I'm more concerned about the implications of corporations having patents on life. Monsanto's fuckery in this realm is proof that greed overcomes ethics. When they bioengineered a new strain of seed, and then tried to destroy the naturally occuring origin seeds, so that they could monopolize the patent on their new strain, that's when you have to start questioning the legality of such ownership.
mosanto is corporation capitalist problem not gmo problem. gmo is actually good. we human have genetic engeneering plant and animal since the dawn of time. it only in modern time that we speed up the the processed with genes and dna manipulation
It is both. It is sheer potential. And with wild west in regulation things in pioneering technology thing go wrong and then get corrected. Unless we can prevent it.
It is scary. Anything can be exploited and abused. Like who is funding this research. Who gets to decide how it is used? There may be benefits but there will definitely be problems. Big ones !!
When I heard about this ten years ago my first thought was: Perfect way to frame people. They can synthesize your DNA that can be planted and it will hold up in a court of law. Technology has outpaced our own understanding and it will cause some major problems. It is very cool though and such a nicely presented video. Thanks
@DeusWrath Eternus You call them psychopaths but you yourself hust said that you want zombies which would not only eat your loved ones but also the rest of the world together with *you*
DeusWath Eternus: World War Z zombies were slow. www.google.com/search?hl=en&sxsrf=ACYBGNSEI65fUti4cjnNq0JKn61EAywdEQ%3A1567962429062&source=hp&ei=PTV1XZ4kw6C1BfzIpKgM&q=world+war+z+book&oq=world+war+z&gs_l=psy-ab.1.6.0l10.754783.757683..761520...0.0..0.302.2059.0j7j3j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j35i39j0i67.ovprNHtzmbs#spf=1567963190292
@@DrBrainTickler In the old times it was Sci-Fi for them to be able to put a computer in a small box but here we are today having them in our hands called *PHONES*. I dont know about you but Sci-Fi to me sounds more like "yeah its difficult as heck but not impossible"
if that was true they would have already made you disappear and deleted your comment. Umbrella dont play around. My brother trolled them once, now I'm an only child...
would have called you a liar but i look it up and it checks out. "Scientists say dust in Mars' atmosphere is to blame. Very fine particles allow *blue light* to push through the atmosphere more effectively than the longer wavelength colors like yellow and red. When we see a sunset or sunrise on Earth, sunlight has to travel through more of the atmosphere"
One of the other applications of Syn Bio, is redesigning or rewriting the code for pre-historic or extinct animals including large mammals such as Mammoth, and restoring them back to life, which is more appropriately referred to as 'resurrection biology' or 'De-extinction'. Synthetic Biologists claim to rebuild perfect copies of the Great Auk, the Tasmanian Tiger, maybe even Neanderthals. In our lab, we are studying and trying to do the same. Exciting or terrifying? :-/
One of my concerns is that a synthetic micro-organism will get out of the lab, and then have devastating unintended consequences. This is the nature of technological advancement. When humans first discovered how to use fire, this meant that a single person could now burn down the forest, either by accident or deliberately. And this is exactly what happened on many occasions. Though, the consequences with biotechnology could be much larger and affect the entire planet.
@@NRagAa So they do... Guess they were thinking "What do Japanese videogame developers know? Nothing of course we do could ever turn out that badly!" ...15 years later
0:56 We have literally reached a point in our scientific development where "Organism Engineer" is an actual job. This is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.
Their work stations look so cluttered. They need to watch Jordan Petterson and clean their rooms before creating new organisms and playing Jurassic Park. Man in less than a century we will have synthetic humans. Crazy technology. Amaizing.
Its already being done. Its really ashame that countries target their people and release "id rather not say" then use high frequency weapons to torment them then eventually either push them to suicide or they off them with the weaponry they are testing. Its all nanotech/RNA self replicating gene splicing using blank cells..some sort of carrier parasitic/fungus/ then a host. As they sit back and watch. What these people are playing with is morally wrong.. You people are not GOD. Is Science good? Lets see... It could be but its all funded by the 1% which owns everyfckn thing. They supress real progress which would put the human race ahead 100 fold over greed and control. That's why everyone and their brother thought Edison invented the lightbulb...(BULLSHIT) Nikola Tesla did and worked under Edison for long time until JP Morgan cut all funding to Tesla because Tesla wasn't fueled by greed. He had the want to help the world.. Not OWN IT... So yea this sounds great and all but no Thankyou. This is a can of Worms that shouldnt be opened for it could b the end of humanity.. The Earth has been through 5 mass Extinctions you think it's over. Ha. This entire world is fixng to be picked up and dropped on your effn head. I can die now leave earth motherfckr hope up in my spaceship leave earth. Motherfcker im gone
@@Jaylio A molecular biology/ Biotechnology degree. With some good programming knowledge can get you started. A Biotech and CS or Software engineering degree would be even better.
This is the most unethical and dangerous thing humans can do. One mistake could destroy the world. We are too young to be playing with the genetic biosphere of Earth. People engaging in this activity are a direct threat to humanity…
It's already happening. Just not the way most people think of it. ML is actually really useful for narrowing down the guesswork when dealing with genetic permutations and biochemical pathways. In short, math makes it easier to guide biology.
@Jake Galler Yet. Nobody is using them automatically. Algorithms are, however, amazing at isolating important information and bringing them to the forefront. They take a significant amount of guesswork away so that researchers can do their job quicker. This is basically why the whole field of Genomics even exists.
? ? ? no I don't think so. but also what if? you fearing they gonna make a clone of the people or somting? The hole point of life from nature's perspective, is to make more of your DNA, we have surpassed nature. So more DNA Copies of me = Good. Maybe your fear is that they will clone you if they got your DNA . But why you afraid of that? there is 7 billion humans on this planet, and about 4,5 billion people that have almost identical DNA to you. adding a few more will make no difference. Or what precisely are they gonna doo with that DNA other that research a grand picture of humans past. I suppose one could make a identity tift thing, if we had the teck and the right to clone human clones in fully grown state. we dont. But if we did well it be real weird, and also by the time we do i think we can make clones of people just by having a image of them, and designing the features on pc. Well im saying it there's bigger problems to worry about that ho got you DNA, unless you really scared of identity theft.
@@MouseGoatdon't you know small differences account for a lot when it comes to DNA we share some 98% of our DNA with chimps yet look at the difference, yes you may have similar DNA to someone else but it is the little things that matter in life the same goes for biology.
