีที่แล้ว +35

    THANK YOU John, been watching every release daily from the beginning of the pandemic, it's great to actually be given data driven TRUTH. Why are these new facts and figures not in the National media. The freedom of information details request by a journalist in England, the details he received are not even being mentioned anywhere. What are they hiding and WHY? Sorry now i had 2 jabs and booster, won't be getting any more. Viewing from the beginning in Ireland and Thank you again

    • @ib9511
      @ib9511 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Try nettle tea

    • @aliceh9186
      @aliceh9186 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      From Canada perspective,it's all a ruse to help justify CDN gov's decision to impose vaccine on our Truckers then invoke Emerg. Act heavy handed tactics on protestors,when they decended on Ottawa in protest. Our PM said he was just following the science. We've had quite a time of it.

    • @davidchedzoy7587
      @davidchedzoy7587 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Johnny backtrack Campbell the GOVID graph Master 📉📈 aka the sellout Judas goat.. this is a classic of running with the foxes and the hounds!!!

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@davidchedzoy7587 Why don't you do somethin more useful & mention the chanels still pushin the experimental jabsz!? You haven't got the guts to have you!? Drbeen, vincent racaniello, susan oliver, Debunkthefunk are worse, aren't they!?

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@davidchedzoy7587 Dr.been yt chanel needs to start speakin out now. He has been pushin masks, jabsz from the beginnin & a few months ago said kidz should have the jabsz if they can get them, he is disgustin. Keeps beggin daily on his live streams despite being very wealthy. He has PaulBork of DowChemicals selecting & reading certain datas, so he can continue to rake it in off his live streams even though he is very wealthy. People need to start researching Been & challenging him.

  • @robertbarnier45
    @robertbarnier45 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This is great news. Thank you Dr John for your expertise.

    • @Costa_Conn
      @Costa_Conn ปีที่แล้ว

      I'd appreciate knowing just where you believe this 'expertise' lays? In JC's case PhD stand for Phucking Dipstick.

  • @grahamthompson2594
    @grahamthompson2594 ปีที่แล้ว +118

    Would be interesting to study flu death rates during 2019 to see when this disease started. Certainly there was a pre Wuhan version (as noted by WHO). Burning the midnight candle there Dr John

    • @Logotic
      @Logotic ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dr. Campbell spoke about this in a previous video:

    • @deezeed2817
      @deezeed2817 ปีที่แล้ว

      Alot of people were getting infected with it. For example in early 2019 you had American tourists in the Dominican Republic die of mysterious circumstances which alot of it was unusual. Many died "suddenly" of mainly Pulmonary Edema of "Fluid in the lungs" however this was blamed on tainted alcohol and nobody ever investigated it to see if a virus was causing it. Same with young people in hospital with lung problems being blamed on "vaping" which magically disappeared once Covid appeared in the U.S. Basically Americans were already getting infected but nobody joined the dots or had any clue why these weird things were occurring. But looking back i would say that the truth of this pandemic maybe alot more complex and stranger than we can even imagine.

    • @michaelcre8
      @michaelcre8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Aerial photographs of hospital parking lots showing an unusually high volume of hospital traffic suggest the pandemic started in Wuhan in August. The Wuhan virologists actions suggest they became aware of it in September when they took down their public database and began looking into upgrading their building ventilation. This is all in the Senate committee report An Analysis of the Origins of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    • @blackoutgstar9949
      @blackoutgstar9949 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      and we will never find out where it came from since asking is "disrespectful"

    • @Jesus_is_All_we_need
      @Jesus_is_All_we_need ปีที่แล้ว

      It's morning across the pond.

  • @MatthewDowling
    @MatthewDowling ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I like that Dr. Campbell keeps posting these videos and is documenting these statistics, thank you Dr.C what you're doing is important, please keep going. I didn't take it nor my kids, and the pressure to has been immense from the Los Angeles school district, the state of Ca and city. They play commercials for all "vacations" on loop 24/7 here on tv and radio, mailers, emails, text messages, phone calls, billboards... like if this was your ex trying to get into your house, you have to file a restraining order to be left alone. It borders on stalking tbh. It's a constant onslaught of unwanted brainwashing everywhere here.

    • @auspiciouslywild
      @auspiciouslywild ปีที่แล้ว

      I wonder why so many people in the comments seem to think that Dr. Campbell is saying it's good that you didn't get vaccinated. I've yet to see a video where he does, and in many video, including these, the data he presents clearly shows that vaccinations have been very significant and important part keeping the impact of Covid low, especially pre-Omicron.
      You're not a hero for not having taken the vaccine. You took a risk and got lucky. Not a villain either, for that matter, it's your choice and maybe you had good reasons. But we should be very glad that few people did like you, as more places would've been overwhelmed by Delta. And if Omicron wasn't mild (the world got really lucky there) and few people were vaccinated we'd been screwed.
      If you didn't get vaccinated by now, sure, don't feel bad for not getting it now. I don't know anyone talking much about the vaccine anymore. I've been wondering if I should get a booster just in case and talked around, and nobody thinks it's important.
      You all, including Campbell, talk like it's some kind of revelation that Omicron has made Covid endemic and relatively benign, and that natural immunity is what we should rely on now... but this seems to be the assumption from everyone around me, the media, work (we got free flu vaccine shots but no Covid booster) the government.. but maybe that's just where I live.

