Marksman Sniper Rifle with Holographic sight will allow you to use auto aim for PvE and for PvP in first person the combination of low recoil and rapid fire let’s you line up headshots quickly or you can strafe in first or third person easily.
I was a killer in the older GTA 5 version with the advanced scope. I was so mad that I had to build my level up all over again once they moved to PS4 and Xbox one
@@MkLC04 it's just when they upgraded GTA 5 alot of the details and the way things were changed from the old version. The way I was able to be a great sniper and shooter made me start all over again and sucks
Thank you for taking an incredible amount of time to make such an extensive video with incredible production value! Much appreciated you would put in the time so others may enjoy the best possible experience! A myriad thanks!
The reason the Railgun is named Compact Grenade Launcher is because I used that template to make the graphic but forgot to change the name :) Railgun is now available to buy from the Weapon Van. Hellbringer, Widowmaker, Up N Atomizer are not currently available to buy at Ammu-Nation but you can buy them from the weapons bay in the Agency.
Similar but divergent loadout I use and why. Keep in mind I play on PC. Pistol Slot: * Ap Pistol - Best gun when driving. * Up-N-Atomizer - Clear Fences and move stuck vehicles. * Heavy Revolver MK II [FMJ] - Best weapon for dealing with unarmored Helies when driving like Cops. Best use as passenger but can be used as driver. Have used it to take out player driven Buzzards and Sparrows while in Imani Tech vehicles. Definitely a sleeper pick. * Flare Gun (Optional) - Guaranteed to put fire on NPCs. Have not tested if it works on Juggernauts in the Doomsday Heist in order to trip them however when facing lesser NPCs like Cops in tight spaces, their tripped over bodies/corpses will put the ground on fire and spread to multiple other NPCs, continuing the effect. Not fast but cost effective. Can also be used to ward off homing rockets however by the time you circle through to get to it; it may be too late. Also fun to spam on occasion. Machine Gun Slot: * Combat MG MK II - More reliable mid range PVP weapon than an assault rifle from my experience (albeit I admit to being bad at Ground Combat). Best used against a lot of NPCs while on the move, or when you need to take out a lot of NPCs while utilizing cover to not be killed too quickly. Otherwise just a worse minigun. Assault Rifle Slot: * Special Carbiner MK II - Most Accurate, Fast Fire Rate Rifle. MK II Variant has better range due to upgrades compared to non-mk II variant. * Bullpup Rifle MK II [FMJ] - Rarely used, but is my weapon of choice when close-mid range opponents behind bullet proof/resistant glass. Highest fire rate out of the Assault Rifles and 1 HS = Kill. Could be replaced with Special Carbine MK II if you use the Carbine Rifle MK II as main driver. Accuracy not as important for this niche though. Sniper Rifle Slot: * Heavy Sniper MK II - Best PVP weapon. Takes out Max HP target in 1 shot if they have no armor and useful on missions where you take out targets from afar, though depending on the NPC it may not always be a 1 shot on the body. Had a heist setup mission against the Ballas on Series A where many did not die when hit on the chest. Can be equipped with armor piercing to guarantee 1 shots against both unarmored and armored Max HP players at the cost of reduced clip size which reduces even faster each time you die holding the weapon. Explosive ammo is technically more reliable than a Railgun, however I find that I need the ability to take out freemode players over long period of time more often than I need to take out jet griefers. * Marksman Rifle MK II - My silenced weapon. High Fire rate combined with its sniper scope I find strikes a good balanced between mid range and long range silenced kill power. Shotgun Slot: * Pump Shotgun MK II [Explosive] - Perfect cleanup tool against Cop Cars on foot, and more reliable as a trip up weapon against players compared to Up-N-Atomizer. While rare, the explosive ammo makes it more reliable as a 1-tap shotgun in close range against players; just don't be point blank. * Assault Shotgun - Main Driver for Close range combat; mainly against NPCs. Corner usage plus tight spread comes in massively handy on difficult missions. Heavy Weapon Slot: * Minigun - Perfect when defending an area such as Asset Protection Security Contracts where movement is not as needed beyond weaving in and out of wall cover. Can explode unarmored vehicles, take out Cop helicopters reliably on foot, and the massive fire rate is often enough on its own to break through bullet resistant glass. Better than the Widowmaker as the tracer effect is a death sentence in PvP. * Homing Launcher - The faster rocket speed makes it technically better at taking out Players on foot, and pretty good at taking out helies if used before the lock-on. Also has a niche use against Jets as a way to keep them moving; depends on pilot skill/maneuverability of the jet, though. * RPG - Rare for me to use besides as a backup to my Homing Launcher. It is better for taking out armored vehicles however the slow travel speed usually prevents me from landing it. In a drawn out fight against say an Insurgent, you will eventually take it out, however at that point you might be better off calling in a Khanjali. * Railgun - My replacement for lack of Explosive Sniper. Can't take out jets reliably from afar but if they get close and you are good at aiming it; it will take them out in 1 shot compared to the snipers 2-3. Also good against helies if you can aim around the glass. Glass for some reason turns the shot into a regular bullet unless you hit the pilot. * Grenade Launcher - Rapid Fire Spam from cover can make enemy players think twice before getting near you, and straight out take out certain armored vehicles in some situations. Other than that, I find I commonly use it to take out enemies behind cover where my stickies would not reach. I don't use the compact version. It uses the same ammo type and I much prefer stickies when on bikes as I can use it when moving while the compact grenades are impossible to aim reliably due to the added momentum from the vehicle movement. * EMP Launcher - Combined with my FMJ Bullpup, it is useful for taking out drivers of armored vehicles. Also useful in situations where you wish to hijack vehicles without damaging it like on certain missions. Explosives: * Sticky Bombs - Great for traps, combos nicely with a Rifle/Shotgun, and can be used to take out enemy vehicles quickly while in a vehicle yourself. Inconsistent for helicopters and sometimes out of range compared to my FMJ Heavy Revolver. * Proximity Mine - Anti-Car chaser. Most useful on sale missions but also outside when you find the niche situation. * Molotovs - Used sparingly as it is hard to restock on but has the same usage for me as the Flare Gun but even more useful as a space denying tool. Rare, but can make players thing twice about closing the distance or camping a spot for too long, but mostly good against NPCs. * Gas Can (Optional) - I love jumping up on parked Oppressor Mark IIs and spraying them with the gas. If done right, will instantly ignite the vehicle and player alongside it when boost is used. Incredibly rare niche but does not interfere with my weapon wheel when inside any vehicle so why not. Melee Slot: * Stone Hatchet - Rarely ever needs to be used, especially with the criminal enterprise update allowing me to quickly use snacks from the weapon wheel, however if I do find that I have run out of snacks and could use more health in an area where I can guarantee the melee kill and continue with the rampage; it's worth considering. * Knife - I don't know how but I have gotten in enough situations where I need to fight someone in open water that having the knife comes in quite handy. It's also good when trolling some friends.
