@Ordinary Sessel Thanks for clearing that up. My comment was more to the point that given humanity is always a misstep away from catastrophe, how do we sidestep social media and the internet? What do we do about others, and ourselves, to keep from tribalising into different echo chambers, in the face of having the collective human experience (omniscience) right at our fingertips?
we are really proud of teachers as Peterson, who not only address people with a certain level of intellectual background but also encourage the students of literature and philosophy to take responsibilty of assituous research and studies for the wellbeing of contemporary societies. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Memet Metin Barlık
You are mad praising a fool....this is a guy hustling ,churning the ideas he got while on his toilet seat yet you praise him lying on your couch tired n horny...
I am just so profoundly amazed by the scope and breadthe of this man's wisdom and understanding of the world. He's extremely clinical, but hot on the trail of the spiritual. His mind is truly beautiful, beyond any Hollywood triviality. His mind is often like a tsunami of knowledge, nearly impossible to grasp or escape as it floods out wisdom over our ears. What I love most is that this undeniable intelligence seems destined to realize it's eternal source of Truth when allowed to pursue it without judgement or predetermined agenda. Science and rationality naturally lead back to the ultimate source of transcendent reality: God. Many favor their own will be done. For these, the journey will be longer and harder. Some put their ego aside and want for delayed gratification. It's either the feast then the hangover. Or, the fast then the feast. Thank God for Jordan Peterson.
Its good methaphor for any political system - utopian or not, but it is also a good methaphor for any empire, which collapses under its own weight. Any who wanted a global empire didnt last long.
At the end of his long epic, Milton Slows down, quietens, becomes sad and sober, Walks and not trots, as we feel his slower Pace and mild sorrow in the last five lines:-- Some nat'ral tears they dropp'd but wip'd them soon; The World was all before them, where to choose Their place of rest, and Providence their guide: They hand in hand with wand'ring steps and slow, Through Eden took their solitary way.
I, too, can write in ten syllable lines Milton went poopy in his widdle pants Milton went pee pee in his widdle pants Milton must now venture to find new pants
@@Euclib I read once review of the great Milton you tube comment section was the place and a fellow wrote critique of review and I added my bit with palmed face
I believe there is something called Dunbar’s Number, which indicates that once a social unit exceeds 150 people, the degree to which people can have meaningful relationships with each other becomes less and less. And thus the Tower of Babel project ultimately failed because, at least some symbolic or even practical level, the people who were a part of it were too different and disparate.
Peterson pontificates on the nature of 'suffering' and gives an analysis based on the individual vs 'society'. Long before 'society' existed with its imposed, external pressures of expectation and conformity, the very existence of consciousness in a wilderness devoid of meaning was THE SUFFERING that 'life' found itself in and enduring.
@JCSU Try reading books or at least quality news articles you braindead cabbage. A man without sufficient vocabulary to express thoughts is incapable of having thoughts that those words encompass. You probably can't understand that sentence, so let me write it again in a different way: if an artist has only primary colours in his repertoir of paints then he can't accurately reproduce real life pictures. Get it?
@JCSU I've got no worries in that department little fella
5 ปีที่แล้ว
Well, physical suffering for sure. However, to suffer emotionally, the brain should be reasonably developed to comprehend the mental aspects of suffering.
Sacrifice. Think processed sugar, fast food, coffee, tobacco, theft...a vice which is a deep part of you...but not good for your body/health/society - sacrifice and see what happens. Example - I can drink water in place of coffee. My body would be more balanced, no caffeine to detox or break down, more sustained energy throughout the day. Better sleep. Improved health. Better human, and healthier member of society. Less consuming, less impact to environment. Good for me, good for macro, a painful sacrifice as I love coffee and drink it knowing I would be better without it but it brings immediate gratification. Practice sacrifice. Look around. Most waistlines could use more sacrifice. (Decided to journal in cyberspace)
All couched in human terms so as to help one understand earthly - heavenly dynamics. The big takeaway from Miltons work, is that all conscious creatures are imbued with free will and that Gods unconditional love does out of necessity, have limits....there is merit in being humble within the eternal struggle and so, allowing ones conscience to act as umpire is crucial in knowing and understanding one's place 😇
K, that’s worth going over twice. The place where I perennially disagree with Peterson tho, is his idea - which if I’m guessing right, he got from Heidegger and Kierkegaard - of taking responsibility and engaging in innocent speech (telling the truth) as the Good. Having had Werner Erhard as one of the main mentors in my life, I get where he’s coming from, and where he’s pointing to. But I’ve also seen that effort towards these paradigms, like all intentioned action, may well - especially on the macrosocial level - spill out the other end in phenomena or changes completely unrelated, or even opposite to the intended results. I do like Peterson’s relentless critique of the neurotic element in ideology, tho.
Diversity is our strength! The question is: Whose strength? This is to be interpreted as "Divide and rule" meaning this is the strength of those who proclaim this, I.e. left government. Diverse groups not sharing the same values are an easy prey for tyrannical governments eventually leading societies to chaos. Hence the very relevant Babylon example.
