He represents Round Rock, Taylor, Hutto, and Georgetown, which all part of the "Greater Austin" area. With the explosion of tech in Austin and mass migration from CA to TX, the "more liberal" population of Austin proper has been spreading out to the surrounding areas over the past 10-15 years. I, for one, am glad to see it. It's good to see someone in TX politics who actually uses some damn sense instead of kowtowing to the good ol' boys.
"Foundational" is her way of saying , "Our ways and beliefs are more legitimate than the ways of others.". The word "Foundational" is her rationalization for being a bigot. As usual republican Christian Nationalists are liars and wolves in sheep's clothing or as Christ said to the Pharisees, "Whited Sepulchers."
Lol, I think she finds, what did she call them? Bunny trails? I think she finds them confusing. Maybe if she stood up, actually took a moment to look around her, she could find her way again. But nope, her nose is buried too close to the ground (the Bible pages) as she hops back & forth through the tall grass, trying to find her way to reality.
For centuries in Europe Christians couldn't even agree on how to worship god, and so fought entire wars between them just because one nation or state was Protestant, and another was Catholic. Just a reminder both these states had Christianity as their state religion.
I really wish we could convince people who support these types of bills that if you let the government into your religion, they will pervert it within a generation. As a "historic and foundational" example, the drafters made sure emphatically establish a separation of church and state in the very first amendment of the constitution. Not because they were worried about religion perverting the government, but rather the government perverting their religion. They just saw it happen with examples like Church of England and many others in Europe. That's why those trying to escape religious persecution came to this continent.
She got so triggered he dared to question it. It’s unconstitutional to have a religious book as a textbook. Her faith is so weak and she believes other people’s faith is so weak it needs to be constantly reinforced.
Wow just wow! Talarico is speaking to truth with logic. What a great person. I am a boomer from Michigan and if this guy ran for president, I would vote for him just based on his ability to see such truth.
I am a California True Blue non religious person and he is amazing. It shows that the right has used religion as a means to do awful things in it's name. His videos on here about the Christian Nationalism is amazing. I did not fight for this country to insure it was a dictatorship of only one religion with no choices or freedoms. I respect all true religious people who practice what they preach. Religion is not my thing BUT truth is. He has my vote for the same reasons as you.
@@travisyarbrough4033 Boy did you nail that. “This is what gives religion a bad name.” He is eloquent and brilliant - he has his masters in Theology, I believe and truly walks his talk.
Wow I'm blown away with his retort. If more Christians, we're like this guy, there would be more christians. This country was founded on freedom of religion, not the imposition of one.
If the constitution or the government were founded on the 10 commandments like the Christian nationalist claim then why didn't the founders pass laws about displaying the 10 commandments?
@@matthewharrington9723 Almost as if the probably Christian forefathers decided to model their future country's constitution after the lessons and morals that their religious beliefs were meant to convey, rather than the literal words of the xth reprint&reinterpretation/retelling of something that may have been passed down by a god at some point in human history.
I am one - and have been often criticized by Christians and non-Christian folk for not being more fundamental in my outward religious behavior. Like saying "I have a hard time believing you are a Christian, because I've never seen you screaming on a street corner, saying to 'Repent! Hellfire and damnation await you, Sinner!'" Personally, I only recently discovered Mr. Talarico, but I will agree with what he isn't saying out loud - he doesn't want to be ruled by Christians. They are, more often than not, cruel and unforgiving when you don't believe exactly as they do. And the problem is, nobody believes exactly the same way. Christianity has thousands of sects, AKA denominations. Which one of them is going to win the spot of ruler? The Catholic or the Protestant? The Southern Baptist or the Missionary Baptist? Perhaps it'll be the Episcopal or the Anglican? Think dark ages folks, because it will end up there.
This woman answered non of his questions properly. I'd vote for Talarico for anything anywhere in government after hearing his questioning and statements. Poor guy is stuck in that backwards state.. I hope he builds momentum for the state to become more American!!
Any religion that legislatively mandates it's rules on society has no faith in the power of it's God. Over 60 and NO one ever mentioned religion. That was parental rights.
I'm 75 and I went through the public school system and never had any religion taught in my 12 years of school. It was all done in church or Sunday school.
@@ConcernedCitizenPDX it starts with “billions of years ago there was a dot smaller than the dot on this page, it was spinning very fast, then it exploded and the universe came into being”. This is just one example. And non believers in God blame us Christians of promoting their religion on everyone.
@@tikon6586evolution is a proven fact. Crop, livestock and pet breeding, along with genetics, have so thoroughly proven evolution to be true that anyone who says otherwise only does so because they know they aren’t as evolved as the rest of us.
If she couldn't use the words "foundational" or "documents" or "Judicial System" or "Educational System" she would have no where to go in her ridiculous responses. She didn't expect anyone to disagree her. She thought all she had to say was "foundational" and "document" and the crowd would raise to their feet and cheer her. She has NO argument, that's why she keeps repeating the same sorry words over and over again. She REALLY thought that everyone would think like her and she would never need VALID reasons for her bill. She couldn't fathom anyone opposed to it. Talk about living in a bubble, a very self centered, entitled bubble. SAD
I attended Catholic grammar school and high school in the '50s and '60s and we never had the ten commandments hanging in our schools. We weren't trying to prove anything. We knew our faith which originated in ouy families. Many things are "foundational" in a multi-cultural America. Claiming the word only applies to your background and no others is disingenuous and manipulative. The educator revealed her true colors by exhibiting increased hostility with further questioning that challenged her sincerity, hidden agenda and true intentions.
