I feel like my life has been right in the thick of it all. As a child, I was sealed to my parents in the Salt Lake City temple. I was endowed in the Washington DC temple. I served as a missionary in the Italy, Rome mission. I participated in the 2020 Hosanna shout(remotely). I witnessed the second great eclipse at the Kirtland temple. I feel very fortunate to be a member of the church at this time. As far as the second coming, I want it to happen now. I'm so done with the craziness of this world. I'm ready to move on to better things!
Once you see total eclipse, you know:) check out the pathways of 2027 and 2034. They cross over each other, Red Sea. Over the land of Joseph in Egypt, over Hebrews/ Moses deliverance. Then over Lehi's journey. 2034 crosses the opposite way just like 2017 and 2024, 7 years apart. 2024 is on Aug 2, same day cornerstone was layed. 2034 is same day Jospeh Smith wrote the letter from jail. Read it.
We are indeed warned. Let’s keep in mind the Lord is merciful and we are judged individually. For those with limited understanding, it will be a different matter than for those who claim to be a believer. My non-member aunt, who rejected the church in her life, just had her temple work done by my sister, over a decade since my aunt passed. The temple sealer said she (my aunt) was so happy that her work was being done. He went on to say that it is now as if she were born under the covenant. I was amazed at this, and relieved to know that people are given opportunities to grow in the next life.
Yes! We sometimes forget that "God is in relentless pursuit" of each of us individually.... Everyone is at different levels--and that "pursuit" continues on (that's why we believe in proxy temple work!) 💙
I feel like the 2020 general conference was our day of Pentecost. The spirit was poured out in great abundance upon us. I have witnessed it in myself, my family, and my church family. Fulfillment of the scripture in Nephi that speaks of us have great spirit and power.
..."hindsight [IS 2020]"afterall🌿...i am SO HAPPY to live in this time - I've been waiting since becoming a Christian@age 16 (1980)...now im 61...the wait is over...we have been prepared...God is Great🌿
I don't really know, but I felt that the Lord would come on His birthday and on a Sunday. When I first moved to Taylorsville, UT (right by the Taylorsville Temple), almost three years ago, I was figuring out that April 6, 2025 would be the next Sunday. I once heard President Hinckley say that same thing. If He doesn't come to the world by then, what would we think if He was at General Conference? I long for His return as I've been unwell most of my life. Thanks Jared for all you do. ♥️
Brother Jared, I can tell that 2025 is going to be an unforgettable year...! I received a personal revelation, but am not at liberty to share it with you or anyone... All I can say is STANDBY...! I know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, that the Gospel has been restored and that WE ARE the Children of this resurrection...I In the Holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen...!
Also interesting The Saints series ended with the year 2020. It’s called “Sounded in Every Ear” and ends with President Nelson doing the Hosanna Shout” in the April 2020 General Conference”.
I got more coming on that and the Saints books. There are signs here being missed by many. Check my short I made and comment on there what you think please
That's what I believe also. I used to pray to simply see the Lord's hand in all things, even the worst of things. Yes, a form of thinking celestially. Then, in the temple, I learned to pray & believe to see more than His hand, not unlike the brother of Jared. While I freely admit that I am nobody & humbly confess that I've not attained a visit in His Glory, I do know that the Savior walks among us all. He doesn't just live. He lives to bring each of us safely home to the Father. Thank you so much Jared for all you do in His name & to cheer us forward on the straight & narrow path. You are a voice for the Prophets & Apostles of Jesus Christ. I'm so humbled to know just how lost I'd be without this "cloud of witnesses", of which you are a part. Thank you & God bless your family. P.S. I now pray for eyes to see Him, ears to hear Him & a broken heart to know Him & out Father in heaven.