See, there's a hair of truth in there but this is why I'm no longer such a fan of Peterson. He has very interesting ideas and then people who aren't so studdied run with them and pat themselves on the back as well read/ religious people use them to validate a weird conservative infusion of religion into politics which is frankly ridiculous at times. I see the hair of truth you're hanging onto there but the implications of the ideas you're invoking are far more dangerous than living in a diverse society is dangerous.
@@sydlawson3181 You didn't explain why it's dangerous. Just wondering what was your rationale. If you think that your time doesn't worth explaining your viewpoint then don't worry about it.
@@md.roqibulhasan7129 its dangerous for a number of reasons. In my opinion the primary problem is that Jordan Peterson regularly employs logical fallacies, and ipso facto his fans like wise employ constant logical fallacies when making arguments. For example this H Himmel guy we're commenting under had at least two Formal Fallacy in there. There was definitely a claim of False Cause in his post and I'm almost certain he employed the Black and White fallacy as well at some point. Through all this bad logic he has come to the conclusion that any idea of Diversity strengthening us is a scam solely to make us easier to govern. Ideas like that lead to apartheid or genocide and at its heart is a resentment of the modern left which is honestly just as unhelpful as all this bad logic is. This alone is a massive problem. A lot of Petersons fans only follow Peterson because he supports there preexisting ideological theories and then never expand to other intellectuals who differ with them. So they go around thinking themselves incredibly learned in a variety of subjects without doing any actual work for it.
@@sydlawson3181 I was just wondering if you could refer something like... Here is what he said in this lecture in the time x:yy minutes (with link). And here is why he is wrong.
You gotta love the way he takes a piece of fiction, uses it as a hook, then takes you into these abstract journeys of universals, axioms and god knows what and fkin barrages you with abstractioms and multi-layered symbolism and then BANG! He links it with reality, breaks it down, simplifies his vocabulary, makes it relatable and always delivers it so matter-of-factly that he's sort of got you cornered and all you can do is just adopt that realisation as your own...you have no choice. Unless, of course, you're so deeply invested in some fort of escapism and are looking for ways to discredit whatever concluion he draws, cause you'd rather be smart than happy and fulfilled. Not that those are mutually exclusive, but in this particular clip, if you disagree, you can only do so at your own expense and that of those around you, as they would have benefited, had you actually accepted that only thinking of yourself all the time is simply unnatural. Sorry for dragging you into this convoluted comment; I swear, when I started typing, I thought I had a pretty straightforward and simple observation to make :D
@@Pduarte79 Then you were lucky. Mine was just a self-enchanted poser with a beard fkn spewing out vacant platitudes. I ran into him recently...still an elitist bitch who still doesn't talk to his own daughter, bit calls everyone around him an uncultivated savage. But I didn't let him completely deter me from philosophy..judt to a great extent :D
@@dejanmarkovic3040 After class ended, me and 2 others students, often debated what was given during the class. Similar to how, classes were during the Ancient Rome and Greece, unlike the typical bs of modern school education, that favors memorization, instead of creating critical and free thinkers, instead is focused in creating mass production sheeple, like the song says, "another brick in the wall".
@@dejanmarkovic3040 That's one the reasons, that I love my gen, gen X, while comparing with boomers, Zoomers and millennials. No wonder, most conspiracy theorists are gen Xers. 😏 Being like an early Bart Simpson is in our dna. When Boomers, Zoomers and Millennials are taught to be Marges and pseudo intelectual like Lisa, or even dumb and obedient Homers, then sell that as the norm, as the Way.
The beer virus, face diaper, etc stupidity, only shows that Icke was right, the wildebeest mindset of the cattle. The concept of PRS, the luciferian masons create the Problem, to induce mass hysteria, paranoia, the reaction they intent, in order to give the sheeple, the Solution that that serves their NWO/Luciferian goals. Is the Allegoric of the cave society.
The problem is the nexus between the burden of responsibility for others and the "noble goal" of telling them what to do... ie letting it be of good to a point vesus the way totalitarian view their place in "helping others".
There could be a key to this text, in which the so called "united people" were tested, and had to adapt to certain challenges (life itself). It could be an underlying allegory for the challenges, which drive society and mankind forward, towards a higher level of consciousness or ethos. It is simply not enough to build a physical tower. The "real tower", the metaphysical key, transcends all the cultural and ethnic differences of humanity and reality too, i.e. the heavenly dimensions. The key to overcoming these differences is not technology per se - which transcends all realities "as in heaven, so on earth", but love. That could also be a metaphor for the "Jacobs Ladder", moving up in a heavenly hierarchy i.e. moving closer to God once the life challenges (language barriers/conflicts) have been understood and solved. So becoming like God is not about external abilities (technology), but community, working together as one despite all sorts of ethnic or cultural "boundaries". It clearly resonates with the underlying narrative of the New Testament.
