C'est hyper impressionnant de voir un gros arcus au bord de la mer en plus c'est hyper flippant et c'est aussi un truc de malade 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️
Supercellule avec mesocyclone juste magnifique! J'y suis allé pendant les vacances mais j aurai bien voulu voir sa après il y a eu une tornade ef2 mais qui n' a pas été filmée dommage
Downburst preceeded by a wonderful shelf cloud. Amazing footage and... no supercell or tornado as i read in the other comments. For the first there must be some radar images to know if it was a supercell or a normal multicell. For the second there wasn't any signal to say that this was a tornado (for example, a rotating funnel cloud).
Belief in God: Muslims believe in one God, who is unique and incomparable, who has no sons or partners, and they believe that no one or anything has the right to be worshiped except Him, and Him alone. He is the true God, and all other gods are false. He has the most magnificent names and His attributes are sublime and perfect. No one shares His divinity or His attributes. In the Quran, God describes Himself in these terms: Say: "He is God, Unique. God, The only one to be implored for what we desire. He never begat, nor was he begotten. And no one is equal to Him.". (Quran, 112:1-4) Chapter 112 of the Quran, written in Arabic calligraphy. No one has the right to be invoked, implored, prayed to, or to be the object of any act of worship except God. Only God is the Almighty, Creator, Ruler, and Lord of everything in the entire universe. He directs all affairs. He does not need any of His creatures, but all His creatures depend on Him for everything they need. He is the One who hears everything, who sees everything, and who knows everything. In a perfect way, His knowledge embraces everything, what is manifest and what is secret, what is public and what is private. He knows the things of the past, the things that will happen, and how they will happen. Nothing happens in this world except by His will. Everything He decides happens, and everything He refuses does not happen and never will. His will is above that of all creatures. He has power over everything, and He is able to do everything. He is the Most Merciful, the Most , it is said that God is more merciful to His creatures than a mother is to her child.1 God is very far from injustice and tyranny. He is All-Wise in all His actions and decrees. If someone wants to ask God for something, he or she can ask Him directly, without having to ask anyone to intercede with Him on their behalf. God is not Jesus, and Jesus is not God.2 Jesus himself rejected this idea. God said in the Quran: They are certainly disbelievers who say: "In truth, God is the Messiah, son of Mary." While the Messiah said: "O children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord". Whoever associates with God other deities, God forbids him Paradise; and his refuge will be the Fire. And for the unjust,3 no helpers! (Quran, 5:72) God is not a trinity. He said in the Quran: Surely they are disbelievers who say, "Verily God is the third of three." While there is no divinity but God. And if they keep saying it, surely a painful retribution will come upon the disbelievers among them. Won't they then repent to God and ask for His forgiveness? For God is Forgiving and Merciful. The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a Messenger... (Quran, 5:73-75) Islam rejects ideas that God rested on the seventh day of creation, wrestled with one of His angels, was an envious conspirator against mankind, or was embodied in any human being whatsoever. Islam also rejects attributing any human form to God. All of these ideas are considered blasphemous. God is the Most High. He is far from any imperfection. He is never tired. He never gets sleepy and He doesn't sleep. The Arabic word Allah means "God" (the one and only true God who created the entire universe). This word, Allah, is a name for God that is used by Arabic speakers, whether they are Muslim Arabs or Christian Arabs. This word cannot be used to refer to anyone or anything other than the one true God. The Arabic word Allah is mentioned more than 2150 times in the Quran. In Aramaic, a language that is closely related to Arabic and which Jesus spoke,4 God is also called Allah. Clement, and the Most Beneficent. In one of the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad 098765
Il ne faut pas confondre des titres et un nom personnel. Exemple : un professeur, directeur, médecin....etc .. Or, la personne qui a cette profession elle possède son nom propre et personnel. "DIEU" est un titre ...en aucun cas il s'agit d'un Nom personnel. Et des dieux il y en a eu beaucoup dans ce monde et il y en a actuellement aussi.... Pour se distinguer des faux dieux...le vrai DIEU, s'est donné lui même le nom unique de : YHWH qui signifie : "Celui qui fait devenir". A Lui rien n'est impossible contrairement aux faux dieux adorés par les humains. Oui, le vrai DIEU va détruir ceux qui détruisent sa création.... soudainement. Fin de la domination humaine corrompue mondiale. Son Royaume apportera les vraies Paix et Sécurité mondiales. Daniel 2 :44 C'est écrit....va s'accomplir... Bien à vous.....
