Zase jedno video na zamyšlení. Sice jsem nechodil do školy jinde, než v Evropě, ale když jsem se svými americkými kolegy diskutovali obsah učiva a výsledné znalosti pro základní školu a střední školu s maturitou, tak nějak jsme došli k závěru, že americký systém se s každým rokem školení docházky více soustředí na řešení problémů a méně na rozsah naučených znalostí, kdežto ten český stále preferuje široký, skoro encyklopedický záběr. Takže na konci procesu, kdy mladým Američanům při vstupu na výšku je cca 17 - 18 let, kdežto mladým Čechům 19 - 20 (podle toho v kolik kdo šel do školy), mají mladí Češi větší rozhled (tedy nemusí strávit první roky na vysoké tolik zkoumáním do stran a mohou rovnou skočit do hlubin svého oboru). Ovšem ani po několika debatách, kdy jsme zkonstatovali, že ty školní systémy jsou rozdílné a v podstatě nekompatibilní, ale neuměli jsme už tak jednoznačně dojít k závěru, který je lepší. Oba systémy mají totiž své pasti - v tom českém nedostatek důrazu na řešení problémů může vést až k tomu, že je dosažené vzdělání v praxi nepoužitelné a člověk se stejně musí všechno naučit od nuly, v tom americkém zase ta volnost v možnosti zkoumání jiných oborů může způsobit, že ve výsledku je člověk velmi úzce specializovaný v rámci svého hlavního oboru, takže si moc pak neví rady, když problém přesahuje do více oborů. Co se týká přístupu k řešení problémů, tak všeobecně je to asi hodně kulturní záležitost. Češi nejsou zvyklí přemýšlet v intencích extenzivního řešení problému (přidám lidi, přidám peníze, přidám materiál, prostě přidám zdroje), protože (vlastně už po staletí) žijeme v rozparcelovaném světě, kde zdroje navíc nejsou moc dostupné a vlastně posledních pár desetiletí ještě k tomu spíše žijeme v trochu podivné mantře "všechno musím zvládnout s tím, co mám". Což samozřejmě vede i k tomu, že když chci řešit nějaký problém, tak musím přemýšlet o tom, co si o tom myslí kolega přes stůl, můj nadřízený, jeho nadřízený, partner u dodavatele a/nebo zákazníka, protože v tom našem dávno rozparcelovaném (a hodně malém) světě vlastně pořád budu muset spolupracovat v podstatě s těmi samými lidmi. Až nakonec něco nejdříve nejde "protože něco", "protože někdo", "protože někde", ..., "protože někdy", ... "protože proto" a nakonec prostě nejde. Takže je dobře, když se někdo z venku rozhodne nám to trochu rozkopat hračky a ten náš "status quo", a doufám, že moje děti jsou v tom "problem solving" a "can-do" přístupu někde jinde a dál, než jsem byl v jejich věku já sám a že se nám trochu toho pozitivního optimismu postupně podaří dostat do všech a nakonec i propašovat do úřadů. :o)))
I have to agree with all you said although I have the feeling that something is slowly changing in Czech republic. But what is funny for me is that we have saying "Nerikej, ze neco nejde, nebo se najde nejaky blbec, co pujde a udela to" (Don't say something is impossible or there will be a dummie who will go and do it) but not so many people is trying to act as that "dummie" and a lot of "discussing" on topic why something can't be changed simply end up with reason "because I think so" instead of "because of" real facts based on proper investigation. Maybe it all is starting up with the education system you described in the beginning.
I think that CUNI is little bit its own world in Czechia as everybody who care about things in Czechia has in head stereotype of regular studen of matfyz faculty "matfyzák". Sometimes I think it's little bit different than other universities, mainly because it has noble history and people from there( I'm sorry to say this) thinks that they are best in Republic. And as you know collective truth can do magic with people..
Sebe prezentace je prostě kulturní rozdíl. Tady věříme, že dobré zboží se chválí samo (tedy že nepotřebuje reklamu) a že sebechvála smrdí. Pokud ke mě přijde někdo, kdo by se prezentoval tak jako v Americe (všude byl, všechno zná, od všeho má klíče) tak si myslím, že je podvodník. V lepším případě, že má za rohem kolotoč :-)
A co se týká toho "spěšného dodání" na základě požadavku vedoucího, to je také legrační. Kdo hákuje ve fabrice, má hodinovou mzdu, normy a zaměstnavatel chce "mimořádný" výkon, tak to taky nefunguje.Vy si třeba máknete, splníte a on dojde druhý den se stejným požadavkem.... Skončí to tak, že budete běhat jak utržený vagón pořád, za stejné peníze, do doby než padnete na hubu...
Vaclav Cepelak Neni Pravda . Dají ti na to 3 měsíce aby jsi se prokázal . Selective process je brutální . Resume , telephone interview , osobní interview . Znám to od svého syna který je Data scientist . Se lhaním se tu daleko nedostaneš .
Jako říct šéfovi, že udělám změnu?😃😃😃 Řeknu, ale až si budu 100% jistá novým zaměstnáním. Jak jsou všude 3 měsíce, tak VYTKNOUT v Čechách šéfovi? "Tužku, klíče...zmiz!" Ani osobní věci si nastačíte sbalit😊😊
As a Czech - I fully agree. "I rather don't ask." "I can't do it." "I don't want to be responsible for this." "I'm good at ....... I don't know ..." It is so TYPICAL for us! I'm afraid you didn't want to make us angry, so you mentioned only those things, which many of us know :D Btw, your english is fantastic! I usually have problems to understand spoken english, but you speak so nice that I understand nearly everyhing
Hi Jen, as someone who's had the opposite experience from you (living in the Czech Republic and then going to the US for university), I really enjoyed your opinion on American vs. Czech university classes. One thing I'd like to point out about the oral exams though - in the Czech Republic, we are trained for oral exams since basically grade 1. In every class for as long as I can remember, I've always been tested orally at least twice a semester. Teachers (especially in grades 6-11) love to spend the first 10 minutes of each class session picking on one poor soul who definitely did not prepare for class and then make them suffer in front of the entire class :) I think that's why we're a little bit less scared of taking oral exams (though they still are very, very scary). You are definitely right about the self-promotion and how Czechs think about it - I had a really hard time in my college writing classes with writing resumes in class because I never could understand why I would embellish my achievements. I think American recruiters like confident people, but in my brain, all I could see was a pí. Bullshitova looking at me and thinking, "Oh, so you think you're a great leader? Let's see about that...." Also, on the whole fixing things in the workplace - let's be honest, if we fix the problem, what will we complain about over beer? :)
OMG, this comment is so great. On all points. Yes, I agree - if I had been trained from a young age to do oral exams, I would have had a lot more confidence. And, actually, I think the skill of "speaking" is more important in todays world than "writing" so perhaps the Czech system would serve the students better in the end. Also your last point - I agree, no one wants to go to the pub to be positive and talk about how great things are with your life. That's just like being in an American bar, and the beer is way too expensive there.😂😂😂🤔
I worked in the US and I can relate so much to the "can do" attitude. I also think czechs and americans kinda make a good team when the american guy says ways to do it in a diffrent way and the czech guy says why its a bad idea, to keep him realistic. Then they can find a good solution. ☺☺
I think in the CZ if someone tells you they cannot do it, they mean by it that they tried all possible ways of doing it and by asking you just say they are idiots who haven't thought of some other way how to do it.
@@DreamPrague Friend of mine (In Czekoslovakia) as young employee was always asked by his boss to write ten reasons why stuff cannot be done. He realized very soon that it was easier for him to find a way to do stuff than find those ten obstacles.
You nailed it! I have same experience. Americans tends to be over-positive, not just about finding solution but even like "we have house in fire, but stay positive maybe it'll rain" (which drives me crazy). So they mostly think about happy paths maybe coz American dream says "everything is possible". Czechs are opposite and rather looking on worst case scenarios. So agree, blending is good idea. About self presentation I agree that Czechs are underestimate themselves. But my experiences with American "self presentation" are rather negative the more person self present themselve the less are capable. Which, when combined with "be positive" attitude and tendency to find something positive on everybody to be able to praise, is killing combination.
Perfektní a korektní rozbor. Pravdou je, že každé plus má i nějaké mínus. A v té pestré škále odlišností je nádhera poznávání, jenž je součástí našeho života. Máš (česky máte) vynikající pozorovací a analytický talent a kromě toho i obdivuhodnou schopnost vytvářet super videa. Opětovné díky. 👌🌹
Ahoj, ja som zo Slovenska a velmi sa mi pacia tvoje videa!! Vsetky su vtipne, mile, poucne a vsetky maju dusu. Pozdravujem a tesim sa na dalsiu cast :) dakujem
6:48 To, co chceme dělat, až budeme dospělí, si více méně volíme už po základním vzdělání, když nastupujeme na střední školu. Což je v 14-15 letech. Sice v prváku můžeme případně přestoupit, ale volit si musíme už takto brzy.
Na druhou stranu, něčím se ten člověk na středí už se zaměřením vyučuje, včetně praxe, a nemusí jít poté na vysokou školu. Nám gymplákům se ostatní smáli, že po vychození střední nejsme nic a musíme pokračovat dál. Pokud se chce člověk na něco zaměřit v USA, musí vyvinut buď vlastní iniciativu a sám se to od někoho někde naučit, nebo jít na VŠ, když střední jsou sice povinné, ale všeobecné. V USA navíc musíš platit obrovské částky za VŠ, pokud nejsi premiant a nemáš stipendium. Náš systém sice taky není nic úžasného, ale ten americký se mi nelíbí. bolsevika to tak bylo...dnes uz se priblizuje Cesko Zapadu. Ten bolsevicky system mel jednu velkou vyhodu. Lide se rychleji dostavaji do pracovniho procesu...a tim jsou drive produktivni. Ale zase na druhou stranu se za bolsevika chodilo drive do duchodu. A to ne proto, ze ten rezim/system byl tak humanni. Lide byli drive upracovani a sli i drive do kytek. Za bolsevika byl take dost velky nedostatek akademiku (spolehlivych akademiku...ti nespolehlivy delali bud'to v Jachymove ci utekli na Zapad). A tim je chteli mit co nejdrive hotove. Nejaci 30-ti leti VS-studenti (nemluvim o vecernim studiu) v CSSR nebyli. Ten zapadni system, kde se chodi povinne do skoly az do 18-ti let a pak teprve (az na vyjimky) se voli pracovni profese a nekteri ji voli i pozdeji, ma zase tu vyhodu, ze hodne lidi jde opravdu delat to co chce...ale jdou za to pozdeji do duchodu. A take na zapade je dnes tolik akademiku (a oni si mysli, ze je jich porad malo), ze se museji nejak zamestnat. Co by delali vsichni ti "teacher", kdyby jim odchazela omladina uz v 14-15 lety do ucebnich oboru. Ale jak uz jsem psal i dnes se Cesko priblizuje zapadnimu standardu a systemu...viz. treba obor Zdravotni sestry.
Pokud jdete na gymnázium, máte dost solidní všeobecné vzdělání a rozhodujete se až v 18-19 letech - před maturitou ( v Praze, odkud jsem, to není kdovíjak výběrová škola pro nejchytřejší - je tu víc jak 50 gymnázií, takže dostat se na nějaké, není takový problém). Ale i když nemáte gympl, ale máte alespoň maturitu , stále si můžete vybrat libovolnou VŠ. Já jsem před lety maturoval z elektrotechnických zařízení, pak jsem zjistil, že mě práce moc nebaví a vystudoval jsem na Karlově universitě historii a společenské vědy - jsem učitel a jsem spokojený.
@@davidbroz6755 Ano, mate pravdu, je to tak, jak to popisujete. Problem je v tom, ze tech maturantu (a i akademiku) uz je moc. Tim se snizila uroven tech studentu. Coz by nebyl nejvetsi problem. Nejvetsi problem je, ze dnesni mladi nejsou tak blby aby sli delat remeslna/delnicka povolani. A ti studovani nechteji za ty delnicke platy delat.
@@giorgiocorleone2747 Nevím, zda v tom máte až tak pravdu, Američané jdou na univerzitu a často pracují už v této době, protože musí tu školu z něčeho platit. Já osobně jsem třeba na brigády chodila už od 15, ve 3. ročníku na gymplu už jsem jela všechny víkendy a prázdniny, kdy jsem jezdila na brigošku do Prahy a byla jsem tam na maximální počet hodin nebo jsem v mezičase ještě běhala na noční do obchoďáků a takto jsem jela i na vysoké... Sestra mojí babičky pracovala od 15 za bolševika a dneska je jí 93 a v důchodu je snad od 55... stres dnešní doby ty lidi semele i zdravotně, což si nejsme příliš ochotní připouštět. Díky stresu se mi sype zdraví a je mi 33... jenže neumím dělat věci na půl, zavřít za sebou po 8 hodinách práce dveře a prostě dělat, že práci nemám. A takových lidí je dnes spoustu. Minulý režim semlel lidi, kteří se mu nehodili, tak jak jste psal, moje babi dostala možnost VŠ z kraje komunismu, díky tomu, že to nevzdala na SŠ a se samými jedničkami jí to ředitelka školy nabídla, ale "jen" v Olomouci, tehdy ale měla štěstí, protože tam byly přesunuté velké kapacity, které se komoušům nehodily.... Problém je, že je tady usazené právě to bolševické myšlení, kterého bychom se měli zbavit... částečně se to daří, ale u voleb vidíme, že to až tak veselé není... Jen doufám, že můj profesor z gymplu měl pravdu, když říkal, že to potrvá už "jen" 3 generace, než se to u nás otočí... Další problém jsou nesmyslné učební plány a naprosto zcestné státní maturity, které příliš přemýšlení nepodporují.... a nesestavují to učitelé, ale úředníci.... Dodnes si pamatuji prohlášení jednoho profesora na vysoké: Kdo myslíte, že tyhle nesmysly vymýšlí: No úředníci, kteří o tom nevědí vůbec nic...'' Já se jako učitel snažila vést děti k samostatnosti, vymýšlela jsem různé hry, aby se všichni zapojili, měla jsem ve třídě nadprůměrně inteligentního chlapce v oblasti matiky, který řešil ve druhé třídě prakticky učivo 9. třídy, tak jsem chystala i pro něj práci zvlášť, jenže tyhle věci zabíraly spoustu mého volného času a tehdy to nebylo vůbec zaplacené... za 9 tis žádná hitparáda... teď po letech uvažuji, zda si o něco pohoršit finančně a vrátit se do školství ze soukromého sektoru za cenu toho, že budu dělat, co mě bavilo... je to velké dilema... to je také problém školství, jsou tam často ti, které to už ale vůbec nebaví... a podle toho ta výuka na našich školách i vypadá... učit se má srdcem, ne jen hlavou...
Čech se neumi ozvat, říct svůj názor, protože se bojí že za to poletí. ale fakt je, že jsme zvyklí na autoritu. Ono to bude tou naší historií.. ale máš nás aspoň trochu načtený.😁
Protože pak skoro jistě poletí. S tím má každý svoji zkušenost jak si učitelé zasedli na "kverulanty" kteří měli neustále nějaké otázky a nebo dokonce zpochybňovali ty věci které učitel vykládal jako fakta, jenže se je naučil před 30 lety na fakultě a po roce 89 většinou už pozbyly platnost.
Nejhorší věc na českém školství je podle mě to, že nahrává lidem co se umí učit zpaměti narozdil od lidí co mají realnou inteligenci a talent. České školství naprosto brání růstu a sebevzdělání. Souhlasím s názorem! Rovněž tak samo s tím, že český student si na střední škole vybírá zaměření na začátku studia. Je to blbost! Všechno co jsem v 15/16 chtěl dělat bylo bud nerealné, nedostupné a nebo jsem hlavně ani nevěděl čím bych chtěl být. Tak jsem se dostal na průmyslovou školu, protože se to očekávalo. No a přitom jsem člověk co odmaturoval s potřebným vzděláním, ale nebaví mě nic v mém oboru vzdělání a mám k tomu averzi.
I appreciate much some of my teachers preferring questions like "why" - a nightmare approach for those memorizing e.g. laws of physics. Memorizing is terrible and useless. The problem starts at primary school - many teachers are focused only on repeating the sentences from poor textbooks. What we can expect in the country, where teachers at universities teaching the future teachers saw the live child last time when they left the primary school
Za mlada jsem si také myslel, že cílem studia na VŠ, je se "něco naučit" a hned po zkoušce to "úspěšně zapomenout". Dnes s (dlouhým) odstupem času už nejsem tak ortodoxně přesvědčený, že je to tak strašně špatný model, ale že je jen špatně pochopený. Důležité dle mě není si vědomosti dlouhodobě "zapamatovat", ale bohatě stačí, aby v hlavě zůstala malá poznámka "o tom jsem už někdy slyšel". Dodnes, když na mě vybafne nějaký "atypický pracovní úkol", tak si vzpomenu "aha, o tom jsem už někdy slyšel...nebo to jsme brali na VŠ", a toto je "dostatečné" k tomu, abych věděl, co mám hledat, nebo co si mám znovu nastudovat atp. :-) Ale když je někdo vemeno, tak mu nepomůže ani to, že už o tom někdy slyšel :D :D (mluvím hlavně za technické obory)
Mám taky pozitivní zkusenost s biflovanim. Nejlépe jsou na tom lidé s paměti ditěte, ti to do sebe nalijí a nemůsí moc přemýšlet. Pokud do této kategorie nepatříte, zbývá vám neůspěch nebo nebo jste absolutne nuceni najít si svůj vlastní způsob a systém, jak si kvantum vědomostí a informací uchovat. Často lidem při tom dojde, že musí látku dobře pochopit, aby se to v hlavě usadilo. Musíte si učivo rozžvýkat a pak zase znovu sestavitm aby to tvořílo nějaký životaschopný celek. V takovém případě pochopíte podstatu věci a zůstane vám v paměti na trvalo s tím. že si vždy můžete doplnit mezery, které se časem oběví, opravit mylné pochopení a interpretace. A naučíte se samostatně myslet. Ale souhlasím, že na fakultě je takové učení dřína a ne každý to zvládne tímto způsobem.
Ahoj, nesouhlasím že USA systém sebeprezentace v zaměstnání je šťastný. Vede to pak k tomu že lépe je placený ten kdo se umí lépe prezentovat (vychválit) a ne ten kdo něco umí. S českou povahou by tento systém naprosto zkolaboval, protože nejlépe se umí prezentovat ti co ve skutečnosti nic nedělají. Lepší mi přijde když šéf má přehled kdo co umí a dělá a podle toho hodnotí zaměstnance a sebeprezentace slouží jen jako vodítko. @dream prague snad je pro vás pochopitelné co jsem napsal i když je to v češtině.
Ono to tak ale u nás bohužel dost funguje... Lidi šikovní v předstírání, nicnedělání a vychloubání se se dostanou dále než lidé co jen potichu a bez přestání pracují. Tak to tedy obecně (bohužel) funguje ve světě; když si o odměnu neřeknete, nedostanete jí. Proč by zaměstnavatel odměňoval někoho kdo spokojeně pracuje a na venek nevypadá že by se nějak extrémně snažil nebo usiloval o víc?
@Standa WOT No a tady v tom co popisujete bude ten zaklad permanetni nasranosti...jestli to tak muzu nazvat...ceskeho naroda/lidu. Nevim jestli tomu tak bylo i do 1948...a pozdeji ale za me (jsem rocnik 1964) a az dodnes tomu tak je. Cesky clovek vyzaduje spravedlivost. Jak to pisete Vy...zamestnanec ocekava, ze si ho jeho sef vsimne a tim lepe ohodnoti. Cech a Ceska ale zapomneli, ze tomu tak neni a nikdy nebylo...vyjimky samozrejme existuji. Zamestnavatele vsude na svete prosazuji ty lidi, kteri na sebe sami upozornuji...vetsinou mluvou...a kteri jim zaroven zerou z ruky. To zrani z ruky by Cechum slo...v tom jsou vycviceni uz od protektoraku...ale co jim jde proti srsti...a mne prave ta sebechvala. Aspon teda vetsine. No ale presto...vsimnete si sam...i v Cesku jsou nejuspesnejsi ti, co pouzivaji americky model...a byli uspesni uz i za bolsevika. Takze je to otazka mezi moralkou a uspesnosti. A i kdyz Cesi zrovna nepatri mezi moralni narody, tak v tomhle bode se ji nemuzou zbavit.
Nejlepší je klasickej systém že tě v práci prostě vyzkoušej bez ňákýho okecávání okolo, to jak se teď dostává ke slovu ten západní systém s personalistama a životopisama a motivačníma doposama a podobně, to je zlo, protože personalista (nebo HR manager jak je teď v módě) je většinou uplnej dement kterej pořádně ani neví co ta firma dělá a hledá lidi co mu nakecaj nesmysly a budou pracovat pro lásku k firmě nebo co. Ale zase neni uplně pravda že si vás zaměstnavatel nevšimne když děláte důležitou práci, samozřejmě tady je tendence že každej kdo někde stojí u hoblovky si myslí jakej je to pracovník roku nebo co a přitom dělá práci kterou může dělat náhodnej člověk z ulice (sorry, ale je to tak), ale jak se pak dostanete na kvalifikovanější pozice a budete muset občas něco třeba i s majitelem řešit, nebo s jinejma lidma z vedení, tak samozřejmě si vás pak už všímat musej. To samozřejmě neznamená že vám automaticky zvednou plat, ale věděj o vás a co děláte.
@@Pidalin No pane Matejka, pouzit slovo "nejlepsi" je vzdy slovo do debaty. Pravda je sice takova, ze ne vzdy...a ani prosadi ten "nejlepsi" (at clovek, napad, system), ale situace je takova, ze se v dnesni dobe zamestnavatele rozhodli zamestnat lidi, o kterych si mysli, ze aspon 99% pasuji do jejich firmy. A to i za cenu, ze ztraceji nabidky...proto take dnes jakozto zakaznik cekate na urcite dily/veci/sluzby, protoze zamestnavatele nemaji lidi...i kdyz lidi bez prace je dost. Zamestnavatele dnes nechteji nikoho dlouhodobe zaucovat a testovat. Chteji hotoveho zamestnance. A to plati nejen pro firmy s HR, nybrz a prave dost casto i pro male firmy, kde zamestnava primo majitel. Jestli jste myslel "hoblovkou" tu na hoblovani kovu...tak tu jsem nevidel ve fabrikach uz nekolik desetileti. Je mozne, ze to nejaka firma jeste provozuje, ale takovych je poskrovnu a jenom na urcite prace (dlouhe kusy...ktere se dnes uz vetsinou frezuji). A jestli jste myslel opravdu "hoblovku" na kovy, tak pri hoblovani dlouhych kusu musi byt urcity fortel. Nemuze to delat kazdy z ulice. A samozrejme, ze mate pravdu, ze kazdy dobry predstaveny a zamestnavatel vi, koho ma pod sebou...ale jak sam pisete, ne vzdy...vlastne malokdy to i "spravedlive" ohodnoti. Uz moje babicka (rocnik 1914) rikavala: "Hola huba, hole nestesti!" A to je prave ta "spravedlnost", ktera sice neexistuje (stejne jako svoboda ne), ale kterou Cesi vyzaduji...ale vyzaduji ji tim zpusobem, ze breci po hospodach a u tv...ale NEKDO by to za ne mel vyridit/udelat. Mimochodem v tomle podobnou naturu maji Nemci. Brecet a nadavat a hledat/cekat na Vudce, ktery to vse za ne vyresi. A Amici...o tom ona Oni si vybojuji sva prava sami. Zase samozrejme jenom urcita cast obyvatelstva (ktera ale staci na to, ze U.S.A. je doposud number one). Ta druha cast, ta mensi, ta propadla drogam a kriminalite. Ale ono je jich okolo 330 mio, takze si 50 mio loser muzou dovolit.
