What's The Most Messed Up Thing At Your School ? | Viewer Edition

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    What's The Most Messed Up Thing At Your School ? | Viewer Edition
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ความคิดเห็น • 203

  • @qdouble8526
    @qdouble8526 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    I had a dog from when I was 3-14 then the dog started to not be able to walk on his own and my family told me they took him to get euthanized. Then when I was about 18-19 my cousin told me that my uncle took the dog and just dumped him in the middle of nowhere. Makes me cry just thinking of how alone and scared my boy was to be in a unfamiliar place unable to walk

    • @qaui
      @qaui ปีที่แล้ว +8

      AWWWW, stories about poor animal being harmed,abandoned,etc make me feel so sad :'(

  • @mateeeeeo
    @mateeeeeo ปีที่แล้ว +94

    my school is fairly small and controlled (it's a catholic school), but actually the other day some kid tried to prank a girl by kicking her knee and making her fall. Her knee didn't bend and it broke. Everyone hates him now, not only for what he did but for acting like an asshole about it afterwards

    • @kainthedragoon8081
      @kainthedragoon8081 ปีที่แล้ว

      What do you mean acting like an asshole

    • @GaiasDotter
      @GaiasDotter ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Fuck! Knee injuries suck. Poor girl that’s never going to be the same again. I destroyed my knee like 15 years ago, at least that was because of a faulty safety on my skis and not done on purpose by some asshole.

  • @spinetime4066
    @spinetime4066 ปีที่แล้ว +160

    We get a little goofy

    • @deontaeavila3514
      @deontaeavila3514 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Arousing, tell me more.

    • @benmannion4381
      @benmannion4381 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      We like to do a little bit of trolling in my town

    • @CheezClubRBLX
      @CheezClubRBLX ปีที่แล้ว +10

      We commit inclining rates of tomfoolery inside of the region where we participate in the tomfoolery previously mentioned.

    • @bradup
      @bradup ปีที่แล้ว +2

      spine time??? 😂😂

    • @spinetime4066
      @spinetime4066 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@bradup yes?

  • @katimius
    @katimius ปีที่แล้ว +9

    As an elementary counselor, I'm kinda glad some of these cases happened in elementary. i can hope that those kids learned their lessons early on. to be quite honest, for some ppl, no amount of adult talking to or counseling is gonna change their actions. some kids/ppl only realize the severity and how much others dislike their behaviors when their peers push back.

  • @37789
    @37789 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Once there was a fist fight with me,my fourteen friends,some bitch I hated,and his eight friends. We were fighting going wild with no rule because well it was sixth grade. It happened really fast but he managed to punch my friend in the back of the head nine or ten times. He had a seizure mid fight and had to go to the hospital. I was talking to his little brother later and started crying about it. Turns out his dad died in a bar fight after he got hit in the head multiple times. My friend ended up being okay thank god but he did need some physical therapy. The damn kids didn’t even get suspended and I will forever hate my school for doing nothing. (Sry if my grammar sucks I’m dislecxic)

  • @mtdowns
    @mtdowns ปีที่แล้ว +5

    TW: Self Termination, R, DA
    In high school, I lost 1 to 3 friends a year. I was a part of a group of seemingly happy and rambunctious kids, one of them Fabien (Not real name) always laughed the hardest and loudest. Fabien called me at 1am one night, I had had a fight with my gf and I remember looking at the phone and thinking I don't have the energy to deal with you right now. I didn't answer. God, I didn't call back either. The next day at school no Fabien, but his gf was missing too. Our group was chucking to ourselves about what we assumed they were up to. Fabien had self terminated that night via handgun. They still had an open casket for him, but try as the mortician might, that was not Fabien in that box. The next year, Fabien's gf suffered a Gang R and told Mitch; another guy in our group, when mitch didn't believe her, she self terminated. Mitch got drunk at her wake and drove him and his gf into a tree at 85 miles an hour on the way home. I can only hope on accident. Our group was never the same and where I became numb others turned to pills. Those pills took two of my friends my Junior year and one senior year.
    Therapy is helping me a lot now. It took me 8 years after graduating to start therapy. If you've experienced hardship, if you feel unwanted or unloved. Reach out. That is why I never silence my phone or ignore any calls now. Never let anyone, especially loved ones, drive drunk. Stay safe.

  • @ThatIdiotOmega
    @ThatIdiotOmega ปีที่แล้ว +10

    If the kid from story 15 watches this video, i hope he has gotten better and has a wonderful day.

  • @idontwanna1234
    @idontwanna1234 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I went to a Catholic high school. Freshman year we went on what is known as a "retreat", which was essentially that we took a bus to a church about 30-45 minutes away from the school and were going to stay the night. The first day was about as exciting as you'd expect from what I just described. On the second day, we were in the middle of a mass. The priest went to sit down in one of the pews during a break in the service where we were expected to be praying or whatever.
    I don't remember how long it was, but we started hearing this weird grunting noise. At first I started giggling because it sounded vaguely like something dirty was going on and I was a teenager. Then we all looked in the direction of the noise and saw the priest laying down in the pew, not looking too good. The teachers chaperoning the retreat told us kids to pray while they called for an ambulance. We got back on the bus and returned to our school after the ambulance took him away.
    Unsurprisingly, the class was pretty traumatized by the whole ordeal. I heard later that the priest had died on the way to the hospital, but I had no way to confirm it and it's been about twenty years since this whole thing happened. I was already questioning the religion thing by that point, but having a priest possibly drop dead in the middle of delivering a mass was another push in that direction. I still feel bad for the idiot giggling, but I guess I was just a kid back then.
    There were some other messed up things that happened during my time there (including a teacher getting arrested out of school one morning by the FBI for CP possession), but the retreat thing was the only one I saw directly.

