The last shall be first! I truly wonder if a husband-submissive woman who serpent-like changed diapers on her severely autistic son and invalid husband, night and day, year after year, in obscurity, won’t be the kind of person who passes over males, even James and John, to sit eternally at the right hand of Christ in glory!?!
@Donna di Lode I respectfully refer you to 2 Peter 3:15-16. (I try always to believe God’s revelations even when I do not fully understand. I do not want to risk the “destruction” of which Peter speaks.)
@Donna di Lode Cunning can indeed be sinful - i am not being cunning, just seeking the truth. If your criticism of Allie is based on the Holy Scriptures, I sincerely want to hear it. This is an complex issue that needs God’s clarity.
@Donna di Lode Wow, that nonsense came out of nowhere. and who the heck is Stan? Was it "Stan" who made you verbally attack these 2 for no reason? Go ahead and attack me Stan, I obviously need the entertainment..
@@cpt.barker4767 I guess whomever that was that verbally attacked these two had their comment deleted or they deleted it, themselves. However, I don't think it was "Stan" who caused the verbal assault...I think it was Satan... You were missing an "a", Brian. 😏😉
@@sespotlhaselo9315 Equally well stated! God, through His Word only wants to give regulation that will benefit us... But when we think our way is better (the pride you both speak of), then we get offended when we're told, "Umm, hey...Ya kinda missed the mark by the distance of a small planet there... Ya might wanna rethink your position."
'They say "submission sounds like serving. That sounds like something to rebel against." Well, ain't it funny how being a servant is repulsive to everyone but God?! and we wonder why we can't recognize His face!'
Additionally, No Name, isn't it funny how just like women need to submit to their husbands (and husbands to wives, if you read further), you also need to SUBMIT an application to for that $250K/year job?
People want to create their own beliefs based on how they feel and their preferences. Like you said it is pride. People want to be their own God, and rebel against the good and perfect will, law and design that God has established. "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. " 2 Timothy 4:3
@Amy Klassen something is funny because people will try and make this a male vs female, gender struggle issue, but I read somewhere that there are many women, like yourself, who are on v the side of "women should not" just as there are many men on the side of "women should be allowed to". It's interesting and, dare I say, refreshing...
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
The Scripture(Rom 16:1) you're referring to said "Phebe our sister" , not phebe our pastor, not phebe our prophetess, not phebe our deacon. But phebe our sister. Teach the truth, the word is truth. Dont change it. It is what it is. It means what it said. if it doesn't suit your beliefs, then change what you believe to suit it. Paul spoke by the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit can not make a mistake, why would God say through him, "i suffer not a women to teach not to be an overseer over the men", then the next day, turn around and say, "I'm sending phebe up to the church of Rome to give a sermon". A sermon is speaking. Women can't give sermons, she can speak... in the church. It never said nothing about speaking outside the church, but it said she cant speak inside of the church. The word calls for her complete obedience in this matter. Not rebellion. It's not that she can't do it, it's that she shouldn't do it. I'm sure women or just as cappable of speaking scriptures in the pulpit, but God said she cant give a sermon, she cant speak... in the church, and not one church, but all the churches, he said. All. "1Corinthians 14:33 (kjv) For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as 👉in all👈 churches of the saints. 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is 👉not permitted👈 unto them 👉to speak👈; but they are 👉commanded👈 to be under obedience, as also saith the law." And the law doesn't permit a women to be a preist, and the priestly ministry was given over to a pastoral ministry when Jesus came. Also in Gen 3:16. GOD Put the man to be the overseer of the Women. Which is a type and shadow of Christ being the head and his elected church. So how can a woman get up on the pulpit and claim(usurp) authority over a congregation full of men?. That's against God's divine plan. I may not like it. But i must believe it. "1Timothy 2:12(kjv) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” If a aged women wants to teach, she can teach younger women(Titus 2:3,4), not men, that's biblical, and not from the pulpit either. Because she cant speak(give a sermon) inside the church. 1 Corinthians14:35 (kjv) ... for it is a shame for women to speak 👉in👈 the church.” God thinks it's shamful. There must be a reason. I may not know or understand completely why, but i trust Him. You should to. God's word is infallible and it is always right, regardless of if we agree with it or not. Dont let satan cause you to believe a lie (2Thess2:11 - 2Chron18:21)
There is something especially powerful when we say, "God, your ways and teachings are right and good." when it is costly to do so. It walks back the disaster that happened in the garden, when we said, "No God, we know better what is right for me." Thanks Allie.
What happened in the garden was that both Adam and Eve sinned. What are you saying...that Eve is punished more because she was deceive and therefore not able to speak or lead in a congregation? Adam failed to lead yet he is still leading. I am not sure what Paul is truly saying in I Tim. but in was not shut women up for all times. Rom. 16:1 Paul uses Pheobe to take the Roman letter to the churches. The one that delivers is the one to read the letter to the church.
@Donna di Lode because in this day and age when women exercise unprecedented freedom and power there are many 'curious' women who lack the imagination to understand rhetorical expressions.
I'd argue our world first needs to prioritize the Logos. We have lost the art of discussion and reason, so all these other issues are impossible to see change in.
Yes, indeed. I really do believe women are neglecting their God given influence to have the authority of men. A women has the biggest influence on her children, so we women are creating the next generation. What a difference it would make if godly women, who do not question the authority of the bible (not the pastor) would teach their children Gods ways.
It's always refreshing to hear someone take a hard look at scripture, interpret properly, and teach what it says. Even when it's difficult. Keep up the good work
timffoster context is king. Put everything in context then you will see that it is not contextually taken but selective here is why; 1 Timothy 2:9 is ignored completely even by her. Let woman learn in silence v 11 do you know what silence is? Not speaking at all. V8 only men can pray then Greek word here is masculine= husband or future husband. My point is this, if we keep on going through this lane of women cannot preach then we have to keep everything in context and not selective context when God created mankind, He gave them equal authority over all the works His Hand, but it is only after the fall that everything changed but everything has been restored in Christ Jesus Galatians 3:27-29
If God is in your heart why listen to a book written by, no pun intended God knows who? You wouldn't listen to an ad which informs you that "God told them this so buy it", therefore why believe that the text of the bible was honest? Maybe it was written by people with a certain agenda. Perhaps the agenda to keep power within the circle of man. Perhaps we all have a finite mind that is unable to grasp scripture, however given that critical thinking is now something availble to freely study in most civilized societies I wonder if many people are actually able to grasp scripture which was written down by unknown sources. You do not know who really wrote down "God's word". You cannot definitively prove that the scripture wasn't just someone's way to trick unsuspecting, uneducated people of those times who did not have the means to acquire an education in critical thinking. I respect your views however I feel inclined to question your sources and ask: why do you trust the Bible?
Wise young woman. This made no sense to me as a new Christian, a 24 year old college student raised in a broken, barely nominally Christian home, with a mom was a 70's feminist. But fast forward 25 more years and it now makes much more sense. But even if it didn't, God is God, and I am just a creature.
Thank you Allie, for such a clear-cut explanation of God's Word on this subject. Even in the Church, so many have become soft on what Scripture so clearly defines on this topic. Women are certainly not lesser, Proverbs 31:10 points out that her value is far above rubies! Always appreciate your videos - Lord Bless, congratulations on your precious new bundle of joy!
Every time I listen to your podcast I find myself saying “yes, sister! Amen!” God has indeed gifted you with wisdom and eloquence. Keep speaking truth, Allie!! God bless you❤️
Thank you for this video which you really looked at it from all angles. A female pastor on my FB has the audacity to post that anyone who doesn’t believe a woman can be a pastor has been bewitched. When I asked for the scripture to back up her claim she as well as many other female pastors used Galatians 3:28 which clearly has nothing to do with a woman’s role in the church and speaks of being one in the same faith in the body of Christ! I responded with many of the same scriptures you discussed and was told I need to get a better understanding of the times those scriptures were written, that I have a spirit that is argumentative and not teachable, and was even told I have a reprobate mind. That nasty Jezebel spirit was clearly raising its ugly head!
Thank you for explaining these verses on the role of women in the Church with true submission to the authority of Scripture. It is refreshing hear a young woman viewing these passages in a positive light understanding that God's order is to help us thrive.
Allie I am SO glad I found your channel. I've been watching many of your videos and really value what you say. It is so difficult finding young women these days who truly believe the Bible over the "cultural christian" views and ideas that are so common today in 2019. Keep speaking truth! God is using you in mighty ways.
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
Thank you so much for this spiritral edification Allie. Eight weeks ago I was a struggling radical feminist so much so that i was seeking to edify myself from a feminist perspective. As someone who is now wonderiously and miraculously born again, I have to challenge my core feminine values. I feel they kind of makes some sense in a world where men are Godless and so disrespectful and abusive to women. In the church, and christian marriage we are governed by a different spirit and are book is not a feminist manifesto book. I was aggitated when you said submission but I trust God completely to direct and help me on my new path. I feel that God as lead me to you Allie for edification. I would have struggled as a new christian, if a man had told me to submit given the number of abusive men i have encountered in life. I think that a man who follows God is a different creature to a man who is Godless and submission to the later is difficult and sometimes dangerious. It seems to me that what is spiritral does not correlated to the men who are Godless. The gender war is what happen when we are functioning outside of God. Neither men or women are safe or happy with themselves or each other. I think submission to Godly men is possible. Submission to a unGodly men may instinctively feel dangerious for women, so it is out of a godless gender relationshipd that a defensive feminism as arisen along with gender identity confusion.
@jackiestone6610 It doesn't matter if what Paul said is erroneously misquoted by man...God said: Romans 9:15-19 New King James Version 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” 16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. 19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” So if he can make a female ass speak, then she's gonna speak. Numbers 22:22-33 King James Version 22 And God's anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him. 23 And the ass saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into the way. 24 But the angel of the Lord stood in a path of the vineyards, a wall being on this side, and a wall on that side. 25 And when the ass saw the angel of the Lord, she thrust herself unto the wall, and crushed Balaam's foot against the wall: and he smote her again. 26 And the angel of the Lord went further, and stood in a narrow place, where was no way to turn either to the right hand or to the left. 27 And when the ass saw the angel of the Lord, she fell down under Balaam: and Balaam's anger was kindled, and he smote the ass with a staff. 28 And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times? 29 And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee. 30 And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to do so unto thee? and he said, Nay. 31 Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face. 32 And the angel of the Lord said unto him, Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? behold, I went out to withstand thee, because thy way is perverse before me: 33 And the ass saw me, and turned from me these three times: unless she had turned from me, surely now also I had slain thee, and saved her alive. God Bless
Your videos kept being recommended to me and I didn’t know why… only I know I just watched a 30 minute video and it felt like it was a 5 minute video because I was so engaged! Thank you so much for being narrow and not deviating from Bible! You definitely have a new subscriber!
Anyone ever notice that when you hear or listen to the smartest people in the world, they always talk about God? This is awesome. Love it! (Ben Carson, Ken Hamm, Ravi Zacharias, and of course Allie Stuckey) Just to name a few
I am so impressed by your message. It is so refreshing in this age of falling away from the truth, to hear a true woman of God speak such sound biblical truth. You are spot-on thank you so much you have blessed me tremendously. Love In Christ. Pastor Duane and Chico pup.
Glad you are discussing this. God has spoken on this issue. By the've been pregnant since Jesus was an infant! When are you due sugar??? Praying for a safe delivery.
I’ve had a female pastor for years. She is humble, so good at making our church welcoming and preaches the gospel. Every week I hear God through her messages and have grown so much in the Word under her tutelage. I know there are lots of prisms through which to view certain scriptures, but I ask God to give me wisdom and discernment in all things.
Exactly women who say a woman can't be a pastor and can't teach has (to put it nicely) needs to be quiet. She might as well take down her whole channel and only teach her children. Plus they forget Deborah lead the men and that was during the law we don't live under the law anymore think about that.
Love it when you talked about what our posture as women should be ❤️ Gratitude allows us to see the beauty in our Father’s perfect set-up instead of chaining us to the idol of self and our own pride
@Douglas lmao kjv is revised. The original bible is ancient Greek. Your translation is quite different than the true words and meanings. So take it easy narcissist
Women....don't marry men who do not exhibit the humility of Jesus and willing to love you as Christ loved the church, willing to lay down his life for. Don't compromise cuteness for Christlikeness or fear of singleness. God made women because "it was not good for MAN to be alone"!!!!!
Thank you Allie! It is truly a blessing to hear you standing on Gods holy word and that you would share it on this very public forum is so refreshing from a millennial as yourself! It gives me new hope that individuals as yourself are being faithful to truth! May Gods richest blessings be on you and yours!!!
