My god, what a professional this guy is. Explained and executed everything perfectly. I can tell all his clients rest assured that they are in good hands.
@@Dr.EdMcLaughlin this is probably a weird question but how would i go about finding a doc that does adjustments like you verses the docs that just put us on the tables change the levels of each section and push down on us and call it a day? i need real help sooo bad.
I never been to a chiropractor but when I do go, it'll be Mclaughlin Chiropractic. I will make the drive from Memphis to Florida. I've seen many chiropractors on You Tube and Dr. Ed is by far the best I've seen, very thorough and knowledgeable.
Your videos are so informative and addictive. Your explanations actually make sense! I would love to sleep on my back more, but I have TMJ and sleeping on my back brings on horrifying nightmares as my jaw compresses the nerves in my neck.
hi there!! i have tmj too, especially caused by stress while i sleep. obviously i dont know if you already have one, but if your jaw is compressing that hard while you sleep, i HIGHLY recommend getting a 3d printed mouth guard for sleeping that is designed to hold your jaw open just the right amount to avoid further nerve damage!! it lets me sleep with no pain on the areas of my head and neck around the joints of my jaw
@@kingchubs my experiences have been very different. I’ve seen dozens of Chiropractor’s and only had one That was this focused to detail. He also charged $350 a session so that’s probably why.
I have spot like this on my back just discovered by the woman at the massage place I went to. Never knew it was there but started having back pain a few months ago, or thats when I stopped ignoring it. I definitely need to come see you!
I love all the knowledge and useful information. Keep blessing ppl with your expertise skills. I bet it feels amazing getting your body realigned after all the wear n tear we do. ❤️💛💚 Peace&Love
This is exactly what i need. When i was born the doctor pulled me out forcefully instead of just csection and now my left arm broke with no growth and my back is lop sided send help
Where are you located Doc We so want to come and have a appointment with you. You are amazing. You’re so genuine so full of knowledge and you pass it to your patient and you do so much to help them. Wow, great video.
True chiropractor. My sinuses! I have scoliosis. My hips are gettung destroyed. Legs, groin hips, all deep ache. My lower spine. Disc disease. My middle spine has a chip off vertebra. Im a mess.
The best chiro channel on YT! You mentioned that lying on your back when sleeping was the best option. I have sinus issues that will only allow me to sleep on my right side. Are there some stretches I can do to help alleviate the sinus congestion?
Without examining you it's hard to give the best advice, but I'm happy to share some thoughts! Ultimately, the sinuses drain across the face, around the ear, and then down the back of the neck. Cervical joint injury causes reflexive tightening of the musculature in the neck crimping the lymphatic tubes that are draining the sinuses. In addition and usually in conjunction, loss of the natural cervical lordotic curve and forward head posture further tightens these same muscles adding to this blockage. Merely attempting to stretch these tight muscles can only possibly and temporarily relieve this tension. With a high likelihood of further injuring those same injured joints that caused the tight muscles to arrive to begin with. Care should first start with balancing the mobility of the cervical spine, by adjusting the uninjured/tight areas and leaving alone the injured ones. Followed by restoring the cervical curve and reducing forward head posture through mirror image stretching AFTER the spine has been balanced so that when your doing those extension stretches we don't further aggravate the injured areas, but the previously tight areas that have been loosened and adjusted participate. Couple other ideas involve rinsing out the sinuses 30min-1hr before bed to insure there isn't pollen/irritants left in the sinuses causing fluid/congestion. Neil Med makes the most sense to me. If you feel as if the mucous is thick or too viscous, I would look into drinking Apple Cider Vinegar(usually 1 Tablespoon) in a glass of water with a liberal amount of honey as a way to thin the mucous membranes to allow mucous to flow more easily through the lymphatics. Hope this helps and I didn't create more confusion. Be well!