  • @jordansims3380
    @jordansims3380 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This is so spooky! I literally just finished watching an older version of this video from this channel. Oh, well. Round Two,I guess. 😅

  • @Adr1231
    @Adr1231 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am in a 7th day Adventist school and the biggest scandal in our school was when 3 students got into a verbal fight and it ended after 4 minutes

  • @Brownexe
    @Brownexe ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Well I have a story in year 7 (UK people understand I think) in year 7 there were condoms everywhere and apparently there was "mayo" in one of them

    • @thechaoticvideogamer
      @thechaoticvideogamer ปีที่แล้ว

      UK person here, it sounds like you were somewhere aged 11-12 (year seven is first year of secondary school, ages 11-12, year eight is 12-13 and so on until year eleven; where it's sixth form college.)

  • @Akiku2
    @Akiku2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    “Butthole melting devil peppers”…


  • @Barracuda539
    @Barracuda539 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    The big incident at my school happened before I went there, the only reason I know about it is because my older sibling went there at the time. Anyway, from what I understand about the situation the band director slept with one of the students on a school trip, the problem was there was no hard evidence proving so, but the silver lining is we had a great principle, and the moment he found out he put the teacher under suspension so he could figure out how to get rid of him. He honestly did everything he could to try and get rid of him, but with no hard evidence he ended having to write a letter of recommendation for the asshole to get him to leave, he worded it very carefully saying he would miss "the music" and got him out of there. Fast forward like a year or two, and guess what, the director now at another school did the same thing again, this time he was caught and arrested. The new school was somewhat understandably mad at our principal, but the thing is they had never actually contacted the principal before they hired the director, this resulted in our principal being put under investigation. This pissed off the entire community and everyone started a movement to bring the principal back, in the end he was brought back, but with something like a record on his resume, he is still there to this day.

    • @megans7778
      @megans7778 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Two things got super big in my middle school. 1- No idea why or how this got started, but the popular kids went to kids they deemed “didn’t have a chance” yes including me and ask us out only to immediately retract it saying “haha just kidding”. The few times any of us were able to ask them why they were doing this to us they either laughed us off or responded something along the lines of “you should be thankful, now you at least know what it feels like, it’s the closest you’ll get to actually being asked out” 2- There was this one popular girl let’s call her Abbey. Abbey with her cronies following her would constantly be going up to girls she looked down on and asked “hey are you pregnant” after looking them up and down a few times with a weird look on her face. Right before the girl could answer Abbey would just cut them off laughing with her cronies saying “I’m just joking” and walks off. You could tell that Abbey was just doing to mess with people and hurt them emotionally. Some of them didn’t even make sense cause Abbey would even say it to girls smaller and with a tighter build then her. With both instances even all these years later I still have no idea why any of them where doing these things. Other than to just be cruel to us kids who they didn’t like.

  • @drakehatch9171
    @drakehatch9171 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    At my my middle school, (7th to 8th grade) no discipline was ever given and because of that, the kids' behavior and welfare fell into neglect. If you were bullied the only thing you could do was endure until it was all over. The kids ran the show, and nobody was making any moves to change it. The majority of people who were problems were all super athletes thinking that sports are the only thing worth your time. Kids were vaping in the bathroom. Kids were selling drugs and fighting in the blind spot from cameras between buildings, and again, nobody seemed to care.
    If the perpetrators were even caught and sent to the office, all they would even get was a slap on the wrist and them saying 'don't do that again.'
    Luckily, my dad(a well renowned good principal in my small town) had moved schools the year before I moved on to 8th grade, and great changes were made...once the heavy work was done. My dad had to long term suspend and expel quite a few students before things started to get better, and even after the problem students were removed, we still had the occasional problem. In another one of my (probably unused) stories, I described the circumstances of when the school was a threatened school shooting during Christmas. But, things are looking better now, thank Goodreads

  • @midknightsummoner126
    @midknightsummoner126 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Right when he finished "The End", my earbud died and said "goodbye", before shutting off.

  • @JRAUSports
    @JRAUSports ปีที่แล้ว

    Another great video, thanks for showing compassion to the people who need it.

  • @ThatIdiotOmega
    @ThatIdiotOmega ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I hope op from story 6 is ok. It sounds like a nightmare of an experience

  • @GachaFlamy
    @GachaFlamy ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I honestly wasn't sure if I wanted to share this story since it happened this week (the time I'm writinh this) but I really wanted to share it cause it still scares me.
    Few days ago, May 3rd Wednesday at around 8:40 am a school shooting happened in Belgrade, which was caused by a very young student.
    I was just returnung to class when my friends spread this information to me. Immediately I googled it up and found so many articles talking about it. By readung one of them I started to shake, it was generally scary.
    The whole day the entire school talked about it, and we didn't learned anything else until later after school.
    Me and my dad were watching TV trying to clear our minds when breaking news popped up about the killer and it's story.
    A 14-year-old boy who was the smartest student was constantly bullied for being quiet and weird. The boy tried asking for help but nothing. The school did nothing and his parents thought it wasn't something too serious. This has been going on for months, until the last straw was broke by his history teacher who gave him an F. He made a list of kids he was gonna kill and a plan on how he'd get in and where he would go (this was found by the police at his house). That day he took his dad's gun, and started the shooting. He shot the security guard (who died immediately), possibly a police officer, and then went inside the school. He shot around 14 kids (6 of the survived, the rest of them died) and the history teacher (who luckily made it out alive). When he was finished he called the police saying how he was a maniac. Later the police and ambulance showed up: the boy was taken away and everyone who was hurt were hospitalized.
    This was really traumatizing; for everyone who saw the news but mostly for all those kids who were at that school during the incident. I doubt anyone will forget about it, this was the most messed/fucked up thing that ever happened in our country.
    Those poor kids...may they rest in peace 🙏 🕊️

  • @BigDaddyCameron
    @BigDaddyCameron ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Just graduated HS today. IM FINALLY FREE!!!

