It's impossible to go back to unawareness once your eyes have been opened. I struggle to enjoy anything since I know the truth. At this point I feel like I am a living experiment. How long can a human go on living when you are aware of how f'ed up everything is. Like, what more does it take to fully crack or snap?
@@apolloniusbeitsman5444 there's a guy who says there is a pre-tribulation rapture and he's also saying there's a post tribulation rapture. These are guys who are doing this to us. I can give you names. 2nd amendment is for removing censors not to defend corruption
Life is about getting power as soon as possible so you can enjoy life in the moment more…. How you are remembered doesn’t matter, how hard you work doesn’t matter, how much you suffered doesn’t matter. What matters is getting the power to enjoy the moment Authentically! Not impulsively but intelligently. No Freedom without Responsibility. Responsibility to Yourself.
@ power is simply control. Control comes in many variations. Seek control as much as you can. With respect to the boundaries of people you care about of course. Still never Self- Sacrifice.
@@beeba_seeba demonizing power is why people are controlled by those who glorify it. Power is control, the intentions of the controller is their individual choice. We also live under a global system where the most ruthless, amoral persons have the best chances to succeed. Engaging Gladiators with self imposed limits hurts only yourself.
@ The only thing we can control is whether we do evil or not and whether we go to work or not and we have control over little things like that. We make no major decisions and have no control what goes on this world. We don’t even have control over our circumstances born into and we can’t control our bodies from sickness and disease or even growing old. We play Russian roulette with our own soul.
I have had f-money, it does bring you joy for a few months, but then all the entertainment becomes boring and repetitive again. Money doesnt bring you joy and happiness.
It won't bring you joy or happiness but it will at least take away the worry of paying bills, making ends meet. But I am sure it would get boring too because there is a limit on the amount of things you can do in this life.
7:34 I agree with you on this point. We are living in a limited system, which by default makes the idea of 'everyone having everything' impossible. I remember the movie Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey and what happened when he decided to answer every prayer with 'YES.' Basically, in one day, it turned into an apocalypse. So, if you had a formula to turn iron into gold, would you create a tutorial on TH-cam for everyone? Would you let everyone have it and cause gold to devalue and turn into trash? - No. you would keep it to yourself.
"you are doing this to yourself" is a line that is said to make my blood boil. Even if you believe in free will (which i do not at all for multiple reasons such as : feeling my perceptions get shifted noticably against my will, body moving against my will, synchronicities and getting fucked with noticably ect) you need to be made to ignore obvious horrors and atrocities and at the same time be made to feel good and focus on that feeling while denying the experiences of other people who arent being allowed to feel good in order to think it is their fault or that they have control. I dont want happy people to feel sad i selfishly want them to acknowledge that their state of reality wasnt their doing in the first place
@@mikeliterus1628 I bet you're fun at parties Mike. The impression I'm getting of you is this large (not necessarily fat like me) tall, belligerent man who gets drunk at a party and punches the people who try to take his car keys who then goes on to get in a car accident and run down some innocent runner who was on the shoulder. You hear the bump bump and look in your rearview mirror, pause for 3 seconds, then keep driving.
Great vid. I believe this is a hell realm with much suffering. We will suffer from external things we can’t control… cost of living, wars, natural disasters. However, we can alleviate much suffering by being mindful what we have control of our internal state. Things that I do to lessen potential suffering… no drugs or alcohol, exercise, meditation, no news, no sugar, time in nature, saying no, having boundaries, not buying things I don’t need. I’ve discovered through meditation that I train my mind to be more peaceful, when my mind is at peace it is more calm, clear and spacious. It can help handle the external sufferings and craziness of the world
I have pondered for long enough on why things are the way they are in this hell realm... The more I focus on solutions, on being compassionate, the more I realized that idealism is a trap. This realm is what it is and it will never become anything else and it is not worth saving. It was designed from the start to make us do things we don't really feel like doing just to feel somewhat comfortable and satisfied. Social media is only a symptom of this disease we call life, it is no different than social gatherings in real life where people gossip and judge others for doing things they disapprove of as a "society". I am done with it all. What we have now is essentially what I like to call the "Virtue Signaling Society". Everybody feels like they have to appeal to an audience and be cheered along the way for everything they do. No authenticity is allowed, no true discussion, no joy, no life. Just a bunch of believers in the lies that make them feel comfortable in supporting the system they are hopelessly enslaved in. Can't even talk to anybody about it in real life anymore, gotta come on here and use their platform so they can slurp up every last drop of our remaining humanity and dignity.
I know exactly what you are talking about thus why I had to start this channel. I don't know many people I can talk to about half of the things I believe and talk about.
@@RedPillOption I know you are very aware of how absurd it all is, and although I do also have one person in my life who I could send this video to... They would seem to understand what you are talking about, but then send me videos about Donald and Elon a few days later as if they are somehow still credible and actually going to save us all. I am struggling to understand how that is even possible. I guess most people are just happier to remain in ignorance and remain a useful slave to the system, weather a conspiracy theorist, or someone who loves watching the big bang theory sitcom. Everybody is just a battery playing a role, joining a group and keeping the system powered.
