What I have learned from this is if you are right next to a pile up do your best to drive as far forward as you can rather than just park right next to the pile up
They could not go further even if they had 4 x 4. They were tangled in the cable median barrier. It prevented head on collisions with traffic in opposite direction but left them sitting ducks for the last semi. Thankfully, no people injuries and no one immediately jumped out of their vehicles.
@@corvettebob96 The video brags about this great 'median cable barrier' but it's obvious no one was going WAY over into the next lane and it completely prevented cars on the left from driving far enough forward to prevent themselves from getting smacked by that semi from behind.
Unfortunately if you’re clear of the cables and can drive in the median; get the hell away from the crash then stop. Stupid to not move from the crash site especially if you can see 80k coming at you in the rear view mirror
@@olddirtyburt7522 I feel the same way. If you didn't actually crash, then you need to move along. That driver, and their car would have been 100% if they would have just drove around that pickup.
I agree, had the cable been centered in the ditch, those first three cars would have been able to pass the jack knifed truck and at least be out of the way of the other cars and truck that also couldn’t stop in time. They might of even been able to get back on the road again and completely out of the way. The cable just trapped them until the third semi came and wacked all three.
The point isn't to prevent all collisions, it's to prevent a much more dangerous oncoming collision. Just like the point of a crumple zone on your car isn't to preserve the car.
@@jzyyz yes, but placement in the center will still do that, yet in this case would have preserved at least three more cars from damage and people from possible injury.
I wonder if the civil engineers do the math and statistics to find the most probable scenarios and outcomes and use that to determine type and placement of barriers. Maybe they don't even look at all the wisdom to be found in random u-tube comments.
I was right behind this when it happened. I’m also a trucker and tons of people were driving WAY too fast for conditions. I ended up being on duty for nearly 16 hours because of this.
yes, in this case there is a huge median which could have been better utilized. What they should do is put the cables in the direct middle of the median. This way, you have the median to use to try and get around an obstacle like this, but the cables stop any trucks or vehicles from proceeding into oncoming traffic.
A closer examination shows 3 semis involved, not two. And the cable did nothing to prevent any of them from going into oncoming traffic. One semi literally never left his lane, the other hit the cable with the rear of the trailer after jackknifing away from oncoming, and the third plowed into the median and thru the cable right after a pickup mashed it down. But hey, cables are great lifesavers. Just like center line rumble strips on a two lane road, that just hold water and make for early potholes and road repair bills. No amount of safety designs and improvements will correct poor/distracted driving.
I'd say they helped, it was a win lose situation. The barrier helped keep the cars and trucks from running to the other side of the highway, but the positioning of it caused cars to be involved instead of being able to miss the accident.
What really impressed me is how quickly that second semi (the first one that hit the Prime semi) was able to slow down. It looks like he reacts just one and a half truck lengths away and still ended with a just a (relatively) gentle bump against the rear of jackknifed trailer. Especially since it looked like that trailer was trying to slide out as well. Either they've got some excellent brakes on truck and trailer, some incredible driving skills, or both.
"It looks like he reacts just one and a half truck lengths away" - Pretty sure he starts braking well before you see that semi enter the frame, chief. Think about it.
@@hux2000 Cdl training teaches to use "following distance". The larger the vehicle,the more room you need to slow down aka following distance. The 3rd semi is an example of relying on your brakes.
Suprised how close the cable barriers are in the states to the road. In BC, Canada the cables are in the very middle of the ditch, the car has a chance to slow down in the grass/dirt before hitting the barrier + there's more room to avoid accidents or more space to pull over if needed
The problem with that when is ice/snow is present it is very unlikely you will stop before hitting the cable and now you are closer to oncoming traffic. But with the cable closer to the road, you are far less likely to make it in oncoming lanes, and it offers 2 lines rather than just 1. The damage your car gets from the cable is the price you pay for not going into oncoming traffic.
I would prefer those wire barriers be closer to the CENTER. this would permit cars to EVADE the pile up more successfully instead of destroying their cars. the wires would still do their thing but not cause damage that might otherwise be avoided. Andromeda Galaxy already addressed this in his pinned post. (edit)
And if an oncoming vehicle hits the cable barrier on your side of the road, that debris is going to be right there. Imagine being on a motorcycle and having an incident with a cable barrier right on the shoulder.
They don't work in the CENTER, because you cannot plow next to them when the are in the CENTER. Instead they get covered in snow, and cars easily vault over them. It's been tried, and it does not work in the winter when they are needed most. The best thing drivers can do is pay attention, and get off their phones.
the median cables did not prevent anything, but caused 3 additional vehicles and likely their passengers from being damaged. each vehicle turned onto the grass to avoid collision but the fence steered them back into harms way.
Agreed...the first and second semi didn't even touch the cables as said in the video. One SUV ran over them and tore them apart, but it kept that SUV right next to the semi. Luckily that didn't matter. Since the cables were now down, the final vehicles and semi went right thru the median. They were lucky they didn't cross to oncoming lanes...the median was very wide, but if it were narrower, the last semi would have gone into oncoming lanes, taking that poor sedan with it.
I see the median cable unfortunately also prevented any skilled drivers from avoiding collision by hitting the ditch and going around and instead ensured they became part of the pileup.
@@chrisstromberg6527 They never lost traction in the first place, saw the wreck far enough in advance to slow down, tried to go around, and were unable to because of the cable barrier. What more could those 2 cars to the right have done? Sure it should've been obvious that they couldn't get through the cable barrier...maybe it was, but they knew if they'd stayed in the road and stopped they'd have still been part of the pileup anyway, so might as well try what they can even though they know chances are it won't work?
I totally disagree with the narrator. That last 18-wheeler plowed through that cable barrier like it wasn't even there. What kept him from going into oncoming lanes was him turning the steering wheel to the right. All the cable barriers do is destroy smaller vehicles. The trucks go right through them
I have a REALLY hard time believing that those cable systems are going to have sufficient authority to sufficiently divert 80,000 pounds rolling at 40 mph. I will have to see if TH-cam has videos of cable system tests....
Yeah imagine driving along in a midsize car or smaller and being stuck between getting plowed into by everyone else or getting decapitated by one of those cable barriers. The median is plenty wide to get out of the way without going head on but the cable barriers prevent it.
@@paulstandaert5709 There are barriers that can hold a semi truck but they are very expensive and rarely used. Most guard rails are only capable of directing cars.
As mentioned by others the cable barrier being too close to the road way increased the number of vehicles involved as well as the amount of damage. Vehicles were unable to avoid damage from the jack knifed truck or the barrier
@@TONOCLAY if the median was flat and had an Armco in the middle of it, neither of these cars would’ve touched it and they would have the space to avoid the jackknifed lorry. Also sad how long the lorry was there stationary yet there were still vehicles coming at it at speed.
The cable barrier would have had nothing to do with it if they would have been driving slow enough to stop safely before becoming involved. Driving too fast for conditions is the cause of almost everyone's involvement.
They got what they deserved for ignoring the road/weather conditions. The oncoming traffic was unaffected, so the barriers worked as intended in this case.
That truck would have clearly been into oncoming traffic. You can't steer or stop a semi on frozen ice covered grass! That truck got dragged to a stop and steered back to the right by the cables it was dragging and tied up with!
If the cables weren't there, not a single vehicle would have touched another vehicle. Even the sliding semi truck would have slid further, preventing the boop of the other semi truck. The barrier is 100% of all damages.
Driver inattention, and excessive speed for road conditions, contribute to most of these incidents. Slow down, and maintain situational awareness. Allow extra distance between your vehicle, and the vehicle ahead of you.
Very true, BUT YOU CAN DO ALL THAT & THEN SOME & STILL END UP IN AN ACCIDENT. A crash in front of you, you start to brake come to a stop & some dumb ass semi going way too fast & SMASHES INTO YOU, THE FORCE OF THE IMPACT PUSHES YOU INTO THE VEHICLE IN FRONT; CRUNCH
I've been driving semis O.T.R. for thirty years as of this past February and use to keep right on trucking until it started icing up, that's when it's time to park up. These days with the influx of overnight wonders I park up much earlier , I make a very respectable wage and my company is the first to say reschedule if it's not safe. "On the road to success there are no shortcuts." is their motto and the mean it, no load is worth risking someone's life.
Those cable barriers caused more damage to the vehicles and made the situation much worse. The pickup and first car were in ZERO danger of going into the opposite lane of traffic and could have/would have avoided being in an accident at all but the cables kept them in harm's way.
Agreed, the first pick-up would have cleared the jackknifed Semi if it wasn't for the median cable. Then afterwards the median posts prevented it from getting out of harm's way. The SUV and the other black car tried to get away and probably would have succeeded if it wasn't for the median. Instead they were hit by the third Semi - and they worst damage was caused by this hit. Median cables are good, but not that close to the lane..
I can't believe anyone is crazy enough to get on an interstate on a motorcycle. I saw a guy on one A few years ago drive between two semi's about 80 or 90 mph with only one hand on the bar and I like to have had a heart attack. My life passed before me. Lol
@@markberryhill2715 Statistics on motorcycle crashes show interstate type riding is the safest. Everyone going the same direction and no intersections/turning vehicles where most accidents occur with bikes. Also don't have sharp curves like many 2 lane roads do so less running off the road by bikers riding too fast. Idiots like the guy you saw are the exception to the safety data; but then natural selection should remedy that in the long run. However with the reintroduction of cable barriers on interstates they have just upped the deadly danger level for bikers if you have to run off the road for any reason. This from a rider for 5 decades and half a million plus safe 2 wheeled miles.
We have similar barriers in Australia, and yes they do prevent vehicles crossing into the wrong side... But in a situation like this where you would be better off going wide, you are simply railroaded with no way to avoid what's in front of you. It also makes life dangerous for broken down vehicles as they can't get far enough away from the traffic flow. Needless to say they are quite controversial here...
Agree, they're too close. I had a car cross over the median and come at me head on, and I narrowly missed him. Ever since, I've been a big fan of them. But, they have to be executed correctly.
As someone who has directly observed the result when there are no cables or other barriers... Not having cables is infinitely worse. Imagine a 40 ton truck (or worse) coming directly at you but coming from the opposite direction of travel.
It's a big question from motorcycle association in sweden because these cables are more and more everywhere now and you will get sawn in half even with full gear
Installing the “safety” cables so close to the road is the most stupid thing I’ve seen. Could you imagine the consequences if instead of hitting the cables with an SUV, you hit it with a motorcycle?
Many decades ago, out in California, I saw the near immediate aftermath of a scooter overshooting a tight curve and go through a cable guard - it cut a guy in half, with the top half going on down the hillside with the wreckage.
@twowayspeakersATyahooDOTcom RockHillSC 100x this - that first SUV could have driven forward and around the pickup and avoided any kind of contact had the stupid cables not have been there. And no, the cables did nothing to stop the Semi - it rolled right over them like they were made of paper. The truck driver keeping control of his truck is to be commended - it was probably even harder to steer once the supports and cabling got caught up in his tires.
As the passenger in the Ford Explorer that got ping-ponged between the semi and pickup truck…. Not a fan of those cables in this situation 😅 We and the pickup truck got stuck on the cables and couldn’t get around the jackknifed semi truck.
@@elizabethforrest9999 Reach out anytime! Email: mn.safety.alerts@gmail.com Do you have advice for other crash survivors from a big crash like this? If comfortable sharing a little about your post crash experience and recovery, we’d love to hear it - super important to hear and share from crash survivors. All the best, Alex / Volunteer / MN Safety
@@elizabethforrest9999 I was the sim truck behind you If it wasn't for those cables it wouldn't have been near as bad the cables drug you into me I have never been that terrified in my entire life so glad you and your husband are OK
I'm retired now and have been for about 6 years after running over the road for 42 years. I would definitely slow down and try to keep my distance behind the vehicle in front of me on roads like this. I never had a jack knife but came close a few times after cars would cut me off and either turn or stop. I remember once going thru a small town and a lady came zipping around me and turned on her turn signal to make a right turn into a fast food restaurant . I was grossing right under the limit of 80000 pounds. I hit my brakes of course . Two little faces were looking at me out of her back window and waving! Somehow I missed her but I had to pull over until my legs quit shaking!
I retired in 2019 with 2,250,000 safe miles. Can't tell you how many times I almost wiped out a car but somehow missed. I think God looks out for idiots, but there are so many now he might miss one. Enjoy your time off.
@@xgtmg hats off to you guys, I have driven mainly Dirt Trucks and Plows some OTR bover the years. My Pa OTR drove bus in Montana and logged in 1.5 million without an accident (Save a dear jumping through the side window of a bus, figure that out and an owl coming through the windshield) he said not all of it was skill. Back in those days there was no guardrail on Montana passes and we used to be able to see the failed cars stopped by tree's over the years. Glad to see the safety measures out there, lets hope people don't decide it imposes on their Freedom as well. Salute to you and the fellah who started this thread.
I drove for 30 years without a major accident that day was my unlucky day It never put one in the ditch never rolled 1 over I came close a couple of times I knew it Might happen one day
As a OTR driver, during inclement weather(rain, snow, fog) SLOW DOWN, turn on your hazard lights if approaching a slow down or stopped traffic to indicate to the driver behind you that is what you are doing. If there is an accident, & you are not involved but close to the impact site, move out of the middle & drive to the closest shoulder. Leave your hazard lights ON. If your vehicle has been hit, stay inside & don't move if you have been injured. Only move if your vehicle is on fire or is in danger of being crushed/pinned. In winter, you must drive defensively to protect you & your loved ones. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT, HEADLIGHTS ON WHEN ITS RAINING & BE PATIENT!!! EVERYONE WANTS TO GET HOME ALIVE...
For sure. I'll repeat what you said. Stay in your car unless you can't, like your car is on fire etc. Some folks jump right out of their car after an accident. The accidents may not be over. Make sure the game of bumper cars and pinball is really over before you get out.
Excellent advice commander. Don't play on the interstate, and stay off of it in bad weather if you don't have serious driving skills. One bad driver can cause a wreck like this and it might cost you your life.
I agree with everything you said and wanted to add that at a minimum you need good allseason tires, but real snow tires all the way around make winter driving much less stressful and safer. HAVING SNOW TIRES DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD DRIVE FASTER !
