I m dyslexic. I have a master degree. I speak four languages ( including french and Mandarine). Never listen people who tell you, you can ‘t. Because we can.
Hi I have dyslexia also I just came back from great job interview but didn't past the computer text. It's hard cuz I really wanted this job so bad. How can I overcome this
i am dyslexic, my case was heavy, but caught at an extremely young age, my mother made a special program and well... i am 19 now, i speak and write in 4 languages, english, arabic, russian and latvian, although im still not good at writing in russian, it'll get solved with enough reading. i still have difficulties in reading quickly(mostly in latvian and russian now) and my spelling improves extremely slowly. let no one tell you are stupid. All that you need to do is put 4 times as much effort into this area, other than my struggle with languages i am one of the smartest people that i know.
i think i was around 6 i spent hours a day writing the same letter, then the same 2 letter combinations. my head hurt and my eyes teared if i read for too long, then i had difficulty speaking untill the headache calmed down. as i continued i could read for long periods of time, its like training your muscles just pushing through it. last year i told my teacher that i was born dyslexic... she called me a liar lmao
I am not broken by dyslexia. I am broken by teachers, public school systems, and society trying to jam me into its mold. Now I struggle to find a place anywhere because my strengths have been drowned out by my inability to perform by standard achievement.
I love being a Dyslexia Therapist. I love working with these kids. I learn more from them than they do from me. They make me a better Therapist every time.
Hi from the UK. I was so moved by this video. I am also dyslexic and can relate to Aron's story. What hit me most was the line 'dyslexia will never go away but we can overcome'. People who aren't dyslexic don't understand how hard we as dyslexic people have to work to overcome the challenges dyslexia brings. I hear so often that children grow out of dyslexia. We don't grow out of it. We overcome. It's a daily battle that never ends. Much love to all how face that daily battle. You are special, unique and creative. You see the world not in black and white, not even shades of grey, but magical technicolour. Creativity, lateral thinking and stallwort determination are our gifts. Without us what is unimaginable would remain unseen, out of sight of those who are not dyslexic.
Hi Ali from London as well, can pls tell me the name of the book and the author pls I just can’t get it I looked at the video so many time s Many thanks .
There is nothing more heart wrenching than seeing a really smart child, so observant and aware of its surroundings, with such a sharp mind, struggling so much.
Any teacher belittling a child over any subject, clearly needs more teacher training themself or doesn't need to be teaching. Bullying is a set back in humanity! Stopping the bullying, means taking a step forward TOGETHER. Which I believe is rewarded by our higher power! Respect is 🔑
I am from Australia, and i can totally relate to your story. I had no intervention at school. 2 years behind at school. Only found out at 50. I cry with happiness when i found out. It is too late for me, still upset me of how I struggled at school. Got teased at school and low self-esteem teenage years. Very happy now. Love life.
Wish they had some of these programs 70 years ago - life would have been so much better for me and others like me. I still made it through college and grad school - but man was it a lot of very hard work.
I love watching this video. It brought me to tears. I am a future educator and I HATE to believe that many teachers put their students down :(. I remember having teachers that would treat me like crap just because I did not understand what she/he was teaching. I do not have dyslexia but my husband does and I see that the simplest things can be very challenging. Reading is his enemy and he feels like he is rushed but I tell him to take his time and that it is better to be slow and understand then feel rushed and not understand. Once again loved this video and when I become and graduate as an educator in about 2 years I will make the change to make sure everyone is treated fairly. #GoDyslexia
It hurt so bad I give up trying to learn. I wish I hadn't but I did yet. These two people right here are making me feel very good about myself because we're in the same age group
My son is dyslexic...short term memory. And ADHD.....had his eyes tested, when reading he was eyes were jumping letters ...so I had to do eye exercises that were given to him ... And what helped him tremendously was colored lenses he got yellow after a battery of tests.....he also attended MARIA MONTESSORI ..their system was visual and allowed my son to catch up and improve his reading writing at his own pace
im dyslexic and a.d.d and i went through the same thing. Being put in classes with kids with extreme physical handicaps and called dumb, and/or lazy by teachers. It gave me an attitude torward anything to do with school so i became the class clown. Anyways great video and thanks for sharing.
In one month I will be 39 years old. I just found out I am dyslexic. At no time has it ever been hinted to me that I was. I passed highschool with a c- in English. A decade after highschool I had my IQ tested professionally a few times scoring 137 and 143 IQ I always thought I was dumb. I am and have been reasonably successful in life yet felt like I slipped through the cracks.
I think that talking about your dyslexia helps alot. I have found quite a few other people in my school who are dyslexic and were too scared to say anything, but talking about it helped. Sometimes we would compare the bad things, the anoying and frustrating things. But we also talked about the good things. Just being open about it made other people curious and everyone is pretty accepting now. Keep in mind that I have been pretty open about it for most of my life so far, and the best results were from high-school (it's an all girls school which might also make a difference).
I'm dylexic and have had people say to me "oh look you cant do that it will take you forever" And hearing that just made me so angry and decided that's enough and started fighting. "You can do anything if you try"
I have another comment somewhere, but I wanted to say that I'm embarrassed to have dyslexia and ADD. I have ever only told my most recent employer that I have it, and only a few teachers in middle school knew I had it. Now I'm learning so much about both. I wouldn't have ever guess both are so abundant. I still don't want people to really know, but since opening up to it with my managers, I have also opened up to many of my co-workers....and they have probably spoken to each other since then. Anyway, it is who I am and now that I'm learning so much about them I am feeling a little more comfortable.
I am dyslexic. I can relate to that video too. My way of dealing with the problem was to never admit how much time I was spending at home to do my homework. While other kids did it in one hour and then play the rest of the day, I did spent up to 4/5 h to do it. I am still struggling with spelling, and still remember how teachers were trying to shame me for mistakes I was doing.
