Above Ground Pool Swamp To Oasis in 36 Hours for $30| FAST CLEAN Redneck Filter HACK| SUMMER 2022

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 พ.ค. 2022
  • Our Above ground Pool gets filled with well water that turns a nice shade of chocolate milk mixed with swamp as soon as we add any chemicals (chlorine) to it.. But we have a fix for that!
    We cleaned our pool in 36 hours for less than $30 And You Can Too!
    Super EASY Redneck Life Hack!
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    #LifeHack #PoolHack #CoupleBuilds

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  • @bobbygipson3950
    @bobbygipson3950 2 ปีที่แล้ว +116

    You know Gary if you made that stand a little bigger you could put River rock around your bucket and have a nice little waterfall 👍

    • @mattiefattie3895
      @mattiefattie3895 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      adding extra rocks around it when it explodes?

  • @jamesloll4601
    @jamesloll4601 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Side note, awesome and informative clip also. This couple? Actually work AS A COUPLE! It's not all just him or all just her and I'm loving their working relationship and that is what I believe is missing in the majority of relationships these days. Real healthy relationships actually require BOTH partners to work at it to make it work! Not to say there won't be bad days but on the same note? They'll work through it! Awesome couple and wished I saw MORE couples like them! Cause? You can definitely tell they enjoy each others company.

    • @KKIcons
      @KKIcons ปีที่แล้ว

      This economic crunch has forced my husband and I to work to have to work together more effectively too. I'd say that's actually benefit so far. Actually a de-stressor to just pick a job and get it done, and each time we have a success I think that builds trust for next time. Anyway glad you commented that because I noticed that too.