@@amunak_ Asi jak kde, já pracuji ve státní správě a tam je naopak žádoucí moc na sebe neupozorňovat, nechválit se přehnaně a práci dělat tak nějak "průměrně" (ne pomalu, ani rychle) a správně postupovat. Když někdo např. extrémně (a bezdůvodně) přetahuje lhůty pro vydávání rozhodnutí, moc mu nepomůže, že se vychválí, jak je skvělý. :D Spíš jde podle mě o to, že když má člověk někde "známé" (a je jedno, jestli je to státní, nebo soukromý sektor), má pak větší šanci se dostat na lepší plat nebo získat danou práci.
Hey! Awesome video again! Most of the things are really interesting to think about. I kind of knew about these differences, yet I never thought about which ones are better and you are really making a lot of sense here (even though many of them I can't see changing :D). Just one point I would add is about the faculty separation. We graduate high school later (when we are 18/19) and most of the people going to uni are from "gymnázium", where this sort of preparation for choosing your field is taking place, so when you go to university, you can already go full steam ahead in your respective field. I studied IT at Masarykova Universita and I can't possibly imagine having the time to study other subjects that were not in that field. Anyways, that's just nitpicking :D. Great video, keep it up!
Hi Dag, thanks for your comment! My translator mentioned the same thing to me - that the "general ed" was done in gymnazium. So perhaps our systems are not so different.
Hello, my daughter studied IT at CTU Prague and she was too busy back then. But her friend who studied IT at MUNI could sleep 4 - 5 hours a day only in order not to fail in his studies (poor him). Happily my daughter got an opportunity to go on an exchange study stay to the South Korea and to spend 1,5 year about in the completely different society. Students there used to be even more overloaded in order to succeed in the extremly competitive job hunting after their graduation. After returning home she decided to start her MSc. studies in Denmark and it was the right decision as the educational process was much more creative and practice-oriented. My daughter used to appreciate always the solid foundations from "gymnázium" and CTU Prague. But if it weren't for the Denmarks Technical University, she would never had continued because she had lost the motivation and the inspiration completely.
Hey there, the school thing is funny here, we're just socially engaging. For example, teachers can ask a question, kids will look around who is willing to answer and overall the classroom is silent. It doesn't mean that they don't know the answer though, it's usually quite the opposite. Why? Well....the first kids to answer would be the "know it alls" that want to please the teacher, often those will want to give the opportunity to answer to the other kids. And bouncing all around, the teacher will have to call on someone to get the answer...reasonably soon. The subject part of US universities is good, but don't forget that the cost of studies is also included in that system.... and that the student debt then shapes the life and choices of that sudent. Exams are different for each subject/faculty here, In my years of study I only had 1 oral exam before going in for my state exams, all other were written so I'd say it's a good practice for state exams and I'd benefit from having more of those. ----The work complaining is mostly based on the work roles, making changes from lower roles is not easy, either you don't get the credit, you get dismissed or you're seen as attacking the authorities because their solution is always best, uughh, so...we just complain to each other on the same level. Simple
Hi Tessa! Thanks for commenting. I totally agree that the cost of a University education in the US is outrageous, and Czechs are so fortunate to have a free system. Even my LLM cost only a small amount compared to the equal degree in the US.
@@TripleCZ They actually pay almost same taxes as we pay, plus some sale taxes I really do not know how they work. But average worker is paying from 10-25% to federal tax office, which is similar to our 20% and non-taxable base (low income - 2xbase results in 10%). In our system you will never pay 20%. social and health insurance is another question.
Měla jsem na univerzitě většinu profesorů, kteří učili formou diskuze a bylo to skvělý! Snad se tenhle přístup konečně začne šířit i na ostatní české univerzity. :) Jinak, já sama jsem zkusila několik vysokých škol, než jsem konečně našla obor, který mě baví a zajímá. Ztratila jsem ale kvůli tomu zbytečně pár let studia. Určitě bych uvítala mít možnost zapsat si předměty z různých oborů. Myslím, že nejsem jediná, komu by něco takového pomohlo při rozhodování o budoucnosti. :)
omg, thank you for this one. Living in 3 different countries out of CZ in past 10 years, I couldn't agree more! I gave up on Czech education system now so I always highly encourage young people to go and study/work abroad. Such an eye-opener!
Největší problém Čechů je strach ze změny a taky pesimismus, kvůli kterému odmítají jakýkoliv pokus o změnu. Nemůžu ani spočítat kolikrát mi babička řekla, že si nemám stěžovat že můj profesor češtiny špatně učí, protože tak se to prostě dřív dělalo a mám být ráda za to co mám, protože jiný profesor by byl možná ještě horší.
@@bobkowalski7655 to víte že jo. Kvůli tomu že nás několikrát okupovali a brali nám území a kvůli tomu že nás utlačovali komunisti teď budeme ještě 300 let všechno nenávidět a dobrovolně setrvávat ve špatných situacích. Hlavně že si to omluvíme. Češi taky třeba s vášní nenávidí feminismus, jak zrovna tohle zachovává kulturu? Co je podle vás kultura v tomhle případě? Diskriminace žen?
@@ninavinterova9875 Jaká diskriminace žen?;DDDDD každý z nás diskriminujeme, pokud teda víš co je diskriminace, nemůžeš si stěžovat. Ty například diskriminuješ hnusný kluky. Snad ti to stačí.
I love oral exams because they always gave me opportunity to say eyplain and show what I remember about the subject and at least a bit avoid topics in which I felt weaker. Good examiner finds those cracks in students knowledge and wouldn't take any bs but at least it gave me some background.If I understand my subject I can't fail the exam too badly. I might not pass but I'd always find something to say. Written exams have always made me much more nervous because I could just forget some constant or exact term and whole question is for 0 points.
Ústní zkoušky byly vždycky peklo pro nás introverty. :-) Viděl jsem ve škole spoustu zkoušení kdy člověk co o tom něco věděl odešel se čtyřkou nebo pětkou protože prostě nedokázal nic pořádně říct i když o něm vim že to ví, to je hrozně smutný. Hlavně když se zkouší před třídou kde se vám každej směje a když řeknete blbost tak vám to daj sežrat....
I got really bad exams from written tests and good ones from oral ones. I never understand from a few word question what am I supposed to answer, but when doing oral exams, I can discuss the topic thoroughly with the teacher. I think that oral exams were meant to counter the people with good memory but bad knowledg - in our system you can graduate ANY university of youre memory is good enough. Which is good for historian or lawyer, but not for technical schools.
@@DreamPrague oral exams have the great benefit of immediate interaction, I just finished midterms and one of the questions in multi-select test was: is it easy to sell a sole-proprietorship: yes|no ... and well that is a very hard question because it is yes, but ... or no, but depending on your position as it is easy to transfer the assets and fictitious name, but sole-proprietorship is not a separate entity so it is not possible to transfer obligations and liabilities. I would strongly prefer to have the opportunity to sell this knowledge directly to the teacher. (instead of making it a comment on my submission)
One of my teacher at university said: Oral exam should be a (friendly) talk between teacher(s) and student about topic, which both are interested in. And not each subject has an oral exam, but the most importants does.
I agree with that part about the school system, nevertheless, the problem solving is actually quite good in Czechia. The thing is that government services, laws and restrictions are pretty limiting and staff usually don't have any motivation do something extra. However, when it comes to creativity itself or finding clever solutions in everyday life, during travelling or while working on a project, the Czechs are very inspirational and we are able to somehow find the most effective solution. :)
Hi Jennifer, Sir Mac here, as always! When I've watched this your video, I realized that you are right with the description about czech universities and czech work market. I also realized that I somehow (INTUITIVELY) adopted the american manners, because I didn't try to remember as much as I could, I tried to remember the processes in the background and present them on exams, instead of "dry facts". It did pay off. I suppose I am very fortunate man, because I work in nonprofit organisation, where I do, what I graduated on the Charles University from. It is information and library science. I started with the creation of virtual library, there was almost non-existent one, so I could think out / up the processes, think out / up the informations, etc. All by my own, all by my administration, so there was no one else, who could destroy my work. In my opinion, the best thinker is not the one, who comes with the new solution, unfortunately. The best thinker is the one, who comes with the new solution and is also able to see "around the corner", by that I mean she / he is able to foretell any troubles, which can occur in the implementation of his / her new solution. The best is, when you can think out / up with new features, new services and all, what you have done so far, you can manage by partial or full automatization. By that, I mean that the processes are done by computers or with minimal human input and you have the time to resolve troubles or think out / up something new. I have to admit you surprised me, when you mentioned you've studied law at Charles University ... I didn't expect that :-) But please, Jen, keep up your common sense of justice. It is something, which is slowly fading from societies all around the world. Sir_Mac
Generalizace velmi přesná, ale existují pro to důvody. Třeba ústní zkoušení. Osobně dávám přednost ústnímu zkoušení. Písemné jsou pro mě jenom vypisování faktů, ústní jsou o zasvěceném dialogu na nějaké odborné téma, což je zejména v dnešní době čím dál tím důležitější. Představte si nějakého odborníka mluvícího v televizní debatě, co jenom koktá a nezvládá si rychle utřídit myšlenky, protože nemá 3 hodiny na promyšlení celého tématu. Dovolila bych si říct, že ústní zkoušení je zároveň i něco, jako zkouška z rétoriky. Taky se tak na studentovi jasně pozná, jestli má o tématu skutečně nějaké povědomí nebo jestli si jenom přečetl minimální požadované materiály ke zkoušce. A co se týče práce... Asi záleží jak v jakém sektoru, ale v práci se vysloveně dělá jen to, co je náplní něčí práce. Pokud zaměstnanec udělá něco nad rámec svojí pracovní náplně, pak si koleduje o problémy. To něco navíc má totiž zajišťovat někdo jiný a pokud je to už hotové, tak vznikají na pracovišti zmatky. V některých zaměstnáních na určitou práci musí mít člověk školení apod. Kdyby se to něco navíc totiž ukázalo jako špatné, tak to padá na hlavu tomu, kdo to má správně dělat, i třeba jen pro to, že si nepohlídal, aby to neudělal někdo, kdo na to nemá co sahat. Když někdo přijde s inovací systému, protože ten starý je tragédie, tak musí podat návrh výš. Novoty se mohou zavádět pouze ze strany vedení.
Já mám opačnou zkušenost než Jen, líp si pamatuji věci, ze kterých mě zkoušeli ústně - oproti tomu to, co jsem psala na papír u ústních zkoušek, si už nepamatuju. Navíc psát 3 hodiny vkuse mi fakt nepřijde dobré ani pro zdraví, jak to popisuje Jen, vždyť takhle dlouho snad člověk nemůže být ani schopný udržet pozornost. V tom bych si z USA příklad nebrala. Navíc to není vždy u ústních zkoušek tak, že by si to člověk musel za 60 sekund připravit - my měli většinou "potítko" jako u maturity, kde jsme si mohli téma písemně připravit. Někdy ta doba na potítku byla u nás i delší než samotná zkouška. :D Překvapilo mě, že na Karlově univerzitě se to dělá bez času na přípravu.
The main point of oral exam is to DISCUSS topics ;) to show that the student is capable of quick thinking and response. Not just to learn answers to the topic.
Zdravím! :-) Například v mém případě se podáním ruky zdravím s lidmi z vyšší společnosti, v církvi, nebo když se seznamuji s novými lidmi. Políbením tváře zdravím vzdálené příbuzné, nebo lidi mě velmi blízké. Ovšem, každý to může mít jiné.... :-) Jsem ráda, že sis oblíbila ČR a zároveň máš stále v lásce USA. Nechceš natočit podrobnosti o různých tradicí, které se dodržují v USA? Například video, kde jsi porovnávala vánoce u nás a USA bylo skvělé a velmi mě bavilo. Dodržujete doma vánoce tak, jako v USA, nebo jste se přizpůsobili českým vánocům? :-) Díky za video. :-) ❤️
I am going out on a limb here, but in the 1990s, I had a niece and a nephew, that both were exchange students there, at different times. They both said the first thing they noticed was one; they could not get over how well behaved and disciplined the kids were in schools, as well as very well mannered. Two, they both did very well in American schools, but said that they had a time keeping up with Czech kids, they were all just like kids at the top of the class in American schools. I know my mother graduated Highschool in the late 1950s. In the 1980s, she had thought of taking some college courses, when they tested her to see where she was, she was in her late second year of college by their standards then. American schools are destroyed because of politics, competition for grants and funding, and there were many who could not keep up. Instead of making a special school for them, they have lowered skills tests several times. This is a well known fact. To my opinion, if they take the discipline out of the schools there, the same thing will happen that is happening here, their academics will spiral down, behavior will become unmanageable, and youll have students beating on their teachers and just doing whatever they please. To my opinion, the only thing America can teach anybody, is what NOT to do, and Europe knows it. Just look at our latest news, or surf youtube on how American colleges are more worried about producing liberal ideology than teaching rather than the major the student went there for. The simplest thing is this, which country is producing the smartest kids? Which has the most schools with good academics, and which schools are higher than the others academically. Americas a lot bigger, but if broke down per capita, Id put my money on Czechia. It may have changed, but I know in the 90s, two kids admitted they hated American schools because of the lack of discipline and the amount of basic bull that are taught there. I bet not much has changed....
As a fellow teacher, I completely agree with your point about Czech teachers looking down on their students. And not just teachers... even at work, sometimes even at home, people are afraid to ask stuff because then their colleagues, or family, would just tell them to stop asking stupid questions. The result is a country of people who are on one hand very independent, on the other, full of fear of people. And it shows in everything they do, sadly. The exploration thought... I feel like that's a double-edged sword. While I agree that people should know how to defend their opinion, I also think that nowadays, the world is full of "people with opinion" which is exactly what this kind of thinking leads to. People who want to be different to gain those extra points, people fighting for attention with these differences. People who will argue stupidly just because someone taught them that they should have an opinion. There needs to be a healthy balance between consistency and the ability to learn from others. And while I don't think the Czech way of going with the flow is ideal, I don't feel good about the American opinion-based culture either. I studied there for a while too and I talk to Americans every day, and this is one of the things that always bothers me. Also because in the end, everyone is right, no one cares if they hurt someone and every argument ends badly for everyone. Because everyone has an opinion. And don't you dare admit that you might have been wrong because then you show weakness. Well... then again, we wouldn't need so many innovators if we could just agree on things, would we? ;)) This is just my point of view, of course, but it is something to think about. Your major system sounds most wonderful. :) The oral exams - so sorry! You were unlucky... well, you studied law, right? That is a dread field for most. I have a degree in Japanese (studied in Brno) and we had really good oral exams. When we didn't know, the teachers helped us out by hinting stuff and such. For a lot of people, an oral exam is much easier than a written one because then they can talk to the teacher in person and explain stuff that could otherwise be misinterpreted. So it really depends on your school, your major and your teachers. But I agree that some exams can be hell and the good old way of cramming is still very popular here. A side note: "I'm a better writer than a speaker." Says the popular youtuber... :D well, you certainly have a way of challenging yourself - and coming out victorious. Luckily, the degree-loving culture is slowly but surely receding. :) Hmm. Strange, but the Americans I lived with and talked to during my studies weren't much of "can-do" people... must have met the wrong people, I guess. Also I know a lot problem-solvers here in the Czech Republic. By which I'm not saying it's the other way around, but I think it really is a matter of who you meet. In the Czech Republic, I can distinguish social bubbles though. Like, I work in IT and here I meet the problem-solvers. But when I go outside and take a bus somewhere, listening to people's conversations immediately makes me think "Ah, these people, if they have so much time to complain, why not use it for something constructive?" Think that the Czechs are not solvers? Change your social bubble. I feel like it was very similar in America, actually. In the end, I only talked to a handful of people in the school I attended because most were just... well, stuck in some very small world with tall walls from which they could not really move. Most of those people had never traveled further than a few towns away, they had very limited knowledge about the world and even more limited arsenal of solutions. I believe this can also be regional (I mostly got to know small communities of farmers who could not move from their cattle), but it is something I would not generalize so eagerly. Definitely though I didn't understand why my host families picked me because they were not too keen on showing me around - not even a little, let alone take me somewhere further away to explore the beautiful land of America. From my own experience, the concentration of creative and/or problem-solving people in these two countries is about the same. But perhaps the Czechs like to stay a bit more quiet and keep their achievements to themselves whereas Americans will show it to the whole world. In the end, you can't hear the creative minds over all those people who complain here. :) (Sometimes I wonder if I don't tire you with my little novellas. But I really enjoy writing them... :D)
Hey Chill! Wow, SO many good points here. I too tire of the "Everyone-has-an-opinion" culture in the USA, and as soon as I rewatched my video, I made the connection. Whoops! Next time. I also agree that Czechs are actually great problem solvers when it comes to DIY, or fixing something, perhaps, more personal (not the culture in an office). These were obviously just generalizations and I have some experiences proving me wrong ;). I also think that oral exams might even be more valuable than written exams, but my problem was that I was over 30 and had NO experience with them. So I was terrible. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Díky za zajímavé video. V mnoha věcech je pohled na rozdílnost ČR/USA v popsaných oblastech značná. Já sama však vnímám například onu konzervativnost ve výuce v mnoha věcech prospěšnou. Mám pocit že dnešní doba, která nám umožňuje vyhledat na google kdykoliv a cokoliv, nás učí jen hledat, ne myslet a pamatovat si. Ale život není o stálém napojení na internet a musíme mít znalosti i v hlavě, tedy nemít jen povědomí o tom, že si je můžeme někde najít. A v tom právě vidím veliké plus českého způsobu výuky - prostě nás naučí znalostem, disciplíně, úctě k autoritě. A to je myslím dnes čím dál více zapotřebí.
Český způsob výuky nás nenaučí ničemu, tyhle věci jsou daný osobností. Dokonce nás nenaučí ani mateřskému jazyku, jako příklad viz tvoje druhá věta, která je gramaticky špatně a ani nedává smysl...
Well.. it's a double-edged sword. I remember being on an american high school math class and it was like 'what's your opinion on what is a definition of a function'... that's definitely not a way to teach math. I don't remember an occasion where I would be scared to ask a question; most of the time I did not have a question. Ok, once I got lost (...fell asleep...) during a long proof in the university and asking about something that I should have asked 20 minutes ago would have been really embarassing and wouldn't have been accepted well. But I had the option of learning it myself later (which I did) or visiting the teacher later. Regarding the work flexibility: I have encountered this reaction many times especially in big corporations (but not only). It's frustrating. On the other hand czech people often have the reputation of being of the 'can-do-everything' type, you can find people who are amazingly good in doing things outside of their field of expertize.
Discovered your channel today and love it. Your insight into Czech culture is very accurate (obsession with degrees, and everything else). You're very articulate in both languages. I have studied in Ireland and know exactly what you're talking about with written exams, continuous exams, and assignments. I am Czech. Looking forward to your next video.
S těmi učiteli už to v ČR není tak hrozné. Většina (ti mladší) už nechtějí, aby studenti jen mlčeli. Určitě se najde i pár výjimek, ale já jich naštěstí mnoho neznám. Jinak hodně fajn video, tvorba je originální a pobaví.👍😂
You have described it quite accurately in both Countries. In my case, I finished an equivalent of a “college” degree in Czechoslovakia and it was everything you have mentioned here, along with a lot of indoctrination. Then I left for the USA where I eventually applied to a graduate school. Transcripts and other technicalities aside, I did not believe to be capable of doing anything of a sort. However, due to the unbelievable freedom and indescribable possibility and support from the university staff I have slowly come to realization that I possessed the capability necessary to succeed and had no idea it even existed within myself. I guess it is what you called a self realization and critical thinking which was not fostered much in Czechoslovakia. It was nothing special, just the realization that I can and will do it! Now, looking back this was a proverbial time when I slowly realized that I was becoming an American. To illustrate how times have changed on American campuses - there is a lot more indoctrination in many American universities, particularly in non-technical fields these days and a lot of emphasis on developing “self a steam” and the left-leaning ideas which may not be the same as “can do” attitude of the past. This is only my experience, however.
Vaše srovnání je zajímavé,každý má jiný pohled na vzdělávání,někomu stačí málo, jiný se vzdělává celý život,každý národ je jiný.Díky za videjko,příští týden se těším na další.👍🙋
Ahoj. USA jsou známé masivním "nákupem mozků" po celém, hlavně tzv. třetím světě (Čína, Indie, Rusko ...). Tedy mnoho toho, co bylo vymyšleno v USA není produktem amerického vzdělávacího systému. Jak to vidíte Vy?
@@DreamPrague Mimochodem, v čele výzkumného týmu společnosti Gilead Sciences, která vyvinula aktuálně nejznámější lék na covid-19 Remdesivir, stojí Tomáš Cihlář původem z České republiky a podobně, první úplnou transplantaci obličeje v USA vedl v bostonské nemocnici český chirurg Bohdan Pomahač pocházející z Ostravy 😊.
Nuff Nuff: Zase ubrečený český výkřik. Takže vlastně USA je plný loser, protože to je všechno od mozků z jiných státu co? Blbost největší. Proč si to tedy ty dané mozky nevytváří u nich v domovině? Není to spíš tím, že u nich by vzhledem k možnostem se mohli spíš jen klouzat.
I like the fact that you don´t hesitate to say your opinion even if someone won´t like it. And the fact that you can explain why do you think so.It also starts discussion bellow which promotes critical thinking of each individual in this discussion. :-)
You are absolutely correct in many ways, but one example from this month: We are two workers in a department and have 9 managers above us who are supplying us with work. - I need you to do this work. -- OK, when you need it? - Yesterday. -- It is technically not possible. We need to develop the tool, test it and distribute it. It will be at least a week. - No, I said yesterday. It's your problem. I can accept end of day in production systems. OK, we developed it, did not have time to customise and it faild in first few attempts. Next day a call with six of the managers who explained us no errors are acceptable and we are responsible for all the errors and asked why we could not make it correct first time and in two hours yelling at us and each other. Finally they shouted at us, because other departments did not know about the request and we should find all the impacted departments ourselves. That is the work for international company and that "can do" is something I started to hate. My discussion with some of the normal ones is quite often "I can't do it and now tell me what do you want".
Hey Jen! Would it be possible to make a video focusing on differences between Czech and American high schools (or even elementary, middle schools)? Because listening to you talk about declaring a major after three years of college made me realize that it can be compared to Czech high schools a little. I mean some high schools in Czechia are "professional school or lyceums" where you study a specific field (pedagogy, medical, businees, ...) but if you decide not to continue in this after high school and study something else in college, it's totally fine. And you still have to learn all the subjects in high school that are not connected to you field - so it kinda reminds me of declaring majors in the US. I also thought that in the US high schools, students can choose their subjects and make their own timetables / schedules? Which is not something that can be done in Czech high schools. But I only got that idea from watching American movies, so I might be totally wrong :D It would be great to learn more about this topic though. Anyway, thanks for your video, it's always interesting to see things from a different POV.
Hi Sarah, it would be great! Are you a high school student or recent high school student? I don't personally know anyone that age in Czechia right now.
@@DreamPrague No, unfortunately (or thankfully?), otherwise I'd love to help. But when I went to high school, I studied what's called a "gymnazium" (it's called "eight-year academy" on Wikipedia), so I could answer questions about that at least.
@@DreamPrague Hi Jen, I'm not a highschool student anymore, but I was one a little over two years ago, so it's still quite fresh.. :) I also have a brother (and some other relatives) still in HS. I went to a "gymnázium" ("grammar school" is the most common translation I think..), so I could tell you all about that... When it comes to specialized high schools though, I wouldn't be of much use. Take care!
Hi Jen, great video (as always). Recently I had a chat about USA. Me and most of my friends think that America is loosing Its "shine", It used to be the idol of freedom and democracy that we were supposed to learn from, but nowdays it seems to us that nothing works there (police, politicians, healthcare, education,...). And now when I heard you say that Americans are not ashamed to say they opinion even when its wrong, firstly I thought that is a good concept, but then I remebered one video from comunity meating in Florida, where people were arguing about wearing masks in public. Their arguments werent just silly, they were simply stupid. So I was wondering isnt the lack of shame sometimes dangerous ? Because the people arent scared to be wrong they are also not so encouraged to be correct and then they can influence someone else in a bad way. link: I am interested in your and others opinion. :)
Lukáš, your comments are totally on point. Many of us feel like the US is losing that shine and it breaks my heart. The sad part is that most Americans never travel abroad (or if they do, it's only to drink a beer in Old Town Square, etc.) so they don't see that other countries are doing a lot of things better than they are! My gosh, just health care in Czechia far surpasses the US! Second point, also correct. This is the dark side of challenging authority, that people don't believe facts right in front of their own face. It's starting to become a huge problem. Thank you for your wise comments!