As a Non Christian I have put all Christians in the same category until now!! Thank you, James Talarico, for correcting my beliefs. I now understand you can be a Christian and still uphold our constitution and democracy!! I also listened to your Sermon to your church on Christian Nationalism and was enlightened even more. Thank you James Talarico for your inclusive and moral thinking for all of us.
Question: Does Christ not call each Christian to "go ye into all the world and make disciples"? I agree that if Christians truly love as Christ loves, then there would be more Christians. Besides, only the Holy Spirit can truly change people. However, no matter what secular society says, Christians and churches just existing, being visible, praying, commenting on issues, sharing their beliefs when prompted, and voting for candidates they agree with, is NOT "forcing beliefs on others". Also, there is no such thing as a neutral institution. Someone's bias and beliefs will always play out. Either you stand for something or you will fall for anything.
Christ told his disciples to spread the good news, not force it down everyone’s throats. Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus force his beliefs on others. What these modern day Christians are doing is performative, not loving, not inclusive, or inviting. Their goal is to control and exclude. And he’s right. Posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms is considered idolatry. Why do you need to have a physical copy of the commandments in the classroom? So everyone can say what a good Christian you are? As Christians, the word of God is written on your heart. People should be able to recognize you based on your behavior and how you treat others. If you need a physical manifestation of your faith in order for people to recognize you as a Christian, you’re not living right.
@@cryptoenthusiast4999 And the lefties don’t do that with the pride flag or a communist flag? So the right can’t have their symbols in the classroom but the left can? You should either allow both or neither.
There are many great leaders on the left - he is my favorite ❤️ I understand he is focused on seminary and we absolutely need faith leaders living the principles of Christ as a contrast to Christofascism. But we also need national voices like his - RIGHT NOW especially. I wish he was recognized on a national level. I’m NOT a Christian because of the exclusion that is associated with it. But - I believe as he believes. So if I were to call myself a Christian- it would be this kind.
James Talerico, I love you buddy. All the way from Hawaii I hear you loud and clear. You are a blessing from God. I am a little old Christian lady born and raised in Hawaii and I am so proud of you young man. You are truly a Jesus lover because you are willing to sacrifice, your reputation, your livelihood… By stepping forward, by being brave and speaking the truth. Jesus is so proud of you right now. ❤
It isn’t an athiest/Christian thing. He is a devout Christian. He is fighting back the movement of racist fascism Trump and his supporters hope to advance. They are not introducing as history. James is amazing. Morality should be a part of school education because parents have abdicated.
The argument that the 10 Commandments would help with classroom management is hilarious. Kids are on their phones, not paying attention, talking back, etc. Teacher points to poster: "Look, 10 Commandments!" And the kids all go "Oh, remember the Sabbath, don't take the Lord's name in vain, don't covet your neighbor's wife? Dang, you're right, teacher! We'll be good now." Absurd.
I’ll tell you what, up until I stumbled across Talarico’s sermon about Christian nationalism a few days ago, the declaration of any action, person, concept or otherwise, identified as being “Christian”, immediately made me… skeptical, at least. Usually though, thanks to fundamentalists that refuse to see, acknowledge and accept truth, science, and… I don’t know, little things like, the US Constitution, hearing anything identified as “Christian” just plain pissed me off. I don’t know how Mr. Talarico came to be the man he is, but he is a blessing to his community, to his state, and most importantly, his religion. He’s given me a different perspective on what being Christian can mean. I still feel that flicker of disgust when I think of someone or something being Christian, the woman fighting for that bill is a perfect example as to why. But thanks to Mr. Talarico I can actually see a glimmer of light and hope behind the dark, foreboding wall I’ve come to believe is Christianity for the last 25+ years, almost half of my life. I’m grateful he’s out there doing what he’s doing. I would happily walk myself into a church to hear him speak. And that’s not something I’ve ever thought I’d think or say before, not even once.
@Chaotic_Order wouldn’t that make make the world a better place? I sure wish they’d figure that out, start acting the way they preach. But nooooo, they’re so swept into their church-fed narrative of fear, disgust, and judgement, they can’t see the hypocrisy for what it is.
@@djb5565 oh I sure hope you’re right! Too many self-proclaimed “Christians” have completely sacrificed their supposed morals and ethics to vote for an orange wolf that doesn’t even bother to disguise himself in sheep’s clothing. He proudly proclaims he’s a rabid wolf and they care so little they cheer him, his maga partners and his criminal acts on. It’s hypocritical and disgusting.
Our founding fathers did not make us a theocracy, why? Because even they could see the dangers of religion being married to politics. The original pilgrims were a religious minority escaping religious persecution from other christians.
@@stanleykirby2937 Went even before the with trials. The Puritans were theocratic overlords of the New England Region. If you refused to be a member of the church you were literally outcast from the town and received non of the towns benefits. The Rhode Island colony was specifically established to create a settlement free from the religious tyranny of the Puritans.