I know this is random as heck, but I saw your comment and instantly thought you’d benefit from the NeilMed sinus rinse. Then I read Dr. Ed’s reply and he mentions it too, so I have a thesis essay monologue typed out on this video (link below) and it’s specifically about using a sinus rinse and how it works and tips for when you’re new or uncomfortable doing it and the comment blew up and yes it’s a long read but here is the link to the video, I’m assuming that since it’s at like 1.7K likes with 50ish comments that my comment should show up close to the top but I’m not sure how to just copy and paste that info here so if I figure that out I will, but my replies to the comments also have some extra info for those chronic sinus suffering souls like myself. If I figure out how to copy just my original comment into this I will do so. As a fellow side sleeper trying to transition to back sleeping but struggling with sinuses, I feel you, sinus rinses though really can be life changing when done right.
Okay actually I’m dumb I forgot I can just click “edit” my comment on that other video and then I can go in and select all then copy. Ignore the fact that it’s formatted funny because it’s in response to a different video, but it’s all on the NeilMed sinus rinse and how/what to do That first one is the Neil med sinus rinse. It’s my life saver. Tips, 1. your mouth is supposed to stay open while doing it, if you find that hard to do at first, try audibly saying aaahhhhh in a steady tone. Not like you’re screaming ahh but at your normal talking voice. It’s just about tricking your brain for a sec to keep your mouth open during a process that naturally may feel a little uncomfortable at first. 2. Keep your head over the sink so you’re looking down at the sink not up anywhere. Gently start to squeeze the bottle (very gently) and within a second or two it’ll start to flow out the other side. If it’s your first time don’t panic, keeping saying Aahhhhhh and keep steady light pressure. 3. Try doing only a 1/4 of the solution in each nostril, switching back and forth and blowing your nose in between each time. So if you start with your left nostril do 1/4 of the bottle then stop, keep your head down and blow your nose in that position (it helps) a lot or a little may come out and it could be from either nostril. Finish blowing your nose (don’t blow so hard that it hurts or anything, built up sinus pressure may make you feel like you should, just give it a few times of this and it will start to budge) now switch nostrils and repeat till empty. If you’re very congested clean the bottle and repeat with more new solution. 5. After stopping pushing the solution but before you go to blow your nose “snort” the solution ever so gently to where you feel it in the back of your throat. It’ll make it feel like you need to hack up a lougie/phlegm. This is good. Hack that crap up and out of there. DO NOT SWALLOW. snort/sniffle it very gently and controlled and then spit out what’s pulled from the post nasal drip and then blow your nose. You don’t need to do this every time. 4. Warm up your distilled water before putting it in the bottle. I use a glass Pyrex and warm 8oz for about 20 seconds in the microwave. Test it for yourself first as everyone’s are different and everyone is different when it comes to what’s comfortably warm to them. DO NOT USE ACTUAL HOT WATER. having it be slightly warm just makes it feel more comfortable going through your nose. This is not a time for hot water 20 seconds max is all you should need for 8oz to not feel “cool” inside your nostrils and it takes away some of the weird shock if you’re new at it. It’s not painful at all. It’s super relieving and makes a massive difference in getting over colds/sickness quicker. When you’re really messed up with a head cold adding a plain decongestant (those little red pills that can only be bought behind the pharmacy counter) helps get things moving. I have (or used to have) chronic very painful sinus problems. You can use this daily (follow all cleaning instructions properly don’t cut corners) and when sick you can kind of just do it as much as you need. This is a literal game changer. If you’re intimidated by it, so was I. I can’t do nasal sprays. Nose stuff freaks me out. Heck I have issues swallowing pills and general sensory problems. But I could do this. I taught my husband how and though he felt stupid at first doing the aaahhh sound he quickly realized how much it helped and kept your from closing your mouth. He’s a firefighter and stubborn as hell but now if he ever gets sick he runs to use this. I recommend getting a few because when you’re sick cleaning it each time feels daunting. Having 2/3 means you can do back to back rinses without cleaning and sanitizing in between each round and when