As a professional driver, I can tell you that those cables are definitely NOT for safety... Those are designed to cripple your vehicle and have contributed to numerous fatalities..
Several vehicles would have avoided collisions if the cable barrier had been placed in the center of the median. It caused more damage than it prevented.
@@Atlas531 none of the vehicles in this video would have gone into oncoming traffic. If not for the cable, at least two and probably three of the involved vehicles would have escaped with nothing more than mud in the fenders.
Not to mention the cost savings. I also wonder if a higher pile of dirt (or trench) would be more cost effective over the long-term. Much easier to repair.
Agreed and in fact I'd say this is obvious. There was a ton of space and also a slight ditch that would prevent vehicles from getting in the other lane. Narrator is a goof
The cables might have kept vehicles from going into oncoming lanes, but it also kept vehicles from avoiding the crash, altogether. I don't think any of those vehicles were going fast enough to really run all the way over into oncoming traffic.
Then don't ride a motorcycle if you are going to drive into median barriers. They work great for preventing head on collisions, and have saved several lives. Would you rather hit a concrete wall, or some steel plated guardrail? You're a clown to think either would hurt you less than cable. Cable is the softest one you could hit.
@@Matt.7321 thank God you're not involved in highway safety. No motorcyclist plans on hitting a safety rail but when some moronic SUV type driver pulls over on them and sends them flying they have no choice. I'd take a guard rail over a cheese slicer cable any day. Either way I'm going to hurt but at least with a guard rail I will still be alive
as a motor cyclist, you have made a choice to transport yourself DANGEROUSLY, no seat belt, no steel container surrounding you, flying 80 mph (same speed attained as if jumping off a 12 story building) past fixed objects that will kill you if you hit them at that speed. I have an MC, I love the wind, the feeling of flying free, but being in control...but I accept the danger....its part of the thrill the freeway ain't a race course with hay-bales and tires and foam cushions man...its real, hard reality and death danger...drive carefully. ps. cable should be in the middle of median so drivers can go around accidents
Interesting arguments here... so, by the same thought process: don't drive a car if you plan on crashing... duh! Or: it's your own fault for not driving a 30 ton semi, so just drive something safer. The goal of barriers and road infrastructure is to provide safety for the road users. If these cable barriers, by their design and placement, create MORE risk to many users than what they remove, that means they are BAD. Is it that hard to understand?
I question as to why they wanted to get around the situation instead of just off the road to the side and wait for it to be cleared. Usually the hurry to get around a collision is what causes more collisions.
As the wife of a truck driver, these types of incidents just stop my heart. I'm so thankful that there weren't any injuries, and everyone got to go home to family that night. Thank you, MN Safety for doing voice overs on the videos now! It makes watching the videos so much easier now! Keep up the great work! 💜💜
@@Gemini_Mama I think that person is referring to a miss management of state and federal funds when it comes to making the highways in MN for snow removal like when the democrats defunded the police and other crucial programs.
@Jac D Where in my comment did I compare him to law enforcement? Or even imply anything of the sort? However if you want to compare job safety between the two, statistics show that in the USA, the most dangerous job IS a commercial truck driver. So what's your point, again? It's not just my husband and other truck drivers I worry for; it's also the idiot drivers who decide to cut them off, or follow too closely to their trucks, and put everyone in danger. I pray for the truckers who have to live with the guilt and trauma of killing a driver who wasn't paying attention. So when I see an accident like this, in which EVERYONE gets to go home safely, yes, I am absolutely relieved. You know what else I'm relieved about? When we get through any given day with no news of LEOs being injured or killed on duty. I'm also relieved when we get through any given day without another mass shooting. Or a day without a house fire killing a family. Do you know why? Because at the end of the day, I don't think any one life is more important than the next. But go ahead and go off with whatever misinterpretation you have over my initial comment.
@@Gemini_Mama thank you for sticking up for us truck drivers. I've been driving the truck since November 17th 1989 and I'm here to tell you 95% of the people hate truck drivers. You're part of the 5% that cares about us out on the road. Oh and my mom too. Thank you for being there for us.
@@steedblackman1615 if more people realized how much our every day lives depends on truckers, I'm sure they'd start to have more respect and appreciation for you. Let's get every trucker to strike for a week, just to disrupt the supply chain so people FINALLY understand how vital the trucking industry is. Better yet, let's develop a truck driver simulator that every licensed driver has to sit through that shows how dangerous it is to be a trucker, due to the inattentive drivers that surround them every single day. It just makes me so angry when people talk down to/about truckers when they clearly have no clue what you all are up against.
The solution for the cables is to split the roads instead of placing them alongside the road. The cables would still be effective if they were 5ft-10ft into the grass. They don't need to be hugging the road...
The cables prevent drivers from avoiding a crash ahead of them. They have nowhere to go but into the pile, also the cables are a death sentence to motorcycles in the warmer months.
I have to call B.S., MN Safety. The cable barrier "limited lateral movement" so much that it trapped three vehicles at the back of the jackknifed semi and held them there to be struck by the third semi. That isn't any kind of commendable safety practice. Those people were incredibly lucky to get out of there unhurt, and they still sustained secondary damage that they might have avoided without that barrier.
Cable barrier should be in the center of the median I would think. Giving vehicles that are equipped for it (4WD/AWD), room to drive in the grass/snow around the wreck if possible.
Excerpted from an article in the 'Star Tribune' newspaper from March 17, 2014: "Sometimes they (cable barriers) are in the middle of the median, and other times they are right up against the traffic lanes and jump from one side of the highway to the other. Why the difference?" "While many barriers run right down the middle of the median, that isn’t always the best place. The middle is often a low spot, so there’s a “distinct possibility” of an errant vehicle vaulting over the cables. The soils are often poor, said Kent Barnard of MnDOT (the Minnesota Department of Transportation)." "If one direction of the freeway is higher than the other, that side of the median gets the cable. Engineers also review which side of the road has had more drivers zooming into the median. They’ll place the cable on the opposite side to give the veering drivers more room to recover on their own, Barnard said."
unusual that a Prime Truck would be speeding and getting into a jackknife. I drove for a truck company that had speed governor at 63mph and I was always passing Prime trucks 🤣
@@rgygduysdgyuygsduysd I'm a retired OTR driver the trucks we had, prime, Schneider and hunt all passed me 🤣😂🤣 ( set the governor at 55 so it will only do 53 then the office gripes because the loads are showing up late 🤔)
Hey, the experts all agree...when the roads are icy and slick, just put your foot to the floor and drive out of there as fast as possible. Works every time!!
Cable systems hinder escape routes to avoid accidents. This video is a clear example of that. People say that this is an example of "how the barrier properly worked" because it "contained" the accident. I believe it makes things worse, If you're an ALERT driver that is competent and able to make sound decisions to avoid without incident, you can't because your options to escape are zero. The best you can do with a cable system is stop safely and pray the idiots behind you stop in time........ I don't know about you but there are a lot of idiot drivers out there that don't have a clue what they are doing out there on the roads.
On my state's highways the cable system is usually roughly at the midpoint between the two opposing roadways rather than just a few feet from one roadway like is done here. I think cable systems are a good thing (because head on highway collisions are much more likely to be fatal or result in serious injury), however I wonder why they've implemented it the way they have here which appears to have stopped at least a couple vehicles escaping this collision.
Was thinking the same exact thing. The video shows how much worse the cable system made this. Multiple cars and the last truck could have avoided collision, but the cable wrapped them right into one an another.
The cables along the road keep cars in the crash zone. No where to hide. How does MN tax payers sue in a class action lawsuit for the politicians who approved this and made millions from the kick backs from the companies they invested in? Plant trees and shrubs in the center of the highways. They will stop anything.
Alert competent driver? What is this fairy tale you speak of? 75% of drivers aren't sharp enough to safely operate a can opener much less a vehicle. If road tests were designed with the appropriate level of cruelty, these people could be kept off the roads forever.
I was wondering why the SUVs didn't proceed through.. They easily could've escaped the crash. Once the video outline the cable barrier I was confused as to how that it helped in this case. As some others have said they should be placed at the very center of any median. If there is room to run, even off the road.. in a worse case scenario a driver should be able to use it.
"It stopped cars from sliding into oncoming lanes." Not really, it stopped them from escaping from those trucks and locked the first vehicle in its position, blocking the entire width of the road (all while making a nice amount of shrapnel). Yes, it does a job: stopping vehicles. No, it does not do the job: stopping vehicles if they must be stopped. I get that you can't just simply put the cable as far as possible and expect it to stop speeding vehicles, but you gotta leave some room for a vehicle wanting to just get off the road and go for some distance to escape from others when something suddenly blocks the road. Also that third truck going that fast under those weather conditions...
@@Chris-te7uk 💡🤯👏🏼ding ding ding ✅🎯🙌🏻 lemme guess…your career isn’t even in transportation/highway safety/planning, but you know….💁🏻♀️🧠 common sense! I read dozens of comments before seeing yours and I was like “FINALLY!” someone else said what was initially, my first reaction to the cable barrier system in this video - and how if nothing else, they should be further from the shoulder - I too wondered, why not just have the cable barrier in the middle of the separated highway. But you are clever and I love that you thought about the fact it would only use half the cable, and thus save: money💲💵💰, labor/maintenance 💪🏼🦺 📋🛠🔩, unnecessary damage (to vehicles AND the cable barriers), and time/effort/planning/safety if traffic is affected in any way because of a collision, tow truck, flat tire/vehicle problem, road maintenance, weather conditions, emergency vehicles/police have someone pulled over, snow-plowing, wide-loads, etc. - anything that changes normal driving conditions for that road - having a shoulder with room beyond the shoulder to maneuver or pull over safely would keep vehicles off the road, far enough from the lanes, to keep traffic flowing safely; having the cables so close to that road seems unsafe and stupid (esp. if you pause the vid at 1:16 and look at that! Seems obvious and doesn’t look right IMO 🤦🏻♀️ , but who am I… 🤷🏻♀️) 😏 Anyway, I liked your comment: 5 ⭐️‘s 🙂
I am an old PEPSICO driver and used to run Sacramento to Lake Tahoe 4 days a week and I am here to tell you I HATE FLAT LAND DRIVERS. After all they have always driven up the mountains on highway 50 at 70 mph why should snow be any different after all they can slow down to say 68 mph
@@GeorgeFafa _Mostly_ useless. They'll maybe stop the first car, but not the 3rd. And placed on the edge of traffic like this, there's a very good chance it will throw them back into traffic. (but less than a hard guard rail.)
They are to prevent cars going to opposit lane in case of crash. That will cause serious damage. imagine that track crossing that lane and crashing into the cars on opposit lane
As the driver in the Ford Explorer (the first black SUV you see come into the frame following the black Silverado and initially getting stopped behind the prime inc trailer) if it weren’t for the cable guard rail, the Silverado and myself would have been able to make it safely around the jack knifed trailer… the cable guard rail created the dangerous situation where we were slammed into the back and spun around by the Saralee semi. My only option was to take the median because the white semi pushed me out of my lane and he even love tapped the jack knifed trailer.
I didn't see the cable, at first, & thought you were going to make it around the truck. Looks to me like the cable is too close to the highway. The car behind could have made it around also.
All things considered you did well and I agree about the barrier. It definitely kept you from taking evasive action. Had there been more room a lot could have avoided things.
Geez Nicholas I am very glad you did not get hurt more than you did. That median is in the wrong place. Piss poor planning for whoever decides where to put those. It should have been in the middle of the field. I'd start a lawsuit and make sure the state pays for damages and whatever you are entitled to. Things like this piss me off. Again, glad to see you and your family did not get harmed by the semi that slammed into you. Most people will look for an escape route, if/when they are in this type of situation. Sadly, you did not have anywhere to go.
Most of the pileup was caused by a lack of lateral movement for vehicles trying to avoid the crash. The "Median Barrier" would be safer and more effective as two, spaced cables running down the center of the median, which would allow safer lateral movement, for each lane, as well as protection to oncoming traffic.
It wouldn't make a crap if you gave some of these idiots out here 400 ft. on both sides of the road to make it through they couldn't avoid a wreck. Let's just face it - some people don't need to be driving just like some people don't need to own a gun. They're a danger to everyone around them.
@JD Turner yes, in a situation with a jackknifed truck and a fire, no one can drive around the jackknifed truck to get away from the fire or other cars coming from behind because of the cables. Its a funnel and death trap.
I'm a truckdriver for 19 years , and I Know there's truck Driver that should not have cdl license , they know the condition of the road and they still drive fast , ignoring the conditions and making the roads dangerous , I can tell safety was not use here , slow down be safe or get off the road
Moral of this Story to me is : Just because you narrowly avoided one accident , doesnt mean that there isnt another one coming up fast in your rear view mirror . I drove Big Trucks for over 35 years including '48 ny state thruway double van trailers . That cable should be closer to the center to allow drivers an escape route .
Definitely. I remember a trip on a slippery piece of road, speed was almost walking speed, downhill as the car behind me started to spin and speed up. Luckily there was a traffic refuge ahead which stopped the car. Using brakes on icy roads is daunting.
In my view that median fence caused more damage then it stopped as there is no reason to believe that any of those vehicles would have made it down into the gully and back up the other side into oncoming traffic as proved by the last semi which did enter the gully but came nowhere near ever getting to the oncming traffic, and that wasn't because of the fence which was already down from the two pickup trucks hitting it.
29 years OTR, I've seen cars hit those cables and when they hit their stretch limit, propel the car back into traffic and almost hit one when he passed me on slick roads, lost control, hit the cable and got thrown sideways across the road. I don't know what the prevented crossover vs made it worse proportions are but to me it looked like the cable stopped the 3 cars that went onto the shoulder only to have the semi hit them. The 2nd and 3rd one appeared to be in control until they hit the cable and it forced them back into line behind the first car.
@@bachaddict In Germany we have actual barriers right in the middle so the cars can still maneuver around pileups etc. Much better than having them that way.