I prefer your list over his except for the explosive sniper/railgun. Although the railgun is easier to aim after a little practice than most people think, the explosive bullets on the heavy sniper mkII are way to op and usefull to leave out. Also if you miss your shot with the sniper no problem but the railgun speed is a pain in the ass.
Imo the widowmaker is inferior to the regular minigun because it makes it really obvious where you are, so people far away or in air vehicles can pin point your location much easier. Plus, it's more expensive than the minigun.
The heavy shotgun has no bullet dispersion, which makes it more accurate when attacking from farther away. Its disadvantage would be that too, not having the dispersion makes it more difficult to cobectar deadly shots, but if you use the drum loader combined with its cadence you can finish the enemy fast
Things You SHOULD Have On Your List: 1. Revolver MK2 1 shots with BST if you use hollow point rounds which can also be useful in driveby's 2. Flare gun might not work perfectly against missile spam but its good for ensuring you redirect a lot of missiles if you're using an armored vehicle to buy yourself time. 3. EMP launcher is excellent at disabling certain armored vehicles to allow you to finish off the driver with an AR or similar weapon 4. I've been in a lot of situations where the knife saves me in the water and its better to have it when you need it then to die or have to run away because you didn't 5. Homing Launcher has an added benefit of the projectile flying much quicker then an RPG, so it is very good at taking out ground or vehicle targets that blow up in one rocket so you should have both launchers equipped. 6. Grenades are situational but can be thrown further then sticky bombs, good if you know how to cook them well and have to reach a specific hard to reach area. Things You SHOULDN'T Have On Your List: 1. You don't need either shotgun. When it comes to the explosive pump shotgun, you already have so many other better explosive options for various situations like rpging someone around a corner instead of having to worry about aiming, or using a railgun on a vehicle. Who needs the assault shotgun when you can also just use the RPG or a minigun, or an up-n-atomizer. 2. Compact grenade launcher isn't really necessary when you have sticky bombs to use in a vehicle. 3. Carbine rifle MK2. You only need the special carbine mk2. Trying to be stealthy in GTA is a joke, so unless its absolutely required, you're wasting your time and when it is required, the game will normally give you a silenced weapon to use during that period. Additional notes: 1. The compact grenade launcher fires further then the normal grenade launcher on foot. This is situational but the more you know the better equipped you are for any situation. Also similar to being able to launch things like sticky bombs from vehicles when travelling at high speeds, the same applies to the compact grenade launcher. 2. Using your weapon wheel to swap to a throwable weapon and back to whatever you were using will instantly reload with no animation, allowing for tricks like spamming RPG's, or railgun shots. This allows any weapon to be spammed that normally would be slow firing or that has a long reload. 3. Any alternate ammo is a waste of time aside from hollow points on the revolver MK2 and SOMETIMES explosive rounds on the heavy sniper for anti-air purposes. Every other situation that you think may require an alternate ammo type is easily handled by another weapon. Like explosives or miniguns to take care or vehicles with bullet-resistant glass. 4. Stone hatchet is the only melee weapon that can guarantee a 1-shot kill without a stealth attack. 5. Playing in anything other then free aim makes you a pussy. Final point, I'm not replying to or reading any replies because 99% of you are stupid anyway and any attempt at a conversation just devolves into pointless arguing because TH-cam is dogshit and I'm not wasting my time. I usually don't comment on anything because of that but I figured this guy could use a few pointers and maybe this well help the 1% of people that aren't stupid.
When I bought mine a few days ago, the Bunker Gun Locker was the cheapest at $175,000 compared to $520,000 for an Office and the Bunker one is right next to the computer and Personal Quarters, so it is convenient.
I got the railgun early with that job but I'm just waiting for the gun van so I can change the color. I feel like my loadout is more or less the same with the only differences being I have an unsurpressed Carbine Rifle MKII because I like the sound of it and I use the Combat PDW as my silenced weapon with the Military Rifle, Heavy Rifle and Service Carbine as alternatives to the Special Carbine MKII depending on if I'm playing content from the update it was released with (and I also have the normal Combat MG just because I like the look of it more than the Combat MG MKII). Any other weapons I have in my loadout is there just because I haven't unlocked the tints by killing 600 players with those weapons and because I'm a completionist, I like to make sure I have every attachment and modification purchased before I remove it from my loadout but hopefully, it should be gone soon since I only have the last tint left and I need to get less than 100 players kills with each of them.
The up and atomizer is pretty good for doomsday act 3 finale too. I’m not sure why it works in the bunker because it doesn’t work on most interiors but when you are protecting the hacker you can just stun lock the enemy and use no ammunition.
If you do the job to get the railgun, you can also end up with the Unholy Hellbringer, Widowmaker and Compact EMP Launcher. Unless you’ve already bought them, they can’t be removed from the weapon wheel or modified.
@@agl-man5735 I meant just changing the colour, but I was misinformed, I tested it for myself and I was able to change the colour of the Unholy Hellbringer. I shall never trust anyone again! ; )
This will be a long comment but please do read this as it can be helpful. Handpews: Heavy Revolver FMJ, AP pistol, Up and atomizer. Machine pews: Combat MG MK2 default ammo Assault pews: AK/M4 mk2 with fmj, Special Carbine MK2 AP, Bullpup MK2 default ammo Sniper pew pews: Marksman rifle (however you wish), Heavy Sniper (heavy barrel, no muzzle) Shotpews: AA12/SPAS, Pump Shotgun (explosive slugs) Heavy: Grnd launcher, RPG, homing, Railgun, (minigun optional) Throwables: Sticky, Pipe boom (sending pipe boom to mailbox :) ) Melee: Knuckle Duster, Stone Hatchet, Golf Club.