    • @Andrew-nw5cm
      @Andrew-nw5cm ปีที่แล้ว

      @@auspiciouslywild his comments are mostly toxic people

    • @theopeterbroers819
      @theopeterbroers819 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Article: "We estimate that by February 20, 2022, a marked proportion of individuals unprotected against SARS-CoV-2 infection can be found among vaccinated subjects (especially among the adults and elderly) due to the waning of vaccine protection." In my opinion, those people should have gotten their booster in late 2021. Remember: immunity wanes faster in the elderly and they were among the first to receive the vaccine.

    • @auspiciouslywild
      @auspiciouslywild ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Andrew-nw5cm I've noticed, it's so sad, there's lots of interesting things to discuss with his videos but I'm so turned off because it's just 90% "so glad I didn't get the vaccine, vaccine bad" type comments.
      Well, there's a fair amount of "thank you" comments too, which is nice I guess, but not very interesting.

    • @margietucker1719
      @margietucker1719 ปีที่แล้ว

      How horrible! Grateful I live in Texas.

  • @risenshine2783
    @risenshine2783 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I will never forget your video on tracing the emergence of the omicron strain back to S Africa and some mice…the implications were loud and clear and I am very grateful to the mice and their friends for the more infectious but far less dangerous strain

  • @Chiboza
    @Chiboza ปีที่แล้ว +8

    It's like 02:32 here and it was just posted. Good doctor never sleeps!

    • @StayCoolKeto
      @StayCoolKeto ปีที่แล้ว +1

      he could have set the video to come out at that time

    • @bravebrowser261
      @bravebrowser261 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I saw him at 1am dancing on tables at the strip club

    • @StayCoolKeto
      @StayCoolKeto ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bravebrowser261 Sounds like something he would do lol

    • @Costa_Conn
      @Costa_Conn ปีที่แล้ว

      @learn2 farm please consider what the "hit pieces" are stating. Susan Oliver, Ben Wilson and Prof Greg are all far more qualified and consider ALL the evidence. If you are technically minded and have 1-2 hrs, I strongly recommend Prof Vincent Racinniello's TWiV podcasts.

  • @billysonlinesurveychannel8247
    @billysonlinesurveychannel8247 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I just got over covid and am unvaxxed and 40 years old. Started with a scratchy throat..turned into a massive headache, body aches and chills. A bit of a stuffy nose..a bit of sore lungs. EXTREME exhaustion. No taste or smell for about 5 days. I would wake up after 8 hour sleep and feel like I didnt sleep for days. I was sleeping 16 hours a day. It took a couple of weeks to kick. To be honest, ive had worse intense colds or flus but this was like a bit of a cold mixed in with a bit of flu. Def weird and different and lasts a lot longer but not as intense as other things ive caught.

    • @carlenekingery8860
      @carlenekingery8860 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Those are the symptoms I had with the variant I caught in September 2022, but I also had loss of taste and smell. My husband caught it 4 days after I did and had same symptoms. It took 6 weeks to stop coughing.

    • @billysonlinesurveychannel8247
      @billysonlinesurveychannel8247 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@carlenekingery8860 Oh right I forgot to add that. I did lose my taste and smell.

    • @UnChannelDuVulpineX
      @UnChannelDuVulpineX ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The symptoms would have been lesser if you'd done the socially responsible thing and gotten vaccinated.

    • @Worthfishing
      @Worthfishing ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@UnChannelDuVulpineX It just depends on the person‘s immune system.

    • @UnChannelDuVulpineX
      @UnChannelDuVulpineX ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Worthfishing Of course that is a factor. Injecting stuff that helps you get over it is another.

  • @user-yy3jv1yw8n
    @user-yy3jv1yw8n ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I am so relieved, that I did not get the vacc. That I endured beeing in Lockdown for disobeying no restaurand, no club, no sport etc etc for almost 2 Years! I am glad that I did not give in!!!!!

  • @JG-fv9bv
    @JG-fv9bv ปีที่แล้ว +5

    B......Bu...........BUT Hancock , Whitty , Vallance , Gates , Trudeau , Adern etc said Natural Immunity was a Conspiracy Theory ....