Sublime cette super cellule!
Impressionant ce rouleau de nuage, ça fait fliper, merci pour ce partage.
waouh l arcus est magnifique les rafales de vents ont du etre terrible
C'est hyper impressionnant de voir un gros arcus au bord de la mer en plus c'est hyper flippant et c'est aussi un truc de malade 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️⛱️
Bravo & merci de partager une scène aussi impressionnante que celle ci. À la fois beau & terrifiant...👍
Ouaw cette super cellule! !!
Supercellule avec mesocyclone juste magnifique! J'y suis allé pendant les vacances mais j aurai bien voulu voir sa après il y a eu une tornade ef2 mais qui n' a pas été filmée dommage
Le nuage est magnifique 😲
Beautiful shelf cloud!
Monstrueux le nuage!!
ObeyYourMaster oui c’est un arcus ;)
Magnifique orages bravo je m'abonne continue
video juste magnifque super exemple d'une super cellule
un beau specimene en effet
Très impressionnant l orage à du être terrible dommage que vous avez pas filmer plus
Le pire c'est que moi j'habite à moin de 5klm de la il y a eu une tornade en plus
Downburst preceeded by a wonderful shelf cloud. Amazing footage and... no supercell or tornado as i read in the other comments. For the first there must be some radar images to know if it was a supercell or a normal multicell. For the second there wasn't any signal to say that this was a tornado (for example, a rotating funnel cloud).
Magnifique orages de malade super video
Pourtant c'est très rare ici en Amérique y'en à beaucoup dans L'Oklahoma, le Kansas, le Texas et le Colorado.
Notice the green color in the clouds - always the sign of a powerful storm.
The large black dog at the end didn't care, however.
Magnifique vidéo !!!!!!!!!
magnifique super cellule
Je m'en rappel encore 😨😱 cette arcus était magnifique
ceci n'est pas une tornade mais une super cellule !
Sauf qu'il y a eu une tornade
j etais a arques la bataille ce jour la ,je me souviendrais longtemps de cette orage .
Il était comment ?
je n ai jamais vu un ciel de cette couleur ,nous avions eu le temps de rentrer chez nous et constater ensuite un tres gros coup de vent .
C'était en quelle année ?
personne pour récupérer le chien pas sympa
jean marie Vp oui
mon seigneur 😱😱😱
C'est en Normandie
Oui non loin de Dieppe
WOW putting l'orage violent
c'est bien une super cellule à tornade je confirme.
lol ça veut rien dire ton commentaire !
Wat is that about ...
Impressionnant ca fait rudement peur 😥🤫
Looks like the core of this storm was about 1km away.
j'y était !, en vrai c'était impressionnant mais drôle
C est un cyclone ?
Gael Voisinet Non une super cellules ce qui peux provoquer une tornade
Pas du tout c'est un orage super céllulaire qui peut crée une ou des tornade
Superbe vidéo bravo!
je suis chasseur d'orage et c'est un très beau arcus
J'ai jamais vu ça 😮😨
l arcus avance a une vitesse dementielle!
Oui ses orage supercelluler auresemant sa a pas fais de tornade 🌪
C’est un arcus !
Φόβος μόνο που τ βλέπω κ που Ν Τ ζήσω ο Κύριος μας δοκιμάζεαλλα εμείς δεν μετανοουμε Ελεεισον κ, σωσον ημάς ι
c'est pas du tout une tornade Marie Paule
Non mais un orage super céllulaire qui peut crée une tornade
@@juju-vx1ix oui c'est une super cellule
ont direr une supercellule
ca c le debut d'une tornade
On dirait mais non c'est un orage super cellule mais s'est pas une tornade .
Cece dp non c un orage super cellule le nuage est un cumuloninbus mais comme c une super cellule on l appelle l arcus le nuage
a d'accord :)
bel arcus gréligène avec structure multicouche, le côté vert emmeraude ne trompe pas sur la grêle qui arrive et le vent (rafale descendante)
Waouh c super jamais sa jadore
le nuage fait peur
Si c est le debut d une tornade imagine apres la grosseure oa trop beau mais je pense pas que sa sois une torande sa fait pas comme sa
non c'est une supercellule, qui peut former des tornades mais cela reste très très rare
C est rare !