@@RyosukeTakahashiRX7 we have concrete barriers too. This video is from a rural highway. They place barriers to protect cara from hitting sign posts, and from crossing over the median. Concrete barriers would be too costly in our huge rural highway system, and over kill. Cable barriers have been found to be better at absorbing impact more that traditional barriers because the posts break but then the wires absorb the kinetic energy. They "bounce" vehicles back less than traditional guardrails or concrete barriers. They were also developed originally in Europe. "With more traditional rigid systems, such as plate beam guardrail, there is a greater likelihood that the vehicle will be redirected back to the shoulder or lanes of traffic. " - www.dot.state.mn.us/trafficeng/reports/cmbarrier.html
Unlike the narrator and some other commenters, I saw it the same way you did. The cables caused this accident to be much worse than it would have been. Ultimately drivers are responsible for safety not the government and some cables.
The median barrier created an unexcapable choke point and caused more vehicles to be involved. The median barrier needs to be in the middle of the median and not next to the travel way.
An therefore speeding. As a MN resident, the thing I hate most is that people think they can drive safely in terrible conditions... faster than highway speed limits. I get passed in blizzards sometimes by ppl going 15+ mph over the limit
I was a state trooper for two years in OH. I’ve had my CDL for over three years now. The overwhelming majority of the public who drive do not know how to drive AT ALL , IN DRY CONDITIONS, let alone rain, snow or ice. Do yourself a favor and do not speed unless you have to get away from people who like to hover and bunch up in traffic. Always assume NO ONE SEE’s YOU, ALWAYS ASSUME THEY’RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO TRAFFIC and ALWAYS ASSUME THEY’RE DISTRACTED. My first nine months as a trooper I investigated 13 fatal crashes, three of them double fatal. Every last one of those crashes were due to drunk driving, speeding, fatigued driving and distracted driving. Driving is the most dangerous deadliest and involves the most risk statistically worldwide. I arrested so many drunk drivers, some two times in one day or in a 48 hour span, investigated so many drunk fatal or serious injury crashes that even the smell or being in the presence of alcohol bothers me. Once you smell the smell of alcohol, twisted metal, plastic and the stench of exposed human flesh and organs it never goes away. Please be careful on the roads this upcoming holiday. Everyone thinks or believes it’ll never happen to them. The hardest part of that life was giving death notifications to the next of kin literally as soon as you clear a crash scene. Although there are some asshole troopers out there, trust me a lot of these men and women have seen a lot. The least you can do, when you see them on the side of the road with their emergency lights activated, GET THE FUCK OVER AND AWAY FROM THEM, PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD AND STOP TEXTING AND FUCKING DRIVING.
This is why the UK now refers to "Accidents" as Road Traffic INCIDENTS and treated as Crime Scenes. Most of them were totally avoidable if those involved had simply paid attention. Accidents rarely "just magically appear". They are a culmination of events which nigh on always can be seen (if you're paying attention) building up !
Bless your heart from going from law enforcement to this bottom feeding industry. . The federal government labels truck driving as Unskilled labor, I know it’s on the list somewhere ranked as one of the deadliest jobs but still one of the lowest paying , mega carriers have a open door to hire anyone with a pulse and shove them through minimal training at best , I’m sure you seen it plenty of times , drivers with their foot on the dash board , watching movies , texting ; throwing their piss bottles out the window etc and they wonder why the public has no respect for any of us . But my question is why isn’t their more traffic enforcement like their use to be, yes their are those entitled people zig zagging , tailgating acting like they are Dale Earnhardt but cry “it’s only for revenue” when they eventually get stooped. You very rarely see speed traps or traffic patrols anymore , 4 wheelers and truck drivers alike all know it too. Safe travels
I always get anxious when I am driving and there will be this one car that happens to lag in the lane I need to get into. It's like, I either slow down, or speed up, but no. This lug wants to stay, matching the same speed and hogging the other lane. I never liked it when they would ride alongside the trailer either, especially on a two lane road, and the sicko is holding up more traffic behind them.
When I was younger all the guards were cable, then they moved to the metal barriers because cables caused too much damage and injury. Now someone has decided cables are ok?? As a motorcyclist this move back to cables is deadly for us. Highway safety should consider all users. OK let the biker haters start....
Those cables held cars in place just so semis could come along and smash into them. They otherwise would have went round. They effectively create an unwanted net trap for multiple vehicle collisions. The same will happen every time the road is blocked by a jackknife or similar and there’s traffic coming. Ideas have to suit all circumstances, so just build a wall to divide apposing traffic.
Wire barriers do stop vehicles from travelling into oncoming traffic, but it also caused more collisions in this case as vehicles who had slowed sufficiently were unable to move out of the path of following traffic.
Yes. It was placed too closely to the road, so traffic that didn’t need the wire barrier to stop had nowhere to go. In Southern Australian states, the barrier is placed in the centre of the median strip and reinforced. This gives traffic a bit of grass to drive down on either side of the freeway lanes should they need to avoid a collision on the road, and they won’t get hung up on the wire.
@@lunaticfringe5834 YEA, but it had zero to do with the safety wire....nobody was going in the direction of oncoming traffic, not in the least bit and the median with was HUGE. The Safety Shit should be in the Center of the median not the edge of the Road.
@@harrynutsackk the vehicles that pulled left were going entirely too fast ( quite obvious from the video) . Those barriers did exactly what they should do, slow the vehicles and keep them away from oncoming traffic. Stop whining about vehicle damage because nobody cares. If those cables keep you from crossing over the median, they’re a success( even if you die). Bottom line, drive safely for you and others, pay attention, put the phones away and don’t be a whiny douchebag who gets butt hurt when people merge in front of you instead of behind you. Happy Motoring !
Let them have their fun in snow..... As of November-29 it was my last load to deliver... 5 years is enough dealing with stupidity... Sending much love from Miami...
Looks like to me the most effective part of the cable system was that it insured that the pickup was completely destroyed. That was it's biggest contribution.
That's what they are intended for, the pickup hitting the cable barrier he will be ticketed for failing to maintain control his insurance rates will triple for the next 5 years, that's the sole purpose for these wire cables they are a major cash cow for insurance companies. Several of those vehicles could've made a clear escape but we have or Highway Departments to thank for that. Some states like Missouri went so far as to take out shoulders along major highways literally placing a sand trap within inches of the white line it's intentions are that if your vehicle veers off the roadway they call it, just inches over the white line, the sand trap literally sucks your car off the highway sometimes killing people, but the state says it's a safety measure to keep the "out of control" vehicle away from traffic.
@@simplyamazing880 Personally I remain accident free, but I know several that have wrecked on ice, even though someone else started the whole ordeal they were ticketed as well, one fella I know was in a single vehicle accident heavy rains he lost traction and left the roadway he hit a section of standing water, he did hit the cables but didn't get entangled but could not get traction to get off the slick grass back on the highway as it was uphill back to the road, he was basically on side of the highway, got a ticket for failure to maintain control. You were lucky, usually it's all about the cash revenue the state can profit
That median cable barrier failed, the 1st semi took it out completely, then the 1st pickup destroyed the rest of it so it was virtually useless. The only reason the 2nd semi didn't crash across the median was down to a low speed - so no I don't agree with the comment that the cable barrier stopped further accidents
@@NickyD Not one of those vehicles would have gone into oncoming traffic. Instead it completely screwed up the black truck that could have possibly made it through unscathed otherwise.
Had the guide wire not been so close to the highway the only two that would of been involved in this incident would of been the white suv and the first semi.
@@hillbilly23 you guys are acting like this is the only type of accident that will happen with the cables around... obviously in this instance it made things worse but unfortunately for your point, this isn't the only type of accident that will happen. go cry about it
The median cable barrier makes it so people are trapped as penned up sheep with no way to avoid the 80,000 pound semi barreling towards their rear end. The cable barriers are death traps. They shouldn't be used.
Amazing how people still drive in these conditions! Snowing/raining can’t see more than 20 feet in front of you. Yeah perfectly fine for running 70 mph.
a lot of this comes down to lack of training and lack of experience not willful negligence. you can go from this is fine to oh fuck REALLY fast and worse you can go from this is fine to this invisible change you can't really see just said OH FUCK and you did not hear that yet..... yeah things can be strange and the less training and less experience you have the longer it takes for you to realize whats happening in real time. IE sometimes shit just happens.
People think they can speed with the gemmick dial on the centre counsel set to ice. Too much trust in computer nannies and AWD systems. Ice on the road doesn’t care. Best bet is to slow the hell down and have good winter tires or traction devices if you can’t avoid in those nasty conditions. 🤞
Gotta beat the clock. Time has become more of a factor than safety. People are to afraid of what might happen when they’re late. Time efficiently rules the economy.
My son is 30 years on the OTR. He is getting real close to retirement. He said that he can't wait because drivers are becoming reckless. Not putting anyone down but it's mostly the foriegn drivers who have no business even on the road much less in a big rig. I'll get hate speech from this but the truth is the truth.
@@misshazel271 You're not wrong. I just quit after 20 years because of all the foreign drivers coming from Canada have zero respect for anyone on the road and sadly the government doesn't to do anything. State Patrol won't even enforce no parking laws so you get these guys just parking where ever they want.
@@misshazel271 You are 100% correct Miss Hazel. You won't get any hate speech from me. There are many bad drivers out there.. foreign & the unqualified ones that are giving the good drivers like your son a bad name. It's a beautiful profession in the wrong era. The public in general forget that everything we have and own came off a truck delivery. It is a disrespected business in so many ways.God bless your son & God bless you. Happy Holidays!
@@ArmyVeteran- Yes, everyone forgets that if it wasn't for the truckers, our stores of all kinds would be empty. They keep up with a lot. My son said that he just wants off the road. He bought a dash cam so when other people following can't see what is going on in front of a semi, he has proof. A lot of times people pass, get in front of a big rig and then hit the breaks. A semi especially loaded can't stop on a dime. A lot of the time that is why they jack knife like they do. I will say that he said that a lot of the semi drivers can't drive and shouldn't be on the road. Have a Merry Christmas.
@@longtallsally554 They were definitely going way too fast for conditions that's for sure. But, the whole story is hard to collect. Was the earlier patch of road drier and they drove into a random isolated snowy area? How bad was the visibility? Were the drivers paying attention? To me, it looks like someone must have not been paying attention because the camera allows you to see far into the scene so they obviously had visibility to see oncoming traffic that they were quickly approaching... And, they can't say visibility was low. So someone wasn't paying attention or perhaps there was aggressive driving, which went south. On skills and experience: Usually truck drivers know with enough training and experience how far to keep their distance and how to drive for conditions... Maybe, it was the first semi (normal driver) that slammed the breaks out of emotional panic and just screwed it up for everyone, because normal people aren't trained to drive and think about the other sorts of vehicles on the road around them (including trucks behind them, which need way more stopping distance. That's why long haulers take forever to rev up to speed in traffic when other people keep cutting into their safety buffer to pass the truck.. Good truckers always try to build a buffer).. Believe it or not: emotional/panicy people, slow people, un-aware people, and legalistic ("I'm-just-following-the-rules" but not the conditions and traffic) people also cause a lot of problems... Then you have the people who drink and drive or do drugs... It can be a big mess.
Defensive driving also involves knowing the limits of your cars handling and being ready for quick maneuvers. Unfortunately almost nobody has any training or preparation in dealing with fast maneuvers in a car, and inevitably lose control. Which leads to amplification of accidents.
The barrier saved my life earlier this year! Messed my bumper up, but we were safe! It was an icy road morning that day! Oh yeah the car before me slid and totaled their car.
1:08 EXTREMELY rare those guide wires protect for the purpose they were installed for. I used to work road rescue for a towing company and 9 out of 10 times a car would hit those, it would cut the person in half. trust me.. im sitting there waiting for emts to leave and then i clean up the road and haul the cars to the yard... the seats are cut horizontally and blood everywhere.
Ya I don't think vehicle damage is the priority in these situations, its saving human life, and if someone's vehicle is going to be totaled rather than going into oncoming traffic and killing people the barrier did its job.
You must be the most aware person in the world or just ignorant. This person was probably fully focused on the path ahead of them, by the time they could have even looked in the mirror, the truck was coming. What is it like to never have made a mistake in your life before?
What you said about the cable barrier regarding keeping the trucks and vehicles from crossing over is just pure horse shit. I have 40 years behind be as a professional driver, and every single word you said made me realize that you don't know a thing about it.
"Less speed" as an automatic reflex to danger is harmful, but in this particular case, there were a bunch of really bad drivers driving completely wrong for the conditions. You can't go that fast in that weather with those tires in that traffic.
@@bradallen1832 there we have it tires I do wonder how many of those cars got winter tires because where I live the law is that winter tires needs to fitted from December 1st to Mars 31 Sure even with winter tires dont drive to fast but it's still safer then using summer tires
these truck drivers are 100% guilty in these jackknifes. They are more responsible than Rogel Aguilera-Mederos. Any deaths caused by these truck drivers because they refuse to slow down in snowy- icy weather are 100% on their shoulders and deserve jail time.
I'm actually a fan of cable barriers if they're well placed. If it were closer to the center of the median instead of right off of the shoulder it would be fine. Also I feel bad for the driver of the covered wagon (the white semi who bumped the Prime trailer). He'd clearly been laying on the brakes for a long while and so nearly avoided an accident.
Negative if that barrier wasnt there the trailer would have kept spinning around 180° and the semi would be the ONLY One stuck because the road would have been clear. But that barrier stop it dead in tracks basically......
No, I think those cables are more destructive to your car. If they weren’t there, you could easily drive and slide around the wreck without going into on coming traffic.
yes, in this case there is a huge median which could have been better utilized. What they should do is put the cables in the direct middle of the median. This way, you have the median to use to try and get around an obstacle like this, but the cables stop any trucks or vehicles from proceeding into oncoming traffic.
If there's an immovable object in front of you, and a big fast moving object behind you, the safest place would have been to ditch the car, which three vehicles tried to do, but got trapped by the wire and rammed anyways. The wire was a damage multiplier.
I was watching Live Storms Media. He was south of this at the next exit. He told us viewers "Trust me" He turned around and went to 46 and headed north to 150th to the overpass. By this time traffic from I-35 South was already going south on 46. So he took us to the accident scene below the overpass.