Cool video dude. Videos like this help me to know that I'm not alone and we are all struggling on some level. What a strange fkn experience this human experience is like wtf 😂 Off to work I go during a heat wave, so grateful 😅
@@RedPillOption or they can just be hobbies. Why can't people just enjoy doing something without some dude saying they are coping when they are not coping and are just genuinely happy to live? I bet you would call those kinds of people who indulge in hobbies blind NPC'S. Listen, I know that you think your contrarian perspective is not normal, so why do you think that people who are living life in a different way than your own are ignorant/coping/NPCs? just because they dont see the world as you do? everyone has their own desires and levels of satisfaction. i am sorry that you seemingly have no desire and take no satisfaction from doing things.
@RedPillOption they are actively attacking my person, properties, and relations. They are censoring the dialogue of current world affairs.. they are actively spreading misinformation. They're people who are manipulating us right in front of us with the proof of their crimes open to see. They are preparing to have people exterminated. Who?The people spreading lies and censoring the dialogue
The savage, the subservient, the mindless, the simpleton, the ambitious, the psychopath, the dreamers, the beggars who are happy with little, this world has a place but only for the worst of us.
The pendulum motion is still in recession heading to depression in North America, you can see more and more people not enjoying life anymore. They may not say it but you know for a fact people are suffering, financially it's a living hell and downward spiral if you can't handle treading in quicksand.
enjoying this time is right. When the great reset goes into effect shortly after the global financial crash, you'll look back to today and say it was a lot better back then. Life is truly what you make of regardless if its somebody else rules. In the end, none of us get out of this thing alive.
My life has a lot of challenges and I can’t say I’m having fun but I believe that we chose our situation before we were born. I imagine life as a play. Nobody would want the boring roles that don’t stretch you. I sometimes feel like Indiana Jones, rolling under a closing gate just before it shuts or some other lessons go on for a lifetime (you can’t learn patience quickly). When we go home I think we will have found this lifetime valuable, interesting and rewarding. In the end all we take with us is our soul’s growth. I am actually grateful for the struggles. I feel like a better person for overcoming them.
The most simple truth of this matter is that a group of entities came together and produced the ultimate slave weapon, and that slave weapon is currency. The more you have of it the more freedom one has. It is directly proportional. The less you have of it the less freedom. To me, it is that simple. I think this happened just a few hundred years ago. Prior to these entities our realm was a place of wonderment to all. We could get this realm back but there is just ONE VERY LITTLE thing that is keeping it from happening and that is the JOINING of THE PEOPLE!
Our prior realm of enjoying life or living life - I feel - was not established on an economy based on limited natural resources. I feel it was something that we in this existence may never come to understand.
I recently had some health scares, and my dad was in hospital over Xmas. My dad’s out now and feeling better and my health is not as worse as i thought. All I can say is I feel a sense of relief and gratitude. Yes, life is terrible but sometimes it throws us things that gets us to reassess our situation and give an appreciate what’s here in the moment.
True, but still it doesn’t change the fact that we are still stuck in this construct, they just want you to accept it with whatever reason and be a sheep.
This Material World has alwys been miserable. Not sure how many actually took the time to see Reality. The illusions are ending for Americans. Embrace pain and struggles. Only true savior.
We are all blinded by our upbringing, the establishment school system, our parents, the status quo society plus distracted all throughout life by shiny objects of all sorts.
Why would a loving God sacrifice his only son? Why is God in the old testament such an angry and jealous God which condones so much killing? I think you need to keep seeking more truth.
@ I totally understand where you’re coming from because I used to dive deep into ‘truther’ videos, going down rabbit holes and taking ‘red pills.’ For a long time, I thought I was seeking the truth by exposing hidden agendas, questioning everything, and connecting the dots. But eventually, I realized I was searching for answers in all the wrong places. The truth I was looking for was in the Bible the entire time-God’s Word that has stood unshaken through the ages. To answer your question, why would a loving God sacrifice His only Son? The answer lies in His love. God didn’t sacrifice His Son out of anger but out of His infinite love for humanity. Jesus willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God. It’s the greatest act of love imaginable As for the God of the Old Testament, He is the same God as in the New Testament-holy, just, and loving. In the Old Testament, we see God’s justice and His intolerance of sin, which helps us understand the seriousness of rebellion against Him. At the same time, we see His mercy, patience, and love, as He continually calls His people back to Him. The killing that is described often relates to God’s judgment against wicked nations that were involved in things like child sacrifice, idolatry, and extreme immorality. God’s justice is always perfect, even when it’s hard for us to understand. I encourage you to keep seeking the truth. Jesus ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ The real truth isn’t in endless conspiracies or hidden knowledge-it’s in Jesus Christ, who loves you and wants you to know Him.
