but naming an argument as racist or stupid isn't personal, but might be true. she's not to blame if the argument is stupid and racist. she's just belling the cat.
That is exactly why I'm doing it. Also because I feel like I'm being asked to sign a blank cheque or a blank page and they'll fill in the contract later!
Unhinged for calling Australia and bigotry out!!! Adam Goodes saga all over again. Australia is racist,sexist and lgbt hating. The No Campsign is far dirtier than the Same Sex Marriage vote. Shameful.
That's what happens when you grow up pretending to be a victim, get a few degrees from a victim university and propagate victimhood for your profession. What a loser she is. Lazy bungs!
Andrew Bolt is rhe racist. He needs his security to be invaded by Yes votes. Nothing but a racist,sexist,lgbt hater employed by trash media Sky Spew. The crim needs to see real anger!!!!
The ordinary Aboriginal if they are registered to vote will be voting NO with us I have spoken to many, we have to realise that the Elites are the trouble not the normal Aboriginal they spoke so nice to me unlike the abuse that comes from the yes voters.
Indeed. Idiots like Langton just can't comprehend that others are intelligent enough to have their own opinions. Langton has always been a poor excuse for an academic. What a disgraceful individual. Is this the hand of friendship Noel Pearson spoke of? Shame, shame, shame.
Apparently there will be "24 LUCKY activists" on the voice committee - ALL with their collective snouts in OUR taxpayer's trough ! And you can guarantee they'll be paid at least six figure salaries PLUS staff & advisors, plus first class air travel with their staff to their meetings and fact finding trips all over the world ! On top of the 30 plus billion dollars spent each year on aboriginal programs, on top of the hundreds of millions in royalties from mining, oil & gas companies pay to aboriginal organisations per year, on top of the activist thomas mayo ( one of the architects of the voice ) wanting reparations, a percentage of Australia's GDP, AND wanting Australians "to pay the rent" AND also access to OUR Superannuation, all aboriginals to be released from jail and to go into aboriginal programs - and that ALL aboriginals be paid a wage ! And he has openly stated that they will use "THEIR" money to pay "THEIR" lawyers to use Supreme Courts to get "OUR" way - Us and Them - in his language.Those videos from him are there for all to see. What could possibly go wrong ?
Yes, she has a dark heart indeed. She has always been an angry woman. What a way to live your life. Certainly not a role model for youthful indigenous people who truly want to make something of their lives.
Sorry, but I am sick of these abos. Many of us are doing it tough. When we as a country, start giving freebies galore to them just because of something that happened 200 years ago, all it will do is create laziness and drive more anger and dibvison. I work hard for my tax dollars. I love ALL australians. ALL. But when you have ChairmansLoungeAlbo pushing this, it's just wrong. Abos have it pretty good. They get free healthcare, free concert tickets, a lot of free community things that most of us don't get. perhaps the abos have to stope cyring and actually get a job? Maybe put down the alcohol and try work?
Agree. NO from me! When the abos stop bashing their wives, touching their kids and smashing down alochol like it's water... then life for them will improve.
Exactly, she was talking about people who are voting No, and basically calling us racists and full of hate. She can get stuffed. I was on the fence, but after what she said, it's 100% NO from me. These abos have stop with calling everyone racist, and perhaos put down the alcohol and get a job. @@rh6789g
@@jamesjackson8652 easy, different legal and political rights for different citizens based solely on race. Constitutionally enshrined, so forever. Simple.
@paulfri1569 Mine are..seeing clearly whilst you clearly have SkyNews glasses on. Go find out what it really is. Then without political bias make a proper judgment.
How can someone take legal action against her for being racist and spreading lies unto Australians 🤔 She mustbe sacked and charged for hate crimes .. Shame shame shame
Imagine if a broadcaster media outlet gave neo Nazis or similar a platform? Langdon does a National Press Club talk. That's like a member of the KKK or White Power movement giving a speech. Langon hates but her hate is directed at all non Indigenous persons..
I agree with everything you say except the part about being charged for a "hate" crime! I hate Indian food should I be arrested...no! Hate is an opinion or a feeling what you're saying is there should be "Thought Police" so Orwellian don't you think?
@Coreypdf3ml. Absolutely. How dare Linda Burney call those Australians who have some intelligence and thought processes and decided to vote NO - racists when the yes vote will be voting for apartheid in Australia. Oh and by the way SHEs the one who is STUPID. How dare she???
Well done Langdon. You set back your people's decades. Even people who just wanted to be left alone and couldn't care less about ethnicity or where people are from now have animosity towards entitled race based privileged people and now see them as 'them' Hardly anyone gave a toss where people are from but now all Australians from A to Z nations are turning against them
I know of indigenous tutors who support indigenous Austraians to get uni degrees by actually doing their assignments. Ive known indigenous people doing uni degrees who are so clueless you have to wonder how they pass anything.
Sadly yes. The elitist hybrids will grow richer, whilst the marginalised aborigines will still be marginalised. The help, money or otherwise never reaches them, it is all skimmed off the top, by the time everyone agency has had their piece of the pie, there isn’t much left, if any.
Agreed, Langton's a bit too angry about the loss of a, (their words) "harmless" Advisory Panel and some symbolic recognition. The Activists are hopping mad about the fact that they saw this as a way to get what they really want, money, power and payback, it's slipping away like water through their hands.
I wonder what she would be doing today if colonisation was had by another country. Many others wanted to invade this country. We get no thanks from the indigenous for building this country. Aboriginals are not builders in my opinion.
It's the language of SBS TV. Who pays SBS to push their Woke Barrow ?? Shaming Australia into surrendering it's identity, culture, and lifestyle, to accommodate their immigration agenda, racism against the British and White people, against the people gullible enough to give them air time. Of course they throw some good documentaries in there so it's not all bad, but just like ABC TV there is so much brainwash ideology. The more they push their agenda, the more back pressure they create. The more they make the problems they pretend to be against.
The Voice is not divisive but the opposition LIES ARE Your no vote helped nobody and did nothing except block our First Nations peoples voice, you are the racist.