Freedom Phoenix Goat I think their problem with it is this. Every human being is unique physically and mentally. Creating a clone of someone would be making it physically the same, not mentally because it would have a different personality. I wouldn’t want someone to exist with an exact clone of my dna. That just would piss me off.
Think about how foundational this is for settling new planets like Mars. Here we're learning how to build the biology needed for arbitrary constraints. Very cool!
@@FabLoki Cause I'm capable of having more than one thought in my mind at a time. If it was down to either or, I would absolutely prioritise saving earth over space exploration. That's a duh. Fortunately, that's not how the world works.
Fabrice Louis I know its cool to have this nihlistic view on humanity these days. But we’re a fantastic species. As much as I might get irritated by the actions of our other people, It’s never enough to overtake my awe. We’ve survived millions of years, working together, building up from primitive technology down generations. Mine and your species went to the moon! I want us to conquer space, conquer, not infect. Have a larger outlook on life man
@@Mithon81 The other thing with that is that space exploration can actually lead to a lot technology being developed that is incredibly useful for so many things.
5:43 "For me this makes it really fun . A good experiment is something that tells you you were wrong." "Theres so much knowledge we dont have" Umbrella Corp in its infancy
now that they involved ai and ML ,All they need is a lot of resources and data... But don't worry about it,a government will give them all but unfortunately for military purposes not science :(
Having worked in this field since 2008, I can say that thus far, I've literally never seen the military influence any bio research (not in person), nor have I met anyone who has. I'm not saying research can't or won't be abused, but that most scientists care about science above profit, and especially for biologist, the resistance to military involvement is strong due to the inherent love of life, and militaries propensity toward extinguishing of life. I became a biologist because I can think of nothing more interesting nor important, nothing more valuable, nothing more rare than life. We take it for granted due to its abundance on earth, but we shouldn't. It's the most magical thing in the universe. Life is the fundamental forces of the universe, applied with intent. The remaining 99.9999999999% of the universe is pure accident. Most biologists believe as I in this regard and can think of nothing more reprehensible than using our knowledge to end life. Understanding, helping, and even controlling of life from the micro to macro levels are what we're born to do. But not ending... not for those of us with a conscience and a passion for biology.
I'd like to know if they have plans to use designed organisms to clean (eat) up pollution like oil spills or micro plastics. I've thought about microplastic cleanup for a couple of years now, bear in mind it's too far gone for reuse, reduce and recycle and bleach cleaning is largely superficial with no significant impact on the global stage. This tool will mean taking more control of the world as it is, but considering we are already making a mess of the world, we're running out of options.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. -- Never thought a movie quote would be the first thing that popped into mind. On a serious note though, I love science but we really need to keep our 'advancement' in check.
The problem here is the organisms will be patented, just like some corporations can sue you if you grow their crop on your land. For example: at around 8:00 they speak of engineering a microbe that can fixate nitrogen and at the same time grow in symbiosis with the plants to reduce ferilizer needs even increasing yield. But we already have many natural micorrhizae, but none of those pre existing organisms can be patented because you cannot patent nature unless obviously bred or in this case, genetically modified. The only thing these corporations are after is owning and patenting and therefor making money off the last parts of the cycle that they do not own yet.
@@BigBodyBiggolo true but since we already have natural organisms that do some of the same things and those aren't patented, then I don't think them patenting their own organisms that they made will be a problem
Basic hydrocarbons can be constructed from (concentrated) CO2 and water with a cheap catalyst and the heat from the sun (literally back yard level science). Knitting them together into gasoline is done in refineries all the time. The main problem is finding a catalyst that can withstand millions of cycles of being heated to red hot and then cooled quickly.
@@phookadudeI'm glad to hear that 😊 I imagine advanced hydrocarbons with micro or nanoscale designs may be built too. They could be engineered to maximize the yield of combustion as well as reducing pollution (some geometries make a waste product less or more reactive). I don't know for sure but it seems realistic 😊
The problem I have is in 10 or 20 years when the technology has become easy to use and the knowledge we’ve gained gives everyone the ability to alter the genetic structure of DNA and make a synthetic life form, what if some distraught technician who had societal issues decides to let a destructive germ loose because he can’t get with a woman? Right now we have socially awkward individuals who buy firearms and shoot Up schools, or hacker nerds who just want to watch the world burn because no one wants to touch their private parts, what happens when the biotechnology industry has a case of this and we end up with a strain of bacteria that destroys plankton and breaks the food chain?
Evil doesn't exist, simpleton. as soon as you arbitrarily Define what good is, you create evil that never existed in the first place. Ever heard of bifurcation logical fallacy? how about you stop promoting ideas that were invented before we invented toilet paper? Say something stupid again.
Insert Emoticon Spam Here Also The US Military Uses Windows 95 Or Something Last Time I've Heard, Hack Them First, See If They Have Biological Weapons Programs Or Something
NAVEEN RAJ , you do not even realize that this is some disguised advertising on behalf of some corporation that wants their agenda being pushed... such DNA manipulation are clearly beyond the legal framework in most countries in the world, and raise obvious ethical, environnemental and society issues which are not even discussed. Because it it Seeker does not mean holy graal. We need to keep our critical mind functioning.
@@FabLoki Sure, keep the critical mind in shape. But fear is also a weapon. The kind that gives shape to the dangers you see when looking at this video. In my opinion, this technology will be for the greater good. If one thing goes bad, chances are scientists will be able to reverse or at least mitigate the damages in a more distant future. Progress is a tool in the hands of humanity. Like a knife. People stab other people everyday. Do we ever stop making knifes? Should we stop making knifes?
Dangerous pathogens already exist in enormous varieties. Useful organisms not so much. This will increase our capabilities for doing doing good way more than for doing bad.
@@kono5933 You're giving me too much credit. It just takes common sense and intellectual honesty. But I get what you mean, you're a breath of fresh air as well. :) Take care and keep on spreading good ideas.
Some day artificial intelligence will be able to design exactly what we need using the data from this work. I bet it would see the patterns in DNA to understand the language. Once this happens the world will change on a grand scale. I agree, it's both exciting and scary at the same time. Hopefully they are building safegaurds along the way to combat any bad actors who want to do harm.
