Part 2 of Episode 5! Welcome back for more punishment. Please let me know in the comments if you think the Obi-Wan Kenobi show is The Last Jedi of streaming. And remember to stay happy and do the Like, Subscribe, Bell thing. And as always sharing is a wonderful thing. Cheers my friends!
Modern Star Wars is like a book without any punctuation marks. Sidelining and/or getting rid of Luke is disposing of the glue that holds everything together. Genius!
Fun, useless, historical fact; punctuation marks are relatively new, during the Middle Ages, as the context of Latin became completely lost, the marks for finally required so people could understand what everyone else was writing. Just imagine The Odyssey as a solid block of text (because spaces between separate words wasn't standard either.)
Wow. It looks like Ewan was quite disappointed with the outcome of Kenobi and seemed like he really wanted to discover and explore the Luke and Kenobi storyline. Makes me feel a bit bad for him.
@@palpatinethesenatehog7086 Probably got lured in through nostalgia and bullshit just to have the rug pulled out from under him, just like Mark Hamill.
@@reek4062 any good fictional series should have consistent canon to be relatable and more believable, if you change your universe's rules every new sequel just for them to become plot armors it indicates the authors do not care at all about the series, resulting in a mediocre at best product that cannot keep a good quality audience. So to answer your question, a big fan of the series should and does care about its canon.
I think the writers wanted us to infer that Vader learned about the developments from the Grand Inquisitor while Reva was invading that rebel base, but I choose Robot Head's version as canon because LOL
A few years ago I would've been really excited to see an ObiWan spinoff. As it is, I only watched the first episode of the show and can barely remember it.
What’s this? People are still talking about the sequels religiously to make sure you know they don’t consider them cannon. For a bunch of apathetic people you guys seem to flock like it’s mass to videos like this just so you get your dose of validation for the day
@@creed8712 First, this video is about the Kenobi show, not necessarily about the Sequels. Second, "religiously" is a poor adjective, it doesn't accurately describe how we're watching this content. Third apathy towards a dying franchise is not apathy towards Robot Head, who is an entertaining content creator who makes well written and thoughtful film and television reviews. Something that is sorely lacking in certain media that is advertised a "credible" review site *cough* Rotten Tomatoes *cough* It's not out of a sense of "validation" as you may believe. If we wanted an echo chamber, we would visit Twitter (here's hoping that Elon Musk turns it into a platform that promotes free speech). As regular people, and fans of many franchises, we need content creators like Robot Head to serve clear, unbiased reviews.
@@nathank2289 that is why I said unless they are unified under something. Which means if there is something they share then that can act as a bridge. However if they are focused on Diversity then they all have different ideas and cultures that could conflict with each other. Just like how different countries have different beliefs, people with different backgrounds and have nothing in common with each other will have ideas that might conflict with each other. If a series has two writers then that is more manageable as it is easier to find something that connects two people than many different people.
Yeah, I never understood that either. Then the silly look on the child's face like ""I'll never tell you... even if I actually don't know anything about that. Just focus on my defiant face though!"
4:16 "Instead we get a crappy de-aged green screen." You must mistake it with a fan-version that appeared a few hours after the episode. Disney didn't bother to de-age the actors.
Really? I could've sworn that the actors were de-aged when I saw that episode but apparently whoever they hired probably ran out of disk space on their computer and called it day. Idk maybe it was layers upon layers of makeup..?
There was very minimal de-aging used for that scene. In BTS footage, you can see they have white dots on their faces. Absolutely nothing compared to what fans did in hours tho
I still can't believe people are surprised about Disney's apathy for the numerous franchises they own. It's not that they're lazy. It's that they just don't care.
Ewan and Lucasfilm had all the time in the world to write and direct a GOOD Obi Wan story between trilogies, all Ewan had to do is not look visibly older than OT Alec Guiness
Adult Anakin was my favorite Star Wars character and growing up as a kid it was Darth Vader as I loved his story arc. Of course Disney has to ruin him and erase him, because any white male characters are not allowed to be good or have any good traits. There's a reason why after seeing Episode VII in theaters when it first came out, I've never bothered to watch anything else Star Wars. I'm perfectly happy with the real Star Wars which are the first 6 films and Disney can F right off. I don't give them a single dime and never will.
Disney, Don’t be too proud of this visual terror you have constructed. The ability to use nostalgia is insignificant next to the power of good storytelling.
This is good, but here's a slight improvement: "Disney, don’t be too proud of this visual terror you have constructed. The ability to *abuse* nostalgia is insignificant next to the power of good storytelling."
At least when the ships escape in the Clone Wars, they get to an area where they can jump to light speed. Bit harder to chase then, given the circumstances. Least it was more effort than just flying away into the sky past a fleet of ships that had seemingly disappeared just for the purpose of a "quick escape", like in this episode.
Disney killed of Anakin since the day TFA came out. You’re telling me that Force ghost Anakin let kylo (his grandson) fell to the dark side, and allowed Luke to exile himself without interfering?!
Also Marvel. In one of their comics, it's revealed that Darth Vader knew about the fleet of Death Star Destroyers on Exegol. Yet Anakin never told Luke about them.
Nothing in the Disney movies makes any sense. The writers just keep inventing new powers without thinking about the ramifications. Yoda can apparently call down lightning like he's Thor and all he does with this power is burn some books. Why the hell doesn't he use these powers to stop the First Order?! And people can use The Force have space phone calls and send objects over the space Force internet. Why did the Jedi even need ships during the Prequel era when they could just magically teleport each other around using the force? Why didn't they force heal each other after Order 66?
@@Jonas-ej7id they did de age him, just look at the behind the scenes documentary, they both have dots on their faces so that the cgi team can make them look younger, hayden and ewan look older irl than they do in they flashback but not how they looked in attack of the clone
After the sequel trilogy and before Obi Wan-Kenobi aired, I was worried about Disney ruining Kenobi’s character. However, I never imagined this ONE 6 episode show would not just ruin Kenobi but also Darth Vader, Leia, Bail Organa, Owen Lars, and Beru Lars.