  • @TerabyteAIX
    @TerabyteAIX ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I didn't have a super eventful school life compared to others here, but someone did smoke weed once in the bathrooms at my middle school and it caused the entire building to reek.
    Oh and also I've known three teachers across middle and high school who got busted for doing...*inappropriate things* with students. One was a (well-known) security guard, one was a science/math teacher, and in high school it was the Spanish/health teacher. All three went after girls, and guess what? I'm a girl.
    Thankfully I wasn't harassed by them (being an otherwise unattractive social recluse has its perks), although they did give me *very* off vibes.

  • @poison_roses
    @poison_roses 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    not my class but one time in 5th class (fourth grade if your american) my teacher told us a story. (for context the main school bulding was very small there were about four classrooms upstairs and four downstairs along with some prefabs outside ) about how one day a class in one of the upstairs classrooms were going outside (probably for break or p.e or somthing) and a group of boys were messing around near the railing. apparantly one of the boys got shoved over said railling and fell, he got rushed to hospital where he later died. i dont know what happend to the rest of the boys presumebly they got expelled.

  • @slasherntrident7107
    @slasherntrident7107 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My school was extremely messed up but I'll share the most messed up thing that happened
    I was in my photography class and I got really overwhelmed so I asked my teacher if I can go outside of the classroom. She agreed and I went out of the class. I was spaced out and drinking my bottle of water. I looked to my left and saw 2 girls being restrained by a teacher and my old principal. One girl had blood on her hands and nails and screaming. The other girl had a chunk of her hair ripped out and had slashes on her face and arms. And my old principle saw me and I was blank face to it all. I just sighted, finished my drink and went back into class. Its more messed up when I'm used to seeing violent crap like that.
    Its been 2 years since I left that toxic school. I am still relieved I'm finally able to go to a calmer college without having to feel like im going to a place of misery

  • @soulgamer8327
    @soulgamer8327 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sadly enough, story 11 reminds me of my own.
    In my senior year of high school, there was a rumor that a kid threatened to shoot up the school. Supposedly there were conversations over text going into detail about the kid's plan (date and time, how he was going to get the gun into the school, etc.) but nothing was ever confirmed or denied by the school. Regardless, this threat was taken very seriously by the students. This was a few months after the shooting at Stoneman Douglass High School in Florida, so it was a very serious threat to us. On the day that the kid was going to carry out his plan, only about half the students in the school showed up that day. I was, unfortunately, one of the kids that did show up because my parents refused to let me stay home after I begged and pleaded with them. Thankfully nothing happened that day, but I'm not sure if it was because the kid was apprehended or it was just an empty threat. To this day, I have no idea what came of it since the school kept us in the dark about all of it.

  • @billybobbarnaby2859
    @billybobbarnaby2859 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This actually happened this year, our school get lots of fights, so many that it’s almost weird if no fights happen. Some are more intense than others but one was the most intense I’ve ever (personally) seen. Around the end of the day, a fight broke out between 2 guys, I didn’t know any of them personally, but they were pretty popular. Everyone was taking videos and forming a crowd, nothing out of the ordinary. It was business as usual, until one of the kids grabbed a fire extinguisher off the wall, pinned the other guy to the ground, and slammed it into him repeatedly. He suffered a broken arm, and broken ribs, he recovered pretty well, and the guy with the fire extinguisher was expelled. I really fucking hate middle school

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow ปีที่แล้ว

    Ironically, I got assaulted in the small city school way more often. The big city school tried a couple times, noticed my pain tolerance and noped out. I had gotten pinned, couldn't fight back, and hit until the guy got pulled off. I actually felt better post assault than pre-assault. That reputation along with my reputation for having a jacket with "hammer space" that could have almost anything was enough to stop me from getting stabbed.
    That school was the first place I came across someone who I knew I couldn't beat though. One guy put my arm to sleep with a single swing. Got to be great friends and he actually taught me my accent.

  • @panosmosproductions3230
    @panosmosproductions3230 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Middle School I went to is nearly always a step away from chaos. There’s bullying, and tons of classroom punishments (where the teacher punishes the entire class) which just adds fuel to the fire “sometimes literally becomes the fire alarm was pulled once which made me miss an after school snack.”

  • @melaworm3299
    @melaworm3299 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The first story reminded me of when my school had a fire drill. A lot of my schoolmates decided that racing down to the meeting point would be a great idea. I was a very tall and large girl for my age but I could not resist the crowd of excited kids. I was slammed into the edge of 2 walls and got a nasty bruise on my arm. I was very happy my teachers lectured the entire grade about these kinds of accidents. Happy ending?

  • @Superman37891
    @Superman37891 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    For the first one, I’d think you could sue the school because they did nothing when people almost ended your life; nearly making you fall down the railing and then people hit you in the head afterward

  • @Astrorion0927
    @Astrorion0927 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I was in 6th grade, I stopped a murder. Afterwards, I was socially isolated for the rest of the school year. Screw you karma.

  • @Daniboy0826
    @Daniboy0826 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    7:17 - Imagine getting strangled because you disagree with someone about what the best mouse for Minecraft is.

  • @Tubekingstone
    @Tubekingstone ปีที่แล้ว

    Love this kind of content

  • @GiordanDiodato
    @GiordanDiodato ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The only thing I remember was two girls getting into a catfight over... something. Idk what it was about. They just hated each other and I guess it came to a head one morning. One classmate (who's sadly passed due to a drug od, whole other can of worms) described it as "pubes flying everywhere."