For all of you skeptical about this stuff - this is where the next critical steps towards a sustainable future are taking place. Imagine that we didn't have to burn down miles of rainforest to make palm oil, imagine if we did have raise chickens in boxes to make eggs because we could produce all of the component proteins using microbes, imagine if could make alternative fuels without oil, and imagine if we could make leather and beef without burning down the Amazon for cattle farms. All of this stuff and SO much more is only really possible through genetic technologies like this, and all of it is safe for consumption because you're not consuming the actual organisms (that probably wouldn't matter anyway). This is not GMOs in any sense of the word that most people think of - this work is the future of the planet. We should all try and reduce our skepticism a little by researching how truly awful many of our current natural product and food production systems are, and what synthetic biology can do to drastically improve them. Go Ginko!!
You will see intensifying earthquakes , landslides, floodings in the next coming years, and it has all to do with the injections and this crispr tech being implanted into everyone as we speak.
our body is self sustainable and has a self regulatory mechanism it can regenerate on its own only if allowed to and not being conscious about it being aware is ok
The more we try to play with the things we consume like this the higher possibility of creating new problems. Progress isn't always good and I think we need to start being content with what we already have! People are just trying to fill a God sized void at this point which will lead to our destruction.
So finally, here is the exact point where the end begins. Thank you guys for that now-we-can-do-better-than-nature-did-after-a-few-hundred-million-years, naive vision
Why wouldn't we? Nature is not intelligent. Nature is pure chaos and evolution has no direction. If there was an intelligence picking the mutations we would be an intragalactic species by now. *edit: Also, we ARE nature. We ARE nature doing what nature has been doing. You realize that right? The nature you're talking about was the nature that mutated us for intelligence so that it could start engineering itself instead of relying on the random chances of mutated DNA because of radiation and such. That is litteraly what happened.
Lars, "Nature is not intelligent"?? Really? Does nature not showed you yet enough intelligence among lots of other cualities? Maybe your timeline as human in this planet is not (and will never be) long enough compared with nature's, but the work of nature is way more complex and interconnected than a simple intelligence contest. For you nature in one side is, "not intelligent" and "pure chaos without direction", but in the other hand, "was the nature that mutated us for intelligence so that it could start engineering itself instead of relying on the random chances of mutated DNA because of radiation and such"... Sorry, but you're not coherent. It's not a practical problem due to the fact that we in this planet do not have enough life forms and we need more: it´s a greed and power problem and nature got great power, but has no greed. That's the point of balance for all species: nothing was done by design; was done by chance, trial & error and lots and lots of time to test... You realize that, right?
@@pablodana1512 Yes, and my point is still that we ARE nature. Nature has given billions of years evolved in a way to make it able to evolve even faster. It's not like we are a completely different branch of nature, we are nature. It's not an unnatural path that has led us to CRISPR and gene editing is what I'm trying to say
Lars, my friend, your vision of things has more to do with fables than with an understanding of how everything interacts in a delicate and precise way. When nature wants to "make changes", it sends a meteorite, an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, a tsunami or mosquitoes in summer; It is true that it does not put humans in a laboratory, so there we go. On the one hand, your argument highlights the ineffectiveness that nature shows in making its processes so slow. You infer that nature "does not do so well" because, of course, the average human lives for about seventy-few years and cannot wait to see / discover / create a new species and that definitely does not fit that kind of evolutionary snobbery that It drives you. On the other hand, that very nature so slow and full of lacks, has the wonderful and magnanimous act of giving the human being that responsibility, as if nature thought and decided, as a god would. Of course, I suppose that the poor nature has to feel old and tired with so much frustrated experiment for years, so why not pass the ball to one of the most destructive species that stepped on and even steps on this planet, right? Very smart! A solid and devastating logic, without a doubt. I think your head was filled with an immediacy and an urgent need for something, but ... you have no idea why you are in that state "I don't know what I want, but I want it now". That is what I read in your comments. Of course we are an integral and indivisible part of nature, but we are neither his brain, nor his soul, not even his conscience. Nor are we his armed arm, his heir or his boss. We are the species that has a privileged degree of consciousness and nothing else. Creating species in a laboratory is a big mistake. That said, I wish you to be very happy with your beliefs, but there is no interest on my part in this talk that does not give me anything useful, nor any interesting argument on which to discuss and learn. Thanks for your time, anyway.
Not sure what you mean by that. The most basic form of computer language is binary - combining on/off or 1/0 in different ways, using groupings represent other values.
Same as all the cultivars and domestic animals, they are selected and modified to fit our needs, not to have particularly high fitness in nature, so they don't. Domestic species don't do well in nature without humans to take care of them.
ShuRiK3Nz How do you know that for sure? I don’t think nature intends anything to happen, things just happen because they can and if they can happen and the right conditions are met then they happen.
What organization is paying for all the machines, labor, supplies, etc. for these experiments? I am curious, because depending on that we will understand who will gets the benefits.
Ummm no it actually has done a lot of good for us, we just need some correcting here and there like using fossil fuels was a mistake but otherwise we are doing pretty good with what weve built so far
All those robotics work on moving parts with gears and stepper motors and bearings and linear actuators and pumps. I've been in several labs that have machines that aren't working and are too costly to repair, or just break down too often to use, as well as machines that just can't reproduce the accuracy of a human (weird, I know). Seems like electronics and robotics will be a good career bet for the automated future, along with your AI/machine learning/data science and genetic engineering.
Not going to get smarter wasting time watching TH-cam when you should be studying. I'm not a drag and don't care what you do but just saying your pointing out to everyone a flaw you have what if anything do you plan to do to correct it? TH-cam is great tool but I also see loads of addiction problems from it. Not all cases are super bad but they all have certain things in common and one is watching all the time. When your bombarded with different types of info at the speeds you can on TH-cam you won't remember much if anything when overload your brain. Study and use your energy there and get good sleep so your brain and body functions at tip top shape. Have good day/night
Maybe you should get on that sooner rather than later, because the word you're looking for is "supposed". To suppose something is much different. I suppose you should be studying 😉
We are expanding our capacity to enhance our lives and or inflict our lives with levels of suffering never before imagined...it will be really cool when the first new life form leaves the lab and then evolves and does what we never expected .....how can this possibly not go wrong?
a lab simulator, like packet tracer for networking, but instead for dna and microbiomes, based on this would be a fun program to play with, that allows for proof of concept blueprints that can be sent to actual labs in the future.