@@reek4062 Vader- allows Reva to live multiple times when we’ve seen him kill an admiral for less. Can stop ships from flying away, but did not with the Falcon on Hoth. Wants to kill Obi Wan but allows him to escape without pursuit all but one time. Allows the rebel ship to escape in order to fight Kenobi rather than allowing his Star Destroyer or another ship to continuing chasing the rebels while he shuttles away to fight Kenobi. Leia- based on the Empire having seen her with a Jedi Master and her parents being known associates with the Jedi (according to the show) they would be arrested and charged as traitors to the Empire and should not be given any political status from this point on. Also, Kenobi dies in A New Hope and she shows no remorse or emotion for the terrible loss of this man who less than ten years ago saved her and who she said, “she would never forget.” Bail- sends Kenobi a message saying, in case Kenobi is captured Bail would take care of Anakin’s children. He gave away too much information in a message anyone could’ve found. This is only the most important mission the galaxy is depending on and he blindly sends a message not knowing who might see it. The Lars- the minute they know someone is coming to kill Luke, they should not only leave the homestead, they should leave Tatooine. They should assume Reva has told others and others will come to kill Luke. Instead they stay to fight a Sith-like warrior. Obi Wan- defeats the evil Sith Lord Vader…for the 2nd time, only this time he leaves him in better shape than he did the first time and with an escape ship. Since Kenobi did not kill Vader when he clearly had the opportunity EVERY DEATH from Vader that moment on is on Kenobi’s hands. Including the destruction of Alderaan. Kenobi also went 10 YEARS without knowing Anakin was alive or hearing the name Darth Vader? The name of the most feared person in the Empire and Galaxy, and the emperor’s right right man. He knew Anakin was renamed Darth Vader in Episode 3. We see Kenobi in this show working with labor workers, walking around towns on Tatooine, interacting with others. 10 years and no one around him ever said, “Did you hear about that Vader guy?” A futuristic galaxy where news does not travel. It’a bad enough Kenobi leaves Luke unprotected on Tatooine. It’s up to the writers to come up with a really good reason for Kenobi to leave Tatooine. SPOILER, the writers failed at this. For Kenobi to do it carelessly TWICE is beyond insane. Remember, Leia is the daughter of an Imperial senator. The minute she is kidnapped, Bail should’ve have informed the Imperial senate that random bounty hunters took her. They would’ve sent a fleet of troopers to rescue her. There is no reason for the Imperial senate to not rescue a 10 year old princess. As far as they know she is Bail’s child. Had Kenobi never left Tatooine to rescue Leia, Reva’s bizarre plan would’ve failed with Reva being arrested by the Empire for kidnapping a senator’s daughter and Leia would’ve been returned to Bail. Reva’s plan put the entire Empire at risk especially the Grand Inquisitor. He would’ve handed Reva over for punishment. The whole plot only works if Kenobi abandons protecting Luke, which is really hard to believe unless it’s for a great reason, which this is not. Kenobi of the Lucas era would’ve told Bail to alert the Senate and demand resolution. Reva’s actions alone are grounds for war and uprising. I can see 3 year olds and anyone else whose brain are not yet fully developed liking Obi-Wan Kenobi. Otherwise, this show is insulting to storytelling and Star Wars. It’s barbarically stupid.
@@reek4062 Descent? Ha! Now I know you are trolling. In no universe whatsoever can this 💩be considered decent. If you ever cared about those characters T Starr mentioned than it absolutely ruins all of those characters. Kenobi (a wise man character) made unwise moves throughout the episodes and was a supporting character in his own show, and actually used an innocent as a shield. Vader continuously let go every one he had cornered, and said nonsense lines throughout. "Are you coming to destroy me?" while chasing after Kenobi. Leia is now some how a force user and a class A ship hanger engineer who actually knows Kenobi? Bail Organa is a complete idiot for allowing a traceable message with details of his involvement with a fugitive, along with location of "the boy.", Owen and Beru were able to survive an attack from a lightsaber wielding inquisitor, but somehow perish to lowly Stormtroopers aim later on? C'mon. Decent? I didn't even mention that hiding under the over coat nonsense that degrades the entire franchise even further than I thought possible.
@@reek4062 please stop lying. I say you’re lying because the only other option is that your standards for “good” are so low it would be a struggle to find something you would call bad and that your knowledge of Star Wars is so low the average person who has never seen anything Star Wars knows more than you via cultural osmosis. That is the only way your statement could be true. There’s no problem with you liking the show. Lying about the show, however, is just ridiculous.
All the fans "Reva was a terrible character. She was too aggressive, unnecessary and her motivation made no sense". Disney "No, you only hate her because she's black " All the fans who liked Lando and Mace Windu "Are we a joke to you?" Disney "Ok well you only hate her because she's a woman" All the fans who liked Leia and Padme "Are WE a joke to you?" Disney "Err..."
@DarthFatalist Lord of the Sith Force Speed is abit of a mess. Personally it makes sense with enhancing jumping ability as jedi always did that. Running like the Flash is silly. In episode 1 Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan use it at the beginning yet at the end fight with Maul, Obi-Wan couldn't zoom through the ray shield doors before they closed? I'd see the force enhancing your reflex's and agility to a point but not going Flash speed.
Han Solo is a white male. That is definitely not the reason. They're the ones that kill Han and Luke off in the first place. Leia only died because Carrie Fisher died in real life.
@@Lobsterwithinternet This is probably one of those other Vaders from that weird Famicom game where they turn into scorpions or other things after the first time Luke hits them.
He looks and sounds kinda devastated in that interview. Mcgregor, hamill, and christensen all see the Star Wars universe as something they’ve contributed to. They recognize how influential their characters have been to people who’ve grown up with them and they realize how far the franchise has fallen. Rest in pieces oh once a great franchise
Yeah Kenobi is definitely TLJ of Disney Plus, not one established character in this show got out unscathed especially Anakin/Vader and Obi-Wan themselves.
Love it or hate it, TLJ tried to freshen star wars... Kenobi is more like the RoS - simultaneously sycophantic and disloyal (which is in itself a remarkable achievement)
Anakin Skywalker is one of the OG characters who made Star wars huge. I love him and really sad that they scratched his character. He had great character development too .
I just feel sad for the actors. They're doing the best that they can with what they've been given. Ofcourse not all of them are going to be as outspoken about it as Mark Hamill was with The Last jedi
They all agreed to do this crap. Anyone that signed on after seeing The Last Jedi knew what they were getting in to and I don't feel bad for them at all.
@@KasumiKenshirou They probably had hope after seeing the mandalorian and book of boba fett. Those 2 shows sparked the popularity of Star Wars. I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought they’d get something very similar to that.
You're right. I have beef with sequel characters but not the actors/actresses because they only read the script. The actor for Anakin, in EP 1, his life is a mess because prequel haters harassed him. I hate those people.
@@uhh345 Remember, when all these articles blame "the fans", these fans were only part of it. The media was also mocking the movies, calling Jake Lloyd "Manikin Skywalker", and calling Ahmed Best "the next Stepin Fetchit". There was a MadTV skit that featured George Lucas's future plans for the prequels, where he introduced "Aunt JarJar-mima". Ahmed Best recently revealed that he was contemplating committing suicide at this point.
Clone Wars portrayed Anakin perfectly. Heck, I thought that he was pretty great in Revenge of the Sith too. You would think that Disney would have learned from that, but no. Let's see if they ever bring him back as a force ghost, like they should have done in the sequels...
They will bring him back for the ahsoka show and force ghosts follow the will of the force (plot) so that’s why Ben kenobi can’t just show up on the Death Star and stab vader in the chest, then go up to palpatine and then do the same. That’s not their destiny. Not trying to excuse why anakin wasn’t used more in sequels but I wish he was
@@Ale-dd3ek Yet, despite that, it contradicted the EU constantly. In the EU, Mandalorian was a culture, while in disney canon, it's a race, which started all the way back in TCW. In the EU, Anakin was knighted 2 years and 6 months into the Clone Wars, meanwhile, in TCW, he was already knighted 2 months into the war, 2 months after AOTC, 2 months after he was seen and shown disobeying his superiors' orders and had cost the Republic and its Grand Army the capture of Dooku, which would've at least ensured his and Palpatine's failure, the Jedi Order's survival, and probably mitigated the effects of the Clone Wars, if not prevent its eruption entirely. Heck, it even contradicted the PT, with Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the Jedi Council's characterization being prime examples of this. Moreover, the clones' description, depiction, and characterization in TCW aren't in line with both the EU and 2 PT films they appeared in, with them being more free, independent, and are more likely to disobey orders despite the AOTC line: "They are totally obedient, taking any order without question. We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host", Anakin and Obi-Wan coming across Dooku and General Grievous despite their lines of dialogue from ROTS highly implying that they never did, and the lack of the Outer Rim Sieges only serve to add to that. TCW is just disney wars before disney wars. That doesn't even begin to describe the numerous other contradictions TCW has made that go against the Clone Wars Multimedia Project/CWMMP.