In this one example yes. But imagine an example where the other side of the road had lots of traffic. A semi plowing straight through and hitting cars head on could be brutal
@@Jomskylark Yeah, what if 2 semis are traveling opposite directions and both go into the center ditch at 70 mph and collide head on? How do you save them? Let's pay for a concrete barrier in the center of all highways. It'll cost 560 trillion, (every 5 years) but if it saves just 1 life it will all be worth it..... right? The world is an unsafe place. You can NOT and will NOT save everyone. I'd really like to see some statistics on these accidents involving these "safety" cables.
The barrier cables should be exactly in the middle of the median instead of so close to the pavement a couple of those cars would have skated right past and not been damaged at all if the cable would have been in the middle.
Extensive testing of various high guardrail/ fixed barriers like k block and cable barriers have proven that cable barriers are the least effective and in fact do not even come close the providing anything like the other barriers in terms of effectiveness for safety. You will never see cable barriers used on mountain roads. Cable barriers absolutely suck.
@@airpeguiV2 That's because your politicians must be smarter than ours I live in Arizona in America and I have seen 1st hand how poorly they perform, Additionally consider hitting one on a motorcycle you'd be dead instantly the posts that support the cables are shredders to human bodies.....
Seems to me that the retaining cable along the left side of the road caused more problems for everyone. I would be pissed if I wasn't able to go around on the left side and then climb back on the highway and keep moving.
And if you were a car on the other side youd be grateful for the cable preventing a semi from plowing through to the other side and hitting you head on and killing you.
@@Jomskylark The problem isn't the _existence_ of the retaining cable so much as its location. They put it too close to the roadway, trapping motorists and preventing them from driving around the pileup and avoiding collisions. It should've been closer to the center of the median.
The black truck could have recovered in the ditch and went about his business. You're absolutely right. The placement of the cables makes it impossible to avoid anything.
@@Jomskylark To clarify -- the cable fence would have been best-served in the MIDDLE of the median... that way, vehicles could avoid a wreck-scene around the left side but also kept them from going into the opposing lanes....
Excerpted from an article in the 'Star Tribune' newspaper from March 17, 2014: "Sometimes they (cable barriers) are in the middle of the median, and other times they are right up against the traffic lanes and jump from one side of the highway to the other. Why the difference?" "While many barriers run right down the middle of the median, that isn’t always the best place. The middle is often a low spot, so there’s a “distinct possibility” of an errant vehicle vaulting over the cables. The soils are often poor, said Kent Barnard of MnDOT (the Minnesota Department of Transportation)." "If one direction of the freeway is higher than the other, that side of the median gets the cable. Engineers also review which side of the road has had more drivers zooming into the median. They’ll place the cable on the opposite side to give the veering drivers more room to recover on their own, Barnard said."
@@MidwestSafety been on youtube for over a decade with various accounts and no one has ever pinned a comment of mine even if it had the most likes so thank you very much! I found this info as a reply to someone else and felt it should be a stand alone comment. Im glad we both like it.
Those three cars on the left were all unable to avoid being caught up in the accident because the cable barrier trapped them. The barrier also made the original jackknife worse by stopping the trailer sideways across the lanes of travel. There was plenty of room to place the barrier further from the roadway, even halfway across the median. There was no disparity in elevation or curve radius making placement right next to the highway necessary. The transportation folks can stop patting themselves on the back for preventing an oncoming incident as this barrier didn't have to be where it was to accomplish that goal.
@@bradarmstrong3952 agreed. sometimes it takes an incident to expose a weakness. remember LED traffic lights and how no one thought HEY what happens when these low heat lights get filled with snow. no one every considered WHY lights did not have snow problems in the past :-)
Coincidental? This came up on my recommendation as I just returned from a 1000 mile round trip across some of the coldest American states! (and this was my first time driving on the wrong side of the road!)
it's all about developing an awareness... most truck drivers are puffing their cigarettes and talking on the CB radio... nowadays they're on their cell phone!
@@danstafford5977 nowadays truck drivers are definitely doing that and following too close regardless of weather conditions.. I'm here just shaking my head and staying away from that situation hoping they don't jackknive in front of me...
@@gregstruckingweatherandroa1414 well as a professional driver myself I always leave room or anticipated cars doing that.. and yes I've been driving big rig for over 15 years otr and locals combined... seen many severe weather conditions.. you'll have to adjust...
Cable Barriers simply keep more people involved in the crash for longer. No escape. Why limit the damage to 3 cars when you can turn it into a 70 vehicle bloodbath.
Cable barriers were removed around Marysville, WA in that they didn't stop many vehicles from traversing to the opposite lanes. Replaced with Jersey barriers.
For everyone upset by the placement of the cable barrier, here's why: "While many barriers run right down the middle of the median, that isn’t always the best place. The middle is often a low spot, so there’s a “distinct possibility” of an errant vehicle vaulting over the cables. The soils are often poor, said Kent Barnard of MnDOT. If one direction of the freeway is higher than the other, that side of the median gets the cable. Engineers also review which side of the road has had more drivers zooming into the median. They’ll place the cable on the opposite side to give the veering drivers more room to recover on their own, Barnard said."
It would help tremendously if drivers would slow way down and drive for the slick conditions, too. All that could have been avoided completely if folks would think before they speed on slick roads.
Those median cables are 50/50 for safety. Yes, it did stop head on traffic accidents. No, to close to shoulder for emergency pass or stop. Could of been a unnecessary death trap.
The cable barrier is also ridiculously hard to see. Plus the artic just ploughed right through it with the car taking the brunt of the lorry and the high tensile cable. Better like we have in the U.K. a central crash barrier where the lorry ended up after hitting the car. It allows speed to bleed off as you go onto the grass and allows evasive manoeuvres. This was far too restrictive and dangerous with a jack knifed lorry blocking all escape routes
Crazy though but maybe the cable isn't the problem? Maybe people ought to slow down when driving in weather like this? And be aware of their surroundings. That way you don't crash and if you have to go around you can do so safely.
Just one of many reasons why I avoid Interstates on the bike. There are too many idiots out there who think they're in a Grand Prix on the Interstate, and my 400 lbs of bike is no match for their 3000 lbs of car.
Black ice is invisible! Plus, most accidents happen when there is only about an inch of snow on the ground. It's because drivers get cocky and think they don't need to slow down!
One very simple rule; when you see snow on the ground and don’t see spray from the tires, it’s ice. I got stopped because a truck jack-knifed across a bridge and my truck almost slammed into the other truck. All this happened at the breakneck speed of 30mph, 7 cars and the crashed fire truck later, they said even 30mph was too fast. Driving conditions change very fast and light rain turns to ice quickly.
The barriers prevented vehicles from escaping the accident. Don't know what it is about primes in green trucks jack knifeing, don't be around one on slick roads. The local grain hauler got screwed, if he had another 10 feet of stopping distance he would have been unscathed. My next comment is you 4 wheelers being in the left lane when yall should stay in the right lane.
The trucker that jack knifed appeared to be going way too fast for conditions. His impatience created a traffic backup and could have resulted in fatalities. Slow down people!
@@Bendigo1 Almost impossible to avoid being cut off on a multi-lane highway if the other driver is intent on doing so. So can you explain just how do you drive on a multi-lane highway safe enough to avoid someone just swinging into your lane unexpectedly?
What I have learned from this is if you are right next to a pile up do your best to drive as far forward as you can rather than just park right next to the pile up
They could not go further even if they had 4 x 4. They were tangled in the cable median barrier. It prevented head on collisions with traffic in opposite direction but left them sitting ducks for the last semi. Thankfully, no people injuries and no one immediately jumped out of their vehicles.
Underrated connent
the median barriers cause more damage and danger by preventing people from getting out of harms way
Good call. And stay in your car! It is your best protection.
@@corvettebob96 The video brags about this great 'median cable barrier' but it's obvious no one was going WAY over into the next lane and it completely prevented cars on the left from driving far enough forward to prevent themselves from getting smacked by that semi from behind.
I feel bad for the car at the left who avoided hitting anyone, just to get plowed into by the 2nd semi.
Unfortunately if you’re clear of the cables and can drive in the median; get the hell away from the crash then stop. Stupid to not move from the crash site especially if you can see 80k coming at you in the rear view mirror
*Okay, it's visually obvious the semis came in too HOT to stop & too COLD to fold.*
the whole....." NO injuries reported." ??? and we are over here at home watching ....... "AIR breaking" with our RIGHT foot
@@olddirtyburt7522 Maybe he wasn't clear of the cables. It's hard to see in the video but, maybe the stupid thing got tangled up under his vehicle ?
@@olddirtyburt7522 I feel the same way. If you didn't actually crash, then you need to move along. That driver, and their car would have been 100% if they would have just drove around that pickup.
that median cable CLEARLY showed how dangerous it is, those 3 cars on the left side all got screwed over BECAUSE of the cable.
I agree, had the cable been centered in the ditch, those first three cars would have been able to pass the jack knifed truck and at least be out of the way of the other cars and truck that also couldn’t stop in time. They might of even been able to get back on the road again and completely out of the way. The cable just trapped them until the third semi came and wacked all three.
The point isn't to prevent all collisions, it's to prevent a much more dangerous oncoming collision. Just like the point of a crumple zone on your car isn't to preserve the car.
@@jzyyz Noooo reallyyy?? Damn thanks captain obvious!
@@jzyyz yes, but placement in the center will still do that, yet in this case would have preserved at least three more cars from damage and people from possible injury.
I wonder if the civil engineers do the math and statistics to find the most probable scenarios and outcomes and use that to determine type and placement of barriers. Maybe they don't even look at all the wisdom to be found in random u-tube comments.
I was right behind this when it happened. I’m also a trucker and tons of people were driving WAY too fast for conditions. I ended up being on duty for nearly 16 hours because of this.
People never seem to want to slow down for anything. It was obvious many were going way to fast for road conditions.
@@DavidSmith-bt5zn It's getting closer to Christmas and people are rushing around.
@@Rhaspun People don't rush year round? Lol
you were driving too fast too. you hit prime.
@@Rhaspun rushing towards grave?
This was an example of why not to have the cables. There’s many examples of cables helping but this wasn’t one of them.
yes, in this case there is a huge median which could have been better utilized. What they should do is put the cables in the direct middle of the median. This way, you have the median to use to try and get around an obstacle like this, but the cables stop any trucks or vehicles from proceeding into oncoming traffic.
A closer examination shows 3 semis involved, not two. And the cable did nothing to prevent any of them from going into oncoming traffic. One semi literally never left his lane, the other hit the cable with the rear of the trailer after jackknifing away from oncoming, and the third plowed into the median and thru the cable right after a pickup mashed it down.
But hey, cables are great lifesavers. Just like center line rumble strips on a two lane road, that just hold water and make for early potholes and road repair bills.
No amount of safety designs and improvements will correct poor/distracted driving.
This is all about the MDOT tooting their own horn saying how safe they are when the reality is they don't give a damn about safety.
I'd say they helped, it was a win lose situation. The barrier helped keep the cars and trucks from running to the other side of the highway, but the positioning of it caused cars to be involved instead of being able to miss the accident.
Yeah but imagine there being heavy traffic on the other side... youd be thanking the cables for preventing mass casualties
What really impressed me is how quickly that second semi (the first one that hit the Prime semi) was able to slow down. It looks like he reacts just one and a half truck lengths away and still ended with a just a (relatively) gentle bump against the rear of jackknifed trailer. Especially since it looked like that trailer was trying to slide out as well. Either they've got some excellent brakes on truck and trailer, some incredible driving skills, or both.
Yep, driver of the 2nd semi did a good job. 👍 Pity about the 3rd...
"It looks like he reacts just one and a half truck lengths away" - Pretty sure he starts braking well before you see that semi enter the frame, chief. Think about it.
maybe he didn't carry that much
Modern trucks are far safer and no tractor from before 2000 should be operating!
@@hux2000 Cdl training teaches to use "following distance". The larger the vehicle,the more room you need to slow down aka following distance. The 3rd semi is an example of relying on your brakes.
Suprised how close the cable barriers are in the states to the road. In BC, Canada the cables are in the very middle of the ditch, the car has a chance to slow down in the grass/dirt before hitting the barrier + there's more room to avoid accidents or more space to pull over if needed
*Exactly.* The cable barriers should be in the center of the median, not almost right next to the road, for the reasons you stated. Stupid placement.
In Oregon here on the Interstate 5 they are in the middle. They are also very strong.
Everywhere I've seen them in the states have been in the middle. Must just be that specific highway.
@@kdigiacomo North Carolina has them in the middle.
The problem with that when is ice/snow is present it is very unlikely you will stop before hitting the cable and now you are closer to oncoming traffic. But with the cable closer to the road, you are far less likely to make it in oncoming lanes, and it offers 2 lines rather than just 1. The damage your car gets from the cable is the price you pay for not going into oncoming traffic.
I would prefer those wire barriers be closer to the CENTER. this would permit cars to EVADE the pile up more successfully instead of destroying their cars. the wires would still do their thing but not cause damage that might otherwise be avoided. Andromeda Galaxy already addressed this in his pinned post. (edit)
My thoughts exactly
Yes, totally agree.
And if an oncoming vehicle hits the cable barrier on your side of the road, that debris is going to be right there. Imagine being on a motorcycle and having an incident with a cable barrier right on the shoulder.
They don't work in the CENTER, because you cannot plow next to them when the are in the CENTER. Instead they get covered in snow, and cars easily vault over them. It's been tried, and it does not work in the winter when they are needed most. The best thing drivers can do is pay attention, and get off their phones.
@@Matt.7321 Funny how you say that, but in Germany that works perfectly fine.
the median cables did not prevent anything, but caused 3 additional vehicles and likely their passengers from being damaged. each vehicle turned onto the grass to avoid collision but the fence steered them back into harms way.
Agreed...the first and second semi didn't even touch the cables as said in the video. One SUV ran over them and tore them apart, but it kept that SUV right next to the semi. Luckily that didn't matter. Since the cables were now down, the final vehicles and semi went right thru the median. They were lucky they didn't cross to oncoming lanes...the median was very wide, but if it were narrower, the last semi would have gone into oncoming lanes, taking that poor sedan with it.
"Turned onto the grass" 😂
If you're really not understanding the physics, you probably shouldn't share your opinion about something like this.
agreed... the median cables need to be moved towards the center of the grass and they need reflectors
GeorgeV what's crazy is how many likes the post has. May god protect us all
I see the median cable unfortunately also prevented any skilled drivers from avoiding collision by hitting the ditch and going around and instead ensured they became part of the pileup.