  • @itr372
    @itr372 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's one strong ass kid to hospitalize how many kids

  • @ELMVD
    @ELMVD ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love these videos

  • @kirillzakharov7336
    @kirillzakharov7336 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Story 4 is a prime example of one of the main problems with school. Yeah, maybe they could have handled it better, but considering the shit they had to deal with, their actions were justified.

  • @gh_alexreyes8276
    @gh_alexreyes8276 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My school had a riot and ended up setting the fire alarms off and breaking them with a few students fighting and a police car getting flipped over and this was a good school, this was caused by student who from another school coming in ours and starting the mess

  • @stonereviews4738
    @stonereviews4738 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I HAVE A SCHOOL STORY! (It's pretty dark, take it seriously). Last year a student was getting bullied for being gay (this student was annoying people by wearing a pride flag as a cape and yelling in people's faces). At some point between then and now the kid set themselves on fire. I feel so bad for them, wish I could've done something about it.

    • @Lernrnrbebenehrhrnrn
      @Lernrnrbebenehrhrnrn ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That is so messed up! I don't think it's acceptable for anyone to bully people for being queer or gender-non-confirming! It's not right and needs to be stopped.

    • @qaui
      @qaui ปีที่แล้ว +1

      oh my, that sounds horrifying! i feel so bad for the kid

    • @lucasvidz9488
      @lucasvidz9488 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      the kid lived right?

  • @dusklight2245
    @dusklight2245 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This happened earlier this week, but a kid got jumped by a group of students during lunch, one of the kids had jumped on the kid’s head, so the kid ended up going to the hospital needing surgery and a bunch of parents are in protest as it was confirmed that it was part of a gang attack

  • @soroly_1111
    @soroly_1111 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A year ago, an overseer (men) Was one of the nicest person I met ever.
    He was so Nice that when he was here all student no exception were good kids.
    There was a girl that really liked him, LIKE REALLY.
    She confessed to him.
    He rejected her.
    She was *16* and him 21. Obviously he rejected her. ( I verified )
    She was so pissed, She talked to EVERYONE what happened.
    The 4 headmasters heard of the story. THEY FIRED HIM.
    like- Why?
    The friday of the same week he came to say goodbye with brownies and all...
    We were pissed,cause PLOT TWIST same year, an overseer (woman) dated A 15 YEAR OLD DUDE. (She was like 25-30)
    The headmasters did know. They didn't do anything.
    And she was an horrible creep. Always around young boys, Bullied girl students...
    Frickin' sexism...

  • @Mmmmheisenburgers
    @Mmmmheisenburgers ปีที่แล้ว +1

    21:54 the fire alarm is pulled only once a month the fire alarm at my school is pulled 2 to 3 times a week

  • @CuteNarpNarpPlush
    @CuteNarpNarpPlush 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @hanssrensen3641
    @hanssrensen3641 ปีที่แล้ว

    We have a couple of sad ones :( 1. Teacher started dating a 13year old (He was 23ish) They are still together and have kids.. 2. Maintaince guy had a camera in the girl lockerroom. He never touch anyone, but he had many DB data when the police caught him

  • @Gray34721
    @Gray34721 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There was a senior at my school last year he start throwing desk and stuff because a teacher tried asking him to get off his phone. The cops came and Emts also came. Found out that my math teacher was the teacher that asked to get off his phone. Mind you once a year we get out of our last class early to get ice cream. The kid threw stuff on the day we were going to get ice cream. So thanks a lot Tim.

  • @wilbursmoonwater
    @wilbursmoonwater ปีที่แล้ว

    One incident less than a month ago a student (whose identity is not known to students) was writing a hit list IN CLASS and the teacher noticed it and told the principal or something. Later when he was asked about his motives he said that it was just joking and the people on his hit list were just annoying. Luckily he's not coming to school anymore

  • @Oscar-qt9ud
    @Oscar-qt9ud ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I hope this makes it into a video because I have a loaded one. So I'm from the caribeans, where schools go from kindergarten to highschool (compared to the states where y'all have separate schools for elementary and highschool). I moved to this school in 3rd grade, and in my class there was this kid who everyone picked up on, he was super smart but was diagnosed with anger issues. Long story short, in every grade, this kid got involved in a huge fight. In 3rd grade, he stab one of my friends in the eye with pencil because he thought my firend had stole it from him (he did not) the pencil luckily went right below his eyeball so my friend wasn't blinded. On 4th grade, during recess, he choked a girl almost to death with the cord of his lunchbox because she sat where he usually sits. In 5th grade, he got into a fight with me, because I told him to stop kicking my chair, I ended up slamming a text book in his face. On 6th grade he ripped a junk of a girl's hair because she kept tossing it in his desk. On 7th grade (which was his last year on the school was the worst incident) my bestfriend told him to stop taking his stuff and the kid proceeded to slam his head against the table MULTIPLE TIMES until blood came out, my friend ended up with a broken nose and a chipped tooth. My friend's parent ended up suing the school, and the kid with anger issues ended up being expelled.
    All those years, the school kept him because he had the highest grade and they thought it was our fault from pushing him over the edge. As someone who was present and also was bullied, I understood half of it. But all the incidents previously mentioned it was him who escalated all those situations and hurt kids who were not even bullying him.

  • @douglastaylor7947
    @douglastaylor7947 ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 14 is so heartbreaking 😢😢

  • @leeannnewton5907
    @leeannnewton5907 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    At my school for field day they put up bouncy house one was a hungry hippo themed one. a kid cracked his head open my teacher had to use her shirt to stop the bleeding I never went on that ride again

  • @jasonrandom372
    @jasonrandom372 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    4:26 I think you mean Adultery not Infidelity because he was married and cheated on his spouse. So was the person he was cheating with.