The funny thing is that Vader telekinesis is honed to the point that he doesnt need to move his hands to throw objects like in esb. But i guess the writers forget about that fact or didnt even bother to watch esb.
I can't agree with Robot Head too much on this one, there was plenty of hand jives in the original and prequel trilogy. But yeah, this show does take it to the next level.
disney isn't in the business of entertainment, its business is agitprop. this isn't a show, it's a struggle session. once you understand that, all their decisions suddenly make sense.
It sucks how companies like disney buy out legitimately incredible properties, just to suck the soul out and masquerade their empty corpses for their social agendas. At the time, screw the creators who sellout to corporations too.
6:51 Imagine asking to write for a series called Star WARS, that is known for large scale military battles and literally has irredeemable land grabbing imperial armies, and still trying to push an anti war message.
You know it's bad when the movie called "Rise Of Skywalker" doesn't have Anakin Skywalker in it or even have any of the characters say his name THEY DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THE PREQUEL TRILOGY, THATS HOW BAD THE PEOPLE WHO WORK AT LUCASFILM ARE
In The Last Jedi they had Luke whining about stuff that the Jedi did in the Prequels, as if he'd just learned about it AFTER we last saw him in Return of the Jedi.
@@reek4062 you keeping your filthy the idiocy out of our comment sections would be a positive thing. Kenobi is an objectively lazy and crappy show, and you know it you trolling fool.
Your critique is the only reason I’m glad Kenobi was ever made. I’ve decided the writers at Lucasfart are secret fans of Robot Head and spend millions just to give you fodder.
Vader letting a plot against him or someone else happen for some weird reason. That's like one of his main things. Letting hate flow through people and hoping they become strong enough for them to help fight the emperor.
10:43 Oh my god Mark, Carrie and Harrison together again for one scene was what we wanted to see But you wanted us to get excited over seeing their budget replacement? They really think they know what they're doing don't they?
He's more like the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon when Shyamalan did the crappy movie. He could give all the feedback in the world but Disney wouldn't listen. Just get through it then forget about it.
@@OldNorthFoxx222 Mate, he could at least care about the story and lore, you know, like someone other than a harlot looking for the next paycheck after a shallow rundown with the sheets. If he cared anything at all he could denied to keep on doing the role (Henry Cavil style), or push the showrunners and even the overpaid assistant KK to not diminish and emasculated Kenobi in the process to make Reva likable. The creators of Avatar The Last Airbender couldn’t do anything because the ip is owned by Nickelodeon.
It's sad that for every time I come across good Robot Head content, I'm reminded once more of how terrible the state of not only Star Wars, but modern media in general :(
Anakin was my favorite character in Star Wars. As someone who has had immense pressure placed on me to succeed, I was drawn to his struggle to fulfill his role as the Chosen One. Now he doesn't matter at all to the story other than a footnote and I have lost all interest in Star Wars.
“A bond we were told about in the prequels but never shown” What do you mean we were never shown? We got to see several seasons worth of that with the 2 Clone Wars TV shows
Darth Vader: I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now, *I* am the master. OBI-WAN: Wait...What didn't we just meet a few years back🤔🤔🤔🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️ Princess Leia:General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars," Leia tells him. "Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire." Her message ends: "This is our most desperate hour. Obi-Wan:Wait didn't I just run around the galaxy with you when you were a kid???you were a daughter to me,I really hope you come to my funeral and not just blow me off like we never me🤔🤔🤔🤔🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤬🤬🤬🤬 F#@k You Disney!!!!!!! This is why I didn't watch the trash series and I never will...
10 years or 20 years doesn’t matter. Still a long awaited meeting. And the dialogue still makes sense. Leia was also told not to tell any one that obiwan knew her in any way. She was asking for help, but that was not a guarantee he would come, and there’s no guarantee that the message wouldn’t be taken by the empire. Also Obiwan didn’t have a funeral in the movies. Even if they mourned him after he vanished into thin air, I’m sure Leia was there. But it’s not in any of the movies so what even is that point
@@oXRaptorzXo Not buying that. Although it is fascinating what ppl come up with to justify poor writing. So what's the reason Leia was able to fix that starship hanger as a child, but not the Millennium Falcon's hyper drive in ESB as an adult? When Vader went after Kenobi's ship, why didn't he send fighters to go after the escapees? How did Reva survive two light saber stabs to the gut? and better yet how did she teleport across the galaxy to Tatooine? Why would vader allow a droid to pick up Kenobi and walk away from him? Does his spaceship holding force power not work on a lowly droid at crawl speed? Exposing nonsense writing is "All too easy."
@@oXRaptorzXo OH yeah because when they met in the series he was a master,no it doesn't make sense 🙄 🤦🏽♂️The funeral thing was a joke which clearly went over your head, listen you want to defend that shitty as series go right ahead but most think it's trash and just did more harm to Star Wars which at this point is hard to do,they brand is dead like most franchises these days.
It's nice that Anakin got plastic surgery on his eye scar so that it wasn't there for his attack on the Jedi Temple in Kenobi and then he obviously went back to the plastic surgeon to get the scar put back on for the rest of Revenge of the Sith! How is it possible to be that incompetent?
@@oXRaptorzXo Sure buddy. But it honestly makes no sense why it exists like it does. No defences at all, everything is just too big, and honestly it could be in a better spot. It's also a stupid name.
That idea board can’t be real, they probably threw that together for the promo video and assumed nobody would notice the random words on the board…but we did
I've been calling Reva Kylie Ren, since her emotional range is about the same: "I'm on the dark side, that means I have to shout and be angry 24/7. Nuance? Who's that? Is she that singer?"
The only difference was that Kylo Ren had much more potential and they screwed that up. Rather than having Rey they could've made it about him. But Reva doesn't fit in the story at all.
Someone finally mentions the weirdness of all the hand movements, for a force user as powerful as vader directing the force with his hands is only needed for presentation or something extremely stressful
Let's put it this way: if Disney remade The Great Escape, it would be absurd, irrelevant scenes that try to be dramatic, until the one where they walk up to the guards and say "hey, what's that?", sneaking past the guards who turned around to look.
3:55 Yeah, that's what Prequel Fans wanted. You could have done a self contained adventure of the two saving someone, like day in the life of a Jedi. It was strange that they did a sparing session where he gets a convoluted lesson.
I was fortunate to have seen all the originals, all the special editions, and all the prequals in theatres. What Disney is doing to Star Wars is shameful.
It's more effort than money. Gareth Edwards knows how to make due with the budget he has as seen with using existing locations like the McLaren Technology Centre that was a stand-in for a Coruscant spaceport in Episode 4 and queries and dams in Dorset, Derbyshire and Cruachan Dam up in Scotland.
When I saw Reva survived being stabbed by Vader's lightsaber TWICE I instantly thought about Robot Head's lightsabers video. I was like "holy shit, they must've seen it, and just decided to double down. They can't possibly be that stupid without an agenda."