I'd like to comment just on just one aspect of the video, which is the "being a more rounded student" if you are studying on an American uni vs choosing a faculty. From my experience (I'm a Czech living in Australia who traveled a lot and has American friends), we get the well-roundedness from our primary and secondary education. Here in Australia if the conversation gets to schooling, even the Aussies who are university-educated cannot believe how much, to what depth and with what equipment I studied at highg school for example. They say they did not even had such depth opportunities at uni.
I finished high school in Czech and still remember final oral exam, maturita. When studied batchelor in the UK it was actually easy. We did lots of presentations, mix of tests, group projects and essays. I did have to work on the academic writing site but later I actually preferred it. UK uni encouraged me to think outside the box and speak up my opinion. Even it's wrong, but at least I learn. And I felt good and encouraged, that helped keep to grow quicker be more open minded. Also I liked that I was in the charge of my degree and was able to select modules to tailor my own education. Definitely preferred uni in the UK and glad I did not go to the Czech one 😀😀😀
V ČR jsem s úřady neměl nejmenší problém. Možná mám jenom spoustu štěstí nebo se s lidmi na úřadech dokážu domluvit. V Anglii mám zkušenosti, že všichni jsou tak zdvořilí, že vám nikdo nechce říct špatnou zprávu. Pak si vás přehazují jako horký brambor.
No tři měsíce dozadu jim spadli systémy bežící na COBOLu, "úřad práce" na Floridě (myslím) dával možnost podat žádost jen v předem přiděleném desetiminutovém okně přes počítač atd. Takže se tomu nedivím.
Neidealizuj si to, úřady jsou šílenost všude. Někde se snaží úředníci být aspoň milí, ale úřednická neefektivita je světová disciplína. Možná Estonsko, Švýcarsko nebo Izrael tohle mají vymakanější
Thank you very much. I believe your points are true and fair, your analysis smart, and your presentation enjoyable and effective. As a law teacher, I really tried to convince students to speak more and not to be afraid of making mistakes.
I would like to mention that our obsession with degrees depends on where you are working. While "private sector" highly values work experience, "public sector" has something like tables. The better degree = higher table = more money for you. There can be two people on the exactly same position, but person that have Master's degree would get more money that person with Bachelor's degree. Did you try to ask your adult students why are they studying? I'm sure many of them would give you one of these reasons - higher position or more money.
Excellent points! We have the same table system in our public sector, so I understand it, even though I've always worked in the private sector. With few exceptions, my adult students were mostly studying English to get better jobs.
Once again, I have to agree with most :) I have the comparison of studying in Czechia and studying and working in Britain. Although Britain is in Europe, the education system and work life seem to be more similar to the US ones. Totally agree with the exams and that having to write an essay on a topic and then a written exam which also is an essay and usually asks you to solve a problem teaches you much better and helps you understand and apply your knowledge in real world scenario. When I started studying uni in Scotland, I was nearly 20 and all my classmates were 17 and their lack knowledge from secondary school shocked me. The first trimester, I had a class called "Introduction to biology". On the first day the teacher asked the class who studied biology at the secondary school. Three out of 25 students raised their hands including me. Two studied biology for a year or two. I studied biology for 8 years before coming to this introductory class. The teacher said I might be better equipped to teach that class than she was. On the other hand, my flatmate was the same age as me and she was finishing her bachelor degree that year, so I envied her and felt like I lost two years of my life. The "can't do" attitude you describe is something I cannot stand in Czechia. I have a natural "can do" attitude (or as they say "we can't do it, let's do it!" attitude). And it really bugs me when I come across people who give up before they try or even think about it. Unfortunatelly, I don't have the natural American/Brittish politeness when dealing with such people, so it tends to lead to a disaster as my patience usually quickly disappears...:D I love your videos, they are so insightful and I can relate to so many things you say!
Super porovnani. Naprosto presne. Co mne v Americe prislo jako nejvetsi rozdil je schopnost mladych lidi se vyjadrovat a plynule hovorit a to jiz ve veku kdy konci high school. V Cechach i vetsina dospelych nema tuto skill.
About the problem solving: In my humble experience, I found out, that usually, one cannot just write an email to get support, one has to make a call. Technical support at those call centers is highly unqualified and unable to provide adequate support. I noticed that Czech tech support tends to have a better education. The same is true for McDonald's, in the whole of Europe, I never experienced that bad service as in the USA. We are a family of four and 8/10 visits, they mess up our order, and I mean even when we use the self-service, they are not capable of giving us the things which we ordered. Honestly, the qualification of Mcdonald's workers in Europe is much higher, and to be honest, especially in the Czech Republic, they are very often a University Students.
Damn, I am amazed how you can describe everything. :-O I was talking to you on my screen this and that and you in the end of the topic you were talking about, explained it. i am speechless. cheers.
"Pokud student svůj argument dokáže podpořit přesvědčivými důkazy"...Bejvávalo. Dnes student(ale i profesor) může vyletět z univerzity za "all lives matter" tak rychle, že ani nestačí otevřít dveře.
The exam system really varies from school to school. At my uni we usually had several written midterms, papers, presentations and if you got through those, you'd be let to the final oral exam. I studied at the VŠE. Also I think the oral exams are a good training for being a confident speaker. And the level of engagement of students also really varies. I think my faculty was really trying to push the students into independent work and discussion in several subjects. But from what i heard from students of other faculties it was just mindless memorising. 🤷🏻♀️ Also... I think the oral exams are better, cause it is waaay harder to cheat on them than on a written test... And... Let's be honest, it was quite common for people to be on their phones during the multiple choice written tests. Also I think not paying makes it quite easy to switch your degree. I mean... You can just finish one degree, then start another. If you finish at least one Bc. degree in 4 years, you dont have to pay even for the second one. You have 3. years for a Masters. I personaly started studying IT, hated it, so I went to another school for graphic design for bachelors after a year and then management for my masters. And I think experience and skills are the major factor people look into when hiring even here. The fixation on titles was here maybe 20 years ago...
Don't forget that you start Uni usually at the age of 20-21 here in Czechia, so that IMO balances out the 3 semesters you get in the US to think about your future.
Děkuji za skvělá videa, líbí se mi i styl tvého podání. Co se týká školství, tak v u nás jsou velké nedostatky, které přetrvávající ještě z dob komunismu, ať už se to dotýká biflování, široké spektrum zaměření na cokoliv, omáčka kolem všeho. A maturity, hlavně jejich obsah dělali rádoby vědátoři. Na druhou stranu si myslím, že studenti tu mají širší vědomosti, než ve spojených státech. Co mě však zaráží, je příprava a následné chození do mateřských školek a to, že každý chce protlačit svého potomka do co nejvíc prestižní školní instituce a to i za nemalý peníz. Můžeš se věnovat i tomuto tématu?
Hi. Nice video. As I studies senior year in high school in the US, I can compare, now beeing medical doctor in Prag. I agree with most of the things told. Just several comments. 1. Kids end middle (High) school usually at the age of 19 years old. 2. In Czechia kids at the end of High school (meaning "gymnázium") have much more hnowledge in different topics than the US kids. I think it is like 10 times more knowledge. - It means there is no real need to spend two more years of colledge studying of everything and nothig altogether. Of course, there are people, they cannot choose what to study even in 25 years old. But that is a different problem then. 3. Most of the fiends I know confimed me that they learn in a different way for Written exams either tests or papers and for Oral exams. I mean for oral testing you have to use more logic to explain even what you have forgotten. I prefer Oral exams. I remember more knowledge. Of course humanitarian studies are less stressful and much much easier ... for everything.
Ad Schools, I think you're right and it's actually kinda funny as Jan Amos Komenský's face is still on our 200Kc bank notes. At least in Ele/High school you're literally encouraged to be a dictionary of questions and answers, like a phone book. On the other hand, is the US system as described here something systematically encouraged? At least in tech there is this strong opinion that schools teach you how to be a good employee and fit in the existing tracks. If you want make a impact, however, drop out and focus on wherever your passion leads you :)
That's a great point...and I think that's a bigger discussion about universities and the purpose of higher education in general. The people who don't care as much about degrees (tech, for example) they really value innovation, and you're not really trained to be an innovator in academia. I think the best professors encourage original thinking, but it's not the case for every professor. Thanks for your comment!
Hi Jen! You look really gorgeous! 😊 Your channel is eye-opening, solves many misunderstandings between our cultures/nations and is (because of you) beautiful to watch!! As a relatively young grammar school teacher of physics and math, teaching on 4 schools from 2002, I have to say, that in my subjects we sadly don't have so much time for long discussions, 4 years of physics was shortened 10 years ago into 3 years, we have to throw out important subjects from our curricullum. Sadly often we have to push very quickly scientific knowledge into our students, because the technical and scientific faculties are still relatively very demanding. Or actually the were highly demanding, from the end of 2000's their level is without any doubt going downhill... They have first to teach students for the first 1-2 semesters, what we (in 90's) automatically knew from our studies on our grammar schools. Than universities don't have enough time to give students more scientific facts, even worse, many students get only Bc. degree after 3 years and they think about themselves, that they are same experts like we after MSc. (or Mgr. in CZ) after 5 years of highly (sometimes extreme) demanding studies. I see a big danger in less expertise in science and in more hollow presentation or even narcistic-like tendencies in our society... Without good natural scientists and technicians we would be in a big disadvantage. Even worse people start more and more to distrust science and scientific facts, this move is provably directly supported by putin's hybrid war... Without knowledge of the truths and facts we can't do good educated decisions... Sorry, for my typical czech lamenting, sometimes we teachers- scientists feel like modern version of Sysifos... Anyway, keep on doing such great videos, we all need such comparisons. Czech people have often distorted view of U.S./West (older ones because of deep communist brainwashing), or because we don't travel so much (like me). Thank you!!! ☺ Ross
How do the major switches work out? I can’t imagine the catching up in case of medicine to law switch one way or another. Each field sure has to have specific essential introductory courses from the get go, right? Even at the technical university I graduated at, just to switch from electrical to mechanical or civil engineering (yes, they all have some physics and maths courses in common but also lot of other specific stuff) or chemistry or computer science, or at another say CS to history... I have one friend that has a bachelor in CS and other in history, and the amount of field specific knowledge you are required to chew through and familiarize in each semester makes the idea reorient to another field of study enormous, arduous endeavor.
Hi, as far as I know, Jenn was talking about her undergraduate studies. "Medicine" studied at this level is rather a preparation for the "real deal". Medicine in the USA is studied as a postgraduate 4 year course at medical schools (mostly), you get a MD or DO title after finishing it. In the Czech Rep. it's a 6 year undergraduate course and in the UK (for example) it's a 5 year undergraduate course or 4 year postgraduate course.
Hi Jen, Thanks for another great episode. You clearly hit a jackpot with this topic, even the comments are engaging! The contrast is clear, "Sit down and shut up!" vs. "Stand up and speak up!" That's all I was thinking until you brought up the skillful Czech reasoning why something cannot be done, which I used to attribute to all Europeans, having lived and worked in several EU countries before coming to the States. As someone said, "If it were left to the Europeans, the Internet still wouldn’t exist." Obviously, this applies to execution, not the idea. I like David Luong's comment about oral exams, spot on. The downside of the Czech model is that you read summarized ‘scripts’ on each subject, typically authored by the examiner, and that’s what comes up in the exam. In the West (pre-Velvet Revolution), you tend to study from general publications, so varied views on one topic are your source. Still, oratory skills shouldn’t be discounted. After all, that’s how we promote ourselves, even if just in the 30-second elevator pitch. Titles are another subject. Everyone in Prague would call me “pan inzenyr” while I would introduce myself as Paul. How are you celebrating the Fourth in Prague? Go #bestcoast!
I´m mechanical engineer, I´ve worked with american customers for some years and I must say that the "can do" attitude americans have is the most annoying thing ever. Nothing is a problem, but when it comes to decision making, giving proper inputs, do analysis, you´ll have a hard time with americans.
... každá systém má své mouchy a klady .... hodně záleží na povaze člověka a jak se dokáže přizpůsobit systému .... prostě , kde je vůle , tam je cesta ... titul inteligenci nedělá , to je známá věc
Já jsem naopak zastánce českého systému vysokých škol, ve svých 18 letech už by jedinec měl vědět, kam se chce v životě směřovat a proto ho všech 5 let VS posunuje tím směrem. V Americe si mohou studenti 2 roky "volne" studovat bez myšlení na budoucnost, ale i když mají toto "vseobecne" vzdělání, stejně žádný z mých amerických přátel, a všichni mají vzdělání a titul, nevi kdo byl a co napsal Shakespeare, kde leží a jaké je hlavní město Španělska, nedokáží vyjmenovat všechny planety a ani vlastně nevi a neznají nic, co je dál než špičku jejich nosu. Vim, ze pausalizuji (generalize), ale myslím si že právě onen český způsob vzdělání z pohledu autorit dává čechům a evropanům jistou komoru, kdež to američané si připadají jako světová špička, i když vlastně toho moc neví, neznají ani neumějí... jen můj názor a velmi rád uslyším, že se mýlím... Pokud ano...urcite ale souhlasím s tím, že pro zaměstnání by mělo mít větší váhu to, co reálné dokážeš, než co jsi vystudoval před 20 lety
Co v 18 letech. Ja si vybral ve 14 průmku, která mě připravila na technickou vejšku lépe, než by mě kdy připravil gympl. Gympl byl v záloze, přijali mě na obě školy, ale průmka byla jasná volba. A pak v 18 technika. Sice člověk začal studovat na dané fakultě, ale vlastní obor si vybíral až ve 4. semestru. A až někdy ve 4. ročníku specializaci. Ale možná na humanitních oborech je to jinak.
Jen, I worked 6 months in California and my son studied at two American universities (the first one just 1 year). My feelings about USA are mixed. In 1980s, Commies ruled here. We as teenagers saw USA as a land of freedom where everything is possible if you strive for it. Then Reagan's policies destroyed Soviet Union and set us free. USA was the only superpower that time. Then years came, and I saw army of Hillary's husband to bomb Serbian capital and innocent civilians inside. I saw 2 planes being able to destroy 3 (?!) towers in NYC. I watched George Bush trying to find Saddam's WMD. I saw Nobel prize winner Obama letting ISIS grow and cut people's heads. Then I saw half of the USA hating current President who is guilty of not starting any new war conflict and lowering taxes. Perhaps because wars and high taxes make people's lives better. And currently I see most of Americans celebrate marxists called BLM which spread anti-white racism and use domestic terror to gain power. I also wacthed the "new state" CHAZ (CHOP). You know, I love USA. And I LOVE American people. I really do. But I am very sad to watch USA becoming more and more a kind of Soviet Union 2.0.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment! I think you are coming from a place of affection for the US. I could probably argue with you all day on the particulars, but you've mentioned some strong points. And, not to state the obvious, but I have chosen to live here, so that says something about my feelings towards Americas current direction.
@@DreamPrague Thank you for your reaction. Yes, still love USA. But I have something what most Americans do not have: An experience of living in socialism. When I see how many Americans like what Bernie Sanders preached, I feel almost physically sick. It is very strong déjà vu feeling, freezing cold.
@@jindrichcapek9836 The problem is that the US are so polarizied that both parties are getting it wrong just for the sake of being different from each other. Communist/socialist Democrats or almost fascist Republikans? There needs to be a better way...
As I have read previous comments, I see you have provoked such a passions amongs patriots... both Europeans and Americans can find a lot of inspiration in each other. And It is funny that my husband has a typical US attitude and we never left Europe!
vubec nesouhlasim s nazorem ohledne "Degree" protoze kdyby nebylo v americe tak dulezite tak by nechodil kazdy na skoly aby mohl delat opravare zachodu (nadsazka ale chapete co myslim), a kdyz se podivam na upadek vysokych skol v USA a pozitivni diskriminace, tak bych v zadnem pripade nehovoril o lepsi veci.... dobre se vi ze v plno skolach v USA uz nemuzte vyjadrit svuj nazor at jste na republikanske nebo demokraticke smyslejici skole. a u posledni veci by me zajimalo kde jste pracovala, protoze moje zkusenost je presne opacna a taky se moc dobre vi ze cesi si chteji praci vzdy ulehcit a ojebat a jsou mistri improvizace :D
sveterka mluvíš jako Čech který tu nežije . Jsou tu tisíce universit a jsou rozvrstveny . Dostat se na ty nejlepší je velmi těžké a musíš opravdu něco znát .
Ked som dosiel do USA ako Ing. zo slovenska nikto sa nepytal ci mam titul Za 5 rokov som mal najvyssi plat vo firme (teda medzi inziniermi). Uplne suhlasim s autorkou.
I really enjoyed the insights in this video. I am an American university professor (biology - not medicine) and I have recruited Czech students to come to my university to complete their master's degree (I am at a small private Catholic university, we do not offer the doctorate). These students have ALL done superbly in our program. They come with an exceptional science backgraound, because they have NOT done the explorative pursuit of art history, political science, etc. that happens as part of the core requirements of a US education. They arrive disciplined and knowledgeable, with a full stable of facts and biological understanding. Then they work in a US system which challenges them to think, question and conduct research. It is perfect. Seven have come, seven are superstars. Many have gone on for Ph.D.s, some are at universities in the USA, some are at universities in the Czech Republic. I think the Czech system of education is great. When combined with the challenge to think on your own and strike out, I think it is magic. So both systems of education are great, and a combination of approaches would benefit everyone. Both could learn from each other.
Český vzdělávací systém rozhodně potřebuje změnu. Doba se mění, ale tohle se zaseklo před XX lety. Pro mě už to není aktuální, ale doufám, že na nějaké změny dojde, vím, že se už o to nějací lidé snaží. Těžké je, že i když by nějaký mladý učitel chtěl učit jinak, tak ho školství těmi osnovami a pravidly zase pěkně usadí, aby si moc nevyskakoval.
Ano, vypadá to že by se to mohlo změnit - známý učí na pedagogické fakultě v Brně, snaží se poznávat a zpřístupňovat svým studentům alternativní způsoby výuky atp., je i velký fanda výuky doma (nevěděl jsem vůbec že to tu už taky proniklo). Tak snad není jediný a začne to být v dalších letech a desetiletích vidět...
osnovy jsou zrušeny již X let... A již teď to dělá velký bordel mezi základkami... Když chce dítě přestoupit z jedné na druhou, tak je to dost velký problém...
Já jsem měla výborného učitele na matiku, který nás dokázal naučit i v rámci našeho systému. A to byl starý a učit nás přestal, protože šel do důchodu. Pak jsme dostali jiného a veškeré do té doby nabyté vědomosti postupně degradovaly. Takže podle mě je to spíš o přístupu učitele, o tom, zda vůbec umí učit a zda si dokáže třídu takzvaně "srovnat", aby ho žáci poslouchali. A určitě ne o tom, jaký je systém nebo jestli je učitel mladý s inovativními "moderními" nápady. Kamarádka je na pedagogické fakultě a z toho, co mi nešťastně vypráví, to vypadá, že by se mělo změnit vyučování spíš tam. A taky jsou učitelé finančně podhodnocení, tak proč by měl chtít někdo velice schopný a výmluvný jít učit?
Hi Jenn, one important fact about school system here is that 50% students here in the CR are already on a specialized track since the age of 15, after 9th grade elementary school and for them it is definitely too late to switch from electronics to medicine at 20, for example. These technical schools (prumyslovka; something like industrial high-school) or lyceums(only few) still have maths, czech language and literature, some history courses but they have specialized subjects and practicals like on American vocational schools - historically our fathers finished these schools and they were mostly done studying for their whole life, having enough technical skills in their field. Some technical schools end with "maturita exam" and some (3-year) programmes don't. The 3-y programme cannot continue to VS or university unless they attend a two-year extension program later in their life. The other 50% of students attend "Gymnazium" (also written with "s") from 15-19y, but there are also options to start from the age of 12 or 14 at the multi-year gymnazium. So the students do 4,6, or 8 years at Gymnazium and finish at 19 also with "maturita exam". Gymnazium during their last years is something like US freshman college level, does not specialize in vocational subjects but in the same time have subjects like biology that technical schools don't (unless it is some specific specialized school) and the graduates of gymnazium are expected to specialize late during their college/university studies.
Je pravda, že rozhodnout se po základní škole studovat obor, kterým se potom má člověk zabývat po celý život, je trochu podivné. Ale pokud si není jistý, tak může jít na Gymnázium... Takže si myslím, že tohle není až tak špatný systém.
Taky jsem zastáncem tohoto druhu vzdělávání. Když někdo neví co chce dělat, může jít na gymnázium, když ale ví co chce dělat, jde rovnou na školu se zaměřením. Další věc je, že když dostuduji např. SPŠCH, bude ze mě chemik, byť omezený, ale když bych dostudoval gymnázium budu chytřejší v obecné rovině, ale stále nebudu nic (co se zaměření týče). Předem říkám, že tento komentář není zaměřen proti těm, co studují gymnázium.
I’m Czech with a bit of experience from the us and I really thing you’ve got most of the things in both videos right (with a bit of generalization, obviously). Great job! We might think that some things are obvious and done the same way everywhere and these videos can help open your eyes :-)
Ha! I expected a video like this ever since the "Czech Manners" one. It is easy to get likes from people when you are actually praising them, but much harder when you compare and criticize :) You have my respect for not shying away from a content like this. The part about complaining and especially the "czechs will admit this" remark made me laugh out loud. So true!! The thing that was surprising and compelled me to comment here was the "can do attitude being rewarded in american business environment" bit. (Disclaimer - this is indeed personal experience, that might not apply to others) I have worked for 12 years as an extrenal contractor for Verizon - participating in some minor projects for some of their european customers. My attempts at "can do" and "let's improve this" ended up in failures and lot of pointless unpleasant conversations. Not always, but more often than not, things would be done the hard way, followed by lots of headaches and apologies to customers. I have ultimately given up and spent the last two years on autopilot with can't do/whatever attitude, before I finally quit the job out of frustration............. That probably sounds more dramatic and negative than intended (I was still grateful for the international business work experience while having the luxury of staying in my own country - that part was great!). To be absolutely fair, this was likely less american company experience, and more huge corporate experience. Since you mentioned teaching and small business at the beginning of the vid, I am going to assume things are done differently in your average american company. Thank you for all your videos and please continue making those. As others already mentioned, I always learned something new. Plus it is firsthand information you are sharing. That makes it more valuable than documentaries.
Thanks for your feedback Marika! I was surprised that Czechs did not immediately unsubscribe from me after this video! I agree with you about can-do attitude being a problem - it's generally a simplification. And there is definitely a difference between small businesses and big companies. Sorry about your experience in Verizon! You're right, I've only ever worked for small businesses. Thanks for watching!
@@DreamPrague No worries! As I said, the experience wasn't all bad. There were some perks to counter the frustration. Your videos are fun and insightful both, please make some more ;) Good luck!