You are so right, for letting the Bible speak. After being the woman at the well myself I am so glad that the Lord let me teach women and children, and these days where I live in SC is not the easiest thing to find a church that is not bowing the knee. 💐🥰🙏🏽
Dr. Billy Graham, when asked by David Frost about women's ordination, said, "Women preach all over the world. It doesn't bother me at all from my study of the Scriptures. And there were many women preachers in the Bible." Those verses were situational and not meant to be interpreted as an all inclusive universal directive to all women.
@@choppskidapper if you’re referring to the scripture that says women are to keep silent in the church I need to do some research on that because that was for a specific time in the culture where men sit on one side of the church and women sit on the other side of the church and the women would yell across the way to their husbands to get the interpretation. It was not saying that women are not to preach the gospel. We can see many women in the Bible that preached the gospel. You’re right God has the final say. And there’s nowhere in the Bible that he tells us not to share the gospel for women. On the contrary, Bible says going to all the world and preach the good news and make disciples. It doesn’t say only men.
No not that one in particular, but I am almost in disbelief that you would state that the reason Paul said that is because in the Corinthian church men were on one said and the women on the other and the women would scream back and forth. Lol…You certainly didn’t get that from scripture, but from a source with an agenda. I must admit in 35 years of study I’ve never heard that one. Yes women in the faith is and can share the gospel, but I think you are being a little disingenuous, because the young lady’s podcast is not about whether a woman can share the gospel or not! The question is does the scriptures give the woman permission to teach men or pastor a church. The answer is ‘no”, nowhere in scripture, not one verse gives the woman permission to teach men or exercise headship over him in the marital home or in God’s church. When Paul states she cannot teach or usurp authority, keep reading, he qualifies why! It’s because if the creation order and her transgression. Those things will not change, it has nothing to do with value or ability but with order and behavior. Now here is what can put this to rest, if you can find just one verse in the Bible that clearly gives the woman authority to exercise headship over the man or teach him in the church structure. Don’t pick a verse and try and make it say it, the Bible is clear on roles, find one that clearly articulates her role can be that if a pastor. For instance I can point to Paul giving the qualification, in 1 Timothy 3 If a man desire the office of the bishop he deserts a good work. The bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife. See how clear that is, any competent person know that the qualifications exclude the woman from the office because she is neither a man nor can she be a husband. So there are 31,102 verses in the Bible, find just one verse that clearly gives her the authority to teach the man God’s word or pastor the church of the living God. Your finding will put this question to bed forever.
@@choppskidapper You’ll have to answer to Jesus. As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord, boldly without hindrance from The arrogance of man.
Ok, I see, you couldn’t find one scripture to support your position. So what do you do, resort to calling me arrogant…smh! Yes I will stand at the Bema Seat where I and you will stand before the King of kings! The difference I will gladly, because I obeyed and rightly divided the word of truth. The question is how do you respond when you have turned from the truth of the word to appease your feeling about trying to fill a role clearly designated for men and derelict on the roles which God has ordain for women of God! Gen 3:13, and the Lord God said unto the woman, what is this that thou hast done? I pray you adhere to the clear instructions in his holy word. God bless you and keep serving!
You are indeed a wonderful teacher. You articulated several perspectives of this topic beautifully, bringing in scripture and God's plan for us in such a way as to assure that no woman ever feel belittled, disrespected or demeaned through embracing the plan God has had for us since creation. Thank you.
Gal. 3:28"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male and female" This is talking about the fact that there is no hierarchy in the church. Gal 3:14"When I saw you not acting in the line of truth oof the gospel, Isaid to Peter in front of them all, YOU are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you FORCE Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?" Peter was push circumcision onto the Gentiles and in doing so creating a hierarchy in the gospel. Gal 3:9"Do you wish to enslave them all over again? This also goes for slaves and women. Let me ask you. Do you wish to enslave them all over again?
Forhisglory: Gal 3:26, "For ye are all sons of God, through faith, in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ did put on Christ. There can be neither Jew nor Greek, there can be neither bond nor free, there can be no male and female; for ye all are one man in Christ Jesus. And if ye are Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, heirs according to promise." The whole context here is SALVATION, not roles in the church. It means every person can be immersed and saved! Regardless of our place in society, we all become Abraham's children! We all become Abraham's heirs because we are in Christ. It has NOTHING to do with ROLES.
The ironic thing is that the concept of submission is the opposite of the MMA. the Biblical concept is for the woman to " come under the protective umbrella of the man "; in other words, she is allowing him to serve her; in essence, he is to live to please her and from that, he gets his fulfillment. If both apply this, it is a win/win situation. Glenn
Isn't it the other way around? Isn't she to live to please him, and he to protect her? Bible does say that the woman was made for the man, and the husband is to love his wife (what we love, we protect.) Just as Christ loves, thus protects the church, and the church exists to please Him? I agree with the win~win result! 💞🙏
@@judywright6889 I think Glen was right with saying that a husband is fulfilled to please his wife. The woman is a helper and it is such a privilege to know how God is our helper and how God define helper in the Bible we women have a very important role as a helper not as a pleaser of men.
That is a GROSS misinterpretation of the scripture. She doesn't ALLOW him to SERVE her. NOWHERE in the Bible does it EVER mention men are to SERVE their wives. Quite the opposite. Women are to submit to their husbands in EVERYTHING (but obviously not something immoral or against God's laws, that goes without saying). Wives are to submit to their husbands AS UNTO THE LORD. Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church. How much did Christ love the church? With the GREATEST Love. Jesus died for the church and Jesus said, greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend. Most men are more than willing to lay down their lives to protect their wives. Most BOYFRIENDS will do that. At the Aurora Theater shooting, a young man covered his girlfriend's body with his and took the bullets. He died, she lived. They weren't even engaged. So, men have been fulfilling that command for centuries, but now women refuse to submit to their husbands and even worse expect their husband to SERVE THEM! Paul states clearly that Man wasn't created for the woman, but woman for the man. SHE was to be HIS helper. This feminist garbage you just spewed out is evil and in direct opposition to scripture.
It makes you wonder which God they are serving. After Christ came forth from a woman, and also delivered so many women. Then allowed a woman to be trained under him to become a rabbi. A whole religious group calling themselves church- which is really occultic, comes to put people back in bondage. The devil has always been at war with the woman. Sadly today the letters from paul that was only meant for a specific church because of its culture there is taken to generalise for all cultures all over the world. With an effort to silence women. To suppress and oppress. Surely Jesus's coming dying on the cross was not for any woman or man to shut up!
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
@@Charles.Wright John 4: 39 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.” There are men leading churches and still can't lead their people to God. Thay portion of scripture is where Christ spoke to a samaritan woman. He spoke to her cos He knew she would tell everyone about Him. She then lead many people of Her city to Christ. That to me is equal to leading a church. A church is not a building the people who believe in Christ are the church. If that doesn't tell you that anyone can lead once God gave them the message to go. I don't know what will.
Thankyou so much, I've been struggling with this issue for some time now. This really helped me see this clearly and realise that we have to put God's word above our own emotions
Complementarianism The priesthood of the New Covenant is a 2-tiered priesthood based on birthright. That false and confusing teaching, that states Christian women are less than Christian men in a spiritual way, but they really aren't, but they really are. The complementarian teaching prohibits a Christian woman from holding certain positions in a church. They can't be elders neither can they teach men. So why is that? The false teaching makes it clear that the priesthood of the New Covenant is tiered. There is a hierarchy. Those that are higher, the men, can be in leadership positions, like elder. They can teach other men. Those in the lower tier can not be in leadership positions, like elder. They are prohibited from teaching men, because the men are in the higher tier. It wouldn't make any sense. A new believer is automatically assigned their level, higher or lower, at the moment of salvation, as a birthright. Their gender determines their tier. A Christian can not move to a higher or lower tier. A Christian that is in the lower tier (woman) is not allowed to complain of the tier she was placed in. That would be sin, because God made her a woman by His choice. She should accept and also embrace her position in the lower tier. A church, is either a group of Christian men or a group of Christian men and women. A church can never be a group of Christian women, because it would be a group of only those in the lower tier. It would have no elders. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. -excerpt 1 Peter 2 Since the teaching states that women are spiritually inferior to men, but they aren't, but they are, when did that start? But I do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a wrongdoer. -excerpt 1 Timothy 2 It started with the first woman. She was deceived, and sinned because of it. So we have a teaching that accepts that men and women are fallen beings. Both genders are sinful by nature. However women are different. They are lacking the ability that men have to judge if some situation, some concept or teaching is sinful. This inability was passed down from Eve to all women. It remains to this day. A woman in our time was 'lacking' from birth, even from the womb. So what can be done? Nothing according to Complementarianism. That is because an anointing of that powerful masculine being called the Holy Spirit, is just not sufficient. Even the Holy Spirit can not elevate even one Christian woman to the spiritually superior level of a Christian man.
I just wanted to personally, thank you, for sharing and posting this video because this subject is weighing very heavily on my heart recently and I needed some guidance and I feel God has provided me with just that.
I have aunts and cousins that are egalitarian and feminist Christians, I'd just like to point out to cherry-picking Christians that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry 1 Samuel 15:23.
My only question is, doesn't Paul also say in one of his letters that women are to wear head coverings in the presence of God? Or at least something along those lines, I don't remember exactly. Anyways, my point was just why don't we still follow that part? I have a hard time knowing what is cultural and what isn't when it comes to context of the Scripture. Thanks!
Good News Translation 1 Corinthians 11:5-10 And any woman who prays or proclaims God's message in public worship with nothing on her head disgraces her husband; there is no difference between her and a woman whose head has been shaved. If the woman does not cover her head, she might as well cut her hair. And since it is a shameful thing for a woman to shave her head or cut her hair, she should cover her head. A man has no need to cover his head, because he reflects the image and glory of God. But woman reflects the glory of man; for man was not created from woman, but woman from man. Nor was man created for woman's sake, but woman was created for man's sake. On account of the angels, then, a woman should have a covering over her head to show that she is under her husband's authority.
Hello there!! As a woman who wears a hat to church and has wrestled with that passage- Paul Himself in that passage (1Corinth. 11) says that we are to judge for ourselves whether we should cover our heads or not but that it is for the angels- I think many come to different conclusions here and certainly have the liberty to! But to be honest I think most women I know haven’t really given it any consideration. Many who have considered the passage think what Paul was saying was cultural at the time (women who shaved their heads were associated with prostitution is what I’ve heard) and tend to dismiss it but I tend to think that because it is related to creation order (very important in light of our own current culture) and for the angels (again not cultural but of the spiritual realm and perhaps timeless?) that I ought to cover my head as it seems from that passage only to bring God more glory! In addition, it’s a great reminder every week that I am to obey and submit to God and His Word rather than culture which currently implies there are no actual differences between men and women 💁🏼♀️🎉
@Haileybughug 1125 often when people say its cultural, its because our western culture does not want to obey it. The women head covering thing is , according to the bible 1 Corinthians 11:10 (NKJV) because of the angels. 10 For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. the angels who did not rebel against GOd "kept their positions of authority" I would say that you can talk to God , anywhere, any time.. The Head covering is more for formal prayer. I taught a woman about this. She tried it and waited, she had her first out of body experience with God. God bless Tim
I liked the way our pastor answered the whole "how about the women who have the gift of teaching" argument. He said that we are then elevating the gift above the gift Giver. His sermon was phenomenal and so was this episode, Allie :)
This is so good. Like other comments, i have also not found a sound defense of these questions from a woman's perspective. Hearing it from a woman doesn't change what I believed (which is what the Bible says) but it is good to hear. So encouraging. And how you reiterate how much woman is used and loved by God is so beautifully put. Thanks again for a great video. Request: Can you make a video talking about 1 cor 11 and the meaning of it in terms of women and covering their head. It is complicated to understand for me. Thanks Allie✝️🙏❤️
Mike Winger has a very long video on this. I haven’t listened to it yet but I know he’s a thorough, fair, biblically sound teacher. Allen Parr has a shorter one too.
Thank you! This was amazingly done. I used to follow Joyce Meyers but struggled with it. I can't help but see God's truth being so well laid out I this video.