we need more mk2 guns imo AP pistol and Assault shotgun are too legendary to not have a mk2 variant also i prefere a silenced service carbine to the mk2 carbine silenced i think it does a little bit more dmg
Weapons ho dont have mk2 are trash, all of them waste damage with distance, every mk2 will ever do the same damage no matter the distance, special carbine is way better expecially for headshots
All weapons that are not mk2 have damage drop at distance, this is very important because if the target is very far you cant shoot the head, and your damage will be almost inexistent with a normal weapon, mk2 weapons doesent have damage drop, thats their biggest advantage,the heavy barrel has a absolutely big improvement on the damage and look, its only available for mk2 weapons, so thats definitely nop op, expecially because the special carbine has 0 recoil and its way better for headshots than service carbine
@@Marisco_s yea idk if the new weapons also have the same dmg drop off like the old ones, i think less people would buy them if that were the case, and why would you use the carbine for long range distances instead of Combat MG or sniper? also since i'm using both for a while now i can safely say that the service carbine is just way better, this is personal preference ofc but the moment i tried it out i was able to spot the difference. obviously the carbine has a little bit less recoil, but you don't always headshot and the SC kills faster to the body while still being accurate. the performance difference between these guns is definitely noticeable, you should try it.
@UpperChores Thanks for saying something. I FOR ONE am going to be trying that gun out now, on your recommend. I'm still really new and I have yet to see ANYONE recommend the more expensive weapons that I saw you could buy... I've been rather curious to try one but I've just been soaking up businesses and submarines like a sponge so haven't had cash I felt like using on a whim like that.
@@derekspringer6448 since you bought businesses to make money instead wasting it on some expensive cars or war vehicles you're already on the right track, don't worry about it.
For me rank for every category 1. Heavy weapons: minigun, rail gun, & for glitch Grenade launcher & Rpg-7 (when u hide on wall) Ps : (If is hard for u to aim aircraft with railgun use the missile launcher) 2. Heavy sniper mk2, fast sniper 3. Mac 10, mp5 mk2 4. M60 mk2 5. Carabine mk2, & m16 6. Python mk2, performant pistol & upn atomizer 7. Special Hatchet & knife for silenced attacks 8. Shotgun explosive bullets & auto shotgun 9. Sticky bombs, Molotovs 10. Special electro gun for falling vehicles For driving use Mac 10 or sticky bombs if u dont have ammo with mac 10 use performant pistol
Dude.... The fuck? ..... I'd have that checked out if I were you. If you get in therapy now, and actually do the work.... You very well may possibly have a potentially, likely very tiny, miniscule, unlikely... Though still possible! Yet not probable... Incredibly rare, practically unheard of, greater than zero (but not by much) chance of stopping your first string of homicides IRL. You just never know! ...One thing IS knowable though, and that's what it's like to have your rear end practically fused together with a broom handle. You WILL know this for certain if you don't stay away from my daughters school, my girlfriends work, and my house. 200 miles should do. ;-)
I have both the AP pistol, atomizer and heavy revolver mk2 in my loadout. What's the next pistols you would all suggest? Pistol Mk2 / Mk1 SMS Pistol Mk2 / Mk1 Probably only want the 4th handgun for silenced kills, so one that I can equip with a silencer. I'm back after a few years of not playing, so haven't tried the Mk2 versions of those 2 pistols.
AP Pistol - fast and good for driving Up and atomizer Combat MG mk2 - use normal ammo and use first person special carbine mk2 heavy sniper mk2 - explosive, use thermal helmet + advanced scope pump shotty mk2 - explosive assault shotty widowmaker or minigun rpg homing launcher railgun grenade launcher compact grenade launcher stone axe knife - underwater
revolver with stock rounds is usefull in a jet fight go into cover set it up get out of cover and delete the jet. the flaregun is also usefull for threatening missiles by shooting a flare at the griefer making the rocket turn towards them plus even if its just 5 more seconds of survival thats 5 more seconds that the griefer can crash his jet or 5 more crutial seconds between making a delivery and not making a delivery, the stungun can also be funny. i agree on the atomizer ap pistol and combat mg mk2 i wouldve put the unholy hellbringer for times where there are so many enemies its best to stay in cover and never reload. i think the carbine rifle is redundent since the special carbine mk1 with drum mag and a silencer is better and holds more ammo than the mk2 version, if you are asking yourself when do you ever need 100 rounds of ammo nonstop the answer is rarely, in other words you never have to reload when you need to be shooting. snipers i have 3 of boom sniper, fmj marksman as a backup for jets and normal sniper for personel and the precision sniper sucks. shotguns: explosive and assault minigun is better than the widowmaker since its harder to trace back however they are both miniguns in the end rpg railgun and homing launcher are both good for obvious reasons both the grenade launchers are good since one has an insane magazine but if you die while using it you loose half of your entire ammo stock and the other is good for weak vehicles like cops the emp launcher is good agains the insurgent and tanks allowing you to dissable them and launch a rocket untill they explode and all the explosives are in the end explosive so no teargas in that slot and no jerrycan unless if you have it for fun
All cool and overpowered loadout but my favorite loadout is military rifle, sticky bombs, railgun, explosive shotgun, explosive mark 2 sniper ,the MG machine gun and AP pistol but its all about player's choice ✊✨✨🙌
Heavy sniper with e rounds is more useful. If your a pvp player than I understand why you'd use none. But if your just playing the game, use the e rounds. It's amazing in heists
@@Battlefield_Master5430bruh the game lies to you. It does lower damage on some guns like the advance rifle, but none of the mk2 guns are affected. Look it up
Thanks, I need to trim my weapons down even more than I have already. Couple I cannot seem to drop or remove from the loadout though. Any tips on getting the payphone dealers (with explosives) and the hitmen (any type) other than launching and leaving the session and returning? Seem to be elusive on the very rare occasion I get the dealers mission they seem to know we are 2 blocks away and are already in cover when we arrive, or the other person cannot shoot. Thanks.
I believe the reason the heavy revolver should be on the list is because of the glitch it shares with other revolvers. No. Not insane practical, but can but useful if you need it.
Two points: you're seemingly optimizing solely for PvP, even when you mention npcs. For those of us who see PvP as a weak afterthought barely comprising 3% of the game, some priorities are different. Second, you forgot the single largest advantage of the heavy revolver in 2: it's absurdly fun.
