Playing this on an emulator, I would use the f keys to toggle one of the eight sound channels out to mix it in real time. Removing the birds for a clean solo was fun.
I am literally feeling shivers throughout my body from the instant this cover started playing, beautiful version man, well done, what effort you put into it to make it not only an authentic and true to the original cover, but to also take it to the next level. I adore this ✨❤️✨.
The only thing that can make this even better are the birds tweeting.
Playing this on an emulator, I would use the f keys to toggle one of the eight sound channels out to mix it in real time. Removing the birds for a clean solo was fun.
most accurate cover out there with everything.
I am literally feeling shivers throughout my body from the instant this cover started playing, beautiful version man, well done, what effort you put into it to make it not only an authentic and true to the original cover, but to also take it to the next level. I adore this ✨❤️✨.
Truly amazing! Well played with all the different instruments. So peaceful to listen to.
Live this cover and the game!!
This is really beautiful. Seriously, great job.
💖💖💖💖💖👏🤩🙏😍🙏🤩🙏😍✨🤩🙏😍✌💖💖💖💖💖 The late 1990's...oh how much I have forgotten.
This sounds amazing! You really did a good job interpreting the SNES instruments with real life equivalents.
Lovely 😍
This is gorgeous! ^_^ Thanks, Steven!
If you were to summarize the cottagecore aesthetic into one song, you'd get this.
Why am I tearing up.. Beautiful just beautiful!
awww yeeeah
Nailed it!
Thank you Steven Morris, simple stuff like this is always very appreciated
so nice :)
Very nice!
Thanks Steven, I needed this. I loved Illusion of Gaia. If possible I would love you to try the Incan music in the game.
Also beautiful. It's nice to have calm music in these times
Que bueno escuchar un cover asi despues de tantos añosm
Is this song not on spotify?
Sadly no… couldn’t get it licensed