Whenever we call an ability bad, we should remember that Sion's old passive was that he had a 40% chance to take up to 30 / 40 / 50 (based on level) reduced damage from basic attacks.
What is interesting with shyvana passive, is that in aram she get extra passive fury generation for each stack (which you can get by getting healed from an ennemy side healthpack or your team killing canon minion) and considering that ap shyvana is quite good, it allow more dragon form which mean more e nuke. on the other side, ivern just dont even have a passive in aram because they didnt bother to change it
You are talking about the worst abilities in the game, but then you tell us surfshark is the first ability. Does it mean surfshark is actually the worst vpn?
I remember when they added the slow to Blitzcrank's W. They said that they added it because he was too good at escaping when he got himself into a bad situation. They didn't want him to be able to just pop W and run away for free, but they also didn't want to nerf its engage potential because that's what they wanted him to use it for. Why they didn't just take the path of making the speed buff halve itself if he's running away instead is beyond me, but whatever.
Not just that, they also wanted to reduce his roaming potential without hurting his engage. The slow after the effect expires means using W will not make your roams faster, the distance travelled in the 5s plus the slow timer is pretty much the same if W wasn't used
It's good they added a slow to his W, engage champions shouldn't have easy access to get out from a fight/bad positioning through mobility. disagree with Vars saying it's one of the worst abilities. If anything it's one of the most broken abilities for an engage champion to have. 70% decaying movement speed... if you position correctly in lane/outside lane you can just run at people in melee range and point click cc them into hook. even a melee range hook is super obnoxious. same goes for pyke. Imagine if Nautilus or Leona could get 30-70% decaying movement speed for just clicking one ability and run you down
I think you missed the idea behind Elise's human q. She's a burst champion, and her human q is the first damaging spell she uses on her rotation because it does % current hp damage (so it gains more value the more hp the enemy has), and she's meant to finish with spider q which does % missing hp damage (so it does more damage the less hp the enemy has). Yes, the ability is just flat damage, and it isn't meant to do a ton of upfront burst damage, it's just meant to be the start of her burst rotation
@@boldisordorin9010 it does do damage. It does more damage the higher % hp your target has. If you human q a 200 hp adc, you probably don't kill them. But if you human q a 7k hp Sion, you do like 900 damage or something like that
@@Pyrrha_Nikos Sounds like your typical AP damage that has max health scaling + atleast around 75% AP ratio like Hwei QQ, it even goes 1.1k on blue buff despite having a damage cap on monsters. And that has 800 range and with 200 AOE radius, 6s CD, 0 cast time, Monster cap damage 250(in all AOE radius). VS elise 575 range, single target, 6s CD, 0.25 cast time, Monster cap damage 175(again single target). The context is not being bad but others just have way better offer.
@@Salmon_Toastie The context of the video is it not being a point and click and not being free damage, but the worst abilities even amongst point and clicks, if there are 500 point and clicks, eventually there'll be some in the bottom of the barrel.
Honestly if Mundo still had his old W i would literally never play another champion. Pre-rework Mundo was the champion that got me into the game and when I learned how to play jungle I would instalock him every game i could. It was heartbreaking when the rework dropped and not only did they gut jungle Mundo but on launch his W was so bad that I remember a lot of Mundo players would literally just not level it at all until they had to. Everything else is perfect, so it's even more sad that his W is so underwhelming.
I started this game with Nunu, Amumu, Taric, and Mundo. Thank riot mummy boy never got a huge gameplay rework because ever since the other 3 did, I really can't enjoy them anywhere near as much.
Old Mundo was the only salvation² to this slow, tedious, h0stage taking etc game. Current W is the exact polar opposite of old W, and it seems the devs want us to pay back, all the damage the old W had ever mitigated, even just by activating it. Yi's mediate is an infinitely better version for the same concept, even if enemy has hard CC, you can just time it at the right moment for an equal trade.(if you block it within 0.50 secs of pressing it, it will block 90% of the damage but only for the first 0.50 sec) ²by context, for me.
No fizz p is for mental damage. Because the moment you learn of it, every single time fizz makes a 10hp escape, you react with: that fckin p is so fckin broken, wtf?!. And that racks up to a pretty good tilt if it happens more than 2 times during the match
I mean, literal 10hp escapes are very rare, it's more common to have smth like a 50hp escape which still wouldn't have been a kill without the dmg reduction.
I think , as a fizz main that Fizz passive is really strong without looking so much , because the damage reduction may seem useless , but it really helps early to reduce minion damage when you fight to begin snowballing , and even later in the game almost negating burn effects . without speaking of the permanent ghost which allows him to escape way easier because of how long his CD's are early game . Basically he takes 2/3 minion damage compared to other champ early and late , if an ennemy has liandrys then he takes only like half from the burn , if not less . I understand that it feels really bad , but I personally think it's really underrated .
Exactly, early on it's like 1/3 of the damage of Melee minions gone. That might not be a lot, but if you fight inside a wave (which happens as an assassin), you tend to eat a lot of minion hits so it adds up. I would'nt neccessarily call it "bad" but just underwhelming tbh.
@@LuizH. then just buy an item that also gives movespeed? youd still get movespeed equal or more to having a boots while also having the effects of said item
@@G0nzaloCoronel As a Morgana Mid enjoyer, It's a nice early game thing to have so you can heal from cannons and take bad trades. But yeah, it's not a good ability on morgana
How this dude keeps pumping out new league content so often is truly mind boggling to me. I would have no ideas for new videos around league. Keep it up!)
I think teemo's w is very powerful, just on teemo. Without it he would counter no autoattackers in the tpolane, with it he counters almost all of them.
Well fizz passive is like this bcs when it was stronger tank fizz was the most cancer thing in the entire game you do 30 damage to him 15 of it getting blocked and you couldn't even hit him half of the time.
When he first came out and bruiser/tank fizz was a popular build choice his passive only included the first half, the ap damage reduction is a relatively recent addition
Its not thaaaaaat bad early on when champion can auto attack him for 60 damage, making that passive a 10% damage reduction very early Its even better on minion which attack for 20 damage. Its hundred times more valuable than Shivana passive at least
I don't know who the fuck created shyvana's passive. like you said. it become useless too easily when your team behide and can't fight for the dragon. and what you get is only 5 armor and MR ? on a champion who design to be a Fighter or bruiser? other busier have their own easy way to get sustain or tankiness. (Jax get both AR and MR by hitting his ult , trundle steals other stat by his ult , fiora get heal from hitting her passive , Garen have damage reduction by pressing his W and also give MR and AR. then there is Shyvana whose passive need you to kill dragons and only give you 5 AR/MR per dragon? even Garen W gives more AR/MR and he can stack it easily by hitting minions. WTF Riot give me back old Shyvana passive please.
to be fair, jax needing to hit enemies to gain more resistances is new. His old ult just simply gave him more scaling with AD for armor and AP for magic resist
@@theminionoftheshelllord9259 yeah i have no idea why they wouldnt do that. It would probably skyrocket her playrate and winrate, maybe people will like shyvana and buy her skins more so more money for riot too but i guess its too much work
About the blitzcrank W, he used to be a pain to catch him late game - but now we have Pyke that comes invisible, stuns you, hooks you, excecute you and leave invisible in a window of 3 seconds
So fun fact about Kog'Maws passive. Kog'Maws passive didn't actually give upwards of 40% Movespeed and instead gave around 32.5% - 35% because tick 1 of Kog'Maws passive didn't count towards the ramping Movespeed. Then the games tickrate isn't .25 seconds but instead .264 seconds so Kog'Maw could lose 2.5% MS based on the games current tickrate. The most recent buffs mildly addressed this by putting Kog'maw to 10%-50% from 0%-40% however due tot he tickrate issue you're instead looking at 45% MS capped as opposed the the 50% expected. The reason this doesn't have the -2.5% from tick 1 not counting is because this was actually addressed when buffing the spell, however it still mini roots on tick 1.