John Milton indeed was quite astute about the failures of society during his time, with all its injustices, whimsical acts of cruelty, both from the Religious leaders and the secular governing officials and institutions. But Milton like all other humans on the planet was still captive in a time frame of human evolution that can be qualified as an "Age of Immaturity". As such, Milton and other lay people could at best decipher the Bible and other religious Texts in a literal fashion. Thereby formulating what in hindsight were immature understandings of the similes, metaphors, and allegories of the Bible which were NEVER intended to be taken literally. And so, for example, Milton imagined that there was a literal and corporeal 'Satan'; that there existed a literal place in the vastness of the universe called heaven and its counterpart, Hell. The story of Genesis, for example, is NOT about a literal Satan nor such an entity having a fallout with literal corporeal angels. He also imagined God to be anthropomorphic in His being and acting as someone on a similar level with Satan. This is the grandest of misunderstandings---The stories portrayed in Genesis and elsewhere are intended to convey spiritual principles and weaknesses of humans. Satan is actually symbolic of the human ego and its tendencies to induce humans to overstep the bounds of propriety and respect for God and His purpose for humanity. God was not meant to be just some superhuman being that humans might somehow comprehend---That would be admitting that a finite mind of men and women can incredulously encompass the infinite, the omniscience, or omnipotence of an unkowable Essence that far exceeds even the awareness of the Messengers of God Themselves. "Satan' was cast out of heaven because the Ego is wholly incompatible with the realms of God that transcend physical existence; the human intellect was so arrogant and conceited after the time humans had migrated into Europe out of Africa and settled. The human ego as expressed in Europe saw the rise of a severe form of hubris and infatuation with their newly acquired greater capacity for intellectual pursuits unavailable as yet for the predecessor forms of hominids called Neanderthals. In the Revelation of Baha'u'llah formally inaugurated in 1863, we find a vast collection of religious Texts---The Baha'i Writings---which go into great detail articulating with clarity the hidden meanings behind the metaphors and other forms of figures of speech. Meanings purposefully hiidden from early humans because humanity as a whole across the world had not yet reached the phase of Maturity of thought and understanding necessary for deciphering the more compex and abstract aspects of religious Texts. A failing that restricted both the Clergy and the philosophers of Old going back to the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Africans, etc. www.bahai.org
What we should learn about It is that it out-Bibled the Bible. He in advertently told Bible writers, "Hold my beer." This is how you tell a religious story.
He didn’t say that. While Milton was Christian, he didn’t write paradise lost as a religious work. I would question the idea that the god-fearing get there first. I’d say they get there last
Perhaps the most shallow possible take on the poem is to take Satan's point of view as expressed in his public speeches as the truth. If it were the case Satan were a rebel and God a totalitarian, rational or otherwise, there would be no speech of remorse on Mount Niphates.
God is the All. Satan is he who falls in love with himself, forgetting the All, constructing his own rationalist kingdom and denying everything transcendent.
Milton did NOT write Paradise Lost before the rise of the nation state. Nor was the work prophetic. On the contrary, most critics acknowledge its autobiographical nature, based on Milton’s experience of the English Civil War. What is this fool talking about.
Most critics do NOT acknowledge its autobiographical nature. Milton opposed idolatry which was why he was a republican - he believed Kings only had earthly power and therefore it was idolatrous to worship them as God on Earth. Worshipping God in Paradise Lost is not viewed as idolatrous; God and Charles I are in no way conflatable, and you must have only done a very cursory and shallow reading to infer this.
@@freddyshaw1905 agreed, In my reading Satan is allegorical of Tyrannical Monarchy, just as Faustas sought to gain knowledge above his station, Charles I and Satan sought to attain a position in ‘The Great Chain of Being’ that opposed God’s supremacy.
@@freddyshaw1905Monarchy is not idolatry. What utter foolishness to imply that when the form of government approved by God is monarchy. Heaven is a kingdom, hell is a democracy.
When I was studying the work, it seemed to me that the battles were too real - then I realised what had happened in his life. I view the work as illustrating his desire to live up to the standards of Shakespeare and deal with the trauma of his life, his blindness and his near death. People have been trying to understand why Lucifer is more interesting then God. Peterson understands none of this and just talks rubbish.
dear me.... he does not know anything about Milton and I rather doubt if he has bothered to read the whole poem. Satan has very little to do with rationalism - it is the story of the first non serviam; because of his pride and envy Satan will not serve God, therefore he rebels and therefore he is thrown into hell.
Of course Satan can be read as the rationalism that opposes unquestioning faith. An encapsulation of the Renaissance project to reconcile Athens with Jerusalem
Worst interpretation of Paradise Lost I have ever heard. Most of Peterson's comments actually have nothing to do with Paradise Lost. As for his other observations, such as that society produces suffering: yes, but suffering is inherent in existence itself, as Peterson briefly mentions. In the Christian world-view, God created existence, didn't he? Satan represents totalitarian systems? And God doesn't? I rather think Shelley and Blake were onto something when they suggested that Satan is the hero of Paradise Lost. In any case, Peterson's remarks about personal responsibility and totalitarianism connect weakly, if at all, to Milton's poem. Peterson is, after all, famous for talking around a topic.