I've tried one of those Impossible Burgers at Carl's Jr. It honestly didn't taste that good and felt like I was eating a burger of beans smushed together. Impossible still has a long way to go.
This looks straight like the Umbrella Corporation's hive.
I think you are into something here
Near future play real resident evil 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
rahul Rathi oh look a emoji dump
We need more Mila jojovich
... says "Oozing amoeba" ...shows "Twitching paramecia".. :O
I thought the same thing lol. They were testing your microbio knowl3dge
Hahaha 😂😂😂😂
She’s so cilia.
Scrolled to the comments just to say this
I'm more concerned about the implications of corporations having patents on life. Monsanto's fuckery in this realm is proof that greed overcomes ethics. When they bioengineered a new strain of seed, and then tried to destroy the naturally occuring origin seeds, so that they could monopolize the patent on their new strain, that's when you have to start questioning the legality of such ownership.
pretty much what the vaccine is gonna do when it replaces dna in human receptors
@@idiotburns The who in the what now?
How exactly do you think a vaccine works?
mosanto is corporation capitalist problem not gmo problem. gmo is actually good. we human have genetic engeneering plant and animal since the dawn of time. it only in modern time that we speed up the the processed with genes and dna manipulation
@@almalayuwiyyah2512 GMOs isn't good buddy. Stop lying to yourself
@@nofd1977 I guess you’re here to pick up more buzzwords to use incorrectly.
"yeah, oooo , aaah ! That's how it always starts but then there's running and screaming ..."
-Jeff Goldblum line in The Lost World, Jurassic Park
"...put into a database that has..been designed by our software engineers." inspires a whole lot of confidence. *Cough Theranos*
What did one DNA say to the other DNA?
“Do these genes make me look fat?”
Ha. That's a good one.
Yes danny. Yes it does.
Haha good one 🤣
Z-DNA asked directions to B-DNA...
What did B-DNA reply?
"You're turning the wrong way"
Do I look lipophilic to you???
I dont know if this is super exciting or absolutely terrifying.
It is both. It is sheer potential. And with wild west in regulation things in pioneering technology thing go wrong and then get corrected. Unless we can prevent it.
It is scary. Anything can be exploited and abused. Like who is funding this research. Who gets to decide how it is used? There may be benefits but there will definitely be problems. Big ones !!
"Rewiring organisms so they will do what we want them to do." Nah, nothing concerning about experimental scientists viewing life this way.
Idk humans trying to play god, seems like this world just replays itself, the end is near i say.
adam Hunter , at this stage of humanity history both always both mostly bad as new problematics rise each time.
Now all we need is a super villain
Kyle from 'Because science'?
The super villains are already here, they're called Monsanto
You mean the greedy globalists
Well, what we most assuredly do not need is a bunch of technophobic scared shiftless children because we certainly have enough of those.
Sounds great. I can finally create a synthetic girlfriend I never had 😂
What kind of waifu are you going to make?
The real question is whether anyone is working on making catgirls yet.
@@kaorumugen991 Yes. Aisha clan clan
You all need help 😂
When I heard about this ten years ago my first thought was: Perfect way to frame people. They can synthesize your DNA that can be planted and it will hold up in a court of law. Technology has outpaced our own understanding and it will cause some major problems. It is very cool though and such a nicely presented video. Thanks
Just dont end up making zombies
DeusWrath Eternus I hope they eat your love ones in front of you.
@DeusWrath Eternus You call them psychopaths but you yourself hust said that you want zombies which would not only eat your loved ones but also the rest of the world together with *you*
DeusWath Eternus: World War Z zombies were slow. www.google.com/search?hl=en&sxsrf=ACYBGNSEI65fUti4cjnNq0JKn61EAywdEQ%3A1567962429062&source=hp&ei=PTV1XZ4kw6C1BfzIpKgM&q=world+war+z+book&oq=world+war+z&gs_l=psy-ab.1.6.0l10.754783.757683..761520...0.0..0.302.2059.0j7j3j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j35i39j0i67.ovprNHtzmbs#spf=1567963190292
Sci-fi technophobic fantasy nonsense.
@@DrBrainTickler In the old times it was Sci-Fi for them to be able to put a computer in a small box but here we are today having them in our hands called *PHONES*. I dont know about you but Sci-Fi to me sounds more like "yeah its difficult as heck but not impossible"
This lab secrectly own by Umbrella Corporation.
Get ready.
The whole time I just kept thinking do you want zombies? Because this is exactly how you get zombies.
Youse are the zombies for letting these people get away with this, reap what you sow
if that was true they would have already made you disappear and deleted your comment. Umbrella dont play around. My brother trolled them once, now I'm an only child...
@@lillyanneserrelio2187 so sorry to hear that about your brother
Id work there if I could leave the facility.
Today's fact: Sunsets on Mars are blue.
तेरो लाड़ो चुस मूजी
Facterino Commenterino
would have called you a liar but i look it up and it checks out.
"Scientists say dust in Mars' atmosphere is to blame. Very fine particles allow *blue light* to push through the atmosphere more effectively than the longer wavelength colors like yellow and red. When we see a sunset or sunrise on Earth, sunlight has to travel through more of the atmosphere"
I heard that on daily dose of internet
They patented growing thc and cbd from yeast using only sugar and water
One of the other applications of Syn Bio, is redesigning or rewriting the code for pre-historic or extinct animals including large mammals such as Mammoth, and restoring them back to life, which is more appropriately referred to as 'resurrection biology' or 'De-extinction'. Synthetic Biologists claim to rebuild perfect copies of the Great Auk, the Tasmanian Tiger, maybe even Neanderthals. In our lab, we are studying and trying to do the same.
Exciting or terrifying? :-/
I'll go with terrifying. But its in the name of science, so its fine. No problems at all.
Hey I've seen this movie before.
Isla Nublar here we come!
One of my concerns is that a synthetic micro-organism will get out of the lab, and then have devastating unintended consequences. This is the nature of technological advancement. When humans first discovered how to use fire, this meant that a single person could now burn down the forest, either by accident or deliberately. And this is exactly what happened on many occasions. Though, the consequences with biotechnology could be much larger and affect the entire planet.
Well here we are now.
called it..mabye
Resident evil.
In the making.
They do have *Umbrella* on their logo.
@@NRagAa They look like nice people but at same time they look like someone who secretly wants to see the world burn
So they do... Guess they were thinking "What do Japanese videogame developers know? Nothing of course we do could ever turn out that badly!"