The Scripture(Rom 16:1) said "Phebe our sister" , not phebe our pastor, not phebe our prophetess, not phebe our deacon. But phebe our sister. Teach the truth, the word is truth. Dont change it. It is what it is. It means what it said. if it doesn't suit your beliefs, then change what you believe to suit it. Paul spoke by the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit can not make a mistake, why would God say through him, "i suffer not a women to teach not to be an overseer over the men", then the next day, turn around and say, "I'm sending phebe up to the church of Rome to give a sermon". A sermon is speaking. Women can't give sermons, she can speak... in the church. It never said nothing about speaking outside the church, but it said she cant speak inside of the church. The word calls for her complete obedience in this matter. Not rebellion. It's not that she can't do it, it's that she shouldn't do it. I'm sure women or just as cappable of speaking scriptures in the pulpit, but God said she cant give a sermon, she cant speak... in the church, and not one church, but all the churches, he said. All. "1Corinthians 14:33 (kjv) For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as 👉in all👈 churches of the saints. 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is 👉not permitted👈 unto them 👉to speak👈; but they are 👉commanded👈 to be under obedience, as also saith the law." And the law doesn't permit a women to be a preist, and the priestly ministry was given over to a pastoral ministry when Jesus came. Also in Gen 3:16. GOD Put the man to be the overseer of the Women. Which is a type and shadow of Christ being the head and his elected church. So how can a woman get up on the pulpit and claim(usurp) authority over a congregation full of men?. That's against God's divine plan. I may not like it. But i must believe it. "1Timothy 2:12(kjv) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” If a aged women wants to teach, she can teach younger women(Titus 2:3,4), not men, that's biblical, and not from the pulpit either. Because she cant speak(give a sermon) inside the church. 1 Corinthians14:35 (kjv) ... for it is a shame for women to speak 👉in👈 the church.” God thinks it's shamful. There must be a reason. I may not know or understand completely why, but i trust Him. You should to. God's word is infallible and it is always right, regardless of if we agree with it or not. Dont let satan cause you to believe a lie (2Thess2:11 - 2Chron18:21)
I think what people need to realise is the word "dishonor".Whenever we sin, we dishonor God. Whenever we condone sin, we dishonor God. Whenever we twist the scripture, we dishonor God. Whenever we claim to have spiritual encounters, when we haven't and claim it to be from God, we dishonor God. This is no different from women ministering churches - there is clear instruction that women cannot be ministers and assert dominance over males - to do so would dishonor God. The Book of Romans tells us about the wrath of abandonment - God gave them up. If our churches are and continue to be disobedient to God, we too shall feel thr wrath of abandonment. That's not commonly preached in today's church.
Ohhhhh, Allie Beth. Thank you. God's timing blows my mind! I have been wrestling with this for the past several years as the Lord has led me into more and more official capacities of ministry. Ironically, those verses that you mentioned do not make me bristle or cringe. I have been happily married for 25 years and have thought countless times that I am so grateful to be in the position and roll that I'm in and I would not want to have his responsibilities. I have actually been asked to Pastor a church and, while it was an enormous compliment to be asked, it was easy to discern that the answer is known as I had five small children at the time. Since then, God has unexpectedly given us two more kids! But over the years I have continued to research where I find myself convicted on this issue of women being seniir pastors. My husband grew up United Methodist. We have disaffiliated and are now Global Methodists, but women are still allowed to pastor. I have never wanted to be in a position of Spiritual Authority over a man, even as I have had multiple (male!) pastors and mentors encourage me in that direction. I currently run a women's jail Ministry and speak occasionally from the pulpit. I actually filled in 3 weeks ago and preached at a local church. I suppose that sits okay with my spirit as I'm not standing there as any man's authority. I know people want to take those two verses from 1st Timothy and 1 Corinthians Corinthians in chalk them up to culture, but the way you just explained the church being a demonstration of the Gospel I find it to be undeniable church is to be a reflection of the body of Christ. I will gladly submit to my husband, and increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of stepping into a position of Spiritual Authority over men. Thank you for this piece to my puzzle!
So glad God lead me to your channel. Our current culture is an example of doing it our way instead of God's. You are gifted at making this applicable to women's lives today. This makes so much sense. Makes me so excited about marriage through God's eyes!
My point is this, if we keep on going through this lane of women cannot preach then we have to keep everything in context and not selective context because when God created mankind, He gave them equal authority over all the works His Hand, but it is only after the fall that everything changed but everything has been restored in Christ Jesus Galatians 3:27-29
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
@Donna di Lode I don't have shame, I've been redeemed. If you don't want to take the time to explain your study of scripture don't insult me. Especially on some gender ideological terms.
@Donna di Lode 1. It's not an insult to not be called to pastor. 2. Shaming me is in fact an insult. 3. Just give me the scriptures. 4. I read that women were forbidden to pastor years ago and it was unsettled point for me. Similar to alcohol, marriage and polygamy I'm finding lots of philosophical waxing and no scripture supporting these positions. The timelessness and specific nature of the word is in jeopardy and I never get good responses for these issues.
I don't think i could ever come to a point in which i believe that a woman can't teach me about things of the Bible... I have learned a lot from women... I think the issue is a lot of men and women want it to he absolute when in reality, if you open yourself to God, God can and will bring teaching / messages / fruitfulness to your life by the teachings of a woman.
@janetmccree8036 of course we have to obey, but given my life, if I were to dismiss everything I learned about God and from God because it was a woman giving me the message and not a man, I wouldn't be a Christian and I wouldn't know God the way I do today...
Beautifully said. I was inspired to think deeper. Women can hold many roles, almost the same as men. However I think it goes back into the garden Eve was tempted by the fruit of the tree of knowledge. It was the only thing Adam and Eve were not to eat from. I think it’s the same predicament that we are in today. Women can do many things except for one thing and that is to be a pastor. Taking on a role that has not been defined for women is the same temptations and sin Eve suffered from in the garden.
Wow. Thank you. A forbidden fruit sitting amongst all the beautiful gifts and roles God given us that are right for us, He tells us to refrain from this one. Will we trust God or the serpent this time? So good, thank you.
Something I am genuinely confused by when it comes to this interpretation of these scriptures is HOW do you explain Deborah? She was clearly filling a role that was traditionally given to men and it involved spiritual authority. I have yet to here a satisfactory explanation. I have heard teaching ranging from she was in error to she was a sign of judgment because the men were failing. Something is missing. I know this video is 3 years old, so Allie, I would LOVE it if you’d be willing to do an updated video that takes a deeper dive and maybe brings in more teachers with greater insight to further shed led light in this subject 🖤
I agree. I have no problem with men taking the lead in the family or women being called helpers. I'm gladly taking the roll if God called us to do so. But I'm also puzzled about Deborah. Or Luke 2:25-38 mentions an old woman being in the temple named Ana, that was a prophetesses. Also Paul seems to dismiss his letters sending greetings to many women who seemed to be involved somehow in the ministry. Could it be that women are only not meant to be in the pastorship?
If you read the story you can clearly see that the children of Israel were in disobedience, that’s why they had a woman ruling over them, it was actually a shameful thing and Deborah actually sends Barak to fight and he refuses unless she goes with him. God allowing her to judge doesn’t automatically mean that was righteous. Think about divorce, God gave the exemption for fornication, because of the hardness of our hearts, He would much rather that we forgive. I think Deborah is an exemption not the rule.
or the part where Jesus tells a woman to go tell The good news first after He has risen. I really struggle with a lot. I have ZERO and I mean zero desire to be a pastor. I want to do skincare. I enjoy it... That is my plan but The Lord is calling me into ministry and being a woman, I am struggling because of these passages. I know The voice of The Lord too...He is Who I will ultimately listen to but things like this are very hard.
@@lindahernandez3984 Prophets inform the leaders, but they are not the leaders...except in the case of Samuel because there was no leader, and in the case of Deborah because the male leader abdicated his role as leader.
Thank you agree I hav a daughter & young women I disciple- there is something to be made clear that women are not subject to submission of ALL men -that is specific to marriage in eph 5 a different Greek word as in a covenant marriage opposed to 1tim-as role of respect
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
Thanks so much @Allie Beth Stuckey for this beautiful teaching. I just started a TH-cam channel a few months ago and would love to have you as a guest.
I mean it's literally in plain english and very difficult to misinterpret, yet even in my own church are women pastors, I was "shouted down" for even mentioning these scriptures. Aaahhhhh!!!!
Time to find a different church, my brother. Sometimes we stay places because we think we can right wrongs, but in reality, especially in these times of politically correct, woke, and progressive churches, it ain't happening. God bless and lead you.
I have questions that I hope someone can help to explain. I'll start by saying, it is hard for me to accept 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, but I believe the entire Bible is true. I want to know and accept the truth, but right now I'm a bit confused. I've prayed for better understanding of this topic, because these verses don't make sense to me in light of other parts of the Bible. Here's what I mean... -Priscilla and her husband Aquila taught and actually corrected Apollos, a well-educated man. The Bible doesn't say that it was Aquila alone who did this, but both of them. -Miriam was a ruler of Israel along with Aaron and Moses. One way to explain this would be if she was only in authority over the women, which is a possibility, but it doesn't explain Deborah. -Deborah was a ruler of Israel during the time of judges. There is no mention of a male co-judge, and no reason to think she only had authority over women. If that were the case, the men of Israel would've had no judge during her rule. To me, these women appear as evidence that a woman can teach, correct, and lead as well as a man if she is a woman of God. If women aren't designed for those roles, I don't understand why these women didn't either fail or get rebuked for rebelling against God's design. Another thought is that maybe women are not to take authority over men for purely symbolic reasons. Maybe women are made with the same capabilities for teaching and leadership, but to take on that role would deviate from the symbol of men/husbands as Christ, and women/wives as the bridgegroom. But if that's the case, why do these women appear to be exceptions? Is there anyone who can help me understand 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 with these Biblical women taken into account? Please don't attack my faith in the Bible for asking about these things - as I said, I want to know the truth. If that weren't the case, I wouldn't bother asking.
Deborah: The people came to her, not she to them (chapter 4, verse 5) This is a picture of a woman being available to give advice when others ask it. Compare this to how the judge Samuel functioned: “He went from year to year on a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah, and judged Israel in all those places” (1 Sam. 7:16). He went out, she stayed put. She didn’t lead the army, she went with it (chapter 4, verses 6-10). However, we should also recognize that the way in which she functioned as a judge was different than the way that male judges like Samuel did. Also important: as far as I remember, she was Israel’s only female judge. She was the exception, and not the rule. Every other judge that God chose was male. Miriam: In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 we are told that women should cover their heads while praying or prophesying. So, it is clear that some women will prophesy. Maybe they will directly receive a message from the Lord that they are supposed to share with someone else Miriam led the women, not a mixed group, in song. Source: Truthathome blog: Deborah and Miriam: prescriptive or descriptive?
@@lea4777 Those are good points; I'll definitely look into the source you mentioned. Also wanted to say, a day or two before you replied, it came to mind that I'd left this comment a while back and I was thinking no one was going to answer, so thanks! :)
@@CherryStudios2 I love your desire to learn what God actually says. So often it's easy to disregard what we don't want to obey. I applaud you and I hope God continues to guide you and help you stay humble. I too am struggling with this. But one thing that has helped me is to read all scriptures that speak of this matter. If we just read one verse and disregard others, we could mis understand. But with Deborah, like the person said, it was an exception not the rule. I think God called her to step up because of the apostasy of the men at the time. And some women may be called like that. That there are no men teaching the pure word of God, so they have to step up. But most of the time, there are capable men that can do the job.
@@hopelovegood8131 Thanks! I had no idea how much I was missing because of pride, but I asked God to open my eyes. He's helped me to start seeing things more clearly in the past few months. I hadn't thought about that, but it definitely sounds like it could be, since that's similar to what God did with Jael. Barak wasn't willing to go to battle without Deborah, so God had a woman kill Sisera instead of him.
Allie, thank you for this teaching. I stopped going to my church for this reason. It wasn’t settling right in my heart. I’m praying for when I speak to my pastor I can share what’s been on my heart and share the scripture with him too. Allie, or anyone, I’m trying to understand as Paul goes on to say in 1 Cor 11:5, 13 that women should cover their heads. How come women don’t do that anymore? Should we obey the full command? Please help explain. Thank you!