Slow reaction time, and being distracted prevented any "skilled drivers" from avoiding the collision
@@Matt.7321 bingo!!
Skilled drivers? My how low our standards have become!
@@chrisstromberg6527 They never lost traction in the first place, saw the wreck far enough in advance to slow down, tried to go around, and were unable to because of the cable barrier. What more could those 2 cars to the right have done? Sure it should've been obvious that they couldn't get through the cable barrier...maybe it was, but they knew if they'd stayed in the road and stopped they'd have still been part of the pileup anyway, so might as well try what they can even though they know chances are it won't work?
The skillful drivers weren't driving in the median because they weren't tailgating and driving too fast for conditions.
I totally disagree with the narrator. That last 18-wheeler plowed through that cable barrier like it wasn't even there. What kept him from going into oncoming lanes was him turning the steering wheel to the right. All the cable barriers do is destroy smaller vehicles. The trucks go right through them
because they were already down. the black pickup took out about 10 of them in a row....
I have a REALLY hard time believing that those cable systems are going to have sufficient authority to sufficiently divert 80,000 pounds rolling at 40 mph. I will have to see if TH-cam has videos of cable system tests....
Yeah imagine driving along in a midsize car or smaller and being stuck between getting plowed into by everyone else or getting decapitated by one of those cable barriers. The median is plenty wide to get out of the way without going head on but the cable barriers prevent it.
the cable wires were already destroyed by the first semi and the pickup truck
@@paulstandaert5709 There are barriers that can hold a semi truck but they are very expensive and rarely used. Most guard rails are only capable of directing cars.
As mentioned by others the cable barrier being too close to the road way increased the number of vehicles involved as well as the amount of damage. Vehicles were unable to avoid damage from the jack knifed truck or the barrier
Still less damage than them going into incoming
@@TONOCLAY if the median was flat and had an Armco in the middle of it, neither of these cars would’ve touched it and they would have the space to avoid the jackknifed lorry. Also sad how long the lorry was there stationary yet there were still vehicles coming at it at speed.
The cable barrier would have had nothing to do with it if they would have been driving slow enough to stop safely before becoming involved. Driving too fast for conditions is the cause of almost everyone's involvement.
They got what they deserved for ignoring the road/weather conditions. The oncoming traffic was unaffected, so the barriers worked as intended in this case.
@@TONOCLAY They weren't going fast enough to go to the other side
Cable successfully destroyed 3 vehicles who would have coasted in the median otherwise.
Depending on angles would have been in the opposite direction lanes instead.... NOT good.
Except for that semi that smashed them
That truck would have clearly been into oncoming traffic. You can't steer or stop a semi on frozen ice covered grass! That truck got dragged to a stop and steered back to the right by the cables it was dragging and tied up with!
If the cables weren't there, not a single vehicle would have touched another vehicle. Even the sliding semi truck would have slid further, preventing the boop of the other semi truck. The barrier is 100% of all damages.
Driver inattention, and excessive speed for road conditions, contribute to most of these incidents. Slow down, and maintain situational awareness. Allow extra distance between your vehicle, and the vehicle ahead of you.
Exactly. Speed and following distance. 99 percent of accidents can be avoided if these idiots actually knew how to drive.
Very true, BUT YOU CAN DO ALL THAT & THEN SOME & STILL END UP IN AN ACCIDENT. A crash in front of you, you start to brake come to a stop & some dumb ass semi going way too fast & SMASHES INTO YOU, THE FORCE OF THE IMPACT PUSHES YOU INTO THE VEHICLE IN FRONT; CRUNCH
Excellent Advice
@@diz0973ify exactly. My husband came to a complete stop and avoided the jackknifed semi truck. Still got annihilated by the Sara Lee semi truck
I've been driving semis O.T.R. for thirty years as of this past February and use to keep right on trucking until it started icing up, that's when it's time to park up.
These days with the influx of overnight wonders I park up much earlier , I make a very respectable wage and my company is the first to say reschedule if it's not safe.
"On the road to success there are no shortcuts." is their motto and the mean it, no load is worth risking someone's life.
Those cable barriers caused more damage to the vehicles and made the situation much worse. The pickup and first car were in ZERO danger of going into the opposite lane of traffic and could have/would have avoided being in an accident at all but the cables kept them in harm's way.
Yeah bro like they couldn't have built the barrier in the middle of the central reservation man
They are meant to avoid head on collisions, cars can lose control and go to the other side of the highway
@@fyodorseriencha6538 bro I think you are like off the reservation. You know what I mean bro?
Bruh you just gotta put the cables in the center
Agreed, the first pick-up would have cleared the jackknifed Semi if it wasn't for the median cable. Then afterwards the median posts prevented it from getting out of harm's way. The SUV and the other black car tried to get away and probably would have succeeded if it wasn't for the median. Instead they were hit by the third Semi - and they worst damage was caused by this hit. Median cables are good, but not that close to the lane..
I hope no one ever runs into those cables with a motorcycle.
They just decapitate anyone in a Corvette or lower vehicle that hits them.
I can't believe anyone is crazy enough to get on an interstate on a motorcycle. I saw a guy on one A few years ago drive between two semi's about 80 or 90 mph with only one hand on the bar and I like to have had a heart attack. My life passed before me. Lol
@@markberryhill2715 Statistics on motorcycle crashes show interstate type riding is the safest. Everyone going the same direction and no intersections/turning vehicles where most accidents occur with bikes. Also don't have sharp curves like many 2 lane roads do so less running off the road by bikers riding too fast. Idiots like the guy you saw are the exception to the safety data; but then natural selection should remedy that in the long run. However with the reintroduction of cable barriers on interstates they have just upped the deadly danger level for bikers if you have to run off the road for any reason. This from a rider for 5 decades and half a million plus safe 2 wheeled miles.
We have similar barriers in Australia, and yes they do prevent vehicles crossing into the wrong side... But in a situation like this where you would be better off going wide, you are simply railroaded with no way to avoid what's in front of you. It also makes life dangerous for broken down vehicles as they can't get far enough away from the traffic flow. Needless to say they are quite controversial here...
Yeah those cables made this worse. Should be one big one in the center not along the road like that. Traffic engineering fail
Never mind cable barriers, Canada builds CONCRETE barriers along all major highways. There is NO escape.
@brett morton, You are exactly right I agree with your comments
I am so agree with you. These cables did not help in this situation. They blocked the only way to escape.
Agree, they're too close. I had a car cross over the median and come at me head on, and I narrowly missed him. Ever since, I've been a big fan of them. But, they have to be executed correctly.
As a motorcyclist, those cables terrify me.
As someone who has directly observed the result when there are no cables or other barriers...
Not having cables is infinitely worse.
Imagine a 40 ton truck (or worse) coming directly at you but coming from the opposite direction of travel.
i saw two instance where people got decapitated by the barrier
@@ronaldckrausejr7762 That Sara Lee truck was not stopped by those cables.
A smooth wall has the added benefit of blocking opposing headlights
It's a big question from motorcycle association in sweden because these cables are more and more everywhere now and you will get sawn in half even with full gear
Installing the “safety” cables so close to the road is the most stupid thing I’ve seen. Could you imagine the consequences if instead of hitting the cables with an SUV, you hit it with a motorcycle?
Many decades ago, out in California, I saw the near immediate aftermath of a scooter overshooting a tight curve and go through a cable guard - it cut a guy in half, with the top half going on down the hillside with the wreckage.
@@waynegroves6922 the scooter shouldnt have overshot the tight curve then.
I had to rinse-off the bottom half of a boozer in 1988!
That's good, THEN I will get to see a headless biker
@twowayspeakersATyahooDOTcom RockHillSC 100x this - that first SUV could have driven forward and around the pickup and avoided any kind of contact had the stupid cables not have been there. And no, the cables did nothing to stop the Semi - it rolled right over them like they were made of paper. The truck driver keeping control of his truck is to be commended - it was probably even harder to steer once the supports and cabling got caught up in his tires.
As the passenger in the Ford Explorer that got ping-ponged between the semi and pickup truck…. Not a fan of those cables in this situation 😅 We and the pickup truck got stuck on the cables and couldn’t get around the jackknifed semi truck.
Hi Elizabeth! Wow, thank you for your post! How are you all doing??
@@MidwestSafety we’re hurting, but we’re alive! After some more mishaps we were able to get home to our family, so grateful for that.
@@elizabethforrest9999 Reach out anytime! Email: mn.safety.alerts@gmail.com
Do you have advice for other crash survivors from a big crash like this? If comfortable sharing a little about your post crash experience and recovery, we’d love to hear it - super important to hear and share from crash survivors.
All the best,
Alex / Volunteer / MN Safety
Hope you have a good day this coming Christmas and New Years. Happy to see you all good and safe.
@@elizabethforrest9999 I was the sim truck behind you If it wasn't for those cables it wouldn't have been near as bad the cables drug you into me I have never been that terrified in my entire life so glad you and your husband are OK
I'm retired now and have been for about 6 years after running over the road for 42 years. I would definitely slow down and try to keep my distance behind the vehicle in front of me on roads like this. I never had a jack knife but came close a few times after cars would cut me off and either turn or stop. I remember once going thru a small town and a lady came zipping around me and turned on her turn signal to make a right turn into a fast food restaurant . I was grossing right under the limit of 80000 pounds. I hit my brakes of course . Two little faces were looking at me out of her back window and waving! Somehow I missed her but I had to pull over until my legs quit shaking!
F hell....
I retired in 2019 with 2,250,000 safe miles. Can't tell you how many times I almost wiped out a car but somehow missed. I think God looks out for idiots, but there are so many now he might miss one. Enjoy your time off.
@@xgtmg hats off to you guys, I have driven mainly Dirt Trucks and Plows some OTR bover the years. My Pa OTR drove bus in Montana and logged in 1.5 million without an accident (Save a dear jumping through the side window of a bus, figure that out and an owl coming through the windshield) he said not all of it was skill. Back in those days there was no guardrail on Montana passes and we used to be able to see the failed cars stopped by tree's over the years.
Glad to see the safety measures out there, lets hope people don't decide it imposes on their Freedom as well.
Salute to you and the fellah who started this thread.
Love you and Merry Christmas
I drove for 30 years without a major accident that day was my unlucky day It never put one in the ditch never rolled 1 over I came close a couple of times I knew it Might happen one day
As a OTR driver, during inclement weather(rain, snow, fog) SLOW DOWN, turn on your hazard lights if approaching a slow down or stopped traffic to indicate to the driver behind you that is what you are doing. If there is an accident, & you are not involved but close to the impact site, move out of the middle & drive to the closest shoulder. Leave your hazard lights ON. If your vehicle has been hit, stay inside & don't move if you have been injured. Only move if your vehicle is on fire or is in danger of being crushed/pinned. In winter, you must drive defensively to protect you & your loved ones. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT, HEADLIGHTS ON WHEN ITS RAINING & BE PATIENT!!! EVERYONE WANTS TO GET HOME ALIVE...
For sure. I'll repeat what you said. Stay in your car unless you can't, like your car is on fire etc. Some folks jump right out of their car after an accident. The accidents may not be over. Make sure the game of bumper cars and pinball is really over before you get out.
Excellent advice commander. Don't play on the interstate, and stay off of it in bad weather if you don't have serious driving skills. One bad driver can cause a wreck like this and it might cost you your life.
I agree with everything you said and wanted to add that at a minimum you need good allseason tires, but real snow tires all the way around make winter driving much less stressful and safer. HAVING SNOW TIRES DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD DRIVE FASTER !
This driver approves.
White, and silver cars… we’re looking at you. I have a white car and I turn on my lights so people can see me. Don’t be an ass.
As a professional driver, I can tell you that those cables are definitely NOT for safety... Those are designed to cripple your vehicle and have contributed to numerous fatalities..
They keep you from entering opposing traffic to avoid a head on collision. Crippling your vehicle doesn't matter at that point.
@@dchawk81 and the snow and grass will also slow your vehicle down with way less damage.
You're correct.
I've read that before they are not safe
This is all about the DOT tooting their own horn saying how safe they are when the reality is they don't give a damn about safety.
Several vehicles would have avoided collisions if the cable barrier had been placed in the center of the median. It caused more damage than it prevented.
@@xCookieSlayer No doubt, the pick up and couple of other cars could have easily driven around the semi if it wasn't for the cable catching them.
@@Atlas531 none of the vehicles in this video would have gone into oncoming traffic. If not for the cable, at least two and probably three of the involved vehicles would have escaped with nothing more than mud in the fenders.
Not to mention the cost savings. I also wonder if a higher pile of dirt (or trench) would be more cost effective over the long-term. Much easier to repair.
Agreed and in fact I'd say this is obvious. There was a ton of space and also a slight ditch that would prevent vehicles from getting in the other lane. Narrator is a goof
The cables might have kept vehicles from going into oncoming lanes, but it also kept vehicles from avoiding the crash, altogether. I don't think any of those vehicles were going fast enough to really run all the way over into oncoming traffic.
Yea, at least two cars got creamed because of that barrier.
Hope no person lost its life in wreckage 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
They also block animals from crossing, making it more likely to hit them
Cable barrier? It's the first time I've seen one of those and as a motorcyclist it's absolutely terrifying. Terrible idea.
Then don't ride a motorcycle if you are going to drive into median barriers. They work great for preventing head on collisions, and have saved several lives. Would you rather hit a concrete wall, or some steel plated guardrail? You're a clown to think either would hurt you less than cable. Cable is the softest one you could hit.
@@Matt.7321 thank God you're not involved in highway safety. No motorcyclist plans on hitting a safety rail but when some moronic SUV type driver pulls over on them and sends them flying they have no choice. I'd take a guard rail over a cheese slicer cable any day. Either way I'm going to hurt but at least with a guard rail I will still be alive
@@Matt.7321 I would prefer to take a jersey wall then a cheese slicer on a motorcycle. Be nice - your comment is just mean!
as a motor cyclist, you have made a choice to transport yourself DANGEROUSLY, no seat belt, no steel container surrounding you, flying 80 mph (same speed attained as if jumping off a 12 story building) past fixed objects that will kill you if you hit them at that speed. I have an MC, I love the wind, the feeling of flying free, but being in control...but I accept the danger....its part of the thrill
the freeway ain't a race course with hay-bales and tires and foam cushions man...its real, hard reality and death danger...drive carefully. ps. cable should be in the middle of median so drivers can go around accidents
Interesting arguments here... so, by the same thought process: don't drive a car if you plan on crashing... duh! Or: it's your own fault for not driving a 30 ton semi, so just drive something safer.