...15 years later
@@NRagAa definitely. It can turn into a conspiracy theory.
Anonymous bet
We have literally reached a point in our scientific development where "Organism Engineer" is an actual job.
This is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.
CoriSparks Exciting! W00t!
It's just a gimmick rn
Nothing exciting about it
What's the exciting part??
Their work stations look so cluttered. They need to watch Jordan Petterson and clean their rooms before creating new organisms and playing Jurassic Park.
Man in less than a century we will have synthetic humans. Crazy technology. Amaizing.
This is a real horror story. The scariest thing I've ever heard.
Demographically targeted bio-weaponry is the next logical step.
Its already being done. Its really ashame that countries target their people and release "id rather not say" then use high frequency weapons to torment them then eventually either push them to suicide or they off them with the weaponry they are testing. Its all nanotech/RNA self replicating gene splicing using blank cells..some sort of carrier parasitic/fungus/ then a host. As they sit back and watch. What these people are playing with is morally wrong.. You people are not GOD. Is Science good? Lets see... It could be but its all funded by the 1% which owns everyfckn thing. They supress real progress which would put the human race ahead 100 fold over greed and control. That's why everyone and their brother thought Edison invented the lightbulb...(BULLSHIT) Nikola Tesla did and worked under Edison for long time until JP Morgan cut all funding to Tesla because Tesla wasn't fueled by greed. He had the want to help the world.. Not OWN IT... So yea this sounds great and all but no Thankyou. This is a can of Worms that shouldnt be opened for it could b the end of humanity.. The Earth has been through 5 mass Extinctions you think it's over. Ha. This entire world is fixng to be picked up and dropped on your effn head. I can die now leave earth motherfckr hope up in my spaceship leave earth. Motherfcker im
@@jonnybgood3697 You're a total crack-pot. Just in case you were unaware.
Piñata Oblongata denying what is possible is irrationally dangerous....Johnybegood has a valid point!
@@jonnybgood3697 oh you still think this is a choice....no they r just being polite
call of duty advanced warfare plot
This is exactly the field I want to work in, after I'm done studying Biotechnology!
Do u need a degree in computer science to do this?
@@Jaylio A molecular biology/ Biotechnology degree. With some good programming knowledge can get you started. A Biotech and CS or Software engineering degree would be even better.
@@Jaylio Also you could shoot them an email and ask them about their backgrounds and how you can get started.
Sounds like a good career path. I commend you and encourage it.
This is the most unethical and dangerous thing humans can do. One mistake could destroy the world. We are too young to be playing with the genetic biosphere of Earth. People engaging in this activity are a direct threat to humanity…
Synthetic Biology + Machine Learning... that's a scary combo waiting to happen 😆
Edit: btw I'm for it as long as it's in a controlled environment
I bet technophobic but at least you out of that clarification.
It's already happening. Just not the way most people think of it.
ML is actually really useful for narrowing down the guesswork when dealing with genetic permutations and biochemical pathways.
In short, math makes it easier to guide biology.
@Jake Galler Yet.
Nobody is using them automatically. Algorithms are, however, amazing at isolating important information and bringing them to the forefront. They take a significant amount of guesswork away so that researchers can do their job quicker. This is basically why the whole field of Genomics even exists.
Jake Galler it’s coming with ai...
Yep scary as f*** :|
Everybody who sent there DNA for ancestry is in that room lol
? ? ? no I don't think so.
but also what if? you fearing they gonna make a clone of the people or somting?
The hole point of life from nature's perspective, is to make more of your DNA, we have surpassed nature. So more DNA Copies of me = Good.
Maybe your fear is that they will clone you if they got your DNA .
But why you afraid of that? there is 7 billion humans on this planet, and about 4,5 billion people that have almost identical DNA to you. adding a few more will make no difference.
Or what precisely are they gonna doo with that DNA other that research a grand picture of humans past.
I suppose one could make a identity tift thing, if we had the teck and the right to clone human clones in fully grown state. we dont.
But if we did well it be real weird, and also by the time we do i think we can make clones of people just by having a image of them, and designing the features on pc.
Well im saying it there's bigger problems to worry about that ho got you DNA, unless you really scared of identity theft.
@@MouseGoatdon't you know small differences account for a lot when it comes to DNA we share some 98% of our DNA with chimps yet look at the difference, yes you may have similar DNA to someone else but it is the little things that matter in life the same goes for biology.
Freedom Phoenix Goat I think their problem with it is this. Every human being is unique physically and mentally. Creating a clone of someone would be making it physically the same, not mentally because it would have a different personality. I wouldn’t want someone to exist with an exact clone of my dna. That just would piss me off.
Maybe also everyone who has been tested for the current virus, they can link their DNA to their new ID2020
That's why you don't freely/knowingly give up your DNA
Remember how we isolated the astronauts when they came back from the moon so the earth was not exposed to a foreign organism?
Now we know where the next epidemic will come from: a synthetically engineered bacteria from that lab.
Or an antibiotic resistant superbug
@@consumethelegumes6078 That's what I had in mind; an engineered bug that accidently ends off becoming resistant to all known drugs.
Why is this top comment with 83 likes? I like this comment but I'm starting to wonder youtube..
Think about how foundational this is for settling new planets like Mars. Here we're learning how to build the biology needed for arbitrary constraints. Very cool!
We could make new organisms able to survive on Mars and potentially evolve in the conditions there.
We are not even able to care about the planet we live in, why wanting to infect another one ??
@@FabLoki Cause I'm capable of having more than one thought in my mind at a time. If it was down to either or, I would absolutely prioritise saving earth over space exploration. That's a duh. Fortunately, that's not how the world works.
Fabrice Louis
I know its cool to have this nihlistic view on humanity these days. But we’re a fantastic species. As much as I might get irritated by the actions of our other people, It’s never enough to overtake my awe. We’ve survived millions of years, working together, building up from primitive technology down generations. Mine and your species went to the moon! I want us to conquer space, conquer, not infect. Have a larger outlook on life man
@@Mithon81 The other thing with that is that space exploration can actually lead to a lot technology being developed that is incredibly useful for so many things.
5:43 "For me this makes it really fun . A good experiment is something that tells you you were wrong."
"Theres so much knowledge we dont have"
Umbrella Corp in its infancy
These people inspired umbrella
now that they involved ai and ML ,All they need is a lot of resources and data...