  • @hordbooraem5909
    @hordbooraem5909 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love watching mainly facts videos while eating a pack of ramen raw.

  • @stargalaxy625
    @stargalaxy625 ปีที่แล้ว

    ​​Once I was nearly murdered by my friend at school. We had a field trip and we went to a pool to swim. They were throwing poker coins into the water for us to gather and try to get the most. The person with the most coins would win. Well then I just started gathering the coins but suddenly my friend was holding me under water so I couldn't go up to breath. We were struggling and I accidentally swallowed some pool water. I ended up dropping all my coins and then my friend let me go. I swam to the side crying and ran to my big brother for a hug. It was terrifying for me. There was a lifeguard for us but when it was happening they did literally nothing. The only thing they did was after when we were leaving I saw the PE teacher scolding my friend. But it gets even worse. I had moved away but then my family moved back a few years later. The school used to be amazing and super fun and I had learned a lot. But coming back to school sucked. The teachers were never there and we were taught by a sixteen year old. I got bullied by some boy who bullied everyone else too. He ruined my art in art class and threw paper airplanes around in math. They only punished him when he tripped me once but nothing else, not even when he was throwing rocks around. The super bad part came when my mom had already taken me and my brother out because it was so bad. But then the girls who tried to kill me, mom went to the principal to complain about the bullying. The principal said “well your child tried to kill another kid once”. The incident had happened 6 years ago! Me and my friend had been 5 then and it wasn't even her fault she didn't know it was wrong she was just a child it was the teachers fault for not looking after the kids in the pool. The principal had a record for defending his school and stuff. He fired all the good teachers when they said something and he hated when parents pulled their children out. The school name by the way is Isla Academy in the Dominican Republic. Don’t go there if you want an education.

  • @gs-8279
    @gs-8279 ปีที่แล้ว

    My little brother was attacked close the school we both went too and nearly killed by one of his bullies. Needless to say, he does not go to that school anymore.

  • @PowerStruggle555
    @PowerStruggle555 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I went to a pretty mild school. Nothing really exciting happened. I guess due to it being small (small town). I mean stuff did happen but nothing messed up.
    -9/11 happened my senor year. we were a 95 or so min drive from the city. But nothing really affected us any different than on the other side of the country
    -75% of the school protested a new schedule change (they did a walk out) it was mostly of the 9-11th graders as the schedule would take place the following school year
    -a kid in the middle school (again small town...high school and middle school shared a building where the gym separated them) literally dropped dead during football practice (he had an undiagnosed heart condition)
    that was about it. no crazy fights (I mean maybe one but not like story. happened in stairwell and teachers broke it up)

  • @MyticalHound
    @MyticalHound ปีที่แล้ว

    This happened a while ago.(This is high school) I in class listening to my teacher and I had to use the bathroom. I asked my teacher can I go to the bathroom and she said yes. I got my pass and walked towards the restroom. When I got to restroom there was 6-7 people vaping and doing drugs inside the bathroom. I used the restroom and just left. 10 minutes later my father/principal call on the intercom and said that the bathrooms were going to close for the rest of the day. Everyone was pissed that they couldn’t use the restroom for the rest the day.

  • @mizublackriver7021
    @mizublackriver7021 ปีที่แล้ว

    In brazil we have a saying of "Shitting in the fence" which means doing something embarrassing or stupid for no reason.
    A student literally shat in a brick fence we had. Without hard evidence the school could do nothing even if we all knew who did it.

  • @gelatinous6915
    @gelatinous6915 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "I'm not sure how students handle all the violence and intensity in schools these days."
    Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. You wouldn't believe how many of us were on drugs.

  • @bluestonecreeper720
    @bluestonecreeper720 ปีที่แล้ว

    Let's go!! Video comment time! Hope you are having a good day Mr. facts

  • @hitupaburg
    @hitupaburg ปีที่แล้ว +1

    18:45 *The* *jumping* 18:53 *Revenge*

  • @spetsnaz610
    @spetsnaz610 ปีที่แล้ว

    My friend and I needed to use the bathroom. Some guy was standing at the door so nobody could see inside. My friend went in their to use the bathroom and I stood outside waiting for him. The guy blocking the door to the area with the stalls grabbed my friends shoulder and gave him a slight push inside saying something creepy, I can't really remember but it was something along the topic of ra*e. He immediatly left before telling me that there were two other guys in there, completely ass naked. We were horrified. We were both twelve, they looked at least 16 years old.

  • @jadusstone
    @jadusstone ปีที่แล้ว

    our high school was basically the only one the school bus would pick me up in otherwise i would have switched schools. outside at the main doors there's a ramp no stairs, just a ramp, my cousin was walking down the ramp and saw a girl and her bf coming down the ramp. she waved to the bf as she knew him and the girl went literally insane by punching my cousin so hard it broke a back tooth and knocked her down. She blacked out for a minute while the boyfriend was trying to the girl off my cousin as she continued beating the crap out of her. the boyfriend finally got her off and my cousin raced inside the school screaming and crying so hysterically everyone in the lunch room stopped and looked over. She rushed into the office where the secretary sat there, she was basically useless. Then the teachers take notice as the girl came running into the school screaming she was going to kill my cousin as she raced straight to the office glass door. A teacher grabbed her and screamed for someone to the cops and the vice principal came over and helped pushed her out of the school as she kicked screamed bit and scratched. She was so out of control she grabbed the vice principal's hair and tried biting his ears off he grabbed her and had to throw her like a wrestler to the ground to get her off. Me and some other relatives who were a lot were at my cousin's side and trying to comfort her while trying to hold paper towels, tissues, and anything we could against her face to make the bleeding stop. When the cops arrived and the paramedics, the cops wanted to detain the girl first and while trying to cuff her she managed to somehow bite a officer so hard it's amazing she did not spit out a piece of his hand, they finally got into the back of the car. she was screaming, kicking and even banging her head against the windows trying to get out. The paramedics took my cousin away, she got away with an injury on her head that bled a lot didn't need stitches, two teeth pulled, and just some awful bruising. The girl we found out through the grapevine was on some really heavy drugs and thought my cousin was trying to steal her boyfriend all because she waved at him and never saw her after. This entire experience was not anything new as we had bad fights between people, I even carried a small knife hidden in my shoe and my wallet or cash in my bra cause you know what people in my school were going to do. Im not sure I it was because it's an old school and teachers gave us little to nothing to do in our spare time and drugs were rampant but our school just seemed to bring out the crazy in people.