I think all general conference are one's to watch. And that becomes more true with each passing one, as we get one more conference closer to the second coming. I do believe we had a type and shadow prophecy fulled at the dedication of the Palmyra temple and the beginning of the millennium and that beginning the "about 30 minutes of silence". 30 minutes in Gods times is just over 20 years. Using the "About" in that sentence and Nelson declaring a Hinge Point January 1, 2020 on social media. I assumed that ended the silence in heaven and we will now start to see Gods hand moving across the world to prepare it for the millennium. And 2025 will be interesting. But I believe this is on a 7 year track, as God does many things in 7 cycles. As only about 6% of the time does the 2 day Jewish Holiday Rosh Hashanah land on the Saturday and Sunday of Oct General Conference. This happens in 2027. 7 Years after the Hinge Point has been established and exactly 200 years after Joseph Smith received the Book of Mormon. 207 years after the first vision. I see Oct 2027 as a very significant date for the church. Will it be the second coming? Probably not, but maybe. But I am looking at this date as maybe a church event like Adam-ondi-Ahman. Or something else interesting. Of all General Conference, Oct 2027 is the one I am most interested in.
In the fall of 2027 it will be the begining of the last 7 years of tribulation before Christ comes and saves the Jews in 2034. April of 2031 will probably be when the meeting of Adam ohdi Ahman occurs.
Also many saints in the west saying that leaders have told them to stay close to the Lord from Christmas to Easter. I feel like I’m in a perpetual state of waiting for the next thing!
And I feel like what is the loss? I don’t do-the-things for a certain external motivation. I would LOVE if this is all leading to His return. But if not, I experience a far closer relationship with Him. I count that as a 💯 win. I know this is a major point: that the early saints were sure it would be in their lifetimes. But if they grew closer to Heaven, they experienced a spectacular reunion with our Savior!💛
I feel like I am waiting for "the coach to put me into the game". It's like I know that I have the ability to fly but can't quite remember how and am not able to do it. I am doing all I can with my limited ability of this body and knowledge currently allowed. Teaching all that I can and it's increasing in frequency. I'm so ready for the Second Coming to come. I know and see so many signs. The veil is thin. It's like dejavu. I'm seeing things that I saw before I came. They are echos. Anyone else feel this way?
Something interesting I noticed was in come follow me, April 6 coincides with D&C 29 which I think you mentioned in a video before, but more than that October conference will line up with the Kirtland Temple manifestation.
Thanks for making this information so easy to reference in your spreadsheets. I agree this upcoming General Conference is going to be very special. I would be very surprised if the Savior returned so soon!
Have you seen this Rising Star? There's no coincidence with her name and this Day of Preparation. “I was flooded with the Spirit, that it was a confirmation like, Alright, here’s your window,” Emma says. And so she left for a mission in Sweden, where she would discover a spiritual gift for songwriting and create the songs that would become her first two singles. Prior to her mission, she had not felt drawn to writing music and had, in fact, never written a song. “Nevertheless, she found herself writing song after song every time she received the prompting to find a piano and set gospel messages to music.” After completing her mission and returning home, she released singles on Spotify and began working with Deseret Book to create her album, Love Like You, which released in August 2024. She has described her music as “Christian jazz.” A phrase from Russell M. Nelson’s talk “Hear Him” became her first single. Emma is the daughter of writer and voice actor Brian Nissen The day of the Atonement was celebrated on the fourteenth day of the month of Nissan, which was the “day of preparation” before Passover.
Easter timing is associated with the spring season, the Christian Easter had its origin in other themes. In Asia Minor, it was the Atonement that was first celebrated at this time of year. The day of the Atonement was celebrated on the fourteenth day of the month of Nissan, which was the “day of preparation” before Passover
Actually the 14th of Nissan is Passover. The day of Atonement occurs in the fall around our late Sept early Oct. It occured on the 10 th day of Tishri the 6th month of the Jewish spiritual Calander but near the Jewish new year which is near Rosh Hashanah.
@gem7sagg What are the origins of our secular Easter traditions? Is there any historical connection between these traditions and our Christian celebration of the resurrection of Christ? Robert C. Patch, professor of ancient scripture, Brigham Young University. There in of the term Easter. I just copied it off of the church app. I guess your smarter than Robert c Patch. Professor of Ancient Scripture. Good for you. 💯
@gem7sagg I was more throwing that up hoping that Jared would catch the alley oop and do what he does with his spiritual gifts and dunk this info with data. I'm always open to be corrected. Have a good one friend.
Interesting stuff, Jared. Thanks for putting all of this together. I couldn't help but think about the timing of Palm Sunday falling on general conference in April 2023 and the emphasis they gave it and that perhaps we are gearing for his return to happen a week of years layer in April of 2030 with President Nelson planning to give us a Samuel the Lamanite 5 year warning this coming April conference.