BeatsDown I think you keep missing what the point of the Heavy Revolver MK2 really is and why it's useful. It's a "portable drive-by sniper rifle", I understand that on console drive-by shooting is bad but on PC Heavy Revolver MK2 as a drive-by weapon is kinda op against enemies on foot. You can even hide behind corners in vehicles and shoot people from behind corners and they can't even shoot at you. Also you can use BST to be able to reliably one shot people with it.
@@BeatsDownGaming I think you keep missing the point that the video isn't called "Ultimate Weapons Loadout 2023 for Console", there is nothing about that even in the description.
As a PC player I will agree with you, but since I mostly use the motorcycle I also add the sawed shotgun, compact granade launcher and emp launcher for insurgents. It ultimately comes down to what you are most comfortable with...
@@BeatsDownGaming have you ever tried the revolver glitch before? It's not practical in a fight but it's good fun, does the revolver glitch do more damage than the mini gun?
And i have a gun locker and set weapons i want. But after every mission with a loudout from the game(sharpshooter, hustler) it resets and get all weapons on my wheel again😯😅
i have to use a controller and push the right stick so you can look don the scopes more real then just use mouse and key board but you need a controller to do that i guess
How do you access all your weapons at one place? Like for modifying. The Weapon Workshop doesn't let you access anything but the mk2's and I can't find anything on where you could upgrade your non mk2's at a non Ammunation or Weapons Van.
Hey, on mine it won't let me change the assisted aim to full? The setting is grayed out and locked to partial. Any ideas on what im missing? Im on xbox btw, thanks.
Imo the service carbine and the normal carbine mk2 are pretty close. I personally use the service for stealth but that's because I prefer it. Use what you want
The atomizer is true life saver. I can't count how many times it has saved my mission after got stuck with vehicle
how do i get it?
@@wealthyluxuryvideos gun van
@@Abukiiiii is it always in the gun van
Marksman Sniper Rifle with Holographic sight will allow you to use auto aim for PvE and for PvP in first person the combination of low recoil and rapid fire let’s you line up headshots quickly or you can strafe in first or third person easily.
It's so good with the medium scope 👌🤌
I was a killer in the older GTA 5 version with the advanced scope. I was so mad that I had to build my level up all over again once they moved to PS4 and Xbox one
@@scholageemusic9373 ok?
@@MkLC04 it's just when they upgraded GTA 5 alot of the details and the way things were changed from the old version. The way I was able to be a great sniper and shooter made me start all over again and sucks
@@scholageemusic9373 facts same dude
Little fun fact about the stone Hatchet is that you are able survive a orbital cannon strike with it
Some rock on a stick makes you survive a orbital cannon
@@FriendlyNeighborhoodUsername ye
Thank you for taking an incredible amount of time to make such an extensive video with incredible production value! Much appreciated you would put in the time so others may enjoy the best possible experience! A myriad thanks!
I agree. I'm just getting back into the game after a while, so this is nice.
The reason the Railgun is named Compact Grenade Launcher is because I used that template to make the graphic but forgot to change the name :)
Railgun is now available to buy from the Weapon Van.
Hellbringer, Widowmaker, Up N Atomizer are not currently available to buy at Ammu-Nation but you can buy them from the weapons bay in the Agency.
It's ok
Surprised you didn’t add that rather amusing moment from your last weapons guide involving blue, a car, a proximity bomb and we’ll be right back
also granade launcher is named homing launcher
Btw the service carbine is a very good weapon too and in my opinion its great for headshots
I always find the heavy revolver mkII most useful while driving in a car to take out choppers since you have a limited loadout for driveby weapons.
The rapid fire glitch with it is great
Nice detailed guide for every category 👍🏻
Similar but divergent loadout I use and why. Keep in mind I play on PC.
Pistol Slot:
* Ap Pistol - Best gun when driving.
* Up-N-Atomizer - Clear Fences and move stuck vehicles.
* Heavy Revolver MK II [FMJ] - Best weapon for dealing with unarmored Helies when driving like Cops. Best use as passenger but can be used as driver. Have used it to take out player driven Buzzards and Sparrows while in Imani Tech vehicles. Definitely a sleeper pick.
* Flare Gun (Optional) - Guaranteed to put fire on NPCs. Have not tested if it works on Juggernauts in the Doomsday Heist in order to trip them however when facing lesser NPCs like Cops in tight spaces, their tripped over bodies/corpses will put the ground on fire and spread to multiple other NPCs, continuing the effect. Not fast but cost effective. Can also be used to ward off homing rockets however by the time you circle through to get to it; it may be too late. Also fun to spam on occasion.
Machine Gun Slot:
* Combat MG MK II - More reliable mid range PVP weapon than an assault rifle from my experience (albeit I admit to being bad at Ground Combat). Best used against a lot of NPCs while on the move, or when you need to take out a lot of NPCs while utilizing cover to not be killed too quickly. Otherwise just a worse minigun.
Assault Rifle Slot:
* Special Carbiner MK II - Most Accurate, Fast Fire Rate Rifle. MK II Variant has better range due to upgrades compared to non-mk II variant.
* Bullpup Rifle MK II [FMJ] - Rarely used, but is my weapon of choice when close-mid range opponents behind bullet proof/resistant glass. Highest fire rate out of the Assault Rifles and 1 HS = Kill. Could be replaced with Special Carbine MK II if you use the Carbine Rifle MK II as main driver. Accuracy not as important for this niche though.
Sniper Rifle Slot:
* Heavy Sniper MK II - Best PVP weapon. Takes out Max HP target in 1 shot if they have no armor and useful on missions where you take out targets from afar, though depending on the NPC it may not always be a 1 shot on the body. Had a heist setup mission against the Ballas on Series A where many did not die when hit on the chest. Can be equipped with armor piercing to guarantee 1 shots against both unarmored and armored Max HP players at the cost of reduced clip size which reduces even faster each time you die holding the weapon. Explosive ammo is technically more reliable than a Railgun, however I find that I need the ability to take out freemode players over long period of time more often than I need to take out jet griefers.
* Marksman Rifle MK II - My silenced weapon. High Fire rate combined with its sniper scope I find strikes a good balanced between mid range and long range silenced kill power.
Shotgun Slot:
* Pump Shotgun MK II [Explosive] - Perfect cleanup tool against Cop Cars on foot, and more reliable as a trip up weapon against players compared to Up-N-Atomizer. While rare, the explosive ammo makes it more reliable as a 1-tap shotgun in close range against players; just don't be point blank.