you have no energy and every little thing feels hard, it’s great. ETA: so glad I could help! I’ve struggled terribly with chronic sinus and Eustachian tube issues most of my life. I know how bad the pain and pressure can be and how sensitive they can be to everything (weather, environment, scents, food etc) if my tips from my years of experimenting with different remedies can help anyone then it’s worth writing an essay on YT comments lol. Also ONLY USE DISTILLED WATER!!! Only distilled or boiled and then cooked water. DO NOT USE BOTTLED OR FILTERED DRINKING WATER! yes I’m yelling that. I know he says distilled in the video but it’s vital. You can buy gallons of distilled water at grocery and drug stores. It will say distilled. Do not get the ones that say spring, filtered, drinking etc. do not use your filtered water from your fridge. Do not use your filtered water from your Brita pitcher or PUR sink attachment. If you don’t want to buy distilled then boil your tap or filtered water (google instructions if you’re unsure on timing) just make sure it’s fully cooled and stored in a clean sterile container with a lid. If you don’t want to boil and don’t have distilled just don’t do it. It’s not worth the risk. I’d highly recommend looking into lymphatic drainage support if you have chronic issues like mine. The best product I have ever used that had noticeable impact within 2-3 days is Mary Ruth’s lymphatic support herbal drops. I mix them in liquidIV or zip fizz but they can be taken straight up or in any drink. Since being on them daily for now 3 months it’s the first time in my life (I’m 31) that My sinus and Eustachian tube problems have steadily improved and living in FL where the weather is a major factor in how messed up I am day to day, that’s an extreme miracle game changing supplement for me. Look into it and see if it could benefit you. It’s not exactly cheap, Like $24-$27 for a bottle that can give you 15-40 ish days of use but it’s the only thing I’ve ever tried that not only works but it works fast. You can take more when you’re sick hence the big difference in days it’ll last you. If you’ve read all my rambles i know you’ve gotta be suffering and I feel for you. I hope these help. I could go on & on but I’ll answer any questions as best I can. Thank you for your kind words my fellow congestion club!
I have slight scoliosis (according to my chiro) and my right hip/lower back is about 1/4 of an inch tilted to the right and forward. yeah. not fun. my head was also a few inches forward. he said i was a mess (getting better though!)
Scraping the back had been thousand of year of practice, in China, in Chinese call Kua Sa (scraping san) it also remove body toxic and have batter body temperature control
I'm stuck at home for a herniated disk on the right side of the lumbar 4 / 5. I'm in physical therapy. She told me that my right leg was shorter than my left. I have a bad right knee. I have no idea what it is. I have a burning sensation inside my knee and weak on the outside of both sides. I can't really twist on it nor use that leg to launch from like in tennis or basketball to change direction quickly Running hurts, and I can't do squats and leg press, etc. They have me wearing a lift for my.heel on the right foot. I am wondering if maybe my hips are also not even. Would seeing a chiropractor help with my hips while I'm still recovering from herniated disk?
You are amazing I really enjoyed how you explained every step, very professional and calm I watched until the end. An Angel! I never seen anything like this before. You wouldn't happen to know any doctors in the Charlotte, NC area? :)
as someone that cracks my own back, you just made a lot of sense with the adjusting the joints that are fine, and the over correction bit. sleeping on the floor with a futon has helped me a lot, and helps assist some adjustments with the neck once i got more experienced. another thing is swapping sides. my left shoulder was raised and i've noticed swapping that and trying to raise my right shoulder reveals a lot of issues, which is the over correction point you made. same thing with head tilting to one side and swapping to the other. i find this has been the most helpful to where i'm starting to experiment with practicing ambidexterity to further correct everything.
I have the same issues as her, even the large injury on her back 😭 my chiropractor appts are only like 5 minutes tho what the heck and I snap crackle pop all day long otherwise I’m in so much pain! And I’m only 30 😢
Wow, never seen a CP spend this much time and with deep tissue work. Wish you lived in hilo hawaii! The one i used got good cracks but in all of 10 minutes. Granted his price was very low and had a colleague you could do massage with but how great the dr himself does it!