I wonder if, during the Millennium, the orbit of the earth will be adjusted so that the solar year matches up with the lunar cycle. Then the weeks/months would come out even, so April 6 could always be on Sunday (or whatever day we use for the Sabbath then). The perfectionistic part of my brain would enjoy that. It's always bugged me that the calendar isn't quite uniform.
Does anyone remember why the brethren had us all do the hosanna shout in the April 2020 General Conference? Was there an explanation that I’m forgetting about??
There are a lot of people married in the temple who have kept their covenants faithfully but no longer wish to be with their spouse in eternity. They’ve stayed with that person and are enduring to the end. What will become of them?
Either Jesus helps them to love each other again or he lets them out of it and they find another partner before they are resurrected. No one will be forced against their will.
@ I’ve said this to friends/family I know are in this type situation. They ask where it says that. I don’t know of any specific reference so I say it’s just my belief. But do you have a reference you can point me to? I know marriages must be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, and many, if not most, haven’t received that yet as I understand it. So these dear folks think they won’t even make it to the Celestial kingdom or be alone therein and become servants to others, as Brigham Young taught. That’s pretty bleak. So I share President Oaks comment that we don’t know a whole lot about the details of the afterlife. But they all have this underlying sadness even as they continue to live and serve faithfully. I just wish I could offer them something from a prophet.
We know that Jesus Christ was born on April 6th On the Jewish Calendar it was the 1st of Nissan, which means new beginnings, maybe April 6th also means a new beginning? The Church was Restored and organized on April 6th 1830 which was a day of New Beginnings for the Great and Last Dispensation. The Jewish Holy Days seem to me that the Lord finds them significant. We know that He fulfilled the Law of Moses and was the Great and Last Sacrifice. The Lord was crucified on Passover. When Christ was being nailed to the Cross the Priests were binding the Lamb for Sacrifice on the Altar. Perhaps it was also April 6th? The Lord was resurrected on the Day of 1st Fruits. In the D&C The Lord states He was the 1st Fruits of them that slept. April 6th does seem to be a celebrated day maybe it's a hinge day. Thanks for your report Jared it gets my old brain stimulated.
I appreciate all the work you have done on your spreadsheets, Jared, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to access the information...? But I do love your podcasts.
Jared, thank you very much. I love how you look back in church history,as well as forward so we can see “ the big picture” of how the church is growing and hastening up the grand finality of His glorious 2nd Coming. I can hardly wait❣️
Why would we celebrate Jesus' birthday more than His resurrection? The resurrection was sure triumph over all the ills of this life. I would rather believe Jesus was resurrected on April 6. It may be he was born and resurrected on that day.
Jesus was born on April 6th 7 BC. On the Hebrew Calander it was the 10th day of Nissan. 4 days after his birthday he died on 14th of Nissan in 28 AD. It was on a Wed on our Gregorian Calander. He was 34 and 4 days old like 3 Nephi chapter 8 says. His birthday was on the Saturday Sabbath right before Palm Sunday.That Wednesday was a high Sabbath not a Saturday Sabbath. The evening after passover was always called a High Sabbath. In 28 AD Nissan 14 fell on April 28th. So he would have resurrected on May 2nd. 28 AD.
I feel like my life has been right in the thick of it all. As a child, I was sealed to my parents in the Salt Lake City temple. I was endowed in the Washington DC temple. I served as a missionary in the Italy, Rome mission. I participated in the 2020 Hosanna shout(remotely). I witnessed the second great eclipse at the Kirtland temple. I feel very fortunate to be a member of the church at this time. As far as the second coming, I want it to happen now. I'm so done with the craziness of this world. I'm ready to move on to better things!
Same but its just dragging along till he returns.
2029-2034 are critical years it could happen so we still have some dragging our feet time
Once you see total eclipse, you know:) check out the pathways of 2027 and 2034. They cross over each other, Red Sea. Over the land of Joseph in Egypt, over Hebrews/ Moses deliverance. Then over Lehi's journey. 2034 crosses the opposite way just like 2017 and 2024, 7 years apart. 2024 is on Aug 2, same day cornerstone was layed. 2034 is same day Jospeh Smith wrote the letter from jail. Read it.