I'm a NO voter - and proud to stand beside other NO voters, in supporting those Aboriginal people who also support a NO vote. It seems as though this situation has brought people together somewhat.
chrisgeorgallis As are most left wing socialist activists. It's their tool of trade. They behave like 6 year old brats when they don't get their own way.
Keep it up Marcia. Please keep calling people who disagree with you "racist" and "stupid". Its the best argument you have so please keep hammering away with it.
@@JoyMartin-rk4pm she’s a real stirrer with a communist agenda …and so IS THOMAS MAYOR…check the two sites…communist revolutionaries…”solidarity” and “red flag”. Communist campaigners out of control,in AUSTRALIA.!
Our current Constitution treats all Australians equally. Thats fair, thats equality. Our current Constitution treats all 270 ethnicities in Australia equally. The Invoice will give special powers to a select few, a tiny minority of Australians.....why would we want that?. Thats Racism, thats discrimination, thats not Equality. Vote NO.
People did not conquer Australia because the inhabitants were black. They did it because the inhabitants were primitive. When you conquer a land, people will pay attention to your flag. When you loose the fight, your flag vanishes into history. Keep following the money, because this will turn out to be like the American BLM founders who became overnight millionaires, somehow.
She needs to stop pulling Australia apart using racial accusations. Thats sheer stupidity because insulting people leads to more hate more tension and division. Making millions of people angry because you insulted them does not spread peace. imo
Is there really such a thing as a “former Marxist” ? Langton seems to have grown more bitter as the years pass. It would be hugely ironic if the yes campaign now disavowed her. She has become the no campaign’s greatest asset. What a train wreck.
A marxist oligarchy is what every country needs for stability, prosperity and equality. Cuba, USSR, Venezuela, China all marvellous examples of a system that..... Well it just works so well doesn't it?
Just keeps on reinforcing the decision to vote NO, this whole thing was always based on racism, it's a waste of money & wouldn't improve anything for our Indigenous fellow Australians, we had ATSIC for years & the result all Australians know, start to make a case NIAA can justify the four & a half billion & over1300 public servants are making a difference !!! Let's see the list of achievements for you LB for over a year ???
It is always those who preach diversity, inclusion and tolerance who are the most INTOLERANT. Tolerance to them means to destroy anything remotely to the right or traditional beliefs
Every time I see Marcia she’s calling us names like racist with an angry scowl on her face. She really seems to deeply resent White Australia. So if she’s the chief architect of the aboriginal only ‘Voice’ in parliament, please God save us & let it be ‘NOOOO!!’
Tom Mayo another Voice 'architect' and communist is the mirror to Langton. Check out one of his anti-whites rants. He was the one who made me determined to stop this disaster of a Voice. Please watch him sometime if you want to confirm your NO vote 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Agree. NO from me! When the abos stop bashing their wives, touching their kids and smashing down alochol like it's water... then life for them will improve.
Yes to what? Yes to more abos gettiing drunk? Yes to more of them bashing their wives? What will Yes do, except make you city living vegag greenies happy. You are white bro. It's not up to you. The abos I see on TV dont want this voice crap. No from me! :) hehehe@@markpeterson7298
Only if you live in the 'dream time' and believe in racial division, segregation, the proliferation of too many myths and an eternity of protection for what seems to be an endangered sub-species. @@markpeterson7298
Got the shuttle bus from the airport to town last week. It soon announced through the speakers an acknowledgement of my underpants, both past, present and emerging. It then went on to say that the Country NOW known as Australia was never ceded in Sovereignty. The whole bus collectively groaned. This has become a National joke. The next time I see burning eucalyptus "Welcoming" me to my OWN Country, I will put it out with my pee. Indigenous AUSTRALIANS already get over 33 BILLION of taxpayer funded dollars every year, but a "Voice" will suddenly fix everything? What a laugh. Before we vote on the Referendum, we should ask these inner city "Indigenous" people for their Voice on how they propose to solve poverty, crime, family violence, school truancy and childhood rape by family members in remote Communities. The silence will be deafening. It's just a racist, divisive power grab at Parliament and the Australian Constitution by a dysfunctional mob representing just 3% of the population. VOTE NO.
Reparation money in remote communities will be used to buy more grog and meth. Oh and new a car that will last 5 years. Never give large sums of money to addicts, it only makes things worse for them.
I am proud to be labeled as a Racist Stupid Australian. As a White born Australian growing up and still living in rural Australia, I am my family have been called this for our entire life's. Fortunately although we are apparently stupid, we know how to write NO. WE WILL NOT COMPLY VOTE NO AUSTRALIA
The yes voters do, I think they know we are not racist they just want us to look bad, I;ve been posting anti yes stuff and it keeps getting deleted by the admin or facebook, they want the yes to win no matter what they have to do, anyone who listens truly listens knows we are right in voting NO I have spoken to huge number of Aboriginals and they are voting NO it's the Aboriginal Elite who are for the yes side, not your normal everyday Aboriginal they don't see the money governments throw at them I mean hello do they jump on a bike and ride around Australia handing it out, nope it is given to the Aboriginal Elite who are mostly white and they keep it the white haired witch is a millionaire and so are all the elite, more corrution every day..
The main sentence I heard from the non elite we We are all one mob and Australia belongs to every Australia we don't want to be divided we want to be equal, I think we have been brainwashed to not trust them, I have only just realised that most are lovely people
Anyone voting yes is inadvertently or not, voting yes to bullying, coercion, swearing, the death of civil discourse, and ultimately not doing Aboriginal Australia any favours at all but just feeling smug while being herded like compliant cattle empowering Leftist Fascism and Cancel Culture.
If they are giving discounts to members of all First Nations, and not just Australian Aboriginals, that means 100% of the world's population qualifies, and nobody needs to lie about their status. Not even Bruce Pascoe, as a member of the First Nations of England.