The goal of barriers and road infrastructure is to provide safety for the road users. If these cable barriers, by their design and placement, create MORE risk to many users than what they remove, that means they are BAD. Is it that hard to understand?
This actually shows the downfall of that type of barrier cars were not able to get around the accident creating more crashes
I question as to why they wanted to get around the situation instead of just off the road to the side and wait for it to be cleared. Usually the hurry to get around a collision is what causes more collisions.
As the wife of a truck driver, these types of incidents just stop my heart. I'm so thankful that there weren't any injuries, and everyone got to go home to family that night.
Thank you, MN Safety for doing voice overs on the videos now! It makes watching the videos so much easier now! Keep up the great work! 💜💜
@Tax Payer I'm sorry, what does this have to do with my comment?
@@Gemini_Mama I think that person is referring to a miss management of state and federal funds when it comes to making the highways in MN for snow removal like when the democrats defunded the police and other crucial programs.
@Jac D Where in my comment did I compare him to law enforcement? Or even imply anything of the sort? However if you want to compare job safety between the two, statistics show that in the USA, the most dangerous job IS a commercial truck driver. So what's your point, again?
It's not just my husband and other truck drivers I worry for; it's also the idiot drivers who decide to cut them off, or follow too closely to their trucks, and put everyone in danger. I pray for the truckers who have to live with the guilt and trauma of killing a driver who wasn't paying attention. So when I see an accident like this, in which EVERYONE gets to go home safely, yes, I am absolutely relieved.
You know what else I'm relieved about? When we get through any given day with no news of LEOs being injured or killed on duty. I'm also relieved when we get through any given day without another mass shooting. Or a day without a house fire killing a family. Do you know why? Because at the end of the day, I don't think any one life is more important than the next.
But go ahead and go off with whatever misinterpretation you have over my initial comment.
@@Gemini_Mama thank you for sticking up for us truck drivers. I've been driving the truck since November 17th 1989 and I'm here to tell you 95% of the people hate truck drivers. You're part of the 5% that cares about us out on the road. Oh and my mom too. Thank you for being there for us.
@@steedblackman1615 if more people realized how much our every day lives depends on truckers, I'm sure they'd start to have more respect and appreciation for you. Let's get every trucker to strike for a week, just to disrupt the supply chain so people FINALLY understand how vital the trucking industry is. Better yet, let's develop a truck driver simulator that every licensed driver has to sit through that shows how dangerous it is to be a trucker, due to the inattentive drivers that surround them every single day.
It just makes me so angry when people talk down to/about truckers when they clearly have no clue what you all are up against.
The solution for the cables is to split the roads instead of placing them alongside the road. The cables would still be effective if they were 5ft-10ft into the grass. They don't need to be hugging the road...
yeah, they need to be close to the road, where there's a high chance of vehicles still moving parallel to it.
The cables prevent drivers from avoiding a crash ahead of them. They have nowhere to go but into the pile, also the cables are a death sentence to motorcycles in the warmer months.
Exactly. The way the cables are designed, there is no possibility of escape, whereas without the cables, it is easy to avoid accidents.
@@rokpodlogar6062 Without cables there would be no damages to any vehicle
You said exactly what I was thinking
I have to call B.S., MN Safety. The cable barrier "limited lateral movement" so much that it trapped three vehicles at the back of the jackknifed semi and held them there to be struck by the third semi. That isn't any kind of commendable safety practice. Those people were incredibly lucky to get out of there unhurt, and they still sustained secondary damage that they might have avoided without that barrier.
Cable barrier should be in the center of the median I would think. Giving vehicles that are equipped for it (4WD/AWD), room to drive in the grass/snow around the wreck if possible.
The cable barrier should have been in the middle this makes me realize.
Excerpted from an article in the 'Star Tribune' newspaper from March 17, 2014:
"Sometimes they (cable barriers) are in the middle of the median, and other times they are right up against the traffic lanes and jump from one side of the highway to the other. Why the difference?"
"While many barriers run right down the middle of the median, that isn’t always the best place. The middle is often a low spot, so there’s a “distinct possibility” of an errant vehicle vaulting over the cables. The soils are often poor, said Kent Barnard of MnDOT (the Minnesota Department of Transportation)."
"If one direction of the freeway is higher than the other, that side of the median gets the cable. Engineers also review which side of the road has had more drivers zooming into the median. They’ll place the cable on the opposite side to give the veering drivers more room to recover on their own, Barnard said."
@@dogrsqr Deja vu....
@@dogrsqr Which is just another way of saying they built the highway wrong.
@@johndough9187 So your suggestion is.....what? To relocate all our divided highways? Good luck with that.
All could have been avoided if people just slow down and leave distance but nope. I own the road and you all be damned.
unusual that a Prime Truck would be speeding and getting into a jackknife. I drove for a truck company that had speed governor at 63mph and I was always passing Prime trucks 🤣
Prime was going too fast
@@rgygduysdgyuygsduysd I'm a retired OTR driver the trucks we had, prime, Schneider and hunt all passed me 🤣😂🤣
( set the governor at 55 so it will only do 53
then the office gripes because the loads are showing up late 🤔)
Hey, the experts all agree...when the roads are icy and slick, just put your foot to the floor and drive out of there as fast as possible. Works every time!!
Cable systems hinder escape routes to avoid accidents. This video is a clear example of that. People say that this is an example of "how the barrier properly worked" because it "contained" the accident. I believe it makes things worse, If you're an ALERT driver that is competent and able to make sound decisions to avoid without incident, you can't because your options to escape are zero. The best you can do with a cable system is stop safely and pray the idiots behind you stop in time........ I don't know about you but there are a lot of idiot drivers out there that don't have a clue what they are doing out there on the roads.
On my state's highways the cable system is usually roughly at the midpoint between the two opposing roadways rather than just a few feet from one roadway like is done here.
I think cable systems are a good thing (because head on highway collisions are much more likely to be fatal or result in serious injury), however I wonder why they've implemented it the way they have here which appears to have stopped at least a couple vehicles escaping this collision.
Was thinking the same exact thing. The video shows how much worse the cable system made this. Multiple cars and the last truck could have avoided collision, but the cable wrapped them right into one an another.
The cables along the road keep cars in the crash zone. No where to hide. How does MN tax payers sue in a class action lawsuit for the politicians who approved this and made millions from the kick backs from the companies they invested in? Plant trees and shrubs in the center of the highways. They will stop anything.
Alert competent driver? What is this fairy tale you speak of? 75% of drivers aren't sharp enough to safely operate a can opener much less a vehicle. If road tests were designed with the appropriate level of cruelty, these people could be kept off the roads forever.
I was wondering why the SUVs didn't proceed through.. They easily could've escaped the crash. Once the video outline the cable barrier I was confused as to how that it helped in this case. As some others have said they should be placed at the very center of any median. If there is room to run, even off the road.. in a worse case scenario a driver should be able to use it.
"It stopped cars from sliding into oncoming lanes."
Not really, it stopped them from escaping from those trucks and locked the first vehicle in its position, blocking the entire width of the road (all while making a nice amount of shrapnel). Yes, it does a job: stopping vehicles. No, it does not do the job: stopping vehicles if they must be stopped. I get that you can't just simply put the cable as far as possible and expect it to stop speeding vehicles, but you gotta leave some room for a vehicle wanting to just get off the road and go for some distance to escape from others when something suddenly blocks the road.
Also that third truck going that fast under those weather conditions...
This is very much correct. That cable is far to close to the road
@@Chris-te7uk 💡🤯👏🏼ding ding ding ✅🎯🙌🏻 lemme guess…your career isn’t even in transportation/highway safety/planning, but you know….💁🏻♀️🧠 common sense!
I read dozens of comments before seeing yours and I was like “FINALLY!” someone else said what was initially, my first reaction to the cable barrier system in this video - and how if nothing else, they should be further from the shoulder - I too wondered, why not just have the cable barrier in the middle of the separated highway.
But you are clever and I love that you thought about the fact it would only use half the cable, and thus save:
money💲💵💰, labor/maintenance 💪🏼🦺 📋🛠🔩, unnecessary damage (to vehicles AND the cable barriers), and time/effort/planning/safety if traffic is affected in any way because of a collision, tow truck, flat tire/vehicle problem, road maintenance, weather conditions, emergency vehicles/police have someone pulled over, snow-plowing, wide-loads, etc. - anything that changes normal driving conditions for that road - having a shoulder with room beyond the shoulder to maneuver or pull over safely would keep vehicles off the road, far enough from the lanes, to keep traffic flowing safely;
having the cables so close to that road seems unsafe and stupid
(esp. if you pause the vid at 1:16 and look at that! Seems obvious and doesn’t look right IMO 🤦🏻♀️ , but who am I… 🤷🏻♀️) 😏
Anyway, I liked your comment: 5 ⭐️‘s 🙂
@@chantal5755 lmao. This is an underated comment
This is terrifying. I'm a trucker who lives 15 minutes away from here, and drives that corridor all the time. Glad I didn't go through there that day
I am an old PEPSICO driver and used to run Sacramento to Lake Tahoe 4 days a week and I am here to tell you I HATE FLAT LAND DRIVERS. After all they have always driven up the mountains on highway 50 at 70 mph why should snow be any different after all they can slow down to say 68 mph
I've alao seen my own commute freeway on so several Accident Newscasts. Glad you dodged a bullet that day.
Prime hires anyone
The Cable system didn't do anything to prevent more damage in this instance.
Cables are useless.
@@GeorgeFafa _Mostly_ useless. They'll maybe stop the first car, but not the 3rd. And placed on the edge of traffic like this, there's a very good chance it will throw them back into traffic. (but less than a hard guard rail.)
They are to prevent cars going to opposit lane in case of crash. That will cause serious damage. imagine that track crossing that lane and crashing into the cars on opposit lane
@@ИгнатКуликов-х9ю Right, no one questioned what they are supposed to do. They just didn't do that in this instance.
@@XLAMitchell have to choose between bad and worse
As the driver in the Ford Explorer (the first black SUV you see come into the frame following the black Silverado and initially getting stopped behind the prime inc trailer) if it weren’t for the cable guard rail, the Silverado and myself would have been able to make it safely around the jack knifed trailer… the cable guard rail created the dangerous situation where we were slammed into the back and spun around by the Saralee semi. My only option was to take the median because the white semi pushed me out of my lane and he even love tapped the jack knifed trailer.
Glad you are safe and well. Very well described. Must have been terrifying looking in the rear view mirror
I didn't see the cable, at first, & thought you were going to make it around the truck. Looks to me like the cable is too close to the highway. The car behind could have made it around also.
All things considered you did well and I agree about the barrier. It definitely kept you from taking evasive action. Had there been more room a lot could have avoided things.
Geez Nicholas I am very glad you did not get hurt more than you did. That median is in the wrong place. Piss poor planning for whoever decides where to put those. It should have been in the middle of the field. I'd start a lawsuit and make sure the state pays for damages and whatever you are entitled to. Things like this piss me off. Again, glad to see you and your family did not get harmed by the semi that slammed into you. Most people will look for an escape route, if/when they are in this type of situation. Sadly, you did not have anywhere to go.
Were you going at a speed appropriate for the conditions?
Most of the pileup was caused by a lack of lateral movement for vehicles trying to avoid the crash. The "Median Barrier" would be safer and more effective as two, spaced cables running down the center of the median, which would allow safer lateral movement, for each lane, as well as protection to oncoming traffic.
It wouldn't make a crap if you gave some of these idiots out here 400 ft. on both sides of the road to make it through they couldn't avoid a wreck. Let's just face it - some people don't need to be driving just like some people don't need to own a gun. They're a danger to everyone around them.
I agree. If it was a more severe accident any car that could escape cant and would be pushed upder the jackknifed truck.
I went under them when I had a 94 camaro convertible. Lucky I had the top up really
@JD Turner yes, in a situation with a jackknifed truck and a fire, no one can drive around the jackknifed truck to get away from the fire or other cars coming from behind because of the cables. Its a funnel and death trap.
Crashes happen when everyone's driving like the sun's out on a dry road.
Exactly. My husband is a truck driver. Says everyone drives like hell. Semi he drives does not go over 50mph. Equipped that way. Slow down people.
Even when it's sunny, keep a safe distance.
@@liliabenavides4052 I'm calling BS. There's no companies with their trucks governed below 55 if used for highway transport.
I'm a truckdriver for 19 years , and I Know there's truck Driver that should not have cdl license , they know the condition of the road and they still drive fast , ignoring the conditions and making the roads dangerous , I can tell safety was not use here , slow down be safe or get off the road
Well said there sir.
Prime trucks are governed at 63 mph
@@pitbullw35581 And you think that keeps them from driving too fast?
@@suedenim9208 no, makes them a danger from being too slow
Pitbull. I'm taking about , slow down , driving in the SNOW and ICE
Moral of this Story to me is :
Just because you narrowly avoided one accident , doesnt mean that there isnt another one coming up fast in your rear view mirror .
I drove Big Trucks for over 35 years including '48 ny state thruway double van trailers .
That cable should be closer to the center to allow drivers an escape route .
Exactly, the cables were the biggest life threatening hazard of the whole thing....
Definitely. I remember a trip on a slippery piece of road, speed was almost walking speed, downhill as the car behind me started to spin and speed up. Luckily there was a traffic refuge ahead which stopped the car. Using brakes on icy roads is daunting.
In my view that median fence caused more damage then it stopped as there is no reason to believe that any of those vehicles would have made it down into the gully and back up the other side into oncoming traffic as proved by the last semi which did enter the gully but came nowhere near ever getting to the oncming traffic, and that wasn't because of the fence which was already down from the two pickup trucks hitting it.