Le chien tranquille, il s'en fou complètement.
Belief in God:
Muslims believe in one God, who is unique and incomparable, who has no sons or partners, and they believe that no one or anything has the right to be worshiped except Him, and Him alone. He is the true God, and all other gods are false. He has the most magnificent names and His attributes are sublime and perfect. No one shares His divinity or His attributes. In the Quran, God describes Himself in these terms: Say: "He is God, Unique. God, The only one to be implored for what we desire. He never begat, nor was he begotten. And no one is equal to Him.". (Quran, 112:1-4) Chapter 112 of the Quran, written in Arabic calligraphy. No one has the right to be invoked, implored, prayed to, or to be the object of any act of worship except God. Only God is the Almighty, Creator, Ruler, and Lord of everything in the entire universe. He directs all affairs. He does not need any of His creatures, but all His creatures depend on Him for everything they need. He is the One who hears everything, who sees everything, and who knows everything. In a perfect way, His knowledge embraces everything, what is manifest and what is secret, what is public and what is private. He knows the things of the past, the things that will happen, and how they will happen. Nothing happens in this world except by His will. Everything He decides happens, and everything He refuses does not happen and never will. His will is above that of all creatures. He has power over everything, and He is able to do everything. He is the Most Merciful, the Most , it is said that God is more merciful to His creatures than a mother is to her child.1 God is very far from injustice and tyranny. He is All-Wise in all His actions and decrees. If someone wants to ask God for something, he or she can ask Him directly, without having to ask anyone to intercede with Him on their behalf.
God is not Jesus, and Jesus is not God.2 Jesus himself rejected this idea. God said in the Quran: They are certainly disbelievers who say: "In truth, God is the Messiah, son of Mary." While the Messiah said: "O children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord". Whoever associates with God other deities, God forbids him Paradise; and his refuge will be the Fire. And for the unjust,3 no helpers! (Quran, 5:72) God is not a trinity. He said in the Quran: Surely they are disbelievers who say, "Verily God is the third of three." While there is no divinity but God. And if they keep saying it, surely a painful retribution will come upon the disbelievers among them. Won't they then repent to God and ask for His forgiveness? For God is Forgiving and Merciful. The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a Messenger... (Quran, 5:73-75) Islam rejects ideas that God rested on the seventh day of creation, wrestled with one of His angels, was an envious conspirator against mankind, or was embodied in any human being whatsoever. Islam also rejects attributing any human form to God. All of these ideas are considered blasphemous. God is the Most High. He is far from any imperfection. He is never tired. He never gets sleepy and He doesn't sleep. The Arabic word Allah means "God" (the one and only true God who created the entire universe). This word, Allah, is a name for God that is used by Arabic speakers, whether they are Muslim Arabs or Christian Arabs. This word cannot be used to refer to anyone or anything other than the one true God. The Arabic word Allah is mentioned more than 2150 times in the Quran. In Aramaic, a language that is closely related to Arabic and which Jesus spoke,4 God is also called Allah. Clement, and the Most Beneficent. In one of the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad
Il ne faut pas confondre des titres et un nom personnel.
Exemple : un professeur, directeur, médecin....etc ..
Or, la personne qui a cette profession elle possède son nom propre et personnel.
"DIEU" est un titre ...en aucun cas il s'agit d'un Nom personnel.
Et des dieux il y en a eu beaucoup dans ce monde et il y en a actuellement aussi....
Pour se distinguer des faux dieux...le vrai DIEU, s'est donné lui même le nom unique de : YHWH qui signifie : "Celui qui fait devenir".
A Lui rien n'est impossible contrairement aux faux dieux adorés par les humains.
Oui, le vrai DIEU va détruir ceux qui détruisent sa création.... soudainement.
Fin de la domination humaine corrompue mondiale.
Son Royaume apportera les vraies Paix et Sécurité mondiales.
Daniel 2 :44
C'est écrit....va s'accomplir...
Bien à vous.....