@@eliasharrison9782 one person gets it! Damn someone understands the story of Paradise Lost and not swallowing Peterson's "it's about fighting and differing opinions" no, it's about one being that both is too proud to admit he screwed up and also desperate to be forgiven at the same time and the pride overwhelming him. Peterson didn't see this, it should be a sign as to his viewpoint.
First off he's completely wrong about the Tower of Babel story being about chaos it's funny to hear him talk like that, it's a story about the shattering of ties that bind a person to another, of the removal of common understanding and the argument about how easily it is that we can turn on each other when we don't understand each other. Anarchy comes from that and that's not chaos, chaos is a loss of all understanding and total annihilation of everything, anarchy is the destruction of order which leaves a vacuum to allow for the assemblage of new order - in the image of how multiple nations come up out of this myriad of languages. And trying to make Paradise Lost an image of the Political struggle between two groups is perhaps the biggest lie this idiot has ever actually spoken in his life. If you take a look at the story of Paradise Lost (which 90% of you haven't) it's told from the perspective of the Devil entirely. We see everything from his point of view, from the beginning where we see the defeat in Heaven and the Host of Hell cast out to Hell where they make their justifications to the eventual corruption of Man and the destruction Eden. Through it we see Lucifer both making serious arguments as to why he's not wrong in opposing God, why he's not wrong for hating The Garden, why he's not wrong for wanting man to fall into sin and when he has, glorying in it. While simultaneously lamenting the loss he's gone though in losing his connection to the Perfect God, the Perfect Creation of Paradise and the Perfect image of God - made - Flesh in Man. It's basically the "It's not my fault I did this, its yours." letter from the devil to God for why he's rebelling against his Father.(oh and he wasn't named as chief angel, he was among them but not the highest, that's more modern interpretations of other non-biblical text) And this man is supposed to be a Christian, he's a freaking charlatan and con man trying to convince you he's intelligent when he's anything but that.
@@devonwarmack4726 What's confusing? He says the Tower of Babel story is about chaos, but if you see it as a metaphor, it's really about how arrogance destroys systems of government. It leaves people unable to communicate, justifying it by saying 'I can't understand you.' 'Paradise Lost' is about how Lucifer condemned himself with his arrogance, believing he was always right and not caring about the consequences for others. In the book, Lucifer sneaks into the Garden of Eden, feels shame and regret for rebelling against God, but ignores these feelings and convinces himself he's right. He believes that by causing man's fall, he'll prove God wrong. This all started when Lucifer became jealous of the Son and wanted to be the leader. He tricked some angels into believing God was just like them and not their creator. For Peterson to say what he does about these stories shows he's just a manipulator. He uses fancy language to seem smart, but he's really just selling lies.
The problem is that Jordan thinks he can explain everything...the truth is that Jordan is a pseudo intellectual n with his addictions he is not worth wasting your internet on
This is embarrassing. I doubt Peterson has even read Paradise Lost. Reminds me or when he was supposed to debate Marxism and pulled out the communist manifesto 😂😂😂
Teachers must be intense, understandable and passionate and full of meaning. Thanks!!
Yeah but he talks about things and books he has admitted to not reading at all
For the first two minutes, it sounds like he's talking about the internet.
@Ordinary Sessel Thanks for clearing that up. My comment was more to the point that given humanity is always a misstep away from catastrophe, how do we sidestep social media and the internet? What do we do about others, and ourselves, to keep from tribalising into different echo chambers, in the face of having the collective human experience (omniscience) right at our fingertips?
Sean Dutcher Or, in other words, the Palantir!
He is
we are really proud of teachers as Peterson, who not only address people with a certain level of intellectual background but also encourage the students of literature and philosophy to take responsibilty of assituous research and studies for the wellbeing of contemporary societies. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Memet Metin Barlık
Poets and artists get there first, and the philosophers follow…
When you listen to Dr Peterson, does anyone else constantly check your phones connection when he pauses like he does😂
He’s thinking before he speaks
@@thegraymedium_ I know
He is a native Dr
The greatest text in the English canon easily for me. Wish he’d address it in greater depth
You are mad praising a fool....this is a guy hustling ,churning the ideas he got while on his toilet seat yet you praise him lying on your couch tired n horny...
I am just so profoundly amazed by the scope and breadthe of this man's wisdom and understanding of the world. He's extremely clinical, but hot on the trail of the spiritual. His mind is truly beautiful, beyond any Hollywood triviality. His mind is often like a tsunami of knowledge, nearly impossible to grasp or escape as it floods out wisdom over our ears. What I love most is that this undeniable intelligence seems destined to realize it's eternal source of Truth when allowed to pursue it without judgement or predetermined agenda. Science and rationality naturally lead back to the ultimate source of transcendent reality: God. Many favor their own will be done. For these, the journey will be longer and harder. Some put their ego aside and want for delayed gratification. It's either the feast then the hangover. Or, the fast then the feast. Thank God for Jordan Peterson.