Martha, great questions. First I’ll be praying for you as you visit with your pastor that you would have wisdom in that conversation, remember mans opinions don’t matter, only what God’s Word says. As to your questions about Head covering as Paul addresses it in 1Cor 11. Your first question dealt with why women don’t do this anymore. This has only been in the past 50 or so years that this practice has disappeared from many churches. Up until that time everyone practiced it across a host of various denominations. Oddly enough in the past few years there has been a sincere movement to return to the Word and the simplicity of its teachings, in part the teaching of the head covering. As an aside, I do go to a church that practices both what Allie has spoken about and practices this teaching of the head covering. I’ll tell you why I believe from Scripture we are to practice it and if you’d like I’d be happy to correspond further via email with you about this. First, I believe in 2 Tim 3:16-17 and 1 Peter 1:23-25 which state that all of Scripture, not some of it but all of it, is inspired by God who is eternal. Since He is eternal His truth is timeless, it isn’t for a cultural reason that He communicates truth, it’s timeless and has application to every age of man. It sounds like you and I have the same beliefs here. Second context is important to the study of Gods Word. The book Paul is writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is written largely as a letter of correction to the church at Corinth, see 1:2. Yet, when making his introductory remarks he specifically states in 1:2 that he writes to the church at Corinth AND “to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints, with ALL that in EVERY PLACE” so this truth isn’t just for that church at Corinth but for every church. Anyone that tells you that any teaching of first Corinthians is just cultural or for another time isn’t in line with what the Bible says. Throughout the book he calls special attention that this instruction is for church truth by saying “when you come or gather together”. This isn’t dealing with correcting error and disorder in the home, or in our place of business or in our families but in the church. The truth of the head covering is it’s a symbol given to the church, much like the bread and cup are symbols of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus and the new covenant that was purchased by Himself. While those symbols have their own truth, the truth of the head covering in 11:4-16 is seen in 11:3 and that is the truth of Headship. We know a little bit about this from Ephesians 5 with the husband and wife and submitting to a head and the picture of Christ and the church. Headship is God’s eternal order for man that He established BEFORE sin in the garden. Man and woman were created for different and distinct roles, yet both were created by God they were created FOR different things. Today we think “different” means “unequal” or “lesser value” but that’s not how God sees it, the Son is equal with the Father and yet it says in 1 Cor 11:3 “the head of Christ is God”. Christ has a head, God the Father, and we know that the Father loving exercised His authority over the Son in sending Him (1st John 4) and the Son willingly submitted to the Father perfectly. Man in the church is a representative of Christ, 11:4, 7. Man, not woman, is the glory or representative of God and he is to be uncovered. No one would want to cover God’s glory in God’s house, so the glory of God expressed in the man is uncovered. The woman, has two glories. She is the glory of man, 11:7, and her hair is a glory for her in 11:15. So when she veils her glory (hair) she hides mans glory in the woman so that the only glory that’s seen when men and women gather together to worship and honor the Lord is Gods glory! The woman has a tremendous ability to do something in her silence that a man never could audibly by preaching when she covers her head, she ministers to angels. It says one reason for practicing this is because of the angels in 11:10. Women minister to the angels in heaven that Scripture tells us they(angels) desire to look into these things, they know nothing of redemption themselves but they saw the fall, they saw man and women rebel against God’s order of headship in the garden and all the pain and sin that brought. They saw the plan of God and His only Son coming and dying for those that didn’t love Him. And today they see little gatherings of those who He has redeemed, restored to His order, now voluntarily of their own free will, covering and uncovering their respective glories so that Gods glory alone might be seen. Sadly this is just dismissed as cultural truth but the Glory of God is not cultural. That is why Paul says to anyone that this isn’t for culture, they were practicing something that wasn’t in line with the order of the churches, no other church was forsaking this truth 11:16. This glory is something He deserves and something the devil has desired to take since his fall. Is it any wonder then that so many believe the lie that this just a little symbol and it is a small thing that we can choose to do if we want and not the instruction that it clearly is in chapter 11. Again great question, keep studying. I hope this has helped, please feel free to reach out with any other questions. Kyle
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
And we should all have slaves and be in polygamous marriages-because the bible clearly allows it. I also think that we should obedient to all of scripture and women need to stop adorning themselves with earrings and nail polish! We should obey ALL scripture if we are to obey that women should not lead or teach men.
@Elizabeth Martinez It is important to discern the difference between the Old Testament and the New, and teachings aimed at Jews and those aimed at Gentiles.
There is a guy named Mike Winger on TH-cam that does a lengthy dive into these verses including context and meaning. You may enjoy his look at these. He really understands the history, the language Greek, and the context of how the verses fit with verses around them and prior ones they may be referring to.
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
My husband and I are in Virginia. We have had such trouble finding a church that is not infected and ruled by culture with a pastor who is not afraid to ruffle women’s tail feathers. We have had to walk out of 3 churches in the last 6 months when they introduce the “pastor” who will preach that day and up on stage comes a woman… Thank you Allie for your love of the Word and your courage to publicly discuss these controversial topics. If us women, Christian women, love God, we must love and trust ALL parts of His Word and obey them. After all, Jesus told us that if we love Him, we will obey. God bless you and this ministry!
@Mike Auen we are in Virginia Beach so that is super far hahaha! BUT amazing faithfulness of God…after two years and almost 10 churches God has brought us to a Bible centered church, pastored by a great man! We are so so thankful!!
Christ stands at the head of the church yet I'm not "oppressed," following His guidance and teachings brings about the blessings of heaven that are priceless, all the world combined could not compare to what comes from above through Christ my "oppressor" ✌️🇺🇸
Amen! When I was new to God’s Word, I spent a lot of time talking to God about His ways. Why? Because it was hard to accept when I was still holding on to secular beliefs. He gently helped me to see Him in His ways! He is beautiful!
I love Jesus since my childhood. But Church taught me how complicated Christianity is. When I listen to all those videos about men and women and what the Bible say about this and that,I just want to grab my blanket and hide under it for the rest of the day. It‘s frustrating. Everyone seems to know it better. For now,all I know is,that Jesus died for my sins and rose again from the dead.And that I‘m nothing without him. C‘est ca!🤷🏻♀️
Jesus understood how MAN complicates Christianity (and, so He HIMSELF condensed it into TWO directions "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul, and love your neighbour as yourself" - who is your neighbour? Everyone. Without that, everything else is but "clanging cymbals". Plus, if you have asked Christ into your heart, you TOO have the Holy Spirit who will give you wisdom and peace.
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
The greatest gift a woman can give back to God, is to be His servant with complete obedience. This was absolutely wonderful Allie. As a Catholic woman I have been taught everything you said since my childhood, but I can't hear it enough. God bless you. P.S. is she here yet?
I'm filled with joy to hear you talk about the relation of headship, marriage, creation, bride, redemption, etc. Seriously. Because it is the biggest key to understanding so much about God, redemption, marriage, the Bible and everything in it. It is HUGE. And it needs to be a driving force by male pastors and other messengers. I've never heard the whole thing taught like you explained. I've only learned of it recently, thru the Spirit. And I think it should be priority One. Again, it ties into all of it. And the conclusion is the Ephesians mystery, that only the Spirit can explain. And it shows who is anointed to teach. And that is YOU, my friend. Right where you are. God bless you.
“But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” 1 Timothy 2:12-14
Allie, you truly do have a gift to explain things well, backing it with the word of God, thank you for clarifying a few things that I couldn’t explain to others who has misunderstood these passages and to those who see it through the lens of patriarchy. 🙏🏽🔥
The importance of women being told to be silent is apparent to me almost every time I go to church. Who makes side comments during worship or teaching? Nine times out of ten… it’s a woman. And as a woman myself, other women will sometimes try to engage in side conversations with me during service and it annoys me so badly. And these women usually don’t have husbands next to them to remind them to pay attention. Just based on this experience I can see God’s wisdom on the issue. But I do also appreciate the deep dive :)
Thank you for such a strong defense of this scripture. Well done. I would love a similar discussion on headcovering in our current day. Many Christians disagree on this and would love an in depth exploration of it.
Absolutely amazing. Gettin' this outta the way, I'm a dude. The humbleness and leadership expressed on this topic, in this way - lining so perfectly with what God says. Glory to Him alone for getting these words out through Allie.
HI Allie, brilliant again. I do have two questions. Should I as a man watch a woman here online? If they have a guest speaker in my church that is a woman, should I get up and leave? I will be honest with you, some of the women that I have watched here or in person have been better than anything I have heard from a man. Would like your thoughts on that. Thnaks
You are talented..!! GOD blessed you without a shadow of doubt.. Thanks for throwing such light n clarity on this important relevant topic..every word is so true n relevant..!!
You're spot on. I'm saddened that my former church has adopted this view to ordain women as pastors. What happened to being a woman and leading women without having a pastoral license?
I think women's rights and equality took over -- churches that want to follow the world view rather than the Bible... or just general misinterpretation :-(
The scriptures say that women is not to teach or have authority over the man. The Bible is correct. As the Bible states, let God be the truth and every man a liar.
With this topic, you are right, it is about pride. It is counterbiblical to be offended about being called to serve your husband in marriage and to not take power in the church. This offense is a symptom of sin and an opportunity to draw near to God and be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Finally! A woman of God that isn't afraid to hear what the scripture truly says.
The last shall be first! I truly wonder if a husband-submissive woman who serpent-like changed diapers on her severely autistic son and invalid husband, night and day, year after year, in obscurity, won’t be the kind of person who passes over males, even James and John, to sit eternally at the right hand of Christ in glory!?!
@Donna di Lode I respectfully refer you to 2 Peter 3:15-16.
(I try always to believe God’s revelations even when I do not fully understand. I do not want to risk the “destruction” of which Peter speaks.)
@Donna di Lode What in the Scriptures is she wrong about? I’d really like your help with this.
@Donna di Lode Cunning can indeed be sinful - i am not being cunning, just seeking the truth. If your criticism of Allie is based on the Holy Scriptures, I sincerely want to hear it. This is an complex issue that needs God’s clarity.
@Donna di Lode May God grant us both wisdom.
The Bible can be very offensive because it goes against our own pride.
that's true brother, not because it's offensive in itself... our pride is the problem
@Donna di Lode Wow, that nonsense came out of nowhere. and who the heck is Stan? Was it "Stan" who made you verbally attack these 2 for no reason? Go ahead and attack me Stan, I obviously need the entertainment..
@@cpt.barker4767 I guess whomever that was that verbally attacked these two had their comment deleted or they deleted it, themselves. However, I don't think it was "Stan" who caused the verbal assault...I think it was Satan... You were missing an "a", Brian. 😏😉
Great observation, @Joel Diaz
@@sespotlhaselo9315 Equally well stated! God, through His Word only wants to give regulation that will benefit us... But when we think our way is better (the pride you both speak of), then we get offended when we're told, "Umm, hey...Ya kinda missed the mark by the distance of a small planet there... Ya might wanna rethink your position."
'They say "submission sounds like serving. That sounds like something to rebel against." Well, ain't it funny how being a servant is repulsive to everyone but God?! and we wonder why we can't recognize His face!'
Very well said no name!
Additionally, No Name, isn't it funny how just like women need to submit to their husbands (and husbands to wives, if you read further), you also need to SUBMIT an application to for that $250K/year job?
My wife will not use a computer to fill out online forms. At the bottom of the form, she refuses to click that dreaded “SUBMIT” button.
Men are called to submit too. Maybe Paul was commenting on the direct issues in the church at the time.
Cara Wadley Paul was getting his guidance directly from God himself.
People want to create their own beliefs based on how they feel and their preferences. Like you said it is pride. People want to be their own God, and rebel against the good and perfect will, law and design that God has established. "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. "
2 Timothy 4:3
Amy Klassen I was scrolling through the comments and saw my own name! Praise the Lord, sister, for your comment :)
@@DentGal83 Haha, that's awesome! Great to see other Amy Klassen's in the world that love Jesus.
@Amy Klassen something is funny because people will try and make this a male vs female, gender struggle issue, but I read somewhere that there are many women, like yourself, who are on v the side of "women should not" just as there are many men on the side of "women should be allowed to". It's interesting and, dare I say, refreshing...
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
What if I don’t f*cking care about what the Bible says?
"Woman is a necessity not an accessory!" Thank you Jesus!
Glad that made you feel good now be obedient
@@champureturns227 .... Exhibit A: Prosecution rests Your Honor.... 😆🤣😂😹
What is Neccessity ya. I don't understand.
@@champureturns227 Ass
The Scripture(Rom 16:1) you're referring to said "Phebe our sister" , not phebe our pastor, not phebe our prophetess, not phebe our deacon. But phebe our sister. Teach the truth, the word is truth. Dont change it. It is what it is. It means what it said. if it doesn't suit your beliefs, then change what you believe to suit it. Paul spoke by the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit can not make a mistake, why would God say through him, "i suffer not a women to teach not to be an overseer over the men", then the next day, turn around and say, "I'm sending phebe up to the church of Rome to give a sermon". A sermon is speaking. Women can't give sermons, she can speak... in the church. It never said nothing about speaking outside the church, but it said she cant speak inside of the church. The word calls for her complete obedience in this matter. Not rebellion. It's not that she can't do it, it's that she shouldn't do it. I'm sure women or just as cappable of speaking scriptures in the pulpit, but God said she cant give a sermon, she cant speak... in the church, and not one church, but all the churches, he said. All.
"1Corinthians 14:33 (kjv) For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as 👉in all👈 churches of the saints. 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is 👉not permitted👈 unto them 👉to speak👈; but they are 👉commanded👈 to be under obedience, as also saith the law."