    • @jamesloll4601
      @jamesloll4601 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@KKIcons Mostly agree but we are of slightly off a key point, good husbands and wives ARE partners. Good husbands don't expect wives to put forth the same PHYSICAL effort but on the same note? What goes on in the head is pretty equal? Not quite as women DOMINATE in most social skills but here is the actual problem. Men can muscle and think through MOST problems but the social connection? Men are usually too busy to invest the extra energy. But women? They are NOT expected to work SERIOUS manual labor. If they could? They wouldn't need men to begin with. But like it or not most men are left with the heavy lifting (PHYSICALLY DEMANDING JOBS). But I'm NOT making light of women, put one in construction and her very lack of strength will get her killed when it already kills lots of men already. But I'm getting side tracked, men EXPECT their women to actually be partners. Most men have their 'ladies' back so they expect the same back and that is where 'modern' ladies are missing the point. They too must work into keeping the relationship working themselves. It is NEVER a one way street when one says he 'the king' so all responsibilities are his. Honestly MOST men can't do it and do it right but that is where REAL partnerships come in. You do what you can for each other and shore up your partner's weaknesses. But the fact you help him out when he is feeling off and isn't doing as well as he should be in his personal opinion? Do you realize how 'God sent' you are? Men are NOT used to their 'ladies' manning-up or should I call it womaning-up? Won't lie, it's harder for 'ladies' but real women put aside being 'ladies' when family is in a crunch. The fact you enjoy supporting him is a bonus cause as like him? You have his back to when his best isn't enough. Same note men shouldn't take their ladies support for granted either.
      You both have a good thing going and THAT'S what I enjoyed the most. Despite his fumble and that's LIFE'S hard curve ball, you are backing him when he actually needs it. He isn't the best nor perfect but you do know he IS trying his best. What better way to appreciate him than to return the favor? By the way? I know you are not perfect either but? That is exactly why your husband is there too, despite fumbling with how life has been going lately. A REAL husband is there to back his wife too and with you BOTH covering each other's backs? There isn't much that life can throw at you that BOTH of you can't handle.
      The thing I truly enjoyed see the both of you? It was a REAL partnership, both working towards a common goal without holding your partner RESPONSIBLE for it all. One always leads the the second in command? Better not be a air-head cause simple fact? Even second in commands have LOTS of important decisions to make too that SERIOUSLY impact the entire family also. Like I said, a man CAN'T do it all himself but on the same note? Neither can women. As a team though? The rest of the world's 'couples' are in trouble because THEY forgot to keep each other's back.
      Sorry I'm rambling but saw a good thing between you and your partner as I RARELY see it anymore... you BOTH actually enjoying each other's company. I always had a SIMPLE rule with dating, when there is more BAD than GOOD in it? BAIL!!! You can TRY to fix it but if the other side isn't listening? Go while to going is good. I might not be good 'socially' with people but I still recognize a bad deal with a partner that ISN'T acting like one. Not saying I have to be in control but I DO STILL get a say. Oops, just slipped I'm an Ex-beta male. Got burned hard enough I'm NEVER dating again, married the first one (she divorced ME and we BOTH had growing up to do yet SHE shut down marriage counseling) and by the time I got away for my Ex-girlfriend after that? I was ready to KILL myself. She literally had all my income supporting HER family when she point blank kicked me out. With friends of course that I had ZERO ideas who THEY were. Guess I can call them HER cheering crowed as I NEVER got to tell MY side of MY story to them. You KNOW it's bad when the ONLY time your girlfriend DOESN'T have eyes on you is work and STILL finds the time to accuse you of cheating on her?!? Who doesn't have a job as a stay at home mom collecting child support for two different fathers AND STATE support????!!!??? She REALLY almost got me to kill myself as the ONLY thing I owned and paid for was my motorcycle. Besides that? Her family was a black hole of my PERSONAL EARNINGS I worked my ass off for and when I tallied what I spent on myself AFTER SIX MONTHS besides paying the mortgage on my motorcycle and insurance? Around $215.00 OVER SIX MONTHS?!? Maybe five plus or minus but I was definitely in the 210 plus zone.
      Sorry to bum you out but I DIDN'T run into a partner and the two brief ones I knew? Serious disappointments despite me being flawed too. Said we BOTH needing growing up to do and I'd admit I WAS immature but the same note? She never told me ONCE and completely blind-sided me. Guys can be a bit thick when we are focused on the basics, like a place to live, transportation and a job to support the first two points you know? The big money items? If we would of LEAST had a counselor, we would of had a GREAT chance to repair our relationship. Well water under the bridge... and I still believe we WOULD of made a great couple save? She didn't give it even a remote chance. Learned an important lesson. It takes TWO to make a relationship work. Anyways ONCE a woman CLAIMS physical abuse despite you NEVER striking her ONCE... good luck, ALL MEN NEED IT.
      Thought I do think I did it accidently once. I ran her heals over with the scroller with our child in it, does THAT count? And temper? When you lose you car and quickly your home BECAUSE you live off of a super highway? Yes I was distressed but I never directed it at my wife... but I wasn't pretty either. I was working FULL time while driving her to and from her job that was part time save? It was literally taking me forty five minutes EACH trip while I watched OUR child while she worked. Guess who WASN'T getting sleep? Oh well, that's real ancient water under the bridge and I had my quirks too as in liking gaming too much but it wasn't like I could do too much of it because between the hour and a half of driving her to and from work and watching my daughter? I was TIRED ALL THE TIME. Even fell asleep quite a few times simply driving to and from but thankfully woke up before we got into a SERIOUS ACCIDENT. God was smiling on us BOTH that month or probably my daughter most likely...
      What annoyed me the most on those drives? Despite being obviously exhausted? Talking to me would of kept me focused. 45 minutes is a long time to drive in silence fighting off sleep deprivation.
      If only she would of spoke sooner... we'd probably still be a happily married couple with our own bumps in the road. Sadly that didn't happen. Trust is a two way road and even men need help when we hit OUR limit too. It's there and by the time we break? It isn't pretty either.
      Never is for EITHER party.
      Sorry about the ramble but my failed marriage HAS bothered me for like forever and will bother me until the day I die. SO many what if's if either of us were truly communicating to each other and that was OUR failure. Even I won't sidestep the blame the end end result was a team FAILURE on both our parts. She didn't tell me what I needed to know and apparently I didn't tell her she needed to know either. That's why I HATE the fact she totally side stepped a marriage consoler... that could of easily opened up doors if only an effort was made.
      Well, getting OLD so that regret? Is OLD but despite that? Will stay with me. Guess they are SOME things in life one never gets over. Like to think she has become wise enough to realize her own. LOL, who am I kidding? She would of called back a long time ago as much as I can't because she keeps her data hidden.
      Sorry to be so depressing but not all couples are created equal and it's potluck to run into a REAL partner and even when you do? You BOTH have to realize it for it to actually work. The guy isn't responsible for everything, it just isn't possible and women? They need to be responsible too. Most take the second seat but DON'T undervalue it and if you wear the pants in the family? Ugh? You opted for that HARDER position. Trade offs and being a man? Isn't a great one either. It's hard on ALL SIDES. It's about time BOTH sides realize that. And if you don't want to because you are cruising? That makes YOU part of the problem, man or woman...
      Sorry about the rant again but there are basic truths worth point out cause nobody else IS anymore. The most basic truth between a couple? They are BOTH equally responsible for keeping the relationship alive. If not? That is NOT a partner you want because once a partner does not want to BE REPONSIBLE? That is NOT a partner, that is a LEACH. Even a man's MAN can't support those... goes in reverse too, even a woman (hear me roar) can't support a man child that never wants to be responsible for HIS actions. It's just too expensive versus his very actions and his very STUPIDY.

  • @adamsaquatics3332
    @adamsaquatics3332 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Just an FYI for others, I have very clean water and still use polyfill to polish the water. It removes the tiniest pieces of debris even AFTER it runs through my sand filter.

    • @dylanstack8710
      @dylanstack8710 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      That’s crazy that it works better than the sand filter the thing intended to filter the water. Good to know thanks for sharing that. Do you think this will work to filter out dry algae?

  • @denisewilson8367
    @denisewilson8367 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Good job on the pool filter. Another way to build one....
    Get a 6 gallon bucket with snap on lid. Drill a 1 1/2 " hole in the top center of lid. Put together the same port and disconnect you used. Now 1/2" from the bottom front of your bucket drill another 1 1/2" hole, cover the hole with fiberglass screening material (like you use for repairing screened windows) glue in place with glue used for aquariums. When dry fill the bottom 3" of bucket with your poly fiber. Fill the next up layer with washed play sand. Fill the next 3" with crushed natural charcoal (do not use BBQ briquettes they have tar in them) . Next 3" up put in washed pea stone. This "filter" will last the whole season. Everything can be used again next year except the poly fiber. Save even more 💰 money.