29 years OTR, I've seen cars hit those cables and when they hit their stretch limit, propel the car back into traffic and almost hit one when he passed me on slick roads, lost control, hit the cable and got thrown sideways across the road. I don't know what the prevented crossover vs made it worse proportions are but to me it looked like the cable stopped the 3 cars that went onto the shoulder only to have the semi hit them. The 2nd and 3rd one appeared to be in control until they hit the cable and it forced them back into line behind the first car.
What it does prevent is head on collisions with oncoming traffic, which are very likely to be fatal.
@@bachaddict In Germany we have actual barriers right in the middle so the cars can still maneuver around pileups etc. Much better than having them that way.
@@RyosukeTakahashiRX7 we have concrete barriers too. This video is from a rural highway. They place barriers to protect cara from hitting sign posts, and from crossing over the median. Concrete barriers would be too costly in our huge rural highway system, and over kill. Cable barriers have been found to be better at absorbing impact more that traditional barriers because the posts break but then the wires absorb the kinetic energy. They "bounce" vehicles back less than traditional guardrails or concrete barriers. They were also developed originally in Europe. "With more traditional rigid systems, such as plate beam guardrail, there is a greater likelihood that the vehicle will be redirected back to the shoulder or lanes of traffic. " - www.dot.state.mn.us/trafficeng/reports/cmbarrier.html
Unlike the narrator and some other commenters, I saw it the same way you did. The cables caused this accident to be much worse than it would have been. Ultimately drivers are responsible for safety not the government and some cables.
@@davidhomer78 government likes keeping citizens alive even if it isn't technically their responsibility
The median barrier created an unexcapable choke point and caused more vehicles to be involved.
The median barrier needs to be in the middle of the median and not next to the travel way.
All I'm going to say is people were driving TOO FAST for conditions. (Looks like the PRIME semi truck driver).
I think that white toyota was road raging with the truck driver
An therefore speeding. As a MN resident, the thing I hate most is that people think they can drive safely in terrible conditions... faster than highway speed limits. I get passed in blizzards sometimes by ppl going 15+ mph over the limit
I was a state trooper for two years in OH. I’ve had my CDL for over three years now. The overwhelming majority of the public who drive do not know how to drive AT ALL , IN DRY CONDITIONS, let alone rain, snow or ice. Do yourself a favor and do not speed unless you have to get away from people who like to hover and bunch up in traffic. Always assume NO ONE SEE’s YOU, ALWAYS ASSUME THEY’RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO TRAFFIC and ALWAYS ASSUME THEY’RE DISTRACTED. My first nine months as a trooper I investigated 13 fatal crashes, three of them double fatal. Every last one of those crashes were due to drunk driving, speeding, fatigued driving and distracted driving. Driving is the most dangerous deadliest and involves the most risk statistically worldwide. I arrested so many drunk drivers, some two times in one day or in a 48 hour span, investigated so many drunk fatal or serious injury crashes that even the smell or being in the presence of alcohol bothers me. Once you smell the smell of alcohol, twisted metal, plastic and the stench of exposed human flesh and organs it never goes away. Please be careful on the roads this upcoming holiday. Everyone thinks or believes it’ll never happen to them. The hardest part of that life was giving death notifications to the next of kin literally as soon as you clear a crash scene. Although there are some asshole troopers out there, trust me a lot of these men and women have seen a lot. The least you can do, when you see them on the side of the road with their emergency lights activated, GET THE FUCK OVER AND AWAY FROM THEM, PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD AND STOP TEXTING AND FUCKING DRIVING.
This is why the UK now refers to "Accidents" as Road Traffic INCIDENTS and treated as Crime Scenes.
Most of them were totally avoidable if those involved had simply paid attention.
Accidents rarely "just magically appear". They are a culmination of events which nigh on always can be seen (if you're paying attention) building up !
Traffic is the most deadliest war ever. It killed more than the great Wars.
Bless your heart from going from law enforcement to this bottom feeding industry. . The federal government labels truck driving as Unskilled labor, I know it’s on the list somewhere ranked as one of the deadliest jobs but still one of the lowest paying , mega carriers have a open door to hire anyone with a pulse and shove them through minimal training at best , I’m sure you seen it plenty of times , drivers with their foot on the dash board , watching movies , texting ; throwing their piss bottles out the window etc and they wonder why the public has no respect for any of us . But my question is why isn’t their more traffic enforcement like their use to be, yes their are those entitled people zig zagging , tailgating acting like they are Dale Earnhardt but cry “it’s only for revenue” when they eventually get stooped. You very rarely see speed traps or traffic patrols anymore , 4 wheelers and truck drivers alike all know it too. Safe travels
I always get anxious when I am driving and there will be this one car that happens to lag in the lane I need to get into. It's like, I either slow down, or speed up, but no. This lug wants to stay, matching the same speed and hogging the other lane. I never liked it when they would ride alongside the trailer either, especially on a two lane road, and the sicko is holding up more traffic behind them.
I've seen those cable barriers open a car up like a pop can. Caught below the door and ripped the pillars, passenger doors and roof up on a 45° angle.
That one on this interstate definitely looks like it's too close to the road. Needs to be moved at least 5 or 10ft to the center.
In my opinion, cables cause more harm than anything.
@@noraledesma35 Some years back, a cable snapped on I-275 (north of Cincinnati) and killed a girl.
They're definitely dangerous.
When I was younger all the guards were cable, then they moved to the metal barriers because cables caused too much damage and injury. Now someone has decided cables are ok?? As a motorcyclist this move back to cables is deadly for us. Highway safety should consider all users. OK let the biker haters start....
The cable barrier also prevented drivers from moving out of the way of the 3rd semi. Cable barriers are terrible, death traps to motorcyclist.
Those cables held cars in place just so semis could come along and smash into them. They otherwise would have went round. They effectively create an unwanted net trap for multiple vehicle collisions. The same will happen every time the road is blocked by a jackknife or similar and there’s traffic coming. Ideas have to suit all circumstances, so just build a wall to divide apposing traffic.
they should use the European barriers
Wire barriers do stop vehicles from travelling into oncoming traffic, but it also caused more collisions in this case as vehicles who had slowed sufficiently were unable to move out of the path of following traffic.
Yes but again, they didn’t cross over and hit someone heading. Everything else you brought up
you dont understand physics or reality at all and just want to complain.
Yes. It was placed too closely to the road, so traffic that didn’t need the wire barrier to stop had nowhere to go. In Southern Australian states, the barrier is placed in the centre of the median strip and reinforced. This gives traffic a bit of grass to drive down on either side of the freeway lanes should they need to avoid a collision on the road, and they won’t get hung up on the wire.
@@lunaticfringe5834 YEA, but it had zero to do with the safety wire....nobody was going in the direction of oncoming traffic, not in the least bit and the median with was HUGE. The Safety Shit should be in the Center of the median not the edge of the Road.
@@harrynutsackk the vehicles that pulled left were going entirely too fast ( quite obvious from the video) . Those barriers did exactly what they should do, slow the vehicles and keep them away from oncoming traffic. Stop whining about vehicle damage because nobody cares. If those cables keep you from crossing over the median, they’re a success( even if you die). Bottom line, drive safely for you and others, pay attention, put the phones away and don’t be a whiny douchebag who gets butt hurt when people merge in front of you instead of behind you.
Happy Motoring !
Let them have their fun in snow..... As of November-29 it was my last load to deliver... 5 years is enough dealing with stupidity...
Sending much love from Miami...
30+ years driving trucks, respect the road
Looks like to me the most effective part of the cable system was that it insured that the pickup was completely destroyed. That was it's biggest contribution.
That's what they are intended for, the pickup hitting the cable barrier he will be ticketed for failing to maintain control his insurance rates will triple for the next 5 years, that's the sole purpose for these wire cables they are a major cash cow for insurance companies. Several of those vehicles could've made a clear escape but we have or Highway Departments to thank for that. Some states like Missouri went so far as to take out shoulders along major highways literally placing a sand trap within inches of the white line it's intentions are that if your vehicle veers off the roadway they call it, just inches over the white line, the sand trap literally sucks your car off the highway sometimes killing people, but the state says it's a safety measure to keep the "out of control" vehicle away from traffic.
@@3ormorecharacterstimes2 Not on ice with a pileup like that.
I wrecked one in Texas on the ice and wasn't ticketed.
@@simplyamazing880 Personally I remain accident free, but I know several that have wrecked on ice, even though someone else started the whole ordeal they were ticketed as well, one fella I know was in a single vehicle accident heavy rains he lost traction and left the roadway he hit a section of standing water, he did hit the cables but didn't get entangled but could not get traction to get off the slick grass back on the highway as it was uphill back to the road, he was basically on side of the highway, got a ticket for failure to maintain control. You were lucky, usually it's all about the cash revenue the state can profit
That median cable barrier failed, the 1st semi took it out completely, then the 1st pickup destroyed the rest of it so it was virtually useless. The only reason the 2nd semi didn't crash across the median was down to a low speed - so no I don't agree with the comment that the cable barrier stopped further accidents
In this instance the cables made everything worse from the trailer not being able to come around to holding up the four wheeers
it still stopped cars from going into wrong way traffic
@@NickyD Not one of those vehicles would have gone into oncoming traffic. Instead it completely screwed up the black truck that could have possibly made it through unscathed otherwise.
Had the guide wire not been so close to the highway the only two that would of been involved in this incident would of been the white suv and the first semi.
@@hillbilly23 you guys are acting like this is the only type of accident that will happen with the cables around... obviously in this instance it made things worse but unfortunately for your point, this isn't the only type of accident that will happen. go cry about it
@@wondabiz Thank you Mr. Obvious
I have neither the time or the crayons to explain this to you
The grain hauler did a great job of showing how a pro brings
his rig to a controlled stop.
I thought so too. I was sad to see he still had to bump the other truck a bit. Just too icy.
@@electrolytics Bumps never hurt nobody. Its just a dryvan trailer anyways XD
The median cable barrier makes it so people are trapped as penned up sheep with no way to avoid the 80,000 pound semi barreling towards their rear end. The cable barriers are death traps. They shouldn't be used.
well said!
Or maybe put in the center between the opposite lanes. That would give more room.
The narrator is being dishonest by praising the cable barrier in this crash when it's clear as day all it did was place the car drivers in danger
Just need to be in the middle of the grass not to one side
Amazing how people still drive in these conditions! Snowing/raining can’t see more than 20 feet in front of you. Yeah perfectly fine for running 70 mph.
Ya for idiots who need for speed will kill them!!!!!
a lot of this comes down to lack of training and lack of experience not willful negligence. you can go from this is fine to oh fuck REALLY fast and worse you can go from this is fine to this invisible change you can't really see just said OH FUCK and you did not hear that yet..... yeah things can be strange and the less training and less experience you have the longer it takes for you to realize whats happening in real time.
IE sometimes shit just happens.
People think they can speed with the gemmick dial on the centre counsel set to ice. Too much trust in computer nannies and AWD systems. Ice on the road doesn’t care. Best bet is to slow the hell down and have good winter tires or traction devices if you can’t avoid in those nasty conditions. 🤞
funny because that company’s trucks don’t even go 70 mph
Gotta beat the clock. Time has become more of a factor than safety. People are to afraid of what might happen when they’re late. Time efficiently rules the economy.
*After 21 years of OTR I can safely say I'm off the road for all eternity. God bless everyone out there & Happy Holidays!*
My son is 30 years on the OTR. He is getting real close to retirement. He said that he can't wait because drivers are becoming reckless. Not putting anyone down but it's mostly the foriegn drivers who have no business even on the road much less in a big rig. I'll get hate speech from this but the truth is the truth.
@@misshazel271 You're not wrong. I just quit after 20 years because of all the foreign drivers coming from Canada have zero respect for anyone on the road and sadly the government doesn't to do anything. State Patrol won't even enforce no parking laws so you get these guys just parking where ever they want.
@@misshazel271 You are 100% correct Miss Hazel. You won't get any hate speech from me. There are many bad drivers out there.. foreign & the unqualified ones that are giving the good drivers like your son a bad name. It's a beautiful profession in the wrong era. The public in general forget that everything we have and own came off a truck delivery. It is a disrespected business in so many ways.God bless your son & God
bless you. Happy Holidays!
@@ArmyVeteran- Yes, everyone forgets that if it wasn't for the truckers, our stores of all kinds would be empty. They keep up with a lot. My son said that he just wants off the road. He bought a dash cam so when other people following can't see what is going on in front of a semi, he has proof. A lot of times people pass, get in front of a big rig and then hit the breaks. A semi especially loaded can't stop on a dime. A lot of the time that is why they jack knife like they do. I will say that he said that a lot of the semi drivers can't drive and shouldn't be on the road. Have a Merry Christmas.
Ridiculous, especially the cars coming after the second truck. Everyone there was going way too fast especially for road conditions
they are always going too fast. And that is why almost all the accidents that happen...happen
Welcome to Minnesota
@@longtallsally554 They were definitely going way too fast for conditions that's for sure. But, the whole story is hard to collect. Was the earlier patch of road drier and they drove into a random isolated snowy area? How bad was the visibility? Were the drivers paying attention? To me, it looks like someone must have not been paying attention because the camera allows you to see far into the scene so they obviously had visibility to see oncoming traffic that they were quickly approaching... And, they can't say visibility was low. So someone wasn't paying attention or perhaps there was aggressive driving, which went south.
On skills and experience: Usually truck drivers know with enough training and experience how far to keep their distance and how to drive for conditions... Maybe, it was the first semi (normal driver) that slammed the breaks out of emotional panic and just screwed it up for everyone, because normal people aren't trained to drive and think about the other sorts of vehicles on the road around them (including trucks behind them, which need way more stopping distance. That's why long haulers take forever to rev up to speed in traffic when other people keep cutting into their safety buffer to pass the truck.. Good truckers always try to build a buffer)..
Believe it or not: emotional/panicy people, slow people, un-aware people, and legalistic ("I'm-just-following-the-rules" but not the conditions and traffic) people also cause a lot of problems... Then you have the people who drink and drive or do drugs... It can be a big mess.
Even driving defensively can't eliminate the real possibility of being involved in events like these.
@@KLRJUNESo true. Guess it didn't catch on?