This is very relaxing to watch, hope the patient feels better. My question is can this not affect your back cos I feel like your stretching your back too much (chiropractor)
I am experiencing the exact same issues as this young lady and I’ve never been able to find a chiropractor that does this type of in-depth therapy. I feel better just watching this. Where can I find him???
@@davidorwig1547 I am in Ohio, but the next time a vacation in Florida I will be making an appointment to see this man. Florida is my favorite vacation spot.
What a great experience! Thank you Doc. The McLaughlin Duo is awesome. My back was very thankful for this session and the stretch lesson! :)
Hey! Our pleasure! It was great meeting you!
Look yummmi amanda
I love your positivity!
That was amazing
I wish ALL doctors no matter what field was this nice and genuinely cared for all patients like this man. ❤👍🏾👏🏼🙏🏽
Me too
Now my whole back is yearning for a massage
If your anywhere near Sonoma county, I got you girl!😂
My god, what a professional this guy is. Explained and executed everything perfectly.
I can tell all his clients rest assured that they are in good hands.
The big bang theory song was golden lol! Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur…🤣🤣🤣
This is the coolest chiropractor on YT! He cracks me up all the time. (No pun intended.) 😂🤣
They don’t call him McLaughlin for nothing 😊
The pun was intended.
Pun shoulda been intended it was hilarious
My 80 something mom would say “That poor dear.....I hope he helps her”. I think we all like watching someone get healed. ✌️
John are you the govs pop?
He knew real quick to acknowledge that she had hips😂 He gets us.
Man this looks so relaxing and stress free I could use a chiropractic experience like this!😁👏🏾👏🏾💯
I don't even know why you showed up on my feed, but I'm glad you did. I wish I had a Chiropractor like you around my area.
There are so many good chiropractors on TH-cam, but you are an excellent one.
Great job as usual, Doc! 😊 I’m sure the patient is feeling relief! Seems like it was a fun visit!
Love your videos, you give loads of information, that helps you figure out what you may be doing wrong, and love the actual working on your clients.
Thank you!
My back just hurts watching this. Good job mate
This is AMAZING! You could see the relief!
She is so sweet, hope she stays healthy and pain free
Thank you 😊
I need to find a good chiropractor like this doctor. On a different note his patient is absolutely gorgeous!
Dr. you have the gift. You're a healer.
Como esse profissional ainda não tem 1 milhão de seguidores?
Laughing and healing at the same time. You can't beat it!
You can tell he loves what he does very patient funny and get to the points. Great Job !!
I agree
Saying it again..If not the best at least one of the best chiropractors on TH-cam!
Ed you are the man. Great work again.
Wow, thanks! Really appreciate it!
Ur name is everything 🤣🤣🤣
@@nubian_queen4471 hey thank you
@@Dr.EdMcLaughlin this is probably a weird question but how would i go about finding a doc that does adjustments like you verses the docs that just put us on the tables change the levels of each section and push down on us and call it a day? i need real help sooo bad.
I never been to a chiropractor but when I do go, it'll be Mclaughlin Chiropractic. I will make the drive from Memphis to Florida. I've seen many chiropractors on You Tube and Dr. Ed is by far the best I've seen, very thorough and knowledgeable.
What a workout for both the doc and the patient. What a beautiful young woman too.
Thank you ❤
Your videos are so informative and addictive. Your explanations actually make sense! I would love to sleep on my back more, but I have TMJ and sleeping on my back brings on horrifying nightmares as my jaw compresses the nerves in my neck.
hi there!! i have tmj too, especially caused by stress while i sleep. obviously i dont know if you already have one, but if your jaw is compressing that hard while you sleep, i HIGHLY recommend getting a 3d printed mouth guard for sleeping that is designed to hold your jaw open just the right amount to avoid further nerve damage!! it lets me sleep with no pain on the areas of my head and neck around the joints of my jaw
I need this in my life ! Thanks for sharing! Client and Dr!