The only time in which fizz passive actually scales and makes a difference is pre 6 in lane. Being able to fight ur opponent while u both have a wave and take 20-30% less damage from minion attacks is substantial.
im going to say, nay to fizz passive. its actually pretty good. it also works on tick damage for instance like ignite/liandries. if we talk about active abilities. well urgot Q always felt a little.. meh. yes it locks your W onto a target. and gives you a little bit of poke early. but after lvl 5 or so. it deals less than an auto.
If memory serves, Kalista's W, the active portion anyway, was designed because her designer, CertainlyT, had it in mind she was a beginner marksman to get people adjusted to marksman mechanics, hence her passive existing; it was to get people to practice orb walking. So the W is basically a free ward and that was its purpose Doesn't change how meh an ability it is, just something I recall from way back when
wtf is orb walking is it like kiting? if so why do people call it that instead of just kiting? i think the term kiting makes more sense because you are literally kiting the enemy. Meanwhile wtf is orb walking supposed to represent? that you stay a good radius away from the enemy? an orb length? why would people call it orb walking
@@rivershen8954 it is kiting, Orb walking is the older term used specifically for Marksman type characters where you rapidly move your mouse after issuing an attack command. It's so that you can keen your distance while damaging a melee enemy.
@@icewrack9152 ok thanks im just really frustrated cuz like i said orbiting isnt the first thing that you would think of when hearing orb walking for the first time. Meanwhile you can already think of a general meaning to kiting
I actually remember the patch notes when they added the Blitz W slow. At the time, I believe he was strong and this ability could just be used to zone. He could walk up to the wave very quickly and bot/sup had to back off and respect the potential of a Q. Then he would just walk away. They added the slow to give an opening for punishing, for better or for worse.
Shyvana’s passive was also buffed in Wild Rift, granting her up to 400 points based on how many kills or dragon kills she gets that upgrade all of her abilities starting with her Q and ending with her Ult
As someone who plays Elise top and mid i can wholeheartedly say that Elise her human form Q is one of the biggest bs abilties for laning, not even kidding.
9:28 As a Pre Rework Mundo Main, i loved the old W, it is old, yes, but tbh it was way more usefull then his new W. The best thing was that you were able to permanently turn it on if you have enough hp reg. Which was easy with spirit visage and bamis cinder (Was basically his full build). I miss old mundo, yes the visual update was really needed (and i only bought a skin because i hated the look of the default) but the change on his W alone made him way less fun (not talkin about ultimate pff)
Not a fan of jayce passive on the list. It provides a lot more than you mentioned Hammer gives bonus damage on first aa and bonus armor/mr Ranged gives armor/mr shred on first auto, as well as empowering said auto. As well as all the other things mentioned
I think Fizz's passive at least has more thematic relevance. He's a slippery fish boy. Beats Xerath wanting to auto when he's a full on long range artillery guy
IIRC, Xerath’s passive exists primarily to give opponents a window to actually interact with him. It exists primarily to nerf him and make him a little less frustrating to play against, in other words.
A little history on Blitzcrank's W. For the first few years, it didn't actually slow him. That was added some time around season 3 or 4 if I recall. Back then, Blitz was the terror of low rank play and was still considered pretty solid in the LCS. One place they decided to nerf him was in his ability to sprint forever with his W. Making it a telegraph of when he wants to go in, rather than just something he always has up. Now whether that's still necessary today is up for debate.
Came to comment this as well. I will also add that this change was before dashes were as ubiquitous as they are today, so for a decent amount of champs (at the time) Blitz could W to you, and keep running at you after the buff wore out to guarantee an E which then set up into an E. T2 boots rush was an absolute terror at the time, in part because of the way the meta was shaped by previous seasons (specifically jungle). Early into League's history ever jungler basically had to start cloth armor and 5 pots, after they made jungle camps do less damage every jungler started boots for better ganks which forced laners into starting boots as well. After they introduced jungle items laners stop buying boots early, which meant that if Blitz rushed swifties or even mobis he would have such a massive speed advantage that even with dashes if you didn't build t2 boots second or third item (which at the time most laners didn't) he could run you down with ease even if you outlasted his W
No bro, its just trash. He already have good push with Q. And why i want to kill the wave i want to kill the enemy not the wave. Like caitlyn ult exists. And the damage to tower is near to 0 its not something good
im glad Jayce has a much better passive despite still nobody playing him in Wild Rift. the passive basically is On changing into Hammer form Jayce gains resistances and changing into Cannon form empowers Jayce's next attack to shred enemy resistances for a few seconds
@@pinkmilk7032 Oh? that was not my intention, someone commented a few weeks ago, it only hits 1. Topic was also about Wildrift difference. Also how do u call skills in Wildrift when theres no keys? you call skills like 1st skill?
@MangaGamify you just say it with numbers (skill 1), wild rift really does fix most of the useless passives on active abilitity slots/useless abilities in league tho
In wild rift shyvana's passive gives you stacks from jungle camps every 100 stack evolves your ability (q first w second etc) till 400 Drakes give you like 32 stacks but when you cant do them you can power farm and make use of her passice anyway
Blitzcrank W as a squishy support is so impactful in the early game, it makes Blitz someone you really have to watch out for because he can pop it and then run through your minions into a Q and ruin your day. Excellent combo ability.
Was my main when the game first came out in 09 He was such cheesy BS I loved it, the point and click double Q scaled so well it was silly. I don't blame them for reworking him lol
The old kayle R was shit aswell untill it got buffed while ulting her self or a ally she couldn’t attack which is terrible considering she is a hypercarry
I really wish we would have a stat tracker on Fizzs passive because i think it does alot more than people think. In the laning phase at least, as you said, late game it doesn't even exist.
Got an idea of how to make each of these better without making them broken: 1. Move Quick: Teemo tumbles a short distance on cast but the movement speed bonus is reduced by 2 seconds. 2. Neurotoxin changed to a DOT effect, poisoning the target and increasing all incoming damage from Elise by 10% for 3 seconds. Could reduce in damage to compensate. Since Elise also likes to build some health, you could give her bonus health scaling on some of her other abilities. 3. Fury of the Dragonborn. As a Shyvana main myself, I’ve been bitching about this passive for years. Scrap it and put the resistances back on her R. Shyvana should start with Fury at level 1, granting her bonus attack speed as she stacks it up. This also ties into an entire VGU idea I have for Shyvana but I won’t go into it bc that’s not the point of this post. 4. Icathian Surprise. I would personally scrap this one, but you could have it scale with AD and AP and allow the explosion to be cast by Kog’Maw after a 0.25 second delay, increasing in damage over 4 seconds. 5. Sentinel. Kalista’s Sentinel’s have a small radius of vision around themselves. %Max HP damage bonus reduced to 6-8% but can be proc’d by all 4 of her allies. Allies that damage enemy champions will apply the mark even if Kalista had not yet attacked them. 6. Comeuppance. Reduce the maximum cast time to 1.5 and adjust the damage accordingly. Reduce passive damage to compensate. 7. Heart Zapper. Mundo stores 25% of all incoming damage whenever Heart Zapper is not on cooldown, increased to 50% while it is active. 8. Hextech Capacitor. Jayce gains 15 Bonus movement speed for 1 second when casting an ability, stacking up to 3 times and refreshing the duration on-cast. At max stacks, Jayce is also ghosted. Each stack falls off one at a time. 9. Overdrive. Overdrive movement speed bonus reduced and no longer grants Blitzcrank bonus attack speed, grants bonus AP instead. Self slow removed. 10. Nimble Fighter. Fizz no longer negates bonus damage. Instead, he gains bonus movement speed in the river scaling with AP. This will help him rotate to objectives faster and help sell the fantasy of being a lil sharky boi. Could nerf damage somewhere to compensate.
