Kazfiel: "You have turned your back to the Lord and embraced the demonic corruption. Go away, there is no place for you here." Doomguy: "I just helped a goblin dig a hole 20 times though." Kazfiel: "Oh sorry, why didn't you say it sooner? Come in!"
is it? sources are hilariously overpowered if you know what you're doing and it's really easy to max op demons with it, especially in redux which greatly speeds up the process of getting sources. impossible difficulty makes the game easier in some respects. but idk, i don't think smt is inherently difficult, just punishing
@@antant6217It’s pretty hard to make a difficult turn based rpg that doesn’t derive the difficulty from being punishing. It’s kind of subjective based on people’s playthroughs. After, all if you can search up the strongest strategy, turn based combat is the worst in retaining difficulty non blind.
Fun fact, it is heavely implied that the father is the main character. Yeah, big surprise there for those who saw the new neutral ending. The way it happens however is more interesting. During the later parts of the Game, when Louisa enters the Red Sprite, she "passes through" the main character, something that is certantly weird and the dialogue feels out of place until you link that with some weird divine conception stories. Except it is usually a male god who does the weird divine conception thingy.
Oh, that... makes a lot of sense. Lucifer conceiving a human child using themself and the strongest human of a given generation is a very Luci thing to do, just to see what happens or to further their own chaotic agenda.
Thank Lucifer somebody else noticed thank you so much I thought I was crazy to think they were related but the skills, the unique Demonica, the hair and eye color, some facial features, and a unique potential among humans, so it seemed like it was either obvious or red herring to me
@@tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard32 You NEVER fight Lucifer in SJ, Lucifer is strictly an observer. Even in Redux, you only take on a special quest for her but ONLY if you go for the new endings
24:10 One fun mechanic about this battle is that after a few turns Horkos will devour the Katakirawa to regain some HP. However, if you inflicted a status on the pig, Horkos will suffer that status as well. Yet another thing that makes the battle even easier.
True indeed. It gets better though - if Horkos is muted and you put down a -4 debuff, he outright becomes incapable of attacking you because he is locked in his Dekunda script, so you can basically autobattle him. This also goes for Orcus
1:31:24 - A tip for anyone trying to avoid becoming shadowbanned or demonetized: An alternative name for the Egyptian goddess of magic is 'Eset'. It's a perfectly fine substitute, which she carries with grace. Because she knows that she will long outlive the wretches that tried to steal her name from her, and she can reclaim it at her leisure after their bones are ground to dust by the desert sands.
Never got why they created this problem. Here it is a regular name so in exchange they were never dignified by that call sign. But context is important so I can see this post being surpressed if I say her name in english, but portuguese? Totally ok
I know a lot of people aren’t the biggest fans of the new endings in strange journey but I kinda like how you can basically tell the alignment character to reel it TF in.
I also feel like it properly characterizes the law/chaos reps. SMT has a series wide problem of characters rocket jumping off the morality slope, but this one gives additional context in that they're just people at the end of their rope. For Jimenez it's that he's so high on the thrill of power that he isn't thinking properly about the consequences, and Zelenin is just desperate for any answer at all for peace. MUCH better than SMT4's "you know, genocide is actually kinda based"
@@KittyKatty999moderate law/chaos is pretty much neutral. I think they just need to make Law and chaos feel like desperate solutions to an imposible dilema, kinda like SJ just not making neutral the safe option.
New Chaos is pretty cool, but I don't really like New Law and New Neutral is this bs where the only way to stop humanity from killing themselves is if the one special guy throws himself at the problem forever. IDK, I feel like Neutral was fine as it is and SJR shits all over it for the sake of having Alex be there.
Impossible difficulty isnt actually the hardest difficulty. While you do less damage with attacks and receive more, impossible mode heavily increases demon co-op damage. This is a glass canon mode. This is why Nyarly was able to SHRED through bosses despite no buffs/debuffs. He is in the same level range in this run compared to a normal/expert run, so it showcases that demon co op here is busted, provided you dont die first
@lewisspring35 No, that's just how the boss fight itself works - after the scripted full heal, her affinities change so that she takes reduced damage from everything, while taking more from coops
Elaboration: I was websurfing on the SMT Wiki, and it lists that on max difficulty, Effective, crit and coop damage is increased by 1.3x... and all damage is decreased by 0.7x. In effect, based on my mental math, you do right about the normal damage you would do on Normal (when hitting weaknesses), but enemy increased damage is a big thing still
It’s always neat when we revisit Strange Journey, definitely my favorite SMT game. Tough as nails, but having an incredibly interesting story and being very satisfying to play.