    • @karenbrewer3362
      @karenbrewer3362 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Just curious if this will help filter the incredibly poor B filters from the pump- even with city water??

  • @hubertwebb9869
    @hubertwebb9869 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Will that filter work with algae too?❓❓❓

  • @back2basics597
    @back2basics597 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dad looks tired but still rocking those Gyllenhaal eyes. Mom is so gorgeous she should be an Avenger superhero. And those kids are so precious specially the little boy in his little kingdom in the woods. It may be hard most of the times for you but your family is still a thousand ahead in life points. Stay strong.

  • @kylecarter5502
    @kylecarter5502 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    and for everyone in the aquarium community. this is how we've been making aquarium filters for decades lol. theres even companys that sell bucket filters.

  • @mamaj6028
    @mamaj6028 2 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I use this idea in my water pond. Keeps everything clear. I save old pillows for the fiberfill. I have the pumps in dollar tree containers with hole for the cord on the bottom, and one on top for the hose. You say Redneck, I call my projects ," broke folk" 😎 thanks for the video.

    • @lindaincolorado2646
      @lindaincolorado2646 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I use pillows for my pond filter, too. A great use for My Pillows.

  • @dangallagher3883
    @dangallagher3883 2 ปีที่แล้ว +100

    Having owned a pool company for 20 years I have a tip for you if you haven’t done this. Chlorine is gas and will escape into the atmosphere unless you use a stabilizer to hold it in the water. If not, you will never be able to have a chlorine residual which is necessary to prevent algae and keep your water safe and healthy. So, you must calculate your gallons and add the appropriate amount of cyanuric acid otherwise known as stabilizer. And as far as your filter, not sure why you didn’t just plumb in a small cartridge filter but the stabilizer is the main point here.

    • @GS-en1nz
      @GS-en1nz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      CYA that is rocket science. The average pool owner doesn't know about these concepts

    • @briannichols7399
      @briannichols7399 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Cya isn't rock science, let's be honest the intex filters aren't made for filtering well. Adding a pre filter before filling would have solved about most if not all of the iron from their water source. I'm not an expert ohhh wait I am.

    • @GS-en1nz
      @GS-en1nz ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@briannichols7399 you blowing minds with common sense.

    • @brainisfullofnonsense8183
      @brainisfullofnonsense8183 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@briannichols7399 I was thinking Iron as well. If they filtered it out to begin with they could have saved the cost of the chlorine used to turn all of that dissolved Iron into Iron oxide....maybe.

    • @KKIcons
      @KKIcons ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thanks, I always wondered why the acid was added.

  • @lynngeiger9168
    @lynngeiger9168 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    did this concept 12 years ago for my Koi pond using a 55 Gal food safe drum and Lava rock and AC filter median about 3" at the top. Pond was 15" x 13 " x2" deep. Stayed clear all year long even when the desert temps hit 105. Don't need all this fancy costly crap to have clean water. Just some good old know how.

  • @dalepowell6815
    @dalepowell6815 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    That is unbelievable. The clarity after only 36 hours is really remarkable. I love redneck solutions to what must be overwhelming to people with well water who are trying to clear up their swimming pools.... Two thumbs ups!!!

  • @Portergetmybag
    @Portergetmybag 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Holy crap I absolutely love coming across couples like this! All is not lost.

  • @kcbluebutterfly2182
    @kcbluebutterfly2182 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you for this video, I'm going to show my husband, never thought NY well water could be making our pool look nasty

  • @heidipustelniak652
    @heidipustelniak652 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Yep… I have been making “red neck” filters for my solar fountains. I use all different kinds of plastic containers filled with polyester fiberfill. And just FYI, you can use a high pressure nozzle on a hose and clean out the fiberfill and reuse it. I do, but then my filters only take a handful of fiberfill. Easy to hose out the debris on that small of a filter.

  • @dorothyallen3614
    @dorothyallen3614 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank y’all for being so helpful to your community, this is what God our source and creator intended for us to do for the creation we’re living in, chemicals are very dangerous for humanity and the earth.

  • @monalingan9523
    @monalingan9523 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    That redneck pool filter is the bomb! The proof is in the pudding. I cannot believe how crystal clear that water is now. Hope you guys feel better soon, take care.

  • @rusosure7
    @rusosure7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I remember filling my pool with our well water. It was sparkling clear. But...to be sure to get ahead of any algae, I put in a chlorine float. Within a few hours, the water was GREEN! I kept adding SHOCK & more Chlorine, but it just got worse. It blew my mind.
    Turns out it was minerals reacting to Chlorine, just like in this video. In my case I had a paper filter that I rinsed off daily. Within a week, the water was clear again. But what a lesson.