I watched the eclipse from Kirtland too! Unforgettable!
We are indeed warned. Let’s keep in mind the Lord is merciful and we are judged individually. For those with limited understanding, it will be a different matter than for those who claim to be a believer.
My non-member aunt, who rejected the church in her life, just had her temple work done by my sister, over a decade since my aunt passed. The temple sealer said she (my aunt) was so happy that her work was being done. He went on to say that it is now as if she were born under the covenant. I was amazed at this, and relieved to know that people are given opportunities to grow in the next life.
Yes! We sometimes forget that "God is in relentless pursuit" of each of us individually.... Everyone is at different levels--and that "pursuit" continues on (that's why we believe in proxy temple work!) 💙
I feel like the 2020 general conference was our day of Pentecost. The spirit was poured out in great abundance upon us. I have witnessed it in myself, my family, and my church family. Fulfillment of the scripture in Nephi that speaks of us have great spirit and power.
..."hindsight [IS 2020]"afterall🌿...i am SO HAPPY to live in this time - I've been waiting since becoming a Christian@age 16 (1980)...now im 61...the wait is over...we have been prepared...God is Great🌿
I don't really know, but I felt that the Lord would come on His birthday and on a Sunday. When I first moved to Taylorsville, UT (right by the Taylorsville Temple), almost three years ago, I was figuring out that April 6, 2025 would be the next Sunday. I once heard President Hinckley say that same thing. If He doesn't come to the world by then, what would we think if He was at General Conference? I long for His return as I've been unwell most of my life. Thanks Jared for all you do. ♥️
Brother Jared, I can tell that 2025 is going to be an unforgettable year...! I received a personal revelation, but am not at liberty to share it with you or anyone... All I can say is STANDBY...! I know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, that the Gospel has been restored and that WE ARE the Children of this resurrection...I In the Holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen...!
@@87843937 Amen. Things in the last year have looked like dreams that I have had this year too. I have had unbelievable experiences
Also interesting The Saints series ended with the year 2020. It’s called “Sounded in Every Ear” and ends with President Nelson doing the Hosanna Shout” in the April 2020 General Conference”.
I got more coming on that and the Saints books. There are signs here being missed by many. Check my short I made and comment on there what you think please
@ Will do! What is your channel?
@gracieloufreebush38 Catch the Buzz
@@CatchTheBuzz1 Of course. I just click on your icon. Cool!
Where is your short?@@CatchTheBuzz1
Did we mention the name of LA in Spanish is “City of the Angels “ which angels is up to interpretation
We are in the second coming!
That's what I believe also. I used to pray to simply see the Lord's hand in all things, even the worst of things. Yes, a form of thinking celestially.
Then, in the temple, I learned to pray & believe to see more than His hand, not unlike the brother of Jared.
While I freely admit that I am nobody & humbly confess that I've not attained a visit in His Glory, I do know that the Savior walks among us all.
He doesn't just live. He lives to bring each of us safely home to the Father.
Thank you so much Jared for all you do in His name & to cheer us forward on the straight & narrow path. You are a voice for the Prophets & Apostles of Jesus Christ.
I'm so humbled to know just how lost I'd be without this "cloud of witnesses", of which you are a part.
Thank you & God bless your family.
P.S. I now pray for eyes to see Him, ears to hear Him & a broken heart to know Him & out Father in heaven.
We are in the pre second coming
I think all general conference are one's to watch. And that becomes more true with each passing one, as we get one more conference closer to the second coming. I do believe we had a type and shadow prophecy fulled at the dedication of the Palmyra temple and the beginning of the millennium and that beginning the "about 30 minutes of silence". 30 minutes in Gods times is just over 20 years. Using the "About" in that sentence and Nelson declaring a Hinge Point January 1, 2020 on social media. I assumed that ended the silence in heaven and we will now start to see Gods hand moving across the world to prepare it for the millennium. And 2025 will be interesting. But I believe this is on a 7 year track, as God does many things in 7 cycles. As only about 6% of the time does the 2 day Jewish Holiday Rosh Hashanah land on the Saturday and Sunday of Oct General Conference. This happens in 2027. 7 Years after the Hinge Point has been established and exactly 200 years after Joseph Smith received the Book of Mormon. 207 years after the first vision. I see Oct 2027 as a very significant date for the church. Will it be the second coming? Probably not, but maybe. But I am looking at this date as maybe a church event like Adam-ondi-Ahman. Or something else interesting. Of all General Conference, Oct 2027 is the one I am most interested in.