* Assault Shotgun - Main Driver for Close range combat; mainly against NPCs. Corner usage plus tight spread comes in massively handy on difficult missions.
Heavy Weapon Slot:
* Minigun - Perfect when defending an area such as Asset Protection Security Contracts where movement is not as needed beyond weaving in and out of wall cover. Can explode unarmored vehicles, take out Cop helicopters reliably on foot, and the massive fire rate is often enough on its own to break through bullet resistant glass. Better than the Widowmaker as the tracer effect is a death sentence in PvP.
* Homing Launcher - The faster rocket speed makes it technically better at taking out Players on foot, and pretty good at taking out helies if used before the lock-on. Also has a niche use against Jets as a way to keep them moving; depends on pilot skill/maneuverability of the jet, though.
* RPG - Rare for me to use besides as a backup to my Homing Launcher. It is better for taking out armored vehicles however the slow travel speed usually prevents me from landing it. In a drawn out fight against say an Insurgent, you will eventually take it out, however at that point you might be better off calling in a Khanjali.
* Railgun - My replacement for lack of Explosive Sniper. Can't take out jets reliably from afar but if they get close and you are good at aiming it; it will take them out in 1 shot compared to the snipers 2-3. Also good against helies if you can aim around the glass. Glass for some reason turns the shot into a regular bullet unless you hit the pilot.
* Grenade Launcher - Rapid Fire Spam from cover can make enemy players think twice before getting near you, and straight out take out certain armored vehicles in some situations. Other than that, I find I commonly use it to take out enemies behind cover where my stickies would not reach. I don't use the compact version. It uses the same ammo type and I much prefer stickies when on bikes as I can use it when moving while the compact grenades are impossible to aim reliably due to the added momentum from the vehicle movement.
* EMP Launcher - Combined with my FMJ Bullpup, it is useful for taking out drivers of armored vehicles. Also useful in situations where you wish to hijack vehicles without damaging it like on certain missions.
* Sticky Bombs - Great for traps, combos nicely with a Rifle/Shotgun, and can be used to take out enemy vehicles quickly while in a vehicle yourself. Inconsistent for helicopters and sometimes out of range compared to my FMJ Heavy Revolver.
* Proximity Mine - Anti-Car chaser. Most useful on sale missions but also outside when you find the niche situation.
* Molotovs - Used sparingly as it is hard to restock on but has the same usage for me as the Flare Gun but even more useful as a space denying tool. Rare, but can make players thing twice about closing the distance or camping a spot for too long, but mostly good against NPCs.
* Gas Can (Optional) - I love jumping up on parked Oppressor Mark IIs and spraying them with the gas. If done right, will instantly ignite the vehicle and player alongside it when boost is used. Incredibly rare niche but does not interfere with my weapon wheel when inside any vehicle so why not.
Melee Slot:
* Stone Hatchet - Rarely ever needs to be used, especially with the criminal enterprise update allowing me to quickly use snacks from the weapon wheel, however if I do find that I have run out of snacks and could use more health in an area where I can guarantee the melee kill and continue with the rampage; it's worth considering.
* Knife - I don't know how but I have gotten in enough situations where I need to fight someone in open water that having the knife comes in quite handy. It's also good when trolling some friends.
I prefer your list over his except for the explosive sniper/railgun. Although the railgun is easier to aim after a little practice than most people think, the explosive bullets on the heavy sniper mkII are way to op and usefull to leave out. Also if you miss your shot with the sniper no problem but the railgun speed is a pain in the ass.
top 5 all time comments
As someone who recently got back into GTA online, this is going to help me a lot.
Imo the widowmaker is inferior to the regular minigun because it makes it really obvious where you are, so people far away or in air vehicles can pin point your location much easier. Plus, it's more expensive than the minigun.
I never saw the appeal of it, all I need is my trusty Special Carbine and I'm good.
Minigun requires high level
@@bedbug6177nog anymore, my low lvl friend got it at lvl 47 from the gun van
But,,,,, gun look good!
@@caiuscosades1791 minigun shreds people instantly
The heavy shotgun has no bullet dispersion, which makes it more accurate when attacking from farther away. Its disadvantage would be that too, not having the dispersion makes it more difficult to cobectar deadly shots, but if you use the drum loader combined with its cadence you can finish the enemy fast
Yeah, i like the range or scope of the heavy Shotgun, that gives me a lot of confidence.
Things You SHOULD Have On Your List:
1. Revolver MK2 1 shots with BST if you use hollow point rounds which can also be useful in driveby's
2. Flare gun might not work perfectly against missile spam but its good for ensuring you redirect a lot of missiles if you're using an armored vehicle to buy yourself time.
3. EMP launcher is excellent at disabling certain armored vehicles to allow you to finish off the driver with an AR or similar weapon
4. I've been in a lot of situations where the knife saves me in the water and its better to have it when you need it then to die or have to run away because you didn't
5. Homing Launcher has an added benefit of the projectile flying much quicker then an RPG, so it is very good at taking out ground or vehicle targets that blow up in one rocket so you should have both launchers equipped.
6. Grenades are situational but can be thrown further then sticky bombs, good if you know how to cook them well and have to reach a specific hard to reach area.
Things You SHOULDN'T Have On Your List:
1. You don't need either shotgun. When it comes to the explosive pump shotgun, you already have so many other better explosive options for various situations like rpging someone around a corner instead of having to worry about aiming, or using a railgun on a vehicle. Who needs the assault shotgun when you can also just use the RPG or a minigun, or an up-n-atomizer.
2. Compact grenade launcher isn't really necessary when you have sticky bombs to use in a vehicle.
3. Carbine rifle MK2. You only need the special carbine mk2. Trying to be stealthy in GTA is a joke, so unless its absolutely required, you're wasting your time and when it is required, the game will normally give you a silenced weapon to use during that period.
Additional notes:
1. The compact grenade launcher fires further then the normal grenade launcher on foot. This is situational but the more you know the better equipped you are for any situation. Also similar to being able to launch things like sticky bombs from vehicles when travelling at high speeds, the same applies to the compact grenade launcher.
2. Using your weapon wheel to swap to a throwable weapon and back to whatever you were using will instantly reload with no animation, allowing for tricks like spamming RPG's, or railgun shots. This allows any weapon to be spammed that normally would be slow firing or that has a long reload.