What a wonderful person Talarico has turned out to be -- such a clear thinker and excellent spokesperson for the rights of all people. The Republicans / Wackos are all about elevating THEIR definition of "only the worthy" and Talarico's words are exactly what we need right now.
Bravo Mr. James Talarico! Please stay true to your vision of a fair and accepting, loving, kind empathic world. Thank you for what you do. You do so with grace, respect, and tenacity.
Kudos to Talarico's intelligence and fairness and TRUTH. How terrifying someone who is in a position to propose a bill be so ignorant, as if child behavioral issues is just morality and not human brains. I was in school 1963 to 1986 and never once had the 10 commandments posted in any of my classrooms.
6:49 Talarico left her speechless and instead of humility, her pride makes her say he's going down a rabbit hole haha. She's the one who's lost. Thank you for posting this exchange and thanks to Rep. Talarico for speaking up!
Next to the fact the bible very literally states not to force your believes onto others, also from a more meta standpoint: If you truly believe your religion to be the best and most correct one... then why would you need anyone or anything to enforce a preference? Wouldn't the bestest religion automatically garner the voluntary belief of everyone it is presented to? By enforcing a religion, you're admitting to it's weakness and to your own lack of faith. As Talarico said, that would make it a dead religion. "He who must say 'I am king' is no king."
@@Alblaka that is correct. Good point! When our religion has to have a army of sales people to push it, it’s not that good of a religion. It doesn’t help that there are dozens and dozens of denominations and tens of thousands of variations. That’s not really a religion so much as it is a brand, that’s not as good as a franchise
When someone like you says what you say, you are doing the Lord’s work….really shedding light. It gives me hope. I admit I’ve been lumping Christians together and feeling hopeless about this country’s future. Maybe even the world’s. But people like you truly do give me just a bit of hope back, a little more hope that white Christian men will do the right thing when they’ve just now elected someone with evil intentions and hunger for ultimate power into office. Thank you.
I admire the purity of thought and sincerity in James versus the unthinking, myopic woman who has no real religious foundation to support her position, only some bogus "foundational" excuse for an authoritarian belief reinforced by hypocricy. So, sure, that Hindu student, upon seeing the 10 Commandments, will suddenly become a chastened and quiet child, hiding those spitballs in shame. Sure, that Islamic kid will suddenly stop yelling at his parents when she gets home. Sure, and the unicorns will reveal the secrets of the world.
How can she say it’s foundational to our history but didn’t know the history behind the Constitution or even the people who created it and their beliefs. Then he called her out about parents’s roles. She can’t answer the questions. Why wouldn’t she want parental consent?
Thank you, James Talarico. You are a true Christian and if there is a heaven, you will be at the front of the line. Does this woman also agree that we should follow the rest of the Bible by stoning adulterers and women who have sex outside of marriage? Does she agree that we should welcome all immigrants into our homes? Does she agree that we should forgive all debt every 7 years? Does she agree that wealth is a sin? How about those posters?
@@crystalparker100i’d like to know what was your turning point if you dont mind. But my i had a hard time with hypocrisy within the church, then I realized i am one too. I came to a conclusion that i can overcome all my difficulties through the love of God, which is forgiving, selfless. His love is not like the world understands it’s beyond comprehension. Personally I know that without Christ I can’t survive a day to overcome my negativity and thoughts in my mind.
*Thank you so much for protecting the religious beliefs of all* I am an Ex-elementary school PTA President from the Dallas Lakewood area where the local privet Catholic school filled up, so they tried taking over Dan D Rogers Elementary School in the early 2000s. In the end, the issues you are here addressing are ground work for the normalization of religious peer pressure on our youth of all faiths. One type of Catholic (for instance) is not like all others, meaning it's a individual local Church expansion and recruitment motive. Both of the groups mentioned were both Catholic, yet not of the same building, priest or even faith, as both were of a differing race of that faith, one from Hispanic culture, the other from a predominantly white suburbia. The moment we see the bedrock of our American Constitution diluted to make accommodations for neighborhood sects, the more our public schools appear as race based issues when addressed, distracting from their basic educational mission's plight. Signed: Ex-PTA, El-Presidente de' Dan D Rogers Elementary School. (El Presidente is just the name the kids gave me that year as I was fund raising I'm actually a white guy and likely the last "guy" to have held that office. Religion and Race segregation go hand in hand as companion demons that bring nothing but chaos to the mission of "basic education", and one inevitably brings the other, not helping the causes of either.
This poor woman was the wrong person to put in front of the issue. She has no idea who she's up against and he leaves her speechless and babbling. Well done!
That was so interesting….as an atheist I could not have the patience and pretense that Mr Talerico displayed. I am deeply troubled by people who have no idea of the concept of separation of church & state.
I find that surprising and disappointing. Without religion nothing about World History makes sense. World geography and the proximity of indigenous religions complement each other. It is only appropriate to have the tenants of a half dozen of the world's religion posted, if any one is.
Great questions and great point Talarico. This woman is opening up a pandoras box; I am a non-Christian of a different faith and the pushing of this into schools will have major repercussions - legal and otherwise.
Where did this man come from. He is so eloquent in faith and passion and fairness, yet never feeling he and his faith is above anyone. This gentlemen truly has faith in all people as well as Jesus's preaches. This man is a find and I hope he goes well into our governmental leadership. Amen.
