The Spoony - Prometheus [RUS sub]
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- Видео в хронологическом порядке: • The Spoony Experiment ...
Видео из группы: the_spoo...
Знакомьтесь - Noah Antwiler, называющий себя "ужасным результатом поколения, взращеного на MTV и фильмах Ван Дамма и Стивена Сигала на пике их популярности". Он начал с текстовых обзоров фильмов, которые некоторое время публиковались как "A Gamer's Rant on the Movies" в журнале «Knights Of The Dinner Table». Вскоре он начал делать видео обзоры о играх, и таким образом создал новую личность - The SpoonyOne , (имя заимствовано из определенной цитаты в Final Fantasy IV). Он начал с «The Adventures of Bayou Billy», одной из самых сложных игр на NES," что, вероятно, способствовало тому, чтобы сделать меня таким психически неуравновешенным, каков я есть сегодня"(с), и продолжил с такими играми, как «Zombie Nation», «Heroes of the Lance», и одной и единственной в своём роде "E.T" для Atari 2600. Этот обзор он сделал когда восстанавливался от того,что ему удалили все зубы мудрости."это наверное какой-то мировой рекорд по боли"(с).
Он фанат «Babylon Five», «Firefly», «Kolchak: The Night Stalker»,»The X Files» и «Sliders», и жил в доме своих родителей на протяжении более 26 лет, но даже у нёрдов есть свои стандарты, что очевидно в его обзоре на Final Fantasy VIII, где он упоминает Final Fantasy VII и плохо отзывается об отаку или по крайней мере о тех, которые "вынуждены одеваться, как идиоты, и думают, что Neon Genesis Evangelion - это действительно глубокая и серьёзная вещь."(с)
С тех пор он перешёл на видео-обзоры фильмов и телевизионных шоу, в том числе и полностью импровизированные отзывы о любом новом релизе который ему не понравится сразу же после того как он его посмотрит (например «Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull» и «Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen» действительно что-то, что стоит увидеть), а также аналогично импровизированные комментарии о реслинге (в настоящее время находящиеся на его отдельном сайте который называется «Wrestle! Wrestle!»), которые часто бывают такой же продолжительности, как и программа, которую он критикует. Кроме того, он сделал полный летс-плей на «Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh» и прохождение Ripper (в которую он играл в темные времена, когда у игр не было FAQ) и SWAT 4. Так же он стал обзорщиком на «That Guy With The Glasses»
The origin of the aliens that nobody asked for and nobody wanted.
Why did they even bring up that the surgery machine only works on men? It doesn't affect the story at all. And wouldn't it have been even creepier if the surgery machine assumed it was delivering a normal human baby, and it handed her the alien afterward and assumed she wanted to keep it? It could be all like "Congratulations!"
Long in the past comment, but bored and drinking..
My assumption was that it wasn't for her, it was for Weyland since he was in poor health, and that was their attempt at foreshadowing he was alive
It was programmed for men because it was being used by Weyland not by Theron's character.
Still really stupid. The magic machine couldn’t also work on women? Why not? The trillion dollar ship needed to shave costs down on the vital surgery machine that would be infinitely useful if it could work on the entire crew?
It was better this way. It showed the utter contempt Weyland had for his daughter and how much he enjoyed being able to rub her face in her ultimate powerlessness. He had to intentionally order the company to remove the machine's ability to operate on women.
@@Fucklifedeadshit This. It's retarded writing. The machine should work on both sexes, it's idiotic to think it would only work on men. They'd have multiple of these machines that would work on both sexes for such an expedition, but it's retardedly written.
He discussed this movie so well I can't wait to see his vlog on Alien: Coven.... oh nevermind
i miss videos like this
+Genetic Heresy He starts... Well something slightly different something like 2 years ago.
The Counter Monkey, which his basically very funny anecdotes of him play board game or some RPG's with his friends. Quite funny, as long as you have some clue about what are the basic Language of RPG is (And yet, he actually explains those therms.)
Counter Monkey bro, consider watching some of these, it's very funny.
Hey even if it is fake he tells really dam good stories. Makes me wanna play D&D when ive never played it in my life.
And why do you assume they aren't true?
It comes off as embellished and unbelievable... just for one person to have so many stories like that. Plus the fact that he started pulling them out of nowhere to fill space when his primary content started to wane. Just seems too convenient.
You've never played D&D have you?
Dont forget that a supposed scientist makes a typical lame mistake of equating Darwinism with origin of Man.