Před 23 hodinami jsem zde již jeden komentář ohledně rozdílu mezi životem a prací Američanů v USA a Čechů v Česku vložil, ale myslím, že musím na tvé video ještě reagovat několika poznámkami... Je pravda, že systém české výchovy dětí a českého školství formou přehnané úcty k autoritám pochází z dob Rakouska-Uherska, pokračoval v dobách předválečného Československa a v době socialistického režimu byl ještě degradován "nalejváním vědomostí", protože učitelé a profesoři museli "plnit plán" učebních osnov. Sokratovský systém větší svobody vyjadřování názorů mezi studenty a učiteli je jistě modernější, ale zdá se, že i s tímto přístupem není americký systém výchovy a výuky tak skvělý, jak ho popisuješ... Na těchto videích (,, které pořídil český youtuber Michal Šopor v USA, je zřejmé, že na americkém systému výchovy i výuky není moc věcí, ze kterých by si měli Češi vzít příklad...! 🤔 Co se týká povahového rysu Američanů, že vždy dosáhnou svých cílů a žádný problém je nezastaví, je to jistě chvályhodné, otázkou je, za jakou cenu by toho měl člověk dosáhnout...? Narážím tím na tvou poznámku v jednom z předchozích videí ohledně tvého zážitku v Benátkách se staršími, dobře situovanými americkými manžely a jejich dětmi - je toto ideál života, který by měli Češi dosáhnout? Sama říkáš, že ne...! 😤 A ke schopnosti umět se "sám pochválit, protože to za tebe nikdo jiný neudělá"? Jistá míra sebevědomí je určitě fajn, ale v Česku platí, že člověka by měly chválit jeho činy nebo jiní lidé, ne jeho vlastní slova... V opačném případě (mám provokativní náladu 😃), když slyším v projevech amerického prezidenta Donalda Trumpa, co skvělého již dokázal, bych musel dojít k závěru, že Donald Trump je nejlepší Američan v historii USA!!! 😲😃😛
I agree with you entirely. (I lived in the US for 20 years and now I've been back in the CR for 2 years.) I ran a small business over 16 years, I learned so much about people, their personalities, ways of behavior, culture. I am extremely grateful for my experience in the US, it opened my eyes. I think I'd be a very different person had I lived in the CR all these years. I felt like I was from a different planet after my return back home... because I smiled at strangers? I started random quick conversations with strangers out of a blue if a situation called for it? Because I took care of a small business like it was my own, I wanted to help all customers at my "bestest" :) ability, in order to make people happy and I wanted them to come back again. I see that such attitude and approach to customers' satisfaction isn't applied here in the CR very often and I do miss that. BUT I don't want to sound all negative about the CR here, I am happy to be back in my home country. I don't live in Prague so I only have a small town's experience. I love all your videos, Jen, I am now going backwards, I've been watching them slowly from the newest moving backwards. :) Thank you!
Co se týče školství, tak také nesouhlasím. Jak už tu bylo několikrát zmíněno, tak každá země má svůj systém. V USA nemají na vzdělání takové nároky a i tak to hodně lidí nezvládá a pak to tam vypadá, jak to tam vypadá.
Záleží jakou úroveň vzdělání máte na mysli...To že někdo nemá nároky neznamená, že je ten vzdělávací systém špatný nebo horší. Vždy se to odráží od jedince zda chce či nechce. Pokud se týká VŠ vzdělávání, tak ten náš je určitě horší, např. i ve spojení s komerční zónou či práce samotné AV ČR....Následně napojí firem na absolventy SŠ a VŠ v ČR je velmi podprůměrné...
When it comes to oral vs. written exams, I totally see where you're coming from. However, most oral exams, or at least the way I've experienced them (speaking as a university student), look nothing like you described. Usually, finals have several parts. There's a written part, a test; sometimes there's also a seminar paper (in my field/major we write a lot of papers, and I totally agree with you, it's the best way to actually internalize and remember the information). Then there's the oral part. You come there, draw one question/topic (or more, depending on the subject...), and then you have about 10 minutes to prepare your answer. You have a pen and papers, you can make notes but just from memory. Then they call you in and you have to answer the question/talk about the topic you drew for some minutes, it varies but for us it's usually about 5-10 mins (you can of course use the notes you made before). Then there a few more minutes when the teacher asks you follow-up questions. I've had an exam where I drew 2 questions, had 10 minutes to prepare and then had to speak about each for 5 minutes, and another (bigger) one where I drew 3 questions, had about 15 minutes to prepare and then talked for ~10 minutes about each. The time is not measured or anything though, it really depends more on _what_ you're saying; if you've said everything, it can be shorter, etc. Personally, I think that learning to speak in front of people and properly articulate your thoughts and knowledge as well as to perform under some stress is much more important and beneficial than learning how to write a test. So even though it's super stressful, I really stand by our oral exams. ...Not to mention that an oral exam like that is more representative of what you actually know imo; the examining teacher can help point you in the right direction, ask follow-up questions if you're lost, and generally recognize whether you actually don't know anything or whether you're just blacking out, etc. Also, like our high school history teacher used to say, if you can't articulate it, it's as if you didn't know it.
jaks vami vetsinou souhlasim tentokrat jste dle meho vedle,uroven vysoke skoly Usa je na urovni nasi stredn i/krome prestiznich univerzit / proto ty tituly asi nikoho nezajimaji a formy testu jsou mnohem lehci nez ustni a obleceni slusne projjevujeme uctu k teto dulezite zivotni zkousce , s formou vyuky asi mate pravdu musime se vse biflovat ale taky tu nemame 20 procent lidi co veri ze je zeme placata, co ale je pravda a to i u nas ze kvalitnich lidi i bez tituly si mnozi ceni , a ano jsme slabi ve vychloubani se ale to uz je spis narodni povaha american je vzdy nejlepsi i kdyz keca ale asi tomu i veri , a dodatek kdyz u nas chce z nizsi pozice neco menit letite, a jak se zeptate proc to nejde odpoved je proto ci penize a tim to u nas konci
Nevím odkud čerpáte těch 20% , ve většine případu vidím zmínku kolem 2% a i tak je to pořád jen pruzkum z velmi male skupiny oproti celkovému počtu obyvatel. V každe společnosti najdete určite procento lidi kteří věří na absolutní nesmysly (duchové,zázraky,placatá země,setkání s UFO,naboženství) Pokud nijak neubližují společnosti a netrvají na tom že jejich pravda se musí vyučovat na škole tak at si třeba věří že žijeme na zadnici obra. Z vašeho příspěvku jen cítím potřebu ohrnout nos a jít dál. Snad se vám to napsalo dobře z PC či mobilu a naslědně jste odeslal tyto data at už z mobilní sítě či internetu vše pochází z USA :-)
@@Radim9x co prosim ze vse pochazi z Usa jestli myslite veci co jste jmenoval nakonec tak mate velice mylne predstavy o technologiich nehlede na to ze vetsina zasadnich vedcu jsou koupeni ze sveta, a jestli vas zaujalo v mem komenteri jen to o placate zemi tak to je mi lito, poznamko o nosu nechapu takze to je vse
@@altarxxl Prvni mobil Martin Cooper american Prvni osobni pocitac IBM - americka firma Prvopocatek internetu DARPA -americka firma projekt pro armadu Muzete me prosim jak vy rikate opravit na tehle nepresnostech? To ze nekomu nabidnete penize za praci a nalakate ho do sve spolecnosti automaticky neznamena ze vam vytvori revolucni vynález. Vetšinou je to dílo nespočtu lidí kterym byli vytvoreny podmínky pro tuto činost.
Hi Jen, as for the methods in school I cant agree more, hopefully this is changing with new generation of teachers. As for oral vs written exams, you are comparing doing stuff during a year to just exams at the end, which making work during the whole semester does win every time. But we did work during whole semester both on faculty of Science and on faculty of Law. For me oral exams were always better because they allowed you to present your thinking not just facts that you learned which is what is expected on written exam. As for the value of degree, it matters mostly in just 2 areas: Academia and government jobs, as your salary is set in table dictated by law and one of the aspects is your degree. For the asking stupid questions, I think this one goes for type of personality you have, I have never had problems asking even stupid questions, but I do understand that it is not promoted by teachers. With the self promoting I see it as our biggest drawback, I see it as boasting but because of this view, I am in disadvantage when applying for job here in Ireland.
Zdravím, to bozkávanie, no, väčšinou sa používa na oslavách, keď má niekto sviatok, prípadne si zaželať šťastný nový rok, Tie školy, veľa ľudí tu študuje technické obory a tie vyžadujú pochopenie, ale aj sa niečo naučiť presne, preto sú podľa mňa lepšie ústne skúšky, na nich nejde ani tak o to, všetky informácie vysypať z rukáva, ale o to, aby zistili, či sa v tom naozaj význame, rozumieme, preto sa občas niečo opýtajú, aby nás nasmerovali niekam, zistili, či sme sa len nenaučili monológ, alebo ak sa v niečom pomylime, napravia nás a potom už pokračujeme správne, Neviem ako s inými, ale somnou si pred koncom ústnych skúšok ešte trochu pokecali o danej téme, takže skôr rozhovor ako skúška to bol, no ten stres bol aj tak 😂 V zamestnaní je to tu skôr tak, že ak niečo ukážeme, že vieme lepšie ako nadriadený, neodmenia nás, ale začnú sa po nás ,,voziť" , práve teraz sa u nás začalo riešiť, že nedodržiavame presne technologické postupy, 8 hodín sa snažili spustiť stroje podľa nich, no nepodarilo sa im to 😁😂 ale, že sme im to povedali hneď, že to nepôjde nikoho nezaujímalo, išlo im len o ich ego, predsa nemôžem vedieť viac ako oni
Ahoj! Our school systems are completely different. I would love to see a compromise between these two. I agree that Czech system is stressful. All the verbal testing. And in middle and high school you get verbally tested with no warning infront of the class and it affects your grade. It really causes lots of stress and anxiety. But the truth is that typical Czech student has larger general knowledge than American one. In Czech high schools we study pretty much everything. So by the age of 18 (when we are considered adults) we usually know if we prefer science, or history. I saw a high school straight A’s graduate (son of my friend)’s report. There was math and English as the only real subjects! The rest was all practical technical skills like carpentry etc. No pressure what-so ever! Czech high schoolers must study math, Czech, two foreign languages, biology, geography, chemistry, history, physics, psychology, philosophy, etc. and they can’t drop any of it. So Czech high school diploma is equivalent to at least two years of American university. American generals were covered in Czech high school system. I know that kids in USA can take generals in high school for free and be done with it when they enter college. But it is only optional. In Czech Rep. it is required. In Czechia we need to practice confidence, and in the states they need little bit more general knowledge. Like I said these two systems could learn from each other! One raises confident people who don’t know that much, and the other shy stressed out people who either know a lot or forget it all anyway.
And on top of that, we also have specialized high schools. So for example nursing school is high school, not college. So is an electrician or auto mechanic. So if you studied nursing, by the age of 18 you can work in this field as a certified nurse. (high school diploma=maturita is quite a hard exam, equivalent to bachelor degree, to my opinion)
@Hi Petra, Excellent comment and assessment of the Chzech educational system. Your English is so gut and flawless, you must be living/studying in the USA or UK. If so, how do you finance your stay and studies?
Oh, making statements as "Munich agreement resulted in positive benefits for Czechoslovakia"... Even as example as you made,... harsh... :D Dont do it. This can easilly make people mad even in this context. :D I dont agree with these school changes. I admit some minor adjustment could be made, but overall, wrong answer is just wrong and you can find right answer by just listening teacher or this alternative method. Lesser time consuming is first one.. In science like subjects there is some practical tasks, laboratory classes that can clarify why is something as it is to better understands tho. And about first years of USA universities, these general knowledge are in czech highschools. Everyone who goes to basically every university already had literature, atleast basics of math, history, etc. So you choose university based on "major" you want to study. And if you dont know what you want to do when you are 15 years old and you are smart enough to do university after, you can choose gymnazium as highschool and this is general highschool and these students are expected to study university. And age from highschool to university is 19, not 17 in czech. And oral exams proves much better your knowledge and confidence in theme then written tests. And I say that as relatively fresh masters degree graduate. In the other hand I must admit oral exams are much more stressfull then written one and I hated them much more for this. :D About degree value topic, My personal opinion is even here business degree doesnt mean something huge. Value of degrees is or at least should be based only on job you can apply to and cannot aply if you dont have it. This degree obsession came from Comunists era where university degree had only best of the best (not mentioning other requirements based on political "safety" that has nothing to do with my point) In self promotion I agree. 100% Personal experience. About attitude. :D you missed most important question in your list. "Do you need more time?" :D Just joking. :D I like that video a lot. :)
Thanks for your comment! My Munich agreement example was to make a very extreme example, but sorry about being insensitive. "Do you need more time?" hahaha, only a Czech smarty-pants would add that. Very nice.
@@DreamPragueI can see it from my perspective. Manager comes to engineer and ask. "Can you speed thing up to get product sooner? Whatever you need I will give to you. More money, more people, more trucks more material. Just ask." And he replies: " Nah, just need more time." :D
Problem is that at gymnazium you dont really learn practical things. Therefore, it s almost impossible for you to choose between something like law and medicine. Closest subject you have to medicine for example is biology. However, thats something absolutely different. Same for technical university. At high school you don t use maths and physics in a practival way.
Great video like always!!! Specially on the education matter... That's something me and my husband talk about a lot! The fact that he hated studying and learning history while we loved it just cause of the teacher approach (Idk how if works in Venezuela but I know how it works in Private schools in Venezuela and it's the original thinking that is mostly rewarded too)
_-Czechs-__ that I worked with, or interacted with in certain_ *government offices* _are not great at solving the problem._ Here, I fixed it for you. It's not about Czechs, it's about government offices (in all the world's countries). :-)
Oh, it's definitely about Czechs, though. In just about any and every office I've been to in Czech Republic (government, medical, legal, post) the workers have been less than helpful and sometimes even rude. The main complaint I have is the fact that unless you ask the exact right question, they generally will not help you with what you need. I believe Jen did an excellent video covering this when she was asking for the location of the toilet and her Czech counterpart only shook her head no. I have been here for 14 years and I will admit that it has been getting better, but it's still a long way from being even close to the standard helpfulness and politeness that Americans are used to.
@@tonysplace2010 Don't be princess, they are doing their job and their job is not being your mom. Less helpful or rude worker is still more sympathic than worker with this fake american politeness. We are not interested of this part of american politeness culture.
Czech university freshmen are usually 19 years old. Which pretty much bridges this gap of general education of 3 years you mentioned.
4 ปีที่แล้ว +5
No nejsem si jist, jestli je vhodne, jako priklad toho, ze cesi nejsou schopni resit problemy zrovna uredniky, tahle profese je bych rekl na celem svete stejna z pohledu reseni problemu :-D
Co se týče pozdravu v Čr. Políbení na tváře/rty jsme opravdu jen převzali ze zahraničí, ale trošku jsme u toho pozapomněli i na návod kdy a jak to dělat...ale rozhodně to v Česku není žádná dlouholetá tradice, spíš je o záležitost ,, větších měst", kde se tohle dělá. Tento způsob pozdravu je zároveň spíš výsadou ,,mladších lidí" či tech co často byly v zahraničí. Minimálně v Praze si to převzali po svém a momentálně je to v dnešní uspěchané době spíše velice výrazný nástroj, jak rychle ukázat, že se máme rádi a to hlavně i s kamarády. (a ne pouze s rodinou či přítelem/manželem a dětmi). Stejné je to s objímáním. Momentálně většina lidi pod 30 let se zdraví bud polibkem na každou tvář (někteří i na rty ale s tim neni spousta lidi vpořádku a rozhodně to neni běžný pozdrav) či objetím. Je to takto více intimní než klasické podání ruky ( to je spíše bráno jako pracovní pozdrav) a polibek ukazuje to že je ten dotyčný pro nás opravdu blízký a důležitý. ;)
Já myslím, že jste ty rozdíly pěkně shrnula. - Vybrat si v mladém věku směr a těžko ho pak měnit tady akorát vyústí v to, že vystudujeme nějakou školu, aby byl ten titul, že jo ... a děláme něco jiného - to asi taky souvisí s (ne)placením školného. - Na tituly se tu podle mne hraje čím dál míň. Školy dostávají prachy na studenta, proč by teda ty neschopné vyhazovaly? Výšku u nás udělá skoro každý pometlo, tituly jsou tak degradované a ztrácejí svoji původní hodnotu. Tím se taky začíná uplatňovat to, že je lepší maník s pětiletou praxí než nějaký Mgr. čerstvě vylezlý ze školy. - Už i tady se začíná projevovat (konečně) tendence ke změně způsobu výuky, to memorování je zhouba, všichni jsme ho zažili a stále zažíváme. Hlavně takové ty předměty, kde je důležitější znát souvislosti než jednotlivá data, např. dějepis, se učily a učí tak, že většinu toho člověk zapomene. A přitom by stačilo nastudovat pár knih, které se snaží fakta analyzovat a dávat do souvislostí. A proč se tady stále tak učí? Protože učit tímhle zastaralým způsobem je jednodušší. A učit SE tímto způsobem je také svým způsobem jednodušší, stačí se to prostě "našprtat", není nutno příliš přemýšlet. Samozřejmě je to na úkor budoucích schopností a skutečně využitelných znalostí. - U některých zmiňovaných věcí vlastně ani netuším, proč jsou, jak jsou. Třeba u té absence sebeprosazování. Možná to ještě přetrvalo z těch dob, kdy si "všichni byli rovni", až tak, že kdokoliv vyčníval, ten to schytal. A pak se to v devadesátkách zas otočilo do druhého extrému, kdy byl najednou každý vekslák mistr všeuměl, a všude to taky prezentoval. A lidi tak nějak nevědí, co s tím. - A co se týče té schopnosti řešit problémy a neustále se zastavovat před překážkami - Češi jsou (byli?) obecně známí svojí schopností improvizace, ale mám na to svoji teorii - je to základním rysem české povahy, tj. ochcáváním (je na to ještě sprostější slovo, to nebudu psát). Souvisí to s pohodlností. Zastavit se před problémem a říct, že to nejde, protože (předpisy, čas, něco jiného, ...) je takový podvědomý pokus vyhnout se přemýšlení, námaze, zkrátka další činnosti, pokus to nějak ochcat. Když to vyjde, mám chvíli voraz a nikdo mi nemůže nic říct, bylo to přece podle předpisů. Když to nevyjde ... no tak to prostě vyřeším, no.
V usa za skolu plati student a ovela viac ako tu stat tak tiez maju rendenciu vychadzat studentom v ustrety ved ked platia tak nech studuju kolko len chcu...a co chcu.
@@martinamolnarova8598 : To asi jo. Ale z druhé strany student tam asi má větší motivaci včas a kvalitně dokončit. Tady je to vlastně fuk. Ani po dostudování nemusí dělat to, co studoval, vždyť ho to nic nestálo ...
@@mufrodrigo No to je od studenta k studentovy , ked mate bohateho tatinka tak studujete kolko chcete ale bezny clovek chce dostudovat co najrychlejsie aby si nasiel pracu a mohol zit podla seba
As a Czech person working in American corporation, I have to agree with you. The way Americans can present themself is definitely something we should learn as well as their their “can do” attitude. On the other hand, I think a lot of companies in the Us, people tend to BS you a lot just for their personal gain (as not many things here are actually meant the way they have been said). Also from my experience people in Us companies keep promising and a lot of the promises are constantly on hold. Maybe it’s just my experience, but Americans should maybe learn from Czechs some honestly and fairness especially in work environment 😎
Zdravím Trochu mně uráží část videa v niž kritizujete české školství. Národ, který položil základy moderního školství je nyní kritizován za jeho nedostatečnost. (Jan Amos Komenský) Můj názor je, že každá země má své ověřené metody učení na které je zvyklá. Jen proto že někdo není zvyklý na naše metody hned neznamená, že jsou naše metody špatné. Navíc každý učitel má své osvědčené metody jak žákům podávat učivo, tak aby jej dokázal pochopit ale i umět používat. Věřte že vím o čem mluvím neboť pocházím z kantorské rodiny. Závěrem chci poděkovat za to že existuje někdo kdo se dobrovolně zajímá o naši malou zemi a že se snaží život u nás přiblížit ostatním.
joj, všechno je to pravda. Na všem je trocha pravdy. Pěkná přirovnání, příklady. Dobrý pozorovací talent. Rád bych k jednotlivým tvrzením, přidal svoje 👍, ale vše je platné a logické. Holt vycházíme z autorit historie RU císařství a diktátu Čssr.. Pěkné , vtipné video. jdu sledovat další videa, zajímavý objev pro mne 🤔👍👍👍
So what do you think? Do you have experience working or going to school in the US or Czechia? What do you think each country does better?
I go to school in Czech rep. and I can relate with many of your points
Thanks for chiming in Matyáš! Have a good one.
Zase jedno video na zamyšlení. Sice jsem nechodil do školy jinde, než v Evropě, ale když jsem se svými americkými kolegy diskutovali obsah učiva a výsledné znalosti pro základní školu a střední školu s maturitou, tak nějak jsme došli k závěru, že americký systém se s každým rokem školení docházky více soustředí na řešení problémů a méně na rozsah naučených znalostí, kdežto ten český stále preferuje široký, skoro encyklopedický záběr. Takže na konci procesu, kdy mladým Američanům při vstupu na výšku je cca 17 - 18 let, kdežto mladým Čechům 19 - 20 (podle toho v kolik kdo šel do školy), mají mladí Češi větší rozhled (tedy nemusí strávit první roky na vysoké tolik zkoumáním do stran a mohou rovnou skočit do hlubin svého oboru). Ovšem ani po několika debatách, kdy jsme zkonstatovali, že ty školní systémy jsou rozdílné a v podstatě nekompatibilní, ale neuměli jsme už tak jednoznačně dojít k závěru, který je lepší. Oba systémy mají totiž své pasti - v tom českém nedostatek důrazu na řešení problémů může vést až k tomu, že je dosažené vzdělání v praxi nepoužitelné a člověk se stejně musí všechno naučit od nuly, v tom americkém zase ta volnost v možnosti zkoumání jiných oborů může způsobit, že ve výsledku je člověk velmi úzce specializovaný v rámci svého hlavního oboru, takže si moc pak neví rady, když problém přesahuje do více oborů. Co se týká přístupu k řešení problémů, tak všeobecně je to asi hodně kulturní záležitost. Češi nejsou zvyklí přemýšlet v intencích extenzivního řešení problému (přidám lidi, přidám peníze, přidám materiál, prostě přidám zdroje), protože (vlastně už po staletí) žijeme v rozparcelovaném světě, kde zdroje navíc nejsou moc dostupné a vlastně posledních pár desetiletí ještě k tomu spíše žijeme v trochu podivné mantře "všechno musím zvládnout s tím, co mám". Což samozřejmě vede i k tomu, že když chci řešit nějaký problém, tak musím přemýšlet o tom, co si o tom myslí kolega přes stůl, můj nadřízený, jeho nadřízený, partner u dodavatele a/nebo zákazníka, protože v tom našem dávno rozparcelovaném (a hodně malém) světě vlastně pořád budu muset spolupracovat v podstatě s těmi samými lidmi. Až nakonec něco nejdříve nejde "protože něco", "protože někdo", "protože někde", ..., "protože někdy", ... "protože proto" a nakonec prostě nejde. Takže je dobře, když se někdo z venku rozhodne nám to trochu rozkopat hračky a ten náš "status quo", a doufám, že moje děti jsou v tom "problem solving" a "can-do" přístupu někde jinde a dál, než jsem byl v jejich věku já sám a že se nám trochu toho pozitivního optimismu postupně podaří dostat do všech a nakonec i propašovat do úřadů. :o)))
I have to agree with all you said although I have the feeling that something is slowly changing in Czech republic.
But what is funny for me is that we have saying "Nerikej, ze neco nejde, nebo se najde nejaky blbec, co pujde a udela to" (Don't say something is impossible or there will be a dummie who will go and do it) but not so many people is trying to act as that "dummie" and a lot of "discussing" on topic why something can't be changed simply end up with reason "because I think so" instead of "because of" real facts based on proper investigation.
Maybe it all is starting up with the education system you described in the beginning.
I think that CUNI is little bit its own world in Czechia as everybody who care about things in Czechia has in head stereotype of regular studen of matfyz faculty "matfyzák". Sometimes I think it's little bit different than other universities, mainly because it has noble history and people from there( I'm sorry to say this) thinks that they are best in Republic. And as you know collective truth can do magic with people..