4. Icathian surprise, kogmaw would reborn into a smaller and weaker version of himself at half hp for a few seconds. If he gets to get a kill, after a short channel, he gets to respawn. If he doesnt, he dies. Like renatta W
9. Overdrive. Keep it as is but add an effect that reduces cooldown of all abilities. Adds depth to his playstyle where he would either use W before, or after an engage to go for the engage or for the cooldown reduction
6:38 Now I had another suggestion to Kog's passive that would make it a lot more useful than it is right now: Make it so it executes minions. Simple change and not too broken.
fizz's passive could be easily balanced by increasing the AP scaling, or making it scale with haste to follow with the "nimble" aspect. Maybe give him -1 damage from all sources for every 10 ability haste, so at end game, it's still not terribly impactful. or just scrap the damage taken angle and give him some kind of movement speed buff like singed's passive, that would also fall more in line with the nimble aspect. for kogmaw, his passive should be reworked to be more similar to zyra's old passive, he gets one free living artillery shot that deals true damage like his current passive does. teemo's ability could be reworked so that the active part also has the attack speed of his exiting stealth mechanic shivana's could scale based on hos long the dragons have been dead, increasing her defenses by 1 per dragon per 2 minutes, so in your scenario, with 6 dragons, assuming as 30 minute game, assuming the first dragon is killed at 5 minutes, it would grant 17(dragon1), 15(dragon 2), 12, 10, 7, 5 granting a total of 71 defenses, slightly better but not so overpowered. and let's assume her tea only captures 1 dragon at the first spawn, it would still grant her 22 defenses, so not nearly as useless for a team not doing well. possibly adding an execute to dragons that increases with each dragon get team kills could incentivize her to make them more of a priority as well. not really sure what to do for elise, I think she needs to have a runt ability. for kalista, maybe make her sentenal untargetable until it's discovered someone, making it more of a zoning tool I feel akshan's ult was designed to be weak and because of that, I'm not really sure they need to buff it. maybe allowing each bullet to do some amount of on hit effects? I'm also not sure mundo's ability needs to be tweaked. and lastly, Jayce, i feel it's more of a perk than a passive considering he's shifter champ.
Shyv's passive would probably be better if it worked as it does in ARAM, where siege minion kills add to the passive as well, but probably re-work it so that each stack only add like 1 armor and MR and like 0.01 rage gen, and have dragon kills give 5 stacks and Elder dragons give 10-20 stacks so as to keep the whole "dragon kills are more important" while giving Shyv more opportunities to add stacks.
shyvana’s passive is game changing. It lets you kill dragons faster than any jungler. Opening up really fast solo drag plays that no other champ can do.
I definitely disagree, having ghosting and damage reduction on a oneshot assassin that already has an escape ability and often also builds zhonyas is so wild
Fizz also got a much better treatment in wild rift. Since everyone is ghosted, theres no collision at all with any unit (ofc walls and jarvan ult and obstacles etc still exist), Fizz can deal an amount of magic damage over 3 seconds after on hitting a champion
Just a food for thought: If Fizz's Passive works so well against Damage over Time, it might be one of the reasons why he's is such an awful matchup for ASol since both his Q and his E are DoTs
@@kipkak80 ASol ends up with quite a lot of HP, though, and you can build Verdant Barrier so he's not as much of a problem. Also, Fizz's early sucks, in general But the fact that Fizz's Passive is 8 times better against ASol than, for example, against Orianna is really good for him, imo (Sol Q ticks 8 times per second)
"KogMaw's Passive Doesn't Scale" Me with my Pyschopathic AP Support KogMaw build after I explode and watch them burn to death from liandries and blackfire
fizz's passive is supposed to help in the early game since the flat damage reduction is obviously a bigger fraction of damage dealt by minions than by champions so you have more oportunities to trade, add the ghosting to the mix and his untargetability and you have a decent-ish passive in the context of his kit but like you said right after lane phase ends it's deadass useless. It's a very uninspired passive for such a charismatic and fun character, maybe if it was a percentage and it scaled off of AP it could be more useful bud idk, i feel fizz's passive should be either way more aggressive or offer some kind of movement speed burst or something like that
Dude, as an otp kalista i couldn't disagree more with your statements abt her W. When I'm trying to get an aggressive lane early with a supp that's able to proc it, which is usually the case, I actually use to take it lv2 cause of the oneshot capacity that it gives u and the fact that u can proc it on both targets pretty quickly; when i go kalista lethality supp I also usually get it at lv 2 which, when mixed with hell of blades, pretty much assures u a couple of kills early to snowball, and while yeah it decays in mid-late game it's still useful in a variety of situations just for it's passive. I pretty much agree abt the active tho it's really nice to check objectives.
Hmm I always found the kog maws passive one of my favourites in the earlier seasons. Secured me so many kills and was very effective. Higher ping, lower fps, less dashes, weaker player knowledge and awareness. The passive worked like a charm.
I think they gave that blitz w nerf around the time of % cdr, at that time blitz was able to have his w up at all times and silver elo and below could not deal with it (details are a bit fuzzy but it had to do with his opressive chace uptime and they wanted him to be a catcher, not an chacher/clean up champ)
"top 10 weakest abilities" mundo w on there. good list speaking of mundo: his old ult used to punish you for casting it at the wrong time bc it would cost like 20% max hp before it started to heal you, putting it up with blitz W for abilities that punish you for using them
The problem with Blitz W skill is the Q is just *that* good. Either running towards the enemy and knocking them up or reposition to get a better Q hit. Hence why the W nerf. It didn't have the slow before.
Fizz passive is kinda op against dots champions if I understood it right? because dots champions usually deal damage in 0.25 ticks so it reduce every tick by 5 damage it actually adds up to alot 1 second of dot reduce 20 damage, usually dot effect can last for a long time if they get refreshed with brand or malzahar or zyra plants I can actually imagine it reducing hundreds of damage in some situations but against burst it does suck feel like it's just an anti dot passive.