@@RobertStambaugh-l5r You don't think there are core basics that every functioning adult needs to know - not to mention every U.S. citizen? Do you not think we all need to know how to read, how to write and how to do basic mathematics? Shouldn't every U.S. Citizen know something about the Founding Fathers and why they rebelled against the British King? _The Age of Reason_ by Thomas Paine communicated many of the foundational ideas that were being explored and embraced by the Founders in 1776.
@@Ellie49 Thanks for your reply . Thomas Paine is hard to figure . Sometimes he sounds good for America and Christianity , and sometimes he doesn't . I am a Regan conservative . I could never be a Goldwater or Eisenhower conservative . Goldwater was anti - Christian and Eisenhower had way too high a tax rate . " America is the shining city on a hill " - Ronald Reagan , our greatest and most successful Christian President .
Whoever (whatever group) voted Talarico into office hit a gold mine.
@@GirlfriendNinja that would be Texas Democrats
I hope that he will be our next Governor - wouldn't that be a new day for the rights of all people - wow.
He is an amazing young man.
@@vickeypeel8521 yes I think he is.
He represents Round Rock, Taylor, Hutto, and Georgetown, which all part of the "Greater Austin" area. With the explosion of tech in Austin and mass migration from CA to TX, the "more liberal" population of Austin proper has been spreading out to the surrounding areas over the past 10-15 years. I, for one, am glad to see it. It's good to see someone in TX politics who actually uses some damn sense instead of kowtowing to the good ol' boys.
I applaud Talarico. Don't stop the great job you are doing.
As James Talarico said in a sermon, too many people calling themselves Christian focus on the love of power rather than the power of love.
They are all self righteous just like Trump they worship Trump as their Messiah I believe trump is the AntiChrist.
And this man knows nothing of love because the Communism he supports is Godless and loveless. Learn history.
That was a gorgeous sermon.
@@burgle66😂 😂 😂
Love of power is what religion, all religion, is all about
She’s frustrated because she has no answers that are legitimate
"Foundational" is her way of saying , "Our ways and beliefs are more legitimate than the ways of others.". The word "Foundational" is her rationalization for being a bigot. As usual republican Christian Nationalists are liars and wolves in sheep's clothing or as Christ said to the Pharisees, "Whited Sepulchers."
Lol, I think she finds, what did she call them? Bunny trails? I think she finds them confusing. Maybe if she stood up, actually took a moment to look around her, she could find her way again. But nope, her nose is buried too close to the ground (the Bible pages) as she hops back & forth through the tall grass, trying to find her way to reality.
@@givemeahappyending She's in such tall grass that a pokemon would have no trouble sneaking up on her.
Stuttering and claiming to be Led by questions is a big sign .....
She was a total Christian joke!!
Excellent job, Talarico. Wow.
That woman is a religious bigot. The separation between church and state was established for a very good reason.
For centuries in Europe Christians couldn't even agree on how to worship god, and so fought entire wars between them just because one nation or state was Protestant, and another was Catholic. Just a reminder both these states had Christianity as their state religion.
You're listening to one right there
@@forexed8948 not really bucko look at the netherlands they had freedom of religion and freedom from religion since back in 17th century
Typical right-wing Christian nationalist republican.
I really wish we could convince people who support these types of bills that if you let the government into your religion, they will pervert it within a generation. As a "historic and foundational" example, the drafters made sure emphatically establish a separation of church and state in the very first amendment of the constitution. Not because they were worried about religion perverting the government, but rather the government perverting their religion. They just saw it happen with examples like Church of England and many others in Europe. That's why those trying to escape religious persecution came to this continent.
Thank you State Representative Talarico for you are a true man of God for his people. Many blessings to you sir.
Talarico just turned 35 yrs old in 2024. He is now old enough for higher office.
Talarico 2028.
She got so triggered he dared to question it. It’s unconstitutional to have a religious book as a textbook. Her faith is so weak and she believes other people’s faith is so weak it needs to be constantly reinforced.
She is so interested in imposing her version of her personal faith on everyone.
Wow just wow! Talarico is speaking to truth with logic. What a great person. I am a boomer from Michigan and if this guy ran for president, I would vote for him just based on his ability to see such truth.
I am a California True Blue non religious person and he is amazing. It shows that the right has used religion as a means to do awful things in it's name. His videos on here about the Christian Nationalism is amazing. I did not fight for this country to insure it was a dictatorship of only one religion with no choices or freedoms. I respect all true religious people who practice what they preach. Religion is not my thing BUT truth is. He has my vote for the same reasons as you.
I know, that's what I said: Wow, just wow!!!!❤❤❤
@@travisyarbrough4033 Boy did you nail that. “This is what gives religion a bad name.” He is eloquent and brilliant - he has his masters in Theology, I believe and truly walks his talk.
Wow I'm blown away with his retort. If more Christians, we're like this guy, there would be more christians. This country was founded on freedom of religion, not the imposition of one.
If the constitution or the government were founded on the 10 commandments like the Christian nationalist claim then why didn't the founders pass laws about displaying the 10 commandments?
@@matthewharrington9723 Almost as if the probably Christian forefathers decided to model their future country's constitution after the lessons and morals that their religious beliefs were meant to convey, rather than the literal words of the xth reprint&reinterpretation/retelling of something that may have been passed down by a god at some point in human history.