In my opinion, the biggest crime of Disney has been wasting the potential of very good actors and actresses that may never come back to Star Wars because they had terrible writing and direction for them. For instance Ewan, he seems a bit disappointed that the story went another direction and we may never get him back as Obi-Wan ever again which is just hugely wasted potential.
The Infinite Monkey Theorem is a proposition that an unlimited number of monkeys, given typewriters and sufficient time, will eventually produce a particular text, such as Hamlet or even the complete works of Shakespeare. Hell, give them a week and they would do better than the writers for Disney.
Part 2 of Episode 5! Welcome back for more punishment. Please let me know in the comments if you think the Obi-Wan Kenobi show is The Last Jedi of streaming. And remember to stay happy and do the Like, Subscribe, Bell thing. And as always sharing is a wonderful thing. Cheers my friends!
The prequels suck. It's surprising such a good show could be made from the prequels.
Blaming LSD is not fair. Never had a bad trip and I doubt any trip could be as bad as the shit Disney puts out
Established titles is a scam
It isn't the last jedi of streaming it is the rise of skywalker of streaming... Infinitely worse
FFS, how many times? Established Titles IS A SCAM!!
Modern Star Wars is like a book without any punctuation marks. Sidelining and/or getting rid of Luke is disposing of the glue that holds everything together. Genius!
Fun, useless, historical fact; punctuation marks are relatively new, during the Middle Ages, as the context of Latin became completely lost, the marks for finally required so people could understand what everyone else was writing.
Just imagine The Odyssey as a solid block of text (because spaces between separate words wasn't standard either.)
And degenerates like turf nation and Lily Orchard are eating This shit up like candy!
@@dark_fire_icedefinitely a good innovation!
It’s a comedy and a very bad cringe one
@@Troonieliciousexcept I'm not laughing or cringing, it's just sad. Like old yeller, except they didn't put him out of he's misery.😢
Wow. It looks like Ewan was quite disappointed with the outcome of Kenobi and seemed like he really wanted to discover and explore the Luke and Kenobi storyline. Makes me feel a bit bad for him.
My bad Ewan*
Just like mark hamil, he witnessed a horrific personal assassination!
Then why did he agree to even play in the show in the first place? And no, money is not a good excuse!
@@palpatinethesenatehog7086 Probably got lured in through nostalgia and bullshit just to have the rug pulled out from under him, just like Mark Hamill.
@@palpatinethesenatehog7086Maybe he naievely assumed he's character is gonna be done more justice than others, or because he's woke.
One of the biggest crimes of Disney Star Wars is making lightsaber impalement a minor inconvenience. Such a crime against canon
So? Who cares aboot the canon?
@@reek4062 any good fictional series should have consistent canon to be relatable and more believable, if you change your universe's rules every new sequel just for them to become plot armors it indicates the authors do not care at all about the series, resulting in a mediocre at best product that cannot keep a good quality audience. So to answer your question, a big fan of the series should and does care about its canon.
@@reek4062 Real SW fans do. That's who.
@@reek4062 Certainly not Disney, all the other people do
@@reek4062 Tell me you don't know what Canon means without telling me you dont know what Canon means.
FFS - I'm sure Disney would try to kill off the dinosaurs, if they weren't already dead.
Disney is it’s own worst enemy
I can't tell if your being serious, talking about Jurassic park, or making a metaphor for how they already killed star wars and their doing it again.
They actually tried that as well but gladly a random Lemur family managed to save one of Iguanodons.
@@Borsio 💯💯. And that was a decent movie
@@chasehedges6775 Yup, one of the very last times Disney rhymed with quality. I still remember those days even tho it feels like a 1000 years ago now.
Dude, the part with Vader planning his practical joke with the Grand Inquisitor almost killed me. Nice one!
We do a little trolling
Absolute Gold
I think the writers wanted us to infer that Vader learned about the developments from the Grand Inquisitor while Reva was invading that rebel base, but I choose Robot Head's version as canon because LOL
@@justinthecode Definitely more entertaining.
Notice how nobody is talking about Kenobi when the show ended! It like a bad dream that deserve to be forgotten.
A few years ago I would've been really excited to see an ObiWan spinoff. As it is, I only watched the first episode of the show and can barely remember it.
What’s this? People are still talking about the sequels religiously to make sure you know they don’t consider them cannon. For a bunch of apathetic people you guys seem to flock like it’s mass to videos like this just so you get your dose of validation for the day
@@creed8712 1) The hell are you doing here then? 2) Not sure if you noticed, but these aren't the sequels.
@@creed8712 says the guy flocking to said video himself to harass people he doesnt know. Uhhuh. Get a job.
@@creed8712 First, this video is about the Kenobi show, not necessarily about the Sequels. Second, "religiously" is a poor adjective, it doesn't accurately describe how we're watching this content. Third apathy towards a dying franchise is not apathy towards Robot Head, who is an entertaining content creator who makes well written and thoughtful film and television reviews. Something that is sorely lacking in certain media that is advertised a "credible" review site *cough* Rotten Tomatoes *cough*
It's not out of a sense of "validation" as you may believe. If we wanted an echo chamber, we would visit Twitter (here's hoping that Elon Musk turns it into a platform that promotes free speech). As regular people, and fans of many franchises, we need content creators like Robot Head to serve clear, unbiased reviews.
This is why books usually only have 1 writer. Unless the writers are unified under something their ideas will conflict with each others.
Nah the Rogue Squadron series had two writers and it was one of the best series. Disney just hires dumbass writers.
Give a ship multiple captains, and it can climb a mountain.
-A foreign proverb
@@nathank2289 that is why I said unless they are unified under something. Which means if there is something they share then that can act as a bridge. However if they are focused on Diversity then they all have different ideas and cultures that could conflict with each other. Just like how different countries have different beliefs, people with different backgrounds and have nothing in common with each other will have ideas that might conflict with each other. If a series has two writers then that is more manageable as it is easier to find something that connects two people than many different people.
@@nathank2289 That series never came out, what are you talking about? Or do you mean the movie Rogue One?
@@Сайтамен i did a little googling and I think he means the book series.
Reeva uses Leia to lure out Kenobi, then for some reason interrogates her about the rebel underground? Tf? How would she know anything about that?
So? Just turn your brain off and enjoy the show
@@reek4062 These days, I can't tell if this is sarcasm
@@reek4062 ….most your comments makes it seem your “brain” is always off.
@@reek4062 I'm going to gape you, boy.
Yeah, I never understood that either. Then the silly look on the child's face like ""I'll never tell you... even if I actually don't know anything about that. Just focus on my defiant face though!"
4:16 "Instead we get a crappy de-aged green screen."
You must mistake it with a fan-version that appeared a few hours after the episode. Disney didn't bother to de-age the actors.
Hayden is a lot older in the face but it's not like he's out of shape, some minor de-aging cg and he'd look the same as the prequels
Really? I could've sworn that the actors were de-aged when I saw that episode but apparently whoever they hired probably ran out of disk space on their computer and called it day.
Idk maybe it was layers upon layers of makeup..?
There was very minimal de-aging used for that scene. In BTS footage, you can see they have white dots on their faces. Absolutely nothing compared to what fans did in hours tho
Your comment deserves double likes: one for content and another for your Garrett avatar. Nothing like old school Thief.
Somewhere I read that they wanted to keep the actors natural so they didn’t use de-aging technology
I just still can’t believe they missed a slam dunk with a show about Obi-Wan Ke-freakin-nobi!!!