Sebe prezentace je prostě kulturní rozdíl. Tady věříme, že dobré zboží se chválí samo (tedy že nepotřebuje reklamu) a že sebechvála smrdí. Pokud ke mě přijde někdo, kdo by se prezentoval tak jako v Americe (všude byl, všechno zná, od všeho má klíče) tak si myslím, že je podvodník. V lepším případě, že má za rohem kolotoč :-)
A co se týká toho "spěšného dodání" na základě požadavku vedoucího, to je také legrační.
Kdo hákuje ve fabrice, má hodinovou mzdu, normy a zaměstnavatel chce "mimořádný" výkon, tak to taky nefunguje.Vy si třeba máknete, splníte a on dojde druhý den se stejným požadavkem.... Skončí to tak, že budete běhat jak utržený vagón pořád, za stejné peníze, do doby než padnete na hubu...
Vaclav Cepelak Neni Pravda . Dají ti na to 3 měsíce aby jsi se prokázal . Selective process je brutální . Resume , telephone interview , osobní interview . Znám to od svého syna který je Data scientist . Se lhaním se tu daleko nedostaneš .
@@ludmilasvoboda57Nechapu jak se to lisi v cesku. Vetsinou jsem mel totez. Vcetne background checku.
Jako říct šéfovi, že udělám změnu?😃😃😃
Řeknu, ale až si budu 100% jistá novým zaměstnáním.
Jak jsou všude 3 měsíce, tak VYTKNOUT v Čechách šéfovi?
"Tužku, klíče...zmiz!"
Ani osobní věci si nastačíte sbalit😊😊
As a Czech - I fully agree.
"I rather don't ask."
"I can't do it."
"I don't want to be responsible for this."
"I'm good at ....... I don't know ..."
It is so TYPICAL for us! I'm afraid you didn't want to make us angry, so you mentioned only those things, which many of us know :D
Btw, your english is fantastic! I usually have problems to understand spoken english, but you speak so nice that I understand nearly everyhing
Hi Jen, as someone who's had the opposite experience from you (living in the Czech Republic and then going to the US for university), I really enjoyed your opinion on American vs. Czech university classes. One thing I'd like to point out about the oral exams though - in the Czech Republic, we are trained for oral exams since basically grade 1. In every class for as long as I can remember, I've always been tested orally at least twice a semester. Teachers (especially in grades 6-11) love to spend the first 10 minutes of each class session picking on one poor soul who definitely did not prepare for class and then make them suffer in front of the entire class :) I think that's why we're a little bit less scared of taking oral exams (though they still are very, very scary). You are definitely right about the self-promotion and how Czechs think about it - I had a really hard time in my college writing classes with writing resumes in class because I never could understand why I would embellish my achievements. I think American recruiters like confident people, but in my brain, all I could see was a pí. Bullshitova looking at me and thinking, "Oh, so you think you're a great leader? Let's see about that...." Also, on the whole fixing things in the workplace - let's be honest, if we fix the problem, what will we complain about over beer? :)
OMG, this comment is so great. On all points. Yes, I agree - if I had been trained from a young age to do oral exams, I would have had a lot more confidence. And, actually, I think the skill of "speaking" is more important in todays world than "writing" so perhaps the Czech system would serve the students better in the end. Also your last point - I agree, no one wants to go to the pub to be positive and talk about how great things are with your life. That's just like being in an American bar, and the beer is way too expensive there.😂😂😂🤔
The lack of oral exams is one big thing that makes Canadian school much easier. Also multiple choice answers. WHAT A JOKE!
@@DreamPrague And probably "american beer" on top of that :-)
And open book tests, another feature that makes canadian studies "fun".
for me is writing better because i have time to remember answer or skip question if i can't remember a return later.
I worked in the US and I can relate so much to the "can do" attitude. I also think czechs and americans kinda make a good team when the american guy says ways to do it in a diffrent way and the czech guy says why its a bad idea, to keep him realistic. Then they can find a good solution. ☺☺
I think in the CZ if someone tells you they cannot do it, they mean by it that they tried all possible ways of doing it and by asking you just say they are idiots who haven't thought of some other way how to do it.
I love this, I think you're right! Sometimes too much optimism can be as dangerous as too much pessimism.
@@DreamPrague Friend of mine (In Czekoslovakia) as young employee was always asked by his boss to write ten reasons why stuff cannot be done. He realized very soon that it was easier for him to find a way to do stuff than find those ten obstacles.
You nailed it! I have same experience. Americans tends to be over-positive, not just about finding solution but even like "we have house in fire, but stay positive maybe it'll rain" (which drives me crazy). So they mostly think about happy paths maybe coz American dream says "everything is possible". Czechs are opposite and rather looking on worst case scenarios. So agree, blending is good idea.
About self presentation I agree that Czechs are underestimate themselves. But my experiences with American "self presentation" are rather negative the more person self present themselve the less are capable. Which, when combined with "be positive" attitude and tendency to find something positive on everybody to be able to praise, is killing combination.
Perfektní a korektní rozbor. Pravdou je, že každé plus má i nějaké mínus. A v té pestré škále odlišností je nádhera poznávání, jenž je součástí našeho života. Máš (česky máte) vynikající pozorovací a analytický talent a kromě toho i obdivuhodnou schopnost vytvářet super videa. Opětovné díky. 👌🌹
Ahoj, ja som zo Slovenska a velmi sa mi pacia tvoje videa!! Vsetky su vtipne, mile, poucne a vsetky maju dusu. Pozdravujem a tesim sa na dalsiu cast :) dakujem
6:48 To, co chceme dělat, až budeme dospělí, si více méně volíme už po základním vzdělání, když nastupujeme na střední školu. Což je v 14-15 letech. Sice v prváku můžeme případně přestoupit, ale volit si musíme už takto brzy.
Na druhou stranu, něčím se ten člověk na středí už se zaměřením vyučuje, včetně praxe, a nemusí jít poté na vysokou školu. Nám gymplákům se ostatní smáli, že po vychození střední nejsme nic a musíme pokračovat dál. Pokud se chce člověk na něco zaměřit v USA, musí vyvinut buď vlastní iniciativu a sám se to od někoho někde naučit, nebo jít na VŠ, když střední jsou sice povinné, ale všeobecné. V USA navíc musíš platit obrovské částky za VŠ, pokud nejsi premiant a nemáš stipendium. Náš systém sice taky není nic úžasného, ale ten americký se mi nelíbí. bolsevika to tak bylo...dnes uz se priblizuje Cesko Zapadu.
Ten bolsevicky system mel jednu velkou vyhodu. Lide se rychleji dostavaji do pracovniho procesu...a tim jsou drive produktivni. Ale zase na druhou stranu se za bolsevika chodilo drive do duchodu. A to ne proto, ze ten rezim/system byl tak humanni. Lide byli drive upracovani a sli i drive do kytek.
Za bolsevika byl take dost velky nedostatek akademiku (spolehlivych akademiku...ti nespolehlivy delali bud'to v Jachymove ci utekli na Zapad). A tim je chteli mit co nejdrive hotove. Nejaci 30-ti leti VS-studenti (nemluvim o vecernim studiu) v CSSR nebyli.
Ten zapadni system, kde se chodi povinne do skoly az do 18-ti let a pak teprve (az na vyjimky) se voli pracovni profese a nekteri ji voli i pozdeji, ma zase tu vyhodu, ze hodne lidi jde opravdu delat to co chce...ale jdou za to pozdeji do duchodu.
A take na zapade je dnes tolik akademiku (a oni si mysli, ze je jich porad malo), ze se museji nejak zamestnat.
Co by delali vsichni ti "teacher", kdyby jim odchazela omladina uz v 14-15 lety do ucebnich oboru.
Ale jak uz jsem psal i dnes se Cesko priblizuje zapadnimu standardu a systemu...viz. treba obor Zdravotni sestry.
Pokud jdete na gymnázium, máte dost solidní všeobecné vzdělání a rozhodujete se až v 18-19 letech - před maturitou ( v Praze, odkud jsem, to není kdovíjak výběrová škola pro nejchytřejší - je tu víc jak 50 gymnázií, takže dostat se na nějaké, není takový problém). Ale i když nemáte gympl, ale máte alespoň maturitu , stále si můžete vybrat libovolnou VŠ. Já jsem před lety maturoval z elektrotechnických zařízení, pak jsem zjistil, že mě práce moc nebaví a vystudoval jsem na Karlově universitě historii a společenské vědy - jsem učitel a jsem spokojený.
@@davidbroz6755 Ano, mate pravdu, je to tak, jak to popisujete. Problem je v tom, ze tech maturantu (a i akademiku) uz je moc. Tim se snizila uroven tech studentu. Coz by nebyl nejvetsi problem. Nejvetsi problem je, ze dnesni mladi nejsou tak blby aby sli delat remeslna/delnicka povolani. A ti studovani nechteji za ty delnicke platy delat.
@@giorgiocorleone2747 Nevím, zda v tom máte až tak pravdu, Američané jdou na univerzitu a často pracují už v této době, protože musí tu školu z něčeho platit. Já osobně jsem třeba na brigády chodila už od 15, ve 3. ročníku na gymplu už jsem jela všechny víkendy a prázdniny, kdy jsem jezdila na brigošku do Prahy a byla jsem tam na maximální počet hodin nebo jsem v mezičase ještě běhala na noční do obchoďáků a takto jsem jela i na vysoké...
Sestra mojí babičky pracovala od 15 za bolševika a dneska je jí 93 a v důchodu je snad od 55... stres dnešní doby ty lidi semele i zdravotně, což si nejsme příliš ochotní připouštět. Díky stresu se mi sype zdraví a je mi 33... jenže neumím dělat věci na půl, zavřít za sebou po 8 hodinách práce dveře a prostě dělat, že práci nemám. A takových lidí je dnes spoustu.
Minulý režim semlel lidi, kteří se mu nehodili, tak jak jste psal, moje babi dostala možnost VŠ z kraje komunismu, díky tomu, že to nevzdala na SŠ a se samými jedničkami jí to ředitelka školy nabídla, ale "jen" v Olomouci, tehdy ale měla štěstí, protože tam byly přesunuté velké kapacity, které se komoušům nehodily....
Problém je, že je tady usazené právě to bolševické myšlení, kterého bychom se měli zbavit... částečně se to daří, ale u voleb vidíme, že to až tak veselé není... Jen doufám, že můj profesor z gymplu měl pravdu, když říkal, že to potrvá už "jen" 3 generace, než se to u nás otočí... Další problém jsou nesmyslné učební plány a naprosto zcestné státní maturity, které příliš přemýšlení nepodporují.... a nesestavují to učitelé, ale úředníci.... Dodnes si pamatuji prohlášení jednoho profesora na vysoké: Kdo myslíte, že tyhle nesmysly vymýšlí: No úředníci, kteří o tom nevědí vůbec nic...''
Já se jako učitel snažila vést děti k samostatnosti, vymýšlela jsem různé hry, aby se všichni zapojili, měla jsem ve třídě nadprůměrně inteligentního chlapce v oblasti matiky, který řešil ve druhé třídě prakticky učivo 9. třídy, tak jsem chystala i pro něj práci zvlášť, jenže tyhle věci zabíraly spoustu mého volného času a tehdy to nebylo vůbec zaplacené... za 9 tis žádná hitparáda... teď po letech uvažuji, zda si o něco pohoršit finančně a vrátit se do školství ze soukromého sektoru za cenu toho, že budu dělat, co mě bavilo... je to velké dilema... to je také problém školství, jsou tam často ti, které to už ale vůbec nebaví... a podle toho ta výuka na našich školách i vypadá... učit se má srdcem, ne jen hlavou...
Čech se neumi ozvat, říct svůj názor, protože se bojí že za to poletí. ale fakt je, že jsme zvyklí na autoritu. Ono to bude tou naší historií.. ale máš nás aspoň trochu načtený.😁
Protože pak skoro jistě poletí. S tím má každý svoji zkušenost jak si učitelé zasedli na "kverulanty" kteří měli neustále nějaké otázky a nebo dokonce zpochybňovali ty věci které učitel vykládal jako fakta, jenže se je naučil před 30 lety na fakultě a po roce 89 většinou už pozbyly platnost.
@@petrklic7064 hmm.. vysvětluje hodně věcí o hádkách s učiteli ze základky .. 🤔
Tohle neplatí na gymplu. Tam se studenti opravdu nebojí ozvat. Ledaže narazí na velmi přísného profesora nebo profesorku.
Nejhorší věc na českém školství je podle mě to, že nahrává lidem co se umí učit zpaměti narozdil od lidí co mají realnou inteligenci a talent. České školství naprosto brání růstu a sebevzdělání. Souhlasím s názorem! Rovněž tak samo s tím, že český student si na střední škole vybírá zaměření na začátku studia. Je to blbost! Všechno co jsem v 15/16 chtěl dělat bylo bud nerealné, nedostupné a nebo jsem hlavně ani nevěděl čím bych chtěl být. Tak jsem se dostal na průmyslovou školu, protože se to očekávalo. No a přitom jsem člověk co odmaturoval s potřebným vzděláním, ale nebaví mě nic v mém oboru vzdělání a mám k tomu averzi.
Úplný súhlas, na Slovensku to isté. Smutné je že problém školstva je dlho všeobecne známy ale nejako sa to nemení.
Řešením je jednoduše waldorfská škola. Po základce můžete jít na waldorfské lyceum.
Proč nebylo možné jít na gymnázium? Což je vlastně to samé co Jen popisuje.
I appreciate much some of my teachers preferring questions like "why" - a nightmare approach for those memorizing e.g. laws of physics.
Memorizing is terrible and useless.
The problem starts at primary school - many teachers are focused only on repeating the sentences from poor textbooks.
What we can expect in the country, where teachers at universities teaching the future teachers saw the live child last time when they left the primary school
inteligencia atalent je ti naprd ked si nemapmetaš čo si robil včera. tiež som si to myslel ale možno by bolo lepšie keby som si musel pametať veci.
Za mlada jsem si také myslel, že cílem studia na VŠ, je se "něco naučit" a hned po zkoušce to "úspěšně zapomenout". Dnes s (dlouhým) odstupem času už nejsem tak ortodoxně přesvědčený, že je to tak strašně špatný model, ale že je jen špatně pochopený. Důležité dle mě není si vědomosti dlouhodobě "zapamatovat", ale bohatě stačí, aby v hlavě zůstala malá poznámka "o tom jsem už někdy slyšel". Dodnes, když na mě vybafne nějaký "atypický pracovní úkol", tak si vzpomenu "aha, o tom jsem už někdy slyšel...nebo to jsme brali na VŠ", a toto je "dostatečné" k tomu, abych věděl, co mám hledat, nebo co si mám znovu nastudovat atp. :-) Ale když je někdo vemeno, tak mu nepomůže ani to, že už o tom někdy slyšel :D :D (mluvím hlavně za technické obory)
Máš pravdu. Měsíc po zkoušce vím tak třetiny ale to povědomí tam zůstává.
Mám taky pozitivní zkusenost s biflovanim. Nejlépe jsou na tom lidé s paměti ditěte, ti to do sebe nalijí a nemůsí moc přemýšlet. Pokud do této kategorie nepatříte, zbývá vám neůspěch nebo nebo jste absolutne nuceni najít si svůj vlastní způsob a systém, jak si kvantum vědomostí a informací uchovat. Často lidem při tom dojde, že musí látku dobře pochopit, aby se to v hlavě usadilo. Musíte si učivo rozžvýkat a pak zase znovu sestavitm aby to tvořílo nějaký životaschopný celek. V takovém případě pochopíte podstatu věci a zůstane vám v paměti na trvalo s tím. že si vždy můžete doplnit mezery, které se časem oběví, opravit mylné pochopení a interpretace. A naučíte se samostatně myslet. Ale souhlasím, že na fakultě je takové učení dřína a ne každý to zvládne tímto způsobem.
Ahoj, nesouhlasím že USA systém sebeprezentace v zaměstnání je šťastný. Vede to pak k tomu že lépe je placený ten kdo se umí lépe prezentovat (vychválit) a ne ten kdo něco umí. S českou povahou by tento systém naprosto zkolaboval, protože nejlépe se umí prezentovat ti co ve skutečnosti nic nedělají. Lepší mi přijde když šéf má přehled kdo co umí a dělá a podle toho hodnotí zaměstnance a sebeprezentace slouží jen jako vodítko.
@dream prague snad je pro vás pochopitelné co jsem napsal i když je to v češtině.
Ono to tak ale u nás bohužel dost funguje... Lidi šikovní v předstírání, nicnedělání a vychloubání se se dostanou dále než lidé co jen potichu a bez přestání pracují. Tak to tedy obecně (bohužel) funguje ve světě; když si o odměnu neřeknete, nedostanete jí. Proč by zaměstnavatel odměňoval někoho kdo spokojeně pracuje a na venek nevypadá že by se nějak extrémně snažil nebo usiloval o víc?
@Standa WOT No a tady v tom co popisujete bude ten zaklad permanetni nasranosti...jestli to tak muzu nazvat...ceskeho naroda/lidu. Nevim jestli tomu tak bylo i do 1948...a pozdeji ale za me (jsem rocnik 1964) a az dodnes tomu tak je.
Cesky clovek vyzaduje spravedlivost. Jak to pisete Vy...zamestnanec ocekava, ze si ho jeho sef vsimne a tim lepe ohodnoti. Cech a Ceska ale zapomneli, ze tomu tak neni a nikdy nebylo...vyjimky samozrejme existuji.
Zamestnavatele vsude na svete prosazuji ty lidi, kteri na sebe sami upozornuji...vetsinou mluvou...a kteri jim zaroven zerou z ruky. To zrani z ruky by Cechum slo...v tom jsou vycviceni uz od protektoraku...ale co jim jde proti srsti...a mne prave ta sebechvala. Aspon teda vetsine. No ale presto...vsimnete si sam...i v Cesku jsou nejuspesnejsi ti, co pouzivaji americky model...a byli uspesni uz i za bolsevika.
Takze je to otazka mezi moralkou a uspesnosti. A i kdyz Cesi zrovna nepatri mezi moralni narody, tak v tomhle bode se ji nemuzou zbavit.
Nejlepší je klasickej systém že tě v práci prostě vyzkoušej bez ňákýho okecávání okolo, to jak se teď dostává ke slovu ten západní systém s personalistama a životopisama a motivačníma doposama a podobně, to je zlo, protože personalista (nebo HR manager jak je teď v módě) je většinou uplnej dement kterej pořádně ani neví co ta firma dělá a hledá lidi co mu nakecaj nesmysly a budou pracovat pro lásku k firmě nebo co.
Ale zase neni uplně pravda že si vás zaměstnavatel nevšimne když děláte důležitou práci, samozřejmě tady je tendence že každej kdo někde stojí u hoblovky si myslí jakej je to pracovník roku nebo co a přitom dělá práci kterou může dělat náhodnej člověk z ulice (sorry, ale je to tak), ale jak se pak dostanete na kvalifikovanější pozice a budete muset občas něco třeba i s majitelem řešit, nebo s jinejma lidma z vedení, tak samozřejmě si vás pak už všímat musej. To samozřejmě neznamená že vám automaticky zvednou plat, ale věděj o vás a co děláte.
@@Pidalin No pane Matejka, pouzit slovo "nejlepsi" je vzdy slovo do debaty.
Pravda je sice takova, ze ne vzdy...a ani prosadi ten "nejlepsi" (at clovek, napad, system), ale situace je takova, ze se v dnesni dobe zamestnavatele rozhodli zamestnat lidi, o kterych si mysli, ze aspon 99% pasuji do jejich firmy.
A to i za cenu, ze ztraceji nabidky...proto take dnes jakozto zakaznik cekate na urcite dily/veci/sluzby, protoze zamestnavatele nemaji lidi...i kdyz lidi bez prace je dost.
Zamestnavatele dnes nechteji nikoho dlouhodobe zaucovat a testovat. Chteji hotoveho zamestnance.
A to plati nejen pro firmy s HR, nybrz a prave dost casto i pro male firmy, kde zamestnava primo majitel.
Jestli jste myslel "hoblovkou" tu na hoblovani kovu...tak tu jsem nevidel ve fabrikach uz nekolik desetileti. Je mozne, ze to nejaka firma jeste provozuje, ale takovych je poskrovnu a jenom na urcite prace (dlouhe kusy...ktere se dnes uz vetsinou frezuji). A jestli jste myslel opravdu "hoblovku" na kovy, tak pri hoblovani dlouhych kusu musi byt urcity fortel. Nemuze to delat kazdy z ulice.
A samozrejme, ze mate pravdu, ze kazdy dobry predstaveny a zamestnavatel vi, koho ma pod sebou...ale jak sam pisete, ne vzdy...vlastne malokdy to i "spravedlive" ohodnoti. Uz moje babicka (rocnik 1914) rikavala: "Hola huba, hole nestesti!"
A to je prave ta "spravedlnost", ktera sice neexistuje (stejne jako svoboda ne), ale kterou Cesi vyzaduji...ale vyzaduji ji tim zpusobem, ze breci po hospodach a u tv...ale NEKDO by to za ne mel vyridit/udelat. Mimochodem v tomle podobnou naturu maji Nemci. Brecet a nadavat a hledat/cekat na Vudce, ktery to vse za ne vyresi.
A Amici...o tom ona Oni si vybojuji sva prava sami. Zase samozrejme jenom urcita cast obyvatelstva (ktera ale staci na to, ze U.S.A. je doposud number one). Ta druha cast, ta mensi, ta propadla drogam a kriminalite. Ale ono je jich okolo 330 mio, takze si 50 mio loser muzou dovolit.
@@amunak_ Asi jak kde, já pracuji ve státní správě a tam je naopak žádoucí moc na sebe neupozorňovat, nechválit se přehnaně a práci dělat tak nějak "průměrně" (ne pomalu, ani rychle) a správně postupovat. Když někdo např. extrémně (a bezdůvodně) přetahuje lhůty pro vydávání rozhodnutí, moc mu nepomůže, že se vychválí, jak je skvělý. :D Spíš jde podle mě o to, že když má člověk někde "známé" (a je jedno, jestli je to státní, nebo soukromý sektor), má pak větší šanci se dostat na lepší plat nebo získat danou práci.
Hey! Awesome video again! Most of the things are really interesting to think about. I kind of knew about these differences, yet I never thought about which ones are better and you are really making a lot of sense here (even though many of them I can't see changing :D). Just one point I would add is about the faculty separation. We graduate high school later (when we are 18/19) and most of the people going to uni are from "gymnázium", where this sort of preparation for choosing your field is taking place, so when you go to university, you can already go full steam ahead in your respective field. I studied IT at Masarykova Universita and I can't possibly imagine having the time to study other subjects that were not in that field. Anyways, that's just nitpicking :D. Great video, keep it up!
Hi Dag, thanks for your comment! My translator mentioned the same thing to me - that the "general ed" was done in gymnazium. So perhaps our systems are not so different.
Hello, my daughter studied IT at CTU Prague and she was too busy back then. But her friend who studied IT at MUNI could sleep 4 - 5 hours a day only in order not to fail in his studies (poor him). Happily my daughter got an opportunity to go on an exchange study stay to the South Korea and to spend 1,5 year about in the completely different society. Students there used to be even more overloaded in order to succeed in the extremly competitive job hunting after their graduation. After returning home she decided to start her MSc. studies in Denmark and it was the right decision as the educational process was much more creative and practice-oriented. My daughter used to appreciate always the solid foundations from "gymnázium" and CTU Prague. But if it weren't for the Denmarks Technical University, she would never had continued because she had lost the motivation and the inspiration completely.