  • @goodbyeseeyalater
    @goodbyeseeyalater ปีที่แล้ว

    Grammar school. Gym class. My class was outside for gym. We were playing softball. The classroom bully hit the ball but let go of the bat. The bat hit this other scumbag in the face. Splitting him open and cause him to bleed and cry like a baby on his way to the office. Gym was over after that. The reason why the victim is a scumbag is because he switched up on me out of nowhere after his injury. Running his mouth. To this day,Im glad he got hit with the bat. As for the bully,he said "The bat slipped out of my hands" but I think that was BS. It wasnt hot outside.

  • @edi9892
    @edi9892 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's a long list:
    1) primary school: we had multiple incidents of strangers sneaking into school, mostly into the girl's toilets!
    2) Still in primary school, bullies undressed a kid in the parallel class and stomped on his D. Apparently a significant part of the class was watching and cheering, but none of them talked later and the perps could never be punished because of it. Plus, the school swept the incident under the rug.
    3) During class someone threw a knife at me and it hit me with the grip and thus bounced off. There must have been witnesses, but these A-holes kept their mouths shut...
    4) After I got bullied for years and even had my hand broken on one occasion, I snapped and beat up one bully. I got sent to the psychologist for my anger issues, but the bully NEVER was punished, EVER (besides me injuring him).
    5) I nearly got murdered by a classmate for a really petty reason (it started because I lent him 10 USD or so and refused to pay me back and it escalated from there) and I got really close to killing him instead. It gave me PTSD. To make this even worse: the kid threatened to murder me on multiple occasions and in front of many witnesses including teachers. The school had nothing better to do than assign both of us, a classmate who got into selling drugs, and the weird kid all into the same room, probably to keep us from being a bad influence on others. Why me? See 4) Ironically, it made things worse as I and a few others started to carry knives for self-defense. After a few incidents of kids threatening each other with knives, the school had to invest into security, but they weren't just there because of that, but because:
    6) one kid in school got stabbed by a neighbour. It wasn't the only incident of neighbours targeting us and another one had his jaw broken and another had a few broken ribs. It escalated to a mass brawl with two of our classes and also two teachers who got dragged into it by the angry mob attacking the school. I don't know what made them so angry, but they were definitely no saints either...
    7) A girl in our class was dating the class bully and she sent him like a dog after a classmate to beat him up and she later tortured him with a lit cigarette.
    8) A kid had a glass full bottle broken on his head (unlike movies full bottles don't break that easily!). Another one got hit in the head by a cola can from one of the upper floors.
    9) A teacher threw a stool in rage into the class. He didn't hit his intended target, but innocent bystanders. Two other teachers had to quit or resigned out of their volition. One of them was because her private keys got stolen and in her search for them, the class trashed the art room. I think that she never got her house key back!
    10) one girl started around 13 to date a guy in his 30s. She wasn't gr00med into it, AFAIK. She was probably one of the smartest kids but flew under the radar because she didn't put any effort into school. However, she couldn't stand our immature classmates and always sought the company of adults.
    I probably left half of the things out that would be noteworthy and happened during my time. For instance, multiple kids had deathlists and one guy made a booklet in which he wrote how he would torture his classmates... However, we had many people who had really unhinged fantasies or simply were petty delinquents, so I don't deem it anywhere near as spectacular compared to the other things mentioned above...

  • @DivineFuryRose
    @DivineFuryRose ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @SageDaDog
    @SageDaDog ปีที่แล้ว

    New vid yay

  • @kirigirik4195
    @kirigirik4195 ปีที่แล้ว

    #11 Something like that happened at my cousin's school. He was on the list but the girl was caught before anything happened she said it was a dare. He stayed home for the next week.

  • @vladanmisic4510
    @vladanmisic4510 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In my scool a friend of mine stabbed girl multiple times in arm with pencil when they were in school yard.He told us that she made fun of him and he was already full of shit.And you would expect that he ruined his life but he just did fine and got along with that and was pretty popular in school.He is still my friend.
    (Sorry for my bad English)

  • @molten5121
    @molten5121 ปีที่แล้ว

    i go to primary school but at my sisters highschool a year 9 sent a year 7 to hospital, the year 9 was my best friends brother. She wasnt aloud to say anything but told our friends, the year 7's brother is in my class

  • @Omni_tuna
    @Omni_tuna ปีที่แล้ว


  • @mrblackm668
    @mrblackm668 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mainly facts guy still not putting outtakes BUT he does include when he messes up a word or sm
    Gotta love it ❤❤
    Tysm mainly facts for being the only big yt channel to listen to your viewers

  • @MyLife81112
    @MyLife81112 ปีที่แล้ว

    8:50 that kid deserves juvenile detention for what he did

  • @willoyd614
    @willoyd614 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love ghost peppers. Have a ghost pepper plant we just smoked them. Get a nice Smoky flavor with a little kick.