They could buff Shyvana's passive by increasing her bonus damage on dragon to 30% extra and make Smite deal bonus damage on the dragon also Or just giving her bonus armor and magic resist for every dragon killed in the game regardless of which team kill it
I am always going to be so sad and miss that blitzcrank W rework we had for a short duration, it was probably THE most fun jungler I've ever played. The shittiest part about being a player that loves cc heavy champs while being a jungler, if a support has a buff that's viable enough to let them jungle or clear semi-decently then they're op pick/ban in bot lane. I'll forever miss my nautilus and blitzcrank jungle. 😭
could the reason why they don't update Shyvana's passive to the Wildrift one be similar to why Skarner's vgu was so delayed, because there was a fundamental element tied into the code of the game that they couldn't just rip out without breaking it? Skerner's crystals on the map, and Shyvana being tied to the dragons which are part of the map
Mundo's W is so good in the early game. There's so many times i bait enemy in when im low HP then heal up thier burst combo with Q and W then get a cluth 1v1
Shyvana Passive is only good for killing dragons and pairing it with your Q to get a budget smite for dragon. Otherwise it’s terrible. It’s slightly better in aram where you get the bonus armor and mr from killing super/cannon minions or getting healed by enemy side relics
Personally I really do like Mundo W Yes the cost is high but when u play him top against champs that manly do quick trades against you like Camille riven etc, it helps a lot staying alive when you use it right before their burst
would love a total rework of kogmaw's passive to something else entirely tbh. I think that'll help them budget out the general power in his kit as well since the champ is often a bit too strong. I wonder if akshan ult would be fine if minions specifically didn't block it or if that would be too much. There is a risk of making it too much like cait ult but it does need something (or doesnt I also don't enjoy playing vs akshan lol). The nice thing about mundo w at least is that it doesn't require any setup (like ALL of the abilities you compared it to). It's just something you can have up and pop for a bit of extra sustain in team fights (especially considering that you get bursted down even as a tank with 6k+ hp in this game). I think it'd be cool if the dot when you first activate it got just the tiniest bit of scaling so it didnt seem completely pointless to even level like you mention. Blitz would be sooo toxic as a character if there wasn't a downside when he tried to hard commit though. The slow exists so you don't just get to do whatever the fuck you want in lane and play these weirdo goofball angles and be unpunishable
I remember the times, when Trinity mana item Ad Blitz was actually one of the ONLY few champs capable of beating a fed FIORA 1v1 😳.... Aaand it was the W that was the breaking point.
Some feedback bro: idk if it’s just me but the audio on the videos is extremely low, it’s kinda hard to hear anything even with max volume. Other than that, great video!
I might be insane, but I swear I remember at one point Kog's passive scaled with AP. I don't think it ever made it to live servers but Riot played around with it on PBE. Also Teemo W is bad, I'm not saying it isn't. But if you watch Ipav, he occasionally maxes it first or second while running phase rush and nobody can catch that little rat. It at least has a use and it's pretty funny.
pretty sure fizz's passive used to be 6-12 baseline, might've been 4-12 baseline, eitherway i think the reasoning for the change was to not allow bruiser fizz to become a thing the problem is that even if it went up to like 20-30 damage reduction from all sources, fizz's whole playstyle is build around avoiding damage with his E and then exploding an enemy in 1 second... there are almost no moments where fizz's passive helps his playstyle, therefore i put it forth that they could rework it into "if fizz avoid's damage using playfull trickster, he restores damage equal to 10% of the premitigated damage dealt" this both encourages a more aggresive playstyle, while fitting much more into his already existing kit
3:28 Actually, no. In many of the meta top matchups, it's actually advised to max W first. Usually "put 3 points into E, then max W" while also buying boots of swiftness.
Fizz passive is absolutely devastating for Malzahar. On level 1, it negates nearly 50% Malzahar E damage. So instead of dealing 100 damage it usually does 40 (mr still exist on top of)
I dont know if this is a bad idea, but what if Kog Passive would behave like Sett W. Like Damage over time, his passive is weaker, but if he gets 100 to 0in 1sec, then its at its full strength and deals more damage. on top i'd suggest instead of giving kog maw movement speed, rather make it a double explosion, the first when he dies slows enemies (again slow scaling with how fast he died) and second explosion the actual damage like its now.
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You should look at the wild rift shyvana passive
Crazy how Aphelios E didnt make the list
His E is without a doubt the weakest ability in the game. It does *nothing*
It tells you which weapon is coming
it already tells you the next weapon and even if it didn't, you could just memorize the rotation of the 5 weapons @@santiagojara8056
@@santiagojara8056 cant argue with that tbh
it gives emotional support because being an ADC is instant suffering
imagining having to be aphelios but having to mentally remember the weapon order on game 1, life could never be easy
Whenever we call an ability bad, we should remember that Sion's old passive was that he had a 40% chance to take up to 30 / 40 / 50 (based on level) reduced damage from basic attacks.
Still far better than kogmaws passive. Sions passive could really add up as tank against auto attackers
So vanguard from dota
@@ThePaceMaker127 minus the health, regen and ability to be a cheap step stone item u can disassemble later
Old Sion was the GOAT champion, I say that 100% unironically.
It was super strong in early game but fell off hard, it was not that bad
What is interesting with shyvana passive, is that in aram she get extra passive fury generation for each stack (which you can get by getting healed from an ennemy side healthpack or your team killing canon minion) and considering that ap shyvana is quite good, it allow more dragon form which mean more e nuke.
on the other side, ivern just dont even have a passive in aram because they didnt bother to change it
Also hilariously, he doesn’t actually need one on ARAM.
Ivern is the most busted aram champ, he doesn't need one
Shyvana passive is also MASSIVELY busted in arena weirdly enough. Because you keep getting free stats each round
Sadly AP Shyv hasn't actually been good since Ravenous Hunter was in the game.
Ivern has no passive in sr as well. We got robbed from it!!
(Buff sharing)
You are talking about the worst abilities in the game, but then you tell us surfshark is the first ability. Does it mean surfshark is actually the worst vpn?
I remember when they added the slow to Blitzcrank's W. They said that they added it because he was too good at escaping when he got himself into a bad situation. They didn't want him to be able to just pop W and run away for free, but they also didn't want to nerf its engage potential because that's what they wanted him to use it for. Why they didn't just take the path of making the speed buff halve itself if he's running away instead is beyond me, but whatever.
I like that it slows because it makes the ability actually interesting compared to other speed buffs
Not just that, they also wanted to reduce his roaming potential without hurting his engage. The slow after the effect expires means using W will not make your roams faster, the distance travelled in the 5s plus the slow timer is pretty much the same if W wasn't used
but then... Pyke exists
I actually like the slow, if it was just a basic steroid it'd be kinda boring tbh
It's good they added a slow to his W, engage champions shouldn't have easy access to get out from a fight/bad positioning through mobility. disagree with Vars saying it's one of the worst abilities. If anything it's one of the most broken abilities for an engage champion to have. 70% decaying movement speed... if you position correctly in lane/outside lane you can just run at people in melee range and point click cc them into hook. even a melee range hook is super obnoxious. same goes for pyke. Imagine if Nautilus or Leona could get 30-70% decaying movement speed for just clicking one ability and run you down
I think you missed the idea behind Elise's human q. She's a burst champion, and her human q is the first damaging spell she uses on her rotation because it does % current hp damage (so it gains more value the more hp the enemy has), and she's meant to finish with spider q which does % missing hp damage (so it does more damage the less hp the enemy has). Yes, the ability is just flat damage, and it isn't meant to do a ton of upfront burst damage, it's just meant to be the start of her burst rotation
But it does no damage. Autoattacks do more
@@boldisordorin9010 it does do damage. It does more damage the higher % hp your target has. If you human q a 200 hp adc, you probably don't kill them. But if you human q a 7k hp Sion, you do like 900 damage or something like that
@@Pyrrha_Nikos Sounds like your typical AP damage that has max health scaling + atleast around 75% AP ratio like Hwei QQ, it even goes 1.1k on blue buff despite having a damage cap on monsters. And that has 800 range and with 200 AOE radius, 6s CD, 0 cast time, Monster cap damage 250(in all AOE radius). VS elise 575 range, single target, 6s CD, 0.25 cast time, Monster cap damage 175(again single target).