Having dyslexia is not the problem it they way we are taught in school. I failed school was put in special education that never address my specific issue. At 40 I applied for university and they said I should take a pre university classes to prepare me for university. Just by chance the professor made the students write the first essay in class. After reading my essay the professor asked me if I was ever test for dyslexia, I said no. I was tested for it and it changed my world I finally had an answer to what my issues were. I was also diagnosed with dysgraphia which explains my handwriting. I university helped me with strategy in class, having a note taker and having audio books made such a big difference.
I was diagnosed as having dyslexia in 2nd grade. Before the diagnosis, my teacher as a frustrated one, took me out to the hall and asked the teacher next door to witness her using a wooden paddle to hit me on my buttocks. It was so embarrassing! I was really trying my best! I'll never forget that day. She said to me 'How does such a smart girl pay so little attention'? My mom got her fired because she signed a no corporal punishment paper when I started school. I was diagnosed and started reading for myself as I realized there was something different about me. I'm 51 now. But if I'm tired or distressed while reading, the letters jump around on the page and the lines of words change patterns. Do I qualify as stupid? I never thought so but I never raised my hand in class after that. Even though high school. I quit in 9th grade. I got valedictorian I'm my GED class and with only an 8th grade education and no classes to prepare.i AM SMART! You are too!
Kelly Patterson I’m so sorry! I was diagnosed in the first grade. Sadly some teachers didn’t want to deal with me and put me in special ed classes... I graduated high school 4years ago and still struggling to go to college, scared of how I will be treated I will be taking my basics soon. I’m proud of you
In third grade, I had a teacher that told me in front of my entire class that I was stupid she then sent me to the corner of the classroom. I assume she did that so I wouldn't taint the other students. The sad thing is that I believed her. In middle school, I wanted to be in normal classes. My principal told me that I was not smart enough to be in those classes and wouldn't be able to learn with the other students. Sadly I ended up believing her as well. It is tough going through school with teachers who don't understand dyslexia. Sad to think that there are so many young kids going through the same thing right now.
ADHD dyslexia for 53 years and it sucks. Graduated in 1989 tried college left after 4 months. I know I’m extremely intelligent, due to my ability to see through the holes my bosses mistakes show through. So when you constantly correct your boss and fix their problems they get worried and fire you. It happens all the time.
I feel very fortunate. I was diagnosed with ADD and mild dyslexia. My teachers never expressed any negativity toward me, but I was in a developmental reading class for 2 years (7th and 8th grade) where we essentially read about 10 pages the entire year. With that being said, from Elementary school to getting my BBA in Marketing, any time I was called to read aloud I was hit with the same feeling you get when you do something you know is wrong and get caught. I would always try to estimate when I was going to be called, so I'd count the paragraphs ahead (when the teacher went in order) and pre-read the paragraph I will be reading in a few minutes. I still have problems reading slowly and incorrectly. Which is surprising since I can type 64+ words a minute. When I was taking some IT classes I would type everything the teacher said verbatim....but I wouldn't go back and read it. Would have been better if I had just recorded it with audio. One day she caught me typing and asked what I was doing...she though I was on some social media site. I told her and she said, "nah, I don't believe it. Really what are you doing?" I said I was really typing 95%+ of what she was saying (she was from the North so I couldn't get every word). So I read it back to her and she was surprised. I ended up with a D in the class (which was good enough since it was the final class)... But I helped everyone else pass. :) It was at a technical college at that time (after I got a 2 year AA in Art and before I went to a university to get my BBA in Marketing). I have ALWAYS been a C student. So when someone said, "great job getting on the Dean's list!" , I had to ask "what's the Dean's list?" and they explained. I was surprised but I had already been introduced to a lot of the stuff in the college where I got my AA....the difference was that the technical college provided hands on experience....so everything I learned (getting a C on) in books was actually applied and made total since because I could see it in action. Oh, and other than 7th and 8th grade no one was ever told about my dyslexia, and no one was ever told about my ADD. I JUST told my recent employer (i work at an awesome overpaying grocery store with phenomenal benefits as i am working on my Real Estate Broker Locense) bc I was getting written up several times for not staying on task. I finally told one of my managers (1st person/company ever) that I have ADD...and while I was telling the manager that, I also told them that "and if my till comes up wrong it's because I have dyslexia". (Been here for a year and no problems with the till !!) **sorry for the long comment**
I started crying while watch... still i have not find a good teacher to guide .... i am full of fear dyslexic .... finaly i sart share this with 4 people bt every one toll just move on ... don't overthink... bt i ask them to guide bt 3 people are failed ... my girl try more things to make over and last she also messed up with my problem ....
I am dyslexic. I was diagnosed in the third grade. In the 8th grade I was given a certificate that said I no longer had dyslexia because I could read. No help was given after that. I was not allowed to play sports because my grades were bad. I was also not allowed to go on class trips or dances. I really hated school and teachers who blamed me for their inability to teach. When my kids went to school, I saw the same thing happening to them. Almost no improvements in the education system in over 40 years, probably longer because I am pretty sure my mom had dyslexia as well. I pulled my kids out of the school system because,I think the damage done to a child’s self esteem is the worst thing in the world and I would not allow it to happen to my kids.
great docu, my 5yr old son's buddy seems to have dyslexia. He is in Kindergarten but doesn't want to go to school because he feel difficult to complete schoolwork. He sees mirror writing and couldn't recognize some alphabets and all the numbers (except 1, 2, 3). His mom tries to find the solution, but there are not many right places for training here in Asia. Wonder if I can get in touch with Miss Jennifer for more information. Thanks a lot !