Wow eloquently said!
@@crazyalarmstudios2012he still is you just don’t care or subscribe to his politics so it changes your opinion of him.
Its good methaphor for any political system - utopian or not, but it is also a good methaphor for any empire, which collapses under its own weight. Any who wanted a global empire didnt last long.
At the end of his long epic, Milton
Slows down, quietens, becomes sad and sober,
Walks and not trots, as we feel his slower
Pace and mild sorrow in the last five lines:--
Some nat'ral tears they dropp'd but wip'd them soon;
The World was all before them, where to choose
Their place of rest, and Providence their guide:
They hand in hand with wand'ring steps and slow,
Through Eden took their solitary way.
I, too, can write in ten syllable lines
Milton went poopy in his widdle pants
Milton went pee pee in his widdle pants
Milton must now venture to find new pants
@@Euclib I read once review of the great Milton
you tube comment section was the place
and a fellow wrote critique of review
and I added my bit with palmed face
I believe there is something called Dunbar’s Number, which indicates that once a social unit exceeds 150 people, the degree to which people can have meaningful relationships with each other becomes less and less. And thus the Tower of Babel project ultimately failed because, at least some symbolic or even practical level, the people who were a part of it were too different and disparate.
Peterson pontificates on the nature of 'suffering' and gives an analysis based on the individual vs 'society'. Long before 'society' existed with its imposed, external pressures of expectation and conformity, the very existence of consciousness in a wilderness devoid of meaning was THE SUFFERING that 'life' found itself in and enduring.
@JCSU Try reading books or at least quality news articles you braindead cabbage. A man without sufficient vocabulary to express thoughts is incapable of having thoughts that those words encompass. You probably can't understand that sentence, so let me write it again in a different way: if an artist has only primary colours in his repertoir of paints then he can't accurately reproduce real life pictures. Get it?
@JCSU Height isn't a requirement to look down on you.
@JCSU I've got no worries in that department little fella
Well, physical suffering for sure. However, to suffer emotionally, the brain should be reasonably developed to comprehend the mental aspects of suffering.
Really loved this
Me too but it ended too quickly 😭🙈
Sacrifice. Think processed sugar, fast food, coffee, tobacco, theft...a vice which is a deep part of you...but not good for your body/health/society - sacrifice and see what happens. Example - I can drink water in place of coffee. My body would be more balanced, no caffeine to detox or break down, more sustained energy throughout the day. Better sleep. Improved health. Better human, and healthier member of society. Less consuming, less impact to environment. Good for me, good for macro, a painful sacrifice as I love coffee and drink it knowing I would be better without it but it brings immediate gratification. Practice sacrifice. Look around. Most waistlines could use more sacrifice. (Decided to journal in cyberspace)
I'm telling mom your calling me fat again and in public no less!
@@noway905 lmao
I just want to appreciate the projector in the back
All that exists in Nature is just Order & Chaos.
All couched in human terms so as to help one understand earthly - heavenly dynamics. The big takeaway from Miltons work, is that all conscious creatures are imbued with free will and that Gods unconditional love does out of necessity, have limits....there is merit in being humble within the eternal struggle and so, allowing ones conscience to act as umpire is crucial in knowing and understanding one's place 😇
One of my former professors had a much profound and insightful lecture about Milton’s Paradise Lost than JP. It was still great though.
K, that’s worth going over twice. The place where I perennially disagree with Peterson tho, is his idea - which if I’m guessing right, he got from Heidegger and Kierkegaard - of taking responsibility and engaging in innocent speech (telling the truth) as the Good.
Having had Werner Erhard as one of the main mentors in my life, I get where he’s coming from, and where he’s pointing to.
But I’ve also seen that effort towards these paradigms, like all intentioned action, may well - especially on the macrosocial level - spill out the other end in phenomena or changes completely unrelated, or even opposite to the intended results.
I do like Peterson’s relentless critique of the neurotic element in ideology, tho.
@Moonburn13 Could you elaborate more on your ideas?
@@CDolph296 What, in particular?
You mean to express that Peterson is getting his point across in a way that its reception will be misunderstood?@@MoonBurn13
@@danzambranait’d be nice if he replied sometime right?
remarkable intellect.
Diversity is our strength! The question is: Whose strength? This is to be interpreted as "Divide and rule" meaning this is the strength of those who proclaim this, I.e. left government. Diverse groups not sharing the same values are an easy prey for tyrannical governments eventually leading societies to chaos. Hence the very relevant Babylon example.
See, there's a hair of truth in there but this is why I'm no longer such a fan of Peterson.
He has very interesting ideas and then people who aren't so studdied run with them and pat themselves on the back as well read/ religious people use them to validate a weird conservative infusion of religion into politics which is frankly ridiculous at times.
I see the hair of truth you're hanging onto there but the implications of the ideas you're invoking are far more dangerous than living in a diverse society is dangerous.