@@Alblaka First Amendment to the Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
It's like they knew.
I am one - and have been often criticized by Christians and non-Christian folk for not being more fundamental in my outward religious behavior. Like saying "I have a hard time believing you are a Christian, because I've never seen you screaming on a street corner, saying to 'Repent! Hellfire and damnation await you, Sinner!'" Personally, I only recently discovered Mr. Talarico, but I will agree with what he isn't saying out loud - he doesn't want to be ruled by Christians. They are, more often than not, cruel and unforgiving when you don't believe exactly as they do. And the problem is, nobody believes exactly the same way. Christianity has thousands of sects, AKA denominations. Which one of them is going to win the spot of ruler? The Catholic or the Protestant? The Southern Baptist or the Missionary Baptist? Perhaps it'll be the Episcopal or the Anglican? Think dark ages folks, because it will end up there.
This woman answered non of his questions properly. I'd vote for Talarico for anything anywhere in government after hearing his questioning and statements. Poor guy is stuck in that backwards state.. I hope he builds momentum for the state to become more American!!
There are some who need him and he is where he should be in his life for sure. I am nowhere near religious BUT this guy is amazing.
Yeah, this guy rocks
Any religion that legislatively mandates it's rules on society has no faith in the power of it's God. Over 60 and NO one ever mentioned religion. That was parental rights.
I'm 75 and I went through the public school system and never had any religion taught in my 12 years of school. It was all done in church or Sunday school.
If you were taught evolution thats one of the biggest religions in the world
@@tikon6586 What is evolution? How is it a religion if the results are measurable and tangible?
@@ConcernedCitizenPDX it starts with “billions of years ago there was a dot smaller than the dot on this page, it was spinning very fast, then it exploded and the universe came into being”. This is just one example. And non believers in God blame us Christians of promoting their religion on everyone.
@@tikon6586evolution is a proven fact. Crop, livestock and pet breeding, along with genetics, have so thoroughly proven evolution to be true that anyone who says otherwise only does so because they know they aren’t as evolved as the rest of us.
@@tikon6586not a religion. A scientific theory
If she couldn't use the words "foundational" or "documents" or "Judicial System" or "Educational System" she would have no where to go in her ridiculous responses. She didn't expect anyone to disagree her. She thought all she had to say was "foundational" and "document" and the crowd would raise to their feet and cheer her. She has NO argument, that's why she keeps repeating the same sorry words over and over again. She REALLY thought that everyone would think like her and she would never need VALID reasons for her bill. She couldn't fathom anyone opposed to it. Talk about living in a bubble, a very self centered, entitled bubble. SAD
Those high sounding words were used as manipulative attempts to cover her hidden and nefarious agenda and they didn't work with Reverend Talarico.
Stuttering is a sign of BS. She was locked up by logic. How are you an older history buff and not know the Magna Carta ????
It's not a historical document. It is a religious document
She could use a history lesson or two.
Sounds like another drooling babbling orange rapist bafoon.
The 10 Commandments were never hung on a wall in my classrooms. I graduated in '81'. 🤔
I attended a parochial school in the 1960s. No 10 commandments then.
Mine either and I graduated in 1968.
I attended Catholic grammar school and high school in the '50s and '60s and we never had the ten commandments hanging in our schools. We weren't trying to prove anything. We knew our faith which originated in ouy families. Many things are "foundational" in a multi-cultural America. Claiming the word only applies to your background and no others is disingenuous and manipulative. The educator revealed her true colors by exhibiting increased hostility with further questioning that challenged her sincerity, hidden agenda and true intentions.
They weren’t hung on mine either, graduated ‘72… an Alabama public school.
Nor mine. I graduated in 1967 - from, a Virginia public school.
I just discovered Mr. Talarico this week, and I am grateful that I did. Thank you for everything that you do.
Very well put. God doesn't want in politics. Period. Especially, Christianity is about a personal relationship with Christ / God. Not a public one.
As a Non Christian I have put all Christians in the same category until now!! Thank you, James Talarico, for correcting my beliefs. I now understand you can be a Christian and still uphold our constitution and democracy!! I also listened to your Sermon to your church on Christian Nationalism and was enlightened even more. Thank you James Talarico for your inclusive and moral thinking for all of us.
Thank you and please please don’t judge Jesus based on the MAGAs. They are the opposite of Jesus’ teaching.
James is so on target
Yea. Not all Muslims want to blow you up.
When a real Christian grills a fake Christian over their want to force beliefs on another.
Bravo to Mr Talarico.
Question: Does Christ not call each Christian to "go ye into all the world and make disciples"? I agree that if Christians truly love as Christ loves, then there would be more Christians. Besides, only the Holy Spirit can truly change people. However, no matter what secular society says, Christians and churches just existing, being visible, praying, commenting on issues, sharing their beliefs when prompted, and voting for candidates they agree with, is NOT "forcing beliefs on others". Also, there is no such thing as a neutral institution. Someone's bias and beliefs will always play out. Either you stand for something or you will fall for anything.