And the law doesn't permit a women to be a preist, and the priestly ministry was given over to a pastoral ministry when Jesus came. Also in Gen 3:16. GOD Put the man to be the overseer of the Women. Which is a type and shadow of Christ being the head and his elected church. So how can a woman get up on the pulpit and claim(usurp) authority over a congregation full of men?. That's against God's divine plan. I may not like it. But i must believe it. "1Timothy 2:12(kjv) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”
If a aged women wants to teach, she can teach younger women(Titus 2:3,4), not men, that's biblical, and not from the pulpit either. Because she cant speak(give a sermon) inside the church. 1 Corinthians14:35 (kjv) ... for it is a shame for women to speak 👉in👈 the church.”
God thinks it's shamful. There must be a reason. I may not know or understand completely why, but i trust Him. You should to.
God's word is infallible and it is always right, regardless of if we agree with it or not. Dont let satan cause you to believe a lie (2Thess2:11 - 2Chron18:21)
There is something especially powerful when we say, "God, your ways and teachings are right and good." when it is costly to do so. It walks back the disaster that happened in the garden, when we said, "No God, we know better what is right for me." Thanks Allie.
What happened in the garden was that Eve was deceived and sinned, and Adam sinned on purpose. That point about Adam is rarely emphasized.
What happened in the garden was that both Adam and Eve sinned. What are you saying...that Eve is punished more because she was deceive and therefore not able to speak or lead in a congregation? Adam failed to lead yet he is still leading. I am not sure what Paul is truly saying in I Tim. but in was not shut women up for all times. Rom. 16:1 Paul uses Pheobe to take the Roman letter to the churches. The one that delivers is the one to read the letter to the church.
@@forhisglory8471 did you really write a comment 1 year ago and then come back 2 hours ago and write another one? 😅
@@Momofukudoodoowindu hahaha next year will have more
@@csouza926 Bro I think its a bot because every single comment on this channel has been on this one video 💀
The greatest need in the world today: a secure godly woman.
@Donna di Lode because in this day and age when women exercise unprecedented freedom and power there are many 'curious' women who lack the imagination to understand rhetorical expressions.
I'd argue our world first needs to prioritize the Logos. We have lost the art of discussion and reason, so all these other issues are impossible to see change in.
Amen. I agree. God bless her
100% true also for “a man”
Yes, indeed. I really do believe women are neglecting their God given influence to have the authority of men. A women has the biggest influence on her children, so we women are creating the next generation. What a difference it would make if godly women, who do not question the authority of the bible (not the pastor) would teach their children Gods ways.
It's always refreshing to hear someone take a hard look at scripture, interpret properly, and teach what it says. Even when it's difficult. Keep up the good work
timffoster how did you know she interpreting it correctly?
timffoster context is king. Put everything in context then you will see that it is not contextually taken but selective here is why; 1 Timothy 2:9 is ignored completely even by her. Let woman learn in silence v 11 do you know what silence is? Not speaking at all. V8 only men can pray then Greek word here is masculine= husband or future husband.
My point is this, if we keep on going through this lane of women cannot preach then we have to keep everything in context and not selective context when God created mankind, He gave them equal authority over all the works His Hand, but it is only after the fall that everything changed but everything has been restored in Christ Jesus Galatians 3:27-29
Unfortunately, only God has the only objective opinion, the rest of us have only subjective (and possibly incorrect) opinions.
@@commonsensechristianitywit1280 so saint Paul is wrong correct?
If God is in your heart why listen to a book written by, no pun intended God knows who? You wouldn't listen to an ad which informs you that "God told them this so buy it", therefore why believe that the text of the bible was honest? Maybe it was written by people with a certain agenda. Perhaps the agenda to keep power within the circle of man. Perhaps we all have a finite mind that is unable to grasp scripture, however given that critical thinking is now something availble to freely study in most civilized societies I wonder if many people are actually able to grasp scripture which was written down by unknown sources. You do not know who really wrote down "God's word". You cannot definitively prove that the scripture wasn't just someone's way to trick unsuspecting, uneducated people of those times who did not have the means to acquire an education in critical thinking. I respect your views however I feel inclined to question your sources and ask: why do you trust the Bible?
Wise young woman.
This made no sense to me as a new Christian, a 24 year old college student raised in a broken, barely nominally Christian home, with a mom was a 70's feminist. But fast forward 25 more years and it now makes much more sense. But even if it didn't, God is God, and I am just a creature.
"God is God and I am just a creature" I love it :)
So great hearing that 😍
Amen. God is God and we are His creation, definitely not the other way around.
Thank you Allie, for such a clear-cut explanation of God's Word on this subject. Even in the Church, so many have become soft on what Scripture so clearly defines on this topic. Women are certainly not lesser, Proverbs 31:10 points out that her value is far above rubies! Always appreciate your videos - Lord Bless, congratulations on your precious new bundle of joy!
Every time I listen to your podcast I find myself saying “yes, sister! Amen!” God has indeed gifted you with wisdom and eloquence. Keep speaking truth, Allie!! God bless you❤️
Thank you for this video which you really looked at it from all angles. A female pastor on my FB has the audacity to post that anyone who doesn’t believe a woman can be a pastor has been bewitched. When I asked for the scripture to back up her claim she as well as many other female pastors used Galatians 3:28 which clearly has nothing to do with a woman’s role in the church and speaks of being one in the same faith in the body of Christ! I responded with many of the same scriptures you discussed and was told I need to get a better understanding of the times those scriptures were written, that I have a spirit that is argumentative and not teachable, and was even told I have a reprobate mind. That nasty Jezebel spirit was clearly raising its ugly head!
did you say it in a way that was rude? Also, I have a female pastor and male bishop that both preach. What are your scriptures for your view?
Stay faithful to the truth! Some women really, really want to have authority and will twist the scriptures to get it.
@Aj Did you watch the video? The scriptures are provided.
Thank you for explaining these verses on the role of women in the Church with true submission to the authority of Scripture. It is refreshing hear a young woman viewing these passages in a positive light understanding that God's order is to help us thrive.
Good morning beautiful... awwwww awww 🥰 your comment so heart warming and touching, how are you doing
Allie I am SO glad I found your channel. I've been watching many of your videos and really value what you say. It is so difficult finding young women these days who truly believe the Bible over the "cultural christian" views and ideas that are so common today in 2019. Keep speaking truth! God is using you in mighty ways.
Same. Ive been binge watching.
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
Well done, Allie. Thank you for having the courage to explain these scriptures with compassion and humility.
Thank you so much for this spiritral edification Allie. Eight weeks ago I was a struggling radical feminist so much so that i was seeking to edify myself from a feminist perspective. As someone who is now wonderiously and miraculously born again, I have to challenge my core feminine values. I feel they kind of makes some sense in a world where men are Godless and so disrespectful and abusive to women. In the church, and christian marriage we are governed by a different spirit and are book is not a feminist manifesto book.
I was aggitated when you said submission but I trust God completely to direct and help me on my new path. I feel that God as lead me to you Allie for edification. I would have struggled as a new christian, if a man had told me to submit given the number of abusive men i have encountered in life. I think that a man who follows God is a different creature to a man who is Godless and submission to the later is difficult and sometimes dangerious. It seems to me that what is spiritral does not correlated to the men who are Godless. The gender war is what happen when we are functioning outside of God. Neither men or women are safe or happy with themselves or each other.
I think submission to Godly men is possible. Submission to a unGodly men may instinctively feel dangerious for women, so it is out of a godless gender relationshipd that a defensive feminism as arisen along with gender identity confusion.
This last paragraph is really profound. Ive been a Christian a long time and never thought about this explanation
@jackiestone6610 It doesn't matter if what Paul said is erroneously misquoted by man...God said:
Romans 9:15-19
New King James Version
15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” 16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.
19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?”
So if he can make a female ass speak, then she's gonna speak.
Numbers 22:22-33
King James Version
22 And God's anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him.
23 And the ass saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into the way.
24 But the angel of the Lord stood in a path of the vineyards, a wall being on this side, and a wall on that side.
25 And when the ass saw the angel of the Lord, she thrust herself unto the wall, and crushed Balaam's foot against the wall: and he smote her again.
26 And the angel of the Lord went further, and stood in a narrow place, where was no way to turn either to the right hand or to the left.
27 And when the ass saw the angel of the Lord, she fell down under Balaam: and Balaam's anger was kindled, and he smote the ass with a staff.
28 And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?
29 And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee.
30 And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to do so unto thee? and he said, Nay.
31 Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.
32 And the angel of the Lord said unto him, Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? behold, I went out to withstand thee, because thy way is perverse before me:
33 And the ass saw me, and turned from me these three times: unless she had turned from me, surely now also I had slain thee, and saved her alive.
God Bless
Wonderful message!! I needed this today...I couldn't agree more. Thank you so much!!
Your videos kept being recommended to me and I didn’t know why… only I know I just watched a 30 minute video and it felt like it was a 5 minute video because I was so engaged! Thank you so much for being narrow and not deviating from Bible! You definitely have a new subscriber!
Anyone ever notice that when you hear or listen to the smartest people in the world, they always talk about God?
This is awesome. Love it!
(Ben Carson, Ken Hamm, Ravi Zacharias, and of course Allie Stuckey)
Just to name a few
CS Lewis, John Lennox, Tim Keller, Bob Goff, Francis Chan... Praise the Lord, He gives good gifts, intelligence being one.
Dwayne Cunningham
John MacArthur... Yes, so true!
Aly :0 yes
Aly :0
Wow, excellent workmanship! Your handling of the word of God regarding this topic is praiseworthy. Thank you!
I am so impressed by your message. It is so refreshing in this age of falling away from the truth, to hear a true woman of God speak such sound biblical truth. You are spot-on thank you so much you have blessed me tremendously. Love In Christ. Pastor Duane and Chico pup.
So so good! Thank you for being a young voice of truth in a culture that often twists scripture for the sake of feeling good and feeling ‘relevant’.
Glad you are discussing this. God has spoken on this issue. By the've been pregnant since Jesus was an infant! When are you due sugar??? Praying for a safe delivery.
😂 “ Since Jesus was an infant” lol!
Dont talk about Jesus LUCIFER REV 22:16.
I’ve had a female pastor for years. She is humble, so good at making our church welcoming and preaches the gospel. Every week I hear God through her messages and have grown so much in the Word under her tutelage. I know there are lots of prisms through which to view certain scriptures, but I ask God to give me wisdom and discernment in all things.
Exactly women who say a woman can't be a pastor and can't teach has (to put it nicely) needs to be quiet. She might as well take down her whole channel and only teach her children. Plus they forget Deborah lead the men and that was during the law we don't live under the law anymore think about that.
She is humble. She is welcoming. She preaches. She is also outside the will of God.
2Timothy: a bishop (Pastor) should husband of one wife.
@Wonderfully MADE OVER I agree. You can.
@@mariiglo28 SHE is not in CHURCH ?
Love it when you talked about what our posture as women should be ❤️ Gratitude allows us to see the beauty in our Father’s perfect set-up instead of chaining us to the idol of self and our own pride
Men, just do this: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,” Ephesians 5:25 NKJV
Douglas Bruh!
@Douglas lmao kjv is revised. The original bible is ancient Greek. Your translation is quite different than the true words and meanings. So take it easy narcissist
Men really need to learn this and women need to let them do it
Women....don't marry men who do not exhibit the humility of Jesus and willing to love you as Christ loved the church, willing to lay down his life for. Don't compromise cuteness for Christlikeness or fear of singleness. God made women because "it was not good for MAN to be alone"!!!!!
Why fight Christians? Love of Christ.
Thank you, God for giving Allie the gift of teaching and bringing me to this video. Thank you, Allie! Your explanation has blessed my life.
Thank you Allie! It is truly a blessing to hear you standing on Gods holy word and that you would share it on this very public forum is so refreshing from a millennial as yourself! It gives me new hope that individuals as yourself are being faithful to truth! May Gods richest blessings be on you and yours!!!
Good morning beautiful... awwwww awww 🥰 your comment so heart warming and touching, how are you doing
To say you “knocked it out of the park” with this one would be an understatement. So informative, so valuable. 🙏🏽
You are so right, for letting the Bible speak. After being the woman at the well myself I am so glad that the Lord let me teach women and children, and these days where I live in SC is not the easiest thing to find a church that is not bowing the knee. 💐🥰🙏🏽
Good morning beautiful... awwwww awww 🥰 your comment so heart warming and touching, how are you doing
Dr. Billy Graham, when asked by David Frost about women's ordination, said, "Women preach all over the world. It doesn't bother me at all from my study of the Scriptures. And there were many women preachers in the Bible."