@@sydlawson3181 You didn't explain why it's dangerous. Just wondering what was your rationale. If you think that your time doesn't worth explaining your viewpoint then don't worry about it.
@@md.roqibulhasan7129 its dangerous for a number of reasons. In my opinion the primary problem is that Jordan Peterson regularly employs logical fallacies, and ipso facto his fans like wise employ constant logical fallacies when making arguments. For example this H Himmel guy we're commenting under had at least two Formal Fallacy in there. There was definitely a claim of False Cause in his post and I'm almost certain he employed the Black and White fallacy as well at some point. Through all this bad logic he has come to the conclusion that any idea of Diversity strengthening us is a scam solely to make us easier to govern. Ideas like that lead to apartheid or genocide and at its heart is a resentment of the modern left which is honestly just as unhelpful as all this bad logic is.
This alone is a massive problem. A lot of Petersons fans only follow Peterson because he supports there preexisting ideological theories and then never expand to other intellectuals who differ with them. So they go around thinking themselves incredibly learned in a variety of subjects without doing any actual work for it.
Can you refer to a bad logics he claimed? Where is the fallacy can you explain?
@@sydlawson3181 I was just wondering if you could refer something like... Here is what he said in this lecture in the time x:yy minutes (with link). And here is why he is wrong.
Good Job , Jordan .
God did not decide what was suppose to be normal.
He is normal, the norm.
It's just us who live abnormally.
In our own way,
Free from sin, free from sin. Oh, how I want to be free from sin. If not now, please tell me when. Just when will YOU seal me from sin?
You gotta love the way he takes a piece of fiction, uses it as a hook, then takes you into these abstract journeys of universals, axioms and god knows what and fkin barrages you with abstractioms and multi-layered symbolism and then BANG! He links it with reality, breaks it down, simplifies his vocabulary, makes it relatable and always delivers it so matter-of-factly that he's sort of got you cornered and all you can do is just adopt that realisation as your own...you have no choice. Unless, of course, you're so deeply invested in some fort of escapism and are looking for ways to discredit whatever concluion he draws, cause you'd rather be smart than happy and fulfilled. Not that those are mutually exclusive, but in this particular clip, if you disagree, you can only do so at your own expense and that of those around you, as they would have benefited, had you actually accepted that only thinking of yourself all the time is simply unnatural. Sorry for dragging you into this convoluted comment; I swear, when I started typing, I thought I had a pretty straightforward and simple observation to make :D
That's why I enjoyed Philosophy in high school, my teacher used to do a similar thing. Instead of doing what most teachers do.
@@Pduarte79 Then you were lucky. Mine was just a self-enchanted poser with a beard fkn spewing out vacant platitudes. I ran into him recently...still an elitist bitch who still doesn't talk to his own daughter, bit calls everyone around him an uncultivated savage. But I didn't let him completely deter me from philosophy..judt to a great extent :D
After class ended, me and 2 others students, often debated what was given during the class. Similar to how, classes were during the Ancient Rome and Greece, unlike the typical bs of modern school education, that favors memorization, instead of creating critical and free thinkers, instead is focused in creating mass production sheeple, like the song says, "another brick in the wall".
That's one the reasons, that I love my gen, gen X, while comparing with boomers, Zoomers and millennials. No wonder, most conspiracy theorists are gen Xers. 😏
Being like an early Bart Simpson is in our dna.
When Boomers, Zoomers and Millennials are taught to be Marges and pseudo intelectual like Lisa, or even dumb and obedient Homers, then sell that as the norm, as the Way.
The beer virus, face diaper, etc stupidity, only shows that Icke was right, the wildebeest mindset of the cattle. The concept of PRS, the luciferian masons create the Problem, to induce mass hysteria, paranoia, the reaction they intent, in order to give the sheeple, the Solution that that serves their NWO/Luciferian goals. Is the Allegoric of the cave society.
I am not buying this. That's a first for me with JP.
The problem is the nexus between the burden of responsibility for others and the "noble goal" of telling them what to do... ie letting it be of good to a point vesus the way totalitarian view their place in "helping others".
imagine if peterson extended this train of thought to capitalism
Claim or rebellion? That enlightenment and suffering is a balance we rarely speak of. Outside of spirituality that is. Why is that hmm.
There could be a key to this text, in which the so called "united people" were tested, and had to adapt to certain challenges (life itself). It could be an underlying allegory for the challenges, which drive society and mankind forward, towards a higher level of consciousness or ethos. It is simply not enough to build a physical tower. The "real tower", the metaphysical key, transcends all the cultural and ethnic differences of humanity and reality too, i.e. the heavenly dimensions.
The key to overcoming these differences is not technology per se - which transcends all realities "as in heaven, so on earth", but love. That could also be a metaphor for the "Jacobs Ladder", moving up in a heavenly hierarchy i.e. moving closer to God once the life challenges (language barriers/conflicts) have been understood and solved. So becoming like God is not about external abilities (technology), but community, working together as one despite all sorts of ethnic or cultural "boundaries". It clearly resonates with the underlying narrative of the New Testament.