Being Dyslexic myself I totally understand what it's like to struggle with normal things and the need to be "normal", the only issue I have is how Dyslexia is described - "having", "diagnosed", are common when someone describes either being Dyslexic or in a clinical environment by non-dyslexic people. You are either born Dyslexic or not, there is no "have", using the word "diagnosed" puts Dyslexia in a clinical medical context which is wrong. Being born Dyslexic makes life hard right from that start. Even when you develop ways to cope with the non-dyslexic world those struggles don't just vanish. I'm in my mid 40's and despite having a masters degree (which is a big achievement for me) I still struggle and wonder what it would be like to be "normal" and not have to constantly deal with the daily challenges of being Dyslexic in a non-dyslexic world, it's exhausting.
There are different forms of dyslexia & some of us have it so mild that we don’t notice it right away... and we can become perfectionists with spelling & slow with reading all the time & we flip things around... we get mixed up & confused ...even our sense of direction is off... left is right... when we are stressed out we misread simple things... one sentence has to be read 5 times... a multiple choice test is a nightmare & even if you know the answer you still mess it up & feel dumb... studying is a challenge...you know you’re smart but your learning disability makes you think otherwise... you get frustrated at yourself when you Mistranspose letters and numbers... etc... Learning to use dyslexia & ADD as a superpower makes you a special breed
Thank you for your comment! It means a lot, and I felt their pain as well. I don't know if the film could offer any solution or training on dyslexia, that would probably be better asked of Mrs. Jen in a separate video.
what a fight for the kids who have to deal with teachers, parents and schoolmates.. It is Heroic for a kid not to give up at some point. The education about dyslexia is in most cases zero, for teachers and parents. Its not a big deal, really, to work with a dyslexic student, but a random unaware or i-dont-give-a-fuck teacher can ruin a kid's life just like that. And its a struggle for parents too, to fight all this stupidity and stiffness that the educational system is run through. It's just not fair.
I remember being in 5th grade and only being able to read at a 1st grade level then I got to high school and anytime I struggle to read they would say it’s because I need glasses which I did but that wasn’t the reason I couldn’t read it literally took til 12 grade for a new teacher to tell me I was definitely dyslexic but it’s not bad anymore and now it mostly effects spelling and remember but I still have some struggles with reading
My manager is dyslexic and I had to adapt and actually become like him so he will not feel inférior to me and the mirrowing behaviour was kind of surprise for him cause he was trying to express his mi contentement while I softly told him that I was just doing like him) he had nothing to say...) still it takes effort to adapt to this kind of functioning
I not sure if I miss something, but it say how to overcome it, but she say, she worked with him 2hour a day. However she didn't say what the worked on or how he overcame the problem? That is what I need to know. I am happy he is getting better with his reading.
When people talk to me or I'm learning I zone out and can't take the information in. I now also suffer survier anxiety in class rooms. I'm off on a course for 4 days to become a crane instructor, I have to take blockers otherwise I'll crumble and go into flight or fight mode. I'm scared because I'm used to failure time and time again because of this illness but I can't give up
I'm dyslexic and a big telco manager with 100 employees under my wing. They know I struggle in spelling and missing written words and they see these on my emails. I think they just got used to it. But it's still a struggle (embarrassing) until now.
Strangely enough I was lucky because I was able after a great deal of struggle to get sent to a Dyslexia school in Somerset , firstly Chalice school in Glastonbury ,this becomes Burtle school for dyslexic children . How they found out I was dyslexic was I memorized 12 books used for teaching reading back in the schools in England in the 60's and 70's" Jannet and John " open any book on any page I could read it from memory . My parents were told that I was ESN [ educationally sub normal ] My father did say to these child physiologists that I memorized 12 books , the reply was this is irrelevant . As I've said it was an uphill battle to get recognized in the 60's 70's at the age of 7 . I did after a great deal of struggle get placed in a very good school to help me , first Burtle school , Somerset then on to MILLFIELD school, street Somerset . Having had this help I understand that not everyone gets the pure luck I had . I watched this short film and understood exactly the feelings of the children and the parents . I would greatly advise not to listen to the so called experts and there analysis of your child . Each and every dyslexic child has strengths that over lay some very hard struggles in there life . Focus on the strengths and allow the child to know that with these strengths anything is possible . From an early age one of my first teachers to teach me to read made me motorize this " In the beginners mind there are many possibility's . In the experts few " [ Remember the beginners mind, because with this, you will achieve everything you set your heart to . ] I have a huge amount of memories of being dyslexic and how people perceive this condition . I wish I could talk openly about my life with this problem to these children and to there parents . Because we do have a place in the world and we do contribute to this worlds achievements . Never forget that being a Dyslexicr, is a disability , its is NOT . Is a great strength others don't have :) .
I am dyslexic to I had the same issue. I find with technology helps me beat my issue as I write this now I need Siri 3 4 time. I explain it as a maze with words my brain tell me what I want to put on paper but then I can not spell what I want to say. So you have to be even more clever to use different word to get the same message across. At school there was no way of teaching me. For my gcse I revised by watching documentary’s on subjects I needed and I teach myself more in 3 weeks than ten years in school. I believe they should class dyslexia as a disability rather than a Learning disability .
Stephen - when I read your comment I too could empathise from a fellow Dyslexic perspective. I was once told that my mind creates at a rate of 250 words per minute, when i speak I do it at 100 words a minute and when i write it is at only 20-40 words a minute - given that my short term memory is c*@p there is a huge gap between what is in my head and what ends up on paper. I found mind mapping helpful - I write down (or dictate) all the key words and then elaborate on each one - slowly forming sentences and then paragraphs - we are all different though ;)
I was held back in second grade because I couldn’t read and understand what I was reading. Teachers shouldn’t do that because. It read hurt my self esteem. I felt inferior to the other students.. so I felt everyone was making fun of me all through school.the teachers were more my friends the the kids. I didn’t fit in. I thought different and acted different. I have been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia.. double whamy😂💜
A couple times when I was younger I would write whole sentences backwards and my teachers would get mad at me and I had no idea what I was doing wrong. But now I'll make it right sometimes words backwards, numbers, and letters as well
I have dyslexia in school I had no friend because I unable to read book they thought I am dum I talk very less in college also I had no friend my life is very lonely but I done my graduation slow lonely and right In job I am also facing same problem.