Well they did also fuck up the slam dunk of a show about Boba Fett. The most loved minor character of all time. Nothing surprises me anymore.
In 2016, I wouldn't have believed it. By the start of 2018, it was quite believable
I still can't believe people are surprised about Disney's apathy for the numerous franchises they own. It's not that they're lazy. It's that they just don't care.
Ewan and Lucasfilm had all the time in the world to write and direct a GOOD Obi Wan story between trilogies, all Ewan had to do is not look visibly older than OT Alec Guiness
Why not? Disney has a pretty impressive track record for producing garbage Star Wars content. Why would this show be any different?
Adult Anakin was my favorite Star Wars character and growing up as a kid it was Darth Vader as I loved his story arc. Of course Disney has to ruin him and erase him, because any white male characters are not allowed to be good or have any good traits. There's a reason why after seeing Episode VII in theaters when it first came out, I've never bothered to watch anything else Star Wars. I'm perfectly happy with the real Star Wars which are the first 6 films and Disney can F right off. I don't give them a single dime and never will.
I loved Anakin in Revenge Of The Sith. Still my favorite SW film
I completely agree. It’s obvious that Disney hates and always has hated Hayden Christensen’s Anakin.
Someone explain to my idiotic self how exactly they killed off adult anakin.
this show makes it seem like Obi Wan was still Anakin's master and that he was still his responsibility, when he's not.
If only more people thought like that. I've got to admit I watched VIII but that was it for me.
“Trust me, it’ll make sense at the time. It will be hilarious.”
"It's just a prank bro"
Don’t be too proud of this visual terror you have constructed. The ability to use nostalgia is insignificant next to the power of good storytelling.
A comment that, alone, represents better writing than everything Disney in last 10+ years.
Disney: Then I will show you the true nature of the nostalgia.
This is good, but here's a slight improvement:
"Disney, don’t be too proud of this visual terror you have constructed. The ability to *abuse* nostalgia is insignificant next to the power of good storytelling."
Best comment lol
Vader with an Australian accent is more hilarious and awesome than the entire Kenobi show 😂
wehut? she facken stabed yuh?
At least when the ships escape in the Clone Wars, they get to an area where they can jump to light speed. Bit harder to chase then, given the circumstances.
Least it was more effort than just flying away into the sky past a fleet of ships that had seemingly disappeared just for the purpose of a "quick escape", like in this episode.
The Kenobi show was good
Disney got roasted by 'Some More News' a number of Times now, just like Media-Monopolys overall. Including in "Death to Baby Nut".
@@reek4062 do you mean it was entertaining or it was objectivlly bad.
Don't forget that ships can now just hyperjump from planet to planet without needing to fly to space at all! Good job JJ!
@@slevinchannel7589 love Some More News.
Disney killed of Anakin since the day TFA came out. You’re telling me that Force ghost Anakin let kylo (his grandson) fell to the dark side, and allowed Luke to exile himself without interfering?!
So true!
Also Marvel. In one of their comics, it's revealed that Darth Vader knew about the fleet of Death Star Destroyers on Exegol. Yet Anakin never told Luke about them.
The prequels already killed Anakin
@@reek4062 there was no Anakin before the prequels you fool
Nothing in the Disney movies makes any sense. The writers just keep inventing new powers without thinking about the ramifications. Yoda can apparently call down lightning like he's Thor and all he does with this power is burn some books. Why the hell doesn't he use these powers to stop the First Order?! And people can use The Force have space phone calls and send objects over the space Force internet. Why did the Jedi even need ships during the Prequel era when they could just magically teleport each other around using the force? Why didn't they force heal each other after Order 66?
The fact that they didn't even bother De-aging anakin shows how much they cared
I don't think so. You can still see the wrinkles on his face. Some youtube channels did a better job.
@@Jonas-ej7id they did de age him, just look at the behind the scenes documentary, they both have dots on their faces so that the cgi team can make them look younger, hayden and ewan look older irl than they do in they flashback but not how they looked in attack of the clone
@@Jonas-ej7id what f****** wrinkled the dudes like 30 at most right
@@plantainsame2049 He's 41
@@Capybara2240 They didn't do a good job.
After the sequel trilogy and before Obi Wan-Kenobi aired, I was worried about Disney ruining Kenobi’s character. However, I never imagined this ONE 6 episode show would not just ruin Kenobi but also Darth Vader, Leia, Bail Organa, Owen Lars, and Beru Lars.
The show was decent and didn't ruin any character.
@@reek4062 I thought you might have been sarcastic in another comment. I was mistaken.
@@reek4062 Vader- allows Reva to live multiple times when we’ve seen him kill an admiral for less. Can stop ships from flying away, but did not with the Falcon on Hoth. Wants to kill Obi Wan but allows him to escape without pursuit all but one time. Allows the rebel ship to escape in order to fight Kenobi rather than allowing his Star Destroyer or another ship to continuing chasing the rebels while he shuttles away to fight Kenobi.
Leia- based on the Empire having seen her with a Jedi Master and her parents being known associates with the Jedi (according to the show) they would be arrested and charged as traitors to the Empire and should not be given any political status from this point on. Also, Kenobi dies in A New Hope and she shows no remorse or emotion for the terrible loss of this man who less than ten years ago saved her and who she said, “she would never forget.”
Bail- sends Kenobi a message saying, in case Kenobi is captured Bail would take care of Anakin’s children. He gave away too much information in a message anyone could’ve found. This is only the most important mission the galaxy is depending on and he blindly sends a message not knowing who might see it.
The Lars- the minute they know someone is coming to kill Luke, they should not only leave the homestead, they should leave Tatooine. They should assume Reva has told others and others will come to kill Luke. Instead they stay to fight a Sith-like warrior.
Obi Wan- defeats the evil Sith Lord Vader…for the 2nd time, only this time he leaves him in better shape than he did the first time and with an escape ship. Since Kenobi did not kill Vader when he clearly had the opportunity EVERY DEATH from Vader that moment on is on Kenobi’s hands. Including the destruction of Alderaan. Kenobi also went 10 YEARS without knowing Anakin was alive or hearing the name Darth Vader? The name of the most feared person in the Empire and Galaxy, and the emperor’s right right man. He knew Anakin was renamed Darth Vader in Episode 3. We see Kenobi in this show working with labor workers, walking around towns on Tatooine, interacting with others. 10 years and no one around him ever said, “Did you hear about that Vader guy?” A futuristic galaxy where news does not travel.
It’a bad enough Kenobi leaves Luke unprotected on Tatooine. It’s up to the writers to come up with a really good reason for Kenobi to leave Tatooine. SPOILER, the writers failed at this. For Kenobi to do it carelessly TWICE is beyond insane. Remember, Leia is the daughter of an Imperial senator. The minute she is kidnapped, Bail should’ve have informed the Imperial senate that random bounty hunters took her. They would’ve sent a fleet of troopers to rescue her. There is no reason for the Imperial senate to not rescue a 10 year old princess. As far as they know she is Bail’s child.
Had Kenobi never left Tatooine to rescue Leia, Reva’s bizarre plan would’ve failed with Reva being arrested by the Empire for kidnapping a senator’s daughter and Leia would’ve been returned to Bail. Reva’s plan put the entire Empire at risk especially the Grand Inquisitor. He would’ve handed Reva over for punishment. The whole plot only works if Kenobi abandons protecting Luke, which is really hard to believe unless it’s for a great reason, which this is not. Kenobi of the Lucas era would’ve told Bail to alert the Senate and demand resolution. Reva’s actions alone are grounds for war and uprising.