Were all indigenous to somewhere perhaps we should all go through history and see who wronged who and all get special privileges and right's or we move on together as a whole and move forward but this division is happening in any country with a black population and is part of the new woke culture and unfortunately is based on hated not on common decency and respect
As always Bolt, you totally nailed the sorry state of affairs. I actually did not think things would get this bad for the YES love mob, but alas, it's a falling house of cards & we've still got another 5 weeks to go. Well done Albo, fantastic job you've done winding reconciliation back decades!
They can call me whatever they like - I know who and what I am and it’s a solid No from me and everyone I’ve spoken to. This will not be for the Indigenous people - it’s a bloody outrageous con on the rest of us!
Pascoe... Langdon....Burney OMG ....... This is disgusting that 10s of thousands of people are being divided. Friends, families, neighbours and work colleagues. We are all having our thoughts and emotions consumed by this nauseating, pathetic (& compulsory) evil and dangerous VOTE for someone's???? VOICE.
Agreed, she's a great Indigenous Australian success story, coming from poor beginnings and rising to be an award winning Professor, she could be a much lauded role model, but she went down the Activist route and her mind got poisoned by the all negativity that, that brings.
Imagine how nasty she would be if she had power ... another Stalin perhaps?? Thank God there is reason and hope with Linda Burney and her like minded people.
Reason and Hope with Linda Burney 😂 The Minister responsible for Indigenous who has done NOTHING but get Rich off the Backs of her own Peoples Suffering. Are you Retarded or Something.
@@gloriaplatt6349 A corporate-led government trying to stitch up our indigenous is the reason you need to vote no. They pretend these 15 elites will talk for all the mob and then they pretend they made a deal with those 15 people who now "speak for the whole mob" and the mob gets temporary relief whilst their lands are seriously taken away from them. It's a con job, leading to corporate ownership of all mob land is exactly what this is. There's too many reasons to vote no.
There's an inner ring of beneficiaries that are as much a part of the corrupted system as any of them. Local communities who are struggling across the country have been screwed by their own parasites. Just like we get screwed by our parasites. We have common ground and I'm not referring to the land we live in.
Yet they will consider any kind of oversight or commission into how they disperse (or not) their government-given funds, as asked for by folks like Jacinda Price- to be 'unnecessary', even 'racist'...
Marcia needs to forgive and get over past wrongs which EVERY country had. Australians ancestry is NOT their fault. Not guilty by bloodline. She wants revenge and has unforgiveness. So she has a cancer growing in her
Me too. Mine go back 5 generations, how long do you have to be here? How many must die for the country. How many broke their backs building this country, before we become indigenous? Or is it all skin-colour?
Since when were Pacific Islanders and Māoris part of our indigenous community ? They are immigrants like the rest of us . The only difference from most of us is the colour of their skin .
I am afraid there is one law for them and one for us that is why my husband has to carry a fishing licence whereas I guess the fish will know which reel to jump on.
Being called a racist by a privileged racist person, who has benefitted enormously because of the society she, or he, lives in is a joke. The education, the income, the social security and I could go on with this, shows just how ungrateful these racist people are. It also is an indication of how these activists will destroy Australia NO, NO, NO
"All racists will vote "No". Will you vote with the racists, or against them? Which side of history will you be on? The world is watching..." Just something I was told today by someone from the insufferable YES camp.
The 1967 referendum to count all Australians as equals was passed with about 91% approval. A huge vote of approval and 56 years ago. Today's school children are now taught that was a time when Aussies were horribly racist and I'm sure they prefer not to mention the 1967 referendum!
I’m cracking a bottle French champagne when the result which will be a NO comes out, I think I’ll drive around with the Australian flag beeping the horn like one does after a grand final football win
Their whole argument is nothing more than emotional manipulation. Nothing positive about helping indigenous people at all. That is why even many indigenous people are voting NO, they don't see it as their voice at all, just a waste of money, resources and time by people who don't speak for them.
Ok, I'm confused. Burnie just said that no matter when we arrived in Australia, we are all Australians but the whole Voice document states that we have been killing and enslaving them since the first settlers arrived and we should pay them for doing this
If I as an Englishman have no special rights over the land that I literally have a paper record of my ancestors owning and the Norman invader stealing (a little thing called the Domesday book) why do Aboriginal Australians or native Americans have any special rights over land?
God yes. Think of all the wars that have gone on at times literally for over a century and what would be involved in overturning the end result for countries all around the world.
The NIAA is a voice to parliament but the government needs to make it accountable for results. In the same way as Education Departments have to be made accountable for results. Instead of our politicians shouldering the responsibility and overseeing things they hire more and more bureaucrats and throw more and more money at never ending and ever growing problems. We don't need the voice, we need responsible and accountable government and we will never get that while we keep voting Labor and Liberal. Please vote NO to the Voice and think carefully before voting at the next state and federal elections.
One of the reasons I am Voting NO is because of the The Great Late MARTIN LUTHER KING JNR in his SPEECH " I HAVE A DREAM" the part where he say's I have a dream when a man (Person) Shall be, judged on the content of there Character not on the colour of there skin
Voice supporters are becoming desperate. They didn't realise just how many Australians were prepared to look closely at it. Of course the Voice won't fix disadvantage. That would remove emotional blackmail as a valuable strategy for extracting funding from the govt.
Australians are all living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The people peddling the voice would have us believe that we live in some sort of hell 🔥🔥👿😈. Well done Albo.
Oh Andrew, do stop saying truth and Albanese in the same sentence, the two can never sit together and Albanese will run a mile at the first sniff of TRUTH.
"When the argument is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." Socrates.
Wow that is powerful!?? I'm going to quote that 👍🏻💪
I Love that quote … so very TRUE!!
The more people see Marcia, the more they will say NO. She is such a powerful advocator for No camp.
Whiney grating voice will win people over....not.
we used to call that the "best and fairest for the opposition"
The gift that keeps on giving.
Just give her more rope
Marcia is just a sour faced cow. She’s the stupid racist.