Not only is Strange Journey of the best Megaten games, but this is actually the most entertaining No Buffs challenge video! Not only that the devs actually had counters to buffs, but the challenges that do come by with the bosses actually feel rewarding doing it this way. Even with the bosses that have some cheap OHKO cheese to you can feel rewarding like Mem Aleph. This video was well worth watching all 2 hours in one sitting.
If there's one thing that does annoy me about certain Megami Tensei games is when it's battle system revolves around exploiting weaknesses, and then they make a period where bosses just don't have any weaknesses leaving it to just be an unused system. I get that it's OP for certain fights, but I always feel like some of those fights are a let down mechanically at the very least.
Tbh it's a big reason I don't like superbosses for these games. Like it's one thing making them hit harder and having moves you can never dream to use, but if I'm healing every turn as is, I don't want my minimal hits to be outright ignored
@@tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard32 Personally I don't like a lot of them because they require enormous amounts of setup for what amounts to a puzzle boss rather than anything that requires any on the fly dynamic thinking, and then they also have rng still be a factor that can fuck you over and make you lose on one of the many "Lmao GGs" conditions with little to no room for flexibility.
The only Megaten superboss I genuinely enjoyed was Stephen, the rest are just awful. Satan with retribution, Sanat/Demifiend with Gaea rage, Masakado draining everything so you have to buy the DLC to get pierce, etc.
I mean, you can at least try to exploit misses and critical in games with Press Turn. Besides, most of the bosses require at least some degree of preparing. Like, you can't defeat Matador if you have no buffs/debuffs or your party is weak to wind.
Nyarly: Now the first attempt goes smoothly, until _this_ happens. Mem Aleph: MA (Kills Doomguy. Cue the rage quit clip.) Yep. Mem Aleph can use MA on the one party member whose death means _Game Over._
A tip for Horkos for those who plan on playing SJ/SJR: When you inflict an ailment on his adds, once he eats them, the ailment goes to him. As such, you can mute Horkos, put down a -4 debuff, and he becomes incapable of dealing damage
I felt this was going to be easier than it looked... and I was right! Some fights have hard to overcome gimmicks but overall the game really reward you for going in prepared for the boss fights.
I just realised that this game is a more toned down on the numbers and a no buffs and debuffs is actually pretty good challenge run and thats what you showcased here. Enjoyed it
Really liking the video so far, a small criticism is starting the video by saying that you only use new game plus for the difficulty modifier, and then using it to access commander skills you normally wouldn’t have. It just makes the rules feel a bit weird, but otherwise great. Also haven’t finished the video, so If it’s addressed later, I apologise
It was fun watching you do a playthrough and it made me want to go back into SJR but I wanted to bring some notes if you wanted to do this challenge again: For the rule about using only the apps you'd have the forma for, Braveheart is locked until after you beat Asura because the developers were trolling, even amidst all the power SJR gives you. At that point you'd have to try to beat Asura without it (if its even reasonably possible without trying to abuse level/stat grinding and not just some 1/1000000000000 rng fishing). For Shekinah's alignment torah, Spearhead lets you ignore the torah so the aligned demons do full damage. For Eridanus in SJR, there is a sub-app that you unlock from the Womb of Grief that lets you see where the teleporter would send you to make it much easier to navigate. I had fun with the area even on my first SJ playthrough, only needing to rip out a guide for getting back to the secret door the 2nd time because I ran past it the first time. . .
He actually didn't have much issue with Asura, so Brave Heart wasn't even a big deal, and if you play solo run, you can also swing Asura Roga in your favor. Spearhead is nice and all, but you can alternatively just summon demons of differing alignment so she casts the wrong Torah
"Hey these final bosses are already kinda hard... should we do something about them?" "Ye, add non-elemental insta-kill attacks, the players will love them" "Y-you sure? It might be a bit much" "IDFC i don't work here"
I only fought Shekinah on the New Neutral route, and she loved to use Preening a lot (Heals her for around 1000 HP and gives her a +4 boost to everything). It made the fight utter hell for me.
Spend like 15 hours over the course of 3 days on her and only won after i grinded with i never had to do on smt before Hardest final boss in the series
This was like my second smt game and I played most of it without buffs because at the time I still didn't realize how good they were. It certainly didn't feel too difficult, but I also wasn't playing on impossible. Love the challenge runs, I like re experiencing the game
So i picked up this game when I started this video, and for those willing to attempt this colossal challenge, I have a piece of advice. The app 'March to Death' allows you to continue fighting if the main character falls. Edit: After the battle, the mc will revive with 1 hp
The game did have one anti-same alignment before the new final boss. Mem Alph has an attack the second phase that sends all demons of an alignment back into your stock. Shekinah having that an anti same alignment attack isn't that ridiculous.