I can see 3 year olds and anyone else whose brain are not yet fully developed liking Obi-Wan Kenobi. Otherwise, this show is insulting to storytelling and Star Wars. It’s barbarically stupid.
@@reek4062 Descent? Ha! Now I know you are trolling. In no universe whatsoever can this 💩be considered decent. If you ever cared about those characters T Starr mentioned than it absolutely ruins all of those characters. Kenobi (a wise man character) made unwise moves throughout the episodes and was a supporting character in his own show, and actually used an innocent as a shield. Vader continuously let go every one he had cornered, and said nonsense lines throughout. "Are you coming to destroy me?" while chasing after Kenobi.
Leia is now some how a force user and a class A ship hanger engineer who actually knows Kenobi? Bail Organa is a complete idiot for allowing a traceable message with details of his involvement with a fugitive, along with location of "the boy.", Owen and Beru were able to survive an attack from a lightsaber wielding inquisitor, but somehow perish to lowly Stormtroopers aim later on? C'mon. Decent? I didn't even mention that hiding under the over coat nonsense that degrades the entire franchise even further than I thought possible.
@@reek4062 please stop lying. I say you’re lying because the only other option is that your standards for “good” are so low it would be a struggle to find something you would call bad and that your knowledge of Star Wars is so low the average person who has never seen anything Star Wars knows more than you via cultural osmosis. That is the only way your statement could be true.
There’s no problem with you liking the show. Lying about the show, however, is just ridiculous.
They really done Anakin dirty.
Dude, they're doing all of Star Wars dirty.
The prequels turned him into an easily manipulated, deeply unlikable dipshit who murders children.
@@theascendunt9960 Star Wars ended in 1983
@@theascendunt9960 Sooo true. They are burning it to ashes.
@@reek4062 It should have stopped after Revenge Of The Sith
All the fans "Reva was a terrible character. She was too aggressive, unnecessary and her motivation made no sense".
Disney "No, you only hate her because she's black "
All the fans who liked Lando and Mace Windu "Are we a joke to you?"
Disney "Ok well you only hate her because she's a woman"
All the fans who liked Leia and Padme "Are WE a joke to you?"
Disney "Err..."
Reva isn't a good character. But it doesn't stop with Reva. All the characters aren't written well.
@@Dagenspear Too true, I was just going with the most obvious example, and the typical "refutations" from Disney.
The actress actually claimed she was the first black character in Star Wars in some interview.
@@KasumiKenshirou what is it with sjws and they're obsession with being the first of something, even though history proves that they certainly are not
@@KasumiKenshirou She isn't even the first black woman in Star Wars, that's Steela Gerrera (or Vel from Solo if we don't count animation).
"Anakin was meant to a petulant teenager in AOTC" - George Lucas
@DarthFatalist Lord of the Sith Force Speed is abit of a mess. Personally it makes sense with enhancing jumping ability as jedi always did that. Running like the Flash is silly. In episode 1 Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan use it at the beginning yet at the end fight with Maul, Obi-Wan couldn't zoom through the ray shield doors before they closed? I'd see the force enhancing your reflex's and agility to a point but not going Flash speed.
@DarthFatalist Lord of the Sith George didnt like it so it was kinda retconned out.
I wouldn't be surprised if the reason Disney have so many people survive a Lightsabre through the chest, is to bring back Harrison Ford.
@Inspector #23..... good point. I wouldn't put it past those hacks.
I'd believe it if Ford didn't seem to hate Star Wars so much.
That's giving Disney to much credit. People survive lightsaber stabs because the writers are to stupid to plan for the next episode.
Han Solo is a white male. That is definitely not the reason. They're the ones that kill Han and Luke off in the first place. Leia only died because Carrie Fisher died in real life.
@@KasumiKenshirou I mean they brought them back as a memory and a Force ghost...
Glad to see you uploading more! Keep up the great work! Your videos get me thru 3rd shift :-)
Cheers Man 👍
The timing of the walker stomping in always gets me. 😂
The real Vader would have crushed that ship without even so much as a twitch
Big sigh..... if only 😔
The real Vader wouldn't have been in this show.
@@Lobsterwithinternet This is probably one of those other Vaders from that weird Famicom game where they turn into scorpions or other things after the first time Luke hits them.
@@KasumiKenshirou That would have explained a lot of things including the stock villain dialogue.
He looks and sounds kinda devastated in that interview. Mcgregor, hamill, and christensen all see the Star Wars universe as something they’ve contributed to. They recognize how influential their characters have been to people who’ve grown up with them and they realize how far the franchise has fallen. Rest in pieces oh once a great franchise
Yeah Kenobi is definitely TLJ of Disney Plus, not one established character in this show got out unscathed especially Anakin/Vader and Obi-Wan themselves.
The girl playing Leia was adorable tho
@@chasehedges6775 She was hot; I'd like to get behind her
Love it or hate it, TLJ tried to freshen star wars... Kenobi is more like the RoS - simultaneously sycophantic and disloyal (which is in itself a remarkable achievement)
@@pip105x I thought Last Jedi was meh and RoS and Kenobj we're abysmal
Anakin screaming "I HATE YOU!" = me talking about Disney
Anakin Skywalker is one of the OG characters who made Star wars huge. I love him and really sad that they scratched his character. He had great character development too .
I pissed myself with the back and forth with Vader and the Grand Inquisitor on the bridge.
Good stuff….
“No hand jive”👍🏻😂
I just feel sad for the actors.
They're doing the best that they can with what they've been given.
Ofcourse not all of them are going to be as outspoken about it as Mark Hamill was with The Last jedi
They all agreed to do this crap. Anyone that signed on after seeing The Last Jedi knew what they were getting in to and I don't feel bad for them at all.
@@KasumiKenshirou They probably had hope after seeing the mandalorian and book of boba fett. Those 2 shows sparked the popularity of Star Wars. I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought they’d get something very similar to that.
@@VitoScaletta1951 the Book of boba fett was shit and didn't even air when Kenobi was in prod
You're right. I have beef with sequel characters but not the actors/actresses because they only read the script. The actor for Anakin, in EP 1, his life is a mess because prequel haters harassed him. I hate those people.
@@uhh345 Remember, when all these articles blame "the fans", these fans were only part of it. The media was also mocking the movies, calling Jake Lloyd "Manikin Skywalker", and calling Ahmed Best "the next Stepin Fetchit". There was a MadTV skit that featured George Lucas's future plans for the prequels, where he introduced "Aunt JarJar-mima". Ahmed Best recently revealed that he was contemplating committing suicide at this point.
Clone Wars portrayed Anakin perfectly. Heck, I thought that he was pretty great in Revenge of the Sith too. You would think that Disney would have learned from that, but no. Let's see if they ever bring him back as a force ghost, like they should have done in the sequels...
They will bring him back for the ahsoka show and force ghosts follow the will of the force (plot) so that’s why Ben kenobi can’t just show up on the Death Star and stab vader in the chest, then go up to palpatine and then do the same. That’s not their destiny. Not trying to excuse why anakin wasn’t used more in sequels but I wish he was
Which version of the Clone Wars? The disney canon or EU version? I would only agree with the EU version.
why would disney have "learned" from something they didnt create?