Calling people racist or stupid is not going to help your cause
but naming an argument as racist or stupid isn't personal, but might be true. she's not to blame if the argument is stupid and racist. she's just belling the cat.
@@IonaMackenzieThe point is that she essentially called no voters stupid and racist which is only going to hurt her cause.
@@BENNO117 Bad tempered children never think they are ruining their own cause. Who's stupid Marcia?
Did you Australian Aboriginals statistically have the lowest IQ in the world. 62 which is the mental age of an 11 year old. Look it up. I was shocked.
Vote no! The wrapping is off this terrible gift!
The 'Yes' camp are pissing on their own feet.
well, pretty sure there were no toilets 65,000 yrs ago so maybe it’s a cultural thing 🤷♂️
I think more appropriate is shitting in their own nest!
Don’t interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake - Napoleon
Albo and Joyce are pissing on each other..
@@nagaster LOL! So appropriate
That woman is unhinged! All the more reason to vote NO!!!
That is exactly why I'm doing it. Also because I feel like I'm being asked to sign a blank cheque or a blank page and they'll fill in the contract later!
Unhinged for calling Australia and bigotry out!!! Adam Goodes saga all over again. Australia is racist,sexist and lgbt hating. The No Campsign is far dirtier than the Same Sex Marriage vote. Shameful.
Yes. We would be fools to sign any 'forever contract' without first knowing the detail of that contract, all the detail!@@TheMazinoz
She changed my mind. Im going to be voting NO now. Nice work Marcia.
pity most people on the Left don't see the same things....they just fall for the Leftie lies every single time
Brilliant stuff Prof Langton. Please keep it up. Just vote NO.
Or, vote yes, to a civil war in Australia, after years of social unrest and resentment against the Woke brigade and their delusional ideology.
A very unpleasant woman who exudes hate.
That's what happens when you grow up pretending to be a victim, get a few degrees from a victim university and propagate victimhood for your profession. What a loser she is. Lazy bungs!
Professor Langton is absolutely right
They can smell the end to their gravy train and bonuses
Bolt exudes hate. He needs to be confronted at Sky News. Let's see the coward run!!!!
Blame their failure on your racism rather than on their own. Somebody frame that quote. You summed it up perfectly, Andrew.
@redryderaus It's called "gaslighting"
Racist, racist, racist, everybody’s a racist unless you agree with my demands!
Andrew Bolt is rhe racist. He needs his security to be invaded by Yes votes. Nothing but a racist,sexist,lgbt hater employed by trash media Sky Spew. The crim needs to see real anger!!!!
The ordinary Aboriginal if they are registered to vote will be voting NO with us I have spoken to many, we have to realise that the Elites are the trouble not the normal Aboriginal they spoke so nice to me unlike the abuse that comes from the yes voters.
It’s a shame that you can’t have our own opinion without being called racist and stupid.
It’s blame shifting and projection. These people are abusive and shouldn’t even be in positions of leadership.
Indeed. Idiots like Langton just can't comprehend that others are intelligent enough to have their own opinions. Langton has always been a poor excuse for an academic. What a disgraceful individual. Is this the hand of friendship Noel Pearson spoke of? Shame, shame, shame.
Left wing mentality 101
They did they exact same thing in the UK when we voted Brexit, don't listen to them.
"Sticks and stones" as my mum used to say
Once she said it, she can't unsay it.
Aussies of ALL COLOURS say NO to Albanese Apartheid and division in Australia 🇦🇺!!!
"Scratch a activist, and you'll find a bullshit artist" 😅
@@jackkennedy70scratch a greenie you’ll find a red commie.
A “ watermelon “if you like 😊
We have a feminised PM.
I always voted Labor but now I don't want to vote at all in elections.
Keep on talking Marcia, you keep showing us who you are and we believe you! You represent everything we Australians despise. Thank you.
Langton showing her true colors for all to see. These people _always_ project onto others, the sins they themselves are guilty of. Always.
Apparently there will be "24 LUCKY activists" on the voice committee - ALL with their collective snouts in OUR taxpayer's trough ! And you can guarantee they'll be paid at least six figure salaries PLUS staff & advisors, plus first class air travel with their staff to their meetings and fact finding trips all over the world !
On top of the 30 plus billion dollars spent each year on aboriginal programs, on top of the hundreds of millions in royalties from mining, oil & gas companies pay to aboriginal organisations per year, on top of the activist thomas mayo ( one of the architects of the voice ) wanting reparations, a percentage of Australia's GDP, AND wanting Australians "to pay the rent" AND also access to OUR Superannuation, all aboriginals to be released from jail and to go into aboriginal programs - and that ALL aboriginals be paid a wage ! And he has openly stated that they will use "THEIR" money to pay "THEIR" lawyers to use Supreme Courts to get "OUR" way - Us and Them - in his language.Those videos from him are there for all to see.
What could possibly go wrong ?
When someone has unforgiveness and revenge in their heart they are lost. She has a dark heart. Unforgiveness and revenge is her motto. A cancer.
She is white and all.Thats the only colour she shows
Yes, she has a dark heart indeed. She has always been an angry woman. What a way to live your life. Certainly not a role model for youthful indigenous people who truly want to make something of their lives.
Sorry, but I am sick of these abos. Many of us are doing it tough. When we as a country, start giving freebies galore to them just because of something that happened 200 years ago, all it will do is create laziness and drive more anger and dibvison. I work hard for my tax dollars. I love ALL australians. ALL. But when you have ChairmansLoungeAlbo pushing this, it's just wrong. Abos have it pretty good. They get free healthcare, free concert tickets, a lot of free community things that most of us don't get. perhaps the abos have to stope cyring and actually get a job? Maybe put down the alcohol and try work?
I call on all Australians to Vote No. I am shocked that Langton says, NO voters are racists. Pot calling the kettle black. She is the racist 100%
she was calling out the culture. she made no personal criticism. it's purposeful unfair abuse of her to mislead the public as to what she's said.
Agree. NO from me! When the abos stop bashing their wives, touching their kids and smashing down alochol like it's water... then life for them will improve.