He says something that Elizabeth trying to claim that Engineers created us is somehow "discounting 3 centuries of Darwinism " or some shit like that.
dont forget that 1 of the "scientists"(the one that said the penis snake was beutiful)wins the darwin awards
"Just because you point out your own mistakes, doesn't mean I'm going to ignore them"
What even led Elizabeth to believing that humans were created by aliens? There is ZERO evidence to support her hypothesis. The fact that humans were visited by aliens in the past is not evidence that humans were created by aliens.
Yeeeees!! Thank you so much for posting this! This is one of my favorites and I was sad to see it gone.
DEAR LORD, someone just subtitled this entirely in russian?? props to you man, you're a trooper
These are the same people who wrote Anna Karenina
I call this the old man syndrome, I wish this movie was never made. There was so much I wanted to explore, and I wanted to watch a movie of exploration, not what ever I saw.
Spoony is honest and real. Fuck the nonsense. I don't care so much that he only does "let's plays" now because he has a foundation of funk.
47:40 The bed was programmed for males because it was there to maintain Weyland's health. He was in Charlize Theron's special pod, that's why it was so fancy in there. It was Weyland's pod, not hers.
Why didnt they just get Lance Henrickson to play Weyland like they always do?
Different Weyland. There's an official timeline, with Prometheus' Weyland coming after AVP's Charles Bishop Weyland. Because, if we'd seen Lance Fucking Henrikson playing a Weyland character - goodness, that would just be confusing!
HellChuggapri1 But hes played Weyland in 3 and in the Expanded universe
Uncle Fester
I was under the impression that the Weyland in 3 was either a clone or a synthetic - I mean, artificial person - who was programmed to act like Weyland. Sounds like something Weyland-Yutani would do.
HellChuggapri1 He was synthetic, but I always imagined that they based him off the original Weyland
Uncle Fester
AVP seems to bear that out when you actually see Charles Bishop Weyland. It would also explain Bishop's nickname.
1:05:50 Well, she was saved from her own stupidity and an alien ship falling on her by a rock. And she survived when everyone else died. Of course, all these horrific events occurred, and everyone else died, but who cares about them? In my experience, religious people can ignore a million bad things, and then when one good thing happens, especially to them, THAT'S the Hand of God.
I think, though, what Shaw meant is that she still believes in God, not the whole Bible/Jesus version of the universe. The cross is just a symbol.
56:20 it´s not "the burnt guy" Holloway, it´s Fifield, coming back infected from the caverns...
the beginning of the vlog when noah just goes WOW! That's how I feel too
Since brad loves Ridley Scott films, I love Ridley Scott as a director, I don’t care if Hannibal and the Robin Hood remake is bad, I like those films I defend body of lies and the Robin Hood remake, I don’t defend Prometheus and alien covenant, which I practically hate.
I think Prometheus could work as a film if it wasn't tied to the Alien franchise. But it still suffers from bad writing and characters
@@videonmode8649 I rewatched Prometheus, and actually quite liked it because I thought it was Better then Alien Covenant which I still Hate
I think it has some things going for it, but overall still has some pretty big flaws that stop it from being more then a generic alien sci-fi.
Why didn 't they get Lance Henriksen to play Weyland ?
He played the character three times.
He could play Weyland in his sleep.
Correction: he played Bishop the emotionless android twice, then played Charles Bishop Weyland much later. The Weyland in this movie was Peter Weyland, and therefore was a different person according to Ridley Scott. That noted, Lance would've been fucking PERFECT here.
Jeez I wish these two still did videos to tear down all these new awful movies. Would've been fun to see them destroy Covenant cause wow is that movie bad.
oh thank god i thought theses older vlogs were lost to the ether
I don't even speak russian, but I'm still going to watch this entire thing
I just noticed Gypsy from MST3K on the side of Spoony.
spoony and his bro are funny.good vid
Had no idea spoony had a Russian audience.
theres hundreds of millions of russians, shouldnt be that surprising
@@jaz5649 he has a youtube channel in America so yea its weird that hes big in Germany...
@@jaz5649 I heard Russians still think spoony posts content like those African kids who think Tupac is still alive
@@Fucklifedeadshit тебя обманули
I love this arguments between Noah and Miles XD
This movie sucks...hard.
I liked it. Janek was aweome, and I thought David had a great character.
You have bad taste dude
arkayen666123 Yes he has bad taste because he prefers the amazing original to this prequel garbage...please, that's such a joke.
This movie is terrible like seriously this movie is so fucking bad.
The ppl making this movie hate science, I bet.
Oreo is trolling your video.
When they were getting high in their suits, the movie totally lost me.
When Elizabeth decided to believe that humans were created by aliens just because is when the movie totally lost me. So by the five minute mark.