Ah, what have I stumbled upon here? A 2 hour video on my favourite videogame of all time, made by the legendary Nyarly as he makes an attempt to beat the game without buffs!? Say it ain't so! I am SO glad to see a video on this game! The length and quality of this video is incredible and I'm surprised I only just discovered it.
Strange Journey Redux may have one of the best Neutral endings in the entire serie. The regular Neutral ending was already awesome enough, with Doomguy deciding he didn't need the power of the demons nor the guidance and control of angels to solve the plight of mankind. The Redux ending made it even more awesome by showing that Doomguy put so much faith in humanity that even after the Schwartzwelt returns for the seventh time, he's still going to destroy it again to give mankind one more chance.
I actually like Sector E alot. Despite it being the size of a small planet, I like how it's split up into multiple sections with their own gimmicks. I also just like how it looks
@@shadexvii3975 When I was arriving to the end of the game and I was doing sidequests, I looked for the best gear, found that the best sword (in my opinion) was law locked (the chaos sword can potentially do more damage half of the time, but the other half can do much less, so...), the best gun (no arguments here) was chaos locked and the goblin trick. So I proceeded to bully and help the goblin until I had the aligments I needed for everything I wanted. I don't remember if I did it prior or after being locked in a path, though.
49:40 - I mean Loki is known for that time he birthed a horse and Zeus sired Athena by getting his head fucking split in twaine, this is honestly tame by comparison.
MegaTen is one of the few game series where i actually use buffs and debuffs. Almost every other series i find them kinda lame but will use at times. MegaTen is great
Believe it or not, Jack was WAY harder in the original. In the original, he had the following 3 skills instead of the 3 he uses in Redux: powerful random target Gun skill called Rain Strike, an Almighty attack that debuffs your Attack called Sunset Melody, and Pure Blue, which heals him for 1000 HP and activates Deunda. He's tough, but it's admittedly really fun and makes finally taking him down feel really satisfying.
I love seening these sorts of challenge runs for SMT games, but hearing all these little bits and pieces about the bosses makes me apprehensive about getting into the games proper. Like bosses having instant kill abilities, or a severely damaging or debilitating move that goes off if it senses a debuff or buff (Which the games always encourage to use), it just seems so... interesting and weird at the same time. XD Still enjoyable to watch though!
I know a lot of people have issues with this version of the game, but honestly, it's still my preferred version. I've recently played both versions, and my experience with Redux was better than the original. The endings of the original are probably objectively better, but hey, sometimes I just like it when endings are a bit more hopeful and "happy". Great video as always, Nyarly! :)
I honestly don't understand the hate some people have for Redux. While I'm aware of the changes and can understand people that don't like them OG SJ, but some fans seem to think of Redux as some sort of abomination that shouldn't exist. One of the things I really dislike about OG SJ is it's obvious neutral bias, with the whole crew being brainwashed if you go either Law and Chaos and the Endings being Everyone Dies ( Chaos) or Everyone becomes a mindless Puppet ( Law) with Neutral being essentially the Good Ending. In Redux I can go Law or Chaos without feeling like douche.
Hoo boy, look at that vid length. I wonder if anyone would ever play Redux but with the Jack Bros. Jack Frost, Pyro Jack, Jack Ripper, and Pixie against the world.
Man, Atlus really went overboard with the instakills in their DS games. The moment I read a description on Yggdrasil Core's moveset I thought "no. I'm not doing that." And went straight to EO2.
The irony about that is the high-tier anti-Death accessories basically nullify that, and it doesn't do a ton of damage with its other moves besides the elemental attacks that you can easily wall.
this is sudden but would it be possible for a special fusion only run? at first I was thinking it on devil survivor (1 or 2) but the list is really small so how about SMT IV/-A? and one rule is that you can only use special fusion demons (and their fusion recipe demons, lets say nadja is ok because you need it for alice)
It took me a month to realize our character weren't made to be one to give damage in this game. It went way better when I took the support role while my demons brought the damage.
I remembered thinking this is the best NDS game I've ever played when I finished the yggdrasil boss lol, such a great twist. Man, I'm so easy to please
1:35:44 great lament I believe charms all non chaos aligned demons. Which…you know, is useless when you’re chaos team. Gods they really made Chaos such an easy alignment in this game
"I can't believe I beat one of the banes of my childhood in just 3 turns" when the wave of death hits second fight: "Oh that's the one i was remembering"
Great so see another SMT run, always really enjoy these! Have you thought on doing something with the Kyuyaaku Megami Tensei games, the first one is so delightfully archaic and the second one, Megami Tensei 2, is just such a unique game.
I have gone neutral route first in this game and man i didn't know that the eyes of the protag change based on his alignement, like that's a really cool detail.