But don't worry about it,a government will give them all but unfortunately for military purposes not science :(
that's so true, it's so frustating
Scientific experience should be controlled by scientist,& not by govts or MNCs
How does military come in scientific development
Having worked in this field since 2008, I can say that thus far, I've literally never seen the military influence any bio research (not in person), nor have I met anyone who has. I'm not saying research can't or won't be abused, but that most scientists care about science above profit, and especially for biologist, the resistance to military involvement is strong due to the inherent love of life, and militaries propensity toward extinguishing of life. I became a biologist because I can think of nothing more interesting nor important, nothing more valuable, nothing more rare than life. We take it for granted due to its abundance on earth, but we shouldn't. It's the most magical thing in the universe.
Life is the fundamental forces of the universe, applied with intent. The remaining 99.9999999999% of the universe is pure accident. Most biologists believe as I in this regard and can think of nothing more reprehensible than using our knowledge to end life. Understanding, helping, and even controlling of life from the micro to macro levels are what we're born to do. But not ending... not for those of us with a conscience and a passion for biology.
Can they make cat girls though?
Of course, they're the top priority. Lol
@@ethank.6602 Hopefully they'll eradicate killjoys from the gene pool too. Let the people have their fun.
Why though?😒
@@jarbeefis right
The narration is so soothing I'm genuinely trying to stay awake
I love it though
She has a beautiful voice!
@@leoninenoble indeed!
That's not unintentional
I'd like to know if they have plans to use designed organisms to clean (eat) up pollution like oil spills or micro plastics. I've thought about microplastic cleanup for a couple of years now, bear in mind it's too far gone for reuse, reduce and recycle and bleach cleaning is largely superficial with no significant impact on the global stage. This tool will mean taking more control of the world as it is, but considering we are already making a mess of the world, we're running out of options.
We are going to thank these guys in our future one day. This is the Apple company of biology in the making.
What we you might I will say damn them
Now I can finally become a Kryptonian
Dr. Ian Malcolm:
Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. -- Never thought a movie quote would be the first thing that popped into mind. On a serious note though, I love science but we really need to keep our 'advancement' in check.
Like all powerful tech, there’s something here which is both incredibly exciting and scary.
The problem here is the organisms will be patented, just like some corporations can sue you if you grow their crop on your land.
For example: at around 8:00 they speak of engineering a microbe that can fixate nitrogen and at the same time grow in symbiosis with the plants to reduce ferilizer needs even increasing yield.
But we already have many natural micorrhizae, but none of those pre existing organisms can be patented because you cannot patent nature unless obviously bred or in this case, genetically modified.
The only thing these corporations are after is owning and patenting and therefor making money off the last parts of the cycle that they do not own yet.
@@BigBodyBiggolo true but since we already have natural organisms that do some of the same things and those aren't patented, then I don't think them patenting their own organisms that they made will be a problem
Please do not make gasoline if you have the capability lol. We’re just tryna solve that problem now
What if you make gasoline out of carbon in the air?
It might not be worth it, gasoline is kind of cheap in comparison to microscale design technologies, so I guess they'll listen to you 😊
Basic hydrocarbons can be constructed from (concentrated) CO2 and water with a cheap catalyst and the heat from the sun (literally back yard level science). Knitting them together into gasoline is done in refineries all the time. The main problem is finding a catalyst that can withstand millions of cycles of being heated to red hot and then cooled quickly.
@@phookadudeI'm glad to hear that 😊
I imagine advanced hydrocarbons with micro or nanoscale designs may be built too. They could be engineered to maximize the yield of combustion as well as reducing pollution (some geometries make a waste product less or more reactive). I don't know for sure but it seems realistic 😊
Were You Talking About Making Artificial Life To Produce The Gasoline Naturally Or Something, Koen?
Legend has it that years later the scientists are still huddled around the white board looking confused.
The problem I have is in 10 or 20 years when the technology has become easy to use and the knowledge we’ve gained gives everyone the ability to alter the genetic structure of DNA and make a synthetic life form, what if some distraught technician who had societal issues decides to let a destructive germ loose because he can’t get with a woman?
Right now we have socially awkward individuals who buy firearms and shoot Up schools, or hacker nerds who just want to watch the world burn because no one wants to touch their private parts, what happens when the biotechnology industry has a case of this and we end up with a strain of bacteria that destroys plankton and breaks the food chain?
If humanity were smart enough and not disposed to being foolish or evil this could be good.
Evil doesn't exist, simpleton.
as soon as you arbitrarily Define what good is, you create evil that never existed in the first place. Ever heard of bifurcation logical fallacy?
how about you stop promoting ideas that were invented before we invented toilet paper? Say something stupid again.
Humanity is not what these people are a part of
“So much knowledge we don’t have”. Sounds like nothing could go wrong!
Can't learn by sitting on our hands.
More technophobia.
Sophia the false idol
6:27 If they can do all this on Windows 8 just wait until they finally upgrade to Windows 10 🤣
miss misanthropist oh damn! Worse than I thought! That shit’s getting hacked. Umbrella here we come 🤣👹
Windows 7
Insert Emoticon Spam Here
Also The US Military Uses Windows 95 Or Something Last Time I've Heard, Hack Them First, See If They Have Biological Weapons Programs Or Something
I watch this and Killer Bees comes to mind.
Imagine having that amount of funding 😵
What a brave new world we live in.
Nothing brave about it
Me: all we need is super computer to simulate evolution.
For self hygiene maybe?
Or simply for sanitation purpouses?
Whats wrong with it?
I have to do that at my job because of the chemicals we work with in the lab
you dont want to catch what that keyboard has ;-)
We do this at my job. We have clean keyboards (no gloves on), and dirty keyboards ( gloves on)
So this is how Princess Bubblegum made the candy people
Seeker is one of the most colorful and quality video makers in TH-cam
keep us updated on this topic it sounds really great!
Hi seeker
Interesting to know about synthetic DNA factory and how gingko bioworks do it..
Thanks for awesome information seeker..🙏👍😊
NAVEEN RAJ , you do not even realize that this is some disguised advertising on behalf of some corporation that wants their agenda being pushed... such DNA manipulation are clearly beyond the legal framework in most countries in the world, and raise obvious ethical, environnemental and society issues which are not even discussed. Because it it Seeker does not mean holy graal. We need to keep our critical mind functioning.