Probably start building and called to Zion then i think the tribulation time starts there and Trump is removed from office
In the fall of 2027 it will be the begining of the last 7 years of tribulation before Christ comes and saves the Jews in 2034. April of 2031 will probably be when the meeting of Adam ohdi Ahman occurs.
Also many saints in the west saying that leaders have told them to stay close to the Lord from Christmas to Easter. I feel like I’m in a perpetual state of waiting for the next thing!
There's a whole initiative in our area to invite the community to come closer to Christ this season
And I feel like what is the loss? I don’t do-the-things for a certain external motivation. I would LOVE if this is all leading to His return. But if not, I experience a far closer relationship with Him. I count that as a 💯 win. I know this is a major point: that the early saints were sure it would be in their lifetimes. But if they grew closer to Heaven, they experienced a spectacular reunion with our Savior!💛
I feel like I am waiting for "the coach to put me into the game". It's like I know that I have the ability to fly but can't quite remember how and am not able to do it. I am doing all I can with my limited ability of this body and knowledge currently allowed. Teaching all that I can and it's increasing in frequency. I'm so ready for the Second Coming to come. I know and see so many signs. The veil is thin. It's like dejavu. I'm seeing things that I saw before I came. They are echos. Anyone else feel this way?
@@CatchTheBuzz1 like a itch you can’t scratch.
@juliak3580 Yes
Something interesting I noticed was in come follow me, April 6 coincides with D&C 29 which I think you mentioned in a video before, but more than that October conference will line up with the Kirtland Temple manifestation.
Another significance of 17...President Nelson is the 17th prophet of the church in this dispensation.
The February 2025 Liahona is all about Healing through Jesus Christ
Thanks for making this information so easy to reference in your spreadsheets. I agree this upcoming General Conference is going to be very special. I would be very surprised if the Savior returned so soon!
Have you seen this Rising Star?
There's no coincidence with her name and this Day of Preparation.
“I was flooded with the Spirit, that it was a confirmation like, Alright, here’s your window,” Emma says. And so she left for a mission in Sweden, where she would discover a spiritual gift for songwriting and create the songs that would become her first two singles.
Prior to her mission, she had not felt drawn to writing music and had, in fact, never written a song. “Nevertheless, she found herself writing song after song every time she received the prompting to find a piano and set gospel messages to music.”
After completing her mission and returning home, she released singles on Spotify and began working with Deseret Book to create her album, Love Like You, which released in August 2024. She has described her music as “Christian jazz.” A phrase from Russell M. Nelson’s talk “Hear Him” became her first single.
Emma is the daughter of writer and voice actor Brian Nissen
The day of the Atonement was celebrated on the fourteenth day of the month of Nissan, which was the “day of preparation” before Passover.
Easter timing is associated with the spring season, the Christian Easter had its origin in other themes. In Asia Minor, it was the Atonement that was first celebrated at this time of year. The day of the Atonement was celebrated on the fourteenth day of the month of Nissan, which was the “day of preparation” before Passover
Actually the 14th of Nissan is Passover. The day of Atonement occurs in the fall around our late Sept early Oct. It occured on the 10 th day of Tishri the 6th month of the Jewish spiritual Calander but near the Jewish new year which is near Rosh Hashanah.
@gem7sagg What are the origins of our secular Easter traditions? Is there any historical connection between these traditions and our Christian celebration of the resurrection of Christ? Robert C. Patch, professor of ancient scripture, Brigham Young University. There in of the term Easter.
I just copied it off of the church app. I guess your smarter than Robert c Patch. Professor of Ancient Scripture. Good for you. 💯
@gem7sagg I was more throwing that up hoping that Jared would catch the alley oop and do what he does with his spiritual gifts and dunk this info with data. I'm always open to be corrected. Have a good one friend.
40:22 Fourteen minutes and 49 seconds for the talk. Fourteen is 7+7, and 49 is 7*7.
Thank you, Jared, for all your work putting these videos together.