Kazfiel: "You have turned your back to the Lord and embraced the demonic corruption. Go away, there is no place for you here."
Doomguy: "I just helped a goblin dig a hole 20 times though."
Kazfiel: "Oh sorry, why didn't you say it sooner? Come in!"
Doomguy: “And then I demanded his findings”
Kazfiel: “Perish.”
@@ArshadZahid_nohandleideas More like "That's horrible. But I already let you in so whatever"
@@ArshadZahid_nohandleideas"it was mostly dirt"
Kaz: Filth.
(Those who know, know)
The real lore accurate strange journey gameplay experience
This is easily the hardest modern Megaten game out there. To do it without buffs and Debuffs is absolutely insane.
The ds or redux?
@@abaque24redux obviously. Especially on Impossible difficulty
is it? sources are hilariously overpowered if you know what you're doing and it's really easy to max op demons with it, especially in redux which greatly speeds up the process of getting sources. impossible difficulty makes the game easier in some respects.
but idk, i don't think smt is inherently difficult, just punishing
It's at least doable.
I speak as someone with experience doing it.
The _only_ annoying dungeon from the original to do this with was the second one
@@antant6217It’s pretty hard to make a difficult turn based rpg that doesn’t derive the difficulty from being punishing. It’s kind of subjective based on people’s playthroughs. After, all if you can search up the strongest strategy, turn based combat is the worst in retaining difficulty non blind.
That part between Jimenez and Bugaboo is still the single coolest thing I've experienced in a game. I wasn't expecting it at all.
"Let's stick around for the after-credit scene"
*Proceeds to leave half the text up slightly too short and spam-clicks through the other half*
Nyarly Logic
Wait, an attack called "Bites the Dust" inflicts the "Bomb" ailment?
IN MY SMT GAME??!?!?!?
I saw it as a Queen reference.
Another one bites the dust
@@pandawholikesSetItOff A bomb would mean it’s more of a Jojo’s reference, but that is also a Queen reference so it’s technically both.
Just from looking at the video duration I can tell this is going to be one fun ride.
I love how after 30 minutes he basically says "I'm only halfway through"
I like how he tries to build suspense about if the run is going to end and I look down to see the video is only about 1/4th of the way done.
Fun fact, it is heavely implied that the father is the main character. Yeah, big surprise there for those who saw the new neutral ending. The way it happens however is more interesting. During the later parts of the Game, when Louisa enters the Red Sprite, she "passes through" the main character, something that is certantly weird and the dialogue feels out of place until you link that with some weird divine conception stories. Except it is usually a male god who does the weird divine conception thingy.
Oh, that... makes a lot of sense. Lucifer conceiving a human child using themself and the strongest human of a given generation is a very Luci thing to do, just to see what happens or to further their own chaotic agenda.
Thank Lucifer somebody else noticed thank you so much I thought I was crazy to think they were related but the skills, the unique Demonica, the hair and eye color, some facial features, and a unique potential among humans, so it seemed like it was either obvious or red herring to me
That's crazy and makes so much sense in hindsight.
...so what, in the law route you fight lucifer, win, erase her from existence?
@@tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard32 You NEVER fight Lucifer in SJ, Lucifer is strictly an observer. Even in Redux, you only take on a special quest for her but ONLY if you go for the new endings
24:10 One fun mechanic about this battle is that after a few turns Horkos will devour the Katakirawa to regain some HP. However, if you inflicted a status on the pig, Horkos will suffer that status as well. Yet another thing that makes the battle even easier.
True indeed. It gets better though - if Horkos is muted and you put down a -4 debuff, he outright becomes incapable of attacking you because he is locked in his Dekunda script, so you can basically autobattle him. This also goes for Orcus
I like trying to inflict poison just to play defense and wait.
Takes forever yeah but none of your demons will die
@@tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard32 I mean, you can literally guarantee a win by muting him and putting him to -4 anyway
Its called food poisoning xD
Cool shame that status effects are useless for 99% of the game so you are unlikely to have it on your party
1:31:24 - A tip for anyone trying to avoid becoming shadowbanned or demonetized: An alternative name for the Egyptian goddess of magic is 'Eset'.
It's a perfectly fine substitute, which she carries with grace. Because she knows that she will long outlive the wretches that tried to steal her name from her, and she can reclaim it at her leisure after their bones are ground to dust by the desert sands.
well said.
But they don’t care and you are getting your video demonetized anyway for some obscured slur
@@korhol2065do you know what i s i s is?
And once she does, her power will double and she will crush anyone in her way
Never got why they created this problem.
Here it is a regular name so in exchange they were never dignified by that call sign.
