It's a very "clangy" sound - probably b/c of the type of chains and the thin / lightweight pole. I opted to put a small piece of pipe insulation where the rings are down below, and it quieted it down quite a bit - just a thought for inside use. Overall I'm happy with the basket, but haven't had it long - time will tell how it lasts outside. Thanks for the review!
notbulbous42 great idea! I thought about taking a pool noodle and cutting it so it would fit around the pole to dampen the sound as well. My dogs sure don’t like the noise it makes in here haha! Thanks for the view and the comment!
Subscribed. Great honest review, it helps alot having videos like this when trying to decide which practice basket to get.
How has it held up a year later?
It's a very "clangy" sound - probably b/c of the type of chains and the thin / lightweight pole. I opted to put a small piece of pipe insulation where the rings are down below, and it quieted it down quite a bit - just a thought for inside use. Overall I'm happy with the basket, but haven't had it long - time will tell how it lasts outside. Thanks for the review!
notbulbous42 great idea! I thought about taking a pool noodle and cutting it so it would fit around the pole to dampen the sound as well. My dogs sure don’t like the noise it makes in here haha! Thanks for the view and the comment!
Have you found a bag or something to help with transporting?
How thick are the chain links?
What's it weigh