@@RedPillOption I totally understand where you’re coming from because I used to dive deep into ‘truther’ videos, going down rabbit holes and taking ‘red pills.’ For a long time, I thought I was seeking the truth by exposing hidden agendas, questioning everything, and connecting the dots. But eventually, I realized I was searching for answers in all the wrong places. The truth I was looking for was in the Bible the entire time-God’s Word that has stood unshaken through the ages. To answer your question, why would a loving God sacrifice His only Son? The answer lies in His love. God didn’t sacrifice His Son out of anger but out of His infinite love for humanity. Jesus willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God. It’s the greatest act of love imaginable As for the God of the Old Testament, He is the same God as in the New Testament-holy, just, and loving. In the Old Testament, we see God’s justice and His intolerance of sin, which helps us understand the seriousness of rebellion against Him. At the same time, we see His mercy, patience, and love, as He continually calls His people back to Him. The killing that is described often relates to God’s judgment against wicked nations that were involved in things like child sacrifice, idolatry, and extreme immorality. God’s justice is always perfect, even when it’s hard for us to understand. I encourage you to keep seeking the truth. Jesus ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ The real truth isn’t in endless conspiracies or hidden knowledge-it’s in Jesus Christ, who loves you and wants you to know Him.
@ I totally understand where you’re coming from because I used to dive deep into ‘truther’ videos, going down rabbit holes and taking ‘red pills.’ For a long time, I thought I was seeking the truth by exposing hidden agendas, questioning everything, and connecting the dots. But eventually, I realized I was searching for answers in all the wrong places. The truth I was looking for was in the Bible the entire time-God’s Word that has stood unshaken through the ages.
@ God didn’t sacrifice His Son out of anger but out of His infinite love for humanity. Jesus willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God. It’s the greatest act of love imaginable
The key is for people to rise up against our oppressors and become ungovernable. Ive been an anarchist most of my life.I refuse to vote, pay fines and generally do the opposite of what they want.Im a tiny tiny minority. Unfortunately the sheep are in majority which is why we are in this predicament and not likely to change. I have known mega wealthy folks who are equally disenchanted with life.Sure theyve bought the mcmansion and cars etc , travelled a fair bit and squandered everything they too fall into a pit of is this all there is ? mindset & misery so no , $$$ isnt always everything..
I won't subscribe to anarchy because that involves violence and I think we need to tone that down and win without violence but of course if you need to defend oneself then it's necessary. I agree with you about the rest.
Try to find an escape financially and then work out the rest. That is what I am trying to do. I don't want to be rich but I want to be free of worrying about paying bills etc.
@RedPillOption No matter how hard we try illuminati can collapse this economy anytime. Also rising tax regimes and inflation rate eats up our all savings and all. Hence poor stays poor fr. Retirement is a myth. Future remains unpredictable. It is what it is...
From my understanding, Tesla’s technology for generating plasma energy was suppressed. The oil barons, like John Rockefeller had too much to gain by letting this technology out. The Rockefeller family not only helped to enslave humanity to oil dependency, but they were also the driving force that shaped the pharmaceutical/alopathic medical system, as well as banking. Were “people” like the Rockefellers even human? Are they from a Nephilim blood line?
Hey i am with you, im cutting back on all of my addictions and training myself to live as simply as possible, hitting my debts as hard as possible to pay them off aswell so i have more opportunity for freedom. I think treating people with kindness also helps change things for the better. Also maybe a shift in values that each of us can individually make will contribute to a better world. For example i used to think of hard work as something i had to do for money, i now view it as something i should do to develop myself.
@apolloniusbeitsman5444 yeah watched the first two series back in the 90s and then the Return and the brilliant weirdness of the characters matured into darker caricatures by the time of Return. Heard about Lynchs death yesterday and realised this was the type of world that his imagination could live in. He just interpreted the inexplicable nothingness that meant something different to everybody. These days the characters just don't seem that weird anymore.
I have yet to meet a *truly happy* person. And I am old! Some people (many people?) were brought in a way that they *have to* up to put on a show. This _stiff upper lip_ thing was forced (up)on them/us. "Don't complain, don't explain!" 🤣 I know what you did last summer, and I know you know what I am alluding to. And it's fine. I want you to know I know. I want you to know I want you to know I know! "So...'s life treatin' ya?" "Oh, I'm good... ...everything is wonderful!" only to find out they got a divorce a month later 😂
My grandpa(now about 84 & in decent health)seems quite happy most of the time. He even got involved in a fist fight with his neighbour some years ago 😂😁
Everybody has their own unique subjective view of the world nobody can view the world like them. Other people's sufferings are not as bad to someone else than it is to some people. Some just can't take some things like someone can for some reasons. Some can even off themselfs after waking up to this reality because they realize their life is pretty much a lie and can't take it while some can manage it. This is a thing we have to remember that most people will NEVER wake up.
what you or I would call waste is simply more entropy. overall even if we weren't here the universe would "wind down" until heat death or phase out completely. the grocery store cant waste that food because it decays into the ground, feeding the insects and bacteria, birds. etc. it is a lot more work to quarantine a system fully than you think and so there will be a shift and then an equilibrium. every action has a reaction. so no worry about celebrating because I already am.
i recently herd this type of theory: The system makes ppl feel lonely, why? because when ppl feel LONELY they tend to buy MORE at the grocery store or any other store ...
Life is suffering and if you talk about your sufferings then many people just say "Well its worse somewhere else so dont be like that you ungrateful." What does that help? You have your sufferings and other people have their own sufferings. I know that is meant that you should change your perspective, but even if your things are better than many other people it still does not help to think that "well theres children starving right now in africa." Its always "well could be worse." Doesent that just tell that its never going to be better because even if you are "doing better" there is still suffering present always. Many stupid spoiled brats no matter how old they are still off themselfs and suffer even when they have it all and have a purpose too. I think that gives perspective that things will never be ok because there is always something bad going to happen to everyone.