But context is important so I can see this post being surpressed if I say her name in english, but portuguese? Totally ok
I know a lot of people aren’t the biggest fans of the new endings in strange journey but I kinda like how you can basically tell the alignment character to reel it TF in.
I totally agree! More games should give you the option to be able to get a "Moderate Law/Moderate Chaos" Ending!
I also feel like it properly characterizes the law/chaos reps. SMT has a series wide problem of characters rocket jumping off the morality slope, but this one gives additional context in that they're just people at the end of their rope. For Jimenez it's that he's so high on the thrill of power that he isn't thinking properly about the consequences, and Zelenin is just desperate for any answer at all for peace.
MUCH better than SMT4's "you know, genocide is actually kinda based"
@@KittyKatty999moderate law/chaos is pretty much neutral. I think they just need to make Law and chaos feel like desperate solutions to an imposible dilema, kinda like SJ just not making neutral the safe option.
@leixalkvinay2729 They're on a sliding scale, rather than absolutes.
New Chaos is pretty cool, but I don't really like New Law and New Neutral is this bs where the only way to stop humanity from killing themselves is if the one special guy throws himself at the problem forever. IDK, I feel like Neutral was fine as it is and SJR shits all over it for the sake of having Alex be there.
Hoo boy! A 2 hour long challenge video without buffs, that must have been a wild ride.
59:23 Those mental scars never left huh
Impossible difficulty isnt actually the hardest difficulty. While you do less damage with attacks and receive more, impossible mode heavily increases demon co-op damage. This is a glass canon mode. This is why Nyarly was able to SHRED through bosses despite no buffs/debuffs. He is in the same level range in this run compared to a normal/expert run, so it showcases that demon co op here is busted, provided you dont die first
Im assuming this is why Shekinah gets fucking shredded by Co-op attacks.
@lewisspring35 No, that's just how the boss fight itself works - after the scripted full heal, her affinities change so that she takes reduced damage from everything, while taking more from coops
Oh, hi, Persona 5 Merciless, didn't expect to see you here!
Elaboration: I was websurfing on the SMT Wiki, and it lists that on max difficulty, Effective, crit and coop damage is increased by 1.3x... and all damage is decreased by 0.7x. In effect, based on my mental math, you do right about the normal damage you would do on Normal (when hitting weaknesses), but enemy increased damage is a big thing still
It's like a well-designed version of Merciless.
I love how you reacted to the Piscas. that spiteful noise was great.
This video brought back great memories of playing Strange Journey. This was one of the most fun games.
Nyarly i just wanted to say that you are my favorite content creator l. I hope your channel gets the recognition it deserves
It’s always neat when we revisit Strange Journey, definitely my favorite SMT game. Tough as nails, but having an incredibly interesting story and being very satisfying to play.
Not only is Strange Journey of the best Megaten games, but this is actually the most entertaining No Buffs challenge video!
Not only that the devs actually had counters to buffs, but the challenges that do come by with the bosses actually feel rewarding doing it this way.
Even with the bosses that have some cheap OHKO cheese to you can feel rewarding like Mem Aleph.
This video was well worth watching all 2 hours in one sitting.
If there's one thing that does annoy me about certain Megami Tensei games is when it's battle system revolves around exploiting weaknesses, and then they make a period where bosses just don't have any weaknesses leaving it to just be an unused system. I get that it's OP for certain fights, but I always feel like some of those fights are a let down mechanically at the very least.
Tbh it's a big reason I don't like superbosses for these games. Like it's one thing making them hit harder and having moves you can never dream to use, but if I'm healing every turn as is, I don't want my minimal hits to be outright ignored
@@tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard32 Personally I don't like a lot of them because they require enormous amounts of setup for what amounts to a puzzle boss rather than anything that requires any on the fly dynamic thinking, and then they also have rng still be a factor that can fuck you over and make you lose on one of the many "Lmao GGs" conditions with little to no room for flexibility.
The only Megaten superboss I genuinely enjoyed was Stephen, the rest are just awful. Satan with retribution, Sanat/Demifiend with Gaea rage, Masakado draining everything so you have to buy the DLC to get pierce, etc.
I mean, you can at least try to exploit misses and critical in games with Press Turn. Besides, most of the bosses require at least some degree of preparing. Like, you can't defeat Matador if you have no buffs/debuffs or your party is weak to wind.
Skill issue
59:23 lol I knew immediately why you groaned at that lol. You will never escape him.
Incredible stuff Nyarly! You did the unthinkable all over again.
That sums up Alex’s design perfectly!
So, Jack made his Pisacas watch Diamond is Unbreakable. Got it.
You should do more SMT playthroughs. No challenges or restrictions, just a 2 hour edited complete playthrough with you explaining stuff.