There is no reason to have a million ads on this video.
there is, that's why theyre there
i think the guy pearce old man make up was bc they were planning on doing the added short where young weyland gives his speech as well as the opening scene from covenant
Отличный перевод, молодцы!
Sorry for my trolling Reptiles, I know Daniel Sulzbarf doesn't like it.
Спасибо за труд. Это достойно похвалы.
Idris Elba detached the life boat before the ships crashed
It's not fair to compare today's anesthesia to the anesthesia she would have used close to the next century. There could be no side effects.
I thought the movie was really well done...not perfect. My biggest complaint is the main fucking character Shaw:
That is all.
Wasn't she supposed to be Scottish? She sure sounded like it.
the way anesthesia works i cant see how it could ever be without side effects
Really well done?
Your standards must be below dinosaur bones.
Отличный перевод. Хлопаем дружно.
This was Ridley Scott's worst directed film ever! (Not even joking)
I dunno. I'm torn between this one and Kingdom of Heaven. This one is not one of my favorites for the genre but I hate KoH. I'd have to discuss them before I could make a solid choice.
I respect your opinion though. Stick to it. Best of luck.
Thanks for sharing :)
Faithfulone16 You're welcome. :) was beautifully shot. It looks good but the script and the story just....meh.....didn't do it for me.
Kingdom of Heaven is really bad though. It's just chock full of too many inaccuracies for me to take it seriously and it comes off as Scott being really preachy. (I'm into history so it gets to me).
ahh. I haven't seen kingdom of heaven the wohle way through to gather an opinon, but Scott has definitely done better work in his career than prometheus. Alien is his best film bar none, which I happen to own on blu ray.
+Syphon Filter Theatrical release or Director's Cut? The difference between the two is almost like night and day, with close to 45 minutes of footage added. It's the definitive version of the movie, much like the Director's Cut of Legend or the Final Cut of Blade Runner.
This video helped me lower my expectations to the point where they were just hovering above the center of the Earth, and this fucking movie still pissed me off. Hell even the trailers failed to excite me. I remember watching the first trailer and just thinking "This is the worst, most obvious Alien rip-off I've ever seen in my life".
It was the expectation and hope that surrounded it. Fans (probably both you and me) were like "FINALLY!"....."WE GET SEE THE ORIGINS OF THE XENOMORPH!"......"ONE OF CINEMA'S GREATEST MONSTERS!".....and then we got Prometheus.
The film does have some good merits (don't hate me) but fell SO FAR short of the hopes for it.
looked up spoony sliders and got this
I still don't know why Spoony thought that squeky toy was a good idea.
51:31 its not a squid it looks like an ilithid head
im gonna call it an illithid larve
PLEASe will you do Alien covenant?
Personally, i think the worst old man make-up in history are the ones from Star Trek TNG, DS9 and Voyager. They just have grey hair and wrinkles. They don't act old at all, they act normal
Spoony has this weird thing where "Aliens=No God(s)"
...okay, here, he's right as aliens created humans in the Prometheus universe, but he also seems to have this opinion in other works, like the Marvel Universe, even though the Fantastic Four went to Judeo-Christian heaven and there is a hell that Mephistopheles resides in.
Xander Magne And he's pretty much right. At least in regards to the Christian god. The Bible seems pretty fixated on Earth, and nowhere in it are there mentions of civilizations in other planets. As soon as we discover life forms that originated in other places in the universe, egostistical antiquated earthly religions should be off the table.
That doesn't mean anything? Unless one takes Genesis entirely literally, like evangelical Protestant groups do, it doesn't mean that Earth has to be the only planet with life created on it by the Judeo-Christian God. Just because it isn't mentioned that there might be other planets with sentient alien life in the bible doesn't mean that religion (Christianity and Judaism, at least) is entirely debunked. Catholics and Mainstream Protestants can believe in evolution. The popes of the 20th and 21st centuries have said that evolution is fact (which doesn't matter to Protestants but is worth saying). So just because sentient life evolved on another planet and it was not mentioned in the Bible does not debunk the existence of God (gods) or otherwise.
Xander Magne
Never said it would "debunk" it. But it would render it entirely irrelevant. If we did come in contact with aliens, anyone with a brain should see that this tiny blue sphere and its population are not as special and unique as we think and bronze age religions that claim otherwise should stop being taken seriously and considered as pathways to truth until they're proven to be so.
Akhamesh I still think our earthly religions would still hold strong with their believers if aliens were discovered.
It's like in the Avengers, when Cap's reaction to a godlike being like Thor is. "There's only one God, and I'm sure he doesn't dress like that."