Hey there, the school thing is funny here, we're just socially engaging. For example, teachers can ask a question, kids will look around who is willing to answer and overall the classroom is silent. It doesn't mean that they don't know the answer though, it's usually quite the opposite. Why? Well....the first kids to answer would be the "know it alls" that want to please the teacher, often those will want to give the opportunity to answer to the other kids. And bouncing all around, the teacher will have to call on someone to get the answer...reasonably soon. The subject part of US universities is good, but don't forget that the cost of studies is also included in that system.... and that the student debt then shapes the life and choices of that sudent. Exams are different for each subject/faculty here, In my years of study I only had 1 oral exam before going in for my state exams, all other were written so I'd say it's a good practice for state exams and I'd benefit from having more of those. ----The work complaining is mostly based on the work roles, making changes from lower roles is not easy, either you don't get the credit, you get dismissed or you're seen as attacking the authorities because their solution is always best, uughh, so...we just complain to each other on the same level. Simple
Hi Tessa! Thanks for commenting. I totally agree that the cost of a University education in the US is outrageous, and Czechs are so fortunate to have a free system. Even my LLM cost only a small amount compared to the equal degree in the US.
@@DreamPrague It's not free. You pay for it. Everyone does. Having high taxes isn't a bad thing like (afaik) many Americans think.
@@TripleCZ They actually pay almost same taxes as we pay, plus some sale taxes I really do not know how they work. But average worker is paying from 10-25% to federal tax office, which is similar to our 20% and non-taxable base (low income - 2xbase results in 10%). In our system you will never pay 20%.
social and health insurance is another question.
Měla jsem na univerzitě většinu profesorů, kteří učili formou diskuze a bylo to skvělý! Snad se tenhle přístup konečně začne šířit i na ostatní české univerzity. :) Jinak, já sama jsem zkusila několik vysokých škol, než jsem konečně našla obor, který mě baví a zajímá. Ztratila jsem ale kvůli tomu zbytečně pár let studia. Určitě bych uvítala mít možnost zapsat si předměty z různých oborů. Myslím, že nejsem jediná, komu by něco takového pomohlo při rozhodování o budoucnosti. :)
omg, thank you for this one. Living in 3 different countries out of CZ in past 10 years, I couldn't agree more! I gave up on Czech education system now so I always highly encourage young people to go and study/work abroad. Such an eye-opener!
I did 😇😀
Největší problém Čechů je strach ze změny a taky pesimismus, kvůli kterému odmítají jakýkoliv pokus o změnu. Nemůžu ani spočítat kolikrát mi babička řekla, že si nemám stěžovat že můj profesor češtiny špatně učí, protože tak se to prostě dřív dělalo a mám být ráda za to co mám, protože jiný profesor by byl možná ještě horší.
Tahle vlastnost tak trochu zachraňuje kulturu.
A také to dává smysl z historického hlediska.
Nápověda: Železná opona
@@bobkowalski7655 to víte že jo. Kvůli tomu že nás několikrát okupovali a brali nám území a kvůli tomu že nás utlačovali komunisti teď budeme ještě 300 let všechno nenávidět a dobrovolně setrvávat ve špatných situacích. Hlavně že si to omluvíme.
Češi taky třeba s vášní nenávidí feminismus, jak zrovna tohle zachovává kulturu? Co je podle vás kultura v tomhle případě? Diskriminace žen?
@@ninavinterova9875 Jaká diskriminace žen?;DDDDD každý z nás diskriminujeme, pokud teda víš co je diskriminace, nemůžeš si stěžovat. Ty například diskriminuješ hnusný kluky. Snad ti to stačí.
@@wpwwsharpscum2613 ono je trochu rozdíl mezi diskriminaci při randění a třeba skleněným stropem
@@ninavinterova9875 Není, je to diskriminace tak i tak a prosimtě.. kde v Evropě jsou ženy diskriminované?:Dddddddd
Ano, pořád se máme co učit. Vzájemně. Díky za video.
I love oral exams because they always gave me opportunity to say eyplain and show what I remember about the subject and at least a bit avoid topics in which I felt weaker. Good examiner finds those cracks in students knowledge and wouldn't take any bs but at least it gave me some background.If I understand my subject I can't fail the exam too badly. I might not pass but I'd always find something to say.
Written exams have always made me much more nervous because I could just forget some constant or exact term and whole question is for 0 points.
That's an excellent point. I guess it depends if you're a better bullshitter in speaking or writing! 😂🤔
@@DreamPrague Let's just say that I've also worked as a salesman in a callcenter. :-D
Ústní zkoušky byly vždycky peklo pro nás introverty. :-) Viděl jsem ve škole spoustu zkoušení kdy člověk co o tom něco věděl odešel se čtyřkou nebo pětkou protože prostě nedokázal nic pořádně říct i když o něm vim že to ví, to je hrozně smutný. Hlavně když se zkouší před třídou kde se vám každej směje a když řeknete blbost tak vám to daj sežrat....
I got really bad exams from written tests and good ones from oral ones. I never understand from a few word question what am I supposed to answer, but when doing oral exams, I can discuss the topic thoroughly with the teacher.
I think that oral exams were meant to counter the people with good memory but bad knowledg - in our system you can graduate ANY university of youre memory is good enough. Which is good for historian or lawyer, but not for technical schools.
@@DreamPrague oral exams have the great benefit of immediate interaction, I just finished midterms and one of the questions in multi-select test was: is it easy to sell a sole-proprietorship: yes|no ... and well that is a very hard question because it is yes, but ... or no, but depending on your position as it is easy to transfer the assets and fictitious name, but sole-proprietorship is not a separate entity so it is not possible to transfer obligations and liabilities. I would strongly prefer to have the opportunity to sell this knowledge directly to the teacher. (instead of making it a comment on my submission)
One of my teacher at university said: Oral exam should be a (friendly) talk between teacher(s) and student about topic, which both are interested in.
And not each subject has an oral exam, but the most importants does.
I agree with that part about the school system, nevertheless, the problem solving is actually quite good in Czechia. The thing is that government services, laws and restrictions are pretty limiting and staff usually don't have any motivation do something extra. However, when it comes to creativity itself or finding clever solutions in everyday life, during travelling or while working on a project, the Czechs are very inspirational and we are able to somehow find the most effective solution. :)
Hi Jennifer,
Sir Mac here, as always!
When I've watched this your video, I realized that you are right with the description about czech universities and czech work market. I also realized that I somehow (INTUITIVELY) adopted the american manners, because I didn't try to remember as much as I could, I tried to remember the processes in the background and present them on exams, instead of "dry facts". It did pay off.
I suppose I am very fortunate man, because I work in nonprofit organisation, where I do, what I graduated on the Charles University from. It is information and library science.
I started with the creation of virtual library, there was almost non-existent one, so I could think out / up the processes, think out / up the informations, etc. All by my own, all by my administration, so there was no one else, who could destroy my work.
In my opinion, the best thinker is not the one, who comes with the new solution, unfortunately. The best thinker is the one, who comes with the new solution and is also able to see "around the corner", by that I mean she / he is able to foretell any troubles, which can occur in the implementation of his / her new solution.
The best is, when you can think out / up with new features, new services and all, what you have done so far, you can manage by partial or full automatization. By that, I mean that the processes are done by computers or with minimal human input and you have the time to resolve troubles or think out / up something new.
I have to admit you surprised me, when you mentioned you've studied law at Charles University ... I didn't expect that :-) But please, Jen, keep up your common sense of justice. It is something, which is slowly fading from societies all around the world.
Generalizace velmi přesná, ale existují pro to důvody.
Třeba ústní zkoušení. Osobně dávám přednost ústnímu zkoušení. Písemné jsou pro mě jenom vypisování faktů, ústní jsou o zasvěceném dialogu na nějaké odborné téma, což je zejména v dnešní době čím dál tím důležitější. Představte si nějakého odborníka mluvícího v televizní debatě, co jenom koktá a nezvládá si rychle utřídit myšlenky, protože nemá 3 hodiny na promyšlení celého tématu. Dovolila bych si říct, že ústní zkoušení je zároveň i něco, jako zkouška z rétoriky. Taky se tak na studentovi jasně pozná, jestli má o tématu skutečně nějaké povědomí nebo jestli si jenom přečetl minimální požadované materiály ke zkoušce.
A co se týče práce... Asi záleží jak v jakém sektoru, ale v práci se vysloveně dělá jen to, co je náplní něčí práce. Pokud zaměstnanec udělá něco nad rámec svojí pracovní náplně, pak si koleduje o problémy. To něco navíc má totiž zajišťovat někdo jiný a pokud je to už hotové, tak vznikají na pracovišti zmatky. V některých zaměstnáních na určitou práci musí mít člověk školení apod. Kdyby se to něco navíc totiž ukázalo jako špatné, tak to padá na hlavu tomu, kdo to má správně dělat, i třeba jen pro to, že si nepohlídal, aby to neudělal někdo, kdo na to nemá co sahat. Když někdo přijde s inovací systému, protože ten starý je tragédie, tak musí podat návrh výš. Novoty se mohou zavádět pouze ze strany vedení.
"Orál je o zasvěceném dialogu na profesionální téma" - to je skvělý bod, to jsem neuvažovala! Dekuji!
@@DreamPrague Tak konečně chápu o čem je orál...o zasvěceném dialogu. Dnes večer to zkusím vysvětlit své přítelkyni! Děkuji!
Na druhé straně individuální ústní zkoušku může zkoušející velmi snadno zmanipulovat. Což někteří velmi rádi dělají.
Já mám opačnou zkušenost než Jen, líp si pamatuji věci, ze kterých mě zkoušeli ústně - oproti tomu to, co jsem psala na papír u ústních zkoušek, si už nepamatuju. Navíc psát 3 hodiny vkuse mi fakt nepřijde dobré ani pro zdraví, jak to popisuje Jen, vždyť takhle dlouho snad člověk nemůže být ani schopný udržet pozornost. V tom bych si z USA příklad nebrala.
Navíc to není vždy u ústních zkoušek tak, že by si to člověk musel za 60 sekund připravit - my měli většinou "potítko" jako u maturity, kde jsme si mohli téma písemně připravit. Někdy ta doba na potítku byla u nás i delší než samotná zkouška. :D Překvapilo mě, že na Karlově univerzitě se to dělá bez času na přípravu.
The main point of oral exam is to DISCUSS topics ;) to show that the student is capable of quick thinking and response. Not just to learn answers to the topic.
that makes sense to me.
Zdravím! :-)
Například v mém případě se podáním ruky zdravím s lidmi z vyšší společnosti, v církvi, nebo když se seznamuji s novými lidmi. Políbením tváře zdravím vzdálené příbuzné, nebo lidi mě velmi blízké. Ovšem, každý to může mít jiné.... :-)
Jsem ráda, že sis oblíbila ČR a zároveň máš stále v lásce USA.
Nechceš natočit podrobnosti o různých tradicí, které se dodržují v USA?
Například video, kde jsi porovnávala vánoce u nás a USA bylo skvělé a velmi mě bavilo. Dodržujete doma vánoce tak, jako v USA, nebo jste se přizpůsobili českým vánocům? :-)
Díky za video. :-) ❤️
Děkuji za komentář a nápady! Budu dělat!
Ano aj ja sa tak zdravim ako ste pisala.
I am going out on a limb here, but in the 1990s, I had a niece and a nephew, that both were exchange students there, at different times. They both said the first thing they noticed was one; they could not get over how well behaved and disciplined the kids were in schools, as well as very well mannered. Two, they both did very well in American schools, but said that they had a time keeping up with Czech kids, they were all just like kids at the top of the class in American schools. I know my mother graduated Highschool in the late 1950s. In the 1980s, she had thought of taking some college courses, when they tested her to see where she was, she was in her late second year of college by their standards then. American schools are destroyed because of politics, competition for grants and funding, and there were many who could not keep up. Instead of making a special school for them, they have lowered skills tests several times. This is a well known fact. To my opinion, if they take the discipline out of the schools there, the same thing will happen that is happening here, their academics will spiral down, behavior will become unmanageable, and youll have students beating on their teachers and just doing whatever they please. To my opinion, the only thing America can teach anybody, is what NOT to do, and Europe knows it. Just look at our latest news, or surf youtube on how American colleges are more worried about producing liberal ideology than teaching rather than the major the student went there for. The simplest thing is this, which country is producing the smartest kids? Which has the most schools with good academics, and which schools are higher than the others academically. Americas a lot bigger, but if broke down per capita, Id put my money on Czechia. It may have changed, but I know in the 90s, two kids admitted they hated American schools because of the lack of discipline and the amount of basic bull that are taught there. I bet not much has changed....
As a fellow teacher, I completely agree with your point about Czech teachers looking down on their students. And not just teachers... even at work, sometimes even at home, people are afraid to ask stuff because then their colleagues, or family, would just tell them to stop asking stupid questions. The result is a country of people who are on one hand very independent, on the other, full of fear of people. And it shows in everything they do, sadly.
The exploration thought... I feel like that's a double-edged sword. While I agree that people should know how to defend their opinion, I also think that nowadays, the world is full of "people with opinion" which is exactly what this kind of thinking leads to. People who want to be different to gain those extra points, people fighting for attention with these differences. People who will argue stupidly just because someone taught them that they should have an opinion. There needs to be a healthy balance between consistency and the ability to learn from others. And while I don't think the Czech way of going with the flow is ideal, I don't feel good about the American opinion-based culture either. I studied there for a while too and I talk to Americans every day, and this is one of the things that always bothers me. Also because in the end, everyone is right, no one cares if they hurt someone and every argument ends badly for everyone. Because everyone has an opinion. And don't you dare admit that you might have been wrong because then you show weakness. Well... then again, we wouldn't need so many innovators if we could just agree on things, would we? ;))
This is just my point of view, of course, but it is something to think about.
Your major system sounds most wonderful. :)
The oral exams - so sorry! You were unlucky... well, you studied law, right? That is a dread field for most. I have a degree in Japanese (studied in Brno) and we had really good oral exams. When we didn't know, the teachers helped us out by hinting stuff and such. For a lot of people, an oral exam is much easier than a written one because then they can talk to the teacher in person and explain stuff that could otherwise be misinterpreted. So it really depends on your school, your major and your teachers. But I agree that some exams can be hell and the good old way of cramming is still very popular here.
A side note: "I'm a better writer than a speaker." Says the popular youtuber... :D well, you certainly have a way of challenging yourself - and coming out victorious.
Luckily, the degree-loving culture is slowly but surely receding. :)
Hmm. Strange, but the Americans I lived with and talked to during my studies weren't much of "can-do" people... must have met the wrong people, I guess. Also I know a lot problem-solvers here in the Czech Republic. By which I'm not saying it's the other way around, but I think it really is a matter of who you meet. In the Czech Republic, I can distinguish social bubbles though. Like, I work in IT and here I meet the problem-solvers. But when I go outside and take a bus somewhere, listening to people's conversations immediately makes me think "Ah, these people, if they have so much time to complain, why not use it for something constructive?" Think that the Czechs are not solvers? Change your social bubble. I feel like it was very similar in America, actually. In the end, I only talked to a handful of people in the school I attended because most were just... well, stuck in some very small world with tall walls from which they could not really move. Most of those people had never traveled further than a few towns away, they had very limited knowledge about the world and even more limited arsenal of solutions. I believe this can also be regional (I mostly got to know small communities of farmers who could not move from their cattle), but it is something I would not generalize so eagerly. Definitely though I didn't understand why my host families picked me because they were not too keen on showing me around - not even a little, let alone take me somewhere further away to explore the beautiful land of America. From my own experience, the concentration of creative and/or problem-solving people in these two countries is about the same. But perhaps the Czechs like to stay a bit more quiet and keep their achievements to themselves whereas Americans will show it to the whole world. In the end, you can't hear the creative minds over all those people who complain here. :)
(Sometimes I wonder if I don't tire you with my little novellas. But I really enjoy writing them... :D)
Hey Chill! Wow, SO many good points here. I too tire of the "Everyone-has-an-opinion" culture in the USA, and as soon as I rewatched my video, I made the connection. Whoops! Next time.
I also agree that Czechs are actually great problem solvers when it comes to DIY, or fixing something, perhaps, more personal (not the culture in an office). These were obviously just generalizations and I have some experiences proving me wrong ;). I also think that oral exams might even be more valuable than written exams, but my problem was that I was over 30 and had NO experience with them. So I was terrible. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Díky za zajímavé video. V mnoha věcech je pohled na rozdílnost ČR/USA v popsaných oblastech značná. Já sama však vnímám například onu konzervativnost ve výuce v mnoha věcech prospěšnou. Mám pocit že dnešní doba, která nám umožňuje vyhledat na google kdykoliv a cokoliv, nás učí jen hledat, ne myslet a pamatovat si. Ale život není o stálém napojení na internet a musíme mít znalosti i v hlavě, tedy nemít jen povědomí o tom, že si je můžeme někde najít. A v tom právě vidím veliké plus českého způsobu výuky - prostě nás naučí znalostem, disciplíně, úctě k autoritě. A to je myslím dnes čím dál více zapotřebí.
Ano. Nové věci vám můžou napadnout jen pokud ty staré věci, na kterých to chcete postavit, máte v hlavě, ne někde na Google.
To je skvělé, souhlasím. Myslím, že se musíme více dostat z internetu. Ale nemůžu to zvládnout!😩
Český způsob výuky nás nenaučí ničemu, tyhle věci jsou daný osobností. Dokonce nás nenaučí ani mateřskému jazyku, jako příklad viz tvoje druhá věta, která je gramaticky špatně a ani nedává smysl...
@@dasbinich8284 Děkuji za názor. Pokud Vás moje špatná gramatika pohoršila, omlouvám se.
Není zač, nepohoršila - a i kdyby, není třeba se omlouvat.
Well.. it's a double-edged sword. I remember being on an american high school math class and it was like 'what's your opinion on what is a definition of a function'... that's definitely not a way to teach math. I don't remember an occasion where I would be scared to ask a question; most of the time I did not have a question. Ok, once I got lost (...fell asleep...) during a long proof in the university and asking about something that I should have asked 20 minutes ago would have been really embarassing and wouldn't have been accepted well. But I had the option of learning it myself later (which I did) or visiting the teacher later.
Regarding the work flexibility: I have encountered this reaction many times especially in big corporations (but not only). It's frustrating. On the other hand czech people often have the reputation of being of the 'can-do-everything' type, you can find people who are amazingly good in doing things outside of their field of expertize.
Discovered your channel today and love it. Your insight into Czech culture is very accurate (obsession with degrees, and everything else). You're very articulate in both languages. I have studied in Ireland and know exactly what you're talking about with written exams, continuous exams, and assignments. I am Czech.
Looking forward to your next video.
S těmi učiteli už to v ČR není tak hrozné. Většina (ti mladší) už nechtějí, aby studenti jen mlčeli. Určitě se najde i pár výjimek, ale já jich naštěstí mnoho neznám. Jinak hodně fajn video, tvorba je originální a pobaví.👍😂
Jana Exnerová, hodnocena jako nejhorší učitelka v ČR na většině stránek, slouží jako krásný příklad komunistické výuky
You have described it quite accurately in both Countries. In my case, I finished an equivalent of a “college” degree in Czechoslovakia and it was everything you have mentioned here, along with a lot of indoctrination. Then I left for the USA where I eventually applied to a graduate school. Transcripts and other technicalities aside, I did not believe to be capable of doing anything of a sort. However, due to the unbelievable freedom and indescribable possibility and support from the university staff I have slowly come to realization that I possessed the capability necessary to succeed and had no idea it even existed within myself. I guess it is what you called a self realization and critical thinking which was not fostered much in Czechoslovakia. It was nothing special, just the realization that I can and will do it! Now, looking back this was a proverbial time when I slowly realized that I was becoming an American.
To illustrate how times have changed on American campuses - there is a lot more indoctrination in many American universities, particularly in non-technical fields these days and a lot of emphasis on developing “self a steam” and the left-leaning ideas which may not be the same as “can do” attitude of the past. This is only my experience, however.
The comments will be totally worth it. Trust me, it will be spicy:).
Spicy! 😂I know. I'm hiding under my bed already. 😳
Haha!!!! 😂
Vaše srovnání je zajímavé,každý má jiný pohled na vzdělávání,někomu stačí málo, jiný se vzdělává celý život,každý národ je jiný.Díky za videjko,příští týden se těším na další.👍🙋
Ahoj. USA jsou známé masivním "nákupem mozků" po celém, hlavně tzv. třetím světě (Čína, Indie, Rusko ...). Tedy mnoho toho, co bylo vymyšleno v USA není produktem amerického vzdělávacího systému. Jak to vidíte Vy?
Takhle jsem o tom nikdy nepřemýšlela! Dnes večer to říkám se svými přáteli, díky!
To je na 100% pravda , v tej z pohladu usa malej zemičke sa najde tolko super vynalezov ...tak to nase československe školstvo nebude take zle...
@@DreamPrague Mimochodem, v čele výzkumného týmu společnosti Gilead Sciences, která vyvinula aktuálně nejznámější lék na covid-19 Remdesivir, stojí Tomáš Cihlář původem z České republiky a podobně, první úplnou transplantaci obličeje v USA vedl v bostonské nemocnici český chirurg Bohdan Pomahač pocházející z Ostravy 😊.
Nuff Nuff: Zase ubrečený český výkřik. Takže vlastně USA je plný loser, protože to je všechno od mozků z jiných státu co? Blbost největší. Proč si to tedy ty dané mozky nevytváří u nich v domovině? Není to spíš tím, že u nich by vzhledem k možnostem se mohli spíš jen klouzat.
Viz celý vědecký team raketového a jaderného výzkumu z německa po druhé světové válce.
I like the fact that you don´t hesitate to say your opinion even if someone won´t like it. And the fact that you can explain why do you think so.It also starts discussion bellow which promotes critical thinking of each individual in this discussion. :-)
You are absolutely correct in many ways, but one example from this month:
We are two workers in a department and have 9 managers above us who are supplying us with work.
- I need you to do this work.
-- OK, when you need it?
- Yesterday.
-- It is technically not possible. We need to develop the tool, test it and distribute it. It will be at least a week.
- No, I said yesterday. It's your problem. I can accept end of day in production systems.
OK, we developed it, did not have time to customise and it faild in first few attempts.
Next day a call with six of the managers who explained us no errors are acceptable and we are responsible for all the errors and asked why we could not make it correct first time and in two hours yelling at us and each other.
Finally they shouted at us, because other departments did not know about the request and we should find all the impacted departments ourselves.
That is the work for international company and that "can do" is something I started to hate.
My discussion with some of the normal ones is quite often "I can't do it and now tell me what do you want".
@@rivanathans8485 something you don't understand?
Always 80:20. 80 managers for 20 workers.
@@PavelSkollSuk 😁 80 managers for 20 workers. Let this version of Pareto principle become immortal!
Tohle mě moc zajímalo, díky, že jsi to natočila. 😃
Hey Jen! Would it be possible to make a video focusing on differences between Czech and American high schools (or even elementary, middle schools)? Because listening to you talk about declaring a major after three years of college made me realize that it can be compared to Czech high schools a little. I mean some high schools in Czechia are "professional school or lyceums" where you study a specific field (pedagogy, medical, businees, ...) but if you decide not to continue in this after high school and study something else in college, it's totally fine. And you still have to learn all the subjects in high school that are not connected to you field - so it kinda reminds me of declaring majors in the US. I also thought that in the US high schools, students can choose their subjects and make their own timetables / schedules? Which is not something that can be done in Czech high schools. But I only got that idea from watching American movies, so I might be totally wrong :D It would be great to learn more about this topic though. Anyway, thanks for your video, it's always interesting to see things from a different POV.
Hi Sarah, it would be great! Are you a high school student or recent high school student? I don't personally know anyone that age in Czechia right now.
@@DreamPrague No, unfortunately (or thankfully?), otherwise I'd love to help. But when I went to high school, I studied what's called a "gymnazium" (it's called "eight-year academy" on Wikipedia), so I could answer questions about that at least.
Ah yes 8-year gymnasiums. My nightmare.
@@DreamPrague Hi Jen, I'm not a highschool student anymore, but I was one a little over two years ago, so it's still quite fresh.. :) I also have a brother (and some other relatives) still in HS. I went to a "gymnázium" ("grammar school" is the most common translation I think..), so I could tell you all about that... When it comes to specialized high schools though, I wouldn't be of much use.
Take care!
I just bursted into laughter after your first COŽE?! The accent was spot on!