    • @hannahcline2398
      @hannahcline2398 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That sounds like EXACTLY my story right now. We have well water & I’ve done all of the exact steps you mentioned. So today I searched how to diy pool filter & found their video! Soooo glad I found their video & your comment. Thanks

    • @rusosure7
      @rusosure7 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@hannahcline2398 I'm glad to have helped ease your mind.
      As I recall, I'd spray off the paper filter daily, and instead of green (like the water) the filter was shedding brown, almost like rust.
      I never researched what mineral does that, but it may be both iron or manganese.

    • @bobbipipkorn5138
      @bobbipipkorn5138 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I believe it's iron. I fill our pool with well water each year and I discovered the poly-fill trick during my 2nd year of owning a pool. I spray my filter cartridge daily (multiple times a day at first) and attach piece of pantyhose with poly-fill inside. Nothing but crystal clear sparkling water since I started using the poly-fill!

  • @edwinmcguire6040
    @edwinmcguire6040 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I started with the 5gal bucket also, but I switched to a 55 gal drum stuffed with the polyfill then ran a garden hose inlet to bottom of barrel and piped the outlet out the top to the pool so it filtered well water before it ever got to the pool. Like you said, AMAZING what a little batting does. Thanks for the Video.😀

  • @stacie1274
    @stacie1274 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You guys are geniuses! “ Red neck ingenuity” is an actual thing!

  • @evgen25rus
    @evgen25rus 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’m studying English and your videos allow me improve my listening, also I really like diy. so I love this channel, thank you, you are a great couple!

  • @rebus570
    @rebus570 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Good job, that works really well. If you have trouble with the o-ring connection leaking in bottom of bucket you can take a female adapter, cut off some of the threads & use as a nut, it works the other way also, cut male adapter and use on inside for lower profile & use female adapter on outside.

  • @maryofventura4767
    @maryofventura4767 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    If you go to a donut shop, you can procure a 5 gallon bucket with a lid that clamps super tightly. The donut filling comes in them and if you smile sweetly they usually give to them to you for free.

    • @SimpleLifeReclaimed
      @SimpleLifeReclaimed  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's awesome!! I'd love to have the screw on lid type of bucket!

  • @CoachKarin
    @CoachKarin 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Love it! People don’t understand the enjoyment and success of others that make it living simple 💯❤️

  • @tyeshajumper4404
    @tyeshajumper4404 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Holy shit. I am so impressed. Also your little boy is so darn cute.

  • @rodewerk5034
    @rodewerk5034 2 ปีที่แล้ว +125

    Put your wadding into mesh laundry bags to prevent the wadding from back flowing, and make it easier to replace the wadding. You can leave the used wadding in one of the laundry bags while it dries out, making it easier to dispose of. The pool looks fantastic, hope you get a lot of use of it. If you can find heavy duty buckets (hint farm and feed supplies) that might be an upgrade. Love you all, keep up with the redneckery, thank you for the video.

    • @MrMoonjo
      @MrMoonjo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      fuck you beat me to it ... lol

    • @GMNGChristian
      @GMNGChristian ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Mesh bags are a good idea; I was thinking a screen or something when I saw him reach in and pull that bit out of the pipe.

    • @christyperez94
      @christyperez94 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thats exactly what i was going to say.... And look online for a twist top bucket

    • @adampemberton7530
      @adampemberton7530 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Needs a check valve keeps water from back flowing 🤷‍♂️

    • @johnflowers783
      @johnflowers783 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      People have been doing this same method for koi ponds. Check valve and the mesh laundry bags is a great idea. You also can use rinsed clean lava rock.

  • @nathangandara9607
    @nathangandara9607 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    That's a great home made pump I'll use this idea. All I will say the less elevation the pump has to pump will make it last longer. If u can put the pump at the same level as the hoses coming out of the pool! Again thanks for sharing

  • @kylekelly1167
    @kylekelly1167 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Restaurants use the extremely tight lids with the chrloine containers. It's harmless when it gets watered down.

  • @bigzthediamondhandzog5793
    @bigzthediamondhandzog5793 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Quick suggestion you could add activated carbon into the filter between two thick layers of poly fill and cut out the need for chlorine also try going to local restaurants and ask for the buckets they have a lot of pickel buckets have locking tops with o rings

  • @simplyfloridian8673
    @simplyfloridian8673 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    That's amazing! I love what you can come up with to work for you. Gary is so talented! Good ole common sense, nothing like it! And to try new things! Love Ya!

  • @SundayBackyardFarmer
    @SundayBackyardFarmer ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is my first time seeing you guys channels. But I see my favorite truck in the background. That Chevy 3500 🤙🏾🤙🏾

  • @kylebrock464
    @kylebrock464 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I did this years ago with a one gallon water battle and a 6 foot peace of hose with city water and it worked wonders over night. It went from cloudy to cristal clear. For cheep

  • @boysrback5690
    @boysrback5690 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Old poly filled pillows work perfect

  • @patrickschiedel2141
    @patrickschiedel2141 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You can usually get the screw on Lids from a restaurant that they use for like their pickles to stop by some of the restaurants and see if they use the screw on tops that they can give you one.