    • @ShadowMan66
      @ShadowMan66 ปีที่แล้ว

      EXACTLY and the MSM are now smearing the film Died Suddenly on Rumble in exactly the same way!

  • @dyoolyoos
    @dyoolyoos ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I'm conducting a similar but simpler study here in the Philippines, preliminary results are more or less the same. Omicron (and probably Delta as well) is really a game changer.

    • @hollyhansen7898
      @hollyhansen7898 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      yes omicron is the vaccine that sad Bill Gates could not make when he was interviewed he said it made him sad that omicron wiped out his plan to usher in vaccine passports that he could make billions on with his company Microsoft. BOYCOTT MICROSOFT.

    • @loz6441
      @loz6441 ปีที่แล้ว

      What's your estimate of the IFR of the original strain, from early 2020, in the Philippines?

    • @dyoolyoos
      @dyoolyoos ปีที่แล้ว

      @@loz6441 only have CFR, but my estimates for Ancestral variant ~2.5%, alpha/beta variant ~1.7%, delta ~1.9%, omicron ~0.6%. This is of course with massive underreporting esp of mild cases.

    • @loz6441
      @loz6441 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dyoolyoos those also seem rather high, but with underreporting that's to be expected. Do you think the underreporting is consistent across phases, meaning that the changes in CFR for different variants are meaningful (even if the absolute figures are not)?

    • @dyoolyoos
      @dyoolyoos ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@loz6441 i think the CFRs up until delta are consistent, but when omicron hit, nobody was testing, and even our MoH aren't pushing for PCR testing anymore. So the omicron rates are probly waaay lower. Even my machine learning models which were consistent until delta went out of whack with omicron. Where are you from and what's your data looking like?

  • @huntsmanpixie3216
    @huntsmanpixie3216 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    A global treasure you are Sr. Campbell. God bless you. Merry. Christmastime to you and yours, sir.

  • @gunnarMyTube
    @gunnarMyTube ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Referring to research reports is the model to avoid getting blocked for the good doctor. He patiently conducts this procedure and can talk of various topics as a result.

    • @ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim
      @ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim ปีที่แล้ว

      They have still been blocking people, even just for highlighting research that points to the danger of the vaccine.

  • @brandonlemon2060
    @brandonlemon2060 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    The only people I know getting really sick are those who've been boosted and isolated.

    • @marmotsongs
      @marmotsongs ปีที่แล้ว

      Aka immunocompromised.

  • @adriangroarke2460
    @adriangroarke2460 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Doc. Campbell thank you, Sir.

  • @brandonqarana8277
    @brandonqarana8277 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can't believe these videos are free and available to anybody with internet access. Remarkable.

    • @mariocomeq1961
      @mariocomeq1961 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Times are changing. They already got what theey wanted. If you see french italian sites, you will notice the change, even in TV

  • @angelaquesnel7546
    @angelaquesnel7546 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    You were right about almost everything in this pandemic Dr. Thank you for all your hard work translating these studies for us.

    • @GingerPeacenik
      @GingerPeacenik ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Well, after he woke up, anyway.

    • @josmith1815
      @josmith1815 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      He told people to take an experimental drug. Are you drunk?

    • @sammywhite9906
      @sammywhite9906 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@josmith1815 Dr.been yt chanel needs to start speakin out now. He has been pushin masks, jabsz from the beginnin & a few months ago said kidz should have the jabsz if they can get them, he is disgustin. Keeps beggin daily on his live streams despite being very wealthy. He has PaulBork of DowChemicals selecting & reading certain datas, so he can continue to rake it in off his live streams even though he is very wealthy. People need to start researching Been & challenging him.

    • @jeffreiland7463
      @jeffreiland7463 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @Angela Quesnel ---- He's been right about almost everything??? Have you been in a coma for the last 2 years?

    • @JAG8691
      @JAG8691 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It took him a while but he has mostly redeemed himself.

  • @aaronwebb1548
    @aaronwebb1548 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    A good man is honest and pays attention. You're a good man John.
    I don't believe there are many good men in government.

    • @adamadamant5061
      @adamadamant5061 ปีที่แล้ว

      Actually, Campbell is a good freemason. From the start. he advocated fiercely for the injectable and I have followed his subtle brand of wickedness ever since. I wonder how many have been injured or killed because they followed the urgings of this deceptive monster, who knew, as any rational person did, that there was and could not be any long term safety data. A simple nurse lecturer is now a millionaire many times over. Gosh, I wonder how!

    • @aaronwebb1548
      @aaronwebb1548 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@adamadamant5061 You believe he's flawless whereas I accepted his apology. He's openly admitted to being wrong with regards to his recommendations, and has accepted that the institutions that he trusted have been captured.
      Do you have any evidence for your claim, or are you merely attempting to dissolve any possible opposition to the W.E.F. agenda by turning the political left against itself?