I heard someone say none of us will ever get to excuse me F you money, so basically its a game that you have to play and never will get nowhere. Its a price you pay being alive
Years ago I have seen a Comicon fan in his 50's saying to the woman who interviewed him, '' I come here because real life is a real joke '' he answered that to the woman and millions of people of course saw that because it was on the air at the noon and 6 oclock news. A big Comicon took place over there, I think it was Las Vegas. Anyway, many people are not dumb, they know what life we live here and to be blunt, life is so short; don't even consider this life even for a moment, all this is a cruel sick boring joke beyond belief. Let us be honest, on earth, life is hell. Nothing less. So this 50 year man who read comics liked comic books because real life sucks. He is 1000%. The woman was kind of surprised that a man of this age was reading comics. That lady perhaps had the IQ of a baseball bat. Well at least he was enjoying comics. I myself like comics but nowadays, far too much feminism and woke crap in those comics.
It's a way of coping or in other words, an escape and that is why many people need copes ie drinking, playing video games, comicon (dressing up) The reality of life sucks big time.
@@RedPillOption It does....and to get back to the Comicon, ...negativity goes to those places also. Lots of fake people over there also. that pretends to like it, like they are desperate or wants to find something to do. How boy do I understand them.
we are here to try to help other people and to solve problems. Figure out ways to end suffering. Maybe come up with vegan hot dogs and burgers and other food without killing animals.
Before I subscribe, I see the title of the channel, but is this like red pill hate and blame women Channel? I'm an antinatalist and I know that some are black pill and even red pill. someone please let me know because I don't want to be subscribing or watching videos that are hateful towards women like we all aren't struggling in this damn place of pain and suffering
I think you already know this Nick but until the people say enough is enough nothing is gonna change and yes people like the status quo, an example in Canada you also know this the healthcare system is falling apart to the point where if you have an emergency you can die waiting or the quality of people in the system is terrible yet no one gets angry enough to kick the government out no violent protests which is the answer despite what most think, people are now living in tents yet they all still a bunch of normies that fully support the government and they will straight to their graves.
You can never enjoy like if your the average person work everyday with no time off.also like Nick said the cost of living is just too expensive and it your not a millionaire or billionaire you can never celebrate or enjoy life you will suffer constantly still tell the 🪦 period facts 💯✌️.
It's impossible to go back to unawareness once your eyes have been opened. I struggle to enjoy anything since I know the truth. At this point I feel like I am a living experiment. How long can a human go on living when you are aware of how f'ed up everything is. Like, what more does it take to fully crack or snap?
Yeah I know that exact feeling.
@@RedPillOptionTotally agree! You can't " unring" a bell and go back to the previous state of blissful ignorance.
Being attractive and having money as a man will make any man very happy because he will definitely get genuine attraction from females
@@apolloniusbeitsman5444 there's a guy who says there is a pre-tribulation rapture and he's also saying there's a post tribulation rapture. These are guys who are doing this to us. I can give you names. 2nd amendment is for removing censors not to defend corruption
i agree with everything you’re saying. but i find the need to distract myself and try to enjoy some things. without that i’d be going nuts
I know, it's really all we can do here.
Those who lose themselves in distractions & earthly pleasures will say they enjoy life 😁
Absolutely correct
Zero research lol
No they won't the would have pleasure
Life is about getting power as soon as possible so you can enjoy life in the moment more…. How you are remembered doesn’t matter, how hard you work doesn’t matter, how much you suffered doesn’t matter.
What matters is getting the power to enjoy the moment Authentically! Not impulsively but intelligently.
No Freedom without Responsibility.
Responsibility to Yourself.
When you talk about getting power, what type of power are you referring to?
it’s not all about getting power. some of the worlds most powerful people are the most twisted.
@@beeba_seeba Yep, agreed.
@ power is simply control.
Control comes in many variations.
Seek control as much as you can.
With respect to the boundaries of people you care about of course.
Still never Self- Sacrifice.
@@beeba_seeba demonizing power is why people are controlled by those who glorify it.
Power is control, the intentions of the controller is their individual choice.
We also live under a global system where the most ruthless, amoral persons have the best chances to succeed.
Engaging Gladiators with self imposed limits hurts only yourself.
I’m age 50, depressed Long term unemployed, single, have ocd and have insomnia. Things have never felt so hard
Grab as much benefits from the system to help yourself then. Time is of the essence 😁
@@orphanannie4521I get that, can't control anything tho
@ The only thing we can control is whether we do evil or not and whether we go to work or not and we have control over little things like that. We make no major decisions and have no control what goes on this world. We don’t even have control over our circumstances born into and we can’t control our bodies from sickness and disease or even growing old. We play Russian roulette with our own soul.
Look to the cats!!😹😽😹😽
I have had f-money, it does bring you joy for a few months, but then all the entertainment becomes boring and repetitive again. Money doesnt bring you joy and happiness.