Is there any direct link to Ms Jen? My son was diagnosed and has been struggling. We have a private tutor, but would like to know more about the techniques she uses. Thanks
Is there someone in Canada that has this training? I have a 7yr old son in grade 2, who is starting to shut down at school. He has been formally diagnosed. I also have a learning disability.Thanks
just remember this!!! 40% of all self made enterpnures aer dyslexic the difference is when they said "i want to be an astronaut or invent a time machine" they were never told they cant do that.. and were encuraged to do so... we are the inventers, the game changers, the masters of our universe because we think different its a superpower its learning indefference not a disfunction. love them, encourage them, let them home school (please bfr there broken) & ask them what business they want to do & tell em they are capible of doing it right now, show them phsically show them how right now... Im 45 & after being broken from being told im stupid disabled lazy worthless living at home again... im now realizing I really smart.. own/run businesses now as artist creater Audio Enginieer/videographer, Aquaponics, construction business that really does all areas myself, web develpment, graphics enginieer, inventor, and a bunch of things i will do when i got the time but man I wish my dad & teachers didnt tell me i couldnt do that id have not almost killed myself in my 20s & 30s from numbing the pain of all years of hurt with drugs. Thinking something is wrong cause I want to do everything but no one will show me how so I must be a piece of sh!* ... after NA, AA, counceling, nothing worked... then I realized they were ignerent. they just didnt understand what I can do.. I looked at other people like me(dyslexic/ADD) .. oh im really from a trait from our genes that dominated the earth before books... And we will rise again... Oh yes we will rule the earth. those that aid us will be abundent and sucessful
Don’t depend on the teachers. They have no clue what they are doing anyway with dyslexic students or adhd students. I’ve been there Little buddy. I turned out ok. Never stop believing in yourself because people have problems. Depend on yourself and Jesus My friend.
There is no such thing as a dyslexic person, only a person with dyslexia. Don't label, augment the person. Example: Don't say, "...blind person". It is more accurate to put the person first, "person who happens to be blind". It's not the circumstances that define one, but rather how one responds to the situations that determine how far a person succeeds. Change thinking first.
Find something you are good at. A lot of people with dyslexia (like myself) have or had a hard time in school, including myself. I always played with lego when I was a kid, building houses. In high school I took my first drafting class, and I excelled. Now I design homes for a living, and I love it! I also took wood working in high school, and again was very good at it. I also loved to draw.....anything, create things out of playdoh, build things, etc. I think being dyslexic, for me means being very creative. Look around in the world who are very self made people, a lot of them are dyslexic. Hang in there, and don't give up.
My mom tould me it when I was 8 years old I try not to cry I was so heart broken and my sisters say well alahnie why don't you know how to spell this I feel so sad also I never stop thinking about it
It's irony that dyslexic ideas, inventions and enterprise has hugely benefited the humanity but in budding stage of they are labelled as stupid, dumb and useless. This inhuman and shallow system of evaluation cannot be changed by the educationists who are not dyslexic. Let the dyslexic educationists come forward to design the curriculum.
ahhh its hard..but so is carrying college debt. just find good paying gig..and laugh..life is not guaranteed. dont try to be something thats harder then you can manage. I know more then a few PHD's who are depressives or driving uber .education is not vital in the 21 century. we have apps. we have HOURS to catch up with education videos..i hardly read any books! I now watch all the classics or audiobooks..YEAH..we win.
Also my mom would get so mad if I don't ask for help but not my fault I was trying to ask for help but she always says alahnie do you need help I'm like stop asking in I dang need help so I starting crying and she's just mean and I never even tould my mom that everyday I struggle because I think about my dyslexia all day but when I'm having fun I don't and I wish my helping teachers don't say look he's asking for help also is it just me or do y'all teachers say do you need help and I say I'm done I litey have to say I'm done three feacking times I never tell my mom because I'm to scared too.
i can read english very good but spelling for me is sucks english is not my mother touhng ( part of the face use for taste lol i'm comfuse to spell it i can't correct) from philippines am i dyslecix? im just not good in spelling but can read
I m dyslexic. I have a master degree. I speak four languages ( including french and Mandarine). Never listen people who tell you, you can ‘t. Because we can.
Hi I have dyslexia also I just came back from great job interview but didn't past the computer text. It's hard cuz I really wanted this job so bad. How can I overcome this
same, i even study language lol. its all about how much you work on overcomming it.
hi YEm can we talk
i am dyslexic, my case was heavy, but caught at an extremely young age, my mother made a special program and well... i am 19 now, i speak and write in 4 languages, english, arabic, russian and latvian, although im still not good at writing in russian, it'll get solved with enough reading. i still have difficulties in reading quickly(mostly in latvian and russian now) and my spelling improves extremely slowly. let no one tell you are stupid. All that you need to do is put 4 times as much effort into this area, other than my struggle with languages i am one of the smartest people that i know.
i think i was around 6 i spent hours a day writing the same letter, then the same 2 letter combinations. my head hurt and my eyes teared if i read for too long, then i had difficulty speaking untill the headache calmed down. as i continued i could read for long periods of time, its like training your muscles just pushing through it. last year i told my teacher that i was born dyslexic... she called me a liar lmao
I am not broken by dyslexia. I am broken by teachers, public school systems, and society trying to jam me into its mold. Now I struggle to find a place anywhere because my strengths have been drowned out by my inability to perform by standard achievement.
You're not alone.
Rachael leahcaR ur very brave Ive missed out on a good career but there is a life after diagnosis
Well said
I love being a Dyslexia Therapist. I love working with these kids. I learn more from them than they do from me. They make me a better Therapist every time.