3. Any alternate ammo is a waste of time aside from hollow points on the revolver MK2 and SOMETIMES explosive rounds on the heavy sniper for anti-air purposes. Every other situation that you think may require an alternate ammo type is easily handled by another weapon. Like explosives or miniguns to take care or vehicles with bullet-resistant glass.
4. Stone hatchet is the only melee weapon that can guarantee a 1-shot kill without a stealth attack.
5. Playing in anything other then free aim makes you a pussy.
Final point, I'm not replying to or reading any replies because 99% of you are stupid anyway and any attempt at a conversation just devolves into pointless arguing because TH-cam is dogshit and I'm not wasting my time. I usually don't comment on anything because of that but I figured this guy could use a few pointers and maybe this well help the 1% of people that aren't stupid.
The sweeper shotgun and the compact rifle are also good options for bike weapons
When I bought mine a few days ago, the Bunker Gun Locker was the cheapest at $175,000 compared to $520,000 for an Office and the Bunker one is right next to the computer and Personal Quarters, so it is convenient.
For the snipers: the marksman mk II coupled with bst is stronger than the heavy sniper due to its higher firerate
Mainly used by people who are trash though 😂
@@iceslayer777 i know. its just a fact tho
WooooW this is trully amazing video so easy to understand and so nice edited thumbs Up Bro !!! Waiting for other videos :)))
I got the railgun early with that job but I'm just waiting for the gun van so I can change the color. I feel like my loadout is more or less the same with the only differences being I have an unsurpressed Carbine Rifle MKII because I like the sound of it and I use the Combat PDW as my silenced weapon with the Military Rifle, Heavy Rifle and Service Carbine as alternatives to the Special Carbine MKII depending on if I'm playing content from the update it was released with (and I also have the normal Combat MG just because I like the look of it more than the Combat MG MKII).
Any other weapons I have in my loadout is there just because I haven't unlocked the tints by killing 600 players with those weapons and because I'm a completionist, I like to make sure I have every attachment and modification purchased before I remove it from my loadout but hopefully, it should be gone soon since I only have the last tint left and I need to get less than 100 players kills with each of them.
Great video. The only problem with the widowmaker is this: it will give away your location, when you play in a puplic lobby
The up and atomizer is pretty good for doomsday act 3 finale too. I’m not sure why it works in the bunker because it doesn’t work on most interiors but when you are protecting the hacker you can just stun lock the enemy and use no ammunition.
If you do the job to get the railgun, you can also end up with the Unholy Hellbringer, Widowmaker and Compact EMP Launcher. Unless you’ve already bought them, they can’t be removed from the weapon wheel or modified.
What do you mean by saying cant be modified ?
@@agl-man5735 I meant just changing the colour, but I was misinformed, I tested it for myself and I was able to change the colour of the Unholy Hellbringer. I shall never trust anyone again! ; )
A modder gave these to me, and now I can't remove them either.
@@aleksanderkysiak9540 You on pc?
This will be a long comment but please do read this as it can be helpful.
Handpews: Heavy Revolver FMJ, AP pistol, Up and atomizer.
Machine pews: Combat MG MK2 default ammo
Assault pews: AK/M4 mk2 with fmj, Special Carbine MK2 AP, Bullpup MK2 default ammo
Sniper pew pews: Marksman rifle (however you wish), Heavy Sniper (heavy barrel, no muzzle)
Shotpews: AA12/SPAS, Pump Shotgun (explosive slugs)
Heavy: Grnd launcher, RPG, homing, Railgun, (minigun optional)
Throwables: Sticky, Pipe boom (sending pipe boom to mailbox :) )
Melee: Knuckle Duster, Stone Hatchet, Golf Club.
I got the mini gun early by unlocking the juggernaut suit through bunker research at level 52
This is the video what I am looking for. Thank you my dude.
@Beatsdown Could you do a video on what special ammo type is the most efficient. Both which gives you the most ammo, and does the most damage overall.
we need more mk2 guns imo
AP pistol and Assault shotgun are too legendary to not have a mk2 variant
also i prefere a silenced service carbine to the mk2 carbine silenced i think it does a little bit more dmg
I leave my carbine mk2 unsupressed just because it sounds really good
Bro the assault shottie is already broken MK2 version would just make it even more broken lmao.
Weapons ho dont have mk2 are trash, all of them waste damage with distance, every mk2 will ever do the same damage no matter the distance, special carbine is way better expecially for headshots
I can’t purchase the carbine rifle mark 2 , anyone knows how I can buy it?
@@Universe_Energy You probably already have it and you’re just blind I guess lmao.
Finally a video where the person explained and tested everything
Heavy shotgun is actually stronger than the assault shotgun, it’s fire rate is slightly slower but the damage is significantly higher
I saw him call mourns mutual insurance after he destroyed his insurgent pickup
i prefer the new service carbine over the special carbin cause i think it's way better, still accurate and has a faster time to kill, it's op.
yeah he definitely missed that 1
All weapons that are not mk2 have damage drop at distance, this is very important because if the target is very far you cant shoot the head, and your damage will be almost inexistent with a normal weapon, mk2 weapons doesent have damage drop, thats their biggest advantage,the heavy barrel has a absolutely big improvement on the damage and look, its only available for mk2 weapons, so thats definitely nop op, expecially because the special carbine has 0 recoil and its way better for headshots than service carbine
@@Marisco_s yea idk if the new weapons also have the same dmg drop off like the old ones, i think less people would buy them if that were the case, and why would you use the carbine for long range distances instead of Combat MG or sniper?
also since i'm using both for a while now i can safely say that the service carbine is just way better, this is personal preference ofc but the moment i tried it out i was able to spot the difference.
obviously the carbine has a little bit less recoil, but you don't always headshot and the SC kills faster to the body while still being accurate.
the performance difference between these guns is definitely noticeable, you should try it.
@UpperChores Thanks for saying something. I FOR ONE am going to be trying that gun out now, on your recommend. I'm still really new and I have yet to see ANYONE recommend the more expensive weapons that I saw you could buy... I've been rather curious to try one but I've just been soaking up businesses and submarines like a sponge so haven't had cash I felt like using on a whim like that.
@@derekspringer6448 since you bought businesses to make money instead wasting it on some expensive cars or war vehicles you're already on the right track, don't worry about it.