It won't bring you joy or happiness but it will at least take away the worry of paying bills, making ends meet. But I am sure it would get boring too because there is a limit on the amount of things you can do in this life.
Entertainment yea obviously can get stale if you do enough of something but sure could take the stress from being broke and struggling paying bills
@@Artursamvelyan-ny9zk Agreed!
Of course not.
@@Artursamvelyan-ny9zk When you have money you have different worries, which can be as substantial for the individual.
Life is death and death is life 💔
7:34 I agree with you on this point. We are living in a limited system, which by default makes the idea of 'everyone having everything' impossible.
I remember the movie Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey and what happened when he decided to answer every prayer with 'YES.' Basically, in one day, it turned into an apocalypse.
So, if you had a formula to turn iron into gold, would you create a tutorial on TH-cam for everyone? Would you let everyone have it and cause gold to devalue and turn into trash? - No. you would keep it to yourself.
That's a great example of what I was trying to say. Just is impossible for everyone to have it good.
@@RedPillOption ❤
"you are doing this to yourself" is a line that is said to make my blood boil. Even if you believe in free will (which i do not at all for multiple reasons such as : feeling my perceptions get shifted noticably against my will, body moving against my will, synchronicities and getting fucked with noticably ect) you need to be made to ignore obvious horrors and atrocities and at the same time be made to feel good and focus on that feeling while denying the experiences of other people who arent being allowed to feel good in order to think it is their fault or that they have control. I dont want happy people to feel sad i selfishly want them to acknowledge that their state of reality wasnt their doing in the first place
I hate when people say that also. As for happy people acknowledging that, don't hold your breathe.
you ARE in fact doing this to yourself
@@mikeliterus1628 I bet you're fun at parties Mike. The impression I'm getting of you is this large (not necessarily fat like me) tall, belligerent man who gets drunk at a party and punches the people who try to take his car keys who then goes on to get in a car accident and run down some innocent runner who was on the shoulder. You hear the bump bump and look in your rearview mirror, pause for 3 seconds, then keep driving.
Great vid. I believe this is a hell realm with much suffering. We will suffer from external things we can’t control… cost of living, wars, natural disasters. However, we can alleviate much suffering by being mindful what we have control of our internal state. Things that I do to lessen potential suffering… no drugs or alcohol, exercise, meditation, no news, no sugar, time in nature, saying no, having boundaries, not buying things I don’t need. I’ve discovered through meditation that I train my mind to be more peaceful, when my mind is at peace it is more calm, clear and spacious. It can help handle the external sufferings and craziness of the world
Well said. I agree with what you said.
Programmed Sheep: Enjoy your life.
Also Programmed Sheep: You have to work day and night or else you are a bum.
& don't forget to drink your ovalteine
I have pondered for long enough on why things are the way they are in this hell realm... The more I focus on solutions, on being compassionate, the more I realized that idealism is a trap. This realm is what it is and it will never become anything else and it is not worth saving. It was designed from the start to make us do things we don't really feel like doing just to feel somewhat comfortable and satisfied.
Social media is only a symptom of this disease we call life, it is no different than social gatherings in real life where people gossip and judge others for doing things they disapprove of as a "society".
I am done with it all. What we have now is essentially what I like to call the "Virtue Signaling Society". Everybody feels like they have to appeal to an audience and be cheered along the way for everything they do.
No authenticity is allowed, no true discussion, no joy, no life. Just a bunch of believers in the lies that make them feel comfortable in supporting the system they are hopelessly enslaved in.
Can't even talk to anybody about it in real life anymore, gotta come on here and use their platform so they can slurp up every last drop of our remaining humanity and dignity.
I know exactly what you are talking about thus why I had to start this channel. I don't know many people I can talk to about half of the things I believe and talk about.
@@RedPillOption I know you are very aware of how absurd it all is, and although I do also have one person in my life who I could send this video to... They would seem to understand what you are talking about, but then send me videos about Donald and Elon a few days later as if they are somehow still credible and actually going to save us all.
I am struggling to understand how that is even possible.
I guess most people are just happier to remain in ignorance and remain a useful slave to the system, weather a conspiracy theorist, or someone who loves watching the big bang theory sitcom.
Everybody is just a battery playing a role, joining a group and keeping the system powered.
So relatable just feeling the same as of now glad you post this video ❤🎉
Life brings loads of pain & sadness but death usually causes great amount of agony too so life is basically a catch 22 😢😢
But everything is temporary
Imma just do what I can to make myself feel better by bettering myself & being reasonably selfish.😁😁😂
Cool video dude. Videos like this help me to know that I'm not alone and we are all struggling on some level. What a strange fkn experience this human experience is like wtf 😂 Off to work I go during a heat wave, so grateful 😅
Picking up hobbies is the way !
Yes and I recommend it but those are going to just be copes like anything else.
@@RedPillOption or they can just be hobbies. Why can't people just enjoy doing something without some dude saying they are coping when they are not coping and are just genuinely happy to live? I bet you would call those kinds of people who indulge in hobbies blind NPC'S. Listen, I know that you think your contrarian perspective is not normal, so why do you think that people who are living life in a different way than your own are ignorant/coping/NPCs? just because they dont see the world as you do? everyone has their own desires and levels of satisfaction. i am sorry that you seemingly have no desire and take no satisfaction from doing things.