  • @magnatracker
    @magnatracker ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I put an RV water filter on my hose before filling my pond with well water. It has stayed clear even after adding chemicals

  • @BonnieJeanTlq
    @BonnieJeanTlq 2 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    I’ve used that method with a smaller bucket for the last few years. always works great! Last year after Christmas Lowe’s had those bags of fiberfill on sale for .25 cents a bag. I’ll check this year also.
    You guys did a great job. Happy swimming!!! 🏊‍♀️ 🏊

  • @emilflognoid1532
    @emilflognoid1532 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I did basically this exact same thing for the same size pool after seeing your video and it really does work! I just used a sump pump from Harbor freight, a 5 gallon bucket, and a three dollar pillow full of poly fill from Walmart… You don’t need to get real complicated with your plumbing just run the water into the bucket… My pump came with garden hose fittings so I just put a PVC garden hose adapter to the bucket lid and a 5 foot hose…I was going to build some sort of stand to hold the bucket but in the end just toss the whole thing in the water the bucket floats around and it still filters just fine

  • @jameskotsch8271
    @jameskotsch8271 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Gary, on the outside pool, ground all electric and very important to bond also-if you don't know what I am talking about please talk to an electrician-you can get shocked or killed with equipment that is just grounded and not bonded

  • @cheryljodoin319
    @cheryljodoin319 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yes this does work!!!! We did this for our pool this year. 👏👍♥️

  • @otakelblanchemanor0659
    @otakelblanchemanor0659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    So glad this video popped up...and yes I did subcribe... my mom has well water and this happens every year. Don't even want to go into all the chemicals and stuff she adds to clear it up and it doesn't completely clear it. I will be sharing this with her! Info to have on hand!
    Looking forward to your next post!

    • @SimpleLifeReclaimed
      @SimpleLifeReclaimed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Happy to help 😃

    • @40lemae
      @40lemae 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It really does work!! Been using this method for 3 yrs now, and it truely is the ONLY thing that works. I also use to use expensive chemicals to get my ph and alkalinity down....this year, muriatic acid has done it, add a little chlorine and all is good. Thank God for videos like this!!

    • @rebekahreaney9222
      @rebekahreaney9222 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SimpleLifeReclaimed we've built the system as you have and it's working so great! But we do still have quite a lot of sediment. Too small for a vacuum bag to help with. Any other tips? We've run it 2 days now.

  • @roxiepool278
    @roxiepool278 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I do something similar to this in my outdoor bathtub/goldfish tub works like a charm!

  • @evalinawarne1337
    @evalinawarne1337 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    GOD BLESS YOU ALL 🀄🀄🀄🌹🌹🌹💐💐🕊️🕊️🕊️🌺💕💛💜💙⭐✨🌻🌹🙏🙏🙏🐦💙🌟💜🎁💛⭐⛵✨💰🎉🦓🐠🇺🇸👍❄️🚜🚜🚜🀄

  • @ash.j.
    @ash.j. 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I couldn’t believe the amount of sludge that came out of the pipe. Brilliant idea, thank you for sharing

  • @twohandsworking896
    @twohandsworking896 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i actually got my screw on lid buckets from my friend that cleans pools-thats nice and cheap-kids will have a great time

  • @RafLpz
    @RafLpz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    A simple sock on end of inlet hose works just as good.

  • @MiddleEastMilli
    @MiddleEastMilli 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    You did such an amazing job on this! I was sincerely shocked in spite of you telling us what was going to happen because it looked as nice as a Hollywood pool!
    Additionally, I am very touched by all the attention to detail you have on your set up, and plans, and thoughts for the kids too. That is really beautiful. God bless all your hard work and keep you all safe and healthy! Lots of love!

  • @kirsten2607
    @kirsten2607 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Next time you need to add water to the pool duct tape or zip tie a couple of tube socks over the end of the hose to filter out most of the minerals before they get into the pool water. Love the redneck filter...the little cartridge filters that come with those pools are way too small for the volume of water. Great job!

  • @magdaperez8940
    @magdaperez8940 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Necessity is the mother of invention,guys

  • @TheRich4187
    @TheRich4187 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Man been doing this for about 5 years. I have a lot of rust in my water and looks the same. I use a drop in pump in the pool that pulls right from the bottom and it works amazing and fast!
    Nice share though!

  • @terale6798
    @terale6798 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So glad this works for you guys. The additional benefit is keeping the water flowing. Be right back...gotta grab my swimsuit...lol

  • @gebeshebe4446
    @gebeshebe4446 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You guys are the envy of a lot of folks, great team work!

  • @PeggyLeeSebeni
    @PeggyLeeSebeni 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I liked the way you finally started using the tailgate when you were cutting. I'm a retired therapist who just can't comfortably watch as young people take their backs & knees for granted. A lifetime of good ergonomics avoids numerous injuries that can 'haunt' you for a lifetime. It only takes a few moments of planning & set up to keep your work projects ergonomically efficient & safe for everyone's future.
    I usually don't make 'nosey nancy' comments, I just change to another channel that I can watch more comfortably, however, your channel just popped up on my queue & I'd like to subscribe & follow your building projects.
    Thanks for sharing your success with the redneck filter.
    Hope you're feeling better. Please take care & remember to enjoy the nice clean pool with the kids from time to time.