Next it will be Finnegan's Wake to really max out the literary prentiousness points.
Heh. Good one.
Peterson leaves out key aspects of Satan's view. Milton was far more shrewd and detailed.
It's a 10 minute video. Give the man some credit
@@liyuche2695 Assessing Satan is key to any discussion of PL. No credit for getting it wrong, within 5 minutes or 5 hours.
Absolutely. If you don’t get the Satan character in PL, you don’t get PL.
John Milton indeed was quite astute about the failures of society during his time, with all its injustices, whimsical acts of cruelty, both from the Religious leaders and the secular governing officials and institutions. But Milton like all other humans on the planet was still captive in a time frame of human evolution that can be qualified as an "Age of Immaturity". As such, Milton and other lay people could at best decipher the Bible and other religious Texts in a literal fashion. Thereby formulating what in hindsight were immature understandings of the similes, metaphors, and allegories of the Bible which were NEVER intended to be taken literally.
And so, for example, Milton imagined that there was a literal and corporeal 'Satan'; that there existed a literal place in the vastness of the universe called heaven and its counterpart, Hell. The story of Genesis, for example, is NOT about a literal Satan nor such an entity having a fallout with literal corporeal angels. He also imagined God to be anthropomorphic in His being and acting as someone on a similar level with Satan. This is the grandest of misunderstandings---The stories portrayed in Genesis and elsewhere are intended to convey spiritual principles and weaknesses of humans. Satan is actually symbolic of the human ego and its tendencies to induce humans to overstep the bounds of propriety and respect for God and His purpose for humanity. God was not meant to be just some superhuman being that humans might somehow comprehend---That would be admitting that a finite mind of men and women can incredulously encompass the infinite, the omniscience, or omnipotence of an unkowable Essence that far exceeds even the awareness of the Messengers of God Themselves.
"Satan' was cast out of heaven because the Ego is wholly incompatible with the realms of God that transcend physical existence; the human intellect was so arrogant and conceited after the time humans had migrated into Europe out of Africa and settled. The human ego as expressed in Europe saw the rise of a severe form of hubris and infatuation with their newly acquired greater capacity for intellectual pursuits unavailable as yet for the predecessor forms of hominids called Neanderthals.
In the Revelation of Baha'u'llah formally inaugurated in 1863, we find a vast collection of religious Texts---The Baha'i Writings---which go into great detail articulating with clarity the hidden meanings behind the metaphors and other forms of figures of speech. Meanings purposefully hiidden from early humans because humanity as a whole across the world had not yet reached the phase of Maturity of thought and understanding necessary for deciphering the more compex and abstract aspects of religious Texts. A failing that restricted both the Clergy and the philosophers of Old going back to the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Africans, etc.
What we should learn about
It is that it out-Bibled the Bible. He in advertently told Bible writers, "Hold my beer." This is how you tell a religious story.
The God-fearing get there first, then the poets and artists, then philosophers, then finally the scientists follow.
He didn’t say that. While Milton was Christian, he didn’t write paradise lost as a religious work. I would question the idea that the god-fearing get there first. I’d say they get there last
Milton’s Satan is the rebellious figure. God is the rational totalitarian in Paradise Lost.
You've never studied Milton have you
Perhaps the most shallow possible take on the poem is to take Satan's point of view as expressed in his public speeches as the truth. If it were the case Satan were a rebel and God a totalitarian, rational or otherwise, there would be no speech of remorse on Mount Niphates.
God is the All. Satan is he who falls in love with himself, forgetting the All, constructing his own rationalist kingdom and denying everything transcendent.
He is describing the European Union precisely.
Or socialism
He's describing his own following.
@@20quid that's awfully broad
Green tablets of Thoth 🤔🕉️ building 7 😎❤️ ZIENIST ❓
Those who are not passionate themselves cannot are arouse passion in others.
-Adolf Hitler.
Out of about a thousand views only 32 fools? Given how we are I would say those averages are cause for celebration.
Milton did NOT write Paradise Lost before the rise of the nation state. Nor was the work prophetic. On the contrary, most critics acknowledge its autobiographical nature, based on Milton’s experience of the English Civil War. What is this fool talking about.
Most critics do NOT acknowledge its autobiographical nature. Milton opposed idolatry which was why he was a republican - he believed Kings only had earthly power and therefore it was idolatrous to worship them as God on Earth. Worshipping God in Paradise Lost is not viewed as idolatrous; God and Charles I are in no way conflatable, and you must have only done a very cursory and shallow reading to infer this.
@@freddyshaw1905 agreed, In my reading Satan is allegorical of Tyrannical Monarchy, just as Faustas sought to gain knowledge above his station, Charles I and Satan sought to attain a position in ‘The Great Chain of Being’ that opposed God’s supremacy.
@@freddyshaw1905Monarchy is not idolatry. What utter foolishness to imply that when the form of government approved by God is monarchy. Heaven is a kingdom, hell is a democracy.
I just learned I’m a descendant of this man..
Go look at my art. Lol
I’m confused
No wonder.