Those verses were situational and not meant to be interpreted as an all inclusive universal directive to all women.
Billy Graham is not the final authority, the word of God is the authority. I believe the Bible is extremely clear, dispite what Rev Graham has said.
@@choppskidapper if you’re referring to the scripture that says women are to keep silent in the church I need to do some research on that because that was for a specific time in the culture where men sit on one side of the church and women sit on the other side of the church and the women would yell across the way to their husbands to get the interpretation. It was not saying that women are not to preach the gospel. We can see many women in the Bible that preached the gospel. You’re right God has the final say. And there’s nowhere in the Bible that he tells us not to share the gospel for women. On the contrary, Bible says going to all the world and preach the good news and make disciples. It doesn’t say only men.
No not that one in particular, but I am almost in disbelief that you would state that the reason Paul said that is because in the Corinthian church men were on one said and the women on the other and the women would scream back and forth. Lol…You certainly didn’t get that from scripture, but from a source with an agenda. I must admit in 35 years of study I’ve never heard that one. Yes women in the faith is and can share the gospel, but I think you are being a little disingenuous, because the young lady’s podcast is not about whether a woman can share the gospel or not! The question is does the scriptures give the woman permission to teach men or pastor a church. The answer is ‘no”, nowhere in scripture, not one verse gives the woman permission to teach men or exercise headship over him in the marital home or in God’s church. When Paul states she cannot teach or usurp authority, keep reading, he qualifies why! It’s because if the creation order and her transgression. Those things will not change, it has nothing to do with value or ability but with order and behavior. Now here is what can put this to rest, if you can find just one verse in the Bible that clearly gives the woman authority to exercise headship over the man or teach him in the church structure. Don’t pick a verse and try and make it say it, the Bible is clear on roles, find one that clearly articulates her role can be that if a pastor. For instance I can point to Paul giving the qualification, in 1 Timothy 3 If a man desire the office of the bishop he deserts a good work. The bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife. See how clear that is, any competent person know that the qualifications exclude the woman from the office because she is neither a man nor can she be a husband. So there are 31,102 verses in the Bible, find just one verse that clearly gives her the authority to teach the man God’s word or pastor the church of the living God. Your finding will put this question to bed forever.
@@choppskidapper You’ll have to answer to Jesus. As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord, boldly without hindrance from
The arrogance of man.
Ok, I see, you couldn’t find one scripture to support your position. So what do you do, resort to calling me arrogant…smh! Yes I will stand at the Bema Seat where I and you will stand before the King of kings! The difference I will gladly, because I obeyed and rightly divided the word of truth. The question is how do you respond when you have turned from the truth of the word to appease your feeling about trying to fill a role clearly designated for men and derelict on the roles which God has ordain for women of God! Gen 3:13, and the Lord God said unto the woman, what is this that thou hast done? I pray you adhere to the clear instructions in his holy word. God bless you and keep serving!
My daughter and I were just having this conversation, and I knew you’d have a video offering clarity on this topic. Thank you!
I suggest Judges 4 and 5, else my free
informal essay on Deborah.
You are indeed a wonderful teacher. You articulated several perspectives of this topic beautifully, bringing in scripture and God's plan for us in such a way as to assure that no woman ever feel belittled, disrespected or demeaned through embracing the plan God has had for us since creation. Thank you.
Omg I love this! Very humbling and powerful! Blessed to hear this 💕
“Omg” is taking God’s name in vain!
Gal. 3:28"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male and female" This is talking about the fact that there is no hierarchy in the church. Gal 3:14"When I saw you not acting in the line of truth oof the gospel, Isaid to Peter in front of them all, YOU are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you FORCE Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?" Peter was push circumcision onto the Gentiles and in doing so creating a hierarchy in the gospel. Gal 3:9"Do you wish to enslave them all over again? This also goes for slaves and women. Let me ask you. Do you wish to enslave them all over again?
Forhisglory: Gal 3:26, "For ye are all sons of God, through faith, in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ did put on Christ. There can be neither Jew nor Greek, there can be neither bond nor free, there can be no male and female; for ye all are one man in Christ Jesus. And if ye are Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, heirs according to promise." The whole context here is SALVATION, not roles in the church. It means every person can be immersed and saved! Regardless of our place in society, we all become Abraham's children! We all become Abraham's heirs because we are in Christ. It has NOTHING to do with ROLES.
The ironic thing is that the concept of submission is the opposite of the MMA. the Biblical concept is for the woman to " come under the protective umbrella of the man "; in other words, she is allowing him to serve her; in essence, he is to live to please her and from that, he gets his fulfillment. If both apply this, it is a win/win situation. Glenn
Isn't it the other way around? Isn't she to live to please him, and he to protect her?
Bible does say that the woman was made for the man, and the husband is to love his wife (what we love, we protect.) Just as Christ loves, thus protects the church, and the church exists to please Him? I agree with the win~win result! 💞🙏
Beautifully said.. thank you for that insight Glenn.
@@judywright6889 I think Glen was right with saying that a husband is fulfilled to please his wife. The woman is a helper and it is such a privilege to know how God is our helper and how God define helper in the Bible we women have a very important role as a helper not as a pleaser of men.
Very well explained, thank you
That is a GROSS misinterpretation of the scripture. She doesn't ALLOW him to SERVE her. NOWHERE in the Bible does it EVER mention men are to SERVE their wives. Quite the opposite. Women are to submit to their husbands in EVERYTHING (but obviously not something immoral or against God's laws, that goes without saying). Wives are to submit to their husbands AS UNTO THE LORD.
Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church. How much did Christ love the church? With the GREATEST Love. Jesus died for the church and Jesus said, greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend. Most men are more than willing to lay down their lives to protect their wives. Most BOYFRIENDS will do that. At the Aurora Theater shooting, a young man covered his girlfriend's body with his and took the bullets. He died, she lived. They weren't even engaged.
So, men have been fulfilling that command for centuries, but now women refuse to submit to their husbands and even worse expect their husband to SERVE THEM!
Paul states clearly that Man wasn't created for the woman, but woman for the man. SHE was to be HIS helper.
This feminist garbage you just spewed out is evil and in direct opposition to scripture.
Why is it that I hear this teaching from woman about not teaching men but they are teaching on TH-cam and men listen?
Exactly what I was thinking lol. Pretty ironic
It makes you wonder which God they are serving. After Christ came forth from a woman, and also delivered so many women. Then allowed a woman to be trained under him to become a rabbi. A whole religious group calling themselves church- which is really occultic, comes to put people back in bondage. The devil has always been at war with the woman. Sadly today the letters from paul that was only meant for a specific church because of its culture there is taken to generalise for all cultures all over the world. With an effort to silence women. To suppress and oppress. Surely Jesus's coming dying on the cross was not for any woman or man to shut up!
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
@@Charles.Wright John 4: 39
And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.”
There are men leading churches and still can't lead their people to God. Thay portion of scripture is where Christ spoke to a samaritan woman. He spoke to her cos He knew she would tell everyone about Him. She then lead many people of Her city to Christ. That to me is equal to leading a church. A church is not a building the people who believe in Christ are the church. If that doesn't tell you that anyone can lead once God gave them the message to go. I don't know what will.
Thankyou so much, I've been struggling with this issue for some time now. This really helped me see this clearly and realise that we have to put God's word above our own emotions
The priesthood of the New Covenant is a 2-tiered priesthood
based on birthright.
That false and confusing teaching, that states Christian women are less than
Christian men in a spiritual way, but they really aren't, but they really are.
The complementarian teaching prohibits a Christian woman from holding
certain positions in a church. They can't be elders neither can
they teach men. So why is that?
The false teaching makes it clear that the priesthood of the New Covenant
is tiered. There is a hierarchy. Those that are higher, the men, can be in
leadership positions, like elder. They can teach other men. Those in the
lower tier can not be in leadership positions, like elder. They are prohibited
from teaching men, because the men are in the higher tier. It wouldn't make
any sense.
A new believer is automatically assigned their level, higher or lower,
at the moment of salvation, as a birthright. Their gender determines
their tier. A Christian can not move to a higher or lower tier.
A Christian that is in the lower tier (woman) is not allowed to
complain of the tier she was placed in. That would be sin, because
God made her a woman by His choice. She should accept and also
embrace her position in the lower tier.
A church, is either a group of Christian men or a group of Christian men and women.
A church can never be a group of Christian women, because it would be
a group of only those in the lower tier. It would have no elders.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
-excerpt 1 Peter 2
Since the teaching states that women are spiritually inferior to men, but
they aren't, but they are, when did that start?
But I do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a wrongdoer.
-excerpt 1 Timothy 2
It started with the first woman. She was deceived, and sinned because of it. So we
have a teaching that accepts that men and women are fallen beings. Both genders
are sinful by nature. However women are different. They are lacking the ability
that men have to judge if some situation, some concept or teaching is sinful. This
inability was passed down from Eve to all women. It remains to this day. A woman
in our time was 'lacking' from birth, even from the womb.
So what can be done? Nothing according to Complementarianism. That is because
an anointing of that powerful masculine being called the Holy Spirit, is just not
sufficient. Even the Holy Spirit can not elevate even one Christian woman to the
spiritually superior level of a Christian man.
Refreshingly Biblical! Was looking for something to share with a friend. I have left a couple churches After visiting, because of this issue.
Barb B Q Yeah, I’d never stay in a church with a female pastor. A church that cannot abide by such a straightforward command is not the church for me.
Bye Felicia
ElectrikkPaperClipxx bye 👋🏼
I just wanted to personally, thank you, for sharing and posting this video because this subject is weighing very heavily on my heart recently and I needed some guidance and I feel God has provided me with just that.
I have aunts and cousins that are egalitarian and feminist Christians, I'd just like to point out to cherry-picking Christians that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry 1 Samuel 15:23.
California is in REBELLION
My only question is, doesn't Paul also say in one of his letters that women are to wear head coverings in the presence of God? Or at least something along those lines, I don't remember exactly. Anyways, my point was just why don't we still follow that part? I have a hard time knowing what is cultural and what isn't when it comes to context of the Scripture. Thanks!
"For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels."
1 Corinthians 11:10
Good News Translation 1 Corinthians 11:5-10 And any woman who prays or proclaims God's message in public worship with nothing on her head disgraces her husband; there is no difference between her and a woman whose head has been shaved. If the woman does not cover her head, she might as well cut her hair. And since it is a shameful thing for a woman to shave her head or cut her hair, she should cover her head. A man has no need to cover his head, because he reflects the image and glory of God. But woman reflects the glory of man; for man was not created from woman, but woman from man. Nor was man created for woman's sake, but woman was created for man's sake. On account of the angels, then, a woman should have a covering over her head to show that she is under her husband's authority.
Hello there!! As a woman who wears a hat to church and has wrestled with that passage- Paul Himself in that passage (1Corinth. 11) says that we are to judge for ourselves whether we should cover our heads or not but that it is for the angels- I think many come to different conclusions here and certainly have the liberty to! But to be honest I think most women I know haven’t really given it any consideration. Many who have considered the passage think what Paul was saying was cultural at the time (women who shaved their heads were associated with prostitution is what I’ve heard) and tend to dismiss it but I tend to think that because it is related to creation order (very important in light of our own current culture) and for the angels (again not cultural but of the spiritual realm and perhaps timeless?) that I ought to cover my head as it seems from that passage only to bring God more glory! In addition, it’s a great reminder every week that I am to obey and submit to God and His Word rather than culture which currently implies there are no actual differences between men and women 💁🏼♀️🎉
Much of Paul's writings were cultural.
@Haileybughug 1125 often when people say its cultural, its because our western culture does not want to obey it.
The women head covering thing is , according to the bible 1 Corinthians 11:10 (NKJV) because of the angels.
10 For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
the angels who did not rebel against GOd "kept their positions of authority"
I would say that you can talk to God , anywhere, any time.. The Head covering is more for formal prayer.
I taught a woman about this. She tried it and waited, she had her first out of body experience with God.
God bless Tim
I liked the way our pastor answered the whole "how about the women who have the gift of teaching" argument. He said that we are then elevating the gift above the gift Giver. His sermon was phenomenal and so was this episode, Allie :)
Jasmine - But why would the gif giver give a gift that is not to be used ?
@Colin Patterson, evangelizing and being the head of the church, are 2 different things.
You are wise beyond your years. God bless you Allie.
This is so good. Like other comments, i have also not found a sound defense of these questions from a woman's perspective. Hearing it from a woman doesn't change what I believed (which is what the Bible says) but it is good to hear. So encouraging. And how you reiterate how much woman is used and loved by God is so beautifully put.
Thanks again for a great video.