Also boredom if done lot of differnt things..
The joy I would have in life is taken from me by the decadent and corrupt
The joy is taken from all of us because of these forces that are controlling our perceptions.
@RedPillOption they are actively attacking my person, properties, and relations. They are censoring the dialogue of current world affairs.. they are actively spreading misinformation. They're people who are manipulating us right in front of us with the proof of their crimes open to see. They are preparing to have people exterminated. Who?The people spreading lies and censoring the dialogue
He can't, thats the whole point in this hellish realm🤫☺️
The title of this video says it all
Exactly 💯
The savage, the subservient, the mindless, the simpleton, the ambitious, the psychopath, the dreamers, the beggars who are happy with little, this world has a place but only for the worst of us.
Wdym be savage in this context? Isn’t that when slang good thing
The pendulum motion is still in recession heading to depression in North America, you can see more and more people not enjoying life anymore. They may not say it but you know for a fact people are suffering, financially it's a living hell and downward spiral if you can't handle treading in quicksand.
Yes, there is no end to this craziness in sight.
6:08 one of my adopted siblings just popped out two offsprings last month. I feel sad for them in a congratulatory façade.
Yah imagine the world in which they will grow up in 20 years from now.
Notwithstanding I wish them all the best. Going to send them some gifts nonetheless.
so do I
enjoying this time is right. When the great reset goes into effect shortly after the global financial crash, you'll look back to today and say it was a lot better back then. Life is truly what you make of regardless if its somebody else rules. In the end, none of us get out of this thing alive.
How is life what you make it if we are trapped in this slave system?
Life isn’t what you make it, life is what it makes you.
Oh... make no mistake about it. Life, mostly sucks.
It's like doing time in prison and while there doing what you can to not be bored to death. 🤓
My life has a lot of challenges and I can’t say I’m having fun but I believe that we chose our situation before we were born. I imagine life as a play. Nobody would want the boring roles that don’t stretch you. I sometimes feel like Indiana Jones, rolling under a closing gate just before it shuts or some other lessons go on for a lifetime (you can’t learn patience quickly). When we go home I think we will have found this lifetime valuable, interesting and rewarding. In the end all we take with us is our soul’s growth. I am actually grateful for the struggles. I feel like a better person for overcoming them.
The most simple truth of this matter is that a group of entities came together and produced the ultimate slave weapon, and that slave weapon is currency. The more you have of it the more freedom one has. It is directly proportional. The less you have of it the less freedom. To me, it is that simple. I think this happened just a few hundred years ago. Prior to these entities our realm was a place of wonderment to all. We could get this realm back but there is just ONE VERY LITTLE thing that is keeping it from happening and that is the JOINING of THE PEOPLE!
💰 = ⛓
Our prior realm of enjoying life or living life - I feel - was not established on an economy based on limited natural resources. I feel it was something that we in this existence may never come to understand.
We may never come to understand nor experience.
I recently had some health scares, and my dad was in hospital over Xmas. My dad’s out now and feeling better and my health is not as worse as i thought. All I can say is I feel a sense of relief and gratitude. Yes, life is terrible but sometimes it throws us things that gets us to reassess our situation and give an appreciate what’s here in the moment.
True, but still it doesn’t change the fact that we are still stuck in this construct, they just want you to accept it with whatever reason and be a sheep.
there's nothing to celebrate in this prison planet.
This Material World has alwys been miserable. Not sure how many actually took the time to see Reality. The illusions are ending for Americans. Embrace pain and struggles. Only true savior.
We are all blinded by our upbringing, the establishment school system, our parents, the status quo society plus distracted all throughout life by shiny objects of all sorts.
BTW I love your channel
Thank you for the compliment. I just say what's on my mind.
Philippians 1:23 For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.
Why would a loving God sacrifice his only son? Why is God in the old testament such an angry and jealous God which condones so much killing? I think you need to keep seeking more truth.
@ I totally understand where you’re coming from because I used to dive deep into ‘truther’ videos, going down rabbit holes and taking ‘red pills.’ For a long time, I thought I was seeking the truth by exposing hidden agendas, questioning everything, and connecting the dots. But eventually, I realized I was searching for answers in all the wrong places. The truth I was looking for was in the Bible the entire time-God’s Word that has stood unshaken through the ages.
To answer your question, why would a loving God sacrifice His only Son? The answer lies in His love. God didn’t sacrifice His Son out of anger but out of His infinite love for humanity. Jesus willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God. It’s the greatest act of love imaginable
As for the God of the Old Testament, He is the same God as in the New Testament-holy, just, and loving. In the Old Testament, we see God’s justice and His intolerance of sin, which helps us understand the seriousness of rebellion against Him. At the same time, we see His mercy, patience, and love, as He continually calls His people back to Him. The killing that is described often relates to God’s judgment against wicked nations that were involved in things like child sacrifice, idolatry, and extreme immorality. God’s justice is always perfect, even when it’s hard for us to understand.
I encourage you to keep seeking the truth. Jesus ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ The real truth isn’t in endless conspiracies or hidden knowledge-it’s in Jesus Christ, who loves you and wants you to know Him.