Hi Jen,
great video (as always). Recently I had a chat about USA. Me and most of my friends think that America is loosing Its "shine", It used to be the idol of freedom and democracy that we were supposed to learn from, but nowdays it seems to us that nothing works there (police, politicians, healthcare, education,...).
And now when I heard you say that Americans are not ashamed to say they opinion even when its wrong, firstly I thought that is a good concept, but then I remebered one video from comunity meating in Florida, where people were arguing about wearing masks in public. Their arguments werent just silly, they were simply stupid. So I was wondering isnt the lack of shame sometimes dangerous ? Because the people arent scared to be wrong they are also not so encouraged to be correct and then they can influence someone else in a bad way.
I am interested in your and others opinion.
Lukáš, your comments are totally on point. Many of us feel like the US is losing that shine and it breaks my heart. The sad part is that most Americans never travel abroad (or if they do, it's only to drink a beer in Old Town Square, etc.) so they don't see that other countries are doing a lot of things better than they are! My gosh, just health care in Czechia far surpasses the US!
Second point, also correct. This is the dark side of challenging authority, that people don't believe facts right in front of their own face. It's starting to become a huge problem. Thank you for your wise comments!
I'd like to comment just on just one aspect of the video, which is the "being a more rounded student" if you are studying on an American uni vs choosing a faculty. From my experience (I'm a Czech living in Australia who traveled a lot and has American friends), we get the well-roundedness from our primary and secondary education. Here in Australia if the conversation gets to schooling, even the Aussies who are university-educated cannot believe how much, to what depth and with what equipment I studied at highg school for example. They say they did not even had such depth opportunities at uni.
14:02 „Ale, Stanko, nepochválím-li se sám, nikdo to za mne neudělá..." :-D
I finished high school in Czech and still remember final oral exam, maturita. When studied batchelor in the UK it was actually easy. We did lots of presentations, mix of tests, group projects and essays. I did have to work on the academic writing site but later I actually preferred it. UK uni encouraged me to think outside the box and speak up my opinion. Even it's wrong, but at least I learn. And I felt good and encouraged, that helped keep to grow quicker be more open minded. Also I liked that I was in the charge of my degree and was able to select modules to tailor my own education. Definitely preferred uni in the UK and glad I did not go to the Czech one 😀😀😀
Moc se mi nechce věřit ,že by v USA byl nějaký úřad horší v jednání jak v ČR ... :) , díky za vaše videa ,vždy se něco nového dozvím
děkuji za laskavá slova!
@@DreamPrague není za co :)
V ČR jsem s úřady neměl nejmenší problém. Možná mám jenom spoustu štěstí nebo se s lidmi na úřadech dokážu domluvit. V Anglii mám zkušenosti, že všichni jsou tak zdvořilí, že vám nikdo nechce říct špatnou zprávu. Pak si vás přehazují jako horký brambor.
No tři měsíce dozadu jim spadli systémy bežící na COBOLu, "úřad práce" na Floridě (myslím) dával možnost podat žádost jen v předem přiděleném desetiminutovém okně přes počítač atd. Takže se tomu nedivím.
Neidealizuj si to, úřady jsou šílenost všude. Někde se snaží úředníci být aspoň milí, ale úřednická neefektivita je světová disciplína. Možná Estonsko, Švýcarsko nebo Izrael tohle mají vymakanější
Thank you very much. I believe your points are true and fair, your analysis smart, and your presentation enjoyable and effective.
As a law teacher, I really tried to convince students to speak more and not to be afraid of making mistakes.
I would like to mention that our obsession with degrees depends on where you are working. While "private sector" highly values work experience, "public sector" has something like tables. The better degree = higher table = more money for you. There can be two people on the exactly same position, but person that have Master's degree would get more money that person with Bachelor's degree.
Did you try to ask your adult students why are they studying? I'm sure many of them would give you one of these reasons - higher position or more money.
Excellent points! We have the same table system in our public sector, so I understand it, even though I've always worked in the private sector. With few exceptions, my adult students were mostly studying English to get better jobs.
Once again, I have to agree with most :) I have the comparison of studying in Czechia and studying and working in Britain. Although Britain is in Europe, the education system and work life seem to be more similar to the US ones. Totally agree with the exams and that having to write an essay on a topic and then a written exam which also is an essay and usually asks you to solve a problem teaches you much better and helps you understand and apply your knowledge in real world scenario. When I started studying uni in Scotland, I was nearly 20 and all my classmates were 17 and their lack knowledge from secondary school shocked me. The first trimester, I had a class called "Introduction to biology". On the first day the teacher asked the class who studied biology at the secondary school. Three out of 25 students raised their hands including me. Two studied biology for a year or two. I studied biology for 8 years before coming to this introductory class. The teacher said I might be better equipped to teach that class than she was. On the other hand, my flatmate was the same age as me and she was finishing her bachelor degree that year, so I envied her and felt like I lost two years of my life. The "can't do" attitude you describe is something I cannot stand in Czechia. I have a natural "can do" attitude (or as they say "we can't do it, let's do it!" attitude). And it really bugs me when I come across people who give up before they try or even think about it. Unfortunatelly, I don't have the natural American/Brittish politeness when dealing with such people, so it tends to lead to a disaster as my patience usually quickly disappears...:D I love your videos, they are so insightful and I can relate to so many things you say!
Super porovnani. Naprosto presne. Co mne v Americe prislo jako nejvetsi rozdil je schopnost mladych lidi se vyjadrovat a plynule hovorit a to jiz ve veku kdy konci high school. V Cechach i vetsina dospelych nema tuto skill.
I agree with you Jen. Good job on video again
About the problem solving: In my humble experience, I found out, that usually, one cannot just write an email to get support, one has to make a call. Technical support at those call centers is highly unqualified and unable to provide adequate support. I noticed that Czech tech support tends to have a better education. The same is true for McDonald's, in the whole of Europe, I never experienced that bad service as in the USA. We are a family of four and 8/10 visits, they mess up our order, and I mean even when we use the self-service, they are not capable of giving us the things which we ordered. Honestly, the qualification of Mcdonald's workers in Europe is much higher, and to be honest, especially in the Czech Republic, they are very often a University Students.
Damn, I am amazed how you can describe everything. :-O I was talking to you on my screen this and that and you in the end of the topic you were talking about, explained it. i am speechless. cheers.
Haha, well were on the same wavelength!
"Pokud student svůj argument dokáže podpořit přesvědčivými důkazy"...Bejvávalo. Dnes student(ale i profesor) může vyletět z univerzity za "all lives matter" tak rychle, že ani nestačí otevřít dveře.
Presne, US universities uz jsou davno bastou SJWs, ultra levice, neomarxistickeho svetonazoru a nulove tolerance k odlisnym pohledum.
You are totally right about school topic!
Love your videos! :))
The exam system really varies from school to school. At my uni we usually had several written midterms, papers, presentations and if you got through those, you'd be let to the final oral exam. I studied at the VŠE. Also I think the oral exams are a good training for being a confident speaker.
And the level of engagement of students also really varies. I think my faculty was really trying to push the students into independent work and discussion in several subjects. But from what i heard from students of other faculties it was just mindless memorising. 🤷🏻♀️
Also... I think the oral exams are better, cause it is waaay harder to cheat on them than on a written test... And... Let's be honest, it was quite common for people to be on their phones during the multiple choice written tests.
Also I think not paying makes it quite easy to switch your degree. I mean... You can just finish one degree, then start another. If you finish at least one Bc. degree in 4 years, you dont have to pay even for the second one. You have 3. years for a Masters.
I personaly started studying IT, hated it, so I went to another school for graphic design for bachelors after a year and then management for my masters.
And I think experience and skills are the major factor people look into when hiring even here. The fixation on titles was here maybe 20 years ago...
Don't forget that you start Uni usually at the age of 20-21 here in Czechia, so that IMO balances out the 3 semesters you get in the US to think about your future.
Most people I know started uni right after high school, so they were (including myself) 19 or 20. 21 if you didn't get in the first time.
V ČR se střední škola končí v 19 letech. 6:45
Jo, moje chyba!
Never mind 🙂
Nebo ve 20, pokud máš rok odklad.
A někteří to stihnou už v 18.
Ja som stihla maturovat v 17 rokoch a mesiac potom som mala 18te narodeniny.
Děkuji za skvělá videa, líbí se mi i styl tvého podání. Co se týká školství, tak v u nás jsou velké nedostatky, které přetrvávající ještě z dob komunismu, ať už se to dotýká biflování, široké spektrum zaměření na cokoliv, omáčka kolem všeho. A maturity, hlavně jejich obsah dělali rádoby vědátoři. Na druhou stranu si myslím, že studenti tu mají širší vědomosti, než ve spojených státech. Co mě však zaráží, je příprava a následné chození do mateřských školek a to, že každý chce protlačit svého potomka do co nejvíc prestižní školní instituce a to i za nemalý peníz. Můžeš se věnovat i tomuto tématu?
Hi. Nice video.
As I studies senior year in high school in the US, I can compare, now beeing medical doctor in Prag. I agree with most of the things told. Just several comments.
1. Kids end middle (High) school usually at the age of 19 years old.
2. In Czechia kids at the end of High school (meaning "gymnázium") have much more hnowledge in different topics than the US kids. I think it is like 10 times more knowledge. - It means there is no real need to spend two more years of colledge studying of everything and nothig altogether. Of course, there are people, they cannot choose what to study even in 25 years old. But that is a different problem then.
3. Most of the fiends I know confimed me that they learn in a different way for Written exams either tests or papers and for Oral exams. I mean for oral testing you have to use more logic to explain even what you have forgotten. I prefer Oral exams. I remember more knowledge. Of course humanitarian studies are less stressful and much much easier ... for everything.
Very interesting topic and even more interesting discussion!
Ad Schools, I think you're right and it's actually kinda funny as Jan Amos Komenský's face is still on our 200Kc bank notes. At least in Ele/High school you're literally encouraged to be a dictionary of questions and answers, like a phone book.
On the other hand, is the US system as described here something systematically encouraged? At least in tech there is this strong opinion that schools teach you how to be a good employee and fit in the existing tracks. If you want make a impact, however, drop out and focus on wherever your passion leads you :)
That's a great point...and I think that's a bigger discussion about universities and the purpose of higher education in general. The people who don't care as much about degrees (tech, for example) they really value innovation, and you're not really trained to be an innovator in academia. I think the best professors encourage original thinking, but it's not the case for every professor. Thanks for your comment!
Hi Jen! You look really gorgeous! 😊 Your channel is eye-opening, solves many misunderstandings between our cultures/nations and is (because of you) beautiful to watch!!
As a relatively young grammar school teacher of physics and math, teaching on 4 schools from 2002, I have to say, that in my subjects we sadly don't have so much time for long discussions, 4 years of physics was shortened 10 years ago into 3 years, we have to throw out important subjects from our curricullum. Sadly often we have to push very quickly scientific knowledge into our students, because the technical and scientific faculties are still relatively very demanding. Or actually the were highly demanding, from the end of 2000's their level is without any doubt going downhill... They have first to teach students for the first 1-2 semesters, what we (in 90's) automatically knew from our studies on our grammar schools.
Than universities don't have enough time to give students more scientific facts, even worse, many students get only Bc. degree after 3 years and they think about themselves, that they are same experts like we after MSc. (or Mgr. in CZ) after 5 years of highly (sometimes extreme) demanding studies.
I see a big danger in less expertise in science and in more hollow presentation or even narcistic-like tendencies in our society...
Without good natural scientists and technicians we would be in a big disadvantage.
Even worse people start more and more to distrust science and scientific facts, this move is provably directly supported by putin's hybrid war...
Without knowledge of the truths and facts we can't do good educated decisions...
Sorry, for my typical czech lamenting, sometimes we teachers- scientists feel like modern version of Sysifos...
Anyway, keep on doing such great videos, we all need such comparisons. Czech people have often distorted view of U.S./West (older ones because of deep communist brainwashing), or because we don't travel so much (like me).
Thank you!!! ☺ Ross
How do the major switches work out? I can’t imagine the catching up in case of medicine to law switch one way or another. Each field sure has to have specific essential introductory courses from the get go, right? Even at the technical university I graduated at, just to switch from electrical to mechanical or civil engineering (yes, they all have some physics and maths courses in common but also lot of other specific stuff) or chemistry or computer science, or at another say CS to history... I have one friend that has a bachelor in CS and other in history, and the amount of field specific knowledge you are required to chew through and familiarize in each semester makes the idea reorient to another field of study enormous, arduous endeavor.
Hi, as far as I know, Jenn was talking about her undergraduate studies. "Medicine" studied at this level is rather a preparation for the "real deal". Medicine in the USA is studied as a postgraduate 4 year course at medical schools (mostly), you get a MD or DO title after finishing it. In the Czech Rep. it's a 6 year undergraduate course and in the UK (for example) it's a 5 year undergraduate course or 4 year postgraduate course.
Hi Jen, Thanks for another great episode. You clearly hit a jackpot with this topic, even the comments are engaging! The contrast is clear, "Sit down and shut up!" vs. "Stand up and speak up!" That's all I was thinking until you brought up the skillful Czech reasoning why something cannot be done, which I used to attribute to all Europeans, having lived and worked in several EU countries before coming to the States. As someone said, "If it were left to the Europeans, the Internet still wouldn’t exist." Obviously, this applies to execution, not the idea. I like David Luong's comment about oral exams, spot on. The downside of the Czech model is that you read summarized ‘scripts’ on each subject, typically authored by the examiner, and that’s what comes up in the exam. In the West (pre-Velvet Revolution), you tend to study from general publications, so varied views on one topic are your source. Still, oratory skills shouldn’t be discounted. After all, that’s how we promote ourselves, even if just in the 30-second elevator pitch. Titles are another subject. Everyone in Prague would call me “pan inzenyr” while I would introduce myself as Paul. How are you celebrating the Fourth in Prague? Go #bestcoast!
I´m mechanical engineer, I´ve worked with american customers for some years and I must say that the "can do" attitude americans have is the most annoying thing ever. Nothing is a problem, but when it comes to decision making, giving proper inputs, do analysis, you´ll have a hard time with americans.
Ahaha! I bet this is totally true! I apologize for my countrymen making your work more difficult!
... každá systém má své mouchy a klady .... hodně záleží na povaze člověka a jak se dokáže přizpůsobit systému .... prostě , kde je vůle , tam je cesta
... titul inteligenci nedělá , to je známá věc
Myslím, že je někdy lepší prizpůsobit systém člověku, než člověka systému - systém má být pro lidi, ne lidi pro systém...!
Já jsem naopak zastánce českého systému vysokých škol, ve svých 18 letech už by jedinec měl vědět, kam se chce v životě směřovat a proto ho všech 5 let VS posunuje tím směrem. V Americe si mohou studenti 2 roky "volne" studovat bez myšlení na budoucnost, ale i když mají toto "vseobecne" vzdělání, stejně žádný z mých amerických přátel, a všichni mají vzdělání a titul, nevi kdo byl a co napsal Shakespeare, kde leží a jaké je hlavní město Španělska, nedokáží vyjmenovat všechny planety a ani vlastně nevi a neznají nic, co je dál než špičku jejich nosu. Vim, ze pausalizuji (generalize), ale myslím si že právě onen český způsob vzdělání z pohledu autorit dává čechům a evropanům jistou komoru, kdež to američané si připadají jako světová špička, i když vlastně toho moc neví, neznají ani neumějí... jen můj názor a velmi rád uslyším, že se mýlím... Pokud ano...urcite ale souhlasím s tím, že pro zaměstnání by mělo mít větší váhu to, co reálné dokážeš, než co jsi vystudoval před 20 lety
V 18 člověk spíš tak nějak tuší co chce dělat, znám dost lidí co po roce měnili obor.
Co v 18 letech. Ja si vybral ve 14 průmku, která mě připravila na technickou vejšku lépe, než by mě kdy připravil gympl. Gympl byl v záloze, přijali mě na obě školy, ale průmka byla jasná volba. A pak v 18 technika.
Sice člověk začal studovat na dané fakultě, ale vlastní obor si vybíral až ve 4. semestru. A až někdy ve 4. ročníku specializaci. Ale možná na humanitních oborech je to jinak.
Super videa., více těch kde si myslíte, že se máme od přátel z USA - co učit.. A jestli nacházíte (nachází) oni pozitiva u nás - je to jen dobře.
Jen, I worked 6 months in California and my son studied at two American universities (the first one just 1 year). My feelings about USA are mixed. In 1980s, Commies ruled here. We as teenagers saw USA as a land of freedom where everything is possible if you strive for it.
Then Reagan's policies destroyed Soviet Union and set us free. USA was the only superpower that time.
Then years came, and I saw army of Hillary's husband to bomb Serbian capital and innocent civilians inside. I saw 2 planes being able to destroy 3 (?!) towers in NYC. I watched George Bush trying to find Saddam's WMD. I saw Nobel prize winner Obama letting ISIS grow and cut people's heads.
Then I saw half of the USA hating current President who is guilty of not starting any new war conflict and lowering taxes. Perhaps because wars and high taxes make people's lives better.
And currently I see most of Americans celebrate marxists called BLM which spread anti-white racism and use domestic terror to gain power. I also wacthed the "new state" CHAZ (CHOP).
You know, I love USA. And I LOVE American people. I really do. But I am very sad to watch USA becoming more and more a kind of Soviet Union 2.0.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment! I think you are coming from a place of affection for the US. I could probably argue with you all day on the particulars, but you've mentioned some strong points. And, not to state the obvious, but I have chosen to live here, so that says something about my feelings towards Americas current direction.
@@DreamPrague Thank you for your reaction. Yes, still love USA. But I have something what most Americans do not have: An experience of living in socialism. When I see how many Americans like what Bernie Sanders preached, I feel almost physically sick. It is very strong déjà vu feeling, freezing cold.
@@jindrichcapek9836 The problem is that the US are so polarizied that both parties are getting it wrong just for the sake of being different from each other. Communist/socialist Democrats or almost fascist Republikans? There needs to be a better way...
Dream Prague Jen, can you be more specific? Really these issue is interesting for us (I believe so)...
As I have read previous comments, I see you have provoked such a passions amongs patriots... both Europeans and Americans can find a lot of inspiration in each other. And It is funny that my husband has a typical US attitude and we never left Europe!
vubec nesouhlasim s nazorem ohledne "Degree" protoze kdyby nebylo v americe tak dulezite tak by nechodil kazdy na skoly aby mohl delat opravare zachodu (nadsazka ale chapete co myslim), a kdyz se podivam na upadek vysokych skol v USA a pozitivni diskriminace, tak bych v zadnem pripade nehovoril o lepsi veci.... dobre se vi ze v plno skolach v USA uz nemuzte vyjadrit svuj nazor at jste na republikanske nebo demokraticke smyslejici skole.
a u posledni veci by me zajimalo kde jste pracovala, protoze moje zkusenost je presne opacna a taky se moc dobre vi ze cesi si chteji praci vzdy ulehcit a ojebat a jsou mistri improvizace :D
sveterka mluvíš jako Čech který tu nežije . Jsou tu tisíce universit a jsou rozvrstveny . Dostat se na ty nejlepší je velmi těžké a musíš opravdu něco znát .
Ked som dosiel do USA ako Ing. zo slovenska nikto sa nepytal ci mam titul Za 5 rokov som mal najvyssi plat vo firme (teda medzi inziniermi). Uplne suhlasim s autorkou.
That's some excellent information, thank you!
it might be just my Czech mentality, but even after this video, I still find Czech Republic's views on your presented topics better than USA's.
I mean the USA's standpoint is valid, but if often stays valid just in theory.
That's fine with me, and thanks for sharing! These were just my opinions, but I can certainly see how someone would disagree with me!
Same here
I really enjoyed the insights in this video. I am an American university professor (biology - not medicine) and I have recruited Czech students to come to my university to complete their master's degree (I am at a small private Catholic university, we do not offer the doctorate). These students have ALL done superbly in our program. They come with an exceptional science backgraound, because they have NOT done the explorative pursuit of art history, political science, etc. that happens as part of the core requirements of a US education. They arrive disciplined and knowledgeable, with a full stable of facts and biological understanding. Then they work in a US system which challenges them to think, question and conduct research. It is perfect. Seven have come, seven are superstars. Many have gone on for Ph.D.s, some are at universities in the USA, some are at universities in the Czech Republic. I think the Czech system of education is great. When combined with the challenge to think on your own and strike out, I think it is magic. So both systems of education are great, and a combination of approaches would benefit everyone. Both could learn from each other.
Český vzdělávací systém rozhodně potřebuje změnu. Doba se mění, ale tohle se zaseklo před XX lety. Pro mě už to není aktuální, ale doufám, že na nějaké změny dojde, vím, že se už o to nějací lidé snaží. Těžké je, že i když by nějaký mladý učitel chtěl učit jinak, tak ho školství těmi osnovami a pravidly zase pěkně usadí, aby si moc nevyskakoval.
Ano, vypadá to že by se to mohlo změnit - známý učí na pedagogické fakultě v Brně, snaží se poznávat a zpřístupňovat svým studentům alternativní způsoby výuky atp., je i velký fanda výuky doma (nevěděl jsem vůbec že to tu už taky proniklo). Tak snad není jediný a začne to být v dalších letech a desetiletích vidět...
osnovy jsou zrušeny již X let... A již teď to dělá velký bordel mezi základkami... Když chce dítě přestoupit z jedné na druhou, tak je to dost velký problém...
Já jsem měla výborného učitele na matiku, který nás dokázal naučit i v rámci našeho systému. A to byl starý a učit nás přestal, protože šel do důchodu. Pak jsme dostali jiného a veškeré do té doby nabyté vědomosti postupně degradovaly. Takže podle mě je to spíš o přístupu učitele, o tom, zda vůbec umí učit a zda si dokáže třídu takzvaně "srovnat", aby ho žáci poslouchali. A určitě ne o tom, jaký je systém nebo jestli je učitel mladý s inovativními "moderními" nápady. Kamarádka je na pedagogické fakultě a z toho, co mi nešťastně vypráví, to vypadá, že by se mělo změnit vyučování spíš tam. A taky jsou učitelé finančně podhodnocení, tak proč by měl chtít někdo velice schopný a výmluvný jít učit?
Hi Jenn, one important fact about school system here is that 50% students here in the CR are already on a specialized track since the age of 15, after 9th grade elementary school and for them it is definitely too late to switch from electronics to medicine at 20, for example. These technical schools (prumyslovka; something like industrial high-school) or lyceums(only few) still have maths, czech language and literature, some history courses but they have specialized subjects and practicals like on American vocational schools - historically our fathers finished these schools and they were mostly done studying for their whole life, having enough technical skills in their field. Some technical schools end with "maturita exam" and some (3-year) programmes don't. The 3-y programme cannot continue to VS or university unless they attend a two-year extension program later in their life. The other 50% of students attend "Gymnazium" (also written with "s") from 15-19y, but there are also options to start from the age of 12 or 14 at the multi-year gymnazium. So the students do 4,6, or 8 years at Gymnazium and finish at 19 also with "maturita exam". Gymnazium during their last years is something like US freshman college level, does not specialize in vocational subjects but in the same time have subjects like biology that technical schools don't (unless it is some specific specialized school) and the graduates of gymnazium are expected to specialize late during their college/university studies.
Je pravda, že rozhodnout se po základní škole studovat obor, kterým se potom má člověk zabývat po celý život, je trochu podivné. Ale pokud si není jistý, tak může jít na Gymnázium... Takže si myslím, že tohle není až tak špatný systém.
Oni si voli obor pozdeji. Jako u nas ve tretaku na vejsce.
Taky jsem zastáncem tohoto druhu vzdělávání. Když někdo neví co chce dělat, může jít na gymnázium, když ale ví co chce dělat, jde rovnou na školu se zaměřením. Další věc je, že když dostuduji např. SPŠCH, bude ze mě chemik, byť omezený, ale když bych dostudoval gymnázium budu chytřejší v obecné rovině, ale stále nebudu nic (co se zaměření týče).
Předem říkám, že tento komentář není zaměřen proti těm, co studují gymnázium.