Wow! Her back… Poor thing, it looks like she must have been in a lot of pain and discomfort from that bruised left side.
I wish Chiroprators actually took this much time and care.
I went to two years ago and they usually are like in this vid
@@kingchubs my experiences have been very different. I’ve seen dozens of Chiropractor’s and only had one That was this focused to detail. He also charged $350 a session so that’s probably why.
"First remodel the house and then you'll want to stay there."
Wow. The level of care is really special.
I need this 😩 my chiropractor is not this detailed and thorough and that's what I'm missing.
You are very thorough. Way better than chiropractors here in TX. Putting a trip to DC on my list just to visit your office
I believe he's located in Sarasota, FL.
The DC after his name means Doctor of Chiropractic
Advanced Chiropractic Relief is in Houston. Check out his videos.
He and his sister Dr. Mondragon are excellent! Would love to be able to go to either one while in Florida, as they are so knowledgeable.
I have spot like this on my back just discovered by the woman at the massage place I went to. Never knew it was there but started having back pain a few months ago, or thats when I stopped ignoring it. I definitely need to come see you!
lol, I love the McLaughlins (& Mondragon) - humorous and good-natured people, God bless you all
This looks so relaxing
this is so relaxing to watch
“diagnosis scoliosis” bro got bars
You do way more than what my chiropractor does, great job!👍
She's all giggles! lol
I love all the knowledge and useful information. Keep blessing ppl with your expertise skills. I bet it feels amazing getting your body realigned after all the wear n tear we do. ❤️💛💚 Peace&Love
This is exactly what i need. When i was born the doctor pulled me out forcefully instead of just csection and now my left arm broke with no growth and my back is lop sided send help
Amazing training. Curve of the spine. Chiropractor save my life 32 years ago it works.
Are there any adverse affects of receiving this type of spine adjustments?
This video was great!
So how often would she have to come back for treatment on her back?
Great treatment video. Great patient 👍
The guy is so so good ,the feeling is so great she closed her eyes to enjoy it
She’s so pretty!
Thank you ❤
Thank you ❤.
Where are you located Doc
We so want to come and have a appointment with you. You are amazing. You’re so genuine so full of knowledge and you pass it to your patient and you do so much to help them. Wow, great video.
Sarasota 💪
Everything he says makes sense. Please come over to London!!
the asymmetry is striking, wow. I hope she recovers well!
Me watching while my back is aching 😔
I’m so jealous watching this. I need a new chiropractor!!
Your videos are so good. I’ve been a fan for a while
The first singing chiropractor i’ve seen on youtube 😅. So cool. Hello, singing buddy. Nice to know there is someone else just like me 😍🤩😊
True chiropractor. My sinuses! I have scoliosis. My hips are gettung destroyed. Legs, groin hips, all deep ache. My lower spine. Disc disease. My middle spine has a chip off vertebra. Im a mess.
Doc you’re awesome
That massage looks like it feels soo good 👍🏾
When the lady say whoooah from the elbow i can feel it😵
Can we get a new Gua sha compilation
And another elbow comp with no talking
@@OpinionatedScentsthis is the one! 😂 I love the elbow work
@@OpinionatedScents love the elbow comp
Yes pls Guashaaaaa
@@Hazeori I'm obsessed
Oof lol I felt the pain for her... "you have no hips"
The best chiro channel on YT! You mentioned that lying on your back when sleeping was the best option. I have sinus issues that will only allow me to sleep on my right side. Are there some stretches I can do to help alleviate the sinus congestion?
Hands down
Without examining you it's hard to give the best advice, but I'm happy to share some thoughts!
Ultimately, the sinuses drain across the face, around the ear, and then down the back of the neck. Cervical joint injury causes reflexive tightening of the musculature in the neck crimping the lymphatic tubes that are draining the sinuses. In addition and usually in conjunction, loss of the natural cervical lordotic curve and forward head posture further tightens these same muscles adding to this blockage.