I mean, Marsh exists for that purpose
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363 oh i watch him too. There just needs to be more lol
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363marsh is a different vibe tho his videos are kinda framed as an analysis then a walktrough like this one is
1:47:24 When you think you won boss fight, but game tells you: MA
Nyarly: Now the first attempt goes smoothly, until _this_ happens.
Mem Aleph: MA (Kills Doomguy. Cue the rage quit clip.)
Yep. Mem Aleph can use MA on the one party member whose death means _Game Over._
A tip for Horkos for those who plan on playing SJ/SJR: When you inflict an ailment on his adds, once he eats them, the ailment goes to him. As such, you can mute Horkos, put down a -4 debuff, and he becomes incapable of dealing damage
I didnt know it could go past -3….
@@abaque24Yea, buffs and debuffs in SJ/SJR go to +4/-4
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363though usually it’s not worth it because bosses will hit you with the silent prayer
Is this the same for Orcus?
@@jjrc3105 Yes
Another fire challenge run as always Nyarly. I'd love to see you do an SMT4 Apocalypse video soon, it's one of the only games you haven't covered.
I felt this was going to be easier than it looked... and I was right! Some fights have hard to overcome gimmicks but overall the game really reward you for going in prepared for the boss fights.
I just realised that this game is a more toned down on the numbers and a no buffs and debuffs is actually pretty good challenge run and thats what you showcased here. Enjoyed it
Really liking the video so far, a small criticism is starting the video by saying that you only use new game plus for the difficulty modifier, and then using it to access commander skills you normally wouldn’t have. It just makes the rules feel a bit weird, but otherwise great. Also haven’t finished the video, so If it’s addressed later, I apologise
2:58 Bruh the record breaker disrespect is crazy smh
When you brought up Disaster Cycle in the Mem Aleph battle, I imagined Mem Aleph riding a bicycle with the word "Disaster" painted on the side!! lol
My birthday is tomorrow, so thank you for the early birthday gift of posting yet another amazing video! 😊
It was fun watching you do a playthrough and it made me want to go back into SJR but I wanted to bring some notes if you wanted to do this challenge again:
For the rule about using only the apps you'd have the forma for, Braveheart is locked until after you beat Asura because the developers were trolling, even amidst all the power SJR gives you. At that point you'd have to try to beat Asura without it (if its even reasonably possible without trying to abuse level/stat grinding and not just some 1/1000000000000 rng fishing).
For Shekinah's alignment torah, Spearhead lets you ignore the torah so the aligned demons do full damage.
For Eridanus in SJR, there is a sub-app that you unlock from the Womb of Grief that lets you see where the teleporter would send you to make it much easier to navigate. I had fun with the area even on my first SJ playthrough, only needing to rip out a guide for getting back to the secret door the 2nd time because I ran past it the first time. . .
He actually didn't have much issue with Asura, so Brave Heart wasn't even a big deal, and if you play solo run, you can also swing Asura Roga in your favor. Spearhead is nice and all, but you can alternatively just summon demons of differing alignment so she casts the wrong Torah
"Hey these final bosses are already kinda hard... should we do something about them?"
"Ye, add non-elemental insta-kill attacks, the players will love them"
"Y-you sure? It might be a bit much"
"IDFC i don't work here"
I should add - Light of Order cannot target the MC
It’s ATLUS-they probably made that guy director of development for Sector Eridanus.
I only fought Shekinah on the New Neutral route, and she loved to use Preening a lot (Heals her for around 1000 HP and gives her a +4 boost to everything). It made the fight utter hell for me.
Spend like 15 hours over the course of 3 days on her and only won after i grinded with i never had to do on smt before
Hardest final boss in the series
About magic, Nyarly...in SJ, it also affects magic defense, so more of that stat means you take less damage from magic as well
And also affect on dmg from items (Garula Stone, Agilao Stone, Bufula Stone etc.).
Isn't it true for ALL of megaten?
Only not in Nocturne@@persona3rulez
@@persona3rulezNot in Persona games past P3P and P4, where items deal a set amount
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363 items, yeah, but magic raises your defense to magic, as far as I know
A Wings of Redemption and DSP's rage quit on P3 reference? I didn't know you know you that cool Nyarly
This was like my second smt game and I played most of it without buffs because at the time I still didn't realize how good they were. It certainly didn't feel too difficult, but I also wasn't playing on impossible. Love the challenge runs, I like re experiencing the game
So i picked up this game when I started this video, and for those willing to attempt this colossal challenge, I have a piece of advice. The app 'March to Death' allows you to continue fighting if the main character falls.