  • @Tallyhalls_mint_tie
    @Tallyhalls_mint_tie ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm here y'all!

  • @skootergirl22
    @skootergirl22 ปีที่แล้ว

    The special school system isn't always sunshine and rainbows it was hard for me to get the right education due to my disabilities this was duing the 90s

  • @LostPeopleOfEarth158
    @LostPeopleOfEarth158 ปีที่แล้ว

    My high school was delightfully boring. We got evacuated once for a smoking trash can someone threw a cigarette in. Nothing else of note happened.

  • @douglastaylor7947
    @douglastaylor7947 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with the story 8 guy, secundary school relationships and datings are totally unnecessary, worthless, distractive and empty. It is better to spend the time studiying and being responsable with homeworks.

  • @toukatouka3479
    @toukatouka3479 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a bunch!
    1. My school has had several bomb and school shooting threats in the last 2 years! We’re all scared for our own safety! The police came last time because they heard that someone was shot and stabbed?? (It was a lie. People are weird.) This happened the day after the Tennessee incident, so…
    2. I got hip-checked down 4 rows of bleachers by a sleazy football kid! To this day, my knees are still recovering.
    3. Regular fire scares! Because people keep smoking in the bathrooms and pushing each other into the fire alarms!
    4. People walk over kids struggling to stand in the hallway! My crappy knees from number 2 went flamingo (backwards) and my backpack slid over my head as I fell. No one helped me. Jokes on my classmates, I got to miss a day of school because I fell into the wall and got a bad enough concussion to nearly faint getting out of school!
    Keep in mind, I live in a tiny town with relatively low violence rates. I told my church friends about my school experiences and they were like “What are these kids on? Drugs?”
    Spite. The answer is spite.
    Also half the kids are depressed. So that too.

  • @gamberester7757
    @gamberester7757 ปีที่แล้ว

    Saw this video and I have a story so I decided to post this lol
    TW: SA(sexual assault), violence, SH(self harm)
    So I like in Victoria, Australia, it’s in generally a pretty and nice place but in schools especially there is always drama and stuff. When I was in year (grade) 7 I went to a school about 45 minutes away from my other school (that school was also catholic and I ended up at a public school) so nobody that I really knew went there apart from about 2 people I went to school with from year (grade) 0-3. Due to being mostly alone I lacked friends in my class and just in general so I spent most of my first months alone, in this time a group of boys ended up bullying me, it never ended up violent but they would mock me and throw stuff at me so I tried to avoid them but they were all in my class so it was mostly a game of trying to hide at the other end of the classroom but as I was a quiet student and due to the fact I have social anxiety and never told anyone the teacher would usually put me next to them. Eventually I made a few friends and it stopped for awhile but that friendship fell apart and I didn’t want to get hurt again so I spent most of the time reading and being alone plus bullying starting again didn’t help my mental health much as I was already prone to anxiety and recovering from self harm and in the midst of this my Grandpa and dog died within about 2 months of each other so I ended up alone and my self harm started again. After awhile of getting tired of the bullying I got bored and ignored it but after that they started catcalling me and touching my face and butt weirdly. Around this time I was also outed as Pansexual so that didn’t help at all, eventually I made two friends (who I still adore) and things got better, I am still recovering from everything but I’m about a week free of SH and haven’t regularly done it for a few months! At my school and that area there was also a vape/drug problem and most of the students were rude and would get in fights and drive the teachers to tears. Honestly gaining my voice back has helped me heaps and I thank my friends for all of it :)

  • @draykowolf2293
    @draykowolf2293 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Habanero is never enough. I consume ghost peppers and related sauces all the time. Some sauces are hotter than others even among those made with the same pepper. But it's always fun to explore each one in the search for the perfect balance between extreme heat and flavor. For me, it's only painful if I eat more than 3 ghost peppers in one go.. and only when on their way out the back door.. >_> so I'm always careful not to exceed my tolerance level to avoid that outcome.

  • @emmapolly4260
    @emmapolly4260 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I was in playgroup (kindergarten age) a boy cut his tongue with scissors. I think these were the teachers ones. I still remember the talk we had about not playing with scissors.

  • @Magitrest
    @Magitrest ปีที่แล้ว

    6th grade, This was the first year my middle school let 6th graders attend, sometime in the first quarter or secound quater of the school year some 6th grader called the police saying "there is a guy with a gun" the 911 operator's had traced the call in the area that my middle school was in, we were put in a sorta half lock down we sat in the same class for 2 hours, people were scared and listening to police radios hoping to find out what was happening, the little turd and his friend group were very loudly I may add telling the person who did the call how great of a job he did and how cool he was fun fact it took only 2 hours for him to be expelled after, looking back this is exactly why the 6th grade got blamed for most problems at the school and to be honest thats fair, and no we didnt get to go home early.

  • @coolnice9522
    @coolnice9522 ปีที่แล้ว

    i grew up in a german catholic school in germany so i can't even imagine having so much violence in school. In our school if someone only hit spmeone they got expelled so yeah

  • @melantharosewood
    @melantharosewood ปีที่แล้ว

    I know the subject of these stories is “Most Messed Up School Stories,” but *why* are so many of these straight up violent?!

  • @WaxScorching
    @WaxScorching ปีที่แล้ว

    schools: gets invented
    also schools: hope nothing goes any worse...
    the kids: *begins to start ultraviolence on a forced habitat place to LEARN.*

  • @spagbol525
    @spagbol525 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To the one who wrote Story 6, I hope you're doing well. Sending hugs straight to you, friend ❤

  • @jakevex4198
    @jakevex4198 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This happened after I graduated probably 2 years after I graduated from high school but one of our teachers what's caught with CP don't know if they found it on his work laptop or anything else but he ended up shooting himself right next to the school I took a few of those teachers classes the entire thing sucked

  • @dravenhuffman
    @dravenhuffman ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 1, op, get the parents if the girl involved, and sue the school

  • @FaizAli-eg9od
    @FaizAli-eg9od ปีที่แล้ว

    Story 4 Violence is not always the answer sometimes its the question and the answer is yes

  • @fanofaction2364
    @fanofaction2364 ปีที่แล้ว

    I found a decapitated rabbit field on our soccer field In elementary school. People thought it was caused by the rabbit sticking it’s head out of its hole while a mover was going over.