Merely attempting to stretch these tight muscles can only possibly and temporarily relieve this tension. With a high likelihood of further injuring those same injured joints that caused the tight muscles to arrive to begin with.
Care should first start with balancing the mobility of the cervical spine, by adjusting the uninjured/tight areas and leaving alone the injured ones. Followed by restoring the cervical curve and reducing forward head posture through mirror image stretching AFTER the spine has been balanced so that when your doing those extension stretches we don't further aggravate the injured areas, but the previously tight areas that have been loosened and adjusted participate.
Couple other ideas involve rinsing out the sinuses 30min-1hr before bed to insure there isn't pollen/irritants left in the sinuses causing fluid/congestion. Neil Med makes the most sense to me.
If you feel as if the mucous is thick or too viscous, I would look into drinking Apple Cider Vinegar(usually 1 Tablespoon) in a glass of water with a liberal amount of honey as a way to thin the mucous membranes to allow mucous to flow more easily through the lymphatics.
Hope this helps and I didn't create more confusion. Be well!
I know this is random as heck, but I saw your comment and instantly thought you’d benefit from the NeilMed sinus rinse. Then I read Dr. Ed’s reply and he mentions it too, so I have a thesis essay monologue typed out on this video (link below) and it’s specifically about using a sinus rinse and how it works and tips for when you’re new or uncomfortable doing it and the comment blew up and yes it’s a long read but here is the link to the video, I’m assuming that since it’s at like 1.7K likes with 50ish comments that my comment should show up close to the top but I’m not sure how to just copy and paste that info here so if I figure that out I will, but my replies to the comments also have some extra info for those chronic sinus suffering souls like myself. If I figure out how to copy just my original comment into this I will do so. As a fellow side sleeper trying to transition to back sleeping but struggling with sinuses, I feel you, sinus rinses though really can be life changing when done right.
Okay actually I’m dumb I forgot I can just click “edit” my comment on that other video and then I can go in and select all then copy. Ignore the fact that it’s formatted funny because it’s in response to a different video, but it’s all on the NeilMed sinus rinse and how/what to do
That first one is the Neil med sinus rinse. It’s my life saver. Tips,
1. your mouth is supposed to stay open while doing it, if you find that hard to do at first, try audibly saying aaahhhhh in a steady tone. Not like you’re screaming ahh but at your normal talking voice. It’s just about tricking your brain for a sec to keep your mouth open during a process that naturally may feel a little uncomfortable at first.
2. Keep your head over the sink so you’re looking down at the sink not up anywhere. Gently start to squeeze the bottle (very gently) and within a second or two it’ll start to flow out the other side. If it’s your first time don’t panic, keeping saying Aahhhhhh and keep steady light pressure.
3. Try doing only a 1/4 of the solution in each nostril, switching back and forth and blowing your nose in between each time. So if you start with your left nostril do 1/4 of the bottle then stop, keep your head down and blow your nose in that position (it helps) a lot or a little may come out and it could be from either nostril. Finish blowing your nose (don’t blow so hard that it hurts or anything, built up sinus pressure may make you feel like you should, just give it a few times of this and it will start to budge) now switch nostrils and repeat till empty. If you’re very congested clean the bottle and repeat with more new solution.
5. After stopping pushing the solution but before you go to blow your nose “snort” the solution ever so gently to where you feel it in the back of your throat. It’ll make it feel like you need to hack up a lougie/phlegm. This is good. Hack that crap up and out of there. DO NOT SWALLOW. snort/sniffle it very gently and controlled and then spit out what’s pulled from the post nasal drip and then blow your nose. You don’t need to do this every time.
4. Warm up your distilled water before putting it in the bottle. I use a glass Pyrex and warm 8oz for about 20 seconds in the microwave. Test it for yourself first as everyone’s are different and everyone is different when it comes to what’s comfortably warm to them. DO NOT USE ACTUAL HOT WATER. having it be slightly warm just makes it feel more comfortable going through your nose. This is not a time for hot water 20 seconds max is all you should need for 8oz to not feel “cool” inside your nostrils and it takes away some of the weird shock if you’re new at it.