She was talking about the No Campaign. I’ve seen plenty of what she’s talking about. Bolt helps stoke it.
Exactly, she was talking about people who are voting No, and basically calling us racists and full of hate. She can get stuffed. I was on the fence, but after what she said, it's 100% NO from me. These abos have stop with calling everyone racist, and perhaos put down the alcohol and get a job. @@rh6789g
@johnlovett6704.....And VERY self serving.
Sticks and stones may break my bones … but I’m voting No because I don’t want a racially divided Australia.
Explain exactly how it would radically divide Australia.
@@jamesjackson8652 easy, different legal and political rights for different citizens based solely on race. Constitutionally enshrined, so forever. Simple.
@@jamesjackson8652Open your eyes 👀
@stilllooking7996 Except that is not what it is. You have clearly been hoodwinked by the SkyNews right wing nonsense. Go find out what it is.
@paulfri1569 Mine are..seeing clearly whilst you clearly have SkyNews glasses on. Go find out what it really is. Then without political bias make a proper judgment.
Dutton , ffs take notice and grow a set . This is the answer that needs to be heard in Parliament. Because it’s the real ,, truth telling ,, 😊
How can someone take legal action against her for being racist and spreading lies unto Australians 🤔 She mustbe sacked and charged for hate crimes .. Shame shame shame
Imagine if a broadcaster media outlet gave neo Nazis or similar a platform? Langdon does a National Press Club talk. That's like a member of the KKK or White Power movement giving a speech. Langon hates but her hate is directed at all non Indigenous persons..
Yep hate speech all the way.
I agree with everything you say except the part about being charged for a "hate" crime! I hate Indian food should I be arrested...no! Hate is an opinion or a feeling what you're saying is there should be "Thought Police" so Orwellian don't you think?
I agree with Linda Burney, there’s no place for racism in Australia, that’s why I’m voting no to the racist voice 😂
@Coreypdf3ml. Absolutely. How dare Linda Burney call those Australians who have some intelligence and thought processes and decided to vote NO - racists when the yes vote will be voting for apartheid in Australia. Oh and by the way SHEs the one who is STUPID. How dare she???
Linda ….
The champion for the NO campaign…
Have delightful losing Referendum.
no box write letters N and letter O
yes box write letter N and letter 0
Can she get any more black dye in her hair?
First the Voice and then the Invoice!
Well done Langdon. You set back your people's decades. Even people who just wanted to be left alone and couldn't care less about ethnicity or where people are from now have animosity towards entitled race based privileged people and now see them as 'them' Hardly anyone gave a toss where people are from but now all Australians from A to Z nations are turning against them
Voting NO. Langton is absolutely awful.
Gives me the impression her opinions come from a bottle, she should be assold out of politics
The word "Professor" is over used these days
I thought it was an honorary professorship.
@@kirkc4696 I think she gave it to herself. Hard to think a real 'professor' would be both racist and stupid but you never know.
A professor of bullshit perhaps
@@PK51Xyes, exactly
I know of indigenous tutors who support indigenous Austraians to get uni degrees by actually doing their assignments. Ive known indigenous people doing uni degrees who are so clueless you have to wonder how they pass anything.
This is about power and money, nothing more. There is true evil at work here.
Sadly yes. The elitist hybrids will grow richer, whilst the marginalised aborigines will still be marginalised. The help, money or otherwise never reaches them, it is all skimmed off the top, by the time everyone agency has had their piece of the pie, there isn’t much left, if any.
@@blacksorrento4719 Yep, it has been going on for decades. Money never reaches grass roots or does much to improve QOL.
Agreed, Langton's a bit too angry about the loss of a, (their words) "harmless" Advisory Panel and some symbolic recognition.
The Activists are hopping mad about the fact that they saw this as a way to get what they really want, money, power and payback, it's slipping away like water through their hands.
@@SaintKimbo Yes. Deceitful emotional manipulation.
Once a Marxist, always a Marxist Andrew.
Yes. And let's all remember that whenever we see Adam Bandt on the ballot paper.
Once a racist always a racist.
@@Brian1952ful yes she is that too
I wonder what she would be doing today if colonisation was had by another country.
Many others wanted to invade this country.
We get no thanks from the indigenous for building this country.
Aboriginals are not builders in my opinion.
What do you care? How many Marxists or Indigenous do you even know????
If they will accept “First Nations” people from anywhere then I claim a concession as a First Nations person from Denmark.
Viking hey! I'm 13 % Scandinavian, me too!
100% Slavic Aboriginal here, get me ticket 😅
I’m sick of hearing them use the race card
Vote no for sure
They are desperate
It's the language of SBS TV. Who pays SBS to push their Woke Barrow ??
Shaming Australia into surrendering it's identity, culture, and lifestyle, to accommodate their immigration agenda, racism against the British and White people, against the people gullible enough to give them air time.
Of course they throw some good documentaries in there so it's not all bad, but just like ABC TV there is so much brainwash ideology.
The more they push their agenda, the more back pressure they create.
The more they make the problems they pretend to be against.
The Voice is not divisive but the opposition LIES ARE
Your no vote helped nobody and did nothing except block our First Nations peoples voice, you are the racist.
@@tellyawhatmateYour no vote helped nothing and nobody.
I'll bet you didn't even read the Voice 😡
The Voice is not divisive but the opposition LIES ARE!
Did you even read the Voice?
I must be a racist because Marcia gets a big NO from me.
Or possibly stupid ☺️
I'm a NO voter - and proud to stand beside other NO voters, in supporting those Aboriginal people who also support a NO vote. It seems as though this situation has brought people together somewhat.
She's clearly a BULLY 😢
....always has been!
chrisgeorgallis As are most left wing socialist activists. It's their tool of trade. They behave like 6 year old brats when they don't get their own way.
Entitled bully
Blacks are more racist than whites now
Is she actually a professor hard earned, or just an honorary one?
Regardless she is full of hate, don’t care for her teachings.
Thanks Marcia, for helping the No vote.