When I was studying the work, it seemed to me that the battles were too real - then I realised what had happened in his life. I view the work as illustrating his desire to live up to the standards of Shakespeare and deal with the trauma of his life, his blindness and his near death. People have been trying to understand why Lucifer is more interesting then God. Peterson understands none of this and just talks rubbish.
dear me.... he does not know anything about Milton and I rather doubt if he has bothered to read the whole poem. Satan has very little to do with rationalism - it is the story of the first non serviam; because of his pride and envy Satan will not serve God, therefore he rebels and therefore he is thrown into hell.
Of course Satan can be read as the rationalism that opposes unquestioning faith. An encapsulation of the Renaissance project to reconcile Athens with Jerusalem
But rationalism is exactly the pride of the intellect which denies everything transcendental
The art of speaking volubly whilst saying very little
Worst interpretation of Paradise Lost I have ever heard. Most of Peterson's comments actually have nothing to do with Paradise Lost. As for his other observations, such as that society produces suffering: yes, but suffering is inherent in existence itself, as Peterson briefly mentions. In the Christian world-view, God created existence, didn't he? Satan represents totalitarian systems? And God doesn't? I rather think Shelley and Blake were onto something when they suggested that Satan is the hero of Paradise Lost. In any case, Peterson's remarks about personal responsibility and totalitarianism connect weakly, if at all, to Milton's poem. Peterson is, after all, famous for talking around a topic.
John Milton "Tis better to reign in hell than serve in heaven"
That’s his depiction of a fallen angel consumed with pride and envy, deceiving himself with sophistry.
@@eliasharrison9782 one person gets it! Damn someone understands the story of Paradise Lost and not swallowing Peterson's "it's about fighting and differing opinions"
no, it's about one being that both is too proud to admit he screwed up and also desperate to be forgiven at the same time and the pride overwhelming him.
Peterson didn't see this, it should be a sign as to his viewpoint.
First off he's completely wrong about the Tower of Babel story being about chaos it's funny to hear him talk like that, it's a story about the shattering of ties that bind a person to another, of the removal of common understanding and the argument about how easily it is that we can turn on each other when we don't understand each other.
Anarchy comes from that and that's not chaos, chaos is a loss of all understanding and total annihilation of everything, anarchy is the destruction of order which leaves a vacuum to allow for the assemblage of new order - in the image of how multiple nations come up out of this myriad of languages.
And trying to make Paradise Lost an image of the Political struggle between two groups is perhaps the biggest lie this idiot has ever actually spoken in his life.
If you take a look at the story of Paradise Lost (which 90% of you haven't) it's told from the perspective of the Devil entirely. We see everything from his point of view, from the beginning where we see the defeat in Heaven and the Host of Hell cast out to Hell where they make their justifications to the eventual corruption of Man and the destruction Eden.
Through it we see Lucifer both making serious arguments as to why he's not wrong in opposing God, why he's not wrong for hating The Garden, why he's not wrong for wanting man to fall into sin and when he has, glorying in it.
While simultaneously lamenting the loss he's gone though in losing his connection to the Perfect God, the Perfect Creation of Paradise and the Perfect image of God - made - Flesh in Man.
It's basically the "It's not my fault I did this, its yours." letter from the devil to God for why he's rebelling against his Father.(oh and he wasn't named as chief angel, he was among them but not the highest, that's more modern interpretations of other non-biblical text)
And this man is supposed to be a Christian, he's a freaking charlatan and con man trying to convince you he's intelligent when he's anything but that.
@@devonwarmack4726 What's confusing?
He says the Tower of Babel story is about chaos, but if you see it as a metaphor, it's really about how arrogance destroys systems of government. It leaves people unable to communicate, justifying it by saying 'I can't understand you.'
'Paradise Lost' is about how Lucifer condemned himself with his arrogance, believing he was always right and not caring about the consequences for others. In the book, Lucifer sneaks into the Garden of Eden, feels shame and regret for rebelling against God, but ignores these feelings and convinces himself he's right. He believes that by causing man's fall, he'll prove God wrong. This all started when Lucifer became jealous of the Son and wanted to be the leader. He tricked some angels into believing God was just like them and not their creator.
For Peterson to say what he does about these stories shows he's just a manipulator. He uses fancy language to seem smart, but he's really just selling lies.
Sorry for him. God. Created again- different languages and cultures- a second chance to come together as HE loves us!
The problem is that Jordan thinks he can explain everything...the truth is that Jordan is a pseudo intellectual n with his addictions he is not worth wasting your internet on
This is embarrassing. I doubt Peterson has even read Paradise Lost. Reminds me or when he was supposed to debate Marxism and pulled out the communist manifesto 😂😂😂
You fucked up Jordan Peterson
Can not get more totalitarian than God' ruling. He controls everything. If Totalitarianism is bad, then God is the worst.
Paradise Lost is actually a direct refutation of this stance. God is not the tyrant, Satan is.
God is so "totalitarian" that he permits Satan to be Satan