Christ told his disciples to spread the good news, not force it down everyone’s throats. Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus force his beliefs on others. What these modern day Christians are doing is performative, not loving, not inclusive, or inviting. Their goal is to control and exclude. And he’s right. Posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms is considered idolatry. Why do you need to have a physical copy of the commandments in the classroom? So everyone can say what a good Christian you are? As Christians, the word of God is written on your heart. People should be able to recognize you based on your behavior and how you treat others. If you need a physical manifestation of your faith in order for people to recognize you as a Christian, you’re not living right.
@@cryptoenthusiast4999 And the lefties don’t do that with the pride flag or a communist flag? So the right can’t have their symbols in the classroom but the left can? You should either allow both or neither.
How will the 10 Commandments help with classroom management when it hasn’t hinder those sins in the church?
Excellent point!!
There are many great leaders on the left - he is my favorite ❤️ I understand he is focused on seminary and we absolutely need faith leaders living the principles of Christ as a contrast to Christofascism. But we also need national voices like his - RIGHT NOW especially. I wish he was recognized on a national level. I’m NOT a Christian because of the exclusion that is associated with it. But - I believe as he believes. So if I were to call myself a Christian- it would be this kind.
James Talerico, I love you buddy. All the way from Hawaii I hear you loud and clear. You are a blessing from God. I am a little old Christian lady born and raised in Hawaii and I am so proud of you young man. You are truly a Jesus lover because you are willing to sacrifice, your reputation, your livelihood… By stepping forward, by being brave and speaking the truth. Jesus is so proud of you right now. ❤
I love James! As an atheist, he is saying all the things I believe with regard to separation of church and State.
It isn’t an athiest/Christian thing. He is a devout Christian.
He is fighting back the movement of racist fascism Trump and his supporters hope to advance.
They are not introducing as history.
James is amazing.
Morality should be a part of school education because parents have abdicated.
The argument that the 10 Commandments would help with classroom management is hilarious. Kids are on their phones, not paying attention, talking back, etc. Teacher points to poster: "Look, 10 Commandments!" And the kids all go "Oh, remember the Sabbath, don't take the Lord's name in vain, don't covet your neighbor's wife? Dang, you're right, teacher! We'll be good now." Absurd.
Idk man I think those 4th graders are gonna see "thou shalt not kill" and really change their behavior. It may save some lives.
I love this guy!
I’ll tell you what, up until I stumbled across Talarico’s sermon about Christian nationalism a few days ago, the declaration of any action, person, concept or otherwise, identified as being “Christian”, immediately made me… skeptical, at least. Usually though, thanks to fundamentalists that refuse to see, acknowledge and accept truth, science, and… I don’t know, little things like, the US Constitution, hearing anything identified as “Christian” just plain pissed me off. I don’t know how Mr. Talarico came to be the man he is, but he is a blessing to his community, to his state, and most importantly, his religion. He’s given me a different perspective on what being Christian can mean. I still feel that flicker of disgust when I think of someone or something being Christian, the woman fighting for that bill is a perfect example as to why. But thanks to Mr. Talarico I can actually see a glimmer of light and hope behind the dark, foreboding wall I’ve come to believe is Christianity for the last 25+ years, almost half of my life. I’m grateful he’s out there doing what he’s doing. I would happily walk myself into a church to hear him speak. And that’s not something I’ve ever thought I’d think or say before, not even once.
Love your narrative style.
@Chaotic_Order wouldn’t that make make the world a better place? I sure wish they’d figure that out, start acting the way they preach. But nooooo, they’re so swept into their church-fed narrative of fear, disgust, and judgement, they can’t see the hypocrisy for what it is.
@@djb5565 oh I sure hope you’re right! Too many self-proclaimed “Christians” have completely sacrificed their supposed morals and ethics to vote for an orange wolf that doesn’t even bother to disguise himself in sheep’s clothing. He proudly proclaims he’s a rabid wolf and they care so little they cheer him, his maga partners and his criminal acts on. It’s hypocritical and disgusting.
I am a Christian who is horrified at what Christian Nationalists have done to Christianity. This man gives me hope. God bless him.
I sure do have a lot of respect for Mr. Talarico.
This guy is good.
❤ Sincerely Love you James!
May The Source always shine on you, Sir.
Good work James, I salute you and God bless you. Your a good man.
solid questioning from Mr. Talarico.
James! Your questions are the best.
Well said JT.
James Talarico is quite impressive . There is still hope for America with such men who fight fascism in ALL it's forms .
I agree with him wholeheartedly. They took prayer out of the schools years ago so how can the 10 commandments be put into the schools😮
Jesus said do not worry about the old laws and gave us two new commandments 😊
I think the political commandments were in the third tablet Moses dropped (thanks History Of The World Part 1)
"Not one jot or tittle"
Wow.....Talarico is brilliant! He hits her on the side of the head with critical thinking over and over!
Good work Rep. Talarico!
Our founding fathers did not make us a theocracy, why? Because even they could see the dangers of religion being married to politics. The original pilgrims were a religious minority escaping religious persecution from other christians.
And then they became the persecutors remember the Salem witch trials.
@@stanleykirby2937 Went even before the with trials. The Puritans were theocratic overlords of the New England Region. If you refused to be a member of the church you were literally outcast from the town and received non of the towns benefits. The Rhode Island colony was specifically established to create a settlement free from the religious tyranny of the Puritans.