Interesting stuff, Jared. Thanks for putting all of this together. I couldn't help but think about the timing of Palm Sunday falling on general conference in April 2023 and the emphasis they gave it and that perhaps we are gearing for his return to happen a week of years layer in April of 2030 with President Nelson planning to give us a Samuel the Lamanite 5 year warning this coming April conference.
Thank you
Thank you for enlightening us with the connectivities of so much ... I'm very much enjoying listening an researching myself...
Love this channel. Thanks for all the info. Thank you for your time and for researching this info.
I wonder if, during the Millennium, the orbit of the earth will be adjusted so that the solar year matches up with the lunar cycle. Then the weeks/months would come out even, so April 6 could always be on Sunday (or whatever day we use for the Sabbath then). The perfectionistic part of my brain would enjoy that. It's always bugged me that the calendar isn't quite uniform.
Does anyone remember why the brethren had us all do the hosanna shout in the April 2020 General Conference? Was there an explanation that I’m forgetting about??
It was in celebration and commemoration of the 200th anniversary of The First Vision.
Also might have been the end of half hour of silence
It was the opening of the 7th seal a true Jewish Jubilee year. See my comment about that.
There are a lot of people married in the temple who have kept their covenants faithfully but no longer wish to be with their spouse in eternity. They’ve stayed with that person and are enduring to the end. What will become of them?
Either Jesus helps them to love each other again or he lets them out of it and they find another partner before they are resurrected. No one will be forced against their will.
@ I’ve said this to friends/family I know are in this type situation. They ask where it says that. I don’t know of any specific reference so I say it’s just my belief. But do you have a reference you can point me to? I know marriages must be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, and many, if not most, haven’t received that yet as I understand it. So these dear folks think they won’t even make it to the Celestial kingdom or be alone therein and become servants to others, as Brigham Young taught. That’s pretty bleak. So I share President Oaks comment that we don’t know a whole lot about the details of the afterlife. But they all have this underlying sadness even as they continue to live and serve faithfully. I just wish I could offer them something from a prophet.
We know that Jesus Christ was born on April 6th On the Jewish Calendar it was the 1st of Nissan, which means new beginnings, maybe April 6th also means a new beginning? The Church was Restored and organized on April 6th 1830 which was a day of New Beginnings for the Great and Last Dispensation.
The Jewish Holy Days seem to me that the Lord finds them significant. We know that He fulfilled the Law of Moses and was the Great and Last Sacrifice. The Lord was crucified on Passover. When Christ was being nailed to the Cross the Priests were binding the Lamb for Sacrifice on the Altar. Perhaps it was also April 6th? The Lord was resurrected on the Day of 1st Fruits. In the D&C The Lord states He was the 1st Fruits of them that slept.
April 6th does seem to be a celebrated day maybe it's a hinge day. Thanks for your report Jared it gets my old brain stimulated.
@@sallyspencer5624 💯👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
April feels Soooooo far away 😩
I appreciate all the work you have done on your spreadsheets, Jared, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to access the information...? But I do love your podcasts.
Jared, thank you very much. I love how you look back in church history,as well as forward so we can see “ the big picture” of how the church is growing and hastening up the grand finality of His glorious 2nd Coming. I can hardly wait❣️
I don't have those tabs at the top...?
I really enjoy these videos. Thank you for sharing your study and your testimony.
39:00 Several 17's.
Powerful information that truly inspires study and thought!
Great insight as usual Jared! Thank you
Why would we celebrate Jesus' birthday more than His resurrection? The resurrection was sure triumph over all the ills of this life. I would rather believe Jesus was resurrected on April 6. It may be he was born and resurrected on that day.
Jesus was born on April 6th 7 BC. On the Hebrew Calander it was the 10th day of Nissan. 4 days after his birthday he died on 14th of Nissan in 28 AD. It was on a Wed on our Gregorian Calander. He was 34 and 4 days old like 3 Nephi chapter 8 says. His birthday was on the Saturday Sabbath right before Palm Sunday.That Wednesday was a high Sabbath not a Saturday Sabbath. The evening after passover was always called a High Sabbath. In 28 AD Nissan 14 fell on April 28th. So he would have resurrected on May 2nd. 28 AD.
196 temples would equal 7*4*7
24:10 We are choosing not to live with our families forever.
So then as parents, why get sealed then?
@ ask God