Seems like a fine noise gate! The only problem I've had with other noise gates, is when you play something at low volume/easy on the strings, it cuts the sound. Seems this one won't do that.
The real litmus test of a noise gate is always what happens when you let a note ring out - I find that a lot of noise-gates will either start "stuttering" or otherwise doing weird things as the note decays. How does this one fare?
Great vid as always, Dagan. Thanks for evaluating this pedal! Your taking the time gives the pedal legitimacy and lifts it above the crowd. Your review and solid shredding to activate the Reduction lights revealed this pedal's capability. Well done.
I was wondering how good a pedal this is and the first second you showed us all how perfectly this pedal works I'm sold finally going to post a song without ridiculous amp buzz
I’m running a mini silver jubilee. It was ok with a tube screamer, but forget it if you try to stack more than one pedal. Complete noise and if you set it aggressively you loose all of the pedal’s tones. I tried every set up combination except for running my high gain pedals through the effects loop. The send and return on the nx-1x added very little to the overall effectiveness. I’m returning mine.
Can't see it replacing the ISP decimator, but it does seem to have older rack dbx style gating in stomp box size. Boss tuner already covers silent instrument changes.
This is the only pedal I need I'm from the south USA and I play country rockabilly and bluegrass and my tube amp is sometimes noisy so I'm definitely going to be getting this
Over the entire duration of this demo, Dagan played quite stacatto, and, didn't attempt to hold a long, sustained high note bend. Not to mention, he was employing a Sustainiac. All noise gates I have encountered are difficult to dial in, in order for those sustained trebly bends not to get choked off too early/unnaturally. I swear by my BOSS CP-1X and DS-1X, though. I'll likely try NS-1X.
I’ve owned one for a couple of months I got because I have single pole pickups and they can get a little noisy. I’m a melodic player and this pedal absolutely killed all the noise before the amp. I have the threshold low and am in use the reduction mode so it gradually reduces. I have all the pedals in the pedals send and receive loop, but now that the signal is clean a subtle I can now hear the preamp making noise. So I’ll change the wiring to include the amps preamp via the amps effects loop and get rid of the preamp noise. This is an excellent pedal. I’ve been trying to get the guitarist I play with to get one because their rigs noise is out of control
I'm quite skeptical on noise gates about tone sucking but I just tested and integrated NS1X to my pedalboard... and this is something I should have done the past years. LED indicator is quite nice and useful even your amp at stanby (no sound)
Dammit Dagan I just spent $600 on an isp hum extractor + decimator rack and now I feel like I’m not going to be able to sleep at night until I get this
I want to hear a demo of one of these with some long delay/reverb settings, to hear how it handles that and see if its fancy new technology is more than just a noise gate. That would be the real test for me.
Yup, I know that would be the best way to use one of course, but I'm intrigued to know how controllable it is in terms of cut off and if there is any sort of more sophisticated intelligent processing to determine what you would and would not want in comparison with other gates, because if not, then it would seem to be 'just another noise gate' albeit one which does seem very good@@mickavoidant4780
Looks awesome! I wonder though, would it be a good idea for someone to grab this if they already have an NS-2 that is still in good to great condition and/or newly acquired within several months?
@@Lord_Palmer Sorry, mate - completely disagree. They stupidly demo it in in-line mode. It should be used in 4-cable send & return mode - exactly as in Boss's own NS-1X YT demo!! And in Boss's manual!!! Anderton's video has almost overwhelming criticism on this point, and correctly so. Have a nice weekend! 😃
i guess i put my tuner first in line out of the send ... that's the best way i can figure. the site says something about the output of "optimized tone" ... *i want to hear an out of phase coil split through it*
I live near a power supply plant? I don't know the name in english for these buildings but this is making my guitar sounds like a space shuttle :( is this noise supressor the best in market for fixing this issue? I'm desesperate.
Is it normal for your 9V battery to run out within a week? I forgot to unplug the pedal overnight once but I've never used a pedal like this before so idk what to expect
Well, the expected battery life under continuous use according to the Boss website is approx 6.5 hours (for alkaline) so probably yeah. The current draw of this pedal is much higher than of the NS-2, for example. I always think that it's a good idea to use a power brick or a power supply like OneSpot with any pedal instead of batteries. Batteries can be a good back up plan though. Also, a Pedaltrain Volto is a cool invention!
I bought the Donner version and it only seems to add noise. It cuts down on the noise when you dial it in, but it's never as clear as it is when it's just off. Is it crap or am I doing something wrong?