The context is not being bad but others just have way better offer.
@@MangaGamifiedYeha but it’s also point and click right? It’s free damage you just press.
@@Salmon_Toastie The context of the video is it not being a point and click and not being free damage, but the worst abilities even amongst point and clicks, if there are 500 point and clicks, eventually there'll be some in the bottom of the barrel.
Honestly if Mundo still had his old W i would literally never play another champion. Pre-rework Mundo was the champion that got me into the game and when I learned how to play jungle I would instalock him every game i could. It was heartbreaking when the rework dropped and not only did they gut jungle Mundo but on launch his W was so bad that I remember a lot of Mundo players would literally just not level it at all until they had to. Everything else is perfect, so it's even more sad that his W is so underwhelming.
it's like i know what you mean and i agree
I started this game with Nunu, Amumu, Taric, and Mundo. Thank riot mummy boy never got a huge gameplay rework because ever since the other 3 did, I really can't enjoy them anywhere near as much.
It's definitely press to die faster button.
Old Mundo was the only salvation² to this slow, tedious, h0stage taking etc game. Current W is the exact polar opposite of old W, and it seems the devs want us to pay back, all the damage the old W had ever mitigated, even just by activating it.
Yi's mediate is an infinitely better version for the same concept, even if enemy has hard CC, you can just time it at the right moment for an equal trade.(if you block it within 0.50 secs of pressing it, it will block 90% of the damage but only for the first 0.50 sec)
²by context, for me.
Also it showed somewhat more skill-expression. Turn it on at the wrong time and it could be the reason you died.
Jayce passive is so essencial to his kit and trading patterns. It is SOO broken actually so I'm very suprised that it's mentioned.
No fizz p is for mental damage. Because the moment you learn of it, every single time fizz makes a 10hp escape, you react with: that fckin p is so fckin broken, wtf?!. And that racks up to a pretty good tilt if it happens more than 2 times during the match
I mean, literal 10hp escapes are very rare, it's more common to have smth like a 50hp escape which still wouldn't have been a kill without the dmg reduction.
@@Topunito underestimating the minion aggro on early game + ghosted helps fizz a lot
@@a4g4st0That’s exactly what it’s for right? It’s so he can take bad trades and come out equal or on top.
Shadowflame and lyandry both work on kogmaw Passive, and it's super funny
yes his passive is always so good when i play ap kogmaw
I think , as a fizz main that Fizz passive is really strong without looking so much , because the damage reduction may seem useless , but it really helps early to reduce minion damage when you fight to begin snowballing , and even later in the game almost negating burn effects . without speaking of the permanent ghost which allows him to escape way easier because of how long his CD's are early game . Basically he takes 2/3 minion damage compared to other champ early and late , if an ennemy has liandrys then he takes only like half from the burn , if not less . I understand that it feels really bad , but I personally think it's really underrated .
Fizz passive can be annoying to deal with in laning phase and hot take teemo w passive makes it viable to just sell your boots late game
Exactly, early on it's like 1/3 of the damage of Melee minions gone. That might not be a lot, but if you fight inside a wave (which happens as an assassin), you tend to eat a lot of minion hits so it adds up.
I would'nt neccessarily call it "bad" but just underwhelming tbh.
It’s probably really good against Zeri since her Q is just a stream of bullets that do 8 damage each in early game.
i mean dont people already sell boots in the lategame after 5 items? since having an item would be far better than a mere boot
@@rivershen8954 Most certainly not... Movement speed is too much value, specially in late game high elo.
@@LuizH. then just buy an item that also gives movespeed? youd still get movespeed equal or more to having a boots while also having the effects of said item
Now make a video on the most mediocre abilities
Rakan's Q
Technically it does its job, but in practice the effects are meh.
Janna's W
Morgana's passive, not a bad ability per se, but it's incredibly boring
@@G0nzaloCoronel As a Morgana Mid enjoyer, It's a nice early game thing to have so you can heal from cannons and take bad trades. But yeah, it's not a good ability on morgana
Amumu W, it'll work but its so slow working it makes you want to cry
How this dude keeps pumping out new league content so often is truly mind boggling to me. I would have no ideas for new videos around league. Keep it up!)
I think teemo's w is very powerful, just on teemo. Without it he would counter no autoattackers in the tpolane, with it he counters almost all of them.
Well fizz passive is like this bcs when it was stronger tank fizz was the most cancer thing in the entire game you do 30 damage to him 15 of it getting blocked and you couldn't even hit him half of the time.
When he first came out and bruiser/tank fizz was a popular build choice his passive only included the first half, the ap damage reduction is a relatively recent addition
It has a cap which can be further nerfed anytime.
Its not thaaaaaat bad early on when champion can auto attack him for 60 damage, making that passive a 10% damage reduction very early
Its even better on minion which attack for 20 damage.
Its hundred times more valuable than Shivana passive at least
Wasn't the issue mostly coming from his w damage ?
@@anonyme4881 1 thing I find funny is that is basically copy pasted amumu passive but better. xD
I don't know who the fuck created shyvana's passive. like you said. it become useless too easily when your team behide and can't fight for the dragon.
and what you get is only 5 armor and MR ? on a champion who design to be a Fighter or bruiser? other busier have their own easy way to get sustain or tankiness. (Jax get both AR and MR by hitting his ult , trundle steals other stat by his ult , fiora get heal from hitting her passive , Garen have damage reduction by pressing his W and also give MR and AR.
then there is Shyvana whose passive need you to kill dragons and only give you 5 AR/MR per dragon? even Garen W gives more AR/MR and he can stack it easily by hitting minions.
WTF Riot give me back old Shyvana passive please.
Now the whole shyvana is useless
I just remind you that Old Wu passive literally gave more MR and Armor just by being near enemies
It baffles me that they still haven’t ported over the Shyvana rework that Wildrift did
to be fair, jax needing to hit enemies to gain more resistances is new. His old ult just simply gave him more scaling with AD for armor and AP for magic resist
@@theminionoftheshelllord9259 yeah i have no idea why they wouldnt do that. It would probably skyrocket her playrate and winrate, maybe people will like shyvana and buy her skins more so more money for riot too but i guess its too much work
About the blitzcrank W, he used to be a pain to catch him late game - but now we have Pyke that comes invisible, stuns you, hooks you, excecute you and leave invisible in a window of 3 seconds
So fun fact about Kog'Maws passive. Kog'Maws passive didn't actually give upwards of 40% Movespeed and instead gave around 32.5% - 35% because tick 1 of Kog'Maws passive didn't count towards the ramping Movespeed. Then the games tickrate isn't .25 seconds but instead .264 seconds so Kog'Maw could lose 2.5% MS based on the games current tickrate.
The most recent buffs mildly addressed this by putting Kog'maw to 10%-50% from 0%-40% however due tot he tickrate issue you're instead looking at 45% MS capped as opposed the the 50% expected. The reason this doesn't have the -2.5% from tick 1 not counting is because this was actually addressed when buffing the spell, however it still mini roots on tick 1.