13:27 this is definitely the compact grenade launcher
Bro that was incredibly helpful thanks.
For me rank for every category
1. Heavy weapons: minigun, rail gun, & for glitch Grenade launcher & Rpg-7 (when u hide on wall)
Ps : (If is hard for u to aim aircraft with railgun use the missile launcher)
2. Heavy sniper mk2, fast sniper
3. Mac 10, mp5 mk2
4. M60 mk2
5. Carabine mk2, & m16
6. Python mk2, performant pistol & upn atomizer
7. Special Hatchet & knife for silenced attacks
8. Shotgun explosive bullets & auto shotgun
9. Sticky bombs, Molotovs
10. Special electro gun for falling vehicles
For driving use Mac 10 or sticky bombs if u dont have ammo with mac 10 use performant pistol
Thanks bro now I know what my new loadout will be 👍
Explosive sniper vs that futuristic explosive gun against players and vehicles/aircraft?
@@Chris2507-f1r can't remember its name
I really love your scene transitions (if that's the right term) with the music
I personally like having tear gas in my explosives category, as I can use them to force an ennemy out of a camping position, or prohibit some areas.
Incendiaery round becomes my most favourite ammo type in my book as I really like setting enermies on fire and hear them suffer so much.
Dude.... The fuck?
..... I'd have that checked out if I were you. If you get in therapy now, and actually do the work.... You very well may possibly have a potentially, likely very tiny, miniscule, unlikely... Though still possible! Yet not probable... Incredibly rare, practically unheard of, greater than zero (but not by much) chance of stopping your first string of homicides IRL.
You just never know!
...One thing IS knowable though, and that's what it's like to have your rear end practically fused together with a broom handle. You WILL know this for certain if you don't stay away from my daughters school, my girlfriends work, and my house. 200 miles should do. ;-)
I didn't realize that those explosive rounds were that OP'd, that's awesome
I have both the AP pistol, atomizer and heavy revolver mk2 in my loadout. What's the next pistols you would all suggest?
Pistol Mk2 / Mk1
SMS Pistol Mk2 / Mk1
Probably only want the 4th handgun for silenced kills, so one that I can equip with a silencer.
I'm back after a few years of not playing, so haven't tried the Mk2 versions of those 2 pistols.
AP Pistol - fast and good for driving
Up and atomizer
Combat MG mk2 - use normal ammo and use first person
special carbine mk2
heavy sniper mk2 - explosive, use thermal helmet + advanced scope
pump shotty mk2 - explosive
assault shotty
widowmaker or minigun
homing launcher
grenade launcher
compact grenade launcher
stone axe
knife - underwater
revolver with stock rounds is usefull in a jet fight
go into cover set it up get out of cover and delete the jet.
the flaregun is also usefull for threatening missiles by shooting a flare at the griefer making the rocket turn towards them plus even if its just 5 more seconds of survival thats 5 more seconds that the griefer can crash his jet or 5 more crutial seconds between making a delivery and not making a delivery, the stungun can also be funny.
i agree on the atomizer ap pistol and combat mg mk2 i wouldve put the unholy hellbringer for times where there are so many enemies its best to stay in cover and never reload.
i think the carbine rifle is redundent since the special carbine mk1 with drum mag and a silencer is better and holds more ammo than the mk2 version, if you are asking yourself when do you ever need 100 rounds of ammo nonstop the answer is rarely, in other words you never have to reload when you need to be shooting.
snipers i have 3 of
boom sniper, fmj marksman as a backup for jets and normal sniper for personel and the precision sniper sucks.
shotguns: explosive and assault
minigun is better than the widowmaker since its harder to trace back however they are both miniguns in the end
rpg railgun and homing launcher are both good for obvious reasons
both the grenade launchers are good since one has an insane magazine but if you die while using it you loose half of your entire ammo stock and the other is good for weak vehicles like cops
the emp launcher is good agains the insurgent and tanks allowing you to dissable them and launch a rocket untill they explode
and all the explosives are in the end explosive so no teargas in that slot and no jerrycan unless if you have it for fun
Hey can i ask you a qeustion when i go to my weopon locker i can only upgrade 12 weopans do you know why
In 1st person you can switch between the rpg and homing rocket launcher to shoot rockets continuously without reloading
Tactical SMG is the best drive-by gun for PC players. A bit hard to aim, but with extended 60 round mag you can spray it all over npc cars
Indeed. It's the best for everyone else too. Tactical SMG came out later in the year but will be in 2024's.
@@BeatsDownGaming i think AP pistol is still viable though
Outstanding recommendations
All cool and overpowered loadout but my favorite loadout is military rifle, sticky bombs, railgun, explosive shotgun, explosive mark 2 sniper ,the MG machine gun and AP pistol but its all about player's choice ✊✨✨🙌
If you are a gta hobo or beginner your friends or any other playersgun locker will work
I wanted to watch this just for fun and this is literally already my exact loadout lol😭🤣
Updated one premiering tonight
Thank you got the ap pistol and the assault shotgun. i didn’t know there were op
People sleep on the utility and anti-griefing capabilities of the atomizer. It's a really useful tool
I really wished you would have tested all of it or atleast some with bst, esspecialy the revolver
Cool info definitely big help
I've been playing since launch and I'm only now learning you can throw sticky bombs while aiming🤣
idk how but i randomly found a widowmaker in my inventory. couldnt complain about buying a tint lul
Heavy sniper with standard ammo. Use the right attachments its a 1 shot. Every other ammo is 2 shots
Heavy sniper with e rounds is more useful. If your a pvp player than I understand why you'd use none. But if your just playing the game, use the e rounds. It's amazing in heists
i have a question, is ap pistol better than mini smg for driving?
Yes, that's why I put it in the loadout video about diving with a pistol and not the Mini SMG.
@@BeatsDownGaming okay thank you and yall above
The micro smg can destroy vehicles more easily, something you don’t want if you just want to take out the driver and steal the vehicle.
Can you do video on how to create personalised crew logos, like how to upload ya own picture as logo , and not R* own built in items
I keep reading the gun lockers are broken, so I'm hesitant to pay for one.
Thanks Beats. This was really insightful
Fire rounds on revolver are better for missions like heists especially dooms day missions
I had a lot of those guns but for some reason I don't own them anymore. There's a couple Vehicles I'm even missing that I used to own.