Can you make a video talking about 1 cor 11 and the meaning of it in terms of women and covering their head. It is complicated to understand for me.
Thanks Allie✝️🙏❤️
Mike Winger has a very long video on this. I haven’t listened to it yet but I know he’s a thorough, fair, biblically sound teacher. Allen Parr has a shorter one too.
Thank you! This was amazingly done. I used to follow Joyce Meyers but struggled with it. I can't help but see God's truth being so well laid out I this video.
The Scripture(Rom 16:1) said "Phebe our sister" , not phebe our pastor, not phebe our prophetess, not phebe our deacon. But phebe our sister. Teach the truth, the word is truth. Dont change it. It is what it is. It means what it said. if it doesn't suit your beliefs, then change what you believe to suit it. Paul spoke by the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit can not make a mistake, why would God say through him, "i suffer not a women to teach not to be an overseer over the men", then the next day, turn around and say, "I'm sending phebe up to the church of Rome to give a sermon". A sermon is speaking. Women can't give sermons, she can speak... in the church. It never said nothing about speaking outside the church, but it said she cant speak inside of the church. The word calls for her complete obedience in this matter. Not rebellion. It's not that she can't do it, it's that she shouldn't do it. I'm sure women or just as cappable of speaking scriptures in the pulpit, but God said she cant give a sermon, she cant speak... in the church, and not one church, but all the churches, he said. All.
"1Corinthians 14:33 (kjv) For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as 👉in all👈 churches of the saints. 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is 👉not permitted👈 unto them 👉to speak👈; but they are 👉commanded👈 to be under obedience, as also saith the law."
And the law doesn't permit a women to be a preist, and the priestly ministry was given over to a pastoral ministry when Jesus came. Also in Gen 3:16. GOD Put the man to be the overseer of the Women. Which is a type and shadow of Christ being the head and his elected church. So how can a woman get up on the pulpit and claim(usurp) authority over a congregation full of men?. That's against God's divine plan. I may not like it. But i must believe it. "1Timothy 2:12(kjv) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”
If a aged women wants to teach, she can teach younger women(Titus 2:3,4), not men, that's biblical, and not from the pulpit either. Because she cant speak(give a sermon) inside the church. 1 Corinthians14:35 (kjv) ... for it is a shame for women to speak 👉in👈 the church.”
God thinks it's shamful. There must be a reason. I may not know or understand completely why, but i trust Him. You should to.
God's word is infallible and it is always right, regardless of if we agree with it or not. Dont let satan cause you to believe a lie (2Thess2:11 - 2Chron18:21)
Great job lady! Best teaching I've come across in quite a while.
Thank you Allie. Great to hear your perspective.
I think what people need to realise is the word "dishonor".Whenever we sin, we dishonor God. Whenever we condone sin, we dishonor God. Whenever we twist the scripture, we dishonor God. Whenever we claim to have spiritual encounters, when we haven't and claim it to be from God, we dishonor God. This is no different from women ministering churches - there is clear instruction that women cannot be ministers and assert dominance over males - to do so would dishonor God.
The Book of Romans tells us about the wrath of abandonment - God gave them up. If our churches are and continue to be disobedient to God, we too shall feel thr wrath of abandonment. That's not commonly preached in today's church.
Ohhhhh, Allie Beth. Thank you. God's timing blows my mind! I have been wrestling with this for the past several years as the Lord has led me into more and more official capacities of ministry. Ironically, those verses that you mentioned do not make me bristle or cringe. I have been happily married for 25 years and have thought countless times that I am so grateful to be in the position and roll that I'm in and I would not want to have his responsibilities. I have actually been asked to Pastor a church and, while it was an enormous compliment to be asked, it was easy to discern that the answer is known as I had five small children at the time. Since then, God has unexpectedly given us two more kids! But over the years I have continued to research where I find myself convicted on this issue of women being seniir pastors. My husband grew up United Methodist. We have disaffiliated and are now Global Methodists, but women are still allowed to pastor. I have never wanted to be in a position of Spiritual Authority over a man, even as I have had multiple (male!) pastors and mentors encourage me in that direction. I currently run a women's jail Ministry and speak occasionally from the pulpit. I actually filled in 3 weeks ago and preached at a local church. I suppose that sits okay with my spirit as I'm not standing there as any man's authority. I know people want to take those two verses from 1st Timothy and 1 Corinthians Corinthians in chalk them up to culture, but the way you just explained the church being a demonstration of the Gospel I find it to be undeniable church is to be a reflection of the body of Christ. I will gladly submit to my husband, and increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of stepping into a position of Spiritual Authority over men. Thank you for this piece to my puzzle!
So glad God lead me to your channel. Our current culture is an example of doing it our way instead of God's. You are gifted at making this applicable to women's lives today. This makes so much sense. Makes me so excited about marriage through God's eyes!
- I am impressed with the doctrinal clarity of this lesson.
Ps 90:17
Ps 33:22
It is good to hear you speak about this theme! You are a woman of God! May the Lord bless you and your family!
I like your videos very much!
It's wonderful to hear a person putting God first and feelings last this is why we need to study the scriptures. God bless you
My point is this, if we keep on going through this lane of women cannot preach then we have to keep everything in context and not selective context because when God created mankind, He gave them equal authority over all the works His Hand, but it is only after the fall that everything changed but everything has been restored in Christ Jesus Galatians 3:27-29
How so equal ?
Thank you for diving into the tough topics
I needed this encouragement. Ive been struggling in this
I will keep you in my prayers. Pray for discernment. God bless your.
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
hello how are you doing
Well teached Woman of God.Brilliant intelligent bible research and well presented.Loved it from 🏴 🏴 England 🙏
I was very much in support of women pastors but listening to the scripture analysis, I see that I can no longer be middle of the road with this.
@Donna di Lode I don't have shame, I've been redeemed. If you don't want to take the time to explain your study of scripture don't insult me. Especially on some gender ideological terms.
@Donna di Lode 1. It's not an insult to not be called to pastor.
2. Shaming me is in fact an insult.
3. Just give me the scriptures.
4. I read that women were forbidden to pastor years ago and it was unsettled point for me. Similar to alcohol, marriage and polygamy I'm finding lots of philosophical waxing and no scripture supporting these positions. The timelessness and specific nature of the word is in jeopardy and I never get good responses for these issues.
I just thank you so
Much for spreading the truth 💛🤞🏾
I don't think i could ever come to a point in which i believe that a woman can't teach me about things of the Bible...
I have learned a lot from women...
I think the issue is a lot of men and women want it to he absolute when in reality, if you open yourself to God, God can and will bring teaching / messages / fruitfulness to your life by the teachings of a woman.
Did it take you long to come to terms with the commandments?Obedience is everything.
@janetmccree8036 of course we have to obey, but given my life, if I were to dismiss everything I learned about God and from God because it was a woman giving me the message and not a man, I wouldn't be a Christian and I wouldn't know God the way I do today...
Amen, amen. Well said. Praise Jesus. Thank you for this.
Beautifully said. I was inspired to think deeper. Women can hold many roles, almost the same as men. However I think it goes back into the garden Eve was tempted by the fruit of the tree of knowledge. It was the only thing Adam and Eve were not to eat from. I think it’s the same predicament that we are in today. Women can do many things except for one thing and that is to be a pastor. Taking on a role that has not been defined for women is the same temptations and sin Eve suffered from in the garden.
Wow. Thank you. A forbidden fruit sitting amongst all the beautiful gifts and roles God given us that are right for us, He tells us to refrain from this one. Will we trust God or the serpent this time? So good, thank you.
Yes! Thank you for standing on scripture. As a woman, I'm far more concerned with God's truth than with the world's "feelings".
Something I am genuinely confused by when it comes to this interpretation of these scriptures is HOW do you explain Deborah? She was clearly filling a role that was traditionally given to men and it involved spiritual authority. I have yet to here a satisfactory explanation. I have heard teaching ranging from she was in error to she was a sign of judgment because the men were failing.
Something is missing. I know this video is 3 years old, so Allie, I would LOVE it if you’d be willing to do an updated video that takes a deeper dive and maybe brings in more teachers with greater insight to further shed led light in this subject 🖤
I agree.
I have no problem with men taking the lead in the family or women being called helpers. I'm gladly taking the roll if God called us to do so. But I'm also puzzled about Deborah. Or Luke 2:25-38 mentions an old woman being in the temple named Ana, that was a prophetesses.
Also Paul seems to dismiss his letters sending greetings to many women who seemed to be involved somehow in the ministry.
Could it be that women are only not meant to be in the pastorship?
If you read the story you can clearly see that the children of Israel were in disobedience, that’s why they had a woman ruling over them, it was actually a shameful thing and Deborah actually sends Barak to fight and he refuses unless she goes with him. God allowing her to judge doesn’t automatically mean that was righteous. Think about divorce, God gave the exemption for fornication, because of the hardness of our hearts, He would much rather that we forgive. I think Deborah is an exemption not the rule.
or the part where Jesus tells a woman to go tell The good news first after He has risen. I really struggle with a lot. I have ZERO and I mean zero desire to be a pastor. I want to do skincare. I enjoy it... That is my plan but The Lord is calling me into ministry and being a woman, I am struggling because of these passages. I know The voice of The Lord too...He is Who I will ultimately listen to but things like this are very hard.
@@lindahernandez3984 Prophets inform the leaders, but they are not the leaders...except in the case of Samuel because there was no leader, and in the case of Deborah because the male leader abdicated his role as leader.
Read numbers 27 16:17. Read john 3 33:34 . Ecclesiastices 7:28 . Moral of story. It's about order not value
Thank you agree I hav a daughter & young women I disciple- there is something to be made clear that women are not subject to submission of ALL men -that is specific to marriage in eph 5 a different Greek word as in a covenant marriage opposed to 1tim-as role of respect
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
Thanks so much @Allie Beth Stuckey for this beautiful teaching. I just started a TH-cam channel a few months ago and would love to have you as a guest.
Allie, you have a lot of understanding, and you are good at explaining it. Thank you for this one.
Am so glad to find your content, very scarcely do i find women that agree with the whole of scripture. As a man i approve this message. ➕ ❤
Thank you. We had a woman “pastor” come and speak to our church today… I felt very uncomfortable, I had to walk out… pray for my church!!!
You did the right thing. You respected GOD'S word.
wow just people don,t be scared
Very good information this topic has been coming up a lot too ..... and those glasses are a good pick and fit 👍❤️💯
I mean it's literally in plain english and very difficult to misinterpret, yet even in my own church are women pastors, I was "shouted down" for even mentioning these scriptures. Aaahhhhh!!!!
Time to find a different church, my brother. Sometimes we stay places because we think we can right wrongs, but in reality, especially in these times of politically correct, woke, and progressive churches, it ain't happening. God bless and lead you.
Definitely look and find a new church. They are out there! We finally found one.
I just came across this and WOW! Your message is wonderful crazy and amazing! Thank you for putting this out there.
Good morning beautiful... awwwww awww 🥰 your comment so heart warming and touching, how are you doing
Wonderful, Beautiful explanation! Easy to understand and very insightful! Thank you!
Truth straight from the word of God ..with no "I think this is what is meant to explain away God" THANK YOU!!! God is right all the time!!!
I have questions that I hope someone can help to explain. I'll start by saying, it is hard for me to accept 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, but I believe the entire Bible is true. I want to know and accept the truth, but right now I'm a bit confused. I've prayed for better understanding of this topic, because these verses don't make sense to me in light of other parts of the Bible. Here's what I mean...
-Priscilla and her husband Aquila taught and actually corrected Apollos, a well-educated man. The Bible doesn't say that it was Aquila alone who did this, but both of them.
-Miriam was a ruler of Israel along with Aaron and Moses. One way to explain this would be if she was only in authority over the women, which is a possibility, but it doesn't explain Deborah.
-Deborah was a ruler of Israel during the time of judges. There is no mention of a male co-judge, and no reason to think she only had authority over women. If that were the case, the men of Israel would've had no judge during her rule.
To me, these women appear as evidence that a woman can teach, correct, and lead as well as a man if she is a woman of God. If women aren't designed for those roles, I don't understand why these women didn't either fail or get rebuked for rebelling against God's design.
Another thought is that maybe women are not to take authority over men for purely symbolic reasons. Maybe women are made with the same capabilities for teaching and leadership, but to take on that role would deviate from the symbol of men/husbands as Christ, and women/wives as the bridgegroom. But if that's the case, why do these women appear to be exceptions?
Is there anyone who can help me understand 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 with these Biblical women taken into account? Please don't attack my faith in the Bible for asking about these things - as I said, I want to know the truth. If that weren't the case, I wouldn't bother asking.