Marcia Langton needs to understand that insulting people is NOT the way to make friends and influence people.
Well Said ???
Langton is Bitter. Nasty Bigot it is..
Blames Whitey for everything...
A NASTY p o work it is...
Marcia tells the truth. Sky News needs shutting down. Obnoxious toxic bigots.
At this stage she needs to ‘rent friends’
Ignorant comment to be expected from No Campaigners!.Winning at any cost.
Keep it up Marcia. Please keep calling people who disagree with you "racist" and "stupid". Its the best argument you have so please keep hammering away with it.
Good suggestions - the ruder and more MARXIST/manipulative/loud mouth she is …it will wake up people and fingers crossed they’ll VOTE NO.!
I wonder who really is stupid? hmmmm, let me think, a woman who's name begins with "M" maybe? ("M"for miserable).😩
@@JoyMartin-rk4pm she’s a real stirrer with a communist agenda …and so IS THOMAS MAYOR…check the two sites…communist revolutionaries…”solidarity” and “red flag”. Communist campaigners out of control,in AUSTRALIA.!
Bravo Andrew 👏
You knocked it out of the park on every point.
2:08 "This former marxist". She's not a former marxist. She is and always will be a marxist.
Our current Constitution treats all Australians equally. Thats fair, thats equality. Our current Constitution treats all 270 ethnicities in Australia equally.
The Invoice will give special powers to a select few, a tiny minority of Australians.....why would we want that?. Thats Racism, thats discrimination, thats not Equality.
Vote NO.
They don't fly my race's the flag along the National Flag of Australia... How is that "equal " ?
@@jimgoble48 If you have a 'race' flag, then you are racist.
Australia is an Apartheid state. Only fools believe Sky News garbage.
People did not conquer Australia because the inhabitants were black. They did it because the inhabitants were primitive.
When you conquer a land, people will pay attention to your flag. When you loose the fight, your flag vanishes into history.
Keep following the money, because this will turn out to be like the American BLM founders who became overnight millionaires, somehow.
Keep up the good work Andrew , the truth must be known. VOTE NO.
She needs to stop pulling Australia apart using racial accusations. Thats sheer stupidity because insulting people leads to more hate more tension and division. Making millions of people angry because you insulted them does not spread peace. imo
Is there really such a thing as a “former Marxist” ?
Langton seems to have grown more bitter as the years pass.
It would be hugely ironic if the yes campaign now disavowed her.
She has become the no campaign’s greatest asset.
What a train wreck.
No different to being a previous racist I suppose.
She is still racist.
Always was,always will be.
A marxist oligarchy is what every country needs for stability, prosperity and equality. Cuba, USSR, Venezuela, China all marvellous examples of a system that..... Well it just works so well doesn't it?
The Sky News mob are racist,sexist and lgbt haters. Shut the creeps down.
If it's racist to want to defend and preserve one's own life, family, religion, culture, nation.
Then I'm a proud Anglophile racist.
Just keeps on reinforcing the decision to vote NO, this whole thing was always based on racism, it's a waste of money & wouldn't improve anything for our Indigenous fellow Australians, we had ATSIC for years & the result all Australians know, start to make a case NIAA can justify the four & a half billion & over1300 public servants are making a difference !!! Let's see the list of achievements for you LB for over a year ???
Always those that call themselves the most tolerant that are usually the exact opposite of that
It is always those who preach diversity, inclusion and tolerance who are the most INTOLERANT. Tolerance to them means to destroy anything remotely to the right or traditional beliefs
The end of Albos career and life long project is on the horizon.😂😂😂😅😅😅
He should resign, but not before he repays the money wasted on this useless referendum
She thinks we are all racist and stupid! She did say it!
Glad to see Marcia helping the No campaign. The No campaign does not have to do anything to advance its cause thanks to Marcia. We are saving money.
Every time I see Marcia she’s calling us names like racist with an angry scowl on her face. She really seems to deeply resent White Australia. So if she’s the chief architect of the aboriginal only ‘Voice’ in parliament, please God save us & let it be ‘NOOOO!!’
There's only Australians and they are white
Us indigenous to the people we arnt even seen as citizens people like me just seen as animal's.
The future belongs to the young, one sided opposition….lets wait and see YES for me
Many of the AUSTRALIAN Marxist revolutionaries PUSHING FOR THE VOICE Y Vote….Are so OTT ANGRY… THEY NEED psychological help….so vicious and nasty.
Virtually all yes voters detest non-Aboriginals. It's their problem, I know in my heart that NO is right for this country 😊😊
Tom Mayo another Voice 'architect' and communist is the mirror to Langton. Check out one of his anti-whites rants. He was the one who made me determined to stop this disaster of a Voice. Please watch him sometime if you want to confirm your NO vote 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Good one Andrew. That indignation is what we need more of. But nicely balanced with logic. Well done.
Burney isn't admonishing Langton. She is begging the whole Country to be accept Langton's hatred of any Australians who don't agree with her.
"Scratch a activist, and you'll find a bullshit artist" 😅
VERY well said Andrew
Nothing says conviction like reading from a prepared script…
Give us a break. It’s NO
Agree. NO from me! When the abos stop bashing their wives, touching their kids and smashing down alochol like it's water... then life for them will improve.
Vote Yes
Yes to what? Yes to more abos gettiing drunk? Yes to more of them bashing their wives? What will Yes do, except make you city living vegag greenies happy. You are white bro. It's not up to you. The abos I see on TV dont want this voice crap. No from me! :) hehehe@@markpeterson7298
Only if you live in the 'dream time' and believe in racial division, segregation, the proliferation of too many myths and an eternity of protection for what seems to be an endangered sub-species. @@markpeterson7298
Spot on Andrew you’re onto it mate 👍
Got the shuttle bus from the airport to town last week. It soon announced through the speakers an acknowledgement of my underpants, both past, present and emerging. It then went on to say that the Country NOW known as Australia was never ceded in Sovereignty. The whole bus collectively groaned. This has become a National joke. The next time I see burning eucalyptus "Welcoming" me to my OWN Country, I will put it out with my pee. Indigenous AUSTRALIANS already get over 33 BILLION of taxpayer funded dollars every year, but a "Voice" will suddenly fix everything? What a laugh. Before we vote on the Referendum, we should ask these inner city "Indigenous" people for their Voice on how they propose to solve poverty, crime, family violence, school truancy and childhood rape by family members in remote Communities. The silence will be deafening. It's just a racist, divisive power grab at Parliament and the Australian Constitution by a dysfunctional mob representing just 3% of the population. VOTE NO.