It’s not painful at all. It’s super relieving and makes a massive difference in getting over colds/sickness quicker. When you’re really messed up with a head cold adding a plain decongestant (those little red pills that can only be bought behind the pharmacy counter) helps get things moving. I have (or used to have) chronic very painful sinus problems. You can use this daily (follow all cleaning instructions properly don’t cut corners) and when sick you can kind of just do it as much as you need. This is a literal game changer. If you’re intimidated by it, so was I. I can’t do nasal sprays. Nose stuff freaks me out. Heck I have issues swallowing pills and general sensory problems. But I could do this. I taught my husband how and though he felt stupid at first doing the aaahhh sound he quickly realized how much it helped and kept your from closing your mouth. He’s a firefighter and stubborn as hell but now if he ever gets sick he runs to use this. I recommend getting a few because when you’re sick cleaning it each time feels daunting. Having 2/3 means you can do back to back rinses without cleaning and sanitizing in between each round and when you have no energy and every little thing feels hard, it’s great.
ETA: so glad I could help! I’ve struggled terribly with chronic sinus and Eustachian tube issues most of my life. I know how bad the pain and pressure can be and how sensitive they can be to everything (weather, environment, scents, food etc) if my tips from my years of experimenting with different remedies can help anyone then it’s worth writing an essay on YT comments lol.
Also ONLY USE DISTILLED WATER!!! Only distilled or boiled and then cooked water. DO NOT USE BOTTLED OR FILTERED DRINKING WATER! yes I’m yelling that. I know he says distilled in the video but it’s vital. You can buy gallons of distilled water at grocery and drug stores. It will say distilled. Do not get the ones that say spring, filtered, drinking etc. do not use your filtered water from your fridge. Do not use your filtered water from your Brita pitcher or PUR sink attachment. If you don’t want to buy distilled then boil your tap or filtered water (google instructions if you’re unsure on timing) just make sure it’s fully cooled and stored in a clean sterile container with a lid. If you don’t want to boil and don’t have distilled just don’t do it. It’s not worth the risk.
I’d highly recommend looking into lymphatic drainage support if you have chronic issues like mine. The best product I have ever used that had noticeable impact within 2-3 days is Mary Ruth’s lymphatic support herbal drops. I mix them in liquidIV or zip fizz but they can be taken straight up or in any drink. Since being on them daily for now 3 months it’s the first time in my life (I’m 31) that My sinus and Eustachian tube problems have steadily improved and living in FL where the weather is a major factor in how messed up I am day to day, that’s an extreme miracle game changing supplement for me. Look into it and see if it could benefit you. It’s not exactly cheap, Like $24-$27 for a bottle that can give you 15-40 ish days of use but it’s the only thing I’ve ever tried that not only works but it works fast. You can take more when you’re sick hence the big difference in days it’ll last you. If you’ve read all my rambles i know you’ve gotta be suffering and I feel for you. I hope these help. I could go on & on but I’ll answer any questions as best I can. Thank you for your kind words my fellow congestion club!
@@Dr.EdMcLaughlin Thank you so much, good sir! I will definitely try the apple cider vinegar. Cheers!
I have slight scoliosis (according to my chiro) and my right hip/lower back is about 1/4 of an inch tilted to the right and forward. yeah. not fun.
my head was also a few inches forward. he said i was a mess (getting better though!)
I need Dr McLaughlin BIG BANG!! I hollered!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
how can you treat yourself if u have a higher part of your back? how can you equal them
I need one of these ! My back is killing me.
My chiropractor did none of this! I feel robbed!😟😟😟
Scraping the back had been thousand of year of practice, in China, in Chinese call Kua Sa (scraping san) it also remove body toxic and have batter body temperature control
It gets the immune system to wake up in a manner of speaking.
omg I want this doc in my life.