Hi from the UK. I was so moved by this video. I am also dyslexic and can relate to Aron's story. What hit me most was the line 'dyslexia will never go away but we can overcome'. People who aren't dyslexic don't understand how hard we as dyslexic people have to work to overcome the challenges dyslexia brings. I hear so often that children grow out of dyslexia. We don't grow out of it. We overcome. It's a daily battle that never ends. Much love to all how face that daily battle. You are special, unique and creative. You see the world not in black and white, not even shades of grey, but magical technicolour. Creativity, lateral thinking and stallwort determination are our gifts. Without us what is unimaginable would remain unseen, out of sight of those who are not dyslexic.
Hi Ali from London as well, can pls tell me the name of the book and the author pls I just can’t get it I looked at the video so many time s
Many thanks .
''I want something, so bad. But it's just not for me'' That! Right there!
I feel for these parents. I found out today that my daughter is dyslexic. ❤
There is nothing more heart wrenching than seeing a really smart child, so observant and aware of its surroundings, with such a sharp mind, struggling so much.
Any teacher belittling a child over any subject, clearly needs more teacher training themself or doesn't need to be teaching. Bullying is a set back in humanity! Stopping the bullying, means taking a step forward TOGETHER. Which I believe is rewarded by our higher power! Respect is 🔑
We all need to be advocating for Orton Gillingham across the entire United States Department of Education ... That's it.. Susan Barton. Our Angel.
I am from Australia, and i can totally relate to your story. I had no intervention at school. 2 years behind at school. Only found out at 50. I cry with happiness when i found out. It is too late for me, still upset me of how I struggled at school. Got teased at school and low self-esteem teenage years.
Very happy now. Love life.
Wish they had some of these programs 70 years ago - life would have been so much better for me and others like me. I still made it through college and grad school - but man was it a lot of very hard work.
My oldest grandson has dyslexia. In middle school, he was bullied. He is in high school now and his brain is finally adapting to how he learns.
I love watching this video. It brought me to tears. I am a future educator and I HATE to believe that many teachers put their students down :(. I remember having teachers that would treat me like crap just because I did not understand what she/he was teaching. I do not have dyslexia but my husband does and I see that the simplest things can be very challenging. Reading is his enemy and he feels like he is rushed but I tell him to take his time and that it is better to be slow and understand then feel rushed and not understand. Once again loved this video and when I become and graduate as an educator in about 2 years I will make the change to make sure everyone is treated fairly. #GoDyslexia
It hurt so bad I give up trying to learn. I wish I hadn't but I did yet. These two people right here are making me feel very good about myself because we're in the same age group
What an inspiration this family and teacher are, you go guys!!!
My son is dyslexic...short term memory. And ADHD.....had his eyes tested, when reading he was eyes were jumping letters ...so I had to do eye exercises that were given to him ...
And what helped him tremendously was colored lenses he got yellow after a battery of tests.....he also attended MARIA MONTESSORI ..their system was visual and allowed my son to catch up and improve his reading writing at his own pace
im dyslexic and a.d.d and i went through the same thing. Being put in classes with kids with extreme physical handicaps and called dumb, and/or lazy by teachers. It gave me an attitude torward anything to do with school so i became the class clown. Anyways great video and thanks for sharing.
In one month I will be 39 years old. I just found out I am dyslexic. At no time has it ever been hinted to me that I was.
I passed highschool with a c- in English. A decade after highschool I had my IQ tested professionally a few times scoring 137 and 143 IQ I always thought I was dumb. I am and have been reasonably successful in life yet felt like I slipped through the cracks.
I think that talking about your dyslexia helps alot. I have found quite a few other people in my school who are dyslexic and were too scared to say anything, but talking about it helped. Sometimes we would compare the bad things, the anoying and frustrating things. But we also talked about the good things. Just being open about it made other people curious and everyone is pretty accepting now. Keep in mind that I have been pretty open about it for most of my life so far, and the best results were from high-school (it's an all girls school which might also make a difference).
I'm dylexic and have had people say to me "oh look you cant do that it will take you forever" And hearing that just made me so angry and decided that's enough and started fighting. "You can do anything if you try"
You can do it don”t let anyone say you can”t god bless you and your beautiful family.
I have another comment somewhere, but I wanted to say that I'm embarrassed to have dyslexia and ADD. I have ever only told my most recent employer that I have it, and only a few teachers in middle school knew I had it. Now I'm learning so much about both. I wouldn't have ever guess both are so abundant. I still don't want people to really know, but since opening up to it with my managers, I have also opened up to many of my co-workers....and they have probably spoken to each other since then. Anyway, it is who I am and now that I'm learning so much about them I am feeling a little more comfortable.
I am dyslexic. I can relate to that video too. My way of dealing with the problem was to never admit how much time I was spending at home to do my homework. While other kids did it in one hour and then play the rest of the day, I did spent up to 4/5 h to do it. I am still struggling with spelling, and still remember how teachers were trying to shame me for mistakes I was doing.
Having dyslexia is not the problem it they way we are taught in school. I failed school was put in special education that never address my specific issue. At 40 I applied for university and they said I should take a pre university classes to prepare me for university. Just by chance the professor made the students write the first essay in class. After reading my essay the professor asked me if I was ever test for dyslexia, I said no. I was tested for it and it changed my world I finally had an answer to what my issues were. I was also diagnosed with dysgraphia which explains my handwriting. I university helped me with strategy in class, having a note taker and having audio books made such a big difference.
I was diagnosed as having dyslexia in 2nd grade. Before the diagnosis, my teacher as a frustrated one, took me out to the hall and asked the teacher next door to witness her using a wooden paddle to hit me on my buttocks. It was so embarrassing! I was really trying my best! I'll never forget that day. She said to me 'How does such a smart girl pay so little attention'? My mom got her fired because she signed a no corporal punishment paper when I started school. I was diagnosed and started reading for myself as I realized there was something different about me. I'm 51 now. But if I'm tired or distressed while reading, the letters jump around on the page and the lines of words change patterns. Do I qualify as stupid? I never thought so but I never raised my hand in class after that. Even though high school. I quit in 9th grade. I got valedictorian I'm my GED class and with only an 8th grade education and no classes to prepare.i AM SMART! You are too!