Reparation money in remote communities will be used to buy more grog and meth. Oh and new a car that will last 5 years. Never give large sums of money to addicts, it only makes things worse for them.
Ok owe them NOTHING ... Vote NO
I am proud to be labeled as a Racist Stupid Australian. As a White born Australian growing up and still living in rural Australia, I am my family have been called this for our entire life's. Fortunately although we are apparently stupid, we know how to write NO. WE WILL NOT COMPLY VOTE NO AUSTRALIA
Enjoy your Referendum loss on October 14th.🤔🙄😒😏
The yes voters do, I think they know we are not racist they just want us to look bad, I;ve been posting anti yes stuff and it keeps getting deleted by the admin or facebook, they want the yes to win no matter what they have to do, anyone who listens truly listens knows we are right in voting NO I have spoken to huge number of Aboriginals and they are voting NO it's the Aboriginal Elite who are for the yes side, not your normal everyday Aboriginal they don't see the money governments throw at them I mean hello do they jump on a bike and ride around Australia handing it out, nope it is given to the Aboriginal Elite who are mostly white and they keep it the white haired witch is a millionaire and so are all the elite, more corrution every day..
The main sentence I heard from the non elite we We are all one mob and Australia belongs to every Australia we don't want to be divided we want to be equal, I think we have been brainwashed to not trust them, I have only just realised that most are lovely people
Anyone voting yes is inadvertently or not, voting yes to bullying, coercion, swearing, the death of civil discourse, and ultimately not doing Aboriginal Australia any favours at all but just feeling smug while being herded like compliant cattle empowering Leftist Fascism and Cancel Culture.
If they are giving discounts to members of all First Nations, and not just Australian Aboriginals, that means 100% of the world's population qualifies, and nobody needs to lie about their status. Not even Bruce Pascoe, as a member of the First Nations of England.
Were all indigenous to somewhere perhaps we should all go through history and see who wronged who and all get special privileges and right's or we move on together as a whole and move forward but this division is happening in any country with a black population and is part of the new woke culture and unfortunately is based on hated not on common decency and respect
Everybody can get a discount. Just say that you identify as aboriginal, no proof required
The vibe I get from Marcia is bitterness and hatred. Why would any of us trust her?
Langton sounds to me like a racist P.O.S another good reason to vote NO
As always Bolt, you totally nailed the sorry state of affairs. I actually did not think things would get this bad for the YES love mob, but alas, it's a falling house of cards & we've still got another 5 weeks to go. Well done Albo, fantastic job you've done winding reconciliation back decades!
thanks Langny :) you convinced me to vote NO
' The Hate Preacher '
They can call me whatever they like - I know who and what I am and it’s a solid No from me and everyone I’ve spoken to. This will not be for the Indigenous people - it’s a bloody outrageous con on the rest of us!
Pascoe... Langdon....Burney OMG .......
This is disgusting that 10s of thousands of people are being divided. Friends, families, neighbours and work colleagues.
We are all having our thoughts and emotions consumed by this nauseating, pathetic (& compulsory) evil and dangerous VOTE for someone's???? VOICE.
Exactly 🎯
The whole thing smacks of racist narcissism to me.
A corrupted heart... and her words show. Very sad. 😢
Agreed, she's a great Indigenous Australian success story, coming from poor beginnings and rising to be an award winning Professor, she could be a much lauded role model, but she went down the Activist route and her mind got poisoned by the all negativity that, that brings.
Imagine how nasty she would be if she had power ... another Stalin perhaps?? Thank God there is reason and hope with Linda Burney and her like minded people.
Reason and Hope with Linda Burney 😂 The Minister responsible for Indigenous who has done NOTHING but get Rich off the Backs of her own Peoples Suffering.
Are you Retarded or Something.
That's a scary thought actually..these types are too radical and dangerous
Well she is a Marxist and just being true to form.
The voice is not dead until after the vote. Let's not simply assume. We need to keep the no argument going strong.
Stop saying negative stuff about the Aboriginals or I will swap sides what I am reading is wrong
@@gloriaplatt6349 A corporate-led government trying to stitch up our indigenous is the reason you need to vote no. They pretend these 15 elites will talk for all the mob and then they pretend they made a deal with those 15 people who now "speak for the whole mob" and the mob gets temporary relief whilst their lands are seriously taken away from them.
It's a con job, leading to corporate ownership of all mob land is exactly what this is.
There's too many reasons to vote no.
Yes she’s a hate preacher
Thanks Albo
Thanks Albo...you have caused all this division! I hope your are rembered on the wrong side of history. 😮
Have no doubt. He's going down as the PM who tried to bring Australia to its knees. Get him out before he causes any more damage 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
Be bloody sure you stick with the fair constitution Australia is blessed with. Best from the UK
We should keep working hard for the no case until the last hour of the referendum, long live Australia, long live Australian Unity
Been do no to the voice stickers and sticking them everywhere. Waiting on 500 cards for a Mail Drop. Keep pushing hard
There's an inner ring of beneficiaries that are as much a part of the corrupted system as any of them. Local communities who are struggling across the country have been screwed by their own parasites. Just like we get screwed by our parasites. We have common ground and I'm not referring to the land we live in.
Yet they will consider any kind of oversight or commission into how they disperse (or not) their government-given funds, as asked for by folks like Jacinda Price- to be 'unnecessary', even 'racist'...