Gripe, here - every demo of this pedal uses exaggerated playing (ie, sudden starts and stops). Why do this? Why not let your notes trail off like you’d normally do on stage? Worse yet, in your “reduction mode” demo, it seems pretty apparent that the indicator light is beginning to swell as the note is still ringing out and you didn’t do much to test that. I have one of these on pre-order but this demo (and all the others) give me little indication as to whether it’s going to work for me. I don’t want my dynamic playing to be choked off.
So I have serious, horrendous, high pitched ringing feedback from my B.C. Rich Ironbird with Fishman Fluence active pick ups, with a 10 foot Mogami cable plugged into my Blackstar 60W tube amp. I have the amp setting on the more "overdriven distorted metal" sound-tone. And when the guitar is just sitting there resting the feedback royally annoys me and near damn gives me a headache it's very displeasing! Not too mention the amp also has a "voicing" button, when I engage that it seems to boost the tone-sound with even more treble-esque distortion and the feedback from that being engaged is extra appauling, loud, and irritates my soul! So from what I understand this pedal will basically drown out that horrendous feedback, but still retain the tone when I'm playing chords or single notes? This is the answer the nightmarish feedback I endure?
Yeah, the pedal will get rid of the feedback. Just slowly turn the threshold knob until you can't hear the feedback anymore. When you start playing the gate opens, when you stop playing the gate closes. BTW, the ISP Decimator does the same thing, but is easier to use...only one knob. Just set it and forget it.
This is the most practical pedal yet, Boss hit it out the park with this one!
Agreed. I have no real use for it, but I'd be surprised if this doesn't become the new gold standard for metal players.
Seems like a fine noise gate! The only problem I've had with other noise gates, is when you play something at low volume/easy on the strings, it cuts the sound. Seems this one won't do that.
The real litmus test of a noise gate is always what happens when you let a note ring out - I find that a lot of noise-gates will either start "stuttering" or otherwise doing weird things as the note decays. How does this one fare?
Great vid as always, Dagan. Thanks for evaluating this pedal! Your taking the time gives the pedal legitimacy and lifts it above the crowd. Your review and solid shredding to activate the Reduction lights revealed this pedal's capability. Well done.
I just pre ordered 2 from Sweetwater for my stage rigs. Will use my NS-2’s for my practice amps. So looking forward to these.
That's a pretty slick looking pedal
I was wondering how good a pedal this is and the first second you showed us all how perfectly this pedal works I'm sold finally going to post a song without ridiculous amp buzz
I’m running a mini silver jubilee. It was ok with a tube screamer, but forget it if you try to stack more than one pedal. Complete noise and if you set it aggressively you loose all of the pedal’s tones. I tried every set up combination except for running my high gain pedals through the effects loop. The send and return on the nx-1x added very little to the overall effectiveness. I’m returning mine.
Can't see it replacing the ISP decimator, but it does seem to have older rack dbx style gating in stomp box size. Boss tuner already covers silent instrument changes.
This is the only pedal I need I'm from the south USA and I play country rockabilly and bluegrass and my tube amp is sometimes noisy so I'm definitely going to be getting this
Over the entire duration of this demo, Dagan played quite stacatto, and, didn't attempt to hold a long, sustained high note bend. Not to mention, he was employing a Sustainiac.
All noise gates I have encountered are difficult to dial in, in order for those sustained trebly bends not to get choked off too early/unnaturally.
I swear by my BOSS CP-1X and DS-1X, though. I'll likely try NS-1X.
throughout all the video the silver switch that enables the sustainiac remained in off position
I’ve owned one for a couple of months I got because I have single pole pickups and they can get a little noisy.
I’m a melodic player and this pedal absolutely killed all the noise before the amp. I have the threshold low and am in use the reduction mode so it gradually reduces. I have all the pedals in the pedals send and receive loop, but now that the signal is clean a subtle I can now hear the preamp making noise. So I’ll change the wiring to include the amps preamp via the amps effects loop and get rid of the preamp noise.
This is an excellent pedal. I’ve been trying to get the guitarist I play with to get one because their rigs noise is out of control
*I'm getting one, cheers!*
Where is the best placement in the chain for a noise gate?
In the loop or last before the amp?
cool , that NS version got 3 types of mode and a shiny knobs too😅
I'm quite skeptical on noise gates about tone sucking but I just tested and integrated NS1X to my pedalboard... and this is something I should have done the past years. LED indicator is quite nice and useful even your amp at stanby (no sound)
Dammit Dagan I just spent $600 on an isp hum extractor + decimator rack and now I feel like I’m not going to be able to sleep at night until I get this
I want to hear a demo of one of these with some long delay/reverb settings, to hear how it handles that and see if its fancy new technology is more than just a noise gate. That would be the real test for me.
Always put a gate first. It won't then mess up reverb/delay and won't be messed up by OD/distortion.