Edit: After the battle, the mc will revive with 1 hp
The challenge was done on Impossible, and you can't buy March to Death on Impossible
was not aware, thank you for the correction@@loraw6123
I'm a simple man. I see Nyarly upload a video, I upvote. The fact that the video is a challenge for my favorite SMT game just makes it even better!
The game did have one anti-same alignment before the new final boss. Mem Alph has an attack the second phase that sends all demons of an alignment back into your stock. Shekinah having that an anti same alignment attack isn't that ridiculous.
I always love these videos you do with restrictions. I think Smt and Persona are the most interesting in that department.
I like to imagine a full co-op attack as that “Let him get up” meme. Like you and your boys are curb stomping the fabric of reality
o7 for Doppelganger
I did NOT expect WingsofRedemption and DSP in this video and yet it got me laughing so hard
Those two reactions are the usual reaction to Empty Mem Aleph's MA attack killing the one party member _whose death means Game Over._
@@keybladeciel3716 What if you
Wanted to go to Heaven
But God said
This was super fun to watch Nyarly keep doing these!
Ah, what have I stumbled upon here? A 2 hour video on my favourite videogame of all time, made by the legendary Nyarly as he makes an attempt to beat the game without buffs!? Say it ain't so!
I am SO glad to see a video on this game! The length and quality of this video is incredible and I'm surprised I only just discovered it.
The growl from Nyarly’s reaction of Piscasa…
@conwayredeemed2734A doujin involving Io and a Pisaca
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363explain please????
"Gemory is a guy" Problem with that? Let man fall in love with a demon guy, you have a thing you have to suffer, mind yo' own business
I love the irony for why you named your character Doomguy, but then do the most un-Doomguy stuff. That was neat.
I can't help but enjoy the way you pronounce Demi-Turd. Great run, man.
Not me watching this in the background…. Then getting surprised by a cameo by my favorite ragequit ever
The wings and dsp cameos completely caught me by surprise lmao
this video reminded me of how awesome strange journey is
59:24 Nyarly experiences PTSD flashbacks
Strange Journey Redux may have one of the best Neutral endings in the entire serie.
The regular Neutral ending was already awesome enough, with Doomguy deciding he didn't need the power of the demons nor the guidance and control of angels to solve the plight of mankind.
The Redux ending made it even more awesome by showing that Doomguy put so much faith in humanity that even after the Schwartzwelt returns for the seventh time, he's still going to destroy it again to give mankind one more chance.
"Do you still feel human?"
I almost spit my coffee out when you fought those pisacas because I remembered WHY you hate them so much lmao
i’ve been waiting for this videoo for years man trust me
I actually like Sector E alot. Despite it being the size of a small planet, I like how it's split up into multiple sections with their own gimmicks. I also just like how it looks
It also has probably the best dungeon theme in the game.
1:16:02 you can actually use it after the alignment lock, I believe, it just doesn’t affect your ending
I think I remember equiping the best combination of chaos and law gear by doing exactly that in the OG Strange Journey. In the neutral path.
@@lenlimbo interesting. In my case I didn’t know about the whole gear equipping not caring about alignment once equipped
@@shadexvii3975 When I was arriving to the end of the game and I was doing sidequests, I looked for the best gear, found that the best sword (in my opinion) was law locked (the chaos sword can potentially do more damage half of the time, but the other half can do much less, so...), the best gun (no arguments here) was chaos locked and the goblin trick. So I proceeded to bully and help the goblin until I had the aligments I needed for everything I wanted. I don't remember if I did it prior or after being locked in a path, though.
49:40 - I mean Loki is known for that time he birthed a horse and Zeus sired Athena by getting his head fucking split in twaine, this is honestly tame by comparison.
MegaTen is one of the few game series where i actually use buffs and debuffs. Almost every other series i find them kinda lame but will use at times. MegaTen is great
Believe it or not, Jack was WAY harder in the original. In the original, he had the following 3 skills instead of the 3 he uses in Redux: powerful random target Gun skill called Rain Strike, an Almighty attack that debuffs your Attack called Sunset Melody, and Pure Blue, which heals him for 1000 HP and activates Deunda. He's tough, but it's admittedly really fun and makes finally taking him down feel really satisfying.
Remember your Fe Awakening Robin/Chrom only run? Time for your Fates Corn only run, all 3 paths
If max difficulty then I highly doubt he would even reach chapter 6
@@persona3rulez Phoenix Mode
@@joshuabergman3292 doesn't it makes you pretty much immortal?
@@joshuabergman3292 then what's the point?
I love seening these sorts of challenge runs for SMT games, but hearing all these little bits and pieces about the bosses makes me apprehensive about getting into the games proper.
Like bosses having instant kill abilities, or a severely damaging or debilitating move that goes off if it senses a debuff or buff (Which the games always encourage to use), it just seems so... interesting and weird at the same time. XD
Still enjoyable to watch though!