I feel sorry for Marcia, her life's work crumbling and rightfully so, vote NO, but I think she just needs a cuddle.
You can cuddle her, I can't imagine any torture worse than that.
If she doesn't win it with the indigenous card she's gonna come back with a voice for women card instead.
Marcia needs to forgive and get over past wrongs which EVERY country had. Australians ancestry is NOT their fault. Not guilty by bloodline. She wants revenge and has unforgiveness. So she has a cancer growing in her
Anyone know a good python?
I'd rather cuddle Aughra from The Dark Crystal. I would even cuddle a Skeksis.
And she is a professor!! Talk about picking up a giant rock only to drop it on your feet.
Same Uni as the white “Prof” Bruce Pascoe. Enough said.
Professor means Agent.
Im a indigenous person I was born in Australia to parents born in Australia as well as grandparents Im Voting NO
Me too. Mine go back 5 generations, how long do you have to be here? How many must die for the country. How many broke their backs building this country, before we become indigenous? Or is it all skin-colour?
Since when were Pacific Islanders and Māoris part of our indigenous community ? They are immigrants like the rest of us . The only difference from most of us is the colour of their skin .
That was a weird add on by the Marxists
Have a look at the 1901 constitution proposal. New Zealand was being considered as a state.
@@tonydoggett7627 I'm sure NZers will be thrilled to know they are an Australian state, not an independent country.
You're right, they're not. But Thomas Mayo is a mix of Aboriginal, Islander and White.
@@TheMazinoz They were at one point, in 1898 we annexed them to us but a few years later they broke away.
That's their solid base for argument when they're losing the fight.😂
PM screaming at Dutton again yesterday but not answering the questions... that's all Labor do..rant and abuse... Sly 😡
The voice only represents city elites
there already is racism in this nation, and its directed towards non indigenous peoples..the laws around hunting and fishing for example...shameful
I am afraid there is one law for them and one for us that is why my husband has to carry a fishing licence whereas I guess the fish will know which reel to jump on.
This woman has always been a bitter hater of non Indigenous people, keep it up Marcia, we are all voting NO
Being called a racist by a privileged racist person, who has benefitted enormously because of the society she, or he, lives in is a joke. The education, the income, the social security and I could go on with this, shows just how ungrateful these racist people are.
It also is an indication of how these activists will destroy Australia
"All racists will vote "No". Will you vote with the racists, or against them? Which side of history will you be on? The world is watching..."
Just something I was told today by someone from the insufferable YES camp.
Good grief….I do not support apartheid, does that make me a racist?
I am sorry that you were attacked like that . I have not yet met one YES voter , even the taxi drivers and others whom I do not know .
Proud to be called racist I'm voting NO
Proud Aussie racist here. I vote NO! I’ll wear it as a badge of honour!
I hope you pulled them up on it and explained it's the yes vote that want to give power to one set of people over the rest, which is actually racist.
Honest reporting Andrew, it’s a real shame this government has lied about this all along.
Great job of informing Australians who are affected by this voice scam Andrew 👍👍
The 1967 referendum to count all Australians as equals was passed with about 91% approval. A huge vote of approval and 56 years ago. Today's school children are now taught that was a time when Aussies were horribly racist and I'm sure they prefer not to mention the 1967 referendum!
I’m cracking a bottle French champagne when the result which will be a NO comes out, I think I’ll drive around with the Australian flag beeping the horn like one does after a grand final football win
Don’t think you’ll be alone mate
Don’t forget to hug an aboriginal .
Marcia can see the Gravy train leaving without her
No mate she has had a FIRST class ticket for some time.
Yes, for someone with such an intense hatred of western culture she sure does love white fella money.
Stupid and racist am I? Very convincing and cogent argument from a Professor no less.
Their whole argument is nothing more than emotional manipulation. Nothing positive about helping indigenous people at all. That is why even many indigenous people are voting NO, they don't see it as their voice at all, just a waste of money, resources and time by people who don't speak for them.
Ok, I'm confused. Burnie just said that no matter when we arrived in Australia, we are all Australians but the whole Voice document states that we have been killing and enslaving them since the first settlers arrived and we should pay them for doing this
If I as an Englishman have no special rights over the land that I literally have a paper record of my ancestors owning and the Norman invader stealing (a little thing called the Domesday book) why do Aboriginal Australians or native Americans have any special rights over land?
God yes. Think of all the wars that have gone on at times literally for over a century and what would be involved in overturning the end result for countries all around the world.
Is this the gracious invitation the PM was talking about..
Poor old highly privileged Marcia . Hope she doesn’t have a coronary when the NO vote comes in .
The NIAA is a voice to parliament but the government needs to make it accountable for results. In the same way as Education Departments have to be made accountable for results. Instead of our politicians shouldering the responsibility and overseeing things they hire more and more bureaucrats and throw more and more money at never ending and ever growing problems. We don't need the voice, we need responsible and accountable government and we will never get that while we keep voting Labor and Liberal. Please vote NO to the Voice and think carefully before voting at the next state and federal elections.
So, if the "voice" is a no, will Albanese resign?
One of the reasons I am Voting NO is because of the The Great Late MARTIN LUTHER KING JNR in his SPEECH " I HAVE A DREAM" the part where he say's I have a dream when a man (Person) Shall be, judged on the content of there Character not on the colour of there skin
Voice supporters are becoming desperate. They didn't realise just how many Australians were prepared to look closely at it. Of course the Voice won't fix disadvantage. That would remove emotional blackmail as a valuable strategy for extracting funding from the govt.
Australians are all living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The people peddling the voice would have us believe that we live in some sort of hell 🔥🔥👿😈. Well done Albo.
We actually have a LOT of debt!
Oh Andrew, do stop saying truth and Albanese in the same sentence, the two can never sit together and Albanese will run a mile at the first sniff of TRUTH.
I think we know who the racist is
But she still loves white fella money.
Thats a
From me😂
If Langton is the sort Albo is offering, I'm proud about voting NO to racist Voice. She's definitely past her use-by date 🇦🇺🇦🇺