I’m Czech with a bit of experience from the us and I really thing you’ve got most of the things in both videos right (with a bit of generalization, obviously). Great job! We might think that some things are obvious and done the same way everywhere and these videos can help open your eyes :-)
Hi Petra, thanks for commenting! Yeah, every time I generalize, I get proven wrong the next day. :)
"But I do live in the country of the Czech Republic".. see, how great is sounds, it even sounds like Czemorsil is important in the world :-)
Ha! I expected a video like this ever since the "Czech Manners" one. It is easy to get likes from people when you are actually praising them, but much harder when you compare and criticize :) You have my respect for not shying away from a content like this.
The part about complaining and especially the "czechs will admit this" remark made me laugh out loud. So true!!
The thing that was surprising and compelled me to comment here was the "can do attitude being rewarded in american business environment" bit.
(Disclaimer - this is indeed personal experience, that might not apply to others) I have worked for 12 years as an extrenal contractor for Verizon - participating in some minor projects for some of their european customers. My attempts at "can do" and "let's improve this" ended up in failures and lot of pointless unpleasant conversations. Not always, but more often than not, things would be done the hard way, followed by lots of headaches and apologies to customers. I have ultimately given up and spent the last two years on autopilot with can't do/whatever attitude, before I finally quit the job out of frustration............. That probably sounds more dramatic and negative than intended (I was still grateful for the international business work experience while having the luxury of staying in my own country - that part was great!).
To be absolutely fair, this was likely less american company experience, and more huge corporate experience. Since you mentioned teaching and small business at the beginning of the vid, I am going to assume things are done differently in your average american company.
Thank you for all your videos and please continue making those. As others already mentioned, I always learned something new. Plus it is firsthand information you are sharing. That makes it more valuable than documentaries.
Thanks for your feedback Marika! I was surprised that Czechs did not immediately unsubscribe from me after this video! I agree with you about can-do attitude being a problem - it's generally a simplification. And there is definitely a difference between small businesses and big companies. Sorry about your experience in Verizon! You're right, I've only ever worked for small businesses. Thanks for watching!
@@DreamPrague No worries! As I said, the experience wasn't all bad. There were some perks to counter the frustration. Your videos are fun and insightful both, please make some more ;) Good luck!
Před 23 hodinami jsem zde již jeden komentář ohledně rozdílu mezi životem a prací Američanů v USA a Čechů v Česku vložil, ale myslím, že musím na tvé video ještě reagovat několika poznámkami...
Je pravda, že systém české výchovy dětí a českého školství formou přehnané úcty k autoritám pochází z dob Rakouska-Uherska, pokračoval v dobách předválečného Československa a v době socialistického režimu byl ještě degradován "nalejváním vědomostí", protože učitelé a profesoři museli "plnit plán" učebních osnov.
Sokratovský systém větší svobody vyjadřování názorů mezi studenty a učiteli je jistě modernější, ale zdá se, že i s tímto přístupem není americký systém výchovy a výuky tak skvělý, jak ho popisuješ...
Na těchto videích (,, které pořídil český youtuber Michal Šopor v USA, je zřejmé, že na americkém systému výchovy i výuky není moc věcí, ze kterých by si měli Češi vzít příklad...! 🤔
Co se týká povahového rysu Američanů, že vždy dosáhnou svých cílů a žádný problém je nezastaví, je to jistě chvályhodné, otázkou je, za jakou cenu by toho měl člověk dosáhnout...? Narážím tím na tvou poznámku v jednom z předchozích videí ohledně tvého zážitku v Benátkách se staršími, dobře situovanými americkými manžely a jejich dětmi - je toto ideál života, který by měli Češi dosáhnout? Sama říkáš, že ne...! 😤
A ke schopnosti umět se "sám pochválit, protože to za tebe nikdo jiný neudělá"? Jistá míra sebevědomí je určitě fajn, ale v Česku platí, že člověka by měly chválit jeho činy nebo jiní lidé, ne jeho vlastní slova...
V opačném případě (mám provokativní náladu 😃), když slyším v projevech amerického prezidenta Donalda Trumpa, co skvělého již dokázal, bych musel dojít k závěru, že Donald Trump je nejlepší Američan v historii USA!!! 😲😃😛
I agree with you entirely. (I lived in the US for 20 years and now I've been back in the CR for 2 years.) I ran a small business over 16 years, I learned so much about people, their personalities, ways of behavior, culture. I am extremely grateful for my experience in the US, it opened my eyes. I think I'd be a very different person had I lived in the CR all these years. I felt like I was from a different planet after my return back home... because I smiled at strangers? I started random quick conversations with strangers out of a blue if a situation called for it? Because I took care of a small business like it was my own, I wanted to help all customers at my "bestest" :) ability, in order to make people happy and I wanted them to come back again. I see that such attitude and approach to customers' satisfaction isn't applied here in the CR very often and I do miss that. BUT I don't want to sound all negative about the CR here, I am happy to be back in my home country. I don't live in Prague so I only have a small town's experience. I love all your videos, Jen, I am now going backwards, I've been watching them slowly from the newest moving backwards. :) Thank you!
Co se týče školství, tak také nesouhlasím. Jak už tu bylo několikrát zmíněno, tak každá země má svůj systém. V USA nemají na vzdělání takové nároky a i tak to hodně lidí nezvládá a pak to tam vypadá, jak to tam vypadá.
Záleží jakou úroveň vzdělání máte na mysli...To že někdo nemá nároky neznamená, že je ten vzdělávací systém špatný nebo horší. Vždy se to odráží od jedince zda chce či nechce. Pokud se týká VŠ vzdělávání, tak ten náš je určitě horší, např. i ve spojení s komerční zónou či práce samotné AV ČR....Následně napojí firem na absolventy SŠ a VŠ v ČR je velmi podprůměrné...
When it comes to oral vs. written exams, I totally see where you're coming from. However, most oral exams, or at least the way I've experienced them (speaking as a university student), look nothing like you described. Usually, finals have several parts. There's a written part, a test; sometimes there's also a seminar paper (in my field/major we write a lot of papers, and I totally agree with you, it's the best way to actually internalize and remember the information). Then there's the oral part. You come there, draw one question/topic (or more, depending on the subject...), and then you have about 10 minutes to prepare your answer. You have a pen and papers, you can make notes but just from memory. Then they call you in and you have to answer the question/talk about the topic you drew for some minutes, it varies but for us it's usually about 5-10 mins (you can of course use the notes you made before). Then there a few more minutes when the teacher asks you follow-up questions. I've had an exam where I drew 2 questions, had 10 minutes to prepare and then had to speak about each for 5 minutes, and another (bigger) one where I drew 3 questions, had about 15 minutes to prepare and then talked for ~10 minutes about each. The time is not measured or anything though, it really depends more on _what_ you're saying; if you've said everything, it can be shorter, etc.
Personally, I think that learning to speak in front of people and properly articulate your thoughts and knowledge as well as to perform under some stress is much more important and beneficial than learning how to write a test. So even though it's super stressful, I really stand by our oral exams. ...Not to mention that an oral exam like that is more representative of what you actually know imo; the examining teacher can help point you in the right direction, ask follow-up questions if you're lost, and generally recognize whether you actually don't know anything or whether you're just blacking out, etc. Also, like our high school history teacher used to say, if you can't articulate it, it's as if you didn't know it.
jaks vami vetsinou souhlasim tentokrat jste dle meho vedle,uroven vysoke skoly Usa je na urovni nasi stredn i/krome prestiznich univerzit / proto ty tituly asi nikoho nezajimaji a formy testu jsou mnohem lehci nez ustni a obleceni slusne projjevujeme uctu k teto dulezite zivotni zkousce , s formou vyuky asi mate pravdu musime se vse biflovat ale taky tu nemame 20 procent lidi co veri ze je zeme placata, co ale je pravda a to i u nas ze kvalitnich lidi i bez tituly si mnozi ceni , a ano jsme slabi ve vychloubani se ale to uz je spis narodni povaha american je vzdy nejlepsi i kdyz keca ale asi tomu i veri , a dodatek kdyz u nas chce z nizsi pozice neco menit letite, a jak se zeptate proc to nejde odpoved je proto ci penize a tim to u nas konci
To je dobrá poznámka o Američanech, kteří věří, že svět je plochý. Ale tito lidé nechodili na univerzitu. Děkuji za Váš komentář!
Nevím odkud čerpáte těch 20% , ve většine případu vidím zmínku kolem 2% a i tak je to pořád jen pruzkum z velmi male skupiny oproti celkovému počtu obyvatel.
V každe společnosti najdete určite procento lidi kteří věří na absolutní nesmysly (duchové,zázraky,placatá země,setkání s UFO,naboženství)
Pokud nijak neubližují společnosti a netrvají na tom že jejich pravda se musí vyučovat na škole tak at si třeba věří že žijeme na zadnici obra.
Z vašeho příspěvku jen cítím potřebu ohrnout nos a jít dál.
Snad se vám to napsalo dobře z PC či mobilu a naslědně jste odeslal tyto data at už z mobilní sítě či internetu vše pochází z USA :-)
@@Radim9x co prosim ze vse pochazi z Usa jestli myslite veci co jste jmenoval nakonec tak mate velice mylne predstavy o technologiich nehlede na to ze vetsina zasadnich vedcu jsou koupeni ze sveta, a jestli vas zaujalo v mem komenteri jen to o placate zemi tak to je mi lito, poznamko o nosu nechapu takze to je vse
@@altarxxl Prvni mobil Martin Cooper american
Prvni osobni pocitac IBM - americka firma
Prvopocatek internetu DARPA -americka firma projekt pro armadu
Muzete me prosim jak vy rikate opravit na tehle nepresnostech?
To ze nekomu nabidnete penize za praci a nalakate ho do sve spolecnosti automaticky neznamena ze vam vytvori revolucni vynález.
Vetšinou je to dílo nespočtu lidí kterym byli vytvoreny podmínky pro tuto činost.
Hi Jen, as for the methods in school I cant agree more, hopefully this is changing with new generation of teachers. As for oral vs written exams, you are comparing doing stuff during a year to just exams at the end, which making work during the whole semester does win every time. But we did work during whole semester both on faculty of Science and on faculty of Law. For me oral exams were always better because they allowed you to present your thinking not just facts that you learned which is what is expected on written exam. As for the value of degree, it matters mostly in just 2 areas: Academia and government jobs, as your salary is set in table dictated by law and one of the aspects is your degree. For the asking stupid questions, I think this one goes for type of personality you have, I have never had problems asking even stupid questions, but I do understand that it is not promoted by teachers. With the self promoting I see it as our biggest drawback, I see it as boasting but because of this view, I am in disadvantage when applying for job here in Ireland.
Zdravím, to bozkávanie, no, väčšinou sa používa na oslavách, keď má niekto sviatok, prípadne si zaželať šťastný nový rok,
Tie školy, veľa ľudí tu študuje technické obory a tie vyžadujú pochopenie, ale aj sa niečo naučiť presne, preto sú podľa mňa lepšie ústne skúšky, na nich nejde ani tak o to, všetky informácie vysypať z rukáva, ale o to, aby zistili, či sa v tom naozaj význame, rozumieme, preto sa občas niečo opýtajú, aby nás nasmerovali niekam, zistili, či sme sa len nenaučili monológ, alebo ak sa v niečom pomylime, napravia nás a potom už pokračujeme správne, Neviem ako s inými, ale somnou si pred koncom ústnych skúšok ešte trochu pokecali o danej téme, takže skôr rozhovor ako skúška to bol, no ten stres bol aj tak 😂
V zamestnaní je to tu skôr tak, že ak niečo ukážeme, že vieme lepšie ako nadriadený, neodmenia nás, ale začnú sa po nás ,,voziť" ,
práve teraz sa u nás začalo riešiť, že nedodržiavame presne technologické postupy, 8 hodín sa snažili spustiť stroje podľa nich, no nepodarilo sa im to 😁😂 ale, že sme im to povedali hneď, že to nepôjde nikoho nezaujímalo, išlo im len o ich ego, predsa nemôžem vedieť viac ako oni
To jsou velmi dobré body! Nemyslela jsem na zkoušky z pohledu technických studií.
@@DreamPrague ďakujem za odpoveď 😊 😃 je to naozaj veľmi dobré video
Ahoj! Our school systems are completely different. I would love to see a compromise between these two. I agree that Czech system is stressful. All the verbal testing. And in middle and high school you get verbally tested with no warning infront of the class and it affects your grade. It really causes lots of stress and anxiety. But the truth is that typical Czech student has larger general knowledge than American one. In Czech high schools we study pretty much everything. So by the age of 18 (when we are considered adults) we usually know if we prefer science, or history. I saw a high school straight A’s graduate (son of my friend)’s report. There was math and English as the only real subjects! The rest was all practical technical skills like carpentry etc. No pressure what-so ever! Czech high schoolers must study math, Czech, two foreign languages, biology, geography, chemistry, history, physics, psychology, philosophy, etc. and they can’t drop any of it. So Czech high school diploma is equivalent to at least two years of American university. American generals were covered in Czech high school system. I know that kids in USA can take generals in high school for free and be done with it when they enter college. But it is only optional. In Czech Rep. it is required. In Czechia we need to practice confidence, and in the states they need little bit more general knowledge. Like I said these two systems could learn from each other! One raises confident people who don’t know that much, and the other shy stressed out people who either know a lot or forget it all anyway.
And on top of that, we also have specialized high schools. So for example nursing school is high school, not college. So is an electrician or auto mechanic. So if you studied nursing, by the age of 18 you can work in this field as a certified nurse. (high school diploma=maturita is quite a hard exam, equivalent to bachelor degree, to my opinion)
@Hi Petra, Excellent comment and assessment of the Chzech educational system. Your English is so gut and flawless, you must be living/studying in the USA or UK. If so, how do you finance your stay and studies?
Mně naopak studovat v ČR vyhovuje víc než dost 😊
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Nikola, To vážne??? 😧😯😲
A jak hluboké srovnání mas ze zahraničními studii?
This is so true! Cant argue about any points youve made 👍
Oh, making statements as "Munich agreement resulted in positive benefits for Czechoslovakia"... Even as example as you made,... harsh... :D Dont do it. This can easilly make people mad even in this context. :D
I dont agree with these school changes. I admit some minor adjustment could be made, but overall, wrong answer is just wrong and you can find right answer by just listening teacher or this alternative method. Lesser time consuming is first one.. In science like subjects there is some practical tasks, laboratory classes that can clarify why is something as it is to better understands tho.
And about first years of USA universities, these general knowledge are in czech highschools. Everyone who goes to basically every university already had literature, atleast basics of math, history, etc. So you choose university based on "major" you want to study. And if you dont know what you want to do when you are 15 years old and you are smart enough to do university after, you can choose gymnazium as highschool and this is general highschool and these students are expected to study university.
And age from highschool to university is 19, not 17 in czech.
And oral exams proves much better your knowledge and confidence in theme then written tests. And I say that as relatively fresh masters degree graduate. In the other hand I must admit oral exams are much more stressfull then written one and I hated them much more for this. :D
About degree value topic, My personal opinion is even here business degree doesnt mean something huge. Value of degrees is or at least should be based only on job you can apply to and cannot aply if you dont have it.
This degree obsession came from Comunists era where university degree had only best of the best (not mentioning other requirements based on political "safety" that has nothing to do with my point)
In self promotion I agree. 100% Personal experience.
About attitude. :D you missed most important question in your list. "Do you need more time?" :D Just joking. :D
I like that video a lot. :)
Thanks for your comment! My Munich agreement example was to make a very extreme example, but sorry about being insensitive. "Do you need more time?" hahaha, only a Czech smarty-pants would add that. Very nice.
@@DreamPragueI can see it from my perspective. Manager comes to engineer and ask. "Can you speed thing up to get product sooner? Whatever you need I will give to you. More money, more people, more trucks more material. Just ask."
And he replies: " Nah, just need more time." :D
@@Sharkozis i see that in my head sooo clearly 😂
Problem is that at gymnazium you dont really learn practical things. Therefore, it s almost impossible for you to choose between something like law and medicine. Closest subject you have to medicine for example is biology. However, thats something absolutely different. Same for technical university. At high school you don t use maths and physics in a practival way.
Great video like always!!! Specially on the education matter... That's something me and my husband talk about a lot! The fact that he hated studying and learning history while we loved it just cause of the teacher approach (Idk how if works in Venezuela but I know how it works in Private schools in Venezuela and it's the original thinking that is mostly rewarded too)
_-Czechs-__ that I worked with, or interacted with in certain_ *government offices* _are not great at solving the problem._
Here, I fixed it for you. It's not about Czechs, it's about government offices (in all the world's countries). :-)
Oh, it's definitely about Czechs, though. In just about any and every office I've been to in Czech Republic (government, medical, legal, post) the workers have been less than helpful and sometimes even rude. The main complaint I have is the fact that unless you ask the exact right question, they generally will not help you with what you need. I believe Jen did an excellent video covering this when she was asking for the location of the toilet and her Czech counterpart only shook her head no. I have been here for 14 years and I will admit that it has been getting better, but it's still a long way from being even close to the standard helpfulness and politeness that Americans are used to.
Haha, thanks. Though there were SOME Czechs that worked with me in my company that this applied to. But you're right, it's true all over the world.
@@tonysplace2010 Solidarity, bruh.
@@tonysplace2010 Don't be princess, they are doing their job and their job is not being your mom. Less helpful or rude worker is still more sympathic than worker with this fake american politeness. We are not interested of this part of american politeness culture.
Czech university freshmen are usually 19 years old. Which pretty much bridges this gap of general education of 3 years you mentioned.
No nejsem si jist, jestli je vhodne, jako priklad toho, ze cesi nejsou schopni resit problemy zrovna uredniky, tahle profese je bych rekl na celem svete stejna z pohledu reseni problemu :-D
Co se týče pozdravu v Čr.
Políbení na tváře/rty jsme opravdu jen převzali ze zahraničí, ale trošku jsme u toho pozapomněli i na návod kdy a jak to dělat...ale rozhodně to v Česku není žádná dlouholetá tradice, spíš je o záležitost ,, větších měst", kde se tohle dělá.
Tento způsob pozdravu je zároveň spíš výsadou ,,mladších lidí" či tech co často byly v zahraničí. Minimálně v Praze si to převzali po svém a momentálně je to v dnešní uspěchané době spíše velice výrazný nástroj, jak rychle ukázat, že se máme rádi a to hlavně i s kamarády. (a ne pouze s rodinou či přítelem/manželem a dětmi). Stejné je to s objímáním. Momentálně většina lidi pod 30 let se zdraví bud polibkem na každou tvář (někteří i na rty ale s tim neni spousta lidi vpořádku a rozhodně to neni běžný pozdrav) či objetím. Je to takto více intimní než klasické podání ruky ( to je spíše bráno jako pracovní pozdrav) a polibek ukazuje to že je ten dotyčný pro nás opravdu blízký a důležitý. ;)
také záleží na komunitě lidí...třeba mezi historickými šermíři je to běžná věc, včetně samozřejmého tykání bez ohledu na věk.
Já myslím, že jste ty rozdíly pěkně shrnula.
- Vybrat si v mladém věku směr a těžko ho pak měnit tady akorát vyústí v to, že vystudujeme nějakou školu, aby byl ten titul, že jo ... a děláme něco jiného - to asi taky souvisí s (ne)placením školného.
- Na tituly se tu podle mne hraje čím dál míň. Školy dostávají prachy na studenta, proč by teda ty neschopné vyhazovaly? Výšku u nás udělá skoro každý pometlo, tituly jsou tak degradované a ztrácejí svoji původní hodnotu. Tím se taky začíná uplatňovat to, že je lepší maník s pětiletou praxí než nějaký Mgr. čerstvě vylezlý ze školy.
- Už i tady se začíná projevovat (konečně) tendence ke změně způsobu výuky, to memorování je zhouba, všichni jsme ho zažili a stále zažíváme. Hlavně takové ty předměty, kde je důležitější znát souvislosti než jednotlivá data, např. dějepis, se učily a učí tak, že většinu toho člověk zapomene. A přitom by stačilo nastudovat pár knih, které se snaží fakta analyzovat a dávat do souvislostí. A proč se tady stále tak učí? Protože učit tímhle zastaralým způsobem je jednodušší. A učit SE tímto způsobem je také svým způsobem jednodušší, stačí se to prostě "našprtat", není nutno příliš přemýšlet. Samozřejmě je to na úkor budoucích schopností a skutečně využitelných znalostí.
- U některých zmiňovaných věcí vlastně ani netuším, proč jsou, jak jsou. Třeba u té absence sebeprosazování. Možná to ještě přetrvalo z těch dob, kdy si "všichni byli rovni", až tak, že kdokoliv vyčníval, ten to schytal. A pak se to v devadesátkách zas otočilo do druhého extrému, kdy byl najednou každý vekslák mistr všeuměl, a všude to taky prezentoval. A lidi tak nějak nevědí, co s tím.
- A co se týče té schopnosti řešit problémy a neustále se zastavovat před překážkami - Češi jsou (byli?) obecně známí svojí schopností improvizace, ale mám na to svoji teorii - je to základním rysem české povahy, tj. ochcáváním (je na to ještě sprostější slovo, to nebudu psát). Souvisí to s pohodlností. Zastavit se před problémem a říct, že to nejde, protože (předpisy, čas, něco jiného, ...) je takový podvědomý pokus vyhnout se přemýšlení, námaze, zkrátka další činnosti, pokus to nějak ochcat. Když to vyjde, mám chvíli voraz a nikdo mi nemůže nic říct, bylo to přece podle předpisů. Když to nevyjde ... no tak to prostě vyřeším, no.
To vše jsou vynikající body. Děkujeme, že jste je přidali do konverzace!
V usa za skolu plati student a ovela viac ako tu stat tak tiez maju rendenciu vychadzat studentom v ustrety ved ked platia tak nech studuju kolko len chcu...a co chcu.
@@martinamolnarova8598 : To asi jo. Ale z druhé strany student tam asi má větší motivaci včas a kvalitně dokončit. Tady je to vlastně fuk. Ani po dostudování nemusí dělat to, co studoval, vždyť ho to nic nestálo ...
@@mufrodrigo No to je od studenta k studentovy , ked mate bohateho tatinka tak studujete kolko chcete ale bezny clovek chce dostudovat co najrychlejsie aby si nasiel pracu a mohol zit podla seba
As a Czech person working in American corporation, I have to agree with you. The way Americans can present themself is definitely something we should learn as well as their their “can do” attitude. On the other hand, I think a lot of companies in the Us, people tend to BS you a lot just for their personal gain (as not many things here are actually meant the way they have been said). Also from my experience people in Us companies keep promising and a lot of the promises are constantly on hold. Maybe it’s just my experience, but Americans should maybe learn from Czechs some honestly and fairness especially in work environment 😎
Absolutely the same what you say about americans I can say about germans.
Trochu mně uráží část videa v niž kritizujete české školství.
Národ, který položil základy moderního školství je nyní kritizován za jeho nedostatečnost. (Jan Amos Komenský)
Můj názor je, že každá země má své ověřené metody učení na které je zvyklá.
Jen proto že někdo není zvyklý na naše metody hned neznamená, že jsou naše metody špatné.
Navíc každý učitel má své osvědčené metody jak žákům podávat učivo, tak aby jej dokázal pochopit ale i umět používat.
Věřte že vím o čem mluvím neboť pocházím z kantorské rodiny.
Závěrem chci poděkovat za to že existuje někdo kdo se dobrovolně zajímá o naši malou zemi a že se snaží život u nás přiblížit ostatním.
joj, všechno je to pravda. Na všem je trocha pravdy. Pěkná přirovnání, příklady. Dobrý pozorovací talent. Rád bych k jednotlivým tvrzením, přidal svoje 👍, ale vše je platné a logické. Holt vycházíme z autorit historie RU císařství a diktátu Čssr.. Pěkné , vtipné video.
jdu sledovat další videa, zajímavý objev pro mne 🤔👍👍👍
Děkuji mockrát!