@@FabLoki Sure, keep the critical mind in shape. But fear is also a weapon. The kind that gives shape to the dangers you see when looking at this video. In my opinion, this technology will be for the greater good. If one thing goes bad, chances are scientists will be able to reverse or at least mitigate the damages in a more distant future. Progress is a tool in the hands of humanity. Like a knife. People stab other people everyday. Do we ever stop making knifes? Should we stop making knifes?
We Should Stop The Continued Existance Of Humanity, Not The Continued Existance Of Manufacturing Things As A Concept
I can finally get the harem of cat girls I've always wanted.
@ismail Cem Eroglu :(
Sheep that grow marihuana instead of whool would make a nice pet 😍
I would love a big bird that I can ride, it would be so eco friendly
Chocobos !
Play adopt me on roblox
Dangerous pathogens already exist in enormous varieties.
Useful organisms not so much.
This will increase our capabilities for doing doing good way more than for doing bad.
Fearmongers don't get this
@@kono5933 And yet they still use the products of science and technology to make their lives easier. Hypocrites.
@@Pyriphlegeton makes me so happy to find an intelligent person here. Good luck for the future
You're giving me too much credit. It just takes common sense and intellectual honesty. But I get what you mean, you're a breath of fresh air as well. :)
Take care and keep on spreading good ideas.
There are potential sungle types of bad that can make all good irrelevant.
YESS!! we’re one step closer to creating cat girls
*FBI Wants to know your location*
Just get your girlfriend to stop shaving and plucking 🙄
Dude just buy a cat suit for your woman. Cosplay is awesome.
But Fake Fur Isnt As Good As Real Fur
When are DNA hard drives coming out?
already released, called a nucleus
No doubt. The prospects of carrying the entire Digital Library of Alexandria on a liquid DNA thumb drive makes me salivate.
Ionizing radiation: I'm about to corrupt this man's whole hard drive.
I can use my hard on to drive my dna into someone......
Jet Tro they already exist we are the store memories of our ancestors
When the technology is there, people will use it, without stopping to ask "should we?"
Nothing can go wrong here. Just keep on keeping on science
I hope the future is full of man made life that helps everyone and everything around it.
We could even use synthetic life to terraform Mars.
Cool ideas and a noble intent.
Beyond Psychology thanks ✌🏽
LordVeni 💧 anything can be weaponized. Tools are not good/bad. Their users might be.
Bruce X 👍 yep, that’s a good aspect and application. Much more caveats but great idea 💡
The Earth Is Dying Because Of You actually I know more than you.
Grateful? Wow, $10 says you’re a religious nut bag 🥜.
Some day artificial intelligence will be able to design exactly what we need using the data from this work. I bet it would see the patterns in DNA to understand the language. Once this happens the world will change on a grand scale. I agree, it's both exciting and scary at the same time. Hopefully they are building safegaurds along the way to combat any bad actors who want to do harm.
sounds so much like early work in programming. A bio computer?
For all of you skeptical about this stuff - this is where the next critical steps towards a sustainable future are taking place. Imagine that we didn't have to burn down miles of rainforest to make palm oil, imagine if we did have raise chickens in boxes to make eggs because we could produce all of the component proteins using microbes, imagine if could make alternative fuels without oil, and imagine if we could make leather and beef without burning down the Amazon for cattle farms. All of this stuff and SO much more is only really possible through genetic technologies like this, and all of it is safe for consumption because you're not consuming the actual organisms (that probably wouldn't matter anyway). This is not GMOs in any sense of the word that most people think of - this work is the future of the planet. We should all try and reduce our skepticism a little by researching how truly awful many of our current natural product and food production systems are, and what synthetic biology can do to drastically improve them. Go Ginko!!
You will see intensifying earthquakes , landslides, floodings in the next coming years, and it has all to do with the injections and this crispr tech being implanted into everyone as we speak.
@@Tigerhearty lmfao
our body is self sustainable and has a self regulatory mechanism
it can regenerate on its own
only if allowed to and not being conscious about it
being aware is ok
After this video, I clicked the notification bell from your channel ❤
The more we try to play with the things we consume like this the higher possibility of creating new problems. Progress isn't always good and I think we need to start being content with what we already have! People are just trying to fill a God sized void at this point which will lead to our destruction.
So finally, here is the exact point where the end begins. Thank you guys for that now-we-can-do-better-than-nature-did-after-a-few-hundred-million-years, naive vision
Why wouldn't we? Nature is not intelligent. Nature is pure chaos and evolution has no direction. If there was an intelligence picking the mutations we would be an intragalactic species by now.
*edit: Also, we ARE nature. We ARE nature doing what nature has been doing. You realize that right? The nature you're talking about was the nature that mutated us for intelligence so that it could start engineering itself instead of relying on the random chances of mutated DNA because of radiation and such. That is litteraly what happened.
Lars, "Nature is not intelligent"?? Really? Does nature not showed you yet enough intelligence among lots of other cualities? Maybe your timeline as human in this planet is not (and will never be) long enough compared with nature's, but the work of nature is way more complex and interconnected than a simple intelligence contest. For you nature in one side is, "not intelligent" and "pure chaos without direction", but in the other hand, "was the nature that mutated us for intelligence so that it could start engineering itself instead of relying on the random chances of mutated DNA because of radiation and such"... Sorry, but you're not coherent. It's not a practical problem due to the fact that we in this planet do not have enough life forms and we need more: it´s a greed and power problem and nature got great power, but has no greed. That's the point of balance for all species: nothing was done by design; was done by chance, trial & error and lots and lots of time to test... You realize that, right?