@@RedPillOption I totally understand where you’re coming from because I used to dive deep into ‘truther’ videos, going down rabbit holes and taking ‘red pills.’ For a long time, I thought I was seeking the truth by exposing hidden agendas, questioning everything, and connecting the dots. But eventually, I realized I was searching for answers in all the wrong places. The truth I was looking for was in the Bible the entire time-God’s Word that has stood unshaken through the ages.
To answer your question, why would a loving God sacrifice His only Son? The answer lies in His love. God didn’t sacrifice His Son out of anger but out of His infinite love for humanity. Jesus willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God. It’s the greatest act of love imaginable
As for the God of the Old Testament, He is the same God as in the New Testament-holy, just, and loving. In the Old Testament, we see God’s justice and His intolerance of sin, which helps us understand the seriousness of rebellion against Him. At the same time, we see His mercy, patience, and love, as He continually calls His people back to Him. The killing that is described often relates to God’s judgment against wicked nations that were involved in things like child sacrifice, idolatry, and extreme immorality. God’s justice is always perfect, even when it’s hard for us to understand.
I encourage you to keep seeking the truth. Jesus ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ The real truth isn’t in endless conspiracies or hidden knowledge-it’s in Jesus Christ, who loves you and wants you to know Him.
@ I totally understand where you’re coming from because I used to dive deep into ‘truther’ videos, going down rabbit holes and taking ‘red pills.’ For a long time, I thought I was seeking the truth by exposing hidden agendas, questioning everything, and connecting the dots. But eventually, I realized I was searching for answers in all the wrong places. The truth I was looking for was in the Bible the entire time-God’s Word that has stood unshaken through the ages.
@ God didn’t sacrifice His Son out of anger but out of His infinite love for humanity. Jesus willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God. It’s the greatest act of love imaginable
The key is for people to rise up against our oppressors and become ungovernable. Ive been an anarchist most of my life.I refuse to vote, pay fines and generally do the opposite of what they want.Im a tiny tiny minority. Unfortunately the sheep are in majority which is why we are in this predicament and not likely to change. I have known mega wealthy folks who are equally disenchanted with life.Sure theyve bought the mcmansion and cars etc , travelled a fair bit and squandered everything they too fall into a pit of is this all there is ? mindset & misery so no , $$$ isnt always everything..
I won't subscribe to anarchy because that involves violence and I think we need to tone that down and win without violence but of course if you need to defend oneself then it's necessary. I agree with you about the rest.
How r u supposed to live the life happily when you are in a hand to mouth situation 🤔
Try to find an escape financially and then work out the rest. That is what I am trying to do. I don't want to be rich but I want to be free of worrying about paying bills etc.
@RedPillOption No matter how hard we try illuminati can collapse this economy anytime. Also rising tax regimes and inflation rate eats up our all savings and all. Hence poor stays poor fr. Retirement is a myth. Future remains unpredictable. It is what it is...
That's the impermanence that Buddha pointed out. I prefer Taoism. 🙂🤙
Whatever works for you.
The solution is free energy and sharing our gifts and talents. That's all we need here.
Yes that is definitely a start. Remember the guy with the water powered car and what happened to him?
@@RedPillOption I have a feeling it will make a come back
There’s free energy everywhere bro we humans just never stop misusing it 😂
@Francis_UD You should rename yourself to sherlock🤣
From my understanding, Tesla’s technology for generating plasma energy was suppressed. The oil barons, like John Rockefeller had too much to gain by letting this technology out.
The Rockefeller family not only helped to enslave humanity to oil dependency, but they were also the driving force that shaped the pharmaceutical/alopathic medical system, as well as banking.
Were “people” like the Rockefellers even human? Are they from a Nephilim blood line?
Hey i am with you, im cutting back on all of my addictions and training myself to live as simply as possible, hitting my debts as hard as possible to pay them off aswell so i have more opportunity for freedom. I think treating people with kindness also helps change things for the better. Also maybe a shift in values that each of us can individually make will contribute to a better world. For example i used to think of hard work as something i had to do for money, i now view it as something i should do to develop myself.
Yep some parents are extremely immature they just reproduce for fun & once the excitement ends they either neglect or abuse their offsprings or both
Twin Peaks was a documentary.
My favourite series ever
The Return is my fave
@apolloniusbeitsman5444 yeah watched the first two series back in the 90s and then the Return and the brilliant weirdness of the characters matured into darker caricatures by the time of Return. Heard about Lynchs death yesterday and realised this was the type of world that his imagination could live in. He just interpreted the inexplicable nothingness that meant something different to everybody. These days the characters just don't seem that weird anymore.
the loosh farm conspiracy just keeps proving itself everydays.
I have yet to meet a *truly happy* person. And I am old! Some people (many people?) were brought in a way that they *have to* up to put on a show. This _stiff upper lip_ thing was forced (up)on them/us. "Don't complain, don't explain!" 🤣 I know what you did last summer, and I know you know what I am alluding to. And it's fine. I want you to know I know. I want you to know I want you to know I know! "So...'s life treatin' ya?" "Oh, I'm good... ...everything is wonderful!" only to find out they got a divorce a month later 😂
My grandpa(now about 84 & in decent health)seems quite happy most of the time. He even got involved in a fist fight with his neighbour some years ago 😂😁
@Francis_UD Sounds like he settles disagreements with his fists 😆 My kind of guy!