I got a question the mk2 sniper is a one shot with certain ammo, if I put regular ammo on it instead will it still be a one shot?
That’s what the man said in the video
If I use suppressor on the mk2 sniper, still one shot? Sorry my bad English.
@@Akane_0119Lmao come on man you should know suppressors make guns do less damage but keeps you silent.
@@Battlefield_Master5430bruh the game lies to you. It does lower damage on some guns like the advance rifle, but none of the mk2 guns are affected. Look it up
The homing launcher locking onto cars is such bs you can aim fast and shoot also u can cycle between targets with rb or lb
Marksman sniper rifle is a must in pvp
Tbh I only use heavy sniper, service carbine, teazer gun, railgun, minigun (only to kill any mk2 that come near me)
Nice video🎉Veteran
Anyone know a fix for the custom weapon load out randomly resetting back to default? I'm always having to set it up again it's annoying.
At 17:23 I felt so bad for that guy :(
Thanks, I need to trim my weapons down even more than I have already. Couple I cannot seem to drop or remove from the loadout though.
Any tips on getting the payphone dealers (with explosives) and the hitmen (any type) other than launching and leaving the session and returning? Seem to be elusive on the very rare occasion I get the dealers mission they seem to know we are 2 blocks away and are already in cover when we arrive, or the other person cannot shoot.
Thanks for the loadout tips.
I only dislike the hatchet bq the blurry effects.
the homong launcher travels almost twice as fast as the rpg
I believe the reason the heavy revolver should be on the list is because of the glitch it shares with other revolvers. No. Not insane practical, but can but useful if you need it.
what glitch?
@@dobbaphoenix4843there’s a glitch where you can turn the revolver into a high damage minigun that very over powered
That fit is 🔥
I like your suit (used in every chapter picture), how did you get the suit?
This is just a reupload of the last weapon loadout guide plus the railgun
Yes, because everything else is still relevant. It's only Jan 8.
Lmao duh , you acting like they’ve updated or added new weapons that would make the list any different than the last
@@selfmadeotr1282 They did. They released the railgun, as mentioned.
@@selfmadeotr1282 meat riding is crazy
Two points: you're seemingly optimizing solely for PvP, even when you mention npcs. For those of us who see PvP as a weak afterthought barely comprising 3% of the game, some priorities are different. Second, you forgot the single largest advantage of the heavy revolver in 2: it's absurdly fun.
1) if it's good in PvP it's good against NPCs.
2) Heavy Revolver sucks.
My man forgot the micro smg I think it's at least a honorable mention full auto gun you can use out of vehicle's that's pretty good
AP Pistol > Micro SMG.
BeatsDown I think you keep missing what the point of the Heavy Revolver MK2 really is and why it's useful. It's a "portable drive-by sniper rifle", I understand that on console drive-by shooting is bad but on PC Heavy Revolver MK2 as a drive-by weapon is kinda op against enemies on foot. You can even hide behind corners in vehicles and shoot people from behind corners and they can't even shoot at you.
Also you can use BST to be able to reliably one shot people with it.
I think you keep missing the point that I play on console.
@@BeatsDownGaming I think you keep missing the point that the video isn't called "Ultimate Weapons Loadout 2023 for Console", there is nothing about that even in the description.
@@gurgodarkk Regardless, HR Mk2 still sucks.
@@BeatsDownGaming You mean "HR Mk2 sucks on console"
As a PC player I will agree with you, but since I mostly use the motorcycle I also add the sawed shotgun, compact granade launcher and emp launcher for insurgents. It ultimately comes down to what you are most comfortable with...
you forgot the huntman rifle without a scope its the mest mid range weapon for when ur behind a wall and the lock on distance is unmatched
No such thing as a "huntman rifle" in GTAV.
@@BeatsDownGaming i meant the auto sniper mk 2 i dont know its name
@@tommalaga248 It's crap though.
Also i feel you need to redo this with the new gun. Better for driving and shooting than the ap pistol. but i still keep the ap in my wheel
I wouldn't say he'd redo it just because the tac any came out. But if you are wondering. Yes, its better than the so
The heavy revolver is lethal if u become good with head shots
If you're good with headshots then you won't need the Heavy Revolver...
@@BeatsDownGaming have you ever tried the revolver glitch before? It's not practical in a fight but it's good fun, does the revolver glitch do more damage than the mini gun?
My favorite the rail gun shows the compact grenade launcher
compact rifle is really good when a bike
Should i get special carbine mk2 or base carbine mk2 for pvp?
Special carbine is the best for most things. The normal carbine is the best for stealth mission
What do you press to throw sticky while shooting? Im on ps4
the marksman rifle is really really good
Just use whatever you prefer
W video as usual😼
I came back to play some gta 5 aftee years. Still thinking that my guns were good... XD thank for the vid^^
And i have a gun locker and set weapons i want. But after every mission with a loudout from the game(sharpshooter, hustler) it resets and get all weapons on my wheel again😯😅
i have to use a controller and push the right stick so you can look don the scopes more real then just use mouse and key board but you need a controller to do that i guess
How did you make the magazine disappear on carbine rifle and the special carbine
If I had an account, I would buy ever single weapon shown in the video.
The assault shotgun is the most powerful weapon against NPCs in the game.
lol over the atomizer knocking tryhards off their oppressors & the associated sound effect... XD
Hey can i ask you a qeustion when i go to my weopon locker i can only upgrade 12 weopans do you know why
@@sksksmssksk9798 Pretty sure it's just the limitations of the game. I've seen others complain about how there weren't more upgradable weapons.
How do you access all your weapons at one place? Like for modifying. The Weapon Workshop doesn't let you access anything but the mk2's and I can't find anything on where you could upgrade your non mk2's at a non Ammunation or Weapons Van.
The agency
I’m about to hit 120 after grinding my old acct from 22 and honestly I want the widowmaker tho 🤣
There is always the fight between the carbine and the special carbine every people say one is better than another
Hey, on mine it won't let me change the assisted aim to full? The setting is grayed out and locked to partial. Any ideas on what im missing? Im on xbox btw, thanks.
Go to story mode and do it.
Nobody uses the Service Carbine anymore?
Imo the service carbine and the normal carbine mk2 are pretty close. I personally use the service for stealth but that's because I prefer it. Use what you want
Ofc yesterday the railgun comes back but I don’t have 605k but today I have 3.2mill and the railgun is gone