Man i love SJ it's one of those games i can replay again and again
I had sjr on my 3ds but hadn’t touched it yet, this video inspired me to start playing, it’s been fun so far
Just realized Morax has Kiryu’s va
59:23 I love how nyarly just refuses to say the name of "that" demon.
Is there a reason in the community for not saying it or is it because it sets up a "joke"
@Absol7701 there's a NSFW "fanfic" out there about those demons that traumatises some people
@@anothertexan0339 oh
@@anothertexan0339I thought it was hentai, not a fanfic.
@@Absol7701Due to a doujin involving Io from DeSu2 and a Pisaca
I know a lot of people have issues with this version of the game, but honestly, it's still my preferred version. I've recently played both versions, and my experience with Redux was better than the original. The endings of the original are probably objectively better, but hey, sometimes I just like it when endings are a bit more hopeful and "happy".
Great video as always, Nyarly! :)
I honestly don't understand the hate some people have for Redux. While I'm aware of the changes and can understand people that don't like them OG SJ, but some fans seem to think of Redux as some sort of abomination that shouldn't exist.
One of the things I really dislike about OG SJ is it's obvious neutral bias, with the whole crew being brainwashed if you go either Law and Chaos and the Endings being Everyone Dies ( Chaos) or Everyone becomes a mindless Puppet ( Law) with Neutral being essentially the Good Ending. In Redux I can go Law or Chaos without feeling like douche.
The endings are deserved as well you have to go trough the entire womb of grief and then fight the hardest final boss in the series
That Io insult was so randomly out of nowhere
Hoo boy, look at that vid length. I wonder if anyone would ever play Redux but with the Jack Bros. Jack Frost, Pyro Jack, Jack Ripper, and Pixie against the world.
Ah finally, the Nyarly movie is here
best challenge vid you have done so far, grats!
Dsp losing his shit against Nyx will forever be hilarious.
I'm 2 minutes in and this is hysterical! The 2020 joke is amazing
Man, Atlus really went overboard with the instakills in their DS games. The moment I read a description on Yggdrasil Core's moveset I thought "no. I'm not doing that." And went straight to EO2.
The irony about that is the high-tier anti-Death accessories basically nullify that, and it doesn't do a ton of damage with its other moves besides the elemental attacks that you can easily wall.
Like, the video is great and I won't deny that,
but you have a -very- funny definition of 'buff'. :x
"Sector B is my favorite sector because it is based on a Red Light destrict" -Nyarly 2023
I salute you for even THINKING about doing this to yourself.
Feel like this ending needs a sequel game
Song at 1:06:43 is Bad Romance by Halestorm, it's a cover of the same-titled Lady Gaga song.
Nah you gotta do a Devil Survivor 2 run with that attitude 😂
You got me to look up from drawing when I heard "The Torah doesn't protect from combo attacks"
this is sudden but would it be possible for a special fusion only run? at first I was thinking it on devil survivor (1 or 2) but the list is really small so how about SMT IV/-A?
and one rule is that you can only use special fusion demons (and their fusion recipe demons, lets say nadja is ok because you need it for alice)
IVA would be manageable once you can fuse Alice
I got three minutes in and saw the DS2 joke and knew I had to subscribe!
"21 minutes, perfect for eating dinner with"
*21 minutes later*
"Waiiit a second"
It took me a month to realize our character weren't made to be one to give damage in this game. It went way better when I took the support role while my demons brought the damage.
I remembered thinking this is the best NDS game I've ever played when I finished the yggdrasil boss lol, such a great twist. Man, I'm so easy to please
Bro is gonna hear "MA" in his nightmares
1:35:44 great lament I believe charms all non chaos aligned demons. Which…you know, is useless when you’re chaos team. Gods they really made Chaos such an easy alignment in this game
"I can't believe I beat one of the banes of my childhood in just 3 turns"
when the wave of death hits second fight:
"Oh that's the one i was remembering"
Great so see another SMT run, always really enjoy these!
Have you thought on doing something with the Kyuyaaku Megami Tensei games, the first one is so delightfully archaic and the second one, Megami Tensei 2, is just such a unique game.
i played and finished the ds version of strange journey just so i can watch this video
So we have a skill called Bites the Dust…that turns you into a bomb…
Yeah they knew what they were doing
Take a shot every time Nyarly says the word “easy” in this video
It always seems impossible until Nyarly comes along
fun fact Morax is voiced by Takaya Kuroda aka the voice of Kazuma Kiryu
I have gone neutral route first in this game and man i didn't know that the eyes of the protag change based on his alignement, like that's a really cool detail.