  • @barrywhitlock141
    @barrywhitlock141 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That's a great job, The kids will all be happy now. An ideal place to be in when it gets hot out.

  • @matthewpeterson3329
    @matthewpeterson3329 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I've done this out on the the farm. It works great for a quick, cheap cleanup. If you want to make something where you don't have to throw away the pillow stuffing, and is reusable as an all summer filter, try this... use the same bucket but your inlet should be on the lowest edge of the side of the bucket. Inside the bucket, install a series of 4-ways with a T at the end (will fit 3 of the 4-ways and 1 T. From each of the 4-ways and T, put an elbow facing upward. Then in the lid, put an outlet with a U bend so the water pours back into the pool. This will allow you to set the bucket upright so you don't have to remove the bucket (filter housing now) to clean. Back to the elbows... use cotton tube socks (I used 3 each, a sock in a sock in a sock) and I clamped/zip tied/ used Sunday paper rubber bands, to attach the socks to the elbows, and shazam... you have 8 filter socks. Super easy to install, when dirty you turn them inside-out, rinse and and repeat. Run them through the laundry if really filthy, or soak in CLR. They catch leaves and debris too. The smudge in the bucket can be wiped out with the dirty socks when doing the change over. Great video guys!

    • @mattp1337
      @mattp1337 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I like both your design and cotton socks as re-usable filters. I want to do this on a smaller scale for an outdoor bath.

    • @donnahinckley697
      @donnahinckley697 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I love both ideas but need a visual

    • @sandyandrews9611
      @sandyandrews9611 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I love these ideas as well, and I also need a visual. Do you have a video or even a few pics @matthewpeterson3329 ?

  • @lessinclair338
    @lessinclair338 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Love this idea guys. I am going to try to adapt it to my 35 sq metre backyard fish pond. Cant suck the nutrients from the bottom, but should be perfect for the surface. So long as I don't suck all my 45+ goldfish through it. Those little suckers love to breed, started with 7, 3 years ago. Sushi anyone.
    Love yours and CRC channels. Hi from Sydney, Australia

  • @evalinawarne1337
    @evalinawarne1337 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I call it the 💙 blue neck filter 💙. Looks fantastic again. Right 👍 On. Let's go swimming or floating. When it warms up the pool. FUN.

  • @CivilianDan
    @CivilianDan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Amazing inexpensive hack. Thank you for sharing.

  • @seangrey3505
    @seangrey3505 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This method works great I have been using it for my small pond water is crystal clear and not one mosquito either my fish and turtles are always able to bee seen and it's so cheap...I also add a layer of lava rock and a layer of charcoal as well but I have fish in a pond...I'm amazed the 5gallon filter works so well for that size pool makes me think about building a larger pond

  • @jamiewhite4077
    @jamiewhite4077 16 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Another tip is muriatic acid to get the copper and metals to turn and dissolve but after a day you’ll want to put blue clarifier in it and then it’ll be crystal clear again! I figured this out last year and has helped this year as well! Also I bought a sand filter this year and has helped tremendously so I dnt gotta keep cleaning the filter.

  • @Solar750
    @Solar750 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Minerals Oxidizing = Iron rusting. It's just hard water. Great cost effective solution though! Don't let brown water freak you out. Likely the same water you're are drinking everyday. We upgraded our bucket filter like this to some 6" PVC (about 2' long) that we stuff with the pillow fibers and run the hose through when filling. It eliminates 90&% of the problem upfront and then you can just attach the filter to it occasionally if/when needed. Slightly more expensive than the bucket method, but more reliable caps (Screw), and better filtration with less material. Super easy to swap out/rinse the filling too.

  • @thedarkside3394
    @thedarkside3394 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You made a really big fish tank filter. Nice work guys.

  • @charlesurrea1451
    @charlesurrea1451 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Been there, done that for my fish. Works wonders as a pond biofilter.
    Works just like a sand filter.

    • @billyjoeperkins8145
      @billyjoeperkins8145 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      there is fire retardant in that fiber fill that is not good for fish.....been there done that

  • @jafleetwood9714
    @jafleetwood9714 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    WOW, you aren't kidding, almost hard to believe. AMAZING!

  • @carolclarke-watson4097
    @carolclarke-watson4097 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great job, Mel and Gary! Every day we learn something new. Thank you. Enjoy all the swimming and cooling down this summer. It is really hot.

  • @davidhansen1478
    @davidhansen1478 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    We did the same thing with our pool. It works great!

  • @cotywebb4604
    @cotywebb4604 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I use polyfill for water polishing in all of my aquariums. Probably not a big concern for a poll but make sure you use the plain polyfill and not the kind that is mold and mildew resistant as it's chemicals treated to resist the organisms.

  • @tammynull3224
    @tammynull3224 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wanna have this kinda couple life... ❤

  • @jason-bu4cy
    @jason-bu4cy ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I upgraded our pool pump to a sand pump from Amazon. I use filter balls instead of sand so I can backwash and rinse the filter balls. All in was $110. I would have done what y’all did if I had all the stuff.

  • @benjaminsmith9823
    @benjaminsmith9823 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You guys are an awesome team. So glad y’all made this content. Thank you!