Kelly Patterson I’m so sorry! I was diagnosed in the first grade. Sadly some teachers didn’t want to deal with me and put me in special ed classes... I graduated high school 4years ago and still struggling to go to college, scared of how I will be treated I will be taking my basics soon. I’m proud of you
I went from not being able to read to reading books like an addict haha i love that we can do that.
Orton-Gillingham reading intervention is the ONLY THING THAT WILL WORK. Period.
I remember when I being humiliated in front of my history class by my teacher. I will never forget that.
What happened?
In third grade, I had a teacher that told me in front of my entire class that I was stupid she then sent me to the corner of the classroom. I assume she did that so I wouldn't taint the other students. The sad thing is that I believed her. In middle school, I wanted to be in normal classes. My principal told me that I was not smart enough to be in those classes and wouldn't be able to learn with the other students. Sadly I ended up believing her as well. It is tough going through school with teachers who don't understand dyslexia. Sad to think that there are so many young kids going through the same thing right now.
ADHD dyslexia for 53 years and it sucks. Graduated in 1989 tried college left after 4 months. I know I’m extremely intelligent, due to my ability to see through the holes my bosses mistakes show through. So when you constantly correct your boss and fix their problems they get worried and fire you. It happens all the time.
THank you. Important documentary.
I feel very fortunate. I was diagnosed with ADD and mild dyslexia. My teachers never expressed any negativity toward me, but I was in a developmental reading class for 2 years (7th and 8th grade) where we essentially read about 10 pages the entire year. With that being said, from Elementary school to getting my BBA in Marketing, any time I was called to read aloud I was hit with the same feeling you get when you do something you know is wrong and get caught. I would always try to estimate when I was going to be called, so I'd count the paragraphs ahead (when the teacher went in order) and pre-read the paragraph I will be reading in a few minutes. I still have problems reading slowly and incorrectly. Which is surprising since I can type 64+ words a minute. When I was taking some IT classes I would type everything the teacher said verbatim....but I wouldn't go back and read it. Would have been better if I had just recorded it with audio. One day she caught me typing and asked what I was doing...she though I was on some social media site. I told her and she said, "nah, I don't believe it. Really what are you doing?" I said I was really typing 95%+ of what she was saying (she was from the North so I couldn't get every word). So I read it back to her and she was surprised. I ended up with a D in the class (which was good enough since it was the final class)... But I helped everyone else pass. :) It was at a technical college at that time (after I got a 2 year AA in Art and before I went to a university to get my BBA in Marketing). I have ALWAYS been a C student. So when someone said, "great job getting on the Dean's list!" , I had to ask "what's the Dean's list?" and they explained. I was surprised but I had already been introduced to a lot of the stuff in the college where I got my AA....the difference was that the technical college provided hands on experience....so everything I learned (getting a C on) in books was actually applied and made total since because I could see it in action.
Oh, and other than 7th and 8th grade no one was ever told about my dyslexia, and no one was ever told about my ADD. I JUST told my recent employer (i work at an awesome overpaying grocery store with phenomenal benefits as i am working on my Real Estate Broker Locense) bc I was getting written up several times for not staying on task. I finally told one of my managers (1st person/company ever) that I have ADD...and while I was telling the manager that, I also told them that "and if my till comes up wrong it's because I have dyslexia". (Been here for a year and no problems with the till !!)
**sorry for the long comment**
Never try to overcome dyslexia. Embrace it!!!
Umm.. No!
I started crying while watch... still i have not find a good teacher to guide .... i am full of fear dyslexic .... finaly i sart share this with 4 people bt every one toll just move on ... don't overthink... bt i ask them to guide bt 3 people are failed ... my girl try more things to make over and last she also messed up with my problem ....
This is awesome hope for different kinds of learner .
I am dyslexic. I was diagnosed in the third grade. In the 8th grade I was given a certificate that said I no longer had dyslexia because I could read. No help was given after that. I was not allowed to play sports because my grades were bad. I was also not allowed to go on class trips or dances. I really hated school and teachers who blamed me for their inability to teach. When my kids went to school, I saw the same thing happening to them. Almost no improvements in the education system in over 40 years, probably longer because I am pretty sure my mom had dyslexia as well. I pulled my kids out of the school system because,I think the damage done to a child’s self esteem is the worst thing in the world and I would not allow it to happen to my kids.
The same thing happened to me. It has been a lifelong challenge.
great docu, my 5yr old son's buddy seems to have dyslexia. He is in Kindergarten but doesn't want to go to school because he feel difficult to complete schoolwork. He sees mirror writing and couldn't recognize some alphabets and all the numbers (except 1, 2, 3). His mom tries to find the solution, but there are not many right places for training here in Asia. Wonder if I can get in touch with Miss Jennifer for more information. Thanks a lot !
Being Dyslexic myself I totally understand what it's like to struggle with normal things and the need to be "normal", the only issue I have is how Dyslexia is described - "having", "diagnosed", are common when someone describes either being Dyslexic or in a clinical environment by non-dyslexic people. You are either born Dyslexic or not, there is no "have", using the word "diagnosed" puts Dyslexia in a clinical medical context which is wrong. Being born Dyslexic makes life hard right from that start. Even when you develop ways to cope with the non-dyslexic world those struggles don't just vanish. I'm in my mid 40's and despite having a masters degree (which is a big achievement for me) I still struggle and wonder what it would be like to be "normal" and not have to constantly deal with the daily challenges of being Dyslexic in a non-dyslexic world, it's exhausting.