Defensive driving also involves knowing the limits of your cars handling and being ready for quick maneuvers. Unfortunately almost nobody has any training or preparation in dealing with fast maneuvers in a car, and inevitably lose control. Which leads to amplification of accidents.
@@1243reasdfc891234 all those cars would have had zero damage if those cables weren't there
@@KLRJUNE This implies that the driver has enough insight to know what direction the driver's body will go if there is a frontal collision.
It's called "not going 80mph in the snow" but clearly humanity is doomed
The barrier saved my life earlier this year! Messed my bumper up, but we were safe! It was an icy road morning that day! Oh yeah the car before me slid and totaled their car.
Thank you for sharing this story! Pinned to the top for others to see!
@@MidwestSafety this is why I live in the deep south 🤷♀️😂 I don't have to deal with that much here.
Ya simply can't drive
How much did they pay you to say that?
1:08 EXTREMELY rare those guide wires protect for the purpose they were installed for.
I used to work road rescue for a towing company and 9 out of 10 times a car would hit those, it would cut the person in half. trust me.. im sitting there waiting for emts to leave and then i clean up the road and haul the cars to the yard... the seats are cut horizontally and blood everywhere.
I disagree. Those cable barriers didn’t prevent anyone from going into oncoming traffic in this situation. They just did more damage to the vehicles.
Ya I don't think vehicle damage is the priority in these situations, its saving human life, and if someone's vehicle is going to be totaled rather than going into oncoming traffic and killing people the barrier did its job.
So, you avoid crashing with a semi and a few cars, and then you *stop* on the only place the traffic behind you can go- brilliant.
The car on the left is blocked by the stupid lane wires
The cables prevented the two cars from moving
You must be the most aware person in the world or just ignorant. This person was probably fully focused on the path ahead of them, by the time they could have even looked in the mirror, the truck was coming. What is it like to never have made a mistake in your life before?
Shut up traffic collision expert
We don’t want you coming across to our northbound lanes. We’re doing just fine without you southbounders crashing head on into us.
What you said about the cable barrier regarding keeping the trucks and vehicles from crossing over is just pure horse shit. I have 40 years behind be as a professional driver, and every single word you said made me realize that you don't know a thing about it.
that type of wire barrier is deadly for people on Motorcycles :(
Motorcycles are deadly for people on motorcycles.
Notice how fast the 3rd truck was going.
Dangerous road conditions means you slow down not speed up.
"Less speed" as an automatic reflex to danger is harmful, but in this particular case, there were a bunch of really bad drivers driving completely wrong for the conditions. You can't go that fast in that weather with those tires in that traffic.
@@bradallen1832 there we have it tires I do wonder how many of those cars got winter tires because where I live the law is that winter tires needs to fitted from December 1st to Mars 31
Sure even with winter tires dont drive to fast but it's still safer then using summer tires
these truck drivers are 100% guilty in these jackknifes. They are more responsible than Rogel Aguilera-Mederos. Any deaths caused by these truck drivers because they refuse to slow down in snowy- icy weather are 100% on their shoulders and deserve jail time.
I'm actually a fan of cable barriers if they're well placed. If it were closer to the center of the median instead of right off of the shoulder it would be fine. Also I feel bad for the driver of the covered wagon (the white semi who bumped the Prime trailer). He'd clearly been laying on the brakes for a long while and so nearly avoided an accident.
And if none them were going so fast? They wouldn't have bumped into each other at all? SMH. Sighhhh
(van trailer)
Negative if that barrier wasnt there the trailer would have kept spinning around 180° and the semi would be the ONLY One stuck because the road would have been clear. But that barrier stop it dead in tracks basically......
Exactly point on, those cables are death traps
Minn so good at trying to prevent unsafe driving.....great camera system....take care everyone 🙏
No, I think those cables are more destructive to your car. If they weren’t there, you could easily drive and slide around the wreck without going into on coming traffic.
yes, in this case there is a huge median which could have been better utilized. What they should do is put the cables in the direct middle of the median. This way, you have the median to use to try and get around an obstacle like this, but the cables stop any trucks or vehicles from proceeding into oncoming traffic.
This is all about the DOT tooting their own horn saying how safe they are when the reality is they don't give a damn about safety.
If there's an immovable object in front of you, and a big fast moving object behind you, the safest place would have been to ditch the car, which three vehicles tried to do, but got trapped by the wire and rammed anyways. The wire was a damage multiplier.
I was watching Live Storms Media. He was south of this at the next exit. He told us viewers "Trust me" He turned around and went to 46 and headed north to 150th to the overpass. By this time traffic from I-35 South was already going south on 46. So he took us to the accident scene below the overpass.
This is a great channel! Glad I discovered especially being a MN resident 🙌🏻
Those cables are more a detriment than an aid. As you can see the cable caused more damage than it prevented.
In this one example yes. But imagine an example where the other side of the road had lots of traffic. A semi plowing straight through and hitting cars head on could be brutal
Yeah, what if 2 semis are traveling opposite directions and both go into the center ditch at 70 mph and collide head on? How do you save them?
Let's pay for a concrete barrier in the center of all highways. It'll cost 560 trillion, (every 5 years) but if it saves just 1 life it will all be worth it..... right?
The world is an unsafe place. You can NOT and will NOT save everyone.
I'd really like to see some statistics on these accidents involving these "safety" cables.
The barrier cables should be exactly in the middle of the median instead of so close to the pavement a couple of those cars would have skated right past and not been damaged at all if the cable would have been in the middle.
Extensive testing of various high guardrail/ fixed barriers like k block and cable barriers have proven that cable barriers are the least effective and in fact do not even come close the providing anything like the other barriers in terms of effectiveness for safety.
You will never see cable barriers used on mountain roads.
Cable barriers absolutely suck.
Here in EU I have never seen cable barriers (not saying they don't exist), but mostly steel or concrete barriers.
That's because your politicians must be smarter than ours I live in Arizona in America and I have seen 1st hand how poorly they perform, Additionally consider hitting one on a motorcycle you'd be dead instantly the posts that support the cables are shredders to human bodies.....
Seems to me that the retaining cable along the left side of the road caused more problems for everyone. I would be pissed if I wasn't able to go around on the left side and then climb back on the highway and keep moving.
And if you were a car on the other side youd be grateful for the cable preventing a semi from plowing through to the other side and hitting you head on and killing you.
@ wrightti1 : Totally agree!
@@Jomskylark The problem isn't the _existence_ of the retaining cable so much as its location. They put it too close to the roadway, trapping motorists and preventing them from driving around the pileup and avoiding collisions. It should've been closer to the center of the median.
The black truck could have recovered in the ditch and went about his business. You're absolutely right. The placement of the cables makes it impossible to avoid anything.
@@Jomskylark To clarify -- the cable fence would have been best-served in the MIDDLE of the median... that way, vehicles could avoid a wreck-scene around the left side but also kept them from going into the opposing lanes....
Excerpted from an article in the 'Star Tribune' newspaper from March 17, 2014:
"Sometimes they (cable barriers) are in the middle of the median, and other times they are right up against the traffic lanes and jump from one side of the highway to the other. Why the difference?"
"While many barriers run right down the middle of the median, that isn’t always the best place. The middle is often a low spot, so there’s a “distinct possibility” of an errant vehicle vaulting over the cables. The soils are often poor, said Kent Barnard of MnDOT (the Minnesota Department of Transportation)."
"If one direction of the freeway is higher than the other, that side of the median gets the cable. Engineers also review which side of the road has had more drivers zooming into the median. They’ll place the cable on the opposite side to give the veering drivers more room to recover on their own, Barnard said."
Pinned to the top so others can see this info! Thanks!
@@MidwestSafety been on youtube for over a decade with various accounts and no one has ever pinned a comment of mine even if it had the most likes so thank you very much! I found this info as a reply to someone else and felt it should be a stand alone comment. Im glad we both like it.
Those three cars on the left were all unable to avoid being caught up in the accident because the cable barrier trapped them. The barrier also made the original jackknife worse by stopping the trailer sideways across the lanes of travel. There was plenty of room to place the barrier further from the roadway, even halfway across the median. There was no disparity in elevation or curve radius making placement right next to the highway necessary. The transportation folks can stop patting themselves on the back for preventing an oncoming incident as this barrier didn't have to be where it was to accomplish that goal.
@@bradarmstrong3952 agreed. sometimes it takes an incident to expose a weakness. remember LED traffic lights and how no one thought HEY what happens when these low heat lights get filled with snow. no one every considered WHY lights did not have snow problems in the past :-)
@@nerys71 I had forgotten about that, but it is also true that newer isn’t universally better
Coincidental? This came up on my recommendation as I just returned from a 1000 mile round trip across some of the coldest American states! (and this was my first time driving on the wrong side of the road!)
The prime truck that jackknifed brings back memories... as a rookie driver I remember avoiding several of these accidents!
Well bro as a professional driver I don’t think you avoided your close call
it's all about developing an awareness... most truck drivers are puffing their cigarettes and talking on the CB radio... nowadays they're on their cell phone!
@@danstafford5977 nowadays truck drivers are definitely doing that and following too close regardless of weather conditions.. I'm here just shaking my head and staying away from that situation hoping they don't jackknive in front of me...
@@y2k029 of course cars cutting into that following distance doesn't help.............
@@gregstruckingweatherandroa1414 well as a professional driver myself I always leave room or anticipated cars doing that.. and yes I've been driving big rig for over 15 years otr and locals combined... seen many severe weather conditions.. you'll have to adjust...
Cable Barriers simply keep more people involved in the crash for longer. No escape. Why limit the damage to 3 cars when you can turn it into a 70 vehicle bloodbath.
Cable barriers were removed around Marysville, WA in that they didn't stop many vehicles from traversing to the opposite lanes. Replaced with Jersey barriers.
For everyone upset by the placement of the cable barrier, here's why:
"While many barriers run right down the middle of the median, that isn’t always the best place. The middle is often a low spot, so there’s a “distinct possibility” of an errant vehicle vaulting over the cables. The soils are often poor, said Kent Barnard of MnDOT. If one direction of the freeway is higher than the other, that side of the median gets the cable. Engineers also review which side of the road has had more drivers zooming into the median. They’ll place the cable on the opposite side to give the veering drivers more room to recover on their own, Barnard said."
It would help tremendously if drivers would slow way down and drive for the slick conditions, too. All that could have been avoided completely if folks would think before they speed on slick roads.
Bro just ride a fucking bike your car can only go 10 mph that bike can still go 20 mph or more and you won't die
I've noticed a lot of truck drivers don't drive very well....
Those median cables are 50/50 for safety. Yes, it did stop head on traffic accidents. No, to close to shoulder for emergency pass or stop. Could of been a unnecessary death trap.
the first truck that turns back is like "dude, what did you say to me??!"
The cable barrier is also ridiculously hard to see. Plus the artic just ploughed right through it with the car taking the brunt of the lorry and the high tensile cable. Better like we have in the U.K. a central crash barrier where the lorry ended up after hitting the car. It allows speed to bleed off as you go onto the grass and allows evasive manoeuvres. This was far too restrictive and dangerous with a jack knifed lorry blocking all escape routes
It's probably too costly to implement a regular crash barrier for every mile of highway. Doable in the UK but we have too much road in the US
Not to mention the barrier got wiped out by the pickup truck. That dude who just stopped instead of trying to go around got fucked for it.
The cable is the best way. Gradually slows the vehicle down, much safer than going to a dead stop instantly.
Crazy though but maybe the cable isn't the problem? Maybe people ought to slow down when driving in weather like this? And be aware of their surroundings. That way you don't crash and if you have to go around you can do so safely.
Cable barriers also slice motorcyclists in two (or more) pieces. Nasty things to put on the roads and highways.
The 2nd semi “coming in hot” was about as lukewarm contact as could be.
The third semi was pretty cool…
Sara Lee, fresh out of the oven coming in hot!
the fence should be in the middle of the median, so theres still room to leave the lane and avoid a crash
Those cables are bad news for motorcyclists.
They're death traps
Yes I wonder how many motorcyclist are sliced up per year by those cables
Just one of many reasons why I avoid Interstates on the bike. There are too many idiots out there who think they're in a Grand Prix on the Interstate, and my 400 lbs of bike is no match for their 3000 lbs of car.
The road doesn't even look that bad at all.
Guess you never heard of black ice!!!
Black ice is invisible! Plus, most accidents happen when there is only about an inch of snow on the ground. It's because drivers get cocky and think they don't need to slow down!
It's not the Road but the So called Driver !!
Doesnt have to be. They still wipe out even on a clean road.
@@Kevin-Ward brakes worked fine, there’s just no traction on black ice.
I really enjoyed your narration. You earned a subscription!
Cable Barriers were a large part of the problem here.
they should be placed farther away from the tar.
One very simple rule; when you see snow on the ground and don’t see spray from the tires, it’s ice. I got stopped because a truck jack-knifed across a bridge and my truck almost slammed into the other truck. All this happened at the breakneck speed of 30mph, 7 cars and the crashed fire truck later, they said even 30mph was too fast. Driving conditions change very fast and light rain turns to ice quickly.
That's not always true.
I've driven on snow covered roads where spray is coming up, but underneath that is nothing but black ice.
GOD Help Everyone !!
The barriers prevented vehicles from escaping the accident. Don't know what it is about primes in green trucks jack knifeing, don't be around one on slick roads. The local grain hauler got screwed, if he had another 10 feet of stopping distance he would have been unscathed. My next comment is you 4 wheelers being in the left lane when yall should stay in the right lane.
The trucker that jack knifed appeared to be going way too fast for conditions. His impatience created a traffic backup and could have resulted in fatalities. Slow down people!
looks to me like the white suv was in the left lane with their brakes on.
Looks to me like the white SUV cut him off and the Prime Driver was trying not to kill them. (Confirmed by the truck driver in another post.)
@@DavidD-qr2vn If he was driving in a safe manner, he would not have been in that position to be cut off.
@@Bendigo1 Almost impossible to avoid being cut off on a multi-lane highway if the other driver is intent on doing so. So can you explain just how do you drive on a multi-lane highway safe enough to avoid someone just swinging into your lane unexpectedly?
@@DavidD-qr2vnLeave more room in front of you.
This is why you must be super careful in snowy weather.