What a wonderful person Talarico has turned out to be -- such a clear thinker and excellent spokesperson for the rights of all people. The Republicans / Wackos are all about elevating THEIR definition of "only the worthy" and Talarico's words are exactly what we need right now.
I’m a teacher and having the 10 commandments as classroom management is insane as her reasoning for why we should hang that.
Talarico is a rare gem regrdless of party. I am not a Christian, but this is a Chriatian I can get behind. Common sense worship!
Thank God for this guy. Wild days to come.
As an ordained minister, I completely agree Talorico.
Mr. Talarico, you are first class all the way ❤❤❤thank you for you loving message so lovingly and patiently delivered❤❤❤
Bravo Mr. James Talarico! Please stay true to your vision of a fair and accepting, loving, kind empathic world. Thank you for what you do. You do so with grace, respect, and tenacity.
Kudos to Talarico's intelligence and fairness and TRUTH. How terrifying someone who is in a position to propose a bill be so ignorant, as if child behavioral issues is just morality and not human brains. I was in school 1963 to 1986 and never once had the 10 commandments posted in any of my classrooms.
This guy would get my vote and I’m an atheistic liberal.
6:49 Talarico left her speechless and instead of humility, her pride makes her say he's going down a rabbit hole haha. She's the one who's lost. Thank you for posting this exchange and thanks to Rep. Talarico for speaking up!
A great Jesus’s lover, a pastor, and a patriot.
This woman is INCAPABLE of answering ANYTHING!!!
Representative Talarico makes excellent points. The Government may NOT show preference to one religion over others.
Next to the fact the bible very literally states not to force your believes onto others,
also from a more meta standpoint: If you truly believe your religion to be the best and most correct one... then why would you need anyone or anything to enforce a preference? Wouldn't the bestest religion automatically garner the voluntary belief of everyone it is presented to?
By enforcing a religion, you're admitting to it's weakness and to your own lack of faith. As Talarico said, that would make it a dead religion.
"He who must say 'I am king' is no king."
@@Alblaka that is correct. Good point! When our religion has to have a army of sales people to push it, it’s not that good of a religion. It doesn’t help that there are dozens and dozens of denominations and tens of thousands of variations. That’s not really a religion so much as it is a brand, that’s not as good as a franchise
When someone like you says what you say, you are doing the Lord’s work….really shedding light. It gives me hope. I admit I’ve been lumping Christians together and feeling hopeless about this country’s future. Maybe even the world’s.
But people like you truly do give me just a bit of hope back, a little more hope that white Christian men will do the right thing when they’ve just now elected someone with evil intentions and hunger for ultimate power into office.
Thank you.
The way he breaks it down for her at the end is so good to hear another Christian say out loud. I totally agree!
Thank you, James, for trying to reason with the Christian Talaban. Texas is the leading edge; this is coming soon to a school board near you.
How about “do onto others as you would do on to you “ all inclusive and beautiful words to live by.
I admire the purity of thought and sincerity in James versus the unthinking, myopic woman who has no real religious foundation to support her position, only some bogus "foundational" excuse for an authoritarian belief reinforced by hypocricy.
So, sure, that Hindu student, upon seeing the 10 Commandments, will suddenly become a chastened and quiet child, hiding those spitballs in shame. Sure, that Islamic kid will suddenly stop yelling at his parents when she gets home. Sure, and the unicorns will reveal the secrets of the world.
Thank you!!!!
I love this man.
I never knew of him until today but he is on it.
Thank you for all you do for us educators. You showed kindness to the lady, knowing that she is misguided by her religious views. She will not stop.
How can she say it’s foundational to our history but didn’t know the history behind the Constitution or even the people who created it and their beliefs. Then he called her out about parents’s roles. She can’t answer the questions. Why wouldn’t she want parental consent?
Bravo Sir.
Thank you, James Talarico. You are a true Christian and if there is a heaven, you will be at the front of the line. Does this woman also agree that we should follow the rest of the Bible by stoning adulterers and women who have sex outside of marriage? Does she agree that we should welcome all immigrants into our homes? Does she agree that we should forgive all debt every 7 years? Does she agree that wealth is a sin? How about those posters?
Wealth is not a sin, the love of wealth is
@@tikon6586 Wealth in the US is not earned, it's gained by inheritance or exploitation. By my definition, that's a sin. Christians don't own the word.
@@crystalparker100got it. You’re not a Christian
@@tikon6586 I grew up a Christian and as I learned more about the world, Christianity didn't make sense in the modern times.
@@crystalparker100i’d like to know what was your turning point if you dont mind. But my i had a hard time with hypocrisy within the church, then I realized i am one too. I came to a conclusion that i can overcome all my difficulties through the love of God, which is forgiving, selfless. His love is not like the world understands it’s beyond comprehension. Personally I know that without Christ I can’t survive a day to overcome my negativity and thoughts in my mind.
Freakin awesome. Well done Mr. Talarico.
WOW!!! This man is all that and then some!!! We need so many more like him. Clapping for him all the way!!