Heart zapper should be a toggle, like his old W. Keep it zappy, not burning, just let it stay on and drain him infinitely
The only time in which fizz passive actually scales and makes a difference is pre 6 in lane. Being able to fight ur opponent while u both have a wave and take 20-30% less damage from minion attacks is substantial.
im going to say, nay to fizz passive. its actually pretty good. it also works on tick damage for instance like ignite/liandries. if we talk about active abilities. well urgot Q always felt a little.. meh. yes it locks your W onto a target. and gives you a little bit of poke early. but after lvl 5 or so. it deals less than an auto.
so i dont wanna say its good but there is many matchups u max Teemo W second since u need it to kite and space its quite good for him
Yeah, I do that many times when I play Teemo too. It's surprisingly effective against many champion like you have spammable ghost.
it’s definitely good, with old teemo build i’d always max w second
If memory serves, Kalista's W, the active portion anyway, was designed because her designer, CertainlyT, had it in mind she was a beginner marksman to get people adjusted to marksman mechanics, hence her passive existing; it was to get people to practice orb walking. So the W is basically a free ward and that was its purpose
Doesn't change how meh an ability it is, just something I recall from way back when
wtf is orb walking is it like kiting? if so why do people call it that instead of just kiting? i think the term kiting makes more sense because you are literally kiting the enemy. Meanwhile wtf is orb walking supposed to represent? that you stay a good radius away from the enemy? an orb length? why would people call it orb walking
@@rivershen8954 it is kiting, Orb walking is the older term used specifically for Marksman type characters where you rapidly move your mouse after issuing an attack command. It's so that you can keen your distance while damaging a melee enemy.
@@rivershen8954 orb, as in, short for orbiting. You stay a decent distance away so it is like you are orbiting a planet or moon
@@icewrack9152 ok thanks im just really frustrated cuz like i said orbiting isnt the first thing that you would think of when hearing orb walking for the first time. Meanwhile you can already think of a general meaning to kiting
Well then the designer made a terrible job because Kalista isn't begginer friendly adc at all, one of more difficult if u ask me
I actually remember the patch notes when they added the Blitz W slow. At the time, I believe he was strong and this ability could just be used to zone. He could walk up to the wave very quickly and bot/sup had to back off and respect the potential of a Q. Then he would just walk away. They added the slow to give an opening for punishing, for better or for worse.
Shyvana’s passive was also buffed in Wild Rift, granting her up to 400 points based on how many kills or dragon kills she gets that upgrade all of her abilities starting with her Q and ending with her Ult
As someone who plays Elise top and mid i can wholeheartedly say that Elise her human form Q is one of the biggest bs abilties for laning, not even kidding.
why... would you ?
@@kipkak80 why not
bc im afraid of women@@Insanityltself
9:28 As a Pre Rework Mundo Main, i loved the old W, it is old, yes, but tbh it was way more usefull then his new W. The best thing was that you were able to permanently turn it on if you have enough hp reg. Which was easy with spirit visage and bamis cinder (Was basically his full build). I miss old mundo, yes the visual update was really needed (and i only bought a skin because i hated the look of the default) but the change on his W alone made him way less fun (not talkin about ultimate pff)
Not a fan of jayce passive on the list. It provides a lot more than you mentioned
Hammer gives bonus damage on first aa and bonus armor/mr
Ranged gives armor/mr shred on first auto, as well as empowering said auto.
As well as all the other things mentioned
Those two things are comprehended in his ultimate and not in his passive
12:50 that rumble just not helping at all hurts my brain
Mundo rework was basically a giga-nerf to him.
No Jayce W hammer mode? That shit turn on only for visual effects, it deals negative dmg
After riot removed Rammus's self-slow on w, i see no reason for blitzcrank's w to stay the way it is.
Shyvana's passive exists,
Nasus just press his R - all of the other stuff + 40 to 70 resistences.
I think Fizz's passive at least has more thematic relevance. He's a slippery fish boy.
Beats Xerath wanting to auto when he's a full on long range artillery guy
IIRC, Xerath’s passive exists primarily to give opponents a window to actually interact with him.
It exists primarily to nerf him and make him a little less frustrating to play against, in other words.
A little history on Blitzcrank's W. For the first few years, it didn't actually slow him. That was added some time around season 3 or 4 if I recall.
Back then, Blitz was the terror of low rank play and was still considered pretty solid in the LCS. One place they decided to nerf him was in his ability to sprint forever with his W. Making it a telegraph of when he wants to go in, rather than just something he always has up.
Now whether that's still necessary today is up for debate.
Came to comment this as well. I will also add that this change was before dashes were as ubiquitous as they are today, so for a decent amount of champs (at the time) Blitz could W to you, and keep running at you after the buff wore out to guarantee an E which then set up into an E. T2 boots rush was an absolute terror at the time, in part because of the way the meta was shaped by previous seasons (specifically jungle). Early into League's history ever jungler basically had to start cloth armor and 5 pots, after they made jungle camps do less damage every jungler started boots for better ganks which forced laners into starting boots as well. After they introduced jungle items laners stop buying boots early, which meant that if Blitz rushed swifties or even mobis he would have such a massive speed advantage that even with dashes if you didn't build t2 boots second or third item (which at the time most laners didn't) he could run you down with ease even if you outlasted his W
With insane cool down runes it would be up so often too...
akshan ult is soo underrated, on lane you either kill the target or push minions or chip the tower down
No bro, its just trash. He already have good push with Q. And why i want to kill the wave i want to kill the enemy not the wave. Like caitlyn ult exists. And the damage to tower is near to 0 its not something good
im glad Jayce has a much better passive despite still nobody playing him in Wild Rift. the passive basically is
On changing into Hammer form Jayce gains resistances
and changing into Cannon form empowers Jayce's next attack to shred enemy resistances for a few seconds
Hi Shen
Jayce has those abilities in Lol, just in the ultimate and not in the passive
I really like Blitzcrank's slow after using overdrive. It help sells the idea of him being a big clunky robot.
Just make every slot kogmaws passive. Also find it funny how many bad abilities are improved or straight up fixed on WR
I heard many are nerfed if not detoxified too, like Lux snare now only 1 champ
@@MangaGamified lux q in wildrift still snare up to 2 enemies and it pass through minions.
@@pinkmilk7032 Oh? that was not my intention, someone commented a few weeks ago, it only hits 1. Topic was also about Wildrift difference.
Also how do u call skills in Wildrift when theres no keys? you call skills like 1st skill?
@MangaGamify you just say it with numbers (skill 1), wild rift really does fix most of the useless passives on active abilitity slots/useless abilities in league tho
In wild rift shyvana's passive gives you stacks from jungle camps every 100 stack evolves your ability (q first w second etc) till 400
Drakes give you like 32 stacks but when you cant do them you can power farm and make use of her passice anyway
6:39 yo its me wtf. Love to see it
Blitzcrank W as a squishy support is so impactful in the early game, it makes Blitz someone you really have to watch out for because he can pop it and then run through your minions into a Q and ruin your day. Excellent combo ability.
I am now legitimately thinking about a surfing shark as a champion, basically Fizz riding on a Nami wave.
When I saw the title, blitz steroid's slow was the first thing in my mind. Yes, ridiculous xD
Remember when zilian had universal exp share and could cooldown his ult with the rewind? I miss old zilian spamming, good ol times.