By sleepwalking….😴😴😴
Everybody has their own unique subjective view of the world nobody can view the world like them. Other people's sufferings are not as bad to someone else than it is to some people. Some just can't take some things like someone can for some reasons. Some can even off themselfs after waking up to this reality because they realize their life is pretty much a lie and can't take it while some can manage it. This is a thing we have to remember that most people will NEVER wake up.
what you or I would call waste is simply more entropy. overall even if we weren't here the universe would "wind down" until heat death or phase out completely. the grocery store cant waste that food because it decays into the ground, feeding the insects and bacteria, birds. etc. it is a lot more work to quarantine a system fully than you think and so there will be a shift and then an equilibrium. every action has a reaction. so no worry about celebrating because I already am.
Suffering is life and life is suffering Can’t remember who said this.
i recently herd this type of theory:
The system makes ppl feel lonely,
because when ppl feel LONELY they tend to buy MORE at the grocery store or any other store ...
Yes, to fill the empty void but it never works.
What system?? Who's this hidden hand man?
Can relate
@@michaelshannon9169rich business
TRUTH ✊ I see it all so often
💊💊, 💊!❤
Is this a new video
Yes, posted today.
sure they can your thought create your reality this world can be heaven or hell you get decide how you experence it
Hmm my thoughts are not causing the crime and suffering of others in this world.
Life is suffering and if you talk about your sufferings then many people just say "Well its worse somewhere else so dont be like that you ungrateful." What does that help? You have your sufferings and other people have their own sufferings. I know that is meant that you should change your perspective, but even if your things are better than many other people it still does not help to think that "well theres children starving right now in africa." Its always "well could be worse." Doesent that just tell that its never going to be better because even if you are "doing better" there is still suffering present always. Many stupid spoiled brats no matter how old they are still off themselfs and suffer even when they have it all and have a purpose too. I think that gives perspective that things will never be ok because there is always something bad going to happen to everyone.
I heard someone say none of us will ever get to excuse me F you money, so basically its a game that you have to play and never will get nowhere. Its a price you pay being alive
Years ago I have seen a Comicon fan in his 50's saying to the woman who interviewed him, '' I come here because real life is a real joke '' he answered that to the woman and millions of people of course saw that because it was on the air at the noon and 6 oclock news. A big Comicon took place over there, I think it was Las Vegas. Anyway, many people are not dumb, they know what life we live here and to be blunt, life is so short; don't even consider this life even for a moment, all this is a cruel sick boring joke beyond belief. Let us be honest, on earth, life is hell. Nothing less. So this 50 year man who read comics liked comic books because real life sucks. He is 1000%. The woman was kind of surprised that a man of this age was reading comics. That lady perhaps had the IQ of a baseball bat. Well at least he was enjoying comics. I myself like comics but nowadays, far too much feminism and woke crap in those comics.
It's a way of coping or in other words, an escape and that is why many people need copes ie drinking, playing video games, comicon (dressing up) The reality of life sucks big time.
@@RedPillOption It does....and to get back to the Comicon, ...negativity goes to those places also. Lots of fake people over there also. that pretends to like it, like they are desperate or wants to find something to do. How boy do I understand them.
we are here to try to help other people and to solve problems. Figure out ways to end suffering. Maybe come up with vegan hot dogs and burgers and other food without killing animals.
Yeah I agree we should be helping one another. They do have vegetarian hotdogs and burgers but it's those nasty beyond beef bill gates poison.
@@RedPillOption that's because those were made by vegetarians, they don't know what meat tastes like.
@@GrayBirds Bill Gates is not a vegetarian.
Before I subscribe, I see the title of the channel, but is this like red pill hate and blame women Channel? I'm an antinatalist and I know that some are black pill and even red pill. someone please let me know because I don't want to be subscribing or watching videos that are hateful towards women like we all aren't struggling in this damn place of pain and suffering
I don't hate women at all nor do I blame women for anything.
The country you are in is catholic
Yah which means more indoctrination.
Eliminate saturated fats from your diet and you will be always unintentionally happy.
I think you already know this Nick but until the people say enough is enough nothing is gonna change and yes people like the status quo, an example in Canada you also know this the healthcare system is falling apart to the point where if you have an emergency you can die waiting or the quality of people in the system is terrible yet no one gets angry enough to kick the government out no violent protests which is the answer despite what most think, people are now living in tents yet they all still a bunch of normies that fully support the government and they will straight to their graves.
Yes I've heard so many people in Canada are dying while waiting for care, sickening. Dystopia is already here but it's gonna get worse.
You can never enjoy like if your the average person work everyday with no time off.also like Nick said the cost of living is just too expensive and it your not a millionaire or billionaire you can never celebrate or enjoy life you will suffer constantly still tell the 🪦 period facts 💯✌️.
Been that way since the beginning of humanity... The serfs and the slaves of our time.
A mí lo único que me motiva actualmente es el ejercicio, el día que no pueda hacerlo, preferiría morir.