Yup, I know that would be the best way to use one of course, but I'm intrigued to know how controllable it is in terms of cut off and if there is any sort of more sophisticated intelligent processing to determine what you would and would not want in comparison with other gates, because if not, then it would seem to be 'just another noise gate' albeit one which does seem very good@@mickavoidant4780
if you don't turn it off, unplug it and plug it back in will it stay on?
I swear by my NS2, but I do find that it cannot handle a fuzz running into my bass in a live environment. This looks like it could solve my problem!
Looks awesome! I wonder though, would it be a good idea for someone to grab this if they already have an NS-2 that is still in good to great condition and/or newly acquired within several months?
Andertons music store has just done a video between this and the NS2. Go check it out for the differences. its a good video :)
@@Lord_Palmer thanks! I found it and am about halfway through atm.
@@Lord_Palmer Sorry, mate - completely disagree. They stupidly demo it in in-line mode. It should be used in 4-cable send & return mode - exactly as in Boss's own NS-1X YT demo!! And in Boss's manual!!! Anderton's video has almost overwhelming criticism on this point, and correctly so. Have a nice weekend! 😃
i guess i put my tuner first in line out of the send ... that's the best way i can figure.
the site says something about the output of "optimized tone" ... *i want to hear an out of phase coil split through it*
I wonder how it keeps up with the Decimator II G-string!
I live near a power supply plant? I don't know the name in english for these buildings but this is making my guitar sounds like a space shuttle :( is this noise supressor the best in market for fixing this issue? I'm desesperate.
Is it normal for your 9V battery to run out within a week? I forgot to unplug the pedal overnight once but I've never used a pedal like this before so idk what to expect
Well, the expected battery life under continuous use according to the Boss website is approx 6.5 hours (for alkaline) so probably yeah. The current draw of this pedal is much higher than of the NS-2, for example. I always think that it's a good idea to use a power brick or a power supply like OneSpot with any pedal instead of batteries. Batteries can be a good back up plan though. Also, a Pedaltrain Volto is a cool invention!
It kills the noise but also kill the sustain if want to hold a note as well. The demo did not tell it.
Yeah I need one.. lot of noise Frome my pedals
why demo noise suppressor with humbucker. demo with single coil
the dominant gate of all time
I had the previous version. It choked every note: start & finish. It was awful. I sold it. Wonder how much better this one actually is.
I bought the Donner version and it only seems to add noise. It cuts down on the noise when you dial it in, but it's never as clear as it is when it's just off. Is it crap or am I doing something wrong?
Some Noise Gates have been known to degrigate your tone quite a lot, it's just the nature of some of them. Not with this new Boss NS-1X though!
Gripe, here - every demo of this pedal uses exaggerated playing (ie, sudden starts and stops). Why do this? Why not let your notes trail off like you’d normally do on stage?
Worse yet, in your “reduction mode” demo, it seems pretty apparent that the indicator light is beginning to swell as the note is still ringing out and you didn’t do much to test that.
I have one of these on pre-order but this demo (and all the others) give me little indication as to whether it’s going to work for me. I don’t want my dynamic playing to be choked off.
Whoopdeedoo, I just got an NS2 and I haven't even used it in a gig.
yahoooooo!!!!! Captain Jack Sparrow is backkkkkk!!!!!!!
We upload 6 videos a week! 😂🤘
I'm more interested in the guitar... tell us more about that guy.
Stop cheating by turning down the guitar volume control!!!
Almost like a compression pedal..
This guy is Jack Sparrow if he was a guitarist.
Why not fix your noisy guitar issue ??
It's not a noisy guitar issue, it's a noisy signal chain issue. Which can be caused by a number of different things, both in and out of our control. 👍
damn im too early
Just learn how to mute the strings properly and become a better player.
This dude’s act makes me uncomfortable
So I have serious, horrendous, high pitched ringing feedback from my B.C. Rich Ironbird with Fishman Fluence active pick ups, with a 10 foot Mogami cable plugged into my Blackstar 60W tube amp. I have the amp setting on the more "overdriven distorted metal" sound-tone. And when the guitar is just sitting there resting the feedback royally annoys me and near damn gives me a headache it's very displeasing! Not too mention the amp also has a "voicing" button, when I engage that it seems to boost the tone-sound with even more treble-esque distortion and the feedback from that being engaged is extra appauling, loud, and irritates my soul!
So from what I understand this pedal will basically drown out that horrendous feedback, but still retain the tone when I'm playing chords or single notes? This is the answer the nightmarish feedback I endure?
Yeah, the pedal will get rid of the feedback. Just slowly turn the threshold knob until you can't hear the feedback anymore. When you start playing the gate opens, when you stop playing the gate closes. BTW, the ISP Decimator does the same thing, but is easier to use...only one knob. Just set it and forget it.