  • @RobertsonsBellyAcres
    @RobertsonsBellyAcres 2 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    That is freaking AWESOME!! I would of never guessed to use polyfill as the filter! Now the kids have a place to stay cool this summer! Good job! Love y'all!!!

    • @paige6028
      @paige6028 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      & the adults after working in that brutal heat!

    • @MrDanisve
      @MrDanisve 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Horrible for the environment tho. Alot of microplastic in that water i bet.
      Using something natural would be better, like cotton. But altso more expensive. You could throw the cotton in the compost pile, cannot do that with the polyfill

    • @lindaincolorado2646
      @lindaincolorado2646 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well that's similar to what they use in aquariums. But I don't actually know what the fiber filters for aquariums and ponds that are sold commercially are made of. I would imagine it's not just plastic

  • @lonniestulce4310
    @lonniestulce4310 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Me and my family tried your redneck bucket filter and it is awesome thanks you guys

  • @mariotommadich4685
    @mariotommadich4685 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Place a large rare earth magnet into a plastic bag, seal it airtight and add it to the bucket to catch the magnetite.

    • @UniquelyUbiquitous-yg3xl
      @UniquelyUbiquitous-yg3xl หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s an excellent idea, man! How big of a magnet would you recommend?

  • @hey_its_us
    @hey_its_us ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Awesome idea. I’m using this method for my pool pond to make it clear. Thank you.

  • @koicaine1230
    @koicaine1230 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Love it! I put pillow stuffing into a mesh laundry bag for my Koi pond filter lol! It works great!

  • @truthbtold6118
    @truthbtold6118 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    First time I have landed on your channel… and I just have to say it’s such an awesome thing to see man and wife working so well as a team together. May my Lord and Savior bless the work of your hands and keep you both and the children safe !

    • @SimpleLifeReclaimed
      @SimpleLifeReclaimed  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Welcome aboard! And thank you kindly 💚

  • @dogra13
    @dogra13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love making iced tea with well water.

  • @mildredlackey1938
    @mildredlackey1938 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Wow, that’s just great pool cleaning, proud of you guys, now enjoy that beautiful pool , 👍

  • @BN-US
    @BN-US 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow! That filter worked great! Awesome! Enjoy your pool SLR!

  • @HalfAssHomestead
    @HalfAssHomestead ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The advantage of the brown water, it will absorb the heat rather than reflect it off of clear water. This is awesome!

  • @tammisink9872
    @tammisink9872 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    All I can say is WOW!!! I can't believe it worked!!!

  • @alphanada
    @alphanada ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Excellent job, you guys!! Fantastic ingenuity. BTW, your water is brown because of the tannins from the flora in that area, and possibly the iron content from the ground water. The iron and black streaks on the fiber is what showed up stuck on the inside of the bucket. The tea colored water is typical of the tannins. It is harmless. It's like a giant cup of tea, literally. 🙂

  • @RidgeLife
    @RidgeLife 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Always the ingenious crew on the 41.36!

  • @eunicehenderson9095
    @eunicehenderson9095 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To find the screw on kind look up "Gamma Lids and buckets". They make ones that adapt to regular buckets also and in different sizes.

  • @kevingilbert6242
    @kevingilbert6242 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you so much! I had the same thing happen to me last year, I had no idea it was the minerals in my well water oxidizing. Time to make a trip to Lowe's! Again, thank you.

  • @Timberwolf35546
    @Timberwolf35546 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Using a lid with a 3in wide section of holes covered inside with red/green sanding brillo pads and then putting chlorine tabs in the bucket works great for the constant seasonal use. The pads hold back the solids and the chlorine makes it sink to bottom of the bucket until it reaches the point where the pump can't push water up through the solids. Just add a drain pipe with a ball valve and you shouldn't have to touch the goop anymore, especially if you use laundry chlorine instead of tablets.

  • @premramsita8354
    @premramsita8354 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have to say how much I love both of you. You guys compliment each other and are outlets for each others life. I love that you work to make each other better and love the dynamic of your family life. Keep going strong. Red necks for life.

  • @lilmisstrouble85
    @lilmisstrouble85 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's basically a drum filter we use for aquariums.

  • @Lokas_mystical_crafts
    @Lokas_mystical_crafts ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I use this for my fish tanks. Works great to clear up water. Also shocking the water will help it clear faster

  • @mpedmar9701
    @mpedmar9701 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    "If we can build it, you can build it " LOL
    Says the couple who's building their house from the ground up, including laying brick !!
    All kidding aside, it really didn't look that hard. Thanks for demonstrating the build for us. How often do you think that you'll have to change the Poly-fill once you initially get it cleaned out ?
    Stay happy, healthy, hydrated and safe. May God continue to bless you, your family and your adventures.

    • @SimpleLifeReclaimed
      @SimpleLifeReclaimed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Once the water is cleaned I don't think we'll have to change it but once a month at the most. But probably not even that much tbh. It really does a great job!

    • @roblysen7065
      @roblysen7065 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      To make sure everyone stays safe, test your well water to make sure it's microbiological safe through lab grade testing.
      Fiber sand and carbon filter (not activated carbon) for the other microbiological organisms in your water would have served your purpose better. It removes organic contaminants as well as trace contaminants e'll see how the fiber filter works alone. You'll probably have to change the fiber weekly.