  • @3RaccooonsInATrenchcoat
    @3RaccooonsInATrenchcoat ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s not super bad compared to the others in the story, but me and my best friend are bullied pretty badly, and it got way to intense about a month ago. In PE one of them broke their arm and the school did literally nothing. Not even detention.

  • @sidosh2229
    @sidosh2229 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We only had a kid who was tutoring other kids. So far, so uninteresting... Until you get the info that that tutoring kid was 3 grades BELOW his students and was teaching their stuff
    And to give the story a bit more spice: That tutoring kid was me, and no, I couldn't skip classes because I was naturally only accelling in Math and Physics and didn't give a shit about my grades

  • @Scrimblo87
    @Scrimblo87 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I know I’m a bit late, but when I was about 9 I was at recess with my friends and we were about to go inside. Out of nowhere a bird comes crashing down, it’s head is stabbed by wind vain, and it’s head comes off, stringy bits and all. I run over because I’m stupid and try to pick it up. It’s body fell off the roof and landed right next to me. For the next few days, if I saw a bird, I threw up.

  • @lunafaye6008
    @lunafaye6008 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have two families and one of them lived in another state. My younger brother went viral for a fight in school where I’m pretty sure he crippled a kid due to the way he fell after my brother punched him. Idk the details, I don’t speak to my other family. I found out, because I saw the video on social media and immediately recognized my brother. It’s been a few years since then. He’s in prison now for other crimes he’s committed.

  • @the_gaydemoninyourcloset
    @the_gaydemoninyourcloset ปีที่แล้ว

    In second grade I had really bad anger issues and one day we were doing multiplication (we hadn't learned it yet) and most people failed every question including me but the teacher got mad at me and me only and because I couldn't handle anger well I ended up throwing my chair at the teacher luckily I was in the front row

  • @just_flying_dandelions
    @just_flying_dandelions ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why doesn't cr@p like that haapen at my school?

    • @spinetime4066
      @spinetime4066 ปีที่แล้ว

      Seems like it's your time to shine

  • @Monkey_man_the_great
    @Monkey_man_the_great ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't understand why he has problems with the police like I understand there's some bad police officers, but not all of them are bad.

  • @RainMoontide
    @RainMoontide ปีที่แล้ว

    Trigger warning. For this comment, just scroll if one doesn't want to read about drinking and termination
    There waa few things that happen at my school. First was in my year, a few girls got pregnant senior year and there was a rumor that the one was part of a train...don't know the better way of saying that. She was with multiple guys one night all with the intention. The rumor was she was drinking, alongside the guys and no one knew the father was. Not sure of consent throughout the act. They couldn't do tests until the baby was born. However, she did a huge send off at graduation baby belly and all as she was due any day. She was able to walk so everyone was really rooting for her to finish high school.
    The other happened on my street the first year in college. I was home from university the weekend of st. Patrick's day. I was never a big fan of the holiday, and being underage for drinking, i found it best just to be home and away from the shenanigans at the campus. Anyway, being a night owl i found it strange that at 1am that a little sudan speed past my parents' house. It was loud and my road has hills and curves so not a road to street race on. However, it does have an air bump; that once hit does make one rise a bit in the car. Well about 20 mins after the car i heard sirens. All kinds of emergency personnel coming down the road along with a helicopter over head. I had a pit in my stomach and knew something wasn't right. That morning, one of my friends, that was still in high school called me. She told me that a member of her senior class passed away in a car accident on my street. I asked whom it was and it was someone i saw in passing in the hallways. He was known for his huge fro and playing soccer. The kid, named John for the story sake, was the back passenger in the car with his two other friends. They were trying to make the car hit the air bump to get a bit of a thrill out of it. However, the driver hit the bump, lost control on the way down as they were going at least 75 on a road for 45, and hit an oak tree. The driver and passenger had minor cuts as the air bags went off. The passenger got stuck and needed the jaws of life to get out. However, john snapped his neck on impact as was pronounced terminated by time help came. That graduation, there was a moment of silence for his memory along with, a replica of the soccer ball that was placed in his casket, all signed by the graduating class.

  • @SuperLander-nj1sd
    @SuperLander-nj1sd 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    18:17 Beating on the senior 💀

  • @Jafantant
    @Jafantant ปีที่แล้ว

    And My School Literally Has Uncontrollable Sections Lots But Not Most

  • @zulgothkremvh8438
    @zulgothkremvh8438 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ghost peppers are soothing.

  • @foureyedelf6151
    @foureyedelf6151 ปีที่แล้ว

    Retail worker here. We are not allowed to sell those chips to anyone under 18. But I also have had adults literally scream at me for not selling them to their kids. Grown adults have gone to the hospital after eating them, but you try telling that to a screaming Karen. My opinion, kids should get punished for bringing them to school.

  • @aldotrioksidi
    @aldotrioksidi ปีที่แล้ว

    You might say that teens feel emotions stronger than adults, but I disagree. I still feel as strongly as I did back then, I'm just better at controlling my emotions as an adult.
    I think it's the general thing that happens, the intensity doesn't necessarily change, but controlling the emotions becomes easier generally, as you become more comfortable with them and you start to know yourself better.