Was my main when the game first came out in 09
He was such cheesy BS I loved it, the point and click double Q scaled so well it was silly. I don't blame them for reworking him lol
The old kayle R was shit aswell untill it got buffed while ulting her self or a ally she couldn’t attack which is terrible considering she is a hypercarry
I really wish we would have a stat tracker on Fizzs passive because i think it does alot more than people think. In the laning phase at least, as you said, late game it doesn't even exist.
Got an idea of how to make each of these better without making them broken:
1. Move Quick: Teemo tumbles a short distance on cast but the movement speed bonus is reduced by 2 seconds.
2. Neurotoxin changed to a DOT effect, poisoning the target and increasing all incoming damage from Elise by 10% for 3 seconds. Could reduce in damage to compensate. Since Elise also likes to build some health, you could give her bonus health scaling on some of her other abilities.
3. Fury of the Dragonborn. As a Shyvana main myself, I’ve been bitching about this passive for years. Scrap it and put the resistances back on her R. Shyvana should start with Fury at level 1, granting her bonus attack speed as she stacks it up. This also ties into an entire VGU idea I have for Shyvana but I won’t go into it bc that’s not the point of this post.
4. Icathian Surprise. I would personally scrap this one, but you could have it scale with AD and AP and allow the explosion to be cast by Kog’Maw after a 0.25 second delay, increasing in damage over 4 seconds.
5. Sentinel. Kalista’s Sentinel’s have a small radius of vision around themselves. %Max HP damage bonus reduced to 6-8% but can be proc’d by all 4 of her allies. Allies that damage enemy champions will apply the mark even if Kalista had not yet attacked them.
6. Comeuppance. Reduce the maximum cast time to 1.5 and adjust the damage accordingly. Reduce passive damage to compensate.
7. Heart Zapper. Mundo stores 25% of all incoming damage whenever Heart Zapper is not on cooldown, increased to 50% while it is active.
8. Hextech Capacitor. Jayce gains 15 Bonus movement speed for 1 second when casting an ability, stacking up to 3 times and refreshing the duration on-cast. At max stacks, Jayce is also ghosted. Each stack falls off one at a time.
9. Overdrive. Overdrive movement speed bonus reduced and no longer grants Blitzcrank bonus attack speed, grants bonus AP instead. Self slow removed.
10. Nimble Fighter. Fizz no longer negates bonus damage. Instead, he gains bonus movement speed in the river scaling with AP. This will help him rotate to objectives faster and help sell the fantasy of being a lil sharky boi. Could nerf damage somewhere to compensate.
4. Icathian surprise, kogmaw would reborn into a smaller and weaker version of himself at half hp for a few seconds. If he gets to get a kill, after a short channel, he gets to respawn. If he doesnt, he dies. Like renatta W
9. Overdrive. Keep it as is but add an effect that reduces cooldown of all abilities.
Adds depth to his playstyle where he would either use W before, or after an engage to go for the engage or for the cooldown reduction
2:29 starts
Can we acknowledge the montage for the intro ? Actual genius idea. Love it. 10 at of 10
The ony case when Fizz passive makes any difference is when you play Teemo midlane. It cuts pretty much a third of your autoattack damage
6:38 Now I had another suggestion to Kog's passive that would make it a lot more useful than it is right now: Make it so it executes minions. Simple change and not too broken.
I remember when they added the slow on blitz W. He never felt the same after that. I dont even remember when it must have been so long ago..
fizz's passive could be easily balanced by increasing the AP scaling, or making it scale with haste to follow with the "nimble" aspect. Maybe give him -1 damage from all sources for every 10 ability haste, so at end game, it's still not terribly impactful. or just scrap the damage taken angle and give him some kind of movement speed buff like singed's passive, that would also fall more in line with the nimble aspect.
for kogmaw, his passive should be reworked to be more similar to zyra's old passive, he gets one free living artillery shot that deals true damage like his current passive does.
teemo's ability could be reworked so that the active part also has the attack speed of his exiting stealth mechanic
shivana's could scale based on hos long the dragons have been dead, increasing her defenses by 1 per dragon per 2 minutes, so in your scenario, with 6 dragons, assuming as 30 minute game, assuming the first dragon is killed at 5 minutes, it would grant 17(dragon1), 15(dragon 2), 12, 10, 7, 5 granting a total of 71 defenses, slightly better but not so overpowered. and let's assume her tea only captures 1 dragon at the first spawn, it would still grant her 22 defenses, so not nearly as useless for a team not doing well. possibly adding an execute to dragons that increases with each dragon get team kills could incentivize her to make them more of a priority as well.
not really sure what to do for elise, I think she needs to have a runt ability.
for kalista, maybe make her sentenal untargetable until it's discovered someone, making it more of a zoning tool
I feel akshan's ult was designed to be weak and because of that, I'm not really sure they need to buff it. maybe allowing each bullet to do some amount of on hit effects?
I'm also not sure mundo's ability needs to be tweaked.
and lastly, Jayce, i feel it's more of a perk than a passive considering he's shifter champ.
Shyv's passive would probably be better if it worked as it does in ARAM, where siege minion kills add to the passive as well, but probably re-work it so that each stack only add like 1 armor and MR and like 0.01 rage gen, and have dragon kills give 5 stacks and Elder dragons give 10-20 stacks so as to keep the whole "dragon kills are more important" while giving Shyv more opportunities to add stacks.
thing about blitzcrank W is, the self slow was added to nerf blitzcrank. he did not have it
shyvana’s passive is game changing. It lets you kill dragons faster than any jungler. Opening up really fast solo drag plays that no other champ can do.
i miss old heimers passive
and W
autoaim W was so fun and annoying
and being able to heal lane turrets was amazing aswell :(
I was shocked you didn't pick Nidalee's trap.
Man's never got hit by 500+ AP Luden's Echo Shadowflame Dark Harvest trap on ARAM when running away for healthpack at 300 hp
Yeah, Mundo's W is one of the most desperate ability to press in game. I try to use it many times but it kinda do nothing and lose your health.
I definitely disagree, having ghosting and damage reduction on a oneshot assassin that already has an escape ability and often also builds zhonyas is so wild
Fizz also got a much better treatment in wild rift. Since everyone is ghosted, theres no collision at all with any unit (ofc walls and jarvan ult and obstacles etc still exist), Fizz can deal an amount of magic damage over 3 seconds after on hitting a champion
Just a food for thought:
If Fizz's Passive works so well against Damage over Time, it might be one of the reasons why he's is such an awful matchup for ASol since both his Q and his E are DoTs
or maybe fizz just oneshot lil bro
@@kipkak80 ASol ends up with quite a lot of HP, though, and you can build Verdant Barrier so he's not as much of a problem. Also, Fizz's early sucks, in general
But the fact that Fizz's Passive is 8 times better against ASol than, for example, against Orianna is really good for him, imo (Sol Q ticks 8 times per second)
okay next time i see Asol i will go Fizz, thanks for the explanation!@@dtstar331
"KogMaw's Passive Doesn't Scale" Me with my Pyschopathic AP Support KogMaw build after I explode and watch them burn to death from liandries and blackfire
fizz's passive is supposed to help in the early game since the flat damage reduction is obviously a bigger fraction of damage dealt by minions than by champions so you have more oportunities to trade, add the ghosting to the mix and his untargetability and you have a decent-ish passive in the context of his kit but like you said right after lane phase ends it's deadass useless. It's a very uninspired passive for such a charismatic and fun character, maybe if it was a percentage and it scaled off of AP it could be more useful bud idk, i feel fizz's passive should be either way more aggressive or offer some kind of movement speed burst or something like that
Dude, as an otp kalista i couldn't disagree more with your statements abt her W. When I'm trying to get an aggressive lane early with a supp that's able to proc it, which is usually the case, I actually use to take it lv2 cause of the oneshot capacity that it gives u and the fact that u can proc it on both targets pretty quickly; when i go kalista lethality supp I also usually get it at lv 2 which, when mixed with hell of blades, pretty much assures u a couple of kills early to snowball, and while yeah it decays in mid-late game it's still useful in a variety of situations just for it's passive.