    • @SimpleLifeReclaimed
      @SimpleLifeReclaimed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@roblysen7065 perhaps, but that sounds pretty costly, no?

    • @roblysen7065
      @roblysen7065 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well if some of the contaminants are accidentally swallowed in the pool by the kids and someone gets sick, which do you think would end up more costly?

    • @SimpleLifeReclaimed
      @SimpleLifeReclaimed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@roblysen7065 fair enough.
      We filter the well water going into the trailers and use it for showers cooking and drinking. No one has been sick over it yet, so far so good. This lil bucket filter works great for cleaning the pool. 🤗

  • @daphneraven6745
    @daphneraven6745 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Simple life reclaimed: TYVK for this awesome video. It’s always a pleasure to watch people use their ingenuity!
    It’s been a lot of years since I’ve used a pool. So, bear that in mind when I say that it’s too bad that you couldn’t have run the incoming water from the wheel through the filter to begin with. It might’ve saved a nice bit of trouble.
    I’ll acknowledge right now that there’s probably something you already thought of, and would have done if it were possible, but that being the case, maybe somebody could take the time to explain the theory to me.
    My parents had a lot of kids, and they always wanted to know where their kids were, and that they were being minded, so they made sure that they were the parents that had the best play equipment around, so that our friends would come to us instead of us going someplace else. We had a pool that ran off well water as well. I don’t remember this problem, but that’s probably because like you guys, parents tend to think about this stuff long before they’re going to let the kids get in the pool.
    Thank you for the nice Trip down memory lane, and for a little insight into your processes. I think I’ll subscribe. It was pretty innovative. :-)

  • @lindawilson6695
    @lindawilson6695 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    WOW, that's amazing guys!! Who would have thought that little bucket would work as a pool filter?!!! That's freaking genius!! Good job guys. Much ❤️ too you all 💕

  • @Damian.123
    @Damian.123 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great idea! Thank you for sharing with us.

  • @atashalynn
    @atashalynn ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Going outside to build this right now. Thank you!!!

  • @mariedmitrieff6829
    @mariedmitrieff6829 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Beautiful Mel, I love your eye makeup & Cool shades. You guys rock, I Love all your awesome fun to watch videos. Have an awesome day. xox
    The pool looks awesome with your great invention to clear the sand out. It's not dirty just sandy.
    it's just a bit of sand, to me it's about the same when we swim in a lake with all the sand..

  • @kipcudd7253
    @kipcudd7253 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I guess our well water doesn't put out water that will turn to chocolate mocha. It's always been clear as a bell. But we upgraded to a sand filter, had a cartridge filter before, only use regular pool sand. We had a 27' pool and the sand filter worked great.

    • @ladawngarland2488
      @ladawngarland2488 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same here, our well water is crystal clear too even after pool chemicals. We also upgraded to a sand filter, the small cartridge filters that come with the above ground frame set pools just aren't powerful enough. It was definitely worth it.

    • @thegorn68
      @thegorn68 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      With that sand filter, you can also backwash or vacuum to waste which are great options the cartridge didn't give you. If you need to help out your sand filter to capture smaller particles or metals, add some Jack's Magic Filter Fiber Stuff through the skimmer. Works great!

    • @kipcudd7253
      @kipcudd7253 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thegorn68 don't have to worry about the pool any more I bumped a patio stone with the mower and it went thru the liner and I told my wife no more pool and the very next day after that happened we had a huge storm roll thru with high winds,70mph, that destroyed everything else. Just not meant to be. Getting to many health problems, heart diabetes, bad knees,. Just don't feel like dealing with it anymore. More raised bed gardening now.

  • @benjaminjohnson8637
    @benjaminjohnson8637 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This idea does work great I done it with my old pool that had a poor filtering system

  • @thegorn68
    @thegorn68 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The brown color in your well water isn't "minerals oxidizing" it is, more specifically, IRON falling out and reacting (oxidizing) to the chlorine present as well as reacting when you raise your pH. I would find a way to PRE-Filter your fill up water with one of those socks you put on the end of your garden hose and just use a quart of Jack's Magic Pink Stuff to keep it from falling out in the first place.

  • @AuntieAnn
    @AuntieAnn 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    That blew my mind last year and it continues to blow my mind this year! 👍.... That's some awesome redneckery for sure 💪❤️❤️❤️

  • @evevening7995
    @evevening7995 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Hi Mel and Gary, what a great idea, I am going to try a similar thing with my pond, glad to see you much better, best wishes from EVE in the UK 🇬🇧🤝🇺🇲

    • @rob77ist
      @rob77ist 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Make sure it's fish safe. Well that's if u have fish in your pond

    • @evevening7995
      @evevening7995 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@rob77ist thank you, I will do.

  • @waynejohnson3188
    @waynejohnson3188 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've seen the screw on lids for the bucket that can be ordered online.

  • @solidtangent9953
    @solidtangent9953 ปีที่แล้ว

    If I was camping and I hear a laugh like Gary’s I’d probably die lol