@@FMK03 2008 clone wars was made before Disney acquired Lucasfilm
@@Ale-dd3ek Yet, despite that, it contradicted the EU constantly. In the EU, Mandalorian was a culture, while in disney canon, it's a race, which started all the way back in TCW. In the EU, Anakin was knighted 2 years and 6 months into the Clone Wars, meanwhile, in TCW, he was already knighted 2 months into the war, 2 months after AOTC, 2 months after he was seen and shown disobeying his superiors' orders and had cost the Republic and its Grand Army the capture of Dooku, which would've at least ensured his and Palpatine's failure, the Jedi Order's survival, and probably mitigated the effects of the Clone Wars, if not prevent its eruption entirely. Heck, it even contradicted the PT, with Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the Jedi Council's characterization being prime examples of this. Moreover, the clones' description, depiction, and characterization in TCW aren't in line with both the EU and 2 PT films they appeared in, with them being more free, independent, and are more likely to disobey orders despite the AOTC line: "They are totally obedient, taking any order without question. We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host", Anakin and Obi-Wan coming across Dooku and General Grievous despite their lines of dialogue from ROTS highly implying that they never did, and the lack of the Outer Rim Sieges only serve to add to that. TCW is just disney wars before disney wars.
That doesn't even begin to describe the numerous other contradictions TCW has made that go against the Clone Wars Multimedia Project/CWMMP.
8:55 also conveniently ignored that Vader didn't stop the Millennium Falcon but somehow stopped a larger ship traveling off a planet
yea he kind of likes not doing research for some of his videos and being kind of hypocritical
The funny thing is that Vader telekinesis is honed to the point that he doesnt need to move his hands to throw objects like in esb. But i guess the writers forget about that fact or didnt even bother to watch esb.
I can't agree with Robot Head too much on this one, there was plenty of hand jives in the original and prequel trilogy. But yeah, this show does take it to the next level.
disney isn't in the business of entertainment, its business is agitprop. this isn't a show, it's a struggle session.
once you understand that, all their decisions suddenly make sense.
Propaganda has no price
It sucks how companies like disney buy out legitimately incredible properties, just to suck the soul out and masquerade their empty corpses for their social agendas. At the time, screw the creators who sellout to corporations too.
It's all a struggle session.
@@Akgn_ Communist propaganda, I just looked it up 😀 apt description!
6:51 Imagine asking to write for a series called Star WARS, that is known for large scale military battles and literally has irredeemable land grabbing imperial armies, and still trying to push an anti war message.
Prequels don't need Disney or anything for that matter to "improve" them. They are just fine how they are.
That Vader and Grand Inquisitor impersonation was hilarious 😂
My Robot Head shrine is finally complete. It is made up of all the star wars characters disney killed.
Disney didn't kill Anakin or Obi-Wan, since the prequels already killed them
@@reek4062 just shut up
@@reek4062 Sure buddy you keep telling yourself that.
We didn't even know Anakin that much till the prequels so that comment contradicts itself
You know it's bad when the movie called "Rise Of Skywalker" doesn't have Anakin Skywalker in it or even have any of the characters say his name
That they didn't know aboot the prequels is a positive thing
@@reek4062 It is when it's quite obvious they don't know about the OT either.
In The Last Jedi they had Luke whining about stuff that the Jedi did in the Prequels, as if he'd just learned about it AFTER we last saw him in Return of the Jedi.
@@KasumiKenshirou Not only that but things he already knows about and corrected.
@@reek4062 you keeping your filthy the idiocy out of our comment sections would be a positive thing.
Kenobi is an objectively lazy and crappy show, and you know it you trolling fool.
Your critique is the only reason I’m glad Kenobi was ever made. I’ve decided the writers at Lucasfart are secret fans of Robot Head and spend millions just to give you fodder.
I like that idea 😅
Vader letting a plot against him or someone else happen for some weird reason. That's like one of his main things. Letting hate flow through people and hoping they become strong enough for them to help fight the emperor.
Well, time to grab our torches and pitchforks and march to Disney hq
Thats writters room part reminded me of the scene in robocop 2 where the corpos give ideas that become directives and the result 🤣
That writers room makes me feel physically and mentally ill
I love these videos. You perfectly sun up everything that’s wrong with these shows and more! God bless
What the saddest part is, I see some people now ignoring/forgetting what Star Wars was originally about, its a space soap opera about a family.
"Hide you and let her think....when she tries to kill me you can pop out and me"
I love that part 🤣🤣🤣
⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️Hello fan.
Thanks for reaching out. You won 🏆 🎁
Cheerfully send a message above to acknowledge your prize
two video's in two days, christmas came early this year
10:43 Oh my god
Mark, Carrie and Harrison together again for one scene was what we wanted to see
But you wanted us to get excited over seeing their budget replacement?
They really think they know what they're doing don't they?
The look on Ewan when after he says “Genius move”. 😢 he’s just a shell now charging his paychecks.
He's more like the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon when Shyamalan did the crappy movie. He could give all the feedback in the world but Disney wouldn't listen. Just get through it then forget about it.
@@OldNorthFoxx222 Mate, he could at least care about the story and lore, you know, like someone other than a harlot looking for the next paycheck after a shallow rundown with the sheets. If he cared anything at all he could denied to keep on doing the role (Henry Cavil style), or push the showrunners and even the overpaid assistant KK to not diminish and emasculated Kenobi in the process to make Reva likable.
The creators of Avatar The Last Airbender couldn’t do anything because the ip is owned by Nickelodeon.
It's sad that for every time I come across good Robot Head content, I'm reminded once more of how terrible the state of not only Star Wars, but modern media in general :(
Boy that Established Titles sponsored ad aged as well as the The Last Jedi lol
Anakin was my favorite character in Star Wars. As someone who has had immense pressure placed on me to succeed, I was drawn to his struggle to fulfill his role as the Chosen One. Now he doesn't matter at all to the story other than a footnote and I have lost all interest in Star Wars.
“A bond we were told about in the prequels but never shown” What do you mean we were never shown? We got to see several seasons worth of that with the 2 Clone Wars TV shows
"That was the genius moment when everyone... uh... changed it"
Darth Vader:
I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now, *I* am the master.
OBI-WAN: Wait...What didn't we just meet a few years back🤔🤔🤔🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
Princess Leia:General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars," Leia tells him. "Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire." Her message ends: "This is our most desperate hour.
Obi-Wan:Wait didn't I just run around the galaxy with you when you were a kid???you were a daughter to me,I really hope you come to my funeral and not just blow me off like we never me🤔🤔🤔🤔🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤬🤬🤬🤬
F#@k You Disney!!!!!!!
This is why I didn't watch the trash series and I never will...
So? Star Wars is stupid. I can't blame the writers and producers of the show for trying to fix the mess George left them
10 years or 20 years doesn’t matter. Still a long awaited meeting. And the dialogue still makes sense.