Deborah: The people came to her, not she to them (chapter 4, verse 5)
This is a picture of a woman being available to give advice when others ask it. Compare this to how the judge Samuel functioned: “He went from year to year on a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah, and judged Israel in all those places” (1 Sam. 7:16). He went out, she stayed put.
She didn’t lead the army, she went with it (chapter 4, verses 6-10).
However, we should also recognize that the way in which she functioned as a judge was different than the way that male judges like Samuel did. Also important: as far as I remember, she was Israel’s only female judge. She was the exception, and not the rule. Every other judge that God chose was male.
Miriam: In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 we are told that women should cover their heads while praying or prophesying. So, it is clear that some women will prophesy. Maybe they will directly receive a message from the Lord that they are supposed to share with someone else
Miriam led the women, not a mixed group, in song.
Source: Truthathome blog: Deborah and Miriam: prescriptive or descriptive?
@@lea4777 Those are good points; I'll definitely look into the source you mentioned. Also wanted to say, a day or two before you replied, it came to mind that I'd left this comment a while back and I was thinking no one was going to answer, so thanks! :)
@@CherryStudios2 you're welcome :)
@@CherryStudios2 I love your desire to learn what God actually says. So often it's easy to disregard what we don't want to obey. I applaud you and I hope God continues to guide you and help you stay humble. I too am struggling with this. But one thing that has helped me is to read all scriptures that speak of this matter. If we just read one verse and disregard others, we could mis understand.
But with Deborah, like the person said, it was an exception not the rule. I think God called her to step up because of the apostasy of the men at the time. And some women may be called like that. That there are no men teaching the pure word of God, so they have to step up. But most of the time, there are capable men that can do the job.
@@hopelovegood8131 Thanks! I had no idea how much I was missing because of pride, but I asked God to open my eyes. He's helped me to start seeing things more clearly in the past few months.
I hadn't thought about that, but it definitely sounds like it could be, since that's similar to what God did with Jael. Barak wasn't willing to go to battle without Deborah, so God had a woman kill Sisera instead of him.
Allie, thank you for this teaching. I stopped going to my church for this reason. It wasn’t settling right in my heart. I’m praying for when I speak to my pastor I can share what’s been on my heart and share the scripture with him too. Allie, or anyone, I’m trying to understand as Paul goes on to say in 1 Cor 11:5, 13 that women should cover their heads. How come women don’t do that anymore? Should we obey the full command? Please help explain. Thank you!
Martha, great questions. First I’ll be praying for you as you visit with your pastor that you would have wisdom in that conversation, remember mans opinions don’t matter, only what God’s Word says.
As to your questions about Head covering as Paul addresses it in 1Cor 11. Your first question dealt with why women don’t do this anymore. This has only been in the past 50 or so years that this practice has disappeared from many churches. Up until that time everyone practiced it across a host of various denominations. Oddly enough in the past few years there has been a sincere movement to return to the Word and the simplicity of its teachings, in part the teaching of the head covering. As an aside, I do go to a church that practices both what Allie has spoken about and practices this teaching of the head covering. I’ll tell you why I believe from Scripture we are to practice it and if you’d like I’d be happy to correspond further via email with you about this.
First, I believe in 2 Tim 3:16-17 and 1 Peter 1:23-25 which state that all of Scripture, not some of it but all of it, is inspired by God who is eternal. Since He is eternal His truth is timeless, it isn’t for a cultural reason that He communicates truth, it’s timeless and has application to every age of man. It sounds like you and I have the same beliefs here.
Second context is important to the study of Gods Word. The book Paul is writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is written largely as a letter of correction to the church at Corinth, see 1:2. Yet, when making his introductory remarks he specifically states in 1:2 that he writes to the church at Corinth AND “to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints, with ALL that in EVERY PLACE” so this truth isn’t just for that church at Corinth but for every church. Anyone that tells you that any teaching of first Corinthians is just cultural or for another time isn’t in line with what the Bible says. Throughout the book he calls special attention that this instruction is for church truth by saying “when you come or gather together”. This isn’t dealing with correcting error and disorder in the home, or in our place of business or in our families but in the church.
The truth of the head covering is it’s a symbol given to the church, much like the bread and cup are symbols of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus and the new covenant that was purchased by Himself. While those symbols have their own truth, the truth of the head covering in 11:4-16 is seen in 11:3 and that is the truth of Headship. We know a little bit about this from Ephesians 5 with the husband and wife and submitting to a head and the picture of Christ and the church.
Headship is God’s eternal order for man that He established BEFORE sin in the garden. Man and woman were created for different and distinct roles, yet both were created by God they were created FOR different things. Today we think “different” means “unequal” or “lesser value” but that’s not how God sees it, the Son is equal with the Father and yet it says in 1 Cor 11:3 “the head of Christ is God”. Christ has a head, God the Father, and we know that the Father loving exercised His authority over the Son in sending Him (1st John 4) and the Son willingly submitted to the Father perfectly.
Man in the church is a representative of Christ, 11:4, 7. Man, not woman, is the glory or representative of God and he is to be uncovered. No one would want to cover God’s glory in God’s house, so the glory of God expressed in the man is uncovered.
The woman, has two glories. She is the glory of man, 11:7, and her hair is a glory for her in 11:15. So when she veils her glory (hair) she hides mans glory in the woman so that the only glory that’s seen when men and women gather together to worship and honor the Lord is Gods glory!
The woman has a tremendous ability to do something in her silence that a man never could audibly by preaching when she covers her head, she ministers to angels. It says one reason for practicing this is because of the angels in 11:10. Women minister to the angels in heaven that Scripture tells us they(angels) desire to look into these things, they know nothing of redemption themselves but they saw the fall, they saw man and women rebel against God’s order of headship in the garden and all the pain and sin that brought. They saw the plan of God and His only Son coming and dying for those that didn’t love Him. And today they see little gatherings of those who He has redeemed, restored to His order, now voluntarily of their own free will, covering and uncovering their respective glories so that Gods glory alone might be seen.
Sadly this is just dismissed as cultural truth but the Glory of God is not cultural. That is why Paul says to anyone that this isn’t for culture, they were practicing something that wasn’t in line with the order of the churches, no other church was forsaking this truth 11:16. This glory is something He deserves and something the devil has desired to take since his fall. Is it any wonder then that so many believe the lie that this just a little symbol and it is a small thing that we can choose to do if we want and not the instruction that it clearly is in chapter 11.
Again great question, keep studying. I hope this has helped, please feel free to reach out with any other questions.
I do cover because of 1 Corinthians 11
It was so clear to me that i had to obey the Word of God
Blessings to you
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
And we should all have slaves and be in polygamous marriages-because the bible clearly allows it. I also think that we should obedient to all of scripture and women need to stop adorning themselves with earrings and nail polish!
We should obey ALL scripture if we are to obey that women should not lead or teach men.
@Elizabeth Martinez It is important to discern the difference between the Old Testament and the New, and teachings aimed at Jews and those aimed at Gentiles.
There is a guy named Mike Winger on TH-cam that does a lengthy dive into these verses including context and meaning. You may enjoy his look at these. He really understands the history, the language Greek, and the context of how the verses fit with verses around them and prior ones they may be referring to.
Absoulty stunning testimony..Inspiring young lady.. Who is in touch with the holy spirit.
I needed this. always stuggled with this passage thank you!
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
My husband and I are in Virginia. We have had such trouble finding a church that is not infected and ruled by culture with a pastor who is not afraid to ruffle women’s tail feathers. We have had to walk out of 3 churches in the last 6 months when they introduce the “pastor” who will preach that day and up on stage comes a woman…
Thank you Allie for your love of the Word and your courage to publicly discuss these controversial topics. If us women, Christian women, love God, we must love and trust ALL parts of His Word and obey them. After all, Jesus told us that if we love Him, we will obey.
God bless you and this ministry!
@Mike Auen we are in Virginia Beach so that is super far hahaha! BUT amazing faithfulness of God…after two years and almost 10 churches God has brought us to a Bible centered church, pastored by a great man! We are so so thankful!!
Christ stands at the head of the church yet I'm not "oppressed," following His guidance and teachings brings about the blessings of heaven that are priceless, all the world combined could not compare to what comes from above through Christ my "oppressor" ✌️🇺🇸
Amen! When I was new to God’s Word, I spent a lot of time talking to God about His ways. Why? Because it was hard to accept when I was still holding on to secular beliefs. He gently helped me to see Him in His ways! He is beautiful!
Good morning beautiful... awwwww awww 🥰 your comment so heart warming and touching, how are you doing
I love Jesus since my childhood. But Church taught me how complicated Christianity is. When I listen to all those videos about men and women and what the Bible say about this and that,I just want to grab my blanket and hide under it for the rest of the day. It‘s frustrating. Everyone seems to know it better. For now,all I know is,that Jesus died for my sins and rose again from the dead.And that I‘m nothing without him. C‘est ca!🤷🏻♀️
"I'm nothing without him." - sure, but you are NEVER without him! He said that he would always be with you, that he would never leave you.
Jesus understood how MAN complicates Christianity (and, so He HIMSELF condensed it into TWO directions "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul, and love your neighbour as yourself" - who is your neighbour? Everyone. Without that, everything else is but "clanging cymbals". Plus, if you have asked Christ into your heart, you TOO have the Holy Spirit who will give you wisdom and peace.
hello beautiful lady with a beautiful smile i wish you the best wishes you wish your self, i hope you are having a nice day, you are gorgeous, oh my god you are beautiful,how are you doing
The greatest gift a woman can give back to God, is to be His servant with complete obedience. This was absolutely wonderful Allie. As a Catholic woman I have been taught everything you said since my childhood, but I can't hear it enough. God bless you. P.S. is she here yet?
Blackwood 5225 a lot of what she said reminded me of theology of the body! I honestly feel so blessed as a women!
I'm filled with joy to hear you talk about the relation of headship, marriage, creation, bride, redemption, etc. Seriously. Because it is the biggest key to understanding so much about God, redemption, marriage, the Bible and everything in it. It is HUGE. And it needs to be a driving force by male pastors and other messengers. I've never heard the whole thing taught like you explained. I've only learned of it recently, thru the Spirit. And I think it should be priority One. Again, it ties into all of it. And the conclusion is the Ephesians mystery, that only the Spirit can explain. And it shows who is anointed to teach. And that is YOU, my friend. Right where you are. God bless you.
“But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”
1 Timothy 2:12-14
Allie, you truly do have a gift to explain things well, backing it with the word of God, thank you for clarifying a few things that I couldn’t explain to others who has misunderstood these passages and to those who see it through the lens of patriarchy. 🙏🏽🔥
Allie, you are AWESOME, sister!
The importance of women being told to be silent is apparent to me almost every time I go to church. Who makes side comments during worship or teaching? Nine times out of ten… it’s a woman. And as a woman myself, other women will sometimes try to engage in side conversations with me during service and it annoys me so badly. And these women usually don’t have husbands next to them to remind them to pay attention. Just based on this experience I can see God’s wisdom on the issue. But I do also appreciate the deep dive :)
Thank you for such a strong defense of this scripture. Well done. I would love a similar discussion on headcovering in our current day. Many Christians disagree on this and would love an in depth exploration of it.
Absolutely amazing. Gettin' this outta the way, I'm a dude. The humbleness and leadership expressed on this topic, in this way - lining so perfectly with what God says. Glory to Him alone for getting these words out through Allie.
HI Allie, brilliant again. I do have two questions. Should I as a man watch a woman here online? If they have a guest speaker in my church that is a woman, should I get up and leave? I will be honest with you, some of the women that I have watched here or in person have been better than anything I have heard from a man. Would like your thoughts on that. Thnaks
You are talented..!! GOD blessed you without a shadow of doubt..
Thanks for throwing such light n clarity on this important relevant topic..every word is so true n relevant..!!
Thank you queen and when u speak about this they run like the sorcerers and witches 😂😂😂😂😂
Yep exactly. Not all men are qualified to be overseers/elders/pastors either.
But that's not the point of the video stay focused peace
You're spot on. I'm saddened that my former church has adopted this view to ordain women as pastors. What happened to being a woman and leading women without having a pastoral license?
I think women's rights and equality took over -- churches that want to follow the world view rather than the Bible... or just general misinterpretation :-(
Women are also meant to be pastors too and anyone who says anything different is not correct.
The scriptures say that women is not to teach or have authority over the man. The Bible is correct. As the Bible states, let God be the truth and every man a liar.
How many women did Jesus pick to be disciples? None.
With this topic, you are right, it is about pride. It is counterbiblical to be offended about being called to serve your husband in marriage and to not take power in the church. This offense is a symptom of sin and an opportunity to draw near to God and be transformed by the renewing of our minds.