I pretty much agree abt the active tho it's really nice to check objectives.
fizz passive is SUPER strong vs champs like asol, you can basically stat check him throughout the entire early game since all his dmg is DOT
Hmm I always found the kog maws passive one of my favourites in the earlier seasons. Secured me so many kills and was very effective. Higher ping, lower fps, less dashes, weaker player knowledge and awareness. The passive worked like a charm.
I think they gave that blitz w nerf around the time of % cdr, at that time blitz was able to have his w up at all times and silver elo and below could not deal with it (details are a bit fuzzy but it had to do with his opressive chace uptime and they wanted him to be a catcher, not an chacher/clean up champ)
"top 10 weakest abilities" mundo w on there. good list
speaking of mundo: his old ult used to punish you for casting it at the wrong time bc it would cost like 20% max hp before it started to heal you, putting it up with blitz W for abilities that punish you for using them
You're the only league content creator that doesn't try too hard to be funny and makes good content i love you vro 🗣🔥
The problem with Blitz W skill is the Q is just *that* good. Either running towards the enemy and knocking them up or reposition to get a better Q hit. Hence why the W nerf. It didn't have the slow before.
Fizz passive is kinda op against dots champions if I understood it right? because dots champions usually deal damage in 0.25 ticks so it reduce every tick by 5 damage it actually adds up to alot 1 second of dot reduce 20 damage, usually dot effect can last for a long time if they get refreshed with brand or malzahar or zyra plants I can actually imagine it reducing hundreds of damage in some situations but against burst it does suck feel like it's just an anti dot passive.
They could buff Shyvana's passive by increasing her bonus damage on dragon to 30% extra and make Smite deal bonus damage on the dragon also
Or just giving her bonus armor and magic resist for every dragon killed in the game regardless of which team kill it
Rammus W used to slow him too. Making him extremely dependent on his taunt
I am always going to be so sad and miss that blitzcrank W rework we had for a short duration, it was probably THE most fun jungler I've ever played. The shittiest part about being a player that loves cc heavy champs while being a jungler, if a support has a buff that's viable enough to let them jungle or clear semi-decently then they're op pick/ban in bot lane. I'll forever miss my nautilus and blitzcrank jungle. 😭
could the reason why they don't update Shyvana's passive to the Wildrift one be similar to why Skarner's vgu was so delayed, because there was a fundamental element tied into the code of the game that they couldn't just rip out without breaking it? Skerner's crystals on the map, and Shyvana being tied to the dragons which are part of the map
I loved that Kog'Maw Yuumi so much, what a bizarre but great inclusion in the video. XD
Akshan's R oneshots minions but you know what can fully stop it? A single small raptor.
Mundo's W is so good in the early game. There's so many times i bait enemy in when im low HP then heal up thier burst combo with Q and W then get a cluth 1v1
Shyvana Passive is only good for killing dragons and pairing it with your Q to get a budget smite for dragon. Otherwise it’s terrible. It’s slightly better in aram where you get the bonus armor and mr from killing super/cannon minions or getting healed by enemy side relics
Personally I really do like Mundo W
Yes the cost is high but when u play him top against champs that manly do quick trades against you like Camille riven etc, it helps a lot staying alive when you use it right before their burst
would love a total rework of kogmaw's passive to something else entirely tbh. I think that'll help them budget out the general power in his kit as well since the champ is often a bit too strong. I wonder if akshan ult would be fine if minions specifically didn't block it or if that would be too much. There is a risk of making it too much like cait ult but it does need something (or doesnt I also don't enjoy playing vs akshan lol). The nice thing about mundo w at least is that it doesn't require any setup (like ALL of the abilities you compared it to). It's just something you can have up and pop for a bit of extra sustain in team fights (especially considering that you get bursted down even as a tank with 6k+ hp in this game). I think it'd be cool if the dot when you first activate it got just the tiniest bit of scaling so it didnt seem completely pointless to even level like you mention. Blitz would be sooo toxic as a character if there wasn't a downside when he tried to hard commit though. The slow exists so you don't just get to do whatever the fuck you want in lane and play these weirdo goofball angles and be unpunishable
kog passive could have a 100% ap ratio and i still think it'd suck
You just dont know how to use it
I think is a real good passif for execute or in a team fight
I remember the times, when Trinity mana item Ad Blitz was actually one of the ONLY few champs capable of beating a fed FIORA 1v1 😳.... Aaand it was the W that was the breaking point.
Some feedback bro: idk if it’s just me but the audio on the videos is extremely low, it’s kinda hard to hear anything even with max volume.
Other than that, great video!
Teemo's ability should let him activate it from his standing still stealth mode and move around with the bonus speed.
I might be insane, but I swear I remember at one point Kog's passive scaled with AP. I don't think it ever made it to live servers but Riot played around with it on PBE. Also Teemo W is bad, I'm not saying it isn't. But if you watch Ipav, he occasionally maxes it first or second while running phase rush and nobody can catch that little rat. It at least has a use and it's pretty funny.
Vars: "Very speedy boy"
Me: *chuckles*
greatest transition into a sponsorship EVER! 😂
pretty sure fizz's passive used to be 6-12 baseline, might've been 4-12 baseline, eitherway i think the reasoning for the change was to not allow bruiser fizz to become a thing
the problem is that even if it went up to like 20-30 damage reduction from all sources, fizz's whole playstyle is build around avoiding damage with his E and then exploding an enemy in 1 second... there are almost no moments where fizz's passive helps his playstyle, therefore i put it forth that they could rework it into "if fizz avoid's damage using playfull trickster, he restores damage equal to 10% of the premitigated damage dealt" this both encourages a more aggresive playstyle, while fitting much more into his already existing kit
aatrox W is number 1 after the recent bug fix (hard nerf)
Honorable mentions
: Poppy 's kit except her ult and passive before rework that was broken(ult)
Do not understand why Blitz Overdrive is in this list because he has the slow after it because he is an all in support.
Ahhhh don't forget that Kalista's W doesn't see through control warded bushes either
3:28 Actually, no. In many of the meta top matchups, it's actually advised to max W first. Usually "put 3 points into E, then max W" while also buying boots of swiftness.
Fizz passive is absolutely devastating for Malzahar. On level 1, it negates nearly 50% Malzahar E damage. So instead of dealing 100 damage it usually does 40 (mr still exist on top of)
I dont know if this is a bad idea, but what if Kog Passive would behave like Sett W. Like Damage over time, his passive is weaker, but if he gets 100 to 0in 1sec, then its at its full strength and deals more damage. on top i'd suggest instead of giving kog maw movement speed, rather make it a double explosion, the first when he dies slows enemies (again slow scaling with how fast he died) and second explosion the actual damage like its now.