There are different forms of dyslexia & some of us have it so mild that we don’t notice it right away... and we can become perfectionists with spelling & slow with reading all the time & we flip things around... we get mixed up & confused ...even our sense of direction is off... left is right... when we are stressed out we misread simple things... one sentence has to be read 5 times... a multiple choice test is a nightmare & even if you know the answer you still mess it up & feel dumb... studying is a challenge...you know you’re smart but your learning disability makes you think otherwise... you get frustrated at yourself when you Mistranspose letters and numbers... etc... Learning to use dyslexia & ADD as a superpower makes you a special breed
That sounds like what I had to go through light. I had to fight through school because I was dumb
Can't believe how many similarities I found from this in my own life.
Great man.i can feel their pain. i have a dyslexia too.But i didnt got any solution or training for this!
Thank you for your comment! It means a lot, and I felt their pain as well. I don't know if the film could offer any solution or training on dyslexia, that would probably be better asked of Mrs. Jen in a separate video.
thanks man. we are special in a different way
i relate with this so much
Anyone know the name of the the
Book and the author pls
what a fight for the kids who have to deal with teachers, parents and schoolmates.. It is Heroic for a kid not to give up at some point. The education about dyslexia is in most cases zero, for teachers and parents. Its not a big deal, really, to work with a dyslexic student, but a random unaware or i-dont-give-a-fuck teacher can ruin a kid's life just like that. And its a struggle for parents too, to fight all this stupidity and stiffness that the educational system is run through. It's just not fair.
omg I can relate. I was told by my English teacher that the only job I'd be able to do was a garbo (garbage collector)!
I'm female...
I remember being in 5th grade and only being able to read at a 1st grade level then I got to high school and anytime I struggle to read they would say it’s because I need glasses which I did but that wasn’t the reason I couldn’t read it literally took til 12 grade for a new teacher to tell me I was definitely dyslexic but it’s not bad anymore and now it mostly effects spelling and remember but I still have some struggles with reading
My manager is dyslexic and I had to adapt and actually become like him so he will not feel inférior to me and the mirrowing behaviour was kind of surprise for him cause he was trying to express his mi contentement while I softly told him that I was just doing like him) he had nothing to say...) still it takes effort to adapt to this kind of functioning
i could of only wish this was around for me
That happened to me when I was a kid when I was in school
Remember being put in special ed class and always being told I was dumb or stupid
I just found out 2 years ago I have dyslexia, im 26 right now. Really sucks no one cought in my school years. School was a nightmare
Aztec R you will be okay! You aren’t the only one
You are not alone pal i am 27, I use google translate to self teach my self it does work and it does help too give it a try. :)
I not sure if I miss something, but it say how to overcome it, but she say, she worked with him 2hour a day. However she didn't say what the worked on or how he overcame the problem? That is what I need to know. I am happy he is getting better with his reading.
When people talk to me or I'm learning I zone out and can't take the information in.
I now also suffer survier anxiety in class rooms. I'm off on a course for 4 days to become a crane instructor, I have to take blockers otherwise I'll crumble and go into flight or fight mode. I'm scared because I'm used to failure time and time again because of this illness but I can't give up
Yup pretty much my life story right here. Sad to see only 14,000 views. :( ...Bah, oh well...
And so are adults
At least they had understanding mothers
I'm dyslexic and a big telco manager with 100 employees under my wing. They know I struggle in spelling and missing written words and they see these on my emails. I think they just got used to it. But it's still a struggle (embarrassing) until now.
Strangely enough I was lucky because I was able after a great deal of struggle to get sent to a Dyslexia school in Somerset , firstly Chalice school in Glastonbury ,this becomes Burtle school for dyslexic children . How they found out I was dyslexic was I memorized 12 books used for teaching reading back in the schools in England in the 60's and 70's" Jannet and John " open any book on any page I could read it from memory . My parents were told that I was ESN [ educationally sub normal ] My father did say to these child physiologists that I memorized 12 books , the reply was this is irrelevant . As I've said it was an uphill battle to get recognized in the 60's 70's at the age of 7 . I did after a great deal of struggle get placed in a very good school to help me , first Burtle school , Somerset then on to MILLFIELD school, street Somerset . Having had this help I understand that not everyone gets the pure luck I had . I watched this short film and understood exactly the feelings of the children and the parents . I would greatly advise not to listen to the so called experts and there analysis of your child . Each and every dyslexic child has strengths that over lay some very hard struggles in there life . Focus on the strengths and allow the child to know that with these strengths anything is possible . From an early age one of my first teachers to teach me to read made me motorize this " In the beginners mind there are many possibility's . In the experts few " [ Remember the beginners mind, because with this, you will achieve everything you set your heart to . ] I have a huge amount of memories of being dyslexic and how people perceive this condition . I wish I could talk openly about my life with this problem to these children and to there parents . Because we do have a place in the world and we do contribute to this worlds achievements . Never forget that being a Dyslexicr, is a disability , its is NOT . Is a great strength others don't have :) .
I have dyslexia I just know . I started to fight again dyslexia
I am dyslexic to I had the same issue. I find with technology helps me beat my issue as I write this now I need Siri 3 4 time. I explain it as a maze with words my brain tell me what I want to put on paper but then I can not spell what I want to say. So you have to be even more clever to use different word to get the same message across. At school there was no way of teaching me. For my gcse I revised by watching documentary’s on subjects I needed and I teach myself more in 3 weeks than ten years in school. I believe they should class dyslexia as a disability rather than a Learning disability .