I love her voice she’s lucky to get that treatment. It’s amazing what elbows do to your back❤💯
Thank you 😊.
Very informative and very helpful I need to c a chiropractor bc I’ve developed spinal befida n I can’t stand the pain
That’s a full body rebirth. Oh my word. Popping every limb and whatnot.
Hey doc do you have any tips for finding and identifying a good chiropractor in my area?
i wish that i live somewhere near , so that i can visit your clinic, you look really professional
I'm stuck at home for a herniated disk on the right side of the lumbar 4 / 5. I'm in physical therapy. She told me that my right leg was shorter than my left. I have a bad right knee. I have no idea what it is. I have a burning sensation inside my knee and weak on the outside of both sides. I can't really twist on it nor use that leg to launch from like in tennis or basketball to change direction quickly Running hurts, and I can't do squats and leg press, etc. They have me wearing a lift for my.heel on the right foot. I am wondering if maybe my hips are also not even. Would seeing a chiropractor help with my hips while I'm still recovering from herniated disk?
You are amazing I really enjoyed how you explained every step, very professional and calm I watched until the end. An Angel! I never seen anything like this before. You wouldn't happen to know any doctors in the Charlotte, NC area? :)
so just something I noticed, her body is so off that when she tries to explain where it hurts, she can't and instead points it out on the doc.
as someone that cracks my own back, you just made a lot of sense with the adjusting the joints that are fine, and the over correction bit. sleeping on the floor with a futon has helped me a lot, and helps assist some adjustments with the neck once i got more experienced. another thing is swapping sides. my left shoulder was raised and i've noticed swapping that and trying to raise my right shoulder reveals a lot of issues, which is the over correction point you made. same thing with head tilting to one side and swapping to the other. i find this has been the most helpful to where i'm starting to experiment with practicing ambidexterity to further correct everything.
love the laughter 😂
Never seen or known ears could be popped, love the pops!😂❤❤😁👏🏾👏🏾
I'm watching this...& that looks like it feels so good. I'm falling asleep.
Wow. My back has so many issues but I fear going to a chiropractor. Wish I still lived in Sarasota 😊
Omg I need you ! 😢 my back is 50 and I’m in my 20s
Great elbow segment
I've seen four seconds of his videos and I'm trying to find out how I can make an appointment
I have the same issues as her, even the large injury on her back 😭 my chiropractor appts are only like 5 minutes tho what the heck and I snap crackle pop all day long otherwise I’m in so much pain! And I’m only 30 😢
Hey doc, would you and your siblings come over to the UK for sessions please? Pretty please with a cherry on top 😊
Wow, never seen a CP spend this much time and with deep tissue work. Wish you lived in hilo hawaii! The one i used got good cracks but in all of 10 minutes. Granted his price was very low and had a colleague you could do massage with but how great the dr himself does it!
Your facial expressions are awesome
Thank you 😊
Genius-level chiro
Where can i get that green thing
Great job! I' m having the same issue! Where could I find this great Dr? Greetings from Germany ❤
He's based in Florida, US. More info on his yT "about" page.
He earned every dollar that one!
This is very relaxing to watch, hope the patient feels better.
My question is can this not affect your back cos I feel like your stretching your back too much (chiropractor)
I am experiencing the exact same issues as this young lady and I’ve never been able to find a chiropractor that does this type of in-depth therapy. I feel better just watching this. Where can I find him???
Sarasota florida!
@@davidorwig1547 I am in Ohio, but the next time a vacation in Florida I will be making an appointment to see this man. Florida is my favorite vacation spot.
She isn’t 21:13 even flinching 😮
It felt good ❤
Thank you for sharing. Needed this.
What an excellent Chiropractor. I wish he could come to London 😅
Watching this while in pain 😭
These are amazing videos. You're a miracle worker!
Ok I’m so wrapped in this video I’m trying to find you to get work done. Do you ever travel or know someone that does what you do in Atlanta
Damn u the best chiropractor I’ve seen I need this experience