@@pablodana1512 Yes, and my point is still that we ARE nature. Nature has given billions of years evolved in a way to make it able to evolve even faster. It's not like we are a completely different branch of nature, we are nature. It's not an unnatural path that has led us to CRISPR and gene editing is what I'm trying to say
Lars, my friend, your vision of things has more to do with fables than with an understanding of how everything interacts in a delicate and precise way. When nature wants to "make changes", it sends a meteorite, an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, a tsunami or mosquitoes in summer; It is true that it does not put humans in a laboratory, so there we go. On the one hand, your argument highlights the ineffectiveness that nature shows in making its processes so slow. You infer that nature "does not do so well" because, of course, the average human lives for about seventy-few years and cannot wait to see / discover / create a new species and that definitely does not fit that kind of evolutionary snobbery that It drives you. On the other hand, that very nature so slow and full of lacks, has the wonderful and magnanimous act of giving the human being that responsibility, as if nature thought and decided, as a god would. Of course, I suppose that the poor nature has to feel old and tired with so much frustrated experiment for years, so why not pass the ball to one of the most destructive species that stepped on and even steps on this planet, right? Very smart! A solid and devastating logic, without a doubt. I think your head was filled with an immediacy and an urgent need for something, but ... you have no idea why you are in that state "I don't know what I want, but I want it now". That is what I read in your comments. Of course we are an integral and indivisible part of nature, but we are neither his brain, nor his soul, not even his conscience. Nor are we his armed arm, his heir or his boss. We are the species that has a privileged degree of consciousness and nothing else. Creating species in a laboratory is a big mistake. That said, I wish you to be very happy with your beliefs, but there is no interest on my part in this talk that does not give me anything useful, nor any interesting argument on which to discuss and learn. Thanks for your time, anyway.
@@pablodana1512 Uhuh.
I like the laid back and chill vibe the narrating in this video gives out as compared to others
what happens if say one of these organisms gets loose into the environment?
A computer doesnt "understand 0's and 1's" it just calculates them depending on the input
Not sure what you mean by that. The most basic form of computer language is binary - combining on/off or 1/0 in different ways, using groupings represent other values.
What might they evolve into once released? Their effect on other species?
Same as all the cultivars and domestic animals, they are selected and modified to fit our needs, not to have particularly high fitness in nature, so they don't. Domestic species don't do well in nature without humans to take care of them.
@@aleksandersuur9475 what a bs equivalency
“Beyond what nature intended” how do you know what’s beyond?
Yeah... Like nature has free will or something
Artificial evolution is indeed beyond what nature intended.
Nature intends you to reproduce and then die.
ShuRiK3Nz How do you know that for sure? I don’t think nature intends anything to happen, things just happen because they can and if they can happen and the right conditions are met then they happen.
Chris Hensley ?
This backs up the theory that this is a simulation by acknowledging everything is made from code.
Exactly what I was thinking!!!
@ginkgo bioworks Got anything I can take for anti-aging?
Create your own organism. Just what AI and Skynet needed. Thankyou
Anyone remember when this channel was called D-News? Just me? :( Memories...
Oh really? I was not aware of that. It definitely has a similar feel.
I remember D-News very well, but I had no idea this was the same channel!
4:48 I am pretty sure she is a genetically engineered clone
Even if you were wrong, you are right. She is.
@@DontWatchAdsJustRefresh technically, we are all genetically engineered clones
@@cos3 That is the whole point of my comment
Inigo Fuentes Tscherner ok good to know that’s what you were talking about. Thought you were also trying to make fun of her more
Couldn't resist...
What organization is paying for all the machines, labor, supplies, etc. for these experiments? I am curious, because depending on that we will understand who will gets the benefits.
Tax payers
The None Such people
"Beyond What Nature Intended" That shit never ends well for us.
Medicine, surgeries, electricity, etc. There are lots of things that we do that nature never intended.
Ummm no it actually has done a lot of good for us, we just need some correcting here and there like using fossil fuels was a mistake but otherwise we are doing pretty good with what weve built so far
@@quantumrain4774 If we never discovered fossils fuels, you wouldn't have ever existed. lol
@@TheGoodContent37 medicine??? The same medicine that comes with a million side effects?
@@allahomitu I'm sure diabetics appreciate their insulin.
Just here to say that I was here before they make a real life zombie virus with stuff like this 😂😂
1. design 2. build. 3. test 😶
I assume they can't test what hasn't been built.
Very scared, I read this comment and then it happened in the video, please help
@@alc5527 me too
All those robotics work on moving parts with gears and stepper motors and bearings and linear actuators and pumps. I've been in several labs that have machines that aren't working and are too costly to repair, or just break down too often to use, as well as machines that just can't reproduce the accuracy of a human (weird, I know). Seems like electronics and robotics will be a good career bet for the automated future, along with your AI/machine learning/data science and genetic engineering.
This whole time I've been thinking A.I. was going to be our downfall, but nah, it's gonna be genetically modified synthetic organisms
Bioworks: we made it
Me: cure for cancer?
Immortal Bunnies?
I hear T-Rex walking soon
They might make a jurassic world in a couple decades
@@ryt6940 it was said at the start of the year that they are 5 years away from being able to create dinosaurs.
who is else suppose to be studying?
Not going to get smarter wasting time watching TH-cam when you should be studying. I'm not a drag and don't care what you do but just saying your pointing out to everyone a flaw you have what if anything do you plan to do to correct it? TH-cam is great tool but I also see loads of addiction problems from it. Not all cases are super bad but they all have certain things in common and one is watching all the time. When your bombarded with different types of info at the speeds you can on TH-cam you won't remember much if anything when overload your brain. Study and use your energy there and get good sleep so your brain and body functions at tip top shape. Have good day/night
Not meeee.
Me is else studying
Maybe you should get on that sooner rather than later, because the word you're looking for is "supposed".
To suppose something is much different. I suppose you should be studying 😉
@@working2bselfsufficient724 you are absolutely right. The reason wrote why this comment is to collect data, for a research project i am doing.
We are expanding our capacity to enhance our lives and or inflict our lives with levels of suffering never before imagined...it will be really cool when the first new life form leaves the lab and then evolves and does what we never expected .....how can this possibly not go wrong?
a lab simulator, like packet tracer for networking, but instead for dna and microbiomes, based on this would be a fun program to play with, that allows for proof of concept blueprints that can be sent to actual labs in the future.
who ever felt being in fallout 4 institute like me ?
"...we try to engineer bacterias..." ... I froze there.
Amazing but also extremely scary...
So basically in 30 years we’ll have dragons lazing around in the sky and mutant barley that shouts profanities when cut. Take my money!
I've been saying for a while screw juristic park I want my fantasy island.
I've tried one of those Impossible Burgers at Carl's Jr. It honestly didn't taste that good and felt like I was eating a burger of beans smushed together. Impossible still has a long way to go.
This is exciting and scary at the same time
Their logo has *UMBRELLA* on it.
I just saw this too!!
Joe Rogan needs to talk about this
This is like the lab at the mall in Gremlins 2.
Looks to me we have an addition to the list of things that can take us out and that is no small feat.