Stephen - when I read your comment I too could empathise from a fellow Dyslexic perspective. I was once told that my mind creates at a rate of 250 words per minute, when i speak I do it at 100 words a minute and when i write it is at only 20-40 words a minute - given that my short term memory is c*@p there is a huge gap between what is in my head and what ends up on paper. I found mind mapping helpful - I write down (or dictate) all the key words and then elaborate on each one - slowly forming sentences and then paragraphs - we are all different though ;)
I was held back in second grade because I couldn’t read and understand what I was reading. Teachers shouldn’t do that because. It read hurt my self esteem. I felt inferior to the other students.. so I felt everyone was making fun of me all through school.the teachers were more my friends the the kids. I didn’t fit in. I thought different and acted different. I have been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia.. double whamy😂💜
I have dyslexia some my teachers didn't help most of them didn't help, it sucks
A couple times when I was younger I would write whole sentences backwards and my teachers would get mad at me and I had no idea what I was doing wrong. But now I'll make it right sometimes words backwards, numbers, and letters as well
As a child i never saw letters backwards. I got d and b confused but thats different .
1 out of 9 teachers making fun or mocking their students needs to change.
Dreama ❤
u don't overcome dyslexia u work way around it
That is me I wish left to defend for myself
Teachers can scar you more than anything.
I have dyslexia in school I had no friend because I unable to read book they thought I am dum I talk very less in college also I had no friend my life is very lonely but I done my graduation slow lonely and right In job I am also facing same problem.
I have dyslexia.I it's a first grade I was 6 years old have it on my life.
My kids are dyslexic what should i do? Should i home school them? Or get a tutor?
do anything except give up on them, try giving them self esteem.
I had to repeate first grade & was bottom of class . attended Forman School in Litchfield ,Ct received Masters Degree from USC
I have dyslexia to is really annoying
Is there any direct link to Ms Jen? My son was diagnosed and has been struggling. We have a private tutor, but would like to know more about the techniques she uses. Thanks
Ken Widel the phone number for the John Marie Center at the end should get you in contact with her and her techniques: 254-717-7229. Hope this helps!
Is there someone in Canada that has this training? I have a 7yr old son in grade 2, who is starting to shut down at school. He has been formally diagnosed. I also have a learning disability.Thanks
just remember this!!! 40% of all self made enterpnures aer dyslexic the difference is when they said "i want to be an astronaut or invent a time machine" they were never told they cant do that.. and were encuraged to do so... we are the inventers, the game changers, the masters of our universe because we think different its a superpower its learning indefference not a disfunction. love them, encourage them, let them home school (please bfr there broken) & ask them what business they want to do & tell em they are capible of doing it right now, show them phsically show them how right now... Im 45 & after being broken from being told im stupid disabled lazy worthless living at home again... im now realizing I really smart.. own/run businesses now as artist creater Audio Enginieer/videographer, Aquaponics, construction business that really does all areas myself, web develpment, graphics enginieer, inventor, and a bunch of things i will do when i got the time but man I wish my dad & teachers didnt tell me i couldnt do that id have not almost killed myself in my 20s & 30s from numbing the pain of all years of hurt with drugs. Thinking something is wrong cause I want to do everything but no one will show me how so I must be a piece of sh!* ... after NA, AA, counceling, nothing worked... then I realized they were ignerent. they just didnt understand what I can do.. I looked at other people like me(dyslexic/ADD) .. oh im really from a trait from our genes that dominated the earth before books... And we will rise again... Oh yes we will rule the earth. those that aid us will be abundent and sucessful
Don’t depend on the teachers. They have no clue what they are doing anyway with dyslexic students or adhd students. I’ve been there Little buddy. I turned out ok. Never stop believing in yourself because people have problems. Depend on yourself and Jesus My friend.
There is no such thing as a dyslexic person, only a person with dyslexia. Don't label, augment the person. Example: Don't say, "...blind person". It is more accurate to put the person first, "person who happens to be blind". It's not the circumstances that define one, but rather how one responds to the situations that determine how far a person succeeds. Change thinking first.
I is still the same in 2017 :-( :-( :'( :'( :-(
I am 13 years old & I get bullyed for have it by all the kids but that me.
Find something you are good at. A lot of people with dyslexia (like myself) have or had a hard time in school, including myself. I always played with lego when I was a kid, building houses. In high school I took my first drafting class, and I excelled. Now I design homes for a living, and I love it! I also took wood working in high school, and again was very good at it. I also loved to draw.....anything, create things out of playdoh, build things, etc. I think being dyslexic, for me means being very creative. Look around in the world who are very self made people, a lot of them are dyslexic. Hang in there, and don't give up.
ducebigalow - thank you
My mom tould me it when I was 8 years old I try not to cry I was so heart broken and my sisters say well alahnie why don't you know how to spell this I feel so sad also I never stop thinking about it
It's irony that dyslexic ideas, inventions and enterprise has hugely benefited the humanity but in budding stage of they are labelled as stupid, dumb and useless. This inhuman and shallow system of evaluation cannot be changed by the educationists who are not dyslexic. Let the dyslexic educationists come forward to design the curriculum.
I hated that teachers would say things like that with out even knowing what that dose to a kid and the parents
I am offensive and i find this dyslexia!
ahhh its hard..but so is carrying college debt. just find good paying gig..and laugh..life is not guaranteed. dont try to be something thats harder then you can manage. I know more then a few PHD's who are depressives or driving uber .education is not vital in the 21 century. we have apps. we have HOURS to catch up with education videos..i hardly read any books! I now watch all the classics or audiobooks..YEAH..we win.
if dyslexics can't read and write, maybe colors can help them
Also my mom would get so mad if I don't ask for help but not my fault I was trying to ask for help but she always says alahnie do you need help I'm like stop asking in I dang need help so I starting crying and she's just mean and I never even tould my mom that everyday I struggle because I think about my dyslexia all day but when I'm having fun I don't and I wish my helping teachers don't say look he's asking for help also is it just me or do y'all teachers say do you need help and I say I'm done I litey have to say I'm done three feacking times I never tell my mom because I'm to scared too.
i can read english very good but spelling for me is sucks
english is not my mother touhng ( part of the face use for taste lol i'm comfuse to spell it i can't correct)
from philippines
am i dyslecix? im just not good in spelling but can read