*Thank you so much for protecting the religious beliefs of all*
I am an Ex-elementary school PTA President from the Dallas Lakewood area where the local privet Catholic school filled up, so they tried taking over Dan D Rogers Elementary School in the early 2000s. In the end, the issues you are here addressing are ground work for the normalization of religious peer pressure on our youth of all faiths. One type of Catholic (for instance) is not like all others, meaning it's a individual local Church expansion and recruitment motive. Both of the groups mentioned were both Catholic, yet not of the same building, priest or even faith, as both were of a differing race of that faith, one from Hispanic culture, the other from a predominantly white suburbia. The moment we see the bedrock of our American Constitution diluted to make accommodations for neighborhood sects, the more our public schools appear as race based issues when addressed, distracting from their basic educational mission's plight. Signed: Ex-PTA, El-Presidente de' Dan D Rogers Elementary School.
(El Presidente is just the name the kids gave me that year as I was fund raising I'm actually a white guy and likely the last "guy" to have held that office. Religion and Race segregation go hand in hand as companion demons that bring nothing but chaos to the mission of "basic education", and one inevitably brings the other, not helping the causes of either.
Pastor Talarico thank you! The separation of church and state is very important to be inclusive to all Americans.
It's refreshing to see a real Christian in government, openly call out the hypocrites .
One Like just isn't enough. ♥♥♥♥♥
Talarico! You’re awesome man!
This poor woman was the wrong person to put in front of the issue. She has no idea who she's up against and he leaves her speechless and babbling.
Well done!
That was so interesting….as an atheist I could not have the patience and pretense that Mr Talerico displayed. I am deeply troubled by people who have no idea of the concept of separation of church & state.
This guy is GOLD!!!!! Keep up the great work you are doing.
Wow, I’m absolutely amazed at James Talarico. He hit the bulls eye with all his points! I fully support his reasoning.
Thank God that gentleman was there to speak for those of us who believe shoving our faith into schools is NOT the governments right. Ever
All republicans want the republic of Gilead. Make no mistake about it. The GQP is one election away from bringing about Gilead
They like to forget what Joshua wrought upon Jericho when he had nearly everyone in the city put to the sword.
Thank you for standing up for all US citizens, Rep Talarico regardless of religious beliefs.
Thank you Mr. Talarico 🫡
I love this man. What a gift to humanity. A true Prophet.
6:20 The CONSTITUTION is foundational. End of discussion. She has no ground to stand upon.
Sick of these cult members trying to force their cult into everyone lives. They disgust me deeply.
NEVER IN 17 years of education NEVER EVER was religion ever mentioned. In any class.
I find that surprising and disappointing. Without religion nothing about World History makes sense. World geography and the proximity of indigenous religions complement each other. It is only appropriate to have the tenants of a half dozen of the world's religion posted, if any one is.
I’m sitting here clapping at the screen, all by myself!
She is really into the words ‘historic’ and ‘foundational’. How about the Founding Fathers describing separation of Church and State?
more men like him and our government would mean a greater government overall, protecting even those they dont spiritually agree with
I like this guy!
Common sense is no threat to religion.
It simply keeps it where it belongs.
And that’s not un a classroom.
Thank goodness for people like Talarico.
I wish I could borrow him to go to the State Dept of Education in Oklahoma and School our Superintendent Ryan Walters
How is it now in OK? Now what?
@@rollinghillsslo Norman's superintendent released a statement that Norman schools will not teach from the Bible.
@@shaunaevans755 Didnt Ryan Walters threaten that teachers will loose their teaching licenses if they refuse to teach the Bible in the class?
Yes however it’s unconstitutional. So roll the tape for more taxpayer dollars wasted on another lawsuit.
What about the black history that is being censored?
amazing man - wish we had a James Talarico in Australia
The heretic is clearly trying to violate the 1st amendment, which is illegal. Lock her up.
Great questions and great point Talarico. This woman is opening up a pandoras box; I am a non-Christian of a different faith and the pushing of this into schools will have major repercussions - legal and otherwise.
He low-down (maybe not so low-down lol) called her a hypocrite.🙂
Mr. Talarico. Thanks.
Wow...wow...wow... I cannot believe I am hearing this!!! (And I vehemently agree!!!)
Where did this man come from. He is so eloquent in faith and passion and fairness, yet never feeling he and his faith is above anyone. This gentlemen truly has faith in all people as well as Jesus's preaches.
This man is a find and I hope he goes well into our governmental leadership. Amen.
Simultaneously, they should make The Age of Reason & the Philosophical Dictionary required reading!
Do not dictate to what other people's kids should and should not learn .
@@RobertStambaugh-l5r You don't think there are core basics that every functioning adult needs to know - not to mention every U.S. citizen? Do you not think we all need to know how to read, how to write and how to do basic mathematics? Shouldn't every U.S. Citizen know something about the Founding Fathers and why they rebelled against the British King? _The Age of Reason_ by Thomas Paine communicated many of the foundational ideas that were being explored and embraced by the Founders in 1776.
@@Ellie49 Thanks for your reply .
Thomas Paine is hard to figure .
Sometimes he sounds good for America and Christianity , and sometimes he doesn't .
I am a Regan conservative .
I could never be a Goldwater or Eisenhower conservative .
Goldwater was anti - Christian and Eisenhower had way too high a tax rate .
" America is the shining city on a hill " - Ronald Reagan , our greatest and most successful Christian President .
Graduated 8th grade in 1965! School was school! Went to Sunday School at Church to learn the Bible!
Why isn’t it the parents role? Great question
James Talarico .....awesome