Leia was also told not to tell any one that obiwan knew her in any way. She was asking for help, but that was not a guarantee he would come, and there’s no guarantee that the message wouldn’t be taken by the empire. Also Obiwan didn’t have a funeral in the movies. Even if they mourned him after he vanished into thin air, I’m sure Leia was there. But it’s not in any of the movies so what even is that point
@@oXRaptorzXo Not buying that. Although it is fascinating what ppl come up with to justify poor writing. So what's the reason Leia was able to fix that starship hanger as a child, but not the Millennium Falcon's hyper drive in ESB as an adult? When Vader went after Kenobi's ship, why didn't he send fighters to go after the escapees? How did Reva survive two light saber stabs to the gut? and better yet how did she teleport across the galaxy to Tatooine? Why would vader allow a droid to pick up Kenobi and walk away from him? Does his spaceship holding force power not work on a lowly droid at crawl speed? Exposing nonsense writing is "All too easy."
@@oXRaptorzXo OH yeah because when they met in the series he was a master,no it doesn't make sense 🙄 🤦🏽♂️The funeral thing was a joke which clearly went over your head, listen you want to defend that shitty as series go right ahead but most think it's trash and just did more harm to Star Wars which at this point is hard to do,they brand is dead like most franchises these days.
@@tiredoffools8929 Well said👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👍🏽
Another upload so soon what a blessing 🙏🏻
Terrific stuff man.
It's nice that Anakin got plastic surgery on his eye scar so that it wasn't there for his attack on the Jedi Temple in Kenobi and then he obviously went back to the plastic surgeon to get the scar put back on for the rest of Revenge of the Sith!
How is it possible to be that incompetent?
its always heart braking to see the actors try to safly dodge saying how heart broken they are
Fortress inquisitorus 😭 that’s the best they could come up with
It was in fallen order and the books. It’s not their fault. But the comics and the game are both fantastic so i don’t mind the name
I actually like the name. Sounds mighty
@@oXRaptorzXo Guess who made that.
@@rhyscallinan8891idc who made them, both things were great
@@oXRaptorzXo Sure buddy. But it honestly makes no sense why it exists like it does. No defences at all, everything is just too big, and honestly it could be in a better spot. It's also a stupid name.
Vader joking about the Reva promotion gotcha moment actually fits TCW anakins personality really well funny enough
God bless you Robot Head for trying to save Star Wars. You’re doing god’s work my friend.
It’s almost like none of them have ever watched a single bit of Star Wars
The part in which old Obi Wan and old Anakin (but in Padawan robes) was seriously head scratching.
That idea board can’t be real, they probably threw that together for the promo video and assumed nobody would notice the random words on the board…but we did
I've been calling Reva Kylie Ren, since her emotional range is about the same: "I'm on the dark side, that means I have to shout and be angry 24/7. Nuance? Who's that? Is she that singer?"
Kylo Ren is a whiny emo kid who wanted nothing more than be a pathetic Darth Vader imitation.
The only difference was that Kylo Ren had much more potential and they screwed that up. Rather than having Rey they could've made it about him. But Reva doesn't fit in the story at all.
Dinosaurs? In Star Wars? Oh man oh man I can't wait for some Ssi-ruuvi action. Wait that's Legends? I'm embarrassed.
Robothead videos are always a treat
In the Grand Inquisitor surprise bit, you missed the opportunity to use Dave Chapelle’s: “Gotcha b****!”
Someone finally mentions the weirdness of all the hand movements, for a force user as powerful as vader directing the force with his hands is only needed for presentation or something extremely stressful
Everything after the original 2 trilogies is a parallel universe
Let's put it this way: if Disney remade The Great Escape, it would be absurd, irrelevant scenes that try to be dramatic, until the one where they walk up to the guards and say "hey, what's that?", sneaking past the guards who turned around to look.
‘Bury the past…kill it if you have to.’
Disney…you realize a VILLAIN said that, right?
They used whiney pony-tail Anakin because Obi-Wan said "Until that time, you will be a padawan" or something like that.
Omg. I’ve never seen that board before. That is honestly the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.
There's also...tractor beams. Which was only used once in the entire series.
"That's no moon"
On point again. Thanks for the vid Robot Head.
3:55 Yeah, that's what Prequel Fans wanted. You could have done a self contained adventure of the two saving someone, like day in the life of a Jedi. It was strange that they did a sparing session where he gets a convoluted lesson.
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Still can't figure why Reva thought a 6 year old would know the secrets of the Jedi escape.
When you realize that star wars robot chicken is telling a more believable Story than obi wan
Robots head and I adopted a cannibalistic voodoo witch doctor and named him Ziggy.
I was fortunate to have seen all the originals, all the special editions, and all the prequals in theatres. What Disney is doing to Star Wars is shameful.
I’m glad I saw Revenge Of The Sith back in the mid 2000s.
Disney has done a horrible job.
You were fortunate to have seen the special editions and Attack of the Clones in theatres?
@@chasehedges6775 The only prequel that didn't suck
@@reek4062 💯💯. It’s the only prequel and Star Wars film I watch
Matthew Phelps probably isn't too far off the mark. You can probably add shrooms and acid
Only two good things came out of this show.
1: Seeing another duel with Kenobi and Vader
2: Knowing Ewan and Hayden got to work together again
Leia getting a bit more attention wasn't too bad either. Even if it was a kid version.
That whole in your face shit was fucking gold, I lost track after the fifth time watching it!
The story group had _diverse_ opinions about Star Wars? There should've been *ONE* opinion; "I love Star Wars!"
Star Wars fans are stupid
Minor bad decision after minor bad decision culminated into what we call the "Clusterfuck"
Still amazes me how much effort and money they put into Andor but not Kenobi, a way more popular character.
It's more effort than money.
Gareth Edwards knows how to make due with the budget he has as seen with using existing locations like the McLaren Technology Centre that was a stand-in for a Coruscant spaceport in Episode 4 and queries and dams in Dorset, Derbyshire and Cruachan Dam up in Scotland.
@@Lobsterwithinternetthey also didn’t use that dumb as tube thing in kenobi for the background 🤦🏾♂️
He isn't just any ordinary jedi. He is Larry Kenobi.
A suprise for Sure, But Not a unwelcome one
When I saw Reva survived being stabbed by Vader's lightsaber TWICE I instantly thought about Robot Head's lightsabers video. I was like "holy shit, they must've seen it, and just decided to double down. They can't possibly be that stupid without an agenda."
In my opinion, the biggest crime of Disney has been wasting the potential of very good actors and actresses that may never come back to Star Wars because they had terrible writing and direction for them. For instance Ewan, he seems a bit disappointed that the story went another direction and we may never get him back as Obi-Wan ever again which is just hugely wasted potential.
John boyega had so much freaking potential
I'll take "how to kill a beloved franchise" for 500 Alex
Seriously Disney fucked up Star Wars so bad
Yes, Star Wars was totally perfect before Disney took over! The prequels and special editions definitely didn't dug Star Wars into a grave!
@@reek4062 Revenge Of The Sith is still my favorite
@@reek4062That is correct. Star Wars was going great until Disney bought it and Kathleen Kennedy took control.
The Infinite Monkey Theorem is a proposition that an unlimited number of monkeys, given typewriters and sufficient time, will eventually produce a particular text, such as Hamlet or even the complete works of Shakespeare.
Hell, give them a week and they would do better than the writers for Disney.
Haha, that last photo of obi wan and anikin got me ! Good one
You should do an in-depth review of the original/prequels, would be nice to have a direct comparison!
yea I think he should pick apart the originals because not even they are perfect
i think the best way for star wars fans to enjoy star wars is to pick their own canon because disney these days is absolutely horrible
I legit reject 7,8, and 9 as cannon