Ditto with the Netflix Daredevil show, where the knowledge that aliens exist doesn't seem to effect Matt Murdock's Catholic beliefs at all.
The older population, probably
Thanks, man)
Wait wait wait..if this movie and the predator movies are in the same universe..doesnt that conflict with AVP? which shows the predators nurturing mankind and using them to breed Aliens?
Ridley Scott has no relation to AVP, which is more of a non-canon spin-off. He has gone on record to state that he has no interest in the series.
+MatthewsStories -- To add to Ashwin Nair's post, people who like good movies and/or stories don't have any interest in the AVP universe, either.
Hilarious переводится как смешной, а не прекрасный. И по смыслу именно слово смешной подходит. А так отличный перевод, мне понравилось, спасибо
There would be the movie, if they make expedition more realistic! It would just become better if scriptwritter could therefore explain all convincingly !!! Do u think scripts could be only idiotic ? :-)
Это младший брат Спуни.
Lol poor Oreo
This movie was funny here and there but mostly boring stupid.
Actually, according to Critical Drinker's "Prometheus - The Franchise Killer" the movie begins with some giant albino body builder dude dropped off on Earth by a "Giant Space Dildo" he takes a "dodgy shot" his skin melts and he falls off a waterfall and dies. LOL
I tried to watch this and stopped very early
terrible movie at least for the first 40or so minutes
miles killed a guy
Whatever happened with that? I remember hearing about it, but not any result
Хм... я всегда думала, что Орео - это он... И Спуни, кажется, говорит "he"... хотя, тебе виднее...
Да, отсюда я совершенно чётко вижу, что Орео - она)
Очень разочаровывающий фильм для всех поклонников вселенной Чужих.
(Random Russian Letters)
Спасибо за информацию.
Спасибо большое. Справа младший брат Спуни, Майлз
the kratos types are related to the Nephilim
They're not very good scientists
Why the fuck are there so many goddamn ads in a video that's only an hour and fifteen minutes long?
Huh, most of the adds are gone...the Hell?
(Generic Russian Phrase)
Face full of alien wingwong
I disagree, just because one is an Alien or Ridley Scott fan doesn't mean your gonna go see this movie, I didn't, in fact, I waited until DVD because it looked like crap to me, and low and behold it was boring, so dang boring I turned it off.
whats a palad.......oh (bullet goes through his head)
Да много чего с сабами смотрю и по дольше часа. Я именно только Спуни так смотреть не могу..
заранее благодарен
Oreo isnt in this video enough!?
Разве справа не старший брат?
так говорит "и...что Мы про него скажем?" будто им почти и нечего сказать, а после этого ещё целый час общались
Как же они долго разбирали сцену с тем местом где нашли голову.. ещё и несколько раз возвращались..
всё отлично ( в плане сабов) но блять, к чему вставлять эти школьные "хня" , "буя" и остальное , раз уже не раз использовались нормальные "хуйня", "блять" и и т.д?
За перевод огромное спасибо ибо титаническая работа, но больше не надо "хня" и прочее, пожалуйста..
Spoony caught a body 'bout a week agoooooooo!
2021 i wonder what spoon is doing now ..??? :P
Yep so true I maybe wasn't as harsh as you but yer pretty much I felt the same pretty lovely but dumb as hell. All the lovers of the film said it's like blade runner it's be a classic in years to come lol...nope still crap! Only part 2/3 can save it now and even then maybe not...
И,кстати,кто справа?
Час спуни с сабами это ужасно
Corny as hell movie for sure, but I still love it.
Да нет люблю.Спуни с Сабами не могу смотреть только) при том другие вещи с сабами идут спокойно
та не знаю, глянул за два раза.
Просто не привык Ты наверно с сабами глядеть .
I am a Jewashaway
Сволочи! А мне ведь нравился "прометей"!! =D
Dude , watch alien covenant and compare it to Prometheus, and determine which one is better.
аа, ну тогда яснооуу
It's unfortunate that I saw this movie as a double feature and it was the movie that played last. Already exhausted by that point but the movie prior to it that played was Django Unchained which was absolutely awesome and after coming off watching that, Prometheus was rather just lame and slow and boring as hell by comparison. Though the visuals were very nice and Noomi Rapace is a gem always but this movie was meh..
lloyd and oreo should fight
Fuck does a review need to be this long?
They pretty much give a short review at the beginning.
Thats because it's not a review it's a discussion
i agree with everything they said, yet i still enjoy the movie. go figure.
so they were not entertained. lol
Miles antwiller killed a man
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