I really like your presentation. I’d learn a bit more if you added some images to dovetail with the presentation. Otherwise, this is a great presentation. The voice of the presenter is very good for sharing info. Really well done.
Very enjoyable, I collect and have a number of both. I have demantoid from a variety of regions. Both tsavorite and demantoid are two of my favorites. It would have been nice to see examples.
I really like your presentation. I’d learn a bit more if you added some images to dovetail with the presentation. Otherwise, this is a great presentation. The voice of the presenter is very good for sharing info. Really well done.
Thanks for the suggestion! I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for watching!
Very enjoyable, I collect and have a number of both. I have demantoid from a variety of regions. Both tsavorite and demantoid are two of my favorites. It would have been nice to see examples.
I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the suggestion! They are both such gorgeous gems; your collection sounds amazing!
Greetings from San Diego, CA
Insightful and very interesting material. thank you!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
Why not show good photos of these gfems you're talking about?! Dowing rather than just telling is so much more interesting!